mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 10:02:12 +00:00
Add zlib support to the web build, to make running the rerelease's content feasable with a hack to get png files sized right. Enable botlib in web builds, now that q3's data can be used. Fix up our webrtc support a little. Enable the server browser in web builds (rtc hosts only, for now). A couple of related minor tweaks. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@6088 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
4484 lines
127 KiB
4484 lines
127 KiB
//read menu.h
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "winquake.h"
#include "fs.h"
static const char *res4x3[] =
// "1792x1344",
// "1856x1392",
static const char *res5x4[] =
static const char *res16x9[] =
static const char *res16x10[] =
static const char **resaspects[ASPECT_RATIOS] =
#define ASPECT_LIST "4:3", "5:4", "16:9", "16:10",
typedef struct {
unsigned int w, h;
} ftevidmode_t;
static ftevidmode_t *vidmodes;
static size_t nummodes;
void VidMode_Clear(void)
vidmodes = NULL;
nummodes = 0;
void VidMode_Add(int w, int h)
size_t m;
for (m = 0; m < nummodes; m++)
if (vidmodes[m].w == w && vidmodes[m].h == h)
Z_ReallocElements((void**)&vidmodes, &nummodes, nummodes+1, sizeof(*vidmodes));
vidmodes[m].w = w;
vidmodes[m].h = h;
static int QDECL VidMode_Sort(const void *v1, const void *v2)
const ftevidmode_t *m1 = v1, *m2 = v2;
int n1 = m1->w, n2=m2->w; //sort by width
if (n1 == n2)
n1 = m1->h, n2=m2->h; //then by height
if (n1 == n2)
return 0; //then give up and consider equal... which shouldn't happen.
if (n1 > n2)
return 1;
return -1;
qboolean M_Vid_GetMode(qboolean forfullscreen, int num, int *w, int *h)
int a;
extern cvar_t vid_devicename;
if (!nummodes)
if (rf->VID_EnumerateVideoModes)
rf->VID_EnumerateVideoModes("", vid_devicename.string, VidMode_Add);
if (!nummodes)
for (a = 0; a < countof(resaspects); a++)
const char **v = resaspects[a];
for (; *v; v++)
const char *c = *v;
const char *s = strchr(c, 'x');
if (s)
VidMode_Add(atoi(c), atoi(s+1));
qsort(vidmodes, nummodes, sizeof(*vidmodes), VidMode_Sort);
if (num < 0 || num >= nummodes)
return false;
*w = vidmodes[num].w;
*h = vidmodes[num].h;
return true;
extern qboolean forcesaveprompt;
extern cvar_t pr_debugger;
emenu_t *M_Options_Title(int *y, int infosize)
struct emenu_s *menu;
*y = 32;
menu = M_CreateMenu(infosize);
case MGT_QUAKE2: //q2...
MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, 24, "pics/m_banner_options");
#ifdef HEXEN2
case MGT_HEXEN2://h2
MC_AddPicture(menu, 16, 0, 35, 176, "gfx/menu/hplaque.lmp");
MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 0, 60, "gfx/menu/title3.lmp");
*y += 32;
default: //q1
MC_AddPicture(menu, 16, 4, 32, 144, "gfx/qplaque.lmp");
MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, 24, "gfx/p_option.lmp");
return menu;
//these are awkward/strange
static qboolean M_Options_AlwaysRun (menucheck_t *option, struct emenu_s *menu, chk_set_t set)
if (M_GameType() == MGT_QUAKE2)
extern cvar_t cl_run;
//quake2 mods have a nasty tendancy to hack at the various cvars, which breaks everything
if (set != CHK_CHECKED)
Cvar_SetValue(&cl_run, !cl_run.ival);
return cl_run.ival;
//for better compat with other quake engines, we just ignore the cl_run cvar, at least for the menu.
if (set == CHK_CHECKED)
return cl_forwardspeed.value > 200;
else if (cl_forwardspeed.value > 200)
Cvar_SetValue (&cl_forwardspeed, 200);
if (*cl_backspeed.string)
Cvar_SetValue (&cl_backspeed, 200);
return false;
Cvar_SetValue (&cl_forwardspeed, 400);
if (*cl_backspeed.string)
Cvar_SetValue (&cl_backspeed, 400);
return true;
static qboolean M_Options_InvertMouse (menucheck_t *option, struct emenu_s *menu, chk_set_t set)
if (set == CHK_CHECKED)
return m_pitch.value < 0;
Cvar_SetValue (&m_pitch, -m_pitch.value);
return m_pitch.value < 0;
static void M_Options_Predraw(emenu_t *menu)
extern cvar_t m_preset_chosen;
menubutton_t *b;
b = M_FindButton(menu, "fps_preset\n");
b->text = (char*)(b+1) + (m_preset_chosen.ival?2:0);
b = M_FindButton(menu, "menu_download\n");
b->text = (char*)(b+1) + (PM_AreSourcesNew(false)?0:2);
//options menu.
void M_Menu_Options_f (void)
extern cvar_t m_preset_chosen;
extern cvar_t crosshair, r_projection;
int y;
static const char *projections[] = {
"Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area",
static const char *projectionvalues[] = {
#if !defined(CLIENTONLY) && defined(SAVEDGAMES)
extern cvar_t sv_autosave;
static const char *autosaveopts[] = {
"30 secs",
"60 secs",
"90 secs",
"120 secs",
"5 mins",
static const char *autosavevals[] = {
#if !defined(CLIENTONLY) && defined(MVD_RECORDING)
extern cvar_t sv_demoAutoRecord;
static const char *autorecordopts[] = {
"Clientside Only",
"Prefer Serverside",
static const char *autorecordvals[] = {
extern cvar_t cl_loopbackprotocol;
static const char *lprotopts[] = {
"Vanilla QW",
"FTE QW (recommended)",
#ifdef NQPROT
// "DP6",
// "DP7",
"Automatic (FTE NQ/QW)",
"Vanilla NQ",
static const char *lprotvals[] = {
#ifdef NQPROT
// "dp6",
// "dp7",
extern cvar_t scr_fov_mode;
static const char *fovmodes[] = {
"4:3 stretched",
static const char *fovmodevalues[] = {
extern cvar_t cfg_save_auto;
menubulk_t bulk[] = {
MB_CONSOLECMD("Save all settings", "cfg_save\n", "Writes changed settings out to a config file."),
MB_CHECKBOXCVARTIP("Auto-save Settings", cfg_save_auto, 1, "If this is disabled, you will need to explicitly save your settings."),
MB_CONSOLECMD("Reset to defaults", "cvarreset *\nexec default.cfg\nplay misc/menu2.wav\n", "Reloads the default configuration."),
MB_CONSOLECMD("Controls", "menu_keys\n", "Modify keyboard and mouse inputs."),
MB_CONSOLECMD("^bUpdates and Packages", "menu_download\n", "Configure additional content and plugins."),
MB_CONSOLECMD("Go to console", "toggleconsole\nplay misc/menu2.wav\n", "Open up the engine console."),
MB_COMBOCVAR("View Projection", r_projection, projections, projectionvalues, NULL),
MB_COMBOCVAR("FOV Mode", scr_fov_mode, fovmodes, fovmodevalues, NULL),
MB_SLIDER("Field of View", scr_fov, 70, 360, 5, NULL),
MB_SLIDER("Mouse Speed", sensitivity, 1, 10, 0.2, NULL),
MB_SLIDER("Crosshair", crosshair, 0, 22, 1, NULL), // move this to hud setup?
MB_CHECKBOXFUNC("Always Run", M_Options_AlwaysRun, 0, "Set movement to run at fastest speed by default."),
MB_CHECKBOXFUNC("Invert Mouse", M_Options_InvertMouse, 0, "Invert vertical mouse movement."),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Lookspring", lookspring, 0),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Lookstrafe", lookstrafe, 0),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Windowed Mouse", in_windowed_mouse, 0),
#if !defined(CLIENTONLY) && defined(SAVEDGAMES)
MB_COMBOCVAR("Auto Save", sv_autosave, autosaveopts, autosavevals, NULL),
#if !defined(CLIENTONLY) && defined(MVD_RECORDING)
MB_COMBOCVAR("Auto Record", sv_demoAutoRecord, autorecordopts, autorecordvals, NULL),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Force Protocol", cl_loopbackprotocol, lprotopts, lprotvals, "Some protocols may impose additional limitations/breakages, and are listed only for potential demo-recording compat."),
// removed hud options (cl_sbar, cl_hudswap, old-style chat, old-style msg)
MB_CONSOLECMD("Audio Options", "menu_audio\n", "Set audio quality and speaker setup options."),
MB_CONSOLECMD("^bGraphics Presets", "fps_preset\n", "Choose a different graphical preset to use."),
MB_CONSOLECMD("Video Options", "menu_video\n", "Set video resolution, color depth, refresh rate, and anti-aliasing options."),
//this option is a bit strange in q2.
// MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("QC Debugger", pr_debugger, 0),
// removed downloads (is this still appropriate?)
// removed teamplay
// removed singleplayer cheats (move this to single player menu)
emenu_t *menu = M_Options_Title(&y, 0);
static menuresel_t resel;
int framey = y;
menubutton_t *o;
MC_AddFrameStart(menu, framey);
y = MC_AddBulk(menu, &resel, bulk, 16, 216, y);
#ifdef PLUGINS
if (Cmd_Exists("ezhud_nquake"))
extern cvar_t plug_sbar;
static const char *hudplugopts[] = {
"Single Player/Coop",
static const char *hudplugvalues[] = {
MC_AddCvarCombo(menu, 16, 216, y, "Use Hud Plugin", &plug_sbar, hudplugopts, hudplugvalues); y += 8;
MC_AddFrameEnd(menu, framey);
menu->predraw = M_Options_Predraw;
o = NULL;
if (!o && !m_preset_chosen.ival)
o = M_FindButton(menu, "fps_preset\n");
if (!o && PM_AreSourcesNew(false))
o = M_FindButton(menu, "menu_download\n");
if (o)
menu->selecteditem = (menuoption_t*)o;
menu->cursoritem->common.posy = o->common.posy;
#ifndef __CYGWIN__
typedef struct {
int cursorpos;
menuoption_t *cursoritem;
menutext_t *speaker[MAXSOUNDCHANNELS];
menutext_t *testsoundsource;
soundcardinfo_t *card;
} audiomenuinfo_t;
qboolean M_Audio_Key (int key, struct emenu_s *menu)
int i;
audiomenuinfo_t *info = menu->data;
soundcardinfo_t *sc;
for (sc = sndcardinfo; sc; sc = sc->next)
if (sc == info->card)
if (!sc)
return true;
if (key == K_DOWNARROW || key == K_KP_DOWNARROW || key == K_GP_DPAD_DOWN)
if (key == K_UPARROW || key == K_KP_UPARROW || key == K_GP_DPAD_UP)
if (key == K_RIGHTARROW || key == K_KP_RIGHTARROW || key == K_GP_DPAD_RIGHT)
if (key == K_LEFTARROW || key == K_KP_LEFTARROW || key == K_GP_DPAD_LEFT)
if (key >= '0' && key <= '5')
i = key - '0';
sc->speakerdir[i][0] = (info->testsoundsource->common.posy-200/2)/-50.0;
sc->speakerdir[i][1] = (info->testsoundsource->common.posx-320/2)/-50.0;
sc->speakerdir[i][2] = 0;
sc->dist[i] = VectorLength(sc->speakerdir[i]);
menu->selecteditem = NULL;
return false;
void M_Audio_StartSound (struct emenu_s *menu)
int i;
vec3_t org;
audiomenuinfo_t *info = menu->data;
soundcardinfo_t *sc;
vec3_t mat[4];
static float lasttime;
for (sc = sndcardinfo; sc; sc = sc->next)
if (sc == info->card)
if (!sc)
for (i = 0; i < sc->sn.numchannels; i++)
info->speaker[i]->common.posx = 320/2 + sc->speakerdir[i][1] * 50;
info->speaker[i]->common.posy = 200/2 - sc->speakerdir[i][0] * 50;
for (; i < 6; i++)
info->speaker[i]->common.posy = -100;
if (lasttime+0.5 < Sys_DoubleTime())
S_GetListenerInfo(0, mat[0], mat[1], mat[2], mat[3]);
lasttime = Sys_DoubleTime();
org[0] = mat[0][0] + 2*(mat[2][0]*(info->testsoundsource->common.posx-320/2) - mat[1][0]*(info->testsoundsource->common.posy-200/2));
org[1] = mat[0][1] + 2*(mat[2][1]*(info->testsoundsource->common.posx-320/2) - mat[1][1]*(info->testsoundsource->common.posy-200/2));
org[2] = mat[0][2] + 2*(mat[2][2]*(info->testsoundsource->common.posx-320/2) - mat[1][2]*(info->testsoundsource->common.posy-200/2));
S_StartSound(0, 0, S_PrecacheSound("player/pain3.wav"), org, NULL, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0);
void M_Menu_Audio_Speakers_f (void)
int i;
audiomenuinfo_t *info;
emenu_t *menu;
menu = M_CreateMenu(sizeof(audiomenuinfo_t));
info = menu->data;
menu->key = M_Audio_Key;
menu->predraw = M_Audio_StartSound;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
info->speaker[i] = MC_AddBufferedText(menu, 0, 0, 0, va("%i", i), false, true);
info->testsoundsource = MC_AddBufferedText(menu, 320/2, 320/2, 200/2, "X", false, true);
info->card = sndcardinfo;
menu->selecteditem = NULL;
struct audiomenuinfo
char **outdevnames;
char **outdevdescs;
char **capdevnames;
char **capdevdescs;
void M_Menu_Audio_Remove(emenu_t *menu)
int i;
struct audiomenuinfo *info = menu->data;
for (i = 0; info->outdevnames[i]; i++)
for (i = 0; info->outdevdescs[i]; i++)
for (i = 0; info->capdevnames[i]; i++)
for (i = 0; info->capdevdescs[i]; i++)
struct audiomenuinfo *M_Menu_Audio_Setup(emenu_t *menu)
extern cvar_t snd_voip_capturedevice_opts;
extern cvar_t snd_device_opts;
int pairs, i;
struct audiomenuinfo *info = menu->data;
char buf[8192];
menu->remove = M_Menu_Audio_Remove;
Cmd_TokenizeString(snd_device_opts.string?snd_device_opts.string:"", false, false);
pairs = Cmd_Argc()/2;
info->outdevnames = BZ_Malloc((pairs+1)*sizeof(char*));
info->outdevdescs = BZ_Malloc((pairs+1)*sizeof(char*));
for (i = 0; i < pairs; i++)
info->outdevnames[i] = Z_StrDup(COM_QuotedString(Cmd_Argv(i*2+0), buf, sizeof(buf), false));
info->outdevdescs[i] = Z_StrDup(Cmd_Argv(i*2+1));
info->outdevnames[i] = NULL;
info->outdevdescs[i] = NULL;
Cmd_TokenizeString(snd_voip_capturedevice_opts.string?snd_voip_capturedevice_opts.string:"", false, false);
pairs = Cmd_Argc()/2;
info->capdevnames = BZ_Malloc((pairs+1)*sizeof(char*));
info->capdevdescs = BZ_Malloc((pairs+1)*sizeof(char*));
for (i = 0; i < pairs; i++)
info->capdevnames[i] = Z_StrDup(COM_QuotedString(Cmd_Argv(i*2+0), buf, sizeof(buf), false));
info->capdevdescs[i] = Z_StrDup(Cmd_Argv(i*2+1));
info->capdevnames[i] = NULL;
info->capdevdescs[i] = NULL;
return info;
void M_Menu_Audio_f (void)
int y;
emenu_t *menu = M_Options_Title(&y, sizeof(struct audiomenuinfo));
struct audiomenuinfo *info = M_Menu_Audio_Setup(menu);
extern cvar_t nosound, snd_leftisright, snd_device, snd_khz, snd_speakers, ambient_level, bgmvolume, snd_playersoundvolume, ambient_fade, cl_staticsounds, snd_inactive, _snd_mixahead, snd_doppler;
// extern cvar_t snd_noextraupdate, snd_eax, precache;
extern cvar_t snd_voip_capturedevice, snd_voip_play, snd_voip_send, snd_voip_test, snd_voip_micamp, snd_voip_vad_threshhold, snd_voip_ducking, snd_voip_codec;
extern cvar_t snd_voip_noisefilter;
static const char *soundqualityoptions[] = {
"11025 Hz",
"22050 Hz",
"44100 Hz",
"48000 Hz",
static const char *soundqualityvalues[] = {
static const char *speakeroptions[] = {
static const char *speakervalues[] = {
static const char *voipcodecoptions[] = {
#ifdef HAVE_OPUS
"Speex (ez-compat)",
"Speex (Narrow)",
"Speex (Wide)",
// "Speex (UltraWide)",
// "Raw16 (11025)",
// "PCM A-Law",
// "PCM U-Law",
static const char *voipcodecvalue[] = {
#ifdef HAVE_OPUS
"2", //opus
"0", //speex non-standard (outdated)
"3", //speex narrow
"4", //speex wide
// "5", //speex UW
// "1", //pcm16 sucks
// "6", //pcma
// "7", //pcmu
static const char *voipsendoptions[] = {
"Push To Talk",
"Voice Activation",
static const char *voipsendvalue[] = {
menubulk_t bulk[] = {
MB_REDTEXT("Sound Options", true),
MB_TEXT("^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", true),
MB_CONSOLECMD("Restart Sound", "snd_restart\n", "Restart audio systems and apply set options."),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Output Device", snd_device, (const char**)info->outdevdescs, (const char**)info->outdevnames, "Choose which audio driver and device to use."),
