#include "quakedef.h" #include "netinc.h" //#define com_gamedir com__gamedir #include #include #include "fs.h" #include "shader.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "winquake.h" #endif #if (defined(HAVE_CLIENT) || defined(HAVE_SERVER)) && defined(WEBCLIENT) #define MANIFESTDOWNLOADS #endif void FS_BeginManifestUpdates(void); static void QDECL fs_game_callback(cvar_t *var, char *oldvalue); static void COM_InitHomedir(ftemanifest_t *man); hashtable_t filesystemhash; qboolean com_fschanged = true; qboolean com_installer = false; qboolean fs_readonly; int waitingformanifest; static unsigned int fs_restarts; void *fs_thread_mutex; float fs_accessed_time; //timestamp of read (does not include flocates, which should normally happen via a cache). cvar_t com_fs_cache = CVARF("fs_cache", IFMINIMAL("2","1"), CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t fs_noreexec = CVARD("fs_noreexec", "0", "Disables automatic re-execing configs on gamedir switches.\nThis means your cvar defaults etc may be from the wrong mod, and cfg_save will leave that stuff corrupted!"); cvar_t cfg_reload_on_gamedir = CVAR("cfg_reload_on_gamedir", "1"); cvar_t fs_game = CVARFCD("game", "", CVAR_NOSAVE|CVAR_NORESET, fs_game_callback, "Provided for Q2 compat."); cvar_t fs_gamedir = CVARFD("fs_gamedir", "", CVAR_NOUNSAFEEXPAND|CVAR_NOSET|CVAR_NOSAVE, "Provided for Q2 compat."); cvar_t fs_basedir = CVARFD("fs_basedir", "", CVAR_NOUNSAFEEXPAND|CVAR_NOSET|CVAR_NOSAVE, "Provided for Q2 compat."); int active_fs_cachetype; static int fs_referencetype; int fs_finds; void COM_CheckRegistered (void); static void QDECL fs_game_callback(cvar_t *var, char *oldvalue) { static qboolean runaway = false; char buf[MAX_OSPATH]; if (!strcmp(var->string, oldvalue)) return; //no change here. if (runaway) return; //ignore that runaway = true; Cmd_ExecuteString(va("gamedir %s\n", COM_QuotedString(var->string, buf, sizeof(buf), false)), RESTRICT_LOCAL); runaway = false; } struct { void *module; const char *extension; searchpathfuncs_t *(QDECL *OpenNew)(vfsfile_t *file, searchpathfuncs_t *parent, const char *filename, const char *desc, const char *prefix); qboolean loadscan; } searchpathformats[64]; int FS_RegisterFileSystemType(void *module, const char *extension, searchpathfuncs_t *(QDECL *OpenNew)(vfsfile_t *file, searchpathfuncs_t *parent, const char *filename, const char *desc, const char *prefix), qboolean loadscan) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(searchpathformats)/sizeof(searchpathformats[0]); i++) { if (searchpathformats[i].extension && !strcmp(searchpathformats[i].extension, extension)) break; //extension match always replaces if (!searchpathformats[i].extension && !searchpathformats[i].OpenNew) break; } if (i == sizeof(searchpathformats)/sizeof(searchpathformats[0])) return 0; searchpathformats[i].module = module; searchpathformats[i].extension = extension; searchpathformats[i].OpenNew = OpenNew; searchpathformats[i].loadscan = loadscan; com_fschanged = true; return i+1; } void FS_UnRegisterFileSystemType(int idx) { if ((unsigned int)(idx-1) >= sizeof(searchpathformats)/sizeof(searchpathformats[0])) return; searchpathformats[idx-1].OpenNew = NULL; searchpathformats[idx-1].module = NULL; com_fschanged = true; //FS_Restart will be needed } void FS_UnRegisterFileSystemModule(void *module) { int i; qboolean found = false; if (!fs_thread_mutex || Sys_LockMutex(fs_thread_mutex)) { for (i = 0; i < sizeof(searchpathformats)/sizeof(searchpathformats[0]); i++) { if (searchpathformats[i].module == module) { searchpathformats[i].OpenNew = NULL; searchpathformats[i].module = NULL; found = true; } } if (fs_thread_mutex) { Sys_UnlockMutex(fs_thread_mutex); if (found) { Cmd_ExecuteString("fs_restart", RESTRICT_LOCAL); } } } } char *VFS_GETS(vfsfile_t *vf, char *buffer, size_t buflen) { char in; char *out = buffer; size_t len; if (buflen <= 1) return NULL; len = buflen-1; while (len > 0) { if (VFS_READ(vf, &in, 1) != 1) { if (len == buflen-1) return NULL; *out = '\0'; return buffer; } if (in == '\n') break; *out++ = in; len--; } *out = '\0'; //if there's a trailing \r, strip it. if (out > buffer) if (out[-1] == '\r') out[-1] = 0; return buffer; } void VARGS VFS_PRINTF(vfsfile_t *vf, const char *format, ...) { va_list argptr; char string[1024]; va_start (argptr, format); vsnprintf (string,sizeof(string)-1, format,argptr); va_end (argptr); VFS_PUTS(vf, string); } char gamedirfile[MAX_OSPATH]; char pubgamedirfile[MAX_OSPATH]; //like gamedirfile, but not set to the fte-only paths char com_gamepath[MAX_OSPATH]; //c:\games\quake char com_homepath[MAX_OSPATH]; //c:\users\foo\my docs\fte\quake qboolean com_homepathenabled; qboolean com_homepathusable; //com_homepath is safe, even if not enabled. char com_configdir[MAX_OSPATH]; //homedir/fte/configs int fs_hash_dups; int fs_hash_files; const char *FS_GetCleanPath(const char *pattern, char *outbuf, int outlen); void FS_RegisterDefaultFileSystems(void); static void COM_CreatePath (char *path); ftemanifest_t *FS_ReadDefaultManifest(char *newbasedir, size_t newbasedirsize, qboolean fixedbasedir); #define ENFORCEFOPENMODE(mode) {if (strcmp(mode, "r") && strcmp(mode, "w")/* && strcmp(mode, "rw")*/)Sys_Error("fs mode %s is not permitted here\n");} //forget a manifest entirely. void FS_Manifest_Free(ftemanifest_t *man) { int i, j; if (!man) return; Z_Free(man->updateurl); Z_Free(man->updatefile); Z_Free(man->installation); Z_Free(man->formalname); Z_Free(man->downloadsurl); Z_Free(man->installupd); Z_Free(man->protocolname); Z_Free(man->eula); Z_Free(man->defaultexec); Z_Free(man->defaultoverrides); Z_Free(man->rtcbroker); Z_Free(man->basedir); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(man->gamepath) / sizeof(man->gamepath[0]); i++) { Z_Free(man->gamepath[i].path); } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(man->package) / sizeof(man->package[0]); i++) { Z_Free(man->package[i].path); Z_Free(man->package[i].prefix); Z_Free(man->package[i].condition); for (j = 0; j < sizeof(man->package[i].mirrors) / sizeof(man->package[i].mirrors[0]); j++) Z_Free(man->package[i].mirrors[j]); } Z_Free(man); } //clone a manifest, so we can hack at it. static ftemanifest_t *FS_Manifest_Clone(ftemanifest_t *oldm) { ftemanifest_t *newm; int i, j; newm = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*newm)); if (oldm->updateurl) newm->updateurl = Z_StrDup(oldm->updateurl); if (oldm->installation) newm->installation = Z_StrDup(oldm->installation); if (oldm->formalname) newm->formalname = Z_StrDup(oldm->formalname); if (oldm->downloadsurl) newm->downloadsurl = Z_StrDup(oldm->downloadsurl); if (oldm->installupd) newm->installupd = Z_StrDup(oldm->installupd); if (oldm->protocolname) newm->protocolname = Z_StrDup(oldm->protocolname); if (oldm->eula) newm->eula = Z_StrDup(oldm->eula); if (oldm->defaultexec) newm->defaultexec = Z_StrDup(oldm->defaultexec); if (oldm->defaultoverrides) newm->defaultoverrides = Z_StrDup(oldm->defaultoverrides); if (oldm->rtcbroker) newm->rtcbroker = Z_StrDup(oldm->rtcbroker); if (oldm->basedir) newm->basedir = Z_StrDup(oldm->basedir); newm->disablehomedir = oldm->disablehomedir; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(newm->gamepath) / sizeof(newm->gamepath[0]); i++) { if (oldm->gamepath[i].path) newm->gamepath[i].path = Z_StrDup(oldm->gamepath[i].path); newm->gamepath[i].base = oldm->gamepath[i].base; } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(newm->package) / sizeof(newm->package[0]); i++) { if (oldm->package[i].path) newm->package[i].path = Z_StrDup(oldm->package[i].path); if (oldm->package[i].prefix) newm->package[i].prefix = Z_StrDup(oldm->package[i].prefix); if (oldm->package[i].condition) newm->package[i].condition = Z_StrDup(oldm->package[i].condition); for (j = 0; j < sizeof(newm->package[i].mirrors) / sizeof(newm->package[i].mirrors[0]); j++) if (oldm->package[i].mirrors[j]) newm->package[i].mirrors[j] = Z_StrDup(oldm->package[i].mirrors[j]); } return newm; } static void FS_Manifest_Print(ftemanifest_t *man) { char buffer[1024]; int i, j; if (man->updateurl) Con_Printf("updateurl %s\n", COM_QuotedString(man->updateurl, buffer, sizeof(buffer), false)); if (man->eula) Con_Printf("eula %s\n", COM_QuotedString(man->eula, buffer, sizeof(buffer), false)); if (man->installation) Con_Printf("game %s\n", COM_QuotedString(man->installation, buffer, sizeof(buffer), false)); if (man->formalname) Con_Printf("name %s\n", COM_QuotedString(man->formalname, buffer, sizeof(buffer), false)); if (man->downloadsurl) Con_Printf("downloadsurl %s\n", COM_QuotedString(man->downloadsurl, buffer, sizeof(buffer), false)); if (man->installupd) Con_Printf("install %s\n", COM_QuotedString(man->installupd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), false)); if (man->protocolname) Con_Printf("protocolname %s\n", COM_QuotedString(man->protocolname, buffer, sizeof(buffer), false)); if (man->defaultexec) Con_Printf("defaultexec %s\n", COM_QuotedString(man->defaultexec, buffer, sizeof(buffer), false)); if (man->defaultoverrides) Con_Printf("%s", man->defaultoverrides); if (man->rtcbroker) Con_Printf("rtcbroker %s\n", COM_QuotedString(man->rtcbroker, buffer, sizeof(buffer), false)); if (man->basedir) Con_Printf("basedir %s\n", COM_QuotedString(man->basedir, buffer, sizeof(buffer), false)); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(man->gamepath) / sizeof(man->gamepath[0]); i++) { if (man->gamepath[i].path) { if (man->gamepath[i].base) Con_Printf("basegame %s\n", COM_QuotedString(man->gamepath[i].path, buffer, sizeof(buffer), false)); else Con_Printf("gamedir %s\n", COM_QuotedString(man->gamepath[i].path, buffer, sizeof(buffer), false)); } } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(man->package) / sizeof(man->package[0]); i++) { if (man->package[i].path) { if (man->package[i].type == mdt_installation) Con_Printf("library "); else Con_Printf("package "); Con_Printf("%s", COM_QuotedString(man->package[i].path, buffer, sizeof(buffer), false)); if (man->package[i].condition) Con_Printf(" prefix %s", COM_QuotedString(man->package[i].condition, buffer, sizeof(buffer), false)); if (man->package[i].condition) Con_Printf(" condition %s", COM_QuotedString(man->package[i].condition, buffer, sizeof(buffer), false)); if (man->package[i].crcknown) Con_Printf(" crc 0x%x", man->package[i].crc); for (j = 0; j < sizeof(man->package[i].mirrors) / sizeof(man->package[i].mirrors[0]); j++) if (man->package[i].mirrors[j]) Con_Printf(" %s", COM_QuotedString(man->package[i].mirrors[j], buffer, sizeof(buffer), false)); Con_Printf("\n"); } } } //forget any mod dirs. static void FS_Manifest_PurgeGamedirs(ftemanifest_t *man) { int i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(man->gamepath) / sizeof(man->gamepath[0]); i++) { if (man->gamepath[i].path && !man->gamepath[i].base) { Z_Free(man->gamepath[i].path); man->gamepath[i].path = NULL; //FIXME: remove packages from the removed paths. } } } //create a new empty manifest with default values. static ftemanifest_t *FS_Manifest_Create(const char *syspath) { ftemanifest_t *man = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*man)); man->formalname = Z_StrDup(FULLENGINENAME); #ifdef _DEBUG //FOR TEMPORARY TESTING ONLY. // man->doinstall = true; #endif if (syspath) man->updatefile = Z_StrDup(syspath); //this should be a system path. return man; } static qboolean FS_Manifest_ParsePackage(ftemanifest_t *man, int packagetype) { char *path = ""; unsigned int crc = 0; qboolean crcknown = false; char *legacyextractname = NULL; char *condition = NULL; char *prefix = NULL; char *arch = NULL; unsigned int arg = 1; unsigned int mirrors = 0; char *mirror[countof(man->package[0].mirrors)]; size_t i, j; char *a; a = Cmd_Argv(0); if (!Q_strcasecmp(a, "filedependancies") || !Q_strcasecmp(a, "archiveddependancies")) arch = Cmd_Argv(arg++); path = Cmd_Argv(arg++); #ifndef NOLEGACY a = Cmd_Argv(arg); if (!strcmp(a, "-")) { arg++; } else if (*a) { crc = strtoul(a, &a, 0); if (!*a) { crcknown = true; arg++; } } if (!strncmp(Cmd_Argv(0), "archived", 8)) legacyextractname = Cmd_Argv(arg++); #endif while (arg < Cmd_Argc()) { a = Cmd_Argv(arg++); if (!strcmp(a, "crc")) { crcknown = true; crc = strtoul(Cmd_Argv(arg++), NULL, 0); } else if (!strcmp(a, "condition")) condition = Cmd_Argv(arg++); else if (!strcmp(a, "prefix")) prefix = Cmd_Argv(arg++); else if (!strcmp(a, "arch")) arch = Cmd_Argv(arg++); else if (!strcmp(a, "mirror")) { a = Cmd_Argv(arg++); goto mirror; //oo evil. } else if (strchr(a, ':') || man->parsever < 1) { mirror: if (mirrors == countof(mirror)) Con_Printf("too many mirrors for package %s\n", path); else if (legacyextractname) { if (!strcmp(legacyextractname, "xz") || !strcmp(legacyextractname, "gz")) mirror[mirrors++] = Z_StrDup(va("%s:%s", legacyextractname, a)); else mirror[mirrors++] = Z_StrDup(va("unzip:%s,%s", legacyextractname, a)); } else mirror[mirrors++] = Z_StrDup(a); } else if (man->parsever <= MANIFEST_CURRENTVER) Con_Printf("unknown mirror / property %s for package %s\n", a, path); } for (i = 0; i < countof(man->package); i++) { if (!man->package[i].path) { if (packagetype == mdt_singlepackage && (!strchr(path, '/') || strchr(path, ':') || strchr(path, '\\'))) { Con_Printf("invalid package path specified in manifest (%s)\n", path); break; } if (arch) { #ifdef PLATFORM if (Q_strcasecmp(PLATFORM, arch)) #endif break; } man->package[i].type = packagetype; man->package[i].path = Z_StrDup(path); man->package[i].prefix = prefix?Z_StrDup(prefix):NULL; man->package[i].condition = condition?Z_StrDup(condition):NULL; man->package[i].crcknown = crcknown; man->package[i].crc = crc; for (j = 0; j < mirrors; j++) man->package[i].mirrors[j] = mirror[j]; return true; } } if (i == countof(man->package)) Con_Printf("Too many packages specified in manifest\n"); for (j = 0; j < mirrors; j++) Z_Free(mirror[j]); return false; } //parse Cmd_Argv tokens into the manifest. static qboolean FS_Manifest_ParseTokens(ftemanifest_t *man) { qboolean result = true; char *cmd = Cmd_Argv(0); if (!*cmd) return result; if (*cmd == '*') cmd++; if (!Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "ftemanifestver") || !Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "ftemanifest")) man->parsever = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); else if (!Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "minver")) { //ignore minimum versions for other engines. if (!strcmp(Cmd_Argv(2), DISTRIBUTION)) man->minver = atoi(Cmd_Argv(3)); } else if (!Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "maxver")) { //ignore minimum versions for other engines. if (!strcmp(Cmd_Argv(2), DISTRIBUTION)) man->maxver = atoi(Cmd_Argv(3)); } else if (!Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "game")) { Z_Free(man->installation); man->installation = Z_StrDup(Cmd_Argv(1)); } else if (!Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "name")) { Z_Free(man->formalname); man->formalname = Z_StrDup(Cmd_Argv(1)); } else if (!Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "eula")) { Z_Free(man->eula); man->eula = Z_StrDup(Cmd_Argv(1)); } else if (!Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "downloadsurl")) { Z_Free(man->downloadsurl); man->downloadsurl = Z_StrDup(Cmd_Argv(1)); } else if (!Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "install")) { if (man->installupd) Z_StrCat(&man->installupd, va(";%s", Cmd_Argv(1))); else man->installupd = Z_StrDup(Cmd_Argv(1)); } else if (!Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "protocolname")) { Z_Free(man->protocolname); man->protocolname = Z_StrDup(Cmd_Argv(1)); } else if (!Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "defaultexec")) { Z_Free(man->defaultexec); man->defaultexec = Z_StrDup(Cmd_Argv(1)); } else if (!Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "bind") || !Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "set") || !Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "seta") || !Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "alias")) { Z_StrCat(&man->defaultoverrides, va("%s %s\n", Cmd_Argv(0), Cmd_Args())); } else if (!Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "rtcbroker")) { Z_Free(man->rtcbroker); man->rtcbroker = Z_StrDup(Cmd_Argv(1)); } else if (!Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "updateurl")) { Z_Free(man->updateurl); man->updateurl = Z_StrDup(Cmd_Argv(1)); } else if (!Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "disablehomedir")) { man->disablehomedir = !!atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); } else if (!Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "basegame") || !Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "gamedir")) { int i; char *newdir = Cmd_Argv(1); //reject various evil path arguments. if (!*newdir || strchr(newdir, '\n') || strchr(newdir, '\r') || !strcmp(newdir, ".") || !strcmp(newdir, "..") || strchr(newdir, ':') || strchr(newdir, '/') || strchr(newdir, '\\') || strchr(newdir, '$')) { Con_Printf("Illegal path specified: %s\n", newdir); } else { for (i = 0; i < sizeof(man->gamepath) / sizeof(man->gamepath[0]); i++) { if (!man->gamepath[i].path) { man->gamepath[i].base = !Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "basegame"); man->gamepath[i].path = Z_StrDup(newdir); break; } } if (i == sizeof(man->gamepath) / sizeof(man->gamepath[0])) { Con_Printf("Too many game paths specified in manifest\n"); } } } //FIXME: these should generate package-manager entries. #ifndef NOLEGACY else if (!Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "filedependancies") || !Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "archiveddependancies")) FS_Manifest_ParsePackage(man, mdt_installation); else if (!Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "archivedpackage")) FS_Manifest_ParsePackage(man, mdt_singlepackage); #endif else if (!Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "library")) FS_Manifest_ParsePackage(man, mdt_installation); else if (!Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "package") || !Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "archivedpackage")) FS_Manifest_ParsePackage(man, mdt_singlepackage); else if (!Q_strcasecmp(cmd, "basedir")) ; else { Con_Printf("Unknown token: %s\n", cmd); result = false; } return result; } //read a manifest file ftemanifest_t *FS_Manifest_Parse(const char *fname, const char *data) { ftemanifest_t *man; if (!data) return NULL; while (*data == ' ' || *data == '\t' || *data == '\r' || *data == '\n') data++; if (!*data) return NULL; man = FS_Manifest_Create(fname); while (data && *data) { data = Cmd_TokenizeString((char*)data, false, false); if (!FS_Manifest_ParseTokens(man) && man->parsever <= 1) { FS_Manifest_Free(man); return NULL; } } if (!man->installation) { //every manifest should have an internal name specified, so we can guess the correct basedir //if we don't recognise it, then we'll typically prompt (or just use the working directory), but always assuming a default at least ensures things are sane. //fixme: we should probably fill in the basegame here (and share that logic with the legacy manifest generation code) #ifdef BRANDING_NAME data = Cmd_TokenizeString((char*)"game "STRINGIFY(BRANDING_NAME), false, false); #else data = Cmd_TokenizeString((char*)"game quake", false, false); #endif FS_Manifest_ParseTokens(man); } #ifdef SVNREVISION //svnrevision is often '-', which means we can't just use it as a constant. { int ver = atoi(STRINGIFY(SVNREVISION)); if (man->minver > ver || (man->maxver && man->maxver < ver)) { FS_Manifest_Free(man); return NULL; } } #endif return man; } //====================================================================================================== char *fs_loadedcommand; //execed once all packages are (down)loaded ftemanifest_t *fs_manifest; //currently active manifest. static searchpath_t *com_searchpaths; static searchpath_t *com_purepaths; static searchpath_t *com_base_searchpaths; // without gamedirs static int fs_puremode; //0=deprioritise pure, 1=prioritise pure, 2=pure only. static char *fs_refnames; //list of allowed packages static char *fs_refcrcs; //list of crcs for those packages. one token per package. static char *fs_purenames; //list of allowed packages static char *fs_purecrcs; //list of crcs for those packages. one token per package. static unsigned int fs_pureseed; //used as a key so the server knows we're obeying. completely unreliable/redundant in an open source project, but needed for q3 network compat. int QDECL COM_FileSize(const char *path) { flocation_t loc; if (FS_FLocateFile(path, FSLF_IFFOUND, &loc)) return loc.len; else return -1; } //appends a / on the end of the directory if it does not already have one. static void FS_CleanDir(char *out, int outlen) { int olen = strlen(out); if (!olen || olen >= outlen-1) return; if (out[olen-1] == '\\') out[olen-1] = '/'; else if (out[olen-1] != '/') { out[olen+1] = '\0'; out[olen] = '/'; } } /* ============ COM_Path_f ============ */ static void COM_PathLine(searchpath_t *s) { Con_Printf(U8("%s")" %s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", s->logicalpath, (s->flags & SPF_REFERENCED)?"^[(ref)\\tip\\Referenced\\desc\\Package will auto-download to clients^]":"", (s->flags & SPF_TEMPORARY)?"^[(temp)\\tip\\Temporary\\desc\\Flushed on map change^]":"", (s->flags & SPF_COPYPROTECTED)?"^[(c)\\tip\\Copyrighted\\desc\\Copy-Protected and is not downloadable^]":"", (s->flags & SPF_EXPLICIT)?"^[(e)\\tip\\Explicit\\desc\\Loaded explicitly by the gamedir^]":"", (s->flags & SPF_UNTRUSTED)?"^[(u)\\tip\\Untrusted\\desc\\Configs and scripts will not be given access to passwords^]":"", (s->flags & SPF_WRITABLE)?"