/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "quakedef.h" #include "netinc.h" #include #ifndef CLIENTONLY #define Q2EDICT_NUM(i) (q2edict_t*)((char *)ge->edicts+(i)*ge->edict_size) #define INVIS_CHAR1 12 #define INVIS_CHAR2 (char)138 #define INVIS_CHAR3 (char)160 #ifdef SERVERONLY double host_frametime; double realtime; // without any filtering or bounding qboolean host_initialized; // true if into command execution (compatability) quakeparms_t host_parms; int host_hunklevel; #endif // callbacks void SV_Tcpport_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue); void SV_Tcpport6_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue); void SV_Port_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue); void SV_PortIPv6_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue); void SV_PortIPX_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue); #ifdef HAVE_DTLS void QDECL SV_Listen_Dtls_Changed(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue) { //set up the default value if (!*var->string) var->ival = 1; //FIXME: change to 2 when better tested. if (var->ival) { if (!svs.sockets->dtlsfuncs) svs.sockets->dtlsfuncs = DTLS_InitServer(); if (!svs.sockets->dtlsfuncs) { if (var->ival >= 2) Con_Printf("Unable to set %s to \"%s\", no DTLS certificate available.\n", var->name, var->string); var->ival = 0; //disable the cvar (internally) if we don't have a usable certificate. this allows us to default the cvar to enabled without it breaking otherwise. } } } #endif client_t *host_client; // current client // bound the size of the physics time tic #ifdef SERVERONLY cvar_t sv_mintic = CVARD("sv_mintic","0.013", "The minimum interval between running physics frames."); #else cvar_t sv_mintic = CVARD("sv_mintic","0", "The minimum interval between running physics frames."); //client builds can think as often as they want. #endif cvar_t sv_maxtic = CVARD("sv_maxtic","0.1", "The maximum interval between running physics frames. If the value is too low, multiple physics interations might be run at a time (based upon sv_limittics). Set identical to sv_mintic for fixed-interval ticks, which may be required if ODE is used.");//never run a tick slower than this cvar_t sv_limittics = CVARD("sv_limittics","3", "The maximum number of ticks that may be run within a frame, to allow the server to catch up if it stalled or if sv_maxtic is too low.");// cvar_t sv_nailhack = CVARD("sv_nailhack","0", "If set to 1, disables the nail entity networking optimisation. This hack was popularised by qizmo which recommends it for better compression. Also allows clients to interplate nail positions and add trails."); cvar_t sv_nopvs = CVARD("sv_nopvs", "0", "Set to 1 to ignore pvs on the server. This can make wallhacks more dangerous, so should only be used for debugging."); cvar_t fraglog_public = CVARD("fraglog_public", "1", "Enables support for connectionless fraglog requests"); cvar_t fraglog_details = CVARD("fraglog_details", "1", "Bitmask\n1: killer+killee names.\n2: killer+killee teams\n4:timestamp.\n8:killer weapon\n16:killer+killee guid.\nFor compatibility, use 1(vanilla) or 7(mvdsv)."); cvar_t timeout = CVAR("timeout","65"); // seconds without any message cvar_t zombietime = CVAR("zombietime", "2"); // seconds to sink messages // after disconnect #ifdef SERVERONLY cvar_t developer = CVAR("developer","0"); // show extra messages cvar_t rcon_password = CVARF("rcon_password", "", CVAR_NOUNSAFEEXPAND); // password for remote server commands cvar_t password = CVARF("password", "", CVAR_NOUNSAFEEXPAND); // password for entering the game #else extern cvar_t developer; extern cvar_t rcon_password; extern cvar_t password; #endif cvar_t spectator_password = CVARF("spectator_password", "", CVAR_NOUNSAFEEXPAND); // password for entering as a sepctator cvar_t allow_download = CVARD("allow_download", "1", "If 1, permits downloading. Set to 0 to unconditionally block *ALL* downloads."); cvar_t allow_download_skins = CVARD("allow_download_skins", "1", "0 blocks downloading of any file in the skins/ directory"); cvar_t allow_download_models = CVARD("allow_download_models", "1", "0 blocks downloading of any file in the progs/ or models/ directory"); cvar_t allow_download_sounds = CVARD("allow_download_sounds", "1", "0 blocks downloading of any file in the sound/ directory"); cvar_t allow_download_particles = CVARD("allow_download_particles", "1", "0 blocks downloading of any file in the particles/ directory"); cvar_t allow_download_demos = CVARD("allow_download_demos", "1", "0 blocks downloading of any file in the demos/ directory"); cvar_t allow_download_maps = CVARD("allow_download_maps", "1", "0 blocks downloading of any file in the maps/ directory"); cvar_t allow_download_logs = CVARD("allow_download_logs", "0", "1 permits downloading files with the extension .log\n"CON_ERROR"THIS IS DANGEROUS AS IT POTENTIALLY ALLOWS PEOPLE TO SEE PASSWORDS OR OTHER PRIVATE INFORMATION.\nNote that it can be switch on/off via rcon."); cvar_t allow_download_anymap = CVARD("allow_download_pakmaps", "0", "If 1, permits downloading of maps from within packages. This is normally disabled in order to prevent copyrighted content from being downloaded."); cvar_t allow_download_pakcontents = CVARD("allow_download_pakcontents", "1", "controls whether clients connected to this server are allowed to download files from within packages.\nDoes NOT implicitly allow downloading bsps, set allow_download_pakmaps to enable that.\nWhile treating each file contained within packages is often undesirable, this is often needed for compatibility with legacy clients (despite it potentially allowing copyright violations)."); cvar_t allow_download_root = CVARD("allow_download_root", "0", "If set, enables downloading from the root of the gamedir (not the basedir). This setting has a lower priority than extension-based checks."); cvar_t allow_download_textures = CVARD("allow_download_textures", "1", "0 blocks downloading of any file in the textures/ directory"); cvar_t allow_download_packages = CVARD("allow_download_packages", "1", "if 1, permits downloading files (from root directory or elsewhere) with known package extensions (eg: pak+pk3). Packages with a name starting 'pak' are covered by allow_download_copyrighted as well. This does not prevent "); cvar_t allow_download_refpackages = CVARD("allow_download_refpackages", "1", "If set to 1, packages that contain files needed during spawn functions will be become 'referenced' and automatically downloaded to clients.\nThis cvar should probably not be set if you have large packages that provide replacement pickup models on public servers.\nThe path command will show a '(ref)' tag next to packages which clients will automatically attempt to download."); cvar_t allow_download_wads = CVARD("allow_download_wads", "1", "0 blocks downloading of any file in the wads/ directory, or is in the root directory with the extension .wad"); cvar_t allow_download_configs = CVARD("allow_download_configs", "0", "1 allows downloading of config files, either with the extension .cfg or in the subdir configs/.\n"CON_ERROR"THIS IS DANGEROUS AS IT CAN ALLOW PEOPLE TO READ YOUR RCON PASSWORD ETC."); cvar_t allow_download_locs = CVARD("allow_download_locs", "1", "0 blocks downloading of any file in the locs/ directory"); cvar_t allow_download_copyrighted = CVARD("allow_download_copyrighted", "0", "0 blocks download of packages that are considered copyrighted. Specifically, this means packages with a leading 'pak' prefix on the filename.\nIf you take your copyrights seriously, you should also set allow_download_pakmaps 0 and allow_download_pakcontents 0."); cvar_t allow_download_other = CVARD("allow_download_other", "0", "0 blocks downloading of any file that was not covered by any of the directory download blocks."); extern cvar_t sv_allow_splitscreen; cvar_t sv_serverip = CVARD("sv_serverip", "", "Set this cvar to the server's public ip address if the server is behind a firewall and cannot detect its own public address. Providing a port is required if the firewall/nat remaps it, but is otherwise optional."); cvar_t sv_public = CVAR("sv_public", "0"); cvar_t sv_listen_qw = CVARAFD("sv_listen_qw", "1", "sv_listen", 0, "Specifies whether normal clients are allowed to connect."); cvar_t sv_listen_nq = CVARD("sv_listen_nq", "2", "Allow new (net)quake clients to connect to the server.\n0 = don't let them in.\n1 = allow them in (WARNING: this allows 'qsmurf' DOS attacks).\n2 = accept (net)quake clients by emulating a challenge (as secure as QW/Q2 but does not fully conform to the NQ protocol)."); cvar_t sv_listen_dp = CVARD("sv_listen_dp", "0", "Allows the server to respond with the DP-specific handshake protocol.\nWarning: this can potentially get confused with quake2, and results in race conditions with both vanilla netquake and quakeworld protocols.\nOn the plus side, DP clients can usually be identified correctly, enabling a model+sound limit boost."); #ifdef QWOVERQ3 cvar_t sv_listen_q3 = CVAR("sv_listen_q3", "0"); #endif #ifdef HAVE_DTLS cvar_t sv_listen_dtls = CVARCD("net_enable_dtls", "", SV_Listen_Dtls_Changed, "Controls serverside dtls support.\n0: dtls blocked, not advertised.\n1: available in desired.\n2: used where possible.\n3: disallow non-dtls clients (sv_port_tcp should be eg tls://[::]:27500 to also disallow unencrypted tcp connections)."); #endif cvar_t sv_reportheartbeats = CVAR("sv_reportheartbeats", "1"); cvar_t sv_highchars = CVAR("sv_highchars", "1"); cvar_t sv_maxrate = CVAR("sv_maxrate", "30000"); cvar_t sv_maxdrate = CVARAF("sv_maxdrate", "500000", "sv_maxdownloadrate", 0); cvar_t sv_minping = CVARF("sv_minping", "", CVAR_SERVERINFO); cvar_t sv_bigcoords = CVARFD("sv_bigcoords", "1", 0, "Uses floats for coordinates instead of 16bit values.\nAlso boosts angle precision, so can be useful even on small maps.\nAffects clients thusly:\nQW: enforces a mandatory protocol extension\nDP: enables DPP7 protocol support\nNQ: uses RMQ protocol (protocol 999)."); cvar_t sv_calcphs = CVARFD("sv_calcphs", "2", CVAR_LATCH, "Enables culling of sound effects. 0=always skip phs. Sounds are globally broadcast. 1=always generate phs. Sounds are always culled. On large maps the phs will be dumped to disk. 2=On large single-player maps, generation of phs is skipped. Otherwise like option 1."); cvar_t sv_showconnectionlessmessages = CVARD("sv_showconnectionlessmessages", "0", "Display a line describing each connectionless message that arrives on the server. Primarily a debugging feature, but also potentially useful to admins."); cvar_t sv_cullplayers_trace = CVARFD("sv_cullplayers_trace", "", CVAR_SERVERINFO, "Attempt to cull player entities using tracelines as an anti-wallhack."); cvar_t sv_cullentities_trace = CVARFD("sv_cullentities_trace", "", CVAR_SERVERINFO, "Attempt to cull non-player entities using tracelines as an extreeme anti-wallhack."); cvar_t sv_phs = CVARD("sv_phs", "1", "If 1, do not use the phs. It is generally better to use sv_calcphs instead, and leave this as 1."); cvar_t sv_resetparms = CVAR("sv_resetparms", "0"); cvar_t sv_pupglow = CVARFD("sv_pupglow", "", CVAR_SERVERINFO, "Instructs clients to enable hexen2-style powerup pulsing."); cvar_t sv_master = CVAR("sv_master", "0"); cvar_t sv_masterport = CVAR("sv_masterport", "0"); cvar_t pext_ezquake_nochunks = CVARD("pext_ezquake_nochunks", "0", "Prevents ezquake clients from being able to use the chunked download extension. This sidesteps numerous ezquake issues, and will make downloads slower but more robust."); cvar_t sv_gamespeed = CVARAF("sv_gamespeed", "1", "slowmo", 0); cvar_t sv_csqcdebug = CVAR("sv_csqcdebug", "0"); cvar_t sv_csqc_progname = CVAR("sv_csqc_progname", "csprogs.dat"); cvar_t pausable = CVAR("pausable", "1"); cvar_t sv_banproxies = CVARD("sv_banproxies", "0", "If enabled, anyone connecting via known proxy software will be refused entry. This should aid with blocking aimbots, but is only reliable for certain public proxies."); cvar_t sv_specprint = CVARD("sv_specprint", "3", "Bitfield that controls which player events spectators see when tracking that player.\n&1: spectators will see centerprints.\n&2: spectators will see sprints (pickup messages etc).\n&4: spectators will receive console commands, this is potentially risky.\nIndividual spectators can use 'setinfo sp foo' to limit this setting."); // // game rules mirrored in svs.info // cvar_t fraglimit = CVARF("fraglimit", "" , CVAR_SERVERINFO); cvar_t timelimit = CVARF("timelimit", "" , CVAR_SERVERINFO); cvar_t teamplay = CVARF("teamplay", "" , CVAR_SERVERINFO); cvar_t samelevel = CVARF("samelevel", "" , CVAR_SERVERINFO); cvar_t sv_playerslots = CVARAD("sv_playerslots", "", "maxplayers", "Specify maximum number of player/spectator/bot slots, new value takes effect on the next map (this may result in players getting kicked). This should generally be set to maxclients+maxspectators. Leave blank for a default value.\nMaximum value of "STRINGIFY(MAX_CLIENTS)". Values above 16 will result in issues with vanilla NQ clients. Effective values other than 32 will result in issues with vanilla QW clients."); cvar_t maxclients = CVARAFD("maxclients", "8", "sv_maxclients", CVAR_SERVERINFO, "Specify the maximum number of players allowed on the server at once. Can be changed mid-map."); cvar_t maxspectators = CVARFD("maxspectators", "8", CVAR_SERVERINFO, "Specify the maximum number of spectators allowed on the server at once. Can be changed mid-map."); #ifdef SERVERONLY cvar_t deathmatch = CVARF("deathmatch", "1", CVAR_SERVERINFO); // 0, 1, or 2 #else cvar_t deathmatch = CVARF("deathmatch", "", CVAR_SERVERINFO); // 0, 1, or 2 #endif cvar_t coop = CVARF("coop", "" , CVAR_SERVERINFO); cvar_t skill = CVARF("skill", "" , CVAR_SERVERINFO); // 0, 1, 2 or 3 cvar_t spawn = CVARF("spawn", "" , CVAR_SERVERINFO); cvar_t watervis = CVARF("watervis", "" , CVAR_SERVERINFO); #pragma warningmsg("Remove this some time") cvar_t allow_skybox = CVARF("allow_skybox", "", CVAR_SERVERINFO); cvar_t sv_allow_splitscreen = CVARFD("allow_splitscreen","",CVAR_SERVERINFO, "Specifies whether clients can use splitscreen extensions to dynamically add additional clients. This only affects remote clients and not the built-in client.\nClients may need to reconnect in order to add seats when this is changed."); cvar_t fbskins = CVARF("fbskins", "", CVAR_SERVERINFO); //to get rid of lame fuhquake fbskins cvar_t sv_motd[] ={ CVAR("sv_motd1", ""), CVAR("sv_motd2", ""), CVAR("sv_motd3", ""), CVAR("sv_motd4", "") }; cvar_t sv_compatiblehulls = CVAR("sv_compatiblehulls", "1"); cvar_t dpcompat_stats = CVAR("dpcompat_stats", "0"); cvar_t hostname = CVARF("hostname","unnamed", CVAR_SERVERINFO); cvar_t secure = CVARF("secure", "", CVAR_SERVERINFO); extern cvar_t sv_nqplayerphysics; char cvargroup_serverpermissions[] = "server permission variables"; char cvargroup_serverinfo[] = "serverinfo variables"; char cvargroup_serverphysics[] = "server physics variables"; char cvargroup_servercontrol[] = "server control variables"; vfsfile_t *sv_fraglogfile; void SV_FixupName(char *in, char *out, unsigned int outlen); void SV_AcceptClient (netadr_t *adr, int userid, char *userinfo); void PRH2_SetPlayerClass(client_t *cl, int classnum, qboolean fromqc); #ifdef SQL void PR_SQLCycle(); #endif int nextuserid; //============================================================================ qboolean ServerPaused(void) { return sv.paused; } /* ================ SV_Shutdown Quake calls this before calling Sys_Quit or Sys_Error ================ */ void SV_Shutdown (void) { SV_Master_Shutdown (); if (sv_fraglogfile) { VFS_CLOSE (sv_fraglogfile); sv_fraglogfile = NULL; } SV_UnspawnServer(); if (sv.mvdrecording) SV_MVDStop (MVD_CLOSE_STOPPED, false); if (svs.entstatebuffer.entities) { BZ_Free(svs.entstatebuffer.entities); memset(&svs.entstatebuffer.entities, 0, sizeof(svs.entstatebuffer.entities)); } if (sv_staticentities) { sv_max_staticentities = 0; sv.num_static_entities = 0; BZ_Free(sv_staticentities); sv_staticentities = NULL; } if (sv_staticsounds) { sv_max_staticsounds = 0; sv.num_static_sounds = 0; BZ_Free(sv_staticsounds); sv_staticsounds = NULL; } while (svs.free_lagged_packet) { laggedpacket_t *lp = svs.free_lagged_packet; svs.free_lagged_packet = lp->next; Z_Free(lp); } #ifdef HEXEN2 T_FreeStrings(); #endif SV_GibFilterPurge(); Log_ShutDown(); NET_Shutdown (); #ifdef PLUGINS Plug_Shutdown(true); #endif Mod_Shutdown(true); COM_DestroyWorkerThread(); FS_Shutdown(); #ifdef PLUGINS Plug_Shutdown(false); #endif Cvar_Shutdown(); Cmd_Shutdown(); PM_Shutdown(); #ifdef WEBSERVER IWebShutdown(); #endif COM_BiDi_Shutdown(); TL_Shutdown(); Memory_DeInit(); } /* ================ SV_Error Sends a datagram to all the clients informing them of the server crash, then exits ================ */ void VARGS SV_Error (char *error, ...) { va_list argptr; static char string[1024]; static qboolean inerror = false; if (inerror) { Sys_Error ("SV_Error: recursively entered (%s)", string); } inerror = true; va_start (argptr,error); vsnprintf (string,sizeof(string)-1, error,argptr); va_end (argptr); { extern cvar_t pr_ssqc_coreonerror; if (svprogfuncs && pr_ssqc_coreonerror.value && svprogfuncs->save_ents) { size_t size = 1024*1024*8; char *buffer = BZ_Malloc(size); svprogfuncs->save_ents(svprogfuncs, buffer, &size, size, 3); COM_WriteFile("ssqccore.txt", FS_GAMEONLY, buffer, size); BZ_Free(buffer); } } SV_EndRedirect(); Con_Printf ("SV_Error: %s\n",string); if (sv.state) SV_FinalMessage (va("server crashed: %s\n", string)); SV_UnspawnServer(); #ifndef SERVERONLY if (cls.state) { inerror = false; Host_EndGame("SV_Error: %s\n",string); } SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(); if (!isDedicated) //dedicated servers crash... { extern jmp_buf host_abort; SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(); inerror=false; longjmp (host_abort, 1); } #endif SV_Shutdown (); Sys_Error ("SV_Error: %s\n",string); } #ifdef SERVERONLY void VARGS Host_Error (char *error, ...) { va_list argptr; char string[1024]; va_start (argptr,error); vsnprintf (string,sizeof(string)-1, error,argptr); va_end (argptr); SV_Error("%s", string); } #endif #ifdef SERVERONLY void VARGS Host_EndGame (char *error, ...) { va_list argptr; char string[1024]; va_start (argptr,error); vsnprintf (string,sizeof(string)-1, error,argptr); va_end (argptr); SV_Error("%s", string); } #endif /* ================== SV_FinalMessage Used by SV_Error and SV_Quit_f to send a final message to all connected clients before the server goes down. The messages are sent immediately, not just stuck on the outgoing message list, because the server is going