//mp3 menu and track selector. //was origonally an mp3 track selector, now handles lots of media specific stuff - like q3 films! //should rename to m_media.c #include "quakedef.h" #ifdef RGLQUAKE #include "glquake.h"//fixme #endif #if !defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(NOMEDIA) #include "winquake.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #define WINAMP #endif #ifdef WINAMP #include "winamp.h" HWND hwnd_winamp; #endif #ifdef SWQUAKE #include "d_local.h" #endif qboolean Media_EvaluateNextTrack(void); typedef struct mediatrack_s{ char filename[128]; char nicename[128]; int length; struct mediatrack_s *next; } mediatrack_t; static mediatrack_t currenttrack; int lasttrackplayed; int media_playing=true;//try to continue from the standard playlist cvar_t media_shuffle = SCVAR("media_shuffle", "1"); cvar_t media_repeat = SCVAR("media_repeat", "1"); #ifdef WINAMP cvar_t media_hijackwinamp = SCVAR("media_hijackwinamp", "0"); #endif int selectedoption=-1; int numtracks; int nexttrack=-1; mediatrack_t *tracks; char media_iofilename[MAX_OSPATH]=""; int loadedtracknames; #ifdef WINAMP qboolean WinAmp_GetHandle (void) { if ((hwnd_winamp = FindWindow("Winamp", NULL))) return true; if ((hwnd_winamp = FindWindow("Winamp v1.x", NULL))) return true; *currenttrack.nicename = '\0'; return false; } qboolean WinAmp_StartTune(char *name) { int trys; int pos; COPYDATASTRUCT cds; if (!WinAmp_GetHandle()) return false; //FIXME: extract from fs if it's in a pack. //FIXME: always give absolute path cds.dwData = IPC_PLAYFILE; cds.lpData = (void *) name; cds.cbData = strlen((char *) cds.lpData)+1; // include space for null char SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_DELETE); SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_COPYDATA,(WPARAM)NULL,(LPARAM)&cds); SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,(WPARAM)0,IPC_STARTPLAY ); for (trys = 1000; trys; trys--) { pos = SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_GETOUTPUTTIME); if (pos>100 && SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_GETOUTPUTTIME)>=0) //tune has started break; Sleep(10); //give it a chance. if (!WinAmp_GetHandle()) break; } return true; } void WinAmp_Think(void) { int pos; int len; if (!WinAmp_GetHandle()) return; pos = bgmvolume.value*255; if (pos > 255) pos = 255; if (pos < 0) pos = 0; PostMessage(hwnd_winamp, WM_WA_IPC,pos,IPC_SETVOLUME); //optimise this to reduce calls? pos = SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_GETOUTPUTTIME); len = SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,1,IPC_GETOUTPUTTIME)*1000; if ((pos > len || pos <= 100) && len != -1) if (Media_EvaluateNextTrack()) WinAmp_StartTune(currenttrack.filename); } #endif void Media_Seek (float time) { soundcardinfo_t *sc; #ifdef WINAMP if (media_hijackwinamp.value) { int pos; if (WinAmp_GetHandle()) { pos = SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_GETOUTPUTTIME); pos += time*1000; PostMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,pos,IPC_JUMPTOTIME); WinAmp_Think(); } } #endif for (sc = sndcardinfo; sc; sc=sc->next) { sc->channel[NUM_AMBIENTS].pos += sc->sn.speed*time; sc->channel[NUM_AMBIENTS].end += sc->sn.speed*time; if (sc->channel[NUM_AMBIENTS].pos < 0) { sc->channel[NUM_AMBIENTS].end -= sc->channel[NUM_AMBIENTS].pos; sc->channel[NUM_AMBIENTS].pos=0; } //if we seek over the end, ignore it. The sound playing code will spot that. } } void Media_FForward_f(void) { float time = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); if (!time) time = 15; Media_Seek(time); } void Media_Rewind_f (void) { float time = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); if (!time) time = 15; Media_Seek(-time); } qboolean Media_EvaluateNextTrack(void) { mediatrack_t *track; int trnum; if (!tracks) return false; if (nexttrack>=0) { trnum = nexttrack; for (track = tracks; track; track=track->next) { if (!trnum) { memcpy(¤ttrack, track->filename, sizeof(mediatrack_t)); lasttrackplayed = nexttrack; break; } trnum--; } nexttrack = -1; } else { if (media_shuffle.value) nexttrack=((float)(rand()&0x7fff)/0x7fff)*numtracks; else { nexttrack = lasttrackplayed+1; if (nexttrack >= numtracks) { if (media_repeat.value) nexttrack = 0; else { *currenttrack.filename='\0'; *currenttrack.nicename='\0'; nexttrack = -1; media_playing = false; return false; } } } trnum = nexttrack; for (track = tracks; track; track=track->next) { if (!trnum) { memcpy(¤ttrack, track->filename, sizeof(mediatrack_t)); lasttrackplayed = nexttrack; break; } trnum--; } nexttrack = -1; } return true; } //flushes music channel on all soundcards, and the tracks that arn't decoded yet. void Media_Clear (void) { sfx_t *s; soundcardinfo_t *sc; for (sc = sndcardinfo; sc; sc=sc->next) { sc->channel[NUM_AMBIENTS].end = 0; s = sc->channel[NUM_AMBIENTS].sfx; sc->channel[NUM_AMBIENTS].sfx = NULL; if (s) if (s->decoder) if (!S_IsPlayingSomewhere(s)) //if we aint playing it elsewhere, free it compleatly. { s->decoder->abort(s); if (s->cache.data) Cache_Free(&s->cache); } } } qboolean fakecdactive; void Media_FakeTrack(int i, qboolean loop) { char trackname[512]; sprintf(trackname, "sound/cdtracks/track%03i.ogg", i); if (COM_FCheckExists(trackname)) { Media_Clear(); strcpy(currenttrack.filename, trackname+6); fakecdactive = true; media_playing = true; } } //actually, this func just flushes and states that