mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 16:01:35 +00:00
image_width is now only set by a single function. tweaked scancode inputs slightly. added support for printscreen binds. changed the way gamma works. glsl gamma now used when running windows, or hardware gamma is not available. removed gl_contrast+gl_brightness. q2 gamecode support no longer has a system componant. this means that ports only need the generic stuff. misc tweaks to the d3d11 renderer. added brief descriptions to many builtins. need to add comments to constants, globals, and fields too, somehow. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4355 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
1777 lines
45 KiB
1777 lines
45 KiB
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "shader.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <ctype.h>
void Font_Init(void);
void Font_Shutdown(void);
struct font_s *Font_LoadFont(int height, char *fontfilename);
void Font_Free(struct font_s *f);
void Font_BeginString(struct font_s *font, int vx, int vy, int *px, int *py);
void Font_BeginScaledString(struct font_s *font, float vx, float vy, float szx, float szy, float *px, float *py); /*avoid using*/
void Font_Transform(int vx, int vy, int *px, int *py);
int Font_CharHeight(void);
float Font_CharScaleHeight(void);
int Font_CharWidth(unsigned int charcode);
float Font_CharScaleWidth(unsigned int charcode);
int Font_CharEndCoord(struct font_s *font, int x, unsigned int charcode);
int Font_DrawChar(int px, int py, unsigned int charcode);
float Font_DrawScaleChar(float px, float py, unsigned int charcode); /*avoid using*/
void Font_EndString(struct font_s *font);
int Font_LineBreaks(conchar_t *start, conchar_t *end, int maxpixelwidth, int maxlines, conchar_t **starts, conchar_t **ends);
struct font_s *font_conchar;
struct font_s *font_tiny;
extern int r2d_be_flags;
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
static FT_Library fontlib;
qboolean triedtoloadfreetype;
dllhandle_t *fontmodule;
FT_Error (VARGS *pFT_Init_FreeType) (FT_Library *alibrary);
FT_Error (VARGS *pFT_Load_Char) (FT_Face face, FT_ULong char_code, FT_Int32 load_flags);
FT_Error (VARGS *pFT_Set_Pixel_Sizes) (FT_Face face, FT_UInt pixel_width, FT_UInt pixel_height);
FT_Error (VARGS *pFT_New_Face) (FT_Library library, const char *pathname, FT_Long face_index, FT_Face *aface);
FT_Error (VARGS *pFT_New_Memory_Face) (FT_Library library, const FT_Byte* file_base, FT_Long file_size, FT_Long face_index, FT_Face *aface);
FT_Error (VARGS *pFT_Done_Face) (FT_Face face);
static const char *imgs[] =
"inv_lightng", //8
#define FONTCHARS (1<<16)
#define FONTPLANES (1<<2) //this is total, not per font.
#define PLANEIDXTYPE unsigned short
#define CHARIDXTYPE unsigned short
#define INVALIDPLANE ((1<<(8*sizeof(PLANEIDXTYPE)))-1)
#define BITMAPPLANE ((1<<(8*sizeof(PLANEIDXTYPE)))-2)
#define DEFAULTPLANE ((1<<(8*sizeof(PLANEIDXTYPE)))-3)
#define SINGLEPLANE ((1<<(8*sizeof(PLANEIDXTYPE)))-4)
#define PLANEWIDTH (1<<8)
#define GEN_CONCHAR_GLYPHS 0 //set to 0 or 1 to define whether to generate glyphs from conchars too, or if it should just draw them as glquake always used to
extern cvar_t cl_noblink;
extern cvar_t con_ocranaleds;
typedef struct font_s
struct charcache_s
struct charcache_s *nextchar;
unsigned char advance; //how wide this char is, when drawn
char pad;
unsigned char bmx;
unsigned char bmy;
unsigned char bmw;
unsigned char bmh;
short top;
short left;
} chars[FONTCHARS];
char name[64];
short charheight;
texid_t singletexture;
FT_Face face;
void *membuf;
struct font_s *alt;
vec3_t alttint;
} font_t;
typedef struct {
texid_t texnum[FONTPLANES];
texid_t defaultfont;
unsigned char plane[PLANEWIDTH*PLANEHEIGHT][4]; //tracks the current plane
PLANEIDXTYPE activeplane;
unsigned char planerowx;
unsigned char planerowy;
unsigned char planerowh;
qboolean planechanged;
struct charcache_s *oldestchar;
struct charcache_s *newestchar;
shader_t *shader;
shader_t *backshader;
} fontplanes_t;
static fontplanes_t fontplanes;
#define FONT_CHAR_BUFFER 512
static index_t font_indicies[FONT_CHAR_BUFFER*6];
static vecV_t font_coord[FONT_CHAR_BUFFER*4];
static vec2_t font_texcoord[FONT_CHAR_BUFFER*4];
static byte_vec4_t font_forecoloura[FONT_CHAR_BUFFER*4];
static byte_vec4_t font_backcoloura[FONT_CHAR_BUFFER*4];
static mesh_t font_foremesh;
static mesh_t font_backmesh;
static texid_t font_texture;
static int font_colourmask;
static byte_vec4_t font_forecolour;
static byte_vec4_t font_backcolour;
static struct font_s *curfont;
static float curfont_scale[2];
static qboolean curfont_scaled;
//called at load time - initalises font buffers
void Font_Init(void)
int i;
TEXASSIGN(fontplanes.defaultfont, r_nulltex);
font_foremesh.indexes = font_indicies;
font_foremesh.xyz_array = font_coord;
font_foremesh.st_array = font_texcoord;
