mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 00:11:22 +00:00
Multiple consoles can now be printed/cleared via extra con commands. Fixed the tab-completion alignment, by adding support for \t characters. Changing the download mechanisms. Don't try downloading an ftp:// file. It'll probably crash you for now. Trying to fix load time issues on q3bsps with a lot of curves. Fixed sprites. Added warning prints/spam where the new backend is bypassed, thus marking things that still need to be fixed. QTV proxy fixed to not sit on qw servers unless someone is actually watching. Will ping for status requests still. QTV proxy now supports ipv6. QTV proxy now attempts to use the fte browser plugin. Reworked the browser plugin code, now uses threads instead of ugly hacks. This should make cooperation with other such plugins work. Fixes unresponsiveness of opera, and gives an API that can be used from any other bit of software you want, tbh (read: internet explorer/activex plugins). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/branches/wip@3516 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
1006 lines
26 KiB
1006 lines
26 KiB
Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the included (GNU.txt) GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
This is the file responsible for handling incoming tcp connections.
This includes mvd recording.
Password checks and stuff are implemented here. This i server side stuff.
#include "qtv.h"
#include "time.h"
#undef IN
#define IN(x) buffer[(x)&(MAX_PROXY_BUFFER-1)]
void CheckMVDConsistancy(unsigned char *buffer, int pos, int size)
int length;
int msec, type;
while(pos < size)
msec = IN(pos++);
type = IN(pos++);
if (type == dem_set)
if (type == dem_multiple)
length = (IN(pos+0)<<0) + (IN(pos+1)<<8) + (IN(pos+2)<<16) + (IN(pos+3)<<24);
if (length > MAX_MSGLEN)
printf("too big (%i)\n", length);
pos += length;
if (pos != size)
printf("pos != size\n");
void SV_FindProxies(SOCKET sock, cluster_t *cluster, sv_t *defaultqtv)
unsigned long nonblocking = true;
oproxy_t *prox;
if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET)
sock = accept(sock, NULL, NULL);
if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET)
if (ioctlsocket (sock, FIONBIO, &nonblocking) == -1)
Sys_Printf(cluster, "failed to set client socket to nonblocking. dropping.\n");
closesocket(sock); //failed...
if (cluster->maxproxies >= 0 && cluster->numproxies >= cluster->maxproxies)
const char buffer[] = {dem_all, 1, 'P','r','o','x','y',' ','i','s',' ','f','u','l','l','.'};
send(sock, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0);
prox = malloc(sizeof(*prox));
if (!prox)
{//out of mem?
memset(prox, 0, sizeof(*prox));
prox->sock = sock;
prox->file = NULL;
prox->droptime = cluster->curtime + 5*1000;
#if 1
prox->defaultstream = defaultqtv;
prox->next = cluster->pendingproxies;
cluster->pendingproxies = prox;
prox->next = qtv->pendingproxies;
qtv->pendingproxies = prox;
Net_SendConnectionMVD(qtv, prox);
void Fwd_ParseCommands(cluster_t *cluster, oproxy_t *prox)
netmsg_t buf;
int packetlength;
int bytes;
bytes = recv(prox->sock, prox->inbuffer+prox->inbuffersize, sizeof(prox->inbuffer)-prox->inbuffersize, 0);
if (bytes < 0)
if (qerrno != EWOULDBLOCK && qerrno != EAGAIN) //not a problem, so long as we can flush it later.
