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synced 2025-03-09 10:02:12 +00:00
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326 lines
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//limitations of the protocol
#define MAX_SERVERINFO_STRING 1024 //standard quakeworld has 512 here.
#define MAX_USERINFO 1024 //standard quakeworld has 192 here.
#define MAX_CLIENTS 32
#define MAX_LIST 256
#define MAX_ENTITIES 512
#define MAX_PROXY_INBUFFER 4096 //max bytes from a downstream proxy.
#define MAX_PROXY_BUFFER (1<<17) //must be power-of-two (buffer sizes for downstream, both sv/cl)
#define PREFERRED_PROXY_BUFFER 4096 //the ammount of data we try to leave in our input buffer (must be large enough to contain any single mvd frame)
#define ENTS_PER_FRAME 64 //max number of entities per frame (OUCH!).
#define ENTITY_FRAMES 64 //number of frames to remember for deltaing
#define Z_EXT_SERVERTIME (1<<3) // STAT_TIME
#define Z_EXT_STRING "8"
//qw specific
#define PRINT_CHAT 3
#define PRINT_HIGH 2
#define PRINT_MEDIUM 1
#define PRINT_LOW 0
#define MAX_STATS 32
#define STAT_HEALTH 0
#define STAT_FRAGS 1
#define STAT_AMMO 3
#define STAT_ARMOR 4
#define STAT_SHELLS 6
#define STAT_NAILS 7
#define STAT_ROCKETS 8
#define STAT_CELLS 9
#define STAT_SECRETS 13 // bumped on client side by svc_foundsecret
#define STAT_MONSTERS 14 // bumped by svc_killedmonster
#define STAT_ITEMS 15
#define STAT_TIME 17 //A ZQ hack, sending time via a stat.
//this allows l33t engines to interpolate properly without spamming at a silly high fps.
#define MAX_MSGLEN 8192 //the biggest datagram size we allow
#define MAX_NQMSGLEN 8000 //nq has large reliable packets for the connection data
#define MAX_QWMSGLEN 1450 //qw is fully split into individual packets
#define MAX_NQDATAGRAM 1024 //nq datagrams are only 1k
#define MAX_BACKBUF_SIZE 1000 //this is smaller so we don't loose too many entities when lagging
//NQ transport layer defines
#define NETFLAG_LENGTH_MASK 0x0000ffff
#define NETFLAG_DATA 0x00010000
#define NETFLAG_ACK 0x00020000
#define NETFLAG_NAK 0x00040000
#define NETFLAG_EOM 0x00080000
#define NETFLAG_UNRELIABLE 0x00100000
#define NETFLAG_CTL 0x80000000
#define CCREQ_CONNECT 0x01
#define CCREQ_SERVER_INFO 0x02
#define CCREP_ACCEPT 0x81
#define CCREP_REJECT 0x82
#define CCREP_SERVER_INFO 0x83
//end NQ specific
//the clcs sent via the udp connections
enum {
clc_bad = 0,
clc_nop = 1,
clc_disconnect = 2, //NQ only
clc_move = 3, // [[usercmd_t]
clc_stringcmd = 4, // [string] message
clc_delta = 5, // [byte] sequence number, requests delta compression of message
clc_tmove = 6, // teleport request, spectator only
clc_upload = 7 // teleport request, spectator only
//these are the clcs sent upstream via the tcp streams
enum {
qtv_clc_bad = 0,
qtv_clc_stringcmd = 1,
qtv_clc_commentarydata = 8
#define svc_bad 0
#define svc_nop 1
#define svc_disconnect 2
#define svc_updatestat 3 // [qbyte] [qbyte]
//#define svc_version 4 // [long] server version (not used anywhere)
#define svc_nqsetview 5 // [short] entity number
#define svc_sound 6 // <see code>
#define svc_nqtime 7 // [float] server time
#define svc_print 8 // [qbyte] id [string] null terminated string
#define svc_stufftext 9 // [string] stuffed into client's console buffer
// the string should be \n terminated
#define svc_setangle 10 // [angle3] set the view angle to this absolute value
#define svc_serverdata 11 // [long] protocol ...
