mirror of
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//This file should be easily portable.
//The biggest strength of this plugin system is that ALL interactions are performed via
//named functions, this makes it *really* easy to port plugins from one engine to annother.
#include "quakedef.h"
#ifdef PLUGINS
cvar_t plug_sbar = {"plug_sbar", "1"};
cvar_t plug_loaddefault = {"plug_loaddefault", "1"};
#include "glquake.h"
#include "netinc.h"
typedef struct plugin_s {
char *name;
vm_t *vm;
int tick;
int executestring;
int conexecutecommand;
int menufunction;
int sbarlevel[3]; //0 - main sbar, 1 - supplementry sbar sections (make sure these can be switched off), 2 - overlays (scoreboard). menus kill all.
int reschange;
int connectionlessclientpacket;
int messagefunction;
struct plugin_s *next;
} plugin_t;
void Plug_SubConsoleCommand(console_t *con, char *line);
plugin_t *currentplug;
//custom plugin builtins.
typedef int (VARGS *Plug_Builtin_t)(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg);
void Plug_RegisterBuiltin(char *name, Plug_Builtin_t bi, int flags);
void Plug_Init(void);
void Plug_Close(plugin_t *plug);
void Plug_Tick(void);
qboolean Plugin_ExecuteString(void);
void Plug_Shutdown(void);
static plugin_t *plugs;
static plugin_t *menuplug; //plugin that has the current menu
static plugin_t *protocolclientplugin;
typedef struct {
char *name;
Plug_Builtin_t func;
int flags;
} Plug_Plugins_t;
Plug_Plugins_t *plugbuiltins;
int numplugbuiltins;
void Plug_RegisterBuiltin(char *name, Plug_Builtin_t bi, int flags)
//randomize the order a little.
int newnum;
newnum = rand()%128;
while(newnum < numplugbuiltins && plugbuiltins[newnum].func)
if (newnum >= numplugbuiltins)
numplugbuiltins = newnum+128;
plugbuiltins = BZ_Realloc(plugbuiltins, sizeof(Plug_Plugins_t)*numplugbuiltins);
//got an empty number.
plugbuiltins[newnum].name = name;
plugbuiltins[newnum].func = bi;
plugbuiltins[newnum].flags = flags;
static void Plug_RegisterBuiltinIndex(char *name, Plug_Builtin_t bi, int flags, int index) //I d
//randomize the order a little.
int newnum;
newnum = rand()%128;
while(newnum+1 < numplugbuiltins && plugbuiltins[newnum+1].func)
if (newnum >= numplugbuiltins)
numplugbuiltins = newnum+128;
plugbuiltins = BZ_Realloc(plugbuiltins, sizeof(Plug_Plugins_t)*numplugbuiltins);
//got an empty number.
plugbuiltins[newnum].name = name;
plugbuiltins[newnum].func = bi;
int VARGS Plug_FindBuiltin(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *args)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < numplugbuiltins; i++)
if (plugbuiltins[i].name)
if (!strcmp(plugbuiltins[i].name, (char *)VM_POINTER(args[0])))
if (offset && plugbuiltins[i].flags & PLUG_BIF_DLLONLY)
return 0; //block it, if not native
if (!offset && plugbuiltins[i].flags & PLUG_BIF_QVMONLY)
return 0; //block it, if not native
return -i;
return 0;
long Plug_SystemCallsEx(void *offset, unsigned int mask, int fn, const long *arg)
fn = fn+1;
if (fn>=0 && fn < numplugbuiltins && plugbuiltins[fn].func!=NULL)
return plugbuiltins[fn].func(offset, mask, arg);
Sys_Error("QVM Plugin tried calling invalid builtin %i", fn);
return 0;
#ifdef _DEBUG
static long Plug_SystemCallsExWrapper(void *offset, unsigned int mask, int fn, const long *arg)
{ //this is so we can use edit and continue properly (vc doesn't like function pointers for edit+continue)
return Plug_SystemCallsEx(offset, mask, fn, arg);
#define Plug_SystemCallsEx Plug_SystemCallsExWrapper
//I'm not keen on this.
//but dlls call it without saying what sort of vm it comes from, so I've got to have them as specifics
static int EXPORT_FN Plug_SystemCalls(int arg, ...)