^[(w)\\tip\\Writable\\desc\\We can probably write here^]":"", (s->handle->GeneratePureCRC)?va("^[(h)\\tip\\Hash: %x^]", s->handle->GeneratePureCRC(s->handle, 0, 0)):""); } static void COM_Path_f (void) { searchpath_t *s; if (!com_searchpaths && !com_purepaths) { Con_Printf("File system not initialised\n"); Con_Printf("gamedirfile: \"%s\"\n", gamedirfile); Con_Printf("pubgamedirfile: \"%s\"\n", pubgamedirfile); Con_Printf("com_gamepath: \"%s\"\n", com_gamepath); Con_Printf("com_homepath: \"%s\" (enabled: %s, usable: %s)\n", com_homepath, com_homepathenabled?"yes":"no", com_homepathusable?"yes":"no"); Con_Printf("com_configdir: \"%s\"\n", com_configdir); if (fs_manifest) FS_Manifest_Print(fs_manifest); return; } Con_TPrintf ("Current search path:\n"); if (com_purepaths || fs_puremode) { Con_Printf ("Pure paths:\n"); for (s=com_purepaths ; s ; s=s->nextpure) { COM_PathLine(s); } Con_Printf ("----------\n"); if (fs_puremode == 2) Con_Printf ("Inactive paths:\n"); else Con_Printf ("Impure paths:\n"); } for (s=com_searchpaths ; s ; s=s->next) { if (s == com_base_searchpaths) Con_Printf ("----------\n"); COM_PathLine(s); } } /* ============ COM_Dir_f ============ */ static int QDECL COM_Dir_List(const char *name, qofs_t size, time_t mtime, void *parm, searchpathfuncs_t *spath) { searchpath_t *s; char link[512]; char *colour; flocation_t loc; for (s=com_searchpaths ; s ; s=s->next) { if (s->handle == spath) break; } if (*name && name[strlen(name)-1] == '/') { colour = "^7"; //superseeded Q_snprintfz(link, sizeof(link), "\\tip\\Scan Sub-Directory\\dir\\%s*", name); } else if (!FS_FLocateFile(name, FSLF_IFFOUND, &loc)) { colour = "^1"; //superseeded Q_snprintfz(link, sizeof(link), "\\tip\\flocate error"); } else if (loc.search->handle == spath) { colour = "^2"; COM_FileExtension(name, link, sizeof(link)); if ((!Q_strcasecmp(link, "bsp") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "map") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "hmp")) && !strncmp(name, "maps/", 5) && strncmp(name, "maps/b_", 7)) { Q_snprintfz(link, sizeof(link), "\\tip\\Change Map\\map\\%s", name+5); colour = "^4"; //disconnects } else if (!Q_strcasecmp(link, "bsp") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "spr") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "mdl") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "md3") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "iqm") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "vvm") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "psk") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "dpm") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "zym") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "md5mesh") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "md5anim") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "gltf") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "glb") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "ase") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "lwo")) Q_snprintfz(link, sizeof(link), "\\tip\\Open in Model Viewer\\modelviewer\\%s", name); else if (!Q_strcasecmp(link, "qc") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "src") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "qh") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "h") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "c") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "cfg") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "rc") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "txt") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "log") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "ent") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "rtlights") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "glsl") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "hlsl") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "shader") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "framegroups") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "vmt") ) Q_snprintfz(link, sizeof(link), "\\tip\\Open in Text Editor\\edit\\%s", name); else if (!Q_strcasecmp(link, "tga") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "png") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "jpg") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "jpeg") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "lmp") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "ico") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "pcx") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "bmp") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "dds") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "ktx") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "vtf") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "psd") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "pbm") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "ppm") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "pgm") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "pam") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "pfm") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "hdr") ) { //FIXME: image replacements are getting in the way here. Q_snprintfz(link, sizeof(link), "\\tiprawimg\\%s\\tip\\(note: image replacement rules are context-dependant, including base path, sub path, extension, or complete replacement via a shader)", name); colour = "^6"; //shown on mouseover } else if (!Q_strcasecmp(link, "qwd") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "dem") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "mvd") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "dm2")) { Q_snprintfz(link, sizeof(link), "\\tip\\Play Demo\\demo\\%s", name); colour = "^4"; //disconnects } else if (!Q_strcasecmp(link, "roq") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "cin") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "avi") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "mp4") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "mkv")) Q_snprintfz(link, sizeof(link), "\\tip\\Play Film\\film\\%s", name); else if (!Q_strcasecmp(link, "wav") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "ogg") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "mp3") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "opus") || !Q_strcasecmp(link, "flac")) Q_snprintfz(link, sizeof(link), "\\tip\\Play Audio\\playaudio\\%s", name); else { colour = "^3"; //nothing *link = 0; } } else { char *gah; colour = "^1"; //superseeded Q_snprintfz(link, sizeof(link), "\\tip\\overriden by file from %s", loc.search->logicalpath); gah = link + 20; //whatever while ((gah = strchr(gah, '\\'))) *gah = '/'; } if (size > 1.0*1024*1024*1024) Con_Printf(U8("^[%s%s%s^] \t(%#.3ggb) (%s)\n"), colour, name, link, size/(1024.0*1024*1024), s?s->logicalpath:"??"); else if (size > 1.0*1024*1024) Con_Printf(U8("^[%s%s%s^] \t(%#.3gmb) (%s)\n"), colour, name, link, size/(1024.0*1024), s?s->logicalpath:"??"); else if (size > 1.0*1024) Con_Printf(U8("^[%s%s%s^] \t(%#.3gkb) (%s)\n"), colour, name, link, size/1024.0, s?s->logicalpath:"??"); else Con_Printf(U8("^[%s%s%s^] \t(%ub) (%s)\n"), colour, name, link, (unsigned int)size, s?s->logicalpath:"??"); return 1; } static void COM_Dir_f (void) { char match[MAX_QPATH]; if (Cmd_Argc()>1) Q_strncpyz(match, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(match)); else Q_strncpyz(match, "*", sizeof(match)); if (Cmd_Argc()>2) { strncat(match, "/*.", sizeof(match)-1); match[sizeof(match)-1] = '\0'; strncat(match, Cmd_Argv(2), sizeof(match)-1); match[sizeof(match)-1] = '\0'; } // else // strncat(match, "/*", sizeof(match)-1); COM_EnumerateFiles(match, COM_Dir_List, NULL); } /* ============ COM_Locate_f ============ */ static void COM_Locate_f (void) { flocation_t loc; char *f = Cmd_Argv(1); if (strchr(f, '^')) //fte's filesystem is assumed to be utf-8, but that doesn't mean that console input is. and I'm too lazy to utf-8ify the string (in part because markup can be used to exploit ascii assumptions). Con_Printf("Warning: filename contains markup. If this is because of unicode, set com_parseutf8 1\n"); if (FS_FLocateFile(f, FSLF_IFFOUND, &loc)) { if (!*loc.rawname) { Con_Printf("File is %u bytes compressed inside "U8("%s")"\n", (unsigned)loc.len, loc.search->logicalpath); } else { Con_Printf("Inside "U8("%s")" (%u bytes)\n "U8("%s")"\n", loc.rawname, (unsigned)loc.len, loc.search->logicalpath); } } else Con_Printf("Not found\n"); } /* ============ COM_WriteFile The filename will be prefixed by the current game directory ============ */ void COM_WriteFile (const char *filename, enum fs_relative fsroot, const void *data, int len) { vfsfile_t *vfs; Sys_Printf ("COM_WriteFile: %s\n", filename); FS_CreatePath(filename, fsroot); vfs = FS_OpenVFS(filename, "wb", fsroot); if (vfs) { VFS_WRITE(vfs, data, len); VFS_CLOSE(vfs); if (fsroot >= FS_GAME) FS_FlushFSHashWritten(filename); else com_fschanged=true; } } /* ============ COM_CreatePath Only used for CopyFile and download ============ */ static void COM_CreatePath (char *path) { char *ofs; if (fs_readonly) return; for (ofs = path+1 ; *ofs ; ofs++) { if (*ofs == '/') { // create the directory *ofs = 0; Sys_mkdir (path); *ofs = '/'; } } } /* =========== COM_CopyFile Copies a file over from the net to the local cache, creating any directories needed. This is for the convenience of developers using ISDN from home. =========== */ /* static void COM_CopyFile (char *netpath, char *cachepath) { FILE *in, *out; int remaining, count; char buf[4096]; remaining = COM_FileOpenRead (netpath, &in); COM_CreatePath (cachepath); // create directories up to the cache file out = fopen(cachepath, "wb"); if (!out) Sys_Error ("Error opening %s", cachepath); while (remaining) { if (remaining < sizeof(buf)) count = remaining; else count = sizeof(buf); fread (buf, 1, count, in); fwrite (buf, 1, count, out); remaining -= count; } fclose (in); fclose (out); } //*/ int fs_hash_dups; int fs_hash_files; //normally the filesystem drivers pass a pre-allocated bucket and static strings to us //the OS driver can't really be expected to track things that reliably however, so it just gives names via the stack. //these files are grouped up to avoid excessive memory allocations. struct fsbucketblock { struct fsbucketblock *prev; int used; int total; qbyte data[1]; }; static struct fsbucketblock *fs_hash_filebuckets; static void FS_FlushFSHashReally(qboolean domutexes) { COM_AssertMainThread("FS_FlushFSHashReally"); if (!domutexes || Sys_LockMutex(fs_thread_mutex)) { com_fschanged = true; if (filesystemhash.numbuckets) { int i; for (i = 0; i < filesystemhash.numbuckets; i++) filesystemhash.bucket[i] = NULL; } while (fs_hash_filebuckets) { struct fsbucketblock *n = fs_hash_filebuckets->prev; Z_Free(fs_hash_filebuckets); fs_hash_filebuckets = n; } if (domutexes) Sys_UnlockMutex(fs_thread_mutex); } } static void QDECL FS_AddFileHash(int depth, const char *fname, fsbucket_t *filehandle, void *pathhandle) { fsbucket_t *old; old = Hash_GetInsensitiveBucket(&filesystemhash, fname); if (old) { fs_hash_dups++; if (depth >= old->depth) { return; } //remove the old version Hash_RemoveBucket(&filesystemhash, fname, &old->buck); } if (!filehandle) { int nlen = strlen(fname)+1; if (!fs_hash_filebuckets || fs_hash_filebuckets->used+sizeof(*filehandle)+nlen > fs_hash_filebuckets->total) { void *o = fs_hash_filebuckets; fs_hash_filebuckets = Z_Malloc(65536); fs_hash_filebuckets->total = 65536 - sizeof(*fs_hash_filebuckets); fs_hash_filebuckets->prev = o; } filehandle = (fsbucket_t*)(fs_hash_filebuckets->data+fs_hash_filebuckets->used); fs_hash_filebuckets->used += sizeof(*filehandle)+nlen; if (!filehandle) return; //eep! memcpy((char*)(filehandle+1), fname, nlen); fname = (char*)(filehandle+1); } filehandle->depth = depth; Hash_AddInsensitive(&filesystemhash, fname, pathhandle, &filehandle->buck); fs_hash_files++; } #ifndef FTE_TARGET_WEB static void FS_RebuildFSHash(qboolean domutex) { int depth = 1; searchpath_t *search; if (!com_fschanged) return; COM_AssertMainThread("FS_RebuildFSHash"); if (domutex && !Sys_LockMutex(fs_thread_mutex)) return; //amg! if (!filesystemhash.numbuckets) { filesystemhash.numbuckets = 1024; filesystemhash.bucket = (bucket_t**)Z_Malloc(Hash_BytesForBuckets(filesystemhash.numbuckets)); } else { FS_FlushFSHashReally(false); } Hash_InitTable(&filesystemhash, filesystemhash.numbuckets, filesystemhash.bucket); fs_hash_dups = 0; fs_hash_files = 0; if (com_purepaths) { //go for the pure paths first. for (search = com_purepaths; search; search = search->nextpure) { search->handle->BuildHash(search->handle, depth++, FS_AddFileHash); } } if (fs_puremode < 2) { for (search = com_searchpaths ; search ; search = search->next) { search->handle->BuildHash(search->handle, depth++, FS_AddFileHash); } } com_fschanged = false; if (domutex) Sys_UnlockMutex(fs_thread_mutex); Con_DPrintf("%i unique files, %i duplicates\n", fs_hash_files, fs_hash_dups); } #endif static void FS_RebuildFSHash_Update(const char *fname) { flocation_t loc; searchpath_t *search; int depth = 0; fsbucket_t *old; void *filehandle = NULL; if (com_fschanged) return; if (!filehandle && com_purepaths) { //go for the pure paths first. for (search = com_purepaths; search; search = search->nextpure) { if (search->handle->FindFile(search->handle, &loc, fname, NULL)) { filehandle = loc.fhandle; break; } depth++; } } if (!filehandle && fs_puremode < 2) { for (search = com_searchpaths ; search ; search = search->next) { if (search->handle->FindFile(search->handle, &loc, fname, NULL)) { filehandle = loc.fhandle; break; } depth++; } } COM_WorkerFullSync(); if (!Sys_LockMutex(fs_thread_mutex)) return; //amg! old = Hash_GetInsensitiveBucket(&filesystemhash, fname); if (old) { Hash_RemoveBucket(&filesystemhash, fname, &old->buck); fs_hash_files--; } if (filehandle) FS_AddFileHash(depth, fname, NULL, filehandle); Sys_UnlockMutex(fs_thread_mutex); } void FS_FlushFSHashWritten(const char *fname) { FS_RebuildFSHash_Update(fname); } void FS_FlushFSHashRemoved(const char *fname) { FS_RebuildFSHash_Update(fname); } void FS_FlushFSHashFull(void) { //any calls to this are typically a bug... //that said, figuring out if the file was actually within quake's filesystem isn't easy. com_fschanged = true; //for safety we would need to sync with all threads, so lets just not bother. //FS_FlushFSHashReally(true); } /* =========== COM_FindFile Finds the file in the search path. Sets com_filesize and one of handle or file =========== */ //if loc is valid, loc->search is always filled in, the others are filled on success. //returns 0 if couldn't find. int FS_FLocateFile(const char *filename, unsigned int lflags, flocation_t *loc) { int depth=0; searchpath_t *search; char cleanpath[MAX_OSPATH]; flocation_t allownoloc; void *pf; unsigned int found = FF_NOTFOUND; if (!loc) loc = &allownoloc; loc->fhandle = NULL; loc->offset = 0; *loc->rawname = 0; loc->search = NULL; loc->len = -1; filename = FS_GetCleanPath(filename, cleanpath, sizeof(cleanpath)); if (!filename) { pf = NULL; goto fail; } if (com_fs_cache.ival && !com_fschanged && !(lflags & FSLF_IGNOREPURE)) { bucket_t *b = Hash_GetInsensitiveBucket(&filesystemhash, filename); if (b) { pf = b->data; filename = b->key.string; //update the filename to use the correct file case... } else goto fail; } else pf = NULL; if (com_purepaths && found == FF_NOTFOUND && !(lflags & FSLF_IGNOREPURE)) { //check if its in one of the 'pure' packages. these override the default ones. for (search = com_purepaths ; search ; search = search->nextpure) { if ((lflags & FSLF_SECUREONLY) && !(search->flags & SPF_UNTRUSTED)) continue; if (!((lflags & FSLF_IGNOREBASEDEPTH) && (search->flags & SPF_BASEPATH))) depth += ((search->flags & SPF_EXPLICIT) || (lflags & FSLF_DEPTH_INEXPLICIT)); fs_finds++; found = search->handle->FindFile(search->handle, loc, filename, pf); if (found) { if (!(lflags & FSLF_DONTREFERENCE)) { if ((search->flags & fs_referencetype) != fs_referencetype) Con_DPrintf("%s became referenced due to %s\n", search->purepath, filename); search->flags |= fs_referencetype; } loc->search = search; break; } } } if (((lflags & FSLF_IGNOREPURE) || fs_puremode < 2) && found == FF_NOTFOUND) { // optionally check the non-pure paths too. for (search = com_searchpaths ; search ; search = search->next) { if ((lflags & FSLF_SECUREONLY) && (search->flags & SPF_UNTRUSTED)) continue; if (!((lflags & FSLF_IGNOREBASEDEPTH) && (search->flags & SPF_BASEPATH))) depth += ((search->flags & SPF_EXPLICIT) || (lflags & FSLF_DEPTH_INEXPLICIT)); fs_finds++; found = search->handle->FindFile(search->handle, loc, filename, pf); if (found) { if (!(lflags & FSLF_DONTREFERENCE)) { if ((search->flags & fs_referencetype) != fs_referencetype) Con_DPrintf("%s became referenced due to %s\n", search->purepath, filename); search->flags |= fs_referencetype; } loc->search = search; break; } } } fail: if (found == FF_SYMLINK && !(lflags & FSLF_IGNORELINKS)) { static int blocklink; if (blocklink < 4 && loc->len < MAX_QPATH) { //read the link target char *s, *b; char targname[MAX_QPATH]; char mergedname[MAX_QPATH]; targname[loc->len] = 0; loc->search->handle->ReadFile(loc->search->handle, loc, targname); //properlyish unixify while((s = strchr(targname, '\\'))) *s = '/'; if (*targname == '/') Q_strncpyz(mergedname, targname+1, sizeof(mergedname)); else { Q_strncpyz(mergedname, filename, sizeof(mergedname)); while((s = strchr(mergedname, '\\'))) *s = '/'; b = COM_SkipPath(mergedname); *b = 0; for (s = targname; !strncmp(s, "../", 3) && b > mergedname; ) { s += 3; if (b[-1] == '/') *--b = 0; *b = 0; b = strrchr(mergedname, '/'); if (b) *++b = 0; else { //no prefix left. *mergedname = 0; break; } } b = mergedname + strlen(mergedname); Q_strncpyz(b, s, sizeof(mergedname) - (b - mergedname)); } //and locate that instead. blocklink++; depth = FS_FLocateFile(mergedname, lflags, loc); blocklink--; if (!loc->search) Con_Printf("Symlink %s -> %s (%s) is dead\n", filename, targname, mergedname); return depth; } } /* if (len>=0) { if (loc) Con_Printf("Found %s:%i\n", loc->rawname, loc->len); else Con_Printf("Found %s\n", filename); } else Con_Printf("Failed\n"); */ if (found == FF_NOTFOUND || loc->len == -1) { if (lflags & FSLF_DEEPONFAILURE) return 0x7fffffff; //if we're asking for depth, the file is reported to be so far into the filesystem as to be irrelevant. return 0; } return depth+1; } //returns the package/'gamedir/foo.pk3' filename to tell the client to download //unfortunately foo.pk3 may contain a 'bar.pk3' and downloading dir/foo.pk3/bar.pk3 won't work //so if loc->search is dir/foo.pk3/bar.pk3 find dir/foo.pk3 instead char *FS_GetPackageDownloadFilename(flocation_t *loc) { searchpath_t *sp, *search; for (sp = loc->search; ;) { for (search = com_searchpaths; search; search = search->next) { if (search != sp) if (search->handle->GeneratePureCRC) //only consider files that have a pure hash. this excludes system paths if (!strncmp(search->purepath, sp->purepath, strlen(search->purepath))) if (sp->purepath[strlen(search->purepath)] == '/') //also ensures that the path gets shorter, avoiding infinite loops as it fights between base+home dirs. break; } if (search) sp = search; else break; } if (sp && strchr(sp->purepath, '/')) //never allow any packages that are directly sitting in the basedir. return sp->purepath; return NULL; } char *FS_WhichPackForLocation(flocation_t *loc, qboolean makereferenced) { char *ret; if (!loc->search) return NULL; //huh? not a valid location. ret = strchr(loc->search->purepath, '/'); if (ret) { ret++; if (!strchr(ret, '/')) { if (makereferenced) loc->search->flags |= SPF_REFERENCED; return ret; } } return NULL; } /*requires extension*/ qboolean FS_GetPackageDownloadable(const char *package) { searchpath_t *search; for (search = com_searchpaths ; search ; search = search->next) { if (!Q_strcasecmp(package, search->purepath)) return !(search->flags & SPF_COPYPROTECTED); } return false; } char *FS_GetPackHashes(char *buffer, int buffersize, qboolean referencedonly) { searchpath_t *search; buffersize--; *buffer = 0; if (com_purepaths) { for (search = com_purepaths ; search ; search = search->nextpure) { Q_strncatz(buffer, va("%i ", search->crc_check), buffersize); } return buffer; } else { for (search = com_searchpaths ; search ; search = search->next) { if (!search->crc_check && search->handle->GeneratePureCRC) search->crc_check = search->handle->GeneratePureCRC(search->handle, 0, 0); if (search->crc_check) { Q_strncatz(buffer, va("%i ", search->crc_check), buffersize); } } return buffer; } } /* referencedonly=0: show all paks referencedonly=1: show only paks that are referenced (q3-compat) referencedonly=2: show all paks, but paks that are referenced are prefixed with a star ext=0: hide extensions (q3-compat) ext=1: show extensions. */ char *FS_GetPackNames(char *buffer, int buffersize, int referencedonly, qboolean ext) { char temp[MAX_OSPATH]; searchpath_t *search; buffersize--; *buffer = 0; if (com_purepaths) { for (search = com_purepaths ; search ; search = search->nextpure) { if (referencedonly == 0 && !(search->flags & SPF_REFERENCED)) continue; if (referencedonly == 2 && (search->flags & SPF_REFERENCED)) Q_strncatz(buffer, "*", buffersize); if (!ext) { COM_StripExtension(search->purepath, temp, sizeof(temp)); Q_strncatz(buffer, va("%s ", temp), buffersize); } else { Q_strncatz(buffer, va("%s ", search->purepath), buffersize); } } return buffer; } else { for (search = com_searchpaths ; search ; search = search->next) { if (!search->crc_check && search->handle->GeneratePureCRC) search->crc_check = search->handle->GeneratePureCRC(search->handle, 0, 0); if (search->crc_check) { if (referencedonly == 0 && !(search->flags & SPF_REFERENCED)) continue; if (referencedonly == 2 && (search->flags & SPF_REFERENCED)) { // '*' prefix is meant to mean 'referenced'. //really all that means to the client is that it definitely wants to download it. //if its copyrighted, the client shouldn't try to do so, as it won't be allowed. if (!