#define svc_lightstyle 12 // [qbyte] [string]
#define svc_nqupdatename 13 // [qbyte] [string]
#define svc_updatefrags 14 // [qbyte] [short]
#define svc_nqclientdata 15 // <shortbits + data>
//#define svc_stopsound 16 // <see code> (not used anywhere)
#define svc_nqupdatecolors 17 // [qbyte] [qbyte] [qbyte]
#define svc_particle 18 // [vec3] <variable>
#define svc_damage 19
#define svc_spawnstatic 20
//#define svc_spawnstatic2 21 (not used anywhere)
#define svcfte_spawnstatic2 21
#define svc_spawnbaseline 22
#define svc_temp_entity 23 // variable
#define svc_setpause 24 // [qbyte] on / off
#define svc_nqsignonnum 25 // [qbyte] used for the signon sequence
#define svc_centerprint 26 // [string] to put in center of the screen
#define svc_killedmonster 27
#define svc_foundsecret 28
#define svc_spawnstaticsound 29 // [coord3] [qbyte] samp [qbyte] vol [qbyte] aten
#define svc_intermission 30 // [vec3_t] origin [vec3_t] angle (show scoreboard and stuff)
#define svc_finale 31 // [string] text ('congratulations blah blah')
#define svc_cdtrack 32 // [qbyte] track
#define svc_sellscreen 33
//#define svc_cutscene 34 //hmm... nq only... added after qw tree splitt? (intermission without the scores)
#define svc_smallkick 34 // set client punchangle to 2
#define svc_bigkick 35 // set client punchangle to 4
#define svc_updateping 36 // [qbyte] [short]
#define svc_updateentertime 37 // [qbyte] [float]
#define svc_updatestatlong 38 // [qbyte] [long]
#define svc_muzzleflash 39 // [short] entity
#define svc_updateuserinfo 40 // [qbyte] slot [long] uid
// [string] userinfo
#define svc_download 41 // [short] size [size bytes]
#define svc_playerinfo 42 // variable
#define svc_nails 43 // [qbyte] num [48 bits] xyzpy 12 12 12 4 8
#define svc_chokecount 44 // [qbyte] packets choked
#define svc_modellist 45 // [strings]
#define svc_soundlist 46 // [strings]
#define svc_packetentities 47 // [...]
#define svc_deltapacketentities 48 // [...]
#define svc_maxspeed 49 // maxspeed change, for prediction
#define svc_entgravity 50 // gravity change, for prediction
#define svc_setinfo 51 // setinfo on a client
#define svc_serverinfo 52 // serverinfo
#define svc_updatepl 53 // [qbyte] [qbyte]
#define svc_nails2 54 //mvd only - [qbyte] num [52 bits] nxyzpy 8 12 12 12 4 8
#define svcfte_soundlistshort 56
#define svcfte_modellistshort 60
#define svcfte_spawnbaseline2 66
#define dem_audio 0
#define dem_cmd 0
#define dem_read 1
#define dem_set 2
#define dem_multiple 3
#define dem_single 4
#define dem_stats 5
#define dem_all 6
#define dem_qtvdata (dem_all | (1<<4)) //special packet that contains qtv data (spectator chat, etc. clients need to parse this as soon as it is sent to them, which might or might not be awkward for them)
#define dem_mask 7
#define PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE (('F'<<0) + ('T'<<8) + ('E'<<16) + ('X' << 24)) //fte extensions.
#define PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE2 (('F'<<0) + ('T'<<8) + ('E'<<16) + ('2' << 24)) //fte extensions.
#define PROTOCOL_VERSION_HUFFMAN (('H'<<0) + ('U'<<8) + ('F'<<16) + ('F' << 24)) //packet compression
#define PROTOCOL_VERSION_VARLENGTH (('v'<<0) + ('l'<<8) + ('e'<<16) + ('n' << 24)) //variable length handshake
#define PROTOCOL_VERSION_FRAGMENT (('F'<<0) + ('R'<<8) + ('A'<<16) + ('G' << 24)) //supports fragmentation/packets larger than 1450
#define PEXT_SETVIEW 0x00000001
#define PEXT_SCALE 0x00000002 //obsoleted by PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS
#define PEXT_LIGHTSTYLECOL 0x00000004
#define PEXT_TRANS 0x00000008 //obsoleted by PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS
#define PEXT_VIEW2 0x00000010
//#define PEXT_BULLETENS 0x00000020 //no longer supported
#define PEXT_ACCURATETIMINGS 0x00000040
#define PEXT_SOUNDDBL 0x00000080 //revised startsound protocol
#define PEXT_FATNESS 0x00000100 //obsoleted by PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS
#define PEXT_HLBSP 0x00000200
#define PEXT_TE_BULLET 0x00000400 //obsoleted by fully custom particle effects. its an ooold extension, okay? :/
#define PEXT_HULLSIZE 0x00000800 //obsoleted by PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS
#define PEXT_MODELDBL 0x00001000 //obsoleted by PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS
#define PEXT_ENTITYDBL 0x00002000 //max of 1024 ents instead of 512. obsoleted by PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS
#define PEXT_ENTITYDBL2 0x00004000 //max of 2048 ents instead of 512
#define PEXT_FLOATCOORDS 0x00008000 //supports floating point origins.
//#define PEXT_VWEAP 0x00010000 //cause an extra qbyte to be sent, and an extra list of models for vweaps.
#define PEXT_Q2BSP 0x00020000
#define PEXT_Q3BSP 0x00040000
#define PEXT_COLOURMOD 0x00080000 //this replaces an older value which would rarly have caried any actual data.