it should be playing. the ambientsound func actually changes the track. void Media_Next_f (void) { Media_Clear(); media_playing=true; #ifdef WINAMP if (media_hijackwinamp.value) { if (WinAmp_GetHandle()) if (Media_EvaluateNextTrack()) WinAmp_StartTune(currenttrack.filename); } #endif } void M_Menu_Media_f (void) { key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_media; } void Media_LoadTrackNames (char *listname); #define MEDIA_MIN -8 #define MEDIA_VOLUME -8 #define MEDIA_REWIND -7 #define MEDIA_FASTFORWARD -6 #define MEDIA_CLEARLIST -5 #define MEDIA_ADDTRACK -4 #define MEDIA_ADDLIST -3 #define MEDIA_SHUFFLE -2 #define MEDIA_REPEAT -1 void M_Media_Draw (void) { mpic_t *p; mediatrack_t *track; int y; int op, i; #define MP_Hightlight(x,y,text,hl) (hl?M_PrintWhite(x, y, text):M_Print(x, y, text)) p = Draw_SafeCachePic ("gfx/p_option.lmp"); if (p) M_DrawPic ( (320-p->width)/2, 4, p); if (!bgmvolume.value) M_Print (12, 32, "Not playing - no volume"); else if (!*currenttrack.nicename) { if (!tracks) M_Print (12, 32, "Not playing - no track to play"); else { #ifdef WINAMP if (!WinAmp_GetHandle()) M_Print (12, 32, "Please start WinAmp 2"); else #endif M_Print (12, 32, "Not playing - switched off"); } } else { M_Print (12, 32, "Currently playing:"); M_Print (12, 40, currenttrack.nicename); } op = selectedoption - (vid.height-52)/16; if (op + (vid.height-52)/8>numtracks) op = numtracks - (vid.height-52)/8; if (op < MEDIA_MIN) op = MEDIA_MIN; y=52; while(op < 0) { switch(op) { case MEDIA_VOLUME: MP_Hightlight (12, y, "Volume", op == selectedoption); y+=8; break; case MEDIA_CLEARLIST: MP_Hightlight (12, y, "Clear all", op == selectedoption); y+=8; break; case MEDIA_FASTFORWARD: MP_Hightlight (12, y, ">> Fast Forward", op == selectedoption); y+=8; break; case MEDIA_REWIND: MP_Hightlight (12, y, "<< Rewind", op == selectedoption); y+=8; break; case MEDIA_ADDTRACK: MP_Hightlight (12, y, "Add Track", op == selectedoption); if (op == selectedoption) M_PrintWhite (12+9*8, y, media_iofilename); y+=8; break; case MEDIA_ADDLIST: MP_Hightlight (12, y, "Add List", op == selectedoption); if (op == selectedoption) M_PrintWhite (12+9*8, y, media_iofilename); y+=8; break; case MEDIA_SHUFFLE: if (media_shuffle.value) MP_Hightlight (12, y, "Shuffle on", op == selectedoption); else MP_Hightlight (12, y, "Shuffle off", op == selectedoption); y+=8; break; case MEDIA_REPEAT: if (media_shuffle.value) { if (media_repeat.value) MP_Hightlight (12, y, "Repeat on", op == selectedoption); else MP_Hightlight (12, y, "Repeat off", op == selectedoption); } else { if (media_repeat.value) MP_Hightlight (12, y, "(Repeat on)", op == selectedoption); else MP_Hightlight (12, y, "(Repeat off)", op == selectedoption); } y+=8; break; } op++; } for (track = tracks, i=0; track && inext, i++); for (; track; track=track->next, y+=8, op++) { if (op == selectedoption) M_PrintWhite (12, y, track->nicename); else M_Print (12, y, track->nicename); } } char compleatenamepath[MAX_OSPATH]; char compleatenamename[MAX_OSPATH]; qboolean compleatenamemultiple; int Com_CompleatenameCallback(char *name, int size, void *data) { if (*compleatenamename) compleatenamemultiple = true; strcpy(compleatenamename, name); return true; } void Com_CompleateOSFileName(char *name) { char *ending; compleatenamemultiple = false; strcpy(compleatenamepath, name); ending = COM_SkipPath(compleatenamepath); if (compleatenamepath!=ending) ending[-1] = '\0'; //strip a slash *compleatenamename='\0'; Sys_EnumerateFiles(NULL, va("%s*", name), Com_CompleatenameCallback, NULL); Sys_EnumerateFiles(NULL, va("%s*.*", name), Com_CompleatenameCallback, NULL); if (*compleatenamename) strcpy(name, compleatenamename); } void M_Media_Key (int key) { int dir; if (key == K_ESCAPE) M_Menu_Main_f(); else if (key == K_RIGHTARROW || key == K_LEFTARROW) { if (key == K_RIGHTARROW) dir = 1; else dir = -1; switch(selectedoption) { case MEDIA_VOLUME: bgmvolume.value += dir * 0.1; if (bgmvolume.value < 0) bgmvolume.value = 0; if (bgmvolume.value > 1) bgmvolume.value = 1; Cvar_SetValue (&bgmvolume, bgmvolume.value); break; default: if (selectedoption >= 0) Media_Next_f(); break; } } else if (key == K_DOWNARROW) { selectedoption++; if (selectedoption>=numtracks) selectedoption = numtracks-1; } else if (key == K_PGDN) { selectedoption+=10; if (selectedoption>=numtracks) selectedoption = numtracks-1; } else if (key == K_UPARROW) { selectedoption--; if (selectedoption < MEDIA_MIN) selectedoption = MEDIA_MIN; } else if (key == K_PGUP) { selectedoption-=10; if (selectedoption < MEDIA_MIN) selectedoption = MEDIA_MIN; } else if (key == K_DEL) { if (selectedoption>=0) { mediatrack_t *prevtrack=NULL, *tr; int num=0; tr=tracks; while(tr) { if (num == selectedoption) { if (prevtrack) prevtrack->next = tr->next; else tracks = tr->next; Z_Free(tr); numtracks--; break; } prevtrack = tr; tr=tr->next; num++; } } } else if (key == K_ENTER) { switch(selectedoption) { case MEDIA_FASTFORWARD: Media_Seek(15); break; case MEDIA_REWIND: Media_Seek(-15); break; case MEDIA_CLEARLIST: { mediatrack_t *prevtrack; while(tracks) { prevtrack = tracks; tracks=tracks->next; Z_Free(prevtrack); numtracks--; } if (numtracks!