(search->flags & SPF_COPYPROTECTED)) Q_strncatz(buffer, "*", buffersize); } if (!ext) { COM_StripExtension(search->purepath, temp, sizeof(temp)); Q_strncatz(buffer, va("%s ", temp), buffersize); } else { Q_strncatz(buffer, va("%s ", search->purepath), buffersize); } } } return buffer; } } void FS_ReferenceControl(unsigned int refflag, unsigned int resetflags) { searchpath_t *s; refflag &= SPF_REFERENCED; resetflags &= SPF_REFERENCED; if (resetflags) { for (s=com_searchpaths ; s ; s=s->next) { s->flags &= ~resetflags; } } fs_referencetype = refflag; } //outbuf might not be written into const char *FS_GetCleanPath(const char *pattern, char *outbuf, int outlen) { const char *s; char *o; char *seg; char *end = outbuf + outlen; s = pattern; seg = o = outbuf; if (!pattern) { Con_Printf("Error: Empty filename\n"); return NULL; } for(;;) { if (o == end) { Con_Printf("Error: filename too long\n"); return NULL; } if (*s == ':') { if (s == pattern+1 && (s[1] == '/' || s[1] == '\\')) Con_Printf("Error: absolute path in filename %s\n", pattern); else Con_Printf("Error: alternative data stream in filename %s\n", pattern); return NULL; } else if (*s == '\\' || *s == '/' || !*s) { //end of segment if (o == seg) { if (o == outbuf) { Con_Printf("Error: absolute path in filename %s\n", pattern); return NULL; } if (!*s) { *o++ = '\0'; break; } Con_Printf("Error: empty directory name (%s)\n", pattern); s++; continue; } //ignore any leading spaces in the name segment //it should just make more stuff invalid while (*seg == ' ') seg++; if (!seg[0]) { Con_Printf("Error: No filename (%s)\n", pattern); return NULL; } if (seg[0] == '.') { if (o == seg+1) Con_Printf("Error: source directory (%s)\n", pattern); else if (seg[1] == '.') Con_Printf("Error: parent directory (%s)\n", pattern); else Con_Printf("Error: hidden name (%s)\n", pattern); return NULL; } #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) //in win32, we use the //?/ trick to get around filename length restrictions. //4-letter reserved paths: comX, lptX //we'll allow this elsewhere to save cycles, just try to avoid running it on a fat32 or ntfs filesystem from linux if (((seg[0] == 'c' || seg[0] == 'C') && (seg[1] == 'o' || seg[1] == 'O') && (seg[2] == 'm' || seg[2] == 'M') && (seg[3] >= '0' && seg[3] <= '9')) || ((seg[0] == 'l' || seg[0] == 'L') && (seg[1] == 'p' || seg[1] == 'P') && (seg[2] == 't' || seg[2] == 'T') && (seg[3] >= '0' && seg[3] <= '9'))) { if (o == seg+4 || seg[4] == ' '|| seg[4] == '\t' || seg[4] == '.') { Con_Printf("Error: reserved name in path (%c%c%c%c in %s)\n", seg[0], seg[1], seg[2], seg[3], pattern); return NULL; } } //3 letter reserved paths: con, nul, prn if (((seg[0] == 'c' || seg[0] == 'C') && (seg[1] == 'o' || seg[1] == 'O') && (seg[2] == 'n' || seg[2] == 'N')) || ((seg[0] == 'p' || seg[0] == 'P') && (seg[1] == 'r' || seg[1] == 'R') && (seg[2] == 'n' || seg[2] == 'N')) || ((seg[0] == 'n' || seg[0] == 'N') && (seg[1] == 'u' || seg[1] == 'U') && (seg[2] == 'l' || seg[2] == 'L'))) { if (o == seg+3 || seg[3] == ' '|| seg[3] == '\t' || seg[3] == '.') { Con_Printf("Error: reserved name in path (%c%c%c in %s)\n", seg[0], seg[1], seg[2], pattern); return NULL; } } #endif if (*s++) *o++ = '/'; else { *o++ = '\0'; break; } seg = o; } else *o++ = *s++; } // Sys_Printf("%s changed to %s\n", pattern, outbuf); return outbuf; } static vfsfile_t *VFS_Filter(const char *filename, vfsfile_t *handle) { // char *ext; if (!handle || handle->WriteBytes || handle->seekstyle == SS_SLOW || handle->seekstyle == SS_UNSEEKABLE) //only on readonly files for which we can undo any header read damage return handle; // ext = COM_FileExtension (filename); #ifdef AVAIL_GZDEC // if (!Q_strcasecmp(ext, ".gz")) { return FS_DecompressGZip(handle, NULL); } #endif return handle; } qboolean FS_NativePath(const char *fname, enum fs_relative relativeto, char *out, int outlen) { flocation_t loc; char *last; int i; char cleanname[MAX_QPATH]; if (relativeto == FS_SYSTEM) { //system is already the native path. we can just pass it through. perhaps we should clean it up first however, although that's just making sure all \ are / snprintf(out, outlen, "%s", fname); for (; *out; out++) { if (*out == '\\') *out = '/'; } return true; } if (*fname == 0) { //this is sometimes used to query the actual path. //don't alow it for other stuff though. if (relativeto != FS_ROOT && relativeto != FS_BINARYPATH) return false; } else { fname = FS_GetCleanPath(fname, cleanname, sizeof(cleanname)); if (!fname) return false; } switch (relativeto) { case FS_GAME: //this is really for diagnostic type stuff... if (FS_FLocateFile(fname, FSLF_IFFOUND, &loc)) { snprintf(out, outlen, "%s/%s", loc.search->logicalpath, fname); break; } //fallthrough case FS_GAMEONLY: if (com_homepathenabled) snprintf(out, outlen, "%s%s/%s", com_homepath, gamedirfile, fname); else snprintf(out, outlen, "%s%s/%s", com_gamepath, gamedirfile, fname); break; case FS_BINARYPATH: if (host_parms.binarydir && *host_parms.binarydir) snprintf(out, outlen, "%s%s", host_parms.binarydir, fname); else snprintf(out, outlen, "%s%s", host_parms.basedir, fname); break; case FS_ROOT: if (com_installer) return false; if (com_homepathenabled) snprintf(out, outlen, "%s%s", com_homepath, fname); else snprintf(out, outlen, "%s%s", com_gamepath, fname); break; case FS_BASEGAMEONLY: // fte/ last = NULL; for (i = 0; i < countof(fs_manifest->gamepath); i++) { if (fs_manifest && fs_manifest->gamepath[i].base && fs_manifest->gamepath[i].path) { if (!strcmp(fs_manifest->gamepath[i].path, "*")) continue; last = fs_manifest->gamepath[i].path; if (*last == '*') last++; } } if (!last) return false; //eep? if (com_homepathenabled) snprintf(out, outlen, "%s%s/%s", com_homepath, last, fname); else snprintf(out, outlen, "%s%s/%s", com_gamepath, last, fname); break; case FS_PUBGAMEONLY: // $gamedir/ or qw/ but not fte/ last = NULL; for (i = 0; i < countof(fs_manifest->gamepath); i++) { if (fs_manifest && fs_manifest->gamepath[i].path) { if (*fs_manifest->gamepath[i].path == '*') continue; last = fs_manifest->gamepath[i].path; } } if (!last) return false; //eep? if (com_homepathenabled) snprintf(out, outlen, "%s%s/%s", com_homepath, last, fname); else snprintf(out, outlen, "%s%s/%s", com_gamepath, last, fname); break; case FS_PUBBASEGAMEONLY: // qw/ (fixme: should be the last non-private basedir) last = NULL; for (i = 0; i < countof(fs_manifest->gamepath); i++) { if (fs_manifest && fs_manifest->gamepath[i].base && fs_manifest->gamepath[i].path) { if (*fs_manifest->gamepath[i].path == '*') continue; last = fs_manifest->gamepath[i].path; } } if (!last) return false; //eep? if (com_homepathenabled) snprintf(out, outlen, "%s%s/%s", com_homepath, last, fname); else snprintf(out, outlen, "%s%s/%s", com_gamepath, last, fname); break; default: Sys_Error("FS_NativePath case not handled\n"); } return true; } //returns false to stop the enumeration. check the return value of the fs enumerator to see if it was canceled by this return value. static int QDECL FS_NullFSEnumerator(const char *fname, qofs_t fsize, time_t mtime, void *parm, searchpathfuncs_t *spath) { return false; } //opens a file in the same (writable) path that contains an existing version of the file or one of the other patterns listed vfsfile_t *FS_OpenWithFriends(const char *fname, char *sysname, size_t sysnamesize, int numfriends, ...) { searchpath_t *search; searchpath_t *lastwritable = NULL; flocation_t loc; va_list ap; int i; char cleanname[MAX_QPATH]; fname = FS_GetCleanPath(fname, cleanname, sizeof(cleanname)); if (!fname) return NULL; for (search = com_searchpaths; search ; search = search->next) { if ((search->flags & SPF_EXPLICIT) && (search->flags & SPF_WRITABLE)) lastwritable = search; if (search->handle->FindFile(search->handle, &loc, fname, NULL)) break; va_start(ap, numfriends); for (i = 0; i < numfriends; i++) { char *path = va_arg(ap, char*); if (!search->handle->EnumerateFiles(search->handle, path, FS_NullFSEnumerator, NULL)) break; } va_end(ap); if (i < numfriends) break; } if (lastwritable) { //figure out the system path Q_strncpyz(sysname, lastwritable->logicalpath, sysnamesize); FS_CleanDir(sysname, sysnamesize); Q_strncatz(sysname, fname, sysnamesize); //create the dir if needed and open the file. COM_CreatePath(sysname); return VFSOS_Open(sysname, "wbp"); } FS_NativePath(fname, FS_GAMEONLY, sysname, sysnamesize); return NULL; } //returns false if the string didn't fit. we're not trying to be clever and reallocate the buffer static qboolean try_snprintf(char *buffer, size_t size, const char *format, ...) { size_t ret; va_list argptr; va_start (argptr, format); #ifdef _WIN32 #undef _vsnprintf ret = _vsnprintf(buffer, size, format, argptr); #define _vsnprintf unsafe_vsnprintf #else ret = vsnprintf (buffer, size, format,argptr); #endif va_end (argptr); if (ret > size-1) //should cope with microsoft's -1s and linuxes total-length return values. return false; return true; } /*locates and opens a file modes: r = read w = write a = append t = text mode (because windows sucks). binary is otherwise assumed. p = persist (ie: saved games and configs, but not downloads or large content) */ vfsfile_t *QDECL FS_OpenVFS(const char *filename, const char *mode, enum fs_relative relativeto) { char cleanname[MAX_QPATH]; char fullname[MAX_OSPATH]; flocation_t loc; vfsfile_t *vfs; //eventually, this function will be the *ONLY* way to get at files fs_accessed_time = realtime; if (relativeto == FS_SYSTEM) return VFSOS_Open(filename, mode); //blanket-bans filename = FS_GetCleanPath(filename, cleanname, sizeof(cleanname)); if (!filename) return NULL; #ifdef _DEBUG if (strcmp(mode, "rb")) if (strcmp(mode, "r+b")) if (strcmp(mode, "wb")) if (strcmp(mode, "w+b")) if (strcmp(mode, "ab")) if (strcmp(mode, "wbp")) return NULL; //urm, unable to write/append #endif //if there can only be one file (eg: write access) find out where it is. switch (relativeto) { case FS_GAMEONLY: //OS access only, no paks vfs = NULL; if (com_homepathenabled) { if (!try_snprintf(fullname, sizeof(fullname), "%s%s/%s", com_homepath, gamedirfile, filename)) return NULL; if (*mode == 'w') COM_CreatePath(fullname); vfs = VFSOS_Open(fullname, mode); } if (!vfs && *gamedirfile) { if (!try_snprintf(fullname, sizeof(fullname), "%s%s/%s", com_gamepath, gamedirfile, filename)) return NULL; if (*mode == 'w') COM_CreatePath(fullname); vfs = VFSOS_Open(fullname, mode); } if (vfs || !(*mode == 'w' || *mode == 'a')) return vfs; //fall through case FS_PUBGAMEONLY: //used for $gamedir/downloads case FS_BASEGAMEONLY: //used for fte/configs/* case FS_PUBBASEGAMEONLY: //used for qw/skins/* if (!FS_NativePath(filename, relativeto, fullname, sizeof(fullname))) return NULL; if (*mode == 'w') COM_CreatePath(fullname); return VFSOS_Open(fullname, mode); case FS_GAME: //load from paks in preference to system paths. overwriting be damned. if (!FS_NativePath(filename, relativeto, fullname, sizeof(fullname))) return NULL; break; case FS_BINARYPATH: if (!FS_NativePath(filename, relativeto, fullname, sizeof(fullname))) return NULL; if (*mode == 'w') COM_CreatePath(fullname); return VFSOS_Open(fullname, mode); case FS_ROOT: //always bypass packs and gamedirs if (com_installer) return NULL; if (com_homepathenabled) { if (!try_snprintf(fullname, sizeof(fullname), "%s%s", com_homepath, filename)) return NULL; vfs = VFSOS_Open(fullname, mode); if (vfs) return vfs; } if (!try_snprintf(fullname, sizeof(fullname), "%s%s", com_gamepath, filename)) return NULL; return VFSOS_Open(fullname, mode); default: Sys_Error("FS_OpenVFS: Bad relative path (%i)", relativeto); break; } FS_FLocateFile(filename, FSLF_IFFOUND, &loc); if (loc.search) { return VFS_Filter(filename, loc.search->handle->OpenVFS(loc.search->handle, &loc, mode)); } //if we're meant to be writing, best write to it. if (strchr(mode , 'w') || strchr(mode , 'a')) { COM_CreatePath(fullname); return VFSOS_Open(fullname, mode); } return NULL; } qboolean FS_GetLocMTime(flocation_t *location, time_t *modtime) { *modtime = 0; if (!location->search->handle->FileStat || !location->search->handle->FileStat(location->search->handle, location, modtime)) return false; return true; } /*opens a vfsfile from an already discovered location*/ vfsfile_t *FS_OpenReadLocation(flocation_t *location) { if (location->search) { return VFS_Filter(NULL, location->search->handle->OpenVFS(location->search->handle, location, "rb")); } return NULL; } qboolean FS_Rename2(const char *oldf, const char *newf, enum fs_relative oldrelativeto, enum fs_relative newrelativeto) { char oldfullname[MAX_OSPATH]; char newfullname[MAX_OSPATH]; if (!FS_NativePath(oldf, oldrelativeto, oldfullname, sizeof(oldfullname))) return false; if (!FS_NativePath(newf, newrelativeto, newfullname, sizeof(newfullname))) return false; FS_CreatePath(newf, newrelativeto); return Sys_Rename(oldfullname, newfullname); } qboolean FS_Rename(const char *oldf, const char *newf, enum fs_relative relativeto) { return FS_Rename2(oldf, newf, relativeto, relativeto); } qboolean FS_Remove(const char *fname, enum fs_relative relativeto) { char fullname[MAX_OSPATH]; if (!FS_NativePath(fname, relativeto, fullname, sizeof(fullname))) return false; return Sys_remove (fullname); } //create a path for the given filename (dir-only must have trailing slash) void FS_CreatePath(const char *pname, enum fs_relative relativeto) { char fullname[MAX_OSPATH]; if (!FS_NativePath(pname, relativeto, fullname, sizeof(fullname))) return; COM_CreatePath(fullname); } void *FS_MallocFile(const char *filename, enum fs_relative relativeto, qofs_t *filesize) { vfsfile_t *f; qbyte *buf; qofs_t len; f = FS_OpenVFS(filename, "rb", relativeto); if (!f) return NULL; len = VFS_GETLEN(f); if (filesize) *filesize = len; buf = (qbyte*)BZ_Malloc(len+1); if (!buf) Sys_Error ("FS_MallocFile: out of memory loading %s", filename); ((qbyte *)buf)[len] = 0; VFS_READ(f, buf, len); VFS_CLOSE(f); return buf; } qboolean FS_WriteFile (const char *filename, const void *data, int len, enum fs_relative relativeto) { vfsfile_t *f; FS_CreatePath(filename, relativeto); f = FS_OpenVFS(filename, "wb", relativeto); if (!f) return false; VFS_WRITE(f, data, len); VFS_CLOSE(f); return true; } qboolean FS_Copy(const char *source, const char *dest, enum fs_relative relativesource, enum fs_relative relativedest) { vfsfile_t *d, *s; char buffer[8192*8]; int read; qboolean result = false; FS_CreatePath(dest, relativedest); s = FS_OpenVFS(source, "rb", relativesource); if (s) { d = FS_OpenVFS(dest, "wbp", relativedest); if (d) { result = true; for (;;) { read = VFS_READ(s, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (read <= 0) break; if (VFS_WRITE(d, buffer, read) != read) { result = false; break; } } VFS_CLOSE(d); if (!result) FS_Remove(dest, relativedest); } VFS_CLOSE(s); } return result; } static qbyte *loadbuf; static int loadsize; /* ============ COM_LoadFile Filename are reletive to the quake directory. Always appends a 0 qbyte to the loaded data. ============ */ qbyte *COM_LoadFile (const char *path, unsigned int locateflags, int usehunk, size_t *filesize) { vfsfile_t *f; qbyte *buf; qofs_t len; flocation_t loc; locateflags &= ~FSLF_DEEPONFAILURE; //disable any flags that can't be supported here if (!FS_FLocateFile(path, locateflags, &loc) || !loc.search) return NULL; //wasn't found if (loc.len > 0x7fffffff) //don't malloc 5000gb sparse files or anything crazy on a 32bit system... return NULL; fs_accessed_time = realtime; f = loc.search->handle->OpenVFS(loc.search->handle, &loc, "rb"); if (!f) return NULL; len = VFS_GETLEN(f); if (filesize) *filesize = len; if (usehunk == 2 || usehunk == 4 || usehunk == 6) COM_AssertMainThread("COM_LoadFile+hunk"); if (usehunk == 0) buf = (qbyte*)Z_Malloc (len+1); else if (usehunk == 2) buf = (qbyte*)Hunk_TempAlloc (len+1); else if (usehunk == 4) { if (len+1 > loadsize) buf = (qbyte*)Hunk_TempAlloc (len+1); else buf = loadbuf; } else if (usehunk == 5) buf = (qbyte*)BZ_Malloc(len+1); else if (usehunk == 6) buf = (qbyte*)Hunk_TempAllocMore (len+1); else { Sys_Error ("COM_LoadFile: bad usehunk"); buf = NULL; } if (!buf) Sys_Error ("COM_LoadFile: not enough space for %s", path); ((qbyte *)buf)[len] = 0; VFS_READ(f, buf, len); VFS_CLOSE(f); return buf; } qbyte *FS_LoadMallocFile (const char *path, size_t *fsize) { return COM_LoadFile (path, 0, 5, fsize); } void *FS_LoadMallocGroupFile(zonegroup_t *ctx, char *path, size_t *fsize) { char *mem = NULL; vfsfile_t *f = FS_OpenVFS(path, "rb", FS_GAME); if (f) { int len = VFS_GETLEN(f); mem = ZG_Malloc(ctx, len+1); if (mem) { mem[len] = 0; if (VFS_READ(f, mem, len) == len) *fsize = len; else mem = NULL; } VFS_CLOSE(f); } return mem; } qbyte *COM_LoadTempFile (const char *path, unsigned int locateflags, size_t *fsize) { return COM_LoadFile (path, locateflags, 2, fsize); } qbyte *COM_LoadTempMoreFile (const char *path, size_t *fsize) { return COM_LoadFile (path, 0, 6, fsize); } // uses temp hunk if larger than bufsize qbyte *QDECL COM_LoadStackFile (const char *path, void *buffer, int bufsize, size_t *fsize) { qbyte *buf; COM_AssertMainThread("COM_LoadStackFile"); loadbuf = (qbyte *)buffer; loadsize = bufsize; buf = COM_LoadFile (path, 0, 4, fsize); return buf; } /*warning: at some point I'll change this function to return only read-only buffers*/ qofs_t FS_LoadFile(const char *name, void **file) { size_t fsz; *file = FS_LoadMallocFile (name, &fsz); if (!*file) return (qofs_t)-1; return fsz; } void FS_FreeFile(void *file) { BZ_Free(file); } void COM_EnumerateFiles (const char *match, int (QDECL *func)(const char *, qofs_t, time_t mtime, void *, searchpathfuncs_t*), void *parm) { searchpath_t *search; for (search = com_searchpaths; search ; search = search->next) { // is the element a pak file? if (!search->handle->EnumerateFiles(search->handle, match, func, parm)) break; } } void COM_FlushTempoaryPacks(void) { #if 0 searchpath_t *sp, **link; link = &com_searchpaths; while (*link) { sp = *link; if (sp->flags & SPF_TEMPORARY) { FS_FlushFSHashReally(); *link = sp->next; sp->handle->ClosePath(sp->handle); Z_Free (sp); } else link = &sp->next; } com_purepaths = NULL; #endif } qboolean COM_LoadMapPackFile (const char *filename, qofs_t ofs) { return false; } static searchpath_t *FS_AddPathHandle(searchpath_t **oldpaths, const char *purepath, const char *probablepath, searchpathfuncs_t *handle, const char *prefix, unsigned int flags, unsigned int loadstuff); static searchpathfuncs_t *FS_GetOldPath(searchpath_t **oldpaths, const char *dir, unsigned int *keepflags) { searchpath_t *p; searchpathfuncs_t *r = NULL; *keepflags = 0; while(*oldpaths) { p = *oldpaths; if (!Q_strcasecmp(p->logicalpath, dir)) { *keepflags |= p->flags & (SPF_REFERENCED | SPF_UNTRUSTED); *oldpaths = p->next; r = p->handle; Z_Free(p); break; } oldpaths = &(*oldpaths)->next; } return r; } typedef struct { searchpathfuncs_t *(QDECL *OpenNew)(vfsfile_t *file, searchpathfuncs_t *parent, const char *filename, const char *desc, const char *prefix); searchpath_t **oldpaths; const char *parentdesc; const char *puredesc; unsigned int inheritflags; } wildpaks_t; static int QDECL FS_AddWildDataFiles (const char *descriptor, qofs_t size, time_t mtime, void *vparam, searchpathfuncs_t *funcs) { wildpaks_t *param = vparam; vfsfile_t *vfs; searchpath_t *search; searchpathfuncs_t *newpak; char pakfile[MAX_OSPATH]; char purefile[MAX_OSPATH]; flocation_t loc; unsigned int keptflags = 0; Q_snprintfz (pakfile, sizeof(pakfile), "%s%s", param->parentdesc, descriptor); for (search = com_searchpaths; search; search = search->next) { if (!Q_strcasecmp(search->logicalpath, pakfile)) //assumption: first member of structure is a char array return true; //already loaded (base paths?) } newpak = FS_GetOldPath(param->oldpaths, pakfile, &keptflags); if (!newpak) { if (param->OpenNew == VFSOS_OpenPath) { vfs = NULL; } else { fs_finds++; if (!funcs->FindFile(funcs, &loc, descriptor, NULL)) return true; //not found.. vfs = funcs->OpenVFS(funcs, &loc, "rb"); if (!vfs) return true; } newpak = param->OpenNew (vfs, funcs, descriptor, pakfile, ""); if (!newpak) { VFS_CLOSE(vfs); return true; } } Q_snprintfz (pakfile, sizeof(pakfile), "%s%s", param->parentdesc, descriptor); if (*param->puredesc) snprintf (purefile, sizeof(purefile), "%s/%s", param->puredesc, descriptor); else Q_strncpyz(purefile, descriptor, sizeof(purefile)); FS_AddPathHandle(param->oldpaths, purefile, pakfile, newpak, "", ((!Q_strncasecmp(descriptor, "pak", 3))?SPF_COPYPROTECTED:0)|keptflags|param->inheritflags, (unsigned int)-1); return true; } static searchpathfuncs_t *FS_OpenPackByExtension(vfsfile_t *f, searchpathfuncs_t *parent, const char *filename, const char *pakname) { searchpathfuncs_t *pak; int j; char ext[8]; COM_FileExtension(pakname, ext, sizeof(ext)); for (j = 0; j < sizeof(searchpathformats)/sizeof(searchpathformats[0]); j++) { if (!searchpathformats[j].extension || !searchpathformats[j].OpenNew) continue; if (!strcmp(ext, searchpathformats[j].extension)) { pak = searchpathformats[j].OpenNew(f, parent, filename, pakname, ""); if (pak) return pak; Con_Printf("Unable to open %s - corrupt?