to totally exit after returning from this function. ================== */ void SV_FinalMessage (char *message) { int i; client_t *cl; sizebuf_t buf; char bufdata[1024]; memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); buf.data = bufdata; buf.maxsize = sizeof(bufdata); SZ_Clear (&buf); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_print); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, PRINT_HIGH); MSG_WriteString (&buf, message); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_disconnect); for (i=0, cl = svs.clients ; istate >= cs_spawned) if (ISNQCLIENT(cl) || ISQWCLIENT(cl)) Netchan_Transmit (&cl->netchan, buf.cursize , buf.data, 10000); } /* ===================== SV_DropClient Called when the player is totally leaving the server, either willingly or unwillingly. This is NOT called if the entire server is quiting or crashing. ===================== */ void SV_DropClient (client_t *drop) { unsigned int i; laggedpacket_t *lp; sizebuf_t termmsg; char termbuf[64]; /*drop the first in the chain first*/ if (drop->controller && drop->controller != drop) { SV_DropClient(drop->controller); return; } if (!drop->controller && drop->netchan.remote_address.type != NA_INVALID && drop->netchan.remote_address.type != NA_LOOPBACK) { // add the disconnect if (drop->state < cs_connected) { switch (drop->protocol) { case SCP_QUAKE2: MSG_WriteByte (&drop->netchan.message, svcq2_disconnect); break; case SCP_QUAKEWORLD: case SCP_NETQUAKE: case SCP_BJP3: case SCP_FITZ666: case SCP_DARKPLACES6: case SCP_DARKPLACES7: MSG_WriteByte (&drop->netchan.message, svc_disconnect); break; case SCP_BAD: break; case SCP_QUAKE3: break; } } } if (drop->state == cs_spawned) { #ifdef SVRANKING if (drop->rankid) { int j; rankstats_t rs; if (Rank_GetPlayerStats(drop->rankid, &rs)) { rs.timeonserver += realtime - drop->stats_started; drop->stats_started = realtime; rs.kills += drop->kills; rs.deaths += drop->deaths; rs.flags1 &= ~(RANK_CUFFED|RANK_MUTED|RANK_CRIPPLED); // if (drop->iscuffed==2) // rs.flags1 |= RANK_CUFFED; // if (drop->ismuted==2) // rs.flags1 |= RANK_MUTED; // if (drop->iscrippled==2) // rs.flags1 |= RANK_CRIPPLED; drop->kills=0; drop->deaths=0; pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, drop->edict); if (pr_global_ptrs->SetChangeParms) PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, pr_global_struct->SetChangeParms); for (j=0 ; jspawnparamglobals[j]) rs.parm[j] = *pr_global_ptrs->spawnparamglobals[j]; #if NUM_RANK_SPAWN_PARMS>32 rs.lastseen = time(NULL); #endif Rank_SetPlayerStats(drop->rankid, &rs); } } #endif } #ifdef SUBSERVERS SSV_SavePlayerStats(drop, (drop->redirect==2)?1:2); #endif #ifdef SVCHAT SV_WipeChat(drop); #endif if (sv.world.worldmodel->loadstate != MLS_LOADED) Con_Printf(CON_WARNING "Warning: not notifying gamecode about client disconnection due to invalid worldmodel\n"); else switch(svs.gametype) { case GT_MAX: break; case GT_Q1QVM: case GT_PROGS: if (svprogfuncs) { if ((drop->state == cs_spawned || drop->istobeloaded) && host_initialized) { #ifdef VM_Q1 if (svs.gametype == GT_Q1QVM) { Q1QVM_DropClient(drop); } else #endif { if (!drop->spectator) { // call the prog function for removing a client // this will set the body to a dead frame, among other things pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, drop->edict); if (pr_global_ptrs->ClientDisconnect) PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, pr_global_struct->ClientDisconnect); sv.spawned_client_slots--; } else { // call the prog function for removing a client // this will set the body to a dead frame, among other things pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, drop->edict); if (SpectatorDisconnect) PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, SpectatorDisconnect); sv.spawned_observer_slots--; } } if (progstype == PROG_NQ) ED_Clear(svprogfuncs, drop->edict); } if (svprogfuncs && drop->edict && drop->edict->v) drop->edict->v->frags = 0; drop->edict = NULL; if (drop->spawninfo) Z_Free(drop->spawninfo); drop->spawninfo = NULL; } break; case GT_QUAKE2: #ifdef Q2SERVER if (ge) ge->ClientDisconnect(drop->q2edict); #endif break; case GT_QUAKE3: #ifdef Q3SERVER SVQ3_DropClient(drop); #endif break; case GT_HALFLIFE: #ifdef HLSERVER SVHL_DropClient(drop); #endif break; } if (drop->centerprintstring) Z_Free(drop->centerprintstring); drop->centerprintstring = NULL; if (!drop->redirect && drop->state > cs_zombie) { if (drop->spectator) Con_TPrintf ("Spectator \"%s\" removed\n",drop->name); else Con_TPrintf ("Client \"%s\" removed\n",drop->name); } if (drop->download) { VFS_CLOSE (drop->download); drop->download = NULL; } if (drop->upload) { VFS_CLOSE (drop->upload); drop->upload = NULL; } *drop->uploadfn = 0; #ifndef SERVERONLY if (drop->netchan.remote_address.type == NA_LOOPBACK) { Netchan_Transmit(&drop->netchan, 0, "", SV_RateForClient(drop)); #ifdef warningmsg #pragma warningmsg("This means that we may not see the reason we kicked ourselves.") #endif drop->state = cs_free; //don't do zombie stuff CL_BeginServerReconnect(); } else #endif if (drop->state == cs_spawned || drop->istobeloaded) { drop->istobeloaded = false; drop->state = cs_zombie; // become free in a few seconds drop->connection_started = realtime; // for zombie timeout } else drop->state = cs_free; //skip zombie state if qc couldn't access it anyway. drop->istobeloaded = false; drop->old_frags = 0; #ifdef SVRANKING drop->kills = 0; drop->deaths = 0; #endif drop->namebuf[0] = 0; drop->name = drop->namebuf; memset (drop->userinfo, 0, sizeof(drop->userinfo)); while ((lp = drop->laggedpacket)) { drop->laggedpacket = lp->next; lp->next = svs.free_lagged_packet; svs.free_lagged_packet = lp; } drop->laggedpacket_last = NULL; drop->pendingdeltabits = NULL; drop->pendingcsqcbits = NULL; if (drop->frameunion.frames) //union of the same sort of structure { Z_Free(drop->frameunion.frames); drop->frameunion.frames = NULL; } if (drop->sentents.entities) { Z_Free(drop->sentents.entities); memset(&drop->sentents.entities, 0, sizeof(drop->sentents.entities)); } for (i = 0; i < MAX_CL_STATS; i++) { Z_Free(drop->statss[i]); drop->statss[i] = NULL; } drop->csqcactive = false; memset(&termmsg, 0, sizeof(termmsg)); termmsg.data = termbuf; termmsg.maxsize = sizeof(termbuf); termmsg.cursize = 0; if (drop->netchan.remote_address.type == NA_LOOPBACK) { } else if (ISQWCLIENT(drop) || ISNQCLIENT(drop)) { MSG_WriteByte(&termmsg, svc_disconnect); } else if (ISQ2CLIENT(drop)) { MSG_WriteByte(&termmsg, svcq2_disconnect); } else if (ISQ3CLIENT(drop)) { } if (drop->netchan.remote_address.type != NA_INVALID && drop->netchan.message.maxsize) { //send twice, to cover packetloss a little. Netchan_Transmit (&drop->netchan, termmsg.cursize, termmsg.data, 10000); Netchan_Transmit (&drop->netchan, termmsg.cursize, termmsg.data, 10000); #ifdef HAVE_DTLS NET_DTLS_Disconnect(svs.sockets, &drop->netchan.remote_address); #endif } if (svs.gametype == GT_PROGS || svs.gametype == GT_Q1QVM) //gamecode should do it all for us. { // send notification to all remaining clients SV_FullClientUpdate (drop, NULL); SV_MVD_FullClientUpdate(NULL, drop); } if (drop->controlled) { drop->controlled->controller = NULL; drop->controlled->protocol = SCP_BAD; //with the controller dead, make sure we don't try sending anything to it SV_DropClient(drop->controlled); drop->controlled = NULL; } } //==================================================================== typedef struct pinnedmessages_s { struct pinnedmessages_s *next; char setby[64]; char message[1024]; } pinnedmessages_t; pinnedmessages_t *pinned; qboolean dopinnedload = true; void PIN_DeleteOldestMessage(void); void PIN_MakeMessage(char *from, char *msg); void PIN_LoadMessages(void) { char setby[64]; char message[1024]; int i; char *file, *end; char *lstart; int len; dopinnedload = false; while(pinned) PIN_DeleteOldestMessage(); len = FS_LoadFile("pinned.txt", (void**)&file); if (!file) return; end = file+len; lstart = file; for(;;) { while (lstartnext) VFS_PRINTF(f, "%s\r\n\t%s\r\n\n", p->message, p->setby); VFS_CLOSE(f); } void PIN_DeleteOldestMessage(void) { pinnedmessages_t *old; if (dopinnedload) PIN_LoadMessages(); old = pinned; if (old) { pinned = pinned->next; Z_Free(old); } } void PIN_MakeMessage(char *from, char *msg) { pinnedmessages_t *p; pinnedmessages_t *newp; if (dopinnedload) PIN_LoadMessages(); newp = BZ_Malloc(sizeof(pinnedmessages_t)); Q_strncpyz(newp->setby, from, sizeof(newp->setby)); Q_strncpyz(newp->message, msg, sizeof(newp->message)); newp->next = NULL; if (!pinned) pinned = newp; else { for (p = pinned; ; p = p->next) { if (!p->next) { p->next = newp; break; } } } } void PIN_ShowMessages(client_t *cl) { pinnedmessages_t *p; if (dopinnedload) PIN_LoadMessages(); if (!pinned) return; SV_ClientPrintf(cl, PRINT_HIGH, "\n\n\n"); for (p = pinned; p; p = p->next) { SV_ClientPrintf(cl, PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n\n %s\n", p->message, p->setby); SV_ClientPrintf(cl, PRINT_HIGH, "\n\n\n"); } } //==================================================================== /* =================== SV_CalcPing =================== */ int SV_CalcPing (client_t *cl, qboolean forcecalc) { float ping; int i; int count; if (!cl->frameunion.frames) return 0; switch (cl->protocol) { default: case SCP_BAD: break; #ifdef Q2SERVER case SCP_QUAKE2: { q2client_frame_t *frame; ping = 0; count = 0; for (frame = cl->frameunion.q2frames, i=0 ; iping_time > 0) { ping += frame->ping_time; count++; } } if (!count) return 9999; ping /= count; } return ping; #endif case SCP_QUAKE3: break; case SCP_DARKPLACES6: case SCP_DARKPLACES7: case SCP_NETQUAKE: case SCP_BJP3: case SCP_FITZ666: case SCP_QUAKEWORLD: { register client_frame_t *frame; ping = 0; count = 0; for (frame = cl->frameunion.frames, i=0 ; iping_time > 0) { ping += frame->ping_time; count++; } } if (!count) return 9999; ping /= count; } return ping*1000; } return 0; } //generate whatever public userinfo is supported by the client. //private keys like _ prefixes and the password key are stripped out here. //password needs to be stripped in case the password key doesn't actually relate to this server. void SV_GeneratePublicUserInfo(int pext, client_t *cl, char *info, int infolength) { char *key, *s; int i; //FIXME: we should probably use some sort of priority system instead if I'm honest about it if (pext & PEXT_BIGUSERINFOS) Q_strncpyz (info, cl->userinfo, infolength); else { if (infolength >= BASIC_INFO_STRING) infolength = BASIC_INFO_STRING; *info = 0; for (i = 0; (key = Info_KeyForNumber(cl->userinfo, i)); i++) { if (!*key) break; if (!SV_UserInfoIsBasic(key)) continue; s = Info_ValueForKey(cl->userinfo, key); Info_SetValueForStarKey (info, key, s, infolength); } } Info_RemovePrefixedKeys (info, '_'); // server passwords, etc Info_RemoveKey(info, "password"); Info_RemoveKey(info, "*ip"); } /* =================== SV_FullClientUpdate Writes all update values to client. use to=NULL to broadcast. =================== */ void SV_FullClientUpdate (client_t *client, client_t *to) { int i; char info[EXTENDED_INFO_STRING]; if (!to) { for (i = 0; i < sv.allocated_client_slots; i++) { SV_FullClientUpdate(client, &svs.clients[i]); } if (sv.mvdrecording) SV_FullClientUpdate(client, &demo.recorder); return; } if (to->controller && to->controller != to) return; i = client - svs.clients; if (i >= to->max_net_clients) return; //most clients will crash if they see too high a player index. some even segfault. //Sys_Printf("SV_FullClientUpdate: Updated frags for client %d\n", i); if (ISQWCLIENT(to)) { int ping = SV_CalcPing (client, false); if (ping > 0xffff) ping = 0xffff; ClientReliableWrite_Begin(to, svc_updatefrags, 4); ClientReliableWrite_Byte (to, i); ClientReliableWrite_Short(to, client->old_frags); ClientReliableWrite_Begin (to, svc_updateping, 4); ClientReliableWrite_Byte (to, i); ClientReliableWrite_Short (to, ping); ClientReliableWrite_Begin (to, svc_updatepl, 3); ClientReliableWrite_Byte (to, i); ClientReliableWrite_Byte (to, client->lossage); ClientReliableWrite_Begin (to, svc_updateentertime, 6); ClientReliableWrite_Byte (to, i); ClientReliableWrite_Float (to, realtime - client->connection_started); SV_GeneratePublicUserInfo(to->fteprotocolextensions, client, info, sizeof(info)); ClientReliableWrite_Begin(to, svc_updateuserinfo, 7 + strlen(info)); ClientReliableWrite_Byte (to, i); ClientReliableWrite_Long (to, client->userid); ClientReliableWrite_String(to, info); } else if (ISNQCLIENT(to)) { int top, bottom, playercolor; char *nam = Info_ValueForKey(client->userinfo, "name"); ClientReliableWrite_Begin(to, svc_updatefrags, 4); ClientReliableWrite_Byte (to, i); ClientReliableWrite_Short(to, client->old_frags); ClientReliableWrite_Begin(to, svc_updatename, 3 + strlen(nam)); ClientReliableWrite_Byte (to, i); ClientReliableWrite_String(to, nam); top = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(client->userinfo, "topcolor")); bottom = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(client->userinfo, "bottomcolor")); top &= 15; if (top > 13) top = 13; bottom &= 15; if (bottom > 13) bottom = 13; playercolor = top*16 + bottom; ClientReliableWrite_Begin (to, svc_updatecolors, 3); ClientReliableWrite_Byte (to, i); ClientReliableWrite_Byte (to, playercolor); if (to->fteprotocolextensions2 & PEXT2_PREDINFO) { char quotedval[8192]; char *s = va("//fui %i %s\n", i, COM_QuotedString(client->userinfo, quotedval, sizeof(quotedval), false)); ClientReliableWrite_Begin(to, svc_stufftext, 2+strlen(s)); ClientReliableWrite_String(to, s); } } } /* ============================================================================== CONNECTIONLESS COMMANDS ============================================================================== */ char *SV_PlayerPublicAddress(client_t *cl) { //returns a string containing the client's IP address, as permitted for viewing by other clients. //if something useful is actually returned, it should be masked. return "private"; } #define STATUS_OLDSTYLE 0 #define STATUS_SERVERINFO 1 #define STATUS_PLAYERS 2 #define STATUS_SPECTATORS 4 #define STATUS_SPECTATORS_AS_PLAYERS 8 //for ASE - change only frags: show as "S" #define STATUS_SHOWTEAMS 16 /* ================ SVC_Status Responds with all the info that qplug or qspy can see This message can be up to around 5k with worst case string lengths. ================ */ static void SVC_Status (void) { int displayflags; int i; client_t *cl; char *name; int ping; int top, bottom; char frags[64]; char *skin, *team, *botpre; int slots=0; displayflags = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); if (displayflags == STATUS_OLDSTYLE) displayflags = STATUS_SERVERINFO|STATUS_PLAYERS; Cmd_TokenizeString ("status", false, false); SV_BeginRedirect (RD_PACKET, TL_FindLanguage("")); if (displayflags&STATUS_SERVERINFO) Con_Printf ("%s\n", svs.info); for (i=0 ; istate == cs_connected || cl->state == cs_spawned || cl->name[0]) && ((cl->spectator && displayflags&STATUS_SPECTATORS) || (!cl->spectator && displayflags&STATUS_PLAYERS))) { top = atoi(Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "topcolor")); bottom = atoi(Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "bottomcolor")); top = (top < 0) ? 0 : ((top > 13) ? 13 : top); bottom = (bottom < 0) ? 0 : ((bottom > 13) ? 13 : bottom); ping = SV_CalcPing (cl, false); name = cl->name; skin = Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "skin"); team = Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "team"); if (!cl->state || cl->protocol == SCP_BAD) //show bots differently. Just to be courteous. botpre = "BOT:"; else botpre = ""; if (cl->spectator) { //silly mvdsv stuff if (displayflags & STATUS_SPECTATORS_AS_PLAYERS) { frags[0] = 'S'; frags[1] = '\0'; } else { ping = -ping; sprintf(frags, "%i", -9999); name = va("\\s\\%s", name); } } else sprintf(frags, "%i", cl->old_frags); if (displayflags & STATUS_SHOWTEAMS) { Con_Printf ("%i %s %i %i \"%s%s\" \"%s\" %i %i \"%s\"\n", cl->userid, frags, (int)(realtime - cl->connection_started)/60, ping, botpre, name, skin, top, bottom, team); } else { Con_Printf ("%i %s %i %i \"%s%s\" \"%s\" %i %i\n", cl->userid, frags, (int)(realtime - cl->connection_started)/60, ping, botpre, name, skin, top, bottom); } } else slots++; } SV_EndRedirect (); } #ifdef NQPROT static void SVC_GetInfo (char *challenge, int fullstatus) { //dpmaster support char response[MAX_UDP_PACKET]; char protocolname[MAX_QPATH]; client_t *cl; int numclients = 0; int i; char *resp; const char *gamestatus; eval_t *v; if (!sv_listen_nq.ival && !sv_listen_dp.ival) return; for (i=0 ; istate == cs_connected || cl->state == cs_spawned || cl->name[0]) && !cl->spectator) numclients++; } if (svprogfuncs) { v = PR_FindGlobal(svprogfuncs, "worldstatus", PR_ANY, NULL); if (v) gamestatus = PR_GetString(svprogfuncs, v->string); else gamestatus = ""; } else gamestatus = ""; COM_ParseOut(com_protocolname.string, protocolname, sizeof(protocolname)); //we can only report one, so report the first. resp = response; //response packet header *resp++ = 0xff; *resp++ = 0xff; *resp++ = 0xff; *resp++ = 0xff; if (fullstatus) Q_strncpyz(resp, "statusResponse", sizeof(response) - (resp-response) - 1); else Q_strncpyz(resp, "infoResponse", sizeof(response) - (resp-response) - 1); resp += strlen(resp); *resp++ = '\n'; //first line is the serverinfo Q_strncpyz(resp, svs.info, sizeof(response) - (resp-response)); //this is a DP protocol query, so some QW fields are not needed Info_RemoveKey(resp, "maxclients"); //replaced with sv_maxclients Info_RemoveKey(resp, "map"); //replaced with mapname Info_SetValueForKey(resp, "gamename", protocolname, sizeof(response) - (resp-response)); Info_SetValueForKey(resp, "modname", FS_GetGamedir(true), sizeof(response) - (resp-response)); // Info_SetValueForKey(resp, "gamedir", FS_GetGamedir(true), sizeof(response) - (resp-response)); Info_SetValueForKey(resp, "protocol", va("%d", NQ_NETCHAN_VERSION), sizeof(response) - (resp-response)); Info_SetValueForKey(resp, "clients", va("%d", numclients), sizeof(response) - (resp-response)); Info_SetValueForKey(resp, "sv_maxclients", maxclients.string, sizeof(response) - (resp-response)); Info_SetValueForKey(resp, "mapname", Info_ValueForKey(svs.info, "map"), sizeof(response) - (resp-response)); if (*gamestatus) Info_SetValueForKey(resp, "qcstatus", gamestatus, sizeof(response) - (resp-response)); Info_SetValueForKey(resp, "challenge", challenge, sizeof(response) - (resp-response)); resp += strlen(resp); *resp++ = 0; //there's already a null, but hey if (fullstatus) { client_t *cl; char *start = resp; if (resp != response+sizeof(response)) { resp[-1] = '\n'; //replace the null terminator that