mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 15:31:19 +00:00
allow for binary updates on linux as on windows (-allowupdate for modified/nonsvn builds). dlightmask is now size_t, because we might as well allow that on 64bit cpus, this allows for 64 lightmaphack lights instead of 32. fix potential openal issue with source=0. added q3bsp_ignorestyles cvar to ignore rbsp styles (and reduce needed batch counts), should only be used on maps with subtle lighting changes (ones that are properly lit without toggling any lightswitches). add support for directly loading foo.bsp.gz Added prints to clarify why servers might be listed under the 'UNKNOWN' category in the master server. Attempt to show hostnames anyway, to make it a little more obvious who's responsible for those badly configured servers. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5656 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
539 lines
17 KiB
539 lines
17 KiB
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
void dumpprogblob(FILE *out, unsigned char *buf, unsigned int size)
if (out)
fwrite(buf, 1, size, out);
out = stdout;
size_t totallen, i, linelen;
totallen = 0;
linelen = 32;
fprintf(out, "\"");
for (i=0;i<size;i++)
fprintf(out, "\\x%02X",buf[i]);
if (i % linelen == linelen - 1)
fprintf(out, "\"\n\"");
fprintf(out, "\"");
struct blobheader
unsigned char blobmagic[4]; //\xffSPV
unsigned int blobversion;
unsigned int defaulttextures; //s_diffuse etc flags
unsigned int numtextures; //s_t0 count
unsigned int permutations; //
unsigned int cvarsoffset; //double-null terminated string. I,XYZW prefixes
unsigned int cvarslength;
unsigned int vertoffset;
unsigned int vertlength;
unsigned int fragoffset;
unsigned int fraglength;
void generateprogsblob(struct blobheader *prototype, FILE *out, FILE *vert, FILE *frag)
struct blobheader *blob;
int fraglen, vertlen, blobsize, cvarlen;
cvarlen = prototype->cvarslength;
cvarlen = (cvarlen + 3) & ~3; //round up for padding.
fseek(vert, 0, SEEK_END);
fseek(frag, 0, SEEK_END);
vertlen = ftell(vert);
fraglen = ftell(frag);
fseek(vert, 0, SEEK_SET);
fseek(frag, 0, SEEK_SET);
blobsize = sizeof(*blob) + cvarlen + fraglen + vertlen;
blob = malloc(blobsize);
*blob = *prototype;
blob->cvarsoffset = sizeof(*blob);
blob->cvarslength = prototype->cvarslength; //unpadded length
blob->vertoffset = blob->cvarsoffset+cvarlen;
blob->vertlength = vertlen;
blob->fragoffset = blob->vertoffset+vertlen;
blob->fraglength = fraglen;
memcpy((char*)blob+blob->cvarsoffset, (char*)prototype+prototype->cvarsoffset, prototype->cvarslength);
fread((char*)blob+blob->vertoffset, blob->vertlength, 1, vert);
fread((char*)blob+blob->fragoffset, blob->fraglength, 1, frag);
dumpprogblob(out, (unsigned char*)blob, blobsize);
int generatevulkanblobs(struct blobheader *blob, size_t maxblobsize, const char *glslname)
char command[1024];
char tempname[256];
char tempvert[256];
char tempfrag[256];
char incpath[256], *sl;
int inheader = 1;
int i;
unsigned short constid = 256; //first few are reserved.
const char *permutationnames[] =
const char *tmppath = "/tmp/";
char customsamplerlines[16][256];
snprintf(tempname, sizeof(tempname), "%stemp.tmp", tmppath);
snprintf(tempvert, sizeof(tempvert), "%stemp.vert", tmppath);
snprintf(tempfrag, sizeof(tempfrag), "%stemp.frag", tmppath);
memcpy(incpath, glslname, sizeof(incpath));
if ((sl = strrchr(incpath, '/')))
sl[1] = 0;
else if ((sl = strrchr(incpath, '\\'))) //in case someone is on crappy windows.
