/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "quakedef.h" #ifdef SQL #include "sv_sql.h" #endif #ifndef SQL #define PF_sqlconnect PF_Fixme #define PF_sqldisconnect PF_Fixme #define PF_sqlopenquery PF_Fixme #define PF_sqlclosequery PF_Fixme #define PF_sqlreadfield PF_Fixme #define PF_sqlerror PF_Fixme #define PF_sqlescape PF_Fixme #define PF_sqlversion PF_Fixme #define PF_sqlreadfloat PF_Fixme #endif #ifndef CLIENTONLY #include "pr_common.h" //okay, so these are a quick but easy hack int PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin(const char *name, int binum); int PR_CSQC_BuiltinValid(const char *name, int num); /*cvars for the gamecode only*/ cvar_t nomonsters = CVAR("nomonsters", "0"); cvar_t gamecfg = CVAR("gamecfg", "0"); cvar_t scratch1 = CVAR("scratch1", "0"); cvar_t scratch2 = CVAR("scratch2", "0"); cvar_t scratch3 = CVAR("scratch3", "0"); cvar_t scratch4 = CVAR("scratch4", "0"); cvar_t savedgamecfg = CVARF("savedgamecfg", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t saved1 = CVARF("saved1", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t saved2 = CVARF("saved2", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t saved3 = CVARF("saved3", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t saved4 = CVARF("saved4", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t temp1 = CVARF("temp1", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cvar_t noexit = CVAR("noexit", "0"); cvar_t pr_ssqc_memsize = CVARD("pr_ssqc_memsize", "-1", "The ammount of memory available to the QC vm. This has a theoretical maximum of 1gb, but that value can only really be used in 64bit builds. -1 will attempt to use some conservative default, but you may need to increase it. Consider also clearing pr_fixbrokenqccarrays if you need to change this cvar."); /*cvars purely for compat with others*/ cvar_t pr_imitatemvdsv = CVARFD("pr_imitatemvdsv", "0", CVAR_LATCH, "Enables mvdsv-specific builtins, and fakes identifiers so that mods made for mvdsv can run properly and with the full feature set."); /*compat with frikqcc's arrays (ensures that unknown fields are at the same offsets*/ cvar_t pr_fixbrokenqccarrays = CVARFD("pr_fixbrokenqccarrays", "0", CVAR_LATCH, "When set, ensures that fields are not relocated unless remapped, working around stripped/immediate field offsets. This results in higher memory usage, but may be needed for compat with certain mods, namely ktpro."); /*other stuff*/ cvar_t pr_maxedicts = CVARAFD("pr_maxedicts", "32768", "max_edicts", CVAR_LATCH, "Maximum number of entities spawnable on the map at once. Low values will crash the server on some maps/mods. High values will result in excessive memory useage (see pr_ssqc_memsize). Illegible server messages may occur with old/other clients above 32k. FTE's network protocols have a maximum at a little over 4 million. Please don't ever make a mod that actually uses that many..."); cvar_t pr_no_playerphysics = CVARFD("pr_no_playerphysics", "0", CVAR_LATCH, "Prevents support of the 'SV_PlayerPhysics' QC function. This allows servers to prevent needless breakage of player prediction."); cvar_t pr_no_parsecommand = CVARFD("pr_no_parsecommand", "0", 0, "Provides a way around invalid mod usage of SV_ParseClientCommand, eg xonotic."); extern cvar_t pr_sourcedir; cvar_t pr_ssqc_progs = CVARAF("progs", "", "sv_progs", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER); cvar_t pr_nonetaccess = CVARD("pr_nonetaccess", "0", "Block all direct access to network buffers (the writebyte builtin and friends will ignore the call)."); //prevent write_... builtins from doing anything. This means we can run any mod, specific to any engine, on the condition that it also has a qw or nq crc. cvar_t pr_overridebuiltins = CVAR("pr_overridebuiltins", "1"); cvar_t pr_compatabilitytest = CVARFD("pr_compatabilitytest", "0", CVAR_LATCH, "Only enables builtins if the extension they are part of was queried."); cvar_t pr_ssqc_coreonerror = CVAR("pr_coreonerror", "1"); cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_honest_tracelines = CVAR("sv_gameplayfix_honest_tracelines", "1"); cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_setmodelrealbox = CVARD("sv_gameplayfix_setmodelrealbox", "0", "Vanilla setmodel will setsize the entity to a hardcoded size for non-bsp models. This cvar will always use the real size of the model instead, but will require that the server actually loads the model."); cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_setmodelsize_qw = CVARD("sv_gameplayfix_setmodelsize_qw", "0", "The setmodel builtin will act as a setsize for QuakeWorld mods also."); cvar_t sv_addon[MAXADDONS]; char cvargroup_progs[] = "Progs variables"; evalc_t evalc_idealpitch, evalc_pitch_speed; qboolean ssqc_deprecated_warned; int pr_teamfield; unsigned int h2infoplaque[2]; /*hexen2 stat*/ static void PRSV_ClearThreads(void); void PR_fclose_progs(pubprogfuncs_t*); void PF_InitTempStrings(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst); void PR_DumpPlatform_f(void); typedef struct qcstate_s { float resumetime; qboolean waiting; struct qcthread_s *thread; int self; int selfid; int other; int otherid; float returnval; struct qcstate_s *next; } qcstate_t; qcstate_t *qcthreads; typedef struct { //for func finding and swapping. char *name; //c function to call builtin_t bifunc; //most of the next two are the same, but they follow different family trees. //It depends on the progs type being loaded as to which is used. int nqnum; //standard nq. int qwnum; //standard qw. int h2num; //standard hexen2 int ebfsnum; //extra functions, these exist ONLY after being checked for. char *prototype; char *biglongdesc; qboolean obsolete; } BuiltinList_t; builtin_t pr_builtin[1024]; extern BuiltinList_t BuiltinList[]; struct { func_t ChatMessage; //mvdsv parsing of 'say' commands func_t UserCmd; //mvdsv func_t ConsoleCmd; //mvdsv func_t UserInfo_Changed; func_t localinfoChanged; func_t ParseClusterEvent; //FTE_SV_CLUSTER func_t ParseClientCommand; //KRIMZON_SV_PARSECLIENTCOMMAND func_t ParseConnectionlessPacket; //FTE_QC_SENDPACKET func_t PausedTic; func_t ShouldPause; func_t RunClientCommand; //EXT_CSQC_1 func_t ClassChangeWeapon;//hexen2 support func_t AddDebugPolygons; func_t CheckRejectConnection; } gfuncs; func_t SpectatorConnect; //QW func_t SpectatorThink; //QW func_t SpectatorDisconnect; //QW func_t SV_PlayerPhysicsQC; //DP's DP_SV_PLAYERPHYSICS extension func_t EndFrameQC; //a common extension globalptrs_t realpr_global_ptrs; globalptrs_t *pr_global_ptrs = &realpr_global_ptrs; pubprogfuncs_t *svprogfuncs; progparms_t svprogparms; progstype_t progstype; void PR_RegisterFields(void); void PR_ResetBuiltins(progstype_t type); static qcstate_t *PR_CreateThread(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, float retval, float resumetime, qboolean wait) { qcstate_t *state; state = prinst->parms->memalloc(sizeof(qcstate_t)); state->next = qcthreads; qcthreads = state; state->resumetime = resumetime; state->self = NUM_FOR_EDICT(prinst, PROG_TO_EDICT(prinst, pr_global_struct->self)); state->selfid = PROG_TO_EDICT(prinst, state->self)->xv->uniquespawnid; state->other = NUM_FOR_EDICT(prinst, PROG_TO_EDICT(prinst, pr_global_struct->other)); state->otherid = PROG_TO_EDICT(prinst, state->other)->xv->uniquespawnid; state->thread = prinst->Fork(prinst); state->waiting = wait; state->returnval = retval; return state; } void PDECL ED_Spawned (struct edict_s *ent, int loading) { #ifdef VM_Q1 if (!ent->xv) ent->xv = (extentvars_t *)(ent->v+1); #endif if (!loading || !ent->xv->Version) { ent->xv->dimension_see = 255; ent->xv->dimension_seen = 255; ent->xv->dimension_ghost = 0; ent->xv->dimension_solid = 255; ent->xv->dimension_hit = 255; if (progstype != PROG_H2) ent->xv->drawflags = SCALE_ORIGIN_ORIGIN; //if not running hexen2, default the scale origin to the actual origin. ent->xv->Version = sv.csqcentversion[ent->entnum]; ent->xv->uniquespawnid = sv.csqcentversion[ent->entnum]; } } pbool PDECL ED_CanFree (edict_t *ed) { if (ed == (edict_t*)sv.world.edicts) { if (developer.value) { Con_TPrintf("cannot free world entity\n"); PR_StackTrace(svprogfuncs, false); svprogfuncs->pr_trace = 1; } return false; } if (NUM_FOR_EDICT(svprogfuncs, ed) <= sv.allocated_client_slots) { Con_TPrintf("cannot free player entities\n"); PR_StackTrace(svprogfuncs, false); svprogfuncs->pr_trace = 1; return false; } World_UnlinkEdict ((wedict_t*)ed); // unlink from world bsp ed->v->model = 0; ed->v->takedamage = 0; ed->v->modelindex = 0; ed->v->colormap = 0; ed->v->skin = 0; ed->v->frame = 0; VectorClear (ed->v->origin); VectorClear (ed->v->angles); ed->v->nextthink = 0; ed->v->solid = 0; ed->xv->pvsflags = 0; ed->v->classname = 0; if (pr_imitatemvdsv.value) { ed->v->health = 0; ed->v->nextthink = -1; ed->v->impulse = 0; //this is not true imitation, but it seems we need this line to get out of some ktpro infinate loops. } else { ed->v->think = 0; } ed->xv->Version+=1; ed->xv->SendEntity = 0; sv.csqcentversion[ed->entnum] += 1; #ifdef USEODE World_ODE_RemoveFromEntity(&sv.world, (wedict_t*)ed); World_ODE_RemoveJointFromEntity(&sv.world, (wedict_t*)ed); #endif return true; } static void ASMCALL StateOp (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, float var, func_t func) { stdentvars_t *vars = PROG_TO_EDICT(prinst, pr_global_struct->self)->v; if (progstype == PROG_H2) vars->nextthink = pr_global_struct->time+0.05; else vars->nextthink = pr_global_struct->time+0.1; vars->think = func; vars->frame = var; } #ifdef HEXEN2 static void ASMCALL CStateOp (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, float first, float last, func_t currentfunc) { float min, max; float step; wedict_t *e = PROG_TO_WEDICT(prinst, pr_global_struct->self); float frame = e->v->frame; if (progstype == PROG_H2) e->v->nextthink = pr_global_struct->time+0.05; else e->v->nextthink = pr_global_struct->time+0.1; e->v->think = currentfunc; pr_global_struct->cycle_wrapped = false; if (first > last) { //going backwards min = last; max = first; step = -1.0; } else { //forwards min = first; max = last; step = 1.0; } if (frame < min || frame > max) frame = first; //started out of range, must have been a different animation else { frame += step; if (frame < min || frame > max) { //became out of range, must have wrapped pr_global_struct->cycle_wrapped = true; frame = first; } } e->v->frame = frame; } static void ASMCALL CWStateOp (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, float first, float last, func_t currentfunc) { float min, max; float step; wedict_t *e = PROG_TO_WEDICT(prinst, pr_global_struct->self); float frame = e->v->weaponframe; if (progstype == PROG_H2) e->v->nextthink = pr_global_struct->time+0.05; else e->v->nextthink = pr_global_struct->time+0.1; e->v->think = currentfunc; pr_global_struct->cycle_wrapped = false; if (first > last) { //going backwards min = last; max = first; step = -1.0; } else { //forwards min = first; max = last; step = 1.0; } if (frame < min || frame > max) frame = first; //started out of range, must have been a different animation else { frame += step; if (frame < min || frame > max) { //became out of range, must have wrapped pr_global_struct->cycle_wrapped = true; frame = first; } } e->v->weaponframe = frame; } static void ASMCALL ThinkTimeOp (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, edict_t *ed, float var) { stdentvars_t *vars = ed->v; vars->nextthink = pr_global_struct->time+var; } #endif static pbool PDECL SV_BadField(pubprogfuncs_t *inst, edict_t *foo, const char *keyname, const char *value) { #ifdef HEXEN2 /*Worldspawn only fields...*/ if (NUM_FOR_EDICT(inst, foo) == 0) { /*hexen2 midi - just mute it, we don't support it*/ if (!stricmp(keyname, "MIDI")) { Q_strncpyz(sv.h2miditrack, value, sizeof(sv.h2miditrack)); return true; } /*hexen2 does cd tracks slightly differently too, so there's consistancy for you*/ if (!stricmp(keyname, "CD")) { sv.h2cdtrack = atoi(value); return true; } } #endif //don't spam warnings about missing fields if we failed to load the progs. if (!svs.numprogs) return true; return false; } void PR_SV_FillWorldGlobals(world_t *w) { w->g.self = pr_global_ptrs->self; w->g.other = pr_global_ptrs->other; w->g.force_retouch = pr_global_ptrs->force_retouch; w->g.physics_mode = pr_global_ptrs->physics_mode; w->g.frametime = pr_global_ptrs->frametime; w->g.newmis = pr_global_ptrs->newmis; w->g.time = pr_global_ptrs->time; w->g.v_forward = *pr_global_ptrs->v_forward; w->g.v_right = *pr_global_ptrs->v_right; w->g.v_up = *pr_global_ptrs->v_up; } static void PDECL PR_SSQC_Relocated(pubprogfuncs_t *pr, char *oldb, char *newb, int oldlen) { #ifdef VM_Q1 edict_t *ent; #endif int i; union { globalptrs_t *g; char **c; } b; b.g = pr_global_ptrs; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(*b.g)/sizeof(*b.c); i++) { if (b.c[i] >= oldb && b.c[i] < oldb+oldlen) b.c[i] += newb - oldb; } PR_SV_FillWorldGlobals(&sv.world); #ifdef VM_Q1 for (i = 0; i < sv.world.num_edicts; i++) { ent = EDICT_NUM(pr, i); if ((char*)ent->xv >= oldb && (char*)ent->xv < oldb+oldlen) ent->xv = (extentvars_t*)((char*)ent->xv - oldb + newb); } #endif for (i = 0; sv.strings.model_precache[i]; i++) { if (sv.strings.model_precache[i] >= oldb && sv.strings.model_precache[i] < oldb+oldlen) sv.strings.model_precache[i] += newb - oldb; } for (i = 0; i < svs.allocated_client_slots; i++) { if (svs.clients[i].name >= oldb && svs.clients[i].name < oldb+oldlen) svs.clients[i].name += newb - oldb; if (svs.clients[i].team >= oldb && svs.clients[i].team < oldb+oldlen) svs.clients[i].team += newb - oldb; } } //int QCEditor (char *filename, int line, int nump, char **parms); void QC_Clear(void); builtin_t pr_builtin[]; extern int pr_numbuiltins; model_t *SVPR_GetCModel(world_t *w, int modelindex) { if ((unsigned int)modelindex < MAX_PRECACHE_MODELS) { if (!sv.models[modelindex] && sv.strings.model_precache[modelindex]) sv.models[modelindex] = Mod_ForName(Mod_FixName(sv.strings.model_precache[modelindex], sv.modelname), MLV_WARN); return sv.models[modelindex]; } else return NULL; } static void SVPR_Get_FrameState(world_t *w, wedict_t *ent, framestate_t *fstate) { memset(fstate, 0, sizeof(*fstate)); fstate->g[FS_REG].frame[0] = ent->v->frame; } static void SVPR_Event_Touch(world_t *w, wedict_t *s, wedict_t *o) { int oself = pr_global_struct->self; int oother = pr_global_struct->other; pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(w->progs, s); pr_global_struct->other = EDICT_TO_PROG(w->progs, o); pr_global_struct->time = w->physicstime; PR_ExecuteProgram (w->progs, s->v->touch); pr_global_struct->self = oself; pr_global_struct->other = oother; } static void SVPR_Event_Think(world_t *w, wedict_t *s) { pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(w->progs, s); pr_global_struct->other = EDICT_TO_PROG(w->progs, w->edicts); if (!s->v->think) Con_Printf("SSQC entity \"%s\" has nextthink with no think function\n", PR_GetString(w->progs, s->v->classname)); else PR_ExecuteProgram (w->progs, s->v->think); } static qboolean SVPR_Event_ContentsTransition(world_t *w, wedict_t *ent, int oldwatertype, int newwatertype) { if (ent->xv->contentstransition) { void *pr_globals = PR_globals(w->progs, PR_CURRENT); pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(w->progs, ent); pr_global_struct->time = w->physicstime; G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) = oldwatertype; G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1) = newwatertype; PR_ExecuteProgram (w->progs, ent->xv->contentstransition); return true; } return false; //do legacy behaviour } #define QW_PROGHEADER_CRC 54730 #define NQ_PROGHEADER_CRC 5927 #define PREREL_PROGHEADER_CRC 26940 //prerelease #define H2_PROGHEADER_CRC 38488 //basic hexen2 #define H2MP_PROGHEADER_CRC 26905 //hexen2 mission pack uses slightly different defs... *sigh*... #define H2DEMO_PROGHEADER_CRC 14046 //I'm guessing this is from the original release or something pbool PDECL PR_SSQC_CheckHeaderCrc(pubprogfuncs_t *inst, progsnum_t idx, int crc) { progstype_t modtype; if (crc == QW_PROGHEADER_CRC) modtype = PROG_QW; else if (crc == NQ_PROGHEADER_CRC) modtype = PROG_NQ; #ifdef HEXEN2 else if (crc == H2_PROGHEADER_CRC || crc == H2MP_PROGHEADER_CRC || crc == H2DEMO_PROGHEADER_CRC) modtype = PROG_H2; #endif else if (crc == PREREL_PROGHEADER_CRC) modtype = PROG_PREREL; else modtype = PROG_UNKNOWN; //if we didn't see one yet, use the one that just got loaded. if (progstype == PROG_NONE) progstype = modtype; //if the new one differs from the main module, reject it, unless it has crc 0, which we'll allow as a universal mutator (good luck guessing the correct arguments, but hey). if (progstype != modtype && crc != 0) return false; return true; } void Q_SetProgsParms(qboolean forcompiler) { progstype = PROG_NONE; svprogparms.progsversion = PROGSTRUCT_VERSION; svprogparms.ReadFile = COM_LoadStackFile;//char *(*ReadFile) (char *fname, void *buffer, int *len); svprogparms.FileSize = COM_FileSize;//int (*FileSize) (char *fname); //-1 if file does not exist svprogparms.WriteFile = QC_WriteFile;//bool (*WriteFile) (char *name, void *data, int len); svprogparms.Printf = PR_Printf;//Con_Printf;//void (*printf) (char *, ...); svprogparms.CheckHeaderCrc = PR_SSQC_CheckHeaderCrc; svprogparms.Sys_Error = Sys_Error; svprogparms.Abort = SV_Error; svprogparms.edictsize = sizeof(edict_t); svprogparms.entspawn = ED_Spawned;//void (*entspawn) (struct edict_s *ent); //ent has been spawned, but may not have all the extra variables (that may need to be set) set svprogparms.entcanfree = ED_CanFree;//bool (*entcanfree) (struct edict_s *ent); //return true to stop ent from being freed svprogparms.stateop = StateOp;//void (*stateop) (float var, func_t func); #ifdef HEXEN2 svprogparms.cstateop = CStateOp; svprogparms.cwstateop = CWStateOp; svprogparms.thinktimeop = ThinkTimeOp; #endif //used when loading a game svprogparms.builtinsfor = NULL;//builtin_t *(*builtinsfor) (int num); //must return a pointer to the builtins that were used before the state was saved. svprogparms.loadcompleate = NULL;//void (*loadcompleate) (int edictsize); //notification to reset any pointers. svprogparms.badfield = SV_BadField; svprogparms.memalloc = PR_CB_Malloc;//void *(*memalloc) (int size); //small string allocation malloced and freed randomly svprogparms.memfree = PR_CB_Free;//void (*memfree) (void * mem); svprogparms.globalbuiltins = pr_builtin;//builtin_t *globalbuiltins; //these are available to all progs svprogparms.numglobalbuiltins = pr_numbuiltins; svprogparms.autocompile = PR_COMPILECHANGED;//enum {PR_NOCOMPILE, PR_COMPILENEXIST, PR_COMPILECHANGED, PR_COMPILEALWAYS} autocompile; svprogparms.gametime = &sv.time; svprogparms.sv_edicts = (edict_t**)&sv.world.edicts; svprogparms.sv_num_edicts = &sv.world.num_edicts; svprogparms.useeditor = QCEditor;//void (*useeditor) (char *filename, int line, int nump, char **parms); //until its properly tested if (pr_ssqc_memsize.ival == -2) svprogparms.addressablerelocated = PR_SSQC_Relocated; svprogparms.user = &sv.world; if (!svprogfuncs) { sv.world.progs = svprogfuncs = InitProgs(&svprogparms); } sv.world.Event_Touch = SVPR_Event_Touch; sv.world.Event_Think = SVPR_Event_Think; sv.world.Event_Sound = SVQ1_StartSound; sv.world.Event_ContentsTransition = SVPR_Event_ContentsTransition; sv.world.Get_CModel = SVPR_GetCModel; sv.world.Get_FrameState = SVPR_Get_FrameState; PRSV_ClearThreads(); PR_fclose_progs(svprogfuncs); // svs.numprogs = 0; } void PR_Deinit(void) { int i; PRSV_ClearThreads(); if (svprogfuncs) { PR_Common_Shutdown(svprogfuncs, false); if (svprogfuncs->CloseProgs) svprogfuncs->CloseProgs(svprogfuncs); sv.world.progs = NULL; svprogfuncs=NULL; for (i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTSTYLES; i++) { BZ_Free((void*)sv.strings.lightstyles[i]); sv.strings.lightstyles[i] = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < svs.allocated_client_slots; i++) { svs.clients[i].name = svs.clients[i].namebuf; svs.clients[i].team = svs.clients[i].teambuf; } } #ifdef USEODE World_ODE_End(&sv.world); #endif #ifdef SQL SQL_KillServers(); #endif //clear out function pointers (so changing game modes cannot lead to confusions) memset(&gfuncs, 0, sizeof(gfuncs)); SpectatorConnect = 0; SpectatorThink = 0; SpectatorDisconnect = 0; } void PR_Shutdown(void) { PR_Deinit(); #ifdef SQL SQL_DeInit(); #endif } void PR_LoadGlabalStruct(void) { static float svphysicsmode = 2; static float writeonly; static float dimension_send_default; static float zero_default; static float input_buttons_default; static float input_timelength_default; static float input_impulse_default; static vec3_t input_angles_default; static vec3_t input_movevalues_default; int i; int *v; globalptrs_t *pr_globals = pr_global_ptrs; #define globalfloat(need,name) (pr_globals)->name = (float *)PR_FindGlobal(svprogfuncs, #name, 0, NULL); if (need && !(pr_globals)->name) {static float fallback##name; (pr_globals)->name = &fallback##name; Con_Printf("Could not find \""#name"\" export in progs\n");} #define globalint(need,name) (pr_globals)->name = (int *)PR_FindGlobal(svprogfuncs, #name, 0, NULL); if (need && !(pr_globals)->name) {static int fallback##name; (pr_globals)->name = &fallback##name; Con_Printf("Could not find \""#name"\" export in progs\n");} #define globalstring(need,name) (pr_globals)->name = (int *)PR_FindGlobal(svprogfuncs, #name, 0, NULL); if (need && !(pr_globals)->name) {static string_t fallback##name; (pr_globals)->name = &fallback##name; Con_Printf("Could not find \""#name"\" export in progs\n");} #define globalvec(need,name) (pr_globals)->name = (vec3_t *)PR_FindGlobal(svprogfuncs, #name, 0, NULL); if (need && !(pr_globals)->name) {static vec3_t fallback##name; (pr_globals)->name = &fallback##name; Con_Printf("Could not find \""#name"\" export in progs\n");} #define globalfunc(need,name) (pr_globals)->name = (func_t *)PR_FindGlobal(svprogfuncs, #name, 0, NULL); if (!(pr_globals)->name) {static func_t stripped##name; stripped##name = PR_FindFunction(svprogfuncs, #name, 0); if (stripped##name) (pr_globals)->name = &stripped##name; else if (need) Con_Printf("Could not find function \""#name"\" in progs\n"); } // globalint(pad); globalint (true, self); //we need the qw ones, but any in standard quake and not quakeworld, we don't really care about. globalint (true, other); globalint (true, world); globalfloat (true, time); globalfloat (true, frametime); globalint (false, newmis); //not always in nq. globalfloat (false, force_retouch); globalstring (true, mapname); globalfloat (false, deathmatch); globalfloat (false, coop); globalfloat (false, teamplay); globalfloat (false, serverflags); globalfloat (false, total_secrets); globalfloat (false, total_monsters); globalfloat (false, found_secrets); globalfloat (false, killed_monsters); globalvec (true, v_forward); globalvec (true, v_up); globalvec (true, v_right); globalfloat (false, trace_allsolid); globalfloat (false, trace_startsolid); globalfloat (false, trace_fraction); globalvec (false, trace_endpos); globalvec (false, trace_plane_normal); globalfloat (false, trace_plane_dist); globalint (true, trace_ent); globalfloat (false, trace_inopen); globalfloat (false, trace_inwater); globalfloat (false, trace_endcontents); globalfloat (false, trace_surfaceflags); globalfloat (false, cycle_wrapped); globalint (false, msg_entity); globalfunc (false, main); globalfunc (true, StartFrame); globalfunc (true, PlayerPreThink); globalfunc (true, PlayerPostThink); globalfunc (true, ClientKill); globalfunc (true, ClientConnect); globalfunc (true, PutClientInServer); globalfunc (true, ClientDisconnect); globalfunc (false, SetNewParms); globalfunc (false, SetChangeParms); globalfloat (false, cycle_wrapped); globalfloat (false, dimension_send); globalfloat (false, clientcommandframe); globalfloat (false, input_timelength); globalfloat (false, input_impulse); globalvec (false, input_angles); globalvec (false, input_movevalues); globalfloat (false, input_buttons); memset(&evalc_idealpitch, 0, sizeof(evalc_idealpitch)); memset(&evalc_pitch_speed, 0, sizeof(evalc_pitch_speed)); pr_global_ptrs->serverid = (float *)PR_FindGlobal(svprogfuncs, "serverid", 0, NULL); if (pr_global_ptrs->serverid) *pr_global_ptrs->serverid = svs.clusterserverid; for (i = 0; i < NUM_SPAWN_PARMS; i++) pr_global_ptrs->spawnparamglobals[i] = (float *)PR_FindGlobal(svprogfuncs, va("parm%i", i+1), 0, NULL); #define ensureglobal(name,var) if (!(pr_globals)->name) (pr_globals)->name = &var; // make sure these entries are always valid pointers ensureglobal(dimension_send, dimension_send_default); ensureglobal(trace_endcontents, writeonly); ensureglobal(trace_surfaceflags, writeonly); ensureglobal(input_timelength, input_timelength_default); ensureglobal(input_impulse, input_impulse_default); ensureglobal(input_angles, input_angles_default); ensureglobal(input_movevalues, input_movevalues_default); ensureglobal(input_buttons, input_buttons_default); // qtest renames and missing variables if (!(pr_globals)->trace_plane_normal) { (pr_globals)->trace_plane_normal = (vec3_t *)PR_FindGlobal(svprogfuncs, "trace_normal", 0, NULL); if (!(pr_globals)->trace_plane_normal) { static vec3_t fallback_trace_plane_normal; (pr_globals)->trace_plane_normal = &fallback_trace_plane_normal; Con_Printf("Could not find export trace_plane_normal in progs\n"); } } if (!(pr_globals)->trace_endpos) { (pr_globals)->trace_endpos = (vec3_t *)PR_FindGlobal(svprogfuncs, "trace_impact", 0, NULL); if (!(pr_globals)->trace_endpos) { static vec3_t fallback_trace_endpos; (pr_globals)->trace_endpos = &fallback_trace_endpos; Con_Printf("Could not find export trace_endpos in progs\n"); } } if (!(pr_globals)->trace_fraction) { (pr_globals)->trace_fraction = (float *)PR_FindGlobal(svprogfuncs, "trace_frac", 0, NULL); if (!(pr_globals)->trace_fraction) { static float fallback_trace_fraction; (pr_globals)->trace_fraction = &fallback_trace_fraction; Con_Printf("Could not find export trace_fraction in progs\n"); } } ensureglobal(serverflags, zero_default); ensureglobal(total_secrets, zero_default); ensureglobal(total_monsters, zero_default); ensureglobal(found_secrets, zero_default); ensureglobal(killed_monsters, zero_default); ensureglobal(trace_allsolid, writeonly); ensureglobal(trace_startsolid, writeonly); ensureglobal(trace_plane_dist, writeonly); ensureglobal(trace_inopen, writeonly); ensureglobal(trace_inwater, writeonly); ensureglobal(physics_mode, svphysicsmode); //this can be a map start or a loadgame. don't hurt stuff. if (!pr_global_struct->dimension_send) pr_global_struct->dimension_send = 255; /* pr_global_struct->dimension_send = 255; pr_global_struct->serverflags = 0; pr_global_struct->total_secrets = 0; pr_global_struct->total_monsters = 0; pr_global_struct->found_secrets = 0; pr_global_struct->killed_monsters = 0; */ pr_teamfield = 0; SpectatorConnect = PR_FindFunction(svprogfuncs, "SpectatorConnect", PR_ANY); SpectatorDisconnect = PR_FindFunction(svprogfuncs, "SpectatorDisconnect", PR_ANY); SpectatorThink = PR_FindFunction(svprogfuncs, "SpectatorThink", PR_ANY); gfuncs.ParseClusterEvent = PR_FindFunction(svprogfuncs, "SV_ParseClusterEvent", PR_ANY); gfuncs.ParseClientCommand = PR_FindFunction(svprogfuncs, "SV_ParseClientCommand", PR_ANY); gfuncs.ParseConnectionlessPacket = PR_FindFunction(svprogfuncs, "SV_ParseConnectionlessPacket", PR_ANY); gfuncs.UserInfo_Changed = PR_FindFunction(svprogfuncs, "UserInfo_Changed", PR_ANY); gfuncs.localinfoChanged = PR_FindFunction(svprogfuncs, "localinfoChanged", PR_ANY); gfuncs.ChatMessage = PR_FindFunction(svprogfuncs, "ChatMessage", PR_ANY); gfuncs.UserCmd = PR_FindFunction(svprogfuncs, "UserCmd", PR_ANY); gfuncs.ConsoleCmd = PR_FindFunction(svprogfuncs, "ConsoleCmd", PR_ANY); gfuncs.PausedTic = PR_FindFunction(svprogfuncs, "SV_PausedTic", PR_ANY); gfuncs.ShouldPause = PR_FindFunction(svprogfuncs, "SV_ShouldPause", PR_ANY); gfuncs.ClassChangeWeapon = PR_FindFunction(svprogfuncs, "ClassChangeWeapon", PR_ANY); gfuncs.RunClientCommand = PR_FindFunction(svprogfuncs, "SV_RunClientCommand", PR_ANY); gfuncs.AddDebugPolygons = PR_FindFunction(svprogfuncs, "SV_AddDebugPolygons", PR_ANY); gfuncs.CheckRejectConnection = PR_FindFunction(svprogfuncs, "SV_CheckRejectConnection", PR_ANY); if (pr_no_playerphysics.ival) SV_PlayerPhysicsQC = 0; else SV_PlayerPhysicsQC = PR_FindFunction(svprogfuncs, "SV_PlayerPhysics", PR_ANY); EndFrameQC = PR_FindFunction (svprogfuncs, "EndFrame", PR_ANY); v = (int *)PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT); svprogfuncs->AddSharedVar(svprogfuncs, (int *)(pr_global_ptrs)->self-v, 1); svprogfuncs->AddSharedVar(svprogfuncs, (int *)(pr_global_ptrs)->other-v, 1); svprogfuncs->AddSharedVar(svprogfuncs, (int *)(pr_global_ptrs)->time-v, 1); //test the global rather than the field - fte internally always has the field. sv.haveitems2 = !!PR_FindGlobal(svprogfuncs, "items2", 0, NULL); SV_ClearQCStats(); PR_SV_FillWorldGlobals(&sv.world); #ifdef HEXEN2 /*Hexen2 has lots of extra stats, which I don't want special support for, so list them here and send them as for csqc*/ if (progstype == PROG_H2) { SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "level", STAT_H2_LEVEL); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "intelligence", STAT_H2_INTELLIGENCE); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "wisdom", STAT_H2_WISDOM); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "strength", STAT_H2_STRENGTH); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "dexterity", STAT_H2_DEXTERITY); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "bluemana", STAT_H2_BLUEMANA); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "greenmana", STAT_H2_GREENMANA); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "experience", STAT_H2_EXPERIENCE); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "cnt_torch", STAT_H2_CNT_TORCH); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "cnt_h_boost", STAT_H2_CNT_H_BOOST); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "cnt_sh_boost", STAT_H2_CNT_SH_BOOST); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "cnt_mana_boost", STAT_H2_CNT_MANA_BOOST); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "cnt_teleport", STAT_H2_CNT_TELEPORT); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "cnt_tome", STAT_H2_CNT_TOME); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "cnt_summon", STAT_H2_CNT_SUMMON); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "cnt_invisibility", STAT_H2_CNT_INVISIBILITY); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "cnt_glyph", STAT_H2_CNT_GLYPH); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "cnt_haste", STAT_H2_CNT_HASTE); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "cnt_blast", STAT_H2_CNT_BLAST); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "cnt_polymorph", STAT_H2_CNT_POLYMORPH); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "cnt_flight", STAT_H2_CNT_FLIGHT); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "cnt_cubeofforce", STAT_H2_CNT_CUBEOFFORCE); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "cnt_invincibility", STAT_H2_CNT_INVINCIBILITY); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "artifact_active", STAT_H2_ARTIFACT_ACTIVE); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "artifact_low", STAT_H2_ARTIFACT_LOW); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "movetype", STAT_H2_MOVETYPE); /*normally used to change the roll when flying*/ SV_QCStatName(ev_entity, "cameramode", STAT_H2_CAMERAMODE); /*locks view in place when set*/ SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "hasted", STAT_H2_HASTED); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "inventory", STAT_H2_INVENTORY); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "rings_active", STAT_H2_RINGS_ACTIVE); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "rings_low", STAT_H2_RINGS_LOW); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "armor_amulet", STAT_H2_ARMOUR2); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "armor_bracer", STAT_H2_ARMOUR4); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "armor_breastplate", STAT_H2_ARMOUR3); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "armor_helmet", STAT_H2_ARMOUR1); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "ring_flight", STAT_H2_FLIGHT_T); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "ring_water", STAT_H2_WATER_T); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "ring_turning", STAT_H2_TURNING_T); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "ring_regeneration", STAT_H2_REGEN_T); SV_QCStatName(ev_string, "puzzle_inv1", STAT_H2_PUZZLE1); SV_QCStatName(ev_string, "puzzle_inv2", STAT_H2_PUZZLE2); SV_QCStatName(ev_string, "puzzle_inv3", STAT_H2_PUZZLE3); SV_QCStatName(ev_string, "puzzle_inv4", STAT_H2_PUZZLE4); SV_QCStatName(ev_string, "puzzle_inv5", STAT_H2_PUZZLE5); SV_QCStatName(ev_string, "puzzle_inv6", STAT_H2_PUZZLE6); SV_QCStatName(ev_string, "puzzle_inv7", STAT_H2_PUZZLE7); SV_QCStatName(ev_string, "puzzle_inv8", STAT_H2_PUZZLE8); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "max_health", STAT_H2_MAXHEALTH); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "max_mana", STAT_H2_MAXMANA); SV_QCStatName(ev_float, "flags", STAT_H2_FLAGS); /*to show the special abilities on the sbar*/ SV_QCStatPtr(ev_integer, &h2infoplaque[0], STAT_H2_OBJECTIVE1); SV_QCStatPtr(ev_integer, &h2infoplaque[1], STAT_H2_OBJECTIVE2); } #endif } progsnum_t AddProgs(const char *name) { float fl; func_t f; globalvars_t *pr_globals; progsnum_t num; int i; if (strlen(name) >= sizeof(svs.progsnames[0])) return -1; for (i = 0; i < svs.numprogs; i++) { if (!strcmp(svs.progsnames[i], name)) { return svs.progsnum[i]; } } if (svs.numprogs >= MAX_PROGS) return -1; svprogparms.autocompile = PR_COMPILECHANGED; num = PR_LoadProgs (svprogfuncs, name, NULL, 0); sv.world.usesolidcorpse = (progstype != PROG_H2); if (!i && num != -1) { switch(progstype) { case PROG_QW: Con_DPrintf("Using QW progs\n"); break; case PROG_NQ: Con_DPrintf("Using NQ progs\n"); break; case PROG_H2: Con_DPrintf("Using H2 progs\n"); break; case PROG_PREREL: Con_DPrintf("Using prerelease progs\n"); break; default: Con_DPrintf("Using unknown progs\n"); break; } } svprogparms.autocompile = PR_COMPILECHANGED; if (num == -1) { Con_Printf("Failed to load %s\n", name); return -1; } if (num == 0) PR_LoadGlabalStruct(); Con_TPrintf("Loaded progs %s\n", name); PR_ProgsAdded(svprogfuncs, num, name); if (!svs.numprogs) { PF_InitTempStrings(svprogfuncs); PR_ResetBuiltins(progstype); } if ((f = PR_FindFunction (svprogfuncs, "VersionChat", num ))) { pr_globals = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, num); G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) = version_number(); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, f); fl = G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN); if (fl < 0) SV_Error ("PR_LoadProgs: progs.dat is not compatible with EXE version"); else if ((int) (fl) != (int) (version_number())) Con_DPrintf("Warning: Progs may not be fully compatible\n (%4.2f != %i)\n", fl, version_number()); } if ((f = PR_FindFunction (svprogfuncs, "FTE_init", num ))) { pr_globals = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, num); G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) = version_number(); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, f); } strcpy(svs.progsnames[svs.numprogs], name); svs.progsnum[svs.numprogs] = num; svs.numprogs++; return num; } void PR_Decompile_f(void) { if (!svprogfuncs) { Q_SetProgsParms(false); PR_Configure(svprogfuncs, pr_ssqc_memsize.ival, MAX_PROGS, 0); } if (Cmd_Argc() == 1) svprogfuncs->Decompile(svprogfuncs, "qwprogs.dat"); else svprogfuncs->Decompile(svprogfuncs, Cmd_Argv(1)); } void PR_Compile_f(void) { qboolean killondone = false; int argc=3; double time = Sys_DoubleTime(); char *argv[64] = {"", "-src", pr_sourcedir.string, "-srcfile", "progs.src"}; if (Cmd_Argc()>2) { for (argc = 0; argc < Cmd_Argc(); argc++) argv[argc] = Cmd_Argv(argc); } else { //override the source name if (Cmd_Argc() == 2) { argv[4] = Cmd_Argv(1); argc = 5; } if (!FS_FLocateFile(va("%s/%s", argv[2], argv[4]), FSLFRT_IFFOUND, NULL)) { //try the qc path argv[2] = "qc"; } if (!FS_FLocateFile(va("%s/%s", argv[2], argv[4]), FSLFRT_IFFOUND, NULL)) { //try the progs path (yeah... gah) argv[2] = "progs"; } if (!FS_FLocateFile(va("%s/%s", argv[2], argv[4]), FSLFRT_IFFOUND, NULL)) { //try the gamedir path argv[1] = argv[3]; argv[2] = argv[4]; argc -= 2; } } if (!svprogfuncs) { Q_SetProgsParms(true); killondone = true; } if (PR_StartCompile(svprogfuncs, argc, argv)) while(PR_ContinueCompile(svprogfuncs)); if (killondone) PR_Deinit(); time = Sys_DoubleTime() - time; Con_TPrintf("Compile took %f secs\n", time); } void PR_ApplyCompilation_f (void) { edict_t *ent; char *s; int len, i; if (sv.state < ss_active) { Con_Printf("Can't apply: Server isn't running or is still loading\n"); return; } Con_Printf("Saving state\n"); s = PR_SaveEnts(svprogfuncs, NULL, &len, 0, 1); PR_Configure(svprogfuncs, pr_ssqc_memsize.ival, MAX_PROGS, pr_enable_profiling.ival); PR_RegisterFields(); PR_InitEnts(svprogfuncs, sv.world.max_edicts); sv.world.edict_size=svprogfuncs->load_ents(svprogfuncs, s, 0); PR_LoadGlabalStruct(); pr_global_struct->time = sv.world.physicstime; World_ClearWorld (&sv.world); for (i=0 ; iisfree) continue; World_LinkEdict (&sv.world, (wedict_t*)ent, false); // force retouch even for stationary } svprogfuncs->parms->memfree(s); } void PR_BreakPoint_f(void) { int wasset; int isset; char *filename = Cmd_Argv(1); int line = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2)); if (!svprogfuncs) { Con_Printf("Start the server first\n"); return; } wasset = svprogfuncs->ToggleBreak(svprogfuncs, filename, line, 3); isset = svprogfuncs->ToggleBreak(svprogfuncs, filename, line, 2); if (wasset == isset) Con_Printf("Breakpoint was not valid\n"); else if (isset) Con_Printf("Breakpoint has been set\n"); else Con_Printf("Breakpoint has been cleared\n"); Cvar_Set(Cvar_FindVar("debugger"), "1"); } void PR_WatchPoint_f(void) { char *variable = Cmd_Argv(1); int oldself; if (!*variable) variable = NULL; if (!svprogfuncs) { Con_Printf("Start the server first\n"); return; } oldself = pr_global_struct->self; if (oldself == 0) { //if self is world, set it to something sensible. int i; for (i = 0; i < sv.allocated_client_slots; i++) { if (svs.clients[i].state && svs.clients[i].netchan.remote_address.type == NA_LOOPBACK) { //always use first local client, if available. pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, svs.clients[i].edict); break; } //failing that, just use the first client. if (svs.clients[i].state == cs_spawned && !pr_global_struct->self) pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, svs.clients[i].edict); } } if (svprogfuncs->SetWatchPoint(svprogfuncs, variable)) Con_Printf("Watchpoint set\n"); else Con_Printf("Watchpoint cleared\n"); pr_global_struct->self = oldself; Cvar_Set(Cvar_FindVar("debugger"), "1"); } static void PR_SSProfile_f(void) { if (svprogfuncs && svprogfuncs->DumpProfile) if (!svprogfuncs->DumpProfile(svprogfuncs)) Con_Printf("Please set pr_enable_profiling and restart the map first\n"); } static void PR_SSPoke_f(void) { if (!SV_MayCheat()) Con_TPrintf ("Please set sv_cheats 1 and restart the map first.\n"); else if (svprogfuncs && svprogfuncs->EvaluateDebugString) Con_TPrintf("Result: %s\n", svprogfuncs->EvaluateDebugString(svprogfuncs, Cmd_Args())); else Con_TPrintf ("not supported.\n"); } void PR_SSCoreDump_f(void) { if (!svprogfuncs) { Con_Printf("Progs not running, you need to start a server first\n"); return; } { int size = 1024*1024*8; char *buffer = BZ_Malloc(size); svprogfuncs->save_ents(svprogfuncs, buffer, &size, size, 3); COM_WriteFile("ssqccore.txt", buffer, size); BZ_Free(buffer); } } void PR_SVExtensionList_f(void); /* #ifdef _DEBUG void QCLibTest(void) { int size = 1024*1024*8; char *buffer = BZ_Malloc(size); svprogfuncs->save_ents(svprogfuncs, buffer, &size, 3); COM_WriteFile("ssqccore.txt", buffer, size); BZ_Free(buffer); PR_TestForWierdness(svprogfuncs); } #endif */ typedef char char32[32]; char32 sv_addonname[MAXADDONS]; void PR_Init(void) { int i; Cmd_AddCommand ("breakpoint", PR_BreakPoint_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("watchpoint", PR_WatchPoint_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("decompile", PR_Decompile_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("compile", PR_Compile_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("applycompile", PR_ApplyCompilation_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("coredump_ssqc", PR_SSCoreDump_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("poke_ssqc", PR_SSPoke_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("profile_ssqc", PR_SSProfile_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("extensionlist_ssqc", PR_SVExtensionList_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("pr_dumpplatform", PR_DumpPlatform_f); /* #ifdef _DEBUG Cmd_AddCommand ("svtestprogs", QCLibTest); #endif */ Cvar_Register(&pr_imitatemvdsv, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register(&pr_fixbrokenqccarrays, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register(&pr_maxedicts, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register(&pr_no_playerphysics, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register(&pr_no_parsecommand, cvargroup_progs); for (i = 0; i < MAXADDONS; i++) { sprintf(sv_addonname[i], "addon%i", i); sv_addon[i].name = sv_addonname[i]; sv_addon[i].string = ""; sv_addon[i].flags = CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER; Cvar_Register(&sv_addon[i], cvargroup_progs); } Cvar_Register (&nomonsters, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&gamecfg, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&scratch1, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&scratch2, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&scratch3, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&scratch4, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&savedgamecfg, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&saved1, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&saved2, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&saved3, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&saved4, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&temp1, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&noexit, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&pr_ssqc_progs, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&pr_compatabilitytest, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&pr_nonetaccess, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&pr_overridebuiltins, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&pr_ssqc_coreonerror, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&pr_ssqc_memsize, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&sv_gameplayfix_honest_tracelines, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&sv_gameplayfix_setmodelrealbox, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&sv_gameplayfix_setmodelsize_qw, cvargroup_progs); #ifdef SQL SQL_Init(); #endif } void SVQ1_CvarChanged(cvar_t *var) { if (svprogfuncs) { PR_AutoCvar(svprogfuncs, var); } } void SV_RegisterH2CustomTents(void); void Q_InitProgs(void) { int i, i2; func_t f, f2; globalvars_t *pr_globals; static char addons[2048]; char *as, *a; progsnum_t prnum, oldprnum=-1; int d1, d2; ssqc_deprecated_warned = false; QC_Clear(); Q_SetProgsParms(false); // load progs to get entity field count PR_Configure(svprogfuncs, pr_ssqc_memsize.ival, MAX_PROGS, pr_enable_profiling.ival); PR_RegisterFields(); svs.numprogs=0; d1 = COM_FDepthFile("progs.dat", true); d2 = COM_FDepthFile("qwprogs.dat", true); if (d2 != 0x7fffffff) d2 += (!deathmatch.value * 3); if (d1 < d2) //progs.dat is closer to the gamedir strcpy(addons, "progs.dat"); else if (d1 > d2) //qwprogs.dat is closest { strcpy(addons, "qwprogs.dat"); d1 = d2; } //both are an equal distance - same path. else if (deathmatch.value && !COM_CheckParm("-game")) //if deathmatch, default to qw { strcpy(addons, "qwprogs.dat"); d1 = d2; } else //single player/coop is better done with nq. { strcpy(addons, "progs.dat"); } //if progs cvar is left blank and a q2 map is loaded, the server will use the q2 game dll. //if you do set a value here, q2 dll is not used. //hexen2 - maplist contains a list of maps that we need to use an alternate progs.dat for. d2 = COM_FDepthFile("maplist.txt", true); if (d2 <= d1)//Use it if the maplist.txt file is within a more or equal important gamedir. { int j, maps; char *f; f = COM_LoadTempFile("maplist.txt", NULL); f = COM_Parse(f); maps = atoi(com_token); for (j = 0; j < maps; j++) { f = COM_Parse(f); if (!Q_strcasecmp(sv.name, com_token)) { f = COM_Parse(f); strcpy(addons, com_token); break; } f = strchr(f, '\n'); //skip to the end of the line. } } /*if pr_ssqc_progs cvar is set, override the default*/ if (*pr_ssqc_progs.string && strlen(pr_ssqc_progs.string)<64 && *pr_ssqc_progs.string != '*') //a * is a special case to not load a q2 dll. { Q_strncpyz(addons, pr_ssqc_progs.string, MAX_QPATH); COM_DefaultExtension(addons, ".dat", sizeof(addons)); } oldprnum= AddProgs(addons); /*try to load qwprogs.dat if we didn't manage to load one yet*/ if (oldprnum < 0 && strcmp(addons, "qwprogs.dat")) { #ifndef SERVERONLY if (SCR_UpdateScreen) SCR_UpdateScreen(); #endif oldprnum= AddProgs("qwprogs.dat"); } /*try to load qwprogs.dat if we didn't manage to load one yet*/ if (oldprnum < 0 && strcmp(addons, "progs.dat")) { #ifndef SERVERONLY if (SCR_UpdateScreen) SCR_UpdateScreen(); #endif oldprnum= AddProgs("progs.dat"); } if (oldprnum < 0) { PR_LoadGlabalStruct(); // SV_Error("Couldn't open or compile progs\n"); } #ifdef SQL SQL_KillServers(); // TODO: is this the best placement for this? #endif f = PR_FindFunction (svprogfuncs, "AddAddonProgs", oldprnum); /* if (num) { //restore progs for (i = 1; i < num; i++) { if (f) { pr_globals = PR_globals(PR_CURRENT); G_SETSTRING(OFS_PARM0, svs.progsnames[i]); PR_ExecuteProgram (f); } else { prnum = AddProgs(svs.progsnames[i]); f2 = PR_FindFunction ( "init", prnum); if (f2) { pr_globals = PR_globals(PR_CURRENT); G_PROG(OFS_PARM0) = oldprnum; PR_ExecuteProgram(f2); } oldprnum=prnum; } } } */ //additional (always) progs as = NULL; a = COM_LoadStackFile("mod.gam", addons, 2048, NULL); if (a) { as = strstr(a, "extraqwprogs="); if (as) { for (a = as+13; *a; a++) { if (*a < ' ') { *a = '\0'; break; } } a = (as+=13); } } if (as) { while(*a) { if (*a == ';') { *a = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < svs.numprogs; i++) //don't add if already added { if (!strcmp(svs.progsnames[i], as)) break; } if (i == svs.numprogs) { if (f) { pr_globals = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT); G_INT(OFS_PARM0) = (int)PR_TempString(svprogfuncs, as); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, f); } else { prnum = AddProgs(as); if (prnum>=0) { f2 = PR_FindFunction (svprogfuncs, "init", prnum); if (f2) { pr_globals = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT); G_PROG(OFS_PARM0) = oldprnum; PR_ExecuteProgram(svprogfuncs, f2); } oldprnum=prnum; } } } *a = ';'; as = a+1; } a++; } } if (COM_FDepthFile("fteadd.dat", true)!=0x7fffffff) { prnum = AddProgs("fteadd.dat"); if (prnum>=0) { f2 = PR_FindFunction (svprogfuncs, "init", prnum); if (f2) { pr_globals = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT); G_PROG(OFS_PARM0) = oldprnum; PR_ExecuteProgram(svprogfuncs, f2); } oldprnum=prnum; } } prnum = 0; switch (sv.world.worldmodel->fromgame) //spawn functions for - spawn funcs still come from the first progs found. { case fg_quake2: if (COM_FDepthFile("q2bsp.dat", true)!=0x7fffffff) prnum = AddProgs("q2bsp.dat"); break; case fg_quake3: if (COM_FDepthFile("q3bsp.dat", true)!=0x7fffffff) prnum = AddProgs("q3bsp.dat"); else if (COM_FDepthFile("q2bsp.dat", true)!=0x7fffffff) //fallback prnum = AddProgs("q2bsp.dat"); break; case fg_doom: if (COM_FDepthFile("doombsp.dat", true)!=0x7fffffff) prnum = AddProgs("doombsp.dat"); break; case fg_halflife: if (COM_FDepthFile("hlbsp.dat", true)!