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mirror of https://github.com/nzp-team/fteqw.git synced 2025-03-01 06:31:09 +00:00
Spoike 53a7b3d47c added support for external capture plugins - and using avcodec as a plugin.c.
The ragdoll API is potentially usable now, but still really limited.
Enabled SQL requests by default using sqlite. Note that you'll need the sqlite dll to use this. MySQL should still be usable, but I didn't try. MySQL requires -DUSE_MYSQL to compile it, and a dll and -mysql argument to enable it.
Fixed nacl.
NPFTE plugin now invokes an exe to run the game rather than running the game within the browser.
externvalue builtin now accepts & prefix to return a pointer instead.
Fixed vector autocvars.
uri_get, bufstr_add, bufstr_free, now functional.
QC debugger can now show asm if line numbers are not available.
Added support for QC watchpoints. Use the watchpoint command.
gl_specular now give specular even without rtlights, thankfully not as blatently, but its there.
android will not crash due to supported audio formats, and gles2 can be selected via a cvar (requires full FTEDroidActivity/program restart).

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4152 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2012-11-27 03:23:19 +00:00

295 lines
9.5 KiB

#ifndef __PLUGIN_H__
#define __PLUGIN_H__
#ifdef Q3_VM
typedef int qintptr_t;
typedef unsigned int quintptr_t;
#define TESTBI 1
#ifdef TESTBI
# define EBUILTIN(t, n, args) extern t (*n) args
# define BUILTINR(t, n, args) t (*n) args
# define BUILTIN(t, n, args) t (*n) args
# define BUILTINISVALID(n) (n!=NULL && (funcptr_t)n != (funcptr_t)&BadBuiltin)
# define CHECKBUILTIN(n) n = (funcptr_t)Plug_GetEngineFunction(#n);if (n==NULL) {n = (funcptr_t)&BadBuiltin;Con_Print("Warning: builtin "#n" is not supported by the engine\n");}
//qvms just call the return value, and the engine works out which one it called.
# define EBUILTIN(t, n, args) extern t (*n) args
# define BUILTINR(t, n, args) t (*n) args
# define BUILTIN(t, n, args) t (*n) args
# define CHECKBUILTIN(n) n = (funcptr_t)Plug_GetEngineFunction(#n);
# define BUILTINISVALID(n) (n!=NULL)
#define double float //all floats are 32bit, qvm stuff
typedef char *va_list;
#define va_start(va,f) (va = (char *)&f + sizeof(int))
#define va_arg(va, type) (*(type *)((va += sizeof(int)) - sizeof(int)))
#define va_end(va) (va = NULL)
#define NULL (void*)0
void *malloc(int size);
void free(void *mem);
char *strstr(char *str, const char *sub);
void strlcpy(char *d, const char *s, int n);
char *strchr(char *str, char sub);
float atof(char *str);
int atoi(char *str);
#define strcasecmp stricmp
void BadBuiltin(void);
#define strcasecmp stricmp
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "math.h"
#ifdef _WIN64
typedef long long qintptr_t;
typedef unsigned long long quintptr_t;
typedef long qintptr_t;
typedef unsigned long quintptr_t;
#ifndef _WIN32
#define NATIVEEXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
//DLLs need a wrapper to add the extra parameter and call a boring function.
