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synced 2025-03-09 01:50:58 +00:00
fix crash from qwplayers with invalid modelindexes rework allow_skybox a little. now applies immediately. try to fix the appears-outside-of-map bug, again. dir *.wav now shows a little extra info on mouse-over. try loading music file extensions that we expect to be able to play via ffmpeg, not just the ones that are directly supported. rework the hidden fps_presets, show them with tab completion. fix a possible crash with r_temporalscenecache fix lightmap updates on submodels not happening properly with the scenecache. fix the serious memory leak with scenecache. add r_glsl_pbr cvar to force use of pbr pathways in our glsl. fix bug in alsa output not supporting float output properly. preliminary work to have the mixer use floating point mixing. disabled for now. try to update sys_register_file_associations on linux, still needs work though. try to work around nquake's config quirks, so config files don't get overwritten. repackage quake's conchars in order to add padding. this should avoid extra junk on the outside of glyphs. give fteqcc(commandline version) some extra package extration/creation support. our paks should be more end-user-friendly, and our spanned pk3s are awesome. write rune state to legacy saved games, so we don't ever have the missing-runes bug ever again... git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5780 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
364 lines
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364 lines
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!!ver 100 300
!!permu TESS
!!permu BUMP
!!permu SKELETAL
!!permu FOG
!!cvarf r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale
!!cvardf r_glsl_pcf
!!cvardf r_tessellation_level=5
!!samps diffuse normalmap specular upper lower reflectcube reflectmask
!!samps =PCF shadowmap
!!samps =CUBE projectionmap
#if defined(ORM) || defined(SG)
#define PBR
#include "sys/defs.h"
//this is the main shader responsible for realtime dlights.
//texture units:
//s0=diffuse, s1=normal, s2=specular, s3=shadowmap
//custom modifiers:
//CUBEPROJ(projected cubemap)
//SPOT(projected circle
#if 0 && defined(GL_ARB_texture_gather) && defined(PCF)
#extension GL_ARB_texture_gather : enable
#define UPPER
#define LOWER
//if there's no vertex normals known, disable some stuff.
//FIXME: this results in dupe permutations.
#ifdef NOBUMP
#undef BUMP
varying vec2 tcbase;
varying vec3 lightvector;
#if defined(VERTEXCOLOURS)
varying vec4 vc;
#if defined(SPECULAR) || defined(OFFSETMAPPING) || defined(REFLECTCUBEMASK) || defined(PBR)
varying vec3 eyevector;
varying mat3 invsurface;
#if defined(PCF) || defined(CUBE) || defined(SPOT) || defined(ORTHO)
varying vec4 vtexprojcoord;
#ifdef TESS
varying vec3 vertex, normal;
#include "sys/skeletal.h"
void main ()
vec3 n, s, t, w;
gl_Position = skeletaltransform_wnst(w,n,s,t);
n = normalize(n);
s = normalize(s);
t = normalize(t);
tcbase = v_texcoord; //pass the texture coords straight through
#ifdef ORTHO
vec3 lightminusvertex = -l_lightdirection;
lightvector.x = dot(lightminusvertex, s.xyz);
lightvector.y = dot(lightminusvertex, t.xyz);
lightvector.z = dot(lightminusvertex, n.xyz);
vec3 lightminusvertex = l_lightposition - w.xyz;
#ifdef NOBUMP
//the only important thing is distance
lightvector = lightminusvertex;
//the light direction relative to the surface normal, for bumpmapping.