=0x7fffffff) prnum = AddProgs("hlbsp.dat"); break; default: break; } if (prnum>=0) { f2 = PR_FindFunction (svprogfuncs, "init", prnum); if (f2) { pr_globals = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT); G_PROG(OFS_PARM0) = oldprnum; PR_ExecuteProgram(svprogfuncs, f2); } oldprnum=prnum; } //progs depended on by maps. a = as = COM_LoadStackFile(va("maps/%s.inf", sv.name), addons, sizeof(addons), NULL); if (a) { as = strstr(a, "qwprogs="); if (as) { for (a = as+11; *a; a++) { if (*a < ' ') { *a = '\0'; break; } } a = (as+=11); } } if (as) { while(*a) { if (*a == ';') { *a = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < svs.numprogs; i++) //don't add if already added { if (!strcmp(svs.progsnames[i], as)) break; } if (i == svs.numprogs) { if (f) { pr_globals = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT); G_INT(OFS_PARM0) = (int)PR_TempString(svprogfuncs, as); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, f); } else { prnum = AddProgs(as); if (prnum>=0) { f2 = PR_FindFunction (svprogfuncs, "init", prnum); if (f2) { pr_globals = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT); G_PROG(OFS_PARM0) = oldprnum; PR_ExecuteProgram(svprogfuncs, f2); } oldprnum=prnum; } } } *a = ';'; as = a+1; } a++; } } //add any addons specified for (i2 = 0; i2 < MAXADDONS; i2++) { if (*sv_addon[i2].string) { for (i = 0; i < svs.numprogs; i++) //don't add if already added { if (!strcmp(svs.progsnames[i], sv_addon[i2].string)) break; } if (i == svs.numprogs) //Not added yet. Add it. { if (f) { pr_globals = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT); G_INT(OFS_PARM0) = (int)PR_TempString(svprogfuncs, sv_addon[i2].string); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, f); } else { prnum = AddProgs(sv_addon[i2].string); if (prnum >= 0) { f2 = PR_FindFunction (svprogfuncs, "init", prnum); if (f2) { pr_globals = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT); G_PROG(OFS_PARM0) = oldprnum; PR_ExecuteProgram(svprogfuncs, f2); } oldprnum=prnum; } } } } } // svprogfuncs->ToggleBreak(svprogfuncs, "", 0, 2); // svprogfuncs->SetWatchPoint(svprogfuncs, ""); sv.world.edict_size = PR_InitEnts(svprogfuncs, sv.world.max_edicts); if (progstype == PROG_QW) sv.world.defaultgravityscale = 0; else sv.world.defaultgravityscale = 1; #ifdef HEXEN2 SV_RegisterH2CustomTents(); #endif #ifdef USEODE World_ODE_Start(&sv.world); #endif } qboolean PR_QCChat(char *text, int say_type) { globalvars_t *pr_globals; if (!gfuncs.ChatMessage || pr_imitatemvdsv.value >= 0) return false; pr_globals = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT); G_INT(OFS_PARM0) = (int)PR_SetString(svprogfuncs, text); G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1) = say_type; PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, gfuncs.ChatMessage); if (G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN)) return true; return false; } qboolean PR_GameCodePausedTic(float pausedtime) { //notications to the gamecode that the server is paused. globalvars_t *pr_globals; if (!svprogfuncs || !gfuncs.PausedTic) return false; pr_globals = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT); G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) = pausedtime; PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, gfuncs.PausedTic); if (G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN)) return true; return false; } qboolean PR_ShouldTogglePause(client_t *initiator, qboolean newpaused) { globalvars_t *pr_globals; if (!svprogfuncs || !gfuncs.ShouldPause) return true; pr_globals = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT); if (initiator) pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, initiator->edict); else pr_global_struct->self = 0; G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) = newpaused; PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, gfuncs.ShouldPause); return G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN); } qboolean PR_GameCodePacket(char *s) { globalvars_t *pr_globals; int i; client_t *cl; char adr[MAX_ADR_SIZE]; if (!gfuncs.ParseConnectionlessPacket) return false; if (!svprogfuncs) return false; pr_globals = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT); pr_global_struct->time = sv.world.physicstime; // check for packets from connected clients pr_global_struct->self = 0; for (i=0, cl=svs.clients ; istate == cs_free) continue; if (!NET_CompareAdr (&net_from, &cl->netchan.remote_address)) continue; pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, cl->edict); break; } G_INT(OFS_PARM0) = PR_TempString(svprogfuncs, NET_AdrToString (adr, sizeof(adr), &net_from)); G_INT(OFS_PARM1) = PR_TempString(svprogfuncs, s); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, gfuncs.ParseConnectionlessPacket); return G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN); } qboolean PR_ParseClusterEvent(char *dest, char *source, char *cmd, char *info) { globalvars_t *pr_globals; if (svprogfuncs && gfuncs.ParseClusterEvent) { pr_globals = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT); pr_global_struct->time = sv.world.physicstime; pr_global_struct->self = 0; G_INT(OFS_PARM0) = (int)PR_TempString(svprogfuncs, dest); G_INT(OFS_PARM1) = (int)PR_TempString(svprogfuncs, source); G_INT(OFS_PARM2) = (int)PR_TempString(svprogfuncs, cmd); G_INT(OFS_PARM3) = (int)PR_TempString(svprogfuncs, info); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, gfuncs.ParseClusterEvent); return true; } return false; } qboolean PR_KrimzonParseCommand(char *s) { globalvars_t *pr_globals; #ifdef Q2SERVER if (ge) return false; #endif if (!svprogfuncs) return false; /*some people are irresponsible*/ if (pr_no_parsecommand.ival) return false; if (gfuncs.ParseClientCommand) { //the QC is expected to send it back to use via a builtin. pr_globals = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT); pr_global_struct->time = sv.world.physicstime; pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, sv_player); G_INT(OFS_PARM0) = (int)PR_TempString(svprogfuncs, s); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, gfuncs.ParseClientCommand); return true; } return false; } int tokenizeqc(char *str, qboolean dpfuckage); qboolean PR_UserCmd(char *s) { globalvars_t *pr_globals; #ifdef Q2SERVER if (ge) { SV_BeginRedirect (RD_CLIENT, host_client->language); ge->ClientCommand(host_client->q2edict); SV_EndRedirect (); return true; //the dll will convert it to chat. } #endif if (!svprogfuncs) return false; if (gfuncs.ParseClientCommand) { //the QC is expected to send it back to use via a builtin. pr_globals = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT); pr_global_struct->time = sv.world.physicstime; pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, sv_player); G_INT(OFS_PARM0) = (int)PR_TempString(svprogfuncs, s); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, gfuncs.ParseClientCommand); return true; } #ifdef VM_Q1 if (svs.gametype == GT_Q1QVM) { pr_global_struct->time = sv.world.physicstime; pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, sv_player); Q1QVM_ClientCommand(); return true; //qvm can print something if it wants } #endif if (gfuncs.UserCmd && pr_imitatemvdsv.value >= 0) { //we didn't recognise it. see if the mod does. const char *arg0; //ktpro bug warning: //admin + judge. I don't know the exact rules behind this bug, so I just ban the entire command //I can't be arsed detecting ktpro specifically, so assume we're always running ktpro pr_globals = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT); pr_global_struct->time = sv.world.physicstime; pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, sv_player); tokenizeqc(s, true); //make sure we use the same logic that the qc will use. specifically that we check for " and leading spaces etc G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) = 0; PF_ArgV(svprogfuncs, pr_globals); arg0 = PR_GetStringOfs(svprogfuncs, OFS_RETURN); if (!strcmp(arg0, "admin") || !strcmp(arg0, "judge")) { Con_Printf("Blocking potentially unsafe ktpro command: %s\n", s); return true; } G_INT(OFS_PARM0) = (int)PR_TempString(svprogfuncs, s); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, gfuncs.UserCmd); return !!G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN); } return false; } qboolean PR_ConsoleCmd(const char *command) { globalvars_t *pr_globals; extern redirect_t sv_redirected; if (Cmd_ExecLevel < cmd_gamecodelevel.value) return false; if (svprogfuncs) { pr_globals = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT); if (gfuncs.ConsoleCmd) { if (sv_redirected != RD_OBLIVION) { pr_global_struct->time = sv.world.physicstime; pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, sv.world.edicts); } G_INT(OFS_PARM0) = PR_TempString(svprogfuncs, command); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, gfuncs.ConsoleCmd); return (int) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN); } } return false; } void PR_ClientUserInfoChanged(char *name, char *oldivalue, char *newvalue) { if (gfuncs.UserInfo_Changed && pr_imitatemvdsv.value >= 0) { globalvars_t *pr_globals; pr_globals = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT); pr_global_struct->time = sv.world.physicstime; pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, sv_player); G_INT(OFS_PARM0) = PR_TempString(svprogfuncs, name); G_INT(OFS_PARM1) = PR_TempString(svprogfuncs, oldivalue); G_INT(OFS_PARM2) = PR_TempString(svprogfuncs, newvalue); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, gfuncs.UserInfo_Changed); } } void PR_LocalInfoChanged(char *name, char *oldivalue, char *newvalue) { if (gfuncs.localinfoChanged && sv.state && pr_imitatemvdsv.value >= 0) { globalvars_t *pr_globals; pr_globals = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT); pr_global_struct->time = sv.world.physicstime; pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, sv.world.edicts); G_INT(OFS_PARM0) = PR_TempString(svprogfuncs, name); G_INT(OFS_PARM1) = PR_TempString(svprogfuncs, oldivalue); G_INT(OFS_PARM2) = PR_TempString(svprogfuncs, newvalue); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, gfuncs.localinfoChanged); } } void QC_Clear(void) { } int prnumforfile; int PR_SizeOfFile(char *filename) { size_t sz; // int size; if (!svprogfuncs) return -1; prnumforfile=svs.numprogs-1; while(prnumforfile>=0) { if ((qbyte *)svprogfuncs->filefromprogs(svprogfuncs, prnumforfile, filename, &sz, NULL)==(qbyte *)-1) return sz; prnumforfile--; } return -1; } qbyte *PR_OpenFile(char *filename, qbyte *buffer) { return svprogfuncs->filefromprogs(svprogfuncs, prnumforfile, filename, NULL, buffer); } //#define RETURN_EDICT(pf, e) (((int *)pr_globals)[OFS_RETURN] = EDICT_TO_PROG(pf, e)) #define RETURN_SSTRING(s) (((int *)pr_globals)[OFS_RETURN] = PR_SetString(prinst, s)) //static - exe will not change it. #define RETURN_TSTRING(s) (((int *)pr_globals)[OFS_RETURN] = PR_TempString(prinst, s)) //temp (static but cycle buffers) #define RETURN_CSTRING(s) (((int *)pr_globals)[OFS_RETURN] = PR_SetString(prinst, s)) //semi-permanant. (hash tables?) #define RETURN_PSTRING(s) (((int *)pr_globals)[OFS_RETURN] = PR_NewString(prinst, s, 0)) //permanant /* =============================================================================== BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS =============================================================================== */ static void SV_Effect(vec3_t org, int mdlidx, int startframe, int endframe, int framerate) { if (startframe>255 || mdlidx>255) { MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, svcfte_effect2); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[0]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[1]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[2]); MSG_WriteShort (&sv.multicast, mdlidx); MSG_WriteShort (&sv.multicast, startframe); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, endframe); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, framerate); #ifdef NQPROT MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, svcnq_effect2); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.nqmulticast, org[0]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.nqmulticast, org[1]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.nqmulticast, org[2]); MSG_WriteShort (&sv.nqmulticast, mdlidx); MSG_WriteShort (&sv.nqmulticast, startframe); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, endframe); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, framerate); #endif } else { MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, svcfte_effect); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[0]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[1]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[2]); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, mdlidx); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, startframe); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, endframe); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, framerate); #ifdef NQPROT MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, svcnq_effect); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.nqmulticast, org[0]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.nqmulticast, org[1]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.nqmulticast, org[2]); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, mdlidx); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, startframe); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, endframe); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, framerate); #endif } SV_Multicast(org, MULTICAST_PVS); } #ifdef HEXEN2 static int SV_CustomTEnt_Register(char *effectname, int nettype, float *stain_rgb, float stain_radius, float *dl_rgb, float dl_radius, float dl_time, float *dl_fade) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 255; i++) { if (!*sv.customtents[i].particleeffecttype) break; if (!strcmp(effectname, sv.customtents[i].particleeffecttype)) break; } if (i == 255) { Con_Printf("Too many custom effects\n"); return -1; } Q_strncpyz(sv.customtents[i].particleeffecttype, effectname, sizeof(sv.customtents[i].particleeffecttype)); sv.customtents[i].netstyle = nettype; if (nettype & CTE_STAINS) { VectorCopy(stain_rgb, sv.customtents[i].stain); sv.customtents[i].radius = stain_radius; } if (nettype & CTE_GLOWS) { sv.customtents[i].dlightrgb[0] = dl_rgb[0]*255; sv.customtents[i].dlightrgb[1] = dl_rgb[1]*255; sv.customtents[i].dlightrgb[2] = dl_rgb[2]*255; sv.customtents[i].dlightradius = dl_radius/4; sv.customtents[i].dlighttime = dl_time*16; if (nettype & CTE_CHANNELFADE) { sv.customtents[i].dlightcfade[0] = dl_fade[0]*64; sv.customtents[i].dlightcfade[1] = dl_fade[1]*64; sv.customtents[i].dlightcfade[2] = dl_fade[2]*64; } } return i; } static int SV_CustomTEnt_Spawn(int index, float *org, float *org2, int count, float *dir) { static int persist_id; int type; multicast_t mct = MULTICAST_PVS; if (index < 0 || index >= 255) return -1; type = sv.customtents[index].netstyle; MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, svcfte_customtempent); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, index); if (type & CTE_PERSISTANT) { persist_id++; if (persist_id >= 0x8000) persist_id = 1; if (sv.state == ss_loading) mct = MULTICAST_INIT; else mct = MULTICAST_ALL; MSG_WriteShort(&sv.multicast, persist_id); } MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, org[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, org[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, org[2]); if (type & CTE_ISBEAM) { MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, org2[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, org2[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, org2[2]); } if (type & CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT) { MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, count); } if (type & CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY) { MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, dir[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, dir[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, dir[2]); } else if (type & CTE_CUSTOMDIRECTION) { vec3_t norm; VectorNormalize2(dir, norm); MSG_WriteDir(&sv.multicast, norm); } SV_MulticastProtExt (org, mct, pr_global_struct->dimension_send, PEXT_CUSTOMTEMPEFFECTS, 0); //now send the new multicast to all that will. return persist_id; } #endif int externcallsdepth; float PR_LoadAditionalProgs(char *s); static void QCBUILTIN PF_addprogs(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, globalvars_t *pr_globals) { const char *s = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); if (!s || !*s) { G_PROG(OFS_RETURN)=-1; return; } G_PROG(OFS_RETURN) = AddProgs(s); } /* char *PF_VarString (int first) { int i; static char out[256]; out[0] = 0; for (i=first ; is_name),s); */ ed = PROG_TO_EDICT(prinst, pr_global_struct->self); /* ED_Print (ed); */ prinst->ED_Print(prinst, ed); Con_Printf("%s", s); if (developer.value) prinst->pr_trace = 2; else { Con_Printf("Program error: %s\n", s); if (developer.value) { struct globalvars_s *pr_globals = PR_globals(prinst, PR_CURRENT); prinst->pr_trace = 1; G_INT(OFS_RETURN)=0; //just in case it was a float and should be an ent... G_INT(OFS_RETURN+1)=0; G_INT(OFS_RETURN+2)=0; } else { ED_Free (prinst, ed); PR_StackTrace(prinst, true); PR_AbortStack(prinst); } if (sv.time > 10) Cbuf_AddText("restart\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); } } /* ============== PF_makevectors Writes new values for v_forward, v_up, and v_right based on angles makevectors(vector) ============== */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_makevectors (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { AngleVectors (G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0), P_VEC(v_forward), P_VEC(v_right), P_VEC(v_up)); } /* ================= PF_setorigin This is the only valid way to move an object without using the physics of the world (setting velocity and waiting). Directly changing origin will not set internal links correctly, so clipping would be messed up. This should be called when an object is spawned, and then only if it is teleported. setorigin (entity, origin) ================= */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_setorigin (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { edict_t *e; float *org; e = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); if (e->readonly) { Con_Printf("setorigin on entity %i\n", e->entnum); return; } org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); VectorCopy (org, e->v->origin); World_LinkEdict (&sv.world, (wedict_t*)e, false); } /* ================= PF_setsize the size box is rotated by the current angle setsize (entity, minvector, maxvector) ================= */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_setsize (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { edict_t *e; float *min, *max; e = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); if (e->isfree) { if (progstype != PROG_H2) { Con_TPrintf("%s edict was free\n", "setsize"); prinst->pr_trace = 1; } return; } if (e->readonly) { Con_TPrintf("setsize on entity %i\n", e->entnum); return; } min = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); max = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); VectorCopy (min, e->v->mins); VectorCopy (max, e->v->maxs); VectorSubtract (max, min, e->v->size); World_LinkEdict (&sv.world, (wedict_t*)e, false); } /* ================= PF_setmodel setmodel(entity, model) Also sets size, mins, and maxs for inline bmodels ================= */ void PF_setmodel_Internal (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, edict_t *e, const char *m) { int i; model_t *mod; if (!e || e->readonly) { if (!e) Con_Printf("setmodel on invalid entity\n"); else Con_Printf("setmodel on entity %i\n", e->entnum); return; } // check to see if model was properly precached if (!m || !*m) i = 0; else { for (i=1; sv.strings.model_precache[i] ; i++) { if (!strcmp(sv.strings.model_precache[i], m)) { #ifdef VM_Q1 if (svs.gametype != GT_Q1QVM) #endif m = sv.strings.model_precache[i]; break; } } if (i==MAX_PRECACHE_MODELS || !sv.strings.model_precache[i]) { if (i!=MAX_PRECACHE_MODELS) { #ifdef VM_Q1 if (svs.gametype == GT_Q1QVM) sv.strings.model_precache[i] = m; //in a qvm, we expect the caller to have used a static location. else #endif m = sv.strings.model_precache[i] = PR_AddString(prinst, m, 0, false); if (!strcmp(m + strlen(m) - 4, ".bsp")) //always precache bsps sv.models[i] = Mod_FindName(Mod_FixName(m, sv.strings.model_precache[1])); Con_Printf("WARNING: SV_ModelIndex: model %s not precached\n", m); if (sv.state != ss_loading) { Con_DPrintf("Delayed model precache: %s\n", m); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.reliable_datagram, svcfte_precache); MSG_WriteShort(&sv.reliable_datagram, i); MSG_WriteString(&sv.reliable_datagram, m); #ifdef NQPROT MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqreliable_datagram, svcdp_precache); MSG_WriteShort(&sv.nqreliable_datagram, i); MSG_WriteString(&sv.nqreliable_datagram, m); #endif } } else { PR_BIError (prinst, "no precache: %s\n", m); return; } } } prinst->SetStringField(prinst, e, &e->v->model, m, true); e->v->modelindex = i; // if it is an inline model, get the size information for it if (m && (m[0] == '*' || (*m&&progstype == PROG_H2))) { mod = Mod_ForName (Mod_FixName(m, sv.modelname), MLV_WARN); if (mod) { while(mod->loadstate == MLS_LOADING) COM_WorkerPartialSync(mod, &mod->loadstate, MLS_LOADING); VectorCopy (mod->mins, e->v->mins); VectorCopy (mod->maxs, e->v->maxs); VectorSubtract (mod->maxs, mod->mins, e->v->size); World_LinkEdict (&sv.world, (wedict_t*)e, false); } return; } /*if (progstype == PROG_H2) { e->v->mins[0] = 0; e->v->mins[1] = 0; e->v->mins[2] = 0; e->v->maxs[0] = 0; e->v->maxs[1] = 0; e->v->maxs[2] = 0; VectorSubtract (e->v->maxs, e->v->mins, e->v->size); } else*/ { if (sv_gameplayfix_setmodelrealbox.ival) mod = SVPR_GetCModel(&sv.world, i); else mod = sv.models[i]; if (progstype != PROG_QW || sv_gameplayfix_setmodelsize_qw.ival) { //also sets size. //nq dedicated servers load bsps and mdls //qw dedicated servers only load bsps (better) if (mod) { mod = Mod_ForName (Mod_FixName(m, sv.modelname), MLV_WARN); if (mod) { while(mod->loadstate == MLS_LOADING) COM_WorkerPartialSync(mod, &mod->loadstate, MLS_LOADING); VectorCopy (mod->mins, e->v->mins); VectorCopy (mod->maxs, e->v->maxs); VectorSubtract (mod->maxs, mod->mins, e->v->size); World_LinkEdict (&sv.world, (wedict_t*)e, false); } } else { //it's an interesting fact that nq pretended that it's models were all +/- 16 (causing culling issues). //seing as dedicated servers don't want to load mdls, //imitate the behaviour of setting the size (which nq can only have as +/- 16) //hell, this works with quakerally so why not use it. e->v->mins[0] = e->v->mins[1] = e->v->mins[2] = -16; e->v->maxs[0] = e->v->maxs[1] = e->v->maxs[2] = 16; VectorSubtract (e->v->maxs, e->v->mins, e->v->size); World_LinkEdict (&sv.world, (wedict_t*)e, false); } } else { if (mod && mod->type != mod_alias) { while(mod->loadstate == MLS_LOADING) COM_WorkerPartialSync(mod, &mod->loadstate, MLS_LOADING); VectorCopy (mod->mins, e->v->mins); VectorCopy (mod->maxs, e->v->maxs); VectorSubtract (mod->maxs, mod->mins, e->v->size); World_LinkEdict (&sv.world, (wedict_t*)e, false); } //qw was fixed - it never sets the size of an alias model, mostly because it doesn't know it. } } } static void QCBUILTIN PF_setmodel (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { edict_t *e; const char *m; e = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); m = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); PF_setmodel_Internal(prinst, e, m); } #ifdef HEXEN2 static void QCBUILTIN PF_h2set_puzzle_model (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { //qc/hc lacks string manipulation. edict_t *e; const char *shortname; char fullname[MAX_QPATH]; e = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); shortname = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); snprintf(fullname, sizeof(fullname)-1, "models/puzzle/%s.mdl", shortname); PF_setmodel_Internal(prinst, e, fullname); } #endif /* ================= PF_bprint broadcast print to everyone on server bprint(value) ================= */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_bprint (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { char *s; int level; #ifdef SERVER_DEMO_PLAYBACK if (sv.demofile) return; #endif if (progstype != PROG_QW) { level = PRINT_HIGH; s = PF_VarString(prinst, 0, pr_globals); } else { level = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); s = PF_VarString(prinst, 1, pr_globals); } SV_BroadcastPrintf (level, "%s", s); } /* ================= PF_sprint single print to a specific client sprint(clientent, value) ================= */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_sprint (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { char *s; client_t *client; int entnum; int level; #ifdef SERVER_DEMO_PLAYBACK if (sv.demofile) return; #endif entnum = G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM0); if (progstype == PROG_NQ || progstype == PROG_H2) { level = PRINT_HIGH; s = PF_VarString(prinst, 1, pr_globals); } else { level = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); s = PF_VarString(prinst, 2, pr_globals); } if (entnum < 1 || entnum > sv.allocated_client_slots) { Con_TPrintf ("tried to sprint to a non-client\n"); return; } client = &svs.clients[entnum-1]; SV_ClientPrintf (client, level, "%s", s); } //When a client is backbuffered, it's generally not a brilliant plan to send a bazillion stuffcmds. You have been warned. //This handy function will let the mod know when it shouldn't send more. (use instead of a timer, and you'll never get clients overflowing. yay.) static void QCBUILTIN PF_isbackbuffered (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int entnum; client_t *client; entnum = G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM0); if (entnum < 1 || entnum > sv.allocated_client_slots) { Con_Printf ("PF_isbackbuffered: Not a client\n"); return; } client = &svs.clients[entnum-1]; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = client->num_backbuf>0; } /* ================= PF_centerprint single print to a specific client centerprint(clientent, value) ================= */ void PF_centerprint_Internal (int entnum, qboolean plaque, const char *s) { client_t *cl; int slen; #ifdef SERVER_DEMO_PLAYBACK if (sv.demofile) return; #endif if (entnum < 1 || entnum > sv.allocated_client_slots) { Con_TPrintf ("tried to sprint to a non-client\n"); return; } cl = &svs.clients[entnum-1]; if (cl->centerprintstring) Z_Free(cl->centerprintstring); cl->centerprintstring = NULL; slen = strlen(s); if (plaque && *s) { cl->centerprintstring = Z_Malloc(slen+3); cl->centerprintstring[0] = '/'; cl->centerprintstring[1] = 'P'; strcpy(cl->centerprintstring+2, s); } else { cl->centerprintstring = Z_Malloc(slen+1); strcpy(cl->centerprintstring, s); } } static void QCBUILTIN PF_centerprint (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { char *s; int entnum; entnum = G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM0); s = PF_VarString(prinst, 1, pr_globals); PF_centerprint_Internal(entnum, false, s); } /* ================= PF_particle particle(origin, color, count) ================= */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_particle (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, globalvars_t *pr_globals) //I said it was for compatability only. { float *org, *dir; int color; int count; int i, v; org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); dir = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); color = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); count = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3); count = bound(0, count, 255); color &= 0xff; #ifdef NQPROT MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, svc_particle); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.nqmulticast, org[0]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.nqmulticast, org[1]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.nqmulticast, org[2]); for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { v = dir[i]*16; if (v > 127) v = 127; else if (v < -128) v = -128; MSG_WriteChar (&sv.nqmulticast, v); } MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, count); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, color); SV_MulticastProtExt(org, MULTICAST_PVS, pr_global_struct->dimension_send, 0, 0); #endif //for qw users (and not fte) /* if (*prinst->callargc >= 5) { PARM4 = te_ optional PARM5 = count MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, svc_temp_entity); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, TE_BLOOD); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, count<10?1:(count+10)/20); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[0]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[1]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[2]); SV_MulticastProtExt(org, MULTICAST_PVS, pr_global_struct->dimension_send, 0, PEXT_HEXEN2); } else */ if (color == 73) { MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, svc_temp_entity); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, TEQW_BLOOD); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, count<10?1:(count+10)/20); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[0]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[1]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[2]); SV_MulticastProtExt(org, MULTICAST_PVS, pr_global_struct->dimension_send, 0, PEXT_HEXEN2); } else if (color == 225) { MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, svc_temp_entity); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, TEQW_LIGHTNINGBLOOD); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[0]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[1]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[2]); SV_MulticastProtExt(org, MULTICAST_PVS, pr_global_struct->dimension_send, 0, PEXT_HEXEN2); } //now we can start fte svc_particle stuff.. MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, svc_particle); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[0]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[1]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[2]); for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { v = dir[i]*16; if (v > 127) v = 127; else if (v < -128) v = -128; MSG_WriteChar (&sv.multicast, v); } MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, count); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, color); SV_MulticastProtExt(org, MULTICAST_PVS, pr_global_struct->dimension_send, PEXT_HEXEN2, 0); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_blooddp (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, globalvars_t *pr_globals) { float count; float *org, *dir; #ifdef NQPROT int i, v; #endif org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); dir = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); count = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); #ifdef NQPROT MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, svc_particle); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.nqmulticast, org[0]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.nqmulticast, org[1]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.nqmulticast, org[2]); for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { v = dir[i]*16; if (v > 127) v = 127; else if (v < -128) v = -128; MSG_WriteChar (&sv.nqmulticast, v); } MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, count); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, 73); #endif MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, svc_temp_entity); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, TEQW_BLOOD); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, count<10?1:(count+10)/20); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[0]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[1]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[2]); SV_Multicast(org, MULTICAST_PVS); } #ifdef HEXEN2 /* ================= PF_particle2 - hexen2 particle(origin, dmin, dmax, color, effect, count) ================= */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_particle2 (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, globalvars_t *pr_globals) { float *org, *dmin, *dmax; float color; float count; float effect; org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); dmin = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); dmax = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); color = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3); effect = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4); count = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM5); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, svcfte_particle2); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[0]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[1]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[2]); MSG_WriteFloat (&sv.multicast, dmin[0]); MSG_WriteFloat (&sv.multicast, dmin[1]); MSG_WriteFloat (&sv.multicast, dmin[2]); MSG_WriteFloat (&sv.multicast, dmax[0]); MSG_WriteFloat (&sv.multicast, dmax[1]); MSG_WriteFloat (&sv.multicast, dmax[2]); MSG_WriteShort (&sv.multicast, color); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, bound(0, count, 255)); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, effect); SV_MulticastProtExt (org, MULTICAST_PVS, pr_global_struct->dimension_send, PEXT_HEXEN2, 0); } /* ================= PF_particle3 - hexen2 particle(origin, box, color, effect, count) ================= */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_particle3 (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, globalvars_t *pr_globals) { float *org, *box; float color; float count; float effect; org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); box = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); color = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); effect = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3); count = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, svcfte_particle3); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[0]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[1]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[2]); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, box[0]); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, box[1]); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, box[2]); MSG_WriteShort (&sv.multicast, color); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, count); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, effect); SV_MulticastProtExt (org, MULTICAST_PVS, pr_global_struct->dimension_send, PEXT_HEXEN2, 0); } /* ================= PF_particle4 - hexen2 particle(origin, radius, color, effect, count) ================= */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_particle4 (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, globalvars_t *pr_globals) { float *org; float radius; float color; float count; float effect; org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); radius = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); color = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); effect = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3); count = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, svcfte_particle4); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[0]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[1]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[2]); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, bound(0, radius, 255)); MSG_WriteShort (&sv.multicast, color); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, bound(0, count, 255)); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, effect); SV_MulticastProtExt (org, MULTICAST_PVS, pr_global_struct->dimension_send, PEXT_HEXEN2, 0); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_h2particleexplosion(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { //used by the (regular) ice staff, and multiple other things. float *org; int color,radius,count, effect; org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); radius = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); color = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); effect = 255; //special explosion thing count = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, svcfte_particle4); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[0]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[1]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, org[2]); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, bound(0, radius, 255)); MSG_WriteShort (&sv.multicast, color); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, count); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, effect); SV_MulticastProtExt (org, MULTICAST_PVS, pr_global_struct->dimension_send, PEXT_HEXEN2, 0); } #endif /* ================= PF_ambientsound ================= */ void PF_ambientsound_Internal (float *pos, const char *samp, float vol, float attenuation) { int i, soundnum, j; sizebuf_t *buf[3] = {&sv.signon, &sv.nqmulticast, &sv.multicast}; sizebuf_t *msg; // check to see if samp was properly precached for (soundnum=1 ; *sv.strings.sound_precache[soundnum] ; soundnum++) if (!strcmp(sv.strings.sound_precache[soundnum],samp)) break; if (!*sv.strings.sound_precache[soundnum]) { Con_TPrintf ("no precache: %s\n", samp); return; } SV_FlushSignon(); if (soundnum > 255) return; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { msg = buf[j]; if (sv.state == ss_loading && j) break; // add an svc_spawnambient command to the level signon packet MSG_WriteByte (msg,svc_spawnstaticsound); for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) MSG_WriteCoord(msg, pos[i]); MSG_WriteByte (msg, soundnum); MSG_WriteByte (msg, bound(0, (int)(vol*255), 255)); MSG_WriteByte (msg, attenuation*64); } SV_Multicast(pos, MULTICAST_ALL_R); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_ambientsound (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *samp; float *pos; float vol, attenuation; pos = G_VECTOR (OFS_PARM0); samp = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); vol = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); attenuation = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3); PF_ambientsound_Internal(pos, samp, vol, attenuation); } /* ================= PF_sound Each entity can have eight independant sound sources, like voice, weapon, feet, etc. Channel 0 is an auto-allocate channel, the others override anything already running on that entity/channel pair. An attenuation of 0 will play full volume everywhere in the level. Larger attenuations will drop off. pitchadj is a percent. values greater than 100 will result in a lower pitch, less than 100 gives a higher pitch. ================= */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_sound (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *sample; int channel; edict_t *entity; int volume; float attenuation; int pitchadj; int flags; entity = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); channel = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); sample = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM2); volume = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3) * 255; attenuation = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4); if (svprogfuncs->callargc > 5) pitchadj = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM5); else pitchadj = 0; if (svprogfuncs->callargc > 6) { flags = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM5); if (channel < 0) channel = 0; } else { //QW uses channel&8 to mean reliable. flags = (channel & 8)?1:0; //demangle it so the upper bits are still useful. channel = (channel & 7) | ((channel & 0x1f0) >> 1); } if (volume < 0) //erm... return; if (volume > 255) volume = 255; if (flags & 1) channel |= 256; //shift the reliable flag to 256 instead. SVQ1_StartSound (NULL, (wedict_t*)entity, channel, sample, volume, attenuation, pitchadj); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_pointsound(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *sample; float *origin; float volume; float attenuation; float pitchpct; origin = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); sample = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); volume = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); attenuation = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3); if (prinst->callargc >= 5) pitchpct = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4); else pitchpct = 0; SVQ1_StartSound (origin, sv.world.edicts, 0, sample, volume, attenuation, pitchpct); } //an evil one from telejano. static void QCBUILTIN PF_LocalSound(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { #ifndef SERVERONLY sfx_t *sfx; const char * s = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); float chan = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); float vol = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); if (!isDedicated) { if ((sfx = S_PrecacheSound(s))) S_StartSound(cl.playerview[0].playernum, chan, sfx, cl.playerview[0].simorg, vol, 0.0, 0, 0); } #endif }; static void set_trace_globals(trace_t *trace, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { pr_global_struct->trace_allsolid = trace->allsolid; pr_global_struct->trace_startsolid = trace->startsolid; pr_global_struct->trace_fraction = trace->fraction; pr_global_struct->trace_inwater = trace->inwater; pr_global_struct->trace_inopen = trace->inopen; pr_global_struct->trace_surfaceflags = trace->surface?trace->surface->flags:0; pr_global_struct->trace_endcontents = trace->contents; // if (trace.fraction != 1) // VectorMA (trace->endpos, 4, trace->plane.normal, P_VEC(trace_endpos)); // else VectorCopy (trace->endpos, P_VEC(trace_endpos)); VectorCopy (trace->plane.normal, P_VEC(trace_plane_normal)); pr_global_struct->trace_plane_dist = trace->plane.dist; if (trace->ent) pr_global_struct->trace_ent = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, trace->ent); else pr_global_struct->trace_ent = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, sv.world.edicts); if (trace->startsolid) if (!sv_gameplayfix_honest_tracelines.ival) pr_global_struct->trace_fraction = 1; } /* ================= PF_traceline Used for use tracing and shot targeting Traces are blocked by bbox and exact bsp entityes, and also slide box entities if the tryents flag is set. traceline (vector1, vector2, tryents) ================= */ void QCBUILTIN PF_svtraceline (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float *v1, *v2, *mins, *maxs; trace_t trace; int nomonsters; edict_t *ent; int savedhull; v1 = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); v2 = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); nomonsters = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); if (svprogfuncs->callargc == 3) // QTEST ent = PROG_TO_EDICT(prinst, pr_global_struct->self); else ent = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM3); if (sv_antilag.ival == 2) nomonsters |= MOVE_LAGGED; if (svprogfuncs->callargc == 6) { mins = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM4); maxs = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM5); } else { mins = vec3_origin; maxs = vec3_origin; } savedhull = ent->xv->hull; ent->xv->hull = 0; trace = World_Move (&sv.world, v1, mins, maxs, v2, nomonsters, (wedict_t*)ent); ent->xv->hull = savedhull; set_trace_globals(&trace, pr_globals); } #ifdef HEXEN2 static void QCBUILTIN PF_traceboxh2 (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float *v1, *v2, *mins, *maxs; trace_t trace; int nomonsters; edict_t *ent; int savedhull; v1 = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); v2 = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); mins = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); maxs = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM3); nomonsters = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4); ent = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM5); savedhull = ent->xv->hull; ent->xv->hull = 0; trace = World_Move (&sv.world, v1, mins, maxs, v2, nomonsters, (wedict_t*)ent); ent->xv->hull = savedhull; set_trace_globals(&trace, pr_globals); } #endif static void QCBUILTIN PF_traceboxdp (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float *v1, *v2, *mins, *maxs; trace_t trace; int nomonsters; edict_t *ent; int savedhull; v1 = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); mins = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); maxs = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); v2 = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM3); nomonsters = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4); ent = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM5); savedhull = ent->xv->hull; ent->xv->hull = 0; trace = World_Move (&sv.world, v1, mins, maxs, v2, nomonsters, (wedict_t*)ent); ent->xv->hull = savedhull; set_trace_globals(&trace, pr_globals); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_TraceToss (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { trace_t trace; edict_t *ent; edict_t *ignore; ent = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); if (ent == (edict_t*)sv.world.edicts) Con_DPrintf("tracetoss: can not use world entity\n"); ignore = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM1); trace = WPhys_Trace_Toss (&sv.world, (wedict_t*)ent, (wedict_t*)ignore); set_trace_globals(&trace, pr_globals); } //============================================================================ qbyte checkpvsbuffer[MAX_MAP_LEAFS/8]; qbyte *checkpvs; vec3_t checkorg; extern cvar_t sv_nopvs; int PF_newcheckclient (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, int check) { int i; // qbyte *pvs; edict_t *ent; int cluster; // cycle to the next one if (check < 1) check = 1; if (check > sv.allocated_client_slots) check = sv.allocated_client_slots; if (check == sv.allocated_client_slots) i = 1; else i = check + 1; for ( ; ; i++) { if (i >= sv.allocated_client_slots+1) i = 1; ent = EDICT_NUM(prinst, i); if (i == check) break; // didn't find anything else if (ent->isfree) continue; if (ent->v->health <= 0) continue; if ((int)ent->v->flags & FL_NOTARGET) continue; // anything that is a client, or has a client as an enemy break; } // get the PVS for the entity VectorAdd (ent->v->origin, ent->v->view_ofs, checkorg); if (sv.world.worldmodel->type == mod_heightmap || sv_nopvs.ival) checkpvs = NULL; else { cluster = sv.world.worldmodel->funcs.ClusterForPoint(sv.world.worldmodel, checkorg); checkpvs = sv.world.worldmodel->funcs.ClusterPVS (sv.world.worldmodel, cluster, checkpvsbuffer, sizeof(checkpvsbuffer)); } return i; } /* ================= PF_checkclient Returns a client (or object that has a client enemy) that would be a valid target. If there are more than one valid options, they are cycled each frame If (self.origin + self.viewofs) is not in the PVS of the current target, it is not returned at all. name checkclient () ================= */ #define MAX_CHECK 16 int c_invis, c_notvis; int PF_checkclient_Internal (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst) { edict_t *ent, *self; int clust; vec3_t view; vec3_t dist; world_t *w = &sv.world; // find a new check if on a new frame if (w->physicstime - w->lastchecktime >= 0.1) { w->lastcheck = PF_newcheckclient (prinst, w->lastcheck); w->lastchecktime = w->physicstime; } // return check if it might be visible ent = EDICT_NUM(prinst, w->lastcheck); if (ent->isfree || ent->v->health <= 0) { return 0; } // if current entity can't possibly see the check entity, return 0 self = PROG_TO_EDICT(prinst, pr_global_struct->self); VectorAdd (self->v->origin, self->v->view_ofs, view); VectorSubtract(view, checkorg, dist); if (DotProduct(dist, dist) > 2048*2048) return 0; if (checkpvs) { clust = w->worldmodel->funcs.ClusterForPoint(w->worldmodel, view); if ( (clust<0) || !