mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 06:31:09 +00:00
fte particle scripts are disabled (classic works). I'll fix these in the new year. Redid framestate stuff again. Slightly better now, but this is the bulk of the changes here. Reworked the renderqueue to provide batches of items instead of individual items. This cleans up the particle rendering code significantly, and is a step towards multiple concurrent particle systems. fte's scripted particles are broken as I'm trying to find a way to rework them to batch types together, rather than having to restart each batch after each particle when you have two particles in a trail. I'll fix it some time. Reworked some alias model code regarding skeletal models. Added some conceptual skeletal bone control builtins available to csqc. Currently it can query the bone names and save off animation states, but can't animate - its just not complete. Added more info to glsl custom shaders. Updated surface sorting on halflife maps to properly cope with alphaed entities, rather than just texture-based blends (q2-style). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@3095 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
1881 lines
41 KiB
1881 lines
41 KiB
Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// r_surf.c: surface-related refresh code
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "r_local.h"
#include "d_local.h"
//#define MAX_SWDECALS (1<<8)
decal_t decals[MAX_SWDECALS];
int nextdecal;
void SWR_AddDecal(vec3_t org);
drawsurf_t r_drawsurf;
int lightleft, sourcesstep, blocksize, sourcetstep;
int lightdelta, lightdeltastep;
int lightright, lightleftstep, lightrightstep, blockdivshift;
unsigned blockdivmask;
void *prowdestbase;
unsigned char *pbasesource;
unsigned char ptexcolor;
int surfrowbytes; // used by ASM files
unsigned *r_lightptr;
int r_stepback;
int r_lightwidth;
int r_numhblocks, r_numvblocks;
unsigned char *r_source, *r_sourcemax;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip0 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip1 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip2 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip3 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock16From8 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock32From8 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock32From8Lit (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock32From32Lit (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_notex (void);
static void (*surfmiptable[4])(void) = {
unsigned blocklights[18*18*3];
extern cvar_t r_stains;
extern cvar_t r_stainfadetime;
extern cvar_t r_stainfadeammount;
#define LMBLOCK_WIDTH 128
#define LMBLOCK_HEIGHT 128
#define MAX_LIGHTMAPS 64
typedef unsigned char stmap;
stmap stainmaps[MAX_LIGHTMAPS*LMBLOCK_WIDTH*LMBLOCK_HEIGHT]; //added to lightmap for added (hopefully) speed.
//radius, x y z, a
void SWR_StainSurf (msurface_t *surf, float *parms)
int sd, td;
float dist, rad, minlight;
vec3_t impact, local;
int s, t;
int i;
int smax, tmax;
float amm;
int lim;
mtexinfo_t *tex;
stmap *stainbase;
lim = 255 - (r_stains.value*255);
smax = (surf->extents[0]>>4)+1;
tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>4)+1;
tex = surf->texinfo;
stainbase = stainmaps + surf->lightmaptexturenum*LMBLOCK_WIDTH*LMBLOCK_HEIGHT;
stainbase += (surf->light_t * LMBLOCK_WIDTH + surf->light_s);
rad = *parms;
dist = DotProduct ((parms+1), surf->plane->normal) - surf->plane->dist;
rad -= fabs(dist);
minlight = 0;
if (rad < minlight) //not hit
minlight = rad - minlight;
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
impact[i] = (parms+1)[i] - surf->plane->normal[i]*dist;
local[0] = DotProduct (impact, tex->vecs[0]) + tex->vecs[0][3];
local[1] = DotProduct (impact, tex->vecs[1]) + tex->vecs[1][3];
local[0] -= surf->texturemins[0];
local[1] -= surf->texturemins[1];
for (t = 0 ; t<tmax ; t++)
td = local[1] - t*16;
if (td < 0)
td = -td;
for (s=0 ; s<smax ; s++)
sd = local[0] - s*16;
if (sd < 0)
sd = -sd;
if (sd > td)
dist = sd + (td>>1);
dist = td + (sd>>1);
if (dist < minlight)
amm = stainbase[(s)] - (dist - rad)*parms[4];
stainbase[(s)] = bound(lim, amm, 255);
surf->stained = true;
stainbase += LMBLOCK_WIDTH;
if (surf->stained)
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (surf->cachespots[i])
surf->cachespots[i]->dlight = -1;
//combination of R_AddDynamicLights and R_MarkLights
void SWR_Q1BSP_StainNode (mnode_t *node, float *parms)
mplane_t *splitplane;
float dist;
msurface_t *surf;
int i;
if (node->contents < 0)
splitplane = node->plane;
dist = DotProduct ((parms+1), splitplane->normal) - splitplane->dist;
if (dist > (*parms))
SWR_Q1BSP_StainNode (node->children[0], parms);
if (dist < (-*parms))
SWR_Q1BSP_StainNode (node->children[1], parms);
// mark the polygons
surf = cl.worldmodel->surfaces + node->firstsurface;
for (i=0 ; i<node->numsurfaces ; i++, surf++)
SWR_StainSurf(surf, parms);
SWR_Q1BSP_StainNode (node->children[0], parms);
SWR_Q1BSP_StainNode (node->children[1], parms);
void SWR_AddStain(vec3_t org, float red, float green, float blue, float radius)
physent_t *pe;
int i;
float parms[5];
if (red != green && red != blue) //sw only does luminance of stain maps
return; //a mix would look wrong.
if (r_stains.value <= 0 || !cl.worldmodel)
parms[0] = radius;
parms[1] = org[0];
parms[2] = org[1];
parms[3] = org[2];
parms[4] = (red + green + blue)/3;
cl.worldmodel->funcs.StainNode(cl.worldmodel->nodes+cl.worldmodel->hulls[0].firstclipnode, parms);
//now stain bsp models other than world.