#define PEXT_SPLITSCREEN 0x00100000
#define PEXT_HEXEN2 0x00200000 //more stats and working particle builtin.
#define PEXT_SPAWNSTATIC2 0x00400000 //Sends an entity delta instead of a baseline. obsoleted by PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS
#define PEXT_CUSTOMTEMPEFFECTS 0x00800000 //supports custom temp ents.
#define PEXT_256PACKETENTITIES 0x01000000 //Client can recieve 256 packet entities. obsoleted by PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS
//#define PEXT_NEVERUSED 0x02000000
#define PEXT_SHOWPIC 0x04000000
#define PEXT_SETATTACHMENT 0x08000000 //md3 tags (needs networking, they need to lerp).
//#define PEXT_NEVERUSED 0x10000000
#define PEXT_CHUNKEDDOWNLOADS 0x20000000 //alternate file download method. Hopefully it'll give quadroupled download speed, especially on higher pings.
#define PEXT_CSQC 0x40000000 //csqc additions. extra stats, particle svcs
#define PEXT_DPFLAGS 0x80000000 //extra flags for viewmodel/externalmodel and possible other persistant style flags. obsoleted by PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS
#define PEXT2_PRYDONCURSOR 0x00000001
#define PEXT2_VOICECHAT 0x00000002
#define PEXT2_SETANGLEDELTA 0x00000004
#define PEXT2_OLDREPLACEMENTDELTAS 0x00000008 //weaponframe was part of the entity state. that flag is now the player's v_angle.
#define PEXT2_MAXPLAYERS 0x00000010 //Client is able to cope with more players than 32. abs max becomes 255, due to colormap issues.
#define PEXT2_PREDINFO 0x00000020 //movevar stats, NQ input sequences+acks.
#define PEXT2_NEWSIZEENCODING 0x00000040 //richer size encoding.
//#define PEXT2_PK3DOWNLOADS 0x10000000 //retrieve a list of pk3s/pk3s/paks for downloading (with optional URL and crcs)
//flags on entities
#define U_ORIGIN1 (1<<9)
#define U_ORIGIN2 (1<<10)
#define U_ORIGIN3 (1<<11)
#define U_ANGLE2 (1<<12)
#define U_FRAME (1<<13)
#define U_REMOVE (1<<14) // REMOVE this entity, don't add it
#define U_MOREBITS (1<<15)
// if MOREBITS is set, these additional flags are read in next
#define U_ANGLE1 (1<<0)
#define U_ANGLE3 (1<<1)
#define U_MODEL (1<<2)
#define U_COLORMAP (1<<3)
#define U_SKIN (1<<4)
#define U_EFFECTS (1<<5)
#define U_SOLID (1<<6) // the entity should be solid for prediction
#define UX_EVENMORE (1<<7)
#define UX_SCALE (1<<16) //scaler of alias models
#define UX_ALPHA (1<<17) //transparency value
#define UX_FATNESS (1<<18) //qbyte describing how fat an alias model should be. (moves verticies along normals). Useful for vacuum chambers...
#define UX_MODELDBL (1<<19) //extra bit for modelindexes
#define UX_UNUSED1 (1<<20)
#define UX_ENTITYDBL (1<<21) //use an extra qbyte for origin parts, cos one of them is off
#define UX_ENTITYDBL2 (1<<22) //use an extra qbyte for origin parts, cos one of them is off
#define UX_YETMORE (1<<23) //even more extension info stuff.
#define UX_DRAWFLAGS (1<<24) //use an extra qbyte for origin parts, cos one of them is off
#define UX_ABSLIGHT (1<<25) //Force a lightlevel
#define UX_COLOURMOD (1<<26) //rgb
#define UX_DPFLAGS (1<<27)
#define UX_TAGINFO (1<<28)
#define UX_LIGHT (1<<29)
#define UX_EFFECTS16 (1<<30)
#define UX_FARMORE (1<<31)
//flags on players
#define PF_MSEC (1<<0)
#define PF_COMMAND (1<<1)
#define PF_VELOCITY1 (1<<2)
#define PF_VELOCITY2 (1<<3)
#define PF_VELOCITY3 (1<<4)
#define PF_MODEL (1<<5)
#define PF_SKINNUM (1<<6)
#define PF_EFFECTS (1<<7)
#define PF_WEAPONFRAME (1<<8) // only sent for view player
#define PF_DEAD (1<<9) // don't block movement any more
#define PF_GIB (1<<10) // offset the view height differently
//flags on players in mvds
#define DF_ORIGIN 1
#define DF_ANGLES (1<<3)
#define DF_EFFECTS (1<<6)
#define DF_SKINNUM (1<<7)
#define DF_DEAD (1<<8)
#define DF_GIB (1<<9)
#define DF_WEAPONFRAME (1<<10)
#define DF_MODEL (1<<11)