mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 02:41:04 +00:00
fix decals again. clampmap should work properly with them, also removed the extra part. fix rtlight pvs issue with respect to portals fix vid_reload causing the d3d9 renderer to use nearest sampling terrain system should now mostly work with d3d9. still has issues. fix q3 volumetric fog not applying to models git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5174 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
516 lines
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516 lines
18 KiB
#ifdef VKQUAKE
#if defined(__LP64__) || defined(_WIN64)
#define VulkanAPIRandomness void*
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1300
#define VulkanAPIRandomness __int64
#define VulkanAPIRandomness long long
#define VkRetardedDescriptorSet VulkanAPIRandomness
#define VkRetardedShaderModule VulkanAPIRandomness
#define VkRetardedPipelineLayout VulkanAPIRandomness
#define VkRetardedDescriptorSetLayout VulkanAPIRandomness
#define VkRetardedBuffer VulkanAPIRandomness
#define VkRetardedDeviceMemory VulkanAPIRandomness
//These are defined later in the source tree. This file should probably be moved to a later spot.
struct pubprogfuncs_s;
struct globalvars_s;
struct texture_s;
struct texnums_s;
struct vbo_s;
struct mesh_s;
struct batch_s;
struct entity_s;
struct dlight_s;
struct galiasbone_s;
struct dlight_s;
struct font_s;
typedef enum
SKEL_RELATIVE, //relative to parent.
SKEL_ABSOLUTE, //relative to model. doesn't blend very well.
SKEL_INVERSE_RELATIVE, //pre-inverted. faster than regular relative but has weirdness with skeletal objects. blends okay.
SKEL_INVERSE_ABSOLUTE, //final renderable type.
SKEL_QUATS //quat+org, 7 floats rather than 12. better lerping.
} skeltype_t;
#define FRAME_BLENDS 4
#define FST_BASE 0 //base frames
#define FS_REG 1 //regular frames
#define FS_COUNT 2 //regular frames
typedef struct {
struct framestateregion_s {
int frame[FRAME_BLENDS];
float frametime[FRAME_BLENDS];
float lerpweight[FRAME_BLENDS];
float subblendfrac; //hl models are weird
float subblend2frac; //very weird.
int endbone;
} g[FS_COUNT];
float *bonestate;
int bonecount;
skeltype_t skeltype;
float bonecontrols[MAX_BONE_CONTROLLERS]; //hl special bone controllers
} framestate_t;
#define NULLFRAMESTATE (framestate_t*)NULL
//function prototypes
#if defined(SERVERONLY)
#define qrenderer QR_NONE
#define FNC(n) (n) //FNC is defined as 'pointer if client build, direct if dedicated server'
#define FNC(n) (*n)
extern r_qrenderer_t qrenderer;
extern char *q_renderername;
apic_t *R2D_LoadAtlasedPic(const char *name);
void R2D_ImageAtlas(float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, apic_t *pic);
#define R2D_ScalePicAtlas(x,y,w,h,p) R2D_ImageAtlas(x,y,w,h,0,0,1,1,p)
mpic_t *R2D_SafeCachePic (const char *path);
mpic_t *R2D_SafePicFromWad (const char *name);
void R2D_DrawCrosshair (void);
void R2D_ScalePic (float x, float y, float width, float height, mpic_t *pic);
void R2D_SubPic(float x, float y, float width, float height, mpic_t *pic, float srcx, float srcy, float srcwidth, float srcheight);
void R2D_TransPicTranslate (float x, float y, int width, int height, qbyte *pic, unsigned int *palette);
void R2D_TileClear (float x, float y, float w, float h);
void R2D_FadeScreen (void);
void R2D_Font_Changed(void);
void R2D_ConsoleBackground (int firstline, int lastline, qboolean forceopaque);
void R2D_EditorBackground (void);
void R2D_Image(float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, mpic_t *pic);
void R2D_Image2dQuad(vec2_t points[], vec2_t texcoords[], mpic_t *pic);
void R2D_ImageColours(float r, float g, float b, float a);
void R2D_ImagePaletteColour(unsigned int i, float a);
void R2D_FillBlock(float x, float y, float w, float h);
void R2D_Line(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, mpic_t *pic);
extern void (*R2D_Flush)(void);
extern void (*Draw_Init) (void);
extern void (*R_Init) (void);
extern void (*R_DeInit) (void);
extern void (*R_RenderView) (void); // must set r_refdef first
extern qboolean (*VID_Init) (rendererstate_t *info, unsigned char *palette);
extern void (*VID_DeInit) (void);
extern char *(*VID_GetRGBInfo) (int *stride, int *truevidwidth, int *truevidheight, enum uploadfmt *fmt); //if stride is negative, then the return value points to the last line intead of the first. this allows it to be freed normally.
