mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 15:02:20 +00:00
lots of hexen2 fixes fixed clipped decals again, still not using any... fixed zips over 2g rewrote bloom to use glsl. should be slightly more usable now. lots more hexen2 fixes git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@3957 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
448 lines
10 KiB
448 lines
10 KiB
#include <jni.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <android/log.h>
#include "quakedef.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#ifndef isDedicated
qboolean isDedicated = true;
qboolean isDedicated = false;
void *sys_window; /*public so the renderer can attach to the correct place*/
static qboolean sys_running = false;
#define LOGI(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, DISTRIBUTION"Droid", __VA_ARGS__))
#define LOGW(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_WARN, DISTRIBUTION"Droid", __VA_ARGS__))
static void *sys_memheap;
static unsigned int sys_lastframe;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_fteqw_FTEDroidEngine_frame(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
unsigned int now = Sys_Milliseconds();
double tdelta = (now - sys_lastframe) * 0.001;
sys_lastframe = now;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_fteqw_FTEDroidEngine_init(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,
jint width, jint height)
vid.pixelwidth = width;
vid.pixelheight = height;
if (!sys_running)
quakeparms_t parms;
parms.basedir = "/sdcard/fte";
parms.argc = 0;
parms.argv = NULL;
parms.memsize = sys_memheap = 8*1024*1024;
parms.membase = malloc(parms.memsize);
if (!parms.membase)
Sys_Printf("Unable to alloc heap\n");
Sys_Printf("Starting up\n");
COM_InitArgv(parms.argc, parms.argv);
sys_running = true;
sys_lastframe = Sys_Milliseconds();
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_fteqw_FTEDroidEngine_keypress(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,
jint down, jint keycode, jint unicode)
Key_Event(0, keycode, unicode, down);
int mousecursor_x, mousecursor_y;
float mouse_x, mouse_y;
static float omouse_x, omouse_y;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_fteqw_FTEDroidEngine_motion(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,
jint act, jfloat x, jfloat y)
static float totalmoved;
static qboolean down;
float dx, dy;
dx = x - omouse_x;
dy = y - omouse_y;
omouse_x = x;
omouse_y = y;
mousecursor_x = x;
mousecursor_y = y;
if (down)
mouse_x += dx;
mouse_y += dy;
totalmoved += fabs(dx) + fabs(dy);
case 0: /*move*/
case 1: /*down*/
totalmoved = 0;
down = true;
case 2: /*up*/
down = false;
/*if it didn't move far, treat it as a regular click, if it did move a little then sorry if you just wanted a small turn!*/
if (totalmoved < 3)
Key_Event(0, K_MOUSE1, 0, 1);
Key_Event(0, K_MOUSE1, 0, 0);
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_fteqw_FTEDroidEngine_accelerometer(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,
jfloat x, jfloat y, jfloat z)
// Con_Printf("Accelerometer: %f %f %f\n", x, y, z);
static int secbase;
double Sys_DoubleTime(void)
struct timeval tp;
struct timezone tzp;
gettimeofday(&tp, &tzp);
if (!secbase)
secbase = tp.tv_sec;
return tp.tv_usec/1000000.0;
return (tp.tv_sec - secbase) + tp.tv_usec/1000000.0;
unsigned int Sys_Milliseconds(void)
struct timeval tp;
struct timezone tzp;
gettimeofday(&tp, &tzp);
if (!secbase)
secbase = tp.tv_sec;
return tp.tv_usec/1000;
return (tp.tv_sec - secbase)*1000 + tp.tv_usec/1000;
void Sys_Shutdown(void)
void Sys_Quit(void)
Host_Shutdown ();
exit (0);
void Sys_Error (const char *error, ...)
va_list argptr;
char string[1024];
va_start (argptr, error);
vsnprintf (string,sizeof(string)-1, error,argptr);
va_end (argptr);
LOGW("%s", string);
void Sys_Printf (char *fmt, ...)
va_list argptr;
char string[1024];
va_start (argptr, fmt);
vsnprintf (string,sizeof(string)-1, fmt,argptr);
va_end (argptr);
LOGI("%s", string);
void Sys_Warn (char *fmt, ...)