Sys_Printf(cluster, "network error from client proxy\n");
prox->drop = true; //drop them if we get any errors
bytes = 0;
else if (bytes == 0)
prox->drop = true;
prox->inbuffersize += bytes;
if (prox->inbuffersize < 2) //we do need at least 3 bytes for anything useful
packetlength = prox->inbuffer[0] + (prox->inbuffer[1]<<8);
if (packetlength+2 > prox->inbuffersize)
InitNetMsg(&buf, prox->inbuffer+2, packetlength);
buf.cursize = packetlength;
while(buf.readpos < buf.cursize)
switch (ReadByte(&buf))
case qtv_clc_stringcmd:
char stringbuf[1024];
ReadString(&buf, stringbuf, sizeof(stringbuf));
QTV_Printf(prox->stream, "ds: %s\n", stringbuf);
Sys_Printf(cluster, "Received unrecognized packet type from downstream proxy.\n");
buf.readpos = buf.cursize;
memmove(prox->inbuffer, prox->inbuffer+packetlength, prox->inbuffersize - packetlength);
prox->inbuffersize -= packetlength;
void Net_TryFlushProxyBuffer(cluster_t *cluster, oproxy_t *prox)
unsigned char *buffer;
int length;
int bufpos;
if (prox->drop)
while (prox->bufferpos >= MAX_PROXY_BUFFER)
{ //so we never get any issues with wrapping..
prox->bufferpos -= MAX_PROXY_BUFFER;
prox->buffersize -= MAX_PROXY_BUFFER;
bufpos = prox->bufferpos&(MAX_PROXY_BUFFER-1);
length = prox->buffersize - prox->bufferpos;
if (length > MAX_PROXY_BUFFER-bufpos) //cap the length correctly.
length = MAX_PROXY_BUFFER-bufpos;
if (!length)
return; //already flushed.
buffer = prox->buffer + bufpos;
// CheckMVDConsistancy(prox->buffer, prox->bufferpos, prox->buffersize);
if (bufpos+length > MAX_PROXY_BUFFER)
Sys_Printf(cluster, "oversize flush\n");
if (prox->file)
length = fwrite(buffer, 1, length, prox->file);
length = send(prox->sock, buffer, length, 0);
switch (length)
case 0: //eof / they disconnected
prox->drop = true;
case -1:
if (qerrno != EWOULDBLOCK && qerrno != EAGAIN) //not a problem, so long as we can flush it later.
Sys_Printf(cluster, "network error from client proxy\n");
prox->drop = true; //drop them if we get any errors
prox->bufferpos += length;
void Net_ProxySendString(cluster_t *cluster, oproxy_t *prox, void *buffer)
Net_ProxySend(cluster, prox, buffer, strlen(buffer));
void Net_ProxySend(cluster_t *cluster, oproxy_t *prox, void *buffer, int length)
int wrap;
if (prox->buffersize-prox->bufferpos + length > MAX_PROXY_BUFFER)
Net_TryFlushProxyBuffer(cluster, prox); //try flushing
if (prox->buffersize-prox->bufferpos + length > MAX_PROXY_BUFFER) //damn, still too big.
{ //they're too slow. hopefully it was just momentary lag
printf("QTV client is too lagged\n");
prox->flushing = true;
#if 1
//just simple
for (wrap = prox->buffersize-length; wrap < prox->buffersize; wrap++)
prox->buffer[wrap&(MAX_PROXY_BUFFER-1)] = *(unsigned char*)buffer;
buffer = (char*)buffer+1;
//we don't do multiple wrappings, the above check cannot succeed if it were required.
//find the wrap point
wrap = prox->buffersize-(prox->buffersize&(MAX_PROXY_BUFFER-1)) + MAX_PROXY_BUFFER;
wrap = wrap - (prox->buffersize&(MAX_PROXY_BUFFER-1)); //the ammount of data we can fit before wrapping.
