Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/nzp-team/fteqw.git synced 2025-03-06 16:51:04 +00:00
Spoike 2937f9d861 Now understands spams setangles.
D3D is a little more complete, lighting on models appears correct.
Added rate scaling to the sound system. Not sure on the configuration yet, and its not queryable in any way. Misc sound related cleanups.

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/branches/wip@3619 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2010-11-06 23:05:29 +00:00

1369 lines
35 KiB

//a note about dedicated servers:
//In the server-side gamecode, a couple of q1 extensions require knowing something about models.
//So we load models serverside, if required.
//things we need:
//tag/bone names and indexes so we can have reasonable modding with tags. :)
//tag/bone positions so we can shoot from the actual gun or other funky stuff
//vertex positions so we can trace against the mesh rather than the bbox.
//we use the gl renderer's model code because it supports more sorts of models than the sw renderer. Sad but true.
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "glquake.h"
#if defined(GLQUAKE) || defined(D3DQUAKE)
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <malloc.h>
#include <alloca.h>
#define MAX_BONES 256
#include "com_mesh.h"
typedef struct
float scale[3]; // multiply qbyte verts by this
float translate[3]; // then add this
char name[16]; // frame name from grabbing
dtrivertx_t verts[1]; // variable sized
} dmd2aliasframe_t;
extern cvar_t gl_part_flame, r_fullbrightSkins, r_fb_models;
extern cvar_t r_noaliasshadows;
void R_TorchEffect (vec3_t pos, int type);
void GLMod_FloodFillSkin( qbyte *skin, int skinwidth, int skinheight );
extern char loadname[32]; // for hunk tags
int numTempColours;
byte_vec4_t *tempColours;
int numTempVertexCoords;
vec3_t *tempVertexCoords;
int numTempNormals;
vec3_t *tempNormals;
extern cvar_t gl_ati_truform;
extern cvar_t r_vertexdlights;
extern cvar_t mod_md3flags;
extern cvar_t r_skin_overlays;
static hashtable_t skincolourmapped;
extern avec3_t shadevector, shadelight, ambientlight;
//changes vertex lighting values
#if 0
static void R_GAliasApplyLighting(mesh_t *mesh, vec3_t org, vec3_t angles, float *colormod)
int l, v;
vec3_t rel;
vec3_t dir;
float dot, d, a;
if (mesh->colors4f_array)
float l;
int temp;
int i;
avec4_t *colours = mesh->colors4f_array;
vec3_t *normals = mesh->normals_array;
vec3_t ambient, shade;
qbyte alphab = bound(0, colormod[3], 1);
if (!mesh->normals_array)
mesh->colors4f_array = NULL;
VectorCopy(ambientlight, ambient);
VectorCopy(shadelight, shade);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
ambient[i] *= colormod[i];
shade[i] *= colormod[i];
for (i = mesh->numvertexes-1; i >= 0; i--)
l = DotProduct(normals[i], shadevector);
temp = l*ambient[0]+shade[0];
colours[i][0] = temp;
temp = l*ambient[1]+shade[1];
colours[i][1] = temp;
temp = l*ambient[2]+shade[2];
colours[i][2] = temp;
colours[i][3] = alphab;
if (r_vertexdlights.value && mesh->colors4f_array)
//don't include world lights
for (l=rtlights_first ; l<RTL_FIRST; l++)
if (cl_dlights[l].radius)
VectorSubtract (cl_dlights[l].origin,
if (Length(dir)>cl_dlights[l].radius+mesh->radius) //far out man!
rel[0] = -DotProduct(dir, currententity->axis[0]);
rel[1] = -DotProduct(dir, currententity->axis[1]); //quake's crazy.