for (i=1 ; i< pmove.numphysent ; i++) //0 is world...
pe = &pmove.physents[i];
if (pe->model && pe->model->surfaces == cl.worldmodel->surfaces)
parms[1] = org[0] - pe->origin[0];
parms[2] = org[1] - pe->origin[1];
parms[3] = org[2] - pe->origin[2];
pe->model->funcs.StainNode(pe->model->nodes+pe->model->hulls[0].firstclipnode, parms);
void SWR_WipeStains(void)
memset(stainmaps, 255, sizeof(stainmaps));
void SWR_LessenStains(void)
int i, j;
msurface_t *surf;
int smax, tmax;
int s, t;
stmap *stain;
int stride;
int ammount, limit;
static float time;
if (r_stains.value <= 0 || cl.paused)
time = 0;
time += host_frametime;
if (time < r_stainfadetime.value)
ammount = r_stainfadeammount.value;
limit = 255 - ammount;
surf = cl.worldmodel->surfaces;
for (i=0 ; i<cl.worldmodel->numsurfaces ; i++, surf++)
if (surf->stained)
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
if (surf->cachespots[j])
surf->cachespots[j]->dlight = -1;
smax = (surf->extents[0]>>4)+1;
tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>4)+1;
stain = stainmaps + surf->lightmaptexturenum*LMBLOCK_WIDTH*LMBLOCK_HEIGHT;
stain += (surf->light_t * LMBLOCK_WIDTH + surf->light_s);
stride = (LMBLOCK_WIDTH-smax);
surf->stained = false;
for (t = 0 ; t<tmax ; t++, stain+=stride)
for (s=0 ; s<smax ; s++)
if (*stain < limit)
*stain += ammount;
else //reset to 255.
*stain = 255;
int i;
msurface_t *surf;
if (rand()&31)
surf = cl.worldmodel->surfaces;
for (i=0 ; i<cl.worldmodel->numsurfaces ; i++, surf++)
if (surf->stained)
// returns a texture number and the position inside it
int SWAllocBlock (int w, int h, int *x, int *y)
int i, j;
int best, best2;
int texnum;
if (!w || !h)
Sys_Error ("AllocBlock: bad size");
for (texnum=0 ; texnum<MAX_LIGHTMAPS ; texnum++)
for (i=0 ; i<LMBLOCK_WIDTH-w ; i++)
best2 = 0;
for (j=0 ; j<w ; j++)
if (allocated[texnum][i+j] >= best)
if (allocated[texnum][i+j] > best2)
best2 = allocated[texnum][i+j];
if (j == w)
{ // this is a valid spot
*x = i;
*y = best = best2;
if (best + h > LMBLOCK_HEIGHT)
for (i=0 ; i<w ; i++)
allocated[texnum][*x + i] = best + h;
return texnum;
Sys_Error ("AllocBlock: full");
return 0;
void SWR_CreateSurfaceLightmap (msurface_t *surf)
int smax, tmax;
if (surf->flags & (SURF_DRAWSKY|SURF_DRAWTURB))
if (surf->texinfo->flags & (TEX_SPECIAL))
smax = (surf->extents[0]>>4)+1;
tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>4)+1;
surf->lightmaptexturenum = SWAllocBlock (smax, tmax, &surf->light_s, &surf->light_t);
void SWR_BuildLightmaps(void)
int i;
msurface_t *surf;
memset(allocated, 0, sizeof(allocated));
surf = cl.worldmodel->surfaces;
for (i=0 ; i<cl.worldmodel->numsurfaces ; i++, surf++)
// if ( cl.worldmodel->surfaces[i].flags & SURF_DRAWSKY )
// P_EmitSkyEffectTris(cl.worldmodel, &cl.worldmodel->surfaces[i]);
//retrieves the next decal to be used, unlinking if needed.
decal_t *R_GetFreeDecal(void)
decal_t *dec = &decals[nextdecal];
if (dec->owner)
{ //already in use.
if (dec->prev)
dec->prev->next = dec->next;
dec->owner->decal = dec->next;
if (dec->next)
dec->next->prev = dec->prev;
dec->owner->cached_dlight = -1; //get the surface to redraw.
nextdecal = (nextdecal+1)&(MAX_SWDECALS-1);
memset(dec, 0, sizeof(decal_t));
return dec;
void R_WipeDecals(void)
int i;
memset(decals, 0, sizeof(decals));
for (i=0 ; i<cl.worldmodel->numsurfaces ; i++)
cl.worldmodel->surfaces[i].decal = NULL;
static vec3_t decalorg;
static float decalradius;
void SWR_AddSurfDecal (msurface_t *surf)
int sd, td;
float dist, rad, minlight;
vec3_t impact, local;
int s, t;
int i;
int smax, tmax;
float amm;
mtexinfo_t *tex;
decal_t *dec;
decal_t *prev;
smax = (surf->extents[0]>>4)+1;
tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>4)+1;
tex = surf->texinfo;
rad = decalradius;
dist = DotProduct (decalorg, surf->plane->normal) - surf->plane->dist;
rad -= fabs(dist);
minlight = 0;
if (rad < minlight) //not hit
minlight = rad - minlight;
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
impact[i] = decalorg[i] - surf->plane->normal[i]*dist;
local[0] = DotProduct (impact, tex->vecs[0]) + tex->vecs[0][3];
local[1] = DotProduct (impact, tex->vecs[1]) + tex->vecs[1][3];
local[0] -= surf->texturemins[0];
local[1] -= surf->texturemins[1];
dec = R_GetFreeDecal();
if (surf->decal) //add to the end of the linked list.