we already wrote //on the following lines we have an entry for each client for (i=0 ; istate == cs_connected || cl->state == cs_spawned || cl->name[0]) && !cl->spectator) { Q_strncpyz(resp, va( "%d %d \"%s\" \"%s\"\n" , cl->old_frags, SV_CalcPing(cl, false), cl->team, cl->name ), sizeof(response) - (resp-response)); resp += strlen(resp); } } *resp++ = 0; //this might not be a null if (resp == response+sizeof(response)) { //we're at the end of the buffer, it's full. bummer //replace 12 bytes with infoResponse memcpy(response+4, "infoResponse", 12); //move down by len(statusResponse)-len(infoResponse) bytes memmove(response+4+12, response+4+14, resp-response-(4+14)); start -= 14-12; //fix this pointer resp = start; resp[-1] = 0; //reset the \n } } } NET_SendPacket (NS_SERVER, resp-response, response, &net_from); } #endif #ifdef Q2SERVER static void SVC_InfoQ2 (void) { char string[64]; int i, count; int version; if (maxclients.value == 1) return; // ignore in single player version = atoi (Cmd_Argv(1)); if (version != PROTOCOL_VERSION_Q2) snprintf (string, sizeof(string), "%s: wrong version\n", hostname.string); else { count = 0; for (i=0 ; i= cs_connected) count++; snprintf (string, sizeof(string), "%16s %8s %2i/%2i\n", hostname.string, svs.name, count, (int)maxclients.value); } Netchan_OutOfBandPrint (NS_SERVER, &net_from, "info\n%s", string); } #endif /* =================== SV_CheckLog =================== */ #define LOG_FLUSH 10*60 static void SV_CheckLog (void) { sizebuf_t *sz; sz = &svs.log[svs.logsequence&(FRAGLOG_BUFFERS-1)]; // bump sequence ten minutes have passed and // there is something still sitting there //logfrag does the rotation for a full log. if (realtime - svs.logtime > LOG_FLUSH && sz->cursize) { // swap buffers and bump sequence svs.logtime = realtime; svs.logsequence++; sz = &svs.log[svs.logsequence&(FRAGLOG_BUFFERS-1)]; sz->cursize = 0; Con_TPrintf ("beginning fraglog sequence %i\n", svs.logsequence); } } /* ================ SVC_Log Responds with all the logged frags for ranking programs. If a sequence number is passed as a parameter and it is the same as the current sequence, an A2A_NACK will be returned instead of the data. ================ */ static void SVC_Log (void) { unsigned int seq; char data[MAX_DATAGRAM+64]; char adr[MAX_ADR_SIZE]; char *av; av = Cmd_Argv(1); if (*av) { seq = strtoul(av, NULL, 0); //seq is the last one that the client already has if (seq < svs.logsequence-(FRAGLOG_BUFFERS-1)) seq = svs.logsequence-(FRAGLOG_BUFFERS-1); //send them this sequence else if (seq == svs.logsequence) { //current log isn't available as its not complete yet. data[0] = A2A_NACK; NET_SendPacket (NS_SERVER, 1, data, &net_from); return; } else if (seq > svs.logsequence) //future logs are not valid either. reply with the last that was. this is for compat, just in case. seq = svs.logsequence-1; else seq = seq+1; //they will get the next sequence from the one they already have } else seq = 0; if (!fraglog_public.ival) { //frag logs are not public (for DoS protection perhaps?. data[0] = A2A_NACK; NET_SendPacket (NS_SERVER, 1, data, &net_from); return; } Con_DPrintf ("sending log %i to %s\n", seq, NET_AdrToString(adr, sizeof(adr), &net_from)); //cookie support, to avoid spoofing av = Cmd_Argv(2); if (*av) Q_snprintfz(data, sizeof(data), "stdlog %i %s\n%s", seq, av, (char *)svs.log_buf[seq&(FRAGLOG_BUFFERS-1)]); else Q_snprintfz(data, sizeof(data), "stdlog %i\n%s", seq, (char *)svs.log_buf[seq&(FRAGLOG_BUFFERS-1)]); NET_SendPacket (NS_SERVER, strlen(data)+1, data, &net_from); } /* ================ SVC_Ping Just responds with an acknowledgement ================ */ void SVC_Ping (void) { char data; data = A2A_ACK; NET_SendPacket (NS_SERVER, 1, &data, &net_from); } //from net_from int SV_NewChallenge (void) { int i; int oldest; int oldestTime; oldest = 0; oldestTime = 0x7fffffff; // see if we already have a challenge for this ip for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_CHALLENGES ; i++) { if (NET_CompareBaseAdr (&net_from, &svs.challenges[i].adr)) { svs.challenges[i].time = realtime; return svs.challenges[i].challenge; } if (svs.challenges[i].time < oldestTime) { oldestTime = svs.challenges[i].time; oldest = i; } } // overwrite the oldest svs.challenges[oldest].challenge = (rand() << 16) ^ rand(); svs.challenges[oldest].adr = net_from; svs.challenges[oldest].time = realtime; return svs.challenges[oldest].challenge; } /* ================= SVC_GetChallenge Returns a challenge number that can be used in a subsequent client_connect command. We do this to prevent denial of service attacks that flood the server with invalid connection IPs. With a challenge, they must give a valid IP address. ================= */ qboolean SVC_GetChallenge (qboolean respond_dp) { #ifdef HUFFNETWORK int compressioncrc; #endif int challenge; char *buf; int lng; char *over; qboolean respond_std = true; #ifdef QWOVERQ3 qboolean respond_qwoverq3 = true; respond_qwoverq3 &= !!sv_listen_q3.value; #else const qboolean respond_qwoverq3 = false; #endif respond_std &= !!sv_listen_qw.value; respond_dp &= !!sv_listen_dp.value; if (progstype == PROG_H2) respond_dp = false; //don't bother. dp doesn't support the maps anyway. //dp's connections result in race conditions or are ambiguous in certain regards //race: dp vs nq. // the dp request will generally arrive first. we check if there was a recent challenge requested, and inhibit the nq response, ensuring that dp clients connect with a known protocol //race: dp vs qw. // DP clients will just bindly respond to both with a connection request. sending the dp one usually means the server will see the dp connection request first // FTE clients explicitly ignore dp challenges with the specific 'FTE' prefix so you get qw connections there. //conflict: dp vs q2. dp challenge responses USUALLY contain letters. vanilla q2 is always a 32bit int. FTE clients will check that before sending an appropriate response. //so: // vanilla nq doesn't send getchallenge, its nq connect is not inhibited, and connects directly (we optionally hack a challenge over stuffcmds, as well as protocol extensions). // dp gets a dp+qw challenge, its nq request is ignored due to packet ordering and a small timeout, the server sees the dp connection request first and ignores the qw connect. // fte's nq request is treated as a getchallenge. fte clients ignore the dp challenge response (if qw protocols are still enabled). ends up with a qw/fte connection if (!(sv_listen_nq.value || sv_bigcoords.value || !respond_std)) respond_dp = false; #ifdef QWOVERQ3 if (svs.gametype != GT_PROGS && svs.gametype != GT_Q1QVM) respond_qwoverq3 = false; //should probably just nuke this feature. #endif if (!respond_std && !respond_dp && !respond_qwoverq3) return false; if (svs.gametype != GT_PROGS && svs.gametype != GT_Q1QVM) { //if we're running q2 or q3, just ignore the whole DP thing. its irrelevent in those game modes. respond_std |= true; #ifdef QWOVERQ3 respond_qwoverq3 = false; #endif respond_dp = false; } if (respond_dp) respond_std = false; challenge = SV_NewChallenge(); //different game modes require different types of responses switch(svs.gametype) { #ifdef Q3SERVER case GT_QUAKE3: //q3 servers buf = va("challengeResponse %i", challenge); break; #endif #ifdef Q2SERVER case GT_QUAKE2: buf = va("challenge %i", challenge); //quake 2 servers give a different challenge response break; #endif default: buf = va("%c%i", S2C_CHALLENGE, challenge); //quakeworld's response is a bit poo. break; } over = buf + strlen(buf) + 1; if (svs.gametype == GT_PROGS || svs.gametype == GT_Q1QVM) { #ifdef PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE unsigned int mask; //tell the client what fte extensions we support mask = Net_PextMask(1, false); if (mask) { lng = LittleLong(PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE); memcpy(over, &lng, sizeof(lng)); over+=sizeof(lng); lng = LittleLong(mask); memcpy(over, &lng, sizeof(lng)); over+=sizeof(lng); } //tell the client what fte extensions we support mask = Net_PextMask(2, false); if (mask) { lng = LittleLong(PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE2); memcpy(over, &lng, sizeof(lng)); over+=sizeof(lng); lng = LittleLong(mask); memcpy(over, &lng, sizeof(lng)); over+=sizeof(lng); } #endif if (*net_mtu.string) mask = net_mtu.ival&~7; else mask = 8192; if (mask > 64) { lng = LittleLong(PROTOCOL_VERSION_FRAGMENT); memcpy(over, &lng, sizeof(lng)); over+=sizeof(lng); lng = LittleLong(mask); memcpy(over, &lng, sizeof(lng)); over+=sizeof(lng); } #ifdef HUFFNETWORK compressioncrc = Huff_PreferedCompressionCRC(); if (compressioncrc) { lng = LittleLong(PROTOCOL_VERSION_HUFFMAN); memcpy(over, &lng, sizeof(lng)); over+=sizeof(lng); lng = LittleLong(compressioncrc); memcpy(over, &lng, sizeof(lng)); over+=sizeof(lng); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_DTLS if (sv_listen_dtls.ival/* || !*sv_listen_dtls.string*/) { lng = LittleLong(PROTOCOL_VERSION_DTLSUPGRADE); memcpy(over, &lng, sizeof(lng)); over+=sizeof(lng); if (sv_listen_dtls.ival >= 2) lng = LittleLong(2); //required else lng = LittleLong(1); //supported memcpy(over, &lng, sizeof(lng)); over+=sizeof(lng); } #endif } if (respond_dp) { char *dp; if (sv_listen_qw.value) dp = va("challenge FTE%i", challenge); //an FTE prefix will cause FTE clients to ignore the packet, to give preference to the qw challenge + protocols else dp = va("challenge %iFTE", challenge); //we still need to add a postfix to prevent it from being interpreted as a Q2 server Netchan_OutOfBand(NS_SERVER, &net_from, strlen(dp)+1, dp); } if (respond_std) Netchan_OutOfBand(NS_SERVER, &net_from, over-buf, buf); #ifdef QWOVERQ3 if (svs.gametype == GT_PROGS || svs.gametype == GT_Q1QVM) { if (respond_qwoverq3) { buf = va("challengeResponse %i", challenge); Netchan_OutOfBand(NS_SERVER, &net_from, strlen(buf), buf); } } #endif return true; } static void VARGS SV_OutOfBandPrintf (int q2, netadr_t *adr, char *format, ...) { va_list argptr; char string[8192]; va_start (argptr, format); if (q2) { strcpy(string, "print\n"); vsnprintf (string+6,sizeof(string)-1-6, format+1,argptr); } else { string[0] = A2C_PRINT; string[1] = '\n'; vsnprintf (string+2,sizeof(string)-1-2, format,argptr); } va_end (argptr); Netchan_OutOfBand (NS_SERVER, adr, strlen(string), (qbyte *)string); } static void VARGS SV_OutOfBandTPrintf (int q2, netadr_t *adr, int language, translation_t text, ...) { va_list argptr; char string[8192]; const char *format = langtext(text, language); va_start (argptr, text); if (q2) { strcpy(string, "print\n"); vsnprintf (string+6,sizeof(string)-1-6, format+1,argptr); } else { string[0] = A2C_PRINT; vsnprintf (string+1,sizeof(string)-1-1, format,argptr); } va_end (argptr); Netchan_OutOfBand (NS_SERVER, adr, strlen(string), (qbyte *)string); } qboolean SV_ChallengePasses(int challenge) { int i; for (i=0 ; i curtime - 2) return true; } } return false; } void VARGS SV_RejectMessage(int protocol, char *format, ...) { va_list argptr; char string[8192]; int len; va_start (argptr, format); switch(protocol) { #ifdef NQPROT case SCP_NETQUAKE: case SCP_BJP3: case SCP_FITZ666: string[4] = CCREP_REJECT; vsnprintf (string+5,sizeof(string)-1-5, format,argptr); len = strlen(string+4)+1+4; *(int*)string = BigLong(NETFLAG_CTL|len); NET_SendPacket(NS_SERVER, len, string, &net_from); return; case SCP_DARKPLACES6: case SCP_DARKPLACES7: strcpy(string, "reject "); vsnprintf (string+7,sizeof(string)-1-7, format,argptr); len = strlen(string); break; #endif case SCP_QUAKE2: case SCP_QUAKE3: default: strcpy(string, "print\n"); vsnprintf (string+6,sizeof(string)-1-6, format,argptr); len = strlen(string); break; case SCP_QUAKEWORLD: string[0] = A2C_PRINT; string[1] = '\n'; vsnprintf (string+2,sizeof(string)-1-2, format,argptr); len = strlen(string); break; } va_end (argptr); Netchan_OutOfBand (NS_SERVER, &net_from, len, (qbyte *)string); } void SV_AcceptMessage(client_t *newcl) { char string[8192]; sizebuf_t sb; int len; #ifdef NQPROT netadr_t localaddr; #endif memset(&sb, 0, sizeof(sb)); sb.maxsize = sizeof(string); sb.data = string; switch(newcl->protocol) { #ifdef NQPROT case SCP_NETQUAKE: case SCP_BJP3: case SCP_FITZ666: // if (net_from.type != NA_LOOPBACK) { SZ_Clear(&sb); MSG_WriteLong(&sb, 0); MSG_WriteByte(&sb, CCREP_ACCEPT); NET_LocalAddressForRemote(svs.sockets, &net_from, &localaddr, 0); MSG_WriteLong(&sb, ShortSwap(localaddr.port)); if (newcl->proquake_angles_hack) { MSG_WriteByte(&sb, 1/*MOD_PROQUAKE*/); MSG_WriteByte(&sb, 10 * 3.50/*MOD_PROQUAKE_VERSION*/); MSG_WriteByte(&sb, 0/*flags*/); } *(int*)sb.data = BigLong(NETFLAG_CTL|sb.cursize); NET_SendPacket(NS_SERVER, sb.cursize, sb.data, &net_from); return; } case SCP_DARKPLACES6: case SCP_DARKPLACES7: strcpy(string, "accept"); len = strlen(string); break; #endif case SCP_QUAKE3: strcpy(string, "connectResponse"); len = strlen(string); break; case SCP_QUAKE2: default: strcpy(string, "client_connect\n"); len = strlen(string); break; case SCP_QUAKEWORLD: string[0] = S2C_CONNECTION; string[1] = '\n'; string[2] = '\0'; len = strlen(string); break; } Netchan_OutOfBand (NS_SERVER, &net_from, len, (qbyte *)string); } #ifndef _WIN32 #include static void SV_CheckRecentCrashes(client_t *tellclient) { #ifndef FTE_TARGET_WEB struct stat sb; if (-1 != stat("crash.log", &sb)) { if ((time(NULL) - sb.st_mtime) > 2*24*60*60) return; //after 2 days, we stop advertising that we once crashed. SV_ClientPrintf(tellclient, PRINT_HIGH, "\1WARNING: crash.log exists, dated %s\n", ctime(&sb.st_mtime)); } #endif } #else static void SV_CheckRecentCrashes(client_t *tellclient) { } #endif void SV_ClientProtocolExtensionsChanged(client_t *client) { int i; int maxpacketentities; extern cvar_t pr_maxedicts; client_t *seat; client->fteprotocolextensions &= Net_PextMask(1, ISNQCLIENT(client)); client->fteprotocolextensions2 &= Net_PextMask(2, ISNQCLIENT(client)); //some gamecode can't cope with some extensions for some reasons... and I'm too lazy to fix the code to cope. if (svs.gametype == GT_HALFLIFE) client->fteprotocolextensions2 &= ~PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS; //baseline issues // client->maxmodels = 256; if (client->fteprotocolextensions & PEXT_256PACKETENTITIES) maxpacketentities = MAX_EXTENDED_PACKET_ENTITIES; else maxpacketentities = MAX_STANDARD_PACKET_ENTITIES; //true for qw,q2 if (client->fteprotocolextensions2 & PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS) { client->max_net_clients = ISQWCLIENT(client)?QWMAX_CLIENTS:NQMAX_CLIENTS; client->max_net_staticents = ~0u; //unlimited in both fte+qss. //you need to reconnect for this to update, of course. so make sure its not *too* low... client->max_net_ents = bound(512, pr_maxedicts.ival, MAX_EDICTS); client->maxmodels = min(1u<<14, MAX_PRECACHE_MODELS); //protocol limited to 14 bits. } else if (ISQWCLIENT(client)) //readd? { client->max_net_clients = QWMAX_CLIENTS; client->max_net_ents = 512; if (client->fteprotocolextensions & PEXT_ENTITYDBL) client->max_net_ents += 512; if (client->fteprotocolextensions & PEXT_ENTITYDBL2) client->max_net_ents += 1024; client->max_net_staticents = 512; //the ezquake limit, too few people use vanilla to really care about that (it would be too unstable anyway). fodquake has no limit. if (client->fteprotocolextensions & PEXT_MODELDBL) client->maxmodels = 512; } else if (ISDPCLIENT(client)) { client->max_net_clients = 255; client->max_net_ents = bound(512, pr_maxedicts.ival, 32768); client->max_net_staticents = 1024; //its quite low, proportionally. client->maxmodels = MAX_PRECACHE_MODELS; //protocol limit of 16 bits. 15 bits for late precaches. client limit of 1k client->datagram.maxsize = sizeof(host_client->datagram_buf); } else if (client->protocol == SCP_BJP3 || client->protocol == SCP_FITZ666) { client->max_net_clients = NQMAX_CLIENTS; client->max_net_ents = bound(512, pr_maxedicts.ival, 32768); //fitzquake supports 65535, but our writeentity builtin works differently, which causes problems. client->max_net_staticents = 4096; //quakespasm has 4k, more than 3k starts to have issues with the msg_init buffer size. client->maxmodels = MAX_PRECACHE_MODELS; maxpacketentities = client->max_net_ents; client->datagram.maxsize = sizeof(host_client->datagram_buf); } else { client->max_net_clients = NQMAX_CLIENTS; client->datagram.maxsize = MAX_NQDATAGRAM; //vanilla limit if (client->proquake_angles_hack) client->max_net_ents = bound(512, pr_maxedicts.ival, 8192); else client->max_net_ents = bound(512, pr_maxedicts.ival, 600); client->max_net_staticents = 128; //yeah, its low. } if (client->fteprotocolextensions2 & PEXT2_MAXPLAYERS) client->max_net_clients = MAX_CLIENTS; client->max_net_clients = min(client->max_net_clients, MAX_CLIENTS); client->pendingdeltabits = NULL; client->pendingcsqcbits = NULL; //initialise the client's frames, based on that client's protocol switch(client->protocol) { #ifdef Q3SERVER case SCP_QUAKE3: if (client->frameunion.q3frames) Z_Free(client->frameunion.q3frames); client->frameunion.q3frames = Z_Malloc(Q3UPDATE_BACKUP*sizeof(*client->frameunion.q3frames)); break; #endif #ifdef Q2SERVER case SCP_QUAKE2: // build a new connection // accept the new client // this is the only place a client_t is ever initialized client->frameunion.q2frames = client->frameunion.q2frames; //don't touch these. if (client->frameunion.q2frames) Z_Free(client->frameunion.q2frames); client->frameunion.q2frames = Z_Malloc(sizeof(q2client_frame_t)*Q2UPDATE_BACKUP); break; #endif default: if (client->frameunion.frames) Z_Free(client->frameunion.frames); if ((client->fteprotocolextensions2 & PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS) || ISDPCLIENT(client)) { char *ptr; int maxents = maxpacketentities*4; /*this is the max number of ents updated per frame. we can't track more, so...