font_foremesh.colors4b_array = font_forecoloura;
font_backmesh.indexes = font_indicies;
font_backmesh.xyz_array = font_coord;
font_backmesh.st_array = font_texcoord;
font_backmesh.colors4b_array = font_backcoloura;
for (i = 0; i < FONT_CHAR_BUFFER; i++)
font_indicies[i*6+0] = i*4+0;
font_indicies[i*6+1] = i*4+1;
font_indicies[i*6+2] = i*4+2;
font_indicies[i*6+3] = i*4+0;
font_indicies[i*6+4] = i*4+2;
font_indicies[i*6+5] = i*4+3;
for (i = 0; i < FONTPLANES; i++)
fontplanes.shader = R_RegisterShader("ftefont",
"if $nofixed\n"
"program default2d\n"
"map $nearest:$diffuse\n"
"rgbgen vertex\n"
"alphagen vertex\n"
"blendfunc blend\n"
fontplanes.backshader = R_RegisterShader("ftefontback",
"map $whiteimage\n"
"rgbgen vertex\n"
"alphagen vertex\n"
"blendfunc blend\n"
font_colourmask = ~0;
//flush the font buffer, by drawing it to the screen
static void Font_Flush(void)
if (!font_foremesh.numindexes)
if (fontplanes.planechanged)
R_Upload(fontplanes.texnum[fontplanes.activeplane], NULL, TF_RGBA32, (void*)fontplanes.plane, NULL, PLANEWIDTH, PLANEHEIGHT, IF_2D|IF_NEAREST|IF_NOPICMIP|IF_NOMIPMAP|IF_NOGAMMA);
fontplanes.planechanged = false;
font_foremesh.istrifan = (font_foremesh.numvertexes == 4);
if (font_colourmask & CON_NONCLEARBG)
font_backmesh.numindexes = font_foremesh.numindexes;
font_backmesh.numvertexes = font_foremesh.numvertexes;
font_backmesh.istrifan = font_foremesh.istrifan;
BE_DrawMesh_Single(fontplanes.backshader, &font_backmesh, NULL, &fontplanes.backshader->defaulttextures, r2d_be_flags);
TEXASSIGN(fontplanes.shader->defaulttextures.base, font_texture);
BE_DrawMesh_Single(fontplanes.shader, &font_foremesh, NULL, &fontplanes.shader->defaulttextures, r2d_be_flags);
font_foremesh.numindexes = 0;
font_foremesh.numvertexes = 0;
static int Font_BeginChar(texid_t tex)
int fvert;
if (font_foremesh.numindexes == FONT_CHAR_BUFFER*6 || font_texture.ref != tex.ref)
TEXASSIGNF(font_texture, tex);
fvert = font_foremesh.numvertexes;
font_foremesh.numindexes += 6;
font_foremesh.numvertexes += 4;
return fvert;
//clear the shared planes and free memory etc
void Font_Shutdown(void)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < FONTPLANES; i++)
TEXASSIGN(fontplanes.texnum[i], r_nulltex);
fontplanes.activeplane = 0;
fontplanes.oldestchar = NULL;
fontplanes.newestchar = NULL;
fontplanes.planechanged = 0;
fontplanes.planerowx = 0;
fontplanes.planerowy = 0;
fontplanes.planerowh = 0;
//we got too many chars and switched to a new plane - purge the chars in that plane
void Font_FlushPlane(void)
oldest chars must be of the oldest plane
//we've not broken anything yet, flush while we can
if (fontplanes.planechanged)
R_Upload(fontplanes.texnum[fontplanes.activeplane], NULL, TF_RGBA32, (void*)fontplanes.plane, NULL, PLANEWIDTH, PLANEHEIGHT, IF_2D|IF_NEAREST|IF_NOPICMIP|IF_NOMIPMAP|IF_NOGAMMA);
fontplanes.planechanged = false;
fontplanes.activeplane = fontplanes.activeplane % FONTPLANES;
fontplanes.planerowh = 0;
fontplanes.planerowx = 0;
fontplanes.planerowy = 0;
while (fontplanes.oldestchar)
if (fontplanes.oldestchar->texplane != fontplanes.activeplane)
//remove it from the list of active chars, and invalidate it
fontplanes.oldestchar->texplane = INVALIDPLANE;
fontplanes.oldestchar = fontplanes.oldestchar->nextchar;
if (!fontplanes.oldestchar)
fontplanes.newestchar = NULL;
//loads a new image into a given character slot for the given font.
//note: make sure it doesn't already exist or things will get cyclic
//alphaonly says if its a greyscale image. false means rgba.
static struct charcache_s *Font_LoadGlyphData(font_t *f, CHARIDXTYPE charidx, int alphaonly, void *data, unsigned int bmw, unsigned int bmh, unsigned int pitch)
int x, y;
unsigned char *out;
struct charcache_s *c = &f->chars[charidx];
if (fontplanes.planerowx + (int)bmw >= PLANEWIDTH)
fontplanes.planerowx = 0;
fontplanes.planerowy += fontplanes.planerowh;
fontplanes.planerowh = 0;
if (fontplanes.planerowy+(int)bmh >= PLANEHEIGHT)
if (fontplanes.newestchar)
fontplanes.newestchar->nextchar = c;
fontplanes.oldestchar = c;
fontplanes.newestchar = c;
c->nextchar = NULL;
c->texplane = fontplanes.activeplane;
c->bmx = fontplanes.planerowx;
c->bmy = fontplanes.planerowy;
c->bmw = bmw;
c->bmh = bmh;
if (fontplanes.planerowh < (int)bmh)
fontplanes.planerowh = bmh;
fontplanes.planerowx += bmw;
out = (unsigned char *)&fontplanes.plane[c->bmx+(int)c->bmy*PLANEHEIGHT];
if (alphaonly)
for (y = 0; y < bmh; y++)
for (x = 0; x < bmw; x++)
*(unsigned int *)&out[x*4] = 0xffffffff;
out[x*4+3] = ((unsigned char*)data)[x];
data = (char*)data + pitch;
out += PLANEWIDTH*4;
for (y = 0; y < bmh; y++)
for (x = 0; x < bmw; x++)
((unsigned int*)out)[x] = ((unsigned int*)data)[x];
data = (char*)data + pitch;
out += PLANEWIDTH*4;
fontplanes.planechanged = true;
return c;
//loads the given charidx for the given font, importing from elsewhere if needed.