MB_SLIDER("Volume", volume, 0, 1, 0.1, NULL),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Speaker Setup", snd_speakers, speakeroptions, speakervalues, NULL),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Frequency", snd_khz, soundqualityoptions, soundqualityvalues, NULL),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Low Quality (8-bit)", snd_loadas8bit, 0),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Flip Speakers", snd_leftisright, 0),
MB_SLIDER("Mixahead", _snd_mixahead, 0, 1, 0.05, NULL),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Disable All Sounds", nosound, 0),
MB_SLIDER("Player Sound Volume", snd_playersoundvolume, 0, 1, 0.1, NULL),
MB_SLIDER("Ambient Volume", ambient_level, 0, 1, 0.1, NULL),
MB_SLIDER("Ambient Fade", ambient_fade, 0, 1000, 1, NULL),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Static Sounds", cl_staticsounds, 0),
MB_SLIDER("Music Volume", bgmvolume, 0, 1, 0.1, NULL),
MB_SLIDER("Doppler Factor", snd_doppler, 0, 10, 0.1, NULL),
// removed music buffer
// removed precache
// removed eax2
// remove no extra update
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Sound While Inactive", snd_inactive, 0),
MB_REDTEXT("Voice Options", true),
MB_TEXT("^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", true),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Microphone Device", snd_voip_capturedevice, (const char**)info->capdevdescs, (const char**)info->capdevnames, NULL),
MB_SLIDER("Voice Volume", snd_voip_play, 0, 2, 0.1, NULL),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Microphone Test", snd_voip_test, 0),
MB_SLIDER("Microphone Volume", snd_voip_micamp, 0, 2, 0.1, NULL),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Activation Mode", snd_voip_send, voipsendoptions, voipsendvalue, NULL),
MB_SLIDER("Act. Threshhold", snd_voip_vad_threshhold, 0, 30, 1, NULL),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Audio Ducking", snd_voip_ducking, 0),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Noise Cancelation", snd_voip_noisefilter, 0),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Codec", snd_voip_codec, voipcodecoptions, voipcodecvalue, NULL),
//MB_CONSOLECMD("Speaker Test", "menu_speakers\n", "Test speaker setup output."),
static menuresel_t resel;
MC_AddFrameStart(menu, y);
MC_AddBulk(menu, &resel, bulk, 16, 216, y);
MC_AddFrameEnd(menu, y);
void M_Menu_Audio_f (void)
Con_Printf("No sound in cygwin\n");
void M_Menu_Particles_f (void)
emenu_t *menu;
extern cvar_t r_bouncysparks, r_part_rain, gl_part_flame, r_grenadetrail, r_rockettrail, r_part_rain_quantity, r_particledesc, r_particle_tracelimit, r_part_contentswitch, r_bloodstains;
// extern cvar_t r_part_sparks_trifan, r_part_sparks_textured, r_particlesystem;
/* static const char *psystemopts[] =
static const char *psystemvals[] =
static const char *pdescopts[] =
"High FPS",
"Bare bones",
static const char *pdescvals[] =
"spikeset tsshaft",
"high tsshaft",
static const char *trailopts[] =
static const char *trailvals[] = { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", NULL };
int y;
menubulk_t bulk[] = {
MB_REDTEXT("Particle Options", true),
MB_TEXT("^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", true),
// MB_COMBOCVAR("Particle System", r_particlesystem, psystemopts, psystemvals, "Selects particle system to use. Classic is standard Quake particles, script is FTE style scripted particles, and none disables particles entirely."),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Particle Set", r_particledesc, pdescopts, pdescvals, "Selects particle set to use with the scripted particle system."),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Rocket Trail", r_rockettrail, trailopts, trailvals, "Chooses effect to replace rocket trails."),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Grenade Trail", r_grenadetrail, trailopts, trailvals, "Chooses effect to replace grenade trails."),
// removed texture sparks
// removed trifan sparks
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Particle Physics", r_bouncysparks, 0),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Particle Stains", r_bloodstains, 0),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Content Switching", r_part_contentswitch, 0),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Surface Emitting", r_part_rain, 0),
MB_SLIDER("Surface Quantity", r_part_rain_quantity, 0, 10, 1, NULL),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Model Emitting", gl_part_flame, 0),
MB_SLIDER("Trace Limit", r_particle_tracelimit, 0, 2000, 100, NULL),
// removed particle beams
static menuresel_t resel;
menu = M_Options_Title(&y, 0);
MC_AddFrameStart(menu, y);
MC_AddBulk(menu, &resel, bulk, 16, 200, y);
MC_AddFrameEnd(menu, y);
const char *presetname[] =
"286", //everything turned off to make it as fast as possible, even if you're crippled without it
"Fast", //typical deathmatch settings.
"Spasm", //faithful NQ aesthetics (fairly strict, but not all out).
"Vanilla", //vanilla effects enabled, no content replacement.
"Normal", //content replacement enabled
"Nice", //potentially expensive, but not painful
"Realtime", //everything on
#define PRESET_NUM (countof(presetname)-1)
// this is structured like this for a possible future feature
// also don't include cvars that need a restart here
const char *presetexec[] =
// 286 options (also the first commands to be execed in the chain)
"seta m_preset_chosen 1;"
"seta gl_texturemode nn;"
"seta gl_texturemode2d n;"
"seta gl_blendsprites 0;"
"seta r_particlesystem null;"
"seta r_particledesc \"\";"
"seta r_part_classic_square 0;"
"seta r_part_classic_expgrav 10;"
"seta r_part_classic_opaque 0;"
"seta cl_expsprite 1;"
"seta r_stains 0;"
"seta r_drawflat 1;"
"seta r_lightmap 0;"
"seta r_nolerp 1;"
"seta r_noframegrouplerp 1;"
"seta r_nolightdir 1;"
"seta r_dynamic 0;"
"seta r_bloom 0;"
"seta r_softwarebanding 0;"
"seta d_mipcap 0 1000;"
"seta gl_affinemodels 0;"
"seta gl_polyblend 0;"
"seta gl_flashblend 0;"
"seta gl_specular 0;"
"seta r_deluxemapping 0;"
"seta r_loadlit 0;"
"seta r_fastsky 1;"
"seta r_drawflame 0;"
"seta r_waterstyle 1;"
"seta r_lavastyle 1;" //defer to water
"seta r_fog_cullentities 2;"
// "seta r_slimestyle \"\";" //defer to water
"seta r_coronas 0;"
"seta r_shadow_realtime_dlight 0;"
"seta r_shadow_realtime_world 0;"
"seta r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows 1;"
"seta r_glsl_offsetmapping 0;"
"seta vid_hardwaregamma 3;" //people benchmarking against other engines with fte using glsl gamma and the other not is annoying as fuck.
// "seta gl_detail 0;"
"seta gl_load24bit 0;"
"seta r_replacemodels \"\";"
"seta r_waterwarp 0;"
"seta r_lightstylesmooth 0;"
"seta r_lightstylespeed 0;"
"seta r_part_density 0.25;"
"seta cl_nolerp 1;"
"seta r_lerpmuzzlehack 0;"
"seta v_gunkick 0;"
"seta r_shadows 0;"
"seta v_viewmodel_quake 0;"
"seta cl_rollangle 0;"
"seta cl_bob 0;"
"seta cl_sbar 0;"
// "cvarreset sv_nqplayerphysics;" //server settings in a preset might be bad.
"seta cl_demoreel 0;"
"seta cl_gibfilter 1;"
"if cl_deadbodyfilter == 0 then seta cl_deadbodyfilter 1;" //as useful as 2 is, some mods use death frames for crouching etc.
"seta gl_simpleitems 1;"
"seta cl_fullpitch 1;seta maxpitch \"\";seta minpitch \"\";" //mimic quakespasm where possible.
"seta r_graphics 1;"
"seta r_renderscale 1;"
"seta gl_texture_anisotropic_filtering 0;"
// end '286'
, // fast options (for deathmatch)
"gl_texturemode ln;"
"gl_texturemode2d n;"
#ifdef MINIMAL
"r_particlesystem classic;"
"r_particlesystem script;"
"r_particledesc classic;"
"r_drawflat 0;"
"r_nolerp 0;"
"gl_flashblend 1;"
"r_loadlit 1;"
"r_fastsky 0;"
"r_waterstyle 1;"
"r_lavastyle 1;"
"r_nolightdir 0;"
"seta gl_simpleitems 0;"
// end fast
, //quakespasm-esque options (for singleplayer faithful).
"gl_texturemode2d l.l;"
"r_part_density 1;"
"gl_polyblend 1;"
"r_dynamic 2;"
"gl_flashblend 0;"
"cl_nolerp 0;" //projectiles lerped at least.
"r_noframegrouplerp 1;" //flames won't lerp
"r_waterwarp 1;"
"r_drawflame 1;"
"v_gunkick 1;"
"cl_rollangle 2.0;"
"cl_bob 0.02;"
"r_fog_cullentities 1;"
"r_lightstylespeed 10;"
"vid_hardwaregamma 1;" //auto hardware gamma, for fast fullscreen and usable windowed.
"r_part_classic_expgrav 1;" //vanillaery
"r_part_classic_opaque 1;"
// "r_particlesystem script;" //q2 or hexen2 particle effects need to be loadable
"cl_sbar 2;" //its a style thing
// "sv_nqplayerphysics 1;" //gb wanted this, should give nq physics to people who want nq settings. note that this disables prediction. disabled again because 'auto' matches the mod, which generally works out better.
"cl_demoreel 1;" //yup, arcadey
//"d_mipcap \"0 3\";" //logically correct, but will fuck up on ATI drivers if increased mid-map, because ATI will just ignore any levels that are not currently enabled.
"cl_gibfilter 0;"
"seta cl_deadbodyfilter 0;"
"gl_texture_anisotropic_filtering 4;"
"cl_fullpitch 1;maxpitch 90;seta minpitch -90;" //QS has cheaty viewpitch range. some maps require it.
// end spasm
, //vanilla-esque options (for purists).
"cl_fullpitch 0;maxpitch \"\";seta minpitch \"\";" //quakespasm is not vanilla
"gl_texturemode nll;" //yup, we went there.
"gl_texturemode2d n.l;" //yeah, 2d too.
"r_nolerp 1;"
"cl_sbar 1;"
"d_mipcap 0 2;" //gl without anisotropic filtering favours too-distant mips too often, so lets just pretend it doesn't exist. should probably mess with lod instead or something
"v_viewmodel_quake 1;"
"r_loadlit 0;"
"gl_affinemodels 1;"
"r_softwarebanding 1;" //ugly software banding.
"r_part_classic_square 1;" //blocky baby!
// end vanilla
, // normal (faithful) options, but with content replacement thrown in
//#ifdef MINIMAL
// "r_particlesystem classic;"
// "r_particlesystem script;"
// "r_particledesc classic;"
"r_part_classic_square 0;"
"r_part_classic_expgrav 10;" //gives a slightly more dynamic feel to them
"r_part_classic_opaque 0;"
"gl_load24bit 1;"
"r_replacemodels \"md3 md2\";"
"r_coronas 1;"
"r_dynamic 1;"
"r_softwarebanding 0;"
"d_mipcap 0 1000;"
"gl_affinemodels 0;"
"r_lerpmuzzlehack 1;"
"gl_texturemode ln;"
"gl_texturemode2d l;"
"cl_sbar 0;"
"v_viewmodel_quake 0;" //don't move the gun around weirdly.
// "cvarreset sv_nqplayerphysics;"
"cl_demoreel 0;"
"r_loadlit 1;"
"r_nolerp 0;"
"r_noframegrouplerp 0;"
"cl_fullpitch 1;maxpitch 90;seta minpitch -90;"
//end normal
, // nice options
// "r_stains 0.75;"
"gl_texturemode lll;"
#ifndef MINIMAL
// "r_particlesystem script;"
"r_particledesc \"high tsshaft\";"
"gl_specular 1;"
// "r_loadlit 2;"
"r_waterstyle 2;"
"gl_blendsprites 1;"
// "r_fastsky -1;"
"r_dynamic 0;"
"r_shadow_realtime_dlight 1;"
// "gl_detail 1;"
"r_lightstylesmooth 1;"
"r_deluxemapping 2;"
//end 'nice'
, // realtime options
"r_bloom 1;"
"r_deluxemapping 1;" //won't be seen anyway
"r_particledesc \"high tsshaft\";"
// "r_waterstyle 3;" //too expensive.
"r_glsl_offsetmapping 1;"
"r_shadow_realtime_world 1;"
"gl_texture_anisotropic_filtering 16;"
"vid_hardwaregamma 4;" //scene gamma
//end 'realtime'
const char *name;
const char *desc;
const char *settings;
} builtinpresets[] =
{ "hdr",
"Don't let colour depth stop you!",
"set vid_srgb 2\n"
"set r_hdr_irisadaptation 1\n"
{ "shib",
"Performance optimisations for large/detailed maps.",
"set r_temporalscenecache 1\n" //the main speedup.
"set r_lightstylespeed 0\n" //FIXME: we shouldn't need this, but its too stuttery without.
"set sv_autooffload 1\n" //Needs polish still.
"set gl_pbolightmaps 1\n" //FIXME: this needs to be the default eventually.
{ "dm",
"Various settings to make you more competitive."
"set cl_yieldcpu 0\n"
"set v_kickroll 0\n" //roll change when taking damage
"set v_kickpitch 0\n" //pitch change when taking damage
"set v_damagecshift 0\n" //colour change when taking damage
"set v_gunkick 0\n" //recoil when firing
"set cl_rollangle 0\n" //rolling when strafing
"set cl_bob 0\n" //view bobbing when moving.
#ifdef _WIN32
"set sys_clockprecision 1\n" //windows kinda sucks otherwise
{ "qw",
"Enable QuakeWorld-isms, for better gameplay.",
"set sv_nqplayerphysics 0\n"
"set sv_gameplayfix_multiplethinks 1\n"
{ "nq"
"Disable QuakeWorld-isms, for nq mod compat.",
"set sv_nqplayerphysics 1\n"
"set sv_gameplayfix_multiplethinks 0\n"
{ "dp",
"Reconfigures FTE to mimic DP for compat reasons.",
"if $server then echo Be sure to restart your server\n"
"fps_preset nq\n"
//these are for smc+derived mods
"sv_listen_dp 1\n" //awkward, but forces the server to load the effectinfo.txt in advance.
"sv_bigcoords 1\n" //for viewmodel lep precision (would be better to use csqc)
"r_particledesc \"effectinfo high\"\n" //blurgh.
"dpcompat_noretouchground 1\n" //don't call touch functions on entities that already appear onground. this also changes the order that the onground flag is set relative to touch functions.
"cl_nopred 1\n" //DP doesn't predict by default, and DP mods have a nasty habit of clearing .solid values during prethinks, which screws up prediction. so play safe.
"r_dynamic 0\nr_shadow_realtime_dlight 1\n" //fte has separate cvars for everything. which kinda surprises people and makes stuff twice as bright as it should be.
"r_coronas_intensity 0.25\n"
"con_logcenterprint 0\n" //kinda annoying....
"scr_fov_mode 4\n" //for fairer framerate comparisons
//general compat stuff
"dpcompat_console 1\n" //
"dpcompat_findradiusarealinks 1\n" //faster findradiuses (but that require things are setorigined properly)
"dpcompat_makeshitup 2\n" //flatten shaders to a single pass, then add new specular etc passes.
//"dpcompat_nopremulpics 1\n" //don't use premultiplied alpha (solving issues with compressed image formats)
"dpcompat_psa_ungroup 1\n" //don't use framegroups with psk models at all.
"dpcompat_set 1\n" //handle 3-arg sets differently
"dpcompat_stats 1\n" //truncate float stats
"dpcompat_strcat_limit 16383\n" //xonotic compat. maximum length of strcat strings.
// "sv_listen_dp 1\nsv_listen_nq 0\nsv_listen_qw 0\ncl_loopbackprotocol dpp7\ndpcompat_nopreparse 1\n"
{ "tenebrae",
"Reconfigures FTE to mimic Tenebrae for compat/style reasons.",
//for the luls. combine with the tenebrae mod for maximum effect.
"fps_preset nq\n"
"set r_shadow_realtime_world 1\n"
"set r_shadow_realtime_dlight 1\n"
"set r_shadow_bumpscale_basetexture 4\n"
"set r_shadow_shadowmapping 0\n"
"set gl_specular 1\n"
"set gl_specular_power 16\n"
"set gl_specular_fallback 1\n"
"set mod_litsprites_force 1\n"
"set gl_blendsprites 2\n"
"set r_nolerp 1\n" //well, that matches tenebrae. for the luls, right?
