/* Copyright (C) 2007 Mark Olsen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "quakedef.h" /* Key compatibility */ #define K_LCTRL K_CTRL #define K_RCTRL K_CTRL #define K_LSHIFT K_SHIFT #define K_RSHIFT K_SHIFT #define K_LALT K_ALT #define K_RALT K_ALT #define KP_STAR K_KP_STAR #define KP_NUMLOCK K_KP_NUMLOCK #define KP_DEL K_KP_DEL #define KP_INS K_KP_INS #define KP_HOME K_KP_HOME #define KP_END K_KP_END #define KP_PGUP K_KP_PGUP #define KP_PGDN K_KP_PGDN #define KP_UPARROW K_KP_UPARROW #define KP_DOWNARROW K_KP_DOWNARROW #define KP_LEFTARROW K_KP_LEFTARROW #define KP_RIGHTARROW K_KP_RIGHTARROW #define KP_5 K_KP_5 #define KP_MINUS K_KP_MINUS #define KP_PLUS K_KP_PLUS #define KP_SLASH K_KP_SLASH #define KP_ENTER K_KP_ENTER #define K_MENU K_APP /* CVar stuff */ static void Fod_Cvar_Register(cvar_t *cvar) { Cvar_Register(cvar, "Input Controls"); } #define Cvar_SetCurrentGroup(x) do { } while(0) #define Cvar_ResetCurrentGroup() do { } while(0) #define Cvar_Register Fod_Cvar_Register /* Some differences between Fodquake and FTE */ #define Com_Printf Con_Printf #define Q_Malloc Z_Malloc /* And some funny prototypes. Just because. */ void Sys_Video_SetPalette(void *display, unsigned char *palette); #include "fod/vid_x11.c" #include "fod/in_x11.c" #undef Cvar_Register qbyte vid_curpal[768]; cvar_t m_filter = {"m_filter","0", NULL, CVAR_ARCHIVE}; cvar_t m_accel = {"m_accel", "0"}; #ifdef IN_XFLIP cvar_t in_xflip = {"in_xflip", "0"}; #endif extern int mousecursor_x, mousecursor_y; static void *fod_display; static int fod_width; static int fod_height; static void *vid_surfcache; qboolean SWVID_Init(rendererstate_t *info, unsigned char *palette) { unsigned int surfcachesize; surfcachesize = D_SurfaceCacheForRes(vid.width, vid.height, 0); d_pzbuffer = malloc(info->width * info->height * sizeof(*d_pzbuffer)); if (d_pzbuffer) { vid_surfcache = malloc(surfcachesize); if (vid_surfcache) { D_InitCaches(vid_surfcache, surfcachesize); fod_display = Sys_Video_Open(info->width, info->height, info->bpp, info->fullscreen, vid_curpal); if (fod_display) { fod_width = info->width; fod_height = info->height; vid.width = info->width; vid.height = info->height; vid.maxwarpwidth = WARP_WIDTH; vid.maxwarpheight = WARP_HEIGHT; vid.numpages = Sys_Video_GetNumBuffers(fod_display); vid.rowbytes = Sys_Video_GetBytesPerRow(fod_display); vid.buffer = Sys_Video_GetBuffer(fod_display); vid.colormap = host_colormap; vid.direct = 0; vid.aspect = ((float)vid.height / (float)vid.width) * (320.0 / 240.0); vid.conbuffer = vid.buffer; vid.conrowbytes = vid.rowbytes; vid.conwidth = vid.width; vid.conheight = vid.height; r_pixbytes = info->bpp/8; VID_SetPalette(palette); Sys_Video_GrabMouse(fod_display, 1); S_Startup(); return true; } free(vid_surfcache); } free(d_pzbuffer); } return false; } void SWVID_ShiftPalette(unsigned char *p) { SWVID_SetPalette(p); } void SWVID_SetPalette(unsigned char *palette) { Sys_Video_SetPalette(fod_display, palette); } void