static struct charcache_s *Font_TryLoadGlyph(font_t *f, CHARIDXTYPE charidx)
struct charcache_s *c;
if (charidx >= 0xe000 && charidx <= 0xe0ff)
int cpos = charidx & 0xff;
unsigned int img[64*64], *d;
unsigned char *s;
int scale;
int x,y, ys;
qbyte *draw_chars = W_GetLumpName("conchars");
if (draw_chars)
d = img;
s = draw_chars + 8*(cpos&15)+128*8*(cpos/16);
scale = f->charheight/8;
if (scale < 1)
scale = 1;
if (scale > 64/8)
scale = 64/8;
for (y = 0; y < 8; y++)
for (ys = 0; ys < scale; ys++)
for (x = 0; x < 8*scale; x++)
d[x] = d_8to24rgbtable[s[x/scale]];
c = Font_LoadGlyphData(f, charidx, false, img, 8*scale, 8*scale, 8*scale);
if (c)
c->advance = 8*scale;
c->left = 0;
c->top = 7*scale;
return c;
charidx &= 0x7f;
if (charidx >= 0xe100 && charidx <= 0xe1ff)
qpic_t *wadimg;
unsigned char *src;
unsigned int img[64*64];
int nw, nh;
int x, y;
unsigned int stepx, stepy;
unsigned int srcx, srcy;
if (charidx-0xe100 >= sizeof(imgs)/sizeof(imgs[0]))
wadimg = NULL;
wadimg = W_SafeGetLumpName(imgs[charidx-0xe100]);
if (wadimg)
nh = wadimg->height;
nw = wadimg->width;
while (nh < f->charheight)
nh *= 2;
nw *= 2;
if (nh > f->charheight)
nw = (nw * f->charheight)/nh;
nh = f->charheight;
stepy = 0x10000*((float)wadimg->height/nh);
stepx = 0x10000*((float)wadimg->width/nw);
if (nh > 64)
nh = 64;
if (nw > 64)
nw = 64;
srcy = 0;
for (y = 0; y < nh; y++)
src = (unsigned char *)(wadimg->data);
src += wadimg->width * (srcy>>16);
srcy += stepy;
srcx = 0;
for (x = 0; x < nw; x++)
img[x+y*64] = d_8to24rgbtable[src[srcx>>16]];
srcx += stepx;
c = Font_LoadGlyphData(f, charidx, false, img, nw, nh, 64);
if (c)
c->left = 0;
c->top = f->charheight - nh;
c->advance = nw;
return c;
/*make tab invisible*/
if (charidx == '\t' || charidx == '\n')
c = &f->chars[charidx];
c->left = 0;
c->advance = f->charheight;
c->top = 0;
c->texplane = 0;
c->bmx = 0;
c->bmy = 0;
c->bmw = 0;
c->bmh = 0;
return c;
if (f->face)
if (pFT_Load_Char(f->face, charidx, FT_LOAD_RENDER) == 0)
FT_GlyphSlot slot;
FT_Bitmap *bm;
slot = f->face->glyph;
bm = &slot->bitmap;
c = Font_LoadGlyphData(f, charidx, true, bm->buffer, bm->width, bm->rows, bm->pitch);
if (c)
c->advance = slot->advance.x >> 6;
c->left = slot->bitmap_left;
c->top = f->charheight*3/4 - slot->bitmap_top;
return c;
return NULL;
//obtains a cached char, null if not cached
static struct charcache_s *Font_GetChar(font_t *f, CHARIDXTYPE charidx)
struct charcache_s *c = &f->chars[charidx];
if (c->texplane == INVALIDPLANE)
//not cached, can't get.
c = Font_TryLoadGlyph(f, charidx);
if (!c)
charidx = 0xfffd; //unicode's replacement char
c = &f->chars[charidx];
if (c->texplane == INVALIDPLANE)
c = Font_TryLoadGlyph(f, charidx);
if (!c)
charidx = '?'; //meh
c = &f->chars[charidx];
if (c->texplane == INVALIDPLANE)
c = Font_TryLoadGlyph(f, charidx);
return c;
qboolean Font_LoadFreeTypeFont(struct font_s *f, int height, char *fontfilename)
FT_Face face = NULL;
FT_Error error;
flocation_t loc;
void *fbase = NULL;
if (!*fontfilename)
return false;
if (!fontlib)
dllfunction_t ft2funcs[] =
{(void**)&pFT_Init_FreeType, "FT_Init_FreeType"},
{(void**)&pFT_Load_Char, "FT_Load_Char"},
{(void**)&pFT_Set_Pixel_Sizes, "FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes"},
{(void**)&pFT_New_Face, "FT_New_Face"},
{(void**)&pFT_New_Memory_Face, "FT_New_Memory_Face"},
{(void**)&pFT_Init_FreeType, "FT_Init_FreeType"},
{(void**)&pFT_Done_Face, "FT_Done_Face"},
if (triedtoloadfreetype)
return false;
triedtoloadfreetype = true;
fontmodule = Sys_LoadLibrary("freetype6", ft2funcs);
if (!fontmodule)
return false;
error = pFT_Init_FreeType(&fontlib);
if (error)
return false;
/*any other errors leave freetype open*/
error = FT_Err_Cannot_Open_Resource;
if (FS_FLocateFile(fontfilename, FSLFRT_LENGTH, &loc)>0)
if (*loc.rawname && !loc.offset)
fbase = NULL;
/*File is directly fopenable with no bias (not in a pk3/pak). Use the system-path form, so we don't have to eat the memory cost*/
error = pFT_New_Face(fontlib, loc.rawname, 0, &face);
/*File is inside an archive, we need to read it and pass it as memory (and keep it available)*/
vfsfile_t *f;
f = FS_OpenReadLocation(&loc);
if (f && loc.len > 0)
fbase = BZ_Malloc(loc.len);
VFS_READ(f, fbase, loc.len);
error = pFT_New_Memory_Face(fontlib, fbase, loc.len, 0, &face);
#ifdef _WIN32
if (error)
static qboolean firsttime = true;
static char fontdir[MAX_OSPATH];
if (firsttime)
HMODULE shfolder = LoadLibrary("shfolder.dll");
firsttime = false;
if (shfolder)
HRESULT (WINAPI *dSHGetFolderPath) (HWND hwndOwner, int nFolder, HANDLE hToken, DWORD dwFlags, LPTSTR pszPath);
dSHGetFolderPath = (void *)GetProcAddress(shfolder, "SHGetFolderPathA");
if (dSHGetFolderPath)
// 0x14 == CSIDL_FONTS
if (dSHGetFolderPath(NULL, 0x14, NULL, 0, fontdir) != S_OK)
*fontdir = 0;
if (*fontdir)
error = pFT_New_Face(fontlib, va("%s/%s", fontdir, fontfilename), 0, &face);
if (error)
error = pFT_New_Face(fontlib, va("%s/%s.ttf", fontdir, fontfilename), 0, &face);
if (!error)
error = pFT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face, 0, height);
if (!error)
f->membuf = fbase;
f->face = face;
return true;
if (fbase)
return false;
static texid_t Font_LoadReplacementConchars(void)
texid_t tex;
//q1 replacement
tex = R_LoadReplacementTexture("gfx/conchars.lmp", NULL, IF_2D|IF_NOMIPMAP|IF_NOGAMMA);
if (TEXVALID(tex))
return tex;
tex = R_LoadHiResTexture("pics/conchars.pcx", NULL, IF_2D|IF_NOMIPMAP|IF_NOGAMMA);
if (TEXVALID(tex))
return tex;
tex = R_LoadHiResTexture("gfx/2d/bigchars.tga", NULL, IF_2D|IF_NOMIPMAP|IF_NOGAMMA);
if (TEXVALID(tex))
return tex;
return r_nulltex;
static texid_t Font_LoadQuakeConchars(void)
unsigned int i;
qbyte *lump;
lump = W_SafeGetLumpName ("conchars");
if (lump)
// add ocrana leds
if (con_ocranaleds.ival)
if (con_ocranaleds.ival != 2 || QCRC_Block(lump, 128*128) == 798)
AddOcranaLEDsIndexed (lump, 128, 128);
for (i=0 ; i<128*128 ; i++)
if (lump[i] == 0)
lump[i] = 255; // proper transparent color
return R_LoadTexture8("charset", 128, 128, (void*)lump, IF_2D|IF_NOMIPMAP|IF_NOGAMMA, 1);
return r_nulltex;
static texid_t Font_LoadHexen2Conchars(qboolean iso88591)
//gulp... so it's come to this has it? rework the hexen2 conchars into the q1 system.