prev = surf->decal;
prev = prev->next;
prev->next = dec;
dec->prev = prev;
surf->decal = dec; //no list yet
dec->owner = surf;
surf->cached_dlight = -1;
dec->xpos = local[0];
dec->ypos = local[1];
void SWR_Q1BSP_AddNodeDecal (mnode_t *node)
mplane_t *splitplane;
float dist;
msurface_t *surf;
int i;
if (node->contents < 0)
splitplane = node->plane;
dist = DotProduct (decalorg, splitplane->normal) - splitplane->dist;
if (dist > (decalradius))
SWR_Q1BSP_AddNodeDecal (node->children[0]);
if (dist < (-decalradius))
SWR_Q1BSP_AddNodeDecal (node->children[1]);
// mark the polygons
surf = cl.worldmodel->surfaces + node->firstsurface;
for (i=0 ; i<node->numsurfaces ; i++, surf++)
SWR_Q1BSP_AddNodeDecal (node->children[0]);
SWR_Q1BSP_AddNodeDecal (node->children[1]);
void SWR_AddDecal(vec3_t org)
// VectorCopy(org, decalorg);
// decalradius = 320;
// SWR_Q1BSP_AddNodeDecal(cl.worldmodel->nodes+cl.worldmodel->hulls[0].firstclipnode);
void SWR_DrawDecal8(decal_t *dec)
mpic_t *srcpic = (mpic_t *)Draw_SafeCachePic ("gfx/conback.lmp");
qbyte *srcimg = srcpic->data;
int srcw=16, srch=16;
int s, t;
int stride; //horizontal pixels to copy
int lines; //vertical pixels to copy
qbyte *dest = r_drawsurf.surfdat;
int dw = r_drawsurf.surfwidth, dh = r_drawsurf.surfheight;
stride = dw;
lines = dh;
s = dec->xpos - srcw/2;
t = dec->ypos - srch/2;
if (s < 0)
s = 0;
if (t < 0)
t = 0;
//s and t are at the top left of the image.
dest += s; //align to the left
srcimg += s;
for (t = 0; t < lines; t++)
for (s = 0; s < stride; s++)
dest[s] = srcimg[s];
dest += dw;
srcimg += srcw;
pixel_t *surfdat; // destination for generated surface
int rowbytes; // destination logical width in bytes
msurface_t *surf; // description for surface to generate
fixed8_t lightadj[MAXLIGHTMAPS];
// adjust for lightmap levels for dynamic lighting
texture_t *texture; // corrected for animating textures
int surfmip; // mipmapped ratio of surface texels / world pixels
int surfwidth; // in mipmapped texels
int surfheight; // in mipmapped texels
void SWR_AddDynamicLights (void)
msurface_t *surf;
int lnum;
int sd, td;
float dist, rad, minlight;
vec3_t impact, local;
int s, t;
int i;
int smax, tmax;
mtexinfo_t *tex;
float a;
surf = r_drawsurf.surf;
smax = (surf->extents[0]>>4)+1;
tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>4)+1;
tex = surf->texinfo;
for (lnum=0 ; lnum<dlights_software ; lnum++)
if ( !(surf->dlightbits & (1<<lnum) ) )
continue; // not lit by this light
rad = cl_dlights[lnum].radius;
dist = DotProduct (cl_dlights[lnum].origin, surf->plane->normal) -
rad -= fabs(dist);
minlight = cl_dlights[lnum].minlight;
if (rad < minlight)
minlight = rad - minlight;
a = 256*(cl_dlights[lnum].color[0]*1.5 + cl_dlights[lnum].color[1]*2.95 + cl_dlights[lnum].color[2]*0.55);
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
impact[i] = cl_dlights[lnum].origin[i] -
local[0] = DotProduct (impact, tex->vecs[0]) + tex->vecs[0][3];
local[1] = DotProduct (impact, tex->vecs[1]) + tex->vecs[1][3];
local[0] -= surf->texturemins[0];
local[1] -= surf->texturemins[1];
for (t = 0 ; t<tmax ; t++)
td = local[1] - t*16;
if (td < 0)
td = -td;
for (s=0 ; s<smax ; s++)
sd = local[0] - s*16;
if (sd < 0)
sd = -sd;
if (sd > td)
dist = sd + (td>>1);
dist = td + (sd>>1);
if (dist < minlight)
blocklights[t*smax + s] += (rad - dist)*a;
void SWR_AddDynamicLightsRGB (void)
msurface_t *surf;
int lnum;
int sd, td;
float dist, rad, minlight, r, g, b;
vec3_t impact, local;
int s, t;
int i;
int smax, tmax;
mtexinfo_t *tex;
surf = r_drawsurf.surf;
smax = (surf->extents[0]>>4)+1;
tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>4)+1;
tex = surf->texinfo;
for (lnum=0 ; lnum<dlights_software ; lnum++)
if ( !(surf->dlightbits & (1<<lnum) ) )
continue; // not lit by this light
rad = cl_dlights[lnum].radius;
dist = DotProduct (cl_dlights[lnum].origin, surf->plane->normal) -
rad -= fabs(dist);
minlight = cl_dlights[lnum].minlight;
if (rad < minlight)
minlight = rad - minlight;
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
impact[i] = cl_dlights[lnum].origin[i] -
local[0] = DotProduct (impact, tex->vecs[0]) + tex->vecs[0][3];
local[1] = DotProduct (impact, tex->vecs[1]) + tex->vecs[1][3];
local[0] -= surf->texturemins[0];
local[1] -= surf->texturemins[1];
