//voice chat routines. //needs quite a bit of work. //it needs a proper protocol. //the server needs to be able to shutdown again. //options about who gets the sound data is also needed. #include "bothdefs.h" #ifdef VOICECHAT #include "quakedef.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "winquake.h" #define EWOULDBLOCK WSAEWOULDBLOCK #define EMSGSIZE WSAEMSGSIZE #define ECONNRESET WSAECONNRESET #define ECONNABORTED WSAECONNABORTED #define ECONNREFUSED WSAECONNREFUSED #define EADDRNOTAVAIL WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL #define qerrno WSAGetLastError() #else #define qerrno errno #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/uio.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <errno.h> #include <unistd.h> #ifdef sun #include <sys/filio.h> #endif #ifdef NeXT #include <libc.h> #endif #define closesocket close #define ioctlsocket ioctl #endif #include "voicechat.h" static int CLVS_socket; static int SVVS_socket; static qboolean SVVS_inited; static qbyte inputbuffer[44100]; static int readpoint; static qbyte outputbuffer[44100]; static int sendpoint; /* Protocol: Sound chunk: (char) data begins with codec id. (short) followed by number of samples (short) then size in bytes of chunk. */ #ifndef CLIENTONLY void SVVC_ServerInit(void) { netadr_t adr; struct sockaddr_in address; unsigned long _true = true; int i; int port = PORT_SERVER; if ((SVVS_socket = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) == -1) { Sys_Error ("FTP_TCP_OpenSocket: socket:", strerror(qerrno)); } if (ioctlsocket (SVVS_socket, FIONBIO, &_true) == -1) { Sys_Error ("FTP_TCP_OpenSocket: ioctl FIONBIO:", strerror(qerrno)); } address.sin_family = AF_INET; //ZOID -- check for interface binding option if ((i = COM_CheckParm("-ip")) != 0 && i < com_argc) { address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(com_argv[i+1]); Con_TPrintf(TL_NETBINDINTERFACE, inet_ntoa(address.sin_addr)); } else address.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; if (port == PORT_ANY) address.sin_port = 0; else address.sin_port = htons((short)port); if( bind (SVVS_socket, (void *)&address, sizeof(address)) == -1) { closesocket(SVVS_socket); return; } listen(SVVS_socket, 3); SVVS_inited = true; Con_Printf("VC server is running\n"); SockadrToNetadr((struct sockaddr_qstorage*)&address, &adr); Info_SetValueForKey(svs.info, "voiceaddress", NET_AdrToString(adr), MAX_SERVERINFO_STRING); return; } //currently a dum forwarding/broadcasting mechanism void SVVC_Frame (qboolean running) { struct sockaddr_in frm; int size = sizeof(frm); int newcl; int i, j; char buffer[1400]; if (!running) return; if (!SVVS_socket) { SVVC_ServerInit(); return; } newcl = accept(SVVS_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&frm, &size); if (newcl != INVALID_SOCKET) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if (!svs.clients[i].voicechat.socket) //this really isn't the right way... { svs.clients[i].voicechat.socket = newcl; break; } } } for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { host_client = &svs.clients[i]; if (host_client->voicechat.socket) { size = recv(host_client->voicechat.socket, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0); if (size > 0) { for (j = 0; j < MAX_CLIENTS; j++) { if (j != i && svs.clients[j].voicechat.socket) //gotta be capable of receiving, and not the sender (that would be dumb). send(svs.clients[j].voicechat.socket, buffer, size, 0); } } } } } #endif #ifndef SERVERONLY sfxcache_t *voicesoundbuffer[2]; sfx_t recordaudio[2] = { {"recordaudio1", {NULL, false}, NULL}, {"recordaudio2", {NULL, false}, NULL} }; int audiobuffer; void SNDVC_Submit(int codec, qbyte *buffer, int samples, int freq, int width) { S_RawAudio(0, buffer, freq, samples, 1, width); /* soundcardinfo_t *cursndcard; audiobuffer=0; if (!recordaudio[audiobuffer].cache.data) { voicesoundbuffer[audiobuffer] = BZ_Malloc(44100*2+sizeof(sfxcache_t)); recordaudio[audiobuffer].cache.data = voicesoundbuffer[audiobuffer]; recordaudio[audiobuffer].cache.fake = true; } cursndcard = sndcardinfo; if (!cursndcard) { Con_Printf("Accepting voice chat with no sound card\n"); return; } voicesoundbuffer[audiobuffer]->length = samples; voicesoundbuffer[audiobuffer]->stereo = false; voicesoundbuffer[audiobuffer]->speed = sndcardinfo->sn.speed; voicesoundbuffer[audiobuffer]->width = width; voicesoundbuffer[audiobuffer]->loopstart=-1; // Con_DPrintf("Submit %i\n", (int)samples); if (codec == 0) //codec 0 is special. (A straight copy) ResampleSfx(&recordaudio[audiobuffer], freq, width, buffer); else { qbyte *temp = BZ_Malloc(samples*width); audiocodecs[codec].decode(buffer, (short*)temp, samples); ResampleSfx(&recordaudio[audiobuffer], freq, width, temp); BZ_Free(temp); } for (cursndcard = sndcardinfo; cursndcard; cursndcard=cursndcard->next) { if (0&&cursndcard->channel[MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS + NUM_AMBIENTS+1-audiobuffer].sfx == &recordaudio[1-audiobuffer]) //other buffer is playing. { cursndcard->channel[MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS + NUM_AMBIENTS+audiobuffer].sfx = &recordaudio[audiobuffer]; cursndcard->channel[MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS + NUM_AMBIENTS+audiobuffer].pos = cursndcard->channel[MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS + NUM_AMBIENTS+1-audiobuffer].end - voicesoundbuffer[1-audiobuffer]->length- cursndcard->channel[MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS + NUM_AMBIENTS+1-audiobuffer].pos; cursndcard->channel[MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS + NUM_AMBIENTS+audiobuffer].end = cursndcard->channel[MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS + NUM_AMBIENTS+audiobuffer].end + samples; if (cursndcard->channel[MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS + NUM_AMBIENTS+audiobuffer].pos >= voicesoundbuffer[audiobuffer]->length) { cursndcard->channel[MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS + NUM_AMBIENTS+1-audiobuffer].pos = voicesoundbuffer[1-audiobuffer]->length; cursndcard->channel[MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS + NUM_AMBIENTS+audiobuffer].pos = 0; Con_Printf("Sound out of sync\n"); } } else { cursndcard->channel[MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS + NUM_AMBIENTS+audiobuffer].sfx = &recordaudio[audiobuffer]; cursndcard->channel[MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS + NUM_AMBIENTS+audiobuffer].pos = 0; cursndcard->channel[MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS + NUM_AMBIENTS+audiobuffer].end = cursndcard->paintedtime + samples; } } audiobuffer = 1-audiobuffer;*/ } void CLVC_SetServer (char *addy) { unsigned long _true = true; struct sockaddr_qstorage from; if ((CLVS_socket = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) == -1) { Sys_Error ("FTP_UDP_OpenSocket: socket: %s\n", strerror(qerrno)); } {//quake routines using dns and stuff (Really, I wanna keep quake and ftp fairly seperate) netadr_t qaddy; if (!NET_StringToAdr (addy, &qaddy)) //server doesn't exist. return; if (qaddy.type != NA_IP) //Only TCP is supported. return; if (!qaddy.port) qaddy.port = htons(PORT_SERVER); NetadrToSockadr(&qaddy, &from); } //not yet non blocking. if (connect(CLVS_socket, (struct sockaddr*)&from, sizeof(from)) == -1) { Con_Printf ("FTP_TCP_OpenSocket: connect: %i %s\n", qerrno, strerror(qerrno)); closesocket(CLVS_socket); CLVS_socket = 0; return; } if (ioctlsocket (CLVS_socket, FIONBIO, &_true) == -1) //now make it non blocking. { Sys_Error ("FTP_TCP_OpenSocket: ioctl FIONBIO: %s\n", strerror(qerrno)); } } void CLVC_Disconnect (void) { closesocket(CLVS_socket); CLVS_socket = 0; } void CLVC_Poll (void) { int codec; int size; if (!CLVS_socket) return; while (1) { size = recv(CLVS_socket, &inputbuffer[readpoint], sizeof(inputbuffer) - readpoint, 0); if (size>0) { int samps; int bytes; readpoint+=size; if (readpoint >= 1) { codec = *inputbuffer; if (codec >= 0 && codec <= 127 && readpoint>=5) //just in case. { samps = LittleLong(*(signed short *)(inputbuffer+1)); bytes = LittleLong(*(unsigned short *)(inputbuffer+3)); // Con_DPrintf("read %i\n", size); if (samps < 0) //something special { readpoint=0; } else { if (readpoint >= bytes+5) { if (codec == 1) Con_Printf("Reading\n"); if (codec < audionumcodecs && audiocodecs[codec].decode) { SNDVC_Submit(codec, ((qbyte *)inputbuffer)+5, samps, 11025, 2); readpoint -= bytes+5; memmove(inputbuffer, &inputbuffer[readpoint+bytes+5], readpoint); } else { Con_Printf("Bad codec %i\n", (int)codec); readpoint=0; closesocket(CLVS_socket); CLVS_socket = 0; } } } } } } else if (readpoint >= sizeof(inputbuffer) || readpoint < 0) { Con_Printf("Too small buffer or extended client %i\n", (int)readpoint); readpoint=0; closesocket(CLVS_socket); CLVS_socket = 0; } else { break; } } } void SNDVC_MicInput(qbyte *buffer, int samples, int freq, int width) //this correctly buffers data ready to be sent. { int sent; qbyte codec; unsigned short *sampleswritten; samples/=width; if (!CLVS_socket) { if (cls.state) { char *server; server = Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "voiceaddress"); if (*server) CLVC_SetServer(server); } SNDVC_Submit(0, buffer, samples, freq, width); return; } else if (!cls.state) { readpoint = 0; sendpoint= 0; SNDVC_Submit(0, buffer, samples, freq, width); return; } SNDVC_Submit(0, buffer, samples, freq, width); //remembering at all times that we will not be allowed to hear it ourselves. //add to send buffer. if (samples > 0x7ffe) samples = 0x7ffe; if (sendpoint + samples*width+sizeof(unsigned char)+sizeof(short)+sizeof(*sampleswritten) < sizeof(outputbuffer)) { // Con_DPrintf("sending %i\n", (int)samples); codec = 1; outputbuffer[sendpoint] = codec; sendpoint += sizeof(unsigned char); *(unsigned short*)(&outputbuffer[sendpoint]) = samples; sendpoint += sizeof(unsigned short); sampleswritten = (short *)&outputbuffer[sendpoint]; sendpoint += sizeof(*sampleswritten); *sampleswritten = audiocodecs[codec].encode((short *)buffer, &outputbuffer[sendpoint], samples); sendpoint += *sampleswritten; } else { Con_Printf("Connection overflowing\n"); } //try and send it sent = send(CLVS_socket, outputbuffer, sendpoint, 0); if (sent > 0) { // Con_DPrintf("sent %i\n", (int)sent); sendpoint -= sent; } else { CLVS_socket=0; } // SNDVC_Submit(buffer, samples, freq, width); } #endif #endif