\n", pakname); break; } } VFS_CLOSE(f); return NULL; } // void FS_AddHashedPackage(searchpath_t **oldpaths, const char *parentpath, const char *logicalpaths, searchpath_t *search, unsigned int loadstuff, const char *pakpath, const char *qhash, const char *pakprefix, unsigned int packflags) { searchpathfuncs_t *handle; searchpath_t *oldp; char pname[MAX_OSPATH]; char lname[MAX_OSPATH]; char lname2[MAX_OSPATH]; unsigned int keptflags; flocation_t loc; int fmt; char ext[8]; int ptlen = strlen(parentpath); COM_FileExtension(pakpath, ext, sizeof(ext)); //figure out which file format its meant to be. for (fmt = 0; fmt < sizeof(searchpathformats)/sizeof(searchpathformats[0]); fmt++) { if (!searchpathformats[fmt].extension || !searchpathformats[fmt].OpenNew)// || !searchpathformats[i].loadscan) continue; if ((loadstuff & (1<next) { if (strcmp(oldp->prefix, pakprefix?pakprefix:"")) //probably will only happen from typos, but should be correct. continue; if (!Q_strcasecmp(oldp->purepath, pakpath)) break; if (!Q_strcasecmp(oldp->logicalpath, lname)) break; if (!Q_strcasecmp(oldp->logicalpath, lname2)) break; } if (!oldp) { //see if we can get an old archive handle from before whatever fs_restart handle = FS_GetOldPath(oldpaths, lname2, &keptflags); if (handle) snprintf (lname, sizeof(lname), "%s", lname2); else { handle = FS_GetOldPath(oldpaths, lname, &keptflags); //seems new, load it. if (!handle) { vfsfile_t *vfs = NULL; if (search) { if (search->handle->FindFile(search->handle, &loc, pakpath+ptlen+1, NULL)) { vfs = search->handle->OpenVFS(search->handle, &loc, "rb"); snprintf (lname, sizeof(lname), "%s", lname2); } else if (search->handle->FindFile(search->handle, &loc, pname+ptlen+1, NULL)) vfs = search->handle->OpenVFS(search->handle, &loc, "rb"); } else { vfs = FS_OpenVFS(pakpath, "rb", FS_ROOT); if (vfs) snprintf (lname, sizeof(lname), "%s", lname2); else vfs = FS_OpenVFS(pname, "rb", FS_ROOT); } if (vfs) handle = searchpathformats[fmt].OpenNew (vfs, search?search->handle:NULL, pakpath, lname, pakprefix?pakprefix:""); if (!handle && vfs) VFS_CLOSE(vfs); //erk } } //insert it into our path lists. if (handle && qhash) { int truecrc = handle->GeneratePureCRC(handle, 0, false); if (truecrc != (int)strtoul(qhash, NULL, 0)) { Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "File \"%s\" has hash %#x (required: %s). Please delete it or move it away\n", lname, truecrc, qhash); handle->ClosePath(handle); handle = NULL; } } if (handle) FS_AddPathHandle(oldpaths, pakpath, lname, handle, pakprefix, packflags|keptflags, (unsigned int)-1); } return; } } } static void FS_AddManifestPackages(searchpath_t **oldpaths, const char *purepath, const char *logicalpaths, searchpath_t *search, unsigned int loadstuff) { int i; int ptlen, palen; ptlen = strlen(purepath); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(fs_manifest->package) / sizeof(fs_manifest->package[0]); i++) { char qhash[16]; if (!fs_manifest->package[i].path) continue; palen = strlen(fs_manifest->package[i].path); if (palen > ptlen && (fs_manifest->package[i].path[ptlen] == '/' || fs_manifest->package[i].path[ptlen] == '\\' )&& !strncmp(purepath, fs_manifest->package[i].path, ptlen)) { Q_snprintfz(qhash, sizeof(qhash), "%#x", fs_manifest->package[i].crc); FS_AddHashedPackage(oldpaths,purepath,logicalpaths,search,loadstuff, fs_manifest->package[i].path,fs_manifest->package[i].crcknown?qhash:NULL,fs_manifest->package[i].prefix, SPF_COPYPROTECTED| #ifdef FTE_TARGET_WEB 0 //web targets consider manifest packages as trusted, because they're about as trusted as the engine/html that goes with it. #else (fs_manifest->security==MANIFEST_SECURITY_NOT?SPF_UNTRUSTED:0) #endif ); } } } static void FS_AddDownloadManifestPackages(searchpath_t **oldpaths, unsigned int loadstuff)//, const char *purepath, searchpath_t *search, const char *extension, searchpathfuncs_t *(QDECL *OpenNew)(vfsfile_t *file, const char *desc)) { char logicalroot[MAX_OSPATH]; FS_NativePath("downloads/", FS_ROOT, logicalroot, sizeof(logicalroot)); FS_AddManifestPackages(oldpaths, "downloads", logicalroot, NULL, loadstuff); } static void FS_AddDataFiles(searchpath_t **oldpaths, const char *purepath, const char *logicalpath, searchpath_t *search, unsigned int pflags, unsigned int loadstuff) { //search is the parent int i, j; searchpath_t *existing; searchpathfuncs_t *handle; char pakfile[MAX_OSPATH]; char logicalpaths[MAX_OSPATH]; //with a slash char purefile[MAX_OSPATH]; char logicalfile[MAX_OSPATH*2]; unsigned int keptflags; vfsfile_t *vfs; flocation_t loc; wildpaks_t wp; Q_strncpyz(logicalpaths, logicalpath, sizeof(logicalpaths)); FS_CleanDir(logicalpaths, sizeof(logicalpaths)); wp.parentdesc = logicalpaths; wp.puredesc = purepath; wp.oldpaths = oldpaths; wp.inheritflags = pflags; //read pak.lst to get some sort of official ordering of pak files if (search->handle->FindFile(search->handle, &loc, "pak.lst", NULL) == FF_FOUND) { char filename[MAX_QPATH]; char *buffer = BZ_Malloc(loc.len+1); char *names = buffer; search->handle->ReadFile(search->handle, &loc, buffer); buffer[loc.len] = 0; while (names && *names) { names = COM_ParseOut(names, filename, sizeof(filename)); if (*filename) { char extension[MAX_QPATH]; COM_FileExtension(filename, extension, sizeof(extension)); //I dislike that this is tied to extensions, but whatever. for (j = 0; j < sizeof(searchpathformats)/sizeof(searchpathformats[0]); j++) { if (!searchpathformats[j].extension || !searchpathformats[j].OpenNew || !searchpathformats[j].loadscan) continue; if (!stricmp(extension, searchpathformats[j].extension)) { if (loadstuff & (1<handle); } break; } } } } BZ_Free(buffer); } #ifdef PACKAGEMANAGER PM_LoadPackages(oldpaths, purepath, logicalpaths, search, loadstuff, 0x80000000, -1); #endif for (j = 0; j < sizeof(searchpathformats)/sizeof(searchpathformats[0]); j++) { if (!searchpathformats[j].extension || !searchpathformats[j].OpenNew || !searchpathformats[j].loadscan) continue; if (loadstuff & (1<handle->FindFile(search->handle, &loc, pakfile, NULL)) break; //not found.. snprintf (logicalfile, sizeof(logicalfile), "%spak%i.%s", logicalpaths, i, extension); snprintf (purefile, sizeof(purefile), "%s/pak%i.%s", purepath, i, extension); for (existing = com_searchpaths; existing; existing = existing->next) { if (!Q_strcasecmp(existing->logicalpath, logicalfile)) //assumption: first member of structure is a char array break; //already loaded (base paths?) } if (!existing) { handle = FS_GetOldPath(oldpaths, logicalfile, &keptflags); if (!handle) { vfs = search->handle->OpenVFS(search->handle, &loc, "rb"); if (!vfs) break; handle = searchpathformats[j].OpenNew (vfs, search->handle, pakfile, logicalfile, ""); if (!handle) break; } FS_AddPathHandle(oldpaths, purefile, logicalfile, handle, "", SPF_COPYPROTECTED|pflags|keptflags, (unsigned int)-1); } } } } //now load ones from the manifest FS_AddManifestPackages(oldpaths, purepath, logicalpaths, search, loadstuff); #ifdef PACKAGEMANAGER PM_LoadPackages(oldpaths, purepath, logicalpaths, search, loadstuff, 0x0, 1000-1); #endif //now load the random ones for (j = 0; j < sizeof(searchpathformats)/sizeof(searchpathformats[0]); j++) { if (!searchpathformats[j].extension || !searchpathformats[j].OpenNew || !searchpathformats[j].loadscan) continue; if (loadstuff & (1<handle->EnumerateFiles(search->handle, pakfile, FS_AddWildDataFiles, &wp); } } #ifdef PACKAGEMANAGER PM_LoadPackages(oldpaths, purepath, logicalpaths, search, loadstuff, 1000, 0x7ffffffe); #endif } static searchpath_t *FS_AddPathHandle(searchpath_t **oldpaths, const char *purepath, const char *logicalpath, searchpathfuncs_t *handle, const char *prefix, unsigned int flags, unsigned int loadstuff) { searchpath_t *search, **link; if (!handle) { Con_Printf("COM_AddPathHandle: not a valid handle (%s)\n", logicalpath); return NULL; } if (handle->fsver != FSVER) { Con_Printf("%s: file system driver is outdated (%u should be %u)\n", logicalpath, handle->fsver, FSVER); handle->ClosePath(handle); return NULL; } search = (searchpath_t*)Z_Malloc (sizeof(searchpath_t)); search->flags = flags; search->handle = handle; Q_strncpyz(search->purepath, purepath, sizeof(search->purepath)); Q_strncpyz(search->logicalpath, logicalpath, sizeof(search->logicalpath)); if (prefix) Q_strncpyz(search->prefix, prefix, sizeof(search->prefix)); flags &= ~SPF_WRITABLE; //temp packages also do not nest // if (!(flags & SPF_TEMPORARY)) FS_AddDataFiles(oldpaths, purepath, logicalpath, search, flags&(SPF_COPYPROTECTED|SPF_UNTRUSTED|SPF_TEMPORARY|SPF_PRIVATE), loadstuff); if (flags & SPF_TEMPORARY) { //add at end. pureness will reorder if needed. link = &com_searchpaths; while(*link) { link = &(*link)->next; } *link = search; } else { search->next = com_searchpaths; com_searchpaths = search; } com_fschanged = true; return search; } static void COM_RefreshFSCache_f(void) { com_fschanged=true; } //optionally purges the cache and rebuilds it void COM_FlushFSCache(qboolean purge, qboolean domutex) { searchpath_t *search; if (com_fs_cache.ival && com_fs_cache.ival != 2) { for (search = com_searchpaths ; search ; search = search->next) { if (search->handle->PollChanges) com_fschanged |= search->handle->PollChanges(search->handle); } } #ifdef FTE_TARGET_WEB //web target doesn't support filesystem enumeration, so make sure the cache is kept invalid and disabled. com_fschanged = true; #else if (com_fs_cache.ival && com_fschanged) { //rebuild it if needed FS_RebuildFSHash(domutex); } #endif } /*since should start as 0, otherwise this can be used to poll*/ qboolean FS_Restarted(unsigned int *since) { if (*since < fs_restarts) { *since = fs_restarts; return true; } return false; } /* ================ FS_AddGameDirectory Sets com_gamedir, adds the directory to the head of the path, then loads and adds pak1.pak pak2.pak ... ================ */ static void FS_AddGameDirectory (searchpath_t **oldpaths, const char *puredir, const char *dir, unsigned int loadstuff, unsigned int flags) { unsigned int keptflags; searchpath_t *search; char *p; void *handle; fs_restarts++; for (search = com_searchpaths; search; search = search->next) { if (!Q_strcasecmp(search->logicalpath, dir)) { search->flags |= flags & SPF_WRITABLE; return; //already loaded (base paths?) } } if (!(flags & SPF_PRIVATE)) { if ((p = strrchr(dir, '/')) != NULL) Q_strncpyz(pubgamedirfile, ++p, sizeof(pubgamedirfile)); else Q_strncpyz(pubgamedirfile, dir, sizeof(pubgamedirfile)); } if ((p = strrchr(dir, '/')) != NULL) Q_strncpyz(gamedirfile, ++p, sizeof(gamedirfile)); else Q_strncpyz(gamedirfile, dir, sizeof(gamedirfile)); // // add the directory to the search path // handle = FS_GetOldPath(oldpaths, dir, &keptflags); if (!handle) handle = VFSOS_OpenPath(NULL, NULL, dir, dir, ""); FS_AddPathHandle(oldpaths, puredir, dir, handle, "", flags|keptflags, loadstuff); } //if syspath, something like c:\quake\baseq2 //otherwise just baseq2. beware of dupes. searchpathfuncs_t *COM_IteratePaths (void **iterator, char *pathbuffer, int pathbuffersize, char *dirname, int dirnamesize) { searchpath_t *s; void *prev; prev = NULL; for (s=com_searchpaths ; s ; s=s->next) { if (!(s->flags & SPF_EXPLICIT)) continue; if (*iterator == prev) { *iterator = s->handle; if (!strchr(s->purepath, '/')) { if (pathbuffer) { Q_strncpyz(pathbuffer, s->logicalpath, pathbuffersize-1); FS_CleanDir(pathbuffer, pathbuffersize); } if (dirname) { Q_strncpyz(dirname, s->purepath, dirnamesize-1); } return s->handle; } } prev = s->handle; } *iterator = NULL; if (pathbuffer) *pathbuffer = 0; if (dirname) *dirname = 0; return NULL; } char *FS_GetGamedir(qboolean publicpathonly) { if (publicpathonly) return pubgamedirfile; else return gamedirfile; } //returns the commandline arguments required to duplicate the fs details char *FS_GetManifestArgs(void) { char *homearg = com_homepathenabled?"-usehome ":"-nohome "; if (fs_manifest->updatefile) return va("%s-manifest %s -basedir %s", homearg, fs_manifest->updatefile, com_gamepath); return va("%s-game %s -basedir %s", homearg, pubgamedirfile, com_gamepath); } int FS_GetManifestArgv(char **argv, int maxargs) { int c = 0; if (maxargs < 5) return c; argv[c++] = com_homepathenabled?"-usehome ":"-nohome "; if (fs_manifest->updatefile) { argv[c++] = "-manifest"; argv[c++] = fs_manifest->updatefile; } else { argv[c++] = "-game"; argv[c++] = pubgamedirfile; } argv[c++] = "-basedir"; argv[c++] = com_gamepath; return c; } /* //given a 'c:/foo/bar/' path, will extract 'bar'. static void FS_ExtractDir(char *in, char *out, int outlen) { char *end; if (!outlen) return; end = in + strlen(in); //skip over any trailing slashes while (end > in) { if (end[-1] == '/' || end[-1] == '\\') end--; else break; } //skip over the path while (end > in) { if (end[-1] != '/' && end[-1] != '\\') end--; else break; } //copy string into the dest while (--outlen) { if (*end == '/' || *end == '\\' || !*end) break; *out++ = *end++; } *out = 0; }*/ qboolean FS_PathURLCache(const char *url, char *path, size_t pathsize) { const char *FS_GetCleanPath(const char *pattern, char *outbuf, int outlen); char tmp[MAX_QPATH]; char *o = tmp; const char *i = url; strcpy(o, "downloads/"); o += strlen(o); while(*i) { if (*i == ':' || *i == '?' || *i == '*' || *i == '&') { if (i[0] == ':' && i[1] == '/' && i[2] == '/') { i+=2; continue; } *o++ = '_'; i++; continue; } if (*i == '\\') { *o++ = '/'; i++; continue; } *o++ = *i++; } *o = 0; if (!FS_GetCleanPath(tmp, path, pathsize)) return false; return true; } /* ================ COM_Gamedir Sets the gamedir and path to a different directory. ================ */ void COM_Gamedir (const char *dir, const struct gamepacks *packagespaths) { ftemanifest_t *man; if (!fs_manifest) FS_ChangeGame(NULL, true, false); //don't allow leading dots, hidden files are evil. //don't allow complex paths. those are evil too. if (*dir == '.' || !strcmp(dir, ".") || strstr(dir, "..") || strstr(dir, "/") || strstr(dir, "\\") || strstr(dir, ":") || strstr(dir, "\"") ) { Con_Printf ("Gamedir should be a single filename, not \"%s\"\n", dir); return; } man = NULL; if (!man) { vfsfile_t *f = *dir?VFSOS_Open(va("%s%s.fmf", com_gamepath, dir), "rb"):NULL; if (f) { size_t len = VFS_GETLEN(f); char *fdata = BZ_Malloc(len+1); if (fdata) { VFS_READ(f, fdata, len); fdata[len] = 0; man = FS_Manifest_Parse(NULL, fdata); BZ_Free(fdata); } VFS_CLOSE(f); } } if (!man) { //generate a new manifest based upon the current one. man = FS_ReadDefaultManifest(com_gamepath, sizeof(com_gamepath), true); if (man && strcmp(man->installation, fs_manifest->installation)) { FS_Manifest_Free(man); man = NULL; } if (!man) man = FS_Manifest_Clone(fs_manifest); FS_Manifest_PurgeGamedirs(man); if (*dir) { char token[MAX_QPATH], quot[MAX_QPATH]; char *dup = Z_StrDup(dir); //FIXME: is this really needed? dir = dup; while ((dir = COM_ParseStringSet(dir, token, sizeof(token)))) { if (!strcmp(dir, ";")) continue; if (!*token) continue; Cmd_TokenizeString(va("gamedir %s", COM_QuotedString(token, quot, sizeof(quot), false)), false, false); FS_Manifest_ParseTokens(man); } Z_Free(dup); } while(packagespaths && packagespaths->path) { char quot[MAX_QPATH]; char quot2[MAX_OSPATH]; char quot3[MAX_OSPATH]; Cmd_TokenizeString(va("package %s prefix %s %s", COM_QuotedString(packagespaths->path, quot, sizeof(quot), false), COM_QuotedString(packagespaths->subpath?packagespaths->subpath:"", quot3, sizeof(quot3), false), COM_QuotedString(packagespaths->url, quot2, sizeof(quot2), false)), false, false); FS_Manifest_ParseTokens(man); packagespaths++; } } FS_ChangeGame(man, cfg_reload_on_gamedir.ival, false); } #if defined(NOLEGACY) || !defined(HAVE_CLIENT) #define ZFIXHACK #elif defined(ANDROID) //on android, these numbers seem to be generating major weirdness, so disable these. #define ZFIXHACK #elif defined(FTE_TARGET_WEB) //on firefox (but not chrome or ie), these numbers seem to be generating major weirdness, so tone them down significantly by default. #define ZFIXHACK "set r_polygonoffset_submodel_offset 1\nset r_polygonoffset_submodel_factor 0.05\n" #else //many quake maps have hideous z-fighting. this provides a way to work around it, although the exact numbers are gpu and bitdepth dependant, and trying to fix it can actually break other things. #define ZFIXHACK "set r_polygonoffset_submodel_offset 25\nset r_polygonoffset_submodel_factor 0.05\n" #endif /*quake requires a few settings for compatibility*/ #define EZQUAKECOMPETITIVE "set ruleset_allow_fbmodels 1\nset sv_demoExtensions \"\"\n" #define QRPCOMPAT "set cl_cursor_scale 0.2\nset cl_cursor_bias_x 7.5\nset cl_cursor_bias_y 0.8" #define QCFG "set con_stayhidden 0\nset com_parseutf8 0\nset allow_download_refpackages 0\nset sv_bigcoords \"\"\nmap_autoopenportals 1\n" "sv_port "STRINGIFY(PORT_QWSERVER)" "STRINGIFY(PORT_NQSERVER)"\n" ZFIXHACK EZQUAKECOMPETITIVE QRPCOMPAT /*NetQuake reconfiguration, to make certain people feel more at home...*/ #define NQCFG "//-nohome\ncfg_save_auto 1\n" QCFG "sv_nqplayerphysics 1\ncl_loopbackprotocol auto\ncl_sbar 1\nplug_sbar 0\nsv_port "STRINGIFY(PORT_NQSERVER)"\ncl_defaultport "STRINGIFY(PORT_NQSERVER)"\n" //nehahra has to be weird with its extra cvars, and buggy fullbrights. #define NEHCFG QCFG "set nospr32 0\nset cutscene 1\nalias startmap_sp \"map nehstart\"\nr_fb_bmodels 0\nr_fb_models 0\n" /*stuff that makes dp-only mods work a bit better*/ #define DPCOMPAT QCFG "gl_specular 1\nset _cl_playermodel \"\"\n set dpcompat_set 1\ndpcompat_console 1\nset dpcompat_corruptglobals 1\nset vid_pixelheight 1\nset dpcompat_set 1\nset dpcompat_console 1\nset r_particlesdesc effectinfo\n" /*nexuiz/xonotic has a few quirks/annoyances...*/ #define NEXCFG DPCOMPAT "cl_loopbackprotocol dpp7\nset sv_listen_dp 1\nset sv_listen_qw 0\nset sv_listen_nq 0\nset dpcompat_nopreparse 1\nset sv_bigcoords 1\nset sv_maxairspeed \"30\"\nset sv_jumpvelocity 270\nset sv_mintic \"0.01\"\ncl_nolerp 0\n" #define XONCFG NEXCFG "set qport $qport_\ncom_parseutf8 1\npr_fixbrokenqccarrays 2\nset pr_csqc_memsize 64m\nset pr_ssqc_memsize 96m\n" /*some modern non-compat settings*/ #define DMFCFG "set com_parseutf8 1\npm_airstep 1\nsv_demoExtensions 1\n" /*set some stuff so our regular qw client appears more like hexen2. sv_mintic is required to 'fix' the ravenstaff so that its projectiles don't impact upon each other*/ #define HEX2CFG "set com_parseutf8 -1\nset gl_font gfx/hexen2\nset in_builtinkeymap 0\nset_calc cl_playerclass int (random * 5) + 1\nset cl_forwardspeed 200\nset cl_backspeed 200\ncl_sidespeed 225\nset sv_maxspeed 640\ncl_run 0\nset watervis 1\nset r_lavaalpha 1\nset r_lavastyle -2\nset r_wateralpha 0.5\nset sv_pupglow 1\ngl_shaftlight 0.5\nsv_mintic 0.015\nset mod_warnmodels 0\nset cl_model_bobbing 1\nsv_sound_watersplash \"misc/hith2o.wav\"\nsv_sound_land \"fx/thngland.wav\"\nset sv_walkpitch 0\n" /*yay q2!*/ #define Q2CFG "set com_parseutf8 0\ncom_nogamedirnativecode 0\nset sv_bigcoords 0\n" /*Q3's ui doesn't like empty model/headmodel/handicap cvars, even if the gamecode copes*/ #define Q3CFG "set com_parseutf8 0\ngl_overbright 2\nseta model sarge\nseta headmodel sarge\nseta handicap 100\ncom_nogamedirnativecode 0\n" //#define RMQCFG "sv_bigcoords 1\n" typedef struct { const char *argname; //used if this was used as a parameter. const char *exename; //used if the exe name contains this const char *protocolname; //sent to the master server when this is the current gamemode (Typically set for DP compat). const char *auniquefile[4]; //used if this file is relative from the gamedir. needs just one file const char *customexec; const char *dir[4]; const char *poshname; //Full name for the game. const char *downloadsurl; const char *manifestfile; } gamemode_info_t; const gamemode_info_t gamemode_info[] = { #ifdef GAME_SHORTNAME #ifndef GAME_PROTOCOL #define GAME_PROTOCOL DISTRIBUTION #endif #ifndef GAME_IDENTIFYINGFILES #define GAME_IDENTIFYINGFILES NULL // #endif #ifndef GAME_DEFAULTCMDS #define GAME_DEFAULTCMDS NULL //doesn't need anything #endif #ifndef GAME_BASEGAMES #define GAME_BASEGAMES "data" #endif #ifndef GAME_FULLNAME #define GAME_FULLNAME FULLENGINENAME #endif #ifndef GAME_MANIFESTUPDATE #define GAME_MANIFESTUPDATE NULL #endif {"-"GAME_SHORTNAME, GAME_SHORTNAME, GAME_PROTOCOL, {GAME_IDENTIFYINGFILES}, GAME_DEFAULTCMDS, {GAME_BASEGAMES}, GAME_FULLNAME, GAME_MANIFESTUPDATE}, #endif //note that there is no basic 'fte' gamemode, this is because we aim for network compatability. Darkplaces-Quake is the closest we get. //this is to avoid having too many gamemodes anyway. //mission packs should generally come after the main game to avoid prefering the main game. we violate this for hexen2 as the mission pack is mostly a superset. //whereas the quake mission packs replace start.bsp making the original episodes unreachable. //for quake, we also allow extracting all files from paks. some people think it loads faster that way or something. #ifndef NOLEGACY //cmdline switch exename protocol name(dpmaster) identifying file exec dir1 dir2 dir3 dir(fte) full name //standard quake {"-quake", "q1", "FTE-Quake DarkPlaces-Quake",{"id1/pak0.pak", "id1/quake.rc"},QCFG,{"id1", "qw", "*fte"}, "Quake", "https://triptohell.info/downloadables.php" /*,"id1/pak0.pak|http://quakeservers.nquake.com/qsw106.zip|http://nquake.localghost.net/qsw106.zip|http://qw.quakephil.com/nquake/qsw106.zip|http://fnu.nquake.com/qsw106.zip"*/}, //alternative name, because fmf file install names are messy when a single name is used for registry install path. {"-afterquake", NULL, "FTE-Quake",{"id1/pak0.pak", "id1/quake.rc"}, QCFG,{"id1", "qw", "*fte"}, "Quake", "https://triptohell.info/downloadables.php" /*,"id1/pak0.pak|http://quakeservers.nquake.com/qsw106.zip|http://nquake.localghost.net/qsw106.zip|http://qw.quakephil.com/nquake/qsw106.zip|http://fnu.nquake.com/qsw106.zip"*/}, //netquake-specific quake that avoids qw/ with its nquake fuckups, and disables nqisms {"-netquake", "nq", "FTE-Quake DarkPlaces-Quake",{"id1/pak0.pak", "id1/quake.rc"},NQCFG,{"id1"}, "NetQuake", "https://triptohell.info/downloadables.php" /*,"id1/pak0.pak|http://quakeservers.nquake.com/qsw106.zip|http://nquake.localghost.net/qsw106.zip|http://qw.quakephil.com/nquake/qsw106.zip|http://fnu.nquake.com/qsw106.zip"*/}, //because we can. quakespasm is hopefully close enough... {"-fitz", NULL, "FTE-Quake DarkPlaces-Quake",{"id1/pak0.pak", "id1/quake.rc"},NQCFG"fps_preset