*/ if (maxents > client->max_net_ents) maxents = client->max_net_ents; ptr = Z_Malloc( sizeof(client_frame_t)*UPDATE_BACKUP+ sizeof(*client->pendingdeltabits)*client->max_net_ents+ sizeof(*client->pendingcsqcbits)*client->max_net_ents+ sizeof(*client->frameunion.frames[i].resend)*maxents*UPDATE_BACKUP); client->frameunion.frames = (void*)ptr; ptr += sizeof(*client->frameunion.frames)*UPDATE_BACKUP; client->pendingdeltabits = (void*)ptr; ptr += sizeof(*client->pendingdeltabits)*client->max_net_ents; client->pendingcsqcbits = (void*)ptr; ptr += sizeof(*client->pendingcsqcbits)*client->max_net_ents; for (i = 0; i < UPDATE_BACKUP; i++) { client->frameunion.frames[i].maxresend = maxents; client->frameunion.frames[i].resend = (void*)ptr; ptr += sizeof(*client->frameunion.frames[i].resend)*maxents; client->frameunion.frames[i].senttime = realtime; } //make sure the reset is sent. client->pendingdeltabits[0] = UF_REMOVE; } else if (ISNQCLIENT(client)) { client->frameunion.frames = Z_Malloc((sizeof(client_frame_t))*UPDATE_BACKUP); for (i = 0; i < UPDATE_BACKUP; i++) { client->frameunion.frames[i].qwentities.max_entities = 0; client->frameunion.frames[i].qwentities.entities = NULL; client->frameunion.frames[i].senttime = realtime; } } else { client->frameunion.frames = Z_Malloc((sizeof(client_frame_t)+sizeof(entity_state_t)*maxpacketentities)*UPDATE_BACKUP); for (i = 0; i < UPDATE_BACKUP; i++) { client->frameunion.frames[i].qwentities.max_entities = maxpacketentities; client->frameunion.frames[i].qwentities.entities = (entity_state_t*)(client->frameunion.frames+UPDATE_BACKUP) + i*client->frameunion.frames[i].qwentities.max_entities; client->frameunion.frames[i].senttime = realtime; } } break; } //make sure we have the right limits for splitscreen clients too (mostly for viewmodel safety checks) for (seat = client->controlled; seat; seat = seat->controlled) { seat->max_net_clients = client->max_net_clients; seat->max_net_ents = client->max_net_ents; seat->maxmodels = client->maxmodels; } client->lastsequence_acknowledged = -2000000000; } //void NET_AdrToStringResolve (netadr_t *adr, void (*resolved)(void *ctx, void *data, size_t a, size_t b), void *ctx, size_t a, size_t b); /*static void SV_UserDNSResolved(void *ctx, void *data, size_t idx, size_t uid) { if (idx < svs.allocated_client_slots) { if (svs.clients[idx].userid == uid) { Z_Free(svs.clients[idx].reversedns); svs.clients[idx].reversedns = data; return; } } Con_DPrintf("stale dns lookup result: %s\n", (char*)data); Z_Free(data); }*/ client_t *SV_AddSplit(client_t *controller, char *info, int id) { client_t *cl, *prev; int i; int curclients; if (!(controller->fteprotocolextensions & PEXT_SPLITSCREEN)) { SV_PrintToClient(controller, PRINT_HIGH, "Your client doesn't support splitscreen\n"); return NULL; } for (curclients = 0, prev = cl = controller; cl; cl = cl->controlled) { prev = cl; curclients++; } if (id && curclients != id) return NULL; //this would be weird. if (curclients >= 16) return NULL; //protocol limit on stats. if (curclients >= MAX_SPLITS) return NULL; //only allow splitscreen if its explicitly allowed. unless its the local client in which case its always allowed. //wouldn't it be awesome if we could always allow it for spectators? the join command makes that awkward, though I suppose we could just drop the extras in that case. if (!sv_allow_splitscreen.ival && controller->netchan.remote_address.type != NA_LOOPBACK) return NULL; //FIXME: allow spectators to do this anyway? for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; istate == cs_free) { break; } } if (i == sv.allocated_client_slots) { SV_PrintToClient(controller, PRINT_HIGH, "not enough free player slots\n"); return NULL; } cl->spectator = controller->spectator; cl->netchan.remote_address = controller->netchan.remote_address; cl->netchan.message.prim = controller->netchan.message.prim; cl->zquake_extensions = controller->zquake_extensions; cl->fteprotocolextensions = controller->fteprotocolextensions; cl->fteprotocolextensions2 = controller->fteprotocolextensions2; cl->penalties = controller->penalties; cl->protocol = controller->protocol; cl->maxmodels = controller->maxmodels; cl->max_net_clients = controller->max_net_clients; cl->max_net_ents = controller->max_net_ents; if (*controller->guid) Q_snprintfz(cl->guid, sizeof(cl->guid), "%s:%i", controller->guid, curclients); else Q_strncpyz(cl->guid, "", sizeof(cl->guid)); cl->name = cl->namebuf; cl->team = cl->teambuf; nextuserid++; // so every client gets a unique id cl->userid = nextuserid; cl->playerclass = 0; cl->pendingdeltabits = NULL; cl->pendingcsqcbits = NULL; cl->edict = NULL; #ifdef Q2SERVER cl->q2edict = NULL; #endif switch(svs.gametype) { #ifdef Q2SERVER case GT_QUAKE2: cl->q2edict = Q2EDICT_NUM(i+1); if (!ge->ClientConnect(cl->q2edict, cl->userinfo)) { const char *reject = Info_ValueForKey(cl->userinfo, "rejmsg"); if (*reject) SV_ClientPrintf(controller, PRINT_HIGH, "Splitscreen Refused: %s\n", reject); else SV_ClientPrintf(controller, PRINT_HIGH, "Splitscreen Refused\n"); Con_DPrintf ("Game rejected a connection.\n"); *cl->userinfo = 0; cl->namebuf[0] = 0; return NULL; } ge->ClientUserinfoChanged(cl->q2edict, cl->userinfo); break; #endif default: cl->edict = EDICT_NUM(svprogfuncs, i+1); break; } prev->controlled = cl; prev = cl; cl->controller = controller; cl->controlled = NULL; Q_strncpyS (cl->userinfo, info, sizeof(cl->userinfo)-1); cl->userinfo[sizeof(cl->userinfo)-1] = '\0'; if (controller->spectator) { Info_RemoveKey (cl->userinfo, "spectator"); //this is a hint rather than a game breaker should it fail. Info_SetValueForStarKey (cl->userinfo, "*spectator", "1", sizeof(cl->userinfo)); } else Info_RemoveKey (cl->userinfo, "*spectator"); SV_ExtractFromUserinfo (cl, true); SV_GetNewSpawnParms(cl); cl->state = controller->state; if (cl->state >= cs_connected) { cl->sendinfo = true; if (svprogfuncs) SV_SetUpClientEdict(cl, cl->edict); } if (cl->state >= cs_spawned) SV_Begin_Core(cl); return cl; } /* ================== SVC_DirectConnect A connection request that did not come from the master ================== arguments must be tokenized first Q3: connect "\key\val" DP: connect\key\val QW: connect $VER $QPORT $CHALLENGE "\key\val" SS: connect2 $VER $QPORT $CHALLENGE "\key\val" "\key\val" NQ: hacked to take the form of QW, but with protocol version 3. extension flags follow it. */ client_t *SVC_DirectConnect(void) { char userinfo[MAX_SPLITS][2048]; netadr_t adr; int i; client_t *cl, *newcl; client_t temp; edict_t *ent; #ifdef Q2SERVER q2edict_t *q2ent; #endif int edictnum; char *s; int clients, spectators; qboolean spectator; int qport; int version; int challenge; #ifdef HUFFNETWORK int huffcrc = 0; extern cvar_t net_compress; #endif int mtu = 0; char guid[128] = ""; char basic[80]; qboolean redirect = false; qboolean preserveparms = false; int numssclients = 1; int protocol; qboolean proquakeanglehack = false; unsigned int supportedprotocols = 0; unsigned int protextsupported=0; unsigned int protextsupported2=0; #ifdef NQPROT extern cvar_t sv_protocol_nq; #endif char *name; char adrbuf[MAX_ADR_SIZE]; if (*Cmd_Argv(1) == '\\') { //connect "\key\val" #ifndef QWOVERQ3 SV_RejectMessage (SCP_QUAKE3, "This is not a q3 server: %s\n", version_string()); Con_TPrintf ("* rejected connect from q3 client\n"); return NULL; #else //this is used by q3 (note, we already decrypted the huffman connection packet in a hack) if (!sv_listen_q3.ival) { SV_RejectMessage (SCP_QUAKE3, "Server is not accepting quake3 clients at this time: %s\n", version_string()); Con_TPrintf ("* rejected connect from q3 client\n"); return NULL; } numssclients = 1; protocol = SCP_QUAKE3; Q_strncpyz (userinfo[0], Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(userinfo[0])-1); switch (atoi(Info_ValueForKey(userinfo[0], "protocol"))) { case 68: //regular q3 1.32 break; // case 43: //q3 1.11 (most 'recent' demo) // break; default: SV_RejectMessage (SCP_BAD, "Server is %s.\n", version_string()); Con_TPrintf ("* rejected connect from incompatable client\n"); return NULL; } s = Info_ValueForKey(userinfo[0], "challenge"); challenge = atoi(s); s = Info_ValueForKey(userinfo[0], "qport"); qport = atoi(s); s = Info_ValueForKey(userinfo[0], "name"); if (!*s) Info_SetValueForKey(userinfo[0], "name", "UnnamedQ3", sizeof(userinfo[0])); #ifdef HUFFNETWORK huffcrc = HUFFCRC_QUAKE3; #endif #endif } else if (*(Cmd_Argv(0)+7) == '\\') { //DP has the userinfo attached directly to the end of the connect command if (!sv_listen_dp.value && net_from.type != NA_LOOPBACK) { if (!sv_listen_nq.value) SV_RejectMessage (SCP_DARKPLACES6, "Server is not accepting darkplaces clients at this time.\n", version_string()); Con_TPrintf ("* rejected connect from dp client\n"); return NULL; } if (progstype == PROG_H2) { if (!sv_listen_nq.value) SV_RejectMessage (SCP_DARKPLACES6, "NQ protocols are not supported with hexen2 gamecode.\n", version_string()); Con_TPrintf ("* rejected connect from dp client (because of hexen2)\n"); return NULL; } Q_strncpyz (userinfo[0], net_message.data + 11, sizeof(userinfo[0])-1); if (strcmp(Info_ValueForKey(userinfo[0], "protocol"), "darkplaces 3")) { SV_RejectMessage (SCP_BAD, "Server is %s.\n", version_string()); Con_TPrintf ("* rejected connect from incompatible client\n"); return NULL; } //it's a darkplaces client. s = Info_ValueForKey(userinfo[0], "protocols"); while(s && *s) { static const struct { char *name; unsigned int bits; } dpnames[] = { {"FITZ", 1u< MAX_SPLITS) { SV_RejectMessage (SCP_BAD, "Server is %s.\n", version_string()); Con_TPrintf ("* rejected connect from broken client\n"); return NULL; } } version = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); if (version >= 31 && version <= 34) { numssclients = 1; protocol = SCP_QUAKE2; } else if (version == 3) { numssclients = 1; protocol = SCP_NETQUAKE; //because we can switch(atoi(Info_ValueForKey(Cmd_Argv(4), "mod"))) { case 1: proquakeanglehack = true; break; #ifdef NQPROT case PROTOCOL_VERSION_FITZ: case PROTOCOL_VERSION_RMQ: protocol = SCP_FITZ666; break; case PROTOCOL_VERSION_BJP3: protocol = SCP_BJP3; proquakeanglehack = true; break; #endif } } else if (version != PROTOCOL_VERSION_QW) { SV_RejectMessage (SCP_BAD, "Server is protocol version %i, received %i\n", PROTOCOL_VERSION_QW, version); Con_TPrintf ("* rejected connect from version %i\n", version); return NULL; } else protocol = SCP_QUAKEWORLD; qport = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2)); challenge = atoi(Cmd_Argv(3)); // note an extra qbyte is needed to replace spectator key for (i = 0; i < numssclients; i++) { Q_strncpyz (userinfo[i], Cmd_Argv(4+i), sizeof(userinfo[i])-1); if (protocol == SCP_NETQUAKE) Info_RemoveKey(userinfo[i], "mod"); //its served its purpose. } } #ifdef HAVE_DTLS if (sv_listen_dtls.ival > 2 && (net_from.prot == NP_DGRAM || net_from.prot == NP_STREAM || net_from.prot == NP_WS)) { SV_RejectMessage (protocol, "This server requires the use of DTLS/TLS/WSS.\n"); return NULL; } #endif { char *banreason = SV_BannedReason(&net_from); if (banreason) { if (*banreason) SV_RejectMessage (protocol, "You were banned.\nReason: %s\n", banreason); else SV_RejectMessage (protocol, "You were banned.\n"); return NULL; } } if (protocol == SCP_QUAKEWORLD) //readd? { if (!sv_listen_qw.value && net_from.type != NA_LOOPBACK) { SV_RejectMessage (protocol, "QuakeWorld protocols are not permitted on this server.\n"); Con_TPrintf ("* rejected connect from quakeworld\n"); return NULL; } } if (sv.msgfromdemo || net_from.type == NA_LOOPBACK) //normal rules don't apply ; else { // see if the challenge is valid if (!SV_ChallengePasses(challenge)) { if (sv_listen_dp.ival && !challenge && protocol == SCP_QUAKEWORLD) { //dp replies with 'challenge'. which vanilla quakeworld interprets as: c //so just silence that error. return NULL; } SV_RejectMessage (protocol, "Bad challenge.\n"); return NULL; } } if (sv_banproxies.ival) { //FIXME: allow them to spectate but not join if (*Info_ValueForKey(userinfo[0], "*qwfwd")) { SV_RejectMessage (protocol, "Proxies are not permitted on this server.\n"); Con_TPrintf ("* rejected connect from qwfwd proxy\n"); return NULL; } if (*Info_ValueForKey(userinfo[0], "Qizmo")) { SV_RejectMessage (protocol, "Proxies are not permitted on this server.\n"); Con_TPrintf ("* rejected connect from qizmo proxy\n"); return NULL; } if (*Info_ValueForKey(userinfo[0], "*qtv")) { SV_RejectMessage (protocol, "Proxies are not permitted on this server.\n"); Con_TPrintf ("* rejected connect from qtv proxy (udp)\n"); return NULL; } } while(!msg_badread) { Cmd_TokenizeString(MSG_ReadStringLine(), false, false); switch(Q_atoi(Cmd_Argv(0))) { case PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE: if (protocol == SCP_QUAKEWORLD || protocol == SCP_QUAKE2) { protextsupported = Q_atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); Con_DPrintf("Client supports 0x%x fte extensions\n", protextsupported); } break; case PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE2: if (protocol == SCP_QUAKEWORLD) { protextsupported2 = Q_atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); Con_DPrintf("Client supports 0x%x fte2 extensions\n", protextsupported2); } break; case PROTOCOL_VERSION_HUFFMAN: #ifdef HUFFNETWORK huffcrc = Q_atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); Con_DPrintf("Client supports huffman compression. crc 0x%x\n", huffcrc); if (!net_compress.ival || !Huff_CompressionCRC(huffcrc)) { SV_RejectMessage (protocol, "Compression should not have been enabled.\n"); //buggy/exploiting client. can also happen from timing when changing the setting, but whatever Con_TPrintf ("* rejected - bad compression state\n"); return NULL; } #endif break; case PROTOCOL_VERSION_FRAGMENT: mtu = Q_atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)) & ~7; if (mtu < 64) mtu = 0; Con_DPrintf("Client supports fragmentation. mtu %i.\n", mtu); break; case PROTOCOL_INFO_GUID: Q_strncpyz(guid, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(guid)); Con_DPrintf("GUID %s\n", Cmd_Argv(1)); break; } } msg_badread=false; /*allow_splitscreen applies only to non-local clients, so that clients have only one enabler*/ if (!sv_allow_splitscreen.ival && net_from.type != NA_LOOPBACK) numssclients = 1; if (!(protextsupported & PEXT_SPLITSCREEN)) numssclients = 1; if (MSV_ClusterLogin(guid, userinfo[0], sizeof(userinfo[0]))) return NULL; // check for password or spectator_password if (svprogfuncs) { s = Info_ValueForKey (userinfo[0], "spectator"); if (s[0] && strcmp(s, "0")) { if (spectator_password.string[0] && stricmp(spectator_password.string, "none") && strcmp(spectator_password.string, s) ) { // failed Con_TPrintf ("%s:spectator password failed\n", NET_AdrToString (adrbuf, sizeof(adrbuf), &net_from)); SV_RejectMessage (protocol, "requires a spectator password\n\n"); return NULL; } Info_RemoveKey (userinfo[0], "spectator"); // remove key Info_SetValueForStarKey (userinfo[0], "*spectator", "1", sizeof(userinfo[0])); spectator = true; } else { s = Info_ValueForKey (userinfo[0], "password"); if (password.string[0] && stricmp(password.string, "none") && strcmp(password.string, s) ) { Con_TPrintf ("%s:password failed\n", NET_AdrToString (adrbuf, sizeof(adrbuf), &net_from)); SV_RejectMessage (protocol, "server requires a password\n\n"); return NULL; } spectator = false; Info_RemoveKey (userinfo[0], "password"); // remove passwd Info_RemoveKey (userinfo[0], "*spectator"); // remove key } } else spectator = false;//q2 does all of it's checks internally, and deals with spectator ship too adr = net_from; nextuserid++; // so every client gets a unique id newcl = &temp; memset (newcl, 0, sizeof(client_t)); #ifdef NQPROT if (!supportedprotocols && protocol == SCP_NETQUAKE) { //NQ protocols lack stuff like protocol extensions. //its the wild west where nothing is known about the client and everything breaks. if (!strcmp(sv_protocol_nq.string, "fitz")) protocol = SCP_FITZ666; else if (!strcmp(sv_protocol_nq.string, "bjp") || !strcmp(sv_protocol_nq.string, "bjp3")) protocol = SCP_BJP3; else if (!strcmp(sv_protocol_nq.string, "dp6")) protocol = SCP_DARKPLACES6; else if (!strcmp(sv_protocol_nq.string, "dp7")) protocol = SCP_DARKPLACES7; else if (!strcmp(sv_protocol_nq.string, "id") || !strcmp(sv_protocol_nq.string, "vanilla")) protocol = SCP_NETQUAKE; else switch(sv_protocol_nq.ival) { case PROTOCOL_VERSION_RMQ: case PROTOCOL_VERSION_FITZ: protocol = SCP_FITZ666; break; case PROTOCOL_VERSION_BJP3: protocol = SCP_BJP3; break; case 15: protocol = SCP_NETQUAKE; break; case PROTOCOL_VERSION_DP6: protocol = SCP_DARKPLACES6; break; case PROTOCOL_VERSION_DP7: protocol = SCP_DARKPLACES7; break; default: Con_Printf("sv_protocol_nq set incorrectly\n"); case 0: //change nothing break; } } #endif newcl->userid = nextuserid; newcl->supportedprotocols = supportedprotocols; newcl->fteprotocolextensions = protextsupported; newcl->fteprotocolextensions2 = protextsupported2; newcl->proquake_angles_hack = proquakeanglehack; newcl->protocol = protocol; Q_strncpyz(newcl->guid, guid, sizeof(newcl->guid)); if (sv.msgfromdemo) newcl->wasrecorded = true; // works properly if (!sv_highchars.value) { qbyte *p, *q; for (p = (qbyte *)newcl->userinfo, q = (qbyte *)userinfo; *q && p < (qbyte *)newcl->userinfo + sizeof(newcl->userinfo)-1; q++) if (*q > 31 && *q <= 127) *p++ = *q; } else Q_strncpyS (newcl->userinfo, userinfo[0], sizeof(newcl->userinfo)-1); newcl->userinfo[sizeof(newcl->userinfo)-1] = '\0'; // Con_TPrintf("%s:%s:connect\n", sv.name, NET_AdrToString (adrbuf, sizeof(adrbuf), &adr)); // if there is already a slot for this ip, drop it for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; istate == cs_free || cl->state == cs_loadzombie) continue; if (NET_CompareBaseAdr (&adr, &cl->netchan.remote_address) && ((protocol == SCP_QUAKEWORLD && cl->netchan.qport == qport) || adr.port == cl->netchan.remote_address.port )) { if (cl->state == cs_connected) { if (cl->protocol != protocol) { Con_TPrintf("%s: diff prot connect\n", NET_AdrToString (adrbuf, sizeof(adrbuf), &adr)); return NULL; } else Con_TPrintf("%s:dup connect\n", NET_AdrToString (adrbuf, sizeof(adrbuf), &adr)); } /*else if (cl->state == cs_zombie) { Con_Printf ("%s:reconnect\n", NET_AdrToString (adrbuf, sizeof(adrbuf), &adr)); }*/ else Con_TPrintf ("%s:%s:reconnect\n", svs.name, NET_AdrToString (adrbuf, sizeof(adrbuf), &adr)); //silently drop the old connection, without causing the old client to get a disconnect or anything stupid like that. return NULL; cl->protocol = SCP_BAD; SV_DropClient (cl); cl->protocol = protocol; break; } } name = Info_ValueForKey (temp.userinfo, "name"); if (sv.world.worldmodel && protocol == SCP_QUAKEWORLD &&!atoi(Info_ValueForKey (temp.userinfo, "iknow"))) { if (sv.world.worldmodel->fromgame == fg_halflife && !(newcl->fteprotocolextensions & PEXT_HLBSP)) { if (atof(Info_ValueForKey (temp.userinfo, "*FuhQuake")) < 0.3) { SV_RejectMessage (protocol, "The server is using a halflife level and we don't think your client supports this\nuse 'setinfo iknow 1' to ignore this check\nYou can go to "ENGINEWEBSITE" to get a compatible client\n\nYou may need to enable an option\n\n"); // Con_Printf("player %s was dropped due to incompatible client\n", name); // return; } } #ifdef PEXT_Q2BSP else if (sv.world.worldmodel->fromgame == fg_quake2 && !