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Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// refresh.h -- public interface to refresh functions
#define TOP_RANGE 16 // soldier uniform colors
#define BOTTOM_RANGE 96
struct msurface_s;
typedef struct efrag_s
struct mleaf_s *leaf;
struct efrag_s *leafnext;
struct entity_s *entity;
struct efrag_s *entnext;
} efrag_t;
typedef struct entity_s
int keynum; // for matching entities in different frames
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t angles;
vec3_t axis[3];
byte_vec4_t shaderRGBA;
float shaderTime;
vec3_t oldorigin;
vec3_t oldangles;
struct model_s *model; // NULL = no model
int frame;
qbyte *colormap;
int skinnum; // for Alias models
struct player_info_s *scoreboard; // identify player
float syncbase;
struct efrag_s *efrag; // linked list of efrags (FIXME)
int visframe; // last frame this entity was
// found in an active leaf
// only used for static objects
int dlightframe; // dynamic lighting
int dlightbits;
// FIXME: could turn these into a union
int trivial_accept;
struct mnode_s *topnode; // for bmodels, first world node
// that splits bmodel, or NULL if
// not split
float bonecontrols[4];
int flags;
#ifdef Q3SHADERS
struct shader_s *forcedshader;
float scale;
float alpha;
float fatness;
#ifdef PEXT_HEXEN2
int drawflags;
int abslight;
float lerpfrac;
int oldframe;
} entity_t;
// !!! if this is changed, it must be changed in asm_draw.h too !!!
typedef struct
vrect_t vrect; // subwindow in video for refresh
// FIXME: not need vrect next field here?
vrect_t aliasvrect; // scaled Alias version
int vrectright, vrectbottom; // right & bottom screen coords
int aliasvrectright, aliasvrectbottom; // scaled Alias versions
float vrectrightedge; // rightmost right edge we care about,
// for use in edge list
float fvrectx, fvrecty; // for floating-point compares
float fvrectx_adj, fvrecty_adj; // left and top edges, for clamping
int vrect_x_adj_shift20; // (vrect.x + 0.5 - epsilon) << 20
int vrectright_adj_shift20; // (vrectright + 0.5 - epsilon) << 20
float fvrectright_adj, fvrectbottom_adj;
// right and bottom edges, for clamping
float fvrectright; // rightmost edge, for Alias clamping
float fvrectbottom; // bottommost edge, for Alias clamping
float horizontalFieldOfView; // at Z = 1.0, this many X is visible
// 2.0 = 90 degrees
float xOrigin; // should probably allways be 0.5
float yOrigin; // between be around 0.3 to 0.5
vec3_t vieworg;
vec3_t viewangles;
float fov_x, fov_y;
int ambientlight;
int flags;
int currentplayernum;
float time;
} refdef_t;
// refresh
extern int reinit_surfcache;
extern refdef_t r_refdef;
extern vec3_t r_origin, vpn, vright, vup;
extern struct texture_s *r_notexture_mip;
extern entity_t r_worldentity;
#if defined(RGLQUAKE)
void GLR_Init (void);
void GLR_ReInit (void);
void GLR_InitTextures (void);
void GLR_InitEfrags (void);
void GLR_RenderView (void); // must set r_refdef first
// called whenever r_refdef or vid change
void GLR_InitSky (struct texture_s *mt); // called at level load
void GLR_SetSky (char *name, float rotate, vec3_t axis);
qboolean GLR_CheckSky(void);
void GLR_AddEfrags (entity_t *ent);
void GLR_RemoveEfrags (entity_t *ent);
void GLR_NewMap (void);
void GLR_PushDlights (void);
void GLR_DrawWaterSurfaces (void);
void GLR_AddStain(vec3_t org, float red, float green, float blue, float radius);
void GLR_LessenStains(void);
void MediaGL_ShowFrame8bit(qbyte *framedata, int inwidth, int inheight, qbyte *palette);
void MediaGL_ShowFrameRGBA_32(qbyte *framedata, int inwidth, int inheight); //top down
void MediaGL_ShowFrameBGR_24_Flip(qbyte *framedata, int inwidth, int inheight); //input is bottom up...
