#include "quakedef.h" /* This is based on Jogi's OpenAL support. Much of it is stripped, to try and get it clean/compliant. Missing features: FIXME: listener velocity calculations (currently ugly). FIXME: does not track entity velocities, so no dopler (awkward, quake doesn't move playing sounds at all). FIXME: no eax / efx (underwater reverb etc). FIXME: a capture device would be useful (voice chat). */ #ifdef AVAIL_OPENAL #if defined(_WIN32) #define AL_APIENTRY __cdecl #else #define AL_APIENTRY #endif #define AL_API typedef int ALint; typedef unsigned int ALuint; typedef float ALfloat; typedef int ALenum; typedef char ALchar; typedef char ALboolean; typedef int ALsizei; typedef void ALvoid; static dllhandle_t *openallib; static qboolean openallib_tried; static AL_API ALenum (AL_APIENTRY *palGetError)( void ); static AL_API void (AL_APIENTRY *palSourcef)( ALuint sid, ALenum param, ALfloat value ); static AL_API void (AL_APIENTRY *palSourcei)( ALuint sid, ALenum param, ALint value ); static AL_API void (AL_APIENTRY *palSourcePlayv)( ALsizei ns, const ALuint *sids ); static AL_API void (AL_APIENTRY *palSourceStopv)( ALsizei ns, const ALuint *sids ); static AL_API void (AL_APIENTRY *palSourcePlay)( ALuint sid ); static AL_API void (AL_APIENTRY *palSourceStop)( ALuint sid ); static AL_API void (AL_APIENTRY *palDopplerFactor)( ALfloat value ); static AL_API void (AL_APIENTRY *palGenBuffers)( ALsizei n, ALuint* buffers ); static AL_API ALboolean (AL_APIENTRY *palIsBuffer)( ALuint bid ); static AL_API void (AL_APIENTRY *palBufferData)( ALuint bid, ALenum format, const ALvoid* data, ALsizei size, ALsizei freq ); static AL_API void (AL_APIENTRY *palDeleteBuffers)( ALsizei n, const ALuint* buffers ); static AL_API void (AL_APIENTRY *palListenerfv)( ALenum param, const ALfloat* values ); static AL_API void (AL_APIENTRY *palSourcefv)( ALuint sid, ALenum param, const ALfloat* values ); static AL_API const ALchar* (AL_APIENTRY *palGetString)( ALenum param ); static AL_API void (AL_APIENTRY *palGenSources)( ALsizei n, ALuint* sources ); static AL_API void (AL_APIENTRY *palListenerf)( ALenum param, ALfloat value ); static AL_API void (AL_APIENTRY *palDeleteBuffers)( ALsizei n, const ALuint* buffers ); static AL_API void (AL_APIENTRY *palDeleteSources)( ALsizei n, const ALuint* sources ); static AL_API void (AL_APIENTRY *palSpeedOfSound)( ALfloat value ); static AL_API void (AL_APIENTRY *palDistanceModel)( ALenum distanceModel ); //needed for streaming static AL_API void (AL_APIENTRY *palGetSourcei)(ALuint source, ALenum pname, ALint *value); static AL_API void (AL_APIENTRY *palSourceQueueBuffers)(ALuint source, ALsizei n, ALuint* buffers); static AL_API void (AL_APIENTRY *palSourceUnqueueBuffers)(ALuint source, ALsizei n, ALuint* buffers); #define AL_NONE 0 #define AL_FALSE 0 #define AL_TRUE 1 #define AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE 0x202 #define AL_PITCH 0x1003 #define AL_POSITION 0x1004 #define AL_VELOCITY 0x1006 #define AL_LOOPING 0x1007 #define AL_BUFFER 0x1009 #define AL_GAIN 0x100A #define AL_ORIENTATION 0x100F #define AL_SOURCE_STATE 0x1010 #define AL_PLAYING 0x1012 #define AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED 0x1016 #define AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE 0x1020 #define AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR 0x1021 #define AL_MAX_DISTANCE 0x1023 #define AL_SOURCE_TYPE 0x1027 #define AL_STREAMING 0x1029 #define AL_FORMAT_MONO8 0x1100 #define AL_FORMAT_MONO16 0x1101 #define AL_FORMAT_STEREO8 0x1102 #define AL_FORMAT_STEREO16 0x1103 #define AL_INVALID_NAME 0xA001 #define AL_INVALID_ENUM 0xA002 #define AL_INVALID_VALUE 0xA003 #define AL_INVALID_OPERATION 0xA004 #define AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY 0xA005 #define AL_VENDOR 0xB001 #define AL_VERSION 0xB002 #define AL_RENDERER 0xB003 #define AL_EXTENSIONS 0xB004 #define AL_DISTANCE_MODEL 0xD000 #define AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE 0xD001 #define AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE_CLAMPED 0xD002 #define AL_LINEAR_DISTANCE 0xD003 #define AL_LINEAR_DISTANCE_CLAMPED 0xD004 #define AL_EXPONENT_DISTANCE 0xD005 #define AL_EXPONENT_DISTANCE_CLAMPED 0xD006 #if defined(_WIN32) #define ALC_APIENTRY __cdecl #else #define ALC_APIENTRY #endif #define ALC_API typedef char ALCboolean; typedef char