//contains routines for blending images (as well as blitting 32bit to 8bit type stuff) #include "quakedef.h" #include "d_local.h" #include "r_local.h" void MakeVideoPalette(void); int t_numtables; qbyte p1multitable[] = {1, 99, 49, 97, 48, 19, 47, 93, 23, 91, 9, 89, 22, 87, 43, 17, 21, 83, 41, 81, 4, 79, 39, 77, 19, 3, 37, 73, 18, 71, 7, 69, 17, 67, 33, 13, 16, 63, 31, 61, 3, 59, 29, 57, 14, 11, 27, 53, 13, 51, 1, 49, 12, 47, 23, 9, 11, 43, 21, 41, 2, 39, 19, 37, 9, 7, 17, 33, 8, 31, 3, 29, 7, 27, 13, 1, 6, 23, 11, 21, 1, 19, 9, 17, 4, 3, 7, 13, 3, 11, 1, 9, 2, 7, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0}; qbyte p2multitable[] = {0, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 7, 2, 9, 1, 11, 3, 13, 7, 3, 4, 17, 9, 19, 1, 21, 11, 23, 6, 1, 13, 27, 7, 29, 3, 31, 8, 33, 17, 7, 9, 37, 19, 39, 2, 41, 21, 43, 11, 9, 23, 47, 12, 49, 1, 51, 13, 53, 27, 11, 14, 57, 29, 59, 3, 61, 31, 63, 16, 13, 33, 67, 17, 69, 7, 71, 18, 73, 37, 3, 19, 77, 39, 79, 4, 81, 41, 83, 21, 17, 43, 87, 22, 89, 9, 91, 23, 93, 47, 19, 24, 97, 49, 99, 1}; tlookup *t_lookup; tlookupp *t_curlookupp; int t_curtable; int t_numtables; int t_numtablesinv;//numtables/65546 int t_state; #define palette host_basepal #define _abs(x) ((x)*(x)) void R_ReverseTable(int table) { int p, p2, temp; for (p = 0; p < 256; p++) for (p2 = p+1; p2 < 256; p2++) { temp = (t_lookup[table])[p][p2]; (t_lookup[table])[p][p2] = (t_lookup[table])[p2][p]; (t_lookup[table])[p2][p] = temp; } } void R_CalcTransTable(int table, int level) { FILE * f; int p; int p2; int r, g, b, j; int i; unsigned char *pa; int m, rvr; int dif, curdif; qbyte p1multi; qbyte p2multi; qbyte pixdivide; p1multi = p1multitable[level]; p2multi = p2multitable[level]; pixdivide = p1multi + p2multi; if (level > 99) // trivial generate for p2 { for (p = 0; p < 256; p++) for (p2 = 0; p2 < 256; p2++) (t_lookup[table])[p][p2] = p2; return; } if (level < 1) // trivial generate for p { for (p = 0; p < 256; p++) for (p2 = 0; p2 < 256; p2++) (t_lookup[table])[p][p2] = p; return; } if (level > 50) { level = 100 - level; rvr = 1; } else rvr = 0; COM_FOpenFile (va("data/ttable%i.dat", (int) level) , &f); //we can ignore the filesize return value if (f) { if (fread (t_lookup[table], 256, 256, f) == 256) { if (rvr) R_ReverseTable(table); fclose(f); return; } fclose(f); } Con_Printf("Generating transtable %i%%\n", level); for (p = 0; p < 256; p++) { j = p*3; for (p2 = 0; p2 < 256; p2++) { dif = 0x7fffffff; m=0; i = p2*3; r = (palette[j+0] * p1multi + palette[i+0] * p2multi) / pixdivide; g = (palette[j+1] * p1multi + palette[i+1] * p2multi) / pixdivide; b = (palette[j+2] * p1multi + palette[i+2] * p2multi) / pixdivide; for (i = 0,pa=palette; i < 256-16; i++,pa+=3) { curdif = _abs(r - pa[0]) + _abs(g - pa[1]) + _abs(b - pa[2]); if (curdif <= 0) //force 0 { m = i; break; } if (curdif < dif) { dif = curdif; m = i; } } (t_lookup[table])[p][p2] = m; } } if (r_transtablewrite.value) { COM_CreatePath(va("%s/data/", com_gamedir)); #if 1 f = fopen (va("%s/data/ttable%i.dat", com_gamedir, (int) level), "wb"); if (f) { if (fwrite (t_lookup[table], 256, 256, f) != 256) { Con_Printf("Couldn't write data to \"data/ttable%i.dat\"\n", (int) level); fclose(f); if (rvr) R_ReverseTable(table); // make sure it gets reversed if needed return; } fclose(f); } else Con_Printf("Couldn't write data to \"data/ttable%i.dat\"\n", (int) level); #else COM_WriteFile(va("data/ttable%i.dat", (int)level, t_lookup[table], 256*256); #endif } if (rvr) // just reverse it here instead of having to do reversed writes R_ReverseTable(table); } void D_InitTrans(void) { int i; int table; if (t_lookup) BZ_Free(t_lookup); //no trans palette yet.. Con_SafePrintf("Making/loading transparency lookup tables\nPlease wait...\n"); MakeVideoPalette(); t_numtables = 5; i = r_transtables.value; if (i > 0 && i < 50) // might need a max bound sanity check here { t_numtables = i; } if ((i = COM_CheckParm("-ttables")) != 0) { t_numtables = Q_atoi(com_argv[i+1]); if (t_numtables < 1) t_numtables = 1; if (t_numtables > 50) t_numtables = 50; } t_numtablesinv = ((float)65536/t_numtables)+1;//65546/numtables t_state = TT_ZERO; t_curtable=0; //t_lookup = Hunk_AllocName(sizeof(tlookup)*t_numtables, "Transtables"); t_lookup = BZ_Malloc(sizeof(tlookup)*t_numtables); t_curlookupp = t_lookup[t_curtable]; if (r_transtablehalf.value) { t_state = TT_ZERO|TT_USEHALF; for (table = 0; table < t_numtables; table++) R_CalcTransTable(table, (int)floor(((table+1)/(float)(t_numtables*2+1))*100 + 0.5)); } else { if (t_numtables == 1) R_CalcTransTable(0, 50); else if (t_numtables == 2) { R_CalcTransTable(0, 33); R_CalcTransTable(1, 67); } else { for (table = 0; table < t_numtables; table++) R_CalcTransTable(table, (int)floor(100/((float)(t_numtables-1)/table) + 0.5)); } } Con_Printf("Done\n"); } #ifndef Trans byte _fastcall Trans(byte p, byte p2) { return t_curlookupp[p][p2]; } #endif /* void Set_TransLevelI(int level) { t_curtable = level/(100.0f/(t_numtables-1)); t_curlookupp = t_lookup[t_curtable]; } */ void Set_TransLevelF(float level) //MUST be between 0 and 1 { if (level>1) level = 1; if (t_state & TT_USEHALF) { t_state = TT_ZERO; t_curtable = floor(level*(t_numtables*2+1) + 0.5); if (t_curtable > t_numtables) { t_curtable = (t_numtables*2+1)-t_curtable; t_state = TT_REVERSE|TT_ONE; } if (t_curtable > 0) { t_state &= ~(TT_ZERO|TT_ONE); t_curlookupp = t_lookup[t_curtable-1]; } t_state |= TT_USEHALF; } else if (t_numtables == 1) { if (level < 0.33) t_state = TT_ZERO; else if (level > 0.67) t_state = TT_ONE; else t_state = 0; } else if (t_numtables == 2) { if (level > 0.75) t_state = TT_ONE; else if (level > 0.50) { t_state = 0; t_curtable = 1; t_curlookupp = t_lookup[t_curtable]; } else if (level > 0.25) { t_state = 0; t_curtable = 0; t_curlookupp = t_lookup[t_curtable]; } else t_state = TT_ZERO; } else { t_curtable = level*t_numtables; if (t_curtable >= t_numtables) t_state = TT_ONE; else if (t_curtable <= 0) t_state = TT_ZERO; else { t_state = 0; t_curlookupp = t_lookup[t_curtable]; } } } qbyte *palxxxto8; int palmask[3]; int palshift[3]; #define