rel[2] = -DotProduct(dir, currententity->axis[2]);
for (v = 0; v < mesh->numvertexes; v++)
VectorSubtract(mesh->xyz_array[v], rel, dir);
dot = DotProduct(dir, mesh->normals_array[v]);
if (dot>0)
d = DotProduct(dir, dir);
a = 1/d;
if (a>0)
a *= 10000000*dot/sqrt(d);
mesh->colors4f_array[v][0] += a*cl_dlights[l].color[0];
mesh->colors4f_array[v][1] += a*cl_dlights[l].color[1];
mesh->colors4f_array[v][2] += a*cl_dlights[l].color[2];
// else
// mesh->colors4f_array[v][1] = 1;
// else
// mesh->colors4f_array[v][2] = 1;
void GL_GAliasFlushSkinCache(void)
int i;
bucket_t *b;
for (i = 0; i < skincolourmapped.numbuckets; i++)
while((b = skincolourmapped.bucket[i]))
skincolourmapped.bucket[i] = b->next;
if (skincolourmapped.bucket)
skincolourmapped.bucket = NULL;
skincolourmapped.numbuckets = 0;
static texnums_t *GL_ChooseSkin(galiasinfo_t *inf, char *modelname, int surfnum, entity_t *e)
galiasskin_t *skins;
texnums_t *texnums;
int frame;
unsigned int subframe;
unsigned int tc, bc, pc;
qboolean forced;
if (e->skinnum >= 100 && e->skinnum < 110)
shader_t *s;
s = R_RegisterSkin(va("gfx/skin%d.lmp", e->skinnum));
if (!TEXVALID(s->defaulttextures.base))
s->defaulttextures.base = R_LoadHiResTexture(va("gfx/skin%d.lmp", e->skinnum), NULL, 0);
s->defaulttextures.shader = s;
return &s->defaulttextures;
if ((e->model->engineflags & MDLF_NOTREPLACEMENTS) && !ruleset_allow_sensative_texture_replacements.ival)
forced = true;
forced = false;
if (!gl_nocolors.ival || forced)
if (e->scoreboard)
if (!e->scoreboard->skin)
tc = e->scoreboard->ttopcolor;
bc = e->scoreboard->tbottomcolor;
pc = e->scoreboard->h2playerclass;
tc = 1;
bc = 1;
pc = 0;
if (forced || tc != 1 || bc != 1 || (e->scoreboard && e->scoreboard->skin))
int inwidth, inheight;
int tinwidth, tinheight;
char *skinname;
qbyte *original;
galiascolourmapped_t *cm;
char hashname[512];
// if (e->scoreboard->skin->cachedbpp
/* if (cls.protocol == CP_QUAKE2)
if (e->scoreboard && e->scoreboard->skin)
snprintf(hashname, sizeof(hashname), "%s$%s$%i", modelname, e->scoreboard->skin->name, surfnum);
snprintf(hashname, sizeof(hashname), "%s$%i", modelname, surfnum);
skinname = hashname;
else */
if (e->scoreboard && e->scoreboard->skin)
snprintf(hashname, sizeof(hashname), "%s$%s$%i", modelname, e->scoreboard->skin->name, surfnum);
skinname = hashname;
else if (surfnum)
snprintf(hashname, sizeof(hashname), "%s$%i", modelname, surfnum);
skinname = hashname;
skinname = modelname;
if (!skincolourmapped.numbuckets)
void *buckets = BZ_Malloc(Hash_BytesForBuckets(256));
memset(buckets, 0, Hash_BytesForBuckets(256));
Hash_InitTable(&skincolourmapped, 256, buckets);
if (!inf->numskins)
skins = NULL;
subframe = 0;
texnums = NULL;
skins = (galiasskin_t*)((char *)inf + inf->ofsskins);
if (!skins->texnums)
skins = NULL;
subframe = 0;
texnums = NULL;
if (e->skinnum >= 0 && e->skinnum < inf->numskins)
skins += e->skinnum;
subframe = cl.time*skins->skinspeed;
subframe = subframe%skins->texnums;
texnums = (texnums_t*)((char *)skins + skins->ofstexnums + subframe*sizeof(texnums_t));
for (cm = Hash_Get(&skincolourmapped, skinname); cm; cm = Hash_GetNext(&skincolourmapped, skinname, cm))
if (cm->tcolour == tc && cm->bcolour == bc && cm->skinnum == e->skinnum && cm->subframe == subframe && cm->pclass == pc)
return &cm->texnum;
//colourmap isn't present yet.
cm = BZ_Malloc(sizeof(*cm));
Q_strncpyz(cm->name, skinname, sizeof(cm->name));
Hash_Add(&skincolourmapped, cm->name, cm, &cm->bucket);
cm->tcolour = tc;
cm->bcolour = bc;
cm->pclass = pc;
cm->skinnum = e->skinnum;
cm->subframe = subframe;
cm->texnum.fullbright = r_nulltex;
cm->texnum.base = r_nulltex;
cm->texnum.loweroverlay = r_nulltex;
cm->texnum.upperoverlay = r_nulltex;
cm->texnum.shader = texnums?texnums->shader:R_RegisterSkin(skinname);
if (!texnums)
{ //load just the skin
if (e->scoreboard && e->scoreboard->skin)
if (cls.protocol == CP_QUAKE2)
original = Skin_Cache32(e->scoreboard->skin);
if (original)
inwidth = e->scoreboard->skin->width;
inheight = e->scoreboard->skin->height;
cm->texnum.base = R_LoadTexture32(e->scoreboard->skin->name, inwidth, inheight, (unsigned int*)original, IF_NOALPHA|IF_NOGAMMA);
return &cm->texnum;
original = Skin_Cache8(e->scoreboard->skin);
if (original)
inwidth = e->scoreboard->skin->width;
inheight = e->scoreboard->skin->height;
cm->texnum.base = R_LoadTexture8(e->scoreboard->skin->name, inwidth, inheight, original, IF_NOALPHA|IF_NOGAMMA, 1);
return &cm->texnum;
if (TEXVALID(e->scoreboard->skin->tex_base))
texnums = &cm->texnum;
texnums->loweroverlay = e->scoreboard->skin->tex_lower;
texnums->upperoverlay = e->scoreboard->skin->tex_upper;
texnums->base = e->scoreboard->skin->tex_base;
return texnums;