sl[1] = 0;
memcpy(blob->blobmagic, "\xffSPV", 4);
blob->blobversion = 1;
blob->defaulttextures = 0;
blob->numtextures = 0;
blob->permutations = 0;
blob->cvarsoffset = sizeof(*blob);
blob->cvarslength = 0;
FILE *glsl = fopen(glslname, "rt");
if (!glsl)
printf("Unable to read %s\n", glslname);
return 0;
FILE *temp = fopen(tempname, "wt");
if (!temp)
printf("Unable to write %s\n", tempname);
while(fgets(command, sizeof(command), glsl))
if (inheader && !strncmp(command, "!!", 2))
if (!strncmp(command, "!!cvar", 6) || !strncmp(command, "!!arg", 5))
unsigned int type;
unsigned int size;
float f;
unsigned int u;
} u[4];
char *arg;
unsigned char *cb = (unsigned char*)blob + blob->cvarsoffset + blob->cvarslength;
if (command[2] == 'a')
type = command[5] == 'i' || command[5] == 'f' || command[5] == 'b';
size = type?1:(command[5]-'0');
arg = strtok(command+7, " ,=\r\n");
type = command[6-type] - 'a' + 'A';
type = command[6] == 'i' || command[6] == 'f' || command[6] == 'b';
size = type?1:(command[6]-'0');
arg = strtok(command+8, " ,=\r\n");
type = command[7-type];
cb[0] = (constid>>8)&0xff;
cb[1] = (constid>>0)&0xff;
cb[2] = type;
cb[3] = size + '0';
cb += 4;
*cb++ = *arg++;
*cb++ = 0;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (arg)
arg = strtok(NULL, " ,=\r\n");
if (!arg)
printf("%s has no default value. Assuming 0\n", cb+4);
u[i].u = 0; //0 either way.
else if (type == 'f' || type == 'F')
u[i].f = atof(arg);
u[i].u = atoi(arg);
u[i].u = 0;
*cb++ = (u[i].u>>24)&0xff;
*cb++ = (u[i].u>>16)&0xff;
*cb++ = (u[i].u>>8)&0xff;
*cb++ = (u[i].u>>0)&0xff;
blob->cvarslength = cb - ((unsigned char*)blob + blob->cvarsoffset);
constid += size;
else if (!strncmp(command, "!!permu", 7))
char *arg = strtok(command+7, " ,\r\n");
for (i = 0; permutationnames[i]; i++)
if (!strcmp(arg, permutationnames[i]))
blob->permutations |= 1u<<i;
if (!permutationnames[i])
printf("Unknown permutation: \"%s\"\n", arg);
for (i = 0; permutationnames[i]; i++)
printf("%s ", permutationnames[i]);
else if (!strncmp(command, "!!samps", 7))
char *arg = strtok(command+7, " ,\r\n");
if (!strcasecmp(arg, "shadowmap"))
blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<0;
else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "projectionmap"))
blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<1;
else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "diffuse"))
blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<2;
else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "normalmap"))
blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<3;
else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "specular"))
blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<4;
else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "upper"))
blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<5;
else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "lower"))
blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<6;
else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "fullbright"))
blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<7;
else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "paletted"))
blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<8;
else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "reflectcube"))
blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<9;
else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "reflectmask"))
blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<10;
else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "displacement"))
blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<11;
else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "lightmap"))
blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<12;
else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "deluxemap") || !strcasecmp(arg, "deluxmap"))
blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<13;
else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "lightmaps"))
blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<12 | 1u<<14 | 1u<<15 | 1u<<16;
else if (!strcasecmp(arg, "deluxemaps") || !strcasecmp(arg, "deluxmaps"))
blob->defaulttextures |= 1u<<13 | 1u<<17 | 1u<<18 | 1u<<19;
//shader pass
else if ((i=atoi(arg)))
{ //legacy
if (blob->numtextures < i)
blob->numtextures = i;
char *eq = strrchr(arg, '=');
if (eq)
char *type = strrchr(arg, ':');
int pass = atoi(eq+1);
*eq = 0;
if (type)
*type++ = 0;
type = "2D";
if (pass < 16)
snprintf(customsamplerlines[pass], sizeof(customsamplerlines[pass]), "uniform sampler%s s_%s;\n", type, arg);
if (blob->numtextures < ++pass)