FindPallete(r,g,b) palxxxto8[((r&palmask[0])>>palshift[0]) | ((g&palmask[1])<<palshift[1]) | ((b&palmask[2])<<palshift[2])] //#define FindPallete(r,g,b) (pal777to8[r>>1][g>>1][b>>1]) qbyte GetPalette(int red, int green, int blue) { if (palxxxto8) //fast precalculated method return FindPallete(red,green,blue); else //slow, horrible method. { int i, best=15; int bestdif=256*256*256, curdif; extern qbyte *host_basepal; qbyte *pa; #define _abs(x) ((x)*(x)) pa = host_basepal; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++, pa+=3) { curdif = _abs(red - pa[0]) + _abs(green - pa[1]) + _abs(blue - pa[2]); if (curdif < bestdif) { if (curdif<1) return i; bestdif = curdif; best = i; } } return best; } } void MakeVideoPalette(void) { // pal77 *temp; qbyte *temp; int r, g, b; int rs, gs, bs, size; int rstep, gstep, bstep; int gshift, bshift; FILE *f; char filename[11]; if (strlen(r_palconvbits.string) != 3) { // r5g6b5 is default rs = 5; gs = 6; bs = 5; } else { // convert to int rs = r_palconvbits.string[0] - '0'; gs = r_palconvbits.string[1] - '0'; bs = r_palconvbits.string[2] - '0'; // limit to 4-8 (can't have 3 because the forumla breaks) if (rs < 4) rs = 4; else if (rs > 8) rs = 8; if (gs < 4) gs = 4; else if (gs > 8) gs = 8; if (bs < 4) bs = 4; else if (bs > 8) bs = 8; } Q_strcpy(filename, "rgb000.pal"); filename[3] = rs + '0'; filename[4] = gs + '0'; filename[5] = bs + '0'; palshift[0] = 1<<rs; palshift[1] = 1<<gs; palshift[2] = 1<<bs; size = palshift[0]*palshift[1]*palshift[2]; gshift = rs; bshift = rs+gs; rs = 8-rs; gs = 8-gs; bs = 8-bs; rstep = 1<<rs; gstep = 1<<gs; bstep = 1<<bs; palmask[0] = 0xff ^ (rstep - 1); palmask[1] = 0xff ^ (gstep - 1); palmask[2] = 0xff ^ (bstep - 1); palxxxto8 = Hunk_AllocName(size, "RGB data"); if (!palxxxto8) BZ_Free(palxxxto8); palxxxto8 = NULL; temp = BZ_Malloc(size); COM_FOpenFile (filename, &f); if (f) { fread(temp, 1, size, f); //cached fclose(f); palxxxto8 = temp; // update shifts palshift[0] = rs; palshift[1] = (8 - palshift[0]) - gs; palshift[2] = palshift[1] + (8 - bs); return; } rstep >>= 1; gstep >>= 1; bstep >>= 1; for (r = palshift[0] - 1; r >= 0; r--) for (g = palshift[1] - 1; g >= 0; g--) for (b = palshift[2] - 1; b >= 0; b--) { temp[r+(g<<gshift)+(b<<bshift)] = GetPalette((r<<rs)+rstep, (g<<gs)+gstep, (b<<bs)+bstep); } palxxxto8 = temp; // update shifts palshift[0] = rs; palshift[1] = (8 - palshift[0]) - gs; palshift[2] = palshift[1] + (8 - bs); if (r_palconvwrite.value) COM_WriteFile(filename, palxxxto8, size); } void MediaSW_ShowFrame8bit(qbyte *framedata, int inwidth, int inheight, qbyte *palette) { int y, x; D_EnableBackBufferAccess (); // of all overlay stuff if drawing directly if (r_pixbytes == 1) { qbyte *dest, *src; int lines=vid.conheight; int v; int f, fstep; dest = vid.conbuffer; for (y=0 ; y<lines ; y++, dest += vid.conrowbytes) { v = (vid.conheight - lines + y)*inheight/vid.conheight; src = framedata + v*inwidth*4; { f = 0; fstep = ((inwidth)*0x10000)/vid.conwidth; for (x=0 ; x<vid.conwidth ; x+=4) { dest[x] = FindPallete(src[(f>>16)*4], src[(f>>16)*4+1], src[(f>>16)*4+2]); f += fstep; dest[x+1] = FindPallete(src[(f>>16)*4], src[(f>>16)*4+1], src[(f>>16)*4+2]); f += fstep; dest[x+2] = FindPallete(src[(f>>16)*4], src[(f>>16)*4+1], src[(f>>16)*4+2]); f += fstep; dest[x+3] = FindPallete(src[(f>>16)*4], src[(f>>16)*4+1], src[(f>>16)*4+2]); f += fstep; } } } } else if (r_pixbytes == 2) { extern int redbits, redshift; extern int greenbits, greenshift; extern int bluebits, blueshift; unsigned short *dest; qbyte *src; int lines=vid.conheight; int v; int f, fstep; dest = (unsigned short *)vid.conbuffer; for (y=0 ; y<lines ; y++, dest += vid.conrowbytes) { v = (vid.conheight - lines + y)*inheight/vid.conheight; src = framedata + v*inwidth*4; { f = 0; fstep = ((inwidth)*0x10000)/vid.conwidth; for (x=0 ; x<vid.conwidth; x++) //sw 32 bit rendering is bgrx { dest[x] = (((src[(f>>16)*4]*(1<<redbits))/256)<<redshift) + (((src[(f>>16)*4+1]*(1<<greenbits))/256)<<greenshift) + (((src[(f>>16)*4+2]*(1<<bluebits))/256)<<blueshift); f += fstep; } } } } else if (r_pixbytes == 4) { qbyte *dest, *src; int lines=vid.conheight; int v; int f, fstep; dest = vid.conbuffer; for (y=0 ; y<lines ; y++, dest += vid.conrowbytes*4) { v = (vid.conheight - lines + y)*inheight/vid.conheight; src = framedata + v*inwidth*4; { f = 0; fstep = ((inwidth)*0x10000)/vid.conwidth; for (x=0 ; x<vid.conwidth*4 ; x+=4) //sw 32 bit rendering is bgrx { dest[x] = src[(f>>16)*4+2]; dest[x+1] = src[(f>>16)*4+1]; dest[x+2] = src[(f>>16)*4]; f += fstep; } } } } else Sys_Error("24 bit rendering?"); D_DisableBackBufferAccess (); // for adapters that can't stay mapped in SCR_SetUpToDrawConsole(); if (scr_con_current) SCR_DrawConsole (false); M_Draw(0); } void MediaSW_ShowFrameRGBA_32(qbyte *framedata, int inwidth, int inheight) //top down { int y, x; D_EnableBackBufferAccess (); // of all overlay stuff if drawing directly if (r_pixbytes == 1) { qbyte *dest, *src; int lines=vid.conheight; int v; int f, fstep; dest = vid.conbuffer; for (y=0 ; y<lines ; y++, dest += vid.conrowbytes) { v = (vid.conheight - lines + y)*inheight/vid.conheight; src = framedata + v*inwidth*4; { f = 0; fstep = ((inwidth)*0x10000)/vid.conwidth; for (x=0 ; x<vid.conwidth ; x+=4) { dest[x] = FindPallete(src[(f>>16)*4], src[(f>>16)*4+1], src[(f>>16)*4+2]); f += fstep; dest[x+1] = FindPallete(src[(f>>16)*4], src[(f>>16)*4+1], src[(f>>16)*4+2]); f += fstep; dest[x+2] = FindPallete(src[(f>>16)*4], src[(f>>16)*4+1], src[(f>>16)*4+2]); f += fstep; dest[x+3] = FindPallete(src[(f>>16)*4], src[(f>>16)*4+1], src[(f>>16)*4+2]); f += fstep; } } } } else if (r_pixbytes == 2) { extern int redbits, redshift; extern int greenbits, greenshift; extern int bluebits, blueshift; unsigned short *dest; qbyte *src; int lines=vid.conheight; int v; int f, fstep; dest = (unsigned short *)vid.conbuffer; for (y=0 ; y<lines ; y++, dest += vid.conrowbytes) { v = (vid.conheight - lines + y)*inheight/vid.conheight; src = framedata + v*inwidth*4; { f = 0; fstep = ((inwidth)*0x10000)/vid.conwidth; for (x=0 ; x<vid.conwidth; x++) //sw 32 