/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "quakedef.h" #include "winquake.h" #ifndef WINRT // 64K is > 1 second at 16-bit, 22050 Hz #define WAV_BUFFERS 64 #define WAV_MASK 0x3F #define WAV_BUFFER_SIZE 0x0400 #define SECONDARY_BUFFER_SIZE 0x10000 static void WAV_Submit(soundcardinfo_t *sc, int start, int end); typedef struct { HWAVEOUT hWaveOut; HANDLE hData; HGLOBAL hWaveHdr; HPSTR lpData; LPWAVEHDR lpWaveHdr; // DWORD mmstarttime; DWORD gSndBufSize; } wavhandle_t; /* ================== S_BlockSound ================== */ //all devices void S_BlockSound (void) { soundcardinfo_t *sc; wavhandle_t *wh; snd_blocked++; for (sc = sndcardinfo; sc; sc=sc->next) { if (sc->Submit == WAV_Submit && !sc->inactive_sound) { wh = sc->handle; if (snd_blocked == 1) waveOutReset (wh->hWaveOut); } } } /* ================== S_UnblockSound ================== */ //all devices void S_UnblockSound (void) { snd_blocked--; } static void *WAV_Lock (soundcardinfo_t *sc, unsigned int *sampidx) { return sc->sn.buffer; } static void WAV_Unlock (soundcardinfo_t *sc, void *buffer) { } /* ================== FreeSound ================== */ //per device static void WAV_Shutdown (soundcardinfo_t *sc) { int i; wavhandle_t *wh = sc->handle; if (!wh) return; sc->handle = NULL; waveOutReset (wh->hWaveOut); if (wh->lpWaveHdr) { for (i=0 ; i< WAV_BUFFERS ; i++) waveOutUnprepareHeader (wh->hWaveOut, wh->lpWaveHdr+i, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); } waveOutClose (wh->hWaveOut); if (wh->hWaveHdr) { GlobalUnlock(wh->hWaveHdr); GlobalFree(wh->hWaveHdr); } if (wh->hData) { GlobalUnlock(wh->hData); GlobalFree(wh->hData); } wh->hWaveOut = 0; wh->hData = 0; wh->hWaveHdr = 0; wh->lpData = NULL; wh->lpWaveHdr = NULL; Z_Free(wh); } static void WAV_SetUnderWater(soundcardinfo_t *sc, qboolean underwater) { } /* ============== SNDDMA_GetDMAPos return the current sample position (in mono samples read) inside the recirculating dma buffer, so the mixing code will know how many sample are required to fill it up. =============== */ static unsigned int WAV_GetDMAPos(soundcardinfo_t *sc) { int s; s = sc->snd_sent * WAV_BUFFER_SIZE; s >>= (sc->sn.samplebits/8) - 1; // s = (s/shm->numchannels % (shm->samples-1))*shm->numchannels; return s; } /* ============== WAV_Submit Send sound to device if buffer isn't really the dma buffer =============== */ static void WAV_Submit(soundcardinfo_t *sc, int start, int end) { LPWAVEHDR h; int wResult; wavhandle_t *wh = sc->handle; int chunkstosubmit; // // find which sound blocks have completed // while (1) { if ( sc->snd_completed == sc->snd_sent ) { Con_DPrintf ("Sound overrun\n"); break; } if ( ! (wh->lpWaveHdr[ sc->snd_completed & WAV_MASK].dwFlags & WHDR_DONE) ) { break; } sc->snd_completed++; // this buffer has been played } // // submit two new sound blocks // if (sc->sn.speed <= 22050) chunkstosubmit = 4; else chunkstosubmit = 4 + (sc->sn.speed/6000); while (((sc->snd_sent - sc->snd_completed) >> ((sc->sn.samplebits/8) - 1)) < chunkstosubmit) { h = wh->lpWaveHdr + ( sc->snd_sent&WAV_MASK ); sc->snd_sent++; /* * Now the data block can be sent to the output device. The * waveOutWrite function returns immediately and waveform * data is sent to the output device in the background. */ wResult = waveOutWrite(wh->hWaveOut, h, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); if (wResult != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { Con_SafePrintf ("Failed to write block to device\n"); WAV_Shutdown (sc); return; } } } /* ================== SNDDM_InitWav Crappy windows multimedia base ================== */ int WAV_InitCard (soundcardinfo_t *sc, int cardnum) { WAVEFORMATEX format; int i; HRESULT hr; wavhandle_t *wh; if (cardnum != 0) return 2; //we only support one card, at the moment. wh = sc->handle = Z_Malloc(sizeof(wavhandle_t)); sc->snd_sent = 0; sc->snd_completed = 0; if (sc->sn.speed > 48000) // limit waveout to 48000 until that buffer issue gets solved sc->sn.speed = 48000; memset (&format, 0, sizeof(format)); format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; format.nChannels = sc->sn.numchannels; format.wBitsPerSample = sc->sn.samplebits; format.nSamplesPerSec = sc->sn.speed; format.nBlockAlign = format.nChannels *format.wBitsPerSample / 8; format.cbSize = 0; format.nAvgBytesPerSec = format.nSamplesPerSec *format.nBlockAlign; /* Open a waveform device for output using window callback. */ while ((hr = waveOutOpen((LPHWAVEOUT)&wh->hWaveOut, WAVE_MAPPER, &format, 0, 0L, CALLBACK_NULL)) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { if (hr != MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED) { if (hr == WAVERR_BADFORMAT) Con_SafePrintf (CON_ERROR "waveOutOpen failed, format not supported\n"); else Con_SafePrintf (CON_ERROR "waveOutOpen failed, return code %i\n", (int)hr); WAV_Shutdown (sc); return false; } // if (MessageBox (NULL, // "The sound hardware is in use by another app.\n\n" // "Select Retry to try to start sound again or Cancel to run Quake with no sound.", // "Sound not available", // MB_RETRYCANCEL | MB_SETFOREGROUND | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) != IDRETRY) // { Con_SafePrintf (CON_ERROR "waveOutOpen failure;\n" " hardware already in use\nclose the app, then try using snd_restart\n"); WAV_Shutdown (sc); return false; // } } /* * Allocate and lock memory for the waveform data. The memory * for waveform data must be globally allocated with * GMEM_MOVEABLE and GMEM_SHARE flags. */ wh->gSndBufSize = WAV_BUFFERS*WAV_BUFFER_SIZE; wh->hData = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_SHARE, wh->gSndBufSize); if (!wh->hData) { Con_SafePrintf (CON_ERROR "Sound: Out of memory.\n"); WAV_Shutdown (sc); return false; } wh->lpData = GlobalLock(wh->hData); if (!wh->lpData) { Con_SafePrintf (CON_ERROR "Sound: Failed to lock.\n"); WAV_Shutdown (sc); return false; } memset (wh->lpData, 0, wh->gSndBufSize); /* * Allocate and lock memory for the header. This memory must * also be globally allocated with GMEM_MOVEABLE and * GMEM_SHARE flags. */ wh->hWaveHdr = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_SHARE, (DWORD) sizeof(WAVEHDR) * WAV_BUFFERS); if (wh->hWaveHdr == NULL) { Con_SafePrintf (CON_ERROR "Sound: Failed to Alloc header.\n"); WAV_Shutdown (sc); return false; } wh->lpWaveHdr = (LPWAVEHDR) GlobalLock(wh->hWaveHdr); if (wh->lpWaveHdr == NULL) { Con_SafePrintf (CON_ERROR "Sound: Failed to lock header.\n"); WAV_Shutdown (sc); return false; } memset (wh->lpWaveHdr, 0, sizeof(WAVEHDR) * WAV_BUFFERS); /* After allocation, set up and prepare headers. */ for (i=0 ; i<WAV_BUFFERS ; i++) { wh->lpWaveHdr[i].dwBufferLength = WAV_BUFFER_SIZE; wh->lpWaveHdr[i].lpData = wh->lpData + i*WAV_BUFFER_SIZE; if (waveOutPrepareHeader(wh->hWaveOut, wh->lpWaveHdr+i, sizeof(WAVEHDR)) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { Con_SafePrintf (CON_ERROR "Sound: failed to prepare wave headers\n"); WAV_Shutdown (sc); return false; } } sc->sn.samples = wh->gSndBufSize/(sc->sn.samplebits/8); sc->sn.samplepos = 0; sc->sn.buffer = (unsigned char *) wh->lpData; Q_strncpyz(sc->name, "wav out", sizeof(sc->name)); sc->Lock = WAV_Lock; sc->Unlock = WAV_Unlock; sc->SetWaterDistortion = WAV_SetUnderWater; sc->Submit = WAV_Submit; sc->Shutdown = WAV_Shutdown; sc->GetDMAPos = WAV_GetDMAPos; return true; } int (*pWAV_InitCard) (soundcardinfo_t *sc, int cardnum) = &WAV_InitCard; #endif