#if defined(SWQUAKE)
void SWR_Init (void);
void SWR_InitTextures (void);
void SWR_InitEfrags (void);
void SWR_RenderView (void); // must set r_refdef first
void SWR_ViewChanged (vrect_t *pvrect, int lineadj, float aspect);
// called whenever r_refdef or vid change
void SWR_InitSky (struct texture_s *mt); // called at level load
void SWR_SetSky (char *name, float rotate, vec3_t axis);
qboolean SWR_CheckSky(void);
void SWR_AddEfrags (entity_t *ent);
void SWR_RemoveEfrags (entity_t *ent);
void SWR_NewMap (void);
void SWR_PushDlights (void);
void SWR_AddStain(vec3_t org, float red, float green, float blue, float radius);
void SWR_LessenStains(void);
void MediaSW_ShowFrame8bit(qbyte *framedata, int inwidth, int inheight, qbyte *palette);
void MediaSW_ShowFrameRGBA_32(qbyte *framedata, int inwidth, int inheight); //top down
void MediaSW_ShowFrameBGR_24_Flip(qbyte *framedata, int inwidth, int inheight); //input is bottom up...
void R_AddEfrags (entity_t *ent);
void R_RemoveEfrags (entity_t *ent);
// surface cache related
extern int reinit_surfcache; // if 1, surface cache is currently empty and
extern qboolean r_cache_thrash; // set if thrashing the surface cache
int D_SurfaceCacheForRes (int width, int height, int bpp);
void D_FlushCaches (void);
void D_DeleteSurfaceCache (void);
void D_InitCaches (void *buffer, int size);
void R_SetVrect (vrect_t *pvrect, vrect_t *pvrectin, int lineadj);
#if defined(RGLQUAKE)
void GLMod_Init (void);
void GLMod_GetTag(struct model_s *model, int tagnum, int frame, float **org, float **axis);
int GLMod_TagNumForName(struct model_s *model, char *name);
void GLMod_ClearAll (void);
struct model_s *GLMod_ForName (char *name, qboolean crash);
struct model_s *GLMod_FindName (char *name);
void *GLMod_Extradata (struct model_s *mod); // handles caching
void GLMod_TouchModel (char *name);
struct mleaf_s *GLMod_PointInLeaf (float *p, struct model_s *model);
qbyte *GLMod_LeafPVS (struct mleaf_s *leaf, struct model_s *model, qbyte *buffer);
qbyte *GLMod_LeafnumPVS (int leafnum, struct model_s *model, qbyte *buffer);
void GLMod_Think (void);
void GLMod_NowLoadExternal(void);
void GLR_WipeStains(void);
void R_LoadSkys (void);
#if defined(SWQUAKE)
void SWMod_Init (void);
void SWMod_ClearAll (void);
struct model_s *SWMod_ForName (char *name, qboolean crash);
struct model_s *SWMod_FindName (char *name);
void *SWMod_Extradata (struct model_s *mod); // handles caching
void SWMod_TouchModel (char *name);
struct mleaf_s *SWMod_PointInLeaf (float *p, struct model_s *model);
qbyte *SWMod_LeafPVS (struct mleaf_s *leaf, struct model_s *model, qbyte *buffer);
void SWMod_Think (void);
void SWMod_NowLoadExternal(void);
qboolean Media_ShowFilm(void);
void Media_CaptureDemoEnd(void);
void Media_RecordAudioFrame (short *sample_buffer, int samples);
void Media_RecordFrame (void);
void R_SetRenderer(int wanted);
void RQ_Init(void);
void CLQ2_RailTrail (vec3_t start, vec3_t end);
void CLQ2_BubbleTrail (vec3_t start, vec3_t end);
void CLQ2_EntityEvent(entity_state_t *es);
void CLQ2_TeleporterParticles(entity_state_t *es);
void CLQ2_IonripperTrail(vec3_t oldorg, vec3_t neworg);
void CLQ2_TrackerTrail(vec3_t oldorg, vec3_t neworg, int flags);
void CLQ2_Tracker_Shell(vec3_t org);
void CLQ2_TagTrail(vec3_t oldorg, vec3_t neworg, int flags);
void CLQ2_FlagTrail(vec3_t oldorg, vec3_t neworg, int flags);
void CLQ2_TrapParticles(entity_t *ent);
void CLQ2_BfgParticles(entity_t *ent);
struct q2centity_s;
void CLQ2_FlyEffect(struct q2centity_s *ent, vec3_t org);
void CLQ2_DiminishingTrail(vec3_t oldorg, vec3_t neworg, struct q2centity_s *ent, unsigned int effects);
void CLQ2_BlasterTrail(vec3_t oldorg, vec3_t neworg);
void CLQ2_BlasterTrail2(vec3_t oldorg, vec3_t neworg);
void WritePCXfile (char *filename, qbyte *data, int width, int height, int rowbytes, qbyte *palette, qboolean upload); //data is 8bit.