(checkpvs[clust>>3] & (1<<(clust&7)) ) ) { c_notvis++; return 0; } } // might be able to see it c_invis++; return w->lastcheck; } static void QCBUILTIN PF_checkclient (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { RETURN_EDICT(prinst, EDICT_NUM(prinst, PF_checkclient_Internal(prinst))); } //============================================================================ void PF_stuffcmd_Internal(int entnum, const char *str) { client_t *cl; static qboolean expectingcolour; int slen; if (entnum < 1 || entnum > sv.allocated_client_slots) return; cl = &svs.clients[entnum-1]; if (strcmp(str, "disconnect\n") == 0) { // so long and thanks for all the fish if (cl->netchan.remote_address.type == NA_LOOPBACK) return; //don't drop the local client. It looks wrong. cl->drop = true; return; } if (progstype != PROG_QW) { if (!strncmp(str, "color ", 6)) //okay, so this is a hack, but it fixes the qw scoreboard { expectingcolour = true; if (!strcmp(str, "color ")) return; else str += 6; } // FIXME: this seems broken and color->teamname needs a common functions if (expectingcolour) { int team = atoi(str); char *tname; expectingcolour = false; switch(team) { case 4: tname = "red"; break; case 13: tname = "blue"; break; default: tname = va("t%i", team); break; //good job our va has multiple buffers } ClientReliableWrite_Begin (cl, svc_stufftext, 2+strlen("team XXXXXX\n")); ClientReliableWrite_String (cl, va("team %s\n", tname)); ClientReliableWrite_Begin (cl, svc_stufftext, 2+strlen("color ")); ClientReliableWrite_String (cl, "color "); } } slen = strlen(str); if (cl->controller) { //this is a slave client. //find the right number and send. int pnum = 0; client_t *sp; for (sp = cl->controller; sp; sp = sp->controlled) { if (sp == cl) break; pnum++; } sp = cl->controller; ClientReliableWrite_Begin (sp, svcfte_choosesplitclient, 4 + slen); ClientReliableWrite_Byte (sp, pnum); ClientReliableWrite_Byte (sp, svc_stufftext); ClientReliableWrite_String (sp, str); } else { ClientReliableWrite_Begin (cl, svc_stufftext, 2+slen); ClientReliableWrite_String (cl, str); } if (sv.mvdrecording) { sizebuf_t *msg = MVDWrite_Begin (dem_single, entnum - 1, 2 + slen); MSG_WriteByte (msg, svc_stufftext); MSG_WriteString (msg, str); } } /* ================= PF_stuffcmd Sends text over to the client's execution buffer stuffcmd (clientent, value) ================= */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_stuffcmd (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { PF_stuffcmd_Internal(G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM0), PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1)); } //DP_QC_DROPCLIENT static void QCBUILTIN PF_dropclient (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int entnum; client_t *cl; entnum = G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM0); if (entnum < 1 || entnum > sv.allocated_client_slots) return; cl = &svs.clients[entnum-1]; // so long and thanks for all the fish if (cl->netchan.remote_address.type == NA_LOOPBACK) { Cbuf_AddText ("disconnect\n", RESTRICT_INSECURE); return; //don't drop the local client. It looks wrong. } cl->drop = true; return; } //DP_SV_BOTCLIENT //entity() spawnclient = #454; static void QCBUILTIN PF_spawnclient (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int i; for (i = 0; i < sv.allocated_client_slots; i++) { if (!*svs.clients[i].name && !svs.clients[i].protocol && svs.clients[i].state == cs_free) { svs.clients[i].protocol = SCP_BAD; //marker for bots svs.clients[i].state = cs_spawned; sv.spawned_client_slots++; svs.clients[i].netchan.message.allowoverflow = true; svs.clients[i].netchan.message.maxsize = 0; svs.clients[i].datagram.allowoverflow = true; svs.clients[i].datagram.maxsize = 0; SV_SetUpClientEdict (&svs.clients[i], svs.clients[i].edict); RETURN_EDICT(prinst, svs.clients[i].edict); return; } } RETURN_EDICT(prinst, sv.world.edicts); } //DP_SV_BOTCLIENT //float(entity client) clienttype = #455; static void QCBUILTIN PF_clienttype (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int entnum = G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM0); if (entnum < 1 || entnum > sv.allocated_client_slots) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = CLIENTTYPE_NOTACLIENT; //not a client slot return; } entnum--; if (svs.clients[entnum].state < cs_connected) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = CLIENTTYPE_DISCONNECTED; //disconnected return; } if (svs.clients[entnum].protocol == SCP_BAD) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = CLIENTTYPE_BOT; //an active, bot client. else G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = CLIENTTYPE_REAL; //an active, not-bot client. } /* ================= PF_cvar float cvar (string) ================= */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_cvar (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *str; str = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); if (!strcmp(str, "pr_checkextension")) //no console changing G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin("checkextension", 0); else if (!strcmp(str, "pr_builtin_find")) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin("builtin_find", 0); else if (!strcmp(str, "pr_map_builtin")) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin("map_builtin", 0); else if (!strcmp(str, "halflifebsp")) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = sv.world.worldmodel->fromgame == fg_halflife; else { cvar_t *cv = Cvar_FindVar(str); if (!cv) { //this little chunk is so cvars dp creates are created with meaningful values char *def = ""; if (!strcmp(str, "sv_maxairspeed")) def = "30"; else if (!strcmp(str, "sv_jumpvelocity")) def = "270"; else def = ""; cv = Cvar_Get(str, def, 0, "QC variables"); Con_Printf("^3Creating cvar %s\n", str); } if (cv->flags & CVAR_NOUNSAFEEXPAND) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; else G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = cv->value; } } static void QCBUILTIN PF_sv_getlight (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { /*not shared with client - clients get more lights*/ float *point = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); vec3_t diffuse, ambient, dir; if (sv.world.worldmodel && sv.world.worldmodel->funcs.LightPointValues) { sv.world.worldmodel->funcs.LightPointValues(sv.world.worldmodel, point, diffuse, ambient, dir); VectorMA(ambient, 0.5, diffuse, G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)); } else { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+0) = 128; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+1) = 128; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+2) = 128; return; } } #ifndef QUAKETC /* ========= PF_conprint ========= */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_conprint (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { Sys_Printf ("%s",PF_VarString(prinst, 0, pr_globals)); } #endif #ifdef HEXEN2 //dprintf("foo %s\n", 5.0) - its stupid and potentially unsafe static void QCBUILTIN PF_h2dprintf (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { char temp[256]; char printable[2048]; char *pct; sprintf (temp, "%g", G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); Q_strncpyz(printable, PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0), sizeof(printable)); while((pct = strstr(printable, "%s"))) { if ((pct-printable) + strlen(temp) + strlen(pct) > sizeof(printable)) break; memmove(pct + strlen(temp), pct+2, strlen(pct+2)+1); memcpy(pct, temp, strlen(temp)); } Con_DPrintf ("%s", printable); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_h2dprintv (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { char temp[256]; char printable[2048]; char *pct; sprintf (temp, "'%g %g %g'", G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1)[0], G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1)[1], G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1)[2]); Q_strncpyz(printable, PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0), sizeof(printable)); while((pct = strstr(printable, "%s"))) { if ((pct-printable) + strlen(temp) + strlen(pct) > sizeof(printable)) break; memmove(pct + strlen(temp), pct+2, strlen(pct+2)+1); memcpy(pct, temp, strlen(temp)); } Con_DPrintf ("%s", printable); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_h2spawn_temp (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { edict_t *ed; ed = ED_Alloc(prinst); RETURN_EDICT(prinst, ed); } #endif static void QCBUILTIN PF_Remove (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { edict_t *ed; ed = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); if (ed->isfree) { ED_CanFree(ed); //fake it if (developer.value) { Con_Printf("Tried removing free entity at:\n"); PR_StackTrace(prinst, false); } return; //yeah, alright, so this is hacky. } ED_Free (prinst, ed); } /* void PR_CheckEmptyString (char *s) { if (s[0] <= ' ') PR_RunError ("Bad string"); } */ //float(string effectname) particleeffectnum (EXT_CSQC) static void QCBUILTIN PF_sv_particleeffectnum(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *s = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); /* #ifdef PEXT_CSQC #ifdef warningmsg #pragma warningmsg("PF_sv_particleeffectnum: which effect index values to use?") #endif char *efname = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = COM_Effectinfo_ForName(efname); #else G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; #endif */ int i; if (s[0] <= ' ') { PR_BIError (prinst, "PF_precache_particles: Bad string"); return; } G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; for (i=1 ; i=MAX_QPATH-1) //probably safest to keep this. { PR_BIError (prinst, "Precache name too long"); return 0; } if (queryonly) return 0; #ifdef VM_Q1 if (svs.gametype == GT_Q1QVM) sv.strings.model_precache[i] = s; else #endif sv.strings.model_precache[i] = PR_AddString(prinst, s, 0, false); s = sv.strings.model_precache[i]; if (!strcmp(s + strlen(s) - 4, ".bsp") || sv_gameplayfix_setmodelrealbox.ival) sv.models[i] = Mod_ForName(Mod_FixName(s, sv.modelname), MLV_WARN); else { /*touch the file, so any packs will be referenced*/ FS_FLocateFile(s, FSLFRT_IFFOUND, NULL); } if (sv.state != ss_loading) { Con_DPrintf("Delayed model precache: %s\n", s); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.reliable_datagram, svcfte_precache); MSG_WriteShort(&sv.reliable_datagram, i); MSG_WriteString(&sv.reliable_datagram, s); #ifdef NQPROT MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqreliable_datagram, svcdp_precache); MSG_WriteShort(&sv.nqreliable_datagram, i); MSG_WriteString(&sv.nqreliable_datagram, s); #endif } return i; } if (!strcmp(sv.strings.model_precache[i], s)) { return i; } } PR_BIError (prinst, "PF_precache_model: overflow"); return 0; } static void QCBUILTIN PF_precache_model (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *s; s = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = G_INT(OFS_PARM0); PF_precache_model_Internal(prinst, s, false); } #ifdef HEXEN2 static void QCBUILTIN PF_h2precache_puzzle_model (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { //qc/hc lacks string manipulation. const char *shortname; char fullname[MAX_QPATH]; shortname = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); snprintf(fullname, sizeof(fullname)-1, "models/puzzle/%s.mdl", shortname); PF_precache_model_Internal(prinst, fullname, false); } #endif static void QCBUILTIN PF_getmodelindex (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *s = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); qboolean queryonly = (svprogfuncs->callargc >= 2)?G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1):false; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = PF_precache_model_Internal(prinst, s, queryonly); } void QCBUILTIN PF_precache_vwep_model (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int i; const char *s; s = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); if (!*s || strchr(s, '\"') || strchr(s, ';') || strchr(s, '\t') || strchr(s, '\n')) { Con_Printf("PF_precache_vwep_model: bad string\n"); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } else { for (i = 0; i < sizeof(sv.strings.vw_model_precache)/sizeof(sv.strings.vw_model_precache[0]); i++) { if (!sv.strings.vw_model_precache[i]) { if (sv.state != ss_loading) { Con_Printf("PF_precache_vwep_model: not spawning\n"); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; return; } #ifdef VM_Q1 if (svs.gametype == GT_Q1QVM) sv.strings.vw_model_precache[i] = s; else #endif sv.strings.vw_model_precache[i] = PR_AddString(prinst, s, 0, false); return; } if (!strcmp(sv.strings.vw_model_precache[i], s)) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = i; return; } } Con_Printf("PF_precache_vwep_model: overflow\n"); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } } // warning: ‘PF_svcoredump’ defined but not used /* static void QCBUILTIN PF_svcoredump (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int size = 1024*1024*8; char *buffer = BZ_Malloc(size); prinst->save_ents(prinst, buffer, &size, 3); COM_WriteFile("ssqccore.txt", buffer, size); BZ_Free(buffer); } */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_sv_movetogoal (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { wedict_t *ent; float dist; ent = (wedict_t*)PROG_TO_EDICT(prinst, pr_global_struct->self); dist = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); World_MoveToGoal (&sv.world, ent, dist); } /* =============== PF_walkmove float(float yaw, float dist) walkmove =============== */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_walkmove (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { wedict_t *ent; float yaw, dist; vec3_t move; // dfunction_t *oldf; int oldself; qboolean settrace; vec3_t axis[3]; float s; ent = PROG_TO_WEDICT(prinst, pr_global_struct->self); yaw = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); dist = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); if (svprogfuncs->callargc >= 3 && G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2)) settrace = true; else settrace = false; if ( !( (int)ent->v->flags & (FL_ONGROUND|FL_FLY|FL_SWIM) ) ) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; return; } yaw = yaw*M_PI*2 / 360; World_GetEntGravityAxis(ent, axis); s = cos(yaw)*dist; VectorScale(axis[0], s, move); s = sin(yaw)*dist; VectorMA(move, s, axis[1], move); // save program state, because SV_movestep may call other progs // oldf = pr_xfunction; oldself = pr_global_struct->self; // if (!dist) // { // G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = !SV_TestEntityPosition(ent); // } // else if (!SV_TestEntityPosition(ent)) // { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = World_movestep(&sv.world, (wedict_t*)ent, move, axis, true, false, settrace?set_trace_globals:NULL, pr_globals); // if (SV_TestEntityPosition(ent)) // Con_Printf("Entity became stuck\n"); // } // restore program state // pr_xfunction = oldf; pr_global_struct->self = oldself; } void QCBUILTIN PF_applylightstyle(int style, const char *val, vec3_t rgb) { client_t *client; int j; if (style < 0 || style >= MAX_LIGHTSTYLES) { Con_Printf("WARNING: Bad lightstyle %i.\n", style); return; } if (strlen(val) > MAX_STYLESTRING-1) Con_Printf("WARNING: Style string is longer than standard (%i). Some clients could crash.\n", MAX_STYLESTRING-1); // change the string in sv if (sv.strings.lightstyles[style]) BZ_Free((void*)sv.strings.lightstyles[style]); sv.strings.lightstyles[style] = Z_StrDup(val); #ifdef PEXT_LIGHTSTYLECOL VectorCopy(rgb, sv.strings.lightstylecolours[style]); #endif // send message to all clients on this server if (sv.state != ss_active) return; for (j=0, client = svs.clients ; jcontroller) continue; if ( client->state == cs_spawned ) { if (style >= MAX_STANDARDLIGHTSTYLES) //only bug out clients if the styles are needed if (!*val) continue; #ifdef PEXT_LIGHTSTYLECOL if ((client->fteprotocolextensions & PEXT_LIGHTSTYLECOL) && (rgb[0] != 1 || rgb[1] != 1 || rgb[2] != 1)) { ClientReliableWrite_Begin (client, svcfte_lightstylecol, 3+6+strlen(val)+1); ClientReliableWrite_Byte (client, style); ClientReliableWrite_Char (client, 0x87); ClientReliableWrite_Short (client, rgb[0]*1024); ClientReliableWrite_Short (client, rgb[1]*1024); ClientReliableWrite_Short (client, rgb[2]*1024); ClientReliableWrite_String (client, val); } else #endif { ClientReliableWrite_Begin (client, svc_lightstyle, strlen(val)+3); ClientReliableWrite_Byte (client, style); ClientReliableWrite_String (client, val); } } } if (sv.mvdrecording) { if (style < MAX_STANDARDLIGHTSTYLES || *val) { sizebuf_t *msg = MVDWrite_Begin(dem_all, 0, 3+6+strlen(val)+1); #ifdef PEXT_LIGHTSTYLECOL if ((demo.recorder.fteprotocolextensions & PEXT_LIGHTSTYLECOL) && (rgb[0] != 1 || rgb[1] != 1 || rgb[2] != 1)) { MSG_WriteByte (msg, svcfte_lightstylecol); MSG_WriteByte (msg, style); MSG_WriteChar (msg, 0x87); MSG_WriteShort (msg, rgb[0]*1024); MSG_WriteShort (msg, rgb[1]*1024); MSG_WriteShort (msg, rgb[2]*1024); MSG_WriteString (msg, val); } else #endif { MSG_WriteByte (msg, svc_lightstyle); MSG_WriteByte (msg, style); MSG_WriteString (msg, val); } } } } /* =============== PF_lightstyle void(float style, string value [, float colour]) lightstyle =============== */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_lightstyle (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int style; const char *val; vec3_t rgb = {1,1,1}; #ifdef PEXT_LIGHTSTYLECOL if (svprogfuncs->callargc >= 3) VectorCopy(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2), rgb); #endif style = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); val = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); PF_applylightstyle(style, val, rgb); } #ifdef HEXEN2 static void QCBUILTIN PF_lightstylevalue (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int style; style = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); if(style < 0 || style >= MAX_LIGHTSTYLES || !sv.strings.lightstyles[style]) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; return; } G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = *sv.strings.lightstyles[style] - 'a'; } static void QCBUILTIN PF_lightstylestatic (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int style; int num; char val[2]; vec3_t rgb = {1,1,1}; style = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); num = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); #ifdef PEXT_LIGHTSTYLECOL if (svprogfuncs->callargc >= 3) VectorCopy(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2), rgb); #endif //with fte+dp, va("=%g", (num*2.0)/26) should work //but will break other clients. so that's a problem. val[0] = 'a' + bound(0, num, ('z'-'a')-1); val[1] = 0; PF_applylightstyle(style, val, rgb); } #endif /* ============= PF_pointcontents ============= */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_pointcontents (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { world_t *w = prinst->parms->user; float *v; int cont; v = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); cont = World_PointContents(w, v); if (cont & FTECONTENTS_SOLID) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = Q1CONTENTS_SOLID; else if (cont & FTECONTENTS_SKY) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = Q1CONTENTS_SKY; else if (cont & FTECONTENTS_LAVA) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = Q1CONTENTS_LAVA; else if (cont & FTECONTENTS_SLIME) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = Q1CONTENTS_SLIME; else if (cont & FTECONTENTS_WATER) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = Q1CONTENTS_WATER; else if (cont & FTECONTENTS_LADDER) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = Q1CONTENTS_LADDER; else G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = Q1CONTENTS_EMPTY; } /* ============= PF_aim Pick a vector for the player to shoot along vector aim(entity, missilespeed) ============= */ //cvar_t sv_aim = {"sv_aim", "0.93"}; cvar_t sv_aim = SCVAR("sv_aim", "2"); static void QCBUILTIN PF_aim (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { edict_t *ent, *check, *bestent; vec3_t start, dir, end, bestdir; int i, j; trace_t tr; float dist, bestdist; char *noaim; ent = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); // speed = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); VectorCopy (ent->v->origin, start); start[2] += 20; // noaim option i = NUM_FOR_EDICT(prinst, ent); if (i>0 && i 0) { VectorCopy (P_VEC(v_forward), G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)); return; } } // try sending a trace straight VectorCopy (P_VEC(v_forward), dir); VectorMA (start, 2048, dir, end); tr = World_Move (&sv.world, start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, end, false, (wedict_t*)ent); if (tr.ent && ((edict_t *)tr.ent)->v->takedamage == DAMAGE_AIM && (!teamplay.value || ent->v->team <=0 || ent->v->team != ((edict_t *)tr.ent)->v->team) ) { VectorCopy (P_VEC(v_forward), G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)); return; } // try all possible entities VectorCopy (dir, bestdir); bestdist = sv_aim.value; bestent = NULL; for (i=1 ; iv->takedamage != DAMAGE_AIM) continue; if (check == ent) continue; if (teamplay.value && ent->v->team > 0 && ent->v->team == check->v->team) continue; // don't aim at teammate for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) end[j] = check->v->origin[j] + 0.5*(check->v->mins[j] + check->v->maxs[j]); VectorSubtract (end, start, dir); VectorNormalize (dir); dist = DotProduct (dir, P_VEC(v_forward)); if (dist < bestdist) continue; // to far to turn tr = World_Move (&sv.world, start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, end, false, (wedict_t*)ent); if (tr.ent == check) { // can shoot at this one bestdist = dist; bestent = check; } } if (bestent) { VectorSubtract (bestent->v->origin, ent->v->origin, dir); dist = DotProduct (dir, P_VEC(v_forward)); VectorScale (P_VEC(v_forward), dist, end); end[2] = dir[2]; VectorNormalize (end); VectorCopy (end, G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)); } else { VectorCopy (bestdir, G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)); } } /* =============================================================================== MESSAGE WRITING =============================================================================== */ #define MSG_BROADCAST 0 // unreliable to all #define MSG_ONE 1 // reliable to one (msg_entity) #define MSG_ALL 2 // reliable to all #define MSG_INIT 3 // write to the init string #define MSG_MULTICAST 4 // for multicast() sizebuf_t *QWWriteDest (int dest) { switch (dest) { case MSG_PRERELONE: { int entnum; entnum = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT)->param[0].i; return &svs.clients[entnum-1].netchan.message; } case MSG_BROADCAST: return &sv.datagram; case MSG_ONE: SV_Error("Shouldn't be at MSG_ONE"); #if 0 ent = PROG_TO_EDICT(pr_global_struct->msg_entity); entnum = NUM_FOR_EDICT(ent); if (entnum < 1 || entnum > sv.allocated_client_slots) { PR_BIError ("WriteDest: not a client"); return &sv.reliable_datagram; } return &svs.clients[entnum-1].netchan.message; #endif case MSG_ALL: return &sv.reliable_datagram; case MSG_INIT: if (sv.state != ss_loading) { PR_BIError (svprogfuncs, "PF_Write_*: MSG_INIT can only be written in spawn functions"); return NULL; } return &sv.signon; case MSG_MULTICAST: return &sv.multicast; default: PR_BIError (svprogfuncs, "WriteDest: bad destination"); break; } return NULL; } #ifdef NQPROT sizebuf_t *NQWriteDest (int dest) { switch (dest) { case MSG_PRERELONE: { int entnum; entnum = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT)->param[0].i; return &svs.clients[entnum-1].netchan.message; } case MSG_BROADCAST: return &sv.nqdatagram; case MSG_ONE: SV_Error("Shouldn't be at MSG_ONE"); #if 0 ent = PROG_TO_EDICT(pr_global_struct->msg_entity); entnum = NUM_FOR_EDICT(ent); if (entnum < 1 || entnum > sv.allocated_client_slots) { PR_BIError (prinst, "WriteDest: not a client"); return &sv.nqreliable_datagram; } return &svs.clients[entnum-1].netchan.message; #endif case MSG_ALL: return &sv.nqreliable_datagram; case MSG_INIT: if (sv.state != ss_loading) { PR_BIError (svprogfuncs, "PF_Write_*: MSG_INIT can only be written in spawn functions"); return NULL; } return &sv.signon; case MSG_MULTICAST: return &sv.nqmulticast; default: PR_BIError (svprogfuncs, "WriteDest: bad destination"); break; } return NULL; } #endif client_t *Write_GetClient(void) { int entnum; edict_t *ent; ent = PROG_TO_EDICT(svprogfuncs, pr_global_struct->msg_entity); entnum = NUM_FOR_EDICT(svprogfuncs, ent); if (entnum < 1 || entnum > sv.allocated_client_slots) return NULL;//PR_RunError ("WriteDest: not a client"); return &svs.clients[entnum-1]; } extern sizebuf_t csqcmsgbuffer; void QCBUILTIN PF_WriteByte (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int dest = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); qbyte val = 0xff & (int)G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); if (dest == MSG_CSQC) { //csqc buffers are always written. MSG_WriteByte(&csqcmsgbuffer, val); return; } if (pr_nonetaccess.value) return; #ifdef SERVER_DEMO_PLAYBACK if (sv.demofile) return; #endif if (progstype != PROG_QW) { NPP_NQWriteByte(dest, val); return; } #ifdef NQPROT else { NPP_QWWriteByte(dest, val); return; } #else if (dest == MSG_ONE) { client_t *cl = Write_GetClient(); if (!cl) return; ClientReliableCheckBlock(cl, 1); ClientReliableWrite_Byte(cl, val); } else MSG_WriteByte (QWWriteDest(dest), val); #endif } void QCBUILTIN PF_WriteChar (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int dest = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); char val = 0xff & (int)G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); if (dest == MSG_CSQC) { //csqc buffers are always written. MSG_WriteChar(&csqcmsgbuffer, val); return; } if (pr_nonetaccess.value) return; #ifdef SERVER_DEMO_PLAYBACK if (sv.demofile) return; #endif if (progstype != PROG_QW) { NPP_NQWriteChar(dest, val); return; } #ifdef NQPROT else { NPP_QWWriteChar(dest, val); return; } #else if (dest == MSG_ONE) { client_t *cl = Write_GetClient(); if (!cl) return; ClientReliableCheckBlock(cl, 1); ClientReliableWrite_Char(cl, val); } else MSG_WriteChar (QWWriteDest(dest), val); #endif } void QCBUILTIN PF_WriteShort (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int dest = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); short val = (((int)G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1))&0xffff); if (dest == MSG_CSQC) { //csqc buffers are always written. MSG_WriteShort(&csqcmsgbuffer, val); return; } if (pr_nonetaccess.value) return; #ifdef SERVER_DEMO_PLAYBACK if (sv.demofile) return; #endif if (progstype != PROG_QW) { NPP_NQWriteShort(dest, val); return; } #ifdef NQPROT else { NPP_QWWriteShort(dest, val); return; } #else if (desf == MSG_ONE) { client_t *cl = Write_GetClient(); if (!cl) return; ClientReliableCheckBlock(cl, 2); ClientReliableWrite_Short(cl, val); } else MSG_WriteShort (QWWriteDest(dest), val); #endif } void QCBUILTIN PF_WriteLong (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int dest = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); if (dest == MSG_CSQC) { //csqc buffers are always written. MSG_WriteLong(&csqcmsgbuffer, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); return; } if (pr_nonetaccess.value) return; #ifdef SERVER_DEMO_PLAYBACK if (sv.demofile) return; #endif if (progstype != PROG_QW) { NPP_NQWriteLong(dest, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); return; } #ifdef NQPROT else { NPP_QWWriteLong(dest, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); return; } #else if (dest == MSG_ONE) { client_t *cl = Write_GetClient(); if (!cl) return; ClientReliableCheckBlock(cl, 4); ClientReliableWrite_Long(cl, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); } else MSG_WriteLong (QWWriteDest(dest), G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); #endif } void QCBUILTIN PF_WriteAngle (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int dest = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); if (dest == MSG_CSQC) { //csqc buffers are always written. MSG_WriteAngle(&csqcmsgbuffer, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); return; } if (pr_nonetaccess.value) return; #ifdef SERVER_DEMO_PLAYBACK if (sv.demofile) return; #endif if (progstype != PROG_QW) { NPP_NQWriteAngle(dest, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); return; } #ifdef NQPROT else { NPP_QWWriteAngle(dest, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); return; } #else if (dest == MSG_ONE) { client_t *cl = Write_GetClient(); if (!cl) return; ClientReliableCheckBlock(cl, 4); ClientReliableWrite_Angle(cl, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); } else MSG_WriteAngle (QWWriteDest(dest), G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); #endif } void QCBUILTIN PF_WriteCoord (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int dest = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); if (dest == MSG_CSQC) { //csqc buffers are always written. MSG_WriteCoord(&csqcmsgbuffer, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); return; } if (pr_nonetaccess.value) return; #ifdef SERVER_DEMO_PLAYBACK if (sv.demofile) return; #endif if (progstype != PROG_QW) { NPP_NQWriteCoord(dest, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); return; } #ifdef NQPROT else { NPP_QWWriteCoord(dest, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); return; } #else if (dest == MSG_ONE) { client_t *cl = Write_GetClient(); if (!cl) return; ClientReliableCheckBlock(cl, 2); ClientReliableWrite_Coord(cl, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); } else MSG_WriteCoord (QWWriteDest(dest), G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); #endif } void QCBUILTIN PF_WriteFloat (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int dest = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); if (dest == MSG_CSQC) { //csqc buffers are always written. MSG_WriteFloat(&csqcmsgbuffer, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); return; } if (pr_nonetaccess.value) return; #ifdef SERVER_DEMO_PLAYBACK if (sv.demofile) return; #endif if (progstype != PROG_QW) { NPP_NQWriteFloat(dest, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); return; } #ifdef NQPROT else { NPP_QWWriteFloat(dest, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); return; } #else if (dest == MSG_ONE) { client_t *cl = Write_GetClient(); if (!cl) return; ClientReliableCheckBlock(cl, 4); ClientReliableWrite_Float(cl, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); } else MSG_WriteFloat (QWWriteDest(dest), G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); #endif } void PF_WriteString_Internal (int target, const char *str) { if (target == MSG_CSQC) { //csqc buffers are always written. MSG_WriteString(&csqcmsgbuffer, str); return; } if (pr_nonetaccess.value #ifdef SERVER_DEMO_PLAYBACK || sv.demofile #endif ) return; if (progstype != PROG_QW) { NPP_NQWriteString(target, str); return; } #ifdef NQPROT else { NPP_QWWriteString(target, str); return; } #else if (target == MSG_ONE) { client_t *cl = Write_GetClient(); if (!cl) return; ClientReliableCheckBlock(cl, 1+strlen(str)); ClientReliableWrite_String(cl, str); } else MSG_WriteString (QWWriteDest(target), str); #endif } static void QCBUILTIN PF_WriteString (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { char *str = PF_VarString(prinst, 1, pr_globals); PF_WriteString_Internal(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0), str); } void QCBUILTIN PF_WriteEntity (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int dest = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); if (dest == MSG_CSQC) { //csqc buffers are always written. MSG_WriteEntity(&csqcmsgbuffer, G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM1)); return; } if (pr_nonetaccess.value #ifdef SERVER_DEMO_PLAYBACK || sv.demofile #endif ) return; if (progstype != PROG_QW) { NPP_NQWriteEntity(dest, G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM1)); return; } #ifdef NQPROT else { NPP_QWWriteEntity(dest, G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM1)); return; } #else if (dest == MSG_ONE) { client_t *cl = Write_GetClient(); if (!cl) return; ClientReliableCheckBlock(cl, 2); ClientReliableWrite_Entity(cl, G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM1)); } else MSG_WriteEntity (QWWriteDest(dest), G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM1)); #endif } //small wrapper function. //void(float target, string str, ...) WriteString2 = #33; static void QCBUILTIN PF_WriteString2 (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int old; char *str; if (G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) != MSG_CSQC && (pr_nonetaccess.value #ifdef SERVER_DEMO_PLAYBACK || sv.demofile #endif )) return; str = PF_VarString(prinst, 1, pr_globals); old = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); while(*str) { G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1) = *str++; PF_WriteChar(prinst, pr_globals); } G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1) = old; } #ifndef QUAKETC //qtest-only builtins. static void QCBUILTIN PF_qtSingle_WriteByte (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { NPP_NQWriteByte(MSG_PRERELONE, (qbyte)G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_qtSingle_WriteChar (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { NPP_NQWriteChar(MSG_PRERELONE, (char)G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_qtSingle_WriteShort (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { NPP_NQWriteShort(MSG_PRERELONE, (short)G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_qtSingle_WriteLong (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { NPP_NQWriteLong(MSG_PRERELONE, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_qtSingle_WriteAngle (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { NPP_NQWriteAngle(MSG_PRERELONE, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_qtSingle_WriteCoord (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { NPP_NQWriteCoord(MSG_PRERELONE, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_qtSingle_WriteString (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { NPP_NQWriteString(MSG_PRERELONE, PF_VarString(prinst, 1, pr_globals)); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_qtSingle_WriteEntity (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { NPP_NQWriteEntity(MSG_PRERELONE, (short)G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM1)); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_qtBroadcast_WriteByte (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { NPP_NQWriteByte(MSG_BROADCAST, (qbyte)G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_qtBroadcast_WriteChar (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { NPP_NQWriteChar(MSG_BROADCAST, (char)G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_qtBroadcast_WriteShort (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { NPP_NQWriteShort(MSG_BROADCAST, (short)G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_qtBroadcast_WriteLong (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { NPP_NQWriteLong(MSG_BROADCAST, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_qtBroadcast_WriteAngle (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { NPP_NQWriteAngle(MSG_BROADCAST, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_qtBroadcast_WriteCoord (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { NPP_NQWriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_qtBroadcast_WriteString (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { NPP_NQWriteString(MSG_BROADCAST, PF_VarString(prinst, 0, pr_globals)); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_qtBroadcast_WriteEntity (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { NPP_NQWriteEntity(MSG_BROADCAST, (short)G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM0)); } #endif //====================================================== //copes with any qw point entities. void SV_point_tempentity (vec3_t o, int type, int count) //count (usually 1) is available for some tent types. { int split=0; #ifdef SERVER_DEMO_PLAYBACK if (sv.demofile) return; #endif if (type > TE_SUPERBULLET) //pick a new effect, cos this one we don't know about. type = TE_SPIKE; //this is for lamers with old (or unsupported) clients MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, svc_temp_entity); #ifdef NQPROT MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, svc_temp_entity); #endif switch(type) { case TE_BULLET: MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, TE_SPIKE); #ifdef NQPROT MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, TE_SPIKE); #endif type = TE_BULLET; split = PEXT_TE_BULLET; break; case TE_SUPERBULLET: MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, TE_SUPERSPIKE); #ifdef NQPROT MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, TE_SUPERSPIKE); #endif type = TE_SUPERBULLET; split = PEXT_TE_BULLET; break; case TEQW_BLOOD: case TE_GUNSHOT: MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, type); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, count); #ifdef NQPROT MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, type); //nq doesn't have a count. #endif break; case TE_LIGHTNING1: case TE_LIGHTNING2: case TE_LIGHTNING3: SV_Error("SV_point_tempentity - type is a beam\n"); default: MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, type); #ifdef NQPROT MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, type); #endif } MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, o[0]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, o[1]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, o[2]); #ifdef NQPROT MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.nqmulticast, o[0]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.nqmulticast, o[1]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.nqmulticast, o[2]); #endif if (type == TEQW_BLOOD || type == TEQW_LIGHTNINGBLOOD) { #ifdef NQPROT sv.nqmulticast.cursize = 0; //don't send a te_blood or lightningblood to an nq client - they'll die horribly. //send a particle instead MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, svc_particle); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.nqmulticast, o[0]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.nqmulticast, o[1]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.nqmulticast, o[2]); //no direction. MSG_WriteChar (&sv.nqmulticast, 0); MSG_WriteChar (&sv.nqmulticast, 0); MSG_WriteChar (&sv.nqmulticast, 0); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, count*20); if (type == TEQW_BLOOD) MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, 73); else MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, 225); #endif } SV_MulticastProtExt (o, MULTICAST_PHS, pr_global_struct->dimension_send, split, 0); if (!split) //don't bother sending again. return; //this is for cool people (not nq users) MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, svc_temp_entity); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, type); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, o[0]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, o[1]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, o[2]); SV_MulticastProtExt (o, MULTICAST_PHS, pr_global_struct->dimension_send, 0, split); } void SV_beam_tempentity (int ownerent, vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int type) { MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, svc_temp_entity); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, type); MSG_WriteEntity (&sv.multicast, ownerent); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, start[0]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, start[1]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, start[2]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, end[0]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, end[1]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.multicast, end[2]); #ifdef NQPROT MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, svc_temp_entity); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, (type==TEQW_BEAM)?TENQ_BEAM:type); MSG_WriteEntity (&sv.nqmulticast, ownerent); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.nqmulticast, start[0]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.nqmulticast, start[1]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.nqmulticast, start[2]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.nqmulticast, end[0]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.nqmulticast, end[1]); MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.nqmulticast, end[2]); #endif SV_MulticastProtExt (start, MULTICAST_PHS, pr_global_struct->dimension_send, 0, 0); } /* void PF_tempentity (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { SV_point_tempentity(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0), G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1), 1); } */ //============================================================================= int SV_ModelIndex (const char *name); void SV_Snapshot_BuildStateQ1(entity_state_t *state, edict_t *ent, client_t *client); void QCBUILTIN PF_makestatic (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { edict_t *ent; int mdlindex; entity_state_t *state; ent = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); mdlindex = SV_ModelIndex(PR_GetString(prinst, ent->v->model)); if (sv.num_static_entities == sv_max_staticentities) { sv_max_staticentities += 16; sv_staticentities = BZ_Realloc(sv_staticentities, sizeof(*sv_staticentities) * sv_max_staticentities); } state = &sv_staticentities[sv.num_static_entities++]; memset(state, 0, sizeof(*state)); SV_Snapshot_BuildStateQ1(state, ent, NULL); state->number = sv.num_static_entities; // throw the entity away now ED_Free (svprogfuncs, ent); } //============================================================================= /* ============== PF_setspawnparms ============== */ void QCBUILTIN PF_setspawnparms (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { edict_t *ent; int i; client_t *client; ent = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); i = NUM_FOR_EDICT(prinst, ent); if (i < 1 || i > sv.allocated_client_slots) { PR_BIError (prinst, "Entity is not a client"); return; } // copy spawn parms out of the client_t client = svs.clients + (i-1); for (i=0 ; i< NUM_SPAWN_PARMS ; i++) if (pr_global_ptrs->spawnparamglobals[i]) *pr_global_ptrs->spawnparamglobals[i] = client->spawn_parms[i]; } /* ============== PF_changelevel ============== */ void QCBUILTIN PF_changelevel (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { char newmap[MAX_QPATH]; char startspot[MAX_QPATH]; // make sure we don't issue two changelevels (unless the last one failed) if (sv.mapchangelocked) return; sv.mapchangelocked = true; #ifdef HEXEN2 if (progstype == PROG_H2) { COM_QuotedString(PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1), startspot, sizeof(startspot)); //these flags disable the whole levelcache thing. the spawnspot is meant to still and always be specified. //hexen2 ALWAYS specifies two arguments, and it seems that raven left it blank in some single-player maps too. //if we don't want to be stupid/broken in deathmatch, we might as well do the fully compatible thing if ((int)pr_global_struct->serverflags & (16|32)) { COM_QuotedString(va("*%s", PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0)), newmap, sizeof(newmap)); Cbuf_AddText (va("\nchangelevel %s %s\n", newmap, startspot), RESTRICT_LOCAL); } else { COM_QuotedString(PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0), newmap, sizeof(newmap)); Cbuf_AddText (va("\nchangelevel %s %s\n", newmap, startspot), RESTRICT_LOCAL); } } else #endif { COM_QuotedString(PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0), newmap, sizeof(newmap)); if (svprogfuncs->callargc == 2) { COM_QuotedString(PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1), startspot, sizeof(startspot)); Cbuf_AddText (va("\nchangelevel %s %s\n", newmap, startspot), RESTRICT_LOCAL); } else Cbuf_AddText (va("\nchangelevel %s\n", newmap), RESTRICT_LOCAL); } } /* ============== PF_logfrag logfrag (killer, killee) ============== */ void QCBUILTIN PF_logfrag (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { extern cvar_t fraglog_details; edict_t *ent1, *ent2; int e1, e2; char s[2048]; int slen; sizebuf_t *sz; ent1 = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); ent2 = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM1); e1 = NUM_FOR_EDICT(prinst, ent1)-1; e2 = NUM_FOR_EDICT(prinst, ent2)-1; if (e1 < 0 || e1 >= sv.allocated_client_slots || e2 < 0 || e2 >= sv.allocated_client_slots) return; #ifdef SVRANKING if (e1 != e2) //don't get a point for suicide. svs.clients[e1].kills += 1; svs.clients[e2].deaths += 1; #endif if (!fraglog_details.ival) return; //not logging any details else if (fraglog_details.ival == 7) { //compat with mvdsv. time_t t = time (NULL); struct tm *tm = gmtime(&t); Q_snprintfz(s, sizeof(s)-2, "\\frag\\"); } else if (fraglog_details.ival == 1) strcpy(s, "\\");//vanilla compat else //specify what info is actually in there Q_snprintfz(s, sizeof(s)-2, "\\\\%u\\", fraglog_details.ival); slen = strlen(s); if (fraglog_details.ival & 1) { Q_snprintfz(s+slen, sizeof(s)-2-slen, "%s\\%s\\", svs.clients[e1].name, svs.clients[e2].name); slen += strlen(s+slen); } if (fraglog_details.ival & 2) { Q_snprintfz(s+slen, sizeof(s)-2-slen, "%s\\%s\\", svs.clients[e1].team, svs.clients[e2].team); slen += strlen(s+slen); } if (fraglog_details.ival & 4) { time_t t = time (NULL); struct tm *tm = gmtime(&t); Q_snprintfz(s+slen, sizeof(s)-2-slen, "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d\\", tm->tm_year + 1900, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec); slen += strlen(s+slen); } if (fraglog_details.ival & 8) { Q_snprintfz(s+slen, sizeof(s)-2-slen, "%g\\", ent1->v->weapon); slen += strlen(s+slen); } if (fraglog_details.ival & 16) { Q_snprintfz(s+slen, sizeof(s)-2-slen, "%s\\%s\\", svs.clients[e1].guid, svs.clients[e2].guid); slen += strlen(s+slen); } s[slen++] = '\n'; //print it to the fraglog buffer for masters/etc to query sz = &svs.log[svs.logsequence&(FRAGLOG_BUFFERS-1)]; if (sz->cursize && sz->cursize+slen+1 >= sz->maxsize) { // swap buffers and bump sequence svs.logtime = realtime; svs.logsequence++; sz = &svs.log[svs.logsequence&(FRAGLOG_BUFFERS-1)]; sz->cursize = 0; Con_TPrintf ("beginning fraglog sequence %i\n", svs.logsequence); } SZ_Write(sz, s, slen); //print it to our local fraglog file. if (sv_fraglogfile) { VFS_WRITE(sv_fraglogfile, s, strlen(s)); VFS_FLUSH (sv_fraglogfile); } } /* ============== PF_infokey string(entity e, string key) infokey ============== */ char *PF_infokey_Internal (int entnum, const char *key) { char *value; static char ov[256]; if (entnum == 0) { if (pr_imitatemvdsv.value && !strcmp(key, "*version")) value = "2.40"; else { if ((value = Info_ValueForKey (svs.info, key)) == NULL || !