cm->texnum.base = R_LoadHiResTexture(e->scoreboard->skin->name, "skins", IF_NOALPHA);
return &cm->texnum;
return NULL;
cm->texnum.bump = texnums[cm->skinnum].bump; //can't colour bumpmapping
if (cls.protocol != CP_QUAKE2 && ((!texnums || !strcmp(modelname, "progs/player.mdl")) && e->scoreboard && e->scoreboard->skin))
original = Skin_Cache8(e->scoreboard->skin);
inwidth = e->scoreboard->skin->width;
inheight = e->scoreboard->skin->height;
if (!original && TEXVALID(e->scoreboard->skin->tex_base))
texnums = &cm->texnum;
texnums->loweroverlay = e->scoreboard->skin->tex_lower;
texnums->upperoverlay = e->scoreboard->skin->tex_upper;
texnums->base = e->scoreboard->skin->tex_base;
return texnums;
original = NULL;
inwidth = 0;
inheight = 0;
if (!original)
if (skins->ofstexels)
original = (qbyte *)skins + skins->ofstexels;
inwidth = skins->skinwidth;
inheight = skins->skinheight;
original = NULL;
inwidth = 0;
inheight = 0;
tinwidth = skins->skinwidth;
tinheight = skins->skinheight;
if (original)
int i, j;
unsigned translate32[256];
static unsigned pixels[512*512];
unsigned *out;
unsigned frac, fracstep;
unsigned scaled_width, scaled_height;
qbyte *inrow;
texnums = &cm->texnum;
texnums->base = r_nulltex;
texnums->fullbright = r_nulltex;
scaled_width = gl_max_size.value < 512 ? gl_max_size.value : 512;
scaled_height = gl_max_size.value < 512 ? gl_max_size.value : 512;
//handle the case of an external skin being smaller than the texture that its meant to replace
//(to support the evil hackage of the padding on the outside of common qw skins)
if (tinwidth > inwidth)
tinwidth = inwidth;
if (tinheight > inheight)
tinheight = inheight;
//don't make scaled width any larger than it needs to be
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
scaled_width = (1<<i);
if (scaled_width >= tinwidth)
break; //its covered
if (scaled_width > gl_max_size.value)
scaled_width = gl_max_size.value; //whoops, we made it too big
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
scaled_height = (1<<i);
if (scaled_height >= tinheight)
break; //its covered
if (scaled_height > gl_max_size.value)
scaled_height = gl_max_size.value; //whoops, we made it too big
if (scaled_width < 4)
scaled_width = 4;
if (scaled_height < 4)
scaled_height = 4;
if (h2playertranslations && pc)
unsigned int color_offsets[5] = {2*14*256,0,1*14*256,2*14*256,2*14*256};
unsigned char *colorA, *colorB, *sourceA, *sourceB;
colorA = h2playertranslations + 256 + color_offsets[pc-1];
colorB = colorA + 256;
sourceA = colorB + (tc * 256);
sourceB = colorB + (bc * 256);
translate32[i] = d_8to24rgbtable[i];
if (tc > 0 && (colorA[i] != 255))
translate32[i] = d_8to24rgbtable[sourceA[i]];
if (bc > 0 && (colorB[i] != 255))
translate32[i] = d_8to24rgbtable[sourceB[i]];
translate32[0] = 0;
for (i=0 ; i<256 ; i++)
translate32[i] = d_8to24rgbtable[i];
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
if (tc >= 16)
//assumption: row 0 is pure white.
*((unsigned char*)&translate32[TOP_RANGE+i]+0) = (((tc&0xff0000)>>16)**((unsigned char*)&d_8to24rgbtable[i]+0))>>8;
*((unsigned char*)&translate32[TOP_RANGE+i]+1) = (((tc&0x00ff00)>> 8)**((unsigned char*)&d_8to24rgbtable[i]+1))>>8;
*((unsigned char*)&translate32[TOP_RANGE+i]+2) = (((tc&0x0000ff)>> 0)**((unsigned char*)&d_8to24rgbtable[i]+2))>>8;
*((unsigned char*)&translate32[TOP_RANGE+i]+3) = 0xff;
if (tc < 8)
translate32[TOP_RANGE+i] = d_8to24rgbtable[(tc<<4)+i];
translate32[TOP_RANGE+i] = d_8to24rgbtable[(tc<<4)+15-i];
if (bc >= 16)
*((unsigned char*)&translate32[BOTTOM_RANGE+i]+0) = (((bc&0xff0000)>>16)**((unsigned char*)&d_8to24rgbtable[i]+0))>>8;
*((unsigned char*)&translate32[BOTTOM_RANGE+i]+1) = (((bc&0x00ff00)>> 8)**((unsigned char*)&d_8to24rgbtable[i]+1))>>8;
*((unsigned char*)&translate32[BOTTOM_RANGE+i]+2) = (((bc&0x0000ff)>> 0)**((unsigned char*)&d_8to24rgbtable[i]+2))>>8;
*((unsigned char*)&translate32[BOTTOM_RANGE+i]+3) = 0xff;
if (bc < 8)
translate32[BOTTOM_RANGE+i] = d_8to24rgbtable[(bc<<4)+i];
translate32[BOTTOM_RANGE+i] = d_8to24rgbtable[(bc<<4)+15-i];
out = pixels;
fracstep = tinwidth*0x10000/scaled_width;
for (i=0 ; i<scaled_height ; i++, out += scaled_width)
inrow = original + inwidth*(i*inheight/scaled_height);
frac = fracstep >> 1;
for (j=0 ; j<scaled_width ; j+=4)
out[j] = translate32[inrow[frac>>16]];
frac += fracstep;
out[j+1] = translate32[inrow[frac>>16]];
frac += fracstep;
out[j+2] = translate32[inrow[frac>>16]];
frac += fracstep;
out[j+3] = translate32[inrow[frac>>16]];
frac += fracstep;
texnums->base = R_AllocNewTexture(scaled_width, scaled_height);
R_Upload(texnums->base, "", h2playertranslations?TF_RGBA32:TF_RGBX32, pixels, NULL, scaled_width, scaled_height, IF_NOMIPMAP);
if (!h2playertranslations)
//now do the fullbrights.