texid_t tex;
unsigned int i, x;
unsigned char *tempchars;
unsigned char *in, *out, *outbuf;
FS_LoadFile("gfx/menu/conchars.lmp", (void**)&tempchars);
/*hexen2's conchars are arranged 32-wide, 16 high.
the upper 8 rows are 256 8859-1 chars
the lower 8 rows are a separate set of recoloured 8859-1 chars.
if we're loading for the fallback then we're loading this data for quake compatibility,
so we grab only the first 4 rows of each set of chars (128 low chars, 128 high chars).
if we're loading a proper charset, then we load only the first set of chars, we can recolour the rest anyway (com_parseutf8 will do so anyway).
as a final note, parsing iso8859-1 french/german/etc as utf8 will generally result in decoding errors which can gracefully revert to 8859-1 safely. If this premise fails too much, we can always change the parser for different charsets - the engine always uses unicode and thus 8859-1 internally.
if (tempchars)
outbuf = BZ_Malloc(8*8*256*8);
out = outbuf;
i = 0;
/*read the low chars*/
for (; i < 8*8*1; i+=1)
if (i&(1<<3))
in = tempchars + (i>>3)*16*8*8+(i&7)*32*8 - 256*4+128;
in = tempchars + (i>>3)*16*8*8+(i&7)*32*8;
for (x = 0; x < 16*8; x++)
*out++ = *in++;
if (iso88591)
/*read the non 8859-1 quake-compat control chars*/
for (; i < 8*8*1 + 16; i+=1)
if (i&(1<<3))
in = tempchars+128*128 + ((i>>3)&7)*16*8*8+(i&7)*32*8 - 256*4+128;
in = tempchars+128*128 + ((i>>3)&7)*16*8*8+(i&7)*32*8;
for (x = 0; x < 16*8; x++)
*out++ = *in++;
/*read the final low chars (final if 8859-1 anyway)*/
for (; i < 8*8*2; i+=1)
if (i&(1<<3))
in = tempchars + (i>>3)*16*8*8+(i&7)*32*8 - 256*4+128;
in = tempchars + (i>>3)*16*8*8+(i&7)*32*8;
for (x = 0; x < 16*8; x++)
*out++ = *in++;
/*read the high chars*/
for (; i < 8*8*2; i+=1)
if (i&(1<<3))
in = tempchars+128*128 + ((i>>3)&15)*16*8*8+(i&7)*32*8 - 256*4+128;
in = tempchars+128*128 + ((i>>3)&15)*16*8*8+(i&7)*32*8;
for (x = 0; x < 16*8; x++)
*out++ = *in++;
// add ocrana leds
if (!iso88591 && con_ocranaleds.value && con_ocranaleds.value != 2)
AddOcranaLEDsIndexed (outbuf, 128, 128);
for (i=0 ; i<128*128 ; i++)
if (outbuf[i] == 0)
outbuf[i] = 255; // proper transparent color
tex = R_LoadTexture8 (iso88591?"gfx/menu/8859-1.lmp":"charset", 128, 128, outbuf, IF_2D|IF_NOMIPMAP|IF_NOGAMMA, 1);
return tex;
return r_nulltex;
static texid_t Font_LoadFallbackConchars(void)
texid_t tex;
extern qbyte default_conchar[11356];
int width, height;
unsigned int i;
qbyte *lump;
qboolean hasalpha;
lump = ReadTargaFile(default_conchar, sizeof(default_conchar), &width, &height, &hasalpha, false);
if (!lump)
Sys_Error("Corrupt internal drawchars");
/*convert greyscale to alpha*/
for (i = 0; i < width*height; i++)
lump[i*4+3] = lump[i*4];
lump[i*4+0] = 255;
lump[i*4+1] = 255;
lump[i*4+2] = 255;
tex = R_LoadTexture32("charset", width, height, (void*)lump, IF_2D|IF_NOMIPMAP|IF_NOGAMMA);
return tex;
/*loads a fallback image. not allowed to fail (use syserror if needed)*/
static texid_t Font_LoadDefaultConchars(void)
texid_t tex;
tex = Font_LoadReplacementConchars();
if (TEXVALID(tex))
return tex;
tex = Font_LoadQuakeConchars();
if (TEXVALID(tex))
return tex;
tex = Font_LoadHexen2Conchars(true);
if (TEXVALID(tex))
return tex;
tex = Font_LoadFallbackConchars();
if (TEXVALID(tex))
return tex;
Sys_Error("Unable to load any conchars\n");
typedef struct
short width;
short height;
short leftoffset; // pixels to the left of origin
short topoffset; // pixels below the origin
int columnofs[1];
} doompatch_t;
typedef struct
unsigned char topdelta; // -1 is the last post in a column
unsigned char length; // length data bytes follows
} doomcolumn_t;
void Doom_ExpandPatch(doompatch_t *p, unsigned char *b, int stride)
doomcolumn_t *col;
unsigned char *src, *dst;
int x, y;
for (x = 0; x < p->width; x++)
col = (doomcolumn_t *)((unsigned char *)p + p->columnofs[x]);
while(col->topdelta != 0xff)
//exploit protection
if (col->length + col->topdelta > p->height)
src = (unsigned char *)col + 3; /*why 3? why not, I suppose*/
dst = b + stride*col->topdelta;
for (y = 0; y < col->length; y++)
*dst = *src++;
dst += stride;
col = (doomcolumn_t *)((unsigned char*)col + col->length + 4);
//creates a new font object from the given file, with each text row with the given height.
