Spoike 5b4756f3d9 Lazy GLSL loading, for faster load times.
Fixed some xim issues, for proper keyboard input under x11.
Cmake project can now work for cross compiling win32 targets.
Some other fun-but-pointless stuff.

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5344 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2018-11-27 16:48:19 +00:00

285 lines
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!!ver 100 150
!!permu TESS
!!permu SKELETAL
!!permu FOG
!!permu BUMP
!!cvarf r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale
!!cvarf gl_specular
!!cvardf gl_affinemodels=0
!!cvardf r_tessellation_level=5
!!samps !EIGHTBIT diffuse normalmap specular fullbright upper lower reflectmask reflectcube
!!samps =EIGHTBIT paletted 1
#include "sys/defs.h"
//standard shader used for models.
//must support skeletal and 2-way vertex blending or Bad Things Will Happen.
//the vertex shader is responsible for calculating lighting values.
#if gl_affinemodels==1 && __VERSION__ >= 130
#define affine noperspective
#define affine
#include "sys/skeletal.h"
affine varying vec2 tc;
varying vec3 light;
#if defined(SPECULAR) || defined(OFFSETMAPPING) || defined(REFLECTCUBEMASK)
varying vec3 eyevector;
varying mat3 invsurface;
#ifdef TESS
varying vec3 vertex;
varying vec3 normal;
void main ()
vec3 n, s, t, w;
gl_Position = skeletaltransform_wnst(w,n,s,t);
#if defined(SPECULAR)||defined(OFFSETMAPPING) || defined(REFLECTCUBEMASK)
vec3 eyeminusvertex = e_eyepos - w.xyz;
eyevector.x = dot(eyeminusvertex, s.xyz);
eyevector.y = dot(eyeminusvertex, t.xyz);
eyevector.z = dot(eyeminusvertex, n.xyz);
invsurface[0] = s;
invsurface[1] = t;
invsurface[2] = n;
tc = v_texcoord;
float d = dot(n,e_light_dir);
if (d < 0.0) //vertex shader. this might get ugly, but I don't really want to make it per vertex.
d = 0.0; //this avoids the dark side going below the ambient level.
light = e_light_ambient + (d*e_light_mul);
//FIXME: Software rendering imitation should possibly push out normals by half a pixel or something to approximate software's over-estimation of distant model sizes (small models are drawn using JUST their verticies using the nearest pixel, which results in larger meshes)
#ifdef TESS
normal = n;
vertex = w;
layout(vertices = 3) out;
in vec3 vertex[];
out vec3 t_vertex[];
in vec3 normal[];
out vec3 t_normal[];
affine in vec2 tc[];
affine out vec2 t_tc[];
in vec3 light[];
out vec3 t_light[];
#if defined(SPECULAR) || defined(OFFSETMAPPING) || defined(REFLECTCUBEMASK)
in vec3 eyevector[];
out vec3 t_eyevector[];
in mat3 invsurface[];
out mat3 t_invsurface[];
void main()
//the control shader needs to pass stuff through
#define id gl_InvocationID
t_vertex[id] = vertex[id];
t_normal[id] = normal[id];
t_tc[id] = tc[id];
t_light[id] = light[id];
#if defined(SPECULAR) || defined(OFFSETMAPPING) || defined(REFLECTCUBEMASK)
t_eyevector[id] = eyevector[id];
t_invsurface[id][0] = invsurface[id][0];
t_invsurface[id][1] = invsurface[id][1];
t_invsurface[id][2] = invsurface[id][2];
gl_TessLevelOuter[0] = float(r_tessellation_level);
gl_TessLevelOuter[1] = float(r_tessellation_level);
gl_TessLevelOuter[2] = float(r_tessellation_level);
gl_TessLevelInner[0] = float(r_tessellation_level);
layout(triangles) in;
in vec3 t_vertex[];
in vec3 t_normal[];
affine in vec2 t_tc[];