(newcl->fteprotocolextensions & PEXT_Q2BSP)) { SV_RejectMessage (protocol, "The server is using a quake 2 level and we don't think your client supports this\nuse 'setinfo iknow 1' to ignore this check\nYou can go to "ENGINEWEBSITE" to get a compatible client\n\nYou may need to enable an option\n\n"); // Con_Printf("player %s was dropped due to incompatible client\n", name); // return; } #endif #ifdef PEXT_Q3BSP else if (sv.world.worldmodel->fromgame == fg_quake3 && !(newcl->fteprotocolextensions & PEXT_Q3BSP)) { SV_RejectMessage (protocol, "The server is using a quake 3 level and we don't think your client supports this\nuse 'setinfo iknow 1' to ignore this check\nYou can go to "ENGINEWEBSITE" to get a compatible client\n\nYou may need to enable an option\n\n"); // Con_Printf("player %s was dropped due to incompatible client\n", name); // return; } #endif } SV_FixupName(name, temp.namebuf, sizeof(temp.namebuf)); name = temp.namebuf; deleetstring(basic, name); if (!*basic || strstr(basic, "console")) name = "unnamed"; //have fun dudes. // count up the clients and spectators clients = 0; spectators = 0; newcl = NULL; if (!sv.allocated_client_slots) { Con_Printf("Apparently, there are no client slots allocated. This shouldn't be happening\n"); return NULL; } for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; istate == cs_free) continue; if (cl->spectator) spectators++; else clients++; if (cl->state == cs_loadzombie) { if (!newcl) { if (((!strcmp(cl->name, name) || !*cl->name) && (!*cl->guid || !strcmp(guid, cl->guid))) || sv.allocated_client_slots <= 1) //named, or first come first serve. { if (cl->istobeloaded) Con_DPrintf("%s:Using loadzombie\n", svs.name); else Con_DPrintf("%s:Using parmzombie\n", svs.name); newcl = cl; preserveparms = true; temp.istobeloaded = cl->istobeloaded; memcpy(temp.spawn_parms, cl->spawn_parms, sizeof(temp.spawn_parms)); if (cl->userid) temp.userid = cl->userid; break; } } } } if (!newcl) //client has no slot. It's possible to bipass this if server is loading a game. (or a duplicated qsocket) { if (SSV_IsSubServer()) { SV_RejectMessage (protocol, "Direct connections are not permitted.\n"); Con_TPrintf ("* rejected direct connection\n"); return NULL; } /*single player logic*/ if (sv.allocated_client_slots == 1 && net_from.type == NA_LOOPBACK) if (svs.clients[0].state >= cs_connected) { Con_Printf("Kicking %s to make space for local client\n", svs.clients[0].name); SV_DropClient(svs.clients); } // if at server limits, refuse connection if ( maxclients.ival > MAX_CLIENTS ) Cvar_SetValue (&maxclients, MAX_CLIENTS); if (maxspectators.ival > MAX_CLIENTS) Cvar_SetValue (&maxspectators, MAX_CLIENTS); // find a free client slot for (i=0; istate == cs_free) { newcl = cl; break; } } /*only q1/h2 has a maxclients/maxspectators separation. q2 or q3 the gamecode enforces any such clienttype limits*/ if (svprogfuncs) { if (spectator && spectators >= maxspectators.ival) redirect = true; if (!spectator && clients >= maxclients.ival) redirect = true; } else { if (clients >= maxclients.ival) redirect = true; } if (redirect) { extern cvar_t sv_fullredirect; if (!*sv_fullredirect.string) newcl = NULL; } if (!newcl) { if (!svprogfuncs) { SV_RejectMessage (protocol, "\nserver is full\n\n"); Con_TPrintf ("%s:full connect\n", NET_AdrToString (adrbuf, sizeof(adrbuf), &adr)); } else { if (spectator && spectators >= maxspectators.ival) { SV_RejectMessage (protocol, "\nserver is full (%i of %i spectators)\n\n", spectators, maxspectators.ival); Con_TPrintf ("%s:full connect (spectators)\n", NET_AdrToString (adrbuf, sizeof(adrbuf), &adr)); } else if (!spectator && clients >= maxclients.ival) { SV_RejectMessage (protocol, "\nserver is full (%i of %i players)\n\n", clients, maxclients.ival); Con_TPrintf ("%s:full connect (players)\n", NET_AdrToString (adrbuf, sizeof(adrbuf), &adr)); } else { SV_RejectMessage (protocol, "\nserver is full (%i of %i connections)\n\n", clients+spectators, sv.allocated_client_slots); Con_TPrintf ("%s:full connect\n", NET_AdrToString (adrbuf, sizeof(adrbuf), &adr)); } } return NULL; } } //set up the gamecode for this player, optionally drop them here edictnum = (newcl-svs.clients)+1; switch (svs.gametype) { #ifdef HLSERVER //fallthrough case GT_HALFLIFE: { char reject[128]; if (!SVHL_ClientConnect(newcl, adr, reject)) { SV_RejectMessage(protocol, "%s", reject); Con_TPrintf ("%s:gamecode reject\n", NET_AdrToString (adrbuf, sizeof(adrbuf), &adr)); return NULL; } temp.hledict = newcl->hledict; } break; #endif #ifdef VM_Q1 case GT_Q1QVM: #endif #ifdef VM_LUA case GT_LUA: #endif case GT_PROGS: if (protocol == SCP_QUAKE2) { SV_RejectMessage(protocol, "This is a Quake server."); Con_DPrintf ("* Rejected q2 client.\n"); return NULL; } if (svprogfuncs) ent = EDICT_NUM(svprogfuncs, edictnum); else ent = NULL; #ifdef Q2SERVER temp.q2edict = NULL; #endif temp.edict = ent; { const char *reject = SV_CheckRejectConnection(&adr, userinfo[0], protocol, protextsupported, protextsupported2, guid); if (reject) { SV_RejectMessage(protocol, "%s", reject); Con_DPrintf ("* Game rejected a connection.\n"); return NULL; } } break; #ifdef Q2SERVER case GT_QUAKE2: if (protocol != SCP_QUAKE2) { SV_RejectMessage(protocol, "This is a Quake2 server."); Con_DPrintf ("* Rejected non-q2 client.\n"); return NULL; } q2ent = Q2EDICT_NUM(edictnum); temp.edict = NULL; temp.q2edict = q2ent; if (!ge->ClientConnect(q2ent, temp.userinfo)) { const char *reject = Info_ValueForKey(temp.userinfo, "rejmsg"); if (*reject) SV_RejectMessage(protocol, "%s\nConnection Refused.", reject); else SV_RejectMessage(protocol, "Connection Refused."); Con_DPrintf ("Game rejected a connection.\n"); return NULL; } ge->ClientUserinfoChanged(q2ent, temp.userinfo); break; #endif default: Sys_Error("Bad svs.gametype in SVC_DirectConnect"); break; } if (newcl->frameunion.frames) { Con_Printf("Client frame info was set\n"); Z_Free(newcl->frameunion.frames); } temp.name = newcl->name; temp.team = newcl->team; *newcl = temp; // NET_AdrToStringResolve(&adr, SV_UserDNSResolved, NULL, newcl-svs.clients, newcl->userid); newcl->challenge = challenge; newcl->zquake_extensions = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(newcl->userinfo, "*z_ext")); if (*Info_ValueForKey(newcl->userinfo, "*fuhquake")) //fuhquake doesn't claim to support z_ext but does look at our z_ext serverinfo key. { //so switch on the bits that it should be sending. newcl->zquake_extensions |= Z_EXT_PM_TYPE|Z_EXT_PM_TYPE_NEW; } newcl->zquake_extensions &= SUPPORTED_Z_EXTENSIONS; //ezquake's download mechanism is so smegging buggy. //its causing far far far too many connectivity issues. seriously. its beyond a joke. I cannot stress that enough. //as the client needs to listen for the serverinfo to know which extensions will actually be used (yay demos), we can just forget that it supports svc-level extensions, at least for anything that isn't spammed via clc_move etc before the serverinfo. s = Info_ValueForKey(newcl->userinfo, "*client"); if (!strncmp(s, "ezQuake", 7) && (newcl->fteprotocolextensions & PEXT_CHUNKEDDOWNLOADS)) { if (pext_ezquake_nochunks.ival) { newcl->fteprotocolextensions &= ~PEXT_CHUNKEDDOWNLOADS; Con_TPrintf("%s: ignoring ezquake chunked downloads extension.\n", NET_AdrToString (adrbuf, sizeof(adrbuf), &adr)); } } Netchan_Setup (NS_SERVER, &newcl->netchan, &adr, qport); #ifdef HUFFNETWORK if (huffcrc) newcl->netchan.compresstable = Huff_CompressionCRC(huffcrc); else #endif newcl->netchan.compresstable = NULL; if (mtu >= 64) { newcl->netchan.fragmentsize = mtu; newcl->netchan.message.maxsize = sizeof(newcl->netchan.message_buf); } newcl->protocol = protocol; #ifdef NQPROT newcl->netchan.isnqprotocol = ISNQCLIENT(newcl); #endif newcl->state = cs_connected; #ifdef Q3SERVER newcl->gamestatesequence = -1; #endif newcl->datagram.allowoverflow = true; newcl->datagram.data = newcl->datagram_buf; if (mtu >= 64) newcl->datagram.maxsize = sizeof(newcl->datagram_buf); else newcl->datagram.maxsize = MAX_DATAGRAM; newcl->netchan.netprim = svs.netprim; newcl->datagram.prim = svs.netprim; newcl->netchan.message.prim = svs.netprim; SV_ClientProtocolExtensionsChanged(newcl); // spectator mode can ONLY be set at join time newcl->spectator = spectator; newcl->realip_ping = (((rand()^(rand()<<8) ^ *(int*)&realtime)&0xffffff)<<8) | (newcl-svs.clients); #ifdef HEXEN2 if (newcl->istobeloaded && newcl->edict) newcl->playerclass = newcl->edict->xv->playerclass; #endif // parse some info from the info strings SV_ExtractFromUserinfo (newcl, true); // JACK: Init the floodprot stuff. newcl->floodprotmessage = 0.0; newcl->lastspoke = 0.0; newcl->lockedtill = 0; #ifdef SVRANKING if (svs.demorecording || (svs.demoplayback && newcl->wasrecorded)) //disable rankings. Could cock things up. { SV_GetNewSpawnParms(newcl); } else { //rankid is figured out in extract from user info if (!newcl->rankid) //failed to get a userid { if (rank_needlogin.value) { SV_RejectMessage (protocol, "Bad password/username\nThis server requires logins. Please see the serverinfo for website and info on how to register.\n"); newcl->state = cs_free; return NULL; } // SV_OutOfBandPrintf (isquake2client, adr, "\nWARNING: You have not got a place on the ranking system, probably because a user with the same name has already connected and your pwds differ.\n\n"); if (!preserveparms) SV_GetNewSpawnParms(newcl); } else { rankstats_t rs; if (!Rank_GetPlayerStats(newcl->rankid, &rs)) { SV_RejectMessage (protocol, "Rankings/Account system failed\n"); Con_TPrintf("banned player %s is trying to connect\n", newcl->name); newcl->name[0] = 0; memset (newcl->userinfo, 0, sizeof(newcl->userinfo)); newcl->state = cs_free; return NULL; } if (rs.flags1 & RANK_MUTED) { SV_BroadcastTPrintf(PRINT_MEDIUM, "%s is muted (still)\n", newcl->name); } if (rs.flags1 & RANK_CUFFED) { SV_BroadcastTPrintf(PRINT_LOW, "%s is now cuffed permanently\n", newcl->name); } if (rs.flags1 & RANK_CRIPPLED) { SV_BroadcastTPrintf(PRINT_HIGH, "%s is still crippled\n", newcl->name); } if (rs.timeonserver) { if (preserveparms) { //do nothing. } else if (sv_resetparms.value) { SV_GetNewSpawnParms(newcl); } else { extern cvar_t rank_parms_first, rank_parms_last; for (i=0 ; i= rank_parms_first.ival && i <= rank_parms_last.ival) newcl->spawn_parms[i] = rs.parm[i]; else newcl->spawn_parms[i] = 0; } } if (rs.timeonserver > 3*60) //woo. Ages. s = va(langtext("Welcome back %s. You have previously spent %i:%i hours connected\n", newcl->language), newcl->name, (int)(rs.timeonserver/(60*60)), (int)((int)(rs.timeonserver/60)%(60))); else //measure this guy in minuites. s = va(langtext("Welcome back %s. You have previously spent %i mins connected\n", newcl->language), newcl->name, (int)(rs.timeonserver/60)); SV_OutOfBandPrintf (protocol == SCP_QUAKE2, &adr, s); } else if (!preserveparms) { SV_GetNewSpawnParms(newcl); SV_OutOfBandTPrintf (protocol == SCP_QUAKE2, &adr, newcl->language, "Welcome %s. Your time on this server is being logged and ranked\n", newcl->name, (int)rs.timeonserver); } //else loaded players already have their initial parms set } } #else // call the progs to get default spawn parms for the new client if (!preserveparms) { SV_GetNewSpawnParms(newcl); } #endif if (!newcl->wasrecorded) { SV_AcceptMessage (newcl); newcl->state = cs_free; if (ISNQCLIENT(newcl)) { //FIXME: we should delay this until we actually have a name, because right now they'll be called unnamed or unconnected or something SV_BroadcastPrintf(PRINT_LOW, "New client connected\n"); } else if (redirect) { } else if (newcl->spectator) { SV_BroadcastTPrintf(PRINT_LOW, "spectator %s connected\n", newcl->name); // Con_Printf ("Spectator %s connected\n", newcl->name); } else { SV_BroadcastTPrintf(PRINT_LOW, "client %s connected\n", newcl->name); // Con_DPrintf ("Client %s connected\n", newcl->name); } newcl->state = cs_connected; } else { if (newcl->spectator) { SV_BroadcastTPrintf(PRINT_LOW, "recorded spectator %s connected\n", newcl->name); // Con_Printf ("Recorded spectator %s connected\n", newcl->name); } else { SV_BroadcastTPrintf(PRINT_LOW, "recorded client %s connected\n", newcl->name); // Con_DPrintf ("Recorded client %s connected\n", newcl->name); } } newcl->sendinfo = true; if (redirect) numssclients = 1; else { for (i = 0; i < sizeof(sv_motd)/sizeof(sv_motd[0]); i++) { if (*sv_motd[i].string) SV_ClientPrintf(newcl, PRINT_CHAT, "%s\n", sv_motd[i].string); } } SV_CheckRecentCrashes(newcl); #ifdef VOICECHAT SV_VoiceInitClient(newcl); #endif SV_EvaluatePenalties(newcl); if (newcl->penalties & BAN_SPECONLY) { if (spectators >= maxspectators.ival) newcl->drop = true; //oops. newcl->spectator = spectator = true; Info_SetValueForStarKey (cl->userinfo, "*spectator", "1", sizeof(cl->userinfo)); } //only advertise PEXT_SPLITSCREEN when splitscreen is allowed, to avoid spam. this might mean people need to reconnect after its enabled. oh well. if (!sv_allow_splitscreen.ival && newcl->netchan.remote_address.type != NA_LOOPBACK) { newcl->fteprotocolextensions &= ~PEXT_SPLITSCREEN; if (numssclients > 1) SV_PrintToClient(newcl, PRINT_HIGH, "Splitscreen is disabled on this server\n"); } else { for (clients = 1; clients < numssclients; clients++) SV_AddSplit(newcl, userinfo[clients], clients); } newcl->controller = NULL; if (!redirect) { Sys_ServerActivity(); PIN_ShowMessages(newcl); } #ifdef NQPROT if (ISNQCLIENT(newcl)) { newcl->netchan.message.maxsize = sizeof(newcl->netchan.message_buf); host_client = newcl; SVNQ_New_f(); } #endif newcl->redirect = redirect; #ifdef SUBSERVERS SSV_SavePlayerStats(newcl, 0); #endif if (Q_strncasecmp(newcl->name, "unconnected", 11) && Q_strncasecmp(newcl->name, "connecting", 10)) IPLog_Add(NET_AdrToString(adrbuf,sizeof(adrbuf), &newcl->netchan.remote_address), newcl->name); return newcl; } int Rcon_Validate (void) { if (!strlen (rcon_password.string)) return 0; if (strcmp (Cmd_Argv(1), rcon_password.string) ) return 0; return 1; } /* =============== SVC_RemoteCommand A client issued an rcon command. Shift down the remaining args Redirect all printfs =============== */ void SVC_RemoteCommand (void) { int i; char remaining[1024]; char adr[MAX_ADR_SIZE]; { char *br = SV_BannedReason(&net_from); if (br) { Con_TPrintf ("Rcon from banned ip %s: %s\n", NET_AdrToString (adr, sizeof(adr), &net_from), br); return; } } if (!Rcon_Validate ()) { /* #ifdef SVRANKING if (cmd_allowaccess.value) //try and find a username, match the numeric password { int rid; char *s = Cmd_Argv(1); char *colon=NULL, *c2; rankstats_t stats; c2=s; for(;;) { c2 = strchr(c2, ':'); if (!c2) break; colon = c2; c2++; } if (colon) //oh, could this be a specific username? { *colon = '\0'; colon++; rid = Rank_GetPlayerID(NULL, s, atoi(colon), false, true); if (rid) { if (!Rank_GetPlayerStats(rid, &stats)) return; Con_TPrintf ("Rcon from %s:\n%s\n" , NET_AdrToString (adr, sizeof(adr), &net_from), net_message.data+4); SV_BeginRedirect (RD_PACKET_LOG, svs.language); remaining[0] = 0; for (i=2 ; i=sizeof(remaining)-2) { Con_TPrintf("Rcon was too long\n"); SV_EndRedirect (); Con_TPrintf ("Rcon from %s:\n%s\n" , NET_AdrToString (adr, sizeof(adr), &net_from), "Was too long - possible buffer overflow attempt"); return; } strcat (remaining, Cmd_Argv(i) ); strcat (remaining, " "); } Cmd_ExecuteString (remaining, stats.trustlevel); SV_EndRedirect (); return; } } } #endif */ Log_String(LOG_RCON, va("Bad rcon from %s:\t%s\n" , NET_AdrToString (adr, sizeof(adr), &net_from), net_message.data+4)); Con_TPrintf ("Bad rcon from %s:\t%s\n" , NET_AdrToString (adr, sizeof(adr), &net_from), net_message.data+4); SV_BeginRedirect (RD_PACKET, svs.language); Con_TPrintf ("Bad rcon_password. Passwords might be logged. Be careful.\n"); } else { //make sure stuff is flushed cmd_blockwait = true; Cbuf_ExecuteLevel(rcon_level.ival); cmd_blockwait = false; Log_String(LOG_RCON, va("\n\nRcon from %s:\t%s\n" , NET_AdrToString (adr, sizeof(adr), &net_from), net_message.data+4)); Con_TPrintf ("Rcon from %s:\t%s\n" , NET_AdrToString (adr, sizeof(adr), &net_from), net_message.data+4); SV_BeginRedirect (RD_PACKET_LOG, svs.language); remaining[0] = 0; for (i=2 ; i=sizeof(remaining)-2) { Con_TPrintf("Rcon was too long\n"); SV_EndRedirect (); Con_TPrintf ("Rcon from %s:\t%s\n" , NET_AdrToString (adr, sizeof(adr), &net_from), "Was too long - possible buffer overflow attempt"); return; } Q_strncatz(remaining, Cmd_Argv(i), sizeof(remaining)); Q_strncatz(remaining, " ", sizeof(remaining)); } //make sure the wait command can't be used to fuck up our logs. cmd_blockwait = true; Cbuf_AddText(remaining, rcon_level.ival); Cbuf_ExecuteLevel(rcon_level.ival); cmd_blockwait = false; } SV_EndRedirect (); } void SVC_RealIP (void) { unsigned int slotnum; int cookie; char *banreason; char adr[MAX_ADR_SIZE]; slotnum = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); cookie = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2)); if (slotnum >= svs.allocated_client_slots) { //a malitious user return; } if (cookie != svs.clients[slotnum].realip_num) { //could be someone trying to kick someone else //so we can't kick, as much as we might like to. return; } if (svs.clients[slotnum].realip_status) return; if (NET_AddressSmellsFunny(&net_from)) { Con_TPrintf("funny realip address: %s, ", NET_AdrToString(adr, sizeof(adr), &net_from)); Con_TPrintf("proxy address: %s\n", NET_AdrToString(adr, sizeof(adr), &svs.clients[slotnum].netchan.remote_address)); return; } banreason = SV_BannedReason(&net_from); if (banreason) { Con_TPrintf("%s has a banned realip\n", svs.clients[slotnum].name); if (*banreason) SV_ClientTPrintf(&svs.clients[slotnum], PRINT_CHAT, "You were banned.\nReason: %s\n", banreason); else SV_ClientTPrintf(&svs.clients[slotnum], PRINT_CHAT, "You were banned.\n"); SV_DropClient(&svs.clients[slotnum]); return; } svs.clients[slotnum].realip_status = 1; svs.clients[slotnum].realip = net_from; } void SVC_ACK (void) { int slotnum; char adr[MAX_ADR_SIZE]; for (slotnum = 0; slotnum < svs.allocated_client_slots; slotnum++) { if (svs.clients[slotnum].state) { if (svs.clients[slotnum].realip_status == 1 && NET_CompareAdr(&svs.clients[slotnum].realip, &net_from)) { if (!*Cmd_Argv(1)) svs.clients[slotnum].realip_status = 2; else if (atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)) == svs.clients[slotnum].realip_ping && atoi(Cmd_Argv(2)) == svs.clients[slotnum].realip_num) { svs.clients[slotnum].realip_status = 3; } else { Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, &net_from, "realip not accepted. Please stop hacking.