out = pixels;
fracstep = tinwidth*0x10000/scaled_width;
for (i=0 ; i<scaled_height ; i++, out += scaled_width)
inrow = original + inwidth*(i*inheight/scaled_height);
frac = fracstep >> 1;
for (j=0 ; j<scaled_width ; j+=1)
if (inrow[frac>>16] < 255-vid.fullbright)
((char *) (&out[j]))[3] = 0; //alpha 0
frac += fracstep;
texnums->fullbright = R_AllocNewTexture(scaled_width, scaled_height);
R_Upload(texnums->fullbright, "", TF_RGBA32, pixels, NULL, scaled_width, scaled_height, IF_NOMIPMAP);
skins = (galiasskin_t*)((char *)inf + inf->ofsskins);
if (e->skinnum >= 0 && e->skinnum < inf->numskins)
skins += e->skinnum;
if (!inf->numskins || !skins->texnums)
return NULL;
frame = cl.time*skins->skinspeed;
frame = frame%skins->texnums;
texnums = (texnums_t*)((char *)skins + skins->ofstexnums + frame*sizeof(texnums_t));
memcpy(&cm->texnum, texnums, sizeof(cm->texnum));
return &cm->texnum;
if (!inf->numskins)
return NULL;
skins = (galiasskin_t*)((char *)inf + inf->ofsskins);
if (e->skinnum >= 0 && e->skinnum < inf->numskins)
skins += e->skinnum;
Con_DPrintf("Skin number out of range\n");
if (!inf->numskins)
return NULL;
if (!skins->texnums)
return NULL;
frame = cl.time*skins->skinspeed;
frame = frame%skins->texnums;
texnums = (texnums_t*)((char *)skins + skins->ofstexnums + frame*sizeof(texnums_t));
return texnums;
#if defined(RTLIGHTS) && defined(GLQUAKE)
static int numFacing;
static qbyte *triangleFacing;
static void R_CalcFacing(mesh_t *mesh, vec3_t lightpos)
float *v1, *v2, *v3;
vec3_t d1, d2, norm;
int i;
index_t *indexes = mesh->indexes;
int numtris = mesh->numindexes/3;
if (numFacing < numtris)
if (triangleFacing)
triangleFacing = BZ_Malloc(sizeof(*triangleFacing)*numtris);
numFacing = numtris;
for (i = 0; i < numtris; i++, indexes+=3)
v1 = (float *)(mesh->xyz_array + indexes[0]);
v2 = (float *)(mesh->xyz_array + indexes[1]);
v3 = (float *)(mesh->xyz_array + indexes[2]);
VectorSubtract(v1, v2, d1);
VectorSubtract(v3, v2, d2);
CrossProduct(d1, d2, norm);
triangleFacing[i] = (( lightpos[0] - v1[0] ) * norm[0] + ( lightpos[1] - v1[1] ) * norm[1] + ( lightpos[2] - v1[2] ) * norm[2]) > 0;
static int numProjectedShadowVerts;
static vec3_t *ProjectedShadowVerts;
static void R_ProjectShadowVolume(mesh_t *mesh, vec3_t lightpos)
int numverts = mesh->numvertexes;
int i;
vecV_t *input = mesh->xyz_array;
vec3_t *projected;
if (numProjectedShadowVerts < numverts)
if (ProjectedShadowVerts)
ProjectedShadowVerts = BZ_Malloc(sizeof(*ProjectedShadowVerts)*numverts);
numProjectedShadowVerts = numverts;
projected = ProjectedShadowVerts;
for (i = 0; i < numverts; i++)
projected[i][0] = input[i][0] + (input[i][0]-lightpos[0])*PROJECTION_DISTANCE;
projected[i][1] = input[i][1] + (input[i][1]-lightpos[1])*PROJECTION_DISTANCE;
projected[i][2] = input[i][2] + (input[i][2]-lightpos[2])*PROJECTION_DISTANCE;
static void R_DrawShadowVolume(mesh_t *mesh)
int t;
vec3_t *proj = ProjectedShadowVerts;
vecV_t *verts = mesh->xyz_array;
index_t *indexes = mesh->indexes;
int *neighbours = mesh->trneighbors;
int numtris = mesh->numindexes/3;
for (t = 0; t < numtris; t++)
if (triangleFacing[t])
//draw front
//draw back
//draw side caps
if (neighbours[t*3+0] < 0 || !triangleFacing[neighbours[t*3+0]])
qglVertex3fv(proj [indexes[t*3+0]]);
qglVertex3fv(proj [indexes[t*3+0]]);
qglVertex3fv(proj [indexes[t*3+1]]);
if (neighbours[t*3+1] < 0 || !triangleFacing[neighbours[t*3+1]])
qglVertex3fv(proj [indexes[t*3+1]]);
qglVertex3fv(proj [indexes[t*3+1]]);
qglVertex3fv(proj [indexes[t*3+2]]);
if (neighbours[t*3+2] < 0 || !triangleFacing[neighbours[t*3+2]])
qglVertex3fv(proj [indexes[t*3+2]]);
qglVertex3fv(proj [indexes[t*3+2]]);
qglVertex3fv(proj [indexes[t*3+0]]);
//true if no shading is to be used.