=0) { numtracks=0; Con_SafePrintf("numtracks should be 0\n"); } } break; case MEDIA_ADDTRACK: if (*media_iofilename) { mediatrack_t *newtrack; newtrack = Z_Malloc(sizeof(mediatrack_t)); Q_strncpyz(newtrack->filename, media_iofilename, sizeof(newtrack->filename)); Q_strncpyz(newtrack->nicename, COM_SkipPath(media_iofilename), sizeof(newtrack->filename)); newtrack->length = 0; newtrack->next = tracks; tracks = newtrack; numtracks++; } break; case MEDIA_ADDLIST: if (*media_iofilename) Media_LoadTrackNames(media_iofilename); break; case MEDIA_SHUFFLE: Cvar_Set(&media_shuffle, media_shuffle.value?"0":"1"); break; case MEDIA_REPEAT: Cvar_Set(&media_repeat, media_repeat.value?"0":"1"); break; default: if (selectedoption>=0) { media_playing = true; nexttrack = selectedoption; Media_Next_f(); } break; } } else { if (selectedoption == MEDIA_ADDLIST || selectedoption == MEDIA_ADDTRACK) { if (key == K_TAB) Com_CompleateOSFileName(media_iofilename); else if (key == K_BACKSPACE) { dir = strlen(media_iofilename); if (dir) media_iofilename[dir-1] = '\0'; } else if ((key >= 'a' && key <= 'z') || (key >= '0' && key <= '9') || key == '/' || key == '_' || key == '.' || key == ':') { dir = strlen(media_iofilename); media_iofilename[dir] = key; media_iofilename[dir+1] = '\0'; } } else if (selectedoption>=0) { mediatrack_t *prevtrack, *tr; int num=0; tr=tracks; while(tr) { if (num == selectedoption) break; prevtrack = tr; tr=tr->next; num++; } if (!tr) return; if (key == K_BACKSPACE) { dir = strlen(tr->nicename); if (dir) tr->nicename[dir-1] = '\0'; } else if ((key >= 'a' && key <= 'z') || (key >= '0' && key <= '9') || key == '/' || key == '_' || key == '.' || key == ':' || key == '&' || key == '|' || key == '#' || key == '\'' || key == '\"' || key == '\\' || key == '*' || key == '@' || key == '!' || key == '(' || key == ')' || key == '%' || key == '^' || key == '?' || key == '[' || key == ']' || key == ';' || key == ':' || key == '+' || key == '-' || key == '=') { dir = strlen(tr->nicename); tr->nicename[dir] = key; tr->nicename[dir+1] = '\0'; } } } } //safeprints only. void Media_LoadTrackNames (char *listname) { char *lineend; char *len; char *filename; char *trackname; mediatrack_t *newtrack; char *data = COM_LoadTempFile(listname); loadedtracknames=true; if (!data) return; if (!Q_strncasecmp(data, "#extm3u", 7)) { data = strchr(data, '\n')+1; for(;;) { lineend = strchr(data, '\n'); if (Q_strncasecmp(data, "#extinf:", 8)) { if (!lineend) return; Con_SafePrintf("Bad m3u file\n"); return; } len = data+8; trackname = strchr(data, ',')+1; if (!trackname) return; lineend[-1]='\0'; filename = data = lineend+1; lineend = strchr(data, '\n'); if (lineend) { lineend[-1]='\0'; data = lineend+1; } newtrack = Z_Malloc(sizeof(mediatrack_t)); #ifndef _WIN32 //crossplatform - lcean up any dos names if (filename[1] == ':') { snprintf(newtrack->filename, sizeof(newtrack->filename)-1, "/mnt/%c/%s", filename[0]-'A'+'a', filename+3); while((filename = strchr(newtrack->filename, '\\'))) *filename = '/'; } else #endif Q_strncpyz(newtrack->filename, filename, sizeof(newtrack->filename)); Q_strncpyz(newtrack->nicename, trackname, sizeof(newtrack->filename)); newtrack->length = atoi(len); newtrack->next = tracks; tracks = newtrack; numtracks++; if (!lineend) return; } } else { for(;;) { trackname = filename = data; lineend = strchr(data, '\n'); if (!lineend && !*data) break; lineend[-1]='\0'; data = lineend+1; newtrack = Z_Malloc(sizeof(mediatrack_t)); Q_strncpyz(newtrack->filename, filename, sizeof(newtrack->filename)); Q_strncpyz(newtrack->nicename, COM_SkipPath(trackname), sizeof(newtrack->filename)); newtrack->length = 0; newtrack->next = tracks; tracks = newtrack; numtracks++; if (!lineend) break; } } } //safeprints only. char *Media_NextTrack(void) { #ifdef WINAMP if (media_hijackwinamp.value) { WinAmp_Think(); return NULL; } #endif if (bgmvolume.value <= 0 || !media_playing) return NULL; if (!loadedtracknames) Media_LoadTrackNames("sound/media.m3u"); if (!tracks && !fakecdactive) { *currenttrack.filename='\0'; *currenttrack.nicename='\0'; lasttrackplayed=-1; media_playing = false; return NULL; } // if (cursndcard == sndcardinfo) //figure out the next track (primary sound card, we could actually get different tracks on different cards (and unfortunatly do)) // { Media_EvaluateNextTrack(); // } return currenttrack.filename; } //Avi files are specific to windows. Bit of a bummer really. #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__GNUC__) //#define WINAVI #endif #undef dwFlags #undef lpFormat #undef lpData #undef cbData #undef lTime ///temporary residence for media handling #include "roq.h" #ifdef WINAVI #undef CDECL //windows is stupid at times. #define CDECL __cdecl #include int aviinited; #pragma comment( lib, "vfw32.lib" ) #endif #define MFT_CAPTURE 5 //fixme typedef enum { MFT_NONE, MFT_STATIC, //non-moving, PCX, no sound MFT_ROQ, MFT_AVI, MFT_CIN } media_filmtype_t; struct cin_s { //these are the outputs (not always power of two!) int outtype; int outwidth; int outheight; qbyte *outdata; qbyte *outpalette; int outunchanged; // media_filmtype_t filmtype; #ifdef WINAVI struct { AVISTREAMINFO psi; // Pointer To A Structure Containing Stream Info PAVISTREAM pavivideo; PAVISTREAM pavisound; PAVIFILE pavi; PGETFRAME pgf; LPWAVEFORMAT pWaveFormat; HWND capturewindow; } avi; #endif struct { qbyte *filmimage; //rgba int imagewidth; int imageheight; } image; struct { roq_info *roqfilm; } roq; sfxcache_t *moviesoundbuffer; sfx_t mediaaudio; /* = { "movieaudio", {NULL, true}, NULL }; */ float filmstarttime; float nextframetime; float filmlasttime; int currentframe; //last frame in buffer qbyte *framedata; //Z_Malloced buffer //sound stuff int soundpos; //source sizes int filmwidth; int filmheight; //source info float filmfps; int num_frames; }; cin_t *fullscreenvid; qboolean Media_PlayingFullScreen(void) { return fullscreenvid!