r = cl_dlights[lnum].color[0]*3*256;
g = cl_dlights[lnum].color[1]*3*256;
b = cl_dlights[lnum].color[2]*3*256;
for (t = 0 ; t<tmax ; t++)
td = local[1] - t*16;
if (td < 0)
td = -td;
for (s=0 ; s<smax ; s++)
sd = local[0] - s*16;
if (sd < 0)
sd = -sd;
if (sd > td)
dist = sd + (td>>1);
dist = td + (sd>>1);
if (dist < minlight)
blocklights[(t*smax + s)*3] += (rad - dist)*r;
blocklights[(t*smax + s)*3+1] += (rad - dist)*g;
blocklights[(t*smax + s)*3+2] += (rad - dist)*b;
Combine and scale multiple lightmaps into the 8.8 format in blocklights
void SWR_BuildLightMap (void)
int smax, tmax;
int t;
int i, size;
qbyte *lightmap;
unsigned scale;
int maps;
msurface_t *surf;
surf = r_drawsurf.surf;
smax = (surf->extents[0]>>4)+1;
tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>4)+1;
size = smax*tmax;
lightmap = surf->samples;
if (/* r_fullbright.value || */ !cl.worldmodel->lightdata)
for (i=0 ; i<size ; i++)
blocklights[i] = 0;
// clear to ambient
for (i=0 ; i<size ; i++)
blocklights[i] = r_refdef.ambientlight<<8;
// add all the lightmaps
if (lightmap)
for (maps = 0 ; maps < MAXLIGHTMAPS && surf->styles[maps] != 255 ;
scale = r_drawsurf.lightadj[maps]; // 8.8 fraction
for (i=0 ; i<size ; i++)
blocklights[i] += lightmap[i] * scale;
lightmap += size; // skip to next lightmap
// add all the dynamic lights
if (surf->dlightframe == r_framecount)
SWR_AddDynamicLights ();
if (surf->stained)
stmap *stain;
int sstride;
int x, y;
stain = stainmaps + surf->lightmaptexturenum*LMBLOCK_WIDTH*LMBLOCK_HEIGHT;
stain += (surf->light_t * LMBLOCK_WIDTH + surf->light_s);
sstride = LMBLOCK_WIDTH - smax;
for (x = 0; x < tmax; x++, stain+=sstride)
for (y = 0; y < smax; y++, i++, stain++)
t = (255*256*256-127*256-(int)blocklights[i]*(*stain)) >> (16 - VID_CBITS);
if (t < (1 << 6))
t = (1 << 6);
blocklights[i] = t;
// bound, invert, and shift
for (i=0 ; i<size ; i++)
t = (255*256 - (int)blocklights[i]) >> (8 - VID_CBITS);
if (t < (1 << 6))
t = (1 << 6);
blocklights[i] = t;
void SWR_BuildLightMapRGB (void)
int smax, tmax;
int i, size;
qbyte *lightmap;
unsigned scale;
int maps;
msurface_t *surf;
int r,g,b, cr, cg, cb;
surf = r_drawsurf.surf;
smax = (surf->extents[0]>>4)+1;
tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>4)+1;
size = smax*tmax*3;
lightmap = surf->samples;
if (/* r_fullbright.value || */ !cl.worldmodel->lightdata)
for (i=0 ; i<size ; i++)
blocklights[i] = 0;
// clear to ambient
for (i=0 ; i<size ; i++)
blocklights[i] = r_refdef.ambientlight<<8;
// add all the lightmaps
if (lightmap)
for (maps = 0 ; maps < MAXLIGHTMAPS && surf->styles[maps] != 255 ;
scale = r_drawsurf.lightadj[maps]; // 8.8 fraction
for (i=0 ; i<size ; i+=3)
blocklights[i] += lightmap[i] * scale;
blocklights[i+1] += lightmap[i+1] * scale;
blocklights[i+2] += lightmap[i+2] * scale;
lightmap += size; // skip to next lightmap
// add all the dynamic lights
if (surf->dlightframe == r_framecount)
SWR_AddDynamicLightsRGB ();
if (surf->stained)
stmap *stain;
int sstride;
int x, y;
stain = stainmaps + surf->lightmaptexturenum*LMBLOCK_WIDTH*LMBLOCK_HEIGHT;
stain += (surf->light_t * LMBLOCK_WIDTH + surf->light_s);
sstride = LMBLOCK_WIDTH - smax;
for (x = 0; x < tmax; x++, stain+=sstride)
for (y = 0; y < smax; y++, i+=3, stain++)
r = (255*256*256-127*256-(int)blocklights[i]*(*stain)) >> (16 - VID_CBITS);
g = (255*256*256-127*256-(int)blocklights[i+1]*(*stain)) >> (16 - VID_CBITS);
b = (255*256*256-127*256-(int)blocklights[i+2]*(*stain)) >> (16 - VID_CBITS);
#define MINL (1<<6)
#define MAXL ((255*256) >> (8 - VID_CBITS))
cr = 0;
cg = 0;
cb = 0;
if (r < MINL)
cg += (MINL-r);
cb += (MINL-r);
r = MINL;
if (g < MINL)
cr += (MINL-g);
cb += (MINL-g);
g = MINL;
if (b < MINL)
cg += (MINL-b);
cr += (MINL-b);
b = MINL;
if (cr + r < MINL)
blocklights[i] = MINL;
else if (cr + r > MAXL)
blocklights[i] = MAXL;
blocklights[i] = cr+r;
if (cg + g < MINL)
blocklights[i+1] = MINL;
else if (cg + g > MAXL)
blocklights[i+1] = MAXL;
blocklights[i+1] = cg+g;
if (cb + b < MINL)
blocklights[i+2] = MINL;
else if (cb + b > MAXL)
blocklights[i+2] = MAXL;
blocklights[i+2] = cb+b;
// bound, invert, and shift
for (i=0 ; i<size ; i+=3) //this rather bulky and overcomplicated formula allows too much red to reduce the green+blue to give a more satisfying glow.
