mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 18:11:00 +00:00
Add cl_lerp_driftbias and cl_lerp_driftfrac cvars, to tweak drifting. changed defaults to try to reduce clamping. Implement ladders with nq player physics. Fix submodel contents with nq player physics. Implemented drawrotpic_dp for compat (incompatible with fte's earlier implementation) Added con_textfont cvar to set fonts without uglifying menuqc/csqc drawstrings that don't specify explicit fonts. Enemycolor and teamcolor are now true cvars, which means they now work with seta. Move the homedir from CSIDL_PERSONAL to CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA, because microsoft apparently scrape all CSIDL_PERSONAL data for upload to their servers, because they don't understand 'personal'. Will still use the old homedir if it exists. Pack signon data without wasting so much, primarily to allow abusive mods to spew larger individual signon messages (hurrah for packet fragmentation). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5546 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
286 lines
9.4 KiB
286 lines
9.4 KiB
mod_terrain_create terrorgen; edit maps/terrorgen.hmp; map terrorgen
you can use mod_terrain_convert to generate+save the entire map for redistribution to people without this particular plugin version, ensuring longevity.
(this paticular command was meant to load+save the entire map, once mod_terrain_savever 2 is default...)
FIXME: no way to speciffy which gen plugin to use for a particular map
#include "../plugin.h"
#include "glquake.h"
#include "com_mesh.h"
#include "gl_terrain.h"
#ifdef TERRAIN
#define GENHIGHTSCALE 1024.0
static plugterrainfuncs_t *terr;
static plugmodfuncs_t *modfuncs;
struct rndctx_s
unsigned int x, y, z, w;
unsigned int myrand(struct rndctx_s *ctx)
{ //ripped from wikipedia (originally called xorshift128)
unsigned int t = ctx->x ^ (ctx->x << 11);
ctx->x = ctx->y; ctx->y = ctx->z; ctx->z = ctx->w;
return ctx->w = ctx->w ^ (ctx->w >> 19) ^ t ^ (t >> 8);
float TerrorGen_PredCRandom(heightmap_t *hm, int x, int y)
int seed = atoi(hm->seed);
struct rndctx_s rctx = {x*3421 ^ y*35231, y*23423, seed, seed+seed*4321+x*432+y*423+x*y}; //overflows are fine
unsigned int r = myrand(&rctx);
return ((r & 0xffffff) / (float)0x800000)-1;
float TerrorGen_CRandom(struct rndctx_s *rctx)
unsigned int r = myrand(rctx);
return ((r & 0xffffff) / (float)0x800000)-1;
//the four corners are defined in advance.
//size is a power-of-two, h must be sized pow(size+1,2)
static void GenHeights(heightmap_t *hm, struct rndctx_s *rctx, float *h, int size, int sx, int sy, float scale)
int stride = size+1;
int x, y;
//borders are left, right, top, bottom
while(size > 1)
int m = size/2;
//find central points (diamond pattern)
for (x = 0; x < stride-1; x += size)
for (y = 0; y < stride-1; y += size)
float mid = (h[(x)+(y)*stride] + h[(x+size)+(y)*stride] + h[(x)+(y+size)*stride] + h[(x+size)+(y+size)*stride])/4;
mid += TerrorGen_CRandom(rctx)*scale;
h[(x+m) + (y+m)*stride] = mid;
//find square points (square pattern)
for (x = 0; x < stride-1; x += size)
for (y = 0; y < stride-1; y += size)
float mid;
//left side
mid = h[(x)+(y)*stride];
mid += h[(x)+(y+size)*stride];
if (x != 0) //not an outer edges