\n"); } return; } } } Con_TPrintf ("A2A_ACK from %s\n", NET_AdrToString (adr, sizeof(adr), &net_from)); } //returns false to block replies //this is to mitigate wasted bandwidth if we're used as a udp escilation qboolean SVC_ThrottleInfo (void) { #define THROTTLE_PPS 20 static unsigned int blockuntil; unsigned int curtime = Sys_Milliseconds(); unsigned int inc = 1000/THROTTLE_PPS; /*don't go too far back*/ //if (blockuntil < curtime - 1000) if (1000 < curtime - blockuntil) blockuntil = curtime - 1000; /*don't allow it to go beyond curtime or we get issues with the logic above*/ if (inc > curtime-blockuntil) return false; blockuntil += inc; return true; } /* ================= SV_ConnectionlessPacket A connectionless packet has four leading 0xff characters to distinguish it from a game channel. Clients that are in the game can still send connectionless packets. ================= */ qboolean SV_ConnectionlessPacket (void) { char *s; char *c; char adr[MAX_ADR_SIZE]; MSG_BeginReading (svs.netprim); if (net_message.cursize >= MAX_QWMSGLEN) //add a null term in message space { Con_TPrintf("Oversized packet from %s\n", NET_AdrToString (adr, sizeof(adr), &net_from)); net_message.cursize=MAX_QWMSGLEN-1; } net_message.data[net_message.cursize] = '\0'; //terminate it properly. Just in case. MSG_ReadLong (); // skip the -1 marker s = MSG_ReadStringLine (); Cmd_TokenizeString (s, false, false); c = Cmd_Argv(0); if (sv_showconnectionlessmessages.ival) Con_Printf("%s: %s\n", NET_AdrToString (adr, sizeof(adr), &net_from), s); if (!strcmp(c, "ping") || ( c[0] == A2A_PING && (c[1] == 0 || c[1] == '\n')) ) SVC_Ping (); else if (c[0] == A2A_ACK && (c[1] == 0 || c[1] == '\n') ) SVC_ACK (); else if (!strcmp(c,"status")) { if (sv_public.ival >= 0) if (SVC_ThrottleInfo()) SVC_Status (); } else if (!strcmp(c,"log")) { if (SVC_ThrottleInfo()) SVC_Log (); } #ifdef Q2SERVER else if (!strcmp(c, "info")) { if (sv_public.ival >= 0) if (SVC_ThrottleInfo()) SVC_InfoQ2 (); } #endif else if (!strncmp(c,"connect", 7)) { #ifdef HAVE_DTLS if (net_from.prot == NP_DGRAM) NET_DTLS_Disconnect(svs.sockets, &net_from); #endif #ifdef Q3SERVER if (svs.gametype == GT_QUAKE3) { SVQ3_DirectConnect(); return true; } #ifdef QWOVERQ3 if (sv_listen_q3.ival) { if (!strstr(s, "\\name\\")) { //if name isn't in the string, assume they're q3 //this isn't quite true though, hence the listen check. but users shouldn't be connecting with an empty name anyway. more fool them. #ifdef HUFFNETWORK Huff_DecryptPacket(&net_message, 12); #endif MSG_BeginReading(svs.netprim); MSG_ReadLong(); s = MSG_ReadStringLine(); Cmd_TokenizeString(s, false, false); } } #endif #endif if (secure.value) //FIXME: possible problem for nq clients when enabled { Netchan_OutOfBandTPrintf (NS_SERVER, &net_from, svs.language, "%c\nThis server requires client validation.\nPlease use the "FULLENGINENAME" validation program\n", A2C_PRINT); } else { SVC_DirectConnect (); return true; } } else if (!strcmp(c,"dtlsconnect")) { #ifdef HAVE_DTLS if (net_from.prot == NP_DGRAM && (sv_listen_dtls.ival /*|| !*sv_listen_dtls.ival*/)) { if (SV_ChallengePasses(atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)))) { char *banreason = SV_BannedReason(&net_from); if (banreason) { if (*banreason) SV_RejectMessage (SCP_QUAKEWORLD, "You were banned.\nReason: %s\n", banreason); else SV_RejectMessage (SCP_QUAKEWORLD, "You were banned.\n"); } else { //NET_DTLS_Disconnect(svs.sockets, &net_from); if (NET_DTLS_Create(svs.sockets, &net_from)) Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, &net_from, "dtlsopened"); } } else SV_RejectMessage (SCP_QUAKEWORLD, "Bad challenge.\n"); } return true; #endif } /*else if (!strcmp(c,"\xad\xad\xad\xad""getchallenge")) { SVC_GetChallenge (false); }*/ else if (!strcmp(c,"getchallenge")) { //qw+q2 always sends "\xff\xff\xff\xffgetchallenge\n" //dp+q3 always sends "\xff\xff\xff\xffgetchallenge" //its a subtle difference, but means we can avoid wasteful spam for real qw clients. SVC_GetChallenge ((net_message.cursize==16)?true:false); } #ifdef NQPROT /*for DP*/ else if (!strcmp(c, "getstatus")) { if (sv_public.ival >= 0) if (SVC_ThrottleInfo()) SVC_GetInfo(Cmd_Args(), true); } else if (!strcmp(c, "getinfo")) { if (sv_public.ival >= 0) if (SVC_ThrottleInfo()) SVC_GetInfo(Cmd_Args(), false); } #endif else if (!strcmp(c, "rcon")) SVC_RemoteCommand (); else if (!strcmp(c, "realip")) SVC_RealIP (); else if (!PR_GameCodePacket(net_message.data+4)) { static unsigned int lt; unsigned int ct = Sys_Milliseconds(); if (ct - lt > 5*1000) { Con_TPrintf ("bad connectionless packet from %s: \"%s\"\n", NET_AdrToString (adr, sizeof(adr), &net_from), c); lt = ct; } } return false; } #ifdef NQPROT qboolean SVNQ_ConnectionlessPacket(void) { sizebuf_t sb; int header; int length; int active, i; int mod, modver, flags; unsigned int passwd; char *str; char buffer[256], buffer2[256]; netadr_t localaddr; char *banreason; if (net_from.type == NA_LOOPBACK) return false; if (!sv_listen_nq.value || SSV_IsSubServer()) return false; MSG_BeginReading(svs.netprim); header = LongSwap(MSG_ReadLong()); if (!(header & NETFLAG_CTL)) { //this nasty chunk of code is to try to handle challenges with nq's challengeless protocol, by using stringcmds. woo. evil hacks. if (sv_listen_nq.ival == 2) if ((header & (NETFLAG_DATA|NETFLAG_EOM)) == (NETFLAG_DATA|NETFLAG_EOM)) { int sequence; if (SV_BannedReason (&net_from)) return false; //just in case. sequence = LongSwap(MSG_ReadLong()); if (sequence <= 1) { int numnops = 0; int numnonnops = 0; /*make it at least robust enough to ignore any other stringcmds*/ while(1) { switch(MSG_ReadByte()) { case clc_nop: numnops++; continue; case clc_stringcmd: numnonnops++; if (msg_readcount+17 <= net_message.cursize && !strncmp("challengeconnect ", &net_message.data[msg_readcount], 17)) { client_t *newcl; if (sv_showconnectionlessmessages.ival) Con_Printf("CCREQ_CONNECT_COOKIE\n"); Cmd_TokenizeString(MSG_ReadStringLine(), false, false); /*okay, so this is a reliable packet from a client, containing a 'cmd challengeconnect $challenge' response*/ str = va("connect %i %i %s \"\\name\\unconnected\\mod\\%s\\modver\\%s\\flags\\%s\\password\\%s\"", NQ_NETCHAN_VERSION, 0, Cmd_Argv(1), Cmd_Argv(2), Cmd_Argv(3), Cmd_Argv(4), Cmd_Argv(5)); Cmd_TokenizeString (str, false, false); newcl = SVC_DirectConnect(); if (newcl) newcl->netchan.incoming_reliable_sequence = sequence; /*if there is anything else in the packet, we don't actually care. its reliable, so they'll resend*/ return true; } else MSG_ReadString(); continue; case -1: break; default: numnonnops++; break; } break; } if (numnops && !numnonnops) { sb.maxsize = sizeof(buffer); sb.data = buffer; /*ack it, so dumb proquake clones can actually send the proper packet*/ if (!sequence) { SZ_Clear(&sb); MSG_WriteLong(&sb, BigLong(NETFLAG_ACK | 8)); MSG_WriteLong(&sb, sequence); NET_SendPacket(NS_SERVER, sb.cursize, sb.data, &net_from); } /*resend the cmd request, cos if they didn't send it then it must have gotten dropped. at this point, we assume its a proquake clone and that it already thinks that we are proquake a vanilla client will not start spamming nops until it has received the server info, so its only the proquake clients+clones that will send a nop before a challengeconnect unfortunatly we don't know the modver+flags+password any more. I hope its not needed. if it does, server admins will be forced to use sv_listen_nq 1 instead of 2*/ SZ_Clear(&sb); MSG_WriteLong(&sb, BigLong(0)); MSG_WriteLong(&sb, BigLong(1)); //sequence 1, because 0 matches the old sequence, and thus might get dropped. hopefully the client will cope with dupes properly and ignore any regular (but unreliable) stuff. MSG_WriteByte(&sb, svc_stufftext); MSG_WriteString(&sb, va("cmd challengeconnect %i %i\n", SV_NewChallenge(), 1/*MOD_PROQUAKE*/)); *(int*)sb.data = BigLong(NETFLAG_UNRELIABLE|sb.cursize); NET_SendPacket(NS_SERVER, sb.cursize, sb.data, &net_from); return true; } } } return false; //no idea what it is. } length = header & NETFLAG_LENGTH_MASK; if (length != net_message.cursize) return false; //corrupt or not ours switch(MSG_ReadByte()) { case CCREQ_CONNECT: if (sv_showconnectionlessmessages.ival) Con_Printf("CCREQ_CONNECT\n"); sb.maxsize = sizeof(buffer); sb.data = buffer; if (strcmp(MSG_ReadString(), NQ_NETCHAN_GAMENAME)) { SZ_Clear(&sb); MSG_WriteLong(&sb, 0); MSG_WriteByte(&sb, CCREP_REJECT); MSG_WriteString(&sb, "Incorrect game\n"); *(int*)sb.data = BigLong(NETFLAG_CTL+sb.cursize); NET_SendPacket(NS_SERVER, sb.cursize, sb.data, &net_from); return false; //not our game. } if (MSG_ReadByte() != NQ_NETCHAN_VERSION) { SZ_Clear(&sb); MSG_WriteLong(&sb, 0); MSG_WriteByte(&sb, CCREP_REJECT); MSG_WriteString(&sb, "Incorrect version\n"); *(int*)sb.data = BigLong(NETFLAG_CTL+sb.cursize); NET_SendPacket(NS_SERVER, sb.cursize, sb.data, &net_from); return false; //not our version... } banreason = SV_BannedReason (&net_from); if (banreason) { SZ_Clear(&sb); MSG_WriteLong(&sb, 0); MSG_WriteByte(&sb, CCREP_REJECT); MSG_WriteString(&sb, *banreason?va("You are banned: %s\n", banreason):"You are banned\n"); *(int*)sb.data = BigLong(NETFLAG_CTL+sb.cursize); NET_SendPacket(NS_SERVER, sb.cursize, sb.data, &net_from); return false; //not our version... } mod = MSG_ReadByte(); modver = MSG_ReadByte(); flags = MSG_ReadByte(); passwd = MSG_ReadLong(); if (SV_ChallengeRecent()) return true; else if (!strncmp(MSG_ReadString(), "getchallenge", 12) && (sv_listen_qw.ival || sv_listen_dp.ival)) { /*dual-stack client, supporting either DP or QW protocols*/ SVC_GetChallenge (false); } else { if (progstype == PROG_H2) { SZ_Clear(&sb); MSG_WriteLong(&sb, 0); MSG_WriteByte(&sb, CCREP_REJECT); MSG_WriteString(&sb, "NQ clients are not supported with hexen2 gamecode\n"); *(int*)sb.data = BigLong(NETFLAG_CTL+sb.cursize); NET_SendPacket(NS_SERVER, sb.cursize, sb.data, &net_from); return false; //not our version... } if (sv_listen_nq.ival == 2) { SZ_Clear(&sb); MSG_WriteLong(&sb, 0); MSG_WriteByte(&sb, CCREP_ACCEPT); NET_LocalAddressForRemote(svs.sockets, &net_from, &localaddr, 0); MSG_WriteLong(&sb, ShortSwap(localaddr.port)); MSG_WriteByte(&sb, 1/*MOD_PROQUAKE*/); MSG_WriteByte(&sb, 10 * 3.50/*MOD_PROQUAKE_VERSION*/); *(int*)sb.data = BigLong(NETFLAG_CTL|sb.cursize); NET_SendPacket(NS_SERVER, sb.cursize, sb.data, &net_from); SZ_Clear(&sb); MSG_WriteLong(&sb, BigLong(0)); MSG_WriteLong(&sb, BigLong(1)); //sequence 1, because 0 matches the old sequence, and thus might get dropped. hopefully the client will cope with dupes properly and ignore any regular (but unreliable) stuff. MSG_WriteByte(&sb, svc_stufftext); MSG_WriteString(&sb, va("cmd challengeconnect %i %i %i %i %i\n", SV_NewChallenge(), mod, modver, flags, passwd)); *(int*)sb.data = BigLong(NETFLAG_UNRELIABLE|sb.cursize); NET_SendPacket(NS_SERVER, sb.cursize, sb.data, &net_from); /*don't worry about repeating, the nop case above will recover it*/ } else { str = va("connect %i %i %i \"\\name\\unconnected\\mod\\%i\\modver\\%i\\flags\\%i\\password\\%i\"", NQ_NETCHAN_VERSION, 0, SV_NewChallenge(), mod, modver, flags, passwd); Cmd_TokenizeString (str, false, false); SVC_DirectConnect(); } } return true; case CCREQ_SERVER_INFO: if (sv_showconnectionlessmessages.ival) Con_Printf("CCREQ_SERVER_INFO\n"); if (sv_public.ival < 0) return false; if (SV_BannedReason (&net_from)) return false; if (Q_strcmp (MSG_ReadString(), NQ_NETCHAN_GAMENAME) != 0) return false; sb.maxsize = sizeof(buffer); sb.data = buffer; SZ_Clear (&sb); // save space for the header, filled in later MSG_WriteLong (&sb, 0); MSG_WriteByte (&sb, CCREP_SERVER_INFO); if (NET_LocalAddressForRemote(svs.sockets, &net_from, &localaddr, 0)) MSG_WriteString (&sb, NET_AdrToString (buffer2, sizeof(buffer2), &localaddr)); else MSG_WriteString (&sb, "unknown"); active = 0; for (i = 0; i < sv.allocated_client_slots; i++) if (svs.clients[i].state) active++; MSG_WriteString (&sb, hostname.string); MSG_WriteString (&sb, svs.name); MSG_WriteByte (&sb, active); MSG_WriteByte (&sb, maxclients.value); MSG_WriteByte (&sb, NQ_NETCHAN_VERSION); *(int*)sb.data = BigLong(NETFLAG_CTL+sb.cursize); NET_SendPacket(NS_SERVER, sb.cursize, sb.data, &net_from); return true; case CCREQ_PLAYER_INFO: if (sv_showconnectionlessmessages.ival) Con_Printf("CCREQ_PLAYER_INFO\n"); if (sv_public.ival < 0) return false; if (SV_BannedReason (&net_from)) return false; /*one request per player, ouch ouch ouch, what will it make of 32 players, I wonder*/ sb.maxsize = sizeof(buffer); sb.data = buffer; // save space for the header, filled in later SZ_Clear (&sb); MSG_WriteLong (&sb, 0); { unsigned int pno; client_t *cl; pno = MSG_ReadByte(); if (pno >= sv.allocated_client_slots) break; cl = &svs.clients[pno]; if (cl->state <= cs_zombie) break; MSG_WriteByte (&sb, CCREP_PLAYER_INFO); MSG_WriteByte (&sb, pno); MSG_WriteString (&sb, cl->name); MSG_WriteLong (&sb, cl->playercolor); MSG_WriteLong (&sb, cl->old_frags); MSG_WriteLong (&sb, realtime - cl->connection_started); MSG_WriteString (&sb, SV_PlayerPublicAddress(cl)); /*player's address, leave blank, don't spam that info as it can result in personal attacks exploits*/ } *(int*)sb.data = BigLong(NETFLAG_CTL+sb.cursize); NET_SendPacket(NS_SERVER, sb.cursize, sb.data, &net_from); return true; case CCREQ_RULE_INFO: if (sv_showconnectionlessmessages.ival) Con_Printf("CCREQ_RULE_INFO\n"); if (sv_public.ival < 0) return false; if (SV_BannedReason (&net_from)) return false; /*lol, nq is evil*/ sb.maxsize = sizeof(buffer); sb.data = buffer; // save space for the header, filled in later SZ_Clear (&sb); MSG_WriteLong (&sb, 0); { char *rname, *rval, *kname; rname = MSG_ReadString(); if (!*rname) rname = Info_KeyForNumber(svs.info, 0); else { int i = 0; for(;;) { kname = Info_KeyForNumber(svs.info, i); if (!*kname) { rname = NULL; break; } i++; if (!strcmp(kname, rname)) { rname = Info_KeyForNumber(svs.info, i); break; } } } rval = Info_ValueForKey(svs.info, rname); MSG_WriteByte (&sb, CCREP_RULE_INFO); MSG_WriteString (&sb, rname); MSG_WriteString (&sb, rval); } *(int*)sb.data = BigLong(NETFLAG_CTL+sb.cursize); NET_SendPacket(NS_SERVER, sb.cursize, sb.data, &net_from); return true; } return false; } #endif /* ============================================================================== PACKET FILTERING You can add or remove addresses from the filter list with: addip removeip The ip address is specified in dot format, and any unspecified digits will match any value, so you can specify an entire class C network with "addip 192.246.40". Removeip will only remove an address specified exactly the same way. You cannot addip a subnet, then removeip a single host. listip Prints the current list of filters. writeip Dumps "addip " commands to listip.cfg so it can be execed at a later date. The filter lists are not saved and restored by default, because I beleive it would cause too much confusion. filterban <0 or 1> If 1 (the default), then ip addresses matching the current list will be prohibited from entering the game. This is the default setting. If 0, then only addresses matching the list will be allowed. This lets you easily set up a private game, or a game that only allows players from your local network. ============================================================================== */ cvar_t filterban = CVARD("filterban", "1", "If 0, players will be kicked by default unless there is a rule that allows them. Also affects the default action of addip."); //send a network packet to a new non-connected client. //this is to combat tunneling void SV_OpenRoute_f(void) { netadr_t to; char data[64]; if (NET_StringToAdr(Cmd_Argv(1), PORT_QWCLIENT, &to)) { sprintf(data, "\xff\xff\xff\xff%c", S2C_CONNECTION); Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, &to, "hello"); // NET_SendPacket (strlen(data)+1, data, to); } } //============================================================================ /* ================= SV_ReadPackets ================= */ void SV_KillExpiredBans(void); #ifdef SERVER_DEMO_PLAYBACK //FIMXE: move to header qboolean SV_GetPacket (void); #endif qboolean SV_ReadPackets (float *delay) { int i; client_t *cl; int qport; laggedpacket_t *lp; char *banreason; qboolean received = false; int giveup = 5000; /*we're fucked if we need this to be this high, but at least we can retain some clients if we're really running that slow*/ int cookie = 0; SV_KillExpiredBans(); for (i = 0; i < svs.allocated_client_slots; i++) //fixme: shouldn't we be using svs.allocated_client_slots ? { cl = &svs.clients[i]; while (cl->laggedpacket) { //schedule a wakeup so minping is more consistant if (cl->laggedpacket->time > realtime) { if (*delay > cl->laggedpacket->time - realtime) *delay = cl->laggedpacket->time - realtime; break; } else { lp = cl->laggedpacket; cl->laggedpacket = lp->next; if (cl->laggedpacket_last == lp) cl->laggedpacket_last = lp->next; lp->next = svs.free_lagged_packet; svs.free_lagged_packet = lp; SZ_Clear(&net_message); memcpy(net_message.data, lp->data, lp->length); net_message.cursize = lp->length; net_from = cl->netchan.remote_address; //not sure if anything depends on this, but lets not screw them up willynilly #ifdef NQPROT if (ISNQCLIENT(cl)) { if (cl->state >= cs_connected) { if (NQNetChan_Process(&cl->netchan)) { received++; svs.stats.packets++; SVNQ_ExecuteClientMessage(cl); } } } else #endif { /*QW*/ if (Netchan_Process(&cl->netchan)) { // this is a valid, sequenced packet, so process it received++; svs.stats.packets++; if (cl->state >= cs_connected) { //make sure they didn't already disconnect if (cl->send_message) cl->chokecount++; else cl->send_message = true; // reply at end of frame #ifdef Q2SERVER if (cl->protocol == SCP_QUAKE2) SVQ2_ExecuteClientMessage(cl); else #endif SV_ExecuteClientMessage (cl); } } } } } } #ifdef SERVER_DEMO_PLAYBACK while (giveup-- > 0 && SV_GetPacket()>=0) #else while (giveup-- > 0 && (cookie=NET_GetPacket (NS_SERVER, cookie)) >= 0) #endif { // check for connectionless packet (0xffffffff) first if (*(unsigned int *)net_message.data == ~0) { banreason = SV_BannedReason (&net_from); if (banreason) { static unsigned int lt; unsigned int ct = Sys_Milliseconds(); if (ct - lt > 5*1000) { if (*banreason) Netchan_OutOfBandTPrintf(NS_SERVER, &net_from, svs.language, "You are banned: %s\n", banreason); else Netchan_OutOfBandTPrintf(NS_SERVER, &net_from, svs.language, "You are banned\n"); } continue; } SV_ConnectionlessPacket(); continue; } #ifdef HAVE_DTLS else { if (NET_DTLS_Decode(svs.sockets)) { if (!net_message.cursize) continue; if (*(unsigned int *)net_message.data == ~0) { SV_ConnectionlessPacket(); continue; } } } #endif #ifdef Q3SERVER if (svs.gametype == GT_QUAKE3) { received++; SVQ3_HandleClient(); continue; } #endif // read the qport out of the message so we can fix up // stupid address translating routers MSG_BeginReading (svs.netprim); MSG_ReadLong (); // sequence number MSG_ReadLong (); // sequence number qport = MSG_ReadShort () & 0xffff; // check for packets from connected