static qboolean R_CalcModelLighting(entity_t *e, model_t *clmodel)
vec3_t lightdir;
int i;
vec3_t dist;
float add;
if (clmodel->engineflags & MDLF_FLAME)
shadelight[0] = shadelight[1] = shadelight[2] = 1;
ambientlight[0] = ambientlight[1] = ambientlight[2] = 1;
return true;
if ((e->drawflags & MLS_MASKIN) == MLS_FULLBRIGHT || (e->flags & Q2RF_FULLBRIGHT))
shadelight[0] = shadelight[1] = shadelight[2] = 1;
ambientlight[0] = ambientlight[1] = ambientlight[2] = 1;
return true;
if (!(r_refdef.flags & Q2RDF_NOWORLDMODEL))
if (e->flags & Q2RF_WEAPONMODEL)
cl.worldmodel->funcs.LightPointValues(cl.worldmodel, r_refdef.vieworg, shadelight, ambientlight, lightdir);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
{ /*viewmodels may not be pure black*/
if (ambientlight[i] < 24)
ambientlight[i] = 24;
vec3_t center;
#if 0 /*hexen2*/
VectorAvg(clmodel->mins, clmodel->maxs, center);
VectorAdd(e->origin, center, center);
VectorCopy(e->origin, center);
center[2] += 8;
cl.worldmodel->funcs.LightPointValues(cl.worldmodel, center, shadelight, ambientlight, lightdir);
ambientlight[0] = ambientlight[1] = ambientlight[2] = shadelight[0] = shadelight[1] = shadelight[2] = 255;
lightdir[0] = 0;
lightdir[1] = 1;
lightdir[2] = 1;
if (!r_vertexdlights.ival && r_dynamic.ival)
//don't do world lights, although that might be funny
for (i=rtlights_first; i<RTL_FIRST; i++)
if (cl_dlights[i].radius)
VectorSubtract (e->origin,
add = cl_dlights[i].radius - Length(dist);
if (add > 0) {
ambientlight[0] += add * cl_dlights[i].color[0];
ambientlight[1] += add * cl_dlights[i].color[1];
ambientlight[2] += add * cl_dlights[i].color[2];
//ZOID models should be affected by dlights as well
shadelight[0] += add * cl_dlights[i].color[0];
shadelight[1] += add * cl_dlights[i].color[1];
shadelight[2] += add * cl_dlights[i].color[2];
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) //clamp light so it doesn't get vulgar.
if (ambientlight[i] > 128)
ambientlight[i] = 128;
if (shadelight[i] > 192)
shadelight[i] = 192;
// clamp lighting so it doesn't overbright as much
// ZOID: never allow players to go totally black
if (clmodel->engineflags & MDLF_PLAYER)
float fb = r_fullbrightSkins.value;
if (fb > cls.allow_fbskins)
fb = cls.allow_fbskins;
if (fb < 0)
fb = 0;
if (fb)
extern cvar_t r_fb_models;
if (fb >= 1 && r_fb_models.value)
ambientlight[0] = ambientlight[1] = ambientlight[2] = 4096;
shadelight[0] = shadelight[1] = shadelight[2] = 4096;
return true;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
ambientlight[i] = max(ambientlight[i], 8 + fb * 120);
shadelight[i] = max(shadelight[i], 8 + fb * 120);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (ambientlight[i] < 8)
ambientlight[i] = shadelight[i] = 8;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (ambientlight[i] > 128)
ambientlight[i] = 128;
shadelight[i] /= 200.0/255;
ambientlight[i] /= 200.0/255;
if ((e->model->flags & EF_ROTATE) && cl.hexen2pickups)
shadelight[0] = shadelight[1] = shadelight[2] =
ambientlight[0] = ambientlight[1] = ambientlight[2] = 128+sin(cl.servertime*4)*64;
if ((e->drawflags & MLS_MASKIN) == MLS_ABSLIGHT)
shadelight[0] = shadelight[1] = shadelight[2] = e->abslight;
ambientlight[0] = ambientlight[1] = ambientlight[2] = e->abslight;
{ //lightdir is absolute, shadevector is relative
shadevector[0] = DotProduct(lightdir, e->axis[0]);
shadevector[1] = DotProduct(lightdir, e->axis[1]);