if (wrap > length)
{ //we don't wrap afterall
memcpy(prox->buffer+(prox->buffersize)&(MAX_PROXY_BUFFER-1), buffer, length);
memcpy(prox->buffer+prox->buffersize&(MAX_PROXY_BUFFER-1), buffer, wrap);
buffer += wrap;
length -= wrap;
memcpy(prox->buffer, buffer, length);
void Prox_SendMessage(cluster_t *cluster, oproxy_t *prox, char *buf, int length, int dem_type, unsigned int playermask)
netmsg_t msg;
char tbuf[16];
InitNetMsg(&msg, tbuf, sizeof(tbuf));
WriteByte(&msg, 0);
WriteByte(&msg, dem_type);
WriteLong(&msg, length);
if (dem_type == dem_multiple)
WriteLong(&msg, playermask);
if (prox->buffersize-prox->bufferpos + length + msg.cursize > MAX_PROXY_BUFFER)
Net_TryFlushProxyBuffer(cluster, prox); //try flushing
if (prox->buffersize-prox->bufferpos + length + msg.cursize > MAX_PROXY_BUFFER) //damn, still too big.
{ //they're too slow. hopefully it was just momentary lag
prox->flushing = true;
Net_ProxySend(cluster, prox, msg.data, msg.cursize);
Net_ProxySend(cluster, prox, buf, length);
void Fwd_SendDownstream(sv_t *qtv, void *buffer, int length)
{ //broadcasts data to all client proxies, with dont-buffer
oproxy_t *prox;
for (prox = qtv->proxies; prox; prox = prox->next)
Prox_SendMessage(qtv->cluster, prox, buffer, length, dem_qtvdata, (unsigned int)-1);
void Fwd_SayToDownstream(sv_t *qtv, char *message)
netmsg_t msg;
char buffer[1024];
InitNetMsg(&msg, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
WriteByte(&msg, svc_print);
WriteByte(&msg, PRINT_CHAT);
WriteString2(&msg, "[QTV]");
WriteString(&msg, message);
Fwd_SendDownstream(qtv, msg.data, msg.cursize);
void Prox_SendPlayerStats(sv_t *qtv, oproxy_t *prox)
char buffer[MAX_MSGLEN];
netmsg_t msg;
int player, snum;
InitNetMsg(&msg, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
for (player = 0; player < MAX_CLIENTS; player++)
for (snum = 0; snum < MAX_STATS; snum++)
if (qtv->map.players[player].stats[snum])
if ((unsigned)qtv->map.players[player].stats[snum] > 255)
WriteByte(&msg, svc_updatestatlong);
WriteByte(&msg, snum);
WriteLong(&msg, qtv->map.players[player].stats[snum]);
WriteByte(&msg, svc_updatestat);
WriteByte(&msg, snum);
WriteByte(&msg, qtv->map.players[player].stats[snum]);
if (msg.cursize)
// Prox_SendMessage(prox, msg.data, msg.cursize, dem_stats|(player<<3), (1<<player));
msg.cursize = 0;
void Prox_SendInitialPlayers(sv_t *qtv, oproxy_t *prox, netmsg_t *msg)
int i, j, flags;
char buffer[64];
for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++)
if (!qtv->map.players[i].active) // interesting, is this set to false if player disconnect from server?
flags = (DF_ORIGIN << 0) | (DF_ORIGIN << 1) | (DF_ORIGIN << 2)
| (DF_ANGLES << 0) | (DF_ANGLES << 1) | (DF_ANGLES << 2) // angles is something what changed frequently, so may be not send it?
| DF_SKINNUM // though it rare thingie, so better send it?
| (qtv->map.players[i].dead ? DF_DEAD : 0)
| (qtv->map.players[i].gibbed ? DF_GIB : 0)
| DF_WEAPONFRAME // do we so really need it?
| DF_MODEL; // generally, that why we wrote this function, so YES send this
if (*qtv->map.players[i].userinfo && atoi(Info_ValueForKey(qtv->map.players[i].userinfo, "*spectator", buffer, sizeof(buffer))))
flags = DF_MODEL; // oh, that spec, just sent his model, may be even better ignore him?