spasm\n",{"id1"}, "NetQuake", "https://triptohell.info/downloadables.php" /*,"id1/pak0.pak|http://quakeservers.nquake.com/qsw106.zip|http://nquake.localghost.net/qsw106.zip|http://qw.quakephil.com/nquake/qsw106.zip|http://fnu.nquake.com/qsw106.zip"*/}, //because we can {"-tenebrae", NULL, "FTE-Quake DarkPlaces-Quake",{"id1/pak0.pak", "id1/quake.rc"},QCFG"fps_preset tenebrae\n",{"id1","qw","*fte"},"Tenebrae", "https://triptohell.info/downloadables.php" /*,"id1/pak0.pak|http://quakeservers.nquake.com/qsw106.zip|http://nquake.localghost.net/qsw106.zip|http://qw.quakephil.com/nquake/qsw106.zip|http://fnu.nquake.com/qsw106.zip"*/}, //quake's mission packs should not be favoured over the base game nor autodetected //third part mods also tend to depend upon the mission packs for their huds, even if they don't use any other content. //and q2 also has a rogue/pak0.pak file that we don't want to find and cause quake2 to look like dissolution of eternity //so just make these require the same files as good ol' quake. {"-hipnotic", "hipnotic", "FTE-Hipnotic", {"id1/pak0.pak","id1/quake.rc"},QCFG, {"id1", "qw", "hipnotic", "*fte"}, "Quake: Scourge of Armagon"}, {"-rogue", "rogue", "FTE-Rogue", {"id1/pak0.pak","id1/quake.rc"},QCFG, {"id1", "qw", "rogue", "*fte"}, "Quake: Dissolution of Eternity"}, //various quake-dependant non-standalone mods that require hacks //quoth needed an extra arg just to enable hipnotic hud drawing, it doesn't actually do anything weird, but most engines have a -quoth arg, so lets have one too. {"-quoth", "quoth", "FTE-Quake", {"id1/pak0.pak","id1/quake.rc"},QCFG, {"id1", "qw", "quoth", "*fte"}, "Quake: Quoth"}, {"-nehahra", "nehahra", "FTE-Quake", {"id1/pak0.pak","id1/quake.rc"},NEHCFG, {"id1", "qw", "nehahra", "*fte"}, "Quake: Seal Of Nehahra"}, //various quake-based standalone mods. {"-nexuiz", "nexuiz", "Nexuiz", {"nexuiz.exe"}, NEXCFG, {"data", "*ftedata"},"Nexuiz"}, {"-xonotic", "xonotic", "Xonotic", {"data/xonotic-data.pk3dir", "data/xonotic-*data*.pk3"}, XONCFG, {"data", "*ftedata"},"Xonotic"}, // {"-spark", "spark", "Spark", {"base/src/progs.src", // "base/qwprogs.dat", // "base/pak0.pak"}, DMFCFG, {"base", }, "Spark"}, // {"-scouts", "scouts", "FTE-SJ", {"basesj/src/progs.src", // "basesj/progs.dat", // "basesj/pak0.pak"}, NULL, {"basesj", }, "Scouts Journey"}, // {"-rmq", "rmq", "RMQ", {NULL}, RMQCFG, {"id1", "qw", "rmq", "*fte" }, "Remake Quake"}, #ifdef HEXEN2 //hexen2's mission pack generally takes precedence if both are installed. {"-portals", "h2mp", "FTE-H2MP", {"portals/hexen.rc", "portals/pak3.pak"}, HEX2CFG,{"data1", "portals", "*fteh2"}, "Hexen II MP"}, {"-hexen2", "hexen2", "FTE-Hexen2", {"data1/pak0.pak"}, HEX2CFG,{"data1", "*fteh2"}, "Hexen II"}, #endif #if defined(Q2CLIENT) || defined(Q2SERVER) {"-quake2", "q2", "FTE-Quake2", {"baseq2/pak0.pak"}, Q2CFG, {"baseq2", "*fteq2"}, "Quake II"}, //mods of the above that should generally work. {"-dday", "dday", "FTE-Quake2", {"dday/pak0.pak"}, Q2CFG, {"baseq2", "dday", "*fteq2"}, "D-Day: Normandy"}, #endif #if defined(Q3CLIENT) || defined(Q3SERVER) {"-quake3", "q3", "FTE-Quake3", {"baseq3/pak0.pk3"}, Q3CFG, {"baseq3", "*fteq3"}, "Quake III Arena"}, //the rest are not supported in any real way. maps-only mostly, if that // {"-quake4", "q4", "FTE-Quake4", {"q4base/pak00.pk4"}, NULL, {"q4base", "*fteq4"}, "Quake 4"}, // {"-et", NULL, "FTE-EnemyTerritory", {"etmain/pak0.pk3"}, NULL, {"etmain", "*fteet"}, "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory"}, // {"-jk2", "jk2", "FTE-JK2", {"base/assets0.pk3"}, NULL, {"base", "*ftejk2"}, "Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast"}, // {"-warsow", "warsow", "FTE-Warsow", {"basewsw/pak0.pk3"}, NULL, {"basewsw", "*ftewsw"}, "Warsow"}, #endif #if !defined(QUAKETC) && !defined(MINIMAL) // {"-doom", "doom", "FTE-Doom", {"doom.wad"}, NULL, {"*", "*ftedoom"},"Doom"}, // {"-doom2", "doom2", "FTE-Doom2", {"doom2.wad"}, NULL, {"*", "*ftedoom"},"Doom2"}, // {"-doom3", "doom3", "FTE-Doom3", {"doom3.wad"}, NULL, {"based3", "*ftedoom3"},"Doom3"}, //for the luls // {"-diablo2", NULL, "FTE-Diablo2", {"d2music.mpq"}, NULL, {"*", "*fted2"}, "Diablo 2"}, #endif #if defined(HLSERVER) || defined(HLCLIENT) //can run in windows, needs hl gamecode enabled. maps can always be viewed, but meh. {"-halflife", "halflife", "FTE-HalfLife", {"valve/liblist.gam"}, NULL, {"valve", "*ftehl"}, "Half-Life"}, #endif #endif {NULL} }; static void QDECL Q_strnlowercatz(char *d, const char *s, int n) { int c = strlen(d); d += c; n -= c; n -= 1; //for the null while (*s && n-- > 0) { if (*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'Z') *d = (*s-'A') + 'a'; else *d = *s; d++; s++; } *d = 0; } //pname must be of the form "gamedir/foo.pk3" //as a special exception, we allow "downloads/*.pk3 too" qboolean FS_GenCachedPakName(const char *pname, const char *crc, char *local, int llen) { const char *fn; char hex[16]; if (strstr(pname, "dlcache")) { *local = 0; return false; } if (!strncmp(pname, "downloads/", 10)) { *local = 0; Q_strnlowercatz(local, pname, llen); return true; } for (fn = pname; *fn; fn++) { if (*fn == '\\' || *fn == '/') { fn++; break; } } // fn = COM_SkipPath(pname); if (fn == pname || !*fn) { //only allow it if it has some game path first. *local = 0; return false; } Q_strncpyz(local, pname, min((fn - pname) + 1, llen)); Q_strncatz(local, "dlcache/", llen); Q_strnlowercatz(local, fn, llen); if (crc && *crc) { Q_strncatz(local, ".", llen); snprintf(hex, sizeof(hex), "%x", (unsigned int)strtoul(crc, NULL, 0)); Q_strncatz(local, hex, llen); } return true; } #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT #if 0 qboolean FS_LoadPackageFromFile(vfsfile_t *vfs, char *pname, char *localname, int *crc, unsigned int flags) { int i; char *ext = "zip";//(pname); searchpathfuncs_t *handle; searchpath_t *oldlist = NULL; searchpath_t *sp; com_fschanged = true; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(searchpathformats)/sizeof(searchpathformats[0]); i++) { if (!searchpathformats[i].extension || !searchpathformats[i].OpenNew) continue; if (!strcmp(ext, searchpathformats[i].extension)) { handle = searchpathformats[i].OpenNew (vfs, localname); if (!handle) { Con_Printf("file %s isn't a %s after all\n", pname, searchpathformats[i].extension); break; } if (crc) { int truecrc = handle->GeneratePureCRC(handle, 0, false); if (truecrc != *crc) { *crc = truecrc; handle->ClosePath(handle); return false; } } sp = FS_AddPathHandle(&oldlist, pname, localname, handle, flags, (unsigned int)-1); if (sp) { com_fschanged = true; return true; } } } VFS_CLOSE(vfs); return false; } #endif //'small' wrapper to open foo.zip/bar to read files within zips that are not part of the gamedir. //name needs to be null terminated. recursive. pass null for search. //name is restored to its original state after the call, only technically not const vfsfile_t *CL_OpenFileInPackage(searchpathfuncs_t *search, char *name) { int found; vfsfile_t *f; flocation_t loc; char e, *n; char ext[8]; char *end; int i; //keep chopping off the last part of the filename until we get an actual package //once we do, recurse into that package end = name + strlen(name); while (end > name) { e = *end; *end = 0; if (!e) { //always open the last file properly. loc.search = NULL; if (search) found = search->FindFile(search, &loc, name, NULL); else found = FS_FLocateFile(name, FSLF_IFFOUND, &loc); if (found) { f = (search?search:loc.search->handle)->OpenVFS(search?search:loc.search->handle, &loc, "rb"); if (f) return f; } } else { COM_FileExtension(name, ext, sizeof(ext)); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(searchpathformats)/sizeof(searchpathformats[0]); i++) { if (!searchpathformats[i].extension || !searchpathformats[i].OpenNew) continue; if (!strcmp(ext, searchpathformats[i].extension)) { loc.search = NULL; if (search) found = search->FindFile(search, &loc, name, NULL); else found = FS_FLocateFile(name, FSLF_IFFOUND, &loc); if (found) { f = (search?search:loc.search->handle)->OpenVFS(search?search:loc.search->handle, &loc, "rb"); if (f) { searchpathfuncs_t *newsearch = searchpathformats[i].OpenNew(f, search?search:loc.search->handle, name, name, ""); if (newsearch) { f = CL_OpenFileInPackage(newsearch, end+1); newsearch->ClosePath(newsearch); if (f) { *end = e; return f; } } else VFS_CLOSE(f); } break; } } } } n = COM_SkipPath(name); *end = e; end = n-1; } return NULL; } //some annoying struct+func to prefix the enumerated file name properly. struct CL_ListFilesInPackageCB_s { char *nameprefix; size_t nameprefixlen; int (QDECL *func)(const char *fname, qofs_t fsize, time_t mtime, void *parm, searchpathfuncs_t *spath); void *parm; searchpathfuncs_t *spath; }; static int QDECL CL_ListFilesInPackageCB(const char *fname, qofs_t fsize, time_t mtime, void *parm, searchpathfuncs_t *spath) { struct CL_ListFilesInPackageCB_s *cb = parm; char name[MAX_OSPATH]; if (cb->nameprefixlen) { memcpy(name, cb->nameprefix, cb->nameprefixlen-1); name[cb->nameprefixlen-1] = '/'; Q_strncpyz(name+cb->nameprefixlen, fname, sizeof(name)-(cb->nameprefixlen)); return cb->func(name, fsize, mtime, cb->parm, cb->spath); } else return cb->func(fname, fsize, mtime, cb->parm, cb->spath); } //'small' wrapper to list foo.zip/* to list files within zips that are not part of the gamedir. //same rules as CL_OpenFileInPackage, except that wildcards should only be in the final part qboolean CL_ListFilesInPackage(searchpathfuncs_t *search, char *name, int (QDECL *func)(const char *fname, qofs_t fsize, time_t mtime, void *parm, searchpathfuncs_t *spath), void *parm, void *recursioninfo) { int found; vfsfile_t *f; flocation_t loc; char e, *n; char ext[8]; char *end; int i; qboolean ret = false; struct CL_ListFilesInPackageCB_s cb; cb.nameprefix = recursioninfo?recursioninfo:name; cb.nameprefixlen = name-cb.nameprefix; cb.func = func; cb.parm = parm; //keep chopping off the last part of the filename until we get an actual package //once we do, recurse into that package end = name + strlen(name); while (end > name) { e = *end; *end = 0; COM_FileExtension(name, ext, sizeof(ext)); for (i = 0; i < countof(searchpathformats); i++) { if (!searchpathformats[i].extension || !searchpathformats[i].OpenNew) continue; if (!strcmp(ext, searchpathformats[i].extension)) { loc.search = NULL; if (search) found = search->FindFile(search, &loc, name, NULL); else found = FS_FLocateFile(name, FSLF_IFFOUND, &loc); if (found) { f = (search?search:loc.search->handle)->OpenVFS(search?search:loc.search->handle, &loc, "rb"); if (f) { searchpathfuncs_t *newsearch = searchpathformats[i].OpenNew(f, search?search:loc.search->handle, name, name, ""); if (newsearch) { ret = CL_ListFilesInPackage(newsearch, end+1, func, parm, cb.nameprefix); newsearch->ClosePath(newsearch); if (ret) { *end = e; return ret; } } else VFS_CLOSE(f); } } break; } } n = COM_SkipPath(name); *end = e; end = n-1; } //always open the last file properly. loc.search = NULL; if (search) ret = search->EnumerateFiles(search, name, CL_ListFilesInPackageCB, &cb); else { ret = true; if (ret) COM_EnumerateFiles(name, CL_ListFilesInPackageCB, &cb); } return ret; } void FS_PureMode(int puremode, char *purenamelist, char *purecrclist, char *refnamelist, char *refcrclist, int pureseed) { qboolean pureflush; #ifdef HAVE_SERVER //if we're the server, we can't be impure. if (sv.state) return; #endif if (puremode == fs_puremode && fs_pureseed == pureseed) { if ((!purenamelist && !fs_purenames) || !strcmp(fs_purenames?fs_purenames:"", purenamelist?purenamelist:"")) if ((!purecrclist && !fs_purecrcs) || !strcmp(fs_purecrcs?fs_purecrcs:"", purecrclist?purecrclist:"")) if ((!refnamelist && !fs_refnames) || !strcmp(fs_refnames?fs_refnames:"", refnamelist?refnamelist:"")) if ((!refcrclist && !fs_refcrcs) || !strcmp(fs_refcrcs?fs_refcrcs:"", refcrclist?refcrclist:"")) return; } Z_Free(fs_purenames); Z_Free(fs_purecrcs); Z_Free(fs_refnames); Z_Free(fs_refcrcs); pureflush = (fs_puremode != 2 && puremode == 2); fs_puremode = puremode; fs_purenames = purenamelist?Z_StrDup(purenamelist):NULL; fs_purecrcs = purecrclist?Z_StrDup(purecrclist):NULL; fs_pureseed = pureseed; fs_refnames = refnamelist?Z_StrDup(refnamelist):NULL; fs_refcrcs = refcrclist?Z_StrDup(refcrclist):NULL; FS_ChangeGame(fs_manifest, false, false); if (pureflush) { #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT Shader_NeedReload(true); #endif Mod_ClearAll(); Cache_Flush(); } } int FS_PureOkay(void) { qboolean ret = true; //returns true if all pure packages that we're meant to need could load. //if they couldn't then they won't override things, or the game will just be completely screwed due to having absolutely no game data if (fs_puremode == 1 && fs_purenames && *fs_purenames && fs_purecrcs && *fs_purecrcs) { char crctok[64]; char nametok[MAX_QPATH]; char nametok2[MAX_QPATH]; searchpath_t *sp = com_purepaths; char *names = fs_purenames, *pname; char *crcs = fs_purecrcs; int crc; qboolean required; while(names && crcs) { crcs = COM_ParseOut(crcs, crctok, sizeof(crctok)); names = COM_ParseOut(names, nametok, sizeof(nametok)); crc = strtoul(crctok, NULL, 0); if (!crc) continue; pname = nametok; if (fs_refnames && fs_refcrcs) { //q3 is annoying as hell int crc2; char *rc = fs_refcrcs; char *rn = fs_refnames; pname = ""; for (; rc && rn; ) { rc = COM_ParseOut(rc, crctok, sizeof(crctok)); rn = COM_ParseOut(rn, nametok2, sizeof(nametok2)); crc2 = strtoul(crctok, NULL, 0); if (crc2 == crc) { COM_DefaultExtension(nametok2, ".pk3", sizeof(nametok2)); pname = nametok2; break; } } } required = *pname == '*'; if (*pname == '*') // * means that its 'referenced' (read: actually useful) thus should be downloaded, which is not relevent here. { required = true; pname++; } else required = false; if (sp && sp->crc_check == crc) { sp = sp->nextpure; continue; } else if (!required) //if its not referenced, then its not needed, and we probably didn't bother to download it. this might be an issue with sv_pure 1, but that has its own issues. continue; else //if (!sp) { // if (!CL_CheckDLFile(va("package/%s", pname))) // if (CL_CheckOrEnqueDownloadFile(pname, va("%s.%i", pname, crc), DLLF_NONGAME)) // return -1; Con_Printf(CON_ERROR"Pure package %s:%08x missing.\n", pname, crc); ret = false; } } } return ret; } #endif #ifdef Q3CLIENT char *FSQ3_GenerateClientPacksList(char *buffer, int maxlen, int basechecksum) { //this is for q3 compatibility. flocation_t loc; int numpaks = 0; searchpath_t *sp; if (FS_FLocateFile("vm/cgame.qvm", FSLF_IFFOUND, &loc)) { Q_strncatz(buffer, va("%i ", loc.search->crc_reply), maxlen); basechecksum ^= loc.search->crc_reply; } else Q_strncatz(buffer, va("%i ", 0), maxlen); if (FS_FLocateFile("vm/ui.qvm", FSLF_IFFOUND, &loc)) { Q_strncatz(buffer, va("%i ", loc.search->crc_reply), maxlen); basechecksum ^= loc.search->crc_reply; } else Q_strncatz(buffer, va("%i ", 0), maxlen); Q_strncatz(buffer, "@ ", maxlen); for (sp = com_purepaths; sp; sp = sp->nextpure) { if (sp->crc_reply) { Q_strncatz(buffer, va("%i ", sp->crc_reply), maxlen); basechecksum ^= sp->crc_reply; numpaks++; } } basechecksum ^= numpaks; Q_strncatz(buffer, va("%i ", basechecksum), maxlen); return buffer; } #endif /* ================ FS_ReloadPackFiles ================ Called when the client has downloaded a new pak/pk3 file */ static void FS_ReloadPackFilesFlags(unsigned int reloadflags) { searchpath_t *oldpaths; searchpath_t *next; int i; int orderkey; char syspath[MAX_OSPATH]; COM_AssertMainThread("FS_ReloadPackFilesFlags"); COM_WorkerFullSync(); orderkey = 0; if (com_purepaths) for (next = com_purepaths; next; next = next->nextpure) next->orderkey = ++orderkey; if (fs_puremode < 2) for (next = com_purepaths; next; next = next->nextpure) next->orderkey = ++orderkey; oldpaths = com_searchpaths; com_searchpaths = NULL; com_purepaths = NULL; com_base_searchpaths = NULL; i = COM_CheckParm ("-basepack"); while (i && i < com_argc-1) { const char *pakname = com_argv[i+1]; searchpathfuncs_t *pak; vfsfile_t *vfs = VFSOS_Open(pakname, "rb"); pak = FS_OpenPackByExtension(vfs, NULL, pakname, pakname); if (pak) //logically should have SPF_EXPLICIT set, but that would give it a worse gamedir depth FS_AddPathHandle(&oldpaths, "", pakname, pak, "", SPF_COPYPROTECTED, reloadflags); i = COM_CheckNextParm ("-basepack", i); } #ifdef NQPROT standard_quake = true; #endif for (i = 0; i < sizeof(fs_manifest->gamepath) / sizeof(fs_manifest->gamepath[0]); i++) { char *dir = fs_manifest->gamepath[i].path; if (dir && fs_manifest->gamepath[i].base) { //don't allow leading dots, hidden files are evil. //don't allow complex paths. those are evil too. if (!*dir || *dir == '.' || !strcmp(dir, ".") || strstr(dir, "..") || strstr(dir, "/") || strstr(dir, "\\") || strstr(dir, ":") ) { Con_Printf ("Gamedir should be a single filename, not \"%s\"\n", dir); continue; } //some gamedirs should never be used... if (!Q_strncasecmp(dir, "downloads", 9) || !Q_strncasecmp(dir, "docs", 4) || !Q_strncasecmp(dir, "help", 4)) { Con_Printf ("Gamedir should not be \"%s\"\n", dir); continue; } #ifdef NQPROT //vanilla NQ uses a slightly different protocol when started with -rogue or -hipnotic (and by extension -quoth). //QW+FTE protocols don't care so we can get away with being a little loose here if (!strcmp(dir, "rogue") || !strcmp(dir, "hipnotic") || !strcmp(dir, "quoth")) standard_quake = false; #endif //paths equal to '*' actually result in loading packages without an actual gamedir. note that this does not imply that we can write anything. if (!strcmp(dir, "*")) { searchpathfuncs_t *handle = VFSOS_OpenPath(NULL, NULL, com_gamepath, com_gamepath, ""); searchpath_t *search = (searchpath_t*)Z_Malloc (sizeof(searchpath_t)); search->flags = 0; search->handle = handle; Q_strncpyz(search->purepath, "", sizeof(search->purepath)); Q_strncpyz(search->logicalpath, com_gamepath, sizeof(search->logicalpath)); FS_AddDataFiles(&oldpaths, search->purepath, search->logicalpath, search, SPF_EXPLICIT, reloadflags); handle->ClosePath(handle); Z_Free(search); } else if (*dir == '*') { //paths with a leading * are private, and not announced to clients that ask what the current gamedir is. Q_snprintfz(syspath, sizeof(syspath), "%s%s", com_gamepath, dir+1); FS_AddGameDirectory(&oldpaths, dir+1, syspath, reloadflags, SPF_EXPLICIT|SPF_PRIVATE|(com_homepathenabled?0:SPF_WRITABLE)); if (com_homepathenabled) { Q_snprintfz(syspath, sizeof(syspath), "%s%s", com_homepath, dir+1); FS_AddGameDirectory(&oldpaths, dir+1, syspath, reloadflags, SPF_EXPLICIT|SPF_PRIVATE|SPF_WRITABLE); } } else { Q_snprintfz(syspath, sizeof(syspath), "%s%s", com_gamepath, dir); FS_AddGameDirectory(&oldpaths, dir, syspath, reloadflags, SPF_EXPLICIT|(com_homepathenabled?0:SPF_WRITABLE)); if (com_homepathenabled) { Q_snprintfz(syspath, sizeof(syspath), "%s%s", com_homepath, dir); FS_AddGameDirectory(&oldpaths, dir, syspath, reloadflags, SPF_EXPLICIT|SPF_WRITABLE); } } } } //now mark the depth values if (com_searchpaths) for (next = com_searchpaths->next; next; next = next->next) next->flags |= SPF_BASEPATH; com_base_searchpaths = com_searchpaths; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(fs_manifest->gamepath) / sizeof(fs_manifest->gamepath[0]); i++) { char *dir = fs_manifest->gamepath[i].path; if (dir && !fs_manifest->gamepath[i].base) { //don't allow leading dots, hidden files are evil. //don't allow complex paths. those are evil too. if (!*dir || *dir == '.' || !strcmp(dir, ".") || strstr(dir, "..") || strstr(dir, "/") || strstr(dir, "\\") || strstr(dir, ":") ) { Con_Printf ("Gamedir should be a single filename, not a path\n"); continue; } if (*dir == '*') { } else { FS_AddGameDirectory(&oldpaths, dir, va("%s%s", com_gamepath, dir), reloadflags, SPF_EXPLICIT|(com_homepathenabled?0:SPF_WRITABLE)); if (com_homepathenabled) FS_AddGameDirectory(&oldpaths, dir, va("%s%s", com_homepath, dir), reloadflags, SPF_EXPLICIT|SPF_WRITABLE); } } } FS_AddDownloadManifestPackages(&oldpaths, reloadflags); /*sv_pure: Reload pure paths*/ if (fs_purenames && fs_purecrcs) { char crctok[64]; char nametok[MAX_QPATH]; char nametok2[MAX_QPATH]; searchpath_t *sp, *lastpure = NULL; char *names = fs_purenames, *pname; char *crcs = fs_purecrcs; int crc; for (sp = com_searchpaths; sp; sp = sp->next) { if (sp->handle->GeneratePureCRC) { sp->nextpure = (void*)0x1; sp->crc_check = sp->handle->GeneratePureCRC(sp->handle, fs_pureseed, 0); sp->crc_reply = sp->handle->GeneratePureCRC(sp->handle, fs_pureseed, 1); } else { sp->nextpure = NULL; sp->crc_check = 0; sp->crc_reply = 0; } } while(names && crcs) { crcs = COM_ParseOut(crcs, crctok, sizeof(crctok)); names = COM_ParseOut(names, nametok, sizeof(nametok)); crc = strtoul(crctok, NULL, 0); if (!*crctok) continue; if (!strcmp(crctok, "-")) *crctok = 0; pname = nametok; if (fs_refnames && fs_refcrcs) { //q3 is annoying as hell int crc2; char *rc = fs_refcrcs; char *rn = fs_refnames; pname = ""; for (; rc && rn; ) { rc = COM_ParseOut(rc, crctok, sizeof(crctok)); rn = COM_ParseOut(rn, nametok2, sizeof(nametok2)); crc2 = strtoul(crctok, NULL, 0); if (crc2 == crc) { COM_DefaultExtension(nametok2, ".pk3", sizeof(nametok2)); pname = nametok2; break; } } } if (*pname == '*') // * means that its 'referenced' (read: actually useful) thus should be downloaded, which is not relevent here. pname++; for (sp = com_searchpaths; sp; sp = sp->next) { if (sp->nextpure == (void*)0x1) //don't add twice. if ((*crctok && sp->crc_check == crc) || (!*crctok && !strcmp(COM_SkipPath(sp->purepath), COM_SkipPath(pname)))) { if (fs_puremode) { if (lastpure) lastpure->nextpure = sp; else com_purepaths = sp; sp->nextpure = NULL; lastpure = sp; } break; } } if (!fs_puremode && !sp) { //if we're not pure, we don't care if the version differs. don't load the server's version. //this works around 1.01 vs 1.06 issues. for (sp = com_searchpaths; sp; sp = sp->next) { if (!Q_strcasecmp(pname, sp->purepath)) break; } } //if its not already loaded (via wildcards), load it from the download cache, if we can if (!sp && *pname) { char local[MAX_OSPATH]; vfsfile_t *vfs; char ext[8]; void *handle; int i; COM_FileExtension(pname, ext, sizeof(ext)); if (FS_GenCachedPakName(pname, crctok, local, sizeof(local))) { unsigned int keptflags; handle = FS_GetOldPath(&oldpaths, local, &keptflags); if (handle) { sp = FS_AddPathHandle(&oldpaths, pname, local, handle, "", SPF_COPYPROTECTED|SPF_UNTRUSTED|SPF_TEMPORARY|keptflags, (unsigned int)-1); if (!sp) continue; //some kind of error... if (sp->handle->GeneratePureCRC) { sp->crc_check = sp->handle->GeneratePureCRC(sp->handle, fs_pureseed, 0); sp->crc_reply = sp->handle->GeneratePureCRC(sp->handle, fs_pureseed, 1); } if ((*crctok && sp->crc_check == crc) || !*crctok) { if (fs_puremode) { if (lastpure) lastpure->nextpure = sp; else com_purepaths = sp; sp->nextpure = NULL; lastpure = sp; } } //else crc mismatched... continue; } vfs = FS_OpenVFS(local, "rb", FS_ROOT); } else vfs = NULL; if (vfs) { for (i = 0; i < sizeof(searchpathformats)/sizeof(searchpathformats[0]); i++) { if (!searchpathformats[i].extension || !searchpathformats[i].OpenNew) continue; if (!strcmp(ext, searchpathformats[i].extension)) { handle = searchpathformats[i].OpenNew (vfs, NULL, local, local, ""); if (!handle) break; sp = FS_AddPathHandle(&oldpaths, pname, local, handle, "", SPF_COPYPROTECTED|SPF_UNTRUSTED|SPF_TEMPORARY, (unsigned int)-1); if (sp->handle->GeneratePureCRC) { sp->crc_check = sp->handle->GeneratePureCRC(sp->handle, fs_pureseed, 0); sp->crc_reply = sp->handle->GeneratePureCRC(sp->handle, fs_pureseed, 1); } if ((*crctok && sp->crc_check == crc) || !*crctok) { if (fs_puremode) { if (lastpure) lastpure->nextpure = sp; else com_purepaths = sp; sp->nextpure = NULL; lastpure = sp; } } break; } } } if (!sp) Con_DPrintf("Pure package %s:%08x wasn't found\n", pname, crc); } } } while(oldpaths) { next = oldpaths->next; Con_DPrintf("%s is no longer needed\n", oldpaths->logicalpath); oldpaths->handle->ClosePath(oldpaths->handle); Z_Free(oldpaths); oldpaths = next; } i = orderkey; orderkey = 0; next = NULL; if (com_purepaths) for (next = com_purepaths; next; next = next->nextpure) if (next->orderkey != ++orderkey) break; if (!next && fs_puremode < 2) for (next = com_purepaths; next; next = next->nextpure) if (next->orderkey != ++orderkey) break; if (next || i != orderkey)//some path changed. make sure the fs cache is flushed. FS_FlushFSHashReally(false); #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT Shader_NeedReload(true); #endif // Mod_ClearAll(); // Cache_Flush(); } void FS_UnloadPackFiles(void) { if (Sys_LockMutex(fs_thread_mutex)) { FS_ReloadPackFilesFlags(0); Sys_UnlockMutex(fs_thread_mutex); } } void FS_ReloadPackFiles(void) { //extra junk is to ensure the palette is reloaded if that changed. flocation_t paletteloc = {NULL}; flocation_t paletteloc2 = {NULL}; FS_FLocateFile("gfx/palette.lmp", 0, &paletteloc); if (Sys_LockMutex(fs_thread_mutex)) { FS_ReloadPackFilesFlags(~0); Sys_UnlockMutex(fs_thread_mutex); } FS_FLocateFile("gfx/palette.lmp", 0, &paletteloc2); if (paletteloc.search != paletteloc2.search) Cbuf_AddText("vid_reload\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); } static void FS_ReloadPackFiles_f(void) { if (Sys_LockMutex(fs_thread_mutex)) { if (*Cmd_Argv(1)) FS_ReloadPackFilesFlags(atoi(Cmd_Argv(1))); else FS_ReloadPackFilesFlags(~0); Sys_UnlockMutex(fs_thread_mutex); } if (host_initialized) FS_BeginManifestUpdates(); } #ifdef NOSTDIO qboolean Sys_DoDirectoryPrompt(char *basepath, size_t basepathsize, const char *poshname, const char *savedname) { return false; } qboolean Sys_FindGameData(const char *poshname, const char *gamename, char *basepath, int basepathlen, qboolean allowprompts) { return false; } #elif defined(_WIN32) && !defined(FTE_SDL) && !defined(WINRT) && !defined(_XBOX) #include "winquake.h" #ifdef MINGW #define byte BYTE //some versions of mingw headers are broken slightly. this lets it compile. #endif static qboolean Sys_SteamHasFile(char *basepath, int basepathlen, char *steamdir, char *fname) { /* Find where Valve's Steam distribution platform is installed. Then take a look at that location for the relevent installed app. */ FILE *f; DWORD resultlen; HKEY key = NULL; if (RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"SOFTWARE\\Valve\\Steam", 0, STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ|KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &key) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { wchar_t suckysucksuck[MAX_OSPATH]; resultlen = sizeof(suckysucksuck); RegQueryValueExW(key, L"SteamPath", NULL, NULL, (void*)suckysucksuck, &resultlen); RegCloseKey(key); narrowen(basepath, basepathlen, suckysucksuck); Q_strncatz(basepath, va("/SteamApps/common/%s", steamdir), basepathlen); if ((f = fopen(va("%s/%s", basepath, fname), "rb"))) { fclose(f); return true; } } return false; } #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT static INT CALLBACK StupidBrowseCallbackProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LPARAM lp, LPARAM pData) { //'stolen' from microsoft's knowledge base. //required to work around microsoft being annoying. wchar_t szDir[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t *foo; switch(uMsg) { case BFFM_INITIALIZED: if (GetCurrentDirectoryW(sizeof(szDir)/sizeof(TCHAR), szDir)) { // foo = strrchr(szDir, '\\'); // if (foo) // *foo = 0; // foo = strrchr(szDir, '\\'); // if (foo) // *foo = 0; SendMessageW(hwnd, BFFM_SETSELECTION, TRUE, (LPARAM)szDir); } break; case BFFM_VALIDATEFAILEDW: break; //FIXME: validate that the gamedir contains what its meant to case BFFM_SELCHANGED: if (SHGetPathFromIDListW((LPITEMIDLIST) lp, szDir)) { wchar_t statustxt[MAX_OSPATH]; while((foo = wcschr(szDir, '\\'))) *foo = '/'; if (pData) _snwprintf(statustxt, countof(statustxt), L"%s/%s", szDir, pData); else _snwprintf(statustxt, countof(statustxt), L"%s", szDir); statustxt[countof(statustxt)-1] = 0; //ms really suck. SendMessageW(hwnd,BFFM_SETSTATUSTEXT,0,(LPARAM)statustxt); } break; } return 0; } int MessageBoxU(HWND hWnd, char *lpText, char *lpCaption, UINT uType); #endif qboolean Sys_DoDirectoryPrompt(char *basepath, size_t basepathsize, const char *poshname, const char *savedname) { #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT wchar_t resultpath[MAX_OSPATH]; wchar_t title[MAX_OSPATH]; BROWSEINFOW bi; LPITEMIDLIST il; memset(&bi, 0, sizeof(bi)); bi.hwndOwner = mainwindow; //note that this is usually still null bi.pidlRoot = NULL; GetCurrentDirectoryW(sizeof(resultpath)-1, resultpath); bi.pszDisplayName = resultpath; widen(resultpath, sizeof(resultpath), poshname); _snwprintf(title, countof(title), L"Please locate your existing %s installation", resultpath); //force mouse to deactivate, so that we can actually see it. INS_UpdateGrabs(false, false); bi.lpszTitle = title; bi.ulFlags = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS|BIF_STATUSTEXT; bi.lpfn = StupidBrowseCallbackProc; bi.lParam = 0;//(LPARAM)poshname; bi.iImage = 0; il = SHBrowseForFolderW(&bi); if (il) { SHGetPathFromIDListW(il, resultpath); CoTaskMemFree(il); narrowen(basepath, basepathsize, resultpath); if (savedname) { if (MessageBoxU(mainwindow, va("Would you like to save the location of %s as:\n%s", poshname, basepath), "Save Instaltion path", MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2) == IDYES) MyRegSetValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "SOFTWARE\\" FULLENGINENAME "\\GamePaths", savedname, REG_SZ, basepath, strlen(basepath)); } return true; } #endif return false; } DWORD GetFileAttributesU(const char * lpFileName) { wchar_t wide[MAX_OSPATH]; widen(wide, sizeof(wide), lpFileName); return GetFileAttributesW(wide); } qboolean Sys_FindGameData(const char *poshname, const char *gamename, char *basepath, int basepathlen, qboolean allowprompts) { #ifndef INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES #define INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES ((DWORD)-1) #endif //first, try and find it in our game paths location if (MyRegGetStringValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "SOFTWARE\\" FULLENGINENAME "\\GamePaths", gamename, basepath, basepathlen)) { if (GetFileAttributesU(basepath) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) return true; } if (!strcmp(gamename, "quake")) { char *prefix[] = { "c:/quake/", //quite a lot of people have it in c:\quake, as that's the default install location from the quake cd. "c:/games/quake/", //personally I use this "c:/nquake/", //nquake seems to have moved out of programfiles now. woo. #ifdef _WIN64 //quite a few people have nquake installed. FIXME: we need to an api function to read the directory for non-english-windows users. va("%s/nQuake/", getenv("%ProgramFiles(x86)%")), //64bit builds should look in both places va("%s/nQuake/", getenv("%ProgramFiles%")), // #else va("%s/nQuake/", getenv("%ProgramFiles%")), //32bit builds will get the x86 version anyway. #endif NULL }; int i; //try and find it via steam //reads HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Valve\Steam\InstallPath //append SteamApps\common\quake //use it if we find winquake.exe there if (Sys_SteamHasFile(basepath, basepathlen, "quake", "Winquake.exe")) return true; //well, okay, so they don't have quake installed from steam. //check various 'unadvertised' paths for (i = 0; prefix[i]; i++) { char syspath[MAX_OSPATH]; Q_snprintfz(syspath, sizeof(syspath), "%sid1/pak0.pak", prefix[i]); if (GetFileAttributesU(syspath) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { Q_strncpyz(basepath, prefix[i], basepathlen); return true; } Q_snprintfz(syspath, sizeof(syspath), "%squake.exe", prefix[i]); if (GetFileAttributesU(syspath) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { Q_strncpyz(basepath, prefix[i], basepathlen); return true; } } } if (!strcmp(gamename, "quake2")) { //look for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Quake2_exe\Path if (MyRegGetStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\Quake2_exe", "Path", basepath, basepathlen)) { if (GetFileAttributesU(va("%s/quake2.exe", basepath)) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) return true; } if (Sys_SteamHasFile(basepath, basepathlen, "quake 2", "quake2.exe")) return true; } if (!strcmp(gamename, "et")) { //reads HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Activision\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory if (MyRegGetStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Activision\\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory", "InstallPath", basepath, basepathlen)) { // if (GetFileAttributesU(va("%s/ET.exe", basepath) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) // return true; return true; } } if (!strcmp(gamename, "quake3")) { //reads HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\id\Quake III Arena\InstallPath if (MyRegGetStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\id\\Quake III Arena", "InstallPath", basepath, basepathlen)) { if (GetFileAttributesU(va("%s/quake3.exe", basepath)) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) return true; } if (Sys_SteamHasFile(basepath, basepathlen, "quake 3 arena", "quake3.exe")) return true; } if (!strcmp(gamename, "wop")) { if (MyRegGetStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\World Of Padman", "Path", basepath, basepathlen)) return true; } /* if (!strcmp(gamename, "d3")) { //reads HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\id\Doom 3\InstallPath if (MyRegGetStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\id\\Doom 3", "InstallPath", basepath, basepathlen)) return true; } */ if (!strcmp(gamename, "hexen2") || !strcmp(gamename, "h2mp")) { //append SteamApps\common\hexen 2 if (Sys_SteamHasFile(basepath, basepathlen, "hexen 2", "glh2.exe")) return true; } #if !defined(NPFTE) && defined(HAVE_CLIENT) //this is *really* unfortunate, but doing this crashes the browser if (allowprompts && poshname && *gamename && !COM_CheckParm("-manifest")) { if (Sys_DoDirectoryPrompt(basepath, basepathlen, poshname, gamename)) return true; } #endif return false; } #else #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__unix__) || defined(__apple__) #include static qboolean Sys_SteamHasFile(char *basepath, int basepathlen, char *steamdir, char *fname) { /* Find where Valve's Steam distribution platform is installed. Then take a look at that location for the relevent installed app. */ FILE *f; char *ev = getenv("HOME"); if (ev && *ev) { Q_snprintfz(basepath, basepathlen, "%s/.steam/steam/SteamApps/common/%s", ev, steamdir); if ((f = fopen(va("%s/%s", basepath, fname), "rb"))) { fclose(f); return true; } Q_snprintfz(basepath, basepathlen, "%s/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/%s", ev, steamdir); if ((f = fopen(va("%s/%s", basepath, fname), "rb"))) { fclose(f); return true; } } return false; } #else static qboolean Sys_SteamHasFile(char *basepath, int basepathlen, char *steamdir, char *fname) { //this system probably has no steam installs... return false; } #endif qboolean Sys_DoDirectoryPrompt(char *basepath, size_t basepathsize, const char *poshname, const char *savedname) { return false; } //#define Sys_DoDirectoryPrompt(bp,bps,game,savename) false qboolean Sys_FindGameData(const char *poshname, const char *gamename, char *basepath, int basepathlen, qboolean allowprompts) { #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__unix__) || defined(__apple__) struct stat sb; char *s; if (!*gamename) gamename = "quake"; //just a paranoia fallback, shouldn't be needed. if (!strcmp(gamename, "quake")) { if (Sys_SteamHasFile(basepath, basepathlen, "quake", "id1/pak0.pak")) return true; if (stat("/usr/share/quake/", &sb) == 0) { if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) { Q_strncpyz(basepath, "/usr/share/quake/", basepathlen); return true; } } } else if (!strcmp(gamename, "quake2")) { if (Sys_SteamHasFile(basepath, basepathlen, "quake 2", "baseq2/pak0.pak")) return true; } else if (!strcmp(gamename, "hexen2") || !strcmp(gamename, "h2mp") || !strcmp(gamename, "portals")) { if (Sys_SteamHasFile(basepath, basepathlen, "hexen 2", "data/pak0.pak")) return true; gamename = "hexen2"; } s = va("/usr/share/games/%s/", gamename); if (stat(s, &sb) == 0) { if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) { Q_strncpyz(basepath, s, basepathlen); return true; } } s = va("/usr/share/games/%s-demo/", gamename); if (stat(s, &sb) == 0) { if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) { Q_strncpyz(basepath, s, basepathlen); return true; } } #if !defined(NPFTE) && defined(HAVE_CLIENT) //this is *really* unfortunate, but doing this crashes the browser if (allowprompts && poshname && *gamename && !COM_CheckParm("-manifest")) { if (Sys_DoDirectoryPrompt(basepath, basepathlen, poshname, gamename)) return true; } #endif #endif return false; } #endif static void FS_FreePaths(void) { searchpath_t *next; FS_FlushFSHashReally(true); // // free up any current game dir info // while (com_searchpaths) { com_searchpaths->handle->ClosePath(com_searchpaths->handle); next = com_searchpaths->next; Z_Free (com_searchpaths); com_searchpaths = next; } com_fschanged = true; if (filesystemhash.numbuckets) { BZ_Free(filesystemhash.bucket); filesystemhash.bucket = NULL; filesystemhash.numbuckets = 0; } FS_Manifest_Free(fs_manifest); fs_manifest = NULL; } void FS_Shutdown(void) { if (!fs_thread_mutex) return; #ifdef PACKAGEMANAGER PM_ManifestPackage(NULL, false); #endif FS_FreePaths(); Sys_DestroyMutex(fs_thread_mutex); fs_thread_mutex = NULL; Cvar_SetEngineDefault(&fs_gamename, NULL); Cvar_SetEngineDefault(&pm_downloads_url, NULL); Cvar_SetEngineDefault(&com_protocolname, NULL); } //returns false if the directory is not suitable. //returns true if it contains a known package. if we don't actually know of any packages that it should have, we just have to assume that its okay. static qboolean FS_DirHasAPackage(char *basedir, ftemanifest_t *man) { qboolean defaultret = true; int j; vfsfile_t *f; f = VFSOS_Open(va("%sdefault.fmf", basedir), "rb"); if (f) { VFS_CLOSE(f); return true; } for (j = 0; j < sizeof(fs_manifest->package) / sizeof(fs_manifest->package[0]); j++) { if (!man->package[j].path) continue; defaultret = false; f = VFSOS_Open(va("%s%s", basedir, man->package[j].path), "rb"); if (f) { VFS_CLOSE(f); return true; } } return defaultret; } //false stops the search (and returns that value to FS_DirHasGame) int QDECL FS_DirDoesHaveGame(const char *fname, qofs_t fsize, time_t modtime, void *ctx, searchpathfuncs_t *subdir) { return false; } //just check each possible file, see if one is there. static qboolean FS_DirHasGame(const char *basedir, int gameidx) { int j; //none listed, just assume its correct. if (!gamemode_info[gameidx].auniquefile[0]) return true; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (!gamemode_info[gameidx].auniquefile[j]) continue; //no more if (!Sys_EnumerateFiles(basedir, gamemode_info[gameidx].auniquefile[j], FS_DirDoesHaveGame, NULL, NULL)) return true; //search was cancelled by the callback, so it actually got called. } return false; } //check em all static int FS_IdentifyDefaultGameFromDir(const char *basedir) { int i; for (i = 0; gamemode_info[i].argname; i++) { if (FS_DirHasGame(basedir, i)) return i; } return -1; } //attempt to work out which game we're meant to be trying to run based upon a few things //1: fs_changegame console command override. fixme: needs to cope with manifests too. //2: -quake3 (etc) argument implies that the user wants to run quake3. //3: otherwise if we are ftequake3.exe then we try to run quake3. //4: identify characteristic files within the working directory (like id1/pak0.pak implies we're running quake) //5: check where the exe actually is instead of simply where we're being run from. //6: try the homedir, just in case. //7: fallback to prompting. just returns -1 here. //if autobasedir is not set, block gamedir changes/prompts. static int FS_IdentifyDefaultGame(char *newbase, int sizeof_newbase, qboolean fixedbase) { int i; int gamenum = -1; //use the game based on an exe name over the filesystem one (could easily have multiple fs path matches). if (gamenum == -1) { char *ev, *v0 = COM_SkipPath(com_argv[0]); for (i = 0; gamemode_info[i].argname; i++) { if (!gamemode_info[i].exename) continue; ev = strstr(v0, gamemode_info[i].exename); if (ev && (!strchr(ev, '\\') && !strchr(ev, '/'))) gamenum = i; } } //identify the game from a telling file in the working directory if (gamenum == -1) gamenum = FS_IdentifyDefaultGameFromDir(newbase); //identify the game from a telling file relative to the exe's directory. for when shortcuts don't set the working dir sensibly. if (gamenum == -1 && host_parms.binarydir && *host_parms.binarydir && !fixedbase) { gamenum = FS_IdentifyDefaultGameFromDir(host_parms.binarydir); if (gamenum != -1) Q_strncpyz(newbase, host_parms.binarydir, sizeof_newbase); } if (gamenum == -1 && *com_homepath && !fixedbase) { gamenum = FS_IdentifyDefaultGameFromDir(com_homepath); if (gamenum != -1) Q_strncpyz(newbase, com_homepath, sizeof_newbase); } return gamenum; } //allowed to modify newbasedir if fixedbasedir isn't set static ftemanifest_t *FS_GenerateLegacyManifest(char *newbasedir, int sizeof_newbasedir, qboolean fixedbasedir, int game) { ftemanifest_t *man; if (gamemode_info[game].manifestfile) man = FS_Manifest_Parse(NULL, gamemode_info[game].manifestfile); else { man = FS_Manifest_Create(NULL); if (gamemode_info[game].customexec && !strncmp(gamemode_info[game].customexec, "//-nohome\n", 10)) { Cmd_TokenizeString("disablehomedir 1", false, false); FS_Manifest_ParseTokens(man); } Cmd_TokenizeString(va("game \"%s\"", gamemode_info[game].argname+1), false, false); FS_Manifest_ParseTokens(man); if (gamemode_info[game].poshname) { Cmd_TokenizeString(va("name \"%s\"", gamemode_info[game].poshname), false, false); FS_Manifest_ParseTokens(man); } } man->security = MANIFEST_SECURITY_INSTALLER; return man; } static void FS_AppendManifestGameArguments(ftemanifest_t *man) { int i; if (!man) return; i = COM_CheckParm ("-basegame"); if (i) { do { Cmd_TokenizeString(va("basegame \"%s\"", com_argv[i+1]), false, false); FS_Manifest_ParseTokens(man); i = COM_CheckNextParm ("-basegame", i); } while (i && i < com_argc-1); } i = COM_CheckParm ("-game"); if (i) { do { Cmd_TokenizeString(va("gamedir \"%s\"", com_argv[i+1]), false, false); FS_Manifest_ParseTokens(man); i = COM_CheckNextParm ("-game", i); } while (i && i < com_argc-1); } i = COM_CheckParm ("+gamedir"); if (i) { do { Cmd_TokenizeString(va("gamedir \"%s\"", com_argv[i+1]), false, false); FS_Manifest_ParseTokens(man); i = COM_CheckNextParm ("+gamedir", i); } while (i && i < com_argc-1); } } #ifdef MANIFESTDOWNLOADS static char *FS_RelativeURL(char *base, char *file, char *buffer, int bufferlen) { //fixme: cope with windows paths qboolean baseisurl = base?!!strchr(base, ':'):false; qboolean fileisurl = !!strchr(file, ':'); //qboolean baseisabsolute = (*base == '/' || *base == '\\'); qboolean fileisabsolute = (*file == '/' || *file == '\\'); char *ebase; if (fileisurl || !base) return file; if (fileisabsolute) { if (baseisurl) { ebase = strchr(base, ':'); ebase++; while(*ebase == '/') ebase++; while(*ebase && *ebase != '/') ebase++; } else ebase = base; } else ebase = COM_SkipPath(base); memcpy(buffer, base, ebase-base); strcpy(buffer+(ebase-base), file); return buffer; } static struct dl_download *curpackagedownload; static enum manifestdeptype_e fspdl_type; static enum { X_DLONLY, //simple pk3 file X_COPY, //we copy it from an existing install (ie: special install path for total conversion) X_MULTIUNZIP, //zip with multiple files that need extracting X_UNZIP, //pull a single file from a zip X_GZ, //dlonly+ungzip X_XZ //dlonly+unxzip } fspdl_extracttype; static