ALCchar; typedef int ALCint; typedef unsigned int ALCuint; typedef int ALCenum; typedef size_t ALCsizei; typedef struct ALCdevice_struct ALCdevice; typedef struct ALCcontext_struct ALCcontext; typedef void ALCvoid; static ALC_API ALCdevice * (ALC_APIENTRY *palcOpenDevice)( const ALCchar *devicename ); static ALC_API ALCboolean (ALC_APIENTRY *palcCloseDevice)( ALCdevice *device ); static ALC_API ALCcontext * (ALC_APIENTRY *palcCreateContext)( ALCdevice *device, const ALCint* attrlist ); static ALC_API void (ALC_APIENTRY *palcDestroyContext)( ALCcontext *context ); static ALC_API ALCboolean (ALC_APIENTRY *palcMakeContextCurrent)( ALCcontext *context ); static ALC_API void (ALC_APIENTRY *palcProcessContext)( ALCcontext *context ); static ALC_API const ALCchar * (ALC_APIENTRY *palcGetString)( ALCdevice *device, ALCenum param ); static ALC_API ALCboolean (ALC_APIENTRY *palcIsExtensionPresent)( ALCdevice *device, const ALCchar *extname ); #define ALC_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER 0x1004 #define ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER 0x1005 #define ALC_EXTENSIONS 0x1006 #define ALC_ALL_DEVICES_SPECIFIER 0x1013 //ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT //#include "AL/alut.h" //#include "AL/al.h" //#include "AL/alext.h" //efx #define AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER 0x20006 #define AL_FILTER_NULL 0x0000 #define AL_EFFECTSLOT_EFFECT 0x0001 #define AL_EFFECT_TYPE 0x8001 #define AL_EFFECT_REVERB 0x0001 #define AL_EFFECT_EAXREVERB 0x8000 #define AL_REVERB_DENSITY 0x0001 #define AL_REVERB_DIFFUSION 0x0002 #define AL_REVERB_GAIN 0x0003 #define AL_REVERB_GAINHF 0x0004 #define AL_REVERB_DECAY_TIME 0x0005 #define AL_REVERB_DECAY_HFRATIO 0x0006 #define AL_REVERB_REFLECTIONS_GAIN 0x0007 #define AL_REVERB_REFLECTIONS_DELAY 0x0008 #define AL_REVERB_LATE_REVERB_GAIN 0x0009 #define AL_REVERB_LATE_REVERB_DELAY 0x000A #define AL_REVERB_AIR_ABSORPTION_GAINHF 0x000B #define AL_REVERB_ROOM_ROLLOFF_FACTOR 0x000C #define AL_REVERB_DECAY_HFLIMIT 0x000D /* EAX Reverb effect parameters */ #define AL_EAXREVERB_DENSITY 0x0001 #define AL_EAXREVERB_DIFFUSION 0x0002 #define AL_EAXREVERB_GAIN 0x0003 #define AL_EAXREVERB_GAINHF 0x0004 #define AL_EAXREVERB_GAINLF 0x0005 #define AL_EAXREVERB_DECAY_TIME 0x0006 #define AL_EAXREVERB_DECAY_HFRATIO 0x0007 #define AL_EAXREVERB_DECAY_LFRATIO 0x0008 #define AL_EAXREVERB_REFLECTIONS_GAIN 0x0009 #define AL_EAXREVERB_REFLECTIONS_DELAY 0x000A #define AL_EAXREVERB_REFLECTIONS_PAN 0x000B #define AL_EAXREVERB_LATE_REVERB_GAIN 0x000C #define AL_EAXREVERB_LATE_REVERB_DELAY 0x000D #define AL_EAXREVERB_LATE_REVERB_PAN 0x000E #define AL_EAXREVERB_ECHO_TIME 0x000F #define AL_EAXREVERB_ECHO_DEPTH 0x0010 #define AL_EAXREVERB_MODULATION_TIME 0x0011 #define AL_EAXREVERB_MODULATION_DEPTH 0x0012 #define AL_EAXREVERB_AIR_ABSORPTION_GAINHF 0x0013 #define AL_EAXREVERB_HFREFERENCE 0x0014 #define AL_EAXREVERB_LFREFERENCE 0x0015 #define AL_EAXREVERB_ROOM_ROLLOFF_FACTOR 0x0016 #define AL_EAXREVERB_DECAY_HFLIMIT 0x0017 static AL_API void*(AL_APIENTRY *palGetProcAddress)(const ALchar *fname); static AL_API void (AL_APIENTRY *palSource3i)(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALint value1, ALint value2, ALint value3); static AL_API void (AL_APIENTRY *palAuxiliaryEffectSloti)(ALuint effectslot, ALenum param, ALint iValue); static AL_API ALvoid (AL_APIENTRY *palGenAuxiliaryEffectSlots)(ALsizei n, ALuint *effectslots); static AL_API ALvoid (AL_APIENTRY *palDeleteAuxiliaryEffectSlots)(ALsizei n, const ALuint *effectslots); static AL_API ALvoid (AL_APIENTRY *palDeleteEffects)(ALsizei n, const ALuint *effects); static AL_API ALvoid (AL_APIENTRY *palGenEffects)(ALsizei n, ALuint *effects); static AL_API ALvoid (AL_APIENTRY *palEffecti)(ALuint effect, ALenum param, ALint iValue); static AL_API ALvoid (AL_APIENTRY *palEffectiv)(ALuint effect, ALenum param, const ALint *piValues); static AL_API ALvoid (AL_APIENTRY *palEffectf)(ALuint effect, ALenum param, ALfloat flValue); static AL_API ALvoid (AL_APIENTRY *palEffectfv)(ALuint effect, ALenum param, const ALfloat *pflValues); //capture-specific stuff static ALC_API void (ALC_APIENTRY *palcGetIntegerv)( ALCdevice *device, ALCenum param, ALCsizei size, ALCint *data ); static ALC_API ALCdevice * (ALC_APIENTRY *palcCaptureOpenDevice)( const ALCchar *devicename, ALCuint