WriteByte (msg, svc_playerinfo);
WriteByte (msg, i);
WriteShort (msg, flags);
WriteByte (msg, qtv->map.players[i].current.frame); // always sent
for (j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++)
if (flags & (DF_ORIGIN << j))
WriteShort (msg, qtv->map.players[i].current.origin[j]);
for (j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++)
if (flags & (DF_ANGLES << j))
WriteShort (msg, qtv->map.players[i].current.angles[j]);
if (flags & DF_MODEL) // generally, that why we wrote this function, so YES send this
WriteByte (msg, qtv->map.players[i].current.modelindex);
if (flags & DF_SKINNUM)
WriteByte (msg, qtv->map.players[i].current.skinnum);
if (flags & DF_EFFECTS)
WriteByte (msg, qtv->map.players[i].current.effects);
if (flags & DF_WEAPONFRAME)
WriteByte (msg, qtv->map.players[i].current.weaponframe);
void Net_GreetingMessage(oproxy_t *prox)
char buffer[1024];
netmsg_t msg;
InitNetMsg(&msg, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
WriteByte(&msg, svc_print);
WriteByte(&msg, PRINT_HIGH);
WriteString2(&msg, "Welcome to ");
WriteString2(&msg, prox->stream->cluster->hostname);
WriteString(&msg, "\n");
Prox_SendMessage(prox->stream->cluster, prox, msg.data, msg.cursize, dem_qtvdata, (unsigned)-1);
void Net_SendConnectionMVD(sv_t *qtv, oproxy_t *prox)
char buffer[MAX_MSGLEN*8];
netmsg_t msg;
int prespawn;
//only send connection data if there's actual data to be sent
//if not, the other end will get the data when we receive it anyway.
if (!*qtv->map.mapname)
InitNetMsg(&msg, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
prox->flushing = false;
BuildServerData(qtv, &msg, 0, NULL);
Prox_SendMessage(qtv->cluster, prox, msg.data, msg.cursize, dem_read, (unsigned)-1);
msg.cursize = 0;
for (prespawn = 0;prespawn >= 0;)
prespawn = SendList(qtv, prespawn, qtv->map.soundlist, svc_soundlist, &msg);
Prox_SendMessage(qtv->cluster, prox, msg.data, msg.cursize, dem_read, (unsigned)-1);
msg.cursize = 0;
for (prespawn = 0;prespawn >= 0;)
prespawn = SendList(qtv, prespawn, qtv->map.modellist, svc_modellist, &msg);
Prox_SendMessage(qtv->cluster, prox, msg.data, msg.cursize, dem_read, (unsigned)-1);
msg.cursize = 0;
Net_TryFlushProxyBuffer(qtv->cluster, prox); //that should be enough data to fill a packet.
for(prespawn = 0;prespawn>=0;)
prespawn = Prespawn(qtv, 0, &msg, prespawn, MAX_CLIENTS-1);
Prox_SendMessage(qtv->cluster, prox, msg.data, msg.cursize, dem_read, (unsigned)-1);
msg.cursize = 0;
//playerstates are delta-compressed, unfortunatly this isn't qwd (thanks to qqshka for showing my folly)
Prox_SendInitialPlayers(qtv, prox, &msg);
Prox_SendMessage(qtv->cluster, prox, msg.data, msg.cursize, dem_read, (unsigned)-1);
msg.cursize = 0;
//we do need to send entity states.
Prox_SendInitialEnts(qtv, prox, &msg);
Prox_SendMessage(qtv->cluster, prox, msg.data, msg.cursize, dem_read, (unsigned)-1);
msg.cursize = 0;
WriteByte(&msg, svc_stufftext);
WriteString(&msg, "skins\n");
Prox_SendMessage(qtv->cluster, prox, msg.data, msg.cursize, dem_read, (unsigned)-1);
msg.cursize = 0;
Net_TryFlushProxyBuffer(qtv->cluster, prox);
Prox_SendPlayerStats(qtv, prox);
Net_TryFlushProxyBuffer(qtv->cluster, prox);
if (!qtv->cluster->lateforward)
Net_ProxySend(qtv->cluster, prox, qtv->buffer, qtv->forwardpoint); //send all the info we've not yet processed (but have already forwarded).
if (prox->flushing)
Sys_Printf(qtv->cluster, "Connection data is too big, dropping proxy client\n");
prox->drop = true; //this is unfortunate...