shadevector[2] = DotProduct(lightdir, e->axis[2]);
if (e->flags & Q2RF_WEAPONMODEL)
vec3_t temp;
temp[0] = DotProduct(shadevector, vpn);
temp[1] = -DotProduct(shadevector, vright);
temp[2] = DotProduct(shadevector, vup);
VectorCopy(temp, shadevector);
shadelight[0] *= 1/255.0f;
shadelight[1] *= 1/255.0f;
shadelight[2] *= 1/255.0f;
ambientlight[0] *= 1/255.0f;
ambientlight[1] *= 1/255.0f;
ambientlight[2] *= 1/255.0f;
if (e->flags & Q2RF_GLOW)
shadelight[0] += sin(cl.time)*0.25;
shadelight[1] += sin(cl.time)*0.25;
shadelight[2] += sin(cl.time)*0.25;
return false;
void R_GAlias_DrawBatch(batch_t *batch)
entity_t *e;
galiasinfo_t *inf;
model_t *clmodel;
int surfnum;
static mesh_t mesh;
static mesh_t *meshl = &mesh;
qboolean needrecolour;
qboolean nolightdir;
e = batch->ent;
clmodel = e->model;
currententity = e;
nolightdir = R_CalcModelLighting(e, clmodel);
inf = RMod_Extradata (clmodel);
if (inf)
memset(&mesh, 0, sizeof(mesh));
for(surfnum=0; inf; ((inf->nextsurf)?(inf = (galiasinfo_t*)((char *)inf + inf->nextsurf)):(inf=NULL)), surfnum++)
if (batch->surf_first == surfnum)
needrecolour = Alias_GAliasBuildMesh(&mesh, inf, e, e->shaderRGBAf[3], nolightdir);
batch->mesh = &meshl;
batch->meshes = 0;
Con_Printf("Broken model surfaces mid-frame\n");
void R_GAlias_GenerateBatches(entity_t *e, batch_t **batches)
galiasinfo_t *inf;
model_t *clmodel;
shader_t *shader;
batch_t *b;
int surfnum;
texnums_t *skin;
if (r_refdef.externalview && e->flags & Q2RF_WEAPONMODEL)
/*switch model if we're the player model, and the player skin says a new model*/
extern int cl_playerindex;
if (e->scoreboard && e->model == cl.model_precache[cl_playerindex])
clmodel = e->scoreboard->model;
if (clmodel && clmodel->type == mod_alias)
e->model = clmodel;
clmodel = e->model;
if (!(e->flags & Q2RF_WEAPONMODEL))
if (R_CullEntityBox (e, clmodel->mins, clmodel->maxs))
if (BE_LightCullModel(e->origin, clmodel))
if (BE_LightCullModel(r_origin, clmodel))
if (clmodel->tainted)
if (!ruleset_allow_modified_eyes.ival && !strcmp(clmodel->name, "progs/eyes.mdl"))
inf = RMod_Extradata (clmodel);
for(surfnum=0; inf; ((inf->nextsurf)?(inf = (galiasinfo_t*)((char *)inf + inf->nextsurf)):(inf=NULL)), surfnum++)
skin = GL_ChooseSkin(inf, clmodel->name, surfnum, e);
if (!skin)
shader = e->forcedshader?e->forcedshader:skin->shader;
if (shader)
b = BE_GetTempBatch();
if (!b)
b->buildmeshes = R_GAlias_DrawBatch;
b->ent = e;
b->mesh = NULL;
b->firstmesh = 0;
b->meshes = 1;
b->skin = skin;
b->texture = NULL;
b->shader = shader;
b->lightmap = -1;
b->surf_first = surfnum;
b->flags = 0;
b->vbo = 0;
b->next = batches[shader->sort];
batches[shader->sort] = b;
//returns the rotated offset of the two points in result
void RotateLightVector(const vec3_t *axis, const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t lightpoint, vec3_t result)
vec3_t offs;
offs[0] = lightpoint[0] - origin[0];
offs[1] = lightpoint[1] - origin[1];
offs[2] = lightpoint[2] - origin[2];
result[0] = DotProduct (offs, axis[0]);
result[1] = DotProduct (offs, axis[1]);
result[2] = DotProduct (offs, axis[2]);
#if defined(RTLIGHTS) && defined(GLQUAKE)
void GL_LightMesh (mesh_t *mesh, vec3_t lightpos, vec3_t colours, float radius)
vec3_t dir;
int i;
float dot, d, f, a;
vecV_t *xyz = mesh->xyz_array;
vec3_t *normals = mesh->normals_array;
vec4_t *out = mesh->colors4f_array;
if (!out)
return; //urm..