#define EBUILTIN(t, n, args) extern qintptr_t BUILTIN_##n; t n args
#define TEST
#ifdef TEST
#define BUILTINR(t, n, args) qintptr_t BUILTIN_##n; t n args {qintptr_t res; if (!BUILTINISVALID(n))Sys_Error("Builtin "#n" is not valid\n");res = plugin_syscall(BUILTIN_##n ARGNAMES); return *(t*)&res;}
#define BUILTIN(t, n, args) qintptr_t BUILTIN_##n; t n args {if (!BUILTINISVALID(n))Sys_Error("Builtin "#n" is not valid\n");plugin_syscall(BUILTIN_##n ARGNAMES);}
#define BUILTINR(t, n, args) qintptr_t BUILTIN_##n; t n args {qintptr_t res = plugin_syscall(BUILTIN_##n ARGNAMES); return *(t*)&res;}
#define BUILTIN(t, n, args) qintptr_t BUILTIN_##n; t n args {plugin_syscall(BUILTIN_##n ARGNAMES);}
#define CHECKBUILTIN(n) BUILTIN_##n = (qintptr_t)Plug_GetEngineFunction(#n);
#define BUILTINISVALID(n) (BUILTIN_##n != 0)
#ifdef _WIN32
#define QDECL __cdecl
#define QDECL
extern qintptr_t (*plugin_syscall)( qintptr_t arg, ... );
#ifdef _WIN32
void strlcpy(char *d, const char *s, int n);
int snprintf(char *buffer, size_t maxlen, const char *format, ...);
#ifdef __cplusplus
typedef enum {qfalse, qtrue} qboolean;
typedef enum {qfalse, qtrue} qboolean;
#define false qfalse
#define true qtrue
typedef void *qhandle_t;
typedef float vec3_t[3];
typedef void* funcptr_t;
typedef struct {
int topcolour;
int bottomcolour;
int frags;
int ping;
int pl;
int starttime;
int userid;
int spectator;
char userinfo[1024];
char team[8];
} plugclientinfo_t;
//Basic builtins:
EBUILTIN(funcptr_t, Plug_GetEngineFunction, (const char *funcname)); //set up in vmMain, use this to get all other builtins
#ifndef Q3_VM
EBUILTIN(qboolean, Plug_ExportNative, (const char *funcname, void *func)); //set up in vmMain, use this to get all other builtins
EBUILTIN(void, Con_Print, (const char *text)); //on to main console.
EBUILTIN(void, Con_SubPrint, (char *subname, char *text)); //on to sub console.
EBUILTIN(void, Con_RenameSub, (char *oldname, char *newname)); //rename a console.
EBUILTIN(int, Con_IsActive, (char *conname));
EBUILTIN(void, Con_SetActive, (char *conname));
EBUILTIN(void, Con_Destroy, (char *conname));
EBUILTIN(void, Con_NameForNum, (int connum, char *conname, int connamelen));
EBUILTIN(void, Sys_Error, (char *message)); //abort the entire engine.
EBUILTIN(unsigned int, Sys_Milliseconds, ());
EBUILTIN(int, Cmd_AddCommand, (char *buffer)); //abort the entire engine.
EBUILTIN(void, Cmd_Args, (char *buffer, int bufsize)); //abort the entire engine.
EBUILTIN(void, Cmd_Argv, (int argnum, char *buffer, int bufsize)); //abort the entire engine.
EBUILTIN(int, Cmd_Argc, (void)); //abort the entire engine.
EBUILTIN(void, Cmd_AddText, (char *text, qboolean insert));
EBUILTIN(void, Cmd_Tokenize, (char *msg)); //abort the entire engine.
EBUILTIN(void, Cvar_SetString, (char *name, char *value));
EBUILTIN(void, Cvar_SetFloat, (char *name, float value));
EBUILTIN(qboolean, Cvar_GetString, (char *name, char *retstring, int sizeofretstring));
EBUILTIN(float, Cvar_GetFloat, (char *name));
EBUILTIN(qhandle_t, Cvar_Register, (char *name, char *defaultval, int flags, char *grouphint));
EBUILTIN(int, Cvar_Update, (qhandle_t handle, int *modificationcount, char *stringv, float *floatv)); //stringv is 256 chars long, don't expect this function to do anything if modification count is unchanged.