Net_TryFlushProxyBuffer(qtv->cluster, prox);
oproxy_t *Net_FileProxy(sv_t *qtv, char *filename)
oproxy_t *prox;
FILE *f;
f = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (!f)
return NULL;
//no full proxy check, this is going to be used by proxy admins, who won't want to have to raise the limit to start recording.
prox = malloc(sizeof(*prox));
if (!prox)
return NULL;
memset(prox, 0, sizeof(*prox));
prox->sock = INVALID_SOCKET;
prox->file = f;
prox->next = qtv->proxies;
qtv->proxies = prox;
Net_SendConnectionMVD(qtv, prox);
return prox;
qboolean Net_StopFileProxy(sv_t *qtv)
oproxy_t *prox;
for (prox = qtv->proxies; prox; prox = prox->next)
if (prox->file)
prox->drop = true;
return true;
return false;
void SV_ForwardStream(sv_t *qtv, void *buffer, int length)
{ //forward the stream on to connected clients
oproxy_t *prox, *next, *fre;
CheckMVDConsistancy(buffer, 0, length);
while (qtv->proxies && qtv->proxies->drop)
next = qtv->proxies->next;
fre = qtv->proxies;
if (fre->file)
qtv->proxies = next;
for (prox = qtv->proxies; prox; prox = prox->next)
while (prox->next && prox->next->drop)
next = prox->next->next;
fre = prox->next;
if (fre->file)
if (fre->srcfile)
prox->next = next;
if (prox->flushing) //don't send it if we're trying to empty thier buffer.
if (prox->buffersize == prox->bufferpos)
if (!qtv->parsingconnectiondata)
Net_SendConnectionMVD(qtv, prox); //they're up to date, resend the connection info.
Net_TryFlushProxyBuffer(qtv->cluster, prox); //try and flush it.
if (prox->drop)
//add the new data
Net_ProxySend(qtv->cluster, prox, buffer, length);
Net_TryFlushProxyBuffer(qtv->cluster, prox);
// Net_TryFlushProxyBuffer(qtv->cluster, prox);
// Net_TryFlushProxyBuffer(qtv->cluster, prox);
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#warning This is not the place for this
if (prox->sock != INVALID_SOCKET)
Fwd_ParseCommands(qtv->cluster, prox);
//returns true if the pending proxy should be unlinked
//truth does not imply that it should be freed/released, just unlinked.
qboolean SV_ReadPendingProxy(cluster_t *cluster, oproxy_t *pend)
char tempbuf[512];
unsigned char *s;
unsigned char *e;
char *colon;
float clientversion = 0;
int len;
int headersize;
qboolean raw;
sv_t *qtv;
if (pend->drop)
if (pend->srcfile)
return true;
#define QTVSVHEADER "QTVSV 1.1\n"
Net_TryFlushProxyBuffer(cluster, pend);
if (pend->flushing)
if (pend->bufferpos == pend->buffersize)
if (pend->srcfile)
char buffer[4096];
len = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), pend->srcfile);
if (!len)
pend->srcfile = NULL;
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, buffer, len);
return false; //don't try reading anything yet
pend->drop = true;
return false;
return false;
if (pend->droptime < cluster->curtime)
pend->drop = true;
return false;
len = sizeof(pend->inbuffer) - pend->inbuffersize - 1;
len = recv(pend->sock, pend->inbuffer+pend->inbuffersize, len, 0);
if (len == 0)
pend->drop = true;
return false;
if (len < 0)
return false;
pend->inbuffersize += len;
pend->inbuffer[pend->inbuffersize] = '\0';
if (pend->inbuffersize >= 4)
if (ustrncmp(pend->inbuffer, "QTV\r", 4) && ustrncmp(pend->inbuffer, "QTV\n", 4) && ustrncmp(pend->inbuffer, "GET ", 4) && ustrncmp(pend->inbuffer, "POST ", 5))
{ //I have no idea what the smeg you are.