if (normals)
for (i = 0; i < mesh->numvertexes; i++)
VectorSubtract(lightpos, xyz[i], dir);
dot = DotProduct(dir, normals[i]);
if (dot > 0)
d = DotProduct(dir, dir)/radius;
a = 1/d;
if (a>0)
a *= dot/sqrt(d);
f = a*colours[0];
out[i][0] = f;
f = a*colours[1];
out[i][1] = f;
f = a*colours[2];
out[i][2] = f;
out[i][0] = 0;
out[i][1] = 0;
out[i][2] = 0;
out[i][0] = 0;
out[i][1] = 0;
out[i][2] = 0;
out[i][3] = 1;
for (i = 0; i < mesh->numvertexes; i++)
VectorSubtract(lightpos, xyz[i], dir);
out[i][0] = colours[0];
out[i][1] = colours[1];
out[i][2] = colours[2];
out[i][3] = 1;
//courtesy of DP
void R_BuildBumpVectors(const float *v0, const float *v1, const float *v2, const float *tc0, const float *tc1, const float *tc2, float *svector3f, float *tvector3f, float *normal3f)
float f, tangentcross[3], v10[3], v20[3], tc10[2], tc20[2];
// 79 add/sub/negate/multiply (1 cycle), 1 compare (3 cycle?), total cycles not counting load/store/exchange roughly 82 cycles
// 6 add, 28 subtract, 39 multiply, 1 compare, 50% chance of 6 negates
// 6 multiply, 9 subtract
VectorSubtract(v1, v0, v10);
VectorSubtract(v2, v0, v20);
normal3f[0] = v10[1] * v20[2] - v10[2] * v20[1];
normal3f[1] = v10[2] * v20[0] - v10[0] * v20[2];
normal3f[2] = v10[0] * v20[1] - v10[1] * v20[0];
// 12 multiply, 10 subtract
tc10[1] = tc1[1] - tc0[1];
tc20[1] = tc2[1] - tc0[1];
svector3f[0] = tc10[1] * v20[0] - tc20[1] * v10[0];
svector3f[1] = tc10[1] * v20[1] - tc20[1] * v10[1];
svector3f[2] = tc10[1] * v20[2] - tc20[1] * v10[2];
tc10[0] = tc1[0] - tc0[0];
tc20[0] = tc2[0] - tc0[0];
tvector3f[0] = tc10[0] * v20[0] - tc20[0] * v10[0];
tvector3f[1] = tc10[0] * v20[1] - tc20[0] * v10[1];
tvector3f[2] = tc10[0] * v20[2] - tc20[0] * v10[2];
// 12 multiply, 4 add, 6 subtract
f = DotProduct(svector3f, normal3f);
svector3f[0] -= f * normal3f[0];
svector3f[1] -= f * normal3f[1];
svector3f[2] -= f * normal3f[2];
f = DotProduct(tvector3f, normal3f);
tvector3f[0] -= f * normal3f[0];
tvector3f[1] -= f * normal3f[1];
tvector3f[2] -= f * normal3f[2];
// if texture is mapped the wrong way (counterclockwise), the tangents
// have to be flipped, this is detected by calculating a normal from the
// two tangents, and seeing if it is opposite the surface normal
// 9 multiply, 2 add, 3 subtract, 1 compare, 50% chance of: 6 negates
CrossProduct(tvector3f, svector3f, tangentcross);
if (DotProduct(tangentcross, normal3f) < 0)
VectorNegate(svector3f, svector3f);
VectorNegate(tvector3f, tvector3f);
//courtesy of DP
void R_AliasGenerateTextureVectors(mesh_t *mesh, float *normal3f, float *svector3f, float *tvector3f)
int i;
float sdir[3], tdir[3], normal[3], *v;
index_t *e;
float *vertex3f = (float*)mesh->xyz_array;
float *texcoord2f = (float*)mesh->st_array;
// clear the vectors
// if (svector3f)
memset(svector3f, 0, mesh->numvertexes * sizeof(float[3]));
// if (tvector3f)
memset(tvector3f, 0, mesh->numvertexes * sizeof(float[3]));
// if (normal3f)
memset(normal3f, 0, mesh->numvertexes * sizeof(float[3]));
// process each vertex of each triangle and accumulate the results
for (e = mesh->indexes; e < mesh->indexes+mesh->numindexes; e += 3)
R_BuildBumpVectors(vertex3f + e[0] * 3, vertex3f + e[1] * 3, vertex3f + e[2] * 3, texcoord2f + e[0] * 2, texcoord2f + e[1] * 2, texcoord2f + e[2] * 2, sdir, tdir, normal);
// if (!areaweighting)
// {
// VectorNormalize(sdir);
// VectorNormalize(tdir);
// VectorNormalize(normal);
// }
// if (svector3f)
for (i = 0;i < 3;i++)
VectorAdd(svector3f + e[i]*3, sdir, svector3f + e[i]*3);
// if (tvector3f)
for (i = 0;i < 3;i++)
VectorAdd(tvector3f + e[i]*3, tdir, tvector3f + e[i]*3);
// if (normal3f)
for (i = 0;i < 3;i++)
VectorAdd(normal3f + e[i]*3, normal, normal3f + e[i]*3);
// now we could divide the vectors by the number of averaged values on
// each vertex... but instead normalize them
// 4 assignments, 1 divide, 1 sqrt, 2 adds, 6 multiplies
if (svector3f)
for (i = 0, v = svector3f;i < mesh->numvertexes;i++, v += 3)
// 4 assignments, 1 divide, 1 sqrt, 2 adds, 6 multiplies
if (tvector3f)
for (i = 0, v = tvector3f;i < mesh->numvertexes;i++, v += 3)
// 4 assignments, 1 divide, 1 sqrt, 2 adds, 6 multiplies
if (normal3f)
for (i = 0, v = normal3f;i < mesh->numvertexes;i++, v += 3)
void R_AliasGenerateVertexLightDirs(mesh_t *mesh, vec3_t lightdir, vec3_t *results, vec3_t *normal3f, vec3_t *svector3f, vec3_t *tvector3f)
int i;
R_AliasGenerateTextureVectors(mesh, (float*)normal3f, (float*)svector3f, (float*)tvector3f);
for (i = 0; i < mesh->numvertexes; i++)
results[i][0] = -DotProduct(lightdir, tvector3f[i]);
results[i][1] = -DotProduct(lightdir, svector3f[i]);
results[i][2] = -DotProduct(lightdir, normal3f[i]);
//FIXME: Be less agressive.