r = (255*256-(int)blocklights[i]) >> (8 - VID_CBITS);
g = (255*256-(int)blocklights[i+1]) >> (8 - VID_CBITS);
b = (255*256-(int)blocklights[i+2]) >> (8 - VID_CBITS);
#define MINL (1<<6)
#define MAXL ((255*256) >> (8 - VID_CBITS))
cr = 0;
cg = 0;
cb = 0;
if (r < MINL)
cg += (MINL-r);
cb += (MINL-r);
r = MINL;
if (g < MINL)
cr += (MINL-g);
cb += (MINL-g);
g = MINL;
if (b < MINL)
cg += (MINL-b);
cr += (MINL-b);
b = MINL;
if (cr + r < MINL)
blocklights[i] = MINL;
else if (cr + r > MAXL)
blocklights[i] = MAXL;
blocklights[i] = cr+r;
if (cg + g < MINL)
blocklights[i+1] = MINL;
else if (cg + g > MAXL)
blocklights[i+1] = MAXL;
blocklights[i+1] = cg+g;
if (cb + b < MINL)
blocklights[i+2] = MINL;
else if (cb + b > MAXL)
blocklights[i+2] = MAXL;
blocklights[i+2] = cb+b;
Returns the proper texture for a given time and base texture
texture_t *SWR_TextureAnimation (texture_t *base)
int reletive;
int count;
if (currententity->framestate.g[FS_REG].frame[0])
if (base->alternate_anims)
base = base->alternate_anims;
if (!base->anim_total)
return base;
reletive = (int)(cl.time*10) % base->anim_total;
count = 0;
while (base->anim_min > reletive || base->anim_max <= reletive)
base = base->anim_next;
if (!base)
Sys_Error ("R_TextureAnimation: broken cycle");
if (++count > 100)
Sys_Error ("R_TextureAnimation: infinite cycle");
return base;
void R_DrawSurface (void)
extern cvar_t r_drawflat;
extern int r_wallindex, r_floorindex;
extern unsigned char ptexcolor;
unsigned char *basetptr;
int smax, tmax, twidth;
int u;
int soffset, basetoffset, texwidth;
int horzblockstep;
unsigned char *pcolumndest;
void (*pblockdrawer)(void);
texture_t *mt;
decal_t *dec;
// calculate the lightings
SWR_BuildLightMap ();
surfrowbytes = r_drawsurf.rowbytes;
mt = r_drawsurf.texture;
r_source = (qbyte *)mt + mt->offsets[r_drawsurf.surfmip];
// the fractional light values should range from 0 to (VID_GRADES - 1) << 16
// from a source range of 0 - 255
texwidth = mt->width >> r_drawsurf.surfmip;
blocksize = 16 >> r_drawsurf.surfmip;
blockdivshift = 4 - r_drawsurf.surfmip;
blockdivmask = (1 << blockdivshift) - 1;
r_lightwidth = (r_drawsurf.surf->extents[0]>>4)+1;
r_numhblocks = r_drawsurf.surfwidth >> blockdivshift;
r_numvblocks = r_drawsurf.surfheight >> blockdivshift;
if (r_pixbytes == 1 || r_pixbytes == 4) //if we are using 4, textures are stored as 1 and expanded acording to palette
if (r_drawflat.value && !(r_drawsurf.surf->flags & SURF_NOFLAT))
if (r_drawsurf.surf->plane->normal[2] <= 0.5)
ptexcolor = r_wallindex;
ptexcolor = r_floorindex;
pblockdrawer = R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_notex;
pblockdrawer = surfmiptable[r_drawsurf.surfmip];
// TODO: only needs to be set when there is a display settings change
horzblockstep = blocksize;
pblockdrawer = R_DrawSurfaceBlock16From8;//16bit rendering uses 16bit caches.
