//Released under the terms of the gpl as this file uses a bit of quake derived code. All sections of the like are marked as such /* Network limitations: googletalk: username: same as gmail (foobar@gmail.com). FIXME: need to test foobar@googlemail.com auth mechanism: oauth2(tls+nontls) or plain(tls-only). no digests supported, so mitm can easily grab your password if they use certificate authority hackery, so DO NOT log in from work. oauth2: I've registered a clientid for use with googletalk's network, but the whole web-browser-is-required crap makes it near unusable. We'll try it if they omit a password. otherwise a complete implementation. facebook: username: foobar@chat.facebook.com auth mechanism: digest-md5, x-facebook-platform. gateway implementation: no arbitary iq support (no invite/join/voice). no roster control completely untested. I've no interest in signing up to be tracked constantly (but somehow google is okay... go figure... I guess I'm just trying to avoid a double-whammy) oauth2: no idea where to register a clientid, or what the correct addresses are. a google search implies they don't do refresh tokens properly. sticking with digest-md5 should work. msn: username: foobar@messenger.live.com (NOT foobar@live.com - this will timeout) auth mechansim: x-messenger-oath ONLY non-standard unusable crap. uses incorrect certificates. any client that doesn't warn about that is buggy as fuck. probably doesn't have iq support, no idea, can't log in to test that requires annoying see-other-host redirection. no roster control stun servers are listed in srv records for live.com and messanger.live.com but not messenger.live.com. retards. oauth2: too lazy to register a clientid. stupid crap. I hate having to register everywhere. ejabberd: auth mechanism: digest-md5, scram-sha1, plain. complete implementation. no issues. may be lacking srv entries, depends on installation. may have self-signed certificate issues, depends on installation. client compat: googletalk: implements old version of jingle. voice calls not compatible. not tested by me. pidgin: (linux) has issues with jingle+ice, and can be made to crash. voip uses speex. pidgin's ice seems vulnerable to dropped packets. (windows) doesn't support voice calls otherwise works. */ #include "../plugin.h" #include #include "xmpp.h" #ifdef JINGLE icefuncs_t *piceapi; #endif #define Q_strncpyz(o, i, l) do {strncpy(o, i, l-1);o[l-1]='\0';}while(0) #define ARGNAMES ,sock,certhostname BUILTINR(int, Net_SetTLSClient, (qhandle_t sock, const char *certhostname)); #undef ARGNAMES #define ARGNAMES ,funcname BUILTINR(void *, Plug_GetNativePointer, (const char *funcname)); #undef ARGNAMES void (*Con_TrySubPrint)(const char *conname, const char *message); void Fallback_ConPrint(const char *conname, const char *message) { pCon_Print(message); } void Con_SubPrintf(char *subname, char *format, ...) { va_list argptr; static char string[1024]; va_start (argptr, format); Q_vsnprintf (string, sizeof(string), format,argptr); va_end (argptr); Con_TrySubPrint(subname, string); } //porting zone: #define COLOURGREEN "^2" #define COLORWHITE "^7" #define COLOURWHITE "^7" // word #define COLOURRED "^1" #define COLOURYELLOW "^3" #define COLOURPURPLE "^5" #define COMMANDPREFIX "xmpp" #define COMMANDPREFIX2 "jab" #define COMMANDPREFIX3 "jabbercl" static char *JCL_ParseOut (char *data, char *buf, int bufsize) //GPL: this is taken out of quake { int c; int len; len = 0; buf[0] = 0; if (!data) return NULL; // skip whitespace while ( (c = *data) <= ' ') { if (c == 0) return NULL; // end of file; data++; } // handle quoted strings specially if (c == '\"') { data++; while (1) { if (len >= bufsize-1) return data; c = *data++; if (c=='\"' || !c