long args[9];
va_list argptr;
va_start(argptr, arg);
args[0]=va_arg(argptr, int);
args[1]=va_arg(argptr, int);
args[2]=va_arg(argptr, int);
args[3]=va_arg(argptr, int);
args[4]=va_arg(argptr, int);
args[5]=va_arg(argptr, int);
args[6]=va_arg(argptr, int);
args[7]=va_arg(argptr, int);
args[8]=va_arg(argptr, int);
arg = -arg;
if (arg>=0 && arg < numplugbuiltins && plugbuiltins[arg].func)
return plugbuiltins[arg].func(NULL, ~0, args);
Sys_Error("DLL Plugin tried calling invalid biultin %i", arg);
return 0;
plugin_t *Plug_Load(char *file)
plugin_t *newplug;
long argarray;
for (newplug = plugs; newplug; newplug = newplug->next)
if (!stricmp(newplug->name, file))
return newplug;
newplug = Z_Malloc(sizeof(plugin_t)+strlen(file)+1);
newplug->name = (char*)(newplug+1);
strcpy(newplug->name, file);
newplug->vm = VM_Create(NULL, file, Plug_SystemCalls, Plug_SystemCallsEx);
currentplug = newplug;
if (newplug->vm)
Con_Printf("Created plugin %s\n", file);
newplug->next = plugs;
plugs = newplug;
argarray = 4;
if (!VM_Call(newplug->vm, 0, Plug_FindBuiltin("Plug_GetEngineFunction"-4, ~0, &argarray)))
return NULL;
if (newplug->reschange)
VM_Call(newplug->vm, newplug->reschange, vid.width, vid.height);
newplug = NULL;
currentplug = NULL;
return newplug;
int Plug_Emumerated (char *name, int size, void *param)
char vmname[MAX_QPATH];
strcpy(vmname, name);
vmname[strlen(vmname) - strlen(param)] = '\0';
return true;
int VARGS Plug_Con_Print(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
return 0;
int VARGS Plug_Sys_Error(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
Sys_Error("%s", (char*)offset+arg[0]);
return 0;
int VARGS Plug_Sys_Milliseconds(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
return Sys_DoubleTime()*1000;
int VARGS Plug_ExportToEngine(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
char *name = (char*)VM_POINTER(arg[0]);
if (!strcmp(name, "Tick"))
currentplug->tick = arg[1];
else if (!strcmp(name, "ExecuteCommand"))
currentplug->executestring = arg[1];
else if (!strcmp(name, "ConExecuteCommand"))
currentplug->conexecutecommand = arg[1];
else if (!strcmp(name, "MenuEvent"))
currentplug->menufunction = arg[1];
else if (!strcmp(name, "UpdateVideo"))
currentplug->reschange = arg[1];
else if (!strcmp(name, "SbarBase")) //basic SBAR.
currentplug->sbarlevel[0] = arg[1];
else if (!strcmp(name, "SbarSupplement")) //supplementry stuff - teamplay
currentplug->sbarlevel[1] = arg[1];
else if (!strcmp(name, "SbarOverlay")) //overlay - scoreboard type stuff.
currentplug->sbarlevel[2] = arg[1];
else if (!strcmp(name, "ConnectionlessClientPacket"))
currentplug->connectionlessclientpacket = arg[1];
else if (!strcmp(name, "MessageEvent"))
currentplug->messagefunction = arg[1];
return 0;
return 1;
typedef void (*funcptr_t) ();
int VARGS Plug_ExportNative(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
funcptr_t func;
char *name = (char*)VM_POINTER(arg[0]);
func = *(funcptr_t*)arg;
if (!strcmp(name, "S_LoadSound"))
return 0;
return 1;
typedef struct {
//Make SURE that the engine has resolved all cvar pointers into globals before this happens.
plugin_t *plugin;
cvar_t *var;
} plugincvararray_t;
int plugincvararraylen;
plugincvararray_t *plugincvararray;
//qhandle_t Cvar_Register (char *name, char *defaultval, int flags, char *grouphint);
int VARGS Plug_Cvar_Register(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
char *name = VM_POINTER(arg[0]);
char *defaultvalue = VM_POINTER(arg[1]);
unsigned int flags = VM_LONG(arg[2]);
char *groupname = VM_POINTER(arg[3]);
cvar_t *var;
int i;
var = Cvar_Get(name, defaultvalue, flags&1, groupname);
for (i = 0; i < plugincvararraylen; i++)
if (!plugincvararray[i].var)
{ //hmm... a gap...
plugincvararray[i].plugin = currentplug;
plugincvararray[i].var = var;
return i;
plugincvararray = BZ_Realloc(plugincvararray, (plugincvararraylen+1)*sizeof(plugincvararray_t));
plugincvararray[plugincvararraylen].plugin = currentplug;
plugincvararray[plugincvararraylen].var = var;
return plugincvararraylen-1;
//int Cvar_Update, (qhandle_t handle, int modificationcount, char *stringv, float *floatv)); //stringv is 256 chars long, don't expect this function to do anything if modification count is unchanged.
int VARGS Plug_Cvar_Update(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
int handle;
int modcount;
char *stringv; //255 bytes long.
float *floatv;
cvar_t *var;
handle = VM_LONG(arg[0]);
if (handle < 0 || handle >= plugincvararraylen)
return 0;
if (plugincvararray[handle].plugin != currentplug)
return 0; //I'm not letting you know what annother plugin has registered.
if (VM_OOB(arg[2], 256) || VM_OOB(arg[3], 4)) //Oi, plugin - you screwed up
return 0;
modcount = VM_LONG(arg[1]);
stringv = VM_POINTER(arg[2]);
floatv = VM_POINTER(arg[3]);
var = plugincvararray[handle].var;
strcpy(stringv, var->string);
*floatv = var->value;
return var->modified;
//void Cmd_Args(char *buffer, int buffersize)
int VARGS Plug_Cmd_Args(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
char *buffer = (char*)VM_POINTER(arg[0]);
char *args;
args = Cmd_Args();
if (strlen(args)+1>arg[1])
return 0;
strcpy(buffer, args);
return 1;
//void Cmd_Argv(int num, char *buffer, int buffersize)
int VARGS Plug_Cmd_Argv(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
char *buffer = (char*)VM_POINTER(arg[1]);
char *args;
args = Cmd_Argv(arg[0]);
if (strlen(args)+1>arg[2])
return 0;
strcpy(buffer, args);
return 1;
//int Cmd_Argc(void)
int VARGS Plug_Cmd_Argc(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
return Cmd_Argc();
int VARGS Plug_Menu_Control(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
case 0: //take away all menus
case 1:
if (menuplug)
plugin_t *oldplug = currentplug;
currentplug = menuplug;
Plug_Menu_Event(3, 0);
menuplug = NULL;
currentplug = oldplug;
key_dest = key_game;
if (VM_LONG(arg[0]) != 1)
return 1;
//give us menu control
menuplug = currentplug;
key_dest = key_menu;
m_state = m_plugin;
return 1;
case 2: //weather it's us or not.