=NULL; } void Media_ShutdownCin(cin_t *cin) { soundcardinfo_t *sc; sfx_t *s; if (!cin) return; for (sc = sndcardinfo; sc; sc=sc->next) { s = sc->channel[NUM_AMBIENTS].sfx; if (s && s == &cin->mediaaudio) { sc->channel[NUM_AMBIENTS].pos = 0; sc->channel[NUM_AMBIENTS].end = 0; sc->channel[NUM_AMBIENTS].sfx = NULL; } } switch(cin->filmtype) //shut down the old media. { case MFT_ROQ: roq_close(cin->roq.roqfilm); cin->roq.roqfilm=NULL; break; case MFT_STATIC: BZ_Free(cin->image.filmimage); cin->image.filmimage = NULL; break; #ifdef WINAVI case MFT_AVI: AVIStreamGetFrameClose(cin->avi.pgf); AVIStreamEndStreaming(cin->avi.pavivideo); AVIStreamRelease(cin->avi.pavivideo); //we don't need to free the file (we freed it immediatly after getting the stream handles) break; #else case MFT_AVI: break; #endif case MFT_CIN: CIN_FinishCinematic(); break; case MFT_NONE: break; } if (cin->framedata) { BZ_Free(cin->framedata); cin->framedata = NULL; } Z_Free(cin); } cin_t *Media_StartCin(char *name) { cin_t *cin = NULL; char *dot; if (!name || !*name) //clear only. return NULL; dot = strchr(name, '.'); //q2 cinematics work like this. if (dot && (!strcmp(dot, ".pcx") || !strcmp(dot, ".tga") || !strcmp(dot, ".png") || !strcmp(dot, ".jpg"))) { qbyte *staticfilmimage; int imagewidth; int imageheight; char fullname[MAX_QPATH]; qbyte *file; qbyte *ReadPCXFile(qbyte *buf, int length, int *width, int *height); qbyte *ReadTargaFile(qbyte *buf, int length, int *width, int *height, int asgrey); qbyte *ReadJPEGFile(qbyte *infile, int length, int *width, int *height); qbyte *ReadPNGFile(qbyte *buf, int length, int *width, int *height, char *fname); sprintf(fullname, "%s", name); file = COM_LoadMallocFile(fullname); //read file if (!file) { sprintf(fullname, "pics/%s", name); file = COM_LoadMallocFile(fullname); //read file if (!file) return NULL; } if ((staticfilmimage = ReadPCXFile(file, com_filesize, &imagewidth, &imageheight)) || //convert to 32 rgba if not corrupt (staticfilmimage = ReadTargaFile(file, com_filesize, &imagewidth, &imageheight, false)) || #ifdef AVAIL_JPEGLIB (staticfilmimage = ReadJPEGFile(file, com_filesize, &imagewidth, &imageheight)) || #endif #ifdef AVAIL_PNGLIB (staticfilmimage = ReadPNGFile(file, com_filesize, &imagewidth, &imageheight, fullname)) || #endif 0) { BZ_Free(file); //got image data } else { BZ_Free(file); //got image data Con_Printf("Static cinematic format not supported.\n"); //not supported format return NULL; } cin = Z_Malloc(sizeof(cin_t)); cin->filmtype = MFT_STATIC; cin->image.filmimage = staticfilmimage; cin->image.imagewidth = imagewidth; cin->image.imageheight = imageheight; return cin; } if (dot && (!strcmp(dot, ".cin"))) { if (CIN_PlayCinematic(name)) { cin = Z_Malloc(sizeof(cin_t)); cin->filmtype = MFT_CIN; } return cin; } { roq_info *roqfilm; if ((roqfilm = roq_open(name))) { cin = Z_Malloc(sizeof(cin_t)); cin->filmtype = MFT_ROQ; cin->roq.roqfilm = roqfilm; cin->nextframetime = Sys_DoubleTime(); cin->framedata = BZ_Malloc(roqfilm->width*roqfilm->height*4); return cin; } } #ifdef WINAVI { PAVIFILE pavi; if (!aviinited) { aviinited=true; AVIFileInit(); } if (!AVIFileOpen(&pavi, name, OF_READ, NULL))//!AVIStreamOpenFromFile(&pavi, name, streamtypeVIDEO, 0, OF_READ, NULL)) { cin = Z_Malloc(sizeof(cin_t)); cin->filmtype = MFT_AVI; cin->avi.pavi = pavi; if (AVIFileGetStream(cin->avi.pavi, &cin->avi.pavivideo, streamtypeVIDEO, 0)) //retrieve video stream { AVIFileRelease(pavi); Con_Printf("%s contains no video stream\n", name); return NULL; } if (AVIFileGetStream(cin->avi.pavi, &cin->avi.pavisound, streamtypeAUDIO, 0)) //retrieve audio stream { Con_DPrintf("%s contains no audio stream\n", name); cin->avi.pavisound=NULL; } AVIFileRelease(cin->avi.pavi); //play with video AVIStreamInfo(cin->avi.pavivideo, &cin->avi.psi, sizeof(cin->avi.psi)); cin->filmwidth=cin->avi.psi.rcFrame.right-cin->avi.psi.rcFrame.left; // Width Is Right Side Of Frame Minus Left cin->filmheight=cin->avi.psi.rcFrame.bottom-cin->avi.psi.rcFrame.top; // Height Is Bottom Of Frame Minus Top cin->framedata = BZ_Malloc(cin->filmwidth*cin->filmheight*4); cin->num_frames=AVIStreamLength(cin->avi.pavivideo); // The Last Frame Of The Stream cin->filmfps=1000.0f*(float)cin->num_frames/(float)AVIStreamSampleToTime(cin->avi.pavivideo,cin->num_frames); // Calculate Rough Milliseconds Per Frame AVIStreamBeginStreaming(cin->avi.pavivideo, 0, cin->num_frames, 100); cin->avi.pgf=AVIStreamGetFrameOpen(cin->avi.pavivideo, NULL); cin->currentframe=0; cin->filmstarttime = Sys_DoubleTime(); cin->soundpos=0; //play with sound if (cin->avi.pavisound) { LONG lSize; LPBYTE pChunk; AVIStreamRead(cin->avi.pavisound, 0, AVISTREAMREAD_CONVENIENT, NULL, 0, &lSize, NULL); if (!lSize) cin->avi.pWaveFormat = NULL; else { pChunk = BZ_Malloc(sizeof(qbyte)*lSize); if(AVIStreamReadFormat(cin->avi.pavisound, AVIStreamStart(cin->avi.pavisound), pChunk, &lSize)) { // error Con_Printf("Failiure reading sound info\n"); } cin->avi.pWaveFormat = (LPWAVEFORMAT)pChunk; } if (!cin->avi.pWaveFormat) { Con_Printf("VFW is broken\n"); AVIStreamRelease(cin->avi.pavisound); cin->avi.pavisound=NULL; } else if (cin->avi.pWaveFormat->wFormatTag != 1) { Con_Printf("Audio stream is not PCM\n"); //FIXME: so that it no longer is... AVIStreamRelease(cin->avi.pavisound); cin->avi.pavisound=NULL; } } cin->filmtype = MFT_AVI; return cin; } } #endif return NULL; } qboolean Media_DecodeFrame(cin_t *cin, qboolean nosound) { float curtime = Sys_DoubleTime(); switch (cin->filmtype) { case MFT_ROQ: if ((int)(cin->filmlasttime*30) == (int)((float)realtime*30)) { cin->outunchanged = !!cin->outtype; return true; } else if (curtimenextframetime || roq_read_frame(cin->roq.roqfilm)==1) //0 if end, -1 if error, 1 if success { //#define LIMIT(x) ((x)<0xFFFF)?