mid += h[(x-m)+(y+m)*stride];
mid += h[(x+m)+(y+m)*stride];
mid = mid/4 + TerrorGen_CRandom(rctx)*scale;
else //outer edge doesn't look inwards, because any neighbouring block would not know it
mid = mid/2 + TerrorGen_PredCRandom(hm, sx+x, sy+y+m)*scale;
h[(x) + (y+m)*stride] = mid;
mid = h[(x+size)+(y)*stride];
mid += h[(x+size)+(y+size)*stride];
if (x+size != stride-1) //not an outer edges
mid += h[(x+size-m)+(y+m)*stride];
mid += h[(x+size+m)+(y+m)*stride];
mid = mid/4 + TerrorGen_CRandom(rctx)*scale;
else //outer edge doesn't look inwards, because any neighbouring block would not know it
mid = mid/2 + TerrorGen_PredCRandom(hm, sx+x+size, sy+y+m)*scale;
h[(x+size) + (y+m)*stride] = mid;
mid = h[(x)+(y)*stride];
mid += h[(x+size)+(y)*stride];
if (y != 0) //not an outer edges
mid += h[(x+m)+(y-m)*stride];
mid += h[(x+m)+(y+m)*stride];
mid = mid/4 + TerrorGen_CRandom(rctx)*scale;
else //outer edge doesn't look inwards, because any neighbouring block would not know it
mid = mid/2 + TerrorGen_PredCRandom(hm, sx+x+m, sy+y)*scale;
h[(x+m) + (y)*stride] = mid;
mid = h[(x)+(y+size)*stride];
mid += h[(x+size)+(y+size)*stride];
if (y+size != stride-1) //not an outer edges
mid += h[(x+m)+(y+size-m)*stride];
mid += h[(x+m)+(y+size+m)*stride];
mid = mid/4 + TerrorGen_CRandom(rctx)*scale;
else //outer edge doesn't look inwards, because any neighbouring block would not know it
mid = mid/2 + TerrorGen_PredCRandom(hm, sx+x+m, sy+y+size)*scale;
h[(x+m) + (y+size)*stride] = mid;
size = m;
scale /= 2;
static void TerrorGen_GenerateOne(heightmap_t *hm, struct rndctx_s *rctx, int sx, int sy, hmsection_t *s, float tl,float tr,float bl,float br)
int x,y,i;
qbyte *lm;
s->heights[0] = tl;
s->heights[SECTHEIGHTSIZE-1] = tr;
GenHeights(hm, rctx, s->heights, SECTHEIGHTSIZE-1, sx*(SECTHEIGHTSIZE-1), sy*(SECTHEIGHTSIZE-1), GENHIGHTSCALE/16);
s->flags |= TSF_RELIGHT;
//pick the textures to blend between. I'm just hardcoding shit here. this is meant to be some sort example.
Q_strlcpy(s->texname[0], "city4_2", sizeof(s->texname[0]));
Q_strlcpy(s->texname[1], "ground1_2", sizeof(s->texname[1]));
Q_strlcpy(s->texname[2], "ground1_8", sizeof(s->texname[2]));
Q_strlcpy(s->texname[3], "ground1_1", sizeof(s->texname[3]));
for (y = 0, i=0; y < SECTHEIGHTSIZE; y++)
for (x = 0; x < SECTHEIGHTSIZE; x++, i++)
//calculate where it is in worldspace, if that's useful to you.
// float wx = hm->sectionsize*(sx + x/(float)(SECTHEIGHTSIZE-1));
// float wy = hm->sectionsize*(sy + y/(float)(SECTHEIGHTSIZE-1));
//calculate the RGBA tint. these are floats, so you can oversaturate.
s->colours[i][0] = 1;
s->colours[i][1] = 1;
s->colours[i][2] = 1;
s->colours[i][3] = 1;
//make sure there's lightmap storage available
terr->InitLightmap(s, /*fill with default values*/true);
lm = terr->GetLightmap(s, 0, /*flag as edited*/true);
if (lm)
{ //pleaseworkpleaseworkpleasework
for (y = 0; y < SECTTEXSIZE; y++, lm += (HMLMSTRIDE)*4)
for (x = 0; x < SECTTEXSIZE; x++)
//calculate where it is in worldspace, if that's useful to you.
float wx = hm->sectionsize*(sx + x/(float)(SECTTEXSIZE-1));
float wy = hm->sectionsize*(sy + y/(float)(SECTTEXSIZE-1));
//calc which texture to use
//adds to 1, with texture[3] taking the remainder.