frequency, ALCenum format, ALCsizei buffersize ); static ALC_API ALCboolean (ALC_APIENTRY *palcCaptureCloseDevice)( ALCdevice *device ); static ALC_API void (ALC_APIENTRY *palcCaptureStart)( ALCdevice *device ); static ALC_API void (ALC_APIENTRY *palcCaptureStop)( ALCdevice *device ); static ALC_API void (ALC_APIENTRY *palcCaptureSamples)( ALCdevice *device, ALCvoid *buffer, ALCsizei samples ); #define ALC_CAPTURE_DEVICE_SPECIFIER 0x310 #define ALC_CAPTURE_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER 0x311 #define ALC_CAPTURE_SAMPLES 0x312 #define SOUNDVARS "OpenAL variables" extern sfx_t *known_sfx; extern int loaded_sfx; extern int num_sfx; static void OnChangeALMaxDistance (cvar_t *var, char *value); static void OnChangeALSpeedOfSound (cvar_t *var, char *value); static void OnChangeALDopplerFactor (cvar_t *var, char *value); static void OnChangeALDistanceModel (cvar_t *var, char *value); /* static void S_Init_f(void); static void S_Info(void); static void S_Shutdown_f(void); */ static cvar_t s_al_debug = CVAR("s_al_debug", "0"); static cvar_t s_al_max_distance = CVARFC("s_al_max_distance", "1000",0,OnChangeALMaxDistance); static cvar_t s_al_speedofsound = CVARFC("s_al_speedofsound", "343.3",0,OnChangeALSpeedOfSound); static cvar_t s_al_dopplerfactor = CVARFC("s_al_dopplerfactor", "3.0",0,OnChangeALDopplerFactor); static cvar_t s_al_distancemodel = CVARFC("s_al_distancemodel", "2",0,OnChangeALDistanceModel); static cvar_t s_al_rolloff_factor = CVAR("s_al_rolloff_factor", "1"); static cvar_t s_al_reference_distance = CVAR("s_al_reference_distance", "120"); static cvar_t s_al_velocityscale = CVAR("s_al_velocityscale", "1"); static cvar_t s_al_static_listener = CVAR("s_al_static_listener", "0"); //cheat typedef struct { #define NUM_SOURCES MAX_CHANNELS ALuint source[NUM_SOURCES]; ALCdevice *OpenAL_Device; ALCcontext *OpenAL_Context; ALfloat ListenPos[3];// = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; // Velocity of the listener. ALfloat ListenVel[3];// = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; // Orientation of the listener. (first 3 elements are "at", second 3 are "up") ALfloat ListenOri[6];// = { 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 }; int cureffect; ALuint effectslot; //the global reverb slot ALuint effecttype[2]; //effect used when underwater } oalinfo_t; static void PrintALError(char *string) { ALenum err; char *text = NULL; if (!s_al_debug.value) return; err = palGetError(); switch(err) { case 0: return; case AL_INVALID_NAME: text = "invalid name"; break; case AL_INVALID_ENUM: text = "invalid enum"; break; case AL_INVALID_VALUE: text = "invalid value"; break; case AL_INVALID_OPERATION: text = "invalid operation"; break; case AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: text = "out of memory"; break; default: text = "unknown"; break; } Con_Printf("OpenAL - %s: %x: %s\n",string,err,text); } void OpenAL_LoadCache(unsigned int *bufptr, sfxcache_t *sc, float volume) { unsigned int fmt; unsigned int size; switch(sc->width) { case 1: if (sc->numchannels == 2) { fmt = AL_FORMAT_STEREO8; size = sc->length*2; } else { fmt = AL_FORMAT_MONO8; size = sc->length*1; } break; case 2: if (sc->numchannels == 2) { fmt = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; size = sc->length*4; } else { fmt = AL_FORMAT_MONO16; size = sc->length*2; } break; default: return; } PrintALError("pre Buffer Data"); palGenBuffers(1, bufptr); /*openal is inconsistant and supports only 8bit unsigned or 16bit signed*/ if (volume != 1) { if (sc->width == 1) { unsigned char *tmp = malloc(size); char *src = sc->data; int i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { tmp[i] = src[i]*volume+128; //signed->unsigned } palBufferData(*bufptr, fmt, tmp, size, sc->speed); free(tmp); } else { short *tmp = malloc(size); short *src = (short*)sc->data; int i; for (i = 0; i < (size>>1); i++) { tmp[i] = bound(-32767, src[i]*volume, 32767); //signed. } palBufferData(*bufptr, fmt, tmp, size, sc->speed); free(tmp); } } else { if (sc->width == 1) { unsigned char *tmp = malloc(size); char *src = sc->data; int i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { tmp[i] = src[i]+128; } palBufferData(*bufptr, fmt, tmp, size, sc->speed); free(tmp); } else palBufferData(*bufptr, fmt, sc->data, size, sc->speed); } //FIXME: we need to handle oal-oom error codes