{ "timedemo",
"Reconfigure some stuff to get through timedemos really fast. Some people might consider this cheating.",
//some extra things to pwn timedemos.
"fps_preset fast\n"
"set r_renderscale 1\n"
"set contrast 1\n"
"set gamma 1\n"
"set brightness 0\n"
"set scr_autoid 0\n"
"set scr_autoid_team 0\n"
"set r_dynamic 0\n"
"set sbar_teamstatus 2\n"
"set gl_polyblend 0\n"
#if 1
//these are cheaty settings.
"set gl_flashblend 0\n"
"set cl_predict_players 0\n" //very cheaty. you won't realise its off, but noone would disable it for actual play.
//to make things fair
"set gl_flashblend 1\n"
"set r_part_density 1\n"
static void ApplyPreset (int presetnum, qboolean doreload)
int i;
//this function is written backwards, to ensure things work properly in configs etc.
// TODO: work backwards and only set cvars once
if (doreload)
forcesaveprompt = true;
Cbuf_InsertText("\nfs_restart\nvid_reload\ncl_warncmd 1\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL, true);
for (i = presetnum; i >= 0; i--)
Cbuf_InsertText(presetexec[i], RESTRICT_LOCAL, true);
if (doreload)
Cbuf_InsertText("\ncl_warncmd 0\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL, true);
static int M_Menu_Preset_GetActive(void)
extern cvar_t r_drawflat;
//bottoms up!
if (r_shadow_realtime_world.ival)
return 6; //realtime
if (r_deluxemapping_cvar.ival)
return 5; //nice
else if (gl_load24bit.ival)
return 4; //normal
else if (r_softwarebanding_cvar.ival)
return 3; //vanilla
else if (cl_sbar.ival == 2)
return 2; //spasm
else if (!r_drawflat.ival)
return 1; //fast
return 0; //simple
static int M_Menu_ApplyGravity(menuoption_t *op)
{ //menu is bottom-up, so we return the y pos of its parent...
if (!op)
return 0;
if (op->common.ishidden)
return M_Menu_ApplyGravity(op->common.next);
if (op->common.grav_y)
op->common.posy = M_Menu_ApplyGravity(op->common.next)+op->common.grav_y;
else //not moving this one, but make sure others move properly.
return op->common.posy;
static void M_Menu_Preset_Predraw(emenu_t *menu)
extern cvar_t m_preset_chosen;
menuoption_t *op;
int preset = M_Menu_Preset_GetActive();
int i;
qboolean forcereload = false;
qboolean filtering = false;
extern cvar_t cfg_save_auto;
preset = 6-preset;
preset = 5-preset;
for (op = menu->options; op; op = op->common.next)
if (op->common.type == mt_button)
if (!strcmp(op->button.command, "menupop\n"))
if (m_preset_chosen.ival)
op->button.text = "^sAccept";
else if (!strncmp(op->button.command, "fps_preset ", 11))
((char*)op->button.text)[1] = (preset==0)?'m':'7';
#if defined(WEBCLIENT) && defined(PACKAGEMANAGER)
else if (!strcmp(op->button.command, "menu_download\n"))
op->button.text = PM_AreSourcesNew(false)?"^bPackages (New!)":"Packages";
op->common.posx = op->common.next->common.posx;
op->common.width = 216-op->common.posx;
else if (!filtering)
if (op->common.type == mt_checkbox && op->check.var == &cfg_save_auto)
filtering = true;
else if(op->common.type == mt_checkbox||
op->common.type == mt_slider||
op->common.type == mt_combo) op->common.ishidden = preset!=0;
if (op->common.type == mt_combo && op->combo.cvar)
{ //make sure combo items are updated properly if their cvar value is changed via some other mechanism...
const char *curval = op->combo.cvar->latched_string?op->combo.cvar->latched_string:op->combo.cvar->string;
if (strcmp(curval, op->combo.values[op->combo.selectedoption]))
for (i = 0; i < op->combo.numoptions; i++)
if (!strcmp(curval, op->combo.values[i]))
op->combo.selectedoption = i;
if (op->combo.cvar->latched_string && (op->combo.cvar->flags&CVAR_LATCHMASK) == CVAR_RENDERERLATCH)
forcereload = true;
menu->cursoritem->common.posy = menu->selecteditem->common.posy; //make sure it shows the right place still
if (forcereload)
Cbuf_InsertText("\nfs_restart\nvid_reload\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL, true);
void M_Menu_Preset_f (void)
extern cvar_t cfg_save_auto;
emenu_t *menu;
int y;
menuoption_t *presetoption[7];
extern cvar_t r_nolerp, r_bloom, sv_nqplayerphysics, r_shadow_realtime_world_importlightentitiesfrommap;
static const char *deluxeopts[] = {
menubulk_t bulk[] =
MB_REDTEXT("Please Choose Preset", true),
MB_TEXT("^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", true),
MB_CONSOLECMDRETURN("^7simple (untextured)", "fps_preset 286\n", "Lacks textures, particles, pretty much everything.", presetoption[0]),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("anim snapping", r_nolerp, 0),
MB_CONSOLECMDRETURN("^7fast (qw deathmatch)", "fps_preset fast\n", "Fullscreen effects off to give consistant framerates", presetoption[1]),
MB_CONSOLECMDRETURN("^7spasm (nq compat)", "fps_preset spasm\n", "Aims for visual compatibility with common NQ engines. Also affects mods slightly.", presetoption[2]),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("nq physics", sv_nqplayerphysics, 0),
MB_CONSOLECMDRETURN("^7vanilla (softwarey)", "fps_preset vanilla\n", "This is for purists! Party like its 1995! No sanity spared!", presetoption[3]),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("anim snapping", r_nolerp, 1),
#if defined(GLQUAKE)
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("model swimming", gl_affinemodels, 0),
MB_CONSOLECMDRETURN("^7normal (faithful)", "fps_preset normal\n", "An updated but still faithful appearance, using content replacements where applicable", presetoption[4]),
MB_CONSOLECMDRETURN("^7nice (dynamic)", "fps_preset nice\n", "For people who like nice things, but still want to actually play", presetoption[5]),
MB_COMBOCVAR("gen deluxemaps", r_deluxemapping_cvar, deluxeopts, NULL, NULL),
#if defined(RTLIGHTS) && (defined(GLQUAKE) || defined(VKQUAKE))
MB_CONSOLECMDRETURN("^7realtime (all on)", "fps_preset realtime\n", "For people who value pretty over fast/smooth. Not viable for deathmatch.", presetoption[6]),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("bloom", r_bloom, 1),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("force rtlights", r_shadow_realtime_world_importlightentitiesfrommap, 1),
MB_CHECKBOXCVARTIP("Auto-save Settings", cfg_save_auto, 1, "If this is disabled, you will need to explicitly save your settings."),
#if defined(WEBCLIENT) && defined(PACKAGEMANAGER)
MB_CONSOLECMD("Packages", "menu_download\n", "Configure sources and packages."),
MB_CONSOLECMD("Accept", "menupop\n", "Continue with selected settings."),
static menuresel_t resel;
int item;
extern cvar_t r_drawflat;
menu = M_Options_Title(&y, 0);
MC_AddBulk(menu, &resel, bulk, 16, 216, y);
menu->selecteditem = menu->options;
//bottoms up!
if (r_shadow_realtime_world.ival)
item = 6; //realtime
if (r_deluxemapping_cvar.ival)
item = 5; //nice
else if (gl_load24bit.ival)
item = 4; //normal
else if (r_softwarebanding_cvar.ival)
item = 3; //vanilla
else if (cl_sbar.ival == 2)
item = 2; //spasm
else if (!r_drawflat.ival)
item = 1; //fast
item = 0; //simple
if (presetoption[item])
menu->selecteditem = presetoption[item];
menu->cursoritem->common.posy = menu->selecteditem->common.posy;
//so they can actually see the preset they're picking.
menu->nobacktint = true;
menu->predraw = M_Menu_Preset_Predraw;
Cbuf_InsertText("\ndemos idle\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL, false);
void FPS_Preset_f (void)
char *presetfname;
char *arg = Cmd_Argv(1);
int i;
qboolean doreload = true;
if (!*arg)
if (!strncmp(arg, "builtin_", 8))
arg += 8;
doreload = false;
presetfname = va("configs/preset_%s.cfg", arg);
if (COM_FCheckExists(presetfname))
char buffer[MAX_OSPATH];
COM_QuotedString(presetfname, buffer, sizeof(buffer), false);
Cbuf_InsertText(va("\nexec %s\nfs_restart\n", buffer), RESTRICT_LOCAL, false);
for (i = 0; i < PRESET_NUM; i++)
if (!stricmp(presetname[i], arg))
ApplyPreset(i, doreload);
for (i = 0; i < countof(builtinpresets); i++)
if (!stricmp(builtinpresets[i].name, arg))
if (doreload)
Cbuf_InsertText("\nfs_restart\nvid_reload\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL, false);
Cbuf_InsertText(builtinpresets[i].settings, RESTRICT_LOCAL, false);
Con_Printf("Preset %s not recognised\n", arg);
Con_Printf("Valid presests:\n");
for (i = 0; i < PRESET_NUM; i++)
Con_Printf("%s\n", presetname[i]);
for (i = 0; i < countof(builtinpresets); i++)
Con_DPrintf("%s\n", builtinpresets[i].name);
static int QDECL CompletePresetList (const char *name, qofs_t flags, time_t mtime, void *parm, searchpathfuncs_t *spath)
struct xcommandargcompletioncb_s *ctx = parm;
if (!Q_strncasecmp(name, "configs/preset_", 15))
char preset[MAX_QPATH];
COM_StripExtension(name+15, preset, sizeof(preset));
ctx->cb(preset, NULL, NULL, ctx);
return true;
void FPS_Preset_c(int argn, const char *partial, struct xcommandargcompletioncb_s *ctx)
if (argn == 1)
int i;
size_t partiallen = strlen(partial);
COM_EnumerateFiles(va("configs/preset_%s*.cfg", partial), CompletePresetList, ctx);
for (i = 0; i < PRESET_NUM; i++)
if (!Q_strncasecmp(partial, presetname[i], partiallen))
ctx->cb(presetname[i], NULL, NULL, ctx);
for (i = 0; i < countof(builtinpresets); i++)
if (!Q_strncasecmp(partial, builtinpresets[i].name, partiallen))
ctx->cb(builtinpresets[i].name, builtinpresets[i].desc, NULL, ctx);
/*typedef struct fpsmenuinfo_s
menucombo_t *preset;
} fpsmenuinfo_t;
qboolean M_PresetApply (union menuoption_s *op, struct emenu_s *menu, int key)
fpsmenuinfo_t *info = (fpsmenuinfo_t*)menu->data;
if (key != K_ENTER && key != K_KP_ENTER && key != K_GP_START && key != K_MOUSE1)
return false;
Cbuf_AddText("fps_preset ", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
Cbuf_AddText(info->preset->options[info->preset->selectedoption], RESTRICT_LOCAL);
Cbuf_AddText("\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
return true;
void M_Menu_FPS_f (void)
static const char *fpsopts[] =
"Average FPS",
"Timing Graph",
static const char *fpsvalues[] = {"0", "1", "2", NULL};
static const char *entlerpopts[] =
"Enabled (always)",
"Enabled (SP only)",
static const char *playerlerpopts[] =
static const char *bodyopts[] =
static const char *values_0_1_2[] = {"0", "1", "2", NULL};
static const char *values_0_1[] = {"0", "1", NULL};
emenu_t *menu;
// fpsmenuinfo_t *info;
extern cvar_t v_contentblend, show_fps, cl_r2g, cl_gibfilter, cl_expsprite, cl_deadbodyfilter, cl_lerp_players, cl_nolerp, cl_maxfps, cl_yieldcpu;
static menuresel_t resel;
int y;
menu = M_Options_Title(&y, 0);
// menu = M_Options_Title(&y, sizeof(fpsmenuinfo_t));
// info = (fpsmenuinfo_t *)menu->data;
/*lerping is here because I'm not sure where else to put it. if they care about framerate that much then they'll want to disable interpolation to get as up-to-date stuff as possible*/
menubulk_t bulk[] =
MB_REDTEXT("FPS Options", true),
MB_TEXT("^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", true),
// MB_COMBORETURN("Preset", presetname, 2, info->preset, "Select a builtin configuration of graphical settings."),
// MB_CMD("Apply", M_PresetApply, "Applies selected preset."),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Show FPS", show_fps, fpsopts, fpsvalues, "Display FPS or frame millisecond values on screen. Settings except immediate are for values across 1 second."),
MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Framerate Limiter", cl_maxfps.name, "Limits the maximum framerate. Set to 0 for none."),
MB_CHECKBOXCVARTIP("Yield CPU", cl_yieldcpu, 1, "Reduce CPU usage between frames.\nShould probably be off when using vsync."),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Player lerping", cl_lerp_players, playerlerpopts, values_0_1, "Smooth movement of other players, but will increase effective latency. Does not affect all network protocols."),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Entity lerping", cl_nolerp, entlerpopts, values_0_1_2, "Smooth movement of entities, but will increase effective latency."),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Content Blend", v_contentblend, 0),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Gib Filter", cl_gibfilter, 0),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Dead Body Filter", cl_deadbodyfilter, bodyopts, values_0_1_2, "Selects which dead player frames to filter out in rendering. Ground frames are those of the player lying on the ground, and all frames include all used in the player dying animation."),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Explosion Sprite", cl_expsprite, 0),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Rockets to Grenades", cl_r2g, 0),
MB_EDITCVAR("Skybox", "r_skybox"),
MC_AddFrameStart(menu, y);
MC_AddBulk(menu, &resel, bulk, 16, 216, y);
MC_AddFrameEnd(menu, y);
void M_Menu_Render_f (void)
static const char *warpopts[] =
"FOV Warp",
static const char *warpvalues[] =
static const char *logcenteropts[] = {"Off", "Singleplayer", "Always", NULL};
static const char *logcentervalues[] = {"0", "1", "2", NULL};
static const char *cshiftopts[] = {"Off", "Fullscreen", "Edges", NULL};
static const char *cshiftvalues[] = {"0", "1", "2", NULL};
static const char *scenecacheopts[] = {"Auto", "Force Off", "Force On", NULL};
static const char *scenecachevalues[] = {"", "0", "1", NULL};
emenu_t *menu;
extern cvar_t r_novis, cl_item_bobbing, r_waterwarp, r_nolerp, r_noframegrouplerp, r_fastsky, gl_nocolors, gl_lerpimages, r_wateralpha, r_drawviewmodel, gl_cshiftenabled, r_hdr_irisadaptation, scr_logcenterprint, r_fxaa, r_graphics;
#if defined(GLQUAKE) || defined(VKQUAKE)
extern cvar_t r_bloom;
static menuresel_t resel;
int y;
menubulk_t bulk[] =
MB_REDTEXT("Rendering Options", true),
MB_TEXT("^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", true),
MB_CHECKBOXCVARTIP("Graphics", r_graphics, 0, "The only option console games have. Yes, this is a joke cvar. Try toggling it!"), //graphics on / off. Its a general dig at modern games not having any real options.