(x)>>16:0xFF; #define LIMIT(x) ((((x) > 0xffffff) ? 0xff0000 : (((x) <= 0xffff) ? 0 : (x) & 0xff0000)) >> 16) unsigned char *pa=cin->roq.roqfilm->y[0]; unsigned char *pb=cin->roq.roqfilm->u[0]; unsigned char *pc=cin->roq.roqfilm->v[0]; int pix=0; int num_columns=(cin->roq.roqfilm->width)>>1; int num_rows=cin->roq.roqfilm->height; int y; int x; qbyte *framedata; cin->filmlasttime = (float)realtime; if (!(curtimenextframetime)) //roq file was read properly { cin->nextframetime += 1/30.0; //add a little bit of extra speed so we cover up a little bit of glitchy sound... :o) if (cin->nextframetime < curtime) cin->nextframetime = curtime; framedata = cin->framedata; for(y = 0; y < num_rows; ++y) //roq playing doesn't give nice data. It's still fairly raw. { //convert it properly. for(x = 0; x < num_columns; ++x) { int r, g, b, y1, y2, u, v, t; y1 = *(pa++); y2 = *(pa++); u = pb[x] - 128; v = pc[x] - 128; y1 <<= 16; y2 <<= 16; r = 91881 * v; g = -22554 * u + -46802 * v; b = 116130 * u; t=r+y1; framedata[pix] =(unsigned char) LIMIT(t); t=g+y1; framedata[pix+1] =(unsigned char) LIMIT(t); t=b+y1; framedata[pix+2] =(unsigned char) LIMIT(t); t=r+y2; framedata[pix+4] =(unsigned char) LIMIT(t); t=g+y2; framedata[pix+5] =(unsigned char) LIMIT(t); t=b+y2; framedata[pix+6] =(unsigned char) LIMIT(t); pix+=8; } if(y & 0x01) { pb += num_columns; pc += num_columns; } } } cin->outunchanged = false; cin->outtype = 1; cin->outwidth = cin->roq.roqfilm->width; cin->outheight = cin->roq.roqfilm->height; cin->outdata = cin->framedata; if (!nosound) if (cin->roq.roqfilm->audio_channels && sndcardinfo && cin->roq.roqfilm->aud_pos < cin->roq.roqfilm->vid_pos) if (roq_read_audio(cin->roq.roqfilm)>0) { /* FILE *f; char wav[] = "\x52\x49\x46\x46\xea\x5f\x04\x00\x57\x41\x56\x45\x66\x6d\x74\x20\x12\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x02\x00\x22\x56\x00\x00\x88\x58\x01\x00\x04\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00\x66\x61\x63\x74\x04\x00\x00\x00\xee\x17\x01\x00\x64\x61\x74\x61\xb8\x5f\x04\x00"; int size; f = fopen("d:/quake/id1/sound/raw.wav", "r+b"); if (!f) f = fopen("d:/quake/id1/sound/raw.wav", "w+b"); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); fwrite(&wav, sizeof(wav), 1, f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); fwrite(roqfilm->audio, roqfilm->audio_size, 2, f); size = ftell(f) - sizeof(wav); fseek(f, 54, SEEK_SET); fwrite(&size, sizeof(size), 1, f); fclose(f); */ S_RawAudio(-1, cin->roq.roqfilm->audio, 22050, cin->roq.roqfilm->audio_size/cin->roq.roqfilm->audio_channels, cin->roq.roqfilm->audio_channels, 2); } return true; } else { cin->roq.roqfilm->frame_num = 0; cin->roq.roqfilm->aud_pos = cin->roq.roqfilm->roq_start; cin->roq.roqfilm->vid_pos = cin->roq.roqfilm->roq_start; } break; case MFT_STATIC: cin->outunchanged = cin->outtype;//handy cin->outtype = 1; cin->outwidth = cin->image.imagewidth; cin->outheight = cin->image.imageheight; cin->outdata = cin->image.filmimage; return true; case MFT_CIN: //FIXME! if (CIN_RunCinematic()) { CIN_DrawCinematic(); return true; } break; #ifdef WINAVI case MFT_AVI: { LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi; // Holds The Bitmap Header Information float newframe; int newframei; newframe = (curtime - cin->filmstarttime)*cin->filmfps; newframei = newframe; if (newframe == cin->currentframe) { cin->outunchanged = true; return true; } if (cin->currentframe < newframei-1) Con_DPrintf("Dropped %i frame(s)\n", (newframei - cin->currentframe)-1); cin->currentframe = newframei; Con_DPrintf("%i\n", newframei); if (cin->currentframe>=cin->num_frames) { return false; } lpbi = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)AVIStreamGetFrame(cin->avi.pgf, cin->currentframe); // Grab Data From The AVI Stream cin->currentframe++; if (!lpbi || lpbi->biBitCount != 24)//oops { SCR_SetUpToDrawConsole(); #ifdef SWQUAKE D_EnableBackBufferAccess (); // of all overlay stuff if drawing directly #endif Draw_ConsoleBackground(vid.height); Draw_String(0, 0, "Video stream is corrupt\n"); } else { cin->outtype = 3; cin->outwidth = lpbi->biWidth; cin->outheight = lpbi->biHeight; cin->outdata = (char*)lpbi+lpbi->biSize; } if (cin->avi.pavisound) { LONG lSize; LPBYTE pBuffer; LONG samples; AVIStreamRead(cin->avi.pavisound, 0, AVISTREAMREAD_CONVENIENT, NULL, 0, &lSize, &samples); cin->soundpos+=samples; pBuffer = cin->framedata; AVIStreamRead(cin->avi.pavisound, cin->soundpos, AVISTREAMREAD_CONVENIENT, pBuffer, lSize, NULL, &samples); S_RawAudio(-1, pBuffer, cin->avi.pWaveFormat->nSamplesPerSec, samples, cin->avi.pWaveFormat->nChannels, 2); } } return true; #endif } return false; } qboolean Media_PlayFilm(char *name) { Media_ShutdownCin(fullscreenvid); fullscreenvid = Media_StartCin(name); if (fullscreenvid) { Con_ClearNotify(); if (key_dest == key_menu) { key_dest = key_game; m_state = m_none; } if (key_dest != key_console) scr_con_current=0; return true; } else return false; } qboolean Media_ShowFilm(void) { if (!fullscreenvid) return false; if (!Media_DecodeFrame(fullscreenvid, false)) { Media_ShutdownCin(fullscreenvid); fullscreenvid = NULL; return false; } switch(fullscreenvid->outtype) { case 1: Media_ShowFrameRGBA_32(fullscreenvid->outdata, fullscreenvid->outwidth, fullscreenvid->outheight); break; case 2: Media_ShowFrame8bit(fullscreenvid->outdata, fullscreenvid->outwidth, fullscreenvid->outheight, fullscreenvid->outpalette); break; case 3: Media_ShowFrameBGR_24_Flip(fullscreenvid->outdata, fullscreenvid->outwidth, fullscreenvid->outheight); break; } return true; } #ifdef RGLQUAKE int Media_UpdateForShader(int texnum, cin_t *cin) { if (!cin) return 0; if (!Media_DecodeFrame(cin, true)) { return 0; } if (!cin->outunchanged) { GL_Bind(texnum); switch(cin->outtype) { case 1: GL_Upload32("cin", (unsigned int*)cin->outdata, cin->outwidth, cin->outheight, false, false); break; case 2: GL_Upload8("cin", cin->outdata, cin->outwidth, cin->outheight, false, false); break; case 3: GL_Upload24BGR_Flip ("cin", cin->outdata, cin->outwidth, cin->outheight, false, false); break; } } return texnum; } #endif void Media_PlayFilm_f (void) { if (Cmd_Argc() < 2) { Con_Printf("playfilm "); } if (!strcmp(Cmd_Argv(0), "cinematic")) Media_PlayFilm(va("video/%s", Cmd_Argv(1))); else Media_PlayFilm(Cmd_Argv(1)); } #if defined(RGLQUAKE) #if defined(WINAVI) #define WINAVIRECORDING PAVIFILE recordavi_file; #define recordavi_video_stream (recordavi_codec_fourcc?recordavi_compressed_video_stream:recordavi_uncompressed_video_stream) PAVISTREAM recordavi_uncompressed_video_stream; PAVISTREAM recordavi_compressed_video_stream; PAVISTREAM recordavi_uncompressed_audio_stream; WAVEFORMATEX recordavi_wave_format; unsigned long recordavi_codec_fourcc; #endif soundcardinfo_t *capture_fakesounddevice; int recordavi_video_frame_counter; int recordavi_audio_frame_counter; float recordavi_frametime; float recordavi_videotime; float recordavi_audiotime; int capturesize; int capturewidth; char *capturevideomem; //short *captureaudiomem; int captureaudiosamples; int captureframe; qboolean capturepaused; cvar_t capturerate = SCVAR("capturerate", "15"); #if defined(WINAVI) cvar_t capturecodec = SCVAR("capturecodec", "divx"); #else cvar_t capturecodec = SCVAR("capturecodec", "tga"); #endif cvar_t capturesound = SCVAR("capturesound", "1"); cvar_t capturesoundchannels = SCVAR("capturesoundchannels", "1"); cvar_t capturesoundbits = SCVAR("capturesoundbits", "8"); cvar_t capturemessage = SCVAR("capturemessage", ""); qboolean recordingdemo; enum { CT_NONE, CT_AVI, CT_SCREENSHOT } capturetype; char capturefilenameprefix[MAX_QPATH]; qboolean Media_Capturing (void) { if (!capturetype) return false; return true; } void Media_CapturePause_f (void) { capturepaused = !capturepaused; } qboolean Media_PausedDemo (void) { //capturedemo doesn't record any frames when the console is visible //but that's okay, as we don't load any demo frames either. if (cls.demoplayback && Media_Capturing() || capturepaused) if (scr_con_current > 0 || !cl.validsequence || capturepaused) return true; return false; } void Media_RecordFrame (void) { if (!capturetype) return; if (Media_PausedDemo()) { int y = vid.height -32-16; if (y < scr_con_current) y = scr_con_current; if (y > vid.height-8) y = vid.height-8; qglColor4f(1, 0, 0, sin(realtime*4)/4+0.75); qglEnable(GL_BLEND); qglDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); GL_TexEnv(GL_MODULATE); qglBlendFunc (GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); Draw_String((strlen(capturemessage.string)+1)*8, y, "PAUSED"); return; } if (cls.findtrack) return; //skip until we're tracking the right player. //overlay this on the screen, so it appears in the film if (*capturemessage.string) { int y = vid.height -32-16; if (y < scr_con_current) y = scr_con_current; if (y > vid.height-8) y = vid.height-8; Draw_String(0, y, capturemessage.string); } //time for annother frame? /*if (recordavi_uncompressed_audio_stream) //sync video to the same frame as audio. { if (recordavi_video_frame_counter > recordavi_audio_frame_counter) goto skipframe; } else*/ { if (recordavi_videotime > realtime+1) recordavi_videotime = realtime; //urm, wrapped?.. if (recordavi_videotime > realtime) goto skipframe; recordavi_videotime += recordavi_frametime; } switch (capturetype) { #if defined(WINAVI) case CT_AVI: { HRESULT hr; char *framebuffer = capturevideomem; qbyte temp; int i, c; if (!framebuffer) { Con_Printf("framebuffer = NULL with AVI capture type (this shouldn't happen)\n"); return; } //ask gl for it qglReadPixels (glx, gly, glwidth, glheight, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, framebuffer ); // swap rgb to bgr c = glwidth*glheight*3; for (i=0 ; i vid.height-8) y = vid.height-8; qglColor4f(1, 0, 0, sin(realtime*4)/4+0.75); qglEnable(GL_BLEND); qglDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); GL_TexEnv(GL_MODULATE); qglBlendFunc (GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); Draw_String((strlen(capturemessage.string)+1)*8, y, "RECORDING"); } } static void MSD_SetUnderWater(soundcardinfo_t *sc, qboolean