//This function will have to be called twice (for geforce cards), with the same data, so do the building once and rendering twice.
void R_DrawGAliasShadowVolume(entity_t *e, vec3_t lightpos, float radius)
model_t *clmodel = e->model;
galiasinfo_t *inf;
mesh_t mesh;
vec3_t lightorg;
if (clmodel->engineflags & (MDLF_FLAME | MDLF_BOLT))
if (r_noaliasshadows.ival)
// if (e->shaderRGBAf[3] < 0.5)
// return;
RotateLightVector(e->axis, e->origin, lightpos, lightorg);
if (Length(lightorg) > radius + clmodel->radius)
inf = RMod_Extradata (clmodel);
if (inf->ofs_trineighbours)
Alias_GAliasBuildMesh(&mesh, inf, e, 1, true);
R_CalcFacing(&mesh, lightorg);
R_ProjectShadowVolume(&mesh, lightorg);
if (inf->nextsurf)
inf = (galiasinfo_t*)((char *)inf + inf->nextsurf);
inf = NULL;
#if 0
static int R_FindTriangleWithEdge ( index_t *indexes, int numtris, index_t start, index_t end, int ignore)
int i;
int match, count;
count = 0;
match = -1;
for (i = 0; i < numtris; i++, indexes += 3)
if ( (indexes[0] == start && indexes[1] == end)
|| (indexes[1] == start && indexes[2] == end)
|| (indexes[2] == start && indexes[0] == end) ) {
if (i != ignore)
match = i;
} else if ( (indexes[1] == start && indexes[0] == end)
|| (indexes[2] == start && indexes[1] == end)
|| (indexes[0] == start && indexes[2] == end) ) {
// detect edges shared by three triangles and make them seams
if (count > 2)
match = -1;
return match;
#if 0
static void R_BuildTriangleNeighbours ( int *neighbours, index_t *indexes, int numtris )
int i, *n;
index_t *index;
for (i = 0, index = indexes, n = neighbours; i < numtris; i++, index += 3, n += 3)
n[0] = R_FindTriangleWithEdge (indexes, numtris, index[1], index[0], i);
n[1] = R_FindTriangleWithEdge (indexes, numtris, index[2], index[1], i);
n[2] = R_FindTriangleWithEdge (indexes, numtris, index[0], index[2], i);
#if 0
void GL_GenerateNormals(float *orgs, float *normals, int *indicies, int numtris, int numverts)
vec3_t d1, d2;
vec3_t norm;
int t, i, v1, v2, v3;
int tricounts[MD2MAX_VERTS];
vec3_t combined[MD2MAX_VERTS];
int triremap[MD2MAX_VERTS];
if (numverts > MD2MAX_VERTS)
return; //not an issue, you just loose the normals.
memset(triremap, 0, numverts*sizeof(triremap[0]));
for (i = 0; i < numverts; i++) //weld points
for (v1 = 0; v1 < v2; v1++)
if (orgs[i*3+0] == combined[v1][0] &&
orgs[i*3+1] == combined[v1][1] &&
orgs[i*3+2] == combined[v1][2])
triremap[i] = v1;
if (v1 == v2)
combined[v1][0] = orgs[i*3+0];
combined[v1][1] = orgs[i*3+1];
combined[v1][2] = orgs[i*3+2];
triremap[i] = v1;
memset(tricounts, 0, v2*sizeof(tricounts[0]));
memset(combined, 0, v2*sizeof(*combined));
for (t = 0; t < numtris; t++)
v1 = triremap[indicies[t*3]];
v2 = triremap[indicies[t*3+1]];
v3 = triremap[indicies[t*3+2]];
VectorSubtract((orgs+v2*3), (orgs+v1*3), d1);
VectorSubtract((orgs+v3*3), (orgs+v1*3), d2);
CrossProduct(d1, d2, norm);
VectorAdd(norm, combined[v1], combined[v1]);
VectorAdd(norm, combined[v2], combined[v2]);
VectorAdd(norm, combined[v3], combined[v3]);
for (i = 0; i < numverts; i++)
if (tricounts[triremap[i]])
VectorScale(combined[triremap[i]], 1.0f/tricounts[triremap[i]], normals+i*3);
#endif // defined(GLQUAKE)