return currentplug == menuplug && m_state == m_plugin;
case 3: //weather a menu is active
return key_dest == key_menu;
return 0;
typedef struct {
//Make SURE that the engine has resolved all cvar pointers into globals before this happens.
plugin_t *plugin;
char name[64];
qboolean picfromwad;
mpic_t *pic;
} pluginimagearray_t;
int pluginimagearraylen;
pluginimagearray_t *pluginimagearray;
int VARGS Plug_Draw_LoadImage(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
char *name = VM_POINTER(arg[0]);
qboolean fromwad = arg[1];
int i;
mpic_t *pic;
for (i = 0; i < pluginimagearraylen; i++)
if (!pluginimagearray[i].plugin)
if (pluginimagearray[i].plugin == currentplug)
if (!strcmp(name, pluginimagearray[i].name))
if (i == pluginimagearraylen)
pluginimagearray = BZ_Realloc(pluginimagearray, pluginimagearraylen*sizeof(pluginimagearray_t));
if (pluginimagearray[i].pic)
return i; //already loaded.
if (qrenderer)
if (fromwad)
pic = Draw_SafePicFromWad(name);
#ifdef RGLQUAKE //GL saves images persistantly (so don't bother with cachepic stuff)
if (qrenderer == QR_OPENGL)
pic = Draw_SafeCachePic(name);
pic = NULL;
pic = NULL;
Q_strncpyz(pluginimagearray[i].name, name, sizeof(pluginimagearray[i].name));
pluginimagearray[i].picfromwad = fromwad;
pluginimagearray[i].pic = pic;
pluginimagearray[i].plugin = currentplug;
return i;
void Plug_DrawReloadImages(void)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < pluginimagearraylen; i++)
if (!pluginimagearray[i].plugin)
pluginimagearray[i].pic = NULL;
if (pluginimagearray[i].picfromwad)
pluginimagearray[i].pic = Draw_SafePicFromWad(pluginimagearray[i].name);
else if (qrenderer == QR_OPENGL)
pluginimagearray[i].pic = Draw_SafeCachePic(pluginimagearray[i].name);
pluginimagearray[i].pic = NULL;
void Plug_FreePlugImages(plugin_t *plug)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < pluginimagearraylen; i++)
if (pluginimagearray[i].plugin == plug)
pluginimagearray[i].plugin = 0;
pluginimagearray[i].pic = NULL;
pluginimagearray[i].name[0] = '\0';
//int Draw_Image (float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, qhandle_t image)
int VARGS Plug_Draw_Image(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
mpic_t *pic;
int i;
if (!qrenderer)
return 0;
if (!Draw_Image)
return 0;
i = VM_LONG(arg[8]);
if (i < 0 || i >= pluginimagearraylen)
return -1; // you fool
if (pluginimagearray[i].plugin != currentplug)
return -1;
if (pluginimagearray[i].pic)
pic = pluginimagearray[i].pic;
else if (pluginimagearray[i].picfromwad)
return 0; //wasn't loaded.
pic = Draw_CachePic(pluginimagearray[i].name);
Draw_Image(VM_FLOAT(arg[0]), VM_FLOAT(arg[1]), VM_FLOAT(arg[2]), VM_FLOAT(arg[3]), VM_FLOAT(arg[4]), VM_FLOAT(arg[5]), VM_FLOAT(arg[6]), VM_FLOAT(arg[7]), pic);
return 1;
int VARGS Plug_Draw_Character(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
Draw_Character(arg[0], arg[1], (unsigned int)arg[2]);
return 0;
int VARGS Plug_Draw_Fill(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
float x, y, width, height;
x = VM_FLOAT(arg[0]);
y = VM_FLOAT(arg[1]);
width = VM_FLOAT(arg[2]);
height = VM_FLOAT(arg[3]);
switch(qrenderer) //FIXME: I don't want qrenderer seen outside the refresh
qglVertex2f(x, y);
qglVertex2f(x+width, y);
qglVertex2f(x+width, y+height);
qglVertex2f(x, y+height);
return 1;
return 0;
int VARGS Plug_Draw_ColourP(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
qbyte *pal = host_basepal + VM_LONG(arg[0])*3;
if (arg[0]<0 || arg[0]>255)
return false;
if (Draw_ImageColours)
Draw_ImageColours(pal[0]/255.0f, pal[1]/255.0f, pal[2]/255.0f, 1);
return 1;
return 0;
int VARGS Plug_Draw_Colour3f(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
if (Draw_ImageColours)
Draw_ImageColours(VM_FLOAT(arg[0]), VM_FLOAT(arg[1]), VM_FLOAT(arg[2]), 1);
return 1;
return 0;
int VARGS Plug_Draw_Colour4f(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
if (Draw_ImageColours)
Draw_ImageColours(VM_FLOAT(arg[0]), VM_FLOAT(arg[1]), VM_FLOAT(arg[2]), VM_FLOAT(arg[3]));
return 1;
return 0;
