#windows is special as always, but we don't support itanium, and microsoft don't support anything else (not even arm with the nt win32 api) ifeq ($(FTE_TARGET),win32) PLUG_NATIVE_EXT=x86.dll PLUG_LDFLAGS=-Lavplug/lib32 -L../engine/libs/mingw-libs -lzlib endif ifeq ($(FTE_TARGET),win64) PLUG_NATIVE_EXT=amd.dll PLUG_LDFLAGS=-Lavplug/lib64 -L../engine/libs/mingw64-libs -lz -Wl,--support-old-code endif PLUG_LDFLAGS?=-L/usr/local/lib -Wl,-R/usr/local/lib -lz ifneq ($(PLUG_NATIVE_EXT),) #if we're on windows, we'll put our windows-specific hacks here. PLUG_DEFFILE=plugin.def PLUG_CFLAGS= $(OUT_DIR)/fteplug_avplug$(PLUG_NATIVE_EXT): avplug/libavformat/avformat.h endif #cygwin uses dll naming. ifeq ($(FTE_TARGET),cygwin) ifeq ($(BITS),64) PLUG_DEFFILE=plugin.def PLUG_NATIVE_EXT=amd.dll endif ifneq ($(BITS),64) PLUG_DEFFILE=plugin.def PLUG_NATIVE_EXT=x86.dll endif endif #if they're not on windows, we'll try asking the compiler directly #the check to see if its already set is to avoid asking msvc, which would probably break things. ifeq ($(PLUG_NATIVE_EXT),) ifneq ($(shell echo|$(CC) -E -dM -|grep __amd64__),) PLUG_NATIVE_EXT=amd.so endif ifneq ($(shell echo|$(CC) -E -dM -|grep __i386__),) PLUG_NATIVE_EXT=x86.so endif ifneq ($(shell echo|$(CC) -E -dM -|grep __arm__),) PLUG_NATIVE_EXT=arm.so endif ifneq ($(shell echo|$(CC) -E -dM -|grep __ppc__),) PLUG_NATIVE_EXT=ppc.so endif endif #fallback PLUG_NATIVE_EXT?=unk.so PLUG_DEFFILE?= PLUG_CFLAGS?=-fPIC -Wl,--no-undefined -Bsymbolic PLUG_LDFLAGS?= all: ezscript hud irc clean: ezscript-clean hud-clean irc-clean .PHONY: all ezscript hud irc native distclean clean help: @-echo make a subdirectory ezscript: $(MAKE) -C ezscript ezscript-clean: $(MAKE) clean -C ezscript hud: $(MAKE) -C hud hud-clean: $(MAKE) clean -C hud irc: $(MAKE) -C irc irc-clean: $(MAKE) clean -C irc #small script to download+install avformat for windows cross compiles. #linux users are expected to have the library installed locally already. If your version is too old or missing, run the following command to install it (to /usr/local), then delete the gz and directory. #wget http://ffmpeg.org/releases/ffmpeg-1.2.tar.gz && cd tar xvfz ffmpeg-1.2.tar.gz && cd ffmpeg-1.2/ && ./configure --disable-yasm --enable-shared && make && sudo make install #we use ffmpeg's version for some reason, as opposed to libav. not sure what the differences are meant to be, but libav seemed to have non-depricated functions defined, docs that say to use them, and these functions missing. AV7Z_VER=ffmpeg-1.2 AV7Z_W32=$(AV7Z_VER)-win32-dev.7z AV7Z_URL32=http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/win32/dev/$(AV7Z_W32) AV7Z_PRE32=$(AV7Z_VER)-win32-dev/ AV7Z_W64=$(AV7Z_VER)-win64-dev.7z AV7Z_URL64=http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/win64/dev/$(AV7Z_W64) AV7Z_PRE64=$(AV7Z_VER)-win64-dev/ avplug/libavformat/avformat.h: wget $(AV7Z_URL32) mkdir -p avplug/libavformat && cd avplug/libavformat && 7z e -y ../../$(AV7Z_W32) $(AV7Z_PRE32)include/libavformat/ && cd - mkdir -p avplug/libavcodec && cd avplug/libavcodec && 7z e -y ../../$(AV7Z_W32) $(AV7Z_PRE32)include/libavcodec/ && cd - mkdir -p avplug/libavutil && cd avplug/libavutil && 7z e -y ../../$(AV7Z_W32) $(AV7Z_PRE32)include/libavutil/ && cd - mkdir -p avplug/libswscale && cd avplug/libswscale && 7z e -y ../../$(AV7Z_W32) $(AV7Z_PRE32)include/libswscale/ && cd - mkdir -p avplug/lib32 && cd avplug/lib32 && 7z e -y ../../$(AV7Z_W32) $(AV7Z_PRE32)lib/avformat.lib $(AV7Z_PRE32)lib/avcodec.lib $(AV7Z_PRE32)lib/avutil.lib $(AV7Z_PRE32)lib/swscale.lib && cd - rm $(AV7Z_W32) wget $(AV7Z_URL64) mkdir -p avplug/lib64 && cd avplug/lib64 && 7z e -y ../../$(AV7Z_W64) $(AV7Z_PRE64)lib/avformat.lib $(AV7Z_PRE64)lib/avcodec.lib $(AV7Z_PRE64)lib/avutil.lib $(AV7Z_PRE64)lib/swscale.lib && cd - rm $(AV7Z_W64) distclean: rm avplug/libavformat/avformat.h $(OUT_DIR)/fteplug_avplug$(PLUG_NATIVE_EXT): avplug/avencode.c avplug/avdecode.c plugin.c qvm_api.c $(CC) $(BASE_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -DFTEPLUGIN -s -o $(OUT_DIR)/fteplug_avplug$(PLUG_NATIVE_EXT) -shared $(PLUG_CFLAGS) -Iavplug/msvc_lib $^ $(PLUG_DEFFILE) $(PLUG_LDFLAGS) -lavcodec -lavformat -lavutil -lswscale native: $(OUT_DIR)/fteplug_avplug$(PLUG_NATIVE_EXT) $(OUT_DIR)/fteplug_mpq$(PLUG_NATIVE_EXT): mpq/fs_mpq.c mpq/blast.c plugin.c qvm_api.c $(CC) $(BASE_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -DFTEPLUGIN -o $(OUT_DIR)/fteplug_mpq$(PLUG_NATIVE_EXT) -shared $(PLUG_CFLAGS) -Impq $^ $(PLUG_DEFFILE) $(PLUG_LDFLAGS) native: $(OUT_DIR)/fteplug_mpq$(PLUG_NATIVE_EXT) $(OUT_DIR)/fteplug_xmpp$(PLUG_NATIVE_EXT): jabber/jabberclient.c jabber/jingle.c jabber/sift.c jabber/xml.c plugin.c qvm_api.c ../engine/common/sha1.c emailnot/md5.c $(CC) $(BASE_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -DFTEPLUGIN -o $(OUT_DIR)/fteplug_xmpp$(PLUG_NATIVE_EXT) -shared $(PLUG_CFLAGS) -Ijabber $^ $(PLUG_DEFFILE) $(PLUG_LDFLAGS) -lresolv native: $(OUT_DIR)/fteplug_xmpp$(PLUG_NATIVE_EXT) native: