/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // cl_main.c -- client main loop #include "quakedef.h" #include "winquake.h" #include <sys/types.h> #include "netinc.h" #include "cl_master.h" #include "cl_ignore.h" #include "shader.h" #include <ctype.h> // callbacks void QDECL CL_Sbar_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue); #ifdef NQPROT void QDECL Name_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue); #else #define Name_Callback NULL #endif void CL_ForceStopDownload (qdownload_t *dl, qboolean finish); // we need to declare some mouse variables here, because the menu system // references them even when on a unix system. qboolean noclip_anglehack; // remnant from old quake void Host_FinishLoading(void); cvar_t rcon_password = CVARF("rcon_password", "", CVAR_NOUNSAFEEXPAND); cvar_t rcon_address = CVARF("rcon_address", "", CVAR_NOUNSAFEEXPAND); cvar_t cl_timeout = CVAR("cl_timeout", "60"); cvar_t cl_shownet = CVARD("cl_shownet","0", "Debugging var. 0 shows nothing. 1 shows incoming packet sizes. 2 shows individual messages. 3 shows entities too."); // can be 0, 1, or 2 cvar_t cl_pure = CVARD("cl_pure", "0", "0=standard quake rules.\n1=clients should prefer files within packages present on the server.\n2=clients should use *only* files within packages present on the server.\nDue to quake 1.01/1.06 differences, a setting of 2 is only reliable with total conversions.\nIf sv_pure is set, the client will prefer the highest value set."); cvar_t cl_sbar = CVARFC("cl_sbar", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, CL_Sbar_Callback); cvar_t cl_hudswap = CVARF("cl_hudswap", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t cl_maxfps = CVARF("cl_maxfps", "500", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t cl_idlefps = CVARFD("cl_idlefps", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "This is the maximum framerate to attain while idle/paused/unfocused."); cvar_t cl_yieldcpu = CVARFD("cl_yieldcpu", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Attempt to yield between frames. This can resolve issues with certain drivers and background software, but can mean less consistant frame times. Will reduce power consumption/heat generation so should be set on laptops or similar (over-hot/battery powered) devices."); cvar_t cl_nopext = CVARF("cl_nopext", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t cl_pext_mask = CVAR("cl_pext_mask", "0xffffffff"); cvar_t cl_nolerp = CVARD("cl_nolerp", "0", "Disables interpolation. If set, missiles/monsters will be show exactly what was last received, which will be jerky. Does not affect players. A value of 2 means 'interpolate only in single-player/coop'."); cvar_t cl_nolerp_netquake = CVARD("cl_nolerp_netquake", "0", "Disables interpolation when connected to an NQ server. Does affect players, even the local player. You probably don't want to set this."); cvar_t *hud_tracking_show; cvar_t *hud_miniscores_show; extern cvar_t net_compress; cvar_t cl_defaultport = CVARAFD("cl_defaultport", STRINGIFY(PORT_QWSERVER), "port", 0, "The default port to connect to servers.\nQW: "STRINGIFY(PORT_QWSERVER)", NQ: "STRINGIFY(PORT_NQSERVER)", Q2: "STRINGIFY(PORT_Q2SERVER)"."); cvar_t cfg_save_name = CVARFD("cfg_save_name", "fte", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER, "This is the config name that is saved by default when no argument is specified."); cvar_t cl_splitscreen = CVARD("cl_splitscreen", "0", "Enables splitscreen support. See also: allow_splitscreen, in_rawinput*, the \"p\" command."); cvar_t lookspring = CVARF("lookspring","0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t lookstrafe = CVARF("lookstrafe","0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t sensitivity = CVARF("sensitivity","10", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t cl_staticsounds = CVARF("cl_staticsounds", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t m_pitch = CVARF("m_pitch","0.022", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t m_yaw = CVARF("m_yaw","0.022", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t m_forward = CVARF("m_forward","1", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t m_side = CVARF("m_side","0.8", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t cl_lerp_players = CVARD("cl_lerp_players", "1", "Set this to make other players smoother, though it may increase effective latency. Affects only QuakeWorld."); cvar_t cl_predict_players = CVARD("cl_predict_players", "1", "Clear this cvar to see ents exactly how they are on the server."); cvar_t cl_predict_players_frac = CVARD("cl_predict_players_frac", "0.9", "How much of other players to predict. Values less than 1 will help minimize overruns."); cvar_t cl_predict_players_latency = CVARD("cl_predict_players_latency", "1.0", "Push the player back according to your latency, to give a smooth consistent simulation of the server."); cvar_t cl_predict_players_nudge = CVARD("cl_predict_players_nudge", "0.02", "An extra nudge of time, to cover video latency."); cvar_t cl_solid_players = CVARD("cl_solid_players", "1", "Consider other players as solid for player prediction."); cvar_t cl_noblink = CVARD("cl_noblink", "0", "Disable the ^^b text blinking feature."); cvar_t cl_servername = CVARD("cl_servername", "none", "The hostname of the last server you connected to"); cvar_t cl_serveraddress = CVARD("cl_serveraddress", "none", "The address of the last server you connected to"); cvar_t qtvcl_forceversion1 = CVAR("qtvcl_forceversion1", "0"); cvar_t qtvcl_eztvextensions = CVAR("qtvcl_eztvextensions", "0"); cvar_t record_flush = CVARD("record_flush", "0", "If set, explicitly flushes demo data to disk while recording. This may be inefficient, depending on how your operating system is configured."); cvar_t cl_demospeed = CVARF("cl_demospeed", "1", 0); cvar_t cl_demoreel = CVARFD("cl_demoreel", "0", CVAR_SAVE, "When enabled, the engine will begin playing a demo loop on startup."); cvar_t cl_loopbackprotocol = CVARD("cl_loopbackprotocol", "qw", "Which protocol to use for single-player/the internal client. Should be one of: qw, qwid, nqid, nq, fitz, dp6, dp7. If empty, will use qw protocols for qw mods, and nq protocols for nq mods."); cvar_t cl_threadedphysics = CVAR("cl_threadedphysics", "0"); #ifdef QUAKESPYAPI cvar_t localid = SCVAR("localid", ""); static qboolean allowremotecmd = true; #endif cvar_t r_drawflame = CVARD("r_drawflame", "1", "Set to -1 to disable ALL static entities. Set to 0 to disable only wall torches and standing flame. Set to 1 for everything drawn as normal."); qboolean forcesaveprompt; extern int total_loading_size, current_loading_size, loading_stage; // // info mirrors // cvar_t password = CVARAF("password", "", "pq_password", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_NOUNSAFEEXPAND); //this is parhaps slightly dodgy... added pq_password alias because baker seems to be using this for user accounts. cvar_t spectator = CVARF("spectator", "", CVAR_USERINFO); cvar_t name = CVARFC("name", "Player", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO, Name_Callback); cvar_t team = CVARF("team", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO); cvar_t skin = CVARF("skin", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO); cvar_t model = CVARF("model", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO); cvar_t topcolor = CVARF("topcolor", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO); cvar_t bottomcolor = CVARF("bottomcolor", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO); cvar_t rate = CVARFD("rate", "30000"/*"6480"*/, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO, "A rough measure of the bandwidth to try to use while playing. Too high a value may result in 'buffer bloat'."); cvar_t drate = CVARFD("drate", "3000000", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO, "A rough measure of the bandwidth to try to use while downloading (in bytes per second)."); // :) cvar_t noaim = CVARF("noaim", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO); cvar_t msg = CVARFD("msg", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO, "Filter console prints/messages. Only functions on QuakeWorld servers. 0=pickup messages. 1=death messages. 2=critical messages. 3=chat."); cvar_t b_switch = CVARF("b_switch", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO); cvar_t w_switch = CVARF("w_switch", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO); cvar_t cl_nofake = CVARD("cl_nofake", "2", "value 0: permits \\r chars in chat messages\nvalue 1: blocks all \\r chars\nvalue 2: allows \\r chars, but only from teammates"); cvar_t cl_chatsound = CVAR("cl_chatsound","1"); cvar_t cl_enemychatsound = CVAR("cl_enemychatsound", "misc/talk.wav"); cvar_t cl_teamchatsound = CVAR("cl_teamchatsound", "misc/talk.wav"); cvar_t r_torch = CVARF("r_torch", "0", CVAR_CHEAT); cvar_t r_rocketlight = CVARFC("r_rocketlight", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, Cvar_Limiter_ZeroToOne_Callback); cvar_t r_lightflicker = CVAR("r_lightflicker", "1"); cvar_t cl_r2g = CVARFD("cl_r2g", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Uses progs/grenade.mdl instead of progs/missile.mdl when 1."); cvar_t r_powerupglow = CVAR("r_powerupglow", "1"); cvar_t v_powerupshell = CVARF("v_powerupshell", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t cl_gibfilter = CVARF("cl_gibfilter", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t cl_deadbodyfilter = CVARF("cl_deadbodyfilter", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t cl_gunx = CVAR("cl_gunx", "0"); cvar_t cl_guny = CVAR("cl_guny", "0"); cvar_t cl_gunz = CVAR("cl_gunz", "0"); cvar_t cl_gunanglex = CVAR("cl_gunanglex", "0"); cvar_t cl_gunangley = CVAR("cl_gunangley", "0"); cvar_t cl_gunanglez = CVAR("cl_gunanglez", "0"); cvar_t cl_proxyaddr = CVAR("cl_proxyaddr", ""); cvar_t cl_sendguid = CVARD("cl_sendguid", "0", "Send a randomly generated 'globally unique' id to servers, which can be used by servers for score rankings and stuff. Different servers will see different guids. Delete the 'qkey' file in order to appear as a different user.\nIf set to 2, all servers will see the same guid. Be warned that this can show other people the guid that you're using."); cvar_t cl_downloads = CVARFD("cl_downloads", "1", CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER, "Allows you to block all automatic downloads."); cvar_t cl_download_csprogs = CVARFD("cl_download_csprogs", "1", CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER, "Download updated client gamecode if available. Warning: If you clear this to avoid downloading vm code, you should also clear cl_download_packages."); cvar_t cl_download_redirection = CVARFD("cl_download_redirection", "2", CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER, "Follow download redirection to download packages instead of individual files. Also allows the server to send nearly arbitary download commands.\n2: allows redirection only to named packages files (and demos/*.mvd), which is a bit safer."); cvar_t cl_download_mapsrc = CVARD("cl_download_mapsrc", "", "Specifies an http location prefix for map downloads. EG: \"http://bigfoot.morphos-team.net/misc/quakemaps/\""); cvar_t cl_download_packages = CVARFD("cl_download_packages", "1", CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER, "0=Do not download packages simply because the server is using them. 1=Download and load packages as needed (does not affect games which do not use this package). 2=Do download and install permanently (use with caution!)"); cvar_t requiredownloads = CVARFD("requiredownloads","1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "0=join the game before downloads have even finished (might be laggy). 1=wait for all downloads to complete before joining."); cvar_t cl_muzzleflash = CVAR("cl_muzzleflash", "1"); cvar_t gl_simpleitems = CVARF("gl_simpleitems", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t cl_item_bobbing = CVARF("cl_model_bobbing", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t cl_countpendingpl = CVARD("cl_countpendingpl", "0", "If set to 1, packet loss percentages will show packets still in transit as lost, even if they might still be received."); cvar_t cl_standardchat = CVARFD("cl_standardchat", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Disables auto colour coding in chat messages."); cvar_t msg_filter = CVARD("msg_filter", "0", "Filter out chat messages: 0=neither. 1=broadcast chat. 2=team chat. 3=all chat."); cvar_t msg_filter_frags = CVARD("msg_filter_frags", "0", "Prevents frag messages from appearing on the console."); cvar_t msg_filter_pickups = CVARD("msg_filter_pickups", "0", "Prevents pickup messages from appearing on the console. This would normally be filtered by 'msg 1', but nq servers cannot respect that (nor nq mods running in qw servers)."); cvar_t cl_standardmsg = CVARFD("cl_standardmsg", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Disables auto colour coding in console prints."); cvar_t cl_parsewhitetext = CVARD("cl_parsewhitetext", "1", "When parsing chat messages, enable support for messages like: red{white}red"); cvar_t cl_dlemptyterminate = CVAR("cl_dlemptyterminate", "1"); cvar_t host_mapname = CVARAF("mapname", "", "host_mapname", 0); cvar_t ruleset_allow_playercount = CVAR("ruleset_allow_playercount", "1"); cvar_t ruleset_allow_frj = CVAR("ruleset_allow_frj", "1"); cvar_t ruleset_allow_semicheats = CVAR("ruleset_allow_semicheats", "1"); cvar_t ruleset_allow_packet = CVAR("ruleset_allow_packet", "1"); cvar_t ruleset_allow_particle_lightning = CVAR("ruleset_allow_particle_lightning", "1"); cvar_t ruleset_allow_overlongsounds = CVAR("ruleset_allow_overlong_sounds", "1"); cvar_t ruleset_allow_larger_models = CVAR("ruleset_allow_larger_models", "1"); cvar_t ruleset_allow_modified_eyes = CVAR("ruleset_allow_modified_eyes", "0"); cvar_t ruleset_allow_sensitive_texture_replacements = CVAR("ruleset_allow_sensitive_texture_replacements", "1"); cvar_t ruleset_allow_localvolume = CVAR("ruleset_allow_localvolume", "1"); cvar_t ruleset_allow_shaders = CVARF("ruleset_allow_shaders", "1", CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM); cvar_t ruleset_allow_watervis = CVARF("ruleset_allow_watervis", "1", CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM); cvar_t ruleset_allow_fbmodels = CVARF("ruleset_allow_fbmodels", "0", CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM); extern cvar_t cl_hightrack; extern cvar_t vid_renderer; char cl_screengroup[] = "Screen options"; char cl_controlgroup[] = "client operation options"; char cl_inputgroup[] = "client input controls"; char cl_predictiongroup[] = "Client side prediction"; client_static_t cls; client_state_t cl; // alot of this should probably be dynamically allocated entity_state_t *cl_baselines; static_entity_t *cl_static_entities; unsigned int cl_max_static_entities; lightstyle_t cl_lightstyle[MAX_LIGHTSTYLES]; dlight_t *cl_dlights; unsigned int cl_maxdlights; /*size of cl_dlights array*/ int cl_baselines_count; int rtlights_first, rtlights_max; // refresh list // this is double buffered so the last frame // can be scanned for oldorigins of trailing objects int cl_numvisedicts; int cl_maxvisedicts; entity_t *cl_visedicts; int cl_framecount; scenetris_t *cl_stris; vecV_t *fte_restrict cl_strisvertv; vec4_t *fte_restrict cl_strisvertc; vec2_t *fte_restrict cl_strisvertt; index_t *fte_restrict cl_strisidx; unsigned int cl_numstrisidx; unsigned int cl_maxstrisidx; unsigned int cl_numstrisvert; unsigned int cl_maxstrisvert; unsigned int cl_numstris; unsigned int cl_maxstris; static struct { qboolean trying; qboolean istransfer; //ignore the user's desired server (don't change connect.adr). netadr_t adr; //address that we're trying to transfer to. FIXME: support multiple resolved addresses, eg both ::1 AND int mtu; unsigned int compresscrc; int protocol; //nq/qw/q2/q3. guessed based upon server replies int subprotocol; //the monkeys are trying to eat me. unsigned int fteext1; unsigned int fteext2; int qport; int challenge; //tracked as part of guesswork based upon what replies we get. double time; //for connection retransmits int defaultport; int tries; //increased each try, every fourth trys nq connect packets. unsigned char guid[64]; } connectinfo; quakeparms_t host_parms; qboolean host_initialized; // true if into command execution qboolean nomaster; double host_frametime; double realtime; // without any filtering or bounding double oldrealtime; // last frame run int host_framecount; qbyte *host_basepal; qbyte *h2playertranslations; cvar_t host_speeds = CVAR("host_speeds","0"); // set for running times #ifdef CRAZYDEBUGGING cvar_t developer = CVAR("developer","1"); #else cvar_t developer = CVAR("developer","0"); #endif int fps_count; qboolean forcesaveprompt; jmp_buf host_abort; void Master_Connect_f (void); float server_version = 0; // version of server we connected to char emodel_name[] = { 'e' ^ 0xff, 'm' ^ 0xff, 'o' ^ 0xff, 'd' ^ 0xff, 'e' ^ 0xff, 'l' ^ 0xff, 0 }; char pmodel_name[] = { 'p' ^ 0xff, 'm' ^ 0xff, 'o' ^ 0xff, 'd' ^ 0xff, 'e' ^ 0xff, 'l' ^ 0xff, 0 }; char prespawn_name[] = { 'p'^0xff, 'r'^0xff, 'e'^0xff, 's'^0xff, 'p'^0xff, 'a'^0xff, 'w'^0xff, 'n'^0xff, ' '^0xff, '%'^0xff, 'i'^0xff, ' '^0xff, '0'^0xff, ' '^0xff, '%'^0xff, 'i'^0xff, 0 }; char modellist_name[] = { 'm'^0xff, 'o'^0xff, 'd'^0xff, 'e'^0xff, 'l'^0xff, 'l'^0xff, 'i'^0xff, 's'^0xff, 't'^0xff, ' '^0xff, '%'^0xff, 'i'^0xff, ' '^0xff, '%'^0xff, 'i'^0xff, 0 }; char soundlist_name[] = { 's'^0xff, 'o'^0xff, 'u'^0xff, 'n'^0xff, 'd'^0xff, 'l'^0xff, 'i'^0xff, 's'^0xff, 't'^0xff, ' '^0xff, '%'^0xff, 'i'^0xff, ' '^0xff, '%'^0xff, 'i'^0xff, 0 }; void CL_UpdateWindowTitle(void) { if (VID_SetWindowCaption) { if (cl.windowtitle) { //gamecode wanted some explicit title. VID_SetWindowCaption(cl.windowtitle); return; } else { char title[2048]; switch (cls.state) { default: #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (sv.state) Q_snprintfz(title, sizeof(title), "%s: %s", fs_gamename.string, svs.name); else #endif if (cls.demoplayback) { extern char lastdemoname[]; Q_snprintfz(title, sizeof(title), "%s: %s", fs_gamename.string, lastdemoname); } else Q_snprintfz(title, sizeof(title), "%s: %s", fs_gamename.string, cls.servername); break; case ca_disconnected: if (CSQC_UnconnectedOkay(false)) //pure csqc mods can have a world model and yet be disconnected. we don't really know what the current map should be called though. Q_snprintfz(title, sizeof(title), "%s", fs_gamename.string); else Q_snprintfz(title, sizeof(title), "%s: disconnected", fs_gamename.string); break; } VID_SetWindowCaption(title); } } } void CL_MakeActive(char *gamename) { extern int fs_finds; if (fs_finds) { Con_DPrintf("%i additional FS searches\n", fs_finds); fs_finds = 0; } cl.matchgametimestart = 0; cls.state = ca_active; //this might be expensive, don't count any of this as time spent *playing* the demo. this avoids skipping the first $LOADDURATION seconds. cl.stillloading = true; //kill sounds left over from the last map. S_Purge(true); //kill models left over from the last map. Mod_Purge(MP_MAPCHANGED); Image_Purge(); //and reload shaders now if needed (this was blocked earlier) Shader_DoReload(); SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(); CL_UpdateWindowTitle(); TP_ExecTrigger("f_begin", true); if (cls.demoplayback) TP_ExecTrigger("f_spawndemo", true); else TP_ExecTrigger("f_spawn", false); } /* ================== CL_Quit_f ================== */ void CL_Quit_f (void) { if (!host_initialized) return; if (forcesaveprompt && strcmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "force")) { forcesaveprompt = false; if (Cmd_Exists("menu_quit")) { Cmd_ExecuteString("menu_quit", RESTRICT_LOCAL); return; } } TP_ExecTrigger("f_quit", true); Cbuf_Execute(); /* #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (!isDedicated) #endif { M_Menu_Quit_f (); return; }*/ Sys_Quit (); } void CL_ConnectToDarkPlaces(char *challenge, netadr_t *adr) { char data[2048]; cls.fteprotocolextensions = 0; cls.fteprotocolextensions2 = 0; cls.resendinfo = false; connectinfo.time = realtime; // for retransmit requests Q_snprintfz(data, sizeof(data), "%c%c%c%cconnect\\protocol\\darkplaces 3\\protocols\\DP7 DP6 DP5 FITZ NEHAHRABJP NEHAHRABJP2 NEHAHRABJP3 QUAKE\\challenge\\%s", 255, 255, 255, 255, challenge); NET_SendPacket (NS_CLIENT, strlen(data), data, adr); cl.splitclients = 0; } #ifdef PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE void CL_SupportedFTEExtensions(int *pext1, int *pext2) { unsigned int fteprotextsupported = 0; unsigned int fteprotextsupported2 = 0; fteprotextsupported = Net_PextMask(1, false); fteprotextsupported2 = Net_PextMask(2, false); fteprotextsupported &= strtoul(cl_pext_mask.string, NULL, 16); // fteprotextsupported2 &= strtoul(cl_pext2_mask.string, NULL, 16); if (cl_nopext.ival) { fteprotextsupported = 0; fteprotextsupported2 = 0; } *pext1 = fteprotextsupported; *pext2 = fteprotextsupported2; } #endif char *CL_GUIDString(netadr_t *adr) { static qbyte buf[2048]; static int buflen; unsigned int digest[4]; char serveraddr[256]; void *blocks[2]; int lens[2]; if (!cl_sendguid.ival) return NULL; if (*connectinfo.guid && connectinfo.istransfer) return connectinfo.guid; if (!buflen) { vfsfile_t *f; f = FS_OpenVFS("qkey", "rb", FS_ROOT); if (f) { buflen = VFS_GETLEN(f); if (buflen > 2048) buflen = 2048; buflen = VFS_READ(f, buf, buflen); VFS_CLOSE(f); } if (buflen < 16) { buflen = sizeof(buf); if (!Sys_RandomBytes(buf, buflen)) { int i; srand(time(NULL)); for (i = 0; i < buflen; i++) buf[i] = rand() & 0xff; } f = FS_OpenVFS("qkey", "wb", FS_ROOT); if (f) { VFS_WRITE(f, buf, buflen); VFS_CLOSE(f); } } } if (cl_sendguid.ival == 2) *serveraddr = 0; else NET_AdrToString(serveraddr, sizeof(serveraddr), adr); blocks[0] = buf;lens[0] = buflen; blocks[1] = serveraddr;lens[1] = strlen(serveraddr); Com_BlocksChecksum(2, blocks, lens, (void*)digest); Q_snprintfz(connectinfo.guid, sizeof(connectinfo.guid), "%08x%08x%08x%08x", digest[0], digest[1], digest[2], digest[3]); return connectinfo.guid; } /* ======================= CL_SendConnectPacket called by CL_Connect_f and CL_CheckResend ====================== */ void CL_SendConnectPacket (netadr_t *to, int mtu, #ifdef PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE int ftepext, int ftepext2, #endif int compressioncrc /*, ...*/) //dmw new parms { extern cvar_t qport; netadr_t addr; char data[2048]; char *info; double t1, t2; #ifdef PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE int fteprotextsupported=0; int fteprotextsupported2=0; #endif int clients; int c; char *a; // JACK: Fixed bug where DNS lookups would cause two connects real fast // Now, adds lookup time to the connect time. // Should I add it to realtime instead?!?! if (!connectinfo.trying) return; if (cl_nopext.ival) //imagine it's an unenhanced server { compressioncrc = 0; } #ifdef PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE #ifdef Q2CLIENT if (connectinfo.protocol == CP_QUAKE2) { fteprotextsupported = ftepext & (PEXT_MODELDBL|PEXT_SOUNDDBL|PEXT_SPLITSCREEN); fteprotextsupported2 = 0; } else #endif { CL_SupportedFTEExtensions(&fteprotextsupported, &fteprotextsupported2); fteprotextsupported &= ftepext; fteprotextsupported2 &= ftepext2; if (connectinfo.protocol != CP_QUAKEWORLD) { fteprotextsupported = 0; fteprotextsupported2 = 0; } } connectinfo.fteext1 = fteprotextsupported; connectinfo.fteext2 = fteprotextsupported2; #endif t1 = Sys_DoubleTime (); if (!to) { to = &addr; if (!NET_StringToAdr (cls.servername, PORT_QWSERVER, to)) { Con_TPrintf ("Bad server address\n"); connectinfo.trying = false; return; } } NET_AdrToString(data, sizeof(data), to); Cvar_ForceSet(&cl_serveraddress, data); if (!NET_IsClientLegal(to)) { Con_TPrintf ("Illegal server address\n"); connectinfo.trying = false; return; } t2 = Sys_DoubleTime (); cls.resendinfo = false; connectinfo.time = realtime+t2-t1; // for retransmit requests //fixme: we shouldn't cycle these so much connectinfo.qport = qport.value; Cvar_SetValue(&qport, (connectinfo.qport+1)&0xffff); if (connectinfo.protocol == CP_QUAKE2 && (connectinfo.subprotocol == PROTOCOL_VERSION_R1Q2 || connectinfo.subprotocol == PROTOCOL_VERSION_Q2PRO)) connectinfo.qport &= 0xff; // Info_SetValueForStarKey (cls.userinfo, "*ip", NET_AdrToString(adr), MAX_INFO_STRING); clients = 1; /* if (cl_splitscreen.value && (fteprotextsupported & PEXT_SPLITSCREEN)) { // if (adr.type == NA_LOOPBACK) clients = cl_splitscreen.value+1; // else // Con_Printf("Split screens are still under development\n"); } if (clients < 1) clients = 1; if (clients > MAX_SPLITS) clients = MAX_SPLITS; #ifdef Q2CLIENT if (connectinfo.protocol == CP_QUAKE2) //q2 only supports after-connect seats clients = 1; #endif */ #ifdef Q3CLIENT if (connectinfo.protocol == CP_QUAKE3) { //q3 requires some very strange things. CLQ3_SendConnectPacket(to, connectinfo.challenge, connectinfo.qport); return; } #endif Q_snprintfz(data, sizeof(data), "%c%c%c%cconnect", 255, 255, 255, 255); if (clients>1) //splitscreen 'connect' command specifies the number of userinfos sent. Q_strncatz(data, va("%i", clients), sizeof(data)); Q_strncatz(data, va(" %i %i %i", connectinfo.subprotocol, connectinfo.qport, connectinfo.challenge), sizeof(data)); //userinfo0 has some twiddles for extensions from other qw engines. Q_strncatz(data, " \"", sizeof(data)); //qwfwd proxy routing if ((a = strrchr(cls.servername, '@'))) { *a = 0; Q_strncatz(data, va("\\prx\\%s", cls.servername), sizeof(data)); *a = '@'; } //the info itself Q_strncatz(data, cls.userinfo[0], sizeof(data)); if (connectinfo.protocol == CP_QUAKEWORLD) //zquake extension info. Q_strncatz(data, va("\\*z_ext\\%i", SUPPORTED_Z_EXTENSIONS), sizeof(data)); Q_strncatz(data, "\"", sizeof(data)); for (c = 1; c < clients; c++) Q_strncatz(data, va(" \"%s\"", cls.userinfo[c]), sizeof(data)); if (connectinfo.protocol == CP_QUAKE2 && connectinfo.subprotocol == PROTOCOL_VERSION_R1Q2) Q_strncatz(data, va(" %d %d", mtu, 1905), sizeof(data)); //mti, sub-sub-version else if (connectinfo.protocol == CP_QUAKE2 && connectinfo.subprotocol == PROTOCOL_VERSION_Q2PRO) Q_strncatz(data, va(" %d 0 0 %d", mtu, 1021), sizeof(data)); //mtu, netchan-fragmentation, zlib, sub-sub-version Q_strncatz(data, "\n", sizeof(data)); #ifdef PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE if (ftepext) Q_strncatz(data, va("0x%x 0x%x\n", PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE, fteprotextsupported), sizeof(data)); #endif #ifdef PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE2 if (ftepext2) Q_strncatz(data, va("0x%x 0x%x\n", PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE2, fteprotextsupported2), sizeof(data)); #endif if (mtu > 0) { if (to->type == NA_LOOPBACK) mtu = MAX_UDP_PACKET; else if (net_mtu.ival > 64 && mtu > net_mtu.ival) mtu = net_mtu.ival; mtu &= ~7; Q_strncatz(data, va("0x%x %i\n", PROTOCOL_VERSION_FRAGMENT, mtu), sizeof(data)); connectinfo.mtu = mtu; } else connectinfo.mtu = 0; #ifdef HUFFNETWORK if (compressioncrc && net_compress.ival && Huff_CompressionCRC(compressioncrc)) { Q_strncatz(data, va("0x%x 0x%x\n", PROTOCOL_VERSION_HUFFMAN, LittleLong(compressioncrc)), sizeof(data)); connectinfo.compresscrc = compressioncrc; } else #endif connectinfo.compresscrc = 0; info = CL_GUIDString(to); if (info) Q_strncatz(data, va("0x%x \"%s\"\n", PROTOCOL_INFO_GUID, info), sizeof(data)); NET_SendPacket (NS_CLIENT, strlen(data), data, to); } char *CL_TryingToConnect(void) { if (!connectinfo.trying) return NULL; return cls.servername; } #ifndef CLIENTONLY int SV_NewChallenge (void); client_t *SVC_DirectConnect(void); #endif /* ================= CL_CheckForResend Resend a connect message if the last one has timed out ================= */ void CL_CheckForResend (void) { char data[2048]; double t1, t2; int contype = 0; qboolean keeptrying = true; char *host; #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (!cls.state && (!connectinfo.trying || sv.state != ss_clustermode) && sv.state) { #ifdef NQPROT qboolean proquakeangles = false; #endif #ifdef NETPREPARSE extern cvar_t dpcompat_nopreparse; #endif memset(&connectinfo, 0, sizeof(connectinfo)); Q_strncpyz (cls.servername, "internalserver", sizeof(cls.servername)); Cvar_ForceSet(&cl_servername, cls.servername); if (!NET_StringToAdr(cls.servername, 0, &connectinfo.adr)) return; //erk? connectinfo.trying = true; connectinfo.istransfer = false; NET_InitClient(true); cls.state = ca_disconnected; switch (svs.gametype) { #ifdef Q3CLIENT case GT_QUAKE3: connectinfo.protocol = CP_QUAKE3; break; #endif #ifdef Q2CLIENT case GT_QUAKE2: connectinfo.protocol = CP_QUAKE2; connectinfo.subprotocol = PROTOCOL_VERSION_Q2; connectinfo.fteext1 = PEXT_MODELDBL|PEXT_SOUNDDBL|PEXT_SPLITSCREEN; connectinfo.fteext2 = 0; break; #endif default: cl.movesequence = 0; if (!strcmp(cl_loopbackprotocol.string, "qw") || progstype == PROG_H2) { //qw with all supported extensions -default connectinfo.fteext1 = Net_PextMask(1, false); connectinfo.fteext2 = Net_PextMask(2, false); connectinfo.protocol = CP_QUAKEWORLD; connectinfo.subprotocol = PROTOCOL_VERSION_QW; } else if (!strcmp(cl_loopbackprotocol.string, "qwid") || !strcmp(cl_loopbackprotocol.string, "idqw")) { connectinfo.protocol = CP_QUAKEWORLD; connectinfo.subprotocol = PROTOCOL_VERSION_QW; } #ifdef Q3CLIENT else if (!strcmp(cl_loopbackprotocol.string, "q3")) cls.protocol = CP_QUAKE3; #endif #ifdef NQPROT else if (!strcmp(cl_loopbackprotocol.string, "random")) { //for debugging. if (rand() & 1) { connectinfo.protocol = CP_NETQUAKE; connectinfo.subprotocol = CPNQ_FITZ666; } else { connectinfo.protocol = CP_QUAKEWORLD; connectinfo.subprotocol = PROTOCOL_VERSION_QW; connectinfo.fteext1 = Net_PextMask(1, false); connectinfo.fteext2 = Net_PextMask(2, false); } } else if (!strcmp(cl_loopbackprotocol.string, "fitz") || !strcmp(cl_loopbackprotocol.string, "666") || !strcmp(cl_loopbackprotocol.string, "999")) { connectinfo.protocol = CP_NETQUAKE; connectinfo.subprotocol = CPNQ_FITZ666; } else if (!strcmp(cl_loopbackprotocol.string, "bjp3") || !strcmp(cl_loopbackprotocol.string, "bjp")) { connectinfo.protocol = CP_NETQUAKE; connectinfo.subprotocol = CPNQ_BJP3; } else if (!strcmp(cl_loopbackprotocol.string, "nq")) { connectinfo.protocol = CP_NETQUAKE; connectinfo.subprotocol = CPNQ_ID; proquakeangles = true; } else if (!strcmp(cl_loopbackprotocol.string, "nqid") || !strcmp(cl_loopbackprotocol.string, "idnq")) { connectinfo.protocol = CP_NETQUAKE; connectinfo.subprotocol = CPNQ_ID; } else if (!strcmp(cl_loopbackprotocol.string, "dp6") || !strcmp(cl_loopbackprotocol.string, "dpp6")) { connectinfo.protocol = CP_NETQUAKE; connectinfo.subprotocol = CPNQ_DP6; } else if (!strcmp(cl_loopbackprotocol.string, "dp7") || !strcmp(cl_loopbackprotocol.string, "dpp7")) { connectinfo.protocol = CP_NETQUAKE; connectinfo.subprotocol = CPNQ_DP7; } else if (progstype != PROG_QW && progstype != PROG_H2) //h2 depends on various extensions and doesn't really match either protocol, but we go for qw because that gives us all sorts of extensions. { connectinfo.protocol = CP_NETQUAKE; connectinfo.subprotocol = CPNQ_FITZ666; //FIXME: pext } #endif else { //protocol wasn't recognised, and we didn't take the nq fallback, so that must mean we're going for qw. connectinfo.protocol = CP_QUAKEWORLD; connectinfo.subprotocol = PROTOCOL_VERSION_QW; connectinfo.fteext1 = Net_PextMask(1, false); connectinfo.fteext2 = Net_PextMask(2, false); } #ifdef NETPREPARSE if (dpcompat_nopreparse.ival) #endif { //disabling preparsing with hexen2 is unsupported. if (progstype == PROG_H2) Con_Printf("dpcompat_nopreparse is unsupported with hexen2\n"); else if (progstype == PROG_QW && cls.protocol != CP_QUAKEWORLD) { connectinfo.protocol = CP_QUAKEWORLD; connectinfo.subprotocol = PROTOCOL_VERSION_QW; connectinfo.fteext1 = Net_PextMask(1, false); connectinfo.fteext2 = Net_PextMask(2, false); } else if (progstype != PROG_QW && cls.protocol == CP_QUAKEWORLD) { connectinfo.protocol = CP_NETQUAKE; connectinfo.subprotocol = CPNQ_DP7; //dpcompat_nopreparse is only really needed for DP mods that send unknowable svc_tempentity messages to the client. } } //make sure the protocol within demos is actually correct/sane if (cls.demorecording == DPB_QUAKEWORLD && cls.protocol != CP_QUAKEWORLD) { connectinfo.protocol = CP_QUAKEWORLD; connectinfo.subprotocol = PROTOCOL_VERSION_QW; connectinfo.fteext1 = Net_PextMask(1, false); connectinfo.fteext2 = Net_PextMask(2, false); } #ifdef NQPROT else if (cls.demorecording == DPB_NETQUAKE && cls.protocol != CP_NETQUAKE) { connectinfo.protocol = CP_NETQUAKE; connectinfo.subprotocol = CPNQ_FITZ666; //FIXME: use pext. } #endif #ifdef Q2CLIENT else if (cls.demorecording == DPB_QUAKE2 && cls.protocol != CP_QUAKE2) { connectinfo.protocol = CP_QUAKE2; connectinfo.subprotocol = PROTOCOL_VERSION_Q2; connectinfo.fteext1 = PEXT_MODELDBL|PEXT_SOUNDDBL|PEXT_SPLITSCREEN; //FIXME: use pext. } #endif break; } CL_FlushClientCommands(); //clear away all client->server clientcommands. #ifdef NQPROT if (connectinfo.protocol == CP_NETQUAKE) { if (!NET_StringToAdr (cls.servername, connectinfo.defaultport, &connectinfo.adr)) { Con_TPrintf ("Bad server address\n"); connectinfo.trying = false; SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(); return; } NET_AdrToString(data, sizeof(data), &connectinfo.adr); /*eat up the server's packets, to clear any lingering loopback packets (like disconnect commands... yes this might cause packetloss for other clients)*/ while(NET_GetPacket (NS_SERVER, 0) >= 0) { } net_message.packing = SZ_RAWBYTES; net_message.cursize = 0; MSG_BeginReading(net_message.prim); if (connectinfo.subprotocol == CPNQ_ID && !proquakeangles) { net_from = connectinfo.adr; Cmd_TokenizeString (va("connect %i %i %i \"\\name\\unconnected\"", NQ_NETCHAN_VERSION, 0, SV_NewChallenge()), false, false); SVC_DirectConnect(); } else if (connectinfo.subprotocol == CPNQ_BJP3) { net_from = connectinfo.adr; Cmd_TokenizeString (va("connect %i %i %i \"\\name\\unconnected\\mod\\%i\"", NQ_NETCHAN_VERSION, 0, SV_NewChallenge(), PROTOCOL_VERSION_BJP3), false, false); SVC_DirectConnect(); } else if (connectinfo.subprotocol == CPNQ_FITZ666) { net_from = connectinfo.adr; Cmd_TokenizeString (va("connect %i %i %i \"\\name\\unconnected\\mod\\%i\"", NQ_NETCHAN_VERSION, 0, SV_NewChallenge(), PROTOCOL_VERSION_FITZ), false, false); SVC_DirectConnect(); } else if (proquakeangles) { net_from = connectinfo.adr; Cmd_TokenizeString (va("connect %i %i %i \"\\name\\unconnected\\mod\\1\"", NQ_NETCHAN_VERSION, 0, SV_NewChallenge()), false, false); SVC_DirectConnect(); } else CL_ConnectToDarkPlaces("", &connectinfo.adr); connectinfo.trying = false; } else #endif { if (!connectinfo.challenge) connectinfo.challenge = rand(); CL_SendConnectPacket (NULL, 8192-16, connectinfo.fteext1, connectinfo.fteext2, false); } return; } #endif if (!connectinfo.trying) return; /* #ifdef NQPROT if (connect_type) { if (!connect_time || !(realtime - connect_time < 5.0)) { connect_time = realtime; NQ_BeginConnect(cls.servername); NQ_ContinueConnect(cls.servername); } else NQ_ContinueConnect(cls.servername); return; } #endif */ if (connectinfo.time && realtime - connectinfo.time < 5.0) return; NET_InitClient(false); t1 = Sys_DoubleTime (); if (!connectinfo.istransfer) { host = strrchr(cls.servername, '@'); if (host) host++; else host = cls.servername; if (!NET_StringToAdr (host, connectinfo.defaultport, &connectinfo.adr)) { Con_TPrintf ("Bad server address\n"); connectinfo.trying = false; SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(); return; } } if (!NET_IsClientLegal(&connectinfo.adr)) { Con_TPrintf ("Illegal server address\n"); SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(); connectinfo.trying = false; return; } CL_FlushClientCommands(); t2 = Sys_DoubleTime (); connectinfo.time = realtime+t2-t1; // for retransmit requests Cvar_ForceSet(&cl_servername, cls.servername); #ifdef Q3CLIENT //Q3 clients send their cdkey to the q3 authorize server. //they send this packet with the challenge. //and the server will refuse the client if it hasn't sent it. CLQ3_SendAuthPacket(&connectinfo.adr); #endif if (connectinfo.istransfer) Con_TPrintf ("Connecting to %s(%s)...\n", cls.servername, NET_AdrToString(data, sizeof(data), &connectinfo.adr)); else Con_TPrintf ("Connecting to %s...\n", cls.servername); if (connectinfo.tries == 0) if (!NET_EnsureRoute(cls.sockets, "conn", cls.servername, false)) { Con_Printf ("Unable to establish connection to %s\n", cls.servername); connectinfo.trying = false; SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(); return; } contype |= 1; /*always try qw type connections*/ // if ((connect_tries&3)==3) || (connect_defaultport==26000)) contype |= 2; /*try nq connections periodically (or if its the default nq port)*/ /*DP, QW, Q2, Q3*/ if (contype & 1) { Q_snprintfz (data, sizeof(data), "%c%c%c%cgetchallenge\n", 255, 255, 255, 255); keeptrying &= NET_SendPacket (NS_CLIENT, strlen(data), data, &connectinfo.adr)==NETERR_SENT; } /*NQ*/ #ifdef NQPROT if (contype & 2) { sizebuf_t sb; memset(&sb, 0, sizeof(sb)); sb.data = data; sb.maxsize = sizeof(data); MSG_WriteLong(&sb, LongSwap(NETFLAG_CTL | (strlen(NQ_NETCHAN_GAMENAME)+7))); MSG_WriteByte(&sb, CCREQ_CONNECT); MSG_WriteString(&sb, NQ_NETCHAN_GAMENAME); MSG_WriteByte(&sb, NQ_NETCHAN_VERSION); /*NQ engines have a few extra bits on the end*/ /*proquake servers wait for us to send them a packet before anything happens, which means it corrects for our public port if our nat uses different public ports for different remote ports thus all nq engines claim to be proquake */ MSG_WriteByte(&sb, 1); /*'mod'*/ MSG_WriteByte(&sb, 34); /*'mod' version*/ MSG_WriteByte(&sb, 0); /*flags*/ MSG_WriteLong(&sb, strtoul(password.string, NULL, 0)); /*password*/ /*FTE servers will detect this string and treat it as a qw challenge instead (if it allows qw clients), so protocol choice is deterministic*/ if (contype & 1) MSG_WriteString(&sb, "getchallenge"); *(int*)sb.data = LongSwap(NETFLAG_CTL | sb.cursize); keeptrying &= NET_SendPacket (NS_CLIENT, sb.cursize, sb.data, &connectinfo.adr)==NETERR_SENT; } #endif connectinfo.tries++; if (!keeptrying) { Con_TPrintf ("No route to host, giving up\n"); connectinfo.trying = false; SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(); } } void CL_BeginServerConnect(const char *host, int port, qboolean noproxy) { if (strstr(host, "://") || !*cl_proxyaddr.string || noproxy) Q_strncpyz (cls.servername, host, sizeof(cls.servername)); else Q_snprintfz(cls.servername, sizeof(cls.servername), "%s@%s", host, cl_proxyaddr.string); if (!port) port = cl_defaultport.value; memset(&connectinfo, 0, sizeof(connectinfo)); connectinfo.trying = true; connectinfo.defaultport = port; connectinfo.protocol = CP_UNKNOWN; SCR_SetLoadingStage(LS_CONNECTION); CL_CheckForResend(); } void CL_BeginServerReconnect(void) { #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (isDedicated) { Con_TPrintf ("Connect ignored - dedicated. set a renderer first\n"); return; } #endif connectinfo.trying = true; connectinfo.istransfer = false; connectinfo.time = 0; } void CL_Transfer_f(void) { char oldguid[64]; char *server; if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Con_TPrintf ("usage: cl_transfer <server>\n"); return; } server = Cmd_Argv (1); if (!*server) { //if they didn't specify a server, abort any active transfer/connection. connectinfo.trying = false; return; } Q_strncpyz(oldguid, connectinfo.guid, sizeof(oldguid)); memset(&connectinfo, 0, sizeof(connectinfo)); if (NET_StringToAdr(server, 0, &connectinfo.adr)) { if (cls.state) { connectinfo.istransfer = true; Q_strncpyz(connectinfo.guid, oldguid, sizeof(oldguid)); //retain the same guid on transfers } connectinfo.trying = true; connectinfo.defaultport = cl_defaultport.value; connectinfo.protocol = CP_UNKNOWN; SCR_SetLoadingStage(LS_CONNECTION); CL_CheckForResend(); } else { Con_Printf("cl_transfer: bad address\n"); } } /* ================ CL_Connect_f ================ */ void CL_Connect_f (void) { char *server; if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Con_TPrintf ("usage: connect <server>\n"); return; } server = Cmd_Argv (1); #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (sv.state == ss_clustermode) CL_Disconnect (); else #endif CL_Disconnect_f (); CL_BeginServerConnect(server, 0, false); } #if defined(CL_MASTER) static void CL_ConnectBestRoute_f (void) { char server[1024]; int proxies; int directcost, chainedcost; if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Con_TPrintf ("usage: connectbr <server>\n"); return; } proxies = Master_FindBestRoute(Cmd_Argv(1), server, sizeof(server), &directcost, &chainedcost); if (!*server) { Con_TPrintf ("Unable to route to server\n"); return; } else if (proxies < 0) Con_TPrintf ("Routing database is not initialised, connecting directly\n"); else if (!proxies) Con_TPrintf ("Routing table favours a direct connection\n"); else if (proxies == 1) Con_TPrintf ("Routing table favours a single proxy (%ims vs %ims)\n", chainedcost, directcost); else Con_TPrintf ("Routing table favours chaining through %i proxies (%ims vs %ims)\n", proxies, chainedcost, directcost); #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (sv.state == ss_clustermode) CL_Disconnect (); else #endif CL_Disconnect_f (); CL_BeginServerConnect(server, 0, true); } #endif static void CL_Join_f (void) { char *server; if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { if (cls.state) { //Hmm. This server sucks. if ((cls.z_ext & Z_EXT_JOIN_OBSERVE) || cls.protocol != CP_QUAKEWORLD) Cmd_ForwardToServer(); else Cbuf_AddText("\nspectator 0;reconnect\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); return; } Con_Printf ("join requires a connection or servername/ip\n"); return; } server = Cmd_Argv (1); CL_Disconnect_f (); Cvar_Set(&spectator, "0"); CL_BeginServerConnect(server, 0, false); } void CL_Observe_f (void) { char *server; if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { if (cls.state) { if ((cls.z_ext & Z_EXT_JOIN_OBSERVE) || cls.protocol != CP_QUAKEWORLD) Cmd_ForwardToServer(); else //Hmm. This server sucks. Cbuf_AddText("\nspectator 1;reconnect\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); return; } Con_Printf ("observe requires a connection or servername/ip\n"); return; } server = Cmd_Argv (1); CL_Disconnect_f (); Cvar_Set(&spectator, "1"); CL_BeginServerConnect(server, 0, false); } #ifdef NQPROT void CLNQ_Connect_f (void) { char *server; if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Con_TPrintf ("usage: connect <server>\n"); return; } server = Cmd_Argv (1); CL_Disconnect_f (); CL_BeginServerConnect(server, 26000, true); } #endif #ifdef IRCCONNECT void CL_IRCConnect_f (void) { CL_Disconnect_f (); if (FTENET_AddToCollection(cls.sockets, "TCP", Cmd_Argv(2), NA_IRC, false)) { char *server; server = Cmd_Argv (1); CL_BeginServerConnect(va("irc://%s", server), 0, true); } } #endif #ifdef TCPCONNECT void CL_TCPConnect_f (void) { if (!Q_strcasecmp(Cmd_Argv(0), "tlsconnect")) Cbuf_InsertText(va("connect tls://%s", Cmd_Argv(1)), Cmd_ExecLevel, true); else Cbuf_InsertText(va("connect tcp://%s", Cmd_Argv(1)), Cmd_ExecLevel, true); } #endif /* ===================== CL_Rcon_f Send the rest of the command line over as an unconnected command. ===================== */ void CL_Rcon_f (void) { char message[1024]; char *password; int i; netadr_t to; i = 1; password = rcon_password.string; if (!*password) //FIXME: this is strange... { if (Cmd_Argc() < 3) { Con_TPrintf ("'rcon_password' is not set.\n"); Con_TPrintf("usage: rcon (password) <command>\n"); return; } password = Cmd_Argv(1); i = 2; } else { if (Cmd_Argc() < 2) { Con_Printf("usage: rcon <command>\n"); return; } } message[0] = 255; message[1] = 255; message[2] = 255; message[3] = 255; message[4] = 0; Q_strncatz (message, "rcon ", sizeof(message)); Q_strncatz (message, password, sizeof(message)); Q_strncatz (message, " ", sizeof(message)); for ( ; i<Cmd_Argc() ; i++) { Q_strncatz (message, Cmd_Argv(i), sizeof(message)); Q_strncatz (message, " ", sizeof(message)); } if (cls.state >= ca_connected) to = cls.netchan.remote_address; else { if (!strlen(rcon_address.string)) { Con_TPrintf ("You must either be connected,\nor set the 'rcon_address' cvar\nto issue rcon commands\n"); return; } if (!NET_StringToAdr (rcon_address.string, PORT_QWSERVER, &to)) { Con_Printf("Unable to resolve target address\n"); return; } } NET_SendPacket (NS_CLIENT, strlen(message)+1, message, &to); } void CL_BlendFog(fogstate_t *result, fogstate_t *oldf, float time, fogstate_t *newf) { float nfrac; if (time >= newf->time) nfrac = 1; else if (time < oldf->time) nfrac = 0; else nfrac = (time - oldf->time) / (newf->time - oldf->time); FloatInterpolate(oldf->alpha, nfrac, newf->alpha, result->alpha); FloatInterpolate(oldf->depthbias, nfrac, newf->depthbias, result->depthbias); FloatInterpolate(oldf->density, nfrac, newf->density, result->density); //this should be non-linear, but that sort of maths is annoying. VectorInterpolate(oldf->colour, nfrac, newf->colour, result->colour); result->time = time; } void CL_ResetFog(int ftype) { //blend from the current state, not the old state. this means things work properly if we've not reached the new state yet. CL_BlendFog(&cl.oldfog[ftype], &cl.oldfog[ftype], realtime, &cl.fog[ftype]); //reset the new state to defaults, to be filled in by the caller. memset(&cl.fog[ftype], 0, sizeof(cl.fog[ftype])); cl.fog[ftype].time = realtime; cl.fog[ftype].density = 0; cl.fog[ftype].colour[0] = 0.3; cl.fog[ftype].colour[1] = 0.3; cl.fog[ftype].colour[2] = 0.3; cl.fog[ftype].alpha = 1; cl.fog[ftype].depthbias = 0; /* cl.fog[ftype].end = 16384; cl.fog[ftype].height = 1<<30; cl.fog[ftype].fadedepth = 128; */ } /* ===================== CL_ClearState ===================== */ void CL_ClearState (void) { extern cvar_t cfg_save_auto; int i, j; #ifndef CLIENTONLY #define serverrunning (sv.state != ss_dead) #define tolocalserver NET_IsLoopBackAddress(&cls.netchan.remote_address) #else #define serverrunning false #define tolocalserver false #define SV_UnspawnServer() #endif CL_UpdateWindowTitle(); CL_AllowIndependantSendCmd(false); //model stuff could be a problem. S_StopAllSounds (true); S_UntouchAll(); S_ResetFailedLoad(); Cvar_ApplyLatches(CVAR_SERVEROVERRIDE); Con_DPrintf ("Clearing memory\n"); if (!serverrunning || !tolocalserver) { #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (serverrunning && sv.state != ss_clustermode) SV_UnspawnServer(); #endif Mod_ClearAll (); r_regsequence++; Cvar_ApplyLatches(CVAR_LATCH); } CL_ClearParseState(); CL_ClearTEnts(); CL_ClearCustomTEnts(); Surf_ClearLightmaps(); #ifdef HEXEN2 T_FreeInfoStrings(); #endif SCR_ShowPic_ClearAll(false); if (cl.playerview[0].playernum == -1) { //left over from q2 connect. Media_StopFilm(true); } for (i = 0; i < UPDATE_BACKUP; i++) { if (cl.inframes[i].packet_entities.entities) { Z_Free(cl.inframes[i].packet_entities.entities); cl.inframes[i].packet_entities.entities = NULL; } } if (cl.lerpents) BZ_Free(cl.lerpents); if (cl.particle_ssprecaches) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_SSPARTICLESPRE; i++) if (cl.particle_ssname[i]) free(cl.particle_ssname[i]); } if (cl.particle_csprecaches) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_CSPARTICLESPRE; i++) if (cl.particle_csname[i]) free(cl.particle_csname[i]); } #ifdef Q2CLIENT for (i = 0; i < Q2MAX_IMAGES; i++) if (cl.image_name[i]) BZ_Free(cl.image_name[i]); for (i = 0; i < Q2MAX_ITEMS; i++) if (cl.item_name[i]) BZ_Free(cl.item_name[i]); #endif { downloadlist_t *next; while(cl.downloadlist) { next = cl.downloadlist->next; Z_Free(cl.downloadlist); cl.downloadlist = next; } while(cl.faileddownloads) { next = cl.faileddownloads->next; Z_Free(cl.faileddownloads); cl.faileddownloads = next; } } #ifdef Q2CLIENT for (i = 0; i < countof(cl.configstring_general); i++) { if (cl.configstring_general) Z_Free(cl.configstring_general[i]); } #endif for (i = 0; i < MAX_SPLITS; i++) { for (j = 0; j < MAX_CL_STATS; j++) if (cl.playerview[i].statsstr[j]) Z_Free(cl.playerview[i].statsstr[j]); } Z_Free(cl.windowtitle); // wipe the entire cl structure memset (&cl, 0, sizeof(cl)); CL_ResetFog(0); CL_ResetFog(1); cl.allocated_client_slots = QWMAX_CLIENTS; #ifndef CLIENTONLY //FIXME: we should just set it to 0 to make sure its set up properly elsewhere. if (sv.state) cl.allocated_client_slots = sv.allocated_client_slots; #endif SZ_Clear (&cls.netchan.message); r_worldentity.model = NULL; // clear other arrays // memset (cl_dlights, 0, sizeof(cl_dlights)); memset (cl_lightstyle, 0, sizeof(cl_lightstyle)); for (i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTSTYLES; i++) R_UpdateLightStyle(i, NULL, 1, 1, 1); rtlights_first = rtlights_max = RTL_FIRST; for (i = 0; i < MAX_SPLITS; i++) { VectorSet(cl.playerview[i].gravitydir, 0, 0, -1); cl.playerview[i].viewheight = DEFAULT_VIEWHEIGHT; cl.playerview[i].maxspeed = 320; cl.playerview[i].entgravity = 1; cl.playerview[i].chatstate = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(cls.userinfo[i], "chat")); } #ifdef QUAKESTATS for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) //in case some server doesn't support it cl.players[i].stats[STAT_VIEWHEIGHT] = cl.players[i].statsf[STAT_VIEWHEIGHT] = DEFAULT_VIEWHEIGHT; #endif cl.minpitch = -70; cl.maxpitch = 80; cl.oldgametime = 0; cl.gametime = 0; cl.gametimemark = 0; cl.splitclients = 1; cl.autotrack_hint = -1; cl.autotrack_killer = -1; if (cfg_save_auto.ival && Cvar_UnsavedArchive()) Cmd_ExecuteString("cfg_save\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); } /* ===================== CL_Disconnect Sends a disconnect message to the server This is also called on Host_Error, so it shouldn't cause any errors ===================== */ void CL_Disconnect (void) { qbyte final[12]; connectinfo.trying = false; SCR_SetLoadingStage(0); Cvar_ApplyLatches(CVAR_SERVEROVERRIDE); // stop sounds (especially looping!) S_StopAllSounds (true); #ifdef VM_CG CG_Stop(); #endif #ifdef CSQC_DAT CSQC_Shutdown(); #endif // if running a local server, shut it down if (cls.demoplayback != DPB_NONE) CL_StopPlayback (); else if (cls.state != ca_disconnected) { if (cls.demorecording) CL_Stop_f (); switch(cls.protocol) { case CP_NETQUAKE: #ifdef NQPROT final[0] = clc_disconnect; final[1] = clc_stringcmd; strcpy (final+2, "drop"); Netchan_Transmit (&cls.netchan, strlen(final)+1, final, 250000); Netchan_Transmit (&cls.netchan, strlen(final)+1, final, 250000); Netchan_Transmit (&cls.netchan, strlen(final)+1, final, 250000); #endif break; case CP_PLUGIN: break; case CP_QUAKE2: #ifdef Q2CLIENT final[0] = clcq2_stringcmd; strcpy (final+1, "disconnect"); Netchan_Transmit (&cls.netchan, strlen(final)+1, final, 2500); Netchan_Transmit (&cls.netchan, strlen(final)+1, final, 2500); Netchan_Transmit (&cls.netchan, strlen(final)+1, final, 2500); #endif break; case CP_QUAKE3: break; case CP_QUAKEWORLD: final[0] = clc_stringcmd; strcpy (final+1, "drop"); Netchan_Transmit (&cls.netchan, strlen(final)+1, final, 2500); Netchan_Transmit (&cls.netchan, strlen(final)+1, final, 2500); Netchan_Transmit (&cls.netchan, strlen(final)+1, final, 2500); break; case CP_UNKNOWN: break; } cls.state = ca_disconnected; cls.protocol = CP_UNKNOWN; cls.demoplayback = DPB_NONE; cls.demorecording = cls.timedemo = false; #ifndef CLIENTONLY //running a server, and it's our own if (serverrunning && !tolocalserver && sv.state != ss_clustermode) SV_UnspawnServer(); #endif } Cam_Reset(); if (cl.worldmodel) { Mod_ClearAll(); cl.worldmodel = NULL; } CL_Parse_Disconnected(); COM_FlushTempoaryPacks(); r_worldentity.model = NULL; cl.spectator = 0; cl.sendprespawn = false; cl.intermissionmode = IM_NONE; cl.oldgametime = 0; memset(&r_refdef, 0, sizeof(r_refdef)); #ifdef NQPROT cls.signon=0; #endif CL_StopUpload(); CL_FlushClientCommands(); #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (!isDedicated) #endif { SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(); V_ClearCShifts(); } cl.servercount = 0; cls.findtrack = false; cls.realserverip.type = NA_INVALID; Validation_DelatchRulesets(); #ifdef TCPCONNECT //disconnects it, without disconnecting the others. FTENET_AddToCollection(cls.sockets, "conn", NULL, NA_INVALID, false); #endif Cvar_ForceSet(&cl_servername, "none"); CL_ClearState(); FS_PureMode(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); Alias_WipeStuffedAliases(); //now start up the csqc/menu module again. // (void)CSQC_UnconnectedInit(); } #undef serverrunning #undef tolocalserver void CL_Disconnect_f (void) { #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (sv.state) SV_UnspawnServer(); #endif CL_Disconnect (); connectinfo.trying = false; (void)CSQC_UnconnectedInit(); } /* ==================== CL_User_f user <name or userid> Dump userdata / masterdata for a user ==================== */ void CL_User_f (void) { int uid; int i; qboolean found = false; #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (sv.state) { SV_User_f(); return; } #endif if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Con_TPrintf ("Usage: user <username / userid>\n"); return; } uid = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); for (i=0 ; i<MAX_CLIENTS ; i++) { if (!cl.players[i].name[0]) continue; if (cl.players[i].userid == uid || !strcmp(cl.players[i].name, Cmd_Argv(1)) ) { if (cls.protocol == CP_NETQUAKE) Con_Printf("name: %s\ncolour %i %i\nping: %i\n", cl.players[i].name, cl.players[i].rbottomcolor, cl.players[i].rtopcolor, cl.players[i].ping); else Info_Print (cl.players[i].userinfo, ""); found = true; } } if (!found) Con_TPrintf ("User not in server.\n"); } /* ==================== CL_Users_f Dump userids for all current players ==================== */ void CL_Users_f (void) { int i; int c; c = 0; Con_TPrintf ("userid frags name\n"); Con_TPrintf ("------ ----- ----\n"); for (i=0 ; i<MAX_CLIENTS ; i++) { if (cl.players[i].name[0]) { Con_TPrintf ("%6i %4i ^[%s\\player\\%i^]\n", cl.players[i].userid, cl.players[i].frags, cl.players[i].name, i); c++; } } Con_TPrintf ("%i total users\n", c); } int CL_ParseColour(char *colt) { int col; if (!strncmp(colt, "0x", 2)) col = 0xff000000|strtoul(colt+2, NULL, 16); else { col = atoi(colt); col &= 15; if (col > 13) col = 13; } return col; } void CL_Color_f (void) { // just for quake compatability... int top, bottom; char num[16]; int pnum = CL_TargettedSplit(true); qboolean server_owns_colour; if (Cmd_Argc() == 1) { char *t = Info_ValueForKey (cls.userinfo[pnum], "topcolor"); char *b = Info_ValueForKey (cls.userinfo[pnum], "bottomcolor"); if (!*t) t = "0"; if (!*b) b = "0"; Con_TPrintf ("\"color\" is \"%s %s\"\n", t, b); Con_TPrintf ("usage: color <0xRRGGBB> [0xRRGGBB]\n"); return; } if (Cmd_FromGamecode()) server_owns_colour = true; else server_owns_colour = false; if (Cmd_Argc() == 2) top = bottom = CL_ParseColour(Cmd_Argv(1)); else { top = CL_ParseColour(Cmd_Argv(1)); bottom = CL_ParseColour(Cmd_Argv(2)); } Q_snprintfz (num, sizeof(num), (top&0xff000000)?"0x%06x":"%i", top & 0xffffff); if (top == 0) *num = '\0'; if (Cmd_ExecLevel>RESTRICT_SERVER) //colour command came from server for a split client Cbuf_AddText(va("p%i cmd setinfo topcolor \"%s\"\n", Cmd_ExecLevel-RESTRICT_SERVER-1, num), Cmd_ExecLevel); // else if (server_owns_colour) // Cvar_LockFromServer(&topcolor, num); else CL_SetInfo(pnum, "topcolor", num); Q_snprintfz (num, sizeof(num), (bottom&0xff000000)?"0x%06x":"%i", bottom & 0xffffff); if (bottom == 0) *num = '\0'; if (Cmd_ExecLevel>RESTRICT_SERVER) //colour command came from server for a split client Cbuf_AddText(va("p%i cmd setinfo bottomcolor \"%s\"\n", Cmd_ExecLevel-RESTRICT_SERVER-1, num), Cmd_ExecLevel); else if (server_owns_colour) Cvar_LockFromServer(&bottomcolor, num); else CL_SetInfo (pnum, "bottomcolor", num); #ifdef NQPROT if (cls.protocol == CP_NETQUAKE) Cmd_ForwardToServer(); #endif } qboolean CL_CheckDLFile(const char *filename); void CL_PakDownloads(int mode) { /* mode=0 no downloads (forced to 1 for pure) mode=1 archived names so local stuff is not poluted mode=2 downloaded packages will always be present. Use With Caution. mode&4 download even packages that are not referenced. */ char local[256]; char *pname; char *s = cl.serverpakcrcs; int i; if (!cl.serverpakschanged || !mode) return; Cmd_TokenizeString(cl.serverpaknames, false, false); for (i = 0; i < Cmd_Argc(); i++) { s = COM_Parse(s); pname = Cmd_Argv(i); //'*' prefix means 'referenced'. so if the server isn't using any files from it, don't bother downloading it. if (*pname == '*') pname++; else if (!(mode & 4)) continue; if ((mode&3) != 2) { /*if we already have such a file, this is a no-op*/ if (CL_CheckDLFile(va("package/%s", pname))) continue; if (!FS_GenCachedPakName(pname, com_token, local, sizeof(local))) continue; } else Q_strncpyz(local, pname, sizeof(local)); CL_CheckOrEnqueDownloadFile(pname, local, DLLF_NONGAME); } } void CL_CheckServerPacks(void) { static int oldpure; int pure = atof(Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "sv_pure")); if (pure < cl_pure.ival) pure = cl_pure.ival; pure = bound(0, pure, 2); if (!*cl.serverpakcrcs || cls.demoplayback) pure = 0; if (pure != oldpure || cl.serverpakschanged) { CL_PakDownloads((pure && !cl_download_packages.ival)?1:cl_download_packages.ival); FS_PureMode(pure, cl.serverpaknames, cl.serverpakcrcs, NULL, NULL, cls.challenge); if (pure) { /*when enabling pure, kill cached models/sounds/etc*/ Cache_Flush(); /*make sure cheating lamas can't use old shaders from a different srver*/ Shader_NeedReload(true); } } oldpure = pure; cl.serverpakschanged = false; } void CL_CheckServerInfo(void) { char *s; unsigned int allowed; #ifdef QUAKESTATS int oldstate; #endif int oldteamplay; oldteamplay = cl.teamplay; cl.teamplay = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "teamplay")); cls.deathmatch = cl.deathmatch = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "deathmatch")); cls.allow_cheats = false; cls.allow_semicheats=true; cls.allow_watervis=false; cls.allow_skyboxes=false; cls.allow_fbskins = 1; // cls.allow_fbskins = 0; // cls.allow_overbrightlight; cls.allow_csqc = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "anycsqc")) || *Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "*csprogs"); if (cl.spectator || cls.demoplayback || atoi(Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "watervis"))) cls.allow_watervis=true; if (cl.spectator || cls.demoplayback || atoi(Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "allow_skybox")) || atoi(Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "allow_skyboxes"))) cls.allow_skyboxes=true; //mostly obsolete. s = Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "fbskins"); if (*s) cls.allow_fbskins = atof(s); else if (cl.teamfortress) cls.allow_fbskins = 0; else cls.allow_fbskins = 1; s = Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "*cheats"); if (cl.spectator || cls.demoplayback || !stricmp(s, "on")) cls.allow_cheats = true; #ifndef CLIENTONLY //allow cheats in single player regardless of sv_cheats. if (sv.state == ss_active && sv.allocated_client_slots == 1) cls.allow_cheats = true; #endif s = Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "strict"); if ((!cl.spectator && !cls.demoplayback && *s && strcmp(s, "0")) || !ruleset_allow_semicheats.ival) { cls.allow_semicheats = false; cls.allow_cheats = false; } cls.maxfps = atof(Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "maxfps")); if (cls.maxfps < 20) cls.maxfps = 72; cls.z_ext = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "*z_ext")); // movement vars for prediction cl.bunnyspeedcap = Q_atof(Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "pm_bunnyspeedcap")); movevars.slidefix = (Q_atof(Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "pm_slidefix")) != 0); movevars.airstep = (Q_atof(Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "pm_airstep")) != 0); movevars.walljump = (Q_atof(Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "pm_walljump"))); movevars.ktjump = Q_atof(Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "pm_ktjump")); s = Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "pm_stepheight"); movevars.stepheight = *s?Q_atof(s):PM_DEFAULTSTEPHEIGHT; s = Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "pm_watersinkspeed"); movevars.watersinkspeed = *s?Q_atof(s):60; s = Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "pm_flyfriction"); movevars.flyfriction = *s?Q_atof(s):4; // Initialize cl.maxpitch & cl.minpitch if (cls.protocol == CP_QUAKEWORLD || cls.protocol == CP_NETQUAKE) { s = (cls.z_ext & Z_EXT_PITCHLIMITS) ? Info_ValueForKey (cl.serverinfo, "maxpitch") : ""; cl.maxpitch = *s ? Q_atof(s) : 80.0f; s = (cls.z_ext & Z_EXT_PITCHLIMITS) ? Info_ValueForKey (cl.serverinfo, "minpitch") : ""; cl.minpitch = *s ? Q_atof(s) : -70.0f; if (cls.protocol == CP_NETQUAKE) { //proquake likes spamming us with fixangles //should be about 0.5/65536, but there's some precision issues with such small numbers around 80, so we need to bias it more than we ought cl.maxpitch -= 1.0/2048; } } else { cl.maxpitch = 90; cl.minpitch = -90; } //bound it, such that we never end up looking slightly more back than forwards //FIXME: we should probably tweak our movement code instead. cl.maxpitch = bound(-89.9, cl.maxpitch, 89.9); cl.minpitch = bound(-89.9, cl.minpitch, 89.9); cl.hexen2pickups = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "sv_pupglow")); allowed = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "allow")); if (allowed & 1) cls.allow_watervis = true; // if (allowed & 2) // cls.allow_rearview = true; if (allowed & 4) cls.allow_skyboxes = true; // if (allowed & 8) // cls.allow_mirrors = true; //16 //32 // if (allowed & 128) // cls.allow_postproc = true; // if (allowed & 256) // cls.allow_lightmapgamma = true; if (allowed & 512) cls.allow_cheats = true; if (cls.allow_semicheats) cls.allow_anyparticles = true; else cls.allow_anyparticles = false; if (cl.spectator || cls.demoplayback) cl.fpd = 0; else cl.fpd = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "fpd")); cl.gamespeed = atof(Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "*gamespeed"))/100.f; if (cl.gamespeed < 0.1) cl.gamespeed = 1; #ifdef QUAKESTATS s = Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "status"); oldstate = cl.matchstate; if (!stricmp(s, "standby")) cl.matchstate = MATCH_STANDBY; else if (!stricmp(s, "countdown")) cl.matchstate = MATCH_COUNTDOWN; else { float time = strtod(s, &s); if (!strcmp(s, " min left") || !strcmp(s, " mins left")) time *= 60; else if (!strcmp(s, " sec left") || !strcmp(s, " secs left")) time *= 1; else if (!strcmp(s, " hour left") || !strcmp(s, " hours left")) time *= 60*60; else time = -1; if (time >= 0) { //always update it. this is to try to cope with overtime. oldstate = cl.matchstate = MATCH_INPROGRESS; cl.matchgametimestart = cl.gametime + time - 60*atof(Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "timelimit")); } else { if (*s && cl.matchstate == MATCH_INPROGRESS) Con_DPrintf("Match state changed to unknown meaning: %s\n", s); else cl.matchstate = MATCH_DONTKNOW; //don't revert from inprogress to don't know } } if (oldstate != cl.matchstate) cl.matchgametimestart = cl.gametime; #endif CL_CheckServerPacks(); Cvar_ForceCheatVars(cls.allow_semicheats, cls.allow_cheats); Validation_Apply_Ruleset(); if (oldteamplay != cl.teamplay) Skin_FlushPlayers(); } /* ================== CL_FullServerinfo_f Sent by server just after the svc_serverdata ================== */ void CL_FullServerinfo_f (void) { char *p; float v; if (!Cmd_FromGamecode()) { Con_Printf("Hey! fullserverinfo is meant to come from the server!\n"); return; } if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Con_TPrintf ("usage: fullserverinfo <complete info string>\n"); return; } Q_strncpyz (cl.serverinfo, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(cl.serverinfo)); if ((p = Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "*version")) && *p) { v = Q_atof(p); if (v) { if (!server_version) Con_TPrintf ("Version %1.2f Server\n", v); server_version = v; } } CL_CheckServerInfo(); cl.csqcdebug = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "*csqcdebug")); } /* ================== CL_FullInfo_f Allow clients to change userinfo ================== */ void CL_FullInfo_f (void) { char key[512]; char value[512]; char *o; char *s; int pnum = CL_TargettedSplit(true); if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Con_TPrintf ("fullinfo <complete info string>\n"); return; } s = Cmd_Argv(1); if (*s == '\\') s++; while (*s) { o = key; while (*s && *s != '\\' && o < key + sizeof(key)) *o++ = *s++; if (o == key + sizeof(key)) { Con_Printf ("key length too long\n"); return; } *o = 0; if (!*s) { Con_Printf ("key %s has no value\n", key); return; } o = value; s++; while (*s && *s != '\\' && o < value + sizeof(value)) *o++ = *s++; if (o == value + sizeof(value)) { Con_Printf ("value length too long\n"); return; } *o = 0; if (*s) s++; if (!stricmp(key, pmodel_name) || !stricmp(key, emodel_name)) continue; Info_SetValueForKey (cls.userinfo[pnum], key, value, sizeof(cls.userinfo[pnum])); } } void CL_SetInfo (int pnum, char *key, char *value) { cvar_t *var; if (!pnum) { var = Cvar_FindVar(key); if (var && (var->flags & CVAR_USERINFO)) { //get the cvar code to set it. the server might have locked it. Cvar_Set(var, value); return; } } Info_SetValueForStarKey (cls.userinfo[pnum], key, value, sizeof(cls.userinfo[pnum])); if (cls.state >= ca_connected && !cls.demoplayback) { if (pnum >= cl.splitclients) return; #ifdef Q2CLIENT if ((cls.protocol == CP_QUAKE2 || cls.protocol == CP_QUAKE3) && !cls.fteprotocolextensions) cls.resendinfo = true; else #endif if (cls.protocol != CP_NETQUAKE || (cls.fteprotocolextensions & PEXT_BIGUSERINFOS)) { if (pnum) CL_SendClientCommand(true, "%i setinfo %s \"%s\"", pnum+1, key, value); else CL_SendClientCommand(true, "setinfo %s \"%s\"", key, value); } } } /* ================== CL_SetInfo_f Allow clients to change userinfo ================== */ void CL_SetInfo_f (void) { cvar_t *var; int pnum = CL_TargettedSplit(true); if (Cmd_Argc() == 1) { Info_Print (cls.userinfo[pnum], ""); return; } if (Cmd_Argc() != 3) { Con_TPrintf ("usage: setinfo [ <key> <value> ]\n"); return; } if (!stricmp(Cmd_Argv(1), pmodel_name) || !strcmp(Cmd_Argv(1), emodel_name)) return; if (Cmd_Argv(1)[0] == '*') { int i; if (!strcmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "*")) if (!strcmp(Cmd_Argv(2), "")) { //clear it out char *k; for(i=0;;) { k = Info_KeyForNumber(cls.userinfo[pnum], i); if (!*k) break; //no more. else if (*k == '*') i++; //can't remove * keys else if ((var = Cvar_FindVar(k)) && var->flags&CVAR_USERINFO) i++; //this one is a cvar. else Info_RemoveKey(cls.userinfo[pnum], k); //we can remove this one though, so yay. } return; } Con_Printf ("Can't set * keys\n"); return; } CL_SetInfo(pnum, Cmd_Argv(1), Cmd_Argv(2)); } void CL_SaveInfo(vfsfile_t *f) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_SPLITS; i++) { VFS_WRITE(f, "\n", 1); if (i) { VFS_WRITE(f, va("p%i setinfo * \"\"\n", i+1), 16); Info_WriteToFile(f, cls.userinfo[i], va("p%i setinfo", i+1), 0); } else { VFS_WRITE(f, "setinfo * \"\"\n", 13); Info_WriteToFile(f, cls.userinfo[i], "setinfo", CVAR_USERINFO); } } } /* ==================== CL_Packet_f packet <destination> <contents> Contents allows \n escape character ==================== */ void CL_Packet_f (void) { char send[2048]; int i, l; char *in, *out; netadr_t adr; if (Cmd_Argc() != 3) { Con_TPrintf ("usage: packet <destination> <contents>\n"); return; } if (!NET_StringToAdr (Cmd_Argv(1), PORT_QWSERVER, &adr)) { Con_Printf ("Bad address: %s\n", Cmd_Argv(1)); return; } if (Cmd_FromGamecode()) //some mvd servers stuffcmd a packet command which lets them know which ip the client is from. { //unfortunatly, 50% of servers are badly configured. if (cls.demoplayback) { Con_DPrintf ("Not sending realip packet from demo\n"); return; } if (adr.type == NA_IP) if ((adr.address.ip[0] == 127 && adr.address.ip[1] == 0 && adr.address.ip[2] == 0 && adr.address.ip[3] == 1) || (adr.address.ip[0] == 0 && adr.address.ip[1] == 0 && adr.address.ip[2] == 0 && adr.address.ip[3] == 0)) { adr.address.ip[0] = cls.netchan.remote_address.address.ip[0]; adr.address.ip[1] = cls.netchan.remote_address.address.ip[1]; adr.address.ip[2] = cls.netchan.remote_address.address.ip[2]; adr.address.ip[3] = cls.netchan.remote_address.address.ip[3]; adr.port = cls.netchan.remote_address.port; Con_Printf (CON_WARNING "Server is broken. Trying to send to server instead.\n"); } cls.realserverip = adr; Con_DPrintf ("Sending realip packet\n"); } else if (!ruleset_allow_packet.ival) { Con_Printf("Sorry, the %s command is disallowed\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } cls.lastarbiatarypackettime = Sys_DoubleTime(); //prevent the packet command from causing a reconnect on badly configured mvdsv servers. in = Cmd_Argv(2); out = send+4; send[0] = send[1] = send[2] = send[3] = 0xff; l = strlen (in); for (i=0 ; i<l ; i++) { if (in[i] == '\\' && in[i+1] == 'n') { *out++ = '\n'; i++; } else if (in[i] == '\\' && in[i+1] == '\\') { *out++ = '\\'; i++; } else if (in[i] == '\\' && in[i+1] == 'r') { *out++ = '\r'; i++; } else if (in[i] == '\\' && in[i+1] == '\"') { *out++ = '\"'; i++; } else if (in[i] == '\\' && in[i+1] == '0') { *out++ = '\0'; i++; } else *out++ = in[i]; } *out = 0; NET_SendPacket (NS_CLIENT, out-send, send, &adr); if (Cmd_FromGamecode()) { //realip char *temp = Z_Malloc(strlen(in)+1); strcpy(temp, in); Cmd_TokenizeString(temp, false, false); cls.realip_ident = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2)); Z_Free(temp); } } /* ===================== CL_NextDemo Called to play the next demo in the demo loop ===================== */ void CL_NextDemo (void) { char str[1024]; if (cls.demonum < 0) return; // don't play demos if (!cls.demos[cls.demonum][0] || cls.demonum >= MAX_DEMOS) { cls.demonum = 0; if (!cls.demos[cls.demonum][0]) { // Con_Printf ("No demos listed with startdemos\n"); cls.demonum = -1; return; } } if (!strcmp(cls.demos[cls.demonum], "quit")) Q_snprintfz (str, sizeof(str), "quit\n"); else Q_snprintfz (str, sizeof(str), "playdemo %s\n", cls.demos[cls.demonum]); Cbuf_InsertText (str, RESTRICT_LOCAL, false); cls.demonum++; if (!cls.state) cls.state = ca_demostart; } /* =============================================================================== DEMO LOOP CONTROL =============================================================================== */ /* ================== CL_Startdemos_f ================== */ void CL_Startdemos_f (void) { int i, c; c = Cmd_Argc() - 1; if (c > MAX_DEMOS) { Con_Printf ("Max %i demos in demoloop\n", MAX_DEMOS); c = MAX_DEMOS; } Con_DPrintf ("%i demo(s) in loop\n", c); for (i=1 ; i<c+1 ; i++) Q_strncpyz (cls.demos[i-1], Cmd_Argv(i), sizeof(cls.demos[0])); cls.demonum = 0; //don't start it here - we might have been given a +connect or whatever argument. } /* ================== CL_Demos_f Return to looping demos ================== */ void CL_Demos_f (void) { if (cls.demonum == -1) cls.demonum = 1; CL_Disconnect_f (); CL_NextDemo (); } /* ================== CL_Stopdemo_f stop demo ================== */ void CL_Stopdemo_f (void) { if (cls.demoplayback == DPB_NONE) return; CL_StopPlayback (); CL_Disconnect (); } /* ================= CL_Changing_f Just sent as a hint to the client that they should drop to full console ================= */ void CL_Changing_f (void) { char *mapname = Cmd_Argv(1); if (cls.download && cls.download->method <= DL_QWPENDING) // don't change when downloading return; cls.demoseeking = false; //don't seek over it if (*mapname) SCR_ImageName(mapname); else SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque(); S_StopAllSounds (true); cl.intermissionmode = IM_NONE; if (cls.state) { cls.state = ca_connected; // not active anymore, but not disconnected Con_TPrintf ("\nChanging map...\n"); } else Con_Printf("Changing while not connected\n"); #ifdef NQPROT cls.signon=0; #endif } /* ================= CL_Reconnect_f The server is changing levels ================= */ void CL_Reconnect_f (void) { if (cls.download && cls.download->method <= DL_QWPENDING) // don't change when downloading return; #ifdef NQPROT if (cls.protocol == CP_NETQUAKE && Cmd_FromGamecode()) { CL_Changing_f(); return; } #endif S_StopAllSounds (true); if (cls.state == ca_connected) { Con_TPrintf ("reconnecting...\n"); CL_SendClientCommand(true, "new"); return; } if (!*cls.servername) { Con_TPrintf ("No server to reconnect to...\n"); return; } CL_Disconnect(); CL_BeginServerReconnect(); } /* ================= CL_ConnectionlessPacket Responses to broadcasts, etc ================= */ void CL_ConnectionlessPacket (void) { char *s; int c; char adr[MAX_ADR_SIZE]; MSG_BeginReading (msg_nullnetprim); MSG_ReadLong (); // skip the -1 Cmd_TokenizeString(net_message.data+4, false, false); if (net_message.cursize == sizeof(net_message_buffer)) net_message.data[sizeof(net_message_buffer)-1] = '\0'; else net_message.data[net_message.cursize] = '\0'; #ifdef PLUGINS if (Plug_ConnectionlessClientPacket(net_message.data+4, net_message.cursize-4)) return; #endif c = MSG_ReadByte (); // ping from somewhere if (c == A2A_PING) { char data[256]; int len; if (cls.realserverip.type == NA_INVALID) return; //not done a realip yet if (NET_CompareBaseAdr(&cls.realserverip, &net_from) == false) return; //only reply if it came from the real server's ip. data[0] = 0xff; data[1] = 0xff; data[2] = 0xff; data[3] = 0xff; data[4] = A2A_ACK; data[5] = 0; //ack needs two parameters to work with realip properly. //firstly it needs an auth message, so it can't be spoofed. //secondly, it needs a copy of the realip ident, so you can't report a different player's client (you would need access to their ip). data[5] = ' '; Q_snprintfz(data+6, sizeof(data)-6, "%i %i", atoi(MSG_ReadString()), cls.realip_ident); len = strlen(data); NET_SendPacket (NS_CLIENT, len, &data, &net_from); return; } if (c == A2C_PRINT) { if (!strncmp(net_message.data+msg_readcount, "\\chunk", 6)) { if (NET_CompareBaseAdr(&cls.netchan.remote_address, &net_from) == false) if (cls.realserverip.type == NA_INVALID || NET_CompareBaseAdr(&cls.realserverip, &net_from) == false) return; //only use it if it came from the real server's ip (this breaks on proxies). MSG_ReadLong(); MSG_ReadChar(); MSG_ReadChar(); if (CL_ParseOOBDownload()) { if (msg_readcount != net_message.cursize) { Con_Printf ("junk on the end of the packet\n"); CL_Disconnect_f(); } cls.netchan.last_received = realtime; //in case there's some virus scanner running on the server making it stall... for instance... } return; } } if (cls.demoplayback == DPB_NONE && net_from.type != NA_LOOPBACK) Con_Printf ("%s: ", NET_AdrToString (adr, sizeof(adr), &net_from)); // Con_DPrintf ("%s", net_message.data + 4); if (c == 'f') //using 'f' as a prefix so that I don't need lots of hacks { s = MSG_ReadStringLine (); if (!strcmp(s, "redir")) { netadr_t adr; char *data = MSG_ReadStringLine(); Con_TPrintf ("redirect to %s\n", data); if (NET_StringToAdr(data, PORT_QWSERVER, &adr)) { data = "\xff\xff\xff\xffgetchallenge\n"; if (NET_CompareAdr(&connectinfo.adr, &net_from)) { connectinfo.istransfer = true; connectinfo.adr = adr; NET_SendPacket (NS_CLIENT, strlen(data), data, &adr); } } return; } else if (!strcmp(s, "reject")) { //generic rejection. stop trying. char *data = MSG_ReadStringLine(); Con_Printf ("reject\n%s\n", data); if (NET_CompareAdr(&connectinfo.adr, &net_from)) connectinfo.trying = false; return; } else if (!strcmp(s, "badname")) { //rejected purely because of player name if (NET_CompareAdr(&connectinfo.adr, &net_from)) connectinfo.trying = false; } else if (!strcmp(s, "badaccount")) { //rejected because username or password is wrong if (NET_CompareAdr(&connectinfo.adr, &net_from)) connectinfo.trying = false; } Con_Printf ("f%s\n", s); return; } if (c == S2C_CHALLENGE) { static unsigned int lasttime = 0xdeadbeef; static netadr_t lastadr; unsigned int curtime = Sys_Milliseconds(); unsigned long pext = 0, pext2 = 0, huffcrc=0, mtu=0; s = MSG_ReadString (); COM_Parse(s); #ifdef Q3CLIENT if (!strcmp(com_token, "onnectResponse")) { connectinfo.protocol = CP_QUAKE3; goto client_connect; } #endif #ifdef Q2CLIENT if (!strcmp(com_token, "lient_connect")) { connectinfo.protocol = CP_QUAKE2; goto client_connect; } #endif Con_TPrintf ("challenge\n"); if (!strcmp(com_token, "hallengeResponse")) { /*Quake3*/ #ifdef Q3CLIENT if (connectinfo.protocol == CP_QUAKE3 || connectinfo.protocol == CP_UNKNOWN) { /*throttle*/ if (curtime - lasttime < 500) return; lasttime = curtime; connectinfo.protocol = CP_QUAKE3; connectinfo.challenge = atoi(s+17); CL_SendConnectPacket (&net_from, 0, 0, 0, 0/*, ...*/); } else { Con_Printf("\nChallenge from another protocol, ignoring Q3 challenge\n"); return; } return; #else Con_Printf("\nUnable to connect to Quake3\n"); return; #endif } else if (!strcmp(com_token, "hallenge")) { /*Quake2 or Darkplaces*/ char *s2; for (s2 = s+9; *s2; s2++) { if ((*s2 < '0' || *s2 > '9') && *s2 != '-') break; } if (!strncmp(s2, "FTE", 3) || !strncmp(s2, "QW", 2)) { //hack to work around NQ+QW+DP servers that reply with both qw and dp challenge requests. //we DON'T want to treat it as a dp server. because then we end up with nq-based protocols. return; } else if (*s2 && *s2 != ' ') {//and if it's not, we're unlikly to be compatible with whatever it is that's talking at us. #ifdef NQPROT if (connectinfo.protocol == CP_NETQUAKE || connectinfo.protocol == CP_UNKNOWN) { /*throttle*/ if (curtime - lasttime < 500) return; lasttime = curtime; connectinfo.protocol = CP_NETQUAKE; CL_ConnectToDarkPlaces(s+9, &net_from); } else Con_Printf("\nChallenge from another protocol, ignoring DP challenge\n"); #else Con_Printf("\nUnable connect to DarkPlaces\n"); #endif return; } #ifdef Q2CLIENT if (connectinfo.protocol == CP_QUAKE2 || connectinfo.protocol == CP_UNKNOWN) { connectinfo.protocol = CP_QUAKE2; connectinfo.subprotocol = PROTOCOL_VERSION_Q2; } else { Con_Printf("\nChallenge from another protocol, ignoring Q2 challenge\n"); return; } #else Con_Printf("\nUnable to connect to Quake2\n"); #endif s+=9; } /*no idea, assume a QuakeWorld challenge response ('c' packet)*/ else if (connectinfo.protocol == CP_QUAKEWORLD || connectinfo.protocol == CP_UNKNOWN) { connectinfo.protocol = CP_QUAKEWORLD; connectinfo.subprotocol = PROTOCOL_VERSION_QW; } else { Con_Printf("\nChallenge from another protocol, ignoring QW challenge\n"); return; } /*throttle connect requests*/ if (curtime - lasttime < 500 && NET_CompareAdr(&net_from, &lastadr)) return; lasttime = curtime; lastadr = net_from; s = COM_Parse(s); connectinfo.challenge = atoi(com_token); while((s = COM_Parse(s))) { if (connectinfo.protocol == CP_QUAKE2 && !strncmp(com_token, "p=", 2)) { char *p = com_token+2; do { switch(strtoul(p, &p, 0)) { case PROTOCOL_VERSION_R1Q2: #ifdef AVAIL_ZLIB //r1q2 will typically send us compressed data, which is a problem if we can't handle that (q2pro has a way to disable it). if (connectinfo.subprotocol < PROTOCOL_VERSION_R1Q2) connectinfo.subprotocol = PROTOCOL_VERSION_R1Q2; #endif break; case PROTOCOL_VERSION_Q2PRO: if (connectinfo.subprotocol < PROTOCOL_VERSION_Q2PRO) connectinfo.subprotocol = PROTOCOL_VERSION_Q2PRO; break; } } while (*p++ == ','); } } for(;;) { c = MSG_ReadLong (); if (msg_badread) break; if (c == PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE) pext = MSG_ReadLong (); else if (c == PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE2) pext2 = MSG_ReadLong (); else if (c == PROTOCOL_VERSION_FRAGMENT) mtu = MSG_ReadLong (); else if (c == PROTOCOL_VERSION_VARLENGTH) { int len = MSG_ReadLong(); if (len < 0 || len > 8192) break; c = MSG_ReadLong();/*ident*/ MSG_ReadSkip(len); /*payload*/ } #ifdef HUFFNETWORK else if (c == PROTOCOL_VERSION_HUFFMAN) huffcrc = MSG_ReadLong (); #endif //else if (c == PROTOCOL_VERSION_...) else MSG_ReadLong (); } CL_SendConnectPacket (&net_from, mtu, pext, pext2, huffcrc/*, ...*/); return; } #ifdef Q2CLIENT if (connectinfo.protocol == CP_QUAKE2) { char *nl; msg_readcount--; c = msg_readcount; s = MSG_ReadString (); nl = strchr(s, '\n'); if (nl) { msg_readcount = c + nl-s + 1; msg_badread = false; *nl = '\0'; } if (!strcmp(s, "print")) { Con_TPrintf ("print\n"); s = MSG_ReadString (); Con_Printf ("%s", s); return; } else if (!strcmp(s, "client_connect")) { connectinfo.protocol = CP_QUAKE2; goto client_connect; } else if (!strcmp(s, "disconnect")) { if (NET_CompareAdr(&net_from, &cls.netchan.remote_address)) { Con_Printf ("disconnect\n"); CL_Disconnect_f(); return; } else { Con_Printf("Ignoring random disconnect command\n"); return; } } else { Con_TPrintf ("unknown connectionless packet for q2: %s\n", s); msg_readcount = c; c = MSG_ReadByte(); } } #endif #ifdef NQPROT if (c == 'a') { s = MSG_ReadString (); COM_Parse(s); if (!strcmp(com_token, "ccept")) { Con_Printf ("accept\n"); if (cls.state == ca_connected) return; //we're already connected. don't do it again! if (!NET_CompareAdr(&connectinfo.adr, &net_from)) { //if (net_from.type != NA_LOOPBACK) Con_TPrintf ("ignoring connection\n"); return; } Validation_Apply_Ruleset(); Netchan_Setup(NS_CLIENT, &cls.netchan, &net_from, connectinfo.qport); CL_ParseEstablished(); Con_DPrintf ("CL_EstablishConnection: connected to %s\n", cls.servername); /*this is a DP server... but we don't know which version*/ cls.netchan.isnqprotocol = true; cls.protocol = CP_NETQUAKE; cls.protocol_nq = CPNQ_ID; cls.proquake_angles_hack = false; cls.challenge = connectinfo.challenge; connectinfo.trying = false; cls.demonum = -1; // not in the demo loop now cls.state = ca_connected; SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque(); return; } } if (c == 'i') { if (!strncmp(net_message.data+4, "infoResponse\n", 13)) { Con_TPrintf ("infoResponse\n"); Info_Print(net_message.data+17, ""); return; } } if (c == 'g') { if (!strncmp(net_message.data+4, "getserversResponse", 18)) { qbyte *b = net_message.data+4+18; Con_TPrintf ("getserversResponse\n"); while (b+7 <= net_message.data+net_message.cursize) { if (*b == '\\') { b+=1; Con_Printf("%u.%u.%u.%u:%u\n", b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3], b[5]|(b[4]<<8)); b+=6; } else if (*b == '/') { b+=1; Con_Printf("[%04x:%04x:%04x:%04x:%04x:%04x:%04x:%04x]:%u\n", (b[0]<<8)|b[1], (b[2]<<8)|b[3], (b[4]<<8)|b[5], (b[6]<<8)|b[7], (b[8]<<8)|b[9], (b[10]<<8)|b[11], (b[12]<<8)|b[13], (b[14]<<8)|b[15], b[17]|(b[16]<<8)); b+=18; } } return; } } #endif if (c == 'd') //note - this conflicts with qw masters, our browser uses a different socket. { Con_Printf ("d\n"); if (cls.demoplayback != DPB_NONE) { Con_Printf("Disconnect\n"); CL_Disconnect_f(); } return; } if (c == S2C_CONNECTION) { connectinfo.protocol = CP_QUAKEWORLD; connectinfo.subprotocol = PROTOCOL_VERSION_QW; #if defined(Q2CLIENT) || defined(Q3CLIENT) client_connect: //fixme: make function #endif if (net_from.type == NA_INVALID) return; //I've found a qizmo demo that contains one of these. its best left ignored. if (!NET_CompareAdr(&connectinfo.adr, &net_from)) { if (net_from.type != NA_LOOPBACK) Con_TPrintf ("ignoring connection\n"); return; } if (net_from.type != NA_LOOPBACK) Con_TPrintf ("connection\n"); if (cls.state >= ca_connected) { if (!NET_CompareAdr(&cls.netchan.remote_address, &net_from)) { #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (sv.state != ss_clustermode) #endif CL_Disconnect_f(); } else { if (cls.demoplayback == DPB_NONE) Con_TPrintf ("Dup connect received. Ignored.\n"); return; } } connectinfo.trying = false; cl.splitclients = 0; cls.protocol = connectinfo.protocol; cls.proquake_angles_hack = false; cls.fteprotocolextensions = connectinfo.fteext1; cls.fteprotocolextensions2 = connectinfo.fteext2; cls.challenge = connectinfo.challenge; Netchan_Setup (NS_CLIENT, &cls.netchan, &net_from, connectinfo.qport); if (cls.protocol == CP_QUAKE2) { cls.protocol_q2 = connectinfo.subprotocol; if (cls.protocol_q2 == PROTOCOL_VERSION_R1Q2 || cls.protocol_q2 == PROTOCOL_VERSION_Q2PRO) cls.netchan.qportsize = 1; } cls.netchan.fragmentsize = connectinfo.mtu; if (connectinfo.mtu >= 64) cls.netchan.message.maxsize = sizeof(cls.netchan.message_buf); #ifdef HUFFNETWORK cls.netchan.compresstable = Huff_CompressionCRC(connectinfo.compresscrc); #else cls.netchan.compresstable = NULL; #endif CL_ParseEstablished(); #ifdef Q3CLIENT if (cls.protocol != CP_QUAKE3) #endif CL_SendClientCommand(true, "new"); cls.state = ca_connected; if (cls.netchan.remote_address.type != NA_LOOPBACK) Con_TPrintf ("Connected.\n"); #ifdef QUAKESPYAPI allowremotecmd = false; // localid required now for remote cmds #endif total_loading_size = 100; current_loading_size = 0; SCR_SetLoadingStage(LS_CLIENT); Validation_Apply_Ruleset(); CL_WriteSetDemoMessage(); return; } #ifdef QUAKESPYAPI // remote command from gui front end if (c == A2C_CLIENT_COMMAND) //man I hate this. { char cmdtext[2048]; if (net_from.type == NA_INVALID || net_from.type != net_local_cl_ipadr.type || net_from.type != NA_IP || ((*(unsigned *)net_from.address.ip != *(unsigned *)net_local_cl_ipadr.address.ip) && (*(unsigned *)net_from.address.ip != htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK)))) { Con_TPrintf ("Command packet from remote host. Ignored.\n"); return; } #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WINRT) ShowWindow (mainwindow, SW_RESTORE); SetForegroundWindow (mainwindow); #endif s = MSG_ReadString (); Con_TPrintf ("client command: %s\n", s); Q_strncpyz(cmdtext, s, sizeof(cmdtext)); s = MSG_ReadString (); while (*s && isspace(*s)) s++; while (*s && isspace(s[strlen(s) - 1])) s[strlen(s) - 1] = 0; if (!allowremotecmd && (!*localid.string || strcmp(localid.string, s))) { if (!*localid.string) { Con_TPrintf ("^&C0Command packet received from local host, but no localid has been set. You may need to upgrade your server browser.\n"); return; } Con_TPrintf ("^&C0Invalid localid on command packet received from local host. \n|%s| != |%s|\nYou may need to reload your server browser and game.\n", s, localid.string); Cvar_Set(&localid, ""); return; } Cbuf_AddText (cmdtext, RESTRICT_SERVER); allowremotecmd = false; return; } #endif // print command from somewhere if (c == 'p') { if (!strncmp(net_message.data+4, "print\n", 6)) { Con_TPrintf ("print\n"); Con_Printf ("%s", net_message.data+10); return; } } if (c == A2C_PRINT) { Con_TPrintf ("print\n"); s = MSG_ReadString (); Con_Printf ("%s", s); return; } if (c == 'r')//dp's reject { s = MSG_ReadString (); Con_Printf("r%s\n", s); return; } //happens in demos if (c == svc_disconnect && cls.demoplayback != DPB_NONE && net_from.type == NA_INVALID) { Host_EndGame ("End of Demo"); return; } Con_TPrintf ("unknown connectionless packet: %c\n", c); } #ifdef NQPROT void CLNQ_ConnectionlessPacket(void) { char *s; int length; unsigned short port; MSG_BeginReading (msg_nullnetprim); length = LongSwap(MSG_ReadLong ()); if (!(length & NETFLAG_CTL)) return; //not an nq control packet. length &= NETFLAG_LENGTH_MASK; if (length != net_message.cursize) return; //not an nq packet. switch(MSG_ReadByte()) { case CCREP_ACCEPT: connectinfo.trying = false; if (cls.state >= ca_connected) { if (cls.demoplayback == DPB_NONE) Con_TPrintf ("Dup connect received. Ignored.\n"); return; } port = htons((unsigned short)MSG_ReadLong()); //this is the port that we're meant to respond to. if (port) { char buf[256]; net_from.port = port; Con_DPrintf("redirecting to port %s\n", NET_AdrToString(buf, sizeof(buf), &net_from)); } cls.proquake_angles_hack = false; cls.protocol_nq = CPNQ_ID; if (MSG_ReadByte() == 1) //a proquake server adds a little extra info { int ver = MSG_ReadByte(); Con_DPrintf("ProQuake server %i.%i\n", ver/10, ver%10); // if (ver >= 34) cls.proquake_angles_hack = true; if (MSG_ReadByte() == 1) { //its a 'pure' server. Con_Printf("pure ProQuake server\n"); return; } } Validation_Apply_Ruleset(); cls.fteprotocolextensions = connectinfo.fteext1; cls.fteprotocolextensions2 = connectinfo.fteext2; Netchan_Setup (NS_CLIENT, &cls.netchan, &net_from, connectinfo.qport); CL_ParseEstablished(); cls.netchan.isnqprotocol = true; cls.netchan.compresstable = NULL; cls.protocol = CP_NETQUAKE; cls.state = ca_connected; Con_TPrintf ("Connected.\n"); total_loading_size = 100; current_loading_size = 0; SCR_SetLoadingStage(LS_CLIENT); #ifdef QUAKESPYAPI allowremotecmd = false; // localid required now for remote cmds #endif //send a dummy packet. //this makes our local nat think we initialised the conversation, so that we can receive the. Netchan_Transmit(&cls.netchan, 1, "\x01", 2500); return; case CCREP_REJECT: s = MSG_ReadString(); Con_Printf("Connect failed\n%s\n", s); return; } } #endif void CL_MVDUpdateSpectator (void); void CL_WriteDemoMessage (sizebuf_t *msg, int payloadoffset); /* ================= CL_ReadPackets ================= */ void CL_ReadPackets (void) { char adr[MAX_ADR_SIZE]; if (!qrenderer) return; // while (NET_GetPacket ()) for(;;) { if (!CL_GetMessage()) break; #ifdef NQPROT if (cls.demoplayback == DPB_NETQUAKE) { MSG_BeginReading (cls.netchan.netprim); cls.netchan.last_received = realtime; CLNQ_ParseServerMessage (); if (!cls.demoplayback) CL_NextDemo(); continue; } #endif #ifdef Q2CLIENT if (cls.demoplayback == DPB_QUAKE2) { MSG_BeginReading (cls.netchan.netprim); cls.netchan.last_received = realtime; CLQ2_ParseServerMessage (); continue; } #endif // // remote command packet // if (*(int *)net_message.data == -1) { CL_ConnectionlessPacket (); continue; } if (net_message.cursize < 6 && (cls.demoplayback != DPB_MVD && cls.demoplayback != DPB_EZTV)) //MVDs don't have the whole sequence header thing going on { Con_TPrintf ("%s: Runt packet\n", NET_AdrToString(adr, sizeof(adr), &net_from)); continue; } if (cls.state == ca_disconnected) { //connect to nq servers, but don't get confused with sequenced packets. if (NET_WasSpecialPacket(NS_CLIENT)) continue; #ifdef NQPROT CLNQ_ConnectionlessPacket (); #endif continue; //ignore it. We arn't connected. } // // packet from server // if (!cls.demoplayback && !NET_CompareAdr (&net_from, &cls.netchan.remote_address)) { if (NET_WasSpecialPacket(NS_CLIENT)) continue; Con_DPrintf ("%s:sequenced packet from wrong server\n" ,NET_AdrToString(adr, sizeof(adr), &net_from)); continue; } switch(cls.protocol) { case CP_NETQUAKE: #ifdef NQPROT switch(NQNetChan_Process(&cls.netchan)) { case NQP_ERROR: break; case NQP_DATAGRAM://datagram // cls.netchan.incoming_sequence = cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence - 3; case NQP_RELIABLE://reliable MSG_ChangePrimitives(cls.netchan.netprim); CL_WriteDemoMessage (&net_message, msg_readcount); CLNQ_ParseServerMessage (); break; } #endif break; case CP_PLUGIN: break; case CP_QUAKE2: #ifdef Q2CLIENT if (!Netchan_Process(&cls.netchan)) continue; // wasn't accepted for some reason CLQ2_ParseServerMessage (); break; #endif case CP_QUAKE3: #ifdef Q3CLIENT CLQ3_ParseServerMessage(); #endif break; case CP_QUAKEWORLD: if (cls.demoplayback == DPB_MVD || cls.demoplayback == DPB_EZTV) { MSG_BeginReading(cls.netchan.netprim); cls.netchan.last_received = realtime; cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence = cls.netchan.incoming_sequence; } else if (!Netchan_Process(&cls.netchan)) continue; // wasn't accepted for some reason CL_WriteDemoMessage (&net_message, msg_readcount); if (cls.netchan.incoming_sequence > cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence) { //server should not be responding to packets we have not sent yet Con_DPrintf("Server is from the future! (%i packets)\n", cls.netchan.incoming_sequence - cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence); cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence = cls.netchan.incoming_sequence; } MSG_ChangePrimitives(cls.netchan.netprim); CLQW_ParseServerMessage (); break; case CP_UNKNOWN: break; } // if (cls.demoplayback && cls.state >= ca_active && !CL_DemoBehind()) // return; } // // check timeout // if (cls.state >= ca_connected && realtime - cls.netchan.last_received > cl_timeout.value && !cls.demoplayback) { #ifndef CLIENTONLY /*don't timeout when we're the actual server*/ if (!sv.state) #endif { Con_TPrintf ("\nServer connection timed out.\n"); CL_Disconnect (); return; } } if (cls.demoplayback == DPB_MVD || cls.demoplayback == DPB_EZTV) { CL_MVDUpdateSpectator(); } } //============================================================================= qboolean CL_AllowArbitaryDownload(char *localfile) { int allow; //never allow certain (native code) arbitary downloads. if (!strnicmp(localfile, "game", 4) || !stricmp(localfile, "progs.dat") || !stricmp(localfile, "menu.dat") || !stricmp(localfile, "csprogs.dat") || !stricmp(localfile, "qwprogs.dat") || strstr(localfile, "..") || strstr(localfile, ":") || strstr(localfile, "//") || strstr(localfile, ".qvm") || strstr(localfile, ".dll") || strstr(localfile, ".so")) { //yes, I know the user can use a different progs from the one that is specified. If you leave it blank there will be no problem. (server isn't allowed to stuff progs cvar) Con_Printf("Ignoring arbitary download to \"%s\" due to possible security risk\n", localfile); return false; } allow = cl_download_redirection.ival; if (allow == 2) { char ext[8]; COM_FileExtension(localfile, ext, sizeof(ext)); if (!strncmp(localfile, "package/", 8) || !strcmp(ext, "pak") || !strcmp(ext, "pk3") || !strcmp(ext, "pk4") || (!strncmp(localfile, "demos/", 6) && !strcmp(ext, "mvd"))) return true; else { Con_Printf("Ignoring non-package download redirection to \"%s\"\n", localfile); return false; } } if (allow) return true; Con_Printf("Ignoring download redirection to \"%s\". This server may require you to set cl_download_redirection to 2.\n", localfile); return false; } /* ===================== CL_Download_f ===================== */ void CL_Download_f (void) { // char *p, *q; char *url = Cmd_Argv(1); char *localname = Cmd_Argv(2); #ifdef WEBCLIENT if (!strnicmp(url, "http://", 7) || !strnicmp(url, "https://", 8) || !strnicmp(url, "ftp://", 6)) { if (Cmd_IsInsecure()) return; if (!*localname) { localname = strrchr(url, '/'); if (localname) localname++; else { Con_TPrintf ("no local name specified\n"); return; } } HTTP_CL_Get(url, localname, NULL);//"test.txt"); return; } #endif if (!strnicmp(url, "qw://", 5) || !strnicmp(url, "q2://", 5)) { url += 5; } if (!*localname) localname = url; if ((cls.state == ca_disconnected || cls.demoplayback) && cls.demoplayback != DPB_EZTV) { Con_TPrintf ("Must be connected.\n"); return; } if (cls.netchan.remote_address.type == NA_LOOPBACK) { Con_TPrintf ("Must be connected.\n"); return; } if (Cmd_Argc() != 2 && Cmd_Argc() != 3) { Con_TPrintf ("Usage: download <datafile> <localname>\n"); return; } if (Cmd_IsInsecure()) //mark server specified downloads. { if (cls.download && cls.download->method == DL_QWPENDING) DL_Abort(cls.download, QDL_FAILED); //don't let gamecode order us to download random junk if (!CL_AllowArbitaryDownload(localname)) return; CL_CheckOrEnqueDownloadFile(url, localname, DLLF_REQUIRED|DLLF_VERBOSE); return; } CL_EnqueDownload(url, localname, DLLF_USEREXPLICIT|DLLF_IGNOREFAILED|DLLF_REQUIRED|DLLF_OVERWRITE|DLLF_VERBOSE); } void CL_DownloadSize_f(void) { downloadlist_t *dl; char *rname; char *size; char *redirection; //if this is a demo.. urm? //ignore it. This saves any spam. if (cls.demoplayback) return; rname = Cmd_Argv(1); size = Cmd_Argv(2); if (!strcmp(size, "e")) { Con_Printf("Download of \"%s\" failed. Not found.\n", rname); CL_DownloadFailed(rname, NULL); } else if (!strcmp(size, "p")) { if (cls.download && stricmp(cls.download->remotename, rname)) { Con_Printf("Download of \"%s\" failed. Not allowed.\n", rname); CL_DownloadFailed(rname, NULL); } } else if (!strcmp(size, "r")) { //'download this file instead' redirection = Cmd_Argv(3); if (!CL_AllowArbitaryDownload(redirection)) return; dl = CL_DownloadFailed(rname, NULL); Con_DPrintf("Download of \"%s\" redirected to \"%s\".\n", rname, redirection); CL_CheckOrEnqueDownloadFile(redirection, NULL, dl->flags); } else { for (dl = cl.downloadlist; dl; dl = dl->next) { if (!strcmp(dl->rname, rname)) { dl->size = strtoul(size, NULL, 0); dl->flags &= ~DLLF_SIZEUNKNOWN; return; } } } } void CL_FinishDownload(char *filename, char *tempname); void CL_ForceStopDownload (qdownload_t *dl, qboolean finish) { if (Cmd_IsInsecure()) { Con_Printf(CON_WARNING "Execution from server rejected for %s\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } if (!dl) return; if (!dl->file) { if (dl->method == DL_QWPENDING) finish = false; else { Con_Printf("No files downloading by QW protocol\n"); return; } } if (finish) DL_Abort(dl, QDL_COMPLETED); else DL_Abort(dl, QDL_FAILED); // get another file if needed CL_RequestNextDownload (); } void CL_SkipDownload_f (void) { CL_ForceStopDownload(cls.download, false); } void CL_FinishDownload_f (void) { CL_ForceStopDownload(cls.download, true); } #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WINRT) #include "winquake.h" /* ================= CL_Minimize_f ================= */ void CL_Windows_f (void) { if (!mainwindow) { Con_Printf("Cannot comply\n"); return; } // if (modestate == MS_WINDOWED) // ShowWindow(mainwindow, SW_MINIMIZE); // else SendMessage(mainwindow, WM_SYSKEYUP, VK_TAB, 1 | (0x0F << 16) | (1<<29)); } #endif #ifndef CLIENTONLY void CL_ServerInfo_f(void) { if (!sv.state && cls.state && Cmd_Argc() < 2) { if (cls.demoplayback || cls.protocol != CP_QUAKEWORLD) { Info_Print (cl.serverinfo, ""); } else Cmd_ForwardToServer (); } else { SV_Serverinfo_f(); //allow it to be set... (whoops) } } #endif /* #ifdef WEBCLIENT void CL_FTP_f(void) { FTP_Client_Command(Cmd_Args(), NULL); } #endif */ //fixme: make a cvar void CL_Fog_f(void) { int ftype = Q_strcasecmp(Cmd_Argv(0), "fog"); if ((cl.fog_locked && !Cmd_FromGamecode()) || Cmd_Argc() <= 1) { if (Cmd_ExecLevel != RESTRICT_INSECURE) Con_Printf("Current fog %f (r:%f g:%f b:%f, a:%f bias:%f)\n", cl.fog[ftype].density, cl.fog[ftype].colour[0], cl.fog[ftype].colour[1], cl.fog[ftype].colour[2], cl.fog[ftype].alpha, cl.fog[ftype].depthbias); } else { CL_ResetFog(ftype); switch(Cmd_Argc()) { case 1: break; case 2: cl.fog[ftype].density = atof(Cmd_Argv(1)); break; case 3: cl.fog[ftype].density = atof(Cmd_Argv(1)); cl.fog[ftype].colour[0] = cl.fog[ftype].colour[1] = cl.fog[ftype].colour[2] = atof(Cmd_Argv(2)); break; case 4: cl.fog[ftype].density = 0.05; //make something up for vauge compat with fitzquake, so it doesn't get the default of 0 cl.fog[ftype].colour[0] = atof(Cmd_Argv(1)); cl.fog[ftype].colour[1] = atof(Cmd_Argv(2)); cl.fog[ftype].colour[2] = atof(Cmd_Argv(3)); break; case 5: default: cl.fog[ftype].density = atof(Cmd_Argv(1)); cl.fog[ftype].colour[0] = atof(Cmd_Argv(2)); cl.fog[ftype].colour[1] = atof(Cmd_Argv(3)); cl.fog[ftype].colour[2] = atof(Cmd_Argv(4)); break; } if (cls.state == ca_active) cl.fog[ftype].time += 1; //fitz: //if (Cmd_Argc() >= 6) cl.fog_time += atof(Cmd_Argv(5)); //dp: if (Cmd_Argc() >= 6) cl.fog[ftype].alpha = atof(Cmd_Argv(5)); if (Cmd_Argc() >= 7) cl.fog[ftype].depthbias = atof(Cmd_Argv(6)); //if (Cmd_Argc() >= 8) cl.fog.end = atof(Cmd_Argv(7)); //if (Cmd_Argc() >= 9) cl.fog.height = atof(Cmd_Argv(8)); //if (Cmd_Argc() >= 10) cl.fog.fadedepth = atof(Cmd_Argv(9)); if (Cmd_FromGamecode()) cl.fog_locked = !!cl.fog[ftype].density; } } void CL_CrashMeEndgame_f(void) { Host_EndGame("crashme!"); } void CL_Status_f(void) { float pi, po, bi, bo; NET_PrintAddresses(cls.sockets); if (NET_GetRates(cls.sockets, &pi, &po, &bi, &bo)) Con_Printf("packets,bytes/sec: in: %g %g out: %g %g\n", pi, bi, po, bo); //not relevent as a limit. } void CL_Demo_SetSpeed_f(void) { char *s = Cmd_Argv(1); if (s) { float f = atof(s)/100; Cvar_SetValue(&cl_demospeed, f); } else Con_Printf("demo playback speed %g%%\n", cl_demospeed.value * 100); } void CL_Skygroup_f(void); /* ================= CL_Init ================= */ void CL_Init (void) { extern void CL_Say_f (void); extern void CL_SayMe_f (void); extern void CL_SayTeam_f (void); extern cvar_t baseskin; extern cvar_t noskins; char *ver; cls.state = ca_disconnected; #ifdef SVNREVISION if (strcmp(STRINGIFY(SVNREVISION), "-")) ver = va("%s v%i.%02i %s", DISTRIBUTION, FTE_VER_MAJOR, FTE_VER_MINOR, STRINGIFY(SVNREVISION)); else #endif ver = va("%s v%i.%02i", DISTRIBUTION, FTE_VER_MAJOR, FTE_VER_MINOR); Info_SetValueForStarKey (cls.userinfo[0], "*ver", ver, sizeof(cls.userinfo[0])); InitValidation(); CL_InitInput (); CL_InitTEnts (); CL_InitPrediction (); CL_InitCam (); CL_InitDlights(); PM_Init (); TP_Init(); // // register our commands // CLSCR_Init(); #ifdef MENU_DAT MP_RegisterCvarsAndCmds(); #endif #ifdef CSQC_DAT CSQC_RegisterCvarsAndThings(); #endif Cvar_Register (&host_speeds, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&developer, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cfg_save_name, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_proxyaddr, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_sendguid, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_defaultport, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_servername, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_serveraddress, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_demospeed, "Demo playback"); Cmd_AddCommand("demo_setspeed", CL_Demo_SetSpeed_f); Cvar_Register (&cl_upspeed, cl_inputgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_forwardspeed, cl_inputgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_backspeed, cl_inputgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_sidespeed, cl_inputgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_movespeedkey, cl_inputgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_yawspeed, cl_inputgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_pitchspeed, cl_inputgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_anglespeedkey, cl_inputgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_shownet, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_sbar, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_pure, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_hudswap, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_maxfps, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_idlefps, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_yieldcpu, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_timeout, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&lookspring, cl_inputgroup); Cvar_Register (&lookstrafe, cl_inputgroup); Cvar_Register (&sensitivity, cl_inputgroup); Cvar_Register (&m_pitch, cl_inputgroup); Cvar_Register (&m_yaw, cl_inputgroup); Cvar_Register (&m_forward, cl_inputgroup); Cvar_Register (&m_side, cl_inputgroup); Cvar_Register (&rcon_password, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&rcon_address, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_lerp_players, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_predict_players, cl_predictiongroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_predict_players_frac, cl_predictiongroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_predict_players_latency, cl_predictiongroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_predict_players_nudge, cl_predictiongroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_solid_players, cl_predictiongroup); #ifdef QUAKESPYAPI Cvar_Register (&localid, cl_controlgroup); #endif Cvar_Register (&cl_muzzleflash, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&baseskin, "Teamplay"); Cvar_Register (&noskins, "Teamplay"); Cvar_Register (&cl_noblink, "Console controls"); //for lack of a better group Cvar_Register (&cl_item_bobbing, "Item effects"); Cvar_Register (&gl_simpleitems, "Item effects"); Cvar_Register (&cl_staticsounds, "Item effects"); Cvar_Register (&r_torch, "Item effects"); Cvar_Register (&r_rocketlight, "Item effects"); Cvar_Register (&r_lightflicker, "Item effects"); Cvar_Register (&cl_r2g, "Item effects"); Cvar_Register (&r_powerupglow, "Item effects"); Cvar_Register (&v_powerupshell, "Item effects"); Cvar_Register (&cl_gibfilter, "Item effects"); Cvar_Register (&cl_deadbodyfilter, "Item effects"); Cvar_Register (&cl_nolerp, "Item effects"); Cvar_Register (&cl_nolerp_netquake, "Item effects"); Cvar_Register (&r_drawflame, "Item effects"); Cvar_Register (&cl_downloads, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_download_csprogs, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_download_redirection, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_download_packages, cl_controlgroup); // // info mirrors // Cvar_Register (&name, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&password, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&spectator, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&skin, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&model, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&team, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&topcolor, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&bottomcolor, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&rate, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&drate, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&msg, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&noaim, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&b_switch, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&w_switch, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_demoreel, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&record_flush, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_nofake, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_chatsound, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_enemychatsound, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_teamchatsound, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&requiredownloads, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_standardchat, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&msg_filter, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&msg_filter_frags, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_standardmsg, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_parsewhitetext, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_nopext, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_pext_mask, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_splitscreen, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&host_mapname, "Scripting"); #ifndef SERVERONLY Cvar_Register (&cl_loopbackprotocol, cl_controlgroup); #endif Cvar_Register (&cl_countpendingpl, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_threadedphysics, cl_controlgroup); hud_tracking_show = Cvar_Get("hud_tracking_show", "1", 0, "statusbar"); hud_miniscores_show = Cvar_Get("hud_miniscores_show", "1", 0, "statusbar"); Cvar_Register (&cl_download_mapsrc, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_dlemptyterminate, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_gunx, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_guny, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_gunz, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_gunanglex, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_gunangley, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&cl_gunanglez, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&ruleset_allow_playercount, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&ruleset_allow_frj, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&ruleset_allow_semicheats, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&ruleset_allow_packet, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&ruleset_allow_particle_lightning, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&ruleset_allow_overlongsounds, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&ruleset_allow_larger_models, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&ruleset_allow_modified_eyes, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&ruleset_allow_sensitive_texture_replacements, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&ruleset_allow_localvolume, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&ruleset_allow_shaders, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&ruleset_allow_watervis, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&ruleset_allow_fbmodels, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&qtvcl_forceversion1, cl_controlgroup); Cvar_Register (&qtvcl_eztvextensions, cl_controlgroup); //#ifdef WEBCLIENT // Cmd_AddCommand ("ftp", CL_FTP_f); //#endif Cmd_AddCommandD ("changing", CL_Changing_f, "Part of network protocols. This command should not be used manually."); Cmd_AddCommand ("disconnect", CL_Disconnect_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("record", CL_Record_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("rerecord", CL_ReRecord_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("stop", CL_Stop_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("playdemo", CL_PlayDemo_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("qtvplay", CL_QTVPlay_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("qtvlist", CL_QTVList_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("qtvdemos", CL_QTVDemos_f); Cmd_AddCommandD ("demo_jump", CL_DemoJump_f, "Jump to a specified time in a demo. Prefix with a + or - for a relative offset. Seeking backwards will restart the demo and the fast forward, which can take some time in long demos."); Cmd_AddCommand ("timedemo", CL_TimeDemo_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("crashme_endgame", CL_CrashMeEndgame_f); Cmd_AddCommandD ("showpic", SCR_ShowPic_Script_f, "showpic <imagename> <placename> <x> <y> <zone> [width] [height] [touchcommand]\nDisplays an image onscreen, that potentially has a key binding attached to it when clicked/touched.\nzone should be one of: TL, TR, BL, BR, MM, TM, BM, ML, MR. This serves as an extra offset to move the image around the screen without any foreknowledge of the screen resolution."); Cmd_AddCommandD ("showpic_removeall", SCR_ShowPic_Remove_f, "removes any pictures inserted with the showpic command."); Cmd_AddCommand ("startdemos", CL_Startdemos_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("demos", CL_Demos_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("stopdemo", CL_Stopdemo_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("skins", Skin_Skins_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("allskins", Skin_AllSkins_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("cl_status", CL_Status_f); Cmd_AddCommandD ("quit", CL_Quit_f, "Use this command when you get angry. Does not save any cvars. Use cfg_save to save settings, or use the menu for a prompt."); #if defined(CL_MASTER) Cmd_AddCommandD ("connectbr", CL_ConnectBestRoute_f, "connect address:port\nConnect to a qw server using the best route we can detect."); #endif Cmd_AddCommandD ("connect", CL_Connect_f, "connect scheme://address:port\nConnect to a server. " #if defined(FTE_TARGET_WEB) "Use a scheme of ws:// or wss:// to connect via using websockets." #else "Use a scheme of tcp:// or tls:// to connect via non-udp protocols." #endif #if defined(NQPROT) || defined(Q2CLIENT) || defined(Q3CLIENT) "\nDefault port is port "STRINGIFY(PORT_QWSERVER)"." #ifdef NQPROT " NQ:"STRINGIFY(PORT_NQSERVER)"." #endif " QW:"STRINGIFY(PORT_QWSERVER)"." #ifdef Q2CLIENT " Q2:"STRINGIFY(PORT_Q2SERVER)"." #endif #ifdef Q3CLIENT " Q3:"STRINGIFY(PORT_Q3SERVER)"." #endif #endif ); Cmd_AddCommandD ("cl_transfer", CL_Transfer_f, "Connect to a different server, disconnecting from the current server only when the new server replies."); #ifdef TCPCONNECT Cmd_AddCommandD ("tcpconnect", CL_TCPConnect_f, "Connect to a server using the tcp:// prefix"); #endif #ifdef IRCCONNECT Cmd_AddCommand ("ircconnect", CL_IRCConnect_f); #endif #ifdef NQPROT Cmd_AddCommandD ("nqconnect", CLNQ_Connect_f, "Connects to the specified server, defaulting to port "STRINGIFY(PORT_NQSERVER)"."); #endif Cmd_AddCommand ("reconnect", CL_Reconnect_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("join", CL_Join_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("observe", CL_Observe_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("rcon", CL_Rcon_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("packet", CL_Packet_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("user", CL_User_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("users", CL_Users_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("setinfo", CL_SetInfo_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("fullinfo", CL_FullInfo_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("fullserverinfo", CL_FullServerinfo_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("color", CL_Color_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("download", CL_Download_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("dlsize", CL_DownloadSize_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("nextul", CL_NextUpload); Cmd_AddCommand ("stopul", CL_StopUpload); Cmd_AddCommand ("skipdl", CL_SkipDownload_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("finishdl", CL_FinishDownload_f); // // forward to server commands // Cmd_AddCommand ("god", NULL); //cheats Cmd_AddCommand ("give", NULL); Cmd_AddCommand ("noclip", NULL); Cmd_AddCommand ("6dof", NULL); Cmd_AddCommand ("spiderpig", NULL); Cmd_AddCommand ("fly", NULL); Cmd_AddCommand ("setpos", NULL); Cmd_AddCommand ("notarget", NULL); Cmd_AddCommand ("topten", NULL); Cmd_AddCommandD ("fog", CL_Fog_f, "fog <density> <red> <green> <blue> <alpha> <depthbias>"); Cmd_AddCommandD ("waterfog", CL_Fog_f, "waterfog <density> <red> <green> <blue> <alpha> <depthbias>"); Cmd_AddCommand ("kill", NULL); Cmd_AddCommand ("pause", NULL); Cmd_AddCommand ("say", CL_Say_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("me", CL_SayMe_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("sayone", CL_Say_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("say_team", CL_SayTeam_f); #ifdef CLIENTONLY Cmd_AddCommand ("serverinfo", NULL); #else Cmd_AddCommand ("serverinfo", CL_ServerInfo_f); #endif Cmd_AddCommand ("skygroup", CL_Skygroup_f); // // Windows commands // #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WINRT) Cmd_AddCommand ("windows", CL_Windows_f); #endif Ignore_Init(); Stats_Init(); CL_ClearState(); //make sure the cl.* fields are set properly if there's no ssqc or whatever. } /* ================ Host_EndGame Call this to drop to a console without exiting the qwcl ================ */ NORETURN void VARGS Host_EndGame (char *message, ...) { va_list argptr; char string[1024]; va_start (argptr,message); vsnprintf (string,sizeof(string)-1, message,argptr); va_end (argptr); COM_AssertMainThread(string); SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(); Con_TPrintf ("^&C0Host_EndGame: %s\n", string); Con_Printf ("\n"); SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(); CL_Disconnect (); SV_UnspawnServer(); connectinfo.trying = false; Cvar_Set(&cl_shownet, "0"); longjmp (host_abort, 1); } /* ================ Host_Error This shuts down the client and exits qwcl ================ */ void VARGS Host_Error (char *error, ...) { va_list argptr; char string[1024]; static qboolean inerror = false; if (inerror) Sys_Error ("Host_Error: recursively entered"); inerror = true; va_start (argptr,error); vsnprintf (string,sizeof(string)-1, error,argptr); va_end (argptr); COM_AssertMainThread(string); Con_TPrintf ("Host_Error: %s\n", string); CL_Disconnect (); cls.demonum = -1; inerror = false; // FIXME Sys_Error ("Host_Error: %s\n",string); } /* =============== Host_WriteConfiguration Writes key bindings and archived cvars to config.cfg =============== */ void Host_WriteConfiguration (void) { vfsfile_t *f; char savename[MAX_OSPATH]; char sysname[MAX_OSPATH]; if (host_initialized && cfg_save_name.string && *cfg_save_name.string) { if (strchr(cfg_save_name.string, '.')) { Con_TPrintf (CON_ERROR "Couldn't write config.cfg.\n"); return; } Q_snprintfz(savename, sizeof(savename), "%s.cfg", cfg_save_name.string); f = FS_OpenVFS(savename, "wb", FS_GAMEONLY); if (!f) { Con_TPrintf (CON_ERROR "Couldn't write config.cfg.\n"); return; } Key_WriteBindings (f); Cvar_WriteVariables (f, false); VFS_CLOSE (f); FS_NativePath(savename, FS_GAMEONLY, sysname, sizeof(sysname)); Con_Printf("Wrote %s\n", savename); } } //============================================================================ #if 0 /* ================== Host_SimulationTime This determines if enough time has passed to run a simulation frame ================== */ qboolean Host_SimulationTime(float time) { float fps; if (oldrealtime > realtime) oldrealtime = 0; if (cl_maxfps.value) fps = max(30.0, min(cl_maxfps.value, 72.0)); else fps = max(30.0, min(rate.value/80.0, 72.0)); if (!cls.timedemo && (realtime + time) - oldrealtime < 1.0/fps) return false; // framerate is too high return true; } #endif void Host_RunFileNotify(struct dl_download *dl) { if (dl->file) { Host_RunFile(dl->url, strlen(dl->url), dl->file); dl->file = NULL; } } #include "fs.h" #define HRF_OVERWRITE (1<<0) #define HRF_NOOVERWRITE (1<<1) // (1<<2) #define HRF_ABORT (1<<3) #define HRF_OPENED (1<<4) #define HRF_DOWNLOADED (1<<5) //file was actually downloaded, and not from the local system #define HRF_WAITING (1<<6) //file looks important enough that we should wait for it to start to download or something to see what file type it is. // (1<<7) #define HRF_DEMO_MVD (1<<8) #define HRF_DEMO_QWD (1<<9) #define HRF_DEMO_DM2 (1<<10) #define HRF_DEMO_DEM (1<<11) #define HRF_QTVINFO (1<<12) #define HRF_MANIFEST (1<<13) #define HRF_BSP (1<<14) #define HRF_PACKAGE (1<<15) //pak or pk3 that should be installed. #define HRF_ARCHIVE (1<<16) //zip - treated as a multiple-file 'installer' #define HRF_MODEL (1<<17) #define HRF_ACTION (HRF_OVERWRITE|HRF_NOOVERWRITE|HRF_ABORT) #define HRF_DEMO (HRF_DEMO_MVD|HRF_DEMO_QWD|HRF_DEMO_DM2|HRF_DEMO_DEM) #define HRF_FILETYPES (HRF_DEMO|HRF_QTVINFO|HRF_MANIFEST|HRF_BSP|HRF_PACKAGE|HRF_MODEL|HRF_ARCHIVE) typedef struct { unsigned int flags; vfsfile_t *srcfile; vfsfile_t *dstfile; char fname[1]; //system path or url. } hrf_t; extern int waitingformanifest; void Host_DoRunFile(hrf_t *f); void CL_PlayDemoStream(vfsfile_t *file, struct dl_download *, char *filename, qboolean issyspath, int demotype, float bufferdelay); void CL_ParseQTVDescriptor(vfsfile_t *f, const char *name); qboolean FS_PathURLCache(char *url, char *path, size_t pathsize); void Host_RunFileDownloaded(struct dl_download *dl) { hrf_t *f = dl->user_ctx; if (dl->status == DL_FAILED) { f->flags |= HRF_ABORT; f->srcfile = NULL; } else { f->srcfile = dl->file; dl->file = NULL; } Host_DoRunFile(f); } qboolean Host_BeginFileDownload(struct dl_download *dl, char *mimetype) { qboolean result = false; //at this point the file is still downloading, so don't copy it out just yet. hrf_t *f = dl->user_ctx; if (f->flags & HRF_WAITING) { f->flags &= ~HRF_WAITING; waitingformanifest--; } if (mimetype && !(f->flags & HRF_FILETYPES)) { if (!strcmp(mimetype, "application/x-qtv")) //what uses this? f->flags |= HRF_QTVINFO; else if (!strcmp(mimetype, "text/x-quaketvident")) f->flags |= HRF_QTVINFO; else if (!strcmp(mimetype, "application/x-fteplugin")) f->flags |= HRF_MANIFEST; else if (!strcmp(mimetype, "application/x-ftemanifest")) f->flags |= HRF_MANIFEST; else if (!strcmp(mimetype, "application/x-multiviewdemo")) f->flags |= HRF_DEMO_MVD; else if (!strcmp(mimetype, "application/zip")) f->flags |= HRF_ARCHIVE; // else if (!strcmp(mimetype, "application/x-ftebsp")) // f->flags |= HRF_BSP; // else if (!strcmp(mimetype, "application/x-ftepackage")) // f->flags |= HRF_PACKAGE; if (f->flags & HRF_MANIFEST) waitingformanifest++; } if (!(f->flags & HRF_FILETYPES)) { char ext[8]; COM_FileExtension(f->fname, ext, sizeof(ext)); if (!strcmp(ext, "qwd")) f->flags |= HRF_DEMO_QWD; else if (!strcmp(ext, "mvd")) f->flags |= HRF_DEMO_MVD; else if (!strcmp(ext, "dm2")) f->flags |= HRF_DEMO_DM2; else if (!strcmp(ext, "dem")) f->flags |= HRF_DEMO_DEM; else if (!strcmp(ext, "qtv")) f->flags |= HRF_QTVINFO; else if (!strcmp(ext, "fmf")) f->flags |= HRF_MANIFEST; else if (!strcmp(ext, "bsp")) f->flags |= HRF_BSP; else if (!strcmp(ext, "pak") || !strcmp(ext, "pk3")) f->flags |= HRF_PACKAGE; else { if (mimetype) Con_Printf("mime type \"%s\" and file extension of \"%s\" not recognised\n", mimetype, f->fname); else Con_Printf("file extension of \"%s\" not recognised\n", f->fname); //file type not guessable from extension either. f->flags |= HRF_ABORT; Host_DoRunFile(f); return false; } if (f->flags & HRF_MANIFEST) waitingformanifest++; } if (f->flags & HRF_DEMO_QWD) CL_PlayDemoStream((dl->file = VFSPIPE_Open()), dl, f->fname, true, DPB_QUAKEWORLD, 0); else if (f->flags & HRF_DEMO_MVD) CL_PlayDemoStream((dl->file = VFSPIPE_Open()), dl, f->fname, true, DPB_MVD, 0); #ifdef Q2CLIENT else if (f->flags & HRF_DEMO_DM2) CL_PlayDemoStream((dl->file = VFSPIPE_Open()), dl, f->fname, true, DPB_QUAKE2, 0); #endif #ifdef NQPROT //fixme: the demo code can't handle the cd track like this. // else if (f->flags & HRF_DEMO_DEM) // CL_PlayDemoStream((dl->file = VFSPIPE_Open()), dl, f->fname, DPB_NETQUAKE, 0); #endif else if (f->flags & (HRF_MANIFEST | HRF_QTVINFO)) { //just use a pipe instead of a temp file, working around an issue with temp files on android dl->file = VFSPIPE_Open(); return true; } else if (f->flags & HRF_ARCHIVE) { char cachename[MAX_QPATH]; if (!FS_PathURLCache(f->fname, cachename, sizeof(cachename))) return false; f->srcfile = FS_OpenVFS(cachename, "rb", FS_ROOT); if (f->srcfile) { f->flags |= HRF_OPENED; Host_DoRunFile(f); return false; } FS_CreatePath(cachename, FS_ROOT); dl->file = FS_OpenVFS(cachename, "wb", FS_ROOT); if (dl->file) return true; //okay, continue downloading. } else if (f->flags & HRF_DEMO) Con_Printf("%s: format not supported\n", f->fname); //demos that are not supported in this build for one reason or another else return true; //demos stream, so we want to continue the http download, but we don't want to do anything with the result. if (f->flags & HRF_DEMO) result = true; f->flags |= HRF_ABORT; Host_DoRunFile(f); return result; } void Host_RunFilePrompted(void *ctx, int button) { hrf_t *f = ctx; switch(button) { case 0: f->flags |= HRF_OVERWRITE; break; case 1: f->flags |= HRF_NOOVERWRITE; break; default: f->flags |= HRF_ABORT; break; } Host_DoRunFile(f); } #ifdef WEBCLIENT static qboolean isurl(char *url) { #ifdef FTE_TARGET_WEB return true; //assume EVERYTHING is a url, because the local filesystem is pointless. #endif return /*!strncmp(url, "data:", 5) || */!strncmp(url, "http://", 7) || !strncmp(url, "https://", 8); } #endif qboolean FS_FixupGamedirForExternalFile(char *input, char *filename, size_t fnamelen); void Host_DoRunFile(hrf_t *f) { char qname[MAX_QPATH]; char displayname[MAX_QPATH]; char loadcommand[MAX_OSPATH]; qboolean isnew = false; qboolean haschanged = false; if (f->flags & HRF_WAITING) { f->flags &= ~HRF_WAITING; waitingformanifest--; } if (f->flags & HRF_ABORT) { if (f->flags & HRF_MANIFEST) waitingformanifest--; if (f->srcfile) VFS_CLOSE(f->srcfile); if (f->dstfile) VFS_CLOSE(f->dstfile); Z_Free(f); return; } if (!(f->flags & HRF_FILETYPES)) { char ext[8]; #ifdef WEBCLIENT if (isurl(f->fname) && !f->srcfile) { if (!(f->flags & HRF_OPENED)) { struct dl_download *dl; f->flags |= HRF_OPENED; dl = HTTP_CL_Get(f->fname, NULL, Host_RunFileDownloaded); if (dl) { f->flags |= HRF_WAITING|HRF_DOWNLOADED; dl->notifystarted = Host_BeginFileDownload; dl->user_ctx = f; waitingformanifest++; return; } } } #endif //if we get here, we have no mime type to give us any clues. COM_FileExtension(f->fname, ext, sizeof(ext)); if (!Q_strcasecmp(ext, "qwd")) f->flags |= HRF_DEMO_QWD; else if (!Q_strcasecmp(ext, "mvd")) f->flags |= HRF_DEMO_MVD; else if (!Q_strcasecmp(ext, "dm2")) f->flags |= HRF_DEMO_DM2; else if (!Q_strcasecmp(ext, "dem")) f->flags |= HRF_DEMO_DEM; else if (!Q_strcasecmp(ext, "qtv")) f->flags |= HRF_QTVINFO; else if (!Q_strcasecmp(ext, "fmf")) f->flags |= HRF_MANIFEST; else if (!Q_strcasecmp(ext, "bsp")) f->flags |= HRF_BSP; else if (!Q_strcasecmp(ext, "pak") || !Q_strcasecmp(ext, "pk3") || !Q_strcasecmp(ext, "pk4") || !Q_strcasecmp(ext, "wad")) f->flags |= HRF_PACKAGE; else if (!Q_strcasecmp(ext, "mdl") || !Q_strcasecmp(ext, "md2") || !Q_strcasecmp(ext, "md3") || !Q_strcasecmp(ext, "iqm") || !Q_strcasecmp(ext, "psk") || !Q_strcasecmp(ext, "zym") || !Q_strcasecmp(ext, "dpm") || !Q_strcasecmp(ext, "spr") || !Q_strcasecmp(ext, "spr2") || !Q_strcasecmp(ext, "obj") || !Q_strcasecmp(ext, "lwo") || !Q_strcasecmp(ext, "ase")) f->flags |= HRF_MODEL; //if we still don't know what it is, give up. if (!(f->flags & HRF_FILETYPES)) { Con_Printf("Host_DoRunFile: unknown filetype\n"); f->flags |= HRF_ABORT; Host_DoRunFile(f); return; } if (f->flags & HRF_MANIFEST) waitingformanifest++; } if (f->flags & HRF_DEMO) { //play directly via system path, no prompts needed FS_FixupGamedirForExternalFile(f->fname, loadcommand, sizeof(loadcommand)); Cbuf_AddText(va("playdemo \"%s\"\n", loadcommand), RESTRICT_LOCAL); f->flags |= HRF_ABORT; Host_DoRunFile(f); return; } else if (f->flags & HRF_BSP) { char shortname[MAX_QPATH]; COM_StripExtension(COM_SkipPath(f->fname), shortname, sizeof(shortname)); if (FS_FixupGamedirForExternalFile(f->fname, qname, sizeof(qname)) && !Q_strncasecmp(qname, "maps/", 5)) { COM_StripExtension(qname+5, loadcommand, sizeof(loadcommand)); Cbuf_AddText(va("map \"%s\"\n", loadcommand), RESTRICT_LOCAL); f->flags |= HRF_ABORT; Host_DoRunFile(f); return; } snprintf(loadcommand, sizeof(loadcommand), "map \"%s\"\n", shortname); snprintf(displayname, sizeof(displayname), "map: %s", shortname); snprintf(qname, sizeof(qname), "maps/%s.bsp", shortname); } else if (f->flags & HRF_PACKAGE) { char *shortname; shortname = COM_SkipPath(f->fname); snprintf(qname, sizeof(qname), "%s", shortname); snprintf(loadcommand, sizeof(loadcommand), "fs_restart\n"); snprintf(displayname, sizeof(displayname), "package: %s", shortname); } else if (f->flags & HRF_MANIFEST) { if (f->flags & HRF_OPENED) { if (f->srcfile) { ftemanifest_t *man; int len = VFS_GETLEN(f->srcfile); int foo; char *fdata = BZ_Malloc(len+1); foo = VFS_READ(f->srcfile, fdata, len); fdata[len] = 0; if (foo != len) { Con_Printf("Host_DoRunFile: unable to read file properly\n"); BZ_Free(fdata); } else { man = FS_Manifest_Parse(NULL, fdata); if (man) { if (!man->updateurl) man->updateurl = Z_StrDup(f->fname); // if (f->flags & HRF_DOWNLOADED) man->blockupdate = true; BZ_Free(fdata); PM_Shutdown(); FS_ChangeGame(man, true, true); } else { Con_Printf("Manifest file %s does not appear valid\n", f->fname); BZ_Free(fdata); } } f->flags |= HRF_ABORT; Host_DoRunFile(f); return; } } } else if (f->flags & HRF_MODEL) { if (!FS_FixupGamedirForExternalFile(f->fname, loadcommand, sizeof(loadcommand))) Con_Printf("%s is not within the current gamedir\n", f->fname); else Cbuf_AddText(va("modelviewer \"%s\"\n", loadcommand), RESTRICT_LOCAL); f->flags |= HRF_ABORT; Host_DoRunFile(f); return; } else if (f->flags & HRF_ARCHIVE) { char cachename[MAX_QPATH]; struct gamepacks packagespaths[2]; if (f->srcfile) VFS_CLOSE(f->srcfile); f->srcfile = NULL; memset(packagespaths, 0, sizeof(packagespaths)); packagespaths[0].url = f->fname; packagespaths[0].path = cachename; if (FS_PathURLCache(f->fname, cachename, sizeof(cachename))) { COM_Gamedir("", packagespaths); } f->flags |= HRF_ABORT; Host_DoRunFile(f); return; } else if (!(f->flags & HRF_QTVINFO)) { Con_Printf("Host_DoRunFile: filetype not handled\n"); f->flags |= HRF_ABORT; Host_DoRunFile(f); return; } //at this point we need the file to have been opened. if (!(f->flags & HRF_OPENED)) { f->flags |= HRF_OPENED; if (!f->srcfile) { #ifdef WEBCLIENT if (isurl(f->fname)) { struct dl_download *dl = HTTP_CL_Get(f->fname, NULL, Host_RunFileDownloaded); if (dl) { dl->notifystarted = Host_BeginFileDownload; dl->user_ctx = f; return; } } #endif f->srcfile = VFSOS_Open(f->fname, "rb"); //input file is a system path, or something. } } if (!f->srcfile) { Con_Printf("Unable to open %s\n", f->fname); f->flags |= HRF_ABORT; Host_DoRunFile(f); return; } if (f->flags & HRF_MANIFEST) { Host_DoRunFile(f); return; } if (f->flags & HRF_QTVINFO) { //pass the file object to the qtv code instead of trying to install it. CL_ParseQTVDescriptor(f->srcfile, f->fname); f->srcfile = NULL; f->flags |= HRF_ABORT; Host_DoRunFile(f); return; } VFS_SEEK(f->srcfile, 0); f->dstfile = FS_OpenVFS(qname, "rb", FS_GAME); if (f->dstfile) { //do a real diff. if (f->srcfile->seekingisabadplan || VFS_GETLEN(f->srcfile) != VFS_GETLEN(f->dstfile)) { //if we can't seek, or the sizes differ, just assume that the file is modified. haschanged = true; } else { int len = VFS_GETLEN(f->srcfile); char sbuf[8192], dbuf[8192]; if (len > sizeof(sbuf)) len = sizeof(sbuf); VFS_READ(f->srcfile, sbuf, len); VFS_READ(f->dstfile, dbuf, len); haschanged = memcmp(sbuf, dbuf, len); VFS_SEEK(f->srcfile, 0); } VFS_CLOSE(f->dstfile); f->dstfile = NULL; } else isnew = true; if (haschanged) { if (!(f->flags & HRF_ACTION)) { M_Menu_Prompt(Host_RunFilePrompted, f, "File already exists.", "What would you like to do?", displayname, "Overwrite", "Run old", "Cancel"); return; } } else if (isnew) { if (!(f->flags & HRF_ACTION)) { M_Menu_Prompt(Host_RunFilePrompted, f, "File appears new.", "Would you like to install", displayname, "Install!", "", "Cancel"); return; } } if (f->flags & HRF_OVERWRITE) { char buffer[8192]; int len; f->dstfile = FS_OpenVFS(qname, "wb", FS_GAMEONLY); if (f->dstfile) { while(1) { len = VFS_READ(f->srcfile, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (len <= 0) break; VFS_WRITE(f->dstfile, buffer, len); } VFS_CLOSE(f->dstfile); f->dstfile = NULL; } } Cbuf_AddText(loadcommand, RESTRICT_LOCAL); f->flags |= HRF_ABORT; Host_DoRunFile(f); return; } //only valid once the host has been initialised, as it needs a working filesystem. //if file is specified, takes full ownership of said file, including destruction. qboolean Host_RunFile(const char *fname, int nlen, vfsfile_t *file) { hrf_t *f; #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(FTE_SDL) && !defined(WINRT) //win32 file urls are basically fucked, so defer to the windows api. char utf8[MAX_OSPATH*3]; if (nlen >= 7 && !strncmp(fname, "file://", 7)) { qboolean Sys_ResolveFileURL(const char *inurl, int inlen, char *out, int outlen); if (!Sys_ResolveFileURL(fname, nlen, utf8, sizeof(utf8))) { Con_Printf("Cannot resolve file url\n"); return false; } fname = utf8; nlen = strlen(fname); } #elif !defined(FTE_TARGET_WEB) //unix file urls are fairly consistant. if (nlen >= 8 && !strncmp(fname, "file:///", 8)) { fname += 7; nlen -= 7; } #endif f = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*f) + nlen); memcpy(f->fname, fname, nlen); f->fname[nlen] = 0; Con_Printf("Opening external file: %s\n", f->fname); Host_DoRunFile(f); return true; } void CL_UpdateHeadAngles(void) { /*FIXME: no idea what I'm doing with this. lets just not break anything for now //identity, for now vec3_t headchange[3] = { {1,0,0}, {0,1,0}, {0,0,1} }; vec3_t tmp[3], tmp2[3]; playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[0]; tmp2[0][0] = 0; tmp2[0][1] = host_frametime*90; tmp2[0][2] = 0; AngleVectorsFLU(tmp2[0], headchange[0], headchange[1], headchange[2]); switch(cl_headmode.ival) { case 3: //head angles change both R_ConcatRotations(headchange, r_refdef.headaxis, tmp); break; case 2: //head changes are entirely relative to the 'view' angle R_ConcatRotations(headchange, r_refdef.headaxis, tmp); memcpy(r_refdef.headaxis, tmp, sizeof(r_refdef.headaxis)); break; case 1: //head changes change the view angle directly. AngleVectorsFLU(pv->viewangles, tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]); R_ConcatRotations(headchange, tmp, tmp2); VectorAngles(tmp2[0], tmp2[2], pv->viewangles); pv->viewangles[0] *= -1; //fall through default: case 0: //off VectorSet(r_refdef.headaxis[0], 1, 0, 0); VectorSet(r_refdef.headaxis[1], 0, 1, 0); VectorSet(r_refdef.headaxis[2], 0, 0, 1); break; } */ VectorSet(r_refdef.headaxis[0], 1, 0, 0); VectorSet(r_refdef.headaxis[1], 0, 1, 0); VectorSet(r_refdef.headaxis[2], 0, 0, 1); } /* ================== Host_Frame Runs all active servers ================== */ extern cvar_t cl_netfps; extern cvar_t cl_sparemsec; int startuppending; void CL_StartCinematicOrMenu(void); int nopacketcount; void SNDDMA_SetUnderWater(qboolean underwater); double Host_Frame (double time) { static double time0 = 0; static double time1 = 0; static double time2 = 0; static double time3 = 0; int pass0, pass1, pass2, pass3, i; // float fps; double newrealtime; static double spare; float maxfps; qboolean maxfpsignoreserver; qboolean idle; extern int r_blockvidrestart; static qboolean hadwork; RSpeedLocals(); if (setjmp (host_abort) ) { return 0; // something bad happened, or the server disconnected } newrealtime = Media_TweekCaptureFrameTime(realtime, time); time = newrealtime - realtime; realtime = newrealtime; if (oldrealtime > realtime) oldrealtime = realtime; if (cl.gamespeed<0.1) cl.gamespeed = 1; time *= cl.gamespeed; #ifdef WEBCLIENT // FTP_ClientThink(); HTTP_CL_Think(); #endif if (r_blockvidrestart) { if (waitingformanifest) { COM_MainThreadWork(); return 0.1; } Host_FinishLoading(); return 0; } if (startuppending) CL_StartCinematicOrMenu(); #ifdef PLUGINS Plug_Tick(); #endif NET_Tick(); if (cl.paused) cl.gametimemark += time; idle = (cls.state == ca_disconnected) || #ifdef VM_UI UI_MenuState() != 0 || #endif Key_Dest_Has(kdm_gmenu) || Key_Dest_Has(kdm_emenu) || Key_Dest_Has(kdm_editor) || !vid.activeapp || cl.paused ; // TODO: check if minimized or unfocused //read packets early and always, so we don't have stuff waiting for reception quite so often. //should smooth out a few things, and increase download speeds. if (!cls.timedemo) CL_ReadPackets (); if (idle && cl_idlefps.value > 0) { double idlesec = 1.0 / cl_idlefps.value; if (idlesec > 0.1) idlesec = 0.1; // limit to at least 10 fps #if !defined(NOMEDIA) if (Media_Capturing()) idlesec = 0; #endif if ((realtime - oldrealtime) < idlesec) { #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (sv.state) { RSpeedRemark(); SV_Frame(); RSpeedEnd(RSPEED_SERVER); } #endif while(COM_DoWork(0, false)) ; return idlesec - (realtime - oldrealtime); } } /* if (cl_maxfps.value) fps = cl_maxfps.value;//max(30.0, min(cl_maxfps.value, 72.0)); else fps = max(30.0, min(rate.value/80.0, 72.0)); if (!cls.timedemo && realtime - oldrealtime < 1.0/fps) return; // framerate is too high */ Mod_Think(); //think even on idle (which means small walls and a fast cpu can get more surfaces done. #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (sv.state && cls.state != ca_active) { maxfpsignoreserver = false; maxfps = 0; } else #endif if ((cl_netfps.value>0 || cls.demoplayback || cl_threadedphysics.ival)) { //limit the fps freely, and expect the netfps to cope. maxfpsignoreserver = true; maxfps = cl_maxfps.ival; } else { maxfpsignoreserver = false; maxfps = (cl_maxfps.ival>0||cls.protocol!=CP_QUAKEWORLD)?cl_maxfps.value:((cl_netfps.value>0)?cl_netfps.value:cls.maxfps); /*gets buggy at times longer than 250ms (and 0/negative, obviously)*/ if (maxfps < 4) maxfps = 4; } if (vid.isminimized && (maxfps <= 0 || maxfps > 10)) maxfps = 10; if (maxfps > 0 #if !defined(NOMEDIA) && Media_Capturing() != 2 #endif ) { // realtime += spare/1000; //don't use it all! double newspare = CL_FilterTime((spare/1000 + realtime - oldrealtime)*1000, maxfps, maxfpsignoreserver); if (!newspare) { while(COM_DoWork(0, false)) ; return (cl_yieldcpu.ival || vid.isminimized)? (1.0 / maxfps - (realtime - oldrealtime)) : 0; } if (spare < 0 || cls.state < ca_onserver) spare = 0; //uncapped. if (spare > cl_sparemsec.ival) spare = cl_sparemsec.ival; spare = newspare; // realtime -= spare/1000; //don't use it all! } else spare = 0; host_frametime = (realtime - oldrealtime)*cl.gamespeed; oldrealtime = realtime; if (cls.demoplayback && !cl.stillloading) { qboolean haswork = cl.sendprespawn || COM_HasWork(); if (!hadwork && !haswork) CL_ProgressDemoTime(); hadwork = haswork; } cl.stillloading = cl.sendprespawn #ifdef LOADERTHREAD || (cls.state < ca_active && worker_flush.ival && COM_HasWork()) #endif ; COM_MainThreadWork(); #if defined(Q2CLIENT) if (cls.protocol == CP_QUAKE2) cl.time += host_frametime; #endif // if (host_frametime > 0.2) // host_frametime = 0.2; // get new key events Sys_SendKeyEvents (); // allow mice or other external controllers to add commands IN_Commands (); // process console commands Cbuf_Execute (); #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (isDedicated) //someone changed it. return 0; #endif cls.framecount++; RSpeedRemark(); CL_UseIndepPhysics(!!cl_threadedphysics.ival); cl.do_lerp_players = cl_lerp_players.ival || (cls.demoplayback==DPB_MVD || cls.demoplayback == DPB_EZTV) || (cls.demoplayback && !cl_nolerp.ival && !cls.timedemo); CL_AllowIndependantSendCmd(false); // fetch results from server CL_ReadPackets (); // send intentions now // resend a connection request if necessary if (cls.state == ca_disconnected) { CL_SendCmd (host_frametime, true); // IN_Move(NULL, 0, time); CL_CheckForResend (); #ifdef VOICECHAT S_Voip_Transmit(0, NULL); #endif } else { if (connectinfo.trying) CL_CheckForResend (); CL_SendCmd (cl.gamespeed?host_frametime/cl.gamespeed:host_frametime, true); if (cls.state == ca_onserver && cl.validsequence && cl.worldmodel) { // first update is the final signon stage if (cls.protocol == CP_NETQUAKE) { //nq can send 'frames' without any entities before we're on the server, leading to short periods where the local player's position is not known. this is bad. so be more cautious with nq. this might break csqc. CL_TransitionEntities(); if (cl.currentpackentities->num_entities #ifdef CSQC_DAT || (cls.fteprotocolextensions & PEXT_CSQC) #endif ) CL_MakeActive("Quake"); } else CL_MakeActive("QuakeWorld"); } } CL_AllowIndependantSendCmd(true); RSpeedEnd(RSPEED_PROTOCOL); if (host_speeds.ival) time0 = Sys_DoubleTime (); #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (sv.state) { float ohft = host_frametime; RSpeedRemark(); SV_Frame(); RSpeedEnd(RSPEED_SERVER); host_frametime = ohft; // if (cls.protocol != CP_QUAKE3 && cls.protocol != CP_QUAKE2) // CL_ReadPackets (); //q3's cgame cannot cope with input commands with the same time as the most recent snapshot value } #endif CL_CalcClientTime(); // update video if (host_speeds.ival) time1 = Sys_DoubleTime (); for (i = 0; i < MAX_SPLITS; i++) { cl.playerview[i].audio.defaulted = true; cl.playerview[i].audio.entnum = cl.playerview[i].viewentity; VectorClear(cl.playerview[i].audio.origin); VectorSet(cl.playerview[i].audio.forward, 1, 0, 0); VectorSet(cl.playerview[i].audio.right, 0, 1, 0); VectorSet(cl.playerview[i].audio.up, 0, 0, 1); cl.playerview[i].audio.reverbtype = 0; VectorClear(cl.playerview[i].audio.velocity); } if (SCR_UpdateScreen && !vid.isminimized) { extern cvar_t scr_chatmodecvar, r_stereo_method; if (scr_chatmodecvar.ival && cl.intermissionmode == IM_NONE) scr_chatmode = (cl.spectator&&cl.splitclients<2&&cls.state == ca_active)?2:1; else scr_chatmode = 0; r_refdef.stereomethod = r_stereo_method.ival; #ifdef FTE_TARGET_WEB if (emscriptenfte_getvrframedata()) r_refdef.stereomethod = STEREO_WEBVR; #endif CL_UpdateHeadAngles(); { RSpeedMark(); if (SCR_UpdateScreen()) fps_count++; if (R2D_Flush) Sys_Error("update didn't flush 2d cache\n"); RSpeedEnd(RSPEED_TOTALREFRESH); } } else fps_count++; if (host_speeds.ival) time2 = Sys_DoubleTime (); // update audio for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_SPLITS; i++) { playerview_t *pv = &cl.playerview[cl.splitclients?i % cl.splitclients:0]; S_UpdateListener (i, pv->audio.entnum, pv->audio.origin, pv->audio.forward, pv->audio.right, pv->audio.up, pv->audio.reverbtype, pv->audio.velocity); } S_Update (); CDAudio_Update(); if (host_speeds.ival) { pass0 = (time0 - time3)*1000000; time3 = Sys_DoubleTime (); pass1 = (time1 - time0)*1000000; pass2 = (time2 - time1)*1000000; pass3 = (time3 - time2)*1000000; Con_Printf ("%4i tot %4i idle %4i server %4i gfx %4i snd\n", pass0+pass1+pass2+pass3, pass0, pass1, pass2, pass3); } IN_Commands (); // process console commands Cbuf_Execute (); CL_RequestNextDownload(); CL_QTVPoll(); TP_UpdateAutoStatus(); host_framecount++; return 0; } static void simple_crypt(char *buf, int len) { if (!(*buf & 128)) return; while (len--) *buf++ ^= 0xff; } void Host_FixupModelNames(void) { simple_crypt(emodel_name, sizeof(emodel_name) - 1); simple_crypt(pmodel_name, sizeof(pmodel_name) - 1); simple_crypt(prespawn_name, sizeof(prespawn_name) - 1); simple_crypt(modellist_name, sizeof(modellist_name) - 1); simple_crypt(soundlist_name, sizeof(soundlist_name) - 1); } #ifdef Q3CLIENT void CL_ReadCDKey(void) { //q3 cdkey //you don't need one, just use a server without sv_strictauth set to 0. char *buffer; buffer = COM_LoadTempFile("q3key", NULL); if (buffer) //a cdkey is meant to be 16 chars { char *chr; for (chr = buffer; *chr; chr++) { if (*(unsigned char*)chr < ' ') { *chr = '\0'; //don't get more than one line. break; } } Cvar_Get("cl_cdkey", buffer, CVAR_LATCH|CVAR_NOUNSAFEEXPAND, "Q3 compatability"); } } #endif //============================================================================ void CL_StartCinematicOrMenu(void) { COM_MainThreadWork(); if (FS_DownloadingPackage()) { startuppending = true; return; } if (cls.download) { startuppending = true; return; } if (startuppending) { if (startuppending == 2) //installer finished. Cbuf_AddText("\nfs_restart\nvid_restart\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); startuppending = false; Key_Dest_Remove(kdm_console); //make sure console doesn't stay up weirdly. } //start up the ui now we have a renderer #ifdef VM_UI UI_Start(); #endif #ifdef MENU_DAT Cbuf_AddText("menu_restart\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); #endif Con_TPrintf ("^Ue080^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081 %s %sInitialized ^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue081^Ue082\n", *fs_gamename.string?fs_gamename.string:"Nothing", com_installer?"Installer ":""); //there might be some console command or somesuch waiting for the renderer to begin (demos or map command or whatever all need model support). realtime+=1; Cbuf_Execute (); //server may have been waiting for the renderer Con_ClearNotify(); TP_ExecTrigger("f_startup", true); Cbuf_Execute (); if (com_installer) { com_installer = false; #if 0 Key_Dest_Remove(kdm_console); //make sure console doesn't stay up weirdly. M_Menu_Installer(); return; #endif } //and any startup cinematics #ifndef NOMEDIA #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (!sv.state) #endif if (!cls.demoinfile && !cls.state && !*cls.servername && !Media_PlayingFullScreen()) { int ol_depth; int idcin_depth; int idroq_depth; idcin_depth = COM_FDepthFile("video/idlog.cin", true); //q2 idroq_depth = COM_FDepthFile("video/idlogo.roq", true); //q3 ol_depth = COM_FDepthFile("video/openinglogos.roq", true); //jk2 if (ol_depth != 0x7fffffff && (ol_depth <= idroq_depth || ol_depth <= idcin_depth)) Media_PlayFilm("video/openinglogos.roq", true); else if (idroq_depth != 0x7fffffff && idroq_depth <= idcin_depth) Media_PlayFilm("video/idlogo.roq", true); else if (idcin_depth != 0x7fffffff) Media_PlayFilm("video/idlog.cin", true); #ifndef NOLEGACY //and for fun: if (COM_FCheckExists("data/local/video/New_Bliz640x480.bik")) Media_PlayFilm("av:data/local/video/New_Bliz640x480.bik", true); if (COM_FCheckExists("data/local/video/BlizNorth640x480.bik")) Media_PlayFilm("av:data/local/video/BlizNorth640x480.bik", true); if (COM_FCheckExists("data/local/video/eng/d2intro640x292.bik")) Media_PlayFilm("av:data/local/video/eng/d2intro640x292.bik", true); if (COM_FCheckExists("Data/Local/Video/ENG/D2x_Intro_640x292.bik")) Media_PlayFilm("av:Data/Local/Video/ENG/D2x_Intro_640x292.bik", true); #endif } #endif if (!cls.demoinfile && !cls.state && !*cls.servername && !Media_PlayingFullScreen()) { #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (!sv.state) #endif { if (qrenderer > QR_NONE && !m_state) { #ifndef NOBUILTINMENUS if (!cls.state && !m_state && !*FS_GetGamedir(false)) M_Menu_Mods_f(); #endif if (!cls.state && !m_state && cl_demoreel.ival) CL_NextDemo(); if (!cls.state && !m_state) //if we're (now) meant to be using csqc for menus, make sure that its running. if (!CSQC_UnconnectedInit()) M_ToggleMenu_f(); } //Con_ForceActiveNow(); } } } void CL_ArgumentOverrides(void) { int i; if (COM_CheckParm ("-window") || COM_CheckParm ("-startwindowed")) Cvar_Set(Cvar_FindVar("vid_fullscreen"), "0"); if (COM_CheckParm ("-fullscreen")) Cvar_Set(Cvar_FindVar("vid_fullscreen"), "1"); if ((i = COM_CheckParm ("-width"))) //width on it's own also sets height { Cvar_Set(Cvar_FindVar("vid_width"), com_argv[i+1]); Cvar_SetValue(Cvar_FindVar("vid_height"), (atoi(com_argv[i+1])/4)*3); } if ((i = COM_CheckParm ("-height"))) Cvar_Set(Cvar_FindVar("vid_height"), com_argv[i+1]); if ((i = COM_CheckParm ("-conwidth"))) //width on it's own also sets height { Cvar_Set(Cvar_FindVar("vid_conwidth"), com_argv[i+1]); Cvar_SetValue(Cvar_FindVar("vid_conheight"), (atoi(com_argv[i+1])/4)*3); } if ((i = COM_CheckParm ("-conheight"))) Cvar_Set(Cvar_FindVar("vid_conheight"), com_argv[i+1]); if ((i = COM_CheckParm ("-bpp"))) Cvar_Set(Cvar_FindVar("vid_bpp"), com_argv[i+1]); if (COM_CheckParm ("-current")) Cvar_Set(Cvar_FindVar("vid_desktopsettings"), "1"); if (COM_CheckParm("-condebug")) Cvar_Set(Cvar_FindVar("log_enable"), "1"); if ((i = COM_CheckParm ("-particles"))) Cvar_Set(Cvar_FindVar("r_part_maxparticles"), com_argv[i+1]); } //note that this does NOT include commandline. void CL_ExecInitialConfigs(char *resetcommand) { #ifdef QUAKESTATS int qrc, hrc; #endif int def; Cbuf_Execute (); //make sure any pending console commands are done with. mostly, anyway... SCR_ShowPic_ClearAll(true); Cbuf_AddText("unbindall\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText("bind volup \"inc volume 0.1\"\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText("bind voldown \"inc volume -0.1\"\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText("alias restart_ents \"changelevel . .\"\n",RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText("alias restart \"changelevel .\"\n",RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText("alias startmap_sp \"map start\"\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText("cl_warncmd 0\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText("cvar_purgedefaults\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); //reset cvar defaults to their engine-specified values. the tail end of 'exec default.cfg' will update non-cheat defaults to mod-specified values. Cbuf_AddText("cvarreset *\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); //reset all cvars to their current (engine) defaults #ifndef CLIENTONLY Cbuf_AddText(va("sv_gamedir \"%s\"\n", FS_GetGamedir(true)), RESTRICT_LOCAL); #endif Cbuf_AddText(resetcommand, RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText("\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); COM_ParsePlusSets(true); def = COM_FDepthFile("default.cfg", true); //q2/q3/tc #ifdef QUAKETC Cbuf_AddText ("exec default.cfg\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); if (COM_FDepthFile ("config.cfg", true) <= def) Cbuf_AddText ("exec config.cfg\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); if (COM_FCheckExists ("autoexec.cfg")) Cbuf_AddText ("exec autoexec.cfg\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); #else //who should we imitate? qrc = COM_FDepthFile("quake.rc", true); //q1 hrc = COM_FDepthFile("hexen.rc", true); //h2 if (qrc <= def && qrc <= hrc && qrc!=0x7fffffff) { Cbuf_AddText ("exec quake.rc\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); def = qrc; } else if (hrc <= def && hrc!=0x7fffffff) { Cbuf_AddText ("exec hexen.rc\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); def = hrc; } else { //they didn't give us an rc file! int cfg = COM_FDepthFile ("config.cfg", true); int q3cfg = COM_FDepthFile ("q3config.cfg", true); // Cbuf_AddText ("bind ` toggleconsole\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); //in case default.cfg does not exist. :( if (def!=0x7fffffff) Cbuf_AddText ("exec default.cfg\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); if (cfg <= def && cfg!=0x7fffffff) Cbuf_AddText ("exec config.cfg\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); if (q3cfg <= def && q3cfg!=0x7fffffff) Cbuf_AddText ("exec q3config.cfg\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); if (def!=0x7fffffff) Cbuf_AddText ("exec autoexec.cfg\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); } qrc = COM_FDepthFile("fte.cfg", true); if (qrc != 0x7fffffff) { if (qrc <= def) //don't use it if we're running a mod with a default.cfg that is in a stronger path than fte.cfg, as this indicates that fte.cfg is from fte/ and not $currentmod/. Cbuf_AddText ("exec fte.cfg\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); else Cbuf_AddText ("echo skipping fte.cfg from wrong gamedir\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); } #endif #ifdef QUAKESPYAPI if (COM_FCheckExists ("frontend.cfg")) Cbuf_AddText ("exec frontend.cfg\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); #endif Cbuf_AddText ("cl_warncmd 1\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); //and then it's allowed to start moaning. com_parseutf8.ival = com_parseutf8.value; //if the renderer is already up and running, be prepared to reload content to match the new conback/font/etc if (qrenderer != QR_NONE) Cbuf_AddText ("vid_reload\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); // if (Key_Dest_Has(kdm_menu)) // Cbuf_AddText ("closemenu\ntogglemenu\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); //make sure the menu has the right content loaded. Cbuf_Execute (); //if the server initialisation causes a problem, give it a place to abort to //assuming they didn't use any waits in their config (fools) //the configs should be fully loaded. //so convert the backwards compable commandline parameters in cvar sets. CL_ArgumentOverrides(); #ifndef CLIENTONLY SV_ArgumentOverrides(); #endif //and disable the 'you have unsaved stuff' prompt. Cvar_Saved(); } void Host_FinishLoading(void) { extern int r_blockvidrestart; if (r_blockvidrestart == true) { //1 means we need to init the filesystem //the filesystem has retrieved its manifest, but might still be waiting for paks to finish downloading. //make sure the filesystem has some default if no manifest was loaded. FS_ChangeGame(NULL, true, true); if (waitingformanifest) return; Con_History_Load(); Cmd_StuffCmds(); Cbuf_Execute (); CL_ArgumentOverrides(); #ifndef CLIENTONLY SV_ArgumentOverrides(); #endif Con_Printf ("\n%s\n", version_string()); Con_DPrintf("This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or " "modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License " "as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 " "of the License, or (at your option) any later version." "\n" "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, " "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of " "MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. " "\n" "See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n"); #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(FTE_SDL) && defined(WEBCLIENT) if (Sys_RunInstaller()) Sys_Quit(); #endif r_blockvidrestart = 2; Menu_Download_Update(); } #ifdef ANDROID //android needs to wait a bit longer before it's allowed to init its video properly. extern int sys_glesversion; if (!sys_glesversion) return; #endif if (r_blockvidrestart == 2) { //2 is part of the initial startup Renderer_Start(); CL_StartCinematicOrMenu(); } else //3 flags for a renderer restart Renderer_Start(); } /* ==================== Host_Init ==================== */ void Host_Init (quakeparms_t *parms) { int man; com_parseutf8.ival = 1; //enable utf8 parsing even before cvars are registered. COM_InitArgv (parms->argc, parms->argv); if (setjmp (host_abort) ) Sys_Error("Host_Init: An error occured. Try the -condebug commandline parameter\n"); host_parms = *parms; Cvar_Init(); Memory_Init (); /*memory is working, its safe to printf*/ Con_Init (); Sys_Init(); COM_ParsePlusSets(false); Cbuf_Init (); Cmd_Init (); V_Init (); NET_Init (); COM_Init (); #ifdef Q2BSPS CM_Init(); #endif #ifdef TERRAIN Terr_Init(); #endif Host_FixupModelNames(); Netchan_Init (); Renderer_Init(); Mod_Init(true); #if defined(CSQC_DAT) || defined(MENU_DAT) PF_Common_RegisterCvars(); #endif #ifndef CLIENTONLY SV_Init(parms); #endif // W_LoadWadFile ("gfx.wad"); Key_Init (); M_Init (); IN_Init (); S_Init (); cls.state = ca_disconnected; CDAudio_Init (); Sbar_Init (); CL_Init (); #ifdef TEXTEDITOR Editor_Init(); #endif #ifdef PLUGINS Plug_Initialise(true); #endif #ifdef VM_UI UI_Init(); #endif #ifdef CL_MASTER Master_SetupSockets(); #endif #ifdef Q3CLIENT CL_ReadCDKey(); #endif // Con_Printf ("Exe: "__TIME__" "__DATE__"\n"); //Con_Printf ("%4.1f megs RAM available.\n", parms->memsize/ (1024*1024.0)); R_SetRenderer(NULL);//set the renderer stuff to unset... Cvar_ParseWatches(); host_initialized = true; forcesaveprompt = false; Sys_SendKeyEvents(); //the engine is fully running, except the file system may be nulled out waiting for a manifest to download. man = COM_CheckParm("-manifest"); if (man && man < com_argc-1 && com_argv[man+1]) Host_RunFile(com_argv[man+1], strlen(com_argv[man+1]), NULL); } /* =============== Host_Shutdown FIXME: this is a callback from Sys_Quit and Sys_Error. It would be better to run quit through here before the final handoff to the sys code. =============== */ void Host_Shutdown(void) { if (!host_initialized) { Sys_Printf ("recursive shutdown\n"); return; } host_initialized = false; #ifdef WEBCLIENT HTTP_CL_Terminate(); #endif #ifdef PLUGINS Plug_Shutdown(false); #endif //disconnect server/client/etc CL_Disconnect_f(); #ifdef CSQC_DAT CSQC_Shutdown(); #endif #ifdef VM_UI UI_Stop(); #endif // Host_WriteConfiguration (); CDAudio_Shutdown (); IN_Shutdown (); R_ShutdownRenderer(true); S_Shutdown(true); #ifdef CL_MASTER MasterInfo_Shutdown(); #endif CL_FreeDlights(); CL_FreeVisEdicts(); M_Shutdown(true); Mod_Shutdown(true); Wads_Flush(); Con_History_Save(); //do this outside of the console code so that the filesystem is still running at this point but still allowing the filesystem to make console prints (you might not see them, but they should be visible to sys_printf still, for debugging). #ifndef CLIENTONLY SV_Shutdown(); #else NET_Shutdown (); FS_Shutdown(); #endif Stats_Clear(); #ifdef Q3CLIENT VMQ3_FlushStringHandles(); #endif COM_DestroyWorkerThread(); P_ShutdownParticleSystem(); Cvar_Shutdown(); Validation_FlushFileList(); Cmd_Shutdown(); PM_Shutdown(); Key_Unbindall_f(); #ifdef PLUGINS Plug_Shutdown(true); #endif Con_Shutdown(); COM_BiDi_Shutdown(); Memory_DeInit(); #ifndef CLIENTONLY SV_WipeServerState(); memset(&svs, 0, sizeof(svs)); #endif Sys_Shutdown(); } #ifdef CLIENTONLY void SV_EndRedirect (void) { } #endif