//width is implicit and scales with height and choice of font.
struct font_s *Font_LoadFont(int vheight, char *fontfilename)
struct font_s *f;
int i = 0;
int defaultplane;
char *aname;
int height = (vheight * vid.rotpixelheight)/vid.height;
f = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*f));
f->charheight = height;
Q_strncpyz(f->name, fontfilename, sizeof(f->name));
VectorSet(f->alttint, 1.16, 0.54, 0.41);
if (!*fontfilename)
unsigned char buf[PLANEWIDTH*PLANEHEIGHT];
int i;
int x=0,y=0,h=0;
doompatch_t *dp;
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
for (i = '!'; i <= '_'; i++)
dp = NULL;
FS_LoadFile(va("wad/stcfn%.3d", i), (void**)&dp);
if (!dp)
/*make sure it can fit*/
if (x + dp->width > PLANEWIDTH)
x = 0;
y += h;
h = 0;
f->chars[i].advance = dp->width; /*this is how much line space the char takes*/
f->chars[i].left = -dp->leftoffset;
f->chars[i].top = -dp->topoffset;
f->chars[i].nextchar = 0;
f->chars[i].pad = 0;
f->chars[i].texplane = SINGLEPLANE;
f->chars[i].bmx = x;
f->chars[i].bmy = y;
f->chars[i].bmh = dp->height;
f->chars[i].bmw = dp->width;
Doom_ExpandPatch(dp, &buf[y*PLANEWIDTH + x], PLANEWIDTH);
x += dp->width;
if (dp->height > h)
h = dp->height;
if (h > f->charheight)
f->charheight = h;
/*if all loaded okay, replicate the chars to the quake-compat range (both white+red chars)*/
if (i == '_'+1)
f->chars[' '].advance = 8;
f->singletexture = R_LoadTexture8("doomfont", PLANEWIDTH, PLANEHEIGHT, buf, 0, true);
for (i = 0xe000; i <= 0xe0ff; i++)
f->chars[i] = f->chars[toupper(i&0x7f)];
return f;
if (!strcmp(fontfilename, "gfx/tinyfont"))
unsigned int *img;
int x, y;
unsigned char *w = W_SafeGetLumpName(fontfilename+4);
if (!w)
return NULL;
for (y = 0; y < 32; y++)
for (x = 0; x < 128; x++)
img[x + y*PLANEWIDTH] = w[x + y*128]?d_8to24rgbtable[w[x + y*128]]:0;
f->singletexture = R_LoadTexture(fontfilename,PLANEWIDTH,PLANEWIDTH,TF_RGBA32,img,IF_2D|IF_NOPICMIP|IF_NOMIPMAP);
for (i = 0x00; i <= 0xff; i++)
f->chars[i].advance = height;
f->chars[i].left = 0;
f->chars[i].top = 0;
f->chars[i].nextchar = 0; //these chars are not linked in
f->chars[i].pad = 0;
f->chars[i].texplane = BITMAPPLANE; /*if its a 'raster' font, don't use the default chars, always use the raster images*/
if (i >= 'a' && i <= 'z')
f->chars[i].bmx = ((i - 64)&15)*8;
f->chars[i].bmy = ((i - 64)/16)*8;
f->chars[i].bmh = 8;
f->chars[i].bmw = 8;
else if (i >= 32 && i < 96)
f->chars[i].bmx = ((i - 32)&15)*8;
f->chars[i].bmy = ((i - 32)/16)*8;
f->chars[i].bmh = 8;
f->chars[i].bmw = 8;
f->chars[i].bmh = 0;
f->chars[i].bmw = 0;
f->chars[i].bmx = 0;
f->chars[i].bmy = 0;
for (i = 0xe000; i <= 0xe0ff; i++)
f->chars[i] = f->chars[i&0xff];
return f;
aname = strstr(fontfilename, ":");
if (aname)
*aname = 0;
if (!strncmp(aname+1, "?col=", 5))
char *t = aname+6;
f->alttint[0] = strtod(t, &t);
if (*t == ' ') t++;
f->alttint[1] = strtod(t, &t);
if (*t == ' ') t++;
f->alttint[2] = strtod(t, &t);
f->alt = Font_LoadFont(vheight, aname+1);
if (!Font_LoadFreeTypeFont(f, height, fontfilename))
//default to only map the ascii-compatible chars from the quake font.
if (*fontfilename)
f->singletexture = R_LoadHiResTexture(fontfilename, "fonts", IF_2D|IF_NOMIPMAP);
for ( ; i < 32; i++)
f->chars[i].texplane = INVALIDPLANE;
/*force it to load, even if there's nothing there*/
for ( ; i < 128; i++)
f->chars[i].advance = f->charheight;
f->chars[i].bmh = PLANEWIDTH/16;
f->chars[i].bmw = PLANEWIDTH/16;
f->chars[i].bmx = (i&15)*(PLANEWIDTH/16);
f->chars[i].bmy = (i/16)*(PLANEWIDTH/16);
f->chars[i].left = 0;
f->chars[i].top = 0;
f->chars[i].nextchar = 0; //these chars are not linked in
f->chars[i].pad = 0;
f->chars[i].texplane = BITMAPPLANE;
if (aname)
*aname = ':';
defaultplane = BITMAPPLANE;/*assume the bitmap plane - don't use the fallback as people don't think to use com_parseutf8*/
if (!TEXVALID(f->singletexture))
if (!TEXVALID(f->singletexture) && !TEXVALID(fontplanes.defaultfont))
fontplanes.defaultfont = Font_LoadDefaultConchars();
if (!strcmp(fontfilename, "gfx/hexen2"))
f->singletexture = Font_LoadHexen2Conchars(false);
defaultplane = DEFAULTPLANE;
if (!TEXVALID(f->singletexture))
f->singletexture = fontplanes.defaultfont;
for (; i < FONTCHARS; i++)
f->chars[i].texplane = INVALIDPLANE;
/*pack the default chars into it*/
for (i = 0xe000; i <= 0xe0ff; i++)
f->chars[i].advance = f->charheight;
f->chars[i].bmh = PLANEWIDTH/16;
f->chars[i].bmw = PLANEWIDTH/16;
f->chars[i].bmx = (i&15)*(PLANEWIDTH/16);
f->chars[i].bmy = ((i/16)*(PLANEWIDTH/16)) & 0xff;
f->chars[i].left = 0;
f->chars[i].top = 0;
f->chars[i].nextchar = 0; //these chars are not linked in
f->chars[i].pad = 0;
f->chars[i].texplane = defaultplane;
return f;
//removes a font from memory.