SWVID_Shutdown(void) { if (fod_display) { D_FlushCaches(); free(vid_surfcache); free(d_pzbuffer); Sys_Video_Close(fod_display); fod_display = 0; } } void SWVID_Update(vrect_t *rects) { Sys_Video_Update(fod_display, rects); vid.buffer = Sys_Video_GetBuffer(fod_display); vid.conbuffer = vid.buffer; } void Sys_SendKeyEvents(void) { } void SWD_BeginDirectRect(int x, int y, qbyte *pbitmap, int width, int height) { } void SWD_EndDirectRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) { } void SWVID_LockBuffer (void) { } void SWVID_UnlockBuffer (void) { } int SWVID_ForceUnlockedAndReturnState (void) { return 0; } void SWVID_ForceLockState (int lk) { } void SWVID_SetCaption(char *text) { Sys_Video_SetWindowTitle(fod_display, text); } /*** Input ***/ void IN_ReInit(void) { } void IN_Init(void) { Sys_Video_CvarInit(); Cvar_Register (&m_filter, "Input Controls"); Cvar_Register (&m_accel, "Input Controls"); #ifdef IN_XFLIP Cvar_Register (&in_xflip, "Input Controls"); #endif } void IN_Shutdown(void) { } void IN_Commands(void) { if (fod_display) Sys_Video_GetEvents(fod_display); } void IN_Move(usercmd_t *cmd, int pnum) { float mx, my; float mouse_deltadist; float mouse_x; float mouse_y; static float old_mouse_x; static float old_mouse_y; int fod_mouse_x; int fod_mouse_y; if (!fod_display) return; Sys_Video_GetMouseMovement(fod_display, &fod_mouse_x, &fod_mouse_y); mouse_x = fod_mouse_x; mouse_y = fod_mouse_y; if (pnum != 0) return; //we're lazy today. mousecursor_x += mouse_x; mousecursor_y += mouse_y; if (mousecursor_x < 0) mousecursor_x = 0; if (mousecursor_y < 0) mousecursor_y = 0; if (mousecursor_x > vid.width) mousecursor_x = vid.width; if (mousecursor_y > vid.height) mousecursor_y = vid.height; if (m_filter.value) { float fraction = bound(0, m_filter.value, 2) * 0.5; mouse_x = (mouse_x*(1-fraction) + old_mouse_x*fraction); mouse_y = (mouse_y*(1-fraction) + old_mouse_y*fraction); } old_mouse_x = mx; old_mouse_y = my; if (m_accel.value) { mouse_deltadist = sqrt(mx*mx + my*my); mouse_x *= (mouse_deltadist*m_accel.value + sensitivity.value*in_sensitivityscale); mouse_y *= (mouse_deltadist*m_accel.value + sensitivity.value*in_sensitivityscale); } else { mouse_x *= sensitivity.value*in_sensitivityscale; mouse_y *= sensitivity.value*in_sensitivityscale; } #ifdef IN_XFLIP if(in_xflip.value) mouse_x *= -1; #endif if ( (in_strafe.state[pnum] & 1) || (lookstrafe.value && (in_mlook.state[pnum] & 1) )) movements[1] += m_side.value * mouse_x; else cl.viewangles[pnum][YAW] -= m_yaw.value * mouse_x; if (in_mlook.state[pnum] & 1) V_StopPitchDrift (pnum); if ( (in_mlook.state[pnum] & 1) && !(in_strafe.state[pnum] & 1)) { cl.viewangles[pnum][PITCH] += m_pitch.value * mouse_y; CL_ClampPitch(pnum); } else { if (cmd) { if ((in_strafe.state[pnum] & 1) && noclip_anglehack) movements[2] -= m_forward.value * mouse_y; else movements[0] -= m_forward.value * mouse_y; } } mouse_x = mouse_y = 0.0; }