char fspdl_internalname[MAX_QPATH]; static char fspdl_temppath[MAX_OSPATH]; static char fspdl_finalpath[MAX_OSPATH]; static void FS_BeginNextPackageDownload(void); qboolean FS_DownloadingPackage(void) { if (PM_IsApplying(false)) return true; return !fs_manifest || !!curpackagedownload; } //vfsfile_t *FS_DecompressXZip(vfsfile_t *infile, vfsfile_t *outfile); static void FS_ExtractPackage(searchpathfuncs_t *archive, flocation_t *loc, const char *origname, const char *finalname) { vfsfile_t *in = archive->OpenVFS(archive, loc, "rb"); if (in) { vfsfile_t *out = VFSOS_Open(finalname, "wb"); qofs_t remaining = VFS_GETLEN(in); size_t count; if (out) { char buf[65536]; while (remaining) { if (remaining < sizeof(buf)) count = remaining; else count = sizeof(buf); VFS_READ(in, buf, count); VFS_WRITE(out, buf, count); remaining -= count; } VFS_CLOSE(out); } else Con_Printf("Unable to write %s\n", finalname); VFS_CLOSE(in); } else Con_Printf("Unable to read %s\n", origname); } static int QDECL FS_ExtractAllPackages(const char *fname, qofs_t fsize, time_t mtime, void *parm, searchpathfuncs_t *spath) { //okay, this package naming thing is getting stupid. flocation_t loc; int status = FF_NOTFOUND; status = spath->FindFile(spath, &loc, fname, NULL); //FIXME: symlinks? if (status == FF_FOUND) FS_ExtractPackage(spath, &loc, fname, va("%s%s", (const char*)parm, fname)); return 1; } static void FS_PackagePrompt(char *finalpath, char *filename, char *game) { static char existingbase[MAX_OSPATH]; static char prevgame[64]; vfsfile_t *in = NULL; const char *posh = NULL; int i; if (game) { for (i = 0; i < sizeof(gamemode_info) / sizeof(gamemode_info[0]); i++) { if (!Q_strcasecmp(gamemode_info[i].poshname, gamemode_info[i].argname+1)) { posh = gamemode_info[i].poshname; break; } } if (*existingbase && !strcmp(prevgame, game)) { in = VFSOS_Open(va("%s/%s", existingbase, filename), "rb"); if (!in) in = VFSOS_Open(va("%s/%s", existingbase, COM_SkipPath(filename)), "rb"); } Q_strncpyz(prevgame, game, sizeof(prevgame)); if (!posh) posh = game; else if (!in && Sys_FindGameData(NULL, game, existingbase, sizeof(existingbase), false)) { in = VFSOS_Open(va("%s/%s", existingbase, filename), "rb"); if (!in) in = VFSOS_Open(va("%s/%s", existingbase, COM_SkipPath(filename)), "rb"); } } while(!in && Sys_DoDirectoryPrompt(existingbase, sizeof(existingbase), posh, NULL)) { in = VFSOS_Open(va("%s/%s", existingbase, filename), "rb"); if (!in) in = VFSOS_Open(va("%s/%s", existingbase, COM_SkipPath(filename)), "rb"); } if (in) { vfsfile_t *out = VFSOS_Open(finalpath, "wb"); qofs_t remaining = VFS_GETLEN(in); size_t count; if (out) { char buf[65536]; while (remaining) { if (remaining < sizeof(buf)) count = remaining; else count = sizeof(buf); VFS_READ(in, buf, count); VFS_WRITE(out, buf, count); remaining -= count; } VFS_CLOSE(out); } else Con_Printf("Unable to write %s\n", finalpath); VFS_CLOSE(in); } else Con_Printf("Unable to read %s%s\n", existingbase, filename); } static void FS_PackageDownloaded(struct dl_download *dl) { curpackagedownload = NULL; if (dl->file) { VFS_CLOSE(dl->file); dl->file = NULL; } if (dl->status == DL_FAILED) Con_Printf("download for %s:%s failed\n", fspdl_finalpath, fspdl_internalname); if (dl->status == DL_FINISHED) { //rename the file as needed. COM_CreatePath(fspdl_finalpath); if (fspdl_extracttype == X_UNZIP || fspdl_extracttype == X_MULTIUNZIP) //if zip... { //archive #ifdef PACKAGE_PK3 searchpathfuncs_t *archive = FSZIP_LoadArchive(VFSOS_Open(fspdl_temppath, "rb"), NULL, dl->url, dl->url, ""); #else searchpathfuncs_t *archive = NULL; #endif if (archive) { flocation_t loc; if (fspdl_extracttype == X_MULTIUNZIP) { char *f = fspdl_internalname; char *e; for (f = fspdl_internalname; *f; f = e) { e = strchr(f, ':'); if (e) *e++ = 0; else e = f + strlen(f); if (strchr(f, '*')) archive->EnumerateFiles(archive, f, FS_ExtractAllPackages, fspdl_finalpath); else { int status = archive->FindFile(archive, &loc, f, NULL); if (status == FF_FOUND) FS_ExtractPackage(archive, &loc, f, va("%s%s", fspdl_finalpath, f)); } } } else { flocation_t loc; int status = FF_NOTFOUND; //FIXME: loop through all other packages to extract all of them as appropriate if (status == FF_NOTFOUND) status = archive->FindFile(archive, &loc, fspdl_internalname, NULL); if (status == FF_NOTFOUND) status = archive->FindFile(archive, &loc, COM_SkipPath(fspdl_internalname), NULL); if (status == FF_FOUND) FS_ExtractPackage(archive, &loc, fspdl_internalname, fspdl_finalpath); else { Con_Printf("Unable to find %s in %s\n", fspdl_internalname, fspdl_temppath); } } archive->ClosePath(archive); } } else { //direct file if (!Sys_Rename(fspdl_temppath, fspdl_finalpath)) { Con_Printf("Unable to rename \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n", fspdl_temppath, fspdl_finalpath); } // else // PM_AddDownloadedPackage(fspdl_finalpath); } } Sys_remove (fspdl_temppath); fs_restarts++; FS_ChangeGame(fs_manifest, true, false); FS_BeginNextPackageDownload(); } static qboolean FS_BeginPackageDownload(struct manpack_s *pack, char *baseurl, qboolean allownoncache) { char *crcstr = ""; vfsfile_t *check; vfsfile_t *tmpf; char buffer[MAX_OSPATH], *url; qboolean multiex = false; //check this package's conditional if (pack->condition) { if (!If_EvaluateBoolean(pack->condition, RESTRICT_LOCAL)) return false; } if (pack->type == mdt_installation) { //libraries are in the root directory. we allow extracting multiple of them from a zip, etc. //they are not packages and thus do NOT support crcs. char *s, *e; if (!allownoncache) //don't even THINK about allowing the download unless its part of an initial install. return false; for (s = pack->path; *s; s = e) { while(*s == ':') s++; e = strchr(s, ':'); if (!e) e = s+strlen(s); if (e-s >= sizeof(buffer)) continue; memcpy(buffer, s, e-s); buffer[e-s] = 0; check = FS_OpenVFS(buffer, "rb", FS_ROOT); if (check) { VFS_CLOSE(check); continue; } break; } if (!*s) //all files were already present, apparently return false; } else { //check if we already have a version of the pak. if the user installed one, don't corrupt it with some unwanted pak. this may cause problems but whatever, user versitility wins. //this matches the rules for loading packs too. double is utterly pointless. check = FS_OpenVFS(pack->path, "rb", FS_ROOT); if (check) { VFS_CLOSE(check); return false; } //figure out what the cached name should be and see if we already have that or not if (pack->crcknown) crcstr = va("%#x", pack->crc); if (!pack->crcknown && allownoncache) Q_strncpyz(buffer, pack->path, sizeof(buffer)); else if (!FS_GenCachedPakName(pack->path, crcstr, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) return false; check = FS_OpenVFS(buffer, "rb", FS_ROOT); if (check) { VFS_CLOSE(check); return false; } } if (pack->type == mdt_installation) { if (!strchr(pack->path, ':')) { if (!FS_NativePath(pack->path, FS_ROOT, fspdl_finalpath, sizeof(fspdl_finalpath)) || !FS_NativePath(va("%s.tmp", pack->path), FS_ROOT, fspdl_temppath, sizeof(fspdl_temppath))) return false; } else { if (!FS_NativePath("", FS_ROOT, fspdl_finalpath, sizeof(fspdl_finalpath)) || !FS_NativePath(va("%s.tmp", fs_manifest->installation), FS_ROOT, fspdl_temppath, sizeof(fspdl_temppath))) return false; multiex = true; } } else { //figure out a temp name and figure out where we're going to get it from. if (!FS_NativePath(buffer, FS_ROOT, fspdl_finalpath, sizeof(fspdl_finalpath))) return false; if (!pack->crcknown && allownoncache) Q_strncpyz(buffer, va("%s.tmp", pack->path), sizeof(buffer)); else if (!FS_GenCachedPakName(va("%s.tmp", pack->path), crcstr, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) return false; if (!FS_NativePath(buffer, FS_ROOT, fspdl_temppath, sizeof(fspdl_temppath))) return false; } url = NULL; while(!url) { //ran out of mirrors? if (pack->mirrornum == (sizeof(pack->mirrors) / sizeof(pack->mirrors[0]))) break; if (pack->mirrors[pack->mirrornum]) url = FS_RelativeURL(baseurl, pack->mirrors[pack->mirrornum], buffer, sizeof(buffer)); pack->mirrornum++; } //no valid mirrors if (!url) return false; fspdl_extracttype = X_DLONLY; if (!strncmp(url, "gz:", 3)) { url+=3; fspdl_extracttype = X_GZ; } else if (!strncmp(url, "xz:", 3)) { url+=3; fspdl_extracttype = X_XZ; } else if (!strncmp(url, "unzip:", 6)) { url+=6; fspdl_extracttype = X_UNZIP; } else if (!strncmp(url, "prompt:", 7)) { url+=7; fspdl_extracttype = X_COPY; } else fspdl_extracttype = X_DLONLY; if (fspdl_extracttype == X_UNZIP || fspdl_extracttype == X_COPY) { char *o = fspdl_internalname; while(o+1 < fspdl_internalname+sizeof(fspdl_internalname) && *url) { if (*url == ',') { url++; break; } *o++ = *url++; } *o = 0; } else *fspdl_internalname = 0; if (multiex) { if (fspdl_extracttype != X_UNZIP && fspdl_extracttype != X_DLONLY) return false; //multiunzip is only supported with unzip urls... (or assumed if its a direct download fspdl_extracttype = X_MULTIUNZIP; if (!*fspdl_internalname) Q_strncpyz(fspdl_internalname, pack->path, sizeof(fspdl_internalname)); } fspdl_type = pack->type; if (fspdl_extracttype == X_COPY) { FS_PackagePrompt(fspdl_finalpath, url, fspdl_internalname); return false; } COM_CreatePath(fspdl_temppath); tmpf = VFSOS_Open(fspdl_temppath, "wb"); if (tmpf) { switch(fspdl_extracttype) { case X_XZ: #ifdef AVAIL_XZDEC tmpf = FS_XZ_DecompressWriteFilter(tmpf); #else VFS_CLOSE(tmpf); tmpf = NULL; #endif break; case X_GZ: #ifdef AVAIL_GZDEC tmpf = FS_GZ_WriteFilter(tmpf, true, false); #else VFS_CLOSE(tmpf); tmpf = NULL; #endif break; default: break; } if (!tmpf) Sys_remove (fspdl_temppath); } if (tmpf) { Con_Printf("Downloading %s from %s\n", fspdl_finalpath, url); curpackagedownload = HTTP_CL_Get(url, NULL, FS_PackageDownloaded); if (curpackagedownload) { curpackagedownload->file = tmpf; #ifdef MULTITHREAD DL_CreateThread(curpackagedownload, NULL, NULL); #endif return true; } VFS_CLOSE(tmpf); Sys_remove (fspdl_temppath); } return false; } static void FS_ManifestUpdated(struct dl_download *dl); static void FS_BeginNextPackageDownload(void) { int j; ftemanifest_t *man = fs_manifest; if (curpackagedownload || !man || com_installer) return; if (man->security != MANIFEST_SECURITY_NOT) { for (j = 0; j < sizeof(fs_manifest->package) / sizeof(fs_manifest->package[0]); j++) { if (man->package[j].type != mdt_installation) continue; if (FS_BeginPackageDownload(&man->package[j], man->updateurl, true)) return; } } if (man->updateurl && !man->blockupdate) { man->blockupdate = true; Con_Printf("Updating manifest from %s\n", man->updateurl); waitingformanifest++; curpackagedownload = HTTP_CL_Get(man->updateurl, NULL, FS_ManifestUpdated); if (curpackagedownload) { curpackagedownload->user_ctx = man; return; } } for (j = 0; j < sizeof(fs_manifest->package) / sizeof(fs_manifest->package[0]); j++) { if (man->package[j].type != mdt_singlepackage) continue; if (FS_BeginPackageDownload(&man->package[j], man->updateurl, false)) return; } } static void FS_ManifestUpdated(struct dl_download *dl) { ftemanifest_t *man = fs_manifest; curpackagedownload = NULL; waitingformanifest--; if (dl->file) { if (dl->user_ctx == man) { size_t len = VFS_GETLEN(dl->file), len2; char *fdata = BZ_Malloc(len+1), *fdata2 = NULL; if (fdata) { VFS_READ(dl->file, fdata, len); fdata[len] = 0; man = FS_Manifest_Parse(fs_manifest->updatefile, fdata); if (man) { //the updateurl MUST match the current one in order for the local version of the manifest to be saved (to avoid extra updates, and so it appears in the menu_mods) //this is a paranoia measure to avoid too much damage from buggy/malicious proxies that return empty pages or whatever. if (man->updateurl && fs_manifest->updateurl && !strcmp(man->updateurl, fs_manifest->updateurl)) { man->blockupdate = true; //don't download it multiple times. that's just crazy. if (man->updatefile) { vfsfile_t *f2 = FS_OpenVFS(fs_manifest->updatefile, "rb", FS_SYSTEM); if (f2) { len2 = VFS_GETLEN(f2); if (len != len2) { fdata2 = NULL; len2 = 0; } else { fdata2 = BZ_Malloc(len2); VFS_READ(f2, fdata2, len2); } VFS_CLOSE(f2); if (len == len2 && !memcmp(fdata, fdata2, len)) { //files match, no need to use this new manifest at all. FS_Manifest_Free(man); man = NULL; } BZ_Free(fdata2); } if (man) FS_WriteFile(man->updatefile, fdata, len, FS_SYSTEM); } if (man) FS_ChangeGame(man, true, false); } else FS_Manifest_Free(man); } BZ_Free(fdata); } } VFS_CLOSE(dl->file); dl->file = NULL; } FS_BeginNextPackageDownload(); } void FS_BeginManifestUpdates(void) { ftemanifest_t *man = fs_manifest; PM_ManifestPackage(man->installupd, man->security); if (curpackagedownload || !man) return; if (!curpackagedownload) FS_BeginNextPackageDownload(); } #else qboolean FS_DownloadingPackage(void) { return false; } void FS_BeginManifestUpdates(void) { } #endif static qboolean FS_FoundManifest(void *usr, ftemanifest_t *man) { if (!*(ftemanifest_t**)usr) *(ftemanifest_t**)usr = man; else FS_Manifest_Free(man); return true; } //reads the default manifest based upon the basedir, the commandline arguments, the name of the exe, etc. //may still fail if no game was identified. //if fixedbasedir is true, stuff like -quake won't override/change the active basedir (ie: -basedir or gamedir switching without breaking gamedir) ftemanifest_t *FS_ReadDefaultManifest(char *newbasedir, size_t newbasedirsize, qboolean fixedbasedir) { int i; int game = -1; ftemanifest_t *man = NULL; vfsfile_t *f; //commandline generally takes precedence if (!man && game == -1) { int i; for (i = 0; gamemode_info[i].argname; i++) { if (COM_CheckParm(gamemode_info[i].argname)) { game = i; break; } } } //hopefully this will be used for TCs. if (!man && game == -1) { char exename[MAX_QPATH]; COM_StripAllExtensions(COM_SkipPath(com_argv[0]), exename, sizeof(exename)); //take away any amd64/x86/x86_64 postfix, so that people can have multiple cpu arch binaries sharing a single fmf if (strlen(exename) > strlen(ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX) && !strcmp(exename+strlen(exename)-strlen(ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX), ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX)) exename[strlen(exename)-strlen(ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX)] = 0; //and then the trailing _ (before said postfix) if (exename[strlen(exename)] == '_') exename[strlen(exename)] = 0; //and hopefully we now have something consistent that we can try to use. f = VFSOS_Open(va("%s%s.fmf", newbasedir, exename), "rb"); #ifdef BRANDING_NAME if (!f) f = VFSOS_Open(va("%s"STRINGIFY(BRANDING_NAME)".fmf", newbasedir), "rb"); #endif if (!f) f = VFSOS_Open(va("%sdefault.fmf", newbasedir), "rb"); if (f) { size_t len = VFS_GETLEN(f); char *fdata = BZ_Malloc(len+1); if (fdata) { VFS_READ(f, fdata, len); fdata[len] = 0; man = FS_Manifest_Parse(NULL, fdata); if (man) { man->security = MANIFEST_SECURITY_DEFAULT; man->basedir = Z_StrDup(newbasedir); } BZ_Free(fdata); } VFS_CLOSE(f); } } //-basepack is primarily an android feature i = COM_CheckParm ("-basepack"); while (!man && game == -1 && i && i < com_argc-1) { const char *pakname = com_argv[i+1]; searchpathfuncs_t *pak; vfsfile_t *vfs = VFSOS_Open(pakname, "rb"); pak = FS_OpenPackByExtension(vfs, NULL, pakname, pakname); if (pak) { flocation_t loc; if (pak->FindFile(pak, &loc, "default.fmf", NULL)) { f = pak->OpenVFS(pak, &loc, "rb"); if (f) { size_t len = VFS_GETLEN(f); char *fdata = BZ_Malloc(len+1); if (fdata) { VFS_READ(f, fdata, len); fdata[len] = 0; man = FS_Manifest_Parse(NULL, fdata); man->security = MANIFEST_SECURITY_DEFAULT; BZ_Free(fdata); } VFS_CLOSE(f); } } pak->ClosePath(pak); } i = COM_CheckNextParm ("-basepack", i); } if (!man && game == -1 && host_parms.manifest) { man = FS_Manifest_Parse(va("%sdefault.fmf", newbasedir), host_parms.manifest); if (man) man->security = MANIFEST_SECURITY_INSTALLER; } if (!man) { if (game == -1) game = FS_IdentifyDefaultGame(newbasedir, newbasedirsize, fixedbasedir); if (game != -1) man = FS_GenerateLegacyManifest(newbasedir, newbasedirsize, fixedbasedir, game); } FS_AppendManifestGameArguments(man); return man; } qboolean FS_FixPath(char *path, size_t pathsize) { size_t len = strlen(path); if (len) { if (path[len-1] == '/') return true; #ifdef _WIN32 if (path[len-1] == '\\') return true; #endif if (len >= pathsize-1) return false; path[len] = '/'; path[len+1] = 0; } return true; } //this is potentially unsafe. needs lots of testing. qboolean FS_ChangeGame(ftemanifest_t *man, qboolean allowreloadconfigs, qboolean allowbasedirchange) { int i, j; char realpath[MAX_OSPATH-1]; char newbasedir[MAX_OSPATH]; char *olddownloadsurl; qboolean fixedbasedir; qboolean reloadconfigs = false; qboolean builtingame = false; flocation_t loc; #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT qboolean allowvidrestart = true; char *vidfile[] = {"gfx.wad", "gfx/conback.lmp", //misc stuff "gfx/palette.lmp", "pics/colormap.pcx"}; //palettes searchpathfuncs_t *vidpath[countof(vidfile)]; #endif //if any of these files change location, the configs will be re-execed. //note that we reuse path handles if they're still valid, so we can just check the pointer to see if it got unloaded/replaced. char *conffile[] = {"quake.rc", "hexen.rc", "default.cfg", "server.cfg"}; searchpathfuncs_t *confpath[countof(conffile)]; #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT for (i = 0; i < countof(vidfile); i++) { if (allowvidrestart) { FS_FLocateFile(vidfile[i], FSLF_IFFOUND, &loc); //q1 vidpath[i] = loc.search?loc.search->handle:NULL; } else vidpath[i] = NULL; } #endif if (allowreloadconfigs && fs_noreexec.ival) allowreloadconfigs = false; for (i = 0; i < countof(conffile); i++) { if (allowreloadconfigs) { FS_FLocateFile(conffile[i], FSLF_IFFOUND|FSLF_IGNOREPURE, &loc); //q1 confpath[i] = loc.search?loc.search->handle:NULL; } else confpath[i] = NULL; } #if defined(NACL) || defined(FTE_TARGET_WEB) || defined(ANDROID) || defined(WINRT) //these targets are considered to be sandboxed already, and have their own app-based base directory which they will always use. Q_strncpyz (newbasedir, host_parms.basedir, sizeof(newbasedir)); fixedbasedir = true; #else i = COM_CheckParm ("-basedir"); fixedbasedir = i && i < com_argc-1; Q_strncpyz (newbasedir, fixedbasedir?com_argv[i+1]:host_parms.basedir, sizeof(newbasedir)); #endif //make sure it has a trailing slash, or is empty. woo. FS_CleanDir(newbasedir, sizeof(newbasedir)); if (!allowreloadconfigs || !allowbasedirchange || (man && fs_manifest && !Q_strcasecmp(man->installation, fs_manifest->installation))) { fixedbasedir = true; Q_strncpyz (newbasedir, com_gamepath, sizeof(newbasedir)); } if (!man) { //if we're already running a game, don't autodetect. if (fs_manifest) return false; man = FS_ReadDefaultManifest(newbasedir, sizeof(newbasedir), fixedbasedir); if (!man) { int found = FS_EnumerateKnownGames(FS_FoundManifest, &man); if (found != 1) { //we found more than 1 (or none) //if we're a client, display a menu to pick between them (or display an error) //servers can just use the first they find, they'd effectively just crash otherwise, but still give a warning. if (!isDedicated) { FS_Manifest_Free(man); man = NULL; } else if (found) Con_Printf(CON_WARNING "Warning: found multiple possible games. Using the first found (%s).\n", man->formalname); else Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "Error: unable to determine correct game/basedir.