EBUILTIN(void, GetPluginName, (int plugnum, char *buffer, int bufsize));
EBUILTIN(void, LocalSound, (char *soundname));
EBUILTIN(void, CL_GetStats, (int pnum, unsigned int *stats, int maxstats));
EBUILTIN(int, GetPlayerInfo, (int pnum, plugclientinfo_t *info));
EBUILTIN(int, LocalPlayerNumber, (void));
EBUILTIN(void, GetServerInfo, (char *info, int infolen));
EBUILTIN(void, SetUserInfo, (char *key, char *value));
EBUILTIN(void, GetLocationName, (float *pos, char *buffer, int bufferlen));
EBUILTIN(void, Menu_Control, (int mnum));
#define MENU_CLEAR 0
#define MENU_GRAB 1
EBUILTIN(int, Key_GetKeyCode, (char *keyname));
EBUILTIN(qhandle_t, Draw_LoadImage, (char *name, qboolean iswadimage)); //wad image is ONLY for loading out of q1 gfx.wad
EBUILTIN(int, Draw_Image, (float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, qhandle_t image));
EBUILTIN(void, Draw_Fill, (float x, float y, float w, float h));
EBUILTIN(void, Draw_Line, (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2));
EBUILTIN(void, Draw_Character, (int x, int y, unsigned int characture));
EBUILTIN(void, Draw_Colourp, (int palcol));
EBUILTIN(void, Draw_Colour3f, (float r, float g, float b));
EBUILTIN(void, Draw_Colour4f, (float r, float g, float b, float a));
EBUILTIN(void, SCR_CenterPrint, (char *s));
EBUILTIN(int, ReadInputBuffer, (void *inputbuffer, int buffersize));
EBUILTIN(int, UpdateInputBuffer, (void *inputbuffer, int bytes));
EBUILTIN(int, FS_Open, (char *name, qhandle_t *handle, int mode));
EBUILTIN(void, FS_Close, (qhandle_t handle));
EBUILTIN(int, FS_Write, (qhandle_t handle, void *data, int len));
EBUILTIN(int, FS_Read, (qhandle_t handle, void *data, int len));
EBUILTIN(qhandle_t, Net_TCPConnect, (char *ip, int port));
EBUILTIN(qhandle_t, Net_TCPListen, (char *ip, int port, int maxcount));
EBUILTIN(qhandle_t, Net_Accept, (qhandle_t socket, char *address, int addresssize));
EBUILTIN(int, Net_Recv, (qhandle_t socket, void *buffer, int len));
EBUILTIN(int, Net_Send, (qhandle_t socket, void *buffer, int len));
EBUILTIN(void, Net_Close, (qhandle_t socket));
#define N_WOULDBLOCK -1
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(Q3_VM)
int vsnprintf(char *buffer, size_t maxlen, const char *format, va_list vargs);
#ifdef Q3_VM
EBUILTIN(void, memcpy, (void *, void *, int len));
EBUILTIN(void, memmove, (void *, void *, int len));
EBUILTIN(void, memset, (void *, int, int len));
EBUILTIN(float, sqrt, (float f));
EBUILTIN(float, cos, (float f));
EBUILTIN(float, sin, (float f));
typedef qintptr_t (*export_t) (qintptr_t *args);
char *va(char *format, ...);
qintptr_t Plug_Init(qintptr_t *args);
qboolean Plug_Export(const char *name, export_t func);
void Con_Printf(const char *format, ...);
void Con_DPrintf(const char *format, ...); //not a particuarly efficient implementation, so beware.
void Sys_Errorf(const char *format, ...);
typedef unsigned char qbyte;
void Q_strncpyz(char *d, const char *s, int n);
#define PLUG_SHARED_BEGIN(t,p,b) \
{ \
t *p; \
char inputbuffer[8192]; \
*(b) = ReadInputBuffer(inputbuffer, sizeof(inputbuffer)); \
if (*(b)) \
p = (t*)inputbuffer; \
else \
p = NULL;
#define PLUG_SHARED_END(p,b) UpdateInputBuffer(inputbuffer, b);}
// qvm_api.c
int vsnprintf(char *buffer, size_t maxlen, const char *format, va_list vargs);
typedef struct {
char *name;
char string[256];
char *group;
int flags;
float value;
qhandle_t handle;
int modificationcount;
} vmcvar_t;
typedef struct {
int width;
int height;
} vmvideo_t;
extern vmvideo_t vid;
#define VMCvar_SetString(c,v) \
do{ \
strcpy(c->string, v); \
c->value = (float)atof(v); \
Cvar_SetString(c->name, c->string); \
} while (0)
#define VMCvar_SetFloat(c,v) \
do { \
snprintf(c->string, sizeof(c->string), "%f", v);\
c->value = (float)(v); \
Cvar_SetFloat(c->name, c->value); \
} while(0) \
#define MAX_INFO_KEY 64
char *Info_ValueForKey (char *s, char *key);
void Info_RemoveKey (char *s, char *key);
void Info_RemovePrefixedKeys (char *start, char prefix);
void Info_RemoveNonStarKeys (char *start);
void Info_SetValueForKey (char *s, char *key, char *value, int maxsize);
void Info_SetValueForStarKey (char *s, char *key, char *value, int maxsize);
#ifdef __cplusplus