*value) value = Info_ValueForKey(localinfo, key); } } else if (entnum <= sv.allocated_client_slots) { value = ov; if (!strcmp(key, "ip")) NET_BaseAdrToString (ov, sizeof(ov), &svs.clients[entnum-1].netchan.remote_address); else if (!strcmp(key, "realip")) { if (svs.clients[entnum-1].realip_status) NET_BaseAdrToString (ov, sizeof(ov), &svs.clients[entnum-1].realip); else //FIXME: should we report the spoofable/proxy address if the real ip is not known? NET_BaseAdrToString (ov, sizeof(ov), &svs.clients[entnum-1].netchan.remote_address); } else if (!strcmp(key, "csqcactive")) sprintf(ov, "%d", svs.clients[entnum-1].csqcactive); else if (!strcmp(key, "ping")) sprintf(ov, "%d", SV_CalcPing (&svs.clients[entnum-1], false)); else if (!strcmp(key, "svping")) sprintf(ov, "%d", SV_CalcPing (&svs.clients[entnum-1], true)); else if (!strcmp(key, "guid")) sprintf(ov, "%s", svs.clients[entnum-1].guid); else if (!strcmp(key, "challenge")) sprintf(ov, "%u", svs.clients[entnum-1].challenge); else if (!strcmp(key, "*userid")) sprintf(ov, "%d", svs.clients[entnum-1].userid); else if (!strcmp(key, "download")) sprintf(ov, "%d", svs.clients[entnum-1].download != NULL ? (int)(100*svs.clients[entnum-1].downloadcount/svs.clients[entnum-1].downloadsize) : -1); // else if (!strcmp(key, "login")) //mvdsv // value = ""; else if (!strcmp(key, "protocol")) { value = ""; switch(svs.clients[entnum-1].protocol) { case SCP_BAD: value = ""; //could be a writebyted bot... break; case SCP_QUAKEWORLD: if (!svs.clients[entnum-1].fteprotocolextensions && !svs.clients[entnum-1].fteprotocolextensions) value = "quakeworld"; else value = "quakeworld+"; break; case SCP_QUAKE2: value = "quake2"; //shouldn't happen break; case SCP_QUAKE3: value = "quake3"; //can actually happen. break; case SCP_NETQUAKE: value = "quake"; break; case SCP_PROQUAKE: value = "proquake"; break; case SCP_FITZ666: if (svs.clients[entnum-1].netchan.netprim.coordsize != 2) value = "rmq999"; else value = "fitz666"; break; case SCP_DARKPLACES6: value = "dpp6"; break; case SCP_DARKPLACES7: value = "dpp7"; break; } } else if (!strcmp(key, "trustlevel")) //info for progs. { #ifdef SVRANKING rankstats_t rs; if (!svs.clients[entnum-1].rankid) value = ""; else if (Rank_GetPlayerStats(svs.clients[entnum-1].rankid, &rs)) sprintf(ov, "%d", rs.trustlevel); else #endif value = ""; } else if (!strcmp(key, "*VIP")) value = (svs.clients[entnum-1].penalties & BAN_VIP)?"1":""; else if (!strcmp(key, "*ismuted")) value = (svs.clients[entnum-1].penalties & BAN_MUTE)?"1":""; else if (!strcmp(key, "*isdeaf")) value = (svs.clients[entnum-1].penalties & BAN_DEAF)?"1":""; else if (!strcmp(key, "*iscrippled")) value = (svs.clients[entnum-1].penalties & BAN_CRIPPLED)?"1":""; else if (!strcmp(key, "*iscuffed")) value = (svs.clients[entnum-1].penalties & BAN_CUFF)?"1":""; else if (!strcmp(key, "*islagged")) value = (svs.clients[entnum-1].penalties & BAN_LAGGED)?"1":""; else value = Info_ValueForKey (svs.clients[entnum-1].userinfo, key); } else value = ""; return value; } static void QCBUILTIN PF_infokey (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { edict_t *e; int e1; char *value; const char *key; e = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); e1 = NUM_FOR_EDICT(prinst, e); key = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); value = PF_infokey_Internal (e1, key); G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = PR_TempString(prinst, value); } /* ============== PF_multicast void(vector where, float set) multicast ============== */ void QCBUILTIN PF_multicast (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float *o; int to; o = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); to = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); NPP_Flush(); SV_Multicast (o, to); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_Fixme (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int i; qboolean printedheader = false; SV_EndRedirect(); for (i = 0; BuiltinList[i].bifunc; i++) { if (BuiltinList[i].ebfsnum == prinst->lastcalledbuiltinnumber) { if (!printedheader) { Con_Printf( "\n" "Mod forgot to ensure support for builtin %i\n" "Please consult the extensionlist_ssqc command.\n" "Possible builtins:\n", prinst->lastcalledbuiltinnumber); printedheader = true; } Con_Printf("%s\n", BuiltinList[i].name); } } Con_Printf("\n"); if (progstype == PROG_QW) prinst->RunError(prinst, "\nBuiltin %i not implemented.\nMods designed for mvdsv may need pr_imitatemvdsv to be enabled.", prinst->lastcalledbuiltinnumber); else prinst->RunError(prinst, "\nBuiltin %i not implemented.\nMod is not compatible.", prinst->lastcalledbuiltinnumber); PR_BIError (prinst, "builtin not implemented"); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_Ignore(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } #ifndef QUAKETC static void QCBUILTIN PF_newstring(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) //mvdsv { char *s; int len; const char *in = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); len = strlen(in)+1; if (prinst->callargc == 2 && G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1) > len) len = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); s = prinst->AddressableAlloc(prinst, len); G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = (char*)s - prinst->stringtable; strcpy(s, in); } #endif // warning: ‘PF_strcatp’ defined but not used /* static void QCBUILTIN PF_strcatp(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { char *buf = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); char *add = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); int wantedlen = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); int len; if (((int *)(buf-8))[0] != PRSTR) { Con_Printf("QC tried to add to a non allocated string\n"); (*prinst->pr_trace) = 1; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; return; } len = strlen(add); buf+=strlen(buf); strcat(buf, add); buf+=len; while(len++ < wantedlen) *buf++ = ' '; *buf = '\0'; G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = G_INT(OFS_PARM0); } */ // warning: ‘PF_redstring’ defined but not used /* static void QCBUILTIN PF_redstring(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { char *string = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0), *s; static char buf[1024]; for (s = buf; *string; s++, string++) *s=*string|CON_HIGHCHARSMASK; *s = '\0'; RETURN_TSTRING(buf); } */ #ifdef SVCHAT void SV_Chat(const char *filename, float starttag, edict_t *edict); static void QCBUILTIN PF_chat (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { SV_Chat(PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0), G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1), G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM2)); } #endif /* FTE_SQL builtins */ #ifdef SQL void QCBUILTIN PF_sqlconnect (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *paramstr[SQL_CONNECT_PARAMS]; const char *driver; int i; if (!SQL_Available()) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; return; } // check and fit connection parameters for (i = 0; i < SQL_CONNECT_PARAMS; i++) { if (svprogfuncs->callargc <= (i + 1)) paramstr[i] = ""; else paramstr[i] = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0+i*3); } if (!paramstr[0][0]) paramstr[0] = sql_host.string; if (!paramstr[1][0]) paramstr[1] = sql_username.string; if (!paramstr[2][0]) paramstr[2] = sql_password.string; if (!paramstr[3][0]) paramstr[3] = sql_defaultdb.string; // verify/switch driver choice if (svprogfuncs->callargc >= (SQL_CONNECT_PARAMS + 1)) driver = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0 + SQL_CONNECT_PARAMS * 3); else driver = ""; if (!driver[0]) driver = sql_driver.string; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = SQL_NewServer(driver, paramstr); } void QCBUILTIN PF_sqldisconnect (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { sqlserver_t *server; if (SQL_Available()) { server = SQL_GetServer(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0), false); if (server) { SQL_Disconnect(server); return; } } } static qboolean PR_SQLResultAvailable(queryrequest_t *req, int firstrow, int numrows, int numcols, qboolean eof) { edict_t *ent; pubprogfuncs_t *prinst = svprogfuncs; struct globalvars_s *pr_globals = PR_globals(prinst, PR_CURRENT); if (req->user.qccallback) { G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) = req->srvid; G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1) = req->num; G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2) = numrows; G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3) = numcols; G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4) = eof; G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM5) = firstrow; // recall self and other references ent = PROG_TO_EDICT(prinst, req->user.selfent); if (ent->isfree || ent->xv->uniquespawnid != req->user.selfid) pr_global_struct->self = pr_global_struct->world; else pr_global_struct->self = req->user.selfent; ent = PROG_TO_EDICT(prinst, req->user.otherent); if (ent->isfree || ent->xv->uniquespawnid != req->user.otherid) pr_global_struct->other = pr_global_struct->world; else pr_global_struct->other = req->user.otherent; PR_ExecuteProgram(svprogfuncs, req->user.qccallback); } if (eof && req->user.thread) { qcstate_t *thread = req->user.thread; req->user.thread = NULL; if (thread) thread->waiting = false; } return req->user.persistant; } void QCBUILTIN PF_sqlopenquery (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { sqlserver_t *server; int callfunc = G_INT(OFS_PARM1); int querytype = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); char *querystr = PF_VarString(prinst, 3, pr_globals); if (SQL_Available()) { server = SQL_GetServer(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0), false); if (server) { queryrequest_t *qreq; Con_DPrintf("SQL Query: %s\n", querystr); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = SQL_NewQuery(server, PR_SQLResultAvailable, querystr, &qreq); if (qreq) { //so our C callback knows what to do qreq->user.persistant = querytype > 0; qreq->user.qccallback = callfunc; // save self and other references qreq->user.selfent = PROG_TO_EDICT(prinst, pr_global_struct->self)->isfree?pr_global_struct->world:pr_global_struct->self; qreq->user.selfid = PROG_TO_EDICT(prinst, qreq->user.selfent)->xv->uniquespawnid; qreq->user.otherent = PROG_TO_EDICT(prinst, pr_global_struct->other)->isfree?pr_global_struct->world:pr_global_struct->other; qreq->user.otherid = PROG_TO_EDICT(prinst, qreq->user.otherent)->xv->uniquespawnid; if (querytype & 2) { qreq->user.thread = PR_CreateThread(prinst, G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN), 0, true); svprogfuncs->AbortStack(prinst); } } return; } } // else we failed so return the error G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; } void QCBUILTIN PF_sqlclosequery (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { sqlserver_t *server; queryrequest_t *qreq; if (SQL_Available()) { server = SQL_GetServer(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0), false); if (server) { qreq = SQL_GetQueryRequest(server, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); if (qreq) { SQL_CloseRequest(server, qreq, false); return; } else Con_Printf("Invalid sql request\n"); } } // else nothing to close } void QCBUILTIN PF_sqlreadfield (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { sqlserver_t *server; queryresult_t *qres; char *data; if (SQL_Available()) { server = SQL_GetServer(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0), false); if (server) { qres = SQL_GetQueryResult(server, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1), G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2)); if (qres) { data = SQL_ReadField(server, qres, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2), G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3), true, NULL); if (data) { RETURN_TSTRING(data); return; } } else { Con_Printf("Invalid sql request/row\n"); } } } // else we failed to get anything G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } void QCBUILTIN PF_sqlreadfloat (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { sqlserver_t *server; queryrequest_t *qreq; queryresult_t *qres; char *data; if (SQL_Available()) { server = SQL_GetServer(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0), false); if (server) { if (G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2) < 0) { qreq = SQL_GetQueryRequest(server, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); if (qreq->results) { if (G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2) == -2) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = qreq->results->columns; else if (G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2) == -3) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = qreq->results->rows + qreq->results->firstrow; else { Con_Printf("Invalid sql row\n"); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } return; } } else { qres = SQL_GetQueryResult(server, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1), G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2)); if (qres) { if (G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2) == -1) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = qres->columns; return; } if (G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2) == -2) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = qres->rows; return; } data = SQL_ReadField(server, qres, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2), G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3), true, NULL); if (data) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = Q_atof(data); return; } } else { Con_Printf("Invalid sql request/row\n"); } } } } // else we failed to get anything G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } void QCBUILTIN PF_sqlerror (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { sqlserver_t *server; if (SQL_Available()) { server = SQL_GetServer(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0), true); if (server) { if (svprogfuncs->callargc == 2) { // query-specific error request if (server->active) // didn't check this earlier so check it now { queryresult_t *qres = SQL_GetQueryResult(server, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1), G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2)); if (qres) { RETURN_TSTRING(qres->error); return; } } } else if (server->serverresult) { // server-specific error request RETURN_TSTRING(server->serverresult->error); return; } } } // else we didn't get a server or query RETURN_TSTRING(""); } void QCBUILTIN PF_sqlescape (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { sqlserver_t *server; const char *toescape; char escaped[4096]; if (SQL_Available()) { server = SQL_GetServer(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0), false); if (server) { toescape = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); if (toescape) { SQL_Escape(server, toescape, escaped, sizeof(escaped)); RETURN_TSTRING(escaped); return; } } } // else invalid string or server reference RETURN_TSTRING(""); } void QCBUILTIN PF_sqlversion (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { sqlserver_t *server; if (SQL_Available()) { server = SQL_GetServer(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0), false); if (server) { RETURN_TSTRING(SQL_Info(server)); return; } } // else invalid string or server reference RETURN_TSTRING(""); } void PR_SQLCycle(void) { if (!SQL_Available()) return; SQL_ServerCycle(); } #endif int PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin(const char *name, int binum) { int i; for (i = 0;BuiltinList[i].name;i++) { if (!strcmp(BuiltinList[i].name, name) && BuiltinList[i].bifunc != PF_Fixme) { if (!binum) binum = BuiltinList[i].ebfsnum; if (!pr_overridebuiltins.value) { if (pr_builtin[binum] != NULL && pr_builtin[binum] != PF_Fixme) { if (pr_builtin[binum] == BuiltinList[i].bifunc) //it is already this function. return binum; return 0; //already used... ? } } pr_builtin[binum] = BuiltinList[i].bifunc; return binum; } } return 0; //not known } lh_extension_t *checkfteextensioncl(int mask, const char *name) //true if the cient extension mask matches an extension name { int i; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (mask & (1<callargc == 2) { int clnum = NUM_FOR_EDICT(prinst, G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM1)); if (clnum >= 1 && clnum <= sv.allocated_client_slots) //valid client as second parameter { ext = checkfteextensioncl(svs.clients[clnum-1].fteprotocolextensions, s); } else if (clnum == 0) ext = checkfteextensionsv(s); else { //ent wasn't valid Con_Printf("PF_CheckExtension with invalid client number"); } } else { ext = checkfteextensionsv(s); } } if (ext) { int i; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = false; for (i = 0; i < ext->numbuiltins; i++) { if (*ext->builtinnames[i] == '.' || *ext->builtinnames[i] == '#') { /*field or global*/ } else if (!PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin(ext->builtinnames[i], 0)) { Con_Printf("Failed to initialise builtin \"%s\" for extension \"%s\"", ext->builtinnames[i], s); return; //whoops, we failed. } } if (ext->queried) *ext->queried = true; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = true; Con_DPrintf("Extension %s is supported\n", s); } else G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = false; } static void QCBUILTIN PF_builtinsupported (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *s = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); int binum = (prinst->callargc < 2)?0:G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin(s, binum); } //mvdsv builtins. void QCBUILTIN PF_ExecuteCommand (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) //83 //void() exec; { int old_other, old_self; // mod_consolecmd will be executed, so we need to store this old_self = pr_global_struct->self; old_other = pr_global_struct->other; Cbuf_Execute(); pr_global_struct->self = old_self; pr_global_struct->other = old_other; } #ifndef QUAKETC /* ================= PF_teamfield string teamfield(.string field) ================= */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_teamfield (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { pr_teamfield = G_INT(OFS_PARM0)+prinst->fieldadjust; } /* ================= PF_substr string substr(string str, float start, float len) ================= */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_substr (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { char dest[4096]; const char *s; int start, len, l; s = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); start = (int) G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); len = (int) G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); l = strlen(s); if (start >= l || len<=0 || !*s) { RETURN_TSTRING(""); return; } s += start; l -= start; if (len > l + 1) len = l + 1; if (len > sizeof(dest)-1) len = sizeof(dest)-1; Q_strncpyz(dest, s, len + 1); RETURN_TSTRING(dest); } /* ================= PF_str2byte float str2byte (string str) ================= */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_str2byte (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = (float) *PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); } /* ================= PF_str2short float str2short (string str) ================= */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_str2short (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = (float) LittleShort(*(short*)PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0)); } /* ================= PF_readcmd string readmcmd (string str) ================= */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_readcmd (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *s; static char output[8000]; extern char outputbuf[]; extern redirect_t sv_redirected; extern int sv_redirectedlang; redirect_t old; int oldl; s = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); Cbuf_Execute(); Cbuf_AddText (s, RESTRICT_LOCAL); old = sv_redirected; oldl = sv_redirectedlang; if (old != RD_NONE) SV_EndRedirect(); SV_BeginRedirect(RD_OBLIVION, TL_FindLanguage("")); Cbuf_Execute(); Q_strncpyz(output, outputbuf, sizeof(output)); SV_EndRedirect(); if (old != RD_NONE) SV_BeginRedirect(old, oldl); Con_Printf("PF_readcmd: %s\n%s", s, output); G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = (int)PR_SetString(prinst, output); } /* ================= PF_redirectcmd void redirectcmd (entity to, string str) ================= */ /* static void QCBUILTIN PF_redirectcmd (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { char *s; int entnum; extern redirect_t sv_redirected; if (sv_redirected) return; entnum = G_EDICTNUM(OFS_PARM0); if (entnum < 1 || entnum > sv.allocated_client_slots) PR_RunError ("Parm 0 not a client"); s = G_STRING(OFS_PARM1); Cbuf_AddText (s); SV_BeginRedirect(RD_MOD + entnum); Cbuf_Execute(); SV_EndRedirect(); }*/ /* ================= PF_forcedemoframe void PF_forcedemoframe(float now) Forces demo frame if argument 'now' is set, frame is written instantly ================= */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_forcedemoframe (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { demo.forceFrame = 1; // if (G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) == 1) // SV_SendDemoMessage(); } /* ================= PF_strcpy void strcpy(string dst, string src) FIXME: check for null pointers first? ================= */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_MVDSV_strcpy (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int dst = G_INT(OFS_PARM0); const char *src = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); int size = strlen(src)+1; if (dst < 0 || dst+size >= prinst->stringtablesize) { PR_BIError(prinst, "PF_strcpy: invalid dest\n"); return; } strcpy(prinst->stringtable+dst, src); } /* ================= PF_strncpy void strcpy(string dst, string src, float count) FIXME: check for null pointers first? ================= */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_MVDSV_strncpy (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int dst = G_INT(OFS_PARM0); const char *src = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); int size = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); if (dst < 0 || dst+size >= prinst->stringtablesize) { PR_BIError(prinst, "PF_strncpy: invalid dest\n"); return; } strncpy(prinst->stringtable+dst, src, size); } /* ================= PF_strstr string strstr(string str, string sub) ================= */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_strstr (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *str, *sub, *p; str = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); sub = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); if ((p = strstr(str, sub)) == NULL) { G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; return; } RETURN_TSTRING(p); } char readable2[256] = { '.', '_', '_', '_', '_', '.', '_', '_', '_', '_', '\n', '_', '\n', '>', '.', '.', '[', ']', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '.', '_', '_', '_', ' ', '!', '\"', '#', '$', '%', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '_', '`', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '|', '}', '~', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '.', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '>', '.', '.', '[', ']', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '.', '_', '_', '_', ' ', '!', '\"', '#', '$', '%', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '_', '`', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '|', '}', '~', '_' }; void PR_CleanText(unsigned char *text) { for ( ; *text; text++) *text = readable2[*text]; } /* ================ PF_log void log(string name, float console, string text) ================= */ static void QCBUILTIN PF_log(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { char name[MAX_OSPATH], *text; vfsfile_t *file; snprintf(name, MAX_OSPATH, "%s.log", PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0)); text = PF_VarString(prinst, 2, pr_globals); PR_CleanText(text); file = FS_OpenVFS(name, "ab", FS_GAME); if (file == NULL) { Sys_Printf("coldn't open log file %s\n", name); } else { VFS_WRITE(file, text, strlen(text)); VFS_CLOSE (file); } if (G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)) Con_Printf("%s", text); } #endif static void QCBUILTIN PF_OpenPortal (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { #ifdef Q2BSPS if (sv.world.worldmodel->fromgame == fg_quake2) { int i, portal; int state = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)!=0; client_t *client; if (G_INT(OFS_PARM1) >= MAX_EDICTS) portal = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); //old legacy crap. else portal = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0)->xv->style; //read the func_areaportal's style field. for (client = svs.clients, i = 0; i < sv.allocated_client_slots; i++, client++) { if (client->state >= cs_connected) { ClientReliableWrite_Begin(client, svc_setportalstate, 4); if (portal >= 0x80) { //new pathway, to be enabled at some point if (portal > 0xff) { ClientReliableWrite_Byte(client, 0x80 | 2 | state); ClientReliableWrite_Short(client, portal); } else { ClientReliableWrite_Byte(client, 0x80 | 0 | state); ClientReliableWrite_Byte(client, portal); } } else ClientReliableWrite_Short(client, portal | (state<<15)); } } CMQ2_SetAreaPortalState(portal, state); } #endif #ifdef Q3BSPS if (sv.world.worldmodel->fromgame == fg_quake3) { int i; int state = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)!=0; client_t *client; edict_t *portal = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); int area1 = portal->pvsinfo.areanum, area2 = portal->pvsinfo.areanum2; if (area1 == area2 || area1<0 || area2<0) return; for (client = svs.clients, i = 0; i < sv.allocated_client_slots; i++, client++) { if (client->state >= cs_connected) { ClientReliableWrite_Begin(client, svc_setportalstate, 6); if (area1 > 0xff || area2 > 0xff) { ClientReliableWrite_Byte(client, 0xc0 | 2 | state); ClientReliableWrite_Short(client, area1); ClientReliableWrite_Short(client, area2); } else { ClientReliableWrite_Byte(client, 0xc0 | 0 | state); ClientReliableWrite_Byte(client, area1); ClientReliableWrite_Byte(client, area2); } } } CMQ3_SetAreaPortalState(portal->pvsinfo.areanum, portal->pvsinfo.areanum2, state); } #endif } //EXTENSION: DP_QC_COPYENTITY //void(entity from, entity to) copyentity = #400 //copies data from one entity to another static void QCBUILTIN PF_copyentity (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { edict_t *in, *out; in = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); out = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM1); memcpy(out->v, in->v, sv.world.edict_size); World_LinkEdict(&sv.world, (wedict_t*)out, false); } //EXTENSION: DP_QC_FINDCHAIN //entity(string field, string match) findchain = #402 //chained search for strings in entity fields static void QCBUILTIN PF_sv_findchain (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int i, f; const char *s; string_t t; edict_t *ent, *chain; chain = (edict_t *) *prinst->parms->sv_edicts; f = G_INT(OFS_PARM0)+prinst->fieldadjust; s = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); for (i = 1; i < *prinst->parms->sv_num_edicts; i++) { ent = EDICT_NUM(prinst, i); if (ent->isfree) continue; t = *(string_t *)&((float*)ent->v)[f]; if (!t) continue; if (strcmp(PR_GetString(prinst, t), s)) continue; ent->v->chain = EDICT_TO_PROG(prinst, chain); chain = ent; } RETURN_EDICT(prinst, chain); } //EXTENSION: DP_QC_FINDCHAINFLOAT //entity(string field, float match) findchainfloat = #403 //chained search for float, int, and entity reference fields static void QCBUILTIN PF_sv_findchainfloat (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int i, f; float s; edict_t *ent, *chain; chain = (edict_t *) *prinst->parms->sv_edicts; f = G_INT(OFS_PARM0)+prinst->fieldadjust; s = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); for (i = 1; i < *prinst->parms->sv_num_edicts; i++) { ent = EDICT_NUM(prinst, i); if (ent->isfree) continue; if (((float *)ent->v)[f] != s) continue; ent->v->chain = EDICT_TO_PROG(prinst, chain); chain = ent; } RETURN_EDICT(prinst, chain); } //EXTENSION: DP_QC_FINDCHAINFLAGS //entity(string field, float match) findchainflags = #450 //chained search for float, int, and entity reference fields static void QCBUILTIN PF_sv_findchainflags (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int i, f; int s; edict_t *ent, *chain; chain = (edict_t *) *prinst->parms->sv_edicts; f = G_INT(OFS_PARM0)+prinst->fieldadjust; s = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); for (i = 1; i < *prinst->parms->sv_num_edicts; i++) { ent = EDICT_NUM(prinst, i); if (ent->isfree) continue; if (!((int)((float *)ent->v)[f] & s)) continue; ent->v->chain = EDICT_TO_PROG(prinst, chain); chain = ent; } RETURN_EDICT(prinst, chain); } //EXTENSION: DP_QC_VECTORVECTORS //void(vector dir) vectorvectors = #432 //Writes new values for v_forward, v_up, and v_right based on the given forward vector static void QCBUILTIN PF_vectorvectors (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { VectorCopy(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0), P_VEC(v_forward)); VectorNormalize(P_VEC(v_forward)); VectorVectors(P_VEC(v_forward), P_VEC(v_right), P_VEC(v_up)); } //EXTENSION: KRIMZON_SV_PARSECLIENTCOMMAND //void(entity e, string s) clientcommand = #440 //executes a command string as if it came from the specified client static void QCBUILTIN PF_clientcommand (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { client_t *temp_client; int i; //find client for this entity i = NUM_FOR_EDICT(prinst, G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0)) - 1; if (i < 0 || i >= sv.allocated_client_slots) { PR_BIError(prinst, "PF_clientcommand: entity is not a client"); return; } temp_client = host_client; host_client = &svs.clients[i]; if (host_client->state == cs_connected || host_client->state == cs_spawned) { SV_ExecuteUserCommand (PF_VarString(prinst, 1, pr_globals), true); } else Con_Printf("PF_clientcommand: client is not active\n"); host_client = temp_client; if (host_client) sv_player = host_client->edict; } const char *SV_CheckRejectConnection(netadr_t *adr, const char *uinfo, unsigned int protocol, unsigned int pext1, unsigned int pext2, char *guid) { char addrstr[256]; char clfeatures[4096], *bp; const char *ret = NULL; if (gfuncs.CheckRejectConnection) { globalvars_t *pr_globals = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT); NET_AdrToString(addrstr, sizeof(addrstr), adr); *clfeatures = 0; switch(protocol) { default: bp = "unknown"; break; case SCP_QUAKEWORLD: bp = "qw"; break; case SCP_QUAKE2: bp = "q2"; break; case SCP_QUAKE3: bp = "q3"; break; case SCP_NETQUAKE: bp = "nq"; break; case SCP_PROQUAKE: bp = "nq"; break; //not nuff difference for it to be meaningful case SCP_FITZ666: bp = "fitz666"; break; case SCP_DARKPLACES6: bp = "dp6"; break; case SCP_DARKPLACES7: bp = "dp7"; break; } Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "basicprotocol", bp, sizeof(clfeatures)); Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "guid", guid, sizeof(clfeatures)); Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "maxsounds", "256", sizeof(clfeatures)); Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "maxmodels", "256", sizeof(clfeatures)); //this is not the limits of the client itself, but the limits that the server is able and willing to send to them. if ((pext1 & PEXT_SOUNDDBL) || (protocol == SCP_FITZ666 || protocol == SCP_DARKPLACES6) || (protocol == SCP_DARKPLACES7)) Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "maxsounds", va("%i", MAX_PRECACHE_SOUNDS), sizeof(clfeatures)); else Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "maxsounds", "256", sizeof(clfeatures)); if ((pext1 & PEXT_MODELDBL) || (protocol == SCP_FITZ666 || protocol == SCP_DARKPLACES6) || (protocol == SCP_DARKPLACES7)) Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "maxmodels", va("%i", MAX_PRECACHE_MODELS), sizeof(clfeatures)); else Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "maxmodels", "256", sizeof(clfeatures)); if (pext2 & PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS) Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "maxentities", va("%i", MAX_EDICTS), sizeof(clfeatures)); else if (protocol == SCP_FITZ666) // Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "maxentities", "65535", sizeof(clfeatures)); Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "maxentities", "32767", sizeof(clfeatures)); else if (protocol == SCP_DARKPLACES6 || protocol == SCP_DARKPLACES7) Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "maxentities", "32767", sizeof(clfeatures)); else if (pext1 & PEXT_ENTITYDBL2) Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "maxentities", "2048", sizeof(clfeatures)); else if (pext1 & PEXT_ENTITYDBL) Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "maxentities", "1024", sizeof(clfeatures)); else if (protocol == SCP_NETQUAKE) Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "maxentities", "600", sizeof(clfeatures)); else //if (protocol == SCP_QUAKEWORLD) Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "maxentities", "512", sizeof(clfeatures)); if (pext2 & PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS) //limited by packetlog/size, but server can track the whole lot, assuming they're not all sent in a single packet. Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "maxvisentities", va("%i", MAX_EDICTS), sizeof(clfeatures)); else if (protocol == SCP_DARKPLACES6 || protocol == SCP_DARKPLACES7) //deltaing protocol allows all ents to be visible at once Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "maxvisentities", "32767", sizeof(clfeatures)); else if (pext1 & PEXT_256PACKETENTITIES) Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "maxvisentities", "256", sizeof(clfeatures)); else if (protocol == SCP_QUAKEWORLD) Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "maxvisentities", "64", sizeof(clfeatures)); //others are limited by packet sizes, so the count can vary... //features if (pext1 & PEXT_VIEW2) Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "PEXT_VIEW2", "1", sizeof(clfeatures)); if (pext1 & PEXT_LIGHTSTYLECOL) Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "PEXT_LIGHTSTYLECOL", "1", sizeof(clfeatures)); if ((pext1 & PEXT_CSQC) || (protocol == SCP_DARKPLACES6) || (protocol == SCP_DARKPLACES7)) Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "PEXT_CSQC", "1", sizeof(clfeatures)); if ((pext1 & PEXT_FLOATCOORDS) || (protocol == SCP_DARKPLACES6) || (protocol == SCP_DARKPLACES7)) Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "PEXT_FLOATCOORDS", "1", sizeof(clfeatures)); if ((pext1 & PEXT_ENTITYDBL) || (pext2 & PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS) || (protocol == SCP_FITZ666 || protocol == SCP_DARKPLACES6) || (protocol == SCP_DARKPLACES7)) Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "PEXT_ENTITYDBL", "1", sizeof(clfeatures)); if (pext1 & PEXT_HEXEN2) Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "PEXT_HEXEN2", "1", sizeof(clfeatures)); if ((pext1 & PEXT_SETATTACHMENT) || (protocol == SCP_DARKPLACES6) || (protocol == SCP_DARKPLACES7)) Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "PEXT_SETATTACHMENT", "1", sizeof(clfeatures)); if (pext1 & PEXT_CUSTOMTEMPEFFECTS) Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "PEXT_CUSTOMTEMPEFFECTS", "1", sizeof(clfeatures)); if ((pext2 & PEXT2_PRYDONCURSOR) || (protocol == SCP_DARKPLACES6) || (protocol == SCP_DARKPLACES7)) Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "PEXT2_PRYDONCURSOR", "1", sizeof(clfeatures)); if (pext2 & PEXT2_VOICECHAT) Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "PEXT2_VOICECHAT", "1", sizeof(clfeatures)); if (pext2 & PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS) Info_SetValueForKey(clfeatures, "PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS", "1", sizeof(clfeatures)); pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, sv.world.edicts); G_INT(OFS_PARM0) = (int)PR_TempString(svprogfuncs, addrstr); G_INT(OFS_PARM1) = (int)PR_TempString(svprogfuncs, uinfo); G_INT(OFS_PARM2) = (int)PR_TempString(svprogfuncs, clfeatures); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, gfuncs.CheckRejectConnection); ret = PR_GetStringOfs(svprogfuncs, OFS_RETURN); if (!*ret) ret = NULL; } return ret; } void SV_AddDebugPolygons(void) { int i; if (gfuncs.AddDebugPolygons) { pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, sv.world.edicts); for (i = 0; i < sv.allocated_client_slots; i++) if (svs.clients[i].netchan.remote_address.type == NA_LOOPBACK) pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, svs.clients[i].edict); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, gfuncs.AddDebugPolygons); } } #ifdef HEXEN2 static void QCBUILTIN PF_h2AdvanceFrame(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { edict_t *Ent; float Start,End,Result; Ent = PROG_TO_EDICT(prinst, pr_global_struct->self); Start = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); End = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); if ((Startv->frame < Start || Ent->v->frame > End))|| (Start>End&&(Ent->v->frame > Start || Ent->v->frame < End))) { // Didn't start in the range Ent->v->frame = Start; Result = 0; } else if(Ent->v->frame == End) { // Wrapping Ent->v->frame = Start; Result = 1; } else if(End>Start) { // Regular Advance Ent->v->frame++; if (Ent->v->frame == End) Result = 2; else Result = 0; } else if(Endv->frame--; if (Ent->v->frame == End) Result = 2; else Result = 0; } else { Ent->v->frame=End; Result = 1; } G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = Result; } static void QCBUILTIN PF_h2RewindFrame(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { edict_t *Ent; float Start,End,Result; Ent = PROG_TO_EDICT(prinst, pr_global_struct->self); Start = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); End = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); if (Ent->v->frame > Start || Ent->v->frame < End) { // Didn't start in the range Ent->v->frame = Start; Result = 0; } else if(Ent->v->frame == End) { // Wrapping Ent->v->frame = Start; Result = 1; } else { // Regular Advance Ent->v->frame--; if (Ent->v->frame == End) Result = 2; else Result = 0; } G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = Result; } #define WF_NORMAL_ADVANCE 0 #define WF_CYCLE_STARTED 1 #define WF_CYCLE_WRAPPED 2 #define WF_LAST_FRAME 3 static void QCBUILTIN PF_h2advanceweaponframe (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { edict_t *ent; float startframe,endframe; float state; ent = PROG_TO_EDICT(prinst, pr_global_struct->self); startframe = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); endframe = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); if ((endframe > startframe && (ent->v->weaponframe > endframe || ent->v->weaponframe < startframe)) || (endframe < startframe && (ent->v->weaponframe < endframe || ent->v->weaponframe > startframe)) ) { ent->v->weaponframe=startframe; state = WF_CYCLE_STARTED; } else if(ent->v->weaponframe==endframe) { ent->v->weaponframe=startframe; state = WF_CYCLE_WRAPPED; } else { if (startframe > endframe) ent->v->weaponframe = ent->v->weaponframe - 1; else if (startframe < endframe) ent->v->weaponframe = ent->v->weaponframe + 1; if (ent->v->weaponframe==endframe) state = WF_LAST_FRAME; else state = WF_NORMAL_ADVANCE; } G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = state; } void PRH2_SetPlayerClass(client_t *cl, int classnum, qboolean fromqc) { char temp[16]; if (classnum < 1) return; //reject it (it would crash the (standard hexen2) mod) if (classnum > 5) return; if (!fromqc) { if (progstype != PROG_H2) return; /*if they already have a class, only switch to the class already set by the gamecode this is awkward, but matches hexen2*/ if (cl->playerclass) { if (cl->edict->xv->playerclass) classnum = cl->edict->xv->playerclass; else if (cl->playerclass) classnum = cl->playerclass; } } if (classnum) sprintf(temp,"%i",(int)classnum); else *temp = 0; Info_SetValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "cl_playerclass", temp, sizeof(cl->userinfo)); if (cl->playerclass != classnum) { cl->edict->xv->playerclass = classnum; cl->playerclass = classnum; if (!fromqc) { cl->sendinfo = true; if (cl->state == cs_spawned && gfuncs.ClassChangeWeapon) { pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, cl->edict); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, gfuncs.ClassChangeWeapon); } } } } static void QCBUILTIN PF_h2setclass (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float NewClass; int entnum; edict_t *e; client_t *client; // client_t *old; char temp[1024]; entnum = G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM0); e = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); NewClass = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); if (entnum < 1 || entnum > sv.allocated_client_slots) { Con_Printf ("tried to change class of a non-client\n"); return; } client = &svs.clients[entnum-1]; e->xv->playerclass = NewClass; client->playerclass = NewClass; sprintf(temp,"%d",(int)NewClass); Info_SetValueForKey (client->userinfo, "cl_playerclass", temp, sizeof(client->userinfo)); client->sendinfo = true; } static void QCBUILTIN PF_h2v_factor(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) // returns (v_right * factor_x) + (v_forward * factor_y) + (v_up * factor_z) { float *range; vec3_t result; range = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); result[0] = (P_VEC(v_right)[0] * range[0]) + (P_VEC(v_forward)[0] * range[1]) + (P_VEC(v_up)[0] * range[2]); result[1] = (P_VEC(v_right)[1] * range[0]) + (P_VEC(v_forward)[1] * range[1]) + (P_VEC(v_up)[1] * range[2]); result[2] = (P_VEC(v_right)[2] * range[0]) + (P_VEC(v_forward)[2] * range[1]) + (P_VEC(v_up)[2] * range[2]); VectorCopy (result, G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_h2v_factorrange(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) // returns (v_right * factor_x) + (v_forward * factor_y) + (v_up * factor_z) { float num,*minv,*maxv; vec3_t result,r2; minv = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); maxv = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); num = (rand ()&0x7fff) / ((float)0x7fff); result[0] = ((maxv[0]-minv[0]) * num) + minv[0]; num = (rand ()&0x7fff) / ((float)0x7fff); result[1] = ((maxv[1]-minv[1]) * num) + minv[1]; num = (rand ()&0x7fff) / ((float)0x7fff); result[2] = ((maxv[2]-minv[2]) * num) + minv[2]; r2[0] = (P_VEC(v_right)[0] * result[0]) + (P_VEC(v_forward)[0] * result[1]) + (P_VEC(v_up)[0] * result[2]); r2[1] = (P_VEC(v_right)[1] * result[0]) + (P_VEC(v_forward)[1] * result[1]) + (P_VEC(v_up)[1] * result[2]); r2[2] = (P_VEC(v_right)[2] * result[0]) + (P_VEC(v_forward)[2] * result[1]) + (P_VEC(v_up)[2] * result[2]); VectorCopy (r2, G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)); } char *T_GetString(int num); static void QCBUILTIN PF_h2plaque_draw(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { char *s; #ifdef SERVER_DEMO_PLAYBACK if (sv.demofile) return; #endif if (G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1) == 0) s = ""; else { s = T_GetString(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)-1); } if (G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) == MSG_ONE) { edict_t *ent; ent = PROG_TO_EDICT(svprogfuncs, pr_global_struct->msg_entity); PF_centerprint_Internal(NUM_FOR_EDICT(svprogfuncs, ent), true, s); } else { MSG_WriteByte (QWWriteDest(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)), svc_centerprint); if (*s) { MSG_WriteByte (QWWriteDest(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)), '/'); MSG_WriteByte (QWWriteDest(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)), 'P'); } MSG_WriteString (QWWriteDest(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)), s); #ifdef NQPROT MSG_WriteByte (NQWriteDest(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)), svc_centerprint); if (*s) { MSG_WriteByte (NQWriteDest(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)), '/'); MSG_WriteByte (NQWriteDest(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)), 'P'); } MSG_WriteString (NQWriteDest(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)), s); #endif } } static void QCBUILTIN PF_h2movestep (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { vec3_t v; edict_t *ent; int oldself; qboolean set_trace; ent = PROG_TO_EDICT(prinst, pr_global_struct->self); v[0] = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); v[1] = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); v[2] = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); set_trace = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3); // save program state, because SV_movestep may call other progs oldself = pr_global_struct->self; G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = World_movestep (&sv.world, (wedict_t*)ent, v, NULL, false, true, set_trace?set_trace_globals:NULL, pr_globals); // restore program state pr_global_struct->self = oldself; } static void QCBUILTIN PF_h2concatv(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float *in,*range; vec3_t result; in = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); range = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); VectorCopy (in, result); if (result[0] < -range[0]) result[0] = -range[0]; if (result[0] > range[0]) result[0] = range[0]; if (result[1] < -range[1]) result[1] = -range[1]; if (result[1] > range[1]) result[1] = range[1]; if (result[2] < -range[2]) result[2] = -range[2]; if (result[2] > range[2]) result[2] = range[2]; VectorCopy (result, G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_h2matchAngleToSlope(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { edict_t *actor; vec3_t v_forward, old_forward, old_right, new_angles2 = { 0, 0, 0 }; float pitch, mod, dot; // OFS_PARM0 is used by PF_vectoangles below actor = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM1); AngleVectors(actor->v->angles, old_forward, old_right, P_VEC(v_up)); VectorAngles(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0), NULL, G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)); pitch = G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) - 90; new_angles2[1] = G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+1); AngleVectors(new_angles2, v_forward, P_VEC(v_right), P_VEC(v_up)); mod = DotProduct(v_forward, old_right); if(mod<0) mod=1; else mod=-1; dot = DotProduct(v_forward, old_forward); actor->v->angles[0] = dot*pitch; actor->v->angles[2] = (1-fabs(dot))*pitch*mod; } /*objective type stuff, this goes into a stat*/ static void QCBUILTIN PF_h2updateinfoplaque(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { unsigned int idx = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); int mode = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); /*0=toggle, 1=force, 2=clear*/ if (idx >= sizeof(h2infoplaque)*8) return; if ((mode & 3) == 3) /*idiot*/; else if (mode & 1) h2infoplaque[idx/32] |= 1<<(idx&31); else if (mode & 2) h2infoplaque[idx/32] &=~(1<<(idx&31)); else h2infoplaque[idx/32] ^= 1<<(idx&31); } enum { ce_none, ce_rain, ce_fountain, ce_quake, ce_white_smoke, ce_bluespark, ce_yellowspark, ce_sm_circle_exp, ce_bg_circle_exp, ce_sm_white_flash, ce_white_flash = 10, ce_yellowred_flash, ce_blue_flash, ce_sm_blue_flash, ce_red_flash, ce_sm_explosion, ce_lg_explosion, ce_floor_explosion, ce_rider_death, ce_blue_explosion, ce_green_smoke = 20, ce_grey_smoke, ce_red_smoke, ce_slow_white_smoke, ce_redspark, ce_greenspark, ce_telesmk1, ce_telesmk2, ce_icehit, ce_medusa_hit, ce_mezzo_reflect = 30, ce_floor_explosion2, ce_xbow_explosion, ce_new_explosion, ce_magic_missile_explosion, ce_ghost, ce_bone_explosion, ce_redcloud, ce_teleporterpuffs, ce_teleporterbody, ce_boneshard = 40, ce_boneshrapnel, ce_flamestream, ce_snow, ce_gravitywell, ce_bldrn_expl, ce_acid_muzzfl, ce_acid_hit, ce_firewall_small, ce_firewall_medium, ce_firewall_large = 50, ce_lball_expl, ce_acid_splat, ce_acid_expl, ce_fboom, ce_chunk, ce_bomb, ce_brn_bounce, ce_lshock, ce_flamewall, ce_flamewall2 = 60, ce_floor_explosion3, ce_onfire, /*internal effects, here for indexes*/ ce_teleporterbody_1, /*de-sheeped*/ ce_white_smoke_05, ce_white_smoke_10, ce_white_smoke_15, ce_white_smoke_20, ce_white_smoke_50, ce_green_smoke_05, ce_green_smoke_10, ce_green_smoke_15, ce_green_smoke_20, ce_grey_smoke_15, ce_grey_smoke_100, ce_chunk_1, ce_chunk_2, ce_chunk_3, ce_chunk_4, ce_chunk_5, ce_chunk_6, ce_chunk_7, ce_chunk_8, ce_chunk_9, ce_chunk_10, ce_chunk_11, ce_chunk_12, ce_chunk_13, ce_chunk_14, ce_chunk_15, ce_chunk_16, ce_chunk_17, ce_chunk_18, ce_chunk_19, ce_chunk_20, ce_chunk_21, ce_chunk_22, ce_chunk_23, ce_chunk_24, ce_max }; int h2customtents[ce_max]; void SV_RegisterH2CustomTents(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ce_max; i++) h2customtents[i] = -1; if (progstype == PROG_H2) { h2customtents[ce_rain] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_rain", CTE_PERSISTANT|CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_ISBEAM|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_fountain] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_fountain", CTE_PERSISTANT|CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_quake] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_quake", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); // ce_white_smoke (special) h2customtents[ce_bluespark] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_bluespark", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_yellowspark] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_yellowspark", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_sm_circle_exp] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_sm_circle_exp", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_bg_circle_exp] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_bg_circle_exp", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_sm_white_flash] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_sm_white_flash", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_white_flash] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_white_flash", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_yellowred_flash] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_yellowred_flash", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_blue_flash] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_blue_flash", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_sm_blue_flash] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_sm_blue_flash", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_red_flash] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_red_flash", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_sm_explosion] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_sm_explosion", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_lg_explosion] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_lg_explosion", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_floor_explosion] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_floor_explosion", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_rider_death] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_rider_death", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_blue_explosion] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_blue_explosion", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); // ce_green_smoke (special) // ce_grey_smoke (special) h2customtents[ce_red_smoke] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_red_smoke", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_slow_white_smoke] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_slow_white_smoke", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_redspark] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_redspark", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_greenspark] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_greenspark", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_telesmk1] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_telesmk1", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_telesmk2] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_telesmk2", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_icehit] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_icehit", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_medusa_hit] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_medusa_hit", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_mezzo_reflect] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_mezzo_reflect", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_floor_explosion2] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_floor_explosion2", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_xbow_explosion] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_xbow_explosion", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_new_explosion] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_new_explosion", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_magic_missile_explosion] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_magic_missile_explosion", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_ghost] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_ghost", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_bone_explosion] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_bone_explosion", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_redcloud] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_redcloud", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_teleporterpuffs] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_teleporterpuffs", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_teleporterbody] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_teleporterbody", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_boneshard] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_boneshard", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_boneshrapnel] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_boneshrapnel", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_flamestream] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_flamestream", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_snow] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_snow", CTE_PERSISTANT|CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_ISBEAM|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_gravitywell] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_gravitywell", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_bldrn_expl] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_bldrn_expl", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_acid_muzzfl] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_acid_muzzfl", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_acid_hit] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_acid_hit", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_firewall_small] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_firewall_small", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_firewall_medium] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_firewall_medium", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_firewall_large] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_firewall_large", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_lball_expl] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_lball_expl", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_acid_splat] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_acid_splat", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_acid_expl] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_acid_expl", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_fboom] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_fboom", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); // ce_chunk (special) h2customtents[ce_bomb] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_bomb", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_brn_bounce] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_brn_bounce", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_lshock] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_lshock", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_flamewall] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_flamewall", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_flamewall2] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_flamewall2", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_floor_explosion3] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_floor_explosion3", 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_onfire] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_onfire", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_teleporterbody_1] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_teleporterbody_1", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_white_smoke_05] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_white_smoke_05", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_white_smoke_10] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_white_smoke_10", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_white_smoke_15] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_white_smoke_15", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_white_smoke_20] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_white_smoke_20", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_white_smoke_50] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_white_smoke_50", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_green_smoke_05] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_green_smoke_05", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_green_smoke_10] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_green_smoke_10", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_green_smoke_15] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_green_smoke_15", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_green_smoke_20] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_green_smoke_20", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_grey_smoke_15] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_grey_smoke_15", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_grey_smoke_100] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_grey_smoke_100", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_chunk_1] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_chunk_greystone", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_chunk_2] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_chunk_wood", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_chunk_3] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_chunk_metal", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_chunk_4] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_chunk_flesh", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_chunk_5] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_chunk_fire", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_chunk_6] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_chunk_clay", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_chunk_7] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_chunk_leaves", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_chunk_8] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_chunk_hay", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_chunk_9] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_chunk_brownstone", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_chunk_10] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_chunk_cloth", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_chunk_11] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_chunk_wood_leaf", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_chunk_12] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_chunk_wood_metal", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_chunk_13] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_chunk_wood_stone", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_chunk_14] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_chunk_metal_stone", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_chunk_15] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_chunk_metal_cloth", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_chunk_16] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_chunk_webs", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_chunk_17] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_chunk_glass", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_chunk_18] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_chunk_ice", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_chunk_19] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_chunk_clearglass", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_chunk_20] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_chunk_redglass", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_chunk_21] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_chunk_acid", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_chunk_22] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_chunk_meteor", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_chunk_23] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_chunk_greenflesh", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); h2customtents[ce_chunk_24] = SV_CustomTEnt_Register("h2part.ce_chunk_bone", CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY|CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); } } static void QCBUILTIN PF_h2starteffect(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float *min, *max, *size; // float *angle; float colour; // float wait, radius, frame, framelength, duration; // int flags, skin; int type; float *org, *dir; int count; int efnum = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; switch(efnum) { case ce_rain: /*this effect is meant to be persistant (endeffect is never used)*/ min = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); max = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); size = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM3); dir = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM4); colour = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM5); count = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM6); //wait = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM7); /*FIXME: not spawned - this persistant effect is created by a map object, all attributes are custom.*/ if (colour == 0 && size == 0) SV_CustomTEnt_Spawn(h2customtents[efnum], min, max, count, dir); else Con_Printf("FTE-H2 FIXME: ce_rain not supported!\n"); return; case ce_snow: /*this effect is meant to be persistant (endeffect is never used)*/ min = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); max = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); //flags = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3); dir = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM4); count = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM5); /*FIXME: we ignore any happy/fluffy/mixed snow types*/ SV_CustomTEnt_Spawn(h2customtents[efnum], min, max, count, dir); // Con_Printf("FTE-H2 FIXME: ce_snow not supported!\n"); return; case ce_fountain: /*this effect is meant to be persistant (endeffect is never used)*/ org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); // angle = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); dir = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM3); colour = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4); count = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM5); /*FIXME: not spawned - this persistant effect is created by a map object, all attributes are custom.*/ if (colour == 407) { dir[2] *= 2; SV_CustomTEnt_Spawn(h2customtents[efnum], org, NULL, count, dir); } else Con_Printf("FTE-H2 FIXME: ce_fountain not supported!\n"); return; case ce_quake: /*this effect is meant to be persistant*/ org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); //radius = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); /*discard: always 500/3 */ if (h2customtents[efnum] != -1) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = SV_CustomTEnt_Spawn(h2customtents[efnum], org, NULL, 1, NULL); return; } break; case ce_white_smoke: //(1,2,3,4,10)*0.05 case ce_green_smoke: //(1,2,3,4)*0.05 case ce_grey_smoke: //(3,20)*0.05 /*transform them to the correct durations*/ if (efnum == ce_white_smoke) { int ifl = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3) * 100; if (ifl == 5) efnum = ce_white_smoke_05; else if (ifl == 10) efnum = ce_white_smoke_10; else if (ifl == 15) efnum = ce_white_smoke_15; else if (ifl == 20) efnum = ce_white_smoke_20; else if (ifl == 50) efnum = ce_white_smoke_50; } else if (efnum == ce_green_smoke) { int ifl = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3) * 100; if (ifl == 05) efnum = ce_green_smoke_05; else if (ifl == 10) efnum = ce_green_smoke_10; else if (ifl == 15) efnum = ce_green_smoke_15; else if (ifl == 20) efnum = ce_green_smoke_20; } else { int ifl = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3) * 100; if (ifl == 15) efnum = ce_grey_smoke_15; if (ifl == 100) efnum = ce_grey_smoke_100; } /*fallthrough*/ case ce_red_smoke: //0.15 case ce_slow_white_smoke: //0 case ce_telesmk1: //0.15 case ce_telesmk2: //not used case ce_ghost: //0.1 case ce_redcloud: //0.05 org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); dir = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); //framelength = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3); /*FIXME: validate for the other effects?*/ if (h2customtents[efnum] != -1) { SV_CustomTEnt_Spawn(h2customtents[efnum], org, NULL, 1, dir); return; } break; case ce_acid_muzzfl: case ce_flamestream: case ce_flamewall: case ce_flamewall2: case ce_onfire: org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); dir = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); //frame = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3); /*discard: h2 uses a fixed value for each effect (0, except for acid_muzzfl which is 0.05)*/ if (h2customtents[efnum] != -1) { SV_CustomTEnt_Spawn(h2customtents[efnum], org, NULL, 1, dir); return; } break; case ce_sm_white_flash: case ce_yellowred_flash: case ce_bluespark: case ce_yellowspark: case ce_sm_circle_exp: case ce_bg_circle_exp: case ce_sm_explosion: case ce_lg_explosion: case ce_floor_explosion: case ce_floor_explosion3: case ce_blue_explosion: case ce_redspark: case ce_greenspark: case ce_icehit: case ce_medusa_hit: case ce_mezzo_reflect: case ce_floor_explosion2: case ce_xbow_explosion: case ce_new_explosion: case ce_magic_missile_explosion: case ce_bone_explosion: case ce_bldrn_expl: case ce_acid_hit: case ce_acid_splat: case ce_acid_expl: case ce_lball_expl: case ce_firewall_small: case ce_firewall_medium: case ce_firewall_large: case ce_fboom: case ce_bomb: case ce_brn_bounce: case ce_lshock: case ce_white_flash: case ce_blue_flash: case ce_sm_blue_flash: case ce_red_flash: case ce_rider_death: case ce_teleporterpuffs: org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); if (h2customtents[efnum] != -1) { SV_CustomTEnt_Spawn(h2customtents[efnum], org, NULL, 1, NULL); return; } break; case ce_gravitywell: org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); //colour = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); /*discard: h2 uses a fixed random range*/ //duration = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3); /*discard: h2 uses a fixed time limit*/ if (h2customtents[efnum] != -1) { SV_CustomTEnt_Spawn(h2customtents[efnum], org, NULL, 1, NULL); return; } break; case ce_teleporterbody: org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); dir = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); if (G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3)) /*alternate*/ efnum = ce_teleporterbody_1; if (h2customtents[efnum] != -1) { SV_CustomTEnt_Spawn(h2customtents[efnum], org, NULL, 1, dir); return; } break; case ce_boneshard: case ce_boneshrapnel: org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); dir = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); //angle = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM3); /*discard: angle is a function of the dir*/ //avelocity = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM4);/*discard: avelocity is a function of the dir*/ /*FIXME: meant to be persistant until removed*/ if (h2customtents[efnum] != -1) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = SV_CustomTEnt_Spawn(h2customtents[efnum], org, NULL, 1, dir); return; } break; case ce_chunk: org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); type = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); dir = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM3); count = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4); /*convert it to the requested chunk type*/ efnum = ce_chunk_1 + type - 1; if (efnum < ce_chunk_1 && efnum > ce_chunk_24) efnum = ce_chunk; if (h2customtents[efnum] != -1) { SV_CustomTEnt_Spawn(h2customtents[efnum], org, NULL, count, dir); return; } Con_Printf("FTE-H2 FIXME: ce_chunk type=%i not supported!\n", type); return; break; default: PR_BIError (prinst, "PF_h2starteffect: bad effect"); break; } Con_Printf("FTE-H2 FIXME: Effect %i doesn't have an effect registered\nTell Spike!\n", efnum); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_h2endeffect(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { // int ign = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); int index = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); Con_DPrintf("Stop effect %i\n", index); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_h2rain_go(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { //used by (tomed) icemace.hc float *min = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); float *max = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); //unused float *size = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); float *dir = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM3); float colour = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4); float count = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM5); //this is some hacky alternative. //fixme: the effect isn't bounded to the box MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, svc_temp_entity); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, TEDP_PARTICLERAIN); // min MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, min[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, min[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, max[2]); // max MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, max[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, max[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, max[2]); // velocity MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, dir[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, dir[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, -(frandom()*700+256)); //dir not valid. fill in a default downwards direction // count MSG_WriteShort(&sv.multicast, min(count, 65535)); // colour MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, (int)colour&0xff); SV_Multicast(NULL, MULTICAST_ALL); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_h2StopSound(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int channel; edict_t *entity; entity = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); channel = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); SVQ1_StartSound (NULL, (wedict_t*)entity, channel, "", 1, 0, 0); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_h2updatesoundpos(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { Con_DPrintf("FTE-H2 FIXME: updatesoundpos not implemented\n"); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_h2whiteflash(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { /* broadcast a stuffcmd, I guess, to flash the screen white Only seen this occur once: after killing pravus. */ Con_DPrintf("FTE-H2 FIXME: whiteflash not implemented\n"); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_h2getstring(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { char *s = T_GetString(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)-1); RETURN_PSTRING(s); } #endif static void QCBUILTIN PF_RegisterTEnt(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int arg; int i; int nettype = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); const char *effectname = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); if (sv.state != ss_loading) { PR_BIError (prinst, "PF_RegisterTEnt: Registration can only be done in spawn functions"); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; return; } for (i = 0; i < 255; i++) { if (!*sv.customtents[i].particleeffecttype) break; if (!strcmp(effectname, sv.customtents[i].particleeffecttype)) break; } if (i == 255) { Con_Printf("Too many custom effects\n"); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; return; } Q_strncpyz(sv.customtents[i].particleeffecttype, effectname, sizeof(sv.customtents[i].particleeffecttype)); sv.customtents[i].netstyle = nettype; arg = 2; if (nettype & CTE_STAINS) { VectorCopy(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0+arg*3), sv.customtents[i].stain); sv.customtents[i].radius = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1+arg*3); arg += 2; } if (nettype & CTE_GLOWS) { sv.customtents[i].dlightrgb[0] = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0+arg*3+0)*255; sv.customtents[i].dlightrgb[1] = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0+arg*3+1)*255; sv.customtents[i].dlightrgb[2] = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0+arg*3+2)*255; sv.customtents[i].dlightradius = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1+arg*3)/4; sv.customtents[i].dlighttime = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2+arg*3)*16; arg += 3; if (nettype & CTE_CHANNELFADE) { sv.customtents[i].dlightcfade[0] = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0+arg*3+0)*64; sv.customtents[i].dlightcfade[1] = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0+arg*3+1)*64; sv.customtents[i].dlightcfade[2] = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0+arg*3+2)*64; arg++; // we're out now.. } } if (arg != prinst->callargc) Con_Printf("Bad argument count\n"); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = i; } static void QCBUILTIN PF_CustomTEnt(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int type; int arg; float *org; multicast_t mcd = MULTICAST_PVS; if (sv.multicast.cursize) SV_MulticastProtExt (vec3_origin, MULTICAST_ALL, pr_global_struct->dimension_send, 0, PEXT_CUSTOMTEMPEFFECTS); //do a multicast with the current buffer to all players who won't get the new effect. type = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); if (type < 0 || type >= 255) return; MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, svcfte_customtempent); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, type); type = sv.customtents[type].netstyle; arg = 1; if (type & CTE_PERSISTANT) { int id = G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM0+arg*3); arg++; mcd = MULTICAST_ALL_R; if (arg == prinst->callargc) { MSG_WriteShort(&sv.multicast, id | 0x8000); SV_MulticastProtExt (vec3_origin, mcd, pr_global_struct->dimension_send, PEXT_CUSTOMTEMPEFFECTS, 0); //now send the new multicast to all that will. return; } MSG_WriteShort(&sv.multicast, id); } org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0+arg*3); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, org[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, org[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, org[2]); if (type & CTE_ISBEAM) { MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0+arg*3)[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0+arg*3)[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0+arg*3)[2]); arg++; } else { if (type & CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT) { MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0+arg*3)); arg++; } if (type & CTE_CUSTOMVELOCITY) { float *vel = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0+arg*3); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, vel[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, vel[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, vel[2]); arg++; } else if (type & CTE_CUSTOMDIRECTION) { vec3_t norm; VectorNormalize2(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0+arg*3), norm); MSG_WriteDir(&sv.multicast, norm); arg++; } } if (arg != prinst->callargc) Con_Printf("PF_CusromTEnt: bad number of arguments for particle type\n"); SV_MulticastProtExt (org, mcd, pr_global_struct->dimension_send, PEXT_CUSTOMTEMPEFFECTS, 0); //now send the new multicast to all that will. } //void(float effectnum, entity ent, vector start, vector end) trailparticles (EXT_CSQC), static void QCBUILTIN PF_sv_trailparticles(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { #ifdef PEXT_CSQC int efnum; int ednum; float *start = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); float *end = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM3); /*DP gets this wrong*/ if (G_INT(OFS_PARM1) >= MAX_EDICTS) { ednum = G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM0); efnum = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); } else { efnum = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); ednum = G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM1); } MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, svcfte_trailparticles); MSG_WriteEntity(&sv.multicast, ednum); MSG_WriteShort(&sv.multicast, efnum); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, start[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, start[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, start[2]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, end[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, end[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, end[2]); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, svcdp_trailparticles); MSG_WriteEntity(&sv.nqmulticast, ednum); MSG_WriteShort(&sv.nqmulticast, efnum); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, start[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, start[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, start[2]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, end[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, end[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, end[2]); SV_MulticastProtExt(start, MULTICAST_PHS, pr_global_struct->dimension_send, PEXT_CSQC, 0); #endif } //void(float effectnum, vector origin [, vector dir, float count]) pointparticles (EXT_CSQC) static void QCBUILTIN PF_sv_pointparticles(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { #ifdef PEXT_CSQC int efnum = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); float *org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); float *vel = (prinst->callargc < 3)?vec3_origin:G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); int count = (prinst->callargc < 4)?1:G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3); if (count > 65535) count = 65535; if (count == 1 && DotProduct(vel, vel) == 0) { MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, svcfte_pointparticles1); MSG_WriteShort(&sv.multicast, efnum); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, org[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, org[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, org[2]); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, svcdp_pointparticles1); MSG_WriteShort(&sv.nqmulticast, efnum); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, org[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, org[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, org[2]); } else { MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, svcfte_pointparticles); MSG_WriteShort(&sv.multicast, efnum); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, org[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, org[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, org[2]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, vel[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, vel[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, vel[2]); MSG_WriteShort(&sv.multicast, count); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, svcdp_pointparticles); MSG_WriteShort(&sv.nqmulticast, efnum); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, org[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, org[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, org[2]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, vel[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, vel[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, vel[2]); MSG_WriteShort(&sv.nqmulticast, count); } SV_MulticastProtExt(org, MULTICAST_PHS, pr_global_struct->dimension_send, PEXT_CSQC, 0); #endif } void PRSV_RunThreads(void) { struct globalvars_s *pr_globals; qcstate_t *state = qcthreads, *next; qcthreads = NULL; while(state) { next = state->next; if (state->resumetime > sv.time || state->waiting) { //not time yet, reform original list. state->next = qcthreads; qcthreads = state; } else { //call it and forget it ever happened. The Sleep biltin will recreate if needed. pr_globals = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT); pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, EDICT_NUM(svprogfuncs, state->self)); pr_global_struct->other = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, EDICT_NUM(svprogfuncs, state->other)); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = state->returnval; svprogfuncs->RunThread(svprogfuncs, state->thread); svprogfuncs->parms->memfree(state->thread); svprogfuncs->parms->memfree(state); } state = next; } } static void PRSV_ClearThreads(void) { qcstate_t *state = qcthreads, *next; qcthreads = NULL; while(state) { next = state->next; svprogfuncs->parms->memfree(state->thread); svprogfuncs->parms->memfree(state); state = next; } } static void QCBUILTIN PF_Sleep(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float sleeptime; sleeptime = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); PR_CreateThread(prinst, 1, sv.time + sleeptime, false); prinst->AbortStack(prinst); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_Fork(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float sleeptime; if (svprogfuncs->callargc >= 1) sleeptime = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); else sleeptime = 0; PR_CreateThread(prinst, 1, sv.time + sleeptime, false); PRSV_RunThreads(); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } //DP_TE_STANDARDEFFECTBUILTINS //void(vector org) te_gunshot = #418; static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_gunshot(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int count; if (svprogfuncs->callargc >= 2) count = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); else count = 1; SV_point_tempentity(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0), TE_GUNSHOT, count); } //DP_TE_QUADEFFECTS1 static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_gunshotquad(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int count; if (svprogfuncs->callargc >= 2) count = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); else count = 1; SV_point_tempentity(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0), TEDP_GUNSHOTQUAD, count); } //DP_TE_STANDARDEFFECTBUILTINS //void(vector org) te_spike = #419; static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_spike(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { SV_point_tempentity(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0), TE_SPIKE, 1); } //DP_TE_QUADEFFECTS1 static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_spikequad(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { SV_point_tempentity(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0), TEDP_SPIKEQUAD, 1); } // FTE_TE_STANDARDEFFECTBUILTINS static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_lightningblood(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { SV_point_tempentity(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0), TEQW_LIGHTNINGBLOOD, 1); } // FTE_TE_STANDARDEFFECTBUILTINS static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_bloodqw(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int count; if (svprogfuncs->callargc >= 2) count = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); else count = 1; SV_point_tempentity(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0), TEQW_BLOOD, count); } //DP_TE_STANDARDEFFECTBUILTINS //void(vector org) te_superspike = #420; static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_superspike(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { SV_point_tempentity(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0), TE_SUPERSPIKE, 1); } //DP_TE_QUADEFFECTS1 static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_superspikequad(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { SV_point_tempentity(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0), TEDP_SUPERSPIKEQUAD, 1); } //DP_TE_STANDARDEFFECTBUILTINS //void(vector org) te_explosion = #421; static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_explosion(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { SV_point_tempentity(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0), TE_EXPLOSION, 1); } //DP_TE_QUADEFFECTS1 static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_explosionquad(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { SV_point_tempentity(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0), TEDP_EXPLOSIONQUAD, 1); } //DP_TE_STANDARDEFFECTBUILTINS //void(vector org) te_tarexplosion = #422; static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_tarexplosion(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { SV_point_tempentity(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0), TE_TAREXPLOSION, 1); } //DP_TE_STANDARDEFFECTBUILTINS //void(vector org) te_wizspike = #423; static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_wizspike(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { SV_point_tempentity(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0), TE_WIZSPIKE, 1); } //DP_TE_STANDARDEFFECTBUILTINS //void(vector org) te_knightspike = #424; static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_knightspike(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { SV_point_tempentity(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0), TE_KNIGHTSPIKE, 1); } //DP_TE_STANDARDEFFECTBUILTINS //void(vector org) te_lavasplash = #425; static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_lavasplash(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { SV_point_tempentity(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0), TE_LAVASPLASH, 1); } //DP_TE_STANDARDEFFECTBUILTINS //void(vector org) te_teleport = #426; static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_teleport(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { SV_point_tempentity(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0), TE_TELEPORT, 1); } //DP_TE_STANDARDEFFECTBUILTINS //void(vector org, float color) te_explosion2 = #427; static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_explosion2(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { //FIXME: QW doesn't support TE_EXPLOSION2... SV_point_tempentity(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0), TE_EXPLOSION, 1); } //DP_TE_STANDARDEFFECTBUILTINS //void(entity own, vector start, vector end) te_lightning1 = #428; static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_lightning1(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { SV_beam_tempentity(G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM0), G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1), G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2), TE_LIGHTNING1); } //DP_TE_STANDARDEFFECTBUILTINS //void(entity own, vector start, vector end) te_lightning2 = #429; static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_lightning2(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { SV_beam_tempentity(G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM0), G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1), G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2), TE_LIGHTNING2); } //DP_TE_STANDARDEFFECTBUILTINS //void(entity own, vector start, vector end) te_lightning3 = #430; static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_lightning3(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { SV_beam_tempentity(G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM0), G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1), G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2), TE_LIGHTNING3); } //DP_TE_STANDARDEFFECTBUILTINS //void(entity own, vector start, vector end) te_beam = #431; static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_beam(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { SV_beam_tempentity(G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM0), G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1), G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2), TEQW_BEAM); } //DP_TE_SPARK static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_spark(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float *org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); if (G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2) < 1) return; MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, svc_temp_entity); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, TEDP_SPARK); // origin MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, org[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, org[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, org[2]); // velocity MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, bound(-128, (int) G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1)[0], 127)); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, bound(-128, (int) G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1)[1], 127)); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, bound(-128, (int) G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1)[2], 127)); // count MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, bound(0, (int) G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2), 255)); //the nq version #ifdef NQPROT MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, svc_temp_entity); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, TEDP_SPARK); // origin MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, org[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, org[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, org[2]); // velocity MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, bound(-128, (int) G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1)[0], 127)); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, bound(-128, (int) G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1)[1], 127)); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, bound(-128, (int) G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1)[2], 127)); // count MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, bound(0, (int) G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2), 255)); #endif SV_Multicast(org, MULTICAST_PVS); } // #416 void(vector org) te_smallflash (DP_TE_SMALLFLASH) static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_smallflash(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float *org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); SV_point_tempentity(org, TEDP_SMALLFLASH, 0); } // #417 void(vector org, float radius, float lifetime, vector color) te_customflash (DP_TE_CUSTOMFLASH) static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_customflash(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float *org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); if (G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1) < 8 || G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2) < (1.0 / 256.0)) return; MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, svc_temp_entity); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, TEDP_CUSTOMFLASH); // origin MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0)[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0)[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0)[2]); // radius MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, bound(0, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1) / 8 - 1, 255)); // lifetime MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, bound(0, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2) / 256 - 1, 255)); // color MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, bound(0, G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM3)[0] * 255, 255)); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, bound(0, G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM3)[1] * 255, 255)); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, bound(0, G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM3)[2] * 255, 255)); #ifdef NQPROT MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, svc_temp_entity); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, TEDP_CUSTOMFLASH); // origin MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0)[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0)[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0)[2]); // radius MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, bound(0, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1) / 8 - 1, 255)); // lifetime MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, bound(0, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2) / 256 - 1, 255)); // color MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, bound(0, G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM3)[0] * 255, 255)); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, bound(0, G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM3)[1] * 255, 255)); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, bound(0, G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM3)[2] * 255, 255)); #endif SV_Multicast(org, MULTICAST_PVS); } //#408 void(vector mincorner, vector maxcorner, vector vel, float howmany, float color, float gravityflag, float randomveljitter) te_particlecube (DP_TE_PARTICLECUBE) static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_particlecube(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float *min = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); float *max = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); float *dir = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); float count = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3); float color = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4); float gravityflag = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM5); float randomveljitter = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM6); vec3_t org; if (count < 1) return; // [vector] min [vector] max [vector] dir [short] count [byte] color [byte] gravity [coord] randomvel MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, svc_temp_entity); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, TEDP_PARTICLECUBE); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, min[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, min[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, min[2]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, max[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, max[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, max[2]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, dir[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, dir[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, dir[2]); MSG_WriteShort(&sv.multicast, bound(0, count, 65535)); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, bound(0, color, 255)); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.multicast, (int)gravityflag!=0); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, randomveljitter); #ifdef NQPROT MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, svc_temp_entity); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, TEDP_PARTICLECUBE); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, min[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, min[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, min[2]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, max[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, max[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, max[2]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, dir[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, dir[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, dir[2]); MSG_WriteShort(&sv.nqmulticast, bound(0, count, 65535)); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, bound(0, color, 255)); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqmulticast, (int)gravityflag!