// TODO: only needs to be set when there is a display settings change
horzblockstep = blocksize << 1;
smax = mt->width >> r_drawsurf.surfmip;
twidth = texwidth;
tmax = mt->height >> r_drawsurf.surfmip;
sourcetstep = texwidth;
r_stepback = tmax * twidth;
r_sourcemax = r_source + (tmax * smax);
soffset = r_drawsurf.surf->texturemins[0];
basetoffset = r_drawsurf.surf->texturemins[1];
// << 16 components are to guarantee positive values for %
soffset = ((soffset >> r_drawsurf.surfmip) + (smax << 16)) % smax;
basetptr = &r_source[((((basetoffset >> r_drawsurf.surfmip)
+ (tmax << 16)) % tmax) * twidth)];
pcolumndest = r_drawsurf.surfdat;
for (u=0 ; u<r_numhblocks; u++)
r_lightptr = blocklights + u;
prowdestbase = pcolumndest;
pbasesource = basetptr + soffset;
soffset = soffset + blocksize;
if (soffset >= smax)
soffset = 0;
pcolumndest += horzblockstep;
if (r_drawsurf.surf->decal && !r_drawsurf.surfmip)
if (r_pixbytes == 1 || r_pixbytes == 4)
for (dec = r_drawsurf.surf->decal; dec; dec = dec->next)
int x, y;
x = rand()%smax;
y = rand()%tmax;
pcolumndest = r_drawsurf.surfdat;
pcolumndest[y*smax+x] = 15;
void R_DrawSurface32 (void)
unsigned char *basetptr;
int smax, tmax, twidth;
int u;
int soffset, basetoffset, texwidth;
int horzblockstep;
unsigned char *pcolumndest;
texture_t *mt;
// calculate the lightings
SWR_BuildLightMapRGB ();
surfrowbytes = r_drawsurf.rowbytes;
mt = r_drawsurf.texture;
r_source = (qbyte *)mt + mt->offsets[r_drawsurf.surfmip];
// the fractional light values should range from 0 to (VID_GRADES - 1) << 16
// from a source range of 0 - 255
texwidth = (mt->width*mt->pixbytes) >> r_drawsurf.surfmip;
blocksize = 16 >> r_drawsurf.surfmip;
blockdivshift = 4 - r_drawsurf.surfmip;
blockdivmask = (1 << blockdivshift) - 1;
r_lightwidth = ((r_drawsurf.surf->extents[0]>>4)+1)*3;
r_numhblocks = r_drawsurf.surfwidth >> blockdivshift;
r_numvblocks = r_drawsurf.surfheight >> blockdivshift;
horzblockstep = blocksize*4;
smax = (mt->width*mt->pixbytes) >> r_drawsurf.surfmip;
twidth = texwidth;
tmax = mt->height >> r_drawsurf.surfmip;
sourcetstep = texwidth;
r_stepback = tmax * twidth;
r_sourcemax = r_source + (tmax * smax);
soffset = r_drawsurf.surf->texturemins[0]*mt->pixbytes;
basetoffset = r_drawsurf.surf->texturemins[1];
// << 16 components are to guarantee positive values for %
basetptr = &r_source[((((basetoffset >> r_drawsurf.surfmip)
+ (tmax << 16)) % tmax) * twidth)];
soffset = ((soffset >> r_drawsurf.surfmip) + (smax << 16)) % (smax);
pcolumndest = r_drawsurf.surfdat;
if (mt->pixbytes == 4)
for (u=0 ; u<r_numhblocks; u++)
r_lightptr = blocklights + u*3;
prowdestbase = pcolumndest;
pbasesource = basetptr + soffset;
soffset = soffset + blocksize*4;
if (soffset >= smax)
soffset = 0;
pcolumndest += horzblockstep;
for (u=0 ; u<r_numhblocks; u++)
r_lightptr = blocklights + u*3;
prowdestbase = pcolumndest;
pbasesource = basetptr + soffset;
soffset = soffset + blocksize;
if (soffset >= smax)
soffset = 0;
pcolumndest += horzblockstep;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_notex (void)
int v, i, b, lightstep, lighttemp, light;
unsigned char pix, *prowdest;
pix = ptexcolor;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
// FIXME: make these locals?
// FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM?
lightleft = r_lightptr[0];
lightright = r_lightptr[1];
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth;
lightleftstep = (r_lightptr[0] - lightleft) >> blockdivshift;
lightrightstep = (r_lightptr[1] - lightright) >> blockdivshift;
for (i=0 ; i<blocksize ; i++)
lighttemp = lightleft - lightright;
lightstep = lighttemp >> blockdivshift;
light = lightright;
for (b=blocksize-1; b>=0; b--)
prowdest[b] = ((unsigned char *)vid.colormap)
[(light & 0xFF00) + pix];
light += lightstep;
lightright += lightrightstep;
lightleft += lightleftstep;
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
#if !id386
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip0 (void)
int v, i, b, lightstep, lighttemp, light;
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
// FIXME: make these locals?
// FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM?
lightleft = r_lightptr[0];
lightright = r_lightptr[1];
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth;
lightleftstep = (r_lightptr[0] - lightleft) >> 4;
lightrightstep = (r_lightptr[1] - lightright) >> 4;
for (i=0 ; i<16 ; i++)
lighttemp = lightleft - lightright;
lightstep = lighttemp >> 4;
light = lightright;
for (b=15; b>=0; b--)
pix = psource[b];
prowdest[b] = ((unsigned char *)vid.colormap)
[(light & 0xFF00) + pix];
light += lightstep;
psource += sourcetstep;
lightright += lightrightstep;
lightleft += lightleftstep;
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip1 (void)
int v, i, b, lightstep, lighttemp, light;
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
// FIXME: make these locals?
// FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM?
lightleft = r_lightptr[0];
lightright = r_lightptr[1];
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth;
lightleftstep = (r_lightptr[0] - lightleft) >> 3;
lightrightstep = (r_lightptr[1] - lightright) >> 3;
for (i=0 ; i<8 ; i++)
lighttemp = lightleft - lightright;
lightstep = lighttemp >> 3;
light = lightright;
for (b=7; b>=0; b--)
pix = psource[b];
prowdest[b] = ((unsigned char *)vid.colormap)
[(light & 0xFF00) + pix];
light += lightstep;
psource += sourcetstep;
lightright += lightrightstep;
lightleft += lightleftstep;
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip2 (void)
int v, i, b, lightstep, lighttemp, light;
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
// FIXME: make these locals?
// FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM?
lightleft = r_lightptr[0];
lightright = r_lightptr[1];
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth;
lightleftstep = (r_lightptr[0] - lightleft) >> 2;
lightrightstep = (r_lightptr[1] - lightright) >> 2;
for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
lighttemp = lightleft - lightright;
lightstep = lighttemp >> 2;
light = lightright;
for (b=3; b>=0; b--)
pix = psource[b];
prowdest[b] = ((unsigned char *)vid.colormap)
[(light & 0xFF00) + pix];
light += lightstep;
psource += sourcetstep;
lightright += lightrightstep;
lightleft += lightleftstep;
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip3 (void)
int v, i, b, lightstep, lighttemp, light;
unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
// FIXME: make these locals?
// FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM?
lightleft = r_lightptr[0];
lightright = r_lightptr[1];
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth;
lightleftstep = (r_lightptr[0] - lightleft) >> 1;
lightrightstep = (r_lightptr[1] - lightright) >> 1;
for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
lighttemp = lightleft - lightright;
lightstep = lighttemp >> 1;
light = lightright;
for (b=1; b>=0; b--)
pix = psource[b];
prowdest[b] = ((unsigned char *)vid.colormap)
[(light & 0xFF00) + pix];
light += lightstep;
psource += sourcetstep;
lightright += lightrightstep;
lightleft += lightleftstep;
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
//add lits?
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock16From8 (void)
int v, i, b, lightstep, lighttemp, light;
unsigned char pix, *psource;
unsigned short *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
// FIXME: make these locals?
// FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM?
lightleft = r_lightptr[0];
lightright = r_lightptr[1];
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth;
lightleftstep = (r_lightptr[0] - lightleft) >> blockdivshift;
lightrightstep = (r_lightptr[1] - lightright) >> blockdivshift;
for (i=0 ; i<blocksize ; i++)
lighttemp = lightleft - lightright;
lightstep = lighttemp >> blockdivshift;
light = lightright;
for (b=blocksize-1; b>=0; b--)
pix = psource[b];
prowdest[b] = vid.colormap16[(light & 0xFF00) + pix];
light += lightstep;
psource += sourcetstep;
lightright += lightrightstep;
lightleft += lightleftstep;
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
//8 bit disk texture to 32 bit mem cache
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock32From8 (void)
int v, i, b, lightstep, lighttemp, light;
unsigned char pix, *psource;
unsigned int *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
// FIXME: make these locals?
// FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM?
lightleft = r_lightptr[0];
lightright = r_lightptr[1];
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth;
lightleftstep = (r_lightptr[0] - lightleft) >> blockdivshift;
lightrightstep = (r_lightptr[1] - lightright) >> blockdivshift;
for (i=0 ; i<blocksize ; i++)
lighttemp = lightleft - lightright;
lightstep = lighttemp >> blockdivshift;
light = lightright;
for (b=blocksize-1; b>=0; b--)
pix = psource[b];
prowdest[b] = d_8to32table[((unsigned char *)vid.colormap)[(light & 0xFF00) + pix]];
light += lightstep;
psource += sourcetstep;
lightright += lightrightstep;
lightleft += lightleftstep;
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
//8 bit disk texture to 32 bit mem cache, with added rgb lighting
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock32From8Lit (void)
int v, i, b;
int lightstepr;
int lightleftr, lightrightr, lightleftstepr, lightrightstepr;
int lightstepg;
int lightleftg, lightrightg, lightleftstepg, lightrightstepg;
int lightstepb;
int lightleftb, lightrightb, lightleftstepb, lightrightstepb;
unsigned char pix, *psource;
unsigned int lightb, lightg, lightr;
unsigned char *prowdest;
unsigned int *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
// FIXME: make these locals?
// FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM?
lightleftr = r_lightptr[0];
lightrightr = r_lightptr[3];
lightleftg = r_lightptr[0+1];
lightrightg = r_lightptr[3+1];
lightleftb = r_lightptr[0+2];
lightrightb = r_lightptr[3+2];
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth;
lightleftstepr = (r_lightptr[0] - lightleftr) >> blockdivshift;
lightrightstepr = (r_lightptr[3] - lightrightr) >> blockdivshift;
lightleftstepg = (r_lightptr[0+1] - lightleftg) >> blockdivshift;
lightrightstepg = (r_lightptr[3+1] - lightrightg) >> blockdivshift;
lightleftstepb = (r_lightptr[0+2] - lightleftb) >> blockdivshift;
lightrightstepb = (r_lightptr[3+2] - lightrightb) >> blockdivshift;
for (i=0 ; i<blocksize ; i++)
lightstepr = (lightleftr - lightrightr) >> blockdivshift;
lightstepg = (lightleftg - lightrightg) >> blockdivshift;
lightstepb = (lightleftb - lightrightb) >> blockdivshift;
lightr = lightrightr;
lightg = lightrightg;
lightb = lightrightb;
for (b=blocksize-1; b>=0; b--)
pix = psource[b];
#if 1
prowdest[b] = (d_8to32table[((unsigned char *)vid.colormap)[(lightb & 0xFF00) + pix]]&0xff) |
(d_8to32table[((unsigned char *)vid.colormap)[(lightg & 0xFF00) + pix]]&0xff00) |
(d_8to32table[((unsigned char *)vid.colormap)[(lightr & 0xFF00) + pix]]&0xff0000);
prowdest[b] = (d_8to32table[((unsigned char *)vid.colormap)[(lightb & 0xFF00) + 15]]&0xff) |
(d_8to32table[((unsigned char *)vid.colormap)[(lightg & 0xFF00) + 15]]&0xff00) |
(d_8to32table[((unsigned char *)vid.colormap)[(lightr & 0xFF00) + 15]]&0xff0000);
#if 1
prowdest[b*4] = (((d_8to32table[pix]&0x0000ff) ) * (0x3f00-(lightb& 0x3fff)))>>13;
prowdest[b*4+1] = (((d_8to32table[pix]&0x00ff00)>>8 ) * (0x3f00-(lightg& 0x3fff)))>>13;
prowdest[b*4+2] = (((d_8to32table[pix]&0xff0000)>>16) * (0x3f00-(lightr& 0x3fff)))>>13;
prowdest[b*4] = (((d_8to32table[pix]&0x0000ff) ) * (0x4000-(lightb& 0x4000)))>>15;
prowdest[b*4+1] = ((255) * (0xFFFF-(lightg& 0xFF00)))>>14;
prowdest[b*4+2] = ((255) * (0xFFFF-(lightr& 0xFF00)))>>14;
lightr += lightstepr;
lightg += lightstepg;
lightb += lightstepb;
psource += sourcetstep;
lightrightr += lightrightstepr;
lightleftr += lightleftstepr;
lightrightg += lightrightstepg;
lightleftg += lightleftstepg;
lightrightb += lightrightstepb;
lightleftb += lightleftstepb;
prowdest += surfrowbytes*4;
prowdest += surfrowbytes;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
extern qbyte gammatable[];
//32 bit disk texture to 32 bit mem cache, with added rgb lighting
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock32From32Lit (void)
int v, i, b;
int lightstepr, lightr;
int lightleftr, lightrightr, lightleftstepr, lightrightstepr;
int lightstepg, lightg;
int lightleftg, lightrightg, lightleftstepg, lightrightstepg;
int lightstepb, lightb;
int lightleftb, lightrightb, lightleftstepb, lightrightstepb;
qbyte pix, *psource;
qbyte *prowdest;
psource = pbasesource;
prowdest = prowdestbase;
for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++)
// FIXME: make these locals?
// FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM?
lightleftr = r_lightptr[0];
lightrightr = r_lightptr[3];
lightleftg = r_lightptr[0+1];
lightrightg = r_lightptr[3+1];
lightleftb = r_lightptr[0+2];
lightrightb = r_lightptr[3+2];
r_lightptr += r_lightwidth;
lightleftstepr = (r_lightptr[0] - lightleftr) >> blockdivshift;
lightrightstepr = (r_lightptr[3] - lightrightr) >> blockdivshift;
lightleftstepg = (r_lightptr[0+1] - lightleftg) >> blockdivshift;
lightrightstepg = (r_lightptr[3+1] - lightrightg) >> blockdivshift;
lightleftstepb = (r_lightptr[0+2] - lightleftb) >> blockdivshift;
lightrightstepb = (r_lightptr[3+2] - lightrightb) >> blockdivshift;
for (i=0 ; i<blocksize ; i++)
lightstepr = (lightleftr - lightrightr) >> blockdivshift;
lightstepg = (lightleftg - lightrightg) >> blockdivshift;
lightstepb = (lightleftb - lightrightb) >> blockdivshift;
lightr = lightrightr;
lightg = lightrightg;
lightb = lightrightb;
for (b=(blocksize-1)<<2; b>=0; b-=4)
pix = psource[b+2];
prowdest[b+0] = pix;
pix = psource[b+1];
prowdest[b+1] = pix;
pix = psource[b+0];
prowdest[b+2] = pix;
prowdest[b+0] = gammatable[((int)psource[b+2]*(0x3FFF-(lightb & 0x3FFF))) / 0x3FFF];
prowdest[b+1] = gammatable[((int)psource[b+1]*(0x3FFF-(lightg & 0x3FFF))) / 0x3FFF];
prowdest[b+2] = gammatable[((int)psource[b+0]*(0x3FFF-(lightr & 0x3FFF))) / 0x3FFF];
prowdest[b+3] = psource[b+3];
lightr += lightstepr;
lightg += lightstepg;
lightb += lightstepb;
psource += sourcetstep;
lightrightr += lightrightstepr;
lightleftr += lightleftstepr;
lightrightg += lightrightstepg;
lightleftg += lightleftstepg;
lightrightb += lightrightstepb;
lightleftb += lightleftstepb;
prowdest += surfrowbytes<<2;
if (psource >= r_sourcemax)
psource -= r_stepback;
void R_GenTurbTile (pixel_t *pbasetex, void *pdest)
int *turb;
int i, j, s, t;
qbyte *pd;
turb = sintable + ((int)(cl.time*SPEED)&(CYCLE-1));
pd = (qbyte *)pdest;
for (i=0 ; i<TILE_SIZE ; i++)
for (j=0 ; j<TILE_SIZE ; j++)
s = (((j << 16) + turb[i & (CYCLE-1)]) >> 16) & 63;
t = (((i << 16) + turb[j & (CYCLE-1)]) >> 16) & 63;
*pd++ = *(pbasetex + (t<<6) + s);
void R_GenTurbTile16 (pixel_t *pbasetex, void *pdest)
int *turb;
int i, j, s, t;
unsigned short *pd;
turb = sintable + ((int)(cl.time*SPEED)&(CYCLE-1));
pd = (unsigned short *)pdest;
for (i=0 ; i<TILE_SIZE ; i++)
for (j=0 ; j<TILE_SIZE ; j++)
s = (((j << 16) + turb[i & (CYCLE-1)]) >> 16) & 63;
t = (((i << 16) + turb[j & (CYCLE-1)]) >> 16) & 63;
*pd++ = d_8to16table[*(pbasetex + (t<<6) + s)];
void R_GenTile (msurface_t *psurf, void *pdest)
if (psurf->flags & SURF_DRAWTURB)
if (r_pixbytes == 1)
R_GenTurbTile ((pixel_t *)
((qbyte *)psurf->texinfo->texture + psurf->texinfo->texture->offsets[0]), pdest);
R_GenTurbTile16 ((pixel_t *)
((qbyte *)psurf->texinfo->texture + psurf->texinfo->texture->offsets[0]), pdest);
else if (psurf->flags & SURF_DRAWSKY)
if (r_pixbytes == 1)
R_GenSkyTile (pdest);
R_GenSkyTile16 (pdest);
Sys_Error ("Unknown tile type");