blob->numtextures = pass;
else printf("sampler binding too high: %s:%s=%i\n", arg, type, pass);
printf("Unknown texture: \"%s\"\n", arg);
} while((arg = strtok(NULL, " ,\r\n")));
else if (inheader && !strncmp(command, "//", 2))
else if (inheader)
const char *specialnames[] =
"uniform sampler2DShadow s_shadowmap;\n",
"uniform samplerCube s_projectionmap;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_diffuse;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_normalmap;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_specular;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_upper;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_lower;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_fullbright;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_paletted;\n",
"uniform samplerCube s_reflectcube;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_reflectmask;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_displacement;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_lightmap;\n#define s_lightmap0 s_lightmap\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_deluxemap;\n#define s_deluxemap0 s_deluxemap\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_lightmap1;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_lightmap2;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_lightmap3;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_deluxmap1;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_deluxmap2;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_deluxmap3;\n"
int binding = 2;
inheader = 0;
fprintf(temp, "#define s_deluxmap s_deluxemap\n");
fprintf(temp, "#define OFFSETMAPPING (cvar_r_glsl_offsetmapping>0)\n");
fprintf(temp, "#define SPECULAR (cvar_gl_specular>0)\n");
fprintf(temp, "#ifdef FRAGMENT_SHADER\n");
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(specialnames)/sizeof(specialnames[0]); i++)
if (blob->defaulttextures & (1u<<i))
fprintf(temp, "layout(set=0, binding=%u) %s", binding++, specialnames[i]);
for (i = 0; i < blob->numtextures; i++)
fprintf(temp, "layout(set=0, binding=%u) ", binding++);
if (*customsamplerlines[i])
fprintf(temp, "%s", customsamplerlines[i]);
fprintf(temp, "uniform sampler2D s_t%u;\n", i);
fprintf(temp, "#endif\n");
//cvar specialisation constants
unsigned char *cb = (unsigned char*)blob + blob->cvarsoffset;
while (cb < (unsigned char*)blob + blob->cvarsoffset + blob->cvarslength)
float f;
unsigned int u;
} u[4];
unsigned short id;
unsigned char type;
unsigned char size;
char *name;
id = *cb++<<8;
id |= *cb++;
type = *cb++;
size = (*cb++)-'0';
name = cb;
cb += strlen(name)+1;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
u[i].u = (cb[0]<<24)|(cb[1]<<16)|(cb[2]<<8)|(cb[3]<<0);
#if 0 //all is well
if (size == 1 && type == 'b')
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const bool cvar_%s = %s;\n", id, name, (int)u[0].u?"true":"false");
else if (size == 1 && type == 'i')
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const int cvar_%s = %i;\n", id, name, (int)u[0].u);
else if (size == 1 && type == 'f')
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float cvar_%s = %f;\n", id, name, u[0].f);
else if (size == 3 && type == 'f')
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float cvar_%s_x = %f;\n", id+0, name, u[0].f);
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float cvar_%s_y = %f;\n", id+1, name, u[1].f);
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float cvar_%s_z = %f;\n", id+2, name, u[2].f);
fprintf(temp, "vec3 cvar_%s = vec3(cvar_%s_x, cvar_%s_y, cvar_%s_z);\n", name, name, name, name);
else if (size == 1 && type == 'B')
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const bool arg_%s = %s;\n", id, name, (int)u[0].u?"true":"false");
else if (size == 1 && type == 'I')
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const int arg_%s = %i;\n", id, name, (int)u[0].u);
else if (size == 1 && type == 'F')
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float arg_%s = %i;\n", id, name, u[0].f);
else if (size == 3 && type == 'F')
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float arg_%s_x = %f;\n", id+0, name, u[0].f);
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float arg_%s_y = %f;\n", id+1, name, u[1].f);
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float arg_%s_z = %f;\n", id+2, name, u[2].f);
fprintf(temp, "vec3 arg_%s = vec3(arg_%s_x, arg_%s_y, arg_%s_z);\n", name, name, name, name);
//these initialised values are fucked up because glslangvalidator's spirv generator is fucked up and folds specialisation constants.