clients for (i=0, cl=svs.clients ; istate == cs_free) continue; if (!NET_CompareBaseAdr (&net_from, &cl->netchan.remote_address)) continue; #ifdef NQPROT if (ISNQCLIENT(cl) && cl->netchan.remote_address.port == net_from.port) { if (cl->state >= cs_connected) { if (cl->delay > 0) goto dominping; if (NQNetChan_Process(&cl->netchan)) { received++; svs.stats.packets++; SVNQ_ExecuteClientMessage(cl); } } break; } #endif #ifdef Q3SERVER if (ISQ3CLIENT(cl)) continue; #endif if (cl->netchan.qport != qport) continue; if (cl->netchan.remote_address.port != net_from.port) { Con_DPrintf ("SV_ReadPackets: fixing up a translated port\n"); cl->netchan.remote_address.port = net_from.port; } if (cl->delay > 0) { #ifdef NQPROT dominping: #endif if (cl->state < cs_connected) break; if (net_message.cursize > sizeof(svs.free_lagged_packet->data)) { Con_Printf("packet too large for minping\n"); cl->delay -= 0.001; break; //drop this packet } if (!svs.free_lagged_packet) //kinda nasty svs.free_lagged_packet = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*svs.free_lagged_packet)); if (!cl->laggedpacket) cl->laggedpacket_last = cl->laggedpacket = svs.free_lagged_packet; else { cl->laggedpacket_last->next = svs.free_lagged_packet; cl->laggedpacket_last = cl->laggedpacket_last->next; } svs.free_lagged_packet = svs.free_lagged_packet->next; cl->laggedpacket_last->next = NULL; cl->laggedpacket_last->time = realtime + cl->delay; memcpy(cl->laggedpacket_last->data, net_message.data, net_message.cursize); cl->laggedpacket_last->length = net_message.cursize; break; } if (Netchan_Process(&cl->netchan)) { // this is a valid, sequenced packet, so process it received++; svs.stats.packets++; if (cl->state >= cs_connected) { if (cl->send_message) cl->chokecount++; else cl->send_message = true; // reply at end of frame #ifdef Q2SERVER if (cl->protocol == SCP_QUAKE2) SVQ2_ExecuteClientMessage(cl); else #endif SV_ExecuteClientMessage (cl); } } break; } if (i != svs.allocated_client_slots) continue; #ifdef QWOVERQ3 if (sv_listen_q3.ival && SVQ3_HandleClient()) { received++; continue; } #endif #ifdef NQPROT if (SVNQ_ConnectionlessPacket()) continue; #endif if (SV_BannedReason (&net_from)) continue; if (NET_WasSpecialPacket(NS_SERVER)) continue; // packet is not from a known client if (sv_showconnectionlessmessages.ival) Con_Printf ("%s:sequenced packet without connection\n", NET_AdrToString (com_token, sizeof(com_token), &net_from)); //hack: com_token cos we need some random temp buffer. } #ifdef HAVE_DTLS NET_DTLS_Timeouts(svs.sockets); #endif return received; } /* ================== SV_CheckTimeouts If a packet has not been received from a client in timeout.value seconds, drop the conneciton. When a client is normally dropped, the client_t goes into a zombie state for a few seconds to make sure any final reliable message gets resent if necessary ================== */ void SV_CheckTimeouts (void) { int i; client_t *cl, *cont; float droptime; int nclients; droptime = realtime - timeout.value; nclients = 0; for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; istate == cs_connected || cl->state == cs_spawned) { if (!cl->spectator) nclients++; cont = cl; if (cont->controller) cont = cont->controller; if (cont->netchan.last_received < droptime && cl->netchan.remote_address.type != NA_LOOPBACK && cl->protocol != SCP_BAD) { SV_BroadcastTPrintf (PRINT_HIGH, "Client %s timed out\n", cl->name); SV_DropClient (cl); cl->state = cs_free; // don't bother with zombie state for local player. } } if (cl->state == cs_zombie && realtime - cl->connection_started > zombietime.value) cl->state = cs_free; // can now be reused if (cl->state == cs_loadzombie && realtime - cl->connection_started > zombietime.value) { if (cl->istobeloaded) { if (1)//svs.gametype != GT_PROGS) { cl->netchan.remote_address.type = NA_INVALID; //make it look like a bot. if (cl->istobeloaded == 1) cl->state = cs_spawned; //client has an entity, apparently. else cl->state = cs_connected; //not actually on yet cl->istobeloaded = false; if (*cl->name) SV_BroadcastTPrintf (PRINT_HIGH, "LoadZombie %s timed out\n", cl->name); else SV_BroadcastTPrintf (PRINT_HIGH, "LoadZombie timed out\n"); SV_DropClient (cl); } else { if (cl->istobeloaded == 1) { pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, cl->edict); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, pr_global_struct->ClientDisconnect); if (*cl->name) SV_BroadcastTPrintf (PRINT_HIGH, "LoadZombie %s timed out\n", cl->name); else SV_BroadcastTPrintf (PRINT_HIGH, "LoadZombie timed out\n"); } sv.spawned_client_slots--; cl->istobeloaded=false; //must go through a zombie phase for 2 secs when the zombie gets removed. cl->state = cs_zombie; // the real zombieness starts now cl->connection_started = realtime; } } else { //no entity, just free them. #ifdef SUBSERVERS SSV_SavePlayerStats(cl, 3); #endif SV_BroadcastTPrintf (PRINT_HIGH, "TransferZombie %s timed out\n", cl->name); cl->state = cs_free; *cl->name = 0; } cl->netchan.remote_address.type = NA_INVALID; //don't mess up from not knowing their address. } } if ((sv.paused&PAUSE_EXPLICIT) && !nclients) { // nobody left, unpause the server if (SV_TogglePause(NULL)) SV_BroadcastTPrintf(PRINT_HIGH, "pause released due to empty server\n"); } } /* =================== SV_GetConsoleCommands Add them exactly as if they had been typed at the console =================== */ qboolean QCExternalDebuggerCommand(char *text); void SV_GetConsoleCommands (void) { char *cmd; while (1) { cmd = Sys_ConsoleInput (); if (!cmd) break; if (QCExternalDebuggerCommand(cmd)) continue; Log_String(LOG_CONSOLE, cmd); Cbuf_AddText (cmd, RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText ("\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); } } #define MINDRATE 4096 #define MINRATE 500 int SV_RateForClient(client_t *cl) { int rate; if (cl->download) { rate = cl->drate; if (sv_maxdrate.ival) { if (!rate || rate > sv_maxdrate.value) rate = sv_maxdrate.value; else if (rate < MINDRATE) rate = MINDRATE; } else if (rate != 0 && rate < MINDRATE) rate = MINDRATE; } else { rate = cl->rate; if (sv_maxrate.ival) { if (!rate || rate > sv_maxrate.value) rate = sv_maxrate.value; else if (rate < MINRATE) rate = MINRATE; } else if (rate != 0 && rate < MINRATE) rate = MINRATE; } return rate; } /* =================== SV_CheckVars =================== */ void SV_CheckVars (void) { static char *pw, *spw; int v; if (password.string == pw && spectator_password.string == spw) return; pw = password.string; spw = spectator_password.string; v = 0; if (pw && pw[0] && strcmp(pw, "none")) v |= 1; if (spw && spw[0] && strcmp(spw, "none")) v |= 2; Con_DPrintf ("Updated needpass.\n"); if (!v) Info_SetValueForKey (svs.info, "needpass", "", MAX_SERVERINFO_STRING); else Info_SetValueForKey (svs.info, "needpass", va("%i",v), MAX_SERVERINFO_STRING); } #ifdef Q2SERVER void SVQ2_ClearEvents(void) { q2edict_t *ent; int i; for (i=0 ; inum_edicts ; i++, ent++) { ent = Q2EDICT_NUM(i); // events only last for a single message ent->s.event = 0; } } #endif /* ================== SV_Impulse_f Spawns a client, uses an impulse, uses that clients think then removes the client. ================== */ void SV_Impulse_f (void) { int i; if (svs.gametype != GT_PROGS) { Con_Printf("Not supported in this game type\n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < sv.allocated_client_slots; i++) { if (svs.clients[i].state == cs_free) { break; } } if (i == sv.allocated_client_slots) { Con_Printf("No empty player slots\n"); return; } if (!svprogfuncs) return; pr_global_struct->time = sv.world.physicstime; svs.clients[i].state = cs_connected; SV_SetUpClientEdict(&svs.clients[i], svs.clients[i].edict); svs.clients[i].edict->v->netname = PR_SetString(svprogfuncs, "Console"); sv.skipbprintclient = &svs.clients[i]; pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, svs.clients[i].edict); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, pr_global_struct->ClientConnect); sv.skipbprintclient = NULL; pr_global_struct->time = sv.world.physicstime; pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, svs.clients[i].edict); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, pr_global_struct->PutClientInServer); sv.spawned_client_slots++; pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, svs.clients[i].edict); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, pr_global_struct->PlayerPreThink); pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, svs.clients[i].edict); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, svs.clients[i].edict->v->think); pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, svs.clients[i].edict); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, pr_global_struct->PlayerPostThink); svs.clients[i].edict->v->impulse = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, svs.clients[i].edict); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, pr_global_struct->PlayerPreThink); pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, svs.clients[i].edict); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, svs.clients[i].edict->v->think); pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, svs.clients[i].edict); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, pr_global_struct->PlayerPostThink); pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, svs.clients[i].edict); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, pr_global_struct->ClientDisconnect); sv.spawned_client_slots--; svs.clients[i].state = cs_free; } static void SV_PauseChanged(void) { int i; client_t *cl; // send notification to all clients for (i=0, cl = svs.clients ; istate) continue; if ((ISQWCLIENT(cl) || ISNQCLIENT(cl)) && !cl->controller) { ClientReliableWrite_Begin (cl, svc_setpause, 2); ClientReliableWrite_Byte (cl, sv.paused!=0); } } if (sv.mvdrecording) { ClientReliableWrite_Begin (&demo.recorder, svc_setpause, 2); ClientReliableWrite_Byte (&demo.recorder, sv.paused!=0); } } /* ================== SV_Frame ================== */ float SV_Frame (void) { extern cvar_t pr_imitatemvdsv; static double start, end, idletime; static int oldpackets; float oldtime; qboolean isidle; static int oldpaused; float timedelta; float delay; start = Sys_DoubleTime (); svs.stats.idle += start - end; end = start; COM_MainThreadWork(); //qw qc uses this for newmis handling svs.framenum++; if (svs.framenum > 0x10000) svs.framenum = 0; delay = sv_maxtic.value; // keep the random time dependent rand (); if (!sv.gamespeed) sv.gamespeed = 1; #ifdef WEBCLIENT if (isDedicated) { // FTP_ClientThink(); HTTP_CL_Think(); } #endif #ifndef SERVERONLY isidle = !isDedicated && sv.allocated_client_slots == 1 && Key_Dest_Has(~kdm_game) && cls.state == ca_active; /*server is effectively paused in SP/coop if there are no clients/spectators*/ if (sv.spawned_client_slots == 0 && sv.spawned_observer_slots == 0 && !deathmatch.ival) isidle = true; if ((sv.paused & PAUSE_AUTO) != ((isidle)?PAUSE_AUTO:0)) sv.paused ^= PAUSE_AUTO; #endif if (oldpaused != sv.paused) { SV_PauseChanged(); oldpaused = sv.paused; } //work out the gamespeed if (sv.gamespeed != sv_gamespeed.value) { char *newspeed; sv.gamespeed = sv_gamespeed.value; if (sv.gamespeed < 0.1 || sv.gamespeed == 1) sv_gamespeed.value = sv.gamespeed = 1; if (sv.gamespeed == 1) newspeed = ""; else newspeed = va("%g", sv.gamespeed*100); Info_SetValueForStarKey(svs.info, "*gamespeed", newspeed, MAX_SERVERINFO_STRING); SV_SendServerInfoChange("*gamespeed", newspeed); //correct sv.starttime sv.starttime = Sys_DoubleTime() - (sv.time/sv.gamespeed); } // decide the simulation time { oldtime = sv.time; sv.time = (Sys_DoubleTime() - sv.starttime)*sv.gamespeed; timedelta = sv.time - oldtime; if (sv.time < oldtime) { sv.time = oldtime; //urm timedelta = 0; } if (isDedicated) realtime += sv.time - oldtime; if (sv.paused && sv.time > 1.5) { sv.starttime += (sv.time - oldtime)/sv.gamespeed; //move the offset sv.time = oldtime; //and keep time as it was. } } #ifdef WEBSERVER IWebRun(); #endif if (sv_master.ival) { if (sv_masterport.ival) SVM_Think(sv_masterport.ival); else SVM_Think(PORT_QWMASTER); } #ifdef PLUGINS if (isDedicated) Plug_Tick(); #endif #ifdef SUBSERVERS MSV_PollSlaves(); #endif if (sv.state < ss_active || !sv.world.worldmodel) { #ifdef SUBSERVERS if (sv.state == ss_clustermode) { isidle = !SV_ReadPackets (&delay); #ifdef SQL PR_SQLCycle(); #endif SV_SendClientMessages (); } #endif #ifndef SERVERONLY // check for commands typed to the host if (isDedicated) #endif { SV_GetConsoleCommands (); Cbuf_Execute (); } return delay; } // check timeouts SV_CheckTimeouts (); SV_CheckTimer (); // toggle the log buffer if full SV_CheckLog (); // get packets isidle = !SV_ReadPackets (&delay); if (pr_imitatemvdsv.ival) { Cbuf_Execute (); if (sv.state < ss_active) //whoops... return delay; } if (sv.multicast.cursize) { Con_TPrintf("Unterminated multicast\n"); sv.multicast.cursize=0; } // move autonomous things around if enough time has passed if (!sv.paused || (sv.world.physicstime < 1 && sv.spawned_client_slots)) { #ifdef Q2SERVER //q2 is idle even if clients sent packets. if (svs.gametype == GT_QUAKE2) isidle = true; #endif if (SV_Physics ()) { isidle = false; if (sv.time > sv.autosave_time) SV_AutoSave(); } } else { isidle = idletime < 0.1; #ifdef VM_Q1 if (svs.gametype == GT_Q1QVM) { Q1QVM_GameCodePausedTic(Sys_DoubleTime() - sv.pausedstart); } else #endif { PR_GameCodePausedTic(Sys_DoubleTime() - sv.pausedstart); } } //run any end-of-frame tasks that were set up while (svs.frameendtasks) { struct frameendtasks_s *t = svs.frameendtasks; svs.frameendtasks = t->next; t->callback(t); Z_Free(t); } if (!isidle || idletime > 0.15) { //this is the q2 frame number found in the q2 protocol. each packet should contain a new frame or interpolation gets confused sv.framenum++; #ifdef SQL PR_SQLCycle(); #endif #ifdef SERVER_DEMO_PLAYBACK while(SV_ReadMVD()); #endif if (sv.multicast.cursize) { Con_TPrintf("Unterminated multicast\n"); sv.multicast.cursize=0; } #ifndef SERVERONLY // check for commands typed to the host if (isDedicated) #endif { NET_Tick(); if (sv.framenum != 1) { #ifndef SERVERONLY Sys_SendKeyEvents(); #else SV_GetConsoleCommands (); #endif } // process console commands if (!pr_imitatemvdsv.value) Cbuf_Execute (); } if (sv.state < ss_active) //whoops... return delay; SV_CheckVars (); // send messages back to the clients that had packets read this frame SV_SendClientMessages (); // demo_start = Sys_DoubleTime (); SV_SendMVDMessage(); // demo_end = Sys_DoubleTime (); // svs.stats.demo += demo_end - demo_start; // send a heartbeat to the master if needed SV_Master_Heartbeat (); #ifdef Q2SERVER if (ge && ge->edicts) SVQ2_ClearEvents(); #endif idletime = 0; } idletime += timedelta; // collect timing statistics end = Sys_DoubleTime (); svs.stats.active += end-start; if (svs.stats.maxresponse < end-start) svs.stats.maxresponse = end-start; if (svs.stats.maxpackets < svs.stats.packets-oldpackets) svs.stats.maxpackets = svs.stats.packets-oldpackets; svs.stats.count++; if (svs.stats.latched_time < end) { svs.stats.latched_active = svs.stats.active; svs.stats.latched_idle = svs.stats.idle; svs.stats.latched_packets = svs.stats.packets; svs.stats.latched_count = svs.stats.count; svs.stats.latched_maxpackets = svs.stats.maxpackets; svs.stats.latched_maxresponse = svs.stats.maxresponse; svs.stats.latched_time = end + SVSTATS_PERIOD; svs.stats.active = 0; svs.stats.idle = 0; svs.stats.packets = 0; svs.stats.count = 0; svs.stats.maxresponse = 0; svs.stats.maxpackets = 0; } oldpackets = svs.stats.packets; return delay; } /* =============== SV_InitLocal =============== */ extern void Log_Init (void); void SV_InitLocal (void) { int i; extern cvar_t pr_allowbutton1; extern cvar_t sv_aim; extern cvar_t pm_bunnyspeedcap; extern cvar_t pm_ktjump; extern cvar_t pm_slidefix; extern cvar_t pm_airstep; extern cvar_t pm_walljump; extern cvar_t pm_slidyslopes; extern cvar_t pm_watersinkspeed; extern cvar_t pm_flyfriction; SV_InitOperatorCommands (); SV_UserInit (); #ifndef SERVERONLY if (isDedicated) #endif { Cvar_Register (&developer, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&password, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&rcon_password, cvargroup_servercontrol); Log_Init(); } rcon_password.restriction = RESTRICT_MAX; //no cheatie rconers changing rcon passwords... Cvar_Register (&spectator_password, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&sv_mintic, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&sv_maxtic, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&sv_limittics, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&fraglimit, cvargroup_serverinfo); Cvar_Register (&timelimit, cvargroup_serverinfo); Cvar_Register (&teamplay, cvargroup_serverinfo); Cvar_Register (&coop, cvargroup_serverinfo); Cvar_Register (&skill, cvargroup_serverinfo); Cvar_Register (&samelevel, cvargroup_serverinfo); Cvar_Register (&maxclients, cvargroup_serverinfo); Cvar_Register (&maxspectators, cvargroup_serverinfo); Cvar_Register (&sv_playerslots, cvargroup_serverinfo); Cvar_Register (&hostname, cvargroup_serverinfo); Cvar_Register (&deathmatch, cvargroup_serverinfo); Cvar_Register (&spawn, cvargroup_servercontrol); //arguably cheats. Must be switched on to use. Cvar_Register (&watervis, cvargroup_serverinfo); Cvar_Register (&allow_skybox, cvargroup_serverinfo); Cvar_Register (&sv_allow_splitscreen, cvargroup_serverinfo); Cvar_Register (&fbskins, cvargroup_serverinfo); Cvar_Register (&timeout, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&zombietime, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&sv_pupglow, cvargroup_serverinfo); Cvar_Register (&sv_bigcoords, cvargroup_serverphysics); Cvar_Register (&pm_bunnyspeedcap, cvargroup_serverphysics); Cvar_Register (&pm_watersinkspeed, cvargroup_serverphysics); Cvar_Register (&pm_flyfriction, cvargroup_serverphysics); Cvar_Register (&pm_ktjump, cvargroup_serverphysics); Cvar_Register (&pm_slidefix, cvargroup_serverphysics); Cvar_Register (&pm_slidyslopes, cvargroup_serverphysics); Cvar_Register (&pm_airstep, cvargroup_serverphysics); Cvar_Register (&pm_walljump, cvargroup_serverphysics); Cvar_Register (&sv_compatiblehulls, cvargroup_serverphysics); Cvar_Register (&dpcompat_stats, "Darkplaces compatibility"); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(sv_motd)/sizeof(sv_motd[0]); i++) Cvar_Register(&sv_motd[i], cvargroup_serverinfo); Cvar_Register (&sv_aim, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&sv_resetparms, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&sv_serverip, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&sv_public, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&sv_listen_qw, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&sv_listen_nq, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&sv_listen_dp, cvargroup_servercontrol); #ifdef QWOVERQ3 Cvar_Register (&sv_listen_q3, cvargroup_servercontrol); #endif #ifdef HAVE_DTLS Cvar_Register (&sv_listen_dtls, cvargroup_servercontrol); #endif sv_listen_qw.restriction = RESTRICT_MAX; //no disabling this over rcon. Cvar_Register (&fraglog_public, cvargroup_servercontrol); SVNET_RegisterCvars(); Cvar_Register (&sv_reportheartbeats, cvargroup_servercontrol); #ifndef SERVERONLY if (isDedicated) #endif Cvar_Set(&sv_public, "1"); Cvar_Register (&sv_showconnectionlessmessages, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&sv_banproxies, cvargroup_serverpermissions); Cvar_Register (&sv_master, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&sv_masterport, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&filterban, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&allow_download, cvargroup_serverpermissions); Cvar_Register (&allow_download_skins, cvargroup_serverpermissions); Cvar_Register (&allow_download_models, cvargroup_serverpermissions); Cvar_Register (&allow_download_sounds, cvargroup_serverpermissions); Cvar_Register (&allow_download_maps, cvargroup_serverpermissions); Cvar_Register (&allow_download_demos, cvargroup_serverpermissions); Cvar_Register (&allow_download_anymap, cvargroup_serverpermissions); Cvar_Register (&allow_download_pakcontents, cvargroup_serverpermissions); Cvar_Register (&allow_download_textures,cvargroup_serverpermissions); Cvar_Register (&allow_download_configs, cvargroup_serverpermissions); Cvar_Register (&allow_download_locs, cvargroup_serverpermissions); Cvar_Register (&allow_download_packages,cvargroup_serverpermissions); Cvar_Register (&allow_download_refpackages,cvargroup_serverpermissions); Cvar_Register (&allow_download_wads, cvargroup_serverpermissions); Cvar_Register (&allow_download_root, cvargroup_serverpermissions); Cvar_Register (&allow_download_copyrighted, cvargroup_serverpermissions); Cvar_Register (&allow_download_other, cvargroup_serverpermissions); Cvar_Register (&secure, cvargroup_serverpermissions); Cvar_Register (&sv_highchars, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&sv_calcphs, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&sv_phs, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&sv_cullplayers_trace, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&sv_cullentities_trace, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&sv_csqc_progname, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&sv_csqcdebug, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&sv_specprint, cvargroup_serverpermissions); Cvar_Register (&sv_gamespeed, cvargroup_serverphysics); Cvar_Register (&sv_nqplayerphysics, cvargroup_serverphysics); Cvar_Register (&pr_allowbutton1, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&pausable, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&sv_maxrate, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&sv_maxdrate, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&sv_minping, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&sv_nailhack, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&sv_nopvs, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cvar_Register (&pext_ezquake_nochunks, cvargroup_servercontrol); Cmd_AddCommand ("sv_impulse", SV_Impulse_f); #ifdef SUBSERVERS Cmd_AddCommand ("ssv", MSV_SubServerCommand_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("ssv_all", MSV_SubServerCommand_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("mapcluster", MSV_MapCluster_f); #endif Cmd_AddCommand ("openroute", SV_OpenRoute_f); #ifndef NOBUILTINMENUS #ifndef SERVERONLY Cvar_Register(&sv_autosave, cvargroup_servercontrol); #endif #endif Cmd_AddCommand ("savegame_legacy", SV_LegacySavegame_f); Cmd_AddCommandAD ("savegame", SV_Savegame_f, SV_Savegame_c, NULL); Cmd_AddCommandAD ("loadgame", SV_Loadgame_f, SV_Savegame_c, NULL); Cmd_AddCommandAD ("save", SV_Savegame_f, SV_Savegame_c, NULL); Cmd_AddCommandAD ("load", SV_Loadgame_f, SV_Savegame_c, NULL); SV_MVDInit(); Info_SetValueForStarKey (svs.info, "*version", version_string(), MAX_SERVERINFO_STRING); Info_SetValueForStarKey (svs.info, "*z_ext", va("%i", SUPPORTED_Z_EXTENSIONS), MAX_SERVERINFO_STRING); // init fraglog stuff svs.logsequence = 1; svs.logtime = realtime; for (i = 0; i < FRAGLOG_BUFFERS; i++) { svs.log[i].data = svs.log_buf[i]; svs.log[i].maxsize = sizeof(svs.log_buf[i]); svs.log[i].cursize = 0; svs.log[i].allowoverflow = true; } svs.free_lagged_packet = NULL; } #define iswhite(c) ((c) == ' ' || (unsigned char)(c) == (unsigned char)INVIS_CHAR1 || (unsigned char)(c) == (unsigned char)INVIS_CHAR2 || (unsigned char)(c) == (unsigned char)INVIS_CHAR3) #define isinvalid(c) ((c) == ':' || (c) == '\r' || (c) == '\n' || (unsigned char)(c) == (unsigned char)0xff || (c) == '\"') //colon is so clients can't get confused while parsing chats //255 is so fuhquake/ezquake don't end up with nameless players //" is so mods that use player names in tokenizing/frik_files don't mess up. mods are still expected to be able to cope with space. //is allowed to shorten, out must be as long as in and min of "unnamed"+1 void SV_FixupName(char *in, char *out, unsigned int outlen) { char *s, *p; unsigned int len; conchar_t testbuf[1024], *t, *e; if (outlen == 0) return; len = outlen; s = out; while(iswhite(*in) || isinvalid(*in) || *in == '\1' || *in == '\2') //1 and 2 are to stop clients from printing the entire line as chat. only do that for the leading charater. in++; while(*in && len > 0) { if (isinvalid(*in)) { in++; continue; } *s++ = *in++; len--; } *s = '\0'; /*note: clients are not guarenteed to parse things the same as the server. utf-8 surrogates may be awkward here*/ e = COM_ParseFunString(CON_WHITEMASK, out, testbuf, sizeof(testbuf), false); for (t = testbuf; t < e; t++) { /*reject anything hidden in names*/ if (*t & CON_HIDDEN) break; /*reject pictograms*/ if ((*t & CON_CHARMASK) >= 0xe100 && (*t & CON_CHARMASK) < 0xe200) break; /*FIXME: should we try to ensure that the chars are in most fonts? that might annoy speakers of more exotic languages I suppose. cvar it?*/ } if (!*out || (t < e) || e == testbuf) { //reached end and it was all whitespace //white space only strncpy(out, "unnamed", outlen); out[outlen-1] = 0; p = out; } for (p = out + strlen(out) - 1; p != out && iswhite(*p) ; p--) ; p[1] = 0; } qboolean ReloadRanking(client_t *cl, const char *newname) { #ifdef SVRANKING int newid; int j; rankstats_t rs; newid = Rank_GetPlayerID(cl->guid, newname, atoi(Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "_pwd")), true, false); //'_' keys are always stripped. On any server. So try and use that so persistant data won't give out the password when connecting to a different server if (!newid) newid = Rank_GetPlayerID(cl->guid, newname, atoi(Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "password")), true, false); if (newid) { if (cl->rankid && cl->state >= cs_spawned)//apply current stats { if (!Rank_GetPlayerStats(cl->rankid, &rs)) return false; rs.timeonserver += realtime - cl->stats_started; cl->stats_started = realtime; rs.kills += cl->kills; rs.deaths += cl->deaths; rs.flags1 &= ~(RANK_CUFFED|RANK_MUTED|RANK_CRIPPLED); // if (cl->iscuffed==2) // rs.flags1 |= RANK_CUFFED; // if (cl->ismuted==2) // rs.flags1 |= RANK_MUTED; // if (cl->iscrippled==2) // rs.flags1 |= RANK_CRIPPLED; cl->kills=0; cl->deaths=0; pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, cl->edict); if (pr_global_ptrs->SetChangeParms) PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, pr_global_struct->SetChangeParms); for (j=0 ; jspawnparamglobals[j]) rs.parm[j] = *pr_global_ptrs->spawnparamglobals[j]; Rank_SetPlayerStats(cl->rankid, &rs); cl->rankid = 0; } if (!Rank_GetPlayerStats(newid, &rs)) return false; cl->rankid = newid; if (rs.flags1 & RANK_CUFFED) cl->penalties |= BAN_CUFF; if (rs.flags1 & RANK_MUTED) cl->penalties |= BAN_MUTE; if (rs.flags1 & RANK_CRIPPLED) cl->penalties |= BAN_CRIPPLED; cl->trustlevel = rs.trustlevel; return true; } #endif return false; } /* ================= SV_ExtractFromUserinfo Pull specific info from a newly changed userinfo string into a more C freindly form. ================= */ void SV_ExtractFromUserinfo (client_t *cl, qboolean verbose) { char *val, *p; int i; client_t *client; int dupc = 1; char newname[80], basic[80]; #ifdef SVRANKING extern cvar_t rank_filename; #endif int bottom = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(cl->userinfo, "bottomcolor")); if (progstype == PROG_NQ) p = va("t%u", bottom); else p = Info_ValueForKey(localinfo, va("team%u", bottom)); val = Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "team"); if (*p && strcmp(p, val)) { Info_SetValueForKey(cl->userinfo, "team", p, sizeof(cl->userinfo)); if (verbose) SV_BroadcastUserinfoChange(cl, true, "team", p); } Q_strncpyz (cl->team, val, sizeof(cl->teambuf)); // name for C code val = Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "name"); if (cl->protocol != SCP_BAD || *val) { SV_FixupName(val, newname, sizeof(newname)); if (strlen(newname) > 40) newname[40] = 0; } else newname[0] = 0; deleetstring(basic, newname); if ((!basic[0] && cl->protocol != SCP_BAD) || strstr(basic, "console")) strcpy(newname, "unnamed"); // check to see if another user by the same name exists while (1) { for (i=0, client = svs.clients ; istate < cs_connected || client == cl) continue; if (!stricmp(client->name, newname)) break; } if (i != svs.allocated_client_slots) { // dup name if (strlen(newname) > sizeof(cl->namebuf) - 1) newname[sizeof(cl->namebuf) - 4] = 0; p = newname; if (newname[0] == '(') { if (newname[2] == ')') p = newname + 3; else if (val[3] == ')') p = newname + 4; } memmove(newname+10, p, strlen(p)+1); sprintf(newname, "(%d)%-.40s", dupc++, newname+10); } else break; } if (!cl->drop && strncmp(newname, cl->name, sizeof(cl->namebuf)-1)) { if ((cl->penalties & BAN_MUTE) && *cl->name && verbose) //!verbose is a gamecode-forced update, where the gamecode is expected to know what its doing. { if (!(cl->penalties & BAN_STEALTH)) SV_ClientTPrintf (cl, PRINT_HIGH, "Muted players may not change their names\n"); Q_strncpyz (newname, cl->name, sizeof(newname)); } if (!sv.paused && *cl->name) { if (!cl->lastnametime || realtime - cl->lastnametime > 5) { cl->lastnamecount = 0; cl->lastnametime = realtime; } else if (cl->lastnamecount++ > 4 && verbose) { SV_AutoAddPenalty (cl, BAN_MUTE, 60*5, "Muted for name spam"); Q_strncpyz (newname, cl->name, sizeof(newname)); } } //try and actually set that new name, if it differs from what they asked for. if (strcmp(val, newname)) { Info_SetValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "name", newname, sizeof(cl->userinfo)); val = Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "name"); if (!*val) { SV_BroadcastTPrintf (PRINT_HIGH, "corrupt userinfo for player %s\n", cl->name); cl->drop = true; } } if (!cl->drop && strncmp(val, cl->name, sizeof(cl->namebuf)-1)) { if (*cl->name && cl->state >= cs_spawned && !cl->spectator && verbose) { SV_BroadcastTPrintf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s changed their name to %s\n", cl->name, newname); } Q_strncpyz (cl->name, newname, sizeof(cl->namebuf)); if (svprogfuncs) svprogfuncs->SetStringField(svprogfuncs, cl->edict, &cl->edict->v->netname, cl->name, true); #ifdef SVRANKING if (ReloadRanking(cl, newname)) { } else if (cl->state >= cs_spawned && *rank_filename.string && verbose) SV_ClientTPrintf(cl, PRINT_HIGH, "Your rankings name has not been changed\n"); #endif } } val = Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "lang"); cl->language = *val?TL_FindLanguage(val):svs.language; val = Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "nogib"); cl->gibfilter = !!atoi(val); // rate command val = Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "rate"); if (strlen(val)) cl->rate = atoi(val); else cl->rate = 0;//0 means no specific limit, limited only by sv_maxrate. val = Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "dupe"); cl->netchan.dupe = bound(0, atoi(val), 5); val = Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "drate"); if (strlen(val)) cl->drate = atoi(val); else cl->drate = 0; //0 disables rate limiting while downloading #ifdef HEXEN2 val = Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "cl_playerclass"); if (val) { PRH2_SetPlayerClass(cl, atoi(val), false); } #endif // msg command val = Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "msg"); if (strlen(val)) { cl->messagelevel = atoi(val); } val = Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "sp"); //naming for compat with mvdsv if (*val) cl->spec_print = atoi(val); else cl->spec_print = ~0; //if unspecified, default to server setting (even if the cvar is changed mid-map). #ifdef NQPROT { int top = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(cl->userinfo, "topcolor")); top &= 15; if (top > 13) top = 13; bottom &= 15; if (bottom > 13) bottom = 13; if (cl->playercolor != top*16 + bottom) { cl->playercolor = top*16 + bottom; if (svs.gametype == GT_PROGS || svs.gametype == GT_Q1QVM) { if (cl->edict) cl->edict->xv->clientcolors = cl->playercolor; MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqreliable_datagram, svc_updatecolors); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqreliable_datagram, cl-svs.clients); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqreliable_datagram, cl->playercolor); } } } #endif } //============================================================================ /* ==================== SV_InitNet ==================== */ void SV_InitNet (void) { #ifndef SERVERONLY if (isDedicated) #endif { Netchan_Init (); } SV_Master_ReResolve(); // NET_StringToAdr ("", &idmaster_adr); } /* ==================== SV_Init ==================== */ #ifdef SERVER_DEMO_PLAYBACK //FIXME: move to header void SV_Demo_Init(void); #endif void SV_ArgumentOverrides(void) { int p; // parse params for cvars p = COM_CheckParm ("-svport"); if (!p) p = COM_CheckParm ("-port"); if (p && p < com_argc) Cvar_Set(Cvar_FindVar("sv_port"), com_argv[p+1]); } void SV_ExecInitialConfigs(char *defaultexec) { Cbuf_AddText("cvar_purgedefaults\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); //reset cvar defaults to their engine-specified values. the tail end of 'exec default.cfg' will update non-cheat defaults to mod-specified values. Cbuf_AddText("cvarreset *\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); //reset all cvars to their current (engine) defaults Cbuf_AddText("alias restart \"changelevel .\"\n",RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText(va("sv_gamedir \"%s\"\n", FS_GetGamedir(true)), RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText(defaultexec, RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText("\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); if (COM_FileSize("server.cfg") != -1) Cbuf_AddText ("cl_warncmd 1\nexec server.cfg\nexec ftesrv.cfg\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); else if (COM_FileSize("quake.rc") != -1) Cbuf_AddText ("cl_warncmd 0\nexec quake.rc\ncl_warncmd 1\nexec ftesrv.cfg\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); #ifdef HEXEN2 else if (COM_FileSize("hexen.rc") != -1) //fixme: some kind of priority thing. Cbuf_AddText ("cl_warncmd 0\nexec hexen.rc\ncl_warncmd 1\nexec ftesrv.cfg\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); #endif else Cbuf_AddText ("cl_warncmd 0\nexec default.cfg\ncl_warncmd 1\nexec ftesrv.cfg\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); // process command line arguments Cbuf_Execute (); SV_ArgumentOverrides(); } void SV_Init (quakeparms_t *parms) { if (isDedicated) { COM_InitArgv (parms->argc, parms->argv); host_parms = *parms; Cvar_Init(); Memory_Init(); Sys_Init(); COM_ParsePlusSets(false); Cbuf_Init (); Cmd_Init (); #ifndef SERVERONLY R_SetRenderer(NULL); #endif NET_Init (); COM_Init (); #ifdef Q2BSPS CM_Init(); #endif #ifdef TERRAIN Terr_Init(); #endif Mod_Init (true); Mod_Init (false); PF_Common_RegisterCvars(); } else { #if defined(SERVERONLY) || !(defined(CSQC_DAT) || defined(MENU_DAT)) PF_Common_RegisterCvars(); #endif } PR_Init (); SV_InitNet (); SV_InitLocal (); #ifdef WEBSERVER IWebInit(); #endif #ifdef SERVER_DEMO_PLAYBACK SV_Demo_Init(); #endif #ifdef SVRANKING Rank_RegisterCommands(); #endif #ifndef SERVERONLY if (isDedicated) #endif { int manarg; PM_Init (); #ifdef PLUGINS Plug_Initialise(true); #endif Cvar_ParseWatches(); host_initialized = true; manarg = COM_CheckParm("-manifest"); if (manarg && manarg < com_argc-1 && com_argv[manarg+1]) { char *man = FS_MallocFile(com_argv[manarg+1], FS_SYSTEM, NULL); FS_ChangeGame(FS_Manifest_Parse(NULL, man), true, true); BZ_Free(man); } else FS_ChangeGame(NULL, true, true); Cmd_StuffCmds(); Cbuf_Execute (); Con_TPrintf ("Exe: %s %s\n", __DATE__, __TIME__); Con_Printf ("%s\n", version_string()); Con_TPrintf ("======== %s Initialized ========\n", *fs_gamename.string?fs_gamename.string:"Nothing"); #ifdef SUBSERVERS if (SSV_IsSubServer()) { NET_InitServer(); return; } #endif IPLog_Merge_File("iplog.txt"); IPLog_Merge_File("iplog.dat"); //legacy crap, for compat with proquake // if a map wasn't specified on the command line, spawn start.map //aliases require that we flush the cbuf in order to actually see the results. if (sv.state == ss_dead && Cmd_AliasExist("startmap_dm", RESTRICT_LOCAL)) { Cbuf_AddText("startmap_dm", RESTRICT_LOCAL); //DP extension Cbuf_Execute(); } if (sv.state == ss_dead && Cmd_AliasExist("startmap_sp", RESTRICT_LOCAL)) { Cbuf_AddText("startmap_sp", RESTRICT_LOCAL); //DP extension Cbuf_Execute(); } if (sv.state == ss_dead && COM_FCheckExists("maps/start.bsp")) Cmd_ExecuteString ("map start", RESTRICT_LOCAL); //regular q1 #ifdef HEXEN2 if (sv.state == ss_dead && COM_FCheckExists("maps/demo1.bsp")) Cmd_ExecuteString ("map demo1", RESTRICT_LOCAL); //regular h2 sp #endif #ifdef Q2SERVER if (sv.state == ss_dead && COM_FCheckExists("maps/base1.bsp")) Cmd_ExecuteString ("map base1", RESTRICT_LOCAL); //regular q2 sp #endif #ifdef Q3SERVER if (sv.state == ss_dead && COM_FCheckExists("maps/q3dm1.bsp")) Cmd_ExecuteString ("map q3dm1", RESTRICT_LOCAL); //regular q3 'sp' #endif #ifdef HLSERVER if (sv.state == ss_dead && COM_FCheckExists("maps/c0a0.bsp")) Cmd_ExecuteString ("map c0a0", RESTRICT_LOCAL); //regular hl sp #endif if (sv.state == ss_dead) { Cmd_ExecuteString("path", RESTRICT_LOCAL); SV_Error ("Couldn't load a map. You may need to use the -basedir argument."); } } } #endif