va_list argptr;
char string[1024];
va_start (argptr, fmt);
vsnprintf (string,sizeof(string)-1, fmt,argptr);
va_end (argptr);
LOGW("%s", string);
void Sys_CloseLibrary(dllhandle_t *lib)
dllhandle_t *Sys_LoadLibrary(const char *name, dllfunction_t *funcs)
dllhandle_t *h;
h = dlopen(name, RTLD_LAZY);
return h;
void *Sys_GetAddressForName(dllhandle_t *module, const char *exportname)
return dlsym(module, exportname);
void *Sys_GetGameAPI (void *parms)
return NULL;
void Sys_UnloadGame(void)
char *Sys_ConsoleInput (void)
return NULL;
void Sys_mkdir (char *path) //not all pre-unix systems have directories (including dos 1)
mkdir(path, 0777);
qboolean Sys_remove (char *path)
return !unlink(path);
void Sys_Init(void)
qboolean Sys_GetDesktopParameters(int *width, int *height, int *bpp, int *refreshrate)
*width = 320;
*height = 240;
*bpp = 16;
*refreshrate = 60;
return false;
qboolean Sys_RandomBytes(qbyte *string, int len)
qboolean res = false;
int fd = open("/dev/urandom", 0);
if (fd >= 0)
res = (read(fd, string, len) == len);
return res;
void Sys_ServerActivity(void)
/*FIXME: flash window*/
qboolean Sys_InitTerminal(void)
/*switching to dedicated mode, show text window*/
return false;
void Sys_CloseTerminal(void)
char *Sys_GetClipboard(void)
return NULL;
void Sys_CloseClipboard(char *buf)
void Sys_SaveClipboard(char *text)
int Sys_EnumerateFiles (const char *gpath, const char *match, int (*func)(const char *, int, void *), void *parm)
DIR *dir;
char apath[MAX_OSPATH];
char file[MAX_OSPATH];
char truepath[MAX_OSPATH];
char *s;
struct dirent *ent;
struct stat st;
//printf("path = %s\n", gpath);
//printf("match = %s\n", match);
if (!gpath)
gpath = "";
*apath = '\0';
Q_strncpyz(apath, match, sizeof(apath));
for (s = apath+strlen(apath)-1; s >= apath; s--)
if (*s == '/')
s[1] = '\0';
match += s - apath+1;
if (s < apath) //didn't find a '/'
*apath = '\0';
Q_snprintfz(truepath, sizeof(truepath), "%s/%s", gpath, apath);
//printf("truepath = %s\n", truepath);
//printf("gamepath = %s\n", gpath);
//printf("apppath = %s\n", apath);
//printf("match = %s\n", match);
dir = opendir(truepath);
if (!dir)
Con_DPrintf("Failed to open dir %s\n", truepath);
return true;
ent = readdir(dir);
if (!ent)
if (*ent->d_name != '.')
if (wildcmp(match, ent->d_name))
Q_snprintfz(file, sizeof(file), "%s/%s", truepath, ent->d_name);
if (stat(file, &st) == 0)
Q_snprintfz(file, sizeof(file), "%s%s%s", apath, ent->d_name, S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)?"/":"");
if (!func(file, st.st_size, parm))
return false;
printf("Stat failed for \"%s\"\n", file);
} while(1);
return true;
int Sys_EnumerateFiles (const char *gpath, const char *match, int (*func)(const char *, int, void *), void *parm)
qboolean go = true;
const char *f;
struct AAssetDir *ad;
ad = AAssetManager_openDir(assetmgr, gpath);
while(go && (f = AAssetDir_getNextFileName(ad)))
if (wildcmp(match, f))
Sys_Printf("Found %s\n", f);
go = func(f, 0, parm);
return 0;
typedef struct
vfsfile_t funcs;
AAsset *handle;
} assetfile_t;
static int AF_ReadBytes(vfsfile_t *h, void *buf, int len)
assetfile_t *f = (assetfile_t*)h;
return AAsset_read(f->handle, buf, len);
static qboolean AF_Seek(vfsfile_t *h, unsigned long offs)
assetfile_t *f = (assetfile_t*)h;
AAsset_seek(f->handle, offs, SEEK_SET);
return true;
static unsigned long AF_Tell(vfsfile_t *h)
assetfile_t *f = (assetfile_t*)h;
return AAsset_seek(f->handle, 0, SEEK_CUR);
static unsigned long AF_GetSize(vfsfile_t *h)
assetfile_t *f = (assetfile_t*)h;
return AAsset_getLength(f->handle);
static void AF_Close(vfsfile_t *h)
assetfile_t *f = (assetfile_t*)h;
static void AF_Flush(vfsfile_t *h)
vfsfile_t *Sys_OpenAsset(char *fname)
assetfile_t *file;
AAsset *a;
a = AAssetManager_open(assetmgr, fname, AASSET_MODE_UNKNOWN);
if (!a)
Sys_Printf("Unable to open asset %s\n", fname);
return NULL;
Sys_Printf("opened asset %s\n", fname);
file = Z_Malloc(sizeof(assetfile_t));
file->funcs.ReadBytes = AF_ReadBytes;
file->funcs.WriteBytes = NULL;
file->funcs.Seek = AF_Seek;
file->funcs.Tell = AF_Tell;
file->funcs.GetLen = AF_GetSize;
file->funcs.Close = AF_Close;
file->funcs.Flush = AF_Flush;
file->handle = a;
return (vfsfile_t*)file;