//we get around this by ensuring that all such constants are given unique values to prevent them being folded, with the engine overriding everything explicitly.
if (size == 1 && type == 'b')
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const int _cvar_%s = %i;\n", id, name, id);//(int)u[0].u?"true":"false");
fprintf(temp, "#define cvar_%s (_cvar_%s!=0)\n", name, name);
else if (size == 1 && type == 'i')
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const int cvar_%s = %i;\n", id, name, id);//(int)u[0].u);
else if (size == 1 && type == 'f')
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float cvar_%s = %i;\n", id, name, id);//u[0].f);
else if (size == 3 && type == 'f')
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float cvar_%s_x = %i;\n", id+0, name, id+0);//u[0].f);
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float cvar_%s_y = %i;\n", id+1, name, id+1);//u[1].f);
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float cvar_%s_z = %i;\n", id+2, name, id+2);//u[2].f);
fprintf(temp, "vec3 cvar_%s = vec3(cvar_%s_x, cvar_%s_y, cvar_%s_z);\n", name, name, name, name);
else if (size == 1 && type == 'B')
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const int _arg_%s = %i;\n", id, name, id);//(int)u[0].u?"true":"false");
fprintf(temp, "#define arg_%s (_arg_%s!=0)\n", name, name);
else if (size == 1 && type == 'I')
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const int arg_%s = %i;\n", id, name, id);//(int)u[0].u);
else if (size == 1 && type == 'F')
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float arg_%s = %i;\n", id, name, id);//u[0].f);
else if (size == 3 && type == 'F')
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float arg_%s_x = %i;\n", id+0, name, id+0);//u[0].f);
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float arg_%s_y = %i;\n", id+1, name, id+1);//u[1].f);
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const float arg_%s_z = %i;\n", id+2, name, id+2);//u[2].f);
fprintf(temp, "vec3 arg_%s = vec3(arg_%s_x, arg_%s_y, arg_%s_z);\n", name, name, name, name);
//permutation stuff
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(specialnames)/sizeof(specialnames[0]); i++)
if (blob->permutations & (1<<i))
#if 0 //all is well
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const bool %s = %s;\n", 16+i, permutationnames[i], "false");
fprintf(temp, "layout(constant_id=%u) const int _%s = %i;\n", 16+i, permutationnames[i], 16+i);
fprintf(temp, "#define %s (_%s!=0)\n", permutationnames[i], permutationnames[i]);
fputs(command, temp);
snprintf(command, sizeof(command),
/*preprocess the vertex shader*/
#ifdef _WIN32
"echo #version 450 core > %s && "
"echo \"#version 450 core\" > %s && "
"cpp %s -I%s -DVULKAN -DVERTEX_SHADER -P >> %s && "
/*preprocess the fragment shader*/
#ifdef _WIN32
"echo #version 450 core > %s && "
"echo \"#version 450 core\" > %s && "
"cpp %s -I%s -DVULKAN -DFRAGMENT_SHADER -P >> %s && "
/*convert to spir-v (annoyingly we have no control over the output file names*/
"glslangValidator -V -l -d %s %s"
/*strip stuff out, so drivers don't glitch out from stuff that we don't use*/
// " && spirv-remap -i vert.spv frag.spv -o vulkan/remap"
,tempvert, tempname, incpath, tempvert //vertex shader args
,tempfrag, tempname, incpath, tempfrag //fragment shader args
,tempvert, tempfrag); //compile/link args.
// remove(tempname);
// remove(tempvert);
// remove(tempfrag);
return 1;
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
const char *inname = argv[1];
const char *blobname = argv[2];
FILE *v, *f, *o;
char proto[8192];
char line[256];
int r = 1;
if (argc == 1)
printf("%s input.glsl output.fvb\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
if (!generatevulkanblobs((struct blobheader*)proto, sizeof(proto), inname))
return 1;
//should have generated two files
v = fopen("vert.spv", "rb");
f = fopen("frag.spv", "rb");
if (f && v)
if (argc < 3)
generateprogsblob((struct blobheader*)proto, NULL, v, f);
r = 0;
o = fopen(blobname, "wb");
if (o)
generateprogsblob((struct blobheader*)proto, o, v, f);
r = 0;
printf("Unable to write blob %s\n", blobname);
if (f)
printf("Unable to read frag.spv\n");
if (v)
printf("Unable to read vert.spv\n");
return r;