\n"); } } if (!man) { man = FS_Manifest_Parse(NULL, "FTEManifestVer 1\n" "game \"\"\n" "name \"" FULLENGINENAME "\"\n" "defaultexec \\\"vid_fullscreen 0; gl_font cour;vid_width 640; vid_height 480\"\n" ); } if (!man) Sys_Error("couldn't generate dataless manifest\n"); } if (fs_manifest && fs_manifest->downloadsurl) olddownloadsurl = Z_StrDup(fs_manifest->downloadsurl); else if (!fs_manifest && man->downloadsurl) olddownloadsurl = Z_StrDup(man->downloadsurl); else olddownloadsurl = NULL; if (man == fs_manifest) { //don't close anything. theoretically nothing is changing, and we don't want to load new defaults either. } else if (!fs_manifest || !strcmp(fs_manifest->installation?fs_manifest->installation:"", man->installation?man->installation:"")) { if (!fs_manifest) reloadconfigs = true; FS_Manifest_Free(fs_manifest); } else { FS_FreePaths(); reloadconfigs = true; } fs_manifest = man; if (man->security == MANIFEST_SECURITY_NOT && strcmp(man->downloadsurl?man->downloadsurl:"", olddownloadsurl?olddownloadsurl:"")) { //make sure we only fuck over the user if this is a 'secure' manifest, and not hacked in some way. Z_Free(man->downloadsurl); man->downloadsurl = olddownloadsurl; } else Z_Free(olddownloadsurl); if (man->installation && *man->installation) { for (i = 0; gamemode_info[i].argname; i++) { if (!strcmp(man->installation, gamemode_info[i].argname+1)) { //if there's no base dirs, edit the manifest to give it its default ones. for (j = 0; j < sizeof(man->gamepath) / sizeof(man->gamepath[0]); j++) { if (man->gamepath[j].path && man->gamepath[j].base) break; } if (j == sizeof(man->gamepath) / sizeof(man->gamepath[0])) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) if (gamemode_info[i].dir[j]) { Cmd_TokenizeString(va("basegame \"%s\"", gamemode_info[i].dir[j]), false, false); FS_Manifest_ParseTokens(man); } } if (!man->downloadsurl && gamemode_info[i].downloadsurl) { Cmd_TokenizeString(va("downloadsurl \"%s\"", gamemode_info[i].downloadsurl), false, false); FS_Manifest_ParseTokens(man); } if (!man->protocolname) { Cmd_TokenizeString(va("protocolname \"%s\"", gamemode_info[i].protocolname), false, false); FS_Manifest_ParseTokens(man); } if (!man->defaultexec && gamemode_info[i].customexec) { man->defaultexec = Z_StrDup(gamemode_info[i].customexec); } builtingame = true; if (!fixedbasedir) { if (man->basedir) Q_strncpyz (newbasedir, man->basedir, sizeof(newbasedir)); else if (!FS_DirHasGame(newbasedir, i)) if (Sys_FindGameData(man->formalname, man->installation, realpath, sizeof(realpath), man->security != MANIFEST_SECURITY_INSTALLER) && FS_FixPath(realpath, sizeof(realpath)) && FS_DirHasGame(realpath, i)) Q_strncpyz (newbasedir, realpath, sizeof(newbasedir)); } break; } } } if (!fixedbasedir) { if (!builtingame && !fixedbasedir && !FS_DirHasAPackage(newbasedir, man)) { if (Sys_FindGameData(man->formalname, man->installation, realpath, sizeof(realpath), man->security != MANIFEST_SECURITY_INSTALLER) && FS_FixPath(realpath, sizeof(realpath)) && FS_DirHasAPackage(realpath, man)) Q_strncpyz (newbasedir, realpath, sizeof(newbasedir)); #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT else { Z_Free(man->updatefile); man->updatefile = NULL; com_installer = true; } #endif } } if (!fixedbasedir && !com_installer) { if (strcmp(com_gamepath, newbasedir)) { #ifdef PACKAGEMANAGER PM_Shutdown(); #endif Q_strncpyz (com_gamepath, newbasedir, sizeof(com_gamepath)); } } //make sure it has a trailing slash, or is empty. woo. FS_CleanDir(com_gamepath, sizeof(com_gamepath)); { qboolean oldhome = com_homepathenabled; COM_InitHomedir(man); com_homepathenabled = com_homepathusable; if (man->disablehomedir && !COM_CheckParm("-usehome")) com_homepathenabled = false; if (com_homepathenabled != oldhome) { if (com_homepathenabled) Con_TPrintf("Using home directory \"%s\"\n", com_homepath); else Con_TPrintf("Disabled home directory support\n"); } } #ifdef ANDROID { //write a .nomedia file to avoid people from getting random explosion sounds etc interspersed with their music vfsfile_t *f; char nomedia[MAX_OSPATH]; //figure out the path we're going to end up writing to if (com_homepathenabled) snprintf(nomedia, sizeof(nomedia), "%s%s", com_homepath, ".nomedia"); else snprintf(nomedia, sizeof(nomedia), "%s%s", com_gamepath, ".nomedia"); //make sure it exists. f = VFSOS_Open(nomedia, "rb"); if (!f) //don't truncate { COM_CreatePath(nomedia); f = VFSOS_Open(nomedia, "wb"); } if (f) VFS_CLOSE(f); } #endif if (Sys_LockMutex(fs_thread_mutex)) { #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT qboolean vidrestart = false; #endif FS_ReloadPackFilesFlags(~0); Sys_UnlockMutex(fs_thread_mutex); FS_BeginManifestUpdates(); #ifdef MANIFESTDOWNLOADS if (curpackagedownload && fs_loadedcommand) allowreloadconfigs = false; #endif COM_CheckRegistered(); #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT if (qrenderer != QR_NONE && allowvidrestart) { for (i = 0; i < countof(vidfile); i++) { FS_FLocateFile(vidfile[i], FSLF_IFFOUND, &loc); if (vidpath[i] != (loc.search?loc.search->handle:NULL)) { vidrestart = true; Con_DPrintf("Restarting video because %s has changed\n", vidfile[i]); } } } #endif if (allowreloadconfigs) { for (i = 0; i < countof(conffile); i++) { FS_FLocateFile(conffile[i], FSLF_IFFOUND|FSLF_IGNOREPURE, &loc); if (confpath[i] != (loc.search?loc.search->handle:NULL)) { reloadconfigs = true; Con_DPrintf("Reloading configs because %s has changed\n", conffile[i]); } } if (reloadconfigs) { Cvar_SetEngineDefault(&fs_gamename, man->formalname?man->formalname:"FTE"); Cvar_SetEngineDefault(&pm_downloads_url, man->downloadsurl?man->downloadsurl:""); Cvar_SetEngineDefault(&com_protocolname, man->protocolname?man->protocolname:"FTE"); //FIXME: flag this instead and do it after a delay? Cvar_ForceSet(&fs_gamename, fs_gamename.enginevalue); Cvar_ForceSet(&pm_downloads_url, pm_downloads_url.enginevalue); Cvar_ForceSet(&com_protocolname, com_protocolname.enginevalue); #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT vidrestart = false; #endif if (isDedicated) { #ifdef HAVE_SERVER SV_ExecInitialConfigs(man->defaultexec?man->defaultexec:""); #endif } else { #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT CL_ExecInitialConfigs(man->defaultexec?man->defaultexec:""); #endif } } #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT else if (vidrestart) { Cbuf_AddText ("vid_reload\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); vidrestart = false; } #endif if (fs_loadedcommand) { Cbuf_AddText(fs_loadedcommand, RESTRICT_INSECURE); Z_Free(fs_loadedcommand); fs_loadedcommand = NULL; } } #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT if (vidrestart) { Cbuf_AddText ("vid_reload\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); vidrestart = false; } #endif //rebuild the cache now, should be safe to waste some cycles on it COM_FlushFSCache(false, true); } #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT Validation_FlushFileList(); //prevent previous hacks from making a difference. #endif { void (QDECL *callback)(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue) = fs_game.callback; fs_game.callback = NULL; Cvar_ForceSet(&fs_game, FS_GetGamedir(false)); fs_game.callback = callback; } #ifdef Q2SERVER Cvar_ForceSet(&fs_gamedir, va("%s%s", com_gamepath, FS_GetGamedir(false))); Cvar_ForceSet(&fs_basedir, com_gamepath); #endif return true; } void FS_CreateBasedir(const char *path) { vfsfile_t *f; com_installer = false; Q_strncpyz (com_gamepath, path, sizeof(com_gamepath)); COM_CreatePath(com_gamepath); fs_manifest->security = MANIFEST_SECURITY_INSTALLER; FS_ChangeGame(fs_manifest, true, false); if (host_parms.manifest) { f = FS_OpenVFS("default.fmf", "wb", FS_ROOT); if (f) { VFS_WRITE(f, host_parms.manifest, strlen(host_parms.manifest)); VFS_CLOSE(f); } } } typedef struct { int found; qboolean (*callback)(void *usr, ftemanifest_t *man); void *usr; } fmfenums_t; static int QDECL FS_EnumerateFMFs(const char *fname, qofs_t fsize, time_t mtime, void *inf, searchpathfuncs_t *spath) { fmfenums_t *e = inf; vfsfile_t *f = NULL; char *homem = va("%s%s", com_homepathenabled?com_homepath:com_gamepath, COM_SkipPath(fname)); if (!f) //always try the homedir first, because that can be updated automagically. f = VFSOS_Open(fname, "rb"); if (!f) { //*then* try in packages or basedir etc. if (spath) { flocation_t loc; if (spath->FindFile(spath, &loc, fname, NULL)) f = spath->OpenVFS(spath, &loc, "rb"); } else f = VFSOS_Open(fname, "rb"); } if (f) { size_t l = VFS_GETLEN(f); char *data = Z_Malloc(l+1); if (data) { ftemanifest_t *man; VFS_READ(f, data, l); data[l] = 0; //just in case. man = FS_Manifest_Parse(homem, data); if (man) { if (e->callback(e->usr, man)) e->found++; else FS_Manifest_Free(man); } Z_Free(data); } VFS_CLOSE(f); } return true; } //callback must call FS_Manifest_Free. int FS_EnumerateKnownGames(qboolean (*callback)(void *usr, ftemanifest_t *man), void *usr) { int i; char basedir[MAX_OSPATH]; fmfenums_t e; e.found = 0; e.callback = callback; e.usr = usr; //-basepack is primarily an android feature, where the apk file is specified. //this allows custom mods purely by customising the apk i = COM_CheckParm ("-basepack"); while (i && i < com_argc-1) { const char *pakname = com_argv[i+1]; searchpathfuncs_t *pak; vfsfile_t *vfs = VFSOS_Open(pakname, "rb"); pak = FS_OpenPackByExtension(vfs, NULL, pakname, pakname); if (pak) { pak->EnumerateFiles(pak, "*.fmf", FS_EnumerateFMFs, &e); pak->ClosePath(pak); } i = COM_CheckNextParm ("-basepack", i); } //okay, no manifests in the basepack, try looking in the basedir. //this defaults to the working directory. perhaps try the exe's location instead? if (!e.found) Sys_EnumerateFiles(host_parms.basedir, "*.fmf", FS_EnumerateFMFs, &e, NULL); if (!e.found) { if (*com_homepath) Sys_EnumerateFiles(NULL, va("%s/*.fmf", com_homepath), FS_EnumerateFMFs, &e, NULL); #ifdef __linux__ Sys_EnumerateFiles(NULL, "/etc/fte/*.fmf", FS_EnumerateFMFs, &e, NULL); #endif } //right, no fmf files anywhere. //just make stuff up from whatever games they may have installed on their system. if (!e.found) { for (i = 0; gamemode_info[i].argname; i++) { if (gamemode_info[i].manifestfile || Sys_FindGameData(NULL, gamemode_info[i].argname+1, basedir, sizeof(basedir), true)) { ftemanifest_t *man = FS_GenerateLegacyManifest(NULL, 0, true, i); if (e.callback(e.usr, man)) e.found++; else FS_Manifest_Free(man); } } } return e.found; } //attempts to find a new basedir for 'input', changing to it as appropriate //returns fixed up filename relative to the new gamedir. //input must be an absolute path. qboolean FS_FixupGamedirForExternalFile(char *input, char *filename, size_t fnamelen) { char syspath[MAX_OSPATH]; char gamepath[MAX_OSPATH]; void *iterator; char *sep,*bs; char *src = NULL; Q_strncpyz(filename, input, fnamelen); iterator = NULL; while(COM_IteratePaths(&iterator, syspath, sizeof(syspath), gamepath, sizeof(gamepath))) { if (!Q_strncasecmp(syspath, filename, strlen(syspath))) { src = filename+strlen(syspath); memmove(filename, src, strlen(src)+1); break; } } if (!src) { for(;;) { sep = strchr(filename, '\\'); if (sep) *sep = '/'; else break; } for (sep = NULL;;) { bs = sep; sep = strrchr(filename, '/'); if (bs) *bs = '/'; if (sep) { int game; *sep = 0; if (strchr(filename, '/')) //make sure there's always at least one / { char temp[MAX_OSPATH]; Q_snprintfz(temp, sizeof(temp), "%s/", filename); game = FS_IdentifyDefaultGameFromDir(temp); if (game != -1) { static char newbase[MAX_OSPATH]; if (!host_parms.basedir || strcmp(host_parms.basedir, filename)) { Con_Printf("switching basedir+game to %s for %s\n", filename, input); Q_strncpyz(newbase, filename, sizeof(newbase)); host_parms.basedir = newbase; FS_ChangeGame(FS_GenerateLegacyManifest(NULL, 0, true, game), true, true); } *sep = '/'; sep = NULL; src = filename+strlen(host_parms.basedir); memmove(filename, src, strlen(src)+1); break; } } } else break; } if (sep) *sep = '/'; } if (!src && host_parms.binarydir && !Q_strncasecmp(host_parms.binarydir, filename, strlen(host_parms.binarydir))) { src = filename+strlen(host_parms.binarydir); memmove(filename, src, strlen(src)+1); } if (!src && host_parms.basedir && !Q_strncasecmp(host_parms.basedir, filename, strlen(host_parms.basedir))) { src = filename+strlen(host_parms.basedir); memmove(filename, src, strlen(src)+1); } if (!src) { Q_snprintfz(filename, fnamelen, "#%s", input); return false; } if (*filename == '/' || *filename == '\\') memmove(filename, filename+1, strlen(filename+1)+1); sep = strchr(filename, '/'); bs = strchr(filename, '\\'); if (bs && (!sep || bs < sep)) sep = bs; if (sep) { Con_Printf("switching gamedir for %s\n", filename); *sep = 0; COM_Gamedir(filename, NULL); memmove(filename, sep+1, strlen(sep+1)+1); return true; } Q_snprintfz(filename, fnamelen, "#%s", input); return false; } static void FS_ChangeGame_f(void) { int i; char *arg = Cmd_Argv(1); //don't execute this if we're executing rcon commands, as this can change game directories. if (cmd_blockwait) return; if (Cmd_IsInsecure()) return; if (!*arg) { Con_Printf("Valid games are:\n"); for (i = 0; gamemode_info[i].argname; i++) { char nbase[MAX_OSPATH]; char *note = "not installed"; if (FS_DirHasGame(com_gamepath, i)) note = com_gamepath; else if (Sys_FindGameData(gamemode_info[i].poshname, gamemode_info[i].argname+1, nbase, sizeof(nbase), false) && FS_FixPath(nbase, sizeof(nbase)) && FS_DirHasGame(nbase, i)) note = nbase; Con_Printf(" %s (%s)\n", gamemode_info[i].argname+1, note); } //FIXME: scan for fmf files. } else { if (strrchr(arg, '/') && !strrchr(arg, '/')[1]) { Q_strncpyz(com_gamepath, arg, sizeof(com_gamepath)); host_parms.basedir = com_gamepath; FS_ChangeGame(FS_ReadDefaultManifest(NULL, 0, true), true, true); } else { for (i = 0; gamemode_info[i].argname; i++) { if (!Q_strcasecmp(gamemode_info[i].argname+1, arg)) { Con_Printf("Switching to %s\n", gamemode_info[i].argname+1); #ifdef PACKAGEMANAGER PM_Shutdown(); #endif FS_ChangeGame(FS_GenerateLegacyManifest(NULL, 0, true, i), true, true); return; } } #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT if (!Host_RunFile(arg, strlen(arg), NULL)) Con_Printf("Game unknown\n"); #endif } } } static void FS_ChangeMod_f(void) { char cachename[512]; struct gamepacks packagespaths[16]; int i; int packages = 0; const char *arg = "?"; qboolean okay = false; if (Cmd_IsInsecure()) return; Z_Free(fs_loadedcommand); fs_loadedcommand = NULL; memset(packagespaths, 0, sizeof(packagespaths)); for (i = 1; ; ) { if (i == Cmd_Argc()) { okay = true; break; } arg = Cmd_Argv(i++); if (!strcmp(arg, "package")) { arg = Cmd_Argv(i++); if (packages == countof(packagespaths)) //must leave space for one, as a terminator. continue; if (FS_PathURLCache(arg, cachename, sizeof(cachename))) { packagespaths[packages].url = Z_StrDup(arg); packagespaths[packages].path = Z_StrDup(cachename); packages++; } } else if (!strcmp(arg, "prefix")) { if (!packages) break; arg = Cmd_Argv(i++); packagespaths[packages-1].subpath = Z_StrDup(arg); } else if (!strcmp(arg, "map")) { Z_Free(fs_loadedcommand); arg = va("map \"%s\"\n", Cmd_Argv(i++)); fs_loadedcommand = Z_StrDup(arg); } else if (!strcmp(arg, "restart")) { Z_Free(fs_loadedcommand); fs_loadedcommand = Z_StrDup("restart\n"); } else break; } if (okay) COM_Gamedir("", packagespaths); else { Con_Printf("unsupported args: %s\n", arg); Z_Free(fs_loadedcommand); fs_loadedcommand = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < packages; i++) { Z_Free(packagespaths[i].url); Z_Free(packagespaths[i].path); Z_Free(packagespaths[i].subpath); } } static void FS_ShowManifest_f(void) { if (fs_manifest) FS_Manifest_Print(fs_manifest); else Con_Printf("no manifest loaded...\n"); } static int QDECL FS_ArbitraryFile_cb (const char *name, qofs_t flags, time_t mtime, void *parm, searchpathfuncs_t *spath) { struct xcommandargcompletioncb_s *ctx = parm; ctx->cb(name, NULL, NULL, ctx); return true; } void FS_ArbitraryFile_c(int argn, const char *partial, struct xcommandargcompletioncb_s *ctx) { if (argn == 1) { COM_EnumerateFiles(va("%s*", partial), FS_ArbitraryFile_cb, ctx); } } static void COM_InitHomedir(ftemanifest_t *man) { int i; qboolean usehome; //FIXME: this should come from the manifest, as fte_GAME or something #ifdef _WIN32 #define HOMESUBDIR FULLENGINENAME #else #ifdef GAME_SHORTNAME #define HOMESUBDIR GAME_SHORTNAME #else #define HOMESUBDIR "fte" #endif #endif usehome = false; //assume the home directory is the working directory. *com_homepath = '\0'; #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(FTE_SDL) && !defined(WINRT) && !defined(_XBOX) { //win32 sucks. HRESULT (WINAPI *dSHGetFolderPathW) (HWND hwndOwner, int nFolder, HANDLE hToken, DWORD dwFlags, wchar_t *pszPath) = NULL; dllfunction_t funcs[] = { {(void**)&dSHGetFolderPathW, "SHGetFolderPathW"}, {NULL,NULL} }; DWORD winver = (DWORD)LOBYTE(LOWORD(GetVersion())); /*HMODULE shfolder =*/ Sys_LoadLibrary("shfolder.dll", funcs); if (dSHGetFolderPathW) { wchar_t wfolder[MAX_PATH]; char folder[MAX_OSPATH]; // 0x5 == CSIDL_PERSONAL if (dSHGetFolderPathW(NULL, 0x5, NULL, 0, wfolder) == S_OK) { narrowen(folder, sizeof(folder), wfolder); Q_snprintfz(com_homepath, sizeof(com_homepath), "%s/My Games/%s/", folder, HOMESUBDIR); } } // if (shfolder) // FreeLibrary(shfolder); if (!*com_homepath) { char *ev = getenv("USERPROFILE"); if (ev) Q_snprintfz(com_homepath, sizeof(com_homepath), "%s/My Documents/My Games/%s/", ev, HOMESUBDIR); } #ifdef NPFTE if (!*com_homepath) Q_snprintfz(com_homepath, sizeof(com_homepath), "/%s/", HOMESUBDIR); //as a browser plugin, always use their home directory usehome = true; #else /*would it not be better to just check to see if we have write permission to the basedir?*/ if (winver >= 0x6) // Windows Vista and above usehome = true; // always use home directory by default, as Vista+ mimics this behavior anyway else if (winver >= 0x5) // Windows 2000/XP/2003 { HMODULE advapi32; BOOL (WINAPI *dCheckTokenMembership) (HANDLE TokenHandle, PSID SidToCheck, PBOOL IsMember) = NULL; dllfunction_t funcs[] = { {(void**)&dCheckTokenMembership, "CheckTokenMembership"}, {NULL,NULL} }; advapi32 = Sys_LoadLibrary("advapi32.dll", funcs); if (advapi32) { if (dCheckTokenMembership) { // on XP systems, only use a home directory by default if we're a limited user or if we're on a network BOOL isadmin, isonnetwork; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY ntauth = {SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY}; PSID adminSID, networkSID; isadmin = AllocateAndInitializeSid(&ntauth, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &adminSID); // just checking the network rid should be close enough to matching domain logins isonnetwork = AllocateAndInitializeSid(&ntauth, 1, SECURITY_NETWORK_RID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &networkSID); if (isadmin && !dCheckTokenMembership(0, adminSID, &isadmin)) isadmin = 0; if (isonnetwork && !dCheckTokenMembership(0, networkSID, &isonnetwork)) isonnetwork = 0; usehome = isonnetwork || !isadmin; FreeSid(networkSID); FreeSid(adminSID); } Sys_CloseLibrary(advapi32); } } #endif } #elif !defined(NOSTDIO) { //on unix, we use environment settings. //if $HOME/.fte/ exists then we use that because of legacy reasons. //but if it doesn't exist then we use $XDG_DATA_HOME/.fte instead //we used to use $HOME/.#HOMESUBDIR/ but this is now only used if it actually exists AND the new path doesn't. //new installs use $XDG_DATA_HOME/#HOMESUBDIR/ instead char *ev = getenv("FTEHOME"); if (ev && *ev) { if (ev[strlen(ev)-1] == '/') Q_strncpyz(com_homepath, ev, sizeof(com_homepath)); else Q_snprintfz(com_homepath, sizeof(com_homepath), "%s/", ev); usehome = true; // always use home on unix unless told not to ev = NULL; } else ev = getenv("HOME"); if (ev && *ev) { const char *xdghome; char oldhome[MAX_OSPATH]; char newhome[MAX_OSPATH]; struct stat s; xdghome = getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME"); if (!xdghome || !*xdghome) xdghome = va("%s/.local/share", ev); if (man && man->installation) { if (xdghome[strlen(xdghome)-1] == '/') Q_snprintfz(com_homepath, sizeof(com_homepath), "%s%s/", xdghome, *man->installation?man->installation:HOMESUBDIR); else Q_snprintfz(com_homepath, sizeof(com_homepath), "%s/%s/", xdghome, *man->installation?man->installation:HOMESUBDIR); } else { if (xdghome[strlen(xdghome)-1] == '/') Q_snprintfz(newhome, sizeof(newhome), "%s%s/", xdghome, HOMESUBDIR); else Q_snprintfz(newhome, sizeof(newhome), "%s/%s/", xdghome, HOMESUBDIR); if (ev[strlen(ev)-1] == '/') Q_snprintfz(oldhome, sizeof(oldhome), "%s.%s/", ev, HOMESUBDIR); else Q_snprintfz(oldhome, sizeof(oldhome), "%s/.%s/", ev, HOMESUBDIR); if (stat(newhome, &s) == -1 && stat(oldhome, &s) != -1) Q_strncpyz(com_homepath, oldhome, sizeof(com_homepath)); else Q_strncpyz(com_homepath, newhome, sizeof(com_homepath)); } usehome = true; // always use home on unix unless told not to } } #endif com_homepathusable = usehome; com_homepathenabled = false; i = COM_CheckParm("-homedir"); if (i && i+1 // Overrides the system supplied base directory (under id1) // i = COM_CheckParm ("-basedir"); if (i && i < com_argc-1) strcpy (com_gamepath, com_argv[i+1]); else strcpy (com_gamepath, host_parms.basedir); FS_CleanDir(com_gamepath, sizeof(com_gamepath)); Cvar_Register(&cfg_reload_on_gamedir, "Filesystem"); Cvar_Register(&com_fs_cache, "Filesystem"); Cvar_Register(&fs_gamename, "Filesystem"); Cvar_Register(&pm_downloads_url, "Filesystem"); Cvar_Register(&pm_autoupdate, "Filesystem"); Cvar_Register(&com_protocolname, "Server Info"); Cvar_Register(&com_protocolversion, "Server Info"); Cvar_Register(&fs_game, "Filesystem"); #ifdef Q2SERVER Cvar_Register(&fs_gamedir, "Filesystem"); Cvar_Register(&fs_basedir, "Filesystem"); #endif COM_InitHomedir(NULL); fs_readonly = COM_CheckParm("-readonly"); fs_thread_mutex = Sys_CreateMutex(); } //this is at the bottom of the file to ensure these globals are not used elsewhere /*extern searchpathfuncs_t *(QDECL VFSOS_OpenPath) (vfsfile_t *file, searchpathfuncs_t *parent, const char *filename, const char *desc, const char *prefix); #if 1//def AVAIL_ZLIB extern searchpathfuncs_t *(QDECL FSZIP_LoadArchive) (vfsfile_t *packhandle, searchpathfuncs_t *parent, const char *filename, const char *desc, const char *prefix); #endif extern searchpathfuncs_t *(QDECL FSPAK_LoadArchive) (vfsfile_t *packhandle, searchpathfuncs_t *parent, const char *filename, const char *desc, const char *prefix); #ifdef PACKAGE_DOOMWAD extern searchpathfuncs_t *(QDECL FSDWD_LoadArchive) (vfsfile_t *packhandle, searchpathfuncs_t *parent, const char *filename, const char *desc, const char *prefix); #endif*/ void FS_RegisterDefaultFileSystems(void) { #ifdef PACKAGE_DZIP FS_RegisterFileSystemType(NULL, "dz", FSDZ_LoadArchive, false); #endif #ifdef PACKAGE_Q1PAK FS_RegisterFileSystemType(NULL, "pak", FSPAK_LoadArchive, true); #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(ANDROID) /*for systems that have case sensitive paths, also include *.PAK */ FS_RegisterFileSystemType(NULL, "PAK", FSPAK_LoadArchive, true); #endif #endif FS_RegisterFileSystemType(NULL, "pk3dir", VFSOS_OpenPath, true); //used for git repos or whatever, to make packaging easier #ifdef PACKAGE_PK3 FS_RegisterFileSystemType(NULL, "pk3", FSZIP_LoadArchive, true); //quake3's extension for zips FS_RegisterFileSystemType(NULL, "pk4", FSZIP_LoadArchive, true); //quake4's extension for zips... #ifdef Q2CLIENT FS_RegisterFileSystemType(NULL, "pkz", FSZIP_LoadArchive, true); //q2pro uses a different extension FS_RegisterFileSystemType(NULL, "pkx", FSZIP_LoadArchive, true); //q2xp naturally uses a different extension too... you'll be glad to know that yq2 uses pk3 instead. yay consistency - every engine uses something different! #endif FS_RegisterFileSystemType(NULL, "apk", FSZIP_LoadArchive, false); //android package FS_RegisterFileSystemType(NULL, "zip", FSZIP_LoadArchive, false); //regular zip file (don't automatically read from these, because it gets messy) FS_RegisterFileSystemType(NULL, "exe", FSZIP_LoadArchive, false); //for self-extracting zips. #endif #ifdef PACKAGE_VPK FS_RegisterFileSystemType(NULL, "vpk", FSVPK_LoadArchive, true); #endif #ifdef PACKAGE_DOOMWAD FS_RegisterFileSystemType(NULL, "wad", FSDWD_LoadArchive, true); #endif }