=0); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, randomveljitter); #endif VectorAdd(min, max, org); VectorScale(org, 0.5, org); SV_Multicast(org, MULTICAST_PVS); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_explosionrgb(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float *org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); float *colour = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, svc_temp_entity); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, TEDP_EXPLOSIONRGB); // origin MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, org[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, org[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, org[2]); // color MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, bound(0, (int) (colour[0] * 255), 255)); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, bound(0, (int) (colour[1] * 255), 255)); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, bound(0, (int) (colour[2] * 255), 255)); #ifdef NQPROT MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, svc_temp_entity); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, TEDP_EXPLOSIONRGB); // origin MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, org[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, org[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, org[2]); // color MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, bound(0, (int) (colour[0] * 255), 255)); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, bound(0, (int) (colour[1] * 255), 255)); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, bound(0, (int) (colour[2] * 255), 255)); #endif SV_Multicast(org, MULTICAST_PVS); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_particlerain(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float *min = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); float *max = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); float *velocity = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); float count = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3); float colour = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4); if (count < 1) return; MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, svc_temp_entity); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, TEDP_PARTICLERAIN); // min MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, min[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, min[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, min[2]); // max MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, max[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, max[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, max[2]); // velocity MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, velocity[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, velocity[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, velocity[2]); // count MSG_WriteShort(&sv.multicast, min(count, 65535)); // colour MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, colour); #ifdef NQPROT MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, svc_temp_entity); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, TEDP_PARTICLERAIN); // min MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, min[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, min[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, min[2]); // max MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, max[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, max[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, max[2]); // velocity MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, velocity[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, velocity[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, velocity[2]); // count MSG_WriteShort(&sv.nqmulticast, min(count, 65535)); // colour MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, colour); #endif SV_Multicast(NULL, MULTICAST_ALL); } static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_particlesnow(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float *min = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); float *max = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); float *velocity = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); float count = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3); float colour = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4); if (count < 1) return; MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, svc_temp_entity); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, TEDP_PARTICLESNOW); // min MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, min[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, min[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, min[2]); // max MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, max[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, max[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, max[2]); // velocity MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, velocity[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, velocity[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, velocity[2]); // count MSG_WriteShort(&sv.multicast, min(count, 65535)); // colour MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, colour); #ifdef NQPROT MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, svc_temp_entity); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, TEDP_PARTICLESNOW); // min MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, min[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, min[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, min[2]); // max MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, max[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, max[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, max[2]); // velocity MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, velocity[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, velocity[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, velocity[2]); // count MSG_WriteShort(&sv.nqmulticast, min(count, 65535)); // colour MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, colour); #endif SV_Multicast(NULL, MULTICAST_ALL); } // #406 void(vector mincorner, vector maxcorner, float explosionspeed, float howmany) te_bloodshower (DP_TE_BLOODSHOWER) static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_bloodshower(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { // [vector] min [vector] max [coord] explosionspeed [short] count float *min = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); float *max = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); float speed = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); float count = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3); vec3_t org; MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, svc_temp_entity); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, TEDP_BLOODSHOWER); // min MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, min[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, min[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, min[2]); // max MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, max[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, max[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, max[2]); // speed MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.multicast, speed); // count MSG_WriteShort(&sv.multicast, bound(0, count, 65535)); #ifdef NQPROT MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, svc_temp_entity); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqmulticast, TEDP_BLOODSHOWER); // min MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, min[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, min[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, min[2]); // max MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, max[0]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, max[1]); MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, max[2]); // speed MSG_WriteCoord(&sv.nqmulticast, speed); // count MSG_WriteShort(&sv.nqmulticast, bound(0, count, 65535)); #endif VectorAdd(min, max, org); VectorScale(org, 0.5, org); SV_Multicast(org, MULTICAST_PVS); //fixme: should this be phs instead? } //DP_SV_EFFECT //void(vector org, string modelname, float startframe, float endframe, float framerate) effect = #404; static void QCBUILTIN PF_effect(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float *org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); const char *name = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); float startframe = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); float endframe = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3); float framerate = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4); int index = SV_ModelIndex(name); SV_Effect(org, index, startframe, endframe, framerate); } //DP_TE_PLASMABURN //void(vector org) te_plasmaburn = #433; static void QCBUILTIN PF_te_plasmaburn(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float *org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); SV_point_tempentity(org, 75, 0); } int PF_ForceInfoKey_Internal(unsigned int entnum, const char *key, const char *value) { if (entnum == 0) { //localinfo Info_SetValueForKey (localinfo, key, value, MAX_LOCALINFO_STRING); return 2; } else if (entnum <= sv.allocated_client_slots) { //woo. we found a client. char *oldvalue = Info_ValueForKey(svs.clients[entnum-1].userinfo, key); if (strcmp(oldvalue, value)) { Info_SetValueForStarKey(svs.clients[entnum-1].userinfo, key, value, sizeof(svs.clients[entnum-1].userinfo)); SV_ExtractFromUserinfo (&svs.clients[entnum-1], false); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.reliable_datagram, svc_setinfo); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.reliable_datagram, entnum-1); MSG_WriteString (&sv.reliable_datagram, key); MSG_WriteString (&sv.reliable_datagram, Info_ValueForKey(svs.clients[entnum-1].userinfo, key)); if (!strcmp(key, "*spectator")) svs.clients[entnum-1].spectator = !!atoi(value); if (!strcmp(key, "*transfer")) { #ifdef SUBSERVERS SSV_InitiatePlayerTransfer(&svs.clients[entnum-1], value); #else PF_ForceInfoKey_Internal(entnum, key, ""); #endif } } return 1; } else Con_DPrintf("PF_ForceInfoKey: not world or client\n"); return 0; } void QCBUILTIN PF_ForceInfoKey(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { edict_t *e; const char *value; const char *key; e = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); key = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); value = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM2); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = PF_ForceInfoKey_Internal(e->entnum, key, value); } /* ================= PF_setcolors sets the color of a client and broadcasts the update to all connected clients setcolors(clientent, value) ================= */ //from lh static void QCBUILTIN PF_setcolors (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { client_t *client; int entnum, i; char number[8]; entnum = G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM0); i = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); if (entnum < 1 || entnum > sv.allocated_client_slots) { Con_Printf ("tried to setcolor a non-client\n"); return; } client = &svs.clients[entnum-1]; client->edict->v->team = (i & 15) + 1; #ifdef NQPROT MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqreliable_datagram, svc_updatecolors); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqreliable_datagram, entnum - 1); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.nqreliable_datagram, i); #endif sprintf(number, "%i", i>>4); if (!strcmp(number, Info_ValueForKey(client->userinfo, "topcolor"))) { Info_SetValueForKey(client->userinfo, "topcolor", number, sizeof(client->userinfo)); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.reliable_datagram, svc_setinfo); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.reliable_datagram, entnum-1); MSG_WriteString (&sv.reliable_datagram, "topcolor"); MSG_WriteString (&sv.reliable_datagram, number); } sprintf(number, "%i", i&15); if (!strcmp(number, Info_ValueForKey(client->userinfo, "bottomcolor"))) { Info_SetValueForKey(client->userinfo, "bottomcolor", number, sizeof(client->userinfo)); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.reliable_datagram, svc_setinfo); MSG_WriteByte (&sv.reliable_datagram, entnum-1); MSG_WriteString (&sv.reliable_datagram, "bottomcolor"); MSG_WriteString (&sv.reliable_datagram, number); } SV_ExtractFromUserinfo (client, true); } static void ParamNegateFix ( float * xx, float * yy, int Zone ) { float x,y; x = xx[0]; y = yy[0]; if (Zone == SL_ORG_CC || SL_ORG_CW == Zone || SL_ORG_CE == Zone ) y = y + 8000; if (Zone == SL_ORG_CC || SL_ORG_CN == Zone || SL_ORG_CS == Zone ) x = x + 8000; xx[0] = x; yy[0] = y; } static void QCBUILTIN PF_ShowPic(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *slot = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); const char *picname = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); float x = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); float y = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3); float zone = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4); int entnum; client_t *cl; ParamNegateFix( &x, &y, zone ); if (prinst->callargc==6) { //to a single client entnum = G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM5)-1; if (entnum < 0 || entnum >= sv.allocated_client_slots) PR_RunError (prinst, "WriteDest: not a client"); if (!(svs.clients[entnum].fteprotocolextensions & PEXT_SHOWPIC)) return; //need an extension for this. duh. cl = ClientReliableWrite_BeginSplit(&svs.clients[entnum], svcfte_showpic, 8 + strlen(slot)+strlen(picname)); ClientReliableWrite_Byte(cl, zone); ClientReliableWrite_String(cl, slot); ClientReliableWrite_String(cl, picname); ClientReliableWrite_Short(cl, x); ClientReliableWrite_Short(cl, y); } else { prinst->callargc = 6; for (entnum = 0; entnum < sv.allocated_client_slots; entnum++) { G_INT(OFS_PARM5) = EDICT_TO_PROG(prinst, EDICT_NUM(prinst, entnum+1)); PF_ShowPic(prinst, pr_globals); } } }; static void QCBUILTIN PF_HidePic(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { client_t *cl; const char *slot = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); int entnum; if (prinst->callargc==2) { //to a single client entnum = G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM1)-1; if (entnum < 0 || entnum >= sv.allocated_client_slots) PR_RunError (prinst, "WriteDest: not a client"); if (!(svs.clients[entnum].fteprotocolextensions & PEXT_SHOWPIC)) return; //need an extension for this. duh. cl = ClientReliableWrite_BeginSplit(&svs.clients[entnum], svcfte_hidepic, 2 + strlen(slot)); ClientReliableWrite_String(cl, slot); } else { prinst->callargc = 2; for (entnum = 0; entnum < sv.allocated_client_slots; entnum++) { G_INT(OFS_PARM1) = EDICT_TO_PROG(prinst, EDICT_NUM(prinst, entnum+1)); PF_HidePic(prinst, pr_globals); } } }; static void QCBUILTIN PF_MovePic(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *slot = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); float x = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); float y = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); float zone = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3); int entnum; client_t *cl; ParamNegateFix( &x, &y, zone ); if (prinst->callargc==5) { //to a single client entnum = G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM4)-1; if (entnum < 0 || entnum >= sv.allocated_client_slots) PR_RunError (prinst, "WriteDest: not a client"); if (!(svs.clients[entnum].fteprotocolextensions & PEXT_SHOWPIC)) return; //need an extension for this. duh. cl = ClientReliableWrite_BeginSplit(&svs.clients[entnum], svcfte_movepic, 6 + strlen(slot)); ClientReliableWrite_String(cl, slot); ClientReliableWrite_Byte(cl, zone); ClientReliableWrite_Short(cl, x); ClientReliableWrite_Short(cl, y); } else { prinst->callargc = 5; for (entnum = 0; entnum < sv.allocated_client_slots; entnum++) { G_INT(OFS_PARM4) = EDICT_TO_PROG(prinst, EDICT_NUM(prinst, entnum+1)); PF_MovePic(prinst, pr_globals); } } }; static void QCBUILTIN PF_ChangePic(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *slot = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); const char *newpic= PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); int entnum; client_t *cl; if (prinst->callargc==3) { //to a single client entnum = G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM2)-1; if (entnum < 0 || entnum >= sv.allocated_client_slots) PR_RunError (prinst, "WriteDest: not a client"); if (!(svs.clients[entnum].fteprotocolextensions & PEXT_SHOWPIC)) return; //need an extension for this. duh. cl = ClientReliableWrite_BeginSplit(&svs.clients[entnum], svcfte_updatepic, 3 + strlen(slot)+strlen(newpic)); ClientReliableWrite_String(cl, slot); ClientReliableWrite_String(cl, newpic); } else { prinst->callargc = 3; for (entnum = 0; entnum < sv.allocated_client_slots; entnum++) { G_INT(OFS_PARM2) = EDICT_TO_PROG(prinst, EDICT_NUM(prinst, entnum+1)); PF_ChangePic(prinst, pr_globals); } } } //the first implementation of this function was (float type, float num, string name) //it is now float num, float type, .field //EXT_CSQC_1 static void QCBUILTIN PF_clientstat(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { #if 0 //this is the old code char *name = PF_VarString(prinst, 2, pr_globals); SV_QCStatName(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0), name, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); #else SV_QCStatFieldIdx(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1), G_INT(OFS_PARM2)+prinst->fieldadjust, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); #endif } //EXT_CSQC_1 //void(float num, float type, string name) globalstat static void QCBUILTIN PF_globalstat(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { char *name = PF_VarString(prinst, 2, pr_globals); #if 0 //this is the old code SV_QCStatName(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0), name, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); #else SV_QCStatGlobal(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1), name, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); #endif } //EXT_CSQC_1 static void QCBUILTIN PF_runclientphys(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { unsigned int i, n; extern qbyte playertouch[]; unsigned int msecs; extern cvar_t sv_gravity; edict_t *ent = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); edict_t *touched; if (pr_global_ptrs->clientcommandframe) pmove.sequence = *pr_global_ptrs->clientcommandframe; else pmove.sequence = 0; if (host_client && host_client->edict == ent) pmove.pm_type = SV_PMTypeForClient(host_client); else pmove.pm_type = PM_NORMAL; pmove.jump_msec = 0; pmove.jump_held = ((int)ent->xv->pmove_flags)&PMF_JUMP_HELD; if (progstype != PROG_QW) //this is just annoying. pmove.waterjumptime = sv_player->v->teleport_time - sv.time; else pmove.waterjumptime = ent->v->teleport_time; //set up the movement command msecs = pr_global_struct->input_timelength*1000 + 0.5f; //precision inaccuracies. :( pmove.cmd.angles[0] = ANGLE2SHORT((pr_global_struct->input_angles)[0]); pmove.cmd.angles[1] = ANGLE2SHORT((pr_global_struct->input_angles)[1]); pmove.cmd.angles[2] = ANGLE2SHORT((pr_global_struct->input_angles)[2]); VectorCopy(pr_global_struct->input_angles, pmove.angles); pmove.cmd.forwardmove = (pr_global_struct->input_movevalues)[0]; pmove.cmd.sidemove = (pr_global_struct->input_movevalues)[1]; pmove.cmd.upmove = (pr_global_struct->input_movevalues)[2]; pmove.cmd.buttons = pr_global_struct->input_buttons; pmove.safeorigin_known = true; VectorCopy(ent->v->oldorigin, pmove.safeorigin); VectorCopy(ent->v->origin, pmove.origin); VectorCopy(ent->v->velocity, pmove.velocity); VectorCopy(ent->v->maxs, pmove.player_maxs); VectorCopy(ent->v->mins, pmove.player_mins); VectorCopy(ent->xv->gravitydir, pmove.gravitydir); //update entity-specific stuff movevars.entgravity = sv_gravity.value/movevars.gravity; if (ent->xv->gravity) movevars.entgravity *= ent->xv->gravity; movevars.maxspeed = ent->xv->maxspeed?ent->xv->maxspeed:sv_maxspeed.value; #ifdef HEXEN2 if (ent->xv->hasted) movevars.maxspeed *= ent->xv->hasted; #endif pmove.numtouch = 0; pmove.world = &sv.world; pmove.skipent = -1; pmove.numphysent = 1; pmove.physents[0].model = sv.world.worldmodel; pmove.onladder = false; pmove.onground = false; pmove.groundent = 0; pmove.waterlevel = 0; pmove.watertype = 0; pmove.capsule = (ent->xv->geomtype == GEOMTYPE_CYLINDER); for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { pmove_mins[i] = pmove.origin[i] - 256; pmove_maxs[i] = pmove.origin[i] + 256; } AddLinksToPmove(ent, sv.world.areanodes); // AddAllEntsToPmove(); AddLinksToPmove_Force ( ent, &sv.world.portallist ); SV_PreRunCmd(); while(msecs) //break up longer commands { if (msecs > 50) pmove.cmd.msec = 50; else pmove.cmd.msec = msecs; msecs -= pmove.cmd.msec; PM_PlayerMove(1); ent->xv->pmove_flags = 0; ent->xv->pmove_flags += ((int)pmove.jump_held?PMF_JUMP_HELD:0); ent->xv->pmove_flags += ((int)pmove.onladder?PMF_LADDER:0); if (progstype != PROG_QW) //this is just annoying. sv_player->v->teleport_time = sv.time + pmove.waterjumptime; else ent->v->teleport_time = pmove.waterjumptime; VectorCopy(pmove.origin, ent->v->origin); VectorCopy(pmove.safeorigin, ent->v->oldorigin); VectorCopy(pmove.velocity, ent->v->velocity); VectorCopy(pmove.angles, sv_player->v->v_angle); ent->v->waterlevel = pmove.waterlevel; if (pmove.watertype & FTECONTENTS_SOLID) ent->v->watertype = Q1CONTENTS_SOLID; else if (pmove.watertype & FTECONTENTS_SKY) ent->v->watertype = Q1CONTENTS_SKY; else if (pmove.watertype & FTECONTENTS_LAVA) ent->v->watertype = Q1CONTENTS_LAVA; else if (pmove.watertype & FTECONTENTS_SLIME) ent->v->watertype = Q1CONTENTS_SLIME; else if (pmove.watertype & FTECONTENTS_WATER) ent->v->watertype = Q1CONTENTS_WATER; else ent->v->watertype = Q1CONTENTS_EMPTY; if (pmove.onground) { ent->v->flags = (int)sv_player->v->flags | FL_ONGROUND; ent->v->groundentity = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, EDICT_NUM(svprogfuncs, pmove.physents[pmove.groundent].info)); } else ent->v->flags = (int)ent->v->flags & ~FL_ONGROUND; World_LinkEdict(&sv.world, (wedict_t*)ent, true); for (i=0 ; iv->touch || (playertouch[n/8]&(1<<(n%8)))) continue; sv.world.Event_Touch(&sv.world, (wedict_t*)touched, (wedict_t*)ent); playertouch[n/8] |= 1 << (n%8); } pmove.numtouch = 0; } } //EXT_CSQC_1 (called when a movement command is received. runs full acceleration + movement) qboolean SV_RunFullQCMovement(client_t *client, usercmd_t *ucmd) { if (gfuncs.RunClientCommand) { vec3_t startangle; #ifdef SVCHAT if (SV_ChatMove(ucmd->impulse)) { ucmd->buttons = 0; ucmd->impulse = 0; ucmd->forwardmove = ucmd->sidemove = ucmd->upmove = 0; } #endif if (!sv_player->v->fixangle) { sv_player->v->v_angle[0] = SHORT2ANGLE(ucmd->angles[0]); sv_player->v->v_angle[1] = SHORT2ANGLE(ucmd->angles[1]); sv_player->v->v_angle[2] = SHORT2ANGLE(ucmd->angles[2]); } VectorCopy(sv_player->v->v_angle, startangle); if (progstype == PROG_H2) sv_player->xv->light_level = 128; //hmm... HACK!!! sv_player->v->button0 = ucmd->buttons & 1; sv_player->v->button2 = (ucmd->buttons >> 1) & 1; // DP_INPUTBUTTONS sv_player->xv->button3 = ((ucmd->buttons >> 2) & 1); sv_player->xv->button4 = ((ucmd->buttons >> 3) & 1); sv_player->xv->button5 = ((ucmd->buttons >> 4) & 1); sv_player->xv->button6 = ((ucmd->buttons >> 5) & 1); sv_player->xv->button7 = ((ucmd->buttons >> 6) & 1); sv_player->xv->button8 = ((ucmd->buttons >> 7) & 1); if (ucmd->impulse && SV_FilterImpulse(ucmd->impulse, host_client->trustlevel)) sv_player->v->impulse = ucmd->impulse; if (host_client->penalties & BAN_CUFF) { sv_player->v->impulse = 0; sv_player->v->button0 = 0; } if (host_client->state && host_client->protocol != SCP_BAD) { sv_player->xv->movement[0] = ucmd->forwardmove; sv_player->xv->movement[1] = ucmd->sidemove; sv_player->xv->movement[2] = ucmd->upmove; } WPhys_CheckVelocity(&sv.world, (wedict_t*)sv_player); // // angles // show 1/3 the pitch angle and all the roll angle if (sv_player->v->health > 0) { if (!sv_player->v->fixangle) { sv_player->v->angles[PITCH] = -sv_player->v->v_angle[PITCH]/3; sv_player->v->angles[YAW] = sv_player->v->v_angle[YAW]; } sv_player->v->angles[ROLL] = V_CalcRoll (sv_player->v->angles, sv_player->v->velocity)*4; } //prethink should be consistant with what the engine normally does pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, client->edict); PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, pr_global_struct->PlayerPreThink); WPhys_RunThink (&sv.world, (wedict_t*)client->edict); pr_global_struct->input_timelength = ucmd->msec/1000.0f * sv.gamespeed; pr_global_struct->input_impulse = ucmd->impulse; //precision inaccuracies. :( #define ANGLE2SHORT(x) (x) * (65536/360.0) if (sv_player->v->fixangle) { (pr_global_struct->input_angles)[0] = sv_player->v->v_angle[0]; (pr_global_struct->input_angles)[1] = sv_player->v->v_angle[1]; (pr_global_struct->input_angles)[2] = sv_player->v->v_angle[2]; } else { (pr_global_struct->input_angles)[0] = SHORT2ANGLE(ucmd->angles[0]); (pr_global_struct->input_angles)[1] = SHORT2ANGLE(ucmd->angles[1]); (pr_global_struct->input_angles)[2] = SHORT2ANGLE(ucmd->angles[2]); } (pr_global_struct->input_movevalues)[0] = ucmd->forwardmove; (pr_global_struct->input_movevalues)[1] = ucmd->sidemove; (pr_global_struct->input_movevalues)[2] = ucmd->upmove; pr_global_struct->input_buttons = ucmd->buttons; pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, client->edict); PR_ExecuteProgram(svprogfuncs, gfuncs.RunClientCommand); if (!sv_player->v->fixangle) { int i; vec3_t delta; VectorSubtract (sv_player->v->v_angle, startangle, delta); if (delta[0] || delta[1] || delta[2]) { //eular angle changes suck client_t *cl = ClientReliableWrite_BeginSplit(client, svcfte_setangledelta, 7); for (i=0 ; i < 3 ; i++) ClientReliableWrite_Angle16 (cl, delta[i]); } } return true; } return false; } //entity(string match [, float matchnum]) matchclient = #241; static void QCBUILTIN PF_matchclient(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int clnum=-1; const char *name = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); int matchnum = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); client_t *cl; if (prinst->callargc < 2) { cl = SV_GetClientForString(name, &clnum); if (!cl) G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; else G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = (cl - svs.clients) + 1; if ((cl = SV_GetClientForString(name, &clnum))) G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; //prevent multiple matches. return; } while((cl = SV_GetClientForString(name, &clnum))) { if (!matchnum) { //this is the one that matches G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = (cl - svs.clients) + 1; return; } matchnum--; } G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; //world } static void QCBUILTIN PF_SendPacket(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { netadr_t to; const char *address = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); const char *contents = PF_VarString(prinst, 1, pr_globals); NET_StringToAdr(address, 0, &to); NET_SendPacket(NS_SERVER, strlen(contents), contents, &to); } //be careful to not touch the resource unless we're meant to, to avoid stalling static void QCBUILTIN PF_resourcestatus(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int restype = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); int doload = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); const char *resname = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM2); int idx; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = RESSTATE_NOTKNOWN; switch(restype) { case RESTYPE_MODEL: for (idx=1 ; idxloadstate == MLS_NOTLOADED) Mod_LoadModel (mod, MLV_SILENT); //should avoid blocking. switch(mod->loadstate) { default: case MLS_NOTLOADED: G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = RESSTATE_NOTLOADED; break; case MLS_LOADING: G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = RESSTATE_LOADING; break; case MLS_LOADED: G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = RESSTATE_LOADED; break; case MLS_FAILED: G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = RESSTATE_FAILED; break; } } return; } } break; case RESTYPE_SOUND: for (idx=1 ; idxshader lookups. The skinfilename/data should be in .skin format:\nsurfacename,shadername - makes the named surface use the named shader\nreplace \"surfacename\" \"shadername\" - same.\ncompose \"surfacename\" \"shader\" \"imagename@x,y:w,h?r,g,b,a\" - compose a skin texture from multiple images. The texture is determined to be sufficient to hold the first named image, additional images can be named as extra tokens on the same line. Use a + at the end of the line to continue reading image tokens from the next line also, the named shader must use 'map $diffuse' to read the composed texture (compatible with the defaultskin shader).")}, //END EXT_CSQC {"memalloc", PF_memalloc, 0, 0, 0, 384, D("__variant*(int size)", "Allocate an arbitary block of memory")}, {"memfree", PF_memfree, 0, 0, 0, 385, D("void(__variant *ptr)", "Frees a block of memory that was allocated with memfree")}, {"memcpy", PF_memcpy, 0, 0, 0, 386, D("void(__variant *dst, __variant *src, int size)", "Copys memory from one location to another")}, {"memfill8", PF_memfill8, 0, 0, 0, 387, D("void(__variant *dst, int val, int size)", "Sets an entire block of memory to a specified value. Pretty much always 0.")}, {"memgetval", PF_memgetval, 0, 0, 0, 388, D("__variant(__variant *dst, float ofs)", "Looks up the 32bit value stored at a pointer-with-offset.")}, {"memsetval", PF_memsetval, 0, 0, 0, 389, D("void(__variant *dst, float ofs, __variant val)", "Changes the 32bit value stored at the specified pointer-with-offset.")}, {"memptradd", PF_memptradd, 0, 0, 0, 390, D("__variant*(__variant *base, float ofs)", "Perform some pointer maths. Woo.")}, {"con_getset", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 391, D("string(string conname, string field, optional string newvalue)", "Reads or sets a property from a console object. The old value is returned. Iterrate through consoles with the 'next' field. Valid properties: title, name, next, unseen, markup, forceutf8, close, clear, hidden, linecount")}, {"con_printf", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 392, D("void(string conname, string messagefmt, ...)", "Prints onto a named console.")}, {"con_draw", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 393, D("void(string conname, vector pos, vector size, float fontsize)", "Draws the named console.")}, {"con_input", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 394, D("float(string conname, float inevtype, float parama, float paramb, float paramc)", "Forwards input events to the named console. Mouse updates should be absolute only.")}, //end fte extras //DP extras //DP_QC_COPYENTITY {"copyentity", PF_copyentity, 0, 0, 0, 400, "void(entity from, entity to)"},// (DP_QC_COPYENTITY) //DP_SV_SETCOLOR {"setcolors", PF_setcolors, 0, 0, 0, 401, D("void(entity ent, float colours)", "Changes a player's colours. The bits 0-3 are the lower/trouser colour, bits 4-7 are the upper/shirt colours.")},//DP_SV_SETCOLOR //DP_QC_FINDCHAIN {"findchain", PF_sv_findchain, 0, 0, 0, 402, "entity(.string field, string match)"},// (DP_QC_FINDCHAIN) //DP_QC_FINDCHAINFLOAT {"findchainfloat", PF_sv_findchainfloat,0, 0, 0, 403, "entity(.float fld, float match)"},// (DP_QC_FINDCHAINFLOAT) //DP_SV_EFFECT {"effect", PF_effect, 0, 0, 0, 404, D("void(vector org, string modelname, float startframe, float endframe, float framerate)", "Spawns a self-animating sprite")},// (DP_SV_EFFECT) //DP_TE_BLOOD {"te_blood", PF_te_blooddp, 0, 0, 0, 405, "void(vector org, vector dir, float count)"},// #405 te_blood //DP_TE_BLOODSHOWER {"te_bloodshower", PF_te_bloodshower, 0, 0, 0, 406, "void(vector mincorner, vector maxcorner, float explosionspeed, float howmany)"},// (DP_TE_BLOODSHOWER) //DP_TE_EXPLOSIONRGB {"te_explosionrgb", PF_te_explosionrgb, 0, 0, 0, 407, "void(vector org, vector color)"},// (DP_TE_EXPLOSIONRGB) //DP_TE_PARTICLECUBE {"te_particlecube", PF_te_particlecube, 0, 0, 0, 408, "void(vector mincorner, vector maxcorner, vector vel, float howmany, float color, float gravityflag, float randomveljitter)"},// (DP_TE_PARTICLECUBE) //DP_TE_PARTICLERAIN {"te_particlerain", PF_te_particlerain, 0, 0, 0, 409, "void(vector mincorner, vector maxcorner, vector vel, float howmany, float color)"},// (DP_TE_PARTICLERAIN) //DP_TE_PARTICLESNOW {"te_particlesnow", PF_te_particlesnow, 0, 0, 0, 410, "void(vector mincorner, vector maxcorner, vector vel, float howmany, float color)"},// (DP_TE_PARTICLESNOW) //DP_TE_SPARK {"te_spark", PF_te_spark, 0, 0, 0, 411, "void(vector org, vector vel, float howmany)"},// (DP_TE_SPARK) //DP_TE_QUADEFFECTS1 {"te_gunshotquad", PF_te_gunshotquad, 0, 0, 0, 412, "void(vector org)"},// (DP_TE_QUADEFFECTS1) {"te_spikequad", PF_te_spikequad, 0, 0, 0, 413, "void(vector org)"},// (DP_TE_QUADEFFECTS1) {"te_superspikequad",PF_te_superspikequad,0, 0, 0, 414, "void(vector org)"},// (DP_TE_QUADEFFECTS1) {"te_explosionquad",PF_te_explosionquad,0, 0, 0, 415, "void(vector org)"},// (DP_TE_QUADEFFECTS1) //DP_TE_SMALLFLASH {"te_smallflash", PF_te_smallflash, 0, 0, 0, 416, "void(vector org)"},// (DP_TE_SMALLFLASH) //DP_TE_CUSTOMFLASH {"te_customflash", PF_te_customflash, 0, 0, 0, 417, "void(vector org, float radius, float lifetime, vector color)"},// (DP_TE_CUSTOMFLASH) //DP_TE_STANDARDEFFECTBUILTINS {"te_gunshot", PF_te_gunshot, 0, 0, 0, 418, "void(vector org, optional float count)"},// #418 te_gunshot {"te_spike", PF_te_spike, 0, 0, 0, 419, "void(vector org)"},// #419 te_spike {"te_superspike", PF_te_superspike, 0, 0, 0, 420, "void(vector org)"},// #420 te_superspike {"te_explosion", PF_te_explosion, 0, 0, 0, 421, "void(vector org)"},// #421 te_explosion {"te_tarexplosion", PF_te_tarexplosion, 0, 0, 0, 422, "void(vector org)"},// #422 te_tarexplosion {"te_wizspike", PF_te_wizspike, 0, 0, 0, 423, "void(vector org)"},// #423 te_wizspike {"te_knightspike", PF_te_knightspike, 0, 0, 0, 424, "void(vector org)"},// #424 te_knightspike {"te_lavasplash", PF_te_lavasplash, 0, 0, 0, 425, "void(vector org)"},// #425 te_lavasplash {"te_teleport", PF_te_teleport, 0, 0, 0, 426, "void(vector org)"},// #426 te_teleport {"te_explosion2", PF_te_explosion2, 0, 0, 0, 427, "void(vector org, float color, float colorlength)"},// #427 te_explosion2 {"te_lightning1", PF_te_lightning1, 0, 0, 0, 428, "void(entity own, vector start, vector end)"},// #428 te_lightning1 {"te_lightning2", PF_te_lightning2, 0, 0, 0, 429, "void(entity own, vector start, vector end)"},// #429 te_lightning2 {"te_lightning3", PF_te_lightning3, 0, 0, 0, 430, "void(entity own, vector start, vector end)"},// #430 te_lightning3 {"te_beam", PF_te_beam, 0, 0, 0, 431, "void(entity own, vector start, vector end)"},// #431 te_beam {"vectorvectors", PF_vectorvectors, 0, 0, 0, 432, "void(vector dir)"},// (DP_QC_VECTORVECTORS) {"te_plasmaburn", PF_te_plasmaburn, 0, 0, 0, 433, "void(vector org)"},// (DP_TE_PLASMABURN) {"getsurfacenumpoints",PF_getsurfacenumpoints,0,0, 0, 434, "float(entity e, float s)"},// (DP_QC_GETSURFACE) {"getsurfacepoint",PF_getsurfacepoint, 0, 0, 0, 435, "vector(entity e, float s, float n)"},// (DP_QC_GETSURFACE) {"getsurfacenormal",PF_getsurfacenormal,0, 0, 0, 436, "vector(entity e, float s)"},// (DP_QC_GETSURFACE) {"getsurfacetexture",PF_getsurfacetexture,0, 0, 0, 437, "string(entity e, float s)"},// (DP_QC_GETSURFACE) {"getsurfacenearpoint",PF_getsurfacenearpoint,0,0, 0, 438, "float(entity e, vector p)"},// (DP_QC_GETSURFACE) {"getsurfaceclippedpoint",PF_getsurfaceclippedpoint,0,0,0, 439, "vector(entity e, float s, vector p)"},// (DP_QC_GETSURFACE) #ifndef SERVERONLY //begin menu-only {"buf_create", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 440, "strbuf()"},//DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS {"buf_del", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 441, "void(strbuf bufhandle)"},//DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS {"buf_getsize", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 442, "float(strbuf bufhandle)"},//DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS {"buf_copy", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 443, "void(strbuf bufhandle_from, float bufhandle_to)"},//DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS {"buf_sort", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 444, "void(strbuf bufhandle, float sortprefixlen, float backward)"},//DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS {"buf_implode", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 445, "string(strbuf bufhandle, string glue)"},//DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS {"bufstr_get", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 446, "string(strbuf bufhandle, float string_index)"},//DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS {"bufstr_set", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 447, "void(strbuf bufhandle, float string_index, string str)"},//DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS {"bufstr_add", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 448, "float(strbuf bufhandle, string str, float order)"},//DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS {"bufstr_free", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 449, "void(strbuf bufhandle, float string_index)"},//DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS {"iscachedpic", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 451, "float(string name)"},// (EXT_CSQC) {"precache_pic", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 452, "string(string name, optional float trywad)"},// (EXT_CSQC) {"freepic", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 453, "void(string name)"},// (EXT_CSQC) {"drawcharacter", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 454, "float(vector position, float character, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, optional float flag)"},// (EXT_CSQC, [EXT_CSQC_???]) {"drawrawstring", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 455, "float(vector position, string text, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, optional float flag)"},// (EXT_CSQC, [EXT_CSQC_???]) {"drawpic", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 456, "float(vector position, string pic, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, optional float flag)"},// (EXT_CSQC, [EXT_CSQC_???]) {"drawfill", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 457, "float(vector position, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, optional float flag)"},// (EXT_CSQC, [EXT_CSQC_???]) {"drawsetcliparea", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 458, "void(float x, float y, float width, float height)"},// (EXT_CSQC_???) {"drawresetcliparea",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 459, "void(void)"},// (EXT_CSQC_???) {"drawgetimagesize",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 460, "vector(string picname)"},// (EXT_CSQC) {"cin_open", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 461, "float(string file, string id)" STUB}, {"cin_close", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 462, "void(string id)" STUB}, {"cin_setstate", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 463, "void(string id, float newstate)" STUB}, {"cin_getstate", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 464, "float(string id)" STUB}, {"cin_restart", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 465, "void(string file)" STUB}, {"drawline", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 466, "void(float width, vector pos1, vector pos2)"},// (EXT_CSQC) {"drawstring", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 467, "float(vector position, string text, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag)"},// #326 {"stringwidth", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 468, "float(string text, float usecolours, optional vector fontsize)"},// EXT_CSQC_'DARKPLACES' {"drawsubpic", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 469, "void(vector pos, vector sz, string pic, vector srcpos, vector srcsz, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag)"},// #328 EXT_CSQC_'DARKPLACES' //end menu-only #endif //begin non-menu {"clientcommand", PF_clientcommand, 0, 0, 0, 440, "void(entity e, string s)"},// (KRIMZON_SV_PARSECLIENTCOMMAND) {"tokenize", PF_Tokenize, 0, 0, 0, 441, "float(string s)"},// (KRIMZON_SV_PARSECLIENTCOMMAND) {"argv", PF_ArgV, 0, 0, 0, 442, "string(float n)"},// (KRIMZON_SV_PARSECLIENTCOMMAND {"setattachment", PF_setattachment, 0, 0, 0, 443, "void(entity e, entity tagentity, string tagname)"},// (DP_GFX_QUAKE3MODELTAGS) {"search_begin", PF_search_begin, 0, 0, 0, 444, D("searchhandle(string pattern, float caseinsensitive, float quiet)", "initiate a filesystem scan based upon filenames. Be sure to call search_end on the returned handle.")}, {"search_end", PF_search_end, 0, 0, 0, 445, "void(searchhandle handle)"}, {"search_getsize", PF_search_getsize, 0, 0, 0, 446, D("float(searchhandle handle)", "Retrieves the number of files that were found.")}, {"search_getfilename", PF_search_getfilename,0, 0, 0, 447, D("string(searchhandle handle, float num)", "Retrieves name of one of the files that was found by the initial search.")}, {"cvar_string", PF_cvar_string, 0, 0, 0, 448, "string(string cvarname)"},//DP_QC_CVAR_STRING {"findflags", PF_FindFlags, 0, 0, 0, 449, "entity(entity start, .float fld, float match)"},//DP_QC_FINDFLAGS {"findchainflags", PF_sv_findchainflags,0, 0, 0, 450, "entity(.float fld, float match)"},//DP_QC_FINDCHAINFLAGS {"gettagindex", PF_gettagindex, 0, 0, 0, 451, "float(entity ent, string tagname)"},// (DP_MD3_TAGSINFO) {"gettaginfo", PF_gettaginfo, 0, 0, 0, 452, D("vector(entity ent, float tagindex)", "Obtains the current worldspace position+orientation of the bone or tag from the given entity. The return value is the world coord, v_forward, v_right, v_up are also set according to the bone/tag's orientation.")},// (DP_MD3_TAGSINFO) {"dropclient", PF_dropclient, 0, 0, 0, 453, "void(entity player)"},//DP_SV_BOTCLIENT {"spawnclient", PF_spawnclient, 0, 0, 0, 454, "entity()"},//DP_SV_BOTCLIENT {"clienttype", PF_clienttype, 0, 0, 0, 455, "float(entity client)"},//botclient {"WriteUnterminatedString",PF_WriteString2,0, 0, 0, 456, "void(float target, string str)"}, //writestring but without the null terminator. makes things a little nicer. // {"te_flamejet", PF_te_flamejet, 0, 0, 0, 457, "void(vector org, vector vel, float howmany)"},//DP_TE_FLAMEJET // {"undefined", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 458, ""}, {"edict_num", PF_edict_for_num, 0, 0, 0, 459, "entity(float entnum)"},//DP_QC_EDICT_NUM {"buf_create", PF_buf_create, 0, 0, 0, 460, "strbuf()"},//DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS {"buf_del", PF_buf_del, 0, 0, 0, 461, "void(strbuf bufhandle)"},//DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS {"buf_getsize", PF_buf_getsize, 0, 0, 0, 462, "float(strbuf bufhandle)"},//DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS {"buf_copy", PF_buf_copy, 0, 0, 0, 463, "void(strbuf bufhandle_from, strbuf bufhandle_to)"},//DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS {"buf_sort", PF_buf_sort, 0, 0, 0, 464, "void(strbuf bufhandle, float sortprefixlen, float backward)"},//DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS {"buf_implode", PF_buf_implode, 0, 0, 0, 465, "string(strbuf bufhandle, string glue)"},//DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS {"bufstr_get", PF_bufstr_get, 0, 0, 0, 466, "string(strbuf bufhandle, float string_index)"},//DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS {"bufstr_set", PF_bufstr_set, 0, 0, 0, 467, "void(strbuf bufhandle, float string_index, string str)"},//DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS {"bufstr_add", PF_bufstr_add, 0, 0, 0, 468, "float(strbuf bufhandle, string str, float order)"},//DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS {"bufstr_free", PF_bufstr_free, 0, 0, 0, 469, "void(strbuf bufhandle, float string_index)"},//DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS //end non-menu // {"undefined", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 470, ""}, //MENU VM BUILTINS SHARE THE BELOW BUILTINS {"asin", PF_asin, 0, 0, 0, 471, "float(float s)"},//DP_QC_ASINACOSATANATAN2TAN {"acos", PF_acos, 0, 0, 0, 472, "float(float c)"},//DP_QC_ASINACOSATANATAN2TAN {"atan", PF_atan, 0, 0, 0, 473, "float(float t)"},//DP_QC_ASINACOSATANATAN2TAN {"atan2", PF_atan2, 0, 0, 0, 474, "float(float c, float s)"},//DP_QC_ASINACOSATANATAN2TAN {"tan", PF_tan, 0, 0, 0, 475, "float(float a)"},//DP_QC_ASINACOSATANATAN2TAN {"strlennocol", PF_strlennocol, 0, 0, 0, 476, "float(string s)"},//DP_QC_STRINGCOLORFUNCTIONS {"strdecolorize", PF_strdecolorize, 0, 0, 0, 477, "string(string s)"},//DP_QC_STRINGCOLORFUNCTIONS {"strftime", PF_strftime, 0, 0, 0, 478, "string(float uselocaltime, string format, ...)"}, //DP_QC_STRFTIME {"tokenizebyseparator",PF_tokenizebyseparator,0,0, 0, 479, "float(string s, string separator1, ...)"}, //DP_QC_TOKENIZEBYSEPARATOR {"strtolower", PF_strtolower, 0, 0, 0, 480, "string(string s)"}, //DP_QC_STRING_CASE_FUNCTIONS {"strtoupper", PF_strtoupper, 0, 0, 0, 481, "string(string s)"}, //DP_QC_STRING_CASE_FUNCTIONS {"cvar_defstring", PF_cvar_defstring, 0, 0, 0, 482, "string(string s)"}, //DP_QC_CVAR_DEFSTRING {"pointsound", PF_pointsound, 0, 0, 0, 483, "void(vector origin, string sample, float volume, float attenuation)"},//DP_SV_POINTSOUND {"strreplace", PF_strreplace, 0, 0, 0, 484, "string(string search, string replace, string subject)"},//DP_QC_STRREPLACE {"strireplace", PF_strireplace, 0, 0, 0, 485, "string(string search, string replace, string subject)"},//DP_QC_STRREPLACE {"getsurfacepointattribute",PF_getsurfacepointattribute,0,0,0, 486, "vector(entity e, float s, float n, float a)"},//DP_QC_GETSURFACEPOINTATTRIBUTE {"gecko_create", PF_gecko_create, 0, 0, 0, 487, "float(string name)"},//DP_GECKO_SUPPORT {"gecko_destroy", PF_gecko_destroy, 0, 0, 0, 488, "void(string name)"},//DP_GECKO_SUPPORT {"gecko_navigate", PF_gecko_navigate, 0, 0, 0, 489, "void(string name, string URI)"},//DP_GECKO_SUPPORT {"gecko_keyevent", PF_gecko_keyevent, 0, 0, 0, 490, "float(string name, float key, float eventtype)"},//DP_GECKO_SUPPORT {"gecko_mousemove", PF_gecko_mousemove, 0, 0, 0, 491, "void(string name, float x, float y)"},//DP_GECKO_SUPPORT {"gecko_resize", PF_gecko_resize, 0, 0, 0, 492, "void(string name, float w, float h)"},//DP_GECKO_SUPPORT {"gecko_get_texture_extent",PF_gecko_get_texture_extent,0,0,0, 493, "vector(string name)"},//DP_GECKO_SUPPORT {"crc16", PF_crc16, 0, 0, 0, 494, "float(float caseinsensitive, string s, ...)"},//DP_QC_CRC16 {"cvar_type", PF_cvar_type, 0, 0, 0, 495, "float(string name)"},//DP_QC_CVAR_TYPE {"numentityfields", PF_numentityfields, 0, 0, 0, 496, "float()"},//DP_QC_ENTITYDATA {"entityfieldname", PF_entityfieldname, 0, 0, 0, 497, "string(float fieldnum)"},//DP_QC_ENTITYDATA {"entityfieldtype", PF_entityfieldtype, 0, 0, 0, 498, "float(float fieldnum)"},//DP_QC_ENTITYDATA {"getentityfieldstring",PF_getentityfieldstring,0,0, 0, 499, "string(float fieldnum, entity ent)"},//DP_QC_ENTITYDATA {"putentityfieldstring",PF_putentityfieldstring,0,0, 0, 500, "float(float fieldnum, entity ent, string s)"},//DP_QC_ENTITYDATA {"WritePicture", PF_WritePicture, 0, 0, 0, 501, D("void(float to, string s, float sz)", "Encodes the named image across the network as-is adhering to some size limit. In FTE, this simply writes the string and is equivelent to writestring and sz is ignored. WritePicture should be paired with ReadPicture in csqc.")