int VARGS Plug_Media_ShowFrameRGBA_32(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
void *src = VM_POINTER(arg[0]);
int srcwidth = VM_LONG(arg[1]);
int srcheight = VM_LONG(arg[2]);
int x = VM_LONG(arg[3]);
int y = VM_LONG(arg[4]);
int width = VM_LONG(arg[5]);
int height = VM_LONG(arg[6]);
Media_ShowFrameRGBA_32(src, srcwidth, srcheight);
return 0;
int VARGS Plug_Key_GetKeyCode(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
int modifier;
return Key_StringToKeynum(VM_POINTER(arg[0]), &modifier);
//void Cvar_SetString (char *name, char *value);
int VARGS Plug_Cvar_SetString(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
char *name = VM_POINTER(arg[0]),
*value = VM_POINTER(arg[1]);
cvar_t *var = Cvar_Get(name, value, 0, "Plugin vars");
if (var)
Cvar_Set(var, value);
return 1;
return 0;
//void Cvar_SetFloat (char *name, float value);
int VARGS Plug_Cvar_SetFloat(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
char *name = VM_POINTER(arg[0]);
float value = VM_FLOAT(arg[1]);
cvar_t *var = Cvar_Get(name, "", 0, "Plugin vars"); //"" because I'm lazy
if (var)
Cvar_SetValue(var, value);
return 1;
return 0;
//void Cvar_GetFloat (char *name);
int VARGS Plug_Cvar_GetFloat(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
char *name = VM_POINTER(arg[0]);
int ret;
cvar_t *var = Cvar_Get(name, "", 0, "Plugin vars");
if (var)
VM_FLOAT(ret) = var->value;
VM_FLOAT(ret) = 0;
return ret;
//qboolean Cvar_GetString (char *name, char *retstring, int sizeofretstring);
int VARGS Plug_Cvar_GetString(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
char *name, *ret;
int retsize;
cvar_t *var;
if (VM_OOB(arg[1], arg[2]))
return false;
name = VM_POINTER(arg[0]);
ret = VM_POINTER(arg[1]);
retsize = VM_LONG(arg[2]);
var = Cvar_Get(name, "", 0, "Plugin vars");
if (strlen(var->name)+1 > retsize)
return false;
strcpy(ret, var->string);
return true;
//void Cmd_AddText (char *text, qboolean insert); //abort the entire engine.
int VARGS Plug_Cmd_AddText(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
if (VM_LONG(arg[1]))
Cbuf_InsertText(VM_POINTER(arg[0]), RESTRICT_LOCAL);
return 1;
int plugincommandarraylen;
typedef struct {
plugin_t *plugin;
char command[64];
} plugincommand_t;
plugincommand_t *plugincommandarray;
void Plug_Command_f(void)
int i;
char *cmd = Cmd_Argv(0);
plugin_t *oldplug = currentplug;
for (i = 0; i < plugincommandarraylen; i++)
if (!plugincommandarray[i].plugin)
continue; //don't check commands who's owners died.
if (stricmp(plugincommandarray[i].command, cmd)) //not the right command
currentplug = plugincommandarray[i].plugin;
if (currentplug->executestring)
VM_Call(currentplug->vm, currentplug->executestring, 0);
currentplug = oldplug;
int VARGS Plug_Cmd_AddCommand(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
int i;
char *name = VM_POINTER(arg[0]);
for (i = 0; i < plugincommandarraylen; i++)
if (!plugincommandarray[i].plugin)
if (plugincommandarray[i].plugin == currentplug)
if (!strcmp(name, plugincommandarray[i].command))
if (i == plugincommandarraylen)
plugincommandarray = BZ_Realloc(plugincommandarray, plugincommandarraylen*sizeof(plugincommand_t));
Q_strncpyz(plugincommandarray[i].command, name, sizeof(plugincommandarray[i].command));
if (!Cmd_AddRemCommand(plugincommandarray[i].command, Plug_Command_f))
return false;
plugincommandarray[i].plugin = currentplug; //worked
return true;
void VARGS Plug_FreeConCommands(plugin_t *plug)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < plugincommandarraylen; i++)
if (plugincommandarray[i].plugin == plug)
plugincommandarray[i].plugin = NULL;
int VARGS Plug_CL_GetStats(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
int i;
int pnum = VM_LONG(arg[0]);
unsigned int *stats = VM_POINTER(arg[1]);
int pluginstats = VM_LONG(arg[2]);
int max;
if (VM_OOB(arg[1], arg[2]*4))
return 0;
max = pluginstats;
if (max > MAX_CL_STATS)
for (i = 0; i < max; i++)
{ //fill stats with the right player's stats
stats[i] = cl.stats[pnum][i];
for (; i < pluginstats; i++) //plugin has too many stats (wow)
stats[i] = 0; //fill the rest.