PrintALError("Buffer Data"); } void OpenAL_CvarInit(void) { Cvar_Register(&s_al_debug, SOUNDVARS); Cvar_Register(&s_al_max_distance, SOUNDVARS); Cvar_Register(&s_al_dopplerfactor, SOUNDVARS); Cvar_Register(&s_al_distancemodel, SOUNDVARS); Cvar_Register(&s_al_reference_distance, SOUNDVARS); Cvar_Register(&s_al_rolloff_factor, SOUNDVARS); Cvar_Register(&s_al_velocityscale, SOUNDVARS); Cvar_Register(&s_al_static_listener, SOUNDVARS); Cvar_Register(&s_al_speedofsound, SOUNDVARS); } extern float voicevolumemod; static void OpenAL_ListenerUpdate(soundcardinfo_t *sc, vec3_t origin, vec3_t forward, vec3_t right, vec3_t up, vec3_t velocity) { oalinfo_t *oali = sc->handle; VectorScale(velocity, s_al_velocityscale.value, oali->ListenVel); VectorCopy(origin, oali->ListenPos); oali->ListenOri[0] = forward[0]; oali->ListenOri[1] = forward[1]; oali->ListenOri[2] = forward[2]; oali->ListenOri[3] = up[0]; oali->ListenOri[4] = up[1]; oali->ListenOri[5] = up[2]; if (!s_al_static_listener.value) { palListenerf(AL_GAIN, 1); palListenerfv(AL_POSITION, oali->ListenPos); palListenerfv(AL_VELOCITY, oali->ListenVel); palListenerfv(AL_ORIENTATION, oali->ListenOri); } } //schanged says the sample has changed, otherwise its merely moved around a little, maybe changed in volume, but nothing that will restart it. static void OpenAL_ChannelUpdate(soundcardinfo_t *sc, channel_t *chan, unsigned int schanged) { oalinfo_t *oali = sc->handle; ALuint src; sfx_t *sfx = chan->sfx; float pitch, cvolume; int chnum = chan - sc->channel; ALuint buf; if (chnum >= NUM_SOURCES) return; src = oali->source[chnum]; if (!src) { //not currently playing. be prepared to create one if (!sfx || chan->master_vol == 0) return; palGenSources(1, &src); //unable to start a new sound source, give up. if (!src) { //FIXME: find one which has already stopped and steal it. Con_Printf("Out of OpenAL sources!\n"); return; } oali->source[chnum] = src; schanged = true; //should normally be true anyway, but hey } PrintALError("pre start sound"); if (schanged && src) palSourceStop(src); //reclaim any queued buffers palGetSourcei(src, AL_SOURCE_TYPE, &buf); if (buf == AL_STREAMING) { for(;;) { palGetSourcei(src, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &buf); if (!buf) break; palSourceUnqueueBuffers(src, 1, &buf); palDeleteBuffers(1, &buf); } } /*just wanted to stop it?*/ if (!sfx || chan->master_vol == 0) { if (src) { palDeleteSources(1, &src); oali->source[chnum] = 0; } return; } cvolume = chan->master_vol/255.0f; if (!(chan->flags & CF_ABSVOLUME)) cvolume *= volume.value*voicevolumemod; if (schanged || sfx->decoder.decodedata) { if (!sfx->openal_buffer) { if (!S_LoadSound(sfx)) return; //can't load it if (sfx->decoder.decodedata) { int offset; sfxcache_t sbuf, *sc = sfx->decoder.decodedata(sfx, &sbuf, chan->pos>>PITCHSHIFT, 65536); memcpy(&sbuf, sc, sizeof(sbuf)); //hack up the sound to offset it correctly offset = (chan->pos>>PITCHSHIFT) - sbuf.soundoffset; sbuf.data += offset * sc->width*sc->numchannels; sbuf.length -= offset; if (!sbuf.length && (chan->pos>>PITCHSHIFT) == sbuf.soundoffset) { chan->sfx = NULL; if (sfx->decoder.abort) { if (!S_IsPlayingSomewhere(sfx)) sfx->decoder.abort(sfx); } } sbuf.soundoffset = 0; //build a buffer with it and queue it up. //buffer will be purged later on when its unqueued OpenAL_LoadCache(&buf, &sbuf, max(1,cvolume)); palSourceQueueBuffers(src, 1, &buf); //yay chan->pos += sbuf.length<openal_buffer, sfx->decoder.buf, 1); palSourcei(src, AL_BUFFER, sfx->openal_buffer); } } else palSourcei(src, AL_BUFFER, sfx->openal_buffer); } palSourcef(src, AL_GAIN, min(cvolume, 1)); //openal only supports a max volume of 1. anything above is an error and will be clamped. if (chan->entnum == -1 || chan->entnum == cl.playerview[0].viewentity) palSourcefv(src, AL_POSITION, vec3_origin); else palSourcefv(src, AL_POSITION, chan->origin); palSourcefv(src, AL_VELOCITY, vec3_origin); if (schanged) { pitch = (float)chan->rate/(1<entnum == -2) //don't do the underwater thing on static sounds. it sounds like arse with all those sources. palSource3i(src, AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER, 0, 0, AL_FILTER_NULL); else palSource3i(src, AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER, oali->effectslot, 0, AL_FILTER_NULL); palSourcei(src, AL_LOOPING, chan->looping?AL_TRUE:AL_FALSE); if (chan->entnum == -1 || chan->entnum == cl.playerview[0].viewentity) { palSourcei(src, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_TRUE); // palSourcef(src, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, 0.0f); } else { palSourcei(src, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_FALSE); // palSourcef(src, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, s_al_rolloff_factor.value*chan->dist_mult); } switch(s_al_distancemodel.ival) { default: palSourcef(src, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, s_al_reference_distance.value); palSourcef(src, AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, 1); palSourcef(src, AL_MAX_DISTANCE, 1/chan->dist_mult); //clamp to the maximum distance you'd normally be allowed to hear... this is probably going to be annoying. break; case 2: //linear, mimic quake. palSourcef(src, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, 1); palSourcef(src, AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, 0); palSourcef(src, AL_MAX_DISTANCE, 1/chan->dist_mult); break; } /*and start it up again*/ palSourcePlay(src); } PrintALError("post start sound"); } /* static void S_Info (void) { if (OpenAL_Device == NULL) return; Con_Printf("OpenAL Version : %s\n",palGetString(AL_VERSION)); Con_Printf("OpenAL Vendor : %s\n",palGetString(AL_VENDOR)); Con_Printf("OpenAL Renderer : %s\n",palGetString(AL_RENDERER)); if(palcIsExtensionPresent(NULL, (const ALCchar*)"ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT")==AL_TRUE) { Con_Printf("OpenAL Device : %s\n",palcGetString(OpenAL_Device,ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER)); } Con_Printf("OpenAL Default Device : %s\n",palcGetString(OpenAL_Device,ALC_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER)); Con_Printf("OpenAL AL Extension : %s\n",palGetString(AL_EXTENSIONS)); Con_Printf("OpenAL ALC Extension : %s\n",palcGetString(NULL,ALC_EXTENSIONS)); } */ static qboolean OpenAL_InitLibrary(void) { static dllfunction_t openalfuncs[] = { {(void*)&palGetError, "alGetError"}, {(void*)&palSourcef, "alSourcef"}, {(void*)&palSourcei, "alSourcei"}, {(void*)&palSourcePlayv, "alSourcePlayv"}, {(void*)&palSourceStopv, "alSourceStopv"}, {(void*)&palSourcePlay, "alSourcePlay"}, {(void*)&palSourceStop, "alSourceStop"}, {(void*)&palDopplerFactor, "alDopplerFactor"}, {(void*)&palGenBuffers, "alGenBuffers"}, {(void*)&palIsBuffer, "alIsBuffer"}, {(void*)&palBufferData, "alBufferData"}, {(void*)&palDeleteBuffers, "alDeleteBuffers"}, {(void*)&palListenerfv, "alListenerfv"}, {(void*)&palSourcefv, "alSourcefv"}, {(void*)&palGetString, "alGetString"}, {(void*)&palGenSources, "alGenSources"}, {(void*)&palListenerf, "alListenerf"}, {(void*)&palDeleteSources, "alDeleteSources"}, {(void*)&palSpeedOfSound, "alSpeedOfSound"}, {(void*)&palDistanceModel, "alDistanceModel"}, {(void*)&palGetProcAddress, "alGetProcAddress"}, {(void*)&palGetSourcei, "alGetSourcei"}, {(void*)&palSourceQueueBuffers, "alSourceQueueBuffers"}, {(void*)&palSourceUnqueueBuffers, "alSourceUnqueueBuffers"}, {(void*)&palcOpenDevice, "alcOpenDevice"}, {(void*)&palcCloseDevice, "alcCloseDevice"}, {(void*)&palcCreateContext, "alcCreateContext"}, {(void*)&palcDestroyContext, "alcDestroyContext"}, {(void*)&palcMakeContextCurrent, "alcMakeContextCurrent"}, {(void*)&palcProcessContext, "alcProcessContext"}, {(void*)&palcGetString, "alcGetString"}, {(void*)&palcIsExtensionPresent, "alcIsExtensionPresent"}, {NULL} }; if (!openallib_tried) { openallib_tried = true; openallib = Sys_LoadLibrary("OpenAL32", openalfuncs); } return !!openallib; } static qboolean OpenAL_Init(soundcardinfo_t *sc, const char *devname) { oalinfo_t *oali = Z_Malloc(sizeof(oalinfo_t)); sc->handle = oali; if (!OpenAL_InitLibrary()) { Con_Printf("OpenAL is not installed\n"); return false; } if (oali->OpenAL_Context) { Con_Printf("OpenAL: only able to load one device at a time\n"); return false; } oali->OpenAL_Device = palcOpenDevice(devname); if (oali->OpenAL_Device == NULL) { PrintALError("Could not init a sound device\n"); return false; } oali->OpenAL_Context = palcCreateContext(oali->OpenAL_Device, NULL); if (!oali->OpenAL_Context) return false; palcMakeContextCurrent(oali->OpenAL_Context); // palcProcessContext(oali->OpenAL_Context); //S_Info(); //fixme... memset(oali->source, 0, sizeof(oali->source)); PrintALError("alGensources for normal