extern void (*VID_SetWindowCaption) (const char *msg);
extern void SCR_Init (void);
extern void SCR_DeInit (void);
extern qboolean (*SCR_UpdateScreen) (void);
extern void SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque (void);
extern void SCR_EndLoadingPlaque (void);
extern void SCR_DrawConsole (qboolean noback);
extern void SCR_SetUpToDrawConsole (void);
extern void SCR_CenterPrint (int pnum, const char *str, qboolean skipgamecode);
void R_DrawTextField(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *text, unsigned int defaultmask, unsigned int fieldflags, struct font_s *font, vec2_t fontscale);
#define CPRINT_LALIGN (1<<0) //L
#define CPRINT_TALIGN (1<<1) //T
#define CPRINT_RALIGN (1<<2) //R
#define CPRINT_BALIGN (1<<3) //B
#define CPRINT_BACKGROUND (1<<4) //P
#define CPRINT_OBITUARTY (1<<16) //O (show at 2/3rds from top)
#define CPRINT_PERSIST (1<<17) //P (doesn't time out)
#define CPRINT_TYPEWRITER (1<<18) // (char at a time)
#define CPRINT_CURSOR (1<<19) //C (use a mouse cursor, also enabled by the presence of a (auto) link)
//mod_purge flags
enum mod_purge_e
MP_MAPCHANGED, //new map. old stuff no longer needed, can skip stuff if it'll be expensive.
MP_FLUSH, //user flush command. anything flushable goes.
MP_RESET //*everything* is destroyed. renderer is going down, or at least nothing depends upon it.
enum mlverbosity_e
const char *Mod_GetEntitiesString(struct model_s *mod);
void Mod_SetEntitiesStringLen(struct model_s *mod, const char *str, size_t strsize);
void Mod_SetEntitiesString(struct model_s *mod, const char *str, qboolean docopy);
void Mod_ParseEntities(struct model_s *mod);
extern void Mod_ClearAll (void);
extern void Mod_Purge (enum mod_purge_e type);
extern qboolean Mod_PurgeModel (struct model_s *mod, enum mod_purge_e ptype);
extern struct model_s *Mod_FindName (const char *name); //find without loading. needload should be set.
extern struct model_s *Mod_ForName (const char *name, enum mlverbosity_e verbosity); //finds+loads
extern struct model_s *Mod_LoadModel (struct model_s *mod, enum mlverbosity_e verbose); //makes sure a model is loaded
extern void *Mod_Extradata (struct model_s *mod); // handles caching
extern void Mod_TouchModel (const char *name);
extern const char *Mod_FixName (const char *modname, const char *worldname); //remaps the name appropriately
const char *Mod_ParseWorldspawnKey (struct model_s *mod, const char *key, char *buffer, size_t sizeofbuffer);
extern long relitsurface;
extern struct model_s *lightmodel;
extern void Mod_Think (void);
extern qboolean Mod_GetModelEvent (struct model_s *model, int animation, int eventidx, float *timestamp, int *eventcode, char **eventdata);
extern int Mod_SkinNumForName (struct model_s *model, int surfaceidx, const char *name);
extern int Mod_FrameNumForName (struct model_s *model, int surfaceidx, const char *name);
extern float Mod_GetFrameDuration (struct model_s *model, int surfaceidx, int framenum);
extern int Mod_GetFrameCount (struct model_s *model);
#undef FNC
extern qboolean Mod_GetTag (struct model_s *model, int tagnum, framestate_t *framestate, float *transforms);
extern int Mod_TagNumForName (struct model_s *model, const char *name);
void Mod_AddSingleSurface(struct entity_s *ent, int surfaceidx, shader_t *shader);
int Mod_GetNumBones(struct model_s *model, qboolean allowtags);
int Mod_GetBoneRelations(struct model_s *model, int firstbone, int lastbone, framestate_t *fstate, float *result);
int Mod_GetBoneParent(struct model_s *model, int bonenum);
struct galiasbone_s *Mod_GetBoneInfo(struct model_s *model, int *numbones);
const char *Mod_GetBoneName(struct model_s *model, int bonenum);
void Draw_FunString(float x, float y, const void *str);
void Draw_AltFunString(float x, float y, const void *str);
void Draw_FunStringWidth(float x, float y, const void *str, int width, int rightalign, qboolean highlight);
extern int r_regsequence;
#define Mod_Q1LeafPVS Mod_LeafPVS
// qbyte *Mod_LeafPVS (struct mleaf_s *leaf, struct model_s *model, qbyte *buffer);
typedef struct image_s
#ifdef _DEBUG
char dbgident[32];
char *ident; //allocated on end
char *subpath; //allocated on end
int regsequence;
int width; //this is the logical size. the physical size is not considered important (except for render targets, which should not be loaded from disk).
int height;
int status; //TEX_
unsigned int flags;
struct image_s *next;
struct image_s *prev;
struct image_s *aliasof;
int nosyntaxerror;
#if defined(D3DQUAKE) || defined(SWQUAKE)
void *ptr; //texture
void *ptr2; //view
#ifdef GLQUAKE
int num;
#ifdef VKQUAKE
VkRetardedDescriptorSet vkdescriptor;
struct vk_image_s *vkimage;
void *fallbackdata;
int fallbackwidth;
int fallbackheight;
uploadfmt_t fallbackfmt;
} image_t;
#if 1
typedef image_t *texid_t;
#define texid_tf texid_t
#define TEXASSIGN(d,s) d=s
#define TEXASSIGNF(d,s) d=s
#define TEXVALID(t) ((t))
#define TEXLOADED(tex) ((tex) && (tex)->status == TEX_LOADED)
#define TEXDOWAIT(tex) do{if ((tex) && (tex)->status == TEX_LOADING) COM_WorkerPartialSync((tex), &(tex)->status, TEX_LOADING);}while(0)
typedef struct texid_s texid_t[1];
typedef struct texid_s texid_tf;
#define TEXASSIGN(d,s) memcpy(&d,&s,sizeof(d))
#define TEXASSIGNF(d,s) memcpy(&d,&s,sizeof(d))
#define TEXVALID(t) 1
#define Image_LinearFloatFromsRGBFloat(c) (((c) <= 0.04045f) ? (c) * (1.0f / 12.92f) : (float)pow(((c) + 0.055f)*(1.0f/1.055f), 2.4f))
#define Image_sRGBFloatFromLinearFloat(c) (((c) < 0.0031308f) ? (c) * 12.92f : 1.055f * (float)pow((c), 1.0f/2.4f) - 0.055f)
struct pendingtextureinfo
PTI_CUBEMAP //mips are packed (to make d3d11 happy)
} type;
//these formats are specified as direct byte access
PTI_RGBA8, //rgba byte ordering
PTI_RGBX8, //rgb pad byte ordering
PTI_BGRA8, //alpha channel
PTI_BGRX8, //no alpha channel
PTI_RGBA8_SRGB, //rgba byte ordering
PTI_RGBX8_SRGB, //rgb pad byte ordering
PTI_BGRA8_SRGB, //alpha channel
PTI_BGRX8_SRGB, //no alpha channel
//these formats are specified in native endian order
PTI_RGB565, //16bit alphaless format.
PTI_RGBA4444, //16bit format (gl)
PTI_ARGB4444, //16bit format (d3d)
PTI_RGBA5551, //16bit alpha format (gl).
PTI_ARGB1555, //16bit alpha format (d3d).
//floating point formats
//small formats.