return max;
int VARGS Plug_Con_SubPrint(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
char *name = VM_POINTER(arg[0]);
char *text = VM_POINTER(arg[1]);
console_t *con;
con = Con_FindConsole(name);
if (!con)
con = Con_Create(name);
if (currentplug->conexecutecommand)
con->userdata = currentplug;
con->linebuffered = Plug_SubConsoleCommand;
Con_PrintCon(con, text);
return 1;
int VARGS Plug_Con_RenameSub(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
char *name = VM_POINTER(arg[0]);
console_t *con;
con = Con_FindConsole(name);
if (!con)
return 0;
Q_strncpyz(con->name, name, sizeof(con->name));
return 1;
typedef enum{
} plugstream_e;
typedef struct {
plugin_t *plugin;
plugstream_e type;
int socket;
struct {
char filename[MAX_QPATH];
qbyte *buffer;
int buflen;
int curlen;
int curpos;
} file;
} pluginstream_t;
pluginstream_t *pluginstreamarray;
int pluginstreamarraylen;
int Plug_NewStreamHandle(plugstream_e type)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < pluginstreamarraylen; i++)
if (!pluginstreamarray[i].plugin)
if (i == pluginstreamarraylen)
pluginstreamarray = BZ_Realloc(pluginstreamarray, pluginstreamarraylen*sizeof(pluginstream_t));
memset(&pluginstreamarray[i], 0, sizeof(pluginstream_t));
pluginstreamarray[i].plugin = currentplug;
pluginstreamarray[i].type = type;
pluginstreamarray[i].socket = -1;
pluginstreamarray[i].file.buffer = NULL;
*pluginstreamarray[i].file.filename = '\0';
return i;
//EBUILTIN(int, NET_TCPListen, (char *ip, int port, int maxcount));
//returns a new socket with listen enabled.
int VARGS Plug_Net_TCPListen(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
int handle;
int sock;
struct sockaddr_qstorage address;
int _true = 1;
char *localip = VM_POINTER(arg[0]);
unsigned short localport = VM_LONG(arg[1]);
int maxcount = VM_LONG(arg[2]);
netadr_t a;
if (localip)
if (!NET_StringToAdr(localip, &a))
return -1;
NetadrToSockadr(&a, &address);
memset(&address, 0, sizeof(address));
((struct sockaddr_in*)&address)->sin_family = AF_INET;
if (((struct sockaddr_in*)&address)->sin_family == AF_INET && !((struct sockaddr_in*)&address)->sin_port)
((struct sockaddr_in*)&address)->sin_port = htons(localport);
else if (((struct sockaddr_in6*)&address)->sin6_family == AF_INET6 && !((struct sockaddr_in6*)&address)->sin6_port)
((struct sockaddr_in6*)&address)->sin6_port = htons(localport);
if ((sock = socket(((struct sockaddr*)&address)->sa_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1)
Con_Printf("Failed to create socket\n");
return -2;
if (ioctlsocket (sock, FIONBIO, &_true) == -1)
return -2;
if( bind (sock, (void *)&address, sizeof(address)) == -1)
return -2;
if( listen (sock, maxcount) == -1)
return -2;
handle = Plug_NewStreamHandle(STREAM_SOCKET);
pluginstreamarray[handle].socket = sock;
return handle;
int VARGS Plug_Net_Accept(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
int handle = VM_LONG(arg[0]);
struct sockaddr_in address;
int addrlen;
int sock;
int _true = 1;
if (handle < 0 || handle >= pluginstreamarraylen || pluginstreamarray[handle].plugin != currentplug || pluginstreamarray[handle].type != STREAM_SOCKET)
return -2;
sock = pluginstreamarray[handle].socket;
addrlen = sizeof(address);
sock = accept(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&address, &addrlen);
if (sock < 0)
return -1;
if (ioctlsocket (sock, FIONBIO, &_true) == -1) //now make it non blocking.
return -1;
if (arg[2] && !VM_OOB(arg[1], arg[2]))
netadr_t a;
char *s;
SockadrToNetadr((struct sockaddr_qstorage *)&address, &a);
s = NET_AdrToString(a);
Q_strncpyz(VM_POINTER(arg[1]), s, addrlen);
handle = Plug_NewStreamHandle(STREAM_SOCKET);
pluginstreamarray[handle].socket = sock;
return handle;
//EBUILTIN(int, NET_TCPConnect, (char *ip, int port));
int VARGS Plug_Net_TCPConnect(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
char *localip = VM_POINTER(arg[0]);
unsigned short localport = VM_LONG(arg[1]);
int handle;
struct sockaddr_qstorage to, from;
int sock;
int _true = 1;
netadr_t a;
if (!NET_StringToAdr(localip, &a))
return -1;
NetadrToSockadr(&a, &to);
if (((struct sockaddr_in*)&to)->sin_family == AF_INET && !((struct sockaddr_in*)&to)->sin_port)
((struct sockaddr_in*)&to)->sin_port = htons(localport);
else if (((struct sockaddr_in6*)&to)->sin6_family == AF_INET6 && !((struct sockaddr_in6*)&to)->sin6_port)
((struct sockaddr_in6*)&to)->sin6_port = htons(localport);
if ((sock = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) == -1)
return -2;
memset(&from, 0, sizeof(from));
((struct sockaddr*)&from)->sa_family = ((struct sockaddr*)&to)->sa_family;
if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&from, sizeof(from)) == -1)
return -2;
//not yet blocking. So no frequent attempts please...