pend->drop = true;
pend->inbuffer[16] = 0;
Sys_Printf(cluster, "pending proxy: Connect for unrecognized protocol %s\n", pend->inbuffer);
return false;
//make sure there's a double \n somewhere
for (s = pend->inbuffer; s<pend->inbuffer+pend->inbuffersize; s++)
if (s[0] == '\n' && (s[1] == '\n' || (s[1] == '\r' && s[2] == '\n')))
if (!*s)
return false; //don't have enough yet
s+=3; //Fixme: this is wrong
headersize = s - pend->inbuffer - 1;
if (!ustrncmp(pend->inbuffer, "POST ", 5))
HTTPSV_PostMethod(cluster, pend, (char*)s);
return false; //not keen on this..
else if (!ustrncmp(pend->inbuffer, "GET ", 4))
HTTPSV_GetMethod(cluster, pend);
pend->flushing = true;
return false;
raw = false;
qtv = pend->defaultstream;
e = pend->inbuffer;
s = e;
if (*e == '\n' || *e == '\r')
*e = '\0';
colon = strchr((char*)s, ':');
if (*s)
if (!colon)
if (!ustrcmp(s, "QTV"))
//just a qtv request (as in, not http or some other protocol)
else if (!ustrcmp(s, "SOURCELIST"))
{ //lists sources that are currently playing
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, QTVSVHEADER);
if (!cluster->servers)
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, "PERROR: No sources currently available\n");
for (qtv = cluster->servers; qtv; qtv = qtv->next)
if (clientversion > 1)
int plyrs = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++)
if (*qtv->map.players[i].userinfo)
sprintf(tempbuf, "SRCSRV: %s\n", qtv->server);
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, tempbuf);
sprintf(tempbuf, "SRCHOST: %s\n", qtv->map.hostname);
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, tempbuf);
sprintf(tempbuf, "SRCPLYRS: %i\n", plyrs);
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, tempbuf);
sprintf(tempbuf, "SRCVIEWS: %i\n", qtv->numviewers);
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, tempbuf);
sprintf(tempbuf, "SRCID: %i\n", qtv->streamid); //final part of each source
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, tempbuf);
sprintf(tempbuf, "ASOURCE: %i: %15s: %15s\n", qtv->streamid, qtv->server, qtv->map.hostname);
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, tempbuf);
qtv = NULL;
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, "\n");
pend->flushing = true;
else if (!ustrcmp(s, "REVERSE"))
{ //this is actually a server trying to connect to us
//start up a new stream
//FIXME: does this work?