//(desktop) compressed formats
//(mobile) compressed formats
PTI_ETC1_RGB8, //limited form
PTI_ETC2_RGB8, //extended form
//weird specialcase mess to take advantage of webgl so we don't need redundant bloat where we're already strugging with potential heap limits
//depth formats
} encoding; //0
int mipcount;
void *data;
size_t datasize;
int width;
int height;
qboolean needfree;
} mip[32];
void *extrafree;
//small context for easy vbo creation.
typedef struct
size_t maxsize;
size_t pos;
int vboid[2];
void *vboptr[2];
void *fallback;
} vbobctx_t;
typedef union vboarray_s
void *sysptr;
#ifdef GLQUAKE
int vbo;
void *addr;
} gl;
#if defined(D3D8QUAKE) || defined(D3D9QUAKE) || defined(D3D11QUAKE)
void *buff;
unsigned int offs;
} d3d;
#ifdef VKQUAKE
VkRetardedBuffer buff;
unsigned int offs;
} vk;
{ //matches the biggest version. currently vulkan. this ensures that plugins can allocate model data without caring about renderers.
qint64_t buff;
unsigned int offs;
} pad;
} vboarray_t;
//scissor rects
typedef struct
float x;
float y;
float width;
float height;
double dmin;
double dmax;
} srect_t;
typedef struct texnums_s {
char mapname[MAX_QPATH]; //the 'official' name of the diffusemap. used to generate filenames for other textures.
texid_t base; //regular diffuse texture. may have alpha if surface is transparent
texid_t bump; //normalmap. height values packed in alpha.
texid_t specular; //specular lighting values.
texid_t upperoverlay; //diffuse texture for the upper body(shirt colour). no alpha channel. added to base.rgb
texid_t loweroverlay; //diffuse texture for the lower body(trouser colour). no alpha channel. added to base.rgb
texid_t paletted; //8bit paletted data, just because.
texid_t fullbright;
texid_t reflectcube;
texid_t reflectmask;
} texnums_t;
//not all modes accept meshes - STENCIL(intentional) and DEPTHONLY(not implemented)
typedef enum backendmode_e
BEM_STANDARD, //regular mode to draw surfaces akin to q3 (aka: legacy mode). lightmaps+delux+ambient
BEM_DEPTHONLY, //just a quick depth pass. textures used only for alpha test (shadowmaps).
BEM_WIREFRAME, //for debugging or something
BEM_STENCIL, //used for drawing shadow volumes to the stencil buffer.
BEM_DEPTHDARK, //a quick depth pass. textures used only for alpha test. additive textures still shown as normal.
BEM_CREPUSCULAR, //sky is special, everything else completely black
BEM_FOG, //drawing a fog volume
BEM_LIGHT, //we have a valid light
} backendmode_t;
typedef struct rendererinfo_s {
char *description;
char *name[4];
r_qrenderer_t rtype;
//FIXME: all but the vid stuff really should be filled in by the video code, simplifying system-specific stuff.
void (*Draw_Init) (void);
void (*Draw_Shutdown) (void);
void (*IMG_UpdateFiltering) (image_t *imagelist, int filtermip[3], int filterpic[3], int mipcap[2], float anis);
qboolean (*IMG_LoadTextureMips) (texid_t tex, const struct pendingtextureinfo *mips);
void (*IMG_DestroyTexture) (texid_t tex);
void (*R_Init) (void); //FIXME - merge implementations
void (*R_DeInit) (void); //FIXME - merge implementations
void (*R_RenderView) (void); // must set r_refdef first
qboolean (*VID_Init) (rendererstate_t *info, unsigned char *palette);
void (*VID_DeInit) (void);
void (*VID_SwapBuffers) (void); //force a buffer swap, regardless of what's displayed.
qboolean (*VID_ApplyGammaRamps) (unsigned int size, unsigned short *ramps);
void *(*VID_CreateCursor) (const char *filename, float hotx, float hoty, float scale); //may be null, stub returns null
qboolean (*VID_SetCursor) (void *cursor); //may be null
void (*VID_DestroyCursor) (void *cursor); //may be null
void (*VID_SetWindowCaption) (const char *msg);
char *(*VID_GetRGBInfo) (int *bytestride, int *truevidwidth, int *truevidheight, enum uploadfmt *fmt);
qboolean (*SCR_UpdateScreen) (void);
//Select the current render mode and modifier flags
void (*BE_SelectMode)(backendmode_t mode);
/*Draws an entire mesh list from a VBO. vbo can be null, in which case the chain may be drawn without batching.