lightvector.x = dot(lightminusvertex, s.xyz);
lightvector.y = dot(lightminusvertex, t.xyz);
lightvector.z = dot(lightminusvertex, n.xyz);
#if defined(VERTEXCOLOURS)
vc = v_colour;
#if defined(SPECULAR)||defined(OFFSETMAPPING) || defined(REFLECTCUBEMASK) || defined(PBR)
vec3 eyeminusvertex = e_eyepos - w.xyz;
eyevector.x = dot(eyeminusvertex, s.xyz);
eyevector.y = dot(eyeminusvertex, t.xyz);
eyevector.z = dot(eyeminusvertex, n.xyz);
invsurface = mat3(v_svector, v_tvector, v_normal);
#if defined(PCF) || defined(SPOT) || defined(CUBE) || defined(ORTHO)
//for texture projections/shadowmapping on dlights
vtexprojcoord = (l_cubematrix*vec4(w.xyz, 1.0));
#ifdef TESS
vertex = w;
normal = n;
layout(vertices = 3) out;
in vec3 vertex[];
out vec3 t_vertex[];
in vec3 normal[];
out vec3 t_normal[];
in vec2 tcbase[];
out vec2 t_tcbase[];
in vec3 lightvector[];
out vec3 t_lightvector[];
#if defined(VERTEXCOLOURS)
in vec4 vc[];
out vec4 t_vc[];
#if defined(SPECULAR) || defined(OFFSETMAPPING) || defined(REFLECTCUBEMASK) || defined(PBR)
in vec3 eyevector[];
out vec3 t_eyevector[];
void main()
//the control shader needs to pass stuff through
#define id gl_InvocationID
t_vertex[id] = vertex[id];
t_normal[id] = normal[id];
t_tcbase[id] = tcbase[id];
t_lightvector[id] = lightvector[id];
#if defined(VERTEXCOLOURS)
t_vc[id] = vc[id];
#if defined(SPECULAR) || defined(OFFSETMAPPING) || defined(REFLECTCUBEMASK) || defined(PBR)
t_eyevector[id] = eyevector[id];
gl_TessLevelOuter[0] = float(r_tessellation_level);
gl_TessLevelOuter[1] = float(r_tessellation_level);
gl_TessLevelOuter[2] = float(r_tessellation_level);
gl_TessLevelInner[0] = float(r_tessellation_level);
layout(triangles) in;
in vec3 t_vertex[];
in vec3 t_normal[];
in vec2 t_tcbase[];
in vec3 t_lightvector[];
#if defined(VERTEXCOLOURS)
in vec4 t_vc[];
#if defined(SPECULAR) || defined(OFFSETMAPPING) || defined(REFLECTCUBEMASK) || defined(PBR)
in vec3 t_eyevector[];
#define LERP(a) (gl_TessCoord.x*a[0] + gl_TessCoord.y*a[1] + gl_TessCoord.z*a[2])
void main()
#define factor 1.0
tcbase = LERP(t_tcbase);
vec3 w = LERP(t_vertex);
vec3 t0 = w - dot(w-t_vertex[0],t_normal[0])*t_normal[0];
vec3 t1 = w - dot(w-t_vertex[1],t_normal[1])*t_normal[1];
vec3 t2 = w - dot(w-t_vertex[2],t_normal[2])*t_normal[2];
w = w*(1.0-factor) + factor*(gl_TessCoord.x*t0+gl_TessCoord.y*t1+gl_TessCoord.z*t2);
#if defined(PCF) || defined(SPOT) || defined(CUBE) || defined(ORTHO)
//for texture projections/shadowmapping on dlights
vtexprojcoord = (l_cubematrix*vec4(w.xyz, 1.0));
//FIXME: we should be recalcing these here, instead of just lerping them
lightvector = LERP(t_lightvector);
#if defined(VERTEXCOLOURS)
vc = LERP(t_vc);
#if defined(SPECULAR) || defined(OFFSETMAPPING) || defined(REFLECTCUBEMASK) || defined(PBR)
eyevector = LERP(t_eyevector);
gl_Position = m_modelviewprojection * vec4(w,1.0);
#include "sys/fog.h"
#include "sys/pcf.h"
#include "sys/offsetmapping.h"
#include "sys/pbr.h"
void main ()
#ifdef ORTHO
float colorscale = 1.0;
float colorscale = max(1.0 - (dot(lightvector, lightvector)/(l_lightradius*l_lightradius)), 0.0);
#ifdef PCF
/*filter the light by the shadowmap. logically a boolean, but we allow fractions for softer shadows*/
colorscale *= ShadowmapFilter(s_shadowmap, vtexprojcoord);
#if defined(SPOT)