//non blocking prevents connect from returning worthwhile sensible value.
if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&to, sizeof(to)) == -1)
return -2;
if (ioctlsocket (sock, FIONBIO, &_true) == -1) //now make it non blocking.
return -1;
handle = Plug_NewStreamHandle(STREAM_SOCKET);
pluginstreamarray[handle].socket = sock;
return handle;
int VARGS Plug_FS_Open(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
//1: read
//2: write
//char *name, int *handle, int mode
//return value is length of the file.
int handle;
int *ret;
char *data;
if (VM_OOB(arg[1], sizeof(int)))
return -2;
ret = VM_POINTER(arg[1]);
if (arg[2] == 1)
data = COM_LoadMallocFile(VM_POINTER(arg[0]));
if (!data)
return -1;
handle = Plug_NewStreamHandle(STREAM_FILE);
pluginstreamarray[handle].file.buffer = data;
pluginstreamarray[handle].file.curpos = 0;
pluginstreamarray[handle].file.curlen = com_filesize;
pluginstreamarray[handle].file.buflen = com_filesize;
*ret = handle;
return com_filesize;
else if (arg[2] == 2)
data = BZ_Malloc(8192);
if (!data)
return -1;
handle = Plug_NewStreamHandle(STREAM_FILE);
Q_strncpyz(pluginstreamarray[handle].file.filename, VM_POINTER(arg[0]), MAX_QPATH);
pluginstreamarray[handle].file.buffer = data;
pluginstreamarray[handle].file.curpos = 0;
pluginstreamarray[handle].file.curlen = 0;
pluginstreamarray[handle].file.buflen = 8192;
*ret = handle;
return com_filesize;
return -2;
int VARGS Plug_memset(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
if (VM_OOB(arg[0], arg[2]))
return false;
memset(VM_POINTER(arg[0]), VM_LONG(arg[1]), VM_LONG(arg[2]));
return arg[0];
int VARGS Plug_memcpy(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
if (VM_OOB(arg[0], arg[2]))
return false;
if (VM_OOB(arg[1], arg[2]))
return false;
memcpy(VM_POINTER(arg[0]), VM_POINTER(arg[1]), VM_LONG(arg[2]));
return arg[0];
int VARGS Plug_memmove(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
if (VM_OOB(arg[0], arg[2]))
return false;
if (VM_OOB(arg[1], arg[2]))
return false;
memmove(VM_POINTER(arg[0]), VM_POINTER(arg[1]), VM_LONG(arg[2]));
return arg[0];
int VARGS Plug_Net_Recv(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
int read;
int handle = VM_LONG(arg[0]);
void *dest = VM_POINTER(arg[1]);
int destlen = VM_LONG(arg[2]);
if (VM_OOB(arg[1], arg[2]))
return -2;
if (handle < 0 || handle >= pluginstreamarraylen || pluginstreamarray[handle].plugin != currentplug)
return -2;
read = recv(pluginstreamarray[handle].socket, dest, destlen, 0);
if (read < 0)
if (qerrno == EWOULDBLOCK)
return -1;
return -2;
else if (read == 0)
return -2; //closed by remote connection.
return read;
if (pluginstreamarray[handle].file.curlen - pluginstreamarray[handle].file.curpos < destlen)
destlen = pluginstreamarray[handle].file.curlen - pluginstreamarray[handle].file.curpos;
if (destlen < 0)
return -2;
memcpy(dest, pluginstreamarray[handle].file.buffer + pluginstreamarray[handle].file.curpos, destlen);
pluginstreamarray[handle].file.curpos += destlen;
return destlen;
return -2;
int VARGS Plug_Net_Send(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
int written;
int handle = VM_LONG(arg[0]);
void *src = VM_POINTER(arg[1]);
int srclen = VM_LONG(arg[2]);
if (handle < 0 || handle >= pluginstreamarraylen || pluginstreamarray[handle].plugin != currentplug)
return -2;
written = send(pluginstreamarray[handle].socket, src, srclen, 0);
if (written < 0)
if (qerrno == EWOULDBLOCK)
return -1;
return -2;
else if (written == 0)
return -2; //closed by remote connection.
return written;
if (pluginstreamarray[handle].file.buflen < pluginstreamarray[handle].file.curpos + srclen)
pluginstreamarray[handle].file.buflen = pluginstreamarray[handle].file.curpos + srclen+8192;
pluginstreamarray[handle].file.buffer =
BZ_Realloc(pluginstreamarray[handle].file.buffer, pluginstreamarray[handle].file.buflen);
memcpy(pluginstreamarray[handle].file.buffer + pluginstreamarray[handle].file.curpos, src, srclen);
pluginstreamarray[handle].file.curpos += srclen;
if (pluginstreamarray[handle].file.curpos > pluginstreamarray[handle].file.curlen)
pluginstreamarray[handle].file.curlen = pluginstreamarray[handle].file.curpos;
return -2;
return -2;
int VARGS Plug_Net_SendTo(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
int written;
int handle = VM_LONG(arg[0]);
void *src = VM_POINTER(arg[1]);
int srclen = VM_LONG(arg[2]);
netadr_t *address = VM_POINTER(arg[3]);
struct sockaddr_qstorage sockaddr;
if (handle == -1)
NET_SendPacket(NS_CLIENT, srclen, src, *address);
return srclen;
NetadrToSockadr(address, &sockaddr);
if (handle < 0 || handle >= pluginstreamarraylen || pluginstreamarray[handle].plugin != currentplug)
return -2;
written = sendto(pluginstreamarray[handle].socket, src, srclen, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&sockaddr, sizeof(sockaddr));
if (written < 0)
if (qerrno == EWOULDBLOCK)
return -1;
return -2;
else if (written == 0)
return -2; //closed by remote connection.