#if 0 //left disabled until properly tested
qtv = QTV_NewServerConnection(cluster, "reverse"/*server*/, "", true, AD_REVERSECONNECT, false, 0);
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, QTVSVHEADER);
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, "REVERSED\n");
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, "VERSION: 1\n");
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, "\n");
//switch over the socket to the actual source connection rather than the pending
Net_TryFlushProxyBuffer(cluster, pend); //flush anything... this isn't ideal, but should be small enough
qtv->sourcesock = pend->sock;
pend->sock = 0;
memcpy(qtv->buffer, pend->inbuffer + headersize, pend->inbuffersize - headersize);
qtv->parsingqtvheader = true;
return false;
else if (!ustrcmp(s, "RECEIVE"))
{ //a client connection request without a source
if (cluster->numservers == 1)
{ //only one stream anyway
qtv = cluster->servers;
{ //try and hunt down an explicit stream (rather than a user-recorded one)
int numfound = 0;
sv_t *suitable = NULL; //shush noisy compilers
for (qtv = cluster->servers; qtv; qtv = qtv->next)
if (qtv->autodisconnect == AD_NO)
suitable = qtv;
if (numfound == 1)
qtv = suitable;
if (!qtv)
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, QTVSVHEADER);
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, "PERROR: Multiple streams are currently playing\n");
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, "\n");
pend->flushing = true;
else if (!ustrcmp(s, "DEMOLIST"))
{ //lists sources that are currently playing
int i;
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, QTVSVHEADER);
if (!cluster->availdemoscount)
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, "PERROR: No demos currently available\n");
for (i = 0; i < cluster->availdemoscount; i++)
sprintf(tempbuf, "ADEMO: %i: %15s\n", cluster->availdemos[i].size, cluster->availdemos[i].name);
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, tempbuf);
qtv = NULL;
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, "\n");
pend->flushing = true;
else if (!ustrcmp(s, "AUTH"))
{ //lists the demos available on this proxy
//part of the connection process, can be ignored if there's no password
printf("Unrecognized token in QTV connection request (%s)\n", s);
*colon++ = '\0';
if (!ustrcmp(s, "VERSION"))
clientversion = atof(colon);
else if (!ustrcmp(s, "RAW"))
raw = atoi(colon);
/*else if (!ustrcmp(s, "ROUTE"))
{ //pure rewroute...
//is this safe? probably not.
"PERROR: ROUTE command not yet implemented\n"
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, ustrlen(s));
pend->flushing = true;
else if (!ustrcmp(s, "SOURCE"))
{ //connects, creating a new source
char *t;
while (*colon == ' ')
for (t = colon; *t; t++)
if (*t < '0' || *t > '9')
if (*t)
qtv = QTV_NewServerConnection(cluster, 0, colon, "", false, AD_WHENEMPTY, true, false);
//numerical source, use a stream id.
for (qtv = cluster->servers; qtv; qtv = qtv->next)
if (qtv->streamid == atoi(colon))
else if (!ustrcmp(s, "DEMO"))
{ //starts a demo off the server... source does the same thing though...
char buf[256];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "demo:%s", colon);
qtv = QTV_NewServerConnection(cluster, 0, buf, "", false, AD_WHENEMPTY, true, false);
if (!qtv)
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, QTVSVHEADER
"PERROR: couldn't open demo\n"
pend->flushing = true;
else if (!ustrcmp(s, "AUTH"))
{ //lists the demos available on this proxy
//part of the connection process, can be ignored if there's no password
printf("Unrecognized token in QTV connection request (%s)\n", s);
s = e+1;
if (!pend->flushing)
if (clientversion < 1)
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, QTVSVHEADER
"PERROR: Requested protocol version not supported\n"
pend->flushing = true;
else if (!qtv)
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, QTVSVHEADER
"PERROR: No stream selected\n"
pend->flushing = true;
if (pend->flushing)
return false;
if (qtv->usequakeworldprotocols)
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, QTVSVHEADER
"PERROR: This version of QTV is unable to convert QuakeWorld to QTV protocols\n"
pend->flushing = true;
return false;
if (cluster->maxproxies>=0 && cluster->numproxies >= cluster->maxproxies)
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, QTVSVHEADER
"TERROR: This QTV has reached it's connection limit\n"
pend->flushing = true;
return false;
pend->next = qtv->proxies;
qtv->proxies = pend;
if (!raw)
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, QTVSVHEADER);
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, "BEGIN: ");
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, qtv->server);
Net_ProxySendString(cluster, pend, "\n\n");
// else if (passwordprotected) //raw mode doesn't support passwords, so reject them
// {
// pend->flushing = true;
// return;
// }
pend->stream = qtv;
memmove(pend->inbuffer, pend->inbuffer+headersize, pend->inbuffersize-headersize);
pend->inbuffersize -= headersize;
Net_SendConnectionMVD(qtv, pend);
return true;