sources"); palListenerfv(AL_POSITION, oali->ListenPos); palListenerfv(AL_VELOCITY, oali->ListenVel); palListenerfv(AL_ORIENTATION, oali->ListenOri); return true; } static void OnChangeALMaxDistance (cvar_t *var, char *oldvalue) { } static void OnChangeALSpeedOfSound (cvar_t *var, char *value) { if (palSpeedOfSound) palSpeedOfSound(var->value); } static void OnChangeALDopplerFactor (cvar_t *var, char *oldvalue) { if (palDopplerFactor) palDopplerFactor(var->value); } static void OnChangeALDistanceModel (cvar_t *var, char *value) { if (!palDistanceModel) return; switch (var->ival) { case 0: palDistanceModel(AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE); break; case 1: palDistanceModel(AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE_CLAMPED); break; case 2: palDistanceModel(AL_LINEAR_DISTANCE); break; case 3: palDistanceModel(AL_LINEAR_DISTANCE_CLAMPED); break; case 4: palDistanceModel(AL_EXPONENT_DISTANCE); break; case 5: palDistanceModel(AL_EXPONENT_DISTANCE_CLAMPED); break; case 6: palDistanceModel(AL_NONE); break; default: Cvar_ForceSet(var, "0"); } } /*stub should not be called*/ static void *OpenAL_LockBuffer (soundcardinfo_t *sc, unsigned int *sampidx) { //Con_Printf("OpenAL: LockBuffer\n"); return NULL; } /*stub should not be called*/ static void OpenAL_UnlockBuffer (soundcardinfo_t *sc, void *buffer) { //Con_Printf("OpenAL: UnlockBuffer\n"); } static void OpenAL_SetUnderWater (soundcardinfo_t *sc, qboolean underwater) { oalinfo_t *oali = sc->handle; if (!oali->effectslot) return; //don't spam it if (oali->cureffect == underwater) return; oali->cureffect = underwater; PrintALError("preunderwater"); palAuxiliaryEffectSloti(oali->effectslot, AL_EFFECTSLOT_EFFECT, oali->effecttype[oali->cureffect]); PrintALError("postunderwater"); //Con_Printf("OpenAL: SetUnderWater %i\n", underwater); } /*stub should not be called*/ static void OpenAL_Submit (soundcardinfo_t *sc, int start, int end) { //Con_Printf("OpenAL: Submit\n"); } /*stub should not be called*/ static unsigned int OpenAL_GetDMAPos (soundcardinfo_t *sc) { //Con_Printf("OpenAL: GetDMAPos\n"); return 0; } static void OpenAL_Shutdown (soundcardinfo_t *sc) { oalinfo_t *oali = sc->handle; int i; palDeleteSources(NUM_SOURCES, oali->source); /*make sure the buffers are cleared from the sound effects*/ for (i=0;ieffectslot); palDeleteEffects(1, &oali->effecttype[1]); palcDestroyContext(oali->OpenAL_Context); palcCloseDevice(oali->OpenAL_Device); Z_Free(oali); } typedef struct { float flDensity; float flDiffusion; float flGain; float flGainHF; float flGainLF; float flDecayTime; float flDecayHFRatio; float flDecayLFRatio; float flReflectionsGain; float flReflectionsDelay; float flReflectionsPan[3]; float flLateReverbGain; float flLateReverbDelay; float flLateReverbPan[3]; float flEchoTime; float flEchoDepth; float flModulationTime; float flModulationDepth; float flAirAbsorptionGainHF; float flHFReference; float flLFReference; float flRoomRolloffFactor; int iDecayHFLimit; } EFXEAXREVERBPROPERTIES, *LPEFXEAXREVERBPROPERTIES; #define EFX_REVERB_PRESET_PSYCHOTIC \ { 0.0625f, 0.5000f, 0.3162f, 0.8404f, 1.0000f, 7.5600f, 0.9100f, 1.0000f, 0.4864f, 0.0200f, { 0.0000f, 0.0000f, 0.0000f }, 2.4378f, 0.0300f, { 0.0000f, 0.0000f, 0.0000f }, 0.2500f, 0.0000f, 4.0000f, 1.0000f, 0.9943f, 5000.0000f, 250.0000f, 0.0000f, 0x0 } #define EFX_REVERB_PRESET_UNDERWATER \ { 0.3645f, 1.0000f, 0.3162f, 0.0100f, 1.0000f, 1.4900f, 0.1000f, 1.0000f, 0.5963f, 0.0070f, { 0.0000f, 0.0000f, 0.0000f }, 7.0795f, 0.0110f, { 0.0000f, 0.0000f, 0.0000f }, 0.2500f, 0.0000f, 1.1800f, 0.3480f, 0.9943f, 5000.0000f, 250.0000f, 0.0000f, 0x1 } ALuint OpenAL_LoadEffect(const EFXEAXREVERBPROPERTIES *reverb) { ALuint effect; palGenEffects(1, &effect); if(1)//alGetEnumValue("AL_EFFECT_EAXREVERB") != 0) { /* EAX Reverb is available. Set the EAX effect type then load the * reverb properties. */ palEffecti(effect, AL_EFFECT_TYPE, AL_EFFECT_EAXREVERB); palEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_DENSITY, reverb->flDensity); palEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_DIFFUSION, reverb->flDiffusion); palEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_GAIN, reverb->flGain); palEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_GAINHF, reverb->flGainHF); palEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_GAINLF, reverb->flGainLF); palEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_DECAY_TIME, reverb->flDecayTime); palEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_DECAY_HFRATIO, reverb->flDecayHFRatio); palEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_DECAY_LFRATIO, reverb->flDecayLFRatio); palEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_REFLECTIONS_GAIN, reverb->flReflectionsGain); palEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_REFLECTIONS_DELAY, reverb->flReflectionsDelay); palEffectfv(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_REFLECTIONS_PAN, reverb->flReflectionsPan); palEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_LATE_REVERB_GAIN, reverb->flLateReverbGain); palEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_LATE_REVERB_DELAY, reverb->flLateReverbDelay); palEffectfv(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_LATE_REVERB_PAN, reverb->flLateReverbPan); palEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_ECHO_TIME, reverb->flEchoTime); palEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_ECHO_DEPTH, reverb->flEchoDepth); palEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_MODULATION_TIME, reverb->flModulationTime); palEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_MODULATION_DEPTH, reverb->flModulationDepth); palEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_AIR_ABSORPTION_GAINHF, reverb->flAirAbsorptionGainHF); palEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_HFREFERENCE, reverb->flHFReference); palEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_LFREFERENCE, reverb->flLFReference); palEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_ROOM_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, reverb->flRoomRolloffFactor); palEffecti(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_DECAY_HFLIMIT, reverb->iDecayHFLimit); } else { /* No EAX Reverb. Set the standard reverb effect type then load the * available reverb properties. */ palEffecti(effect, AL_EFFECT_TYPE, AL_EFFECT_REVERB); palEffectf(effect, AL_REVERB_DENSITY, reverb->flDensity); palEffectf(effect, AL_REVERB_DIFFUSION, reverb->flDiffusion); palEffectf(effect, AL_REVERB_GAIN, reverb->flGain); palEffectf(effect, AL_REVERB_GAINHF, reverb->flGainHF); palEffectf(effect, AL_REVERB_DECAY_TIME, reverb->flDecayTime); palEffectf(effect, AL_REVERB_DECAY_HFRATIO, reverb->flDecayHFRatio); palEffectf(effect, AL_REVERB_REFLECTIONS_GAIN, reverb->flReflectionsGain); palEffectf(effect, AL_REVERB_REFLECTIONS_DELAY, reverb->flReflectionsDelay); palEffectf(effect, AL_REVERB_LATE_REVERB_GAIN, reverb->flLateReverbGain); palEffectf(effect, AL_REVERB_LATE_REVERB_DELAY, reverb->flLateReverbDelay); palEffectf(effect, AL_REVERB_AIR_ABSORPTION_GAINHF, reverb->flAirAbsorptionGainHF); palEffectf(effect, AL_REVERB_ROOM_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, reverb->flRoomRolloffFactor); palEffecti(effect, AL_REVERB_DECAY_HFLIMIT, reverb->iDecayHFLimit); } return effect; } static qboolean QDECL OpenAL_InitCard(soundcardinfo_t *sc, const char *devname) { oalinfo_t *oali; //no default support, because we're buggy as fuck if (!devname) return false; if (!devname || !*devname) devname = palcGetString(NULL, ALC_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER); Con_Printf("Initiating OpenAL: %s.\n", devname); if (OpenAL_Init(sc, devname) == false) { Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "OpenAL init failed\n"); return false; } oali = sc->handle; Con_DPrintf("OpenAL AL Extension : %s\n",palGetString(AL_EXTENSIONS)); Con_DPrintf("OpenAL ALC Extension : %s\n",palcGetString(oali->OpenAL_Device,ALC_EXTENSIONS)); sc->Lock = OpenAL_LockBuffer; sc->Unlock = OpenAL_UnlockBuffer; sc->SetWaterDistortion = OpenAL_SetUnderWater; sc->Submit = OpenAL_Submit; sc->Shutdown = OpenAL_Shutdown; sc->GetDMAPos = OpenAL_GetDMAPos; sc->ChannelUpdate = OpenAL_ChannelUpdate; sc->ListenerUpdate = OpenAL_ListenerUpdate; Q_snprintfz(sc->name, sizeof(sc->name), "%s", devname); sc->inactive_sound = true; sc->selfpainting = true; Cvar_ForceCallback(&s_al_distancemodel); Cvar_ForceCallback(&s_al_speedofsound); Cvar_ForceCallback(&s_al_dopplerfactor); Cvar_ForceCallback(&s_al_max_distance); PrintALError("preeffects"); palSource3i = palGetProcAddress("alSource3i"); palAuxiliaryEffectSloti = palGetProcAddress("alAuxiliaryEffectSloti"); palGenAuxiliaryEffectSlots = palGetProcAddress("alGenAuxiliaryEffectSlots"); palDeleteAuxiliaryEffectSlots = palGetProcAddress("alDeleteAuxiliaryEffectSlots"); palDeleteEffects = palGetProcAddress("alDeleteEffects"); palGenEffects = palGetProcAddress("alGenEffects"); palEffecti = palGetProcAddress("alEffecti"); palEffectiv = palGetProcAddress("alEffectiv"); palEffectf = palGetProcAddress("alEffectf"); palEffectfv = palGetProcAddress("alEffectfv"); palGenAuxiliaryEffectSlots(1, &oali->effectslot); oali->cureffect = 0; oali->effecttype[0] = 0; { EFXEAXREVERBPROPERTIES uw = EFX_REVERB_PRESET_UNDERWATER; oali->effecttype[1] = OpenAL_LoadEffect(&uw); } PrintALError("posteffects"); return true; } #define SDRVNAME "OpenAL" static qboolean QDECL OpenAL_Enumerate(void (QDECL *callback)(const char *driver, const char *devicecode, const char *readabledevice)) { const char *devnames; if (!OpenAL_InitLibrary()) return true; //enumerate nothing if al is disabled devnames = palcGetString(NULL, ALC_ALL_DEVICES_SPECIFIER); if (!devnames) devnames = palcGetString(NULL, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER); while(*devnames) { callback(SDRVNAME, devnames, va("OAL:%s", devnames)); devnames += strlen(devnames)+1; } return true; } sounddriver_t OPENAL_Output = { SDRVNAME, OpenAL_InitCard, OpenAL_Enumerate }; #if defined(VOICECHAT) qboolean OpenAL_InitCapture(void) { if (!OpenAL_InitLibrary()) return false; //is there really much point checking for the name when the functions should exist or not regardless? //if its not really supported, I would trust the open+enumerate operations to reliably fail. the functions are exported as actual symbols after all, not some hidden driver feature. //it doesn't really matter if the default driver supports it, so long as one does, I guess. //if (!palcIsExtensionPresent(NULL, "ALC_EXT_capture")) // return false; if(!palcCaptureOpenDevice) { palcGetIntegerv = Sys_GetAddressForName(openallib, "alcGetIntegerv"); palcCaptureOpenDevice = Sys_GetAddressForName(openallib, "alcCaptureOpenDevice"); palcCaptureStart = Sys_GetAddressForName(openallib, "alcCaptureStart"); palcCaptureSamples = Sys_GetAddressForName(openallib, "alcCaptureSamples"); palcCaptureStop = Sys_GetAddressForName(openallib, "alcCaptureStop"); palcCaptureCloseDevice = Sys_GetAddressForName(openallib, "alcCaptureCloseDevice"); } return palcGetIntegerv&&palcCaptureOpenDevice&&palcCaptureStart&&palcCaptureSamples&&palcCaptureStop&&palcCaptureCloseDevice; } qboolean QDECL OPENAL_Capture_Enumerate (void (QDECL *callback) (const char *drivername, const char *devicecode, const char *readablename)) { const char *devnames; if (!OpenAL_InitCapture()) return true; //enumerate nothing if al is disabled devnames = palcGetString(NULL, ALC_CAPTURE_DEVICE_SPECIFIER); while(*devnames) { callback(SDRVNAME, devnames, va("OAL:%s", devnames)); devnames += strlen(devnames)+1; } return true; } //fte's capture api specifies mono 16. void *QDECL OPENAL_Capture_Init (int samplerate, const char *device) { if (!device) //no default devices please, too buggy for that. return NULL; if (!OpenAL_InitCapture()) return NULL; //enumerate nothing if al is disabled if (!device || !*device) device = palcGetString(NULL, ALC_CAPTURE_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER); return palcCaptureOpenDevice(device, samplerate, AL_FORMAT_MONO16, 0.5*samplerate); } void QDECL OPENAL_Capture_Start (void *ctx) { ALCdevice *device = ctx; palcCaptureStart(device); } unsigned int QDECL OPENAL_Capture_Update (void *ctx, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int minbytes, unsigned int maxbytes) { #define samplesize sizeof(short) ALCdevice *device = ctx; int avail = 0; palcGetIntegerv(device, ALC_CAPTURE_SAMPLES, sizeof(ALint), &avail); if (avail*samplesize < minbytes) return 0; //don't bother grabbing it if its below the threshold. palcCaptureSamples(device, (ALCvoid *)buffer, avail); return avail * samplesize; } void QDECL OPENAL_Capture_Stop (void *ctx) { ALCdevice *device = ctx; palcCaptureStop(device); } void QDECL OPENAL_Capture_Shutdown (void *ctx) { ALCdevice *device = ctx; palcCaptureCloseDevice(device); } snd_capture_driver_t OPENAL_Capture = { 1, SDRVNAME, OPENAL_Capture_Enumerate, OPENAL_Capture_Init, OPENAL_Capture_Start, OPENAL_Capture_Update, OPENAL_Capture_Stop, OPENAL_Capture_Shutdown }; #endif #endif