void Font_Free(struct font_s *f)
struct charcache_s **link, *c, *valid;
//kill the alt font first.
if (f->alt)
f->alt = NULL;
valid = NULL;
//walk all chars, unlinking any that appear to be within this font's char cache
for (link = &fontplanes.oldestchar; *link; )
c = *link;
if (c >= f->chars && c <= f->chars + FONTCHARS)
c = c->nextchar;
if (!c)
fontplanes.newestchar = valid;
*link = c;
valid = c;
link = &c->nextchar;
if (f->face)
if (f->membuf)
//maps a given virtual screen coord to a pixel coord, which matches the font's height/width values
void Font_BeginString(struct font_s *font, int vx, int vy, int *px, int *py)
curfont = font;
*px = (vx*(int)vid.rotpixelwidth) / (float)vid.width;
*py = (vy*(int)vid.rotpixelheight) / (float)vid.height;
curfont_scale[0] = curfont->charheight;
curfont_scale[1] = curfont->charheight;
curfont_scaled = false;
void Font_Transform(int vx, int vy, int *px, int *py)
if (px)
*px = (vx*(int)vid.rotpixelwidth) / (float)vid.width;
if (py)
*py = (vy*(int)vid.rotpixelheight) / (float)vid.height;
void Font_BeginScaledString(struct font_s *font, float vx, float vy, float szx, float szy, float *px, float *py)
curfont = font;
*px = (vx*(float)vid.rotpixelwidth) / (float)vid.width;
*py = (vy*(float)vid.rotpixelheight) / (float)vid.height;
//now that its in pixels, clamp it so the text is at least consistant with its position.
//an individual char may end straddling a pixel boundary, but at least the pixels won't jiggle around as the text moves.
*px = (int)*px;
*py = (int)*py;
if ((int)(szx * vid.rotpixelheight/vid.height) == curfont->charheight && (int)(szy * vid.rotpixelheight/vid.height) == curfont->charheight)
curfont_scaled = false;
curfont_scaled = true;
curfont_scale[0] = (szx * (float)vid.rotpixelheight) / (curfont->charheight * (float)vid.height);
curfont_scale[1] = (szy * (float)vid.rotpixelheight) / (curfont->charheight * (float)vid.height);
void Font_EndString(struct font_s *font)
curfont = NULL;
//obtains the font's row height (each row of chars should be drawn using this increment)
int Font_CharHeight(void)
return curfont->charheight;
//obtains the font's row height (each row of chars should be drawn using this increment)
float Font_CharScaleHeight(void)
return curfont->charheight * curfont_scale[1];
This is where the character ends.
Note: this function supports tabs - x must always be based off 0, with Font_LineDraw actually used to draw the line.
int Font_CharEndCoord(struct font_s *font, int x, unsigned int charcode)
struct charcache_s *c;
#define TABWIDTH (8*20)
if (charcode&CON_HIDDEN)
return x;
if ((charcode&CON_CHARMASK) == '\t')
return x + ((TABWIDTH - (x % TABWIDTH)) % TABWIDTH);
if ((charcode & CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT) && font->alt)
font = font->alt;
c = Font_GetChar(font, (CHARIDXTYPE)(charcode&CON_CHARMASK));
if (!c)
return x+0;
return x+c->advance;
//obtains the width of a character from a given font. This is how wide it is. The next char should be drawn at x + result.
int Font_CharWidth(unsigned int charcode)
struct charcache_s *c;
struct font_s *font = curfont;
if (charcode&CON_HIDDEN)
return 0;
if ((charcode & CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT) && font->alt)
font = font->alt;
c = Font_GetChar(curfont, (CHARIDXTYPE)(charcode&CON_CHARMASK));
if (!c)
return 0;
return c->advance;
//obtains the width of a character from a given font. This is how wide it is. The next char should be drawn at x + result.
float Font_CharScaleWidth(unsigned int charcode)
struct charcache_s *c;
struct font_s *font = curfont;
if (charcode&CON_HIDDEN)
return 0;
if ((charcode & CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT) && font->alt)
font = font->alt;
c = Font_GetChar(curfont, (CHARIDXTYPE)(charcode&CON_CHARMASK));
if (!c)
return 0;
return c->advance * curfont_scale[0];
//for a given font, calculate the line breaks and word wrapping for a block of text
//start+end are the input string
//starts+ends are an array of line start and end points, which have maxlines elements.