return written;
return -2;
int VARGS Plug_Net_Close(void *offset, unsigned int mask, const long *arg)
int handle = VM_LONG(arg[0]);
if (handle < 0 || handle >= pluginstreamarraylen || pluginstreamarray[handle].plugin != currentplug)
return -2;
if (*pluginstreamarray[handle].file.filename)
COM_WriteFile(pluginstreamarray[handle].file.filename, pluginstreamarray[handle].file.buffer, pluginstreamarray[handle].file.curlen);
pluginstreamarray[handle].plugin = NULL;
return 0;
void Plug_CloseAll_f(void);
void Plug_List_f(void);
void Plug_Close_f(void);
void Plug_Load_f(void)
char *plugin;
plugin = Cmd_Argv(1);
if (!*plugin)
Con_Printf("Loads a plugin\n");
Con_Printf("plug_load [pluginpath]\n");
Con_Printf("example pluginpath: plugins/blah\n");
Con_Printf("will load blahx86.dll or blah.so\n");
if (!Plug_Load(plugin))
if (!Plug_Load(va("plugins/%s", plugin)))
Con_Printf("Couldn't load plugin %s\n", Cmd_Argv(1));
static long Test_SysCalls_Ex(void *offset, unsigned int mask, int fn, const long *arg)
case 1:
Con_Printf("%s", VM_POINTER(arg[0]));
Con_Printf("Can't handle %i\n", fn);
return 0;
static int EXPORT_FN Test_SysCalls(int arg, ...)
return 0;
void VM_Test_f(void)
vm_t *vm;
vm = VM_Create(NULL, "vm/test", Test_SysCalls, Test_SysCalls_Ex);
if (vm)
VM_Call(vm, 0, "");
void Plug_Init(void)
// Cmd_AddCommand("testvm", VM_Test_f);
Cvar_Register(&plug_sbar, "plugins");
Cvar_Register(&plug_loaddefault, "plugins");
Cmd_AddCommand("plug_closeall", Plug_CloseAll_f);
Cmd_AddCommand("plug_close", Plug_Close_f);
Cmd_AddCommand("plug_load", Plug_Load_f);
Cmd_AddCommand("plug_list", Plug_List_f);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Plug_GetEngineFunction", Plug_FindBuiltin, 0);//plugin wishes to find a builtin number.
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Plug_ExportToEngine", Plug_ExportToEngine, 0); //plugin has a call back that we might be interested in.
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Plug_ExportNative", Plug_ExportNative, PLUG_BIF_DLLONLY);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Con_Print", Plug_Con_Print, 0); //printf is not possible - qvm floats are never doubles, vararg floats in a cdecl call are always converted to doubles.
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Sys_Error", Plug_Sys_Error, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Sys_Milliseconds", Plug_Sys_Milliseconds, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Com_Error", Plug_Sys_Error, 0); //make zquake programmers happy.
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Cmd_AddCommand", Plug_Cmd_AddCommand, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Cmd_Args", Plug_Cmd_Args, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Cmd_Argc", Plug_Cmd_Argc, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Cmd_Argv", Plug_Cmd_Argv, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Cmd_AddText", Plug_Cmd_AddText, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("CL_GetStats", Plug_CL_GetStats, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Menu_Control", Plug_Menu_Control, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Key_GetKeyCode", Plug_Key_GetKeyCode, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Cvar_Register", Plug_Cvar_Register, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Cvar_Update", Plug_Cvar_Update, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Cvar_SetString", Plug_Cvar_SetString, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Cvar_SetFloat", Plug_Cvar_SetFloat, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Cvar_GetString", Plug_Cvar_GetString, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Cvar_GetFloat", Plug_Cvar_GetFloat, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Draw_LoadImage", Plug_Draw_LoadImage, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Draw_Image", Plug_Draw_Image, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Draw_Character", Plug_Draw_Character, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Draw_Fill", Plug_Draw_Fill, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Draw_Colourp", Plug_Draw_ColourP, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Draw_Colour3f", Plug_Draw_Colour3f, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Draw_Colour4f", Plug_Draw_Colour4f, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Con_SubPrint", Plug_Con_SubPrint, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Con_RenameSub", Plug_Con_RenameSub, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Net_TCPListen", Plug_Net_TCPListen, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Net_Accept", Plug_Net_Accept, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Net_TCPConnect", Plug_Net_TCPConnect, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Net_Recv", Plug_Net_Recv, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Net_Send", Plug_Net_Send, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Net_SendTo", Plug_Net_SendTo, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Net_Close", Plug_Net_Close, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("FS_Open", Plug_FS_Open, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("FS_Read", Plug_Net_Recv, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("FS_Write", Plug_Net_Send, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("FS_Close", Plug_Net_Close, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("memset", Plug_memset, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("memcpy", Plug_memcpy, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("memmove", Plug_memmove, 0);
Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Media_ShowFrameRGBA_32", Plug_Media_ShowFrameRGBA_32, 0);
if (plug_loaddefault.value)
#ifdef _WIN32
COM_EnumerateFiles("plugins/*x86.dll", Plug_Emumerated, "x86.dll");
#elif defined(__linux__)
COM_EnumerateFiles("plugins/*x86.so", Plug_Emumerated, "x86.so");
COM_EnumerateFiles("plugins/*.qvm", Plug_Emumerated, ".qvm");
void Plug_Tick(void)
plugin_t *oldplug = currentplug;
for (currentplug = plugs; currentplug; currentplug = currentplug->next)
if (currentplug->tick)
VM_Call(currentplug->vm, currentplug->tick, (int)(realtime*1000));
currentplug = oldplug;
void Plug_ResChanged(void)
plugin_t *oldplug = currentplug;
for (currentplug = plugs; currentplug; currentplug = currentplug->next)
if (currentplug->reschange)
VM_Call(currentplug->vm, currentplug->reschange, vid.width, vid.height);
currentplug = oldplug;
qboolean Plugin_ExecuteString(void)
plugin_t *oldplug = currentplug;
if (Cmd_Argc()>0)
for (currentplug = plugs; currentplug; currentplug = currentplug->next)
if (currentplug->executestring)
if (VM_Call(currentplug->vm, currentplug->executestring, 0))
currentplug = oldplug;
return true;
currentplug = oldplug;
return false;
void Plug_SubConsoleCommand(console_t *con, char *line)
char buffer[2048];
plugin_t *oldplug = currentplug; //shouldn't really be needed, but oh well
currentplug = con->userdata;
Q_strncpyz(buffer, va("%s %s", con->name, line), sizeof(buffer));
Cmd_TokenizeString(buffer, false, false);
VM_Call(currentplug->vm, currentplug->conexecutecommand, 0);
currentplug = oldplug;
qboolean Plug_Menu_Event(int eventtype, int param) //eventtype = draw/keydown/keyup, param = time/key
plugin_t *oc=currentplug;
qboolean ret;
extern int mousecursor_x, mousecursor_y;
if (!menuplug)
return false;
currentplug = menuplug;
ret = VM_Call(menuplug->vm, menuplug->menufunction, eventtype, param, mousecursor_x, mousecursor_y);
return ret;
int Plug_ConnectionlessClientPacket(char *buffer, int size)
for (currentplug = plugs; currentplug; currentplug = currentplug->next)
if (currentplug->connectionlessclientpacket)
switch (VM_Call(currentplug->vm, currentplug->connectionlessclientpacket, buffer, size, &net_from))
case 0:
continue; //wasn't handled
case 1:
currentplug = NULL; //was handled with no apparent result
return true;
case 2:
cls.protocol = CP_PLUGIN; //woo, the plugin wants to connect to them!
protocolclientplugin = currentplug;
currentplug = NULL;
return true;
return false;
void Plug_SBar(void)
plugin_t *oc=currentplug;
int cp;
vrect_t rect;
if (!plug_sbar.value)
currentplug = NULL;
for (currentplug = plugs; currentplug; currentplug = currentplug->next)
if (currentplug->sbarlevel[0])
for (cp = 0; cp < cl.splitclients; cp++)
{ //if you don't use splitscreen, use a full videosize rect.
SCR_VRectForPlayer(&rect, cp);
VM_Call(currentplug->vm, currentplug->sbarlevel[0], cp, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
if (!currentplug)
currentplug = oc;
return; //our current sbar draws a scoreboard too. We don't want that bug to be quite so apparent.
//please don't implement this identical hack in your engines...
for (currentplug = plugs; currentplug; currentplug = currentplug->next)
if (currentplug->sbarlevel[1])
for (cp = 0; cp < cl.splitclients; cp++)
{ //if you don't use splitscreen, use a full videosize rect.
SCR_VRectForPlayer(&rect, cp);
VM_Call(currentplug->vm, currentplug->sbarlevel[1], cp, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
for (currentplug = plugs; currentplug; currentplug = currentplug->next)
if (currentplug->sbarlevel[2])
for (cp = 0; cp < cl.splitclients; cp++)
{ //if you don't use splitscreen, use a full videosize rect.
SCR_VRectForPlayer(&rect, cp);
VM_Call(currentplug->vm, currentplug->sbarlevel[2], cp, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
currentplug = oc;
int Plug_Message(int clientnum, int messagelevel, char *buffer)
for (currentplug = plugs; currentplug; currentplug = currentplug->next)
if (currentplug->messagefunction)
VM_Call(currentplug->vm, currentplug->messagefunction, clientnum, messagelevel, buffer);
return 1; // don't silence message
void Plug_Close(plugin_t *plug)
if (plugs == plug)
plugs = plug->next;
plugin_t *prev;
for (prev = plugs; prev; prev = prev->next)
if (prev->next == plug)
if (!prev)
Sys_Error("Plug_Close: not linked\n");
prev->next = plug->next;
Con_Printf("Closing plugin %s\n", plug->name);
if (currentplug == plug)
currentplug = NULL;
if (menuplug == plug)
menuplug = NULL;
key_dest = key_game;
if (protocolclientplugin == plug)
protocolclientplugin = NULL;
if (cls.protocol == CP_PLUGIN)
cls.protocol = CP_UNKNOWN;
void Plug_Close_f(void)
plugin_t *plug;
char *name = Cmd_Argv(1);
if (Cmd_Argc()<2)
Con_Printf("Close which plugin?\n");
for (plug = plugs; plug; plug = plug->next)
if (!strcmp(plug->name, name))
name = va("plugins/%s", name);
for (plug = plugs; plug; plug = plug->next)
if (!strcmp(plug->name, name))
Con_Printf("Plugin %s does not appear to be loaded\n", Cmd_Argv(1));
void Plug_CloseAll_f(void)
if (currentplug)
Sys_Error("Plug_CloseAll_f called inside a plugin!\n");
void Plug_List_f(void)
plugin_t *plug;
for (plug = plugs; plug; plug = plug->next)
Con_Printf("%s - \n", plug->name);
void Plug_Shutdown(void)