Rules for using a list: Every mesh must be part of the same VBO, shader, lightmap, and must have the same pointers set*/
void (*BE_DrawMesh_List)(shader_t *shader, int nummeshes, struct mesh_s **mesh, struct vbo_s *vbo, struct texnums_s *texnums, unsigned int be_flags);
void (*BE_DrawMesh_Single)(shader_t *shader, struct mesh_s *meshchain, struct vbo_s *vbo, unsigned int be_flags);
void (*BE_SubmitBatch)(struct batch_s *batch);
struct batch_s *(*BE_GetTempBatch)(void);
//Asks the backend to invoke DrawMeshChain for each surface, and to upload lightmaps as required
void (*BE_DrawWorld) (struct batch_s **worldbatches);
//called at init, force the display to the right defaults etc
void (*BE_Init)(void);
//Generates an optimised VBO, one for each texture on the map
void (*BE_GenBrushModelVBO)(struct model_s *mod);
//Destroys the given vbo
void (*BE_ClearVBO)(struct vbo_s *vbo, qboolean dataonly);
//Uploads all modified lightmaps
void (*BE_UploadAllLightmaps)(void);
void (*BE_SelectEntity)(struct entity_s *ent);
qboolean (*BE_SelectDLight)(struct dlight_s *dl, vec3_t colour, vec3_t axis[3], unsigned int lmode);
void (*BE_Scissor)(srect_t *rect);
/*check to see if an ent should be drawn for the selected light*/
qboolean (*BE_LightCullModel)(vec3_t org, struct model_s *model);
void (*BE_VBO_Begin)(vbobctx_t *ctx, size_t maxsize);
void (*BE_VBO_Data)(vbobctx_t *ctx, void *data, size_t size, vboarray_t *varray);
void (*BE_VBO_Finish)(vbobctx_t *ctx, void *edata, size_t esize, vboarray_t *earray, void **vbomem, void **ebomem);
void (*BE_VBO_Destroy)(vboarray_t *vearray, void *mem);
void (*BE_RenderToTextureUpdate2d)(qboolean destchanged);
char *alignment; //just to make sure that added functions cause compile warnings.
} rendererinfo_t;
#define rf currentrendererstate.renderer
#define VID_SwapBuffers rf->VID_SwapBuffers
#define BE_Init rf->BE_Init
#define BE_SelectMode rf->BE_SelectMode
#define BE_GenBrushModelVBO rf->BE_GenBrushModelVBO
#define BE_ClearVBO rf->BE_ClearVBO
#define BE_UploadAllLightmaps rf->BE_UploadAllLightmaps
#define BE_LightCullModel rf->BE_LightCullModel
#define BE_SelectEntity rf->BE_SelectEntity
#define BE_SelectDLight rf->BE_SelectDLight
#define BE_GetTempBatch rf->BE_GetTempBatch
#define BE_SubmitBatch rf->BE_SubmitBatch
#define BE_DrawMesh_List rf->BE_DrawMesh_List
#define BE_DrawMesh_Single rf->BE_DrawMesh_Single
#define BE_SubmitMeshes rf->BE_SubmitMeshes
#define BE_DrawWorld rf->BE_DrawWorld
#define BE_VBO_Begin rf->BE_VBO_Begin
#define BE_VBO_Data rf->BE_VBO_Data
#define BE_VBO_Finish rf->BE_VBO_Finish
#define BE_VBO_Destroy rf->BE_VBO_Destroy
#define BE_Scissor rf->BE_Scissor
#define BE_RenderToTextureUpdate2d rf->BE_RenderToTextureUpdate2d
texid_t R2D_RT_Configure(const char *id, int width, int height, uploadfmt_t rtfmt, unsigned int imageflags);
texid_t R2D_RT_GetTexture(const char *id, unsigned int *width, unsigned int *height);