/*filter the colour by the spotlight. discard anything behind the light so we don't get a mirror image*/
if (vtexprojcoord.w < 0.0) discard;
vec2 spot = ((vtexprojcoord.st)/vtexprojcoord.w);
//read raw texture samples (offsetmapping munges the tex coords first)
vec2 tcoffsetmap = offsetmap(s_normalmap, tcbase, eyevector);
#define tcbase tcoffsetmap
#if defined(FLAT)
vec4 bases = vec4(FLAT, FLAT, FLAT, 1.0);
vec4 bases = texture2D(s_diffuse, tcbase);
bases.rgb *= bases.a;
#ifdef UPPER
vec4 uc = texture2D(s_upper, tcbase);
bases.rgb += uc.rgb*e_uppercolour*uc.a;
#ifdef LOWER
vec4 lc = texture2D(s_lower, tcbase);
bases.rgb += lc.rgb*e_lowercolour*lc.a;
#if defined(BUMP) || defined(SPECULAR) || defined(REFLECTCUBEMASK) || defined(PBR)
vec3 bumps = normalize(vec3(texture2D(s_normalmap, tcbase)) - 0.5);
#elif defined(REFLECTCUBEMASK)
vec3 bumps = vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0);
vec4 specs = texture2D(s_specular, tcbase);
#define dielectricSpecular 0.04
#ifdef ORM //pbr-style occlusion+roughness+metalness
#define occlusion specs.r
#define roughness clamp(specs.g, 0.04, 1.0)
#define metalness specs.b
#define gloss 1.0 //sqrt(1.0-roughness)
#define ambientrgb (specrgb+col.rgb)
vec3 specrgb = mix(vec3(dielectricSpecular), bases.rgb, metalness);
bases.rgb = bases.rgb * (1.0 - dielectricSpecular) * (1.0-metalness);
#elif defined(SG) //pbr-style specular+glossiness
//occlusion needs to be baked in. :(
#define roughness (1.0-specs.a)
#define gloss specs.a
#define specrgb specs.rgb
#define ambientrgb (specs.rgb+col.rgb)
#else //blinn-phong
#define roughness (1.0-specs.a)
#define gloss specs.a
#define specrgb specs.rgb
#define ambientrgb col.rgb
#define roughness 0.3
#define specrgb bases.rgb //vec3(dielectricSpecular)
#ifdef PBR
vec3 diff = DoPBR(bumps, normalize(eyevector), normalize(lightvector), roughness, bases.rgb, specrgb, l_lightcolourscale);
vec3 diff;
#ifdef NOBUMP
//surface can only support ambient lighting, even for lights that try to avoid it.
diff = bases.rgb * (l_lightcolourscale.x+l_lightcolourscale.y);
vec3 nl = normalize(lightvector);
#ifdef BUMP
diff = bases.rgb * (l_lightcolourscale.x + l_lightcolourscale.y * max(dot(bumps, nl), 0.0));
//we still do bumpmapping even without bumps to ensure colours are always sane. light.exe does it too.
diff = bases.rgb * (l_lightcolourscale.x + l_lightcolourscale.y * max(dot(vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), nl), 0.0));
vec3 halfdir = normalize(normalize(eyevector) + nl);
float spec = pow(max(dot(halfdir, bumps), 0.0), FTE_SPECULAR_EXPONENT * gloss)*float(SPECMUL);
diff += l_lightcolourscale.z * spec * specrgb;
vec3 rtc = reflect(-eyevector, bumps);
rtc = rtc.x*invsurface[0] + rtc.y*invsurface[1] + rtc.z*invsurface[2];
rtc = (m_model * vec4(rtc.xyz,0.0)).xyz;
diff += texture2D(s_reflectmask, tcbase).rgb * textureCube(s_reflectcube, rtc).rgb;
#ifdef CUBE
/*filter the colour by the cubemap projection*/
diff *= textureCube(s_projectionmap, vtexprojcoord.xyz).rgb;
#if defined(PROJECTION)
/*2d projection, not used*/
// diff *= texture2d(s_projectionmap, shadowcoord);
#if defined(occlusion) && !defined(NOOCCLUDE)
diff *= occlusion;
#if defined(VERTEXCOLOURS)
diff *= vc.rgb * vc.a;
diff *= colorscale*l_lightcolour;
gl_FragColor = vec4(fog3additive(diff), 1.0);