},//DP_SV_WRITEPICTURE {"ReadPicture", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 501, D("string()", "Reads a picture that was written by ReadPicture, and returns a name that can be used in drawpic and other 2d drawing functions. In FTE, this acts as a readstring-with-downloadcheck - the image will appear normally once it has been downloaded, but its size may be incorrect until then.")},//DP_SV_WRITEPICTURE {"boxparticles", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 502, "void(float effectindex, entity own, vector org_from, vector org_to, vector dir_from, vector dir_to, float countmultiplier, optional float flags)"}, {"whichpack", PF_whichpack, 0, 0, 0, 503, D("string(string filename, optional float makereferenced)", "Returns the pak file name that contains the file specified. progs/player.mdl will generally return something like 'pak0.pak'. If makereferenced is true, clients will automatically be told that the returned package should be pre-downloaded and used, even if allow_download_refpackages is not set.")},//DP_QC_WHICHPACK {"getentity", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 504, D("__variant(float entnum, float fieldnum)", "Looks up fields from non-csqc-visible entities. The entity will need to be within the player's pvs. fieldnum should be one of the GE_ constants.")},//DP_CSQC_QUERYRENDERENTITY // {"undefined", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 505, ""}, // {"undefined", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 506, ""}, // {"undefined", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 507, ""}, // {"undefined", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 508, ""}, // {"undefined", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 509, ""}, {"uri_escape", PF_uri_escape, 0, 0, 0, 510, "string(string in)"},//DP_QC_URI_ESCAPE {"uri_unescape", PF_uri_unescape, 0, 0, 0, 511, "string(string in)"},//DP_QC_URI_ESCAPE {"num_for_edict", PF_num_for_edict, 0, 0, 0, 512, "float(entity ent)"},//DP_QC_NUM_FOR_EDICT {"uri_get", PF_uri_get, 0, 0, 0, 513, D("float(string uril, float id, optional string postmimetype, optional string postdata)", "uri_get() gets content from an URL and calls a callback \"uri_get_callback\" with it set as string; an unique ID of the transfer is returned\nreturns 1 on success, and then calls the callback with the ID, 0 or the HTTP status code, and the received data in a string")},//DP_QC_URI_GET {"tokenize_console",PF_tokenize_console,0, 0, 0, 514, "float(string str)"}, {"argv_start_index",PF_argv_start_index,0, 0, 0, 515, "float(float idx)"}, {"argv_end_index", PF_argv_end_index, 0, 0, 0, 516, "float(float idx)"}, {"buf_cvarlist", PF_buf_cvarlist, 0, 0, 0, 517, "void(strbuf strbuf)"}, {"cvar_description",PF_cvar_description,0, 0, 0, 518, "string(string cvarname)"}, {"gettime", PF_gettime, 0, 0, 0, 519, "float(optional float timetype)"}, {"keynumtostring_omgwtf",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 520, "string(float keynum)"}, //excessive third version in dp's csqc. {"findkeysforcommand",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 521, "string(string command, optional float bindmap)"}, // {"initparticlespawner",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 522, "void(float max_themes)"}, // {"resetparticle", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 523, "void()"}, // {"particletheme", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 524, "void(float theme)"}, // {"particlethemesave",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 525, "void(float theme)"}, // {"particlethemefree",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 526, "void()"}, // {"particle", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 527, "float(vector org, vector vel, optional float theme)"}, // {"delayedparticle", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 528, "float(vector org, vector vel, float delay, float collisiondelay, optional float theme)"}, {"loadfromdata", PF_loadfromdata, 0, 0, 0, 529, D("void(string s)", "Reads a set of entities from the given string. This string should have the same format as a .ent file or a saved game. Entities will be spawned as required. If you need to see the entities that were created, you should use parseentitydata instead.")}, {"loadfromfile", PF_loadfromfile, 0, 0, 0, 530, D("void(string s)", "Reads a set of entities from the named file. This file should have the same format as a .ent file or a saved game. Entities will be spawned as required. If you need to see the entities that were created, you should use parseentitydata instead.")}, // {"setpause", VM_SV_setpause, 0, 0, 0, 531, "void(float pause)" STUB}, //end dp extras //begin mvdsv extras {"precache_vwep_model",PF_precache_vwep_model,0,0, 0, 532, "float(string mname)"}, //end mvdsv extras //restart dp extras // {"log", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 532, "float(string mname)", true}, {"getsoundtime", PF_Ignore, 0, 0, 0, 533, "float(entity e, float channel)"}, {"soundlength", PF_Ignore, 0, 0, 0, 534, "float(string sample)"}, {"buf_loadfile", PF_buf_loadfile, 0, 0, 0, 535, "float(string filename, strbuf bufhandle)"}, {"buf_writefile", PF_buf_writefile, 0, 0, 0, 536, "float(filestream filehandle, strbuf bufhandle, optional float startpos, optional float numstrings)"}, // {"bufstr_find", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 537, "float(float bufhandle, string match, float matchrule, float startpos)"}, // {"matchpattern", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 538, "float(string s, string pattern, float matchrule)"}, // {"undefined", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 539, ""}, #ifdef USEODE {"physics_enable", PF_physics_enable, 0, 0, 0, 540, D("void(entity e, float physics_enabled)", "Enable or disable the physics attached to a MOVETYPE_PHYSICS entity. Entities which have been disabled in this way will stop taking so much cpu time.")}, {"physics_addforce",PF_physics_addforce,0, 0, 0, 541, D("void(entity e, vector force, vector relative_ofs)", "Apply some impulse directional force upon a MOVETYPE_PHYSICS entity.")}, {"physics_addtorque",PF_physics_addtorque,0, 0, 0, 542, D("void(entity e, vector torque)", "Apply some impulse rotational force upon a MOVETYPE_PHYSICS entity.")}, #endif {"setkeydest", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 601, "void(float dest)"}, {"getkeydest", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 602, "float()"}, {"setmousetarget", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 603, "void(float trg)"}, {"getmousetarget", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 604, "float()"}, {"callfunction", PF_callfunction, 0, 0, 0, 605, D("void(.../*, string funcname*/)", "Invokes the named function. The function name is always passed as the last parameter and must always be present. The others are passed to the named function as-is")}, {"writetofile", PF_writetofile, 0, 0, 0, 606, D("void(filestream fh, entity e)", "Writes an entity's fields to the named frik_file file handle.")}, {"isfunction", PF_isfunction, 0, 0, 0, 607, "float(string s)"}, {"getresolution", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 608, "vector(float vidmode, optional float forfullscreen)"}, {"keynumtostring_menu",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 609, "string(float keynum)"}, //third copy of this builtin in dp's csqc. {"findkeysforcommand_dp",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 610, "string(string command, optional float bindmap)"}, {"keynumtostring", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 609, D("string(float keynum)", "Converts a qscancode key number into a mostly-human-readable name, matching the bind command.")}, //normal name is for menuqc standard. {"findkeysforcommand",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 610, "string(string command, optional float bindmap)"}, {"gethostcachevalue",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 611, "float(float type)"}, {"gethostcachestring",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 612, "string(float type, float hostnr)"}, {"parseentitydata", PF_parseentitydata, 0, 0, 0, 613, D("void(entity e, string s)", "Reads a single entity's fields into an already-spawned entity. s should contain field pairs like in a saved game: {\"foo1\" \"bar\" \"foo2\" \"5\"} ")}, {"stringtokeynum", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 614, D("float(string key)", "Returns the qscancode of a key from its name. Names are identical to the bind command. ctrl/shift/alt modifiers are ignored.")}, {"stringtokeynum_menu", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 614, "float(string key)"}, {"resethostcachemasks",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 615, "void()"}, {"sethostcachemaskstring",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 616, "void(float mask, float fld, string str, float op)"}, {"sethostcachemasknumber",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 617, "void(float mask, float fld, float num, float op)"}, {"resorthostcache", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 618, "void()"}, {"sethostcachesort",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 619, "void(float fld, float descending)"}, {"refreshhostcache",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 620, "void()"}, {"gethostcachenumber",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 621, "float(float fld, float hostnr)"}, {"gethostcacheindexforkey",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 622, "float(string key)"}, {"addwantedhostcachekey",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 623, "void(string key)"}, {"getextresponse", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 624, "string()"}, {"netaddress_resolve",PF_netaddress_resolve,0, 0, 0, 625, "string(string dnsname, optional float defport)"}, // {"getgamedirinfo", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 626, "string(float n, float prop)"}, {"sprintf", PF_sprintf, 0, 0, 0, 627, "string(string fmt, ...)"}, {"getsurfacenumtriangles",PF_getsurfacenumtriangles,0,0,0, 628, "float(entity e, float s)"}, {"getsurfacetriangle",PF_getsurfacetriangle,0, 0, 0, 629, "vector(entity e, float s, float n)"}, // {"setkeybind", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 630, "float(float key, string bind, optional float bindmap)"}, {"getbindmaps", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 631, "vector()" STUB}, {"setbindmaps", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 632, "float(vector bm)" STUB}, {"crypto_getkeyfp", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 633, "string(string addr)" STUB}, {"crypto_getidfp", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 634, "string(string addr)" STUB}, {"crypto_getencryptlevel",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 635, "string(string addr)" STUB}, {"crypto_getmykeyfp",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 636, "string(string addr)" STUB}, {"crypto_getmyidfp",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 637, "string(float addr)" STUB}, // {"VM_CL_RotateMoves",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 638, ""}, {"digest_hex", PF_digest_hex, 0, 0, 0, 639, "string(string digest, string data, ...)"}, // {"V_CalcRefdef", PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 640, "void(entity e)"}, {"crypto_getmyidstatus",PF_Fixme, 0, 0, 0, 641, "float(float i)" STUB}, //end dp extras {"getrmqeffectsversion",PF_Ignore, 0, 0, 0, 666, "float()" STUB}, //don't exceed sizeof(pr_builtin)/sizeof(pr_builtin[0]) (currently 1024) without modifing the size of pr_builtin {NULL} }; void PR_ResetBuiltins(progstype_t type) //fix all nulls to PF_FIXME and add any extras that have a big number. { int i; int builtincount[sizeof(pr_builtin)/sizeof(pr_builtin[0])]; memset(pr_builtin, 0, sizeof(pr_builtin)); if (type == PROG_QW) { for (i = 0; BuiltinList[i].name; i++) { if (BuiltinList[i].qwnum) { if (pr_builtin[BuiltinList[i].qwnum]) Sys_Error("Cannot assign builtin %s, already taken\n", BuiltinList[i].name); pr_builtin[BuiltinList[i].qwnum] = BuiltinList[i].bifunc; } } } #ifdef HEXEN2 else if (type == PROG_H2) { for (i = 0; BuiltinList[i].name; i++) { if (BuiltinList[i].h2num) { if (pr_builtin[BuiltinList[i].h2num]) Sys_Error("Cannot assign builtin %s, already taken\n", BuiltinList[i].name); pr_builtin[BuiltinList[i].h2num] = BuiltinList[i].bifunc; } } } #endif else { for (i = 0; BuiltinList[i].name; i++) { if (BuiltinList[i].nqnum) { if (pr_builtin[BuiltinList[i].nqnum]) Sys_Error("Cannot assign builtin %s, already taken\n", BuiltinList[i].name); pr_builtin[BuiltinList[i].nqnum] = BuiltinList[i].bifunc; } } } memset(builtincount, 0, sizeof(builtincount)); for (i = 0; i < pr_numbuiltins; i++) //clean up nulls { if (!pr_builtin[i]) { pr_builtin[i] = PF_Fixme; } else builtincount[i]=100; } #ifndef QUAKETC if (type == PROG_PREREL) { pr_builtin[52] = PF_qtSingle_WriteByte; pr_builtin[53] = PF_qtSingle_WriteChar; pr_builtin[54] = PF_qtSingle_WriteShort; pr_builtin[55] = PF_qtSingle_WriteLong; pr_builtin[56] = PF_qtSingle_WriteCoord; pr_builtin[57] = PF_qtSingle_WriteAngle; pr_builtin[58] = PF_qtSingle_WriteString; //lack of writeentity is intentional (prerel doesn't have it. pr_builtin[59] = PF_qtBroadcast_WriteByte; pr_builtin[60] = PF_qtBroadcast_WriteChar; pr_builtin[61] = PF_qtBroadcast_WriteShort; pr_builtin[62] = PF_qtBroadcast_WriteLong; pr_builtin[63] = PF_qtBroadcast_WriteCoord; pr_builtin[64] = PF_qtBroadcast_WriteAngle; pr_builtin[65] = PF_qtBroadcast_WriteString; pr_builtin[66] = PF_qtBroadcast_WriteEntity; } #endif if (!pr_compatabilitytest.value) { for (i = 0; BuiltinList[i].name; i++) { if (BuiltinList[i].ebfsnum && !BuiltinList[i].obsolete && BuiltinList[i].bifunc != PF_Fixme) builtincount[BuiltinList[i].ebfsnum]++; } for (i = 0; BuiltinList[i].name; i++) { if (BuiltinList[i].ebfsnum) { if (pr_builtin[BuiltinList[i].ebfsnum] == PF_Fixme && builtincount[BuiltinList[i].ebfsnum] == (BuiltinList[i].obsolete?0:1)) { pr_builtin[BuiltinList[i].ebfsnum] = BuiltinList[i].bifunc; // Con_DPrintf("Enabled %s (%i)\n", BuiltinList[i].name, BuiltinList[i].ebfsnum); } // else if (pr_builtin[i] != BuiltinList[i].bifunc) // Con_DPrintf("Not enabled %s (%i)\n", BuiltinList[i].name, BuiltinList[i].ebfsnum); } } } { char *builtinmap; int binum; builtinmap = COM_LoadTempFile("fte_bimap.txt", NULL); while(1) { builtinmap = COM_Parse(builtinmap); if (!builtinmap) break; binum = atoi(com_token); builtinmap = COM_Parse(builtinmap); for (i = 0; BuiltinList[i].name; i++) { if (!strcmp(BuiltinList[i].name, com_token) && (BuiltinList[i].bifunc != PF_Fixme||!i)) { pr_builtin[binum] = BuiltinList[i].bifunc; break; } } if (!BuiltinList[i].name) Con_Printf("Failed to map builtin %s to %i specified in fte_bimap.dat\n", com_token, binum); } } for (i = 0; i < QSG_Extensions_count; i++) { if (QSG_Extensions[i].queried) *QSG_Extensions[i].queried = false; } if (type == PROG_QW && pr_imitatemvdsv.value>0) //pretend to be mvdsv for a bit. { if ( PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin("executecommand", 83) != 83 || PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin("mvdtokenize", 84) != 84 || PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin("mvdargc", 85) != 85 || PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin("mvdargv", 86) != 86 || PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin("teamfield", 87) != 87 || PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin("substr", 88) != 88 || PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin("mvdstrcat", 89) != 89 || PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin("mvdstrlen", 90) != 90 || PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin("str2byte", 91) != 91 || PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin("str2short", 92) != 92 || PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin("mvdnewstr", 93) != 93 || PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin("mvdfreestr", 94) != 94 || PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin("conprint", 95) != 95 || PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin("readcmd", 96) != 96 || PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin("mvdstrcpy", 97) != 97 || PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin("strstr", 98) != 98 || PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin("mvdstrncpy", 99) != 99 || PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin("log", 100)!= 100 || // PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin("redirectcmd", 101)!= 101 || PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin("mvdcalltimeofday",102)!= 102 || PR_EnableEBFSBuiltin("forcedemoframe", 103)!= 103) Con_Printf("Failed to register all MVDSV builtins\n"); else Con_Printf("Be aware that MVDSV does not follow standards. Please encourage mod developers to not require pr_imitatemvdsv to be set.\n"); } } void PR_SVExtensionList_f(void) { int i; int ebi; int bi; lh_extension_t *extlist; #define SHOW_ACTIVEEXT 1 #define SHOW_ACTIVEBI 2 #define SHOW_NOTSUPPORTEDEXT 4 #define SHOW_NOTACTIVEEXT 8 #define SHOW_NOTACTIVEBI 16 int showflags = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); if (!showflags) showflags = SHOW_ACTIVEEXT|SHOW_NOTACTIVEEXT; if (showflags & (SHOW_ACTIVEBI|SHOW_NOTACTIVEBI)) for (i = 0; BuiltinList[i].name; i++) { if (!BuiltinList[i].ebfsnum) continue; //a reserved builtin. if (BuiltinList[i].bifunc == PF_Fixme) Con_Printf("^1%s:%i needs to be added\n", BuiltinList[i].name, BuiltinList[i].ebfsnum); else if (pr_builtin[BuiltinList[i].ebfsnum] == BuiltinList[i].bifunc) { if (showflags & SHOW_ACTIVEBI) Con_Printf("%s is active on %i\n", BuiltinList[i].name, BuiltinList[i].ebfsnum); } else { if (showflags & SHOW_NOTACTIVEBI) Con_Printf("^4%s is NOT active (%i)\n", BuiltinList[i].name, BuiltinList[i].ebfsnum); } } if (showflags & (SHOW_NOTSUPPORTEDEXT|SHOW_NOTACTIVEEXT|SHOW_ACTIVEEXT)) { extlist = QSG_Extensions; for (i = 0; i < QSG_Extensions_count; i++) { if (!extlist[i].name) continue; if (i < 32) { if (!(Net_PextMask(1, false) & (1<name, -1); #define comfieldvector(name,desc) PR_RegisterFieldVar(svprogfuncs, ev_vector, #name, (size_t)&((stdentvars_t*)0)->name, -1); #define comfieldentity(name,desc) PR_RegisterFieldVar(svprogfuncs, ev_entity, #name, (size_t)&((stdentvars_t*)0)->name, -1); #define comfieldstring(name,desc) PR_RegisterFieldVar(svprogfuncs, ev_string, (((size_t)&((stdentvars_t*)0)->name==(size_t)&((stdentvars_t*)0)->message)?"_"#name:#name), (size_t)&((stdentvars_t*)0)->name, -1); #define comfieldfunction(name, typestr,desc) PR_RegisterFieldVar(svprogfuncs, ev_function, #name, (size_t)&((stdentvars_t*)0)->name, -1); comqcfields #undef comfieldfloat #undef comfieldvector #undef comfieldentity #undef comfieldstring #undef comfieldfunction #ifdef VM_Q1 #define comfieldfloat(name,desc) PR_RegisterFieldVar(svprogfuncs, ev_float, #name, sizeof(stdentvars_t) + (size_t)&((extentvars_t*)0)->name, -1); #define comfieldvector(name,desc) PR_RegisterFieldVar(svprogfuncs, ev_vector, #name, sizeof(stdentvars_t) + (size_t)&((extentvars_t*)0)->name, -1); #define comfieldentity(name,desc) PR_RegisterFieldVar(svprogfuncs, ev_entity, #name, sizeof(stdentvars_t) + (size_t)&((extentvars_t*)0)->name, -1); #define comfieldstring(name,desc) PR_RegisterFieldVar(svprogfuncs, ev_string, #name, sizeof(stdentvars_t) + (size_t)&((extentvars_t*)0)->name, -1); #define comfieldfunction(name, typestr,desc) PR_RegisterFieldVar(svprogfuncs, ev_function, #name, sizeof(stdentvars_t) + (size_t)&((extentvars_t*)0)->name, -1); #else #define comfieldfloat(ssqcname,desc) PR_RegisterFieldVar(svprogfuncs, ev_float, #ssqcname, (size_t)&((stdentvars_t*)0)->ssqcname, -1); #define comfieldvector(ssqcname,desc) PR_RegisterFieldVar(svprogfuncs, ev_vector, #ssqcname, (size_t)&((stdentvars_t*)0)->ssqcname, -1); #define comfieldentity(ssqcname,desc) PR_RegisterFieldVar(svprogfuncs, ev_entity, #ssqcname, (size_t)&((stdentvars_t*)0)->ssqcname, -1); #define comfieldstring(ssqcname,desc) PR_RegisterFieldVar(svprogfuncs, ev_string, #ssqcname, (size_t)&((stdentvars_t*)0)->ssqcname, -1); #define comfieldfunction(ssqcname, typestr,desc) PR_RegisterFieldVar(svprogfuncs, ev_function, #ssqcname, (size_t)&((stdentvars_t*)0)->ssqcname, -1); #endif comextqcfields svextqcfields #undef comfieldfloat #undef comfieldvector #undef comfieldentity #undef comfieldstring #undef comfieldfunction //Tell the qc library to split the entity fields each side. //the fields above become < 0, the remaining fields specified by the qc stay where the mod specified, as far as possible (with addons at least). //this means that custom array offsets still work in mods like ktpro. if (pr_fixbrokenqccarrays.ival || pr_imitatemvdsv.ival) PR_RegisterFieldVar(svprogfuncs, 0, NULL, 0,0); } //targets #define QW 1 #define NQ 2 #define CS 4 #define MENU 8 #define H2 16 //mere flags #define FTE 32 #ifdef HEXEN2 #define ALL (QW|NQ|H2|CS|MENU) #else #define ALL (QW|NQ|CS|MENU) #endif #define CORE typedef struct { char *name; char *type; unsigned int module; char *desc; float value; char *valuestr; qboolean misc; } knowndef_t; #include "cl_master.h" void Key_PrintQCDefines(vfsfile_t *f); void PR_DumpPlatform_f(void) { #ifdef SERVERONLY Con_Printf("This command is not available in dedicated servers, sorry.\n"); #else //eg: pr_dumpplatform -FFTE -TCS -O csplat int idx; int i, j; int d = 0, nd, k; vfsfile_t *f; char *fname = ""; char dbgfname[MAX_OSPATH]; unsigned int targ = 0; qboolean defines = false; qboolean accessors = false; char *comment; /*this list is here to ensure that the file can be used as a valid initial qc file (ignoring precompiler options)*/ knowndef_t knowndefs[] = { {"self", "entity", QW|NQ|CS|MENU, "The magic me"}, {"other", "entity", QW|NQ|CS, "Valid in touch functions, this is the entity that we touched."}, {"world", "entity", QW|NQ|CS, "The null entity. Hurrah. Readonly after map spawn time."}, {"time", "float", QW|NQ|CS, "The current game time. Stops when paused."}, {"cltime", "float", CS, "A local timer that ticks relative to local time regardless of latency, packetloss, or pause."}, {"frametime", "float", QW|NQ|CS, "The time since the last physics/render/input frame."}, {"player_localentnum", "float", CS, "This is entity number the player is seeing from/spectating, or the player themself, can change mid-map."}, {"player_localnum", "float", CS, "The 0-based player index, valid for getplayerkeyvalue calls."}, {"maxclients", "float", CS, "Maximum number of player slots on the server."}, {"clientcommandframe", "float", CS, "This is the input-frame sequence. frames < clientcommandframe have been sent to the server. frame==clientcommandframe is still being generated and can still change."}, {"servercommandframe", "float", CS, "This is the input-frame that was last acknowledged by the server. Input frames greater than this should be applied to the player's entity."}, {"newmis", "entity", QW, "A named entity that should be run soon, to reduce the effects of latency."}, {"force_retouch", "float", QW|NQ, "If positive, causes all entities to check for triggers."}, {"mapname", "string", QW|NQ|CS, "The short name of the map."}, {"deathmatch", "float", NQ}, {"coop", "float", NQ}, {"teamplay", "float", NQ}, {"serverflags", "float", QW|NQ}, {"total_secrets", "float", QW|NQ}, {"total_monsters", "float", QW|NQ}, {"found_secrets", "float", QW|NQ}, {"killed_monsters", "float", QW|NQ}, {"parm1, parm2, parm3, parm4, parm5, parm6, parm7, parm8, parm9, parm10, parm11, parm12, parm13, parm14, parm15, parm16", "float", QW|NQ}, {"intermission", "float", CS}, {"v_forward, v_up, v_right", "vector", QW|NQ|CS}, {"view_angles", "vector", CS}, {"trace_allsolid, trace_startsolid, trace_fraction", "float", QW|NQ|CS}, {"trace_endpos, trace_plane_normal", "vector", QW|NQ|CS}, {"trace_plane_dist", "float", QW|NQ|CS}, {"trace_ent", "entity", QW|NQ|CS}, {"trace_inopen", "float", QW|NQ|CS}, {"trace_inwater", "float", QW|NQ|CS}, {"input_timelength", "float", CS}, {"input_angles", "vector", CS}, {"input_movevalues", "vector", CS}, {"input_buttons", "float", CS}, {"input_impulse", "float", CS}, {"msg_entity", "entity", QW|NQ}, {"main", "void()", QW|NQ}, {"StartFrame", "void()", QW|NQ}, {"PlayerPreThink", "void()", QW|NQ}, {"PlayerPostThink", "void()", QW|NQ}, {"ClientKill", "void()", QW|NQ}, {"ClientConnect", "void()", QW|NQ}, {"PutClientInServer", "void()", QW|NQ}, {"ClientDisconnect", "void()", QW|NQ}, {"SetNewParms", "void()", QW|NQ}, {"SetChangeParms", "void()", QW|NQ}, {"end_sys_globals", "void", QW|NQ|CS|MENU}, {"modelindex", ".float", QW|NQ|CS}, {"absmin", ".vector", QW|NQ|CS}, {"absmax", ".vector", QW|NQ|CS}, {"ltime", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"entnum", ".float", CS, "The entity number as its known on the server."}, {"drawmask", ".float", CS, "Acts as a filter in the addentities call."}, {"predraw", ".float()", CS, "Called by addentities after the filter and before the entity is actually drawn. Do your interpolation and animation in here. Should return one of the PREDRAW_* constants."}, {"lastruntime", ".float", QW}, {"movetype", ".float", QW|NQ|CS}, {"solid", ".float", QW|NQ|CS}, {"origin", ".vector", QW|NQ|CS}, {"oldorigin", ".vector", QW|NQ|CS}, {"velocity", ".vector", QW|NQ|CS}, {"angles", ".vector", QW|NQ|CS}, {"avelocity", ".vector", QW|NQ|CS}, {"pmove_flags", ".float", CS}, {"punchangle", ".vector", NQ}, {"classname", ".string", QW|NQ|CS}, {"renderflags", ".float", CS}, {"model", ".string", QW|NQ|CS}, {"frame", ".float", QW|NQ|CS}, {"frame1time", ".float", CS, "The absolute time into the animation/framegroup specified by .frame."}, {"frame2", ".float", CS}, {"frame2time", ".float", CS, "The absolute time into the animation/framegroup specified by .frame2."}, {"lerpfrac", ".float", CS, "If 0, use frame1 only. If 1, use frame2 only. Mix them together for values between."}, {"skin", ".float", QW|NQ|CS}, {"effects", ".float", QW|NQ|CS}, {"mins", ".vector", QW|NQ|CS}, {"maxs", ".vector", QW|NQ|CS}, {"size", ".vector", QW|NQ|CS}, {"touch", ".void()", QW|NQ|CS}, {"use", ".void()", QW|NQ}, {"think", ".void()", QW|NQ|CS}, {"blocked", ".void()", QW|NQ|CS}, {"nextthink", ".float", QW|NQ|CS}, {"groundentity", ".entity", QW|NQ}, {"health", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"frags", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"weapon", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"weaponmodel", ".string", QW|NQ}, {"weaponframe", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"currentammo", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"ammo_shells", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"ammo_nails", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"ammo_rockets", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"ammo_cells", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"items", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"takedamage", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"chain", ".entity", QW|NQ|CS}, {"deadflag", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"view_ofs", ".vector", QW|NQ}, {"button0", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"button1", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"button2", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"impulse", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"fixangle", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"v_angle", ".vector", QW|NQ}, {"idealpitch", ".float", NQ}, {"netname", ".string", QW|NQ}, {"enemy", ".entity", QW|NQ|CS}, {"flags", ".float", QW|NQ|CS}, {"colormap", ".float", QW|NQ|CS}, {"team", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"max_health", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"teleport_time", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"armortype", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"armorvalue", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"waterlevel", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"watertype", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"ideal_yaw", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"yaw_speed", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"aiment", ".entity", QW|NQ}, {"goalentity", ".entity", QW|NQ}, {"spawnflags", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"target", ".string", QW|NQ}, {"targetname", ".string", QW|NQ}, {"dmg_take", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"dmg_save", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"dmg_inflictor", ".entity", QW|NQ}, {"owner", ".entity", QW|NQ|CS}, {"movedir", ".vector", QW|NQ}, {"message", ".string", QW|NQ}, {"sounds", ".float", QW|NQ}, {"noise", ".string", QW|NQ}, {"noise1", ".string", QW|NQ}, {"noise2", ".string", QW|NQ}, {"noise3", ".string", QW|NQ}, {"end_sys_fields", "void", QW|NQ|CS|MENU}, {"time", "float", MENU, "The current local time. Increases while paused."}, {"input_timelength", "float", QW|NQ}, {"input_angles", "vector", QW|NQ}, {"input_movevalues", "vector", QW|NQ}, {"input_buttons", "float", QW|NQ}, {"input_impulse", "float", QW|NQ}, #define comfieldfloat(name,desc) {#name, ".float", FL, desc}, #define comfieldvector(name,desc) {#name, ".vector", FL, desc}, #define comfieldentity(name,desc) {#name, ".entity", FL, desc}, #define comfieldstring(name,desc) {#name, ".string", FL, desc}, #define comfieldfunction(name,typestr,desc) {#name, typestr, FL, desc}, #define FL QW|NQ comqcfields #undef FL #define FL QW|NQ|CS comextqcfields #undef FL #define FL QW|NQ svextqcfields #undef FL #define FL CS csqcextfields #undef FL #undef comfieldfloat #undef comfieldvector #undef comfieldentity #undef comfieldstring #undef comfieldfunction {"URI_Get_Callback", "noref void(float reqid, float responsecode, string resourcebody)", QW|NQ|CS|MENU, "Called as an eventual result of the uri_get builtin."}, {"SpectatorConnect", "noref void()", QW|NQ, "Called when a spectator joins the game."}, {"SpectatorDisconnect", "noref void()", QW|NQ, "Called when a spectator disconnects from the game."}, {"SpectatorThink", "noref void()", QW|NQ, "Called each frame for each spectator."}, {"SV_ParseClientCommand", "noref void(string cmd)", QW|NQ, "Provides QC with a way to intercept 'cmd foo' commands from the client. Very handy. Self will be set to the sending client, while the 'cmd' argument can be tokenize()d and each element retrieved via argv(argno). Unrecognised cmds MUST be passed on to the clientcommand builtin."}, {"SV_ParseClusterEvent", "noref void(string dest, string from, string cmd, string info)", QW|NQ, "Part of cluster mode. Handles cross-node events that were sent via clusterevent, on behalf of the named client."}, {"SV_ParseConnectionlessPacket", "noref float(string sender, string body)", QW|NQ, "Provides QC with a way to communicate between servers, or with client server browsers. Sender is the sender's ip. Body is the body of the message. You'll need to add your own password/etc support as required. Self is not valid."}, {"SV_PausedTic", "noref void(float pauseduration)", QW|NQ, "For each frame that the server is paused, this function will be called to give the gamecode a chance to unpause the server again. the pauseduration argument says how long the server has been paused for (the time global is frozen and will not increment while paused). Self is not valid."}, {"SV_ShouldPause", "noref float(float newstatus)", QW|NQ, "Called to give the qc a change to block pause/unpause requests. Return false for the pause request to be ignored. newstatus is 1 if the user is trying to pause the game. For the duration of the call, self will be set to the player who tried to pause, or to world if it was triggered by a server-side event."}, {"SV_RunClientCommand", "noref void()", QW|NQ, "Called each time a player movement packet was received from a client. Self is set to the player entity which should be updated, while the input_* globals specify the various properties stored within the input packet. The contents of this function should be somewaht identical to the equivelent function in CSQC, or prediction misses will occur. If you're feeling lazy, you can simply call 'runstandardplayerphysics' after modifying the inputs."}, {"SV_AddDebugPolygons", "noref void()", QW|NQ, "Called each video frame. This is the only place where ssqc is allowed to call the R_BeginPolygon/R_PolygonVertex/R_EndPolygon builtins. This is exclusively for debugging, and will break in anything but single player as it will not be called if the engine is not running both a client and a server."}, {"SV_PlayerPhysics", "noref void()", QW|NQ, "Legacy method to tweak player input that does not reliably work with prediction (prediction WILL break). Mods that care about prediction should use SV_RunClientCommand instead. If pr_no_playerphysics is set to 1, this function will never be called, which will either fix prediction or completely break player movement depending on whether the feature was even useful."}, {"EndFrame", "noref void()", QW|NQ, "Called after non-player entities have been run at the end of the physics frame. Player physics is performed out of order and can/will still occur between EndFrame and BeginFrame."}, {"SV_CheckRejectConnection","noref string(string addr, string uinfo, string features) ", QW|NQ, "Called to give the mod a chance to ignore connection requests based upon client protocol support or other properties. Use infoget to read the uinfo and features arguments."}, {"ClassChangeWeapon", "noref void()", H2, "Hexen2 support. Called when cl_playerclass changes. Self is set to the player who is changing class."}, /* //mvdsv compat {"UserInfo_Changed", "//noref void()", QW}, {"localinfoChanged", "//noref void()", QW}, {"ChatMessage", "//noref void()", QW}, {"UserCmd", "//noref void()", QW}, {"ConsoleCmd", "//noref void()", QW}, */ {"CSQC_Init", "noref void(float apilevel, string enginename, float engineversion)", CS, "Called at startup. enginename and engineversion are arbitary hints and can take any form. enginename should be consistant between revisions, but this cannot truely be relied upon."}, {"CSQC_WorldLoaded", "noref void()", CS, "Called after model+sound precaches have been executed. Gives a chance for the qc to read the entity lump from the bsp."}, {"CSQC_Shutdown", "noref void()", CS, "Specifies that the csqc is going down. Save your persistant settings here."}, {"CSQC_UpdateView", "noref void(float vwidth, float vheight, float notmenu)", CS, "Called every single video frame. The CSQC is responsible for rendering the entire screen."}, {"CSQC_Parse_StuffCmd", "noref void(string msg)", CS, "Gives the CSQC a chance to intercept stuffcmds. Use the tokenize builtin to parse the message. Unrecognised commands would normally be localcmded, but its probably better to drop unrecognised stuffcmds completely."}, {"CSQC_Parse_CenterPrint", "noref float(string msg)", CS, "Gives the CSQC a chance to intercept centerprints. Return true if you wish the engine to otherwise ignore the centerprint."}, {"CSQC_Parse_Print", "noref void(string printmsg, float printlvl)", CS, "Gives the CSQC a chance to intercept sprint/bprint builtin calls. CSQC should filter by the client's current msg setting and then pass the message on to the print command, or handle them itself."}, {"CSQC_Parse_Event", "noref void()", CS, "Called when the client receives an SVC_CGAMEPACKET. The csqc should read the data or call the error builtin if it does not recognise the message."}, {"CSQC_InputEvent", "noref float(float evtype, float scanx, float chary, float devid)", CS, "Called whenever a key is pressed, the mouse is moved, etc. evtype will be one of the IE_* constants. The other arguments vary depending on the evtype. Key presses are not guarenteed to have both scan and unichar values set at the same time."}, {"CSQC_Input_Frame", "noref void()", CS, "Called just before each time clientcommandframe is updated. You can edit the input_* globals in order to apply your own player inputs within csqc, which may allow you a convienient way to pass certain info to ssqc."}, {"CSQC_ConsoleCommand", "noref float(string cmd)", CS, "Called if the user uses any console command registed via registercommand."}, {"CSQC_ConsoleLink", "noref float(string text, string info)", CS, "Called if the user clicks a ^[text\\infokey\\infovalue^] link. Use infoget to read/check each supported key. Return true if you wish the engine to not attempt to handle the link itself."}, {"CSQC_Ent_Update", "noref void(float isnew)", CS}, {"CSQC_Ent_Remove", "noref void()", CS}, {"CSQC_Event_Sound", "noref float(float entnum, float channel, string soundname, float vol, float attenuation, vector pos, float pitchmod)", CS}, // {"CSQC_ServerSound", "//void()", CS}, {"CSQC_LoadResource", "noref float(string resname, string restype)", CS, "Called each time some resource is being loaded. CSQC can invoke various draw calls to provide a loading screen, until WorldLoaded is called."}, {"CSQC_Parse_TempEntity", "noref float()", CS, "Please don't use this. Use CSQC_Parse_Event and multicasts instead."}, {"GameCommand", "noref void(string cmdtext)", CS|MENU}, {"m_init", "void()", MENU}, {"m_shutdown", "void()", MENU}, {"m_draw", "void()", MENU}, {"m_keydown", "void(float scan, float chr)", MENU}, {"m_keyup", "void(float scan, float chr)", MENU}, {"m_toggle", "void(float mode)", MENU}, {"physics_mode", "var float", QW|NQ|CS, "0: original csqc - physics are not run\n1: DP-compat. Thinks occur, but not true movetypes.\n2: movetypes occur just as they do in ssqc.", 2}, {"gamespeed", "float", CS, "Set by the engine, this is the value of the sv_gamespeed cvar"}, {"numclientseats", "float", CS, "This is the number of splitscreen clients currently running on this client."}, {"drawfontscale", "var vector", CS|MENU, "Specifies a scaler for all text rendering. There are other ways to implement this.", 0, "'1 1 0'"}, {"drawfont", "float", CS|MENU, "Allows you to choose exactly which font is to be used to draw text. Fonts can be registered/allocated with the loadfont builtin."}, {"FONT_DEFAULT", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, 0}, {"TRUE", "const float", ALL, NULL, 1}, {"FALSE", "const float", ALL, "File not found...", 0}, {"M_PI", "const float", ALL, NULL, M_PI}, {"MOVETYPE_NONE", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, MOVETYPE_NONE}, {"MOVETYPE_WALK", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, MOVETYPE_WALK}, {"MOVETYPE_STEP", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, MOVETYPE_STEP}, {"MOVETYPE_FLY", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, MOVETYPE_FLY}, {"MOVETYPE_TOSS", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, MOVETYPE_TOSS}, {"MOVETYPE_PUSH", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, MOVETYPE_PUSH}, {"MOVETYPE_NOCLIP", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, MOVETYPE_NOCLIP}, {"MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE}, {"MOVETYPE_BOUNCE", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, MOVETYPE_BOUNCE}, {"MOVETYPE_BOUNCEMISSILE", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, MOVETYPE_BOUNCEMISSILE}, {"MOVETYPE_FOLLOW", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, MOVETYPE_FOLLOW}, {"MOVETYPE_WALLWALK", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, "Players using this movetype will be able to orient themselves to walls, and then run up them.", MOVETYPE_WALLWALK}, {"MOVETYPE_PHYSICS", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, "Enable the use of ODE physics upon this entity.", MOVETYPE_PHYSICS}, {"SOLID_NOT", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, SOLID_NOT}, {"SOLID_TRIGGER", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, SOLID_TRIGGER}, {"SOLID_BBOX", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, SOLID_BBOX}, {"SOLID_SLIDEBOX", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, SOLID_SLIDEBOX}, {"SOLID_BSP", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, SOLID_BSP}, {"SOLID_CORPSE", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, SOLID_CORPSE}, {"SOLID_LADDER", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, "Obsolete and may be removed at some point. Use skin=CONTENT_LADDER and solid_bsp or solid_trigger instead.", SOLID_LADDER}, {"SOLID_PHYSICS_BOX", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, SOLID_PHYSICS_BOX}, {"SOLID_PHYSICS_SPHERE", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, SOLID_PHYSICS_SPHERE}, {"SOLID_PHYSICS_CAPSULE", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, SOLID_PHYSICS_CAPSULE}, {"SOLID_PHYSICS_TRIMESH", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, SOLID_PHYSICS_TRIMESH}, {"SOLID_PHYSICS_CYLINDER", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, SOLID_PHYSICS_CYLINDER}, {"GEOMTYPE_NONE", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, GEOMTYPE_NONE}, {"GEOMTYPE_SOLID", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, GEOMTYPE_SOLID}, {"GEOMTYPE_BOX", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, GEOMTYPE_BOX}, {"GEOMTYPE_SPHERE", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, GEOMTYPE_SPHERE}, {"GEOMTYPE_CAPSULE", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, GEOMTYPE_CAPSULE}, {"GEOMTYPE_TRIMESH", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, GEOMTYPE_TRIMESH}, {"GEOMTYPE_CYLINDER", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, GEOMTYPE_CYLINDER}, {"GEOMTYPE_CAPSULE_X", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, GEOMTYPE_CAPSULE_X}, {"GEOMTYPE_CAPSULE_Y", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, GEOMTYPE_CAPSULE_Y}, {"GEOMTYPE_CAPSULE_Z", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, GEOMTYPE_CAPSULE_Z}, {"GEOMTYPE_CYLINDER_X", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, GEOMTYPE_CYLINDER_X}, {"GEOMTYPE_CYLINDER_Y", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, GEOMTYPE_CYLINDER_Y}, {"GEOMTYPE_CYLINDER_Z", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, GEOMTYPE_CYLINDER_Z}, {"JOINTTYPE_FIXED", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, JOINTTYPE_FIXED}, {"JOINTTYPE_POINT", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, JOINTTYPE_POINT}, {"JOINTTYPE_HINGE", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, JOINTTYPE_HINGE}, {"JOINTTYPE_SLIDER", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, JOINTTYPE_SLIDER}, {"JOINTTYPE_UNIVERSAL", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, JOINTTYPE_UNIVERSAL}, {"JOINTTYPE_HINGE2", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, JOINTTYPE_HINGE2}, {"GE_MAXENTS", "const float", CS, "Valid for getentity, ignores the entity argument. Returns the maximum number of entities which may be valid, to avoid having to poll 65k when only 100 are used.", GE_MAXENTS}, {"GE_ACTIVE", "const float", CS, "Valid for getentity. Returns whether this entity is known to the client or not.", GE_ACTIVE}, {"GE_ORIGIN", "const float", CS, "Valid for getentity. Returns the interpolated .origin.", GE_ORIGIN}, {"GE_FORWARD", "const float", CS, "Valid for getentity. Returns the interpolated forward vector.", GE_FORWARD}, {"GE_RIGHT", "const float", CS, "Valid for getentity. Returns the entity's right vector.", GE_RIGHT}, {"GE_UP", "const float", CS, "Valid for getentity. Returns the entity's up vector.", GE_UP}, {"GE_SCALE", "const float", CS, "Valid for getentity. Returns the entity .scale.", GE_SCALE}, {"GE_ORIGINANDVECTORS","const float", CS, "Valid for getentity. Returns interpolated .origin, but also sets v_forward, v_right, and v_up accordingly. Use vectoangles(v_forward,v_up) to determine the angles.", GE_ORIGINANDVECTORS}, {"GE_ALPHA", "const float", CS, "Valid for getentity. Returns the entity alpha.", GE_ALPHA}, {"GE_COLORMOD", "const float", CS, "Valid for getentity. Returns the colormod vector.", GE_COLORMOD}, {"GE_PANTSCOLOR", "const float", CS, "Valid for getentity. Returns the entity's lower color (from .colormap), as a palette range value.", GE_PANTSCOLOR}, {"GE_SHIRTCOLOR", "const float", CS, "Valid for getentity. Returns the entity's lower color (from .colormap), as a palette range value.", GE_SHIRTCOLOR}, {"GE_SKIN", "const float", CS, "Valid for getentity. Returns the entity's .skin index.", GE_SKIN}, {"GE_MINS", "const float", CS, "Valid for getentity. Guesses the entity's .min vector.", GE_MINS}, {"GE_MAXS", "const float", CS, "Valid for getentity. Guesses the entity's .max vector.", GE_MAXS}, {"GE_ABSMIN", "const float", CS, "Valid for getentity. Guesses the entity's .absmin vector.", GE_ABSMIN}, {"GE_ABSMAX", "const float", CS, "Valid for getentity. Guesses the entity's .absmax vector.", GE_ABSMAX}, // {"GE_LIGHT", "const float", CS, NULL, GE_LIGHT}, {"DAMAGE_NO", "const float", QW|NQ, NULL, DAMAGE_NO}, {"DAMAGE_YES", "const float", QW|NQ, NULL, DAMAGE_YES}, {"DAMAGE_AIM", "const float", QW|NQ, NULL, DAMAGE_AIM}, {"CONTENT_EMPTY", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, Q1CONTENTS_EMPTY}, {"CONTENT_SOLID", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, Q1CONTENTS_SOLID}, {"CONTENT_WATER", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, Q1CONTENTS_WATER}, {"CONTENT_SLIME", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, Q1CONTENTS_SLIME}, {"CONTENT_LAVA", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, Q1CONTENTS_LAVA}, {"CONTENT_SKY", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, Q1CONTENTS_SKY}, {"CONTENT_LADDER", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, "If this value is assigned to a solid_bsp's .skin field, the entity will become a ladder volume.", Q1CONTENTS_LADDER}, {"CHAN_AUTO", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, "The automatic channel, play as many sounds on this channel as you want, and they'll all play, however the other channels will replace each other.", CHAN_AUTO}, {"CHAN_WEAPON", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, CHAN_WEAPON}, {"CHAN_VOICE", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, CHAN_VOICE}, {"CHAN_ITEM", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, CHAN_ITEM}, {"CHAN_BODY", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, CHAN_BODY}, {"ATTN_NONE", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, "Sounds with this attenuation can be heard throughout the map", ATTN_NONE}, {"ATTN_NORM", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, "Standard attenuation", ATTN_NORM}, {"ATTN_IDLE", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, "Extra attenuation so that sounds don't travel too far.", 2}, //including these for completeness, despite them being defined by the gamecode rather than the engine api. {"ATTN_STATIC", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, "Even more attenuation to avoid torches drowing out everything else throughout the map.", 3}, //not putting other svcs here, qc shouldn't otherwise need to generate svcs directly. {"SVC_CGAMEPACKET", "const float", QW|NQ, "Direct ssqc->csqc message. Must only be multicast. The data triggers a CSQC_Parse_Event call in the csqc for the csqc to read the contents. The server *may* insert length information for clients connected via proxies which are not able to cope with custom csqc payloads. This should only ever be used in conjunction with the MSG_MULTICAST destination.", svcfte_cgamepacket}, {"MSG_BROADCAST", "const float", QW|NQ, "The byte(s) will be unreliably sent to all players. MSG_ constants are valid arguments to the Write* builtin family.", MSG_BROADCAST}, {"MSG_ONE", "const float", QW|NQ, "The byte(s) will be reliably sent to the player specified in the msg_entity global.", MSG_ONE}, {"MSG_ALL", "const float", QW|NQ, "The byte(s) will be reliably sent to all players.", MSG_ALL}, {"MSG_INIT", "const float", QW|NQ, "The byte(s) will be written into the signon buffer. Clients will see these messages when they connect later. This buffer is only flushed on map changes, so spamming it _WILL_ result in overflows.", MSG_INIT}, {"MSG_MULTICAST", "const float", QW|NQ, "The byte(s) will be written into the multicast buffer for more selective sending. Messages sent this way will never be split across packets, and using this for csqc-only messages will not break protocol translation.", MSG_MULTICAST}, {"MSG_ENTITY", "const float", QW|NQ, "The byte(s) will be written into the entity buffer. This is a special value used only inside 'SendEntity' functions.", MSG_CSQC}, {"MULTICAST_ALL", "const float", QW|NQ, "The multicast message is unreliably sent to all players. MULTICAST_ constants are valid arguments for the multicast builtin, which ignores the specified origin when given this constant.", MULTICAST_ALL}, {"MULTICAST_PHS", "const float", QW|NQ, "The multicast message is unreliably sent to only players that can potentially hear the specified origin. Its quite loose.", MULTICAST_PHS}, {"MULTICAST_PVS", "const float", QW|NQ, "The multicast message is unreliably sent to only players that can potentially see the specified origin.", MULTICAST_PVS}, {"MULTICAST_ONE", "const float", QW|NQ, "The multicast message is unreliably sent to the player specified in the msg_entity global. The specified origin is ignored.", MULTICAST_ONE}, {"MULTICAST_ALL_R", "const float", QW|NQ, "The multicast message is reliably sent to all players. The specified origin is ignored.", MULTICAST_ALL_R}, {"MULTICAST_PHS_R", "const float", QW|NQ, "The multicast message is reliably sent to only players that can potentially hear the specified origin. Players might still not receive it if they are out of range.", MULTICAST_PHS_R}, {"MULTICAST_PVS_R", "const float", QW|NQ, "The multicast message is reliably sent to only players that can potentially see the specified origin. Players might still not receive it if they cannot see the event.", MULTICAST_PVS_R}, {"MULTICAST_ONE_R", "const float", QW|NQ, "The multicast message is reliably sent to the player specified in the msg_entity global. The specified origin is ignored", MULTICAST_ONE_R}, {"PRINT_LOW", "const float", QW, NULL, PRINT_LOW}, {"PRINT_MEDIUM", "const float", QW, NULL, PRINT_MEDIUM}, {"PRINT_HIGH", "const float", QW, NULL, PRINT_HIGH}, {"PRINT_CHAT", "const float", QW, NULL, PRINT_CHAT}, {"PVSF_NORMALPVS", "const float", QW|NQ, "Filter first by PVS, then filter this entity using tracelines if sv_cullentities is enabled.", PVSF_NORMALPVS}, {"PVSF_NOTRACECHECK", "const float", QW|NQ, "Filter strictly by PVS.", PVSF_NOTRACECHECK}, {"PVSF_USEPHS", "const float", QW|NQ, "Send if we're close enough to be able to hear this entity.", PVSF_USEPHS}, {"PVSF_IGNOREPVS", "const float", QW|NQ, "Ignores pvs. This entity is visible whereever you are on the map.", PVSF_IGNOREPVS}, {"PVSF_NOREMOVE", "const float", QW|NQ, "Once visible to a client, this entity will remain visible. This can be useful for csqc and corpses.", PVSF_NOREMOVE}, //most of these are there for documentation rather than anything else. {"INFOKEY_P_IP", "const string", QW|NQ, "The apparent ip address of the client. This may be a proxy's ip address.", 0, "\"ip\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_REALIP", "const string", QW|NQ, "If sv_getrealip is set, this gives the ip as determine using that algorithm.", 0, "\"realip\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_CSQCACTIVE","const string", QW|NQ, "Client has csqc enabled. CSQC ents etc will be sent to this player.", 0, "\"csqcactive\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_SVPING", "const string", QW|NQ, NULL, 0, "\"svping\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_GUID", "const string", QW|NQ, "Some hash string which should be reasonably unique to this player's quake installation.", 0, "\"guid\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_CHALLENGE", "const string", QW|NQ, NULL, 0, "\"challenge\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_USERID", "const string", QW|NQ, NULL, 0, "\"*userid\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_DOWNLOADPCT","const string",QW|NQ, "The client's download percentage for the current file. Additional files are not known.", 0, "\"download\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_TRUSTLEVEL","const string", QW|NQ, NULL, 0, "\"trustlevel\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_PROTOCOL", "const string", QW|NQ, "The network protocol the client is using to connect to the server.", 0, "\"protocol\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_VIP", "const string", QW|NQ, "1 if the player has the VIP 'penalty'.", 0, "\"*VIP\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_ISMUTED", "const string", QW|NQ, "1 if the player has the 'mute' penalty and is not allowed to use the say/say_team commands.", 0, "\"*ismuted\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_ISDEAF", "const string", QW|NQ, "1 if the player has the 'deaf' penalty and cannot see other people's say/say_team commands.", 0, "\"*isdeaf\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_ISCRIPPLED","const string", QW|NQ, "1 if the player has the cripple penalty, and their movement values are ignored (.movement is locked to 0).", 0, "\"*ismuted\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_ISCUFFED", "const string", QW|NQ, "1 if the player has the cuff penalty, and is unable to attack or use impulses(.button0 and .impulse fields are locked to 0).", 0, "\"*ismuted\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_ISLAGGED", "const string", QW|NQ, "1 if the player has the fakelag penalty and has an extra 200ms of lag.", 0, "\"*ismuted\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_PING", "const string", CS|QW|NQ, "The player's ping time, in milliseconds.", 0, "\"ping\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_NAME", "const string", CS|QW|NQ, "The player's name.", 0, "\"name\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_TOPCOLOR", "const string", CS|QW|NQ, "The player's upper/shirt colour (palette index).", 0, "\"topcolor\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_BOTTOMCOLOR","const string", CS|QW|NQ, "The player's lower/pants/trouser colour (palette index).", 0, "\"bottomcolor\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_TOPCOLOR_RGB","const string", CS, "The player's upper/shirt colour as an rgb value in a format usable with stov.", 0, "\"topcolor_rgb\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_BOTTOMCOLOR_RGB","const string", CS, "The player's lower/pants/trouser colour as an rgb value in a format usable with stov.", 0, "\"bottomcolor_rgb\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_MUTED", "const string", CS, "0: we can see the result of the player's say/say_team commands. 