affine out vec2 tc;
in vec3 t_light[];
out vec3 light;
#if defined(SPECULAR) || defined(OFFSETMAPPING) || defined(REFLECTCUBEMASK)
in vec3 t_eyevector[];
out vec3 eyevector;
in mat3 t_invsurface[];
out mat3 invsurface;
#define LERP(a) (gl_TessCoord.x*a[0] + gl_TessCoord.y*a[1] + gl_TessCoord.z*a[2])
void main()
#define factor 1.0
tc = LERP(t_tc);
vec3 w = LERP(t_vertex);
vec3 t0 = w - dot(w-t_vertex[0],t_normal[0])*t_normal[0];
vec3 t1 = w - dot(w-t_vertex[1],t_normal[1])*t_normal[1];
vec3 t2 = w - dot(w-t_vertex[2],t_normal[2])*t_normal[2];
w = w*(1.0-factor) + factor*(gl_TessCoord.x*t0+gl_TessCoord.y*t1+gl_TessCoord.z*t2);
//FIXME: we should be recalcing these here, instead of just lerping them
light = LERP(t_light);
#if defined(SPECULAR) || defined(OFFSETMAPPING) || defined(REFLECTCUBEMASK)
eyevector = LERP(t_eyevector);
invsurface[0] = LERP(t_invsurface[0]);
invsurface[1] = LERP(t_invsurface[1]);
invsurface[2] = LERP(t_invsurface[2]);
gl_Position = m_modelviewprojection * vec4(w,1.0);
#include "sys/fog.h"
#if defined(SPECULAR)
uniform float cvar_gl_specular;
#include "sys/offsetmapping.h"
#define s_colourmap s_t0
affine varying vec2 tc;
varying vec3 light;
#if defined(SPECULAR) || defined(OFFSETMAPPING) || defined(REFLECTCUBEMASK)
varying vec3 eyevector;
varying mat3 invsurface;
void main ()
vec4 col, sp;
vec2 tcoffsetmap = offsetmap(s_normalmap, tc, eyevector);
#define tc tcoffsetmap
vec3 lightlev = light;
//FIXME: with this extra flag, half the permutations are redundant.
lightlev *= 0.5; //counter the fact that the colourmap contains overbright values and logically ranges from 0 to 2 intead of to 1.
float pal = texture2D(s_paletted, tc).r; //the palette index. hopefully not interpolated.
// lightlev -= 1.0 / 128.0; //software rendering appears to round down, so make sure we favour the lower values instead of rounding to the nearest
col.r = texture2D(s_colourmap, vec2(pal, 1.0-lightlev.r)).r; //do 3 lookups. this is to cope with lit files, would be a waste to not support those.
col.g = texture2D(s_colourmap, vec2(pal, 1.0-lightlev.g)).g; //its not very softwarey, but re-palettizing is ugly.
col.b = texture2D(s_colourmap, vec2(pal, 1.0-lightlev.b)).b; //without lits, it should be identical.
col.a = (pal<1.0)?1.0:0.0;
col = texture2D(s_diffuse, tc);
#ifdef UPPER
vec4 uc = texture2D(s_upper, tc);
col.rgb += uc.rgb*e_uppercolour*uc.a;
#ifdef LOWER
vec4 lc = texture2D(s_lower, tc);
col.rgb += lc.rgb*e_lowercolour*lc.a;
#if defined(BUMP) && defined(SPECULAR)
vec3 bumps = normalize(vec3(texture2D(s_normalmap, tc)) - 0.5);
vec4 specs = texture2D(s_specular, tc);
vec3 halfdir = normalize(normalize(eyevector) + e_light_dir);
float spec = pow(max(dot(halfdir, bumps), 0.0), FTE_SPECULAR_EXPONENT * specs.a);
col.rgb += FTE_SPECULAR_MULTIPLIER * spec * specs.rgb;
#elif defined(REFLECTCUBEMASK)
vec3 bumps = vec3(0, 0, 1);
vec3 rtc = reflect(-eyevector, bumps);
rtc = rtc.x*invsurface[0] + rtc.y*invsurface[1] + rtc.z*invsurface[2];
rtc = (m_model * vec4(rtc.xyz,0.0)).xyz;
col.rgb += texture2D(s_reflectmask, tc).rgb * textureCube(s_reflectcube, rtc).rgb;
col.rgb *= light;
col *= e_colourident;
vec4 fb = texture2D(s_fullbright, tc);
// col.rgb = mix(col.rgb, fb.rgb, fb.a);
col.rgb += fb.rgb * fb.a * e_glowmod.rgb;
gl_FragColor = fog4(col);