lm[x*4+0] = max(0, 255 - 255*fabs(wx/1024));
lm[x*4+1] = max(0, 255 - 255*fabs(wy/1024));
lm[x*4+2] = min(lm[x*4+0],lm[x*4+1]);
lm[x*4+0] -= lm[x*4+2];
lm[x*4+1] -= lm[x*4+2];
//logically: lm[x*4+3] = 255-(lm[x*4+0]+lm[x*4+1]+lm[x*4+2]);
//however, the fourth channel is actually used as a lighting multiplier.
lm[x*4+3] = 255;
/* //insert the occasional mesh...
if ((sx&3) == 0 && (sy&3) == 0)
vec3_t ang, org, axis[3];
org[0] = hm->sectionsize*sx;
org[1] = hm->sectionsize*sy;
org[2] = 128;
ang[0] = sy*12.5; //lul
ang[1] = sx*12.5;
modfuncs->AngleVectors(ang, axis[0], axis[1], axis[2]);
VectorNegate(axis[1],axis[1]); //axis[1] needs to be left, not right. silly quakeisms.
//obviously you can insert mdls instead... preferably do that!
terr->AddMesh(hm, TGS_NOLOAD, NULL, "maps/dm4.bsp", org, axis, 1);
static qboolean QDECL TerrorGen_GenerateBlock(heightmap_t *hm, int sx, int sy, unsigned int tgsflags)
int mx = sx & ~(GENBLOCKSIZE-1);
int my = sy & ~(GENBLOCKSIZE-1);
struct rndctx_s rctx;
int i;
if (!terr->GenerateSections(hm, mx, my, GENBLOCKSIZE, sect))
return false;
for (i = 0; i < countof(h); i++)
h[i] = -1024;
//generate global height values
h[ 0+ 0*(GENBLOCKSIZE+1)] = 0;//TerrorGen_PredRandom(hm, mx , my )*GENHIGHTSCALE*4;
rctx.x = mx*4142^mx*523423;
rctx.y = mx*4323;
rctx.z = mx*234;
rctx.w = 2535;
for (sy = 0; sy < GENBLOCKSIZE; sy++)
for (sx = 0; sx < GENBLOCKSIZE; sx++)
if (!sect[sx + sy*GENBLOCKSIZE])
continue; //already in memory.
//in case we skipped a section...
rctx.x = (mx*4141^mx*523423) + sx*4231 + sy*539;
rctx.y = mx*4323;
rctx.z = mx*231+sy;
rctx.w = 253553;
TerrorGen_GenerateOne(hm, &rctx, mx+sx-CHUNKBIAS, my+sy-CHUNKBIAS, sect[sx + sy*GENBLOCKSIZE],
h[(sx )+(sy )*(GENBLOCKSIZE+1)],
h[(sx+1)+(sy )*(GENBLOCKSIZE+1)],
h[(sx )+(sy+1)*(GENBLOCKSIZE+1)],
terr->FinishedSection(sect[sx + sy*GENBLOCKSIZE], true);
return true;
static qboolean TerrorGen_Shutdown(void)
{ //if its still us, make sure there's no dangling pointers.
if (terr->AutogenerateSection == TerrorGen_GenerateBlock)
terr->AutogenerateSection = NULL;
return true;
qboolean Plug_Init(void)
modfuncs = plugfuncs->GetEngineInterface(plugmodfuncs_name, sizeof(*modfuncs));
if (modfuncs && modfuncs->version < MODPLUGFUNCS_VERSION)
modfuncs = NULL;
terr = plugfuncs->GetEngineInterface(plugterrainfuncs_name, sizeof(*terr));
if (!terr)
return false;
if (!plugfuncs->ExportFunction("Shutdown", TerrorGen_Shutdown))
return false;
terr->AutogenerateSection = TerrorGen_GenerateBlock;
return true;
qboolean Plug_Init(void)
return false;
#endif |