MB_CHECKBOXCVARTIP("Disable VIS", r_novis, 0, "You shouldn't normally set this. Its better to use vispatches for your maps in order to support transparent water properly."),
MB_CHECKBOXCVARTIP("Fast Sky", r_fastsky, 0, "Use black skies. On modern machines this is more of a stylistic choice that a perfomance helper."),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Lerp Images", gl_lerpimages, 0),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Disable Model Lerp", r_nolerp, 0),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Disable Framegroup Lerp", r_noframegrouplerp, 0),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Model Bobbing", cl_item_bobbing, 0),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Scene Cache", r_temporalscenecache, scenecacheopts,scenecachevalues, "Cache scene data to significantly optimise highly complex scenes or unvised maps.\nThis may result in offscreen surfaces getting rendered."),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Water Warp", r_waterwarp, warpopts, warpvalues, NULL),
MB_SLIDER("Water Alpha", r_wateralpha, 0, 1, 0.1, NULL),
MB_SLIDER("Viewmodel Alpha", r_drawviewmodel, 0, 1, 0.1, NULL),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Screen Tints", gl_cshiftenabled, cshiftopts, cshiftvalues, "Changes how screen flashes should be displayed (otherwise known as polyblends)."),
#ifdef QWSKINS
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Ignore Player Colors", gl_nocolors, 0),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Log Centerprints", scr_logcenterprint, logcenteropts, logcentervalues, "Display centerprints in the console also."),
#if defined(GLQUAKE) || defined(VKQUAKE)
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Bloom", r_bloom, 0),
MB_CHECKBOXCVARTIP("HDR", r_hdr_irisadaptation, 0, "Adjust scene brightness to compensate for lighting levels."),
menu = M_Options_Title(&y, 0);
MC_AddFrameStart(menu, y);
MC_AddBulk(menu, &resel, bulk, 16, 216, y);
MC_AddFrameEnd(menu, y);
void M_Menu_Textures_f (void)
static const char *texturefilternames[] =
static const char *texturefiltervalues[] =
static const char *texture2dfilternames[] =
static const char *texture2dfiltervalues[] =
static const char *anisotropylevels[] =
static const char *anisotropyvalues[] =
static const char *texturesizeoptions[] =
// "192",
// "384",
// "768",
extern cvar_t gl_load24bit, gl_specular, gl_compress, gl_picmip, gl_picmip2d, gl_max_size, r_drawflat, r_glsl_offsetmapping;
extern cvar_t gl_texture_anisotropic_filtering, gl_texturemode, gl_texturemode2d, gl_mipcap;
int y;
menubulk_t bulk[] =
MB_REDTEXT("Texture Options", true),
MB_TEXT("^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", true),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Load Replacements", gl_load24bit, 0),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Simple Texturing", r_drawflat, 0),
MB_COMBOCVAR("3D Filter Mode", gl_texturemode, texturefilternames, texturefiltervalues, "Chooses the texture filtering method used for 3D objects."),
MB_COMBOCVAR("2D Filter Mode", gl_texturemode2d, texture2dfilternames, texture2dfiltervalues, "Chooses the texture filtering method used for HUD, menus, and other 2D assets."),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Anisotropy", gl_texture_anisotropic_filtering, anisotropylevels, anisotropyvalues, NULL),
#ifdef GLQUAKE
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Software-style Rendering", r_softwarebanding_cvar, 0),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Specular Highlights", gl_specular, 0),
// MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Detail Textures", gl_detail, 0),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("offsetmapping", r_glsl_offsetmapping, 0),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Texture Compression", gl_compress, 0), // merge the save compressed tex options into here?
MB_SLIDER("3D Picmip", gl_picmip, 0, 16, 1, NULL),
MB_SLIDER("2D Picmip", gl_picmip2d, 0, 16, 1, NULL),
MB_SLIDER("World Mipcap", gl_mipcap, 0, 3, 1, NULL),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Max Texture Size", gl_max_size, texturesizeoptions, texturesizeoptions, NULL),
emenu_t *menu = M_Options_Title(&y, 0);
static menuresel_t resel;
MC_AddFrameStart(menu, y);
MC_AddBulk(menu, &resel, bulk, 16, 216, y);
MC_AddFrameEnd(menu, y);
typedef struct {
menucombo_t *lightcombo;
menucombo_t *dlightcombo;
} lightingmenuinfo_t;
qboolean M_VideoApplyShadowLighting (union menuoption_s *op,struct emenu_s *menu,int key)
lightingmenuinfo_t *info = (lightingmenuinfo_t*)menu->data;
if (key != K_ENTER && key != K_KP_ENTER && key != K_GP_START && key != K_MOUSE1)
return false;
char *cvarsrw = "0";
char *cvarsrws = "0";
char *cvarv = "0";
switch (info->lightcombo->selectedoption)
case 1:
cvarsrw = "1";
case 2:
cvarsrw = "1";
cvarsrws = "1";
case 3:
cvarv = "1";
#ifdef MINIMAL
Cbuf_AddText(va("r_shadow_realtime_world %s;r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows %s\n", cvarsrw, cvarsrws), RESTRICT_LOCAL);
Cbuf_AddText(va("r_vertexlight %s;r_shadow_realtime_world %s;r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows %s\n", cvarv, cvarsrw, cvarsrws), RESTRICT_LOCAL);
char *cvard = "0";
char *cvarvd = "0";
char *cvarsrd = "0";
char *cvarsrds = "0";
switch (info->dlightcombo->selectedoption)
case 1:
cvard = "1";
case 2:
cvarsrd = "1";
case 3:
cvarsrd = "1";
cvarsrds = "1";
case 4:
cvard = "1";
cvarvd = "1";
#ifdef MINIMAL
Cbuf_AddText(va("r_shadow_realtime_dlight %s;r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows %s;r_dynamic %s\n", cvarsrd, cvarsrds, cvard), RESTRICT_LOCAL);
Cbuf_AddText(va("r_shadow_realtime_dlight %s;r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows %s;r_dynamic %s;r_vertexdlight %s\n", cvarsrd, cvarsrds, cvard, cvarvd), RESTRICT_LOCAL);
#ifdef MINIMAL
Cbuf_AddText(va("r_dynamic %s\n", cvard), RESTRICT_LOCAL);
Cbuf_AddText(va("r_dynamic %s;r_vertexdlight %s\n", cvard, cvarvd), RESTRICT_LOCAL);
(void)cvarsrd, (void)cvarsrds, (void)cvard, (void)cvarvd;
Cbuf_AddText("vid_restart\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
Cbuf_AddText("menu_lighting\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
return true;
void M_Menu_Lighting_f (void)
#ifndef MINIMAL
extern cvar_t r_vertexlight;
extern cvar_t r_stains, r_shadows, r_loadlits, r_lightmap_format;
extern cvar_t r_lightstylesmooth, r_nolightdir;
extern cvar_t r_dynamic, r_shadow_realtime_world, r_shadow_realtime_dlight, r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows;
#ifndef MINIMAL
extern cvar_t r_vertexdlights;
extern cvar_t r_fb_models, r_rocketlight, r_powerupglow;
extern cvar_t v_powerupshell, r_explosionlight;
//extern cvar_t r_fb_bmodels, r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps, r_lightstylespeed;
static const char *lightingopts[] =
#ifndef MINIMAL
static const char *dlightopts[] =
#ifndef MINIMAL
static const char *loadlitopts[] =
static const char *loadlitvalues[] =
static const char *fbopts[] =
static const char *fbvalues[] =
static const char *powerupopts[] =
static const char *powerupvalues[] =
static const char *fb_models_opts[] =
"Entire model",
"If textured",
static const char *fb_models_values[] =
static const char *lightmapformatopts[] =
"8bit (Greyscale)",
"8bit (Misaligned)",
"8bit (Aligned)",
"9bit (HDR)",
"Half-Float (HDR)",
"Float (HDR)",
static const char *lightmapformatvalues[] =
// "rgb4",
// "rgb565",
// "rgba5551",
int y;
emenu_t *menu = M_Options_Title(&y, sizeof(lightingmenuinfo_t));
int lightselect, dlightselect;
if (r_shadow_realtime_world.ival)
if (r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows.ival)
lightselect = 2;
lightselect = 1;
#ifndef MINIMAL
if (r_vertexlight.ival)
lightselect = 3;
lightselect = 0;
if (r_shadow_realtime_dlight.ival)
if (r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows.ival)
dlightselect = 3;
dlightselect = 2;
#ifndef MINIMAL
else if (r_vertexdlights.ival)
dlightselect = 4;
if (r_dynamic.ival > 0)
dlightselect = 1;
dlightselect = 0;
lightingmenuinfo_t *info = menu->data;
menubulk_t bulk[] =
MB_REDTEXT("Lighting Options", true),
MB_TEXT("^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", true),
MB_COMBORETURN("Lighting Mode", lightingopts, lightselect, info->lightcombo, "Selects method used for world lighting. Realtime lighting requires appropriate realtime lighting files for maps."),
MB_COMBORETURN("Dynamic Lighting Mode", dlightopts, dlightselect, info->dlightcombo, "Selects method used for dynamic lighting such as explosion lights and muzzle flashes."),
MB_CHECKBOXCVARTIP("Soft Shadows", r_shadow_shadowmapping, 0, "Enables softer shadows instead of course-edged pixelated shadows."),
MB_CMD("Apply Lighting", M_VideoApplyShadowLighting, "Applies set lighting modes and restarts video."),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Lightmap Format", r_lightmap_format, lightmapformatopts, lightmapformatvalues, "Selects which format to use for lightmaps."),
MB_COMBOCVAR("LIT Loading", r_loadlits, loadlitopts, loadlitvalues, "Determines if the engine should use external colored lighting for maps. The generated setting will cause the engine to generate colored lighting for maps that don't have the associated data."),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Deluxemapping", r_deluxemapping_cvar, loadlitopts, loadlitvalues, "Controls whether static lighting should respond to lighting directions."),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Lightstyle Lerp", r_lightstylesmooth, 0),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Flash Blend", r_flashblend, fbopts, fbvalues, "Disables or enables the spherical light effect for dynamic lights. Traced means the sphere effect will be line of sight checked before displaying the effect."),
MB_SLIDER("Explosion Light", r_explosionlight, 0, 1, 0.1, NULL),
MB_SLIDER("Rocket Light", r_rocketlight, 0, 1, 0.1, NULL),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Powerup Glow", r_powerupglow, powerupopts, powerupvalues, "Disables or enables the dynamic light effect for powerups. Non-self will disable the light only for the current player."),
MB_CHECKBOXCVAR("Powerup Shell", v_powerupshell, 0),
MB_SLIDER("Blob Shadows", r_shadows, 0, 1, 0.05, "Small blobs underneath monsters and players, to add depth to the scene without excessive rendering."),
MB_SLIDER("Stains", r_stains, 0, 1, 0.05, "Allows discolouration of world surfaces, commonly used for blood trails."),
MB_CHECKBOXCVARTIP("No Light Direction", r_nolightdir, 0, "Disables shading calculations for uniform light levels on models from all directions."),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Model Fullbrights", r_fb_models, fb_models_opts, fb_models_values, "Affects loading of fullbrights on models/polymeshes."),
static menuresel_t resel;
MC_AddFrameStart(menu, y);
MC_AddBulk(menu, &resel, bulk, 16, 216, y);
MC_AddFrameEnd(menu, y);
typedef struct {
menucombo_t *skillcombo;
menucombo_t *mapcombo;
} singleplayerinfo_t;
static const char *maplist_q1[] =
static const char *mapoptions_q1[] =
"Start (Introduction)",
"E1M1 (The Slipgate Complex)",
"E1M2 (Castle Of The Damned)",
"E1M3 (The Necropolis)",
"E1M4 (The Grisly Grotto)",
"E1M5 (Gloom Keep)",
"E1M6 (The Door To Chthon)",
"E1M7 (The House Of Chthon)",
"E1M8 (Ziggarat Vertigo)",
"E2M1 (The Installation)",
"E2M2 (The Ogre Citadel)",
"E2M3 (The Crypt Of Decay)",
"E2M4 (The Ebon Fortress)",
"E2M5 (The Wizard's Manse)",
"E2M6 (The Dismal Oubliette",
"E2M7 (The Underearth)",
"E3M1 (Termination Central)",
"E3M2 (The Vaults Of Zin)",
"E3M3 (The Tomb Of Terror)",
"E3M4 (Satan's Dark Delight)",
"E3M5 (The Wind Tunnels)",
"E3M6 (Chambers Of Torment)",
"E3M7 (Tha Haunted Halls)",
"E4M1 (The Sewage System)",
"E4M2 (The Tower Of Despair)",
"E4M3 (The Elder God Shrine)",
"E4M4 (The Palace Of Hate)",
"E4M5 (Hell's Atrium)",
"E4M6 (The Pain Maze)",
"E4M7 (Azure Agony)",
"E4M8 (The Nameless City)",
"End (Shub-Niggurath's Pit)",
#if defined(Q2CLIENT) && defined(Q2SERVER)
static const char *maplist_q2[] =
static const char *mapoptions_q2[] =
"base1 (Unit 1 Base Unit: Outer Base)",
"base2 (Unit 1 Base Unit: Installation)",
"base3 (Unit 1 Base Unit: Comm Center)",
"train (Unit 1 Base Unit: Lost Station)",
"bunk1 (Unit 2 Warehouse Unit: Ammo Depot)",
"ware1 (Unit 2 Warehouse Unit: Supply Station)",
"ware2 (Unit 2 Warehouse Unit: Warehouse)",
"jail1 (Unit 3 Jail Unit: Main Gate)",
"jail2 (Unit 3 Jail Unit: Destination Center)",
"jail3 (Unit 3 Jail Unit: Security Compex)",
"jail4 (Unit 3 Jail Unit: Torture Chambers)",
"jail5 (Unit 3 Jail Unit: Guard House)",
"security (Unit 3 Jail Unit: Grid Control)",
"mintro (Unit 4 Mine Unit: Mine Entrance)",
"mine1 (Unit 4 Mine Unit: Upper Mines)",
"mine2 (Unit 4 Mine Unit: Borehole)",
"mine3 (Unit 4 Mine Unit: Drilling Area)",
"mine4 (Unit 4 Mine Unit: Lower Mines)",
"fact1 (Unit 5 Factory Unit: Receiving Center)",
"fact3 (Unit 5 Factory Unit: Sudden Death)",
"fact2 (Unit 5 Factory Unit: Processing Plant)",
"power1 (Unit 6 Power Unit/Big Gun: Power Plant)",
"power2 (Unit 6 Power Unit/Big Gun: The Reactor)",
"cool1 (Unit 6 Power Unit/Big Gun: Cooling Facility)",
"waste1 (Unit 6 Power Unit/Big Gun: Toxic Waste Dump)",
"waste2 (Unit 6 Power Unit/Big Gun: Pumping Station 1)",
"waste3 (Unit 6 Power Unit/Big Gun: Pumping Station 2)",
"biggun (Unit 6 Power Unit/Big Gun: Big Gun)",
"hangar1 (Unit 7 Hangar Unit: Outer Hangar)",
"space (Unit 7 Hangar Unit: Comm Satelite)",
"lab (Unit 7 Hangar Unit: Research Lab)",
"hangar2 (Unit 7 Hangar Unit: Inner Hangar)",
"command (Unit 7 Hangar Unit: Launch Command)",
"strike (Unit 7 Hangar Unit: Outlands)",
"city1 (Unit 8 City Unit: Outer Courts)",
"city2 (Unit 8 City Unit: Lower Palace)",
"city3 (Unit 8 City Unit: Upper Palace)",
"boss1 (Unit 9 Boss Levels: Inner Chamber)",
"boss2 (Unit 9 Boss Levels: Final Showdown)",
qboolean M_Apply_SP_Cheats (union menuoption_s *op,struct emenu_s *menu,int key)
singleplayerinfo_t *info = menu->data;
if (key != K_ENTER && key != K_KP_ENTER && key != K_GP_START && key != K_MOUSE1)
return false;
case 0:
Cbuf_AddText("skill 0\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
case 1:
Cbuf_AddText("skill 1\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
case 2:
Cbuf_AddText("skill 2\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
case 3:
Cbuf_AddText("skill 3\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
if ((unsigned int)info->mapcombo->selectedoption < countof(maplist_q1)-1)
Cbuf_AddText(va("map %s\n", maplist_q1[info->mapcombo->selectedoption]), RESTRICT_LOCAL);
Cbuf_AddText("menu_spcheats\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
return true;
void M_Menu_Singleplayer_Cheats_Quake (void)
static const char *skilloptions[] =
"None Set",
int currentskill;
int currentmap;
extern cvar_t sv_gravity, sv_cheats, sv_maxspeed, skill;
singleplayerinfo_t *info;
int cursorpositionY;
int y;
emenu_t *menu = M_Options_Title(&y, sizeof(*info));
info = menu->data;
cursorpositionY = (y + 24);
if ( !*skill.string )
currentskill = 4; // no skill selected
currentskill = skill.value;
for (currentmap = countof(maplist_q1); currentmap --> 0; )
if (!strcmp(host_mapname.string, maplist_q1[currentmap]))
/*anything that doesn't match will end up with 0*/
MC_AddRedText(menu, 16, 170, y, " Quake Singleplayer Cheats", false); y+=8;
MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 16, 170, y, " ^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082 ", false); y+=8;
info->skillcombo = MC_AddCombo(menu,16,170, y, "Difficulty", skilloptions, currentskill); y+=8;
info->mapcombo = MC_AddCombo(menu,16,170, y, "Map", mapoptions_q1, currentmap); y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 16, 170, y, "Cheats", &sv_cheats,0); y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 16, 170, y, "Debugger", &pr_debugger, 0); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, " Toggle Godmode", "god\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, " Toggle Flymode", "fly\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, " Toggle Noclip", "noclip\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, " Quad Damage", "impulse 255\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddSlider(menu, 16, 170, y, "Gravity", &sv_gravity,0,800,25); y+=8;
MC_AddSlider(menu, 16, 170, y, "Forward Speed", &cl_forwardspeed,0,1000,50); y+=8;
MC_AddSlider(menu, 16, 170, y, "Side Speed", &cl_sidespeed,0,1000,50); y+=8;
MC_AddSlider(menu, 16, 170, y, "Back Speed", &cl_backspeed,0,1000,50); y+=8;
MC_AddSlider(menu, 16, 170, y, "Max Movement Speed", &sv_maxspeed,0,1000,50); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, " Silver & Gold Keys", "impulse 13\nimpulse 14\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "All Weapons & Items", "impulse 9\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "No Enemy Targetting", "notarget\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Restart Map", "restart\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Suicide", "kill\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Apply Changes", M_Apply_SP_Cheats); y+=8;
menu->selecteditem = (union menuoption_s *)info->skillcombo;
menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t*)MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 170, 0, cursorpositionY, NULL, false);
#ifdef Q2SERVER
// Quake 2
typedef struct {
menucombo_t *skillcombo;
menucombo_t *mapcombo;
} singleplayerq2info_t;
qboolean M_Apply_SP_Cheats_Q2 (union menuoption_s *op,struct emenu_s *menu,int key)
singleplayerq2info_t *info = menu->data;
if (key != K_ENTER && key != K_KP_ENTER && key != K_GP_START && key != K_MOUSE1)
return false;
case 0:
Cbuf_AddText("skill 0\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
case 1:
Cbuf_AddText("skill 1\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
case 2:
Cbuf_AddText("skill 2\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
if ((unsigned int)info->mapcombo->selectedoption < countof(maplist_q2)-1)
Cbuf_AddText(va("map %s\n", maplist_q2[info->mapcombo->selectedoption]), RESTRICT_LOCAL);
Cbuf_AddText("menu_spcheats\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
return true;
void M_Menu_Singleplayer_Cheats_Quake2 (void)
static const char *skilloptions[] =
"None Set",
singleplayerq2info_t *info;
int cursorpositionY;
int currentskill;
int currentmap;
extern cvar_t sv_gravity, sv_cheats, sv_maxspeed, skill;
int y;
emenu_t *menu = M_Options_Title(&y, sizeof(*info));
info = menu->data;
cursorpositionY = (y + 24);
if ( !*skill.string )
currentskill = 3; // no skill selected
currentskill = skill.value;
for (currentmap = countof(maplist_q2); currentmap --> 0; )
if (!Q_strcasecmp(host_mapname.string, maplist_q2[currentmap]))
/*anything that doesn't match will end up with 0*/
MC_AddRedText(menu, 16, 170, y, "Quake2 Singleplayer Cheats", false); y+=8;
MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 16, 170, y, "^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", false); y+=8;
info->skillcombo = MC_AddCombo(menu,16,170, y, "Difficulty", skilloptions, currentskill); y+=8;
info->mapcombo = MC_AddCombo(menu,16,170, y, "Map", mapoptions_q2, currentmap); y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 16, 170, y, "Cheats", &sv_cheats,0); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Toggle Godmode", "god\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Toggle Noclip", "noclip\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddSlider(menu, 16, 170, y, "Gravity", &sv_gravity,0,850,25); y+=8;
MC_AddSlider(menu, 16, 170, y, "Forward Speed", &cl_forwardspeed,0,1000,50); y+=8;
MC_AddSlider(menu, 16, 170, y, "Side Speed", &cl_sidespeed,0,1000,50); y+=8;
MC_AddSlider(menu, 16, 170, y, "Back Speed", &cl_backspeed,0,1000,50); y+=8;
MC_AddSlider(menu, 16, 170, y, "Max Movement Speed", &sv_maxspeed,0,1000,50); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Unlimited Ammo", "dmflags 8192\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Quad Damage", "give quad damage\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Blue & Red Key", "give blue key\ngive red key\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Pyramid Key", "give pyramid key\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "All Weapons & Items", "give all\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Data Spinner", "give data spinner\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Power Cube", "give power cube\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Data CD", "give data cd\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Ammo Pack", "give ammo pack\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Bandolier", "give bandolier\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Adrenaline", "give adrenaline\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Ancient Head", "give ancient head\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Environment Suit", "give environment suit\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Rebreather", "give rebreather\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Invulnerability", "give invulnerability\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Silencer", "give silencer\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Power Shield", "give power shield\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Commander's Head", "give commander's head\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Security Pass", "give security pass\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Airstrike Marker", "give airstrike marker\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Restart Map", va("restart\n")); y+=8;
MC_AddCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Apply Changes", M_Apply_SP_Cheats_Q2); y+=8;
menu->selecteditem = (union menuoption_s *)info->skillcombo;
menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t*)MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 170, 0, cursorpositionY, NULL, false);
#endif // Quake 2
#ifdef HEXEN2 // Hexen 2
typedef struct {
menucombo_t *skillcombo;
menucombo_t *mapcombo;
} singleplayerh2info_t;
static const char *maplist_h2[] =
static const char *mapoptions_h2[] =
"demo1 (Blackmarsh: Hub 1 Blackmarsh)",
"demo2 (Barbican: Hub 1 Blackmarsh)",
"demo3 (The Mill: Hub 1 Blackmarsh)",
"village1 (King's Court: Hub 1 Blackmarsh)",
"village3 (Stables: Hub 1 Blackmarsh)",
"village2 (Inner Courtyard: Hub 1 Blackmarsh)",
"village4 (Palance Entrance: Hub 1 Blackmarsh)",
"village5 (The Forgotten Chapel: Hub 1 Blackmarsh)",
"rider1a (Famine's Domain: Hub 1 Blackmarsh)",
"meso1 (Palance of Columns: Hub 2 Mazaera)",
"meso2 (Plaza of the Sun: Hub 2 Mazaera)",
"meso3 (Square of the Stream: Hub 2 Mazaera)",
"meso4 (Tomb of the High Priest: Hub 2 Mazaera)",
"meso5 (Obelisk of the Moon: Hub 2 Mazaera)",
"meso6 (Court of 1000 Warriors: Hub 2 Mazaera)",
"meso8 (Bridge of Stars: Hub 2 Mazaera)",
"meso9 (Well of Souls: Hub 2 Mazaera)",
"egypt1 (Temple of Horus: Hub 3 Thysis)",
"egypt2 (Ancient Tempor of Nefertum: Hub 3 Thysis)",
"egypt3 (Tempor of Nefertum: Hub 3 Thysis)",
"egypt4 (Palace of the Pharaoh: Hub 3 Thysis",
"egypt5 (Pyramid of Anubus: Hub 3 Thysis)",
"egypt6 (Temple of Light: Hub 3 Thysis)",
"egypt7 (Shrine of Naos: Hub 3 Thysis)",
"rider2c (Pestilence's Lair: Hub 3 Thysis)",
"romeric1 (The Hall of Heroes: Hub 4 Septimus)",
"romeric2 (Gardens of Athena: Hub 4 Septimus)",
"romeric3 (Forum of Zeus: Hub 4 Septimus)",
"romeric4 (Baths of Demetrius: Hub 4 Septimus)",
"romeric5 (Temple of Mars: Hub 4 Septimus)",
"romeric6 (Coliseum of War: Hub 4 Septimus)",
"romeric7 (Reflecting Pool: Hub 4 Septimus)",
"castle4 (The Underhalls: Hub 5 Return to Blackmarsh)",
"castle5 (Eidolon's Ordeal: Hub 5 Return to Blackmarsh)",
"cath (Cathedral: Hub 5 Return to Blackmarsh)",
"tower (Tower of the Dark Mage: Hub 5 Return to Blackmarsh)",
"eidolon (Eidolon's Lair: Hub 5 Return to Blackmarsh)",
qboolean M_Apply_SP_Cheats_H2 (union menuoption_s *op,struct emenu_s *menu,int key)
singleplayerh2info_t *info = menu->data;
if (key != K_ENTER && key != K_KP_ENTER && key != K_GP_START && key != K_MOUSE1)
return false;
case 0:
Cbuf_AddText("skill 0\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
case 1:
Cbuf_AddText("skill 1\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
case 2:
Cbuf_AddText("skill 2\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
case 3:
Cbuf_AddText("skill 3\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
if ((unsigned)info->mapcombo->selectedoption < countof(maplist_h2))
Cbuf_AddText(va("map %s\n", maplist_h2[info->mapcombo->selectedoption]), RESTRICT_LOCAL);
Cbuf_AddText("menu_spcheats\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
return true;
void M_Menu_Singleplayer_Cheats_Hexen2 (void)
static const char *skilloptions[] =
"None Set",
singleplayerh2info_t *info;
int cursorpositionY;
int currentmap;
int currentskill;
extern cvar_t sv_gravity, sv_cheats, sv_maxspeed, skill;
int y;
emenu_t *menu = M_Options_Title(&y, sizeof(*info));
info = menu->data;
cursorpositionY = (y + 24);
if ( !*skill.string )
currentskill = 4; // no skill selected
currentskill = skill.value;
for (currentmap = countof(maplist_h2); currentmap --> 0; )
if (!Q_strcasecmp(host_mapname.string, maplist_h2[currentmap]))
MC_AddRedText(menu, 16, 170, y, "Hexen2 Singleplayer Cheats", false); y+=8;
MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 16, 170, y, "^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082 ", false); y+=8;
info->skillcombo = MC_AddCombo(menu,16,170, y, "Difficulty", skilloptions, currentskill); y+=8;
info->mapcombo = MC_AddCombo(menu,16,170, y, "Map", mapoptions_h2, currentmap); y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 16, 170, y, "Cheats", &sv_cheats,0); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Toggle Godmode", "god\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Toggle Flymode", "fly\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Toggle Noclip", "noclip\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddSlider(menu, 16, 170, y, "Gravity", &sv_gravity,0,800,25); y+=8;
MC_AddSlider(menu, 16, 170, y, "Forward Speed", &cl_forwardspeed,0,1000,50); y+=8;
MC_AddSlider(menu, 16, 170, y, "Side Speed", &cl_sidespeed,0,1000,50); y+=8;
MC_AddSlider(menu, 16, 170, y, "Back Speed", &cl_backspeed,0,1000,50); y+=8;
MC_AddSlider(menu, 16, 170, y, "Max Movement Speed", &sv_maxspeed,0,1000,50); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Sheep Transformation", "impulse 14\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Change To Paladin (lvl3+)", "impulse 171\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Change To Crusader (lvl3+)", "impulse 172\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Change to Necromancer (lvl3+)", "impulse 173\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Change to Assassin (lvl3+)", "impulse 174\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Remove Monsters", "impulse 35\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Freeze Monsters", "impulse 36\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Unfreeze Monsters", "impulse 37\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Increase Level By 1", "impulse 40\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Increase Experience", "impulse 41\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Display Co-ordinates", "impulse 42\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "All Weapons & Mana", "impulse 9\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "All Weapons & Mana & Items", "impulse 43\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "No Enemy Targetting", "notarget\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Enable Crosshair", "crosshair 1\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "20 Of Each Artifact", "impulse 299\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Restart Map", "impulse 99\n"); y+=8;
MC_AddCommand(menu, 16, 170, y, "Apply Changes", M_Apply_SP_Cheats_H2); y+=8;
menu->selecteditem = (union menuoption_s *)info->skillcombo;
menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t*)MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 250, 0, cursorpositionY, NULL, false);
void M_Menu_Singleplayer_Cheats_f (void)
case MGT_QUAKE1:
#ifdef Q2SERVER
case MGT_QUAKE2:
#ifdef HEXEN2
case MGT_HEXEN2:
// video mode options
#if defined(D3DQUAKE) && defined(GLQUAKE)
#define MULTIRENDERER // allow options for selecting renderer
typedef struct {
menucombo_t *dispmode;
menucombo_t *resmode;
menuedit_t *width;
menuedit_t *height;
menuedit_t *bpp;
menuedit_t *hz;
menucombo_t *bppfixed;
menucombo_t *hzfixed;
menucombo_t *res2dmode;
menucombo_t *scale;
menuedit_t *width2d;
menuedit_t *height2d;
menucombo_t *ressize[ASPECT_RATIOS];
menucombo_t *res2dsize[ASPECT_RATIOS];
} videomenuinfo_t;
void CheckCustomMode(struct emenu_s *menu)
int i, sel;
videomenuinfo_t *info = (videomenuinfo_t*)menu->data;
// hide all display controls
info->resmode->common.ishidden = true;
info->width->common.ishidden = true;
info->height->common.ishidden = true;
info->bpp->common.ishidden = true;
info->hz->common.ishidden = true;
info->bppfixed->common.ishidden = true;
info->hzfixed->common.ishidden = true;
for (i = 0; i < ASPECT_RATIOS; i++)
info->ressize[i]->common.ishidden = true;
if (!info->dispmode || info->dispmode->selectedoption != 2)
info->resmode->common.ishidden = false;
sel = info->resmode->selectedoption;
if (sel == ASPECT3D_CUSTOM)
{ // unhide custom entries for custom option
info->width->common.ishidden = false;
info->height->common.ishidden = false;
info->bpp->common.ishidden = false;
info->hz->common.ishidden = false;
else if (sel != ASPECT3D_DESKTOP)
// unhide appropriate aspect ratio combo and restricted bpp/hz combos
info->bppfixed->common.ishidden = false;
info->hzfixed->common.ishidden = false;
info->ressize[sel]->common.ishidden = false;
// hide all 2d display controls
info->width2d->common.ishidden = true;
info->height2d->common.ishidden = true;
info->scale->common.ishidden = true;
for (i = 0; i < ASPECT_RATIOS; i++)
info->res2dsize[i]->common.ishidden = true;
sel = info->res2dmode->selectedoption;
if (sel == ASPECT2D_SCALED) // unhide scale option
info->scale->common.ishidden = false;
else if (sel == ASPECT2D_HEIGHT) // unhide custom entries for height-only option
info->height2d->common.ishidden = false;
else if (sel == ASPECT2D_CUSTOM) // unhide custom entries for custom option
info->width2d->common.ishidden = false;
info->height2d->common.ishidden = false;
else if (sel != ASPECT2D_AUTO) // unhide appropriate aspect ratio combo
info->res2dsize[sel]->common.ishidden = false;
//return value is aspect group, *outres is the mode index inside that aspect.
static int M_MatchModes(int width, int height, int *outres)
int i;
int ratio = -1;
// find closest resolution for each ratio
for (i = 0; i < ASPECT_RATIOS; i++)
const char **v = resaspects[i];
outres[i] = 0;
// search through each string in ratio array
while (*v)
const char *c = *v;
int w = atoi(c);
if (width <= w)
if (width == w)
// if we match height as well we have a direct resolution match
// so record ratio index
const char *s = strchr(c, 'x');
if (s)
int h = atoi(s + 1);
if (height == h)
ratio = i;
return ratio;
qboolean M_VideoApply (union menuoption_s *op, struct emenu_s *menu, int key)
extern cvar_t vid_desktopsettings;
videomenuinfo_t *info = (videomenuinfo_t*)menu->data;
if (key != K_ENTER && key != K_KP_ENTER && key != K_GP_START && key != K_MOUSE1)
return false;
// force update display options
int w = 0, h = 0;
const char *wc = NULL;
const char *hc = NULL;
const char *bc = "32";
const char *fc = "0";
const char *dc = "0";
switch (info->resmode->selectedoption)
case ASPECT3D_DESKTOP: // Desktop
dc = "1";
case ASPECT3D_CUSTOM: // Custom
wc = info->width->text;
hc = info->height->text;
bc = info->bpp->text;
fc = info->hz->text;
default: // Aspects
menucombo_t *c = info->ressize[info->resmode->selectedoption];
const char *res = c->options[c->selectedoption];
const char *x = strchr(res, 'x');
w = atoi(res);
h = atoi(x + 1);
bc = info->bppfixed->values[info->bppfixed->selectedoption];
fc = info->hzfixed->values[info->hzfixed->selectedoption];
if (!wc)
Cvar_SetValue(info->width->cvar, w);
Cvar_Set(info->width->cvar, wc);
if (!hc)
Cvar_SetValue(info->height->cvar, h);
Cvar_Set(info->height->cvar, hc);
Cvar_Set(info->bpp->cvar, bc);
Cvar_Set(info->hz->cvar, fc);
Cvar_Set(&vid_desktopsettings, dc);
// force update 2d options
int w = 0, h = 0;
const char *wc = NULL;
const char *hc = NULL;
const char *sc = "0";
switch (info->res2dmode->selectedoption)
case ASPECT_RATIOS: // Default
case ASPECT2D_SCALED: // Scale
sc = info->scale->values[info->scale->selectedoption];
wc = "0";
hc = info->height2d->text;
case ASPECT2D_CUSTOM: // Custom
wc = info->width2d->text;
hc = info->height2d->text;
default: // Aspects
menucombo_t *c = info->res2dsize[info->res2dmode->selectedoption];
const char *res = c->options[c->selectedoption];
const char *x = strchr(res, 'x');
w = atoi(res);
h = atoi(x + 1);
if (!wc)
Cvar_SetValue(info->width2d->cvar, w);
Cvar_Set(info->width2d->cvar, wc);
if (!hc)
Cvar_SetValue(info->height2d->cvar, h);
Cvar_Set(info->height2d->cvar, hc);
Cvar_Set(info->scale->cvar, sc);
// restart video to apply latched cvars
Cbuf_AddText("vid_restart\nmenu_video\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
return true;
void M_Menu_Video_f (void)
extern cvar_t v_contrast, vid_conwidth, vid_conheight;
// extern cvar_t vid_width, vid_height, vid_preservegamma, vid_hardwaregamma, vid_desktopgamma;
extern cvar_t vid_desktopsettings, vid_conautoscale;
extern cvar_t vid_bpp, vid_refreshrate, vid_multisample, vid_srgb;
static const char *gammamodeopts[] = {
static const char *gammamodevalues[] = {
static const char *srgbopts[] = {
"Non-Linear", //0 (legacy buggy linear->srgb non-transforms)
"sRGB-Aware", //1 (linear->srgb transforms)
"Linear (HDR)", //2 (try to use a float framebuffer, otherwise fall back on srgb framebuffer)
"Linearised", //-1
static const char *srgbvalues[] = { "0", "1", "2", "-1", NULL};
#ifdef ANDROID
extern cvar_t sys_orientation;
static const char *orientationopts[] = {
"Reverse Landscape",
"Reverse Portrait",
static const char *orientationvalues[] = {
extern cvar_t vid_renderer;
static const char *rendererops[] =
#ifdef GLQUAKE
#ifdef VKQUAKE
"Vulkan (Experimental)",
#ifdef D3D8QUAKE
"Direct3D 8 (limited)",
#ifdef D3D9QUAKE
"Direct3D 9 (limited)",
#ifdef D3D11QUAKE
"Direct3D 11 Hardware (Experimental)",
"Direct3D 11 Software (Experimental)",
#ifdef SWQUAKE
"Software Rendering (unusable)",
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(CLIENTONLY) //win32 because other systems probably won't display a console if started via some shortcut
"Dedicated Server",
#if 0
static const char *renderervalues[] =
#ifdef GLQUAKE
#ifdef VKQUAKE
#ifdef D3D8QUAKE
#ifdef D3D9QUAKE
#ifdef D3D11QUAKE
"d3d11 warp",
#ifdef SWQUAKE
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(CLIENTONLY)
#if 0
extern cvar_t vid_fullscreen;
static const char *fullscreenopts[] = {
"Borderless Windowed",
static const char *fullscreenvalues[] = {"0", "1", "2", NULL};
static const char *aaopts[] = {
static const char *aavalues[] = {"0", "2", "4", "6", "8", NULL};
static const char *resmodeopts[] = {
static const char *bppopts[] =
static const char *bppvalues[] = {"16", "24", NULL};
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(FTE_SDL)
extern int qwinvermaj, qwinvermin;
//on win8+, hide the 16bpp option - windows would just reject it.