underwater) { } static void *MSD_Lock (soundcardinfo_t *sc) { return sc->sn.buffer; } static void MSD_Unlock (soundcardinfo_t *sc, void *buffer) { } static int MSD_GetDMAPos(soundcardinfo_t *sc) { int s; s = captureframe*(snd_speed*recordavi_frametime); // s >>= (sc->sn.samplebits/8) - 1; s *= sc->sn.numchannels; return s; } static void MSD_Submit(soundcardinfo_t *sc) { //Fixme: support outputting to wav //http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/tech/wave.htm int lastpos; int newpos; int samplestosubmit; int partialsamplestosubmit; int offset; int bytespersample; lastpos = sc->snd_completed; newpos = sc->paintedtime; samplestosubmit = newpos - lastpos; if (samplestosubmit < (snd_speed*recordavi_frametime)) return; bytespersample = sc->sn.numchannels*sc->sn.samplebits/8; sc->snd_completed = newpos; offset = (lastpos % (sc->sn.samples/sc->sn.numchannels)); //we could just use a buffer size equal to the number of samples in each frame //but that isn't as robust when it comes to floating point imprecisions //namly: that it would loose a sample each frame with most framerates. switch (capturetype) { #if defined(WINAVI) case CT_AVI: if ((sc->snd_completed % (sc->sn.samples/sc->sn.numchannels)) < offset) { //wraped, two chunks to send partialsamplestosubmit = ((sc->sn.samples/sc->sn.numchannels)) - offset; AVIStreamWrite(recordavi_uncompressed_audio_stream, recordavi_audio_frame_counter++, 1, sc->sn.buffer+offset*bytespersample, partialsamplestosubmit*bytespersample, AVIIF_KEYFRAME, NULL, NULL); samplestosubmit -= partialsamplestosubmit; offset = 0; } AVIStreamWrite(recordavi_uncompressed_audio_stream, recordavi_audio_frame_counter++, 1, sc->sn.buffer+offset*bytespersample, samplestosubmit*bytespersample, AVIIF_KEYFRAME, NULL, NULL); break; #endif } } static void MSD_Shutdown (soundcardinfo_t *sc) { Z_Free(sc->sn.buffer); capture_fakesounddevice = NULL; } void Media_InitFakeSoundDevice (int channels, int samplebits) { soundcardinfo_t *sc; if (capture_fakesounddevice) return; sc = Z_Malloc(sizeof(soundcardinfo_t)); sc->snd_sent = 0; sc->snd_completed = 0; sc->sn.samples = snd_speed*0.5; sc->sn.speed = snd_speed; sc->sn.samplebits = samplebits; sc->sn.samplepos = 0; sc->sn.numchannels = channels; sc->inactive_sound = true; sc->sn.buffer = (unsigned char *) BZ_Malloc(sc->sn.samples*sc->sn.numchannels*(sc->sn.samplebits/8)); sc->Lock = MSD_Lock; sc->Unlock = MSD_Unlock; sc->SetWaterDistortion = MSD_SetUnderWater; sc->Submit = MSD_Submit; sc->Shutdown = MSD_Shutdown; sc->GetDMAPos = MSD_GetDMAPos; sc->next = sndcardinfo; sndcardinfo = sc; capture_fakesounddevice = sc; S_DefaultSpeakerConfiguration(sc); } void Media_StopRecordFilm_f (void) { #if defined(WINAVI) if (recordavi_uncompressed_video_stream) AVIStreamRelease(recordavi_uncompressed_video_stream); if (recordavi_compressed_video_stream) AVIStreamRelease(recordavi_compressed_video_stream); if (recordavi_uncompressed_audio_stream) AVIStreamRelease(recordavi_uncompressed_audio_stream); if (recordavi_file) AVIFileRelease(recordavi_file); recordavi_uncompressed_video_stream=NULL; recordavi_compressed_video_stream = NULL; recordavi_uncompressed_audio_stream=NULL; recordavi_file = NULL; #endif if (capturevideomem) BZ_Free(capturevideomem); if (capture_fakesounddevice) S_ShutdownCard(capture_fakesounddevice); capturevideomem = NULL; recordingdemo=false; capturetype = CT_NONE; } void Media_RecordFilm_f (void) { char *fourcc = capturecodec.string; if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Con_Printf("capture \nRecords video output in an avi file.\nUse capturerate and capturecodec to configure.\n"); return; } if (Cmd_IsInsecure()) //err... don't think so sonny. return; Media_StopRecordFilm_f(); recordavi_video_frame_counter = 0; recordavi_audio_frame_counter = 0; if (capturerate.value<=0) { Con_Printf("Invalid capturerate\n"); capturerate.value = 15; } recordavi_frametime = 1/capturerate.value; captureframe = 0; if (*fourcc) { if (!strcmp(fourcc, "tga") || !strcmp(fourcc, "png") || !strcmp(fourcc, "jpg") || !strcmp(fourcc, "pcx")) { capturetype = CT_SCREENSHOT; strcpy(capturefilenameprefix, Cmd_Argv(1)); } else { capturetype = CT_AVI; } } else { capturetype = CT_AVI; //uncompressed avi } if (capturetype == CT_NONE) { } else if (capturetype == CT_SCREENSHOT) { } #if defined(WINAVI) else if (capturetype == CT_AVI) { HRESULT hr; BITMAPINFOHEADER bitmap_info_header; AVISTREAMINFO stream_header; FILE *f; char filename[256]; if (strlen(fourcc) == 4) recordavi_codec_fourcc = mmioFOURCC(*(fourcc+0), *(fourcc+1), *(fourcc+2), *(fourcc+3)); else recordavi_codec_fourcc = 0; if (!aviinited) { aviinited=true; AVIFileInit(); } snprintf(filename, 192, "%s%s", com_quakedir, Cmd_Argv(1)); COM_StripExtension(filename, filename, sizeof(filename)); COM_DefaultExtension (filename, ".avi", sizeof(filename)); //wipe it. f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (f) { fclose(f); unlink(filename); } hr = AVIFileOpen(&recordavi_file, filename, OF_WRITE | OF_CREATE, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { Con_Printf("Failed to open\n"); return; } memset(&bitmap_info_header, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); bitmap_info_header.biSize = 40; bitmap_info_header.biWidth = glwidth; bitmap_info_header.biHeight = glheight; bitmap_info_header.biPlanes = 1; bitmap_info_header.biBitCount = 