bit rendering is bgrx { dest[x] = (((src[(f>>16)*4]*(1<<redbits))/256)<<redshift) + (((src[(f>>16)*4+1]*(1<<greenbits))/256)<<greenshift) + (((src[(f>>16)*4+2]*(1<<bluebits))/256)<<blueshift); f += fstep; } } } } else if (r_pixbytes == 4) { qbyte *dest, *src; int lines=vid.conheight; int v; int f, fstep; dest = vid.conbuffer; for (y=0 ; y<lines ; y++, dest += vid.conrowbytes*4) { v = (vid.conheight - lines + y)*inheight/vid.conheight; src = framedata + v*inwidth*4; { f = 0; fstep = ((inwidth)*0x10000)/vid.conwidth; for (x=0 ; x<vid.conwidth*4 ; x+=4) //sw 32 bit rendering is bgrx { dest[x] = src[(f>>16)*4+2]; dest[x+1] = src[(f>>16)*4+1]; dest[x+2] = src[(f>>16)*4]; f += fstep; } } } } else Sys_Error("24 bit rendering?"); D_DisableBackBufferAccess (); // for adapters that can't stay mapped in SCR_SetUpToDrawConsole(); if (scr_con_current) SCR_DrawConsole (false); } void MediaSW_ShowFrameBGR_24_Flip(qbyte *framedata, int inwidth, int inheight) //input is bottom up... { int y, x; D_EnableBackBufferAccess (); // of all overlay stuff if drawing directly if (r_pixbytes == 1) { qbyte *dest, *src; int lines=vid.conheight; int v; int f, fstep; dest = vid.conbuffer; for (y=0 ; y<lines ; y++, dest += vid.conrowbytes) { v = (lines - y)*inheight/vid.conheight; src = framedata + v*inwidth*3; { f = 0; fstep = ((inwidth)*0x10000)/vid.conwidth; for (x=0 ; x<vid.conwidth ; x+=4) { dest[x] = FindPallete(src[(f>>16)*3+2], src[(f>>16)*3+1], src[(f>>16)*3]); f += fstep; dest[x+1] = FindPallete(src[(f>>16)*3+2], src[(f>>16)*3+1], src[(f>>16)*3]); f += fstep; dest[x+2] = FindPallete(src[(f>>16)*3+2], src[(f>>16)*3+1], src[(f>>16)*3]); f += fstep; dest[x+3] = FindPallete(src[(f>>16)*3+2], src[(f>>16)*3+1], src[(f>>16)*3]); f += fstep; } } } } else if (r_pixbytes == 2) { extern int redbits, redshift; extern int greenbits, greenshift; extern int bluebits, blueshift; unsigned short *dest; qbyte *src; int lines=vid.conheight; int v; int f, fstep; dest = (unsigned short *)vid.conbuffer; for (y=0 ; y<lines ; y++, dest += vid.conrowbytes) { v = (lines - y)*inheight/vid.conheight; src = framedata + v*inwidth*3; { f = 0; fstep = ((inwidth)*0x10000)/vid.conwidth; for (x=0 ; x<vid.conwidth; x++) //sw 32 bit rendering is bgrx { dest[x] = (((src[(f>>16)*3+2]*(1<<redbits))/256)<<redshift) + (((src[(f>>16)*3+1]*(1<<greenbits))/256)<<greenshift) + (((src[(f>>16)*3+0]*(1<<bluebits))/256)<<blueshift); f += fstep; } } } } else if (r_pixbytes == 4) { unsigned int *dest; qbyte *src; int lines=vid.conheight; int v; int f, fstep; dest = (unsigned int *)vid.conbuffer; for (y=0 ; y<lines ; y++, dest += vid.conrowbytes) { v = (lines - y)*inheight/vid.conheight; src = framedata + v*inwidth*3; { f = 0; fstep = ((inwidth)*0x10000)/vid.conwidth; for (x=0 ; x<vid.conwidth ; x++) //sw 32 bit rendering is bgrx { *(dest+x) = *(int *)(src + (f>>16)*3); f += fstep; } } } } else Sys_Error("24 bit rendering?"); D_DisableBackBufferAccess (); // for adapters that can't stay mapped in SCR_SetUpToDrawConsole(); if (scr_con_current) SCR_DrawConsole (false); }