int bppbias = ((qwinvermaj == 6 && qwinvermin >= 2) || qwinvermaj>6)?1:0;
const int bppbias = 0;
static const char *refreshopts[] =
static const char *refreshvalues[] = {"", "59", "60", "70", "72", "75", "85", "100", "120", "144", NULL};
static const char *res2dmodeopts[] = {
"Square (by height)",
static const char *scaleopts[] = {
static const char *scalevalues[] = { "1", "1.5", "2", "2.5", "3", "4", "5", "6", NULL};
static const char *vsyncopts[] =
"Alternate Frames",
static const char *vsyncvalues[] = { "0", "1", "-1", "2", NULL};
extern cvar_t vid_vsync;
extern cvar_t cl_maxfps;
extern cvar_t cl_yieldcpu;
static const char *vsyncoptions[] =
"Wait for Vertical Sync",
"Wait for Display Enable",
extern cvar_t vid_vsync;
videomenuinfo_t *info;
static char current3dres[32]; // enough to fit 1920x1200
static menuresel_t resel;
int y;
int resmodechoice, res2dmodechoice;
int reschoices[ASPECT_RATIOS], res2dchoices[ASPECT_RATIOS];
emenu_t *menu;
//not calling M_Options_Title because of quake2's different banner.
y = 32;
menu = M_CreateMenu(sizeof(videomenuinfo_t));
case MGT_QUAKE2: //q2...
MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, 24, "pics/m_banner_video");
#ifdef HEXEN2
case MGT_HEXEN2://h2
MC_AddPicture(menu, 16, 0, 35, 176, "gfx/menu/hplaque.lmp");
MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 0, 60, "gfx/menu/title3.lmp");
y += 32;
default: //q1
MC_AddPicture(menu, 16, 4, 32, 144, "gfx/qplaque.lmp");
MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 4, 24, "gfx/p_option.lmp");
info = (videomenuinfo_t*)menu->data;
snprintf(current3dres, sizeof(current3dres), "Current: %ix%i", vid.pixelwidth, vid.pixelheight);
resmodechoice = M_MatchModes(vid.pixelwidth, vid.pixelheight, reschoices);
if (vid_desktopsettings.ival)
resmodechoice = ASPECT3D_DESKTOP;
else if (resmodechoice < 0)
resmodechoice = ASPECT3D_CUSTOM;
res2dmodechoice = M_MatchModes(vid.pixelwidth, vid.pixelheight, res2dchoices);
if (vid_conautoscale.value > 0)
res2dmodechoice = ASPECT2D_SCALED;
else if (!vid_conwidth.ival && !vid_conheight.ival)
res2dmodechoice = ASPECT2D_AUTO;
else if (!vid_conwidth.ival)
res2dmodechoice = ASPECT2D_HEIGHT;
else if (res2dmodechoice < 0)
res2dmodechoice = ASPECT2D_CUSTOM;
menubulk_t bulk[] =
MB_REDTEXT("Video Options", true),
MB_TEXT("^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082", true),
MB_CMD("Apply Settings", M_VideoApply, "Restart video and apply renderer, display, and 2D resolution options."),
#ifdef ANDROID
MB_COMBOCVAR("Orientation", sys_orientation, orientationopts, orientationvalues, NULL),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Renderer", vid_renderer, rendererops, renderervalues, NULL),
MB_COMBOCVARRETURN("Display Mode", vid_fullscreen, fullscreenopts, fullscreenvalues, info->dispmode, vid_fullscreen.description),
MB_COMBOCVAR("MSAA", vid_multisample, aaopts, aavalues, NULL),
MB_REDTEXT(current3dres, true),
MB_COMBORETURN("Aspect", resmodeopts, resmodechoice, info->resmode, "Select method for determining or configuring display options. The desktop option will attempt to use the width, height, color depth, and refresh from your operating system's desktop environment."),
// aspect entries
MB_COMBORETURN("Size", resaspects[0], reschoices[0], info->ressize[0], "Select resolution for display."),
MB_COMBORETURN("Size", resaspects[1], reschoices[1], info->ressize[1], "Select resolution for display."),
MB_COMBORETURN("Size", resaspects[2], reschoices[2], info->ressize[2], "Select resolution for display."),
MB_COMBORETURN("Size", resaspects[3], reschoices[3], info->ressize[3], "Select resolution for display."),
MB_COMBOCVARRETURN("Color Depth", vid_bpp, bppopts+bppbias, bppvalues+bppbias, info->bppfixed, vid_bpp.description),
MB_COMBOCVARRETURN("Refresh Rate", vid_refreshrate, refreshopts, refreshvalues, info->hzfixed, vid_refreshrate.description),
MB_SPACING(-24), // really hacky...
// custom entries
MB_EDITCVARSLIMRETURN("Width", "vid_width", info->width),
MB_EDITCVARSLIMRETURN("Height", "vid_height", info->height),
MB_EDITCVARSLIMRETURN("Color Depth", "vid_bpp", info->bpp),
MB_EDITCVARSLIMRETURN("Refresh Rate", "vid_displayfrequency", info->hz),
MB_COMBORETURN("2D Mode", res2dmodeopts, res2dmodechoice, info->res2dmode, "Select method for determining or configuring 2D resolution and scaling. The default option matches the current display resolution, and the scale option scales by a factor of the display resolution."),
// scale entry
MB_COMBOCVARRETURN("Amount", vid_conautoscale, scaleopts, scalevalues, info->scale, NULL),
// 2d aspect entries
MB_COMBORETURN("Size", resaspects[0], res2dchoices[0], info->res2dsize[0], "Select resolution for 2D rendering."),
MB_COMBORETURN("Size", resaspects[1], res2dchoices[1], info->res2dsize[1], "Select resolution for 2D rendering."),
MB_COMBORETURN("Size", resaspects[2], res2dchoices[2], info->res2dsize[2], "Select resolution for 2D rendering."),
MB_COMBORETURN("Size", resaspects[3], res2dchoices[3], info->res2dsize[3], "Select resolution for 2D rendering."),
// 2d custom entries
MB_EDITCVARSLIMRETURN("Width", "vid_conwidth", info->width2d),
MB_EDITCVARSLIMRETURN("Height", "vid_conheight", info->height2d),
MB_COMBOCVAR("sRGB", vid_srgb, srgbopts, srgbvalues, "Controls the colour space to try to use."),
MB_COMBOCVAR("Gamma Mode", vid_hardwaregamma, gammamodeopts, gammamodevalues, "Controls how gamma is applied"),
MB_SLIDER("Gamma", v_gamma, 1.5, 0.25, -0.05, NULL),
MB_SLIDER("Contrast", v_contrast, 0.8, 3, 0.05, NULL),
MB_SLIDER("Brightness", v_brightness, 0.0, 0.5, 0.05, NULL),
MB_SLIDER("View Size", scr_viewsize, 30, 120, 10, NULL),
MB_COMBOCVAR("VSync", vid_vsync, vsyncopts, vsyncvalues, "Controls whether to wait for rendering to finish."),
// MB_EDITCVARSLIM("Framerate Limiter", cl_maxfps.name, "Limits the maximum framerate. Set to 0 for none."),
// MB_CHECKBOXCVARTIP("Yield CPU", cl_yieldcpu, 1, "Reduce CPU usage between frames.\nShould probably be off when using vsync."),
MB_CONSOLECMD("FPS Options", "menu_fps\n", "Set model filtering and graphical profile options."),
MB_CONSOLECMD("Rendering Options", "menu_render\n", "Set rendering options such as water warp and tinting effects."),
MB_CONSOLECMD("Lighting Options", "menu_lighting\n", "Set options for level lighting and dynamic lights."),
MB_CONSOLECMD("Texture Options", "menu_textures\n", "Set options for texture detail and effects."),
#ifndef MINIMAL
MB_CONSOLECMD("Particle Options", "menu_particles\n", "Set particle effect options."),
MC_AddFrameStart(menu, y);
MC_AddBulk(menu, &resel, bulk, 16, 200, y);
MC_AddFrameEnd(menu, y);
y += 8;
MC_AddRedText(menu, 200, y, current3dres, false); y+=8;
MC_AddRedText(menu, 0, y, " ^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082 ", false); y+=8;
info->renderer = MC_AddCombo(menu, 16, y, " Renderer", rendererops, i); y+=8;
info->bppcombo = MC_AddCombo(menu, 16, y, " Color Depth", bppnames, currentbpp); y+=8;
info->refreshratecombo = MC_AddCombo(menu, 16, y, " Refresh Rate", refreshrates, currentrefreshrate); y+=8;
info->modecombo = MC_AddCombo(menu, 16, y, " Video Size", modenames, prefabmode+1); y+=8;
MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 16, y, " 3D Aspect Ratio", false); y+=8;
info->conscalecombo = MC_AddCombo(menu, 16, y, " 2D Size", modenames, prefab2dmode+1); y+=8;
MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 16, y, " 2D Aspect Ratio", false); y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 16, y, " Fullscreen", &vid_fullscreen,0); y+=8;
y+=4;info->customwidth = MC_AddEdit(menu, 16, y, " Custom width", vid_width.string); y+=8;
y+=4;info->customheight = MC_AddEdit(menu, 16, y, " Custom height", vid_height.string); y+=12;
info->vsynccombo = MC_AddCombo(menu, 16, y, " VSync", vsyncoptions, currentvsync); y+=8;
//MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 16, y, " Override VSync", &vid_vsync,0); y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 16, y, " Desktop Settings", &vid_desktopsettings,0); y+=8;
MC_AddCommand(menu, 16, y, "= Apply Changes =", M_VideoApply); y+=8;
MC_AddSlider(menu, 16, y, " Screen size", &scr_viewsize, 30, 120, 1);y+=8;
MC_AddSlider(menu, 16, y, "Console Autoscale",&vid_conautoscale, 0, 6, 0.25); y+=8;
MC_AddSlider(menu, 16, y, " Gamma", &v_gamma, 0.3, 1, 0.05); y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 16, y, " Desktop Gamma", &vid_desktopgamma,0); y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 16, y, " Hardware Gamma", &vid_hardwaregamma,0); y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 16, y, " Preserve Gamma", &vid_preservegamma,0); y+=8;
MC_AddSlider(menu, 16, y, " Contrast", &v_contrast, 1, 3, 0.05); y+=8;
MC_AddCheckBox(menu, 16, y, " Windowed Mouse", &in_windowed_mouse,0); y+=8;
menu->selecteditem = (union menuoption_s *)info->renderer;
menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t*)MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 152, menu->selecteditem->common.posy, NULL, false);
menu->predraw = CheckCustomMode;
#ifndef MINIMAL
#ifdef RAGDOLL
#include "pr_common.h"
typedef struct
enum {
} mode;
int surfaceidx;
int skingroup;
int framegroup;
int boneidx;
int textype;
double framechangetime;
double skinchangetime;
float pitch;
float yaw;
vec3_t cameraorg;
vec2_t mousepos;
qboolean mousedown;
float dist;
char modelname[MAX_QPATH];
char forceshader[MAX_QPATH];
char shaderfile[MAX_QPATH];
char *shadertext;
#ifdef RAGDOLL
lerpents_t ragent;
world_t ragworld;
wedict_t ragworldedict;
comentvars_t ragworldvars;
#ifdef VM_Q1
comextentvars_t ragworldextvars;
pubprogfuncs_t ragfuncs;
qboolean flop; //ragdoll flopping enabled.
float fixedrate;
} modelview_t;
static unsigned int genhsv(float h_, float s, float v)
float r=0, g=1, b=0;
float h = h_ - floor(h_);
int i = floor(h * 6);
float f = h * 6 - i;
float p = v * (1 - s);
float q = v * (1 - f * s);
float t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
case 0: r = v, g = t, b = p; break;
case 1: r = q, g = v, b = p; break;
case 2: r = p, g = v, b = t; break;
case 3: r = p, g = q, b = v; break;
case 4: r = t, g = p, b = v; break;
case 5: r = v, g = p, b = q; break;
return 0xff000000 |
((int)(r*255)<<16) |
((int)(g*255)<<8) |
#include "com_mesh.h"
static void M_BoneDisplayLame(entity_t *e, int *y, int depth, int parent, int first, int last, int sel)
int i;
for (i = first; i < last; i++)
int p = Mod_GetBoneParent(e->model, i+1);
if (p == parent)
const char *bname = Mod_GetBoneName(e->model, i+1);
float result[12];
if (!bname)
bname = "NULL";
memset(result, 0, sizeof(result));
if (Mod_GetTag(e->model, i+1, &e->framestate, result))
#if 0//def _DEBUG
Draw_FunString(depth*16, *y, va("%s%i: %s (%g %g %g)", (i==sel)?"^1":"", i+1, bname, result[3], result[7], result[11]));
Draw_FunString(depth*16, *y, va("%s%i: %s", (i==sel)?"^1":"", i+1, bname));
Draw_FunString(depth*16, *y, va("%s%i: %s (err)", (i==sel)?"^1":"", i, bname));
*y += 8;
M_BoneDisplayLame(e, y, depth+1, i+1, i+1, last, sel);
static unsigned int tobit(unsigned int bitmask)
unsigned int b;
for (b = 0; b < 32; b++)
if (bitmask & (1<<b))
return b;
return 0;
static void M_ModelViewerDraw(int x, int y, struct menucustom_s *c, struct emenu_s *m)
static playerview_t pv;
entity_t ent;
vec3_t fwd, rgt, up;
const char *fname;
shader_t *shader;
vec2_t fs = {8,8};
// float bones[12*MAX_BONES];
vec3_t lightpos = {0, 1, 0};
modelview_t *mods = c->dptr;
skinfile_t *skin;
texnums_t *texnums;
if (R2D_Flush)
memset(&pv, 0, sizeof(pv));
CL_DecayLights ();
r_refdef.drawsbar = false;
r_refdef.grect.width = vid.width;
r_refdef.grect.height = vid.height;
r_refdef.grect.x = 0;
r_refdef.grect.y = 0;
r_refdef.time = realtime;
r_refdef.flags = RDF_NOWORLDMODEL;
r_refdef.afov = 60;
r_refdef.fov_x = 0;
r_refdef.fov_y = 0;
r_refdef.dirty |= RDFD_FOV;
r_refdef.viewangles[0] = mods->pitch;
r_refdef.viewangles[1] = mods->yaw;
AngleVectors(r_refdef.viewangles, fwd, rgt, up);
VectorScale(fwd, -mods->dist, r_refdef.vieworg);
if (keydown[K_MOUSE1] && mods->mousedown&1)
mods->pitch += (mousecursor_y-mods->mousepos[1]) * m_pitch.value * sensitivity.value;
mods->yaw -= (mousecursor_x-mods->mousepos[0]) * m_yaw.value * sensitivity.value;
if (keydown['w'] || keydown['s'] || keydown['a'] || keydown['d'])
VectorAdd(mods->cameraorg, r_refdef.vieworg, mods->cameraorg);
mods->dist = 0;
if (keydown['w'])
VectorMA(mods->cameraorg, host_frametime*cl_forwardspeed.value, fwd, mods->cameraorg);
if (keydown['s'])
VectorMA(mods->cameraorg, host_frametime*-(cl_backspeed.value?cl_backspeed.value:cl_forwardspeed.value), fwd, mods->cameraorg);
if (keydown['a'])
VectorMA(mods->cameraorg, host_frametime*-cl_sidespeed.value, rgt, mods->cameraorg);
if (keydown['d'])
VectorMA(mods->cameraorg, host_frametime*cl_sidespeed.value, rgt, mods->cameraorg);
else if (keydown[K_MOUSE3] && (mods->mousedown&2))
float r = (mousecursor_x-mods->mousepos[0]);
float u = (mousecursor_y-mods->mousepos[1]);
VectorMA(mods->cameraorg, r*cl_sidespeed.value/4000, rgt, mods->cameraorg);
VectorMA(mods->cameraorg, u*cl_upspeed.value/4000, up, mods->cameraorg);
mods->mousedown = (!!keydown[K_MOUSE1])<<0;
mods->mousedown|= (!!keydown[K_MOUSE3])<<1;
mods->mousepos[0] = mousecursor_x;
mods->mousepos[1] = mousecursor_y;
VectorAdd(r_refdef.vieworg, mods->cameraorg, r_refdef.vieworg);
memset(&ent, 0, sizeof(ent));
// ent.angles[1] = realtime*45;//mods->yaw;
// ent.angles[0] = realtime*23.4;//mods->pitch;
ent.model = Mod_ForName(mods->modelname, MLV_WARN);
if (!ent.model)
return; //panic!
if (ent.model->type == mod_alias) //should we even bother with this here?