24; bitmap_info_header.biCompression = BI_RGB; bitmap_info_header.biSizeImage = glwidth*glheight * 3; memset(&stream_header, 0, sizeof(stream_header)); stream_header.fccType = streamtypeVIDEO; stream_header.fccHandler = recordavi_codec_fourcc; stream_header.dwScale = 100; stream_header.dwRate = (unsigned long)(0.5 + 100.0/recordavi_frametime); SetRect(&stream_header.rcFrame, 0, 0, glwidth, glheight); hr = AVIFileCreateStream(recordavi_file, &recordavi_uncompressed_video_stream, &stream_header); if (FAILED(hr)) { Con_Printf("Couldn't initialise the stream\n"); Media_StopRecordFilm_f(); return; } if (recordavi_codec_fourcc) { AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS opts; AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS* aopts[1] = { &opts }; memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts)); opts.fccType = stream_header.fccType; opts.fccHandler = recordavi_codec_fourcc; // Make the stream according to compression hr = AVIMakeCompressedStream(&recordavi_compressed_video_stream, recordavi_uncompressed_video_stream, &opts, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { Con_Printf("Failed to init compressor\n"); Media_StopRecordFilm_f(); return; } } hr = AVIStreamSetFormat(recordavi_video_stream, 0, &bitmap_info_header, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); if (FAILED(hr)) { Con_Printf("Failed to set format\n"); Media_StopRecordFilm_f(); return; } if (capturesoundbits.value != 8 && capturesoundbits.value != 16) Cvar_Set(&capturesoundbits, "8"); if (capturesoundchannels.value < 1 && capturesoundchannels.value > 6) Cvar_Set(&capturesoundchannels, "1"); if (capturesound.value) { memset(&recordavi_wave_format, 0, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)); recordavi_wave_format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; recordavi_wave_format.nChannels = capturesoundchannels.value; recordavi_wave_format.nSamplesPerSec = snd_speed; recordavi_wave_format.wBitsPerSample = capturesoundbits.value; recordavi_wave_format.nBlockAlign = recordavi_wave_format.wBitsPerSample/8 * recordavi_wave_format.nChannels; recordavi_wave_format.nAvgBytesPerSec = recordavi_wave_format.nSamplesPerSec * recordavi_wave_format.nBlockAlign; recordavi_wave_format.cbSize = 0; memset(&stream_header, 0, sizeof(stream_header)); stream_header.fccType = streamtypeAUDIO; stream_header.dwScale = recordavi_wave_format.nBlockAlign; stream_header.dwRate = stream_header.dwScale * (unsigned long)recordavi_wave_format.nSamplesPerSec; stream_header.dwSampleSize = recordavi_wave_format.nBlockAlign; hr = AVIFileCreateStream(recordavi_file, &recordavi_uncompressed_audio_stream, &stream_header); if (FAILED(hr)) return; hr = AVIStreamSetFormat(recordavi_uncompressed_audio_stream, 0, &recordavi_wave_format, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)); if (FAILED(hr)) return; Media_InitFakeSoundDevice(recordavi_wave_format.nChannels, recordavi_wave_format.wBitsPerSample); } recordavi_videotime = realtime; recordavi_audiotime = realtime; // if (recordavi_wave_format.nSamplesPerSec) // captureaudiomem = BZ_Malloc(recordavi_wave_format.nSamplesPerSec*2); capturevideomem = BZ_Malloc(glwidth*glheight*3); } #endif else { Con_Printf("That sort of video capturing is not supported in this build\n"); } } void Media_CaptureDemoEnd(void) { if (recordingdemo) Media_StopRecordFilm_f(); } void Media_RecordDemo_f(void) { CL_PlayDemo_f(); Media_RecordFilm_f(); scr_con_current=0; key_dest = key_game; if (capturetype != CT_NONE) recordingdemo = true; } #else void Media_CaptureDemoEnd(void){} void Media_RecordAudioFrame (short *sample_buffer, int samples){} void Media_RecordFrame (void) {} qboolean Media_PausedDemo (void) {return false;} //should not return a value #endif void Media_Init(void) { Cmd_AddCommand("playfilm", Media_PlayFilm_f); Cmd_AddCommand("cinematic", Media_PlayFilm_f); Cmd_AddCommand("music_fforward", Media_FForward_f); Cmd_AddCommand("music_rewind", Media_Rewind_f); Cmd_AddCommand("music_next", Media_Next_f); Cmd_AddCommand("capture", Media_RecordFilm_f); Cmd_AddCommand("capturedemo", Media_RecordDemo_f); Cmd_AddCommand("capturestop", Media_StopRecordFilm_f); Cmd_AddCommand("capturepause", Media_CapturePause_f); Cvar_Register(&capturemessage, "AVI capture controls"); Cvar_Register(&capturesound, "AVI capture controls"); Cvar_Register(&capturerate, "AVI capture controls"); Cvar_Register(&capturecodec, "AVI capture controls"); #if defined(WINAVI) Cvar_Register(&capturesoundbits, "AVI capture controls"); Cvar_Register(&capturesoundchannels, "AVI capture controls"); #endif #ifdef WINAMP Cvar_Register(&media_hijackwinamp, "Media player things"); #endif Cvar_Register(&media_shuffle, "Media player things"); Cvar_Register(&media_repeat, "Media player things"); } #else void Media_Init(void){} void M_Media_Draw (void){} void M_Media_Key (int key) {} qboolean Media_ShowFilm(void){return false;} qboolean Media_PlayFilm(char *name) {return false;} void Media_RecordFrame (void) {} void Media_CaptureDemoEnd(void) {} void Media_RecordDemo_f(void) {} void Media_RecordAudioFrame (short *sample_buffer, int samples) {} void Media_StopRecordFilm_f (void) {} void Media_RecordFilm_f (void){} void M_Menu_Media_f (void) {} char *Media_NextTrack(void) {return NULL;} qboolean Media_PausedDemo(void) {return false;} qboolean Media_PlayingFullScreen(void) {return false;} int filmtexture; #endif