//(end is the terminator, null or otherwise)
//maxpixelwidth is the width of the display area in pixels
int Font_LineBreaks(conchar_t *start, conchar_t *end, int maxpixelwidth, int maxlines, conchar_t **starts, conchar_t **ends)
int l, bt;
int px;
int foundlines = 0;
struct font_s *font = curfont;
while (start < end)
// scan the width of the line
for (px=0, l=0 ; px <= maxpixelwidth; )
if (start+l >= end || (start[l-1]&CON_CHARMASK) == '\n')
px = Font_CharEndCoord(font, px, start[l]);
//if we did get to the end
if (px > maxpixelwidth)
bt = l;
//backtrack until we find a space
while(l > 0 && (start[l-1]&CON_CHARMASK)>' ')
if (l == 0 && bt>0)
l = bt-1;
starts[foundlines] = start;
ends[foundlines] = start+l;
if (foundlines == maxlines)
if (start == end)
if ((*start&CON_CHARMASK) == '\n'||!l)
start++; // skip the \n
return foundlines;
int Font_LineWidth(conchar_t *start, conchar_t *end)
int x = 0;
struct font_s *font = curfont;
for (; start < end; start++)
x = Font_CharEndCoord(font, x, *start);
return x;
void Font_LineDraw(int x, int y, conchar_t *start, conchar_t *end)
int lx = 0;
struct font_s *font = curfont;
for (; start < end; start++)
Font_DrawChar(x+lx, y, *start);
lx = Font_CharEndCoord(font, lx, *start);
/*Note: *all* strings after the current one will inherit the same colour, until one changes it explicitly
correct usage of this function thus requires calling this with 1111 before Font_EndString*/
void Font_ForceColour(float r, float g, float b, float a)
if (font_colourmask & CON_NONCLEARBG)
font_colourmask = CON_WHITEMASK;
font_forecolour[0] = r*255;
font_forecolour[1] = g*255;
font_forecolour[2] = b*255;
font_forecolour[3] = a*255;
font_backcolour[3] = 0;
/*Any drawchars that are now drawn will get the forced colour*/
void Font_InvalidateColour(void)
font_colourmask = ~0;
//draw a character from the current font at a pixel location.
int Font_DrawChar(int px, int py, unsigned int charcode)
struct charcache_s *c;
float s0, s1;
float t0, t1;
float nextx;
float sx, sy, sw, sh;
int col;
int v;
struct font_s *font = curfont;
#ifdef D3D11QUAKE
float dxbias = (qrenderer == QR_DIRECT3D11)?0.5:0;
#define dxbias 0
if (charcode & CON_HIDDEN)
return px;
if (charcode & CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT)
if (font->alt)
font = font->alt;
charcode &= ~CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT;
else if ((charcode&CON_CHARMASK) >= 0xe000 && (charcode&CON_CHARMASK) <= 0xe0ff)
charcode &= ~CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT; //don't double-dip
//crash if there is no current font.
c = Font_GetChar(font, (CHARIDXTYPE)(charcode&CON_CHARMASK));
if (!c)
return px;
nextx = px + c->advance;
if ((charcode & CON_CHARMASK) == '\t')
return px + ((TABWIDTH - (px % TABWIDTH)) % TABWIDTH);
if ((charcode & CON_CHARMASK) == ' ')
return nextx;
if (charcode & CON_BLINKTEXT)
if (!cl_noblink.ival)
if ((int)(realtime*3) & 1)
return nextx;
if (charcode & CON_RICHFORECOLOUR)
if (col != font_colourmask)
if (font_colourmask & CON_NONCLEARBG)
font_colourmask = col;
font_forecolour[0] = ((col>>CON_RICHRSHIFT)&0xf)*0x11;
font_forecolour[1] = ((col>>CON_RICHGSHIFT)&0xf)*0x11;
font_forecolour[2] = ((col>>CON_RICHBSHIFT)&0xf)*0x11;
font_forecolour[3] = 255;
font_backcolour[0] = 0;
font_backcolour[1] = 0;
font_backcolour[2] = 0;
font_backcolour[3] = 0;
if (charcode & CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT)
font_forecolour[0] = min(font_forecolour[0]*1.16, 255);
font_forecolour[1] *= 0.54;
font_forecolour[2] *= 0.41;
if (col != font_colourmask)
if ((col ^ font_colourmask) & CON_NONCLEARBG)
font_colourmask = col;
col = (charcode&CON_FGMASK)>>CON_FGSHIFT;
font_forecolour[0] = consolecolours[col].fr*255;
font_forecolour[1] = consolecolours[col].fg*255;
font_forecolour[2] = consolecolours[col].fb*255;
font_forecolour[3] = (charcode & CON_HALFALPHA)?127:255;
col = (charcode&CON_BGMASK)>>CON_BGSHIFT;
font_backcolour[0] = consolecolours[col].fr*255;
font_backcolour[1] = consolecolours[col].fg*255;
font_backcolour[2] = consolecolours[col].fb*255;
font_backcolour[3] = (charcode & CON_NONCLEARBG)?127:0;
if (charcode & CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT)
font_forecolour[0] = min(font_forecolour[0]*font->alttint[0], 255);
font_forecolour[1] = min(font_forecolour[1]*font->alttint[1], 255);
font_forecolour[2] = min(font_forecolour[2]*font->alttint[2], 255);
s0 = (float)c->bmx/PLANEWIDTH;
t0 = (float)c->bmy/PLANEWIDTH;
s1 = (float)(c->bmx+c->bmw)/PLANEWIDTH;
t1 = (float)(c->bmy+c->bmh)/PLANEWIDTH;
sx = ((px+c->left + dxbias)*(int)vid.width) / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sy = ((py+c->top + dxbias)*(int)vid.height) / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
sw = ((font->charheight)*vid.width) / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sh = ((font->charheight)*vid.height) / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
v = Font_BeginChar(fontplanes.defaultfont);
sx = ((px+c->left + dxbias)*(int)vid.width) / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sy = ((py+c->top + dxbias)*(int)vid.height) / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
sw = ((font->charheight)*vid.width) / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sh = ((font->charheight)*vid.height) / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
v = Font_BeginChar(font->singletexture);
sx = ((px+c->left + dxbias)*(int)vid.width) / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sy = ((py+c->top + dxbias)*(int)vid.height) / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
sw = ((c->bmw)*vid.width) / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sh = ((c->bmh)*vid.height) / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
v = Font_BeginChar(font->singletexture);
sx = ((px+c->left + dxbias)*(int)vid.width) / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sy = ((py+c->top + dxbias)*(int)vid.height) / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
sw = ((c->bmw)*vid.width) / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sh = ((c->bmh)*vid.height) / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
v = Font_BeginChar(fontplanes.texnum[c->texplane]);
font_texcoord[v+0][0] = s0;
font_texcoord[v+0][1] = t0;
font_texcoord[v+1][0] = s1;
font_texcoord[v+1][1] = t0;
font_texcoord[v+2][0] = s1;
font_texcoord[v+2][1] = t1;
font_texcoord[v+3][0] = s0;
font_texcoord[v+3][1] = t1;
font_coord[v+0][0] = sx;
font_coord[v+0][1] = sy;
font_coord[v+1][0] = sx+sw;
font_coord[v+1][1] = sy;
font_coord[v+2][0] = sx+sw;
font_coord[v+2][1] = sy+sh;
font_coord[v+3][0] = sx;
font_coord[v+3][1] = sy+sh;
*(int*)font_forecoloura[v+0] = *(int*)font_forecolour;
*(int*)font_forecoloura[v+1] = *(int*)font_forecolour;
*(int*)font_forecoloura[v+2] = *(int*)font_forecolour;
*(int*)font_forecoloura[v+3] = *(int*)font_forecolour;
*(int*)font_backcoloura[v+0] = *(int*)font_backcolour;
*(int*)font_backcoloura[v+1] = *(int*)font_backcolour;
*(int*)font_backcoloura[v+2] = *(int*)font_backcolour;
*(int*)font_backcoloura[v+3] = *(int*)font_backcolour;
return nextx;
/*there is no sane way to make this pixel-correct*/
float Font_DrawScaleChar(float px, float py, unsigned int charcode)
struct charcache_s *c;
float s0, s1;
float t0, t1;
float nextx;
float sx, sy, sw, sh;
int col;
int v;
struct font_s *font = curfont;
float cw, ch;
#ifdef D3D11QUAKE
float dxbias = (qrenderer == QR_DIRECT3D11)?0.5:0;
#define dxbias 0
// if (!curfont_scaled)
// return Font_DrawChar(px, py, charcode);
if (charcode & CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT)
if (font->alt)
font = font->alt;
charcode &= ~CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT;
else if ((charcode&CON_CHARMASK) >= 0xe000 && (charcode&CON_CHARMASK) <= 0xe0ff)
charcode &= ~CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT; //don't double-dip
cw = curfont_scale[0];
ch = curfont_scale[1];
//crash if there is no current font.