AngleVectorsMesh(ent.angles, ent.axis[0], ent.axis[1], ent.axis[2]);
AngleVectors(ent.angles, ent.axis[0], ent.axis[1], ent.axis[2]);
ent.scale = max(max(fabs(ent.model->maxs[0]-ent.model->mins[0]), fabs(ent.model->maxs[1]-ent.model->mins[1])), fabs(ent.model->maxs[2]-ent.model->mins[2]));
ent.scale = ent.scale?64.0/ent.scale:1;
// ent.scale = 1;
ent.origin[2] -= ent.model->mins[2] + (ent.model->maxs[2]-ent.model->mins[2]) * 0.5;
ent.origin[2] *= ent.scale;
Vector4Set(ent.shaderRGBAf, 1, 1, 1, 1);
VectorSet(ent.glowmod, 1, 1, 1);
// VectorScale(ent.axis[0], ent.scale, ent.axis[0]);
// VectorScale(ent.axis[1], ent.scale, ent.axis[1]);
// VectorScale(ent.axis[2], ent.scale, ent.axis[2]);
// ent.scale = 1;
if (strstr(mods->modelname, "player"))
ent.bottomcolour = genhsv(realtime*0.1 + 0, 1, 1);
ent.topcolour = genhsv(realtime*0.1 + 0.5, 1, 1);
ent.topcolour = TOP_DEFAULT;
ent.bottomcolour = BOTTOM_DEFAULT;
// ent.fatness = sin(realtime)*5;
ent.playerindex = -1;
ent.skinnum = mods->skingroup;
ent.shaderTime = 0;//realtime;
ent.framestate.g[FS_REG].lerpweight[0] = 1;
ent.framestate.g[FS_REG].frame[0] = mods->framegroup;
ent.framestate.g[FS_REG].frametime[0] = ent.framestate.g[FS_REG].frametime[1] = realtime - mods->framechangetime;
ent.framestate.g[FS_REG].endbone = 0x7fffffff;
ent.customskin = Mod_RegisterSkinFile(va("%s_%i.skin", mods->modelname, ent.skinnum));
skin = Mod_LookupSkin(ent.customskin);
ent.light_avg[0] = ent.light_avg[1] = ent.light_avg[2] = 0.66;
ent.light_range[0] = ent.light_range[1] = ent.light_range[2] = 0.33;
#ifdef HEXEN2
ent.drawflags = SCALE_ORIGIN_ORIGIN;
trace_t tr;
vec3_t worldmouse;
vec3_t mouse = {mousecursor_x/vid.width, 1-mousecursor_y/vid.height, 0.5};
float d;
Matrix4x4_CM_UnProject(mouse, worldmouse, r_refdef.viewangles, r_refdef.vieworg, r_refdef.fov_x, r_refdef.fov_y);
d = DotProduct(worldmouse, fwd);
VectorMA(worldmouse, -d, fwd, worldmouse);
if (ent.model->funcs.NativeTrace && ent.model->funcs.NativeTrace(ent.model, 0, &ent.framestate, ent.axis, r_refdef.vieworg, worldmouse, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, false, ~0, &tr))
VectorCopy(worldmouse, tr.endpos);
VectorCopy(tr.endpos, lightpos);
lightpos[0] = sin(realtime*0.1);
lightpos[1] = cos(realtime*0.1);
lightpos[2] = 0;
ent.light_dir[0] = DotProduct(lightpos, ent.axis[0]);
ent.light_dir[1] = DotProduct(lightpos, ent.axis[1]);
ent.light_dir[2] = DotProduct(lightpos, ent.axis[2]);
ent.light_known = 2;
if (ent.model->type == mod_dummy)
Draw_FunString(0, 0, va("model \"%s\" not loaded", ent.model->name));
Draw_FunString(0, 0, va("\"%s\" not loaded", ent.model->name));
Draw_FunString(0, 0, va("\"%s\" still loading", ent.model->name));
Draw_FunString(0, 0, va("Unable to load \"%s\"", ent.model->name));
#ifdef RAGDOLL
if (mods->flop)
ent.framestate.g[FS_REG].frame[0] |= 0x8000;
if (ent.model->dollinfo && mods->ragworld.rbe)
float rate = 1.0/60;
mods->fixedrate += host_frametime;
if (mods->fixedrate > 1)
mods->fixedrate = 1;
while (mods->fixedrate >= rate)
mods->ragworld.rbe->RunFrame(&mods->ragworld, rate, 800);
mods->fixedrate -= rate;
rag_updatedeltaent(&mods->ragworld, &ent, &mods->ragent);
if (mods->mode == MV_NORMALS)
shader_t *s;
if (1)
s = R_RegisterShader("hitbox_nodepth", SUF_NONE,
"map $whiteimage\n"
"blendfunc gl_src_alpha gl_one\n"
"rgbgen vertex\n"
"alphagen vertex\n"
Mod_AddSingleSurface(&ent, mods->surfaceidx, s, true);
if (mods->mode == MV_COLLISION)
shader_t *s;
if (ent.model->type == mod_halflife)
if (1)
s = R_RegisterShader("hitbox_nodepth", SUF_NONE,
"map $whiteimage\n"
"blendfunc gl_src_alpha gl_one\n"
"rgbgen vertex\n"
"alphagen vertex\n"
Mod_AddSingleSurface(&ent, mods->surfaceidx, s, false);
vec3_t mins, maxs;
VectorAdd(ent.model->mins, ent.origin, mins);
VectorAdd(ent.model->maxs, ent.origin, maxs);
s = R_RegisterShader("bboxshader_nodepth", SUF_NONE,
"map $whiteimage\n"
"blendfunc gl_src_alpha gl_one\n"
"rgbgen vertex\n"
"alphagen vertex\n"
CLQ1_AddOrientedCube(s, mins, maxs, NULL, 1, 1, 1, 0.2);
#ifdef _DEBUG
trace_t tr;
vec3_t v1, v2;
VectorSet(v1, 1000*sin(realtime*2*M_PI/180), 1000*cos(realtime*2*M_PI/180), -ent.origin[2]);
VectorScale(v1, -1, v2);
v2[2] = v1[2];
s = R_RegisterShader("bboxshader", SUF_NONE,
"map $whiteimage\n"
"blendfunc gl_src_alpha gl_one\n"
"rgbgen vertex\n"
"alphagen vertex\n"
if (ent.model->funcs.NativeTrace && ent.model->funcs.NativeTrace(ent.model, 0, &ent.framestate, ent.axis, v1, v2, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, false, ~0, &tr))
vec3_t dir;
float f;
VectorMA(ent.origin, ent.scale, v1, v1);
VectorMA(ent.origin, ent.scale, v2, v2);
VectorMA(ent.origin, ent.scale, tr.endpos, tr.endpos);
VectorSubtract(tr.endpos, v1, dir);
f = DotProduct(dir, tr.plane.normal) * -2;
VectorMA(dir, f, tr.plane.normal, v2);
VectorAdd(v2, tr.endpos, v2);
CLQ1_DrawLine(s, v1, tr.endpos, 0, 1, 0, 1);
CLQ1_DrawLine(s, tr.endpos, v2, 1, 0, 0, 1);
VectorAdd(v1, ent.origin, v1);
VectorAdd(v2, ent.origin, v2);
CLQ1_DrawLine(s, v1, v2, 0, 1, 0, 1);
if (mods->mode == MV_BONES)
shader_t *lineshader;
int tags = Mod_GetNumBones(ent.model, true);
int b;
//if (ragdoll)
// ent->frame[] |= 0x8000;
//rag_updatedeltaent(&ent, le);
lineshader = R_RegisterShader("lineshader_nodepth", SUF_NONE,
"map $whiteimage\n"
"blendfunc add\n"
"rgbgen vertex\n"
"alphagen vertex\n"
for (b = 1; b <= tags; b++)
int p = Mod_GetBoneParent(ent.model, b);
vec3_t start, end;
float boneinfo[12];
Mod_GetTag(ent.model, b, &ent.framestate, boneinfo);
//fixme: no axis transform
VectorSet(start, boneinfo[3], boneinfo[7], boneinfo[11]);
VectorMA(ent.origin, ent.scale, start, start);
if (p)
Mod_GetTag(ent.model, p, &ent.framestate, boneinfo);
//fixme: no axis transform
VectorSet(end, boneinfo[3], boneinfo[7], boneinfo[11]);
VectorMA(ent.origin, ent.scale, end, end);
CLQ1_DrawLine(lineshader, start, end, 1, (b-1 == mods->boneidx)?0:1, 1, 1);
if (b-1 == mods->boneidx)
VectorSet(end, start[0]+boneinfo[0], start[1]+boneinfo[4], start[2]+boneinfo[8]);
CLQ1_DrawLine(lineshader, start, end, 1, 0, 0, 1);
VectorSet(end, start[0]+boneinfo[1], start[1]+boneinfo[5], start[2]+boneinfo[9]);
CLQ1_DrawLine(lineshader, start, end, 0, 1, 0, 1);
VectorSet(end, start[0]+boneinfo[2], start[1]+boneinfo[6], start[2]+boneinfo[10]);
CLQ1_DrawLine(lineshader, start, end, 0, 0, 1, 1);
y = 0;
fname = Mod_SurfaceNameForNum(ent.model, mods->surfaceidx);
if (!fname)
fname = "Unknown Surface";
Draw_FunString(0, y, va("Surf %i: %s", mods->surfaceidx, fname));
fname = Mod_SkinNameForNum(ent.model, mods->surfaceidx, mods->skingroup);
if (!fname)
Draw_FunString(0, y, va("Skin %i: <invalid skin>", mods->skingroup));
shader = Mod_ShaderForSkin(ent.model, mods->surfaceidx, mods->skingroup, r_refdef.time, &texnums);
Draw_FunString(0, y, va("Skin %i: \"%s\", material \"%s\"", mods->skingroup, fname, shader?shader->name:"NO SHADER"));
char *fname;
int numframes = 0;
float duration = 0;
qboolean loop = false;
if (!Mod_FrameInfoForNum(ent.model, mods->surfaceidx, mods->framegroup, &fname, &numframes, &duration, &loop))
fname = "Unknown Sequence";
Draw_FunString(0, y, va("Frame%i: %s (%i poses, %f of %f secs, %s)", mods->framegroup, fname, numframes, ent.framestate.g[FS_REG].frametime[0], duration, loop?"looped":"unlooped"));
case MV_NONE:
R_DrawTextField(r_refdef.grect.x, r_refdef.grect.y+y, r_refdef.grect.width, r_refdef.grect.height-y,
va("Help:\narrows: pitch/rotate\n"
"w: zoom in\n"
"s: zoom out\n"
"m: mode\n"
"r: reset times\n"
"home: skin+=1\n"
"end: skin-=1\n"
"pgup: frame+=1\n"
"pgdn: frame-=1\n"
"mins: %g %g %g, maxs: %g %g %g\n"
"flags: %#x %#x\n",
ent.model->mins[0], ent.model->mins[1], ent.model->mins[2], ent.model->maxs[0], ent.model->maxs[1], ent.model->maxs[2],
ent.model->flags, ent.model->engineflags),
if (!ent.model)
else if (ent.model->type == mod_alias)
galiasinfo_t *inf = Mod_Extradata(ent.model);
int surfnum = mods->surfaceidx;
while(inf && surfnum-->0)
inf = inf->nextsurf;
if (inf)
char contents[512];
unsigned int i;
char *contentnames[32] = {NULL};
contentnames[tobit(FTECONTENTS_SOLID)] = "solid";
contentnames[tobit(FTECONTENTS_LAVA)] = "lava";
contentnames[tobit(FTECONTENTS_SLIME)] = "slime";
contentnames[tobit(FTECONTENTS_WATER)] = "water";
contentnames[tobit(FTECONTENTS_LADDER)] = "ladder";
contentnames[tobit(FTECONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP)] = "playerclip";
contentnames[tobit(FTECONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP)] = "monsterclip";
contentnames[tobit(FTECONTENTS_BODY)] = "body";
contentnames[tobit(FTECONTENTS_CORPSE)] = "corpse";
contentnames[tobit(FTECONTENTS_SKY)] = "sky";
for (*contents = 0, i = 0; i < 32; i++)
if (inf->contents & (1<<i))
if (*contents)
Q_strncatz(contents, "|", sizeof(contents));
if (contentnames[i])
Q_strncatz(contents, contentnames[i], sizeof(contents));
Q_strncatz(contents, va("%#x", 1<<i), sizeof(contents));
if (!*contents)
Q_strncatz(contents, "non-solid", sizeof(contents));
R_DrawTextField(r_refdef.grect.x, r_refdef.grect.y+y, r_refdef.grect.width, r_refdef.grect.height-y,
va( "Collision:\n"
"mins: %g %g %g, maxs: %g %g %g\n"
"contents: %s\n"
"surfflags: %#x\n"
"body: %i\n"
"geomset: %i %i%s\n"
"numverts: %i\nnumtris: %i\n"
"numbones: %i\n"
"minlod: %g\n"
"maxlod: %g%s\n"
, ent.model->mins[0], ent.model->mins[1], ent.model->mins[2], ent.model->maxs[0], ent.model->maxs[1], ent.model->maxs[2],
inf->geomset>=MAX_GEOMSETS?-1:inf->geomset, inf->geomid,
inf->geomset>=MAX_GEOMSETS?" (always)":
((skin?skin->geomset[inf->geomset]:0)!=inf->geomid)?" (hidden)":
inf->numverts, inf->numindexes/3
,inf->mindist,inf->maxdist,inf->maxdist?"":" (infinite)"
R_DrawTextField(r_refdef.grect.x, r_refdef.grect.y+y, r_refdef.grect.width, r_refdef.grect.height-y,
va( "Collision info not available\n"
"mins: %g %g %g, maxs: %g %g %g\n", ent.model->mins[0], ent.model->mins[1], ent.model->mins[2], ent.model->maxs[0], ent.model->maxs[1], ent.model->maxs[2])
Draw_FunString(0, y, va("Normals"));
case MV_BONES:
int bonecount = Mod_GetNumBones(ent.model, true);
if (bonecount)
Draw_FunString(0, y, va("Bones: "));
M_BoneDisplayLame(&ent, &y, 0, 0, 0, bonecount, mods->boneidx);
R_DrawTextField(r_refdef.grect.x, r_refdef.grect.y+y, r_refdef.grect.width, r_refdef.grect.height-y, "No bones in model", CON_WHITEMASK, CPRINT_TALIGN|CPRINT_LALIGN, font_default, fs);
int i;
float timestamp = 0;
int code = 0;
char *data = NULL;
Draw_FunString(0, y, va("Events: "));
for (i = 0; Mod_GetModelEvent(ent.model, mods->framegroup, i, ×tamp, &code, &data); y+=8, i++)
Draw_FunString(0, y, va("%i %f: %i %s", i, timestamp, code, data));
Draw_FunString(0, y, va("%f: <end of animation>", Mod_GetFrameDuration(ent.model, 0, mods->framegroup)));
if (!mods->shadertext)
char *body = Shader_GetShaderBody(Mod_ShaderForSkin(ent.model, mods->surfaceidx, mods->skingroup, r_refdef.time, &texnums), mods->shaderfile, sizeof(mods->shaderfile));
if (!body)
Draw_FunString(0, y, "Shader info not available");
if (*mods->shaderfile)
mods->shadertext = Z_StrDupf("\n\nPress space to view+edit the shader\n\n%s", body);
mods->shadertext = Z_StrDupf("{%s",body);
R_DrawTextField(r_refdef.grect.x, r_refdef.grect.y+16, r_refdef.grect.width, r_refdef.grect.height-16, mods->shadertext, CON_WHITEMASK, CPRINT_TALIGN|CPRINT_LALIGN, font_default, fs);
//fixme: draw the shader's textures.