1: we see no say/say_team messages from this player. Use the ignore command to toggle this value.", 0, "\"ignored\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_VOIP_MUTED","const string", CS, "0: we can hear this player when they speak (assuming voip is generally enabled). 1: we ignore everything this player says. Use cl_voip_mute to change the values.", 0, "\"vignored\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_ENTERTIME", "const string", CS, "Reads the timestamp at which the player entered the game, in terms of csqc's time global.", 0, "\"entertime\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_FRAGS", "const string", CS, "Reads a player's frag count.", 0, "\"frags\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_PACKETLOSS","const string", CS, "Reads a player's packetloss, as a percentage.", 0, "\"pl\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_VOIPSPEAKING","const string", CS, "Boolean value that says whether the given player is currently sending voice information.", 0, "\"voipspeaking\""}, {"INFOKEY_P_VOIPLOUDNESS","const string", CS, "Only valid for the local player. Gives a value between 0 and 1 to indicate to the user how loud their mic is.", 0, "\"voiploudness\""}, // edict.flags {"FL_FLY", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, FL_FLY}, {"FL_SWIM", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, FL_SWIM}, {"FL_CLIENT", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, FL_CLIENT}, {"FL_INWATER", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, FL_INWATER}, {"FL_MONSTER", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, FL_MONSTER}, {"FL_GODMODE", "const float", QW|NQ, NULL, FL_GODMODE}, {"FL_NOTARGET", "const float", QW|NQ, NULL, FL_NOTARGET}, {"FL_ITEM", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, FL_ITEM}, {"FL_ONGROUND", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, FL_ONGROUND}, {"FL_PARTIALGROUND", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, FL_PARTIALGROUND}, {"FL_WATERJUMP", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, FL_WATERJUMP}, {"FL_JUMPRELEASED", "const float", NQ|CS, NULL, FL_JUMPRELEASED}, {"FL_FINDABLE_NONSOLID","const float", QW|NQ|CS, "Allows this entity to be found with findradius", FL_FINDABLE_NONSOLID}, {"FL_MOVECHAIN_ANGLE", "const float", H2, NULL, FL_MOVECHAIN_ANGLE}, {"FL_LAGGEDMOVE", "const float", QW|NQ, "Enables anti-lag on rockets etc.", FLQW_LAGGEDMOVE}, {"FL_CLASS_DEPENDENT", "const float", H2, NULL, FL_CLASS_DEPENDENT}, {"MOVE_NORMAL", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, MOVE_NORMAL}, {"MOVE_NOMONSTERS", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, "The trace will ignore all non-solid_bsp entities.", MOVE_NOMONSTERS}, {"MOVE_MISSILE", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, "The trace will use a bbox size of +/- 15 against entities with FL_MONSTER set.", MOVE_MISSILE}, {"MOVE_HITMODEL", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, "Traces will impact the actual mesh of the model instead of merely their bounding box. Should generally only be used for tracelines. Note that this flag is unreliable as an object can animate through projectiles. The bounding box MUST be set to completely encompass the entity or those extra areas will be non-solid (leaving a hole for things to go through).", MOVE_HITMODEL}, {"MOVE_TRIGGERS", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, "This trace type will impact only triggers. It will ignore non-solid entities.", MOVE_TRIGGERS}, {"MOVE_EVERYTHING", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, "This type of trace will hit solids and triggers alike. Even non-solid entities.", MOVE_EVERYTHING}, {"MOVE_LAGGED", "const float", QW|NQ, "Will use antilag based upon the player's latency. Traces will be performed against old positions for entities instead of their current origin.", MOVE_LAGGED}, {"MOVE_ENTCHAIN", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, "Returns a list of entities impacted via the trace_ent.chain field", MOVE_ENTCHAIN}, // {"MOVE_ONLYENT", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, "Traces that use this trace type will collide against *only* the entity specified, and will ignore all owner/solid/dimension etc fields, they will still adhere to contents though.", MOVE_ONLYENT}, {"RESTYPE_MODEL", "const float", ALL, "RESTYPE_* constants are used as arguments with the resourcestatus builtin.", RESTYPE_MODEL}, {"RESTYPE_SOUND", "const float", ALL, "precache_sound", RESTYPE_SOUND}, {"RESTYPE_PARTICLE", "const float", ALL, "particleeffectnum", RESTYPE_PARTICLE}, {"RESTYPE_PIC", "const float", CS|MENU, "precache_pic. Status results are an amalgomation of the textures used by the named shader.", RESTYPE_SHADER}, {"RESTYPE_SKIN", "const float", CS|MENU, "setcustomskin", RESTYPE_SKIN}, {"RESTYPE_TEXTURE", "const float", CS|MENU, "Individual textures within shaders. These are not directly usable, but may be named as part of a skin file, or a shader.", RESTYPE_TEXTURE}, {"RESSTATE_NOTKNOWN", "const float", ALL, "RESSTATE_* constants are return values from the resourcestatus builtin. The engine doesn't know about the resource if it is in this state. This means you will need to precache it. Attempting to use it anyway may result in warnings, errors, or silently succeed, depending on engine version and resource type.", RESSTATE_NOTKNOWN}, {"RESSTATE_NOTLOADED", "const float", ALL, "The resource was precached, but has been flushed and there has not been an attempt to reload it. If you use the resource normally, chances are it'll be loaded but at the cost of a stall.", RESSTATE_NOTLOADED}, {"RESSTATE_LOADING", "const float", ALL, "Resources in this this state are queued for loading, and will be loaded at the engine's convienience. If you attempt to query the resource now, the engine will stall until the result is available. sounds in this state may be delayed, while models/pics/shaders may be invisible.", RESSTATE_LOADING}, {"RESSTATE_FAILED", "const float", ALL, "Resources in this state are unusable/could not be loaded. You will get placeholders or dummy results. Queries will not stall the engine. The engine may display placeholder content.", RESSTATE_FAILED}, {"RESSTATE_LOADED", "const float", ALL, "Resources in this state are finally usable, everything will work okay. Hurrah. Queries will not stall the engine.", RESSTATE_LOADED}, {"EF_BRIGHTFIELD", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, EF_BRIGHTFIELD}, {"EF_MUZZLEFLASH", "const float", NQ|CS, NULL, EF_MUZZLEFLASH}, {"EF_BRIGHTLIGHT", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, EF_BRIGHTLIGHT}, {"EF_DIMLIGHT", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, EF_DIMLIGHT}, {"EF_FLAG1", "const float", QW , NULL, QWEF_FLAG1}, {"EF_FLAG2", "const float", QW , NULL, QWEF_FLAG2}, {"EF_ADDITIVE", "const float", NQ|CS, NULL, NQEF_ADDITIVE}, {"EF_BLUE", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, EF_BLUE}, {"EF_RED", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, EF_RED}, {"EF_FULLBRIGHT", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, EF_FULLBRIGHT}, {"EF_NODEPTHTEST", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, EF_NODEPTHTEST}, {"EF_NOMODELFLAGS", "const float", QW|NQ, "Surpresses the normal flags specified in the model.", EF_NOMODELFLAGS}, {"MF_ROCKET", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, EF_MF_ROCKET>>24}, {"MF_GRENADE", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, EF_MF_GRENADE>>24}, {"MF_GIB", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, EF_MF_GIB>>24}, {"MF_ROTATE", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, EF_MF_ROTATE>>24}, {"MF_TRACER", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, EF_MF_TRACER>>24}, {"MF_ZOMGIB", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, EF_MF_ZOMGIB>>24}, {"MF_TRACER2", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, EF_MF_TRACER2>>24}, {"MF_TRACER3", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, EF_MF_TRACER3>>24}, {"PFLAGS_NOSHADOW", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, "Associated RT lights attached will not cast shadows, making them significantly faster to draw.", PFLAGS_NOSHADOW}, {"PFLAGS_CORONA", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, "Enables support of coronas on the associated rtlights.", PFLAGS_CORONA}, {"PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC", "const float", QW|NQ, "When set in self.pflags, enables fully-customised dynamic lights. Custom rtlight information is not otherwise used.", PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC}, //including these for csqc stat types. // {"EV_VOID", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, ev_void}, {"EV_STRING", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, ev_string}, {"EV_FLOAT", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, ev_float}, {"EV_VECTOR", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, ev_vector}, {"EV_ENTITY", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, ev_entity}, // {"EV_FIELD", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, ev_field}, {"EV_FUNCTION", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, ev_function}, {"EV_POINTER", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, ev_pointer}, {"EV_INTEGER", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, ev_integer}, {"EV_VARIANT", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, ev_variant}, // {"EV_STRUCT", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, ev_struct}, // {"EV_UNION", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, NULL, ev_union}, {"gamestate", "hashtable", ALL, "Special hash table index for hash_add and hash_get. Entries in this table will persist over map changes (and doesn't need to be created/deleted).", 0}, {"HASH_REPLACE", "const float", ALL, "Used with hash_add. Attempts to remove the old value instead of adding two values for a single key.", 256}, {"STAT_HEALTH", "const float", CS, NULL, STAT_HEALTH}, {"STAT_WEAPON", "const float", CS, NULL, STAT_WEAPON}, {"STAT_AMMO", "const float", CS, NULL, STAT_AMMO}, {"STAT_ARMOR", "const float", CS, NULL, STAT_ARMOR}, {"STAT_WEAPONFRAME", "const float", CS, NULL, STAT_WEAPONFRAME}, {"STAT_SHELLS", "const float", CS, NULL, STAT_SHELLS}, {"STAT_NAILS", "const float", CS, NULL, STAT_NAILS}, {"STAT_ROCKETS", "const float", CS, NULL, STAT_ROCKETS}, {"STAT_CELLS", "const float", CS, NULL, STAT_CELLS}, {"STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON", "const float", CS, NULL, STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON}, {"STAT_TOTALSECRETS", "const float", CS, NULL, STAT_TOTALSECRETS}, {"STAT_TOTALMONSTERS", "const float", CS, NULL, STAT_TOTALMONSTERS}, {"STAT_FOUNDSECRETS", "const float", CS, NULL, STAT_SECRETS}, {"STAT_KILLEDMONSTERS", "const float", CS, NULL, STAT_MONSTERS}, {"STAT_ITEMS", "const float", CS, NULL, STAT_ITEMS}, {"STAT_VIEWHEIGHT", "const float", CS, NULL, STAT_VIEWHEIGHT}, {"STAT_VIEW2", "const float", CS, "This stat contains the number of the entity in the server's .view2 field.", STAT_VIEW2}, {"STAT_VIEWZOOM", "const float", CS, NULL, STAT_VIEWZOOM}, {"VF_MIN", "const float", CS|MENU, "The top-left of the 3d viewport in screenspace. The VF_ values are used via the setviewprop/getviewprop builtins.", VF_MIN}, {"VF_MIN_X", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, VF_MIN_X}, {"VF_MIN_Y", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, VF_MIN_Y}, {"VF_SIZE", "const float", CS|MENU, "The width+height of the 3d viewport in screenspace.", VF_SIZE}, {"VF_SIZE_X", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, VF_SIZE_X}, {"VF_SIZE_Y", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, VF_SIZE_Y}, {"VF_VIEWPORT", "const float", CS|MENU, "vector+vector. Two argument shortcut for VF_MIN and VF_SIZE", VF_VIEWPORT}, {"VF_FOV", "const float", CS|MENU, "sets both fovx and fovy. consider using afov instead.", VF_FOV}, {"VF_FOVX", "const float", CS|MENU, "horizontal field of view. does not consider aspect at all.", VF_FOVX}, {"VF_FOVY", "const float", CS|MENU, "vertical field of view. does not consider aspect at all.", VF_FOVY}, {"VF_ORIGIN", "const float", CS|MENU, "The origin of the view. Not of the player.", VF_ORIGIN}, {"VF_ORIGIN_X", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, VF_ORIGIN_X}, {"VF_ORIGIN_Y", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, VF_ORIGIN_Y}, {"VF_ORIGIN_Z", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, VF_ORIGIN_Z}, {"VF_ANGLES", "const float", CS|MENU, "The angles the view will be drawn at. Not the angle the client reports to the server.", VF_ANGLES}, {"VF_ANGLES_X", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, VF_ANGLES_X}, {"VF_ANGLES_Y", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, VF_ANGLES_Y}, {"VF_ANGLES_Z", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, VF_ANGLES_Z}, {"VF_DRAWWORLD", "const float", CS, "boolean. If set to 1, the engine will draw the world and static/persistant rtlights. If 0, the world will be skipped and everything will be fullbright.", VF_DRAWWORLD}, {"VF_DRAWENGINESBAR", "const float", CS, "boolean. If set to 1, the sbar will be drawn, and viewsize will be honoured automatically.", VF_ENGINESBAR}, {"VF_DRAWCROSSHAIR", "const float", CS, "boolean. If set to 1, the engine will draw its default crosshair.", VF_DRAWCROSSHAIR}, {"VF_CL_VIEWANGLES", "const float", CS, NULL, VF_CL_VIEWANGLES_V}, {"VF_CL_VIEWANGLES_X", "const float", CS, NULL, VF_CL_VIEWANGLES_X}, {"VF_CL_VIEWANGLES_Y", "const float", CS, NULL, VF_CL_VIEWANGLES_Y}, {"VF_CL_VIEWANGLES_Z", "const float", CS, NULL, VF_CL_VIEWANGLES_Z}, {"VF_PERSPECTIVE", "const float", CS|MENU, "1: regular rendering. Fov specifies the angle. 0: isometric-style. Fov specifies the number of Quake Units each side of the viewport.", VF_PERSPECTIVE}, {"VF_LPLAYER", "const float", CS, "The 'seat' number, used when running splitscreen.", VF_LPLAYER}, {"VF_AFOV", "const float", CS|MENU, "Aproximate fov. Matches the 'fov' cvar. The engine handles the aspect ratio for you.", VF_AFOV}, {"VF_SCREENVSIZE", "const float", CS|MENU, "Provides a reliable way to retrieve the current virtual screen size (even if the screen is automatically scaled to retain aspect).", VF_SCREENVSIZE}, {"VF_SCREENPSIZE", "const float", CS|MENU, "Provides a reliable way to retrieve the current physical screen size (cvars need vid_restart for them to take effect).", VF_SCREENPSIZE}, {"VF_VIEWENTITY", "const float", CS, "Changes the RF_EXTERNALMODEL flag on entities to match the new selection, and removes entities flaged with RF_VIEWENTITY. Requires cunning use of .entnum and typically requires calling addentities(MASK_VIEWMODEL) too.", VF_VIEWENTITY}, {"VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR", "const float", CS|MENU, "The texture name to write colour info into, this includes both 3d and 2d drawing.\nAdditional arguments are: format (rgba8=1,rgba16f=2,rgba32f=3), sizexy.\nWritten to by both 3d and 2d rendering.\nNote that any rendertarget textures may be destroyed on video mode changes or so. Shaders can name render targets by prefixing texture names with '$rt:', or $sourcecolour.", VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR0}, // {"VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR1", "const float", CS|MENU, "Like VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR, for multiple render targets.", VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR1}, // {"VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR2", "const float", CS|MENU, "Like VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR, for multiple render targets.", VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR2}, // {"VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR3", "const float", CS|MENU, "Like VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR, for multiple render targets.", VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR3}, // {"VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR4", "const float", CS|MENU, "Like VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR, for multiple render targets.", VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR4}, // {"VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR5", "const float", CS|MENU, "Like VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR, for multiple render targets.", VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR5}, // {"VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR6", "const float", CS|MENU, "Like VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR, for multiple render targets.", VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR6}, // {"VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR7", "const float", CS|MENU, "Like VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR, for multiple render targets.", VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR7}, {"VF_RT_SOURCECOLOUR", "const float", CS|MENU, "The texture name to use with shaders that specify a $sourcecolour map.", VF_RT_SOURCECOLOUR}, {"VF_RT_DEPTH", "const float", CS|MENU, "The texture name to use as a depth buffer. Also used for shaders that specify $sourcedepth. 1-based. Additional arguments are: format (16bit=4,24bit=5,32bit=6), sizexy.", VF_RT_DEPTH}, {"VF_RT_RIPPLE", "const float", CS|MENU, "The texture name to use as a ripplemap (target for shaders with 'sort ripple'). Also used for shaders that specify $ripplemap. 1-based. Additional arguments are: format, sizexy.", VF_RT_RIPPLE}, {"RF_VIEWMODEL", "const float", CS, "Specifies that the entity is a view model, and that its origin is relative to the current view position. These entities are also subject to viewweapon bob.", CSQCRF_VIEWMODEL}, {"RF_EXTERNALMODEL", "const float", CS, "Specifies that this entity should be displayed in mirrors (and may still cast shadows), but will not otherwise be visible.", CSQCRF_EXTERNALMODEL}, {"RF_DEPTHHACK", "const float", CS|MENU, "Hacks the depth values such that the entity uses depth values as if it were closer to the screen. This is useful when combined with viewmodels to avoid weapons poking in to walls.", CSQCRF_DEPTHHACK}, {"RF_ADDITIVE", "const float", CS|MENU, "Shaders from this entity will temporarily be hacked to use an additive blend mode instead of their normal blend mode.", CSQCRF_ADDITIVE}, {"RF_USEAXIS", "const float", CS, "The entity will be oriented according to the current v_forward+v_right+v_up vector values instead of the entity's .angles field.", CSQCRF_USEAXIS}, {"RF_NOSHADOW", "const float", CS, "This entity will not cast shadows. Often useful on view models.", CSQCRF_NOSHADOW}, {"RF_FRAMETIMESARESTARTTIMES","const float", CS, "Specifies that the frame1time, frame2time field are timestamps (denoting the start of the animation) rather than time into the animation.", CSQCRF_FRAMETIMESARESTARTTIMES}, {"IE_KEYDOWN", "const float", CS, "Specifies that a key was pressed. Second argument is the scan code. Third argument is the unicode (printable) char value. Fourth argument denotes which keyboard(or mouse, if its a mouse 'scan' key) the event came from. Note that some systems may completely separate scan codes and unicode values, with a 0 value for the unspecified argument.", CSIE_KEYDOWN}, {"IE_KEYUP", "const float", CS, "Specifies that a key was released. Arguments are the same as IE_KEYDOWN. On some systems, this may be fired instantly after IE_KEYDOWN was fired.", CSIE_KEYUP}, {"IE_MOUSEDELTA", "const float", CS, "Specifies that a mouse was moved (touch screens and tablets typically give IE_MOUSEABS events instead, use _windowed_mouse 0 to test code to cope with either). Second argument is the X displacement, third argument is the Y displacement. Fourth argument is which mouse or touch event triggered the event.", CSIE_MOUSEDELTA}, {"IE_MOUSEABS", "const float", CS, "Specifies that a mouse cursor or touch event was moved to a specific location relative to the virtual screen space. Second argument is the new X position, third argument is the new Y position. Fourth argument is which mouse or touch event triggered the event.", CSIE_MOUSEABS}, {"IE_ACCELEROMETER", "const float", CS, NULL, CSIE_ACCELEROMETER}, {"IE_FOCUS", "const float", CS, "Specifies that input focus was given. parama says mouse focus, paramb says keyboard focus. If either are -1, then it is unchanged.", CSIE_FOCUS}, {"IE_JOYAXIS", "const float", CS, "Specifies that what value a joystick/controller axis currently specifies. x=axis, y=value. Will be called multiple times, once for each axis of each active controller.", CSIE_JOYAXIS}, {"CLIENTTYPE_DISCONNECTED","const float", QW|NQ, "Return value from clienttype() builtin. This entity is a player slot that is currently empty.", CLIENTTYPE_DISCONNECTED}, {"CLIENTTYPE_REAL", "const float", QW|NQ, "This is a real player, and not a bot.", CLIENTTYPE_REAL}, {"CLIENTTYPE_BOT", "const float", QW|NQ, "This player slot does not correlate to a real player, any messages sent to this client will be ignored.", CLIENTTYPE_BOT}, {"CLIENTTYPE_NOTACLIENT","const float",QW|NQ, "This entity is not even a player slot. This is typically an error condition.", CLIENTTYPE_NOTACLIENT}, {"FILE_READ", "const float", ALL, "The file may be read via fgets to read a single line at a time.", FRIK_FILE_READ}, {"FILE_APPEND", "const float", ALL, "Like FILE_WRITE, but writing starts at the end of the file.", FRIK_FILE_APPEND}, {"FILE_WRITE", "const float", ALL, "fputs will be used to write to the file.", FRIK_FILE_WRITE}, {"FILE_READNL", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, "Like FILE_READ, except newlines are not special. fgets reads the entire file into a tempstring.", FRIK_FILE_READNL}, {"FILE_MMAP_READ", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, "The file will be loaded into memory. fgets returns a pointer to the first byte (and will always return the same value for this file). Cast this to your datatype.", FRIK_FILE_MMAP_READ}, {"FILE_MMAP_RW", "const float", QW|NQ|CS, "Like FILE_MMAP_READ, except any changes to the data will be written back to disk once the file is closed.", FRIK_FILE_MMAP_RW}, {"MASK_ENGINE", "const float", CS, "Valid as an argument for addentities. If specified, all non-csqc entities will be added to the scene.", MASK_DELTA}, {"MASK_VIEWMODEL", "const float", CS, "Valid as an argument for addentities. If specified, the regular engine viewmodel will be added to the scene.", MASK_STDVIEWMODEL}, {"PREDRAW_AUTOADD", "const float", CS, "Valid as a return value from the predraw function. Returning this will cause the engine to automatically invoke addentity(self) for you.", false}, {"PREDRAW_NEXT", "const float", CS, "Valid as a return value from the predraw function. Returning this will simply move on to the next entity without the autoadd behaviour, so can be used for particle/invisible/special entites, or entities that were explicitly drawn with addentity.", true}, {"LFIELD_ORIGIN", "const float", CS, NULL, lfield_origin}, {"LFIELD_COLOUR", "const float", CS, NULL, lfield_colour}, {"LFIELD_RADIUS", "const float", CS, NULL, lfield_radius}, {"LFIELD_FLAGS", "const float", CS, NULL, lfield_flags}, {"LFIELD_STYLE", "const float", CS, NULL, lfield_style}, {"LFIELD_ANGLES", "const float", CS, NULL, lfield_angles}, {"LFIELD_FOV", "const float", CS, NULL, lfield_fov}, {"LFIELD_CORONA", "const float", CS, NULL, lfield_corona}, {"LFIELD_CORONASCALE", "const float", CS, NULL, lfield_coronascale}, {"LFIELD_CUBEMAPNAME", "const float", CS, NULL, lfield_cubemapname}, {"LFIELD_AMBIENTSCALE", "const float", CS, NULL, lfield_ambientscale}, {"LFIELD_DIFFUSESCALE", "const float", CS, NULL, lfield_diffusescale}, {"LFIELD_SPECULARSCALE","const float", CS, NULL, lfield_specularscale}, {"LFIELD_ROTATION", "const float", CS, NULL, lfield_rotation}, {"LFLAG_NORMALMODE", "const float", CS, NULL, LFLAG_NORMALMODE}, {"LFLAG_REALTIMEMODE", "const float", CS, NULL, LFLAG_REALTIMEMODE}, {"LFLAG_LIGHTMAP", "const float", CS, NULL, LFLAG_LIGHTMAP}, {"LFLAG_FLASHBLEND", "const float", CS, NULL, LFLAG_FLASHBLEND}, {"LFLAG_NOSHADOWS", "const float", CS, NULL, LFLAG_NOSHADOWS}, {"LFLAG_SHADOWMAP", "const float", CS, NULL, LFLAG_SHADOWMAP}, {"LFLAG_CREPUSCULAR", "const float", CS, NULL, LFLAG_CREPUSCULAR}, {"TEREDIT_RELOAD", "const float", CS, NULL, ter_reload}, {"TEREDIT_SAVE", "const float", CS, NULL, ter_save}, {"TEREDIT_SETHOLE", "const float", CS, NULL, ter_sethole}, {"TEREDIT_HEIGHT_SET", "const float", CS, NULL, ter_height_set}, {"TEREDIT_HEIGHT_SMOOTH","const float",CS, NULL, ter_height_smooth}, {"TEREDIT_HEIGHT_SPREAD","const float",CS, NULL, ter_height_spread}, {"TEREDIT_HEIGHT_RAISE","const float", CS, NULL, ter_raise}, {"TEREDIT_HEIGHT_FLATTEN","const float", CS, NULL, ter_height_flatten}, {"TEREDIT_HEIGHT_LOWER","const float", CS, NULL, ter_lower}, {"TEREDIT_TEX_KILL", "const float", CS, NULL, ter_tex_kill}, {"TEREDIT_TEX_GET", "const float", CS, NULL, ter_tex_get}, {"TEREDIT_TEX_BLEND", "const float", CS, NULL, ter_tex_blend}, {"TEREDIT_TEX_UNIFY", "const float", CS, NULL, ter_tex_concentrate}, {"TEREDIT_TEX_NOISE", "const float", CS, NULL, ter_tex_noise}, {"TEREDIT_TEX_BLUR", "const float", CS, NULL, ter_tex_blur}, {"TEREDIT_WATER_SET", "const float", CS, NULL, ter_water_set}, {"TEREDIT_MESH_ADD", "const float", CS, NULL, ter_mesh_add}, {"TEREDIT_MESH_KILL", "const float", CS, NULL, ter_mesh_kill}, {"TEREDIT_TINT", "const float", CS, NULL, ter_tint}, {"TEREDIT_TEX_REPLACE", "const float", CS, NULL, ter_tex_replace}, {"TEREDIT_RESET_SECT", "const float", CS, NULL, ter_reset}, {"TEREDIT_RELOAD_SECT", "const float", CS, NULL, ter_reloadsect}, {"SLIST_HOSTCACHEVIEWCOUNT", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, SLIST_HOSTCACHEVIEWCOUNT}, {"SLIST_HOSTCACHETOTALCOUNT", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, SLIST_HOSTCACHETOTALCOUNT}, {"SLIST_MASTERQUERYCOUNT", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, SLIST_MASTERQUERYCOUNT}, {"SLIST_MASTERREPLYCOUNT", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, SLIST_MASTERREPLYCOUNT}, {"SLIST_SERVERQUERYCOUNT", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, SLIST_SERVERQUERYCOUNT}, {"SLIST_SERVERREPLYCOUNT", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, SLIST_SERVERREPLYCOUNT}, {"SLIST_SORTFIELD", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, SLIST_SORTFIELD}, {"SLIST_SORTDESCENDING", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, SLIST_SORTDESCENDING}, {"SLIST_TEST_CONTAINS", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, SLIST_TEST_CONTAINS}, {"SLIST_TEST_NOTCONTAIN", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, SLIST_TEST_NOTCONTAIN}, {"SLIST_TEST_LESSEQUAL", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, SLIST_TEST_LESSEQUAL}, {"SLIST_TEST_LESS", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, SLIST_TEST_LESS}, {"SLIST_TEST_EQUAL", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, SLIST_TEST_EQUAL}, {"SLIST_TEST_GREATER", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, SLIST_TEST_GREATER}, {"SLIST_TEST_GREATEREQUAL", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, SLIST_TEST_GREATEREQUAL}, {"SLIST_TEST_NOTEQUAL", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, SLIST_TEST_NOTEQUAL}, {"SLIST_TEST_STARTSWITH", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, SLIST_TEST_STARTSWITH}, {"SLIST_TEST_NOTSTARTSWITH", "const float", CS|MENU, NULL, SLIST_TEST_NOTSTARTSWITH}, {NULL} }; #define DUMPHELP \ "Available options:\n" \ "-Ffte - target only FTE (optimations and additional extensions)\n" \ "-Tnq - dump specifically NQ fields\n" \ "-Tqw - dump specifically QW fields\n" \ "-Tcs - dump specifically CSQC fields\n" \ "-Tmenu - dump specifically menuqc fields\n" \ "-Fdefines - generate #defines instead of constants\n" \ "-Faccessors - use accessors instead of basic types via defines\n" \ "-O - write to a different qc file\n" targ = 0; for (i = 1; i < Cmd_Argc(); i++) { char *arg = Cmd_Argv(i); if (!stricmp(arg, "-Ffte")) targ |= FTE; else if (!stricmp(arg, "-Tnq")) targ |= NQ; else if (!stricmp(arg, "-Tcs")) targ |= CS; else if (!stricmp(arg, "-Tqw")) targ |= QW; else if (!stricmp(arg, "-Tmenu")) targ |= MENU; else if (!stricmp(arg, "-Th2")) targ |= H2; else if (!stricmp(arg, "-Fdefines")) defines = true; else if (!stricmp(arg, "-Fnodefines")) defines = false; else if (!stricmp(arg, "-Faccessors")) accessors = true; else if (!stricmp(arg, "-Fnoaccessors")) accessors = false; else if (!Q_strncasecmp(arg, "-O", 2)) { if (arg[2]) fname = arg+2; else fname = Cmd_Argv(++i); } else { Con_Printf("Unknown argument \"%s\"\n" DUMPHELP, arg); return; } } if (!(targ & ALL)) targ |= (QW|NQ|CS|MENU); if (!*fname) fname = "fteextensions"; fname = va("%s/%s.qc", pr_sourcedir.string, fname); FS_NativePath(fname, FS_GAMEONLY, dbgfname, sizeof(dbgfname)); FS_CreatePath(fname, FS_GAMEONLY); f = FS_OpenVFS(fname, "wb", FS_GAMEONLY); if (!f) { Con_Printf("Unable to create \"%s\"\n", dbgfname); return; } VFS_PRINTF(f, "/*\n" "This file was automatically generated by %s v%i.%02i\n" "This file can be regenerated by issuing the following command:\n" "%s %s\n" "Available options:\n" "-Ffte - target only FTE (optimations and additional extensions)\n" "-Tnq - dump specifically NQ fields\n" "-Tqw - dump specifically QW fields\n" "-Tcs - dump specifically CSQC fields\n" "-Tmenu - dump specifically menuqc fields\n" "-Fdefines - generate #defines instead of constants\n" "-Faccessors - use accessors instead of basic types via defines\n" "-O - write to a different qc file\n" "*/\n" , FULLENGINENAME, FTE_VER_MAJOR, FTE_VER_MINOR, Cmd_Argv(0), Cmd_Args()); VFS_PRINTF(f, "#pragma noref 1\n"); VFS_PRINTF(f, "#pragma warning error Q101 /*too many parms*/\n"); VFS_PRINTF(f, "#pragma warning error Q105 /*too few parms*/\n"); VFS_PRINTF(f, "#pragma warning error Q208 /*system crc unknown*/\n"); VFS_PRINTF(f, "#pragma warning enable F301 /*non-utf-8 strings*/\n"); VFS_PRINTF(f, "#pragma warning enable F302 /*uninitialised locals*/\n"); if ((targ&ALL) == H2) { if (targ&FTE) VFS_PRINTF(f, "#pragma target FTEH2\n"); else VFS_PRINTF(f, "#pragma target H2\n"); } else { if (targ&FTE) VFS_PRINTF(f, "#pragma target FTE\n"); } if ((targ&ALL) == CS) VFS_PRINTF(f, "#ifndef CSQC\n" "#define CSQC\n" "#endif\n" ); else if ((targ&ALL) == NQ) VFS_PRINTF(f, "#ifndef NETQUAKE\n" "#define NETQUAKE\n" "#endif\n" "#ifndef NQSSQC\n" "#define NQSSQC\n" "#endif\n" "#ifndef SSQC\n" "#define SSQC\n" "#endif\n" ); else if ((targ&ALL) == QW) VFS_PRINTF(f, "#ifndef QUAKEWORLD\n" "#define QUAKEWORLD\n" "#endif\n" "#ifndef QWSSQC\n" "#define QWSSQC\n" "#endif\n" "#ifndef SSQC\n" "#define SSQC\n" "#endif\n" ); else if ((targ&ALL) == MENU) VFS_PRINTF(f, "#ifndef MENU\n" "#define MENU\n" "#endif\n" ); else VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if !defined(CSQC) && !defined(NQSSQC) && !defined(QWSSQC)&& !defined(MENU)\n" "#ifdef QUAKEWORLD\n" "#define QWSSQC\n" "#else\n" "#define NQSSQC\n" "#endif\n" "#endif\n" "#if !defined(SSQC) && (defined(QWSSQC) || defined(NQSSQC))\n" "#define SSQC\n" "#endif\n" ); if (accessors) { VFS_PRINTF(f, "accessor strbuf : float;\n"); VFS_PRINTF(f, "accessor searchhandle : float;\n"); VFS_PRINTF(f, "accessor hashtable : float;\n"); VFS_PRINTF(f, "accessor infostring : string;\n"); VFS_PRINTF(f, "accessor filestream : float;\n"); } else { VFS_PRINTF(f, "#define strbuf float\n"); VFS_PRINTF(f, "#define searchhandle float\n"); VFS_PRINTF(f, "#define hashtable float\n"); VFS_PRINTF(f, "#define infostring string\n"); VFS_PRINTF(f, "#define filestream float\n"); } for (i = 0; knowndefs[i].name; i++) { for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (!strcmp(knowndefs[i].name, knowndefs[j].name)) knowndefs[i].module &= ~knowndefs[j].module; /*clear the flag on the later dupe def*/ } } d = ALL & ~targ; for (i = 0; knowndefs[i].name; i++) { nd = (knowndefs[i].module & targ) | (~targ & ALL); if (!(nd & targ)) continue; if ((nd&targ) != (d&targ)) { if (d != (ALL & ~targ)) VFS_PRINTF(f, "#endif\n"); if (((nd | (~targ)) & ALL) == ALL) d = ALL & ~targ; //every part of the target is specified, so don't do the ifdef thing. else { d = nd; switch(d & (ALL & targ)) { case 0: continue; case QW: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(QWSSQC)\n"); break; case NQ: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(NQSSQC)\n"); break; case QW|NQ: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#ifdef SSQC\n"); break; case CS: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#ifdef CSQC\n"); break; case QW|CS: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(CSQC) || defined(QWSSQC)\n"); break; case NQ|CS: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(CSQC) || defined(NQSSQC)\n"); break; case NQ|CS|QW: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(CSQC) || defined(SSQC)\n"); break; case MENU: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#ifdef MENU\n"); break; case QW|MENU: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(QWSSQC) || defined(MENU)\n"); break; case NQ|MENU: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(NQSSQC) || defined(MENU)\n"); break; case QW|NQ|MENU: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(SSQC) || defined(MENU)\n"); break; case CS|MENU: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(CSQC) || defined(MENU)\n"); break; case QW|CS|MENU: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(CSQC) || defined(QWSSQC) || defined(MENU)\n"); break; case NQ|CS|MENU: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(CSQC) || defined(NQSSQC) || defined(MENU)\n"); break; case ALL: break; } } } if (knowndefs[i].desc) { if (!strncmp(knowndefs[i].type, "//", 2)) comment = va("\n/* %s */", knowndefs[i].desc); else comment = va("\t/* %s */", knowndefs[i].desc); } else comment = ""; if (!strcmp(knowndefs[i].type, "const float")) { if (knowndefs[i].value >= (1<<23)) { if (defines) VFS_PRINTF(f, "#define %s %i%s\n", knowndefs[i].name, (int)knowndefs[i].value, comment); else VFS_PRINTF(f, "%s %s = %i;%s\n", knowndefs[i].type, knowndefs[i].name, (int)knowndefs[i].value, comment); } else { if (defines) VFS_PRINTF(f, "#define %s %g%s\n", knowndefs[i].name, knowndefs[i].value, comment); else VFS_PRINTF(f, "%s %s = %g;%s\n", knowndefs[i].type, knowndefs[i].name, knowndefs[i].value, comment); } } else if (!strcmp(knowndefs[i].type, "const string")) { if (defines) VFS_PRINTF(f, "#define %s %s%s\n", knowndefs[i].name, knowndefs[i].valuestr, comment); else VFS_PRINTF(f, "%s %s = %s;%s\n", knowndefs[i].type, knowndefs[i].name, knowndefs[i].valuestr, comment); } else if (knowndefs[i].valuestr) { VFS_PRINTF(f, "%s %s = %s;%s\n", knowndefs[i].type, knowndefs[i].name, knowndefs[i].valuestr, comment); } else if (knowndefs[i].value) { VFS_PRINTF(f, "%s %s = %g;%s\n", knowndefs[i].type, knowndefs[i].name, knowndefs[i].value, comment); } else VFS_PRINTF(f, "%s %s;%s\n", knowndefs[i].type, knowndefs[i].name, comment); } for (i = 0; BuiltinList[i].name; i++) { if (BuiltinList[i].obsolete) continue; idx = 0; if (BuiltinList[i].ebfsnum) idx = BuiltinList[i].ebfsnum; else if (BuiltinList[i].nqnum) idx = BuiltinList[i].nqnum; else if (BuiltinList[i].qwnum) idx = BuiltinList[i].qwnum; else if (BuiltinList[i].h2num) idx = BuiltinList[i].h2num; else idx = 0; nd = 0; if (BuiltinList[i].bifunc != PF_Fixme && BuiltinList[i].bifunc != PF_Ignore) { if (BuiltinList[i].ebfsnum == idx) nd |= NQ|QW; if (BuiltinList[i].nqnum == idx) nd |= NQ; if (BuiltinList[i].qwnum == idx) nd |= QW; if (BuiltinList[i].h2num == idx) nd |= H2; } if (idx) { if (PR_CSQC_BuiltinValid(BuiltinList[i].name, idx)) nd |= CS; #ifdef MENU_DAT if (MP_BuiltinValid(BuiltinList[i].name, idx)) nd |= MENU; #endif if (!nd) { /*no idea what its for*/ BuiltinList[i].obsolete = true; nd = d; /*don't switch ifdefs*/ } nd |= (~targ & ALL); if (!(nd & targ)) continue; if ((nd&targ) != (d&targ)) { if (d != (ALL & ~targ)) VFS_PRINTF(f, "#endif\n"); if (((nd | (~targ)) & ALL) == ALL) d = ALL & ~targ; else { d = nd; switch(d & (ALL & targ)) { case 0: continue; case QW: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(QWSSQC)\n"); break; case NQ: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(NQSSQC)\n"); break; case QW|NQ: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#ifdef SSQC\n"); break; case CS: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#ifdef CSQC\n"); break; case QW|CS: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(CSQC) || defined(QWSSQC)\n"); break; case NQ|CS: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(CSQC) || defined(NQSSQC)\n"); break; case NQ|CS|QW: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(CSQC) || defined(SSQC)\n"); break; case MENU: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#ifdef MENU\n"); break; case QW|MENU: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(QWSSQC) || defined(MENU)\n"); break; case NQ|MENU: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(NQSSQC) || defined(MENU)\n"); break; case QW|NQ|MENU: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(SSQC) || defined(MENU)\n"); break; case CS|MENU: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(CSQC) || defined(MENU)\n"); break; case QW|CS|MENU: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(CSQC) || defined(QWSSQC) || defined(MENU)\n"); break; case NQ|CS|MENU: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(CSQC) || defined(NQSSQC) || defined(MENU)\n"); break; case H2: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#ifdef H2\n"); break; case H2|QW: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(H2) || defined(QWSSQC)\n"); break; case H2|NQ: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(H2) || defined(NQSSQC)\n"); break; case H2|QW|NQ: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(H2) || defined(SSQC)\n"); break; case H2|CS: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(H2) || defined(CSQC)\n"); break; case H2|QW|CS: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(H2) || defined(CSQC) || defined(QWSSQC)\n"); break; case H2|NQ|CS: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(H2) || defined(CSQC) || defined(NQSSQC)\n"); break; case H2|NQ|CS|QW: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(H2) || defined(CSQC) || defined(SSQC)\n"); break; case H2|MENU: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(H2) || defined(MENU)\n"); break; case H2|QW|MENU: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(H2) || defined(QWSSQC) || defined(MENU)\n"); break; case H2|NQ|MENU: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(H2) || defined(NQSSQC) || defined(MENU)\n"); break; case H2|QW|NQ|MENU: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(H2) || defined(SSQC) || defined(MENU)\n"); break; case H2|CS|MENU: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(H2) || defined(CSQC) || defined(MENU)\n"); break; case H2|QW|CS|MENU: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(H2) || defined(CSQC) || defined(QWSSQC) || defined(MENU)\n"); break; case H2|NQ|CS|MENU: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(H2) || defined(CSQC) || defined(NQSSQC) || defined(MENU)\n"); break; case ALL: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if 1\n"); break; default: VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if 0 //???\n"); break; } } } VFS_PRINTF(f, "%s%s %s = #%u;", BuiltinList[i].obsolete?"//":"", BuiltinList[i].prototype, BuiltinList[i].name, idx); nd = 0; for (j = 0; j < QSG_Extensions_count; j++) { for (k = 0; k < QSG_Extensions[j].numbuiltins; k++) { if (!strcmp(QSG_Extensions[j].builtinnames[k], BuiltinList[i].name)) { if (!nd) VFS_PRINTF(f, " /* Part of "); else VFS_PRINTF(f, ", "); nd++; VFS_PRINTF(f, "%s", QSG_Extensions[j].name); } } } if (BuiltinList[i].biglongdesc) { char *line = BuiltinList[i].biglongdesc; char *term; if (!nd) VFS_PRINTF(f, " /*"); while(*line) { VFS_PRINTF(f, "\n\t\t"); term = line; while(*term && *term != '\n') term++; VFS_WRITE(f, line, term - line); if (*term == '\n') { term++; } line = term; } VFS_PRINTF(f, " */\n\n"); } else if (nd) VFS_PRINTF(f, "*/\n"); else VFS_PRINTF(f, "\n"); } } if (d != (ALL & ~targ)) VFS_PRINTF(f, "#endif\n"); if (targ & (CS|MENU)) { VFS_PRINTF(f, "#if defined(CSQC) || defined(MENU)\n"); Key_PrintQCDefines(f); VFS_PRINTF(f, "#endif\n"); } if (accessors) { VFS_PRINTF(f, "accessor strbuf : float\n{\n" "\tget float asfloat[float idx] = {return stof(bufstr_get(this, idx));};\n" "\tset float asfloat[float idx] = {bufstr_set(this, idx, ftos(value));};\n" "\tget string[float] = bufstr_get;\n" "\tset string[float] = bufstr_set;\n" "\tget float length = buf_getsize;\n" "};\n"); VFS_PRINTF(f, "accessor searchhandle : float\n{\n" "\tget string[float] = search_getfilename;\n" "\tget float length = search_getsize;\n" "};\n"); VFS_PRINTF(f, "accessor hashtable : float\n{\n" "\tget vector v[string key] = {return hash_get(this, key, '0 0 0', EV_VECTOR);};\n" "\tset vector v[string key] = {hash_add(this, key, value, 1, EV_VECTOR);};\n" "\tget string s[string key] = {return hash_get(this, key, \"\", EV_STRING);};\n" "\tset string s[string key] = {hash_add(this, key, value, 1, EV_STRING);};\n" "\tget string f[string key] = {return hash_get(this, key, 0.0, EV_FLOAT);};\n" "\tset string f[string key] = {hash_add(this, key, value, 1, EV_FLOAT);};\n" "\tget __variant[string key] = {return hash_get(this, key, __NULL__);};\n" "\tset __variant[string key] = {hash_add(this, key, value, 1);};\n" "};\n"); VFS_PRINTF(f, "accessor infostring : string\n{\n" "\tget string[string] = infoget;\n" "};\n"); VFS_PRINTF(f, "accessor filestream : float\n{\n" "\tget string = fgets;\n" "\tset string = {fputs(this,value);};\n" "};\n"); } VFS_PRINTF(f, "#pragma noref 0\n"); VFS_CLOSE(f); Con_Printf("Written \"%s\"\n", dbgfname); #endif } #endif