qbyte *ReadPCXFile(qbyte *buf, int length, int *width, int *height);
qbyte *ReadTargaFile(qbyte *buf, int length, int *width, int *height, int asgrey);
qbyte *ReadJPEGFile(qbyte *infile, int length, int *width, int *height);
qbyte *ReadPNGFile(qbyte *buf, int length, int *width, int *height);
qbyte *ReadPCXPalette(qbyte *buf, int len, qbyte *out);
void BoostGamma(qbyte *rgba, int width, int height);
void SaturateR8G8B8(qbyte *data, int size, float sat);
void CL_NewDlightRGB (int key, float x, float y, float z, float radius, float time,
float r, float g, float b);
void Renderer_Init(void);
void R_RestartRenderer_f (void);//this goes here so we can save some stack when first initing the sw renderer.
//used to live in glquake.h
qbyte GetPalette(int red, int green, int blue);
extern cvar_t r_norefresh;
extern cvar_t r_drawentities;
extern cvar_t r_drawworld;
extern cvar_t r_drawviewmodel;
extern cvar_t r_speeds;
extern cvar_t r_waterwarp;
extern cvar_t r_fullbright;
extern cvar_t r_lightmap;
extern cvar_t r_shadows;
extern cvar_t r_mirroralpha;
extern cvar_t r_wateralpha;
extern cvar_t r_dynamic;
extern cvar_t r_novis;
extern cvar_t r_netgraph;
#ifdef R_XFLIP
extern cvar_t r_xflip;
extern cvar_t gl_clear;
extern cvar_t gl_cull;
extern cvar_t gl_poly;
extern cvar_t gl_smoothmodels;
extern cvar_t gl_affinemodels;
extern cvar_t gl_polyblend;
extern cvar_t gl_keeptjunctions;
extern cvar_t gl_reporttjunctions;
extern cvar_t r_flashblend;
extern cvar_t gl_nocolors;
extern cvar_t gl_load24bit;
extern cvar_t gl_finish;
extern cvar_t gl_max_size;
extern cvar_t gl_playermip;
extern cvar_t r_palconvbits;
extern cvar_t r_palconvwrite;
extern cvar_t r_lightmap_saturation;
enum {
int rspeeds[RSPEED_MAX];
enum {
RQUANT_MSECS, //old r_speeds
int rquant[RQUANT_MAX];
#define RQuantAdd(type,quant) rquant[type] += quant;
#define RSpeedLocals() int rsp
#define RSpeedMark() int rsp = r_speeds.value?Sys_DoubleTime()*1000000:0
#define RSpeedRemark() rsp = r_speeds.value?Sys_DoubleTime()*1000000:0
//extern void (_stdcall *qglFinish) (void);
//#define RSpeedEnd(spt) do {qglFinish(); rspeeds[spt] += r_speeds.value?Sys_DoubleTime()*1000000 - rsp:0;}while (0)
#define RSpeedEnd(spt) rspeeds[spt] += r_speeds.value?Sys_DoubleTime()*1000000 - rsp:0