shader_t *shader = Mod_ShaderForSkin(ent.model, mods->surfaceidx, mods->skingroup, r_refdef.time, &texnums);
if (shader)
char *t;
texnums_t *skin = (texnums&&TEXVALID(texnums->base))?texnums:shader->defaulttextures;
shader = R_RegisterShader("modelviewertexturepreview", SUF_2D, "{\nprogram default2d\n{\nmap $diffuse\n}\n}\n");
case 1:
t = "Normalmap";
shader->defaulttextures->base = skin->bump;
case 2:
t = "SpecularMap";
shader->defaulttextures->base = skin->specular; //specular lighting values.
case 3:
t = "UpperMap";
shader->defaulttextures->base = skin->upperoverlay; //diffuse texture for the upper body(shirt colour). no alpha channel. added to base.rgb
case 4:
t = "LowerMap";
shader->defaulttextures->base = skin->loweroverlay; //diffuse texture for the lower body(trouser colour). no alpha channel. added to base.rgb
case 5:
t = "PalettedMap";
shader->defaulttextures->base = skin->paletted; //8bit paletted data, just because.
case 6:
t = "FullbrightMap";
shader->defaulttextures->base = skin->fullbright;
case 7:
t = "ReflectCube";
shader->defaulttextures->base = skin->reflectcube;
case 8:
t = "ReflectMask";
shader->defaulttextures->base = skin->reflectmask;
case 9:
t = "DisplacementMap";
shader->defaulttextures->base = skin->displacement;
mods->textype = 0;
t = "Diffusemap";
shader->defaulttextures->base = skin->base;
if (shader->defaulttextures->base)
float w, h;
Draw_FunString(0, y, va("%s: %s (%s), %s %u*%u*%u",
t, shader->defaulttextures->base->ident, shader->defaulttextures->base->subpath?shader->defaulttextures->base->subpath:"",
Image_FormatName(shader->defaulttextures->base->format), shader->defaulttextures->base->width, shader->defaulttextures->base->height, shader->defaulttextures->base->depth));
w = (float)vid.width / shader->defaulttextures->base->width;
h = (float)(vid.height-y) / shader->defaulttextures->base->height;
h = min(w,h);
w = h*shader->defaulttextures->base->width;
h = h*shader->defaulttextures->base->height;
R2D_Image(0, y, w, h, 0, 0, 1, 1, shader);
shader_t *s = R_RegisterShader("hitbox_nodepth", SUF_NONE,
"map $whiteimage\n"
"blendfunc gl_src_alpha gl_one\n"
"rgbgen vertex\n"
"alphagen vertex\n"
int oldtris = cl_numstris;
int oldidx = cl_numstrisidx;
int oldvert = cl_numstrisvert;
mesh_t mesh;
memset(&mesh, 0, sizeof(mesh));
AngleVectors(vec3_origin, ent.axis[0], ent.axis[1], ent.axis[2]);
VectorScale(ent.axis[0], w, ent.axis[0]);
VectorScale(ent.axis[1], h, ent.axis[1]);
VectorSet(ent.origin, 0, y, 0);
ent.scale = 1;
Mod_AddSingleSurface(&ent, mods->surfaceidx, s, 2);
mesh.xyz_array = cl_strisvertv + oldvert;
mesh.st_array = cl_strisvertt + oldvert;
mesh.colors4f_array[0] = cl_strisvertc + oldvert;
mesh.indexes = cl_strisidx + oldidx;
mesh.numindexes = cl_numstrisidx - oldidx;
mesh.numvertexes = cl_numstrisvert-oldvert;
cl_numstris = oldtris;
cl_numstrisidx = oldidx;
cl_numstrisvert = oldvert;
if (R2D_Flush)
BE_DrawMesh_Single(s, &mesh, NULL, BEF_LINES);
Draw_FunString(0, y, va("%s: <NO TEXTURE>", t));
Draw_FunString(0, y, "Texture info not available");
Draw_FunString(0, y, "Unknown display mode");
static qboolean M_ModelViewerKey(struct menucustom_s *c, struct emenu_s *m, int key, unsigned int unicode)
modelview_t *mods = c->dptr;
if ((key == 'w' && !keydown[K_MOUSE1]) || key == K_MWHEELUP)
mods->dist *= 0.9;
if (mods->dist < 1)
mods->dist = 1;
else if ((key == 's' && !keydown[K_MOUSE1]) || key == K_MWHEELDOWN)
mods->dist /= 0.9;
else if (key == 'm')
mods->shadertext = NULL;
switch (mods->mode)
case MV_NONE: mods->mode = MV_BONES; break;
case MV_BONES: mods->mode = MV_SHADER; break;
case MV_SHADER: mods->mode = MV_TEXTURE; break;
case MV_TEXTURE: mods->mode = MV_COLLISION; break;
case MV_COLLISION: mods->mode = MV_EVENTS; break;
case MV_EVENTS: mods->mode = MV_NORMALS; break;
case MV_NORMALS: mods->mode = MV_NONE; break;
else if (key == 'r')
mods->framechangetime = realtime;
mods->skinchangetime = realtime;
#ifdef RAGDOLL
else if (key == 'f')
mods->flop ^= 1;
if (!mods->flop)
else if (key == '[')
if (mods->boneidx < 0)
mods->boneidx = 0;
else if (key == ']')
else if (key == K_UPARROW || key == K_KP_UPARROW || key == K_GP_DPAD_UP)
mods->pitch += 5;
else if (key == K_DOWNARROW || key == K_KP_DOWNARROW || key == K_GP_DPAD_DOWN)
mods->pitch -= 5;
else if (key == K_LEFTARROW || key == K_KP_LEFTARROW || key == K_GP_DPAD_LEFT)
mods->yaw -= 5;
else if (key == K_RIGHTARROW || key == K_KP_RIGHTARROW || key == K_GP_DPAD_RIGHT)
mods->yaw += 5;
else if (key == 't')
if (mods->mode == MV_TEXTURE)
mods->textype += 1;
mods->textype = 0;
mods->mode = MV_TEXTURE;
else if (key == K_END)
mods->skingroup = max(0, mods->skingroup-1);
mods->skinchangetime = realtime;
mods->shadertext = NULL;
else if (key == K_HOME)
mods->skingroup += 1;
mods->skinchangetime = realtime;
mods->shadertext = NULL;
else if (key == K_PGDN)
mods->framegroup = max(0, mods->framegroup-1);
mods->framechangetime = realtime;
mods->shadertext = NULL;
else if (key == K_PGUP)
mods->framegroup += 1;
mods->framechangetime = realtime;
else if (key == K_DEL)
mods->surfaceidx = max(0, mods->surfaceidx-1);
mods->shadertext = NULL;
else if (key == K_INS)
mods->surfaceidx += 1;
mods->shadertext = NULL;
else if (key == K_SPACE)
if (*mods->shaderfile)
Cbuf_AddText(va("\nedit %s\n", mods->shaderfile), RESTRICT_LOCAL);
return true;
return false;
return true;
#ifdef RAGDOLL
void M_Modelviewer_Reset(struct menu_s *cmenu)
emenu_t *menu = (emenu_t*)cmenu;
modelview_t *mv = menu->data;
mv->ragworld.worldmodel = NULL; //already went away
//we still want it.
mv->ragworld.worldmodel = NULL;//Mod_ForName("", MLV_SILENT);
// World_RBE_Start(&mv->ragworld);
static void M_Modelviewer_Shutdown(struct emenu_s *menu)
modelview_t *mv = menu->data;
//haxors, for skeletal objects+RBE
static char *PDECL M_Modelviewer_AddString(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, const char *val, int minlength, pbool demarkup)
return Z_Malloc(minlength);
static struct edict_s *PDECL M_Modelviewer_ProgsToEdict(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, int num)
return (struct edict_s*)prinst->edicttable[num];
void M_Menu_ModelViewer_f(void)
modelview_t *mv;
menucustom_t *c;
emenu_t *menu;
menu = M_CreateMenu(sizeof(*mv));
menu->menu.persist = true;
mv = menu->data;
c = MC_AddCustom(menu, 64, 32, mv, 0, NULL);
menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t*)c;
c->draw = M_ModelViewerDraw;
c->key = M_ModelViewerKey;
mv->yaw = 180;// + crandom()*45;
mv->dist = 150;
Q_strncpyz(mv->modelname, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(mv->modelname));
Q_strncpyz(mv->forceshader, Cmd_Argv(2), sizeof(mv->forceshader));
mv->framechangetime = realtime;
mv->skinchangetime = realtime;
#ifdef RAGDOLL
menu->menu.videoreset = M_Modelviewer_Reset;
menu->remove = M_Modelviewer_Shutdown;
mv->ragworld.progs = &mv->ragfuncs;
mv->ragfuncs.AddString = M_Modelviewer_AddString;
mv->ragfuncs.ProgsToEdict = M_Modelviewer_ProgsToEdict;
mv->ragfuncs.edicttable = (edict_t**)&mv->ragworld.edicts;
mv->ragworld.edicts = &mv->ragworldedict;
mv->ragworld.edicts->v = &mv->ragworldvars;
#ifdef VM_Q1
mv->ragworld.edicts->xv = &mv->ragworldextvars;
mv->ragworld.num_edicts = 1;
mv->ragworld.edicts->v->solid = SOLID_BBOX;
VectorSet(mv->ragworld.edicts->v->mins, -1000, -1000, -1000);
VectorSet(mv->ragworld.edicts->v->maxs, 1000, 1000, -100);
mv->ragworld.edicts->xv->dimension_hit = mv->ragworld.edicts->xv->dimension_solid = 0xff;
mv->ragworld.worldmodel = Mod_ForName("", MLV_SILENT);
static int QDECL CompleteModelViewerList (const char *name, qofs_t flags, time_t mtime, void *parm, searchpathfuncs_t *spath)
struct xcommandargcompletioncb_s *ctx = parm;
const char *ext = COM_GetFileExtension(name, NULL);
if (!strcmp(ext, ".mdl") || !strcmp(ext, ".md2") || !strcmp(ext, ".md3")
|| !strcmp(ext, ".iqm") || !strcmp(ext, ".dpm") || !strcmp(ext, ".zym")
|| !strcmp(ext, ".psk") || !strcmp(ext, ".md5mesh") || !strcmp(ext, ".md5anim")
|| !strcmp(ext, ".bsp") || !strcmp(ext, ".map") || !strcmp(ext, ".hmp")
|| !strcmp(ext, ".spr") || !strcmp(ext, ".sp2") || !strcmp(ext, ".spr32")
|| !strcmp(ext, ".gltf") || !strcmp(ext, ".glb") || !strcmp(ext, ".ase") || !strcmp(ext, ".lwo") || !strcmp(ext, ".obj"))
ctx->cb(name, NULL, NULL, ctx);
return true;
void M_Menu_ModelViewer_c(int argn, const char *partial, struct xcommandargcompletioncb_s *ctx)
if (argn == 1)
COM_EnumerateFiles(va("%s*", partial), CompleteModelViewerList, ctx);
COM_EnumerateFiles(va("%s*/*", partial), CompleteModelViewerList, ctx);
COM_EnumerateFiles(va("%s*/*", partial), CompleteModelViewerList, ctx);
COM_EnumerateFiles(va("%s*/*/*", partial), CompleteModelViewerList, ctx);
void M_Menu_ModelViewer_f(void)
Con_Printf("modelviewer: not in this build\n");
static void Mods_Draw(int x, int y, struct menucustom_s *c, struct emenu_s *m)
int i = c->dint;
struct modlist_s *mod = Mods_GetMod(i);
c->common.width = vid.width - x - 16;
if (!mod && !i)
float scale[] = {8,8};
R_DrawTextField(0, y, vid.width, vid.height - y,
"No games or mods known.\n"
#if defined(FTE_TARGET_WEB) || defined(NACL)
"Connection issue or bad server config.\n"
#ifndef ANDROID
"You may need to use -basedir $PATHTOGAME on the commandline.\n"
"\nExpected data path:\n^a%s", com_gamepath
), CON_WHITEMASK, 0, font_console, scale);
if (!mod)
if (mod->manifest)
if (m->selecteditem == (menuoption_t*)c)
Draw_AltFunString(x, y, mod->manifest->formalname);
Draw_FunString(x, y, mod->manifest->formalname);
if (m->selecteditem == (menuoption_t*)c)
Draw_AltFunString(x, y, mod->gamedir);
Draw_FunString(x, y, mod->gamedir);
static qboolean Mods_Key(struct menucustom_s *c, struct emenu_s *m, int key, unsigned int unicode)
int gameidx = c->dint;
if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_ENTER || key == K_GP_A)
qboolean wasgameless = !*FS_GetGamedir(false);
if (!Mods_GetMod(c->dint))
return false;
Cbuf_AddText(va("\nfs_changegame %u\n", gameidx+1), RESTRICT_LOCAL);
if (wasgameless && !!*FS_GetGamedir(false))
//starting to a blank state generally means that the current(engine-default) config settings are utterly useless and windowed by default.
//so generally when switching to a *real* game, we want to restart video just so things like fullscreen etc are saved+used properly.
Cbuf_AddText("\nvid_restart\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
return true;
return false;
void M_Menu_Mods_f (void)
menucustom_t *c;
emenu_t *menu;
size_t i;
//FIXME: sort by mtime?
menu = M_CreateMenu(0);
if (COM_FCheckExists("gfx/p_option.lmp"))
MC_AddPicture(menu, 16, 4, 32, 144, "gfx/qplaque.lmp");
MC_AddCenterPicture(menu, 0, 24, "gfx/p_option.lmp");
MC_AddFrameStart(menu, 32);
for (i = 0; i<1 || Mods_GetMod(i); i++)
c = MC_AddCustom(menu, 64, 32+i*8, menu->data, i, NULL);
// if (!menu->selecteditem)
// menu->selecteditem = (menuoption_t*)c;
c->common.height = 8;
c->draw = Mods_Draw;
c->key = Mods_Key;
MC_AddFrameEnd(menu, 32);
#if 0
extern ftemanifest_t *fs_manifest; //currently active manifest.
struct installermenudata
menuedit_t *syspath;
static void Installer_Remove (struct menu_s *m)
Cbuf_AddText("quit force\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
void FS_CreateBasedir(const char *path);
#include <process.h>
static qboolean Installer_Go(menuoption_t *opt, menu_t *menu, int key)
struct installermenudata *md = menu->data;
if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_ENTER || key == K_GP_START)
extern int startuppending;
vfsfile_t *f;
char path[MAX_OSPATH];
char exepath[MAX_OSPATH];
char newexepath[MAX_OSPATH];
Q_snprintfz(path, sizeof(path), "%s/", md->syspath->text);
Con_Printf("path %s\n", path);
menu->remove = NULL;
#ifdef _WIN32
GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, exepath, sizeof(exepath));
FS_NativePath(va("%s.exe", fs_manifest->installation), FS_ROOT, newexepath, sizeof(newexepath));
CopyFileW(exepath, newexepath, FALSE);
// SetHookState(false);
Host_Shutdown ();
// CloseHandle (qwclsemaphore);
// SetHookState(false);
// _execv(newexepath, host_parms.argv);
STARTUPINFOW startinfo = {sizeof(startinfo)};
memset(&childinfo, 0, sizeof(childinfo));
if (CreateProcessW(newexepath, va("\"%s\" +sys_register_file_associations %s", newexepath, COM_Parse(GetCommandLineW())), NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, path, &startinfo, &childinfo))
#elif 0
#ifdef __linux__
if (readlink("/proc/self/exe", exepath, sizeof(exepath)-1) <= 0)
Q_strncpyz(exepath, host_parms.argv[0], sizeof(exepath));
int fd = creat(newexepath, S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP|S_IXGRP);
startuppending = 2;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
void M_Menu_Installer(void)
menu_t *menu;
struct installermenudata *md;
menu = M_CreateMenu(sizeof(*md));
md = menu->data = (menu+1);
md->syspath = MC_AddEdit(menu, 0, 160, 64, "Path", "C:/Games/AfterQuake/testinstall/base");//va("c:/%s", fs_manifest->installation));
//FIXME: add path check display
MC_AddCommand (menu, 0, 160, 128, "Install", Installer_Go);
MC_AddConsoleCommand(menu, 0, 160, 136, "Cancel", "menu_quit\n");
menu->selecteditem = (menuoption_t*)md->syspath;
menu->cursoritem = (menuoption_t*)MC_AddWhiteText(menu, 250, 0, menu->selecteditem->common.posy, NULL, false);
menu->remove = Installer_Remove;