c = Font_GetChar(font, (CHARIDXTYPE)(charcode&CON_CHARMASK));
if (!c)
return px;
nextx = px + c->advance*cw;
if ((charcode & CON_CHARMASK) == ' ')
return nextx;
if (charcode & CON_BLINKTEXT)
if (!cl_noblink.ival)
if ((int)(realtime*3) & 1)
return nextx;
if (charcode & CON_RICHFORECOLOUR)
if (col != font_colourmask)
if (font_backcolour[3])
font_colourmask = col;
font_forecolour[0] = ((col>>CON_RICHRSHIFT)&0xf)*0x11;
font_forecolour[1] = ((col>>CON_RICHGSHIFT)&0xf)*0x11;
font_forecolour[2] = ((col>>CON_RICHBSHIFT)&0xf)*0x11;
font_forecolour[3] = 255;
font_backcolour[0] = 0;
font_backcolour[1] = 0;
font_backcolour[2] = 0;
font_backcolour[3] = 0;
if (charcode & CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT)
font_forecolour[0] = min(font_forecolour[0]*1.16, 255);
font_forecolour[1] *= 0.54;
font_forecolour[2] *= 0.41;
if (col != font_colourmask)
if (font_backcolour[3] != ((charcode & CON_NONCLEARBG)?127:0))
font_colourmask = col;
col = (charcode&CON_FGMASK)>>CON_FGSHIFT;
font_forecolour[0] = consolecolours[col].fr*255;
font_forecolour[1] = consolecolours[col].fg*255;
font_forecolour[2] = consolecolours[col].fb*255;
font_forecolour[3] = (charcode & CON_HALFALPHA)?127:255;
col = (charcode&CON_BGMASK)>>CON_BGSHIFT;
font_backcolour[0] = consolecolours[col].fr*255;
font_backcolour[1] = consolecolours[col].fg*255;
font_backcolour[2] = consolecolours[col].fb*255;
font_backcolour[3] = (charcode & CON_NONCLEARBG)?127:0;
if (charcode & CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT)
font_forecolour[0] = min(font_forecolour[0]*font->alttint[0], 255);
font_forecolour[1] = min(font_forecolour[1]*font->alttint[1], 255);
font_forecolour[2] = min(font_forecolour[2]*font->alttint[2], 255);
s0 = (float)c->bmx/PLANEWIDTH;
t0 = (float)c->bmy/PLANEWIDTH;
s1 = (float)(c->bmx+c->bmw)/PLANEWIDTH;
t1 = (float)(c->bmy+c->bmh)/PLANEWIDTH;
if (c->texplane >= DEFAULTPLANE)
sx = ((px+c->left*cw));
sy = ((py+c->top*ch));
sw = ((font->charheight*cw));
sh = ((font->charheight*ch));
if (c->texplane == DEFAULTPLANE)
v = Font_BeginChar(fontplanes.defaultfont);
v = Font_BeginChar(font->singletexture);
sx = (px+c->left*cw);
sy = (py+c->top*ch);
sw = ((c->bmw*cw));
sh = ((c->bmh*ch));
v = Font_BeginChar(fontplanes.texnum[c->texplane]);
sx += dxbias;
sy += dxbias;
sx *= (int)vid.width / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sy *= (int)vid.height / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
sw *= (int)vid.width / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
sh *= (int)vid.height / (float)vid.rotpixelheight;
font_texcoord[v+0][0] = s0;
font_texcoord[v+0][1] = t0;
font_texcoord[v+1][0] = s1;
font_texcoord[v+1][1] = t0;
font_texcoord[v+2][0] = s1;
font_texcoord[v+2][1] = t1;
font_texcoord[v+3][0] = s0;
font_texcoord[v+3][1] = t1;
font_coord[v+0][0] = sx;
font_coord[v+0][1] = sy;
font_coord[v+1][0] = sx+sw;
font_coord[v+1][1] = sy;
font_coord[v+2][0] = sx+sw;
font_coord[v+2][1] = sy+sh;
font_coord[v+3][0] = sx;
font_coord[v+3][1] = sy+sh;
*(int*)font_forecoloura[v+0] = *(int*)font_forecolour;
*(int*)font_forecoloura[v+1] = *(int*)font_forecolour;
*(int*)font_forecoloura[v+2] = *(int*)font_forecolour;
*(int*)font_forecoloura[v+3] = *(int*)font_forecolour;
*(int*)font_backcoloura[v+0] = *(int*)font_backcolour;
*(int*)font_backcoloura[v+1] = *(int*)font_backcolour;
*(int*)font_backcoloura[v+2] = *(int*)font_backcolour;
*(int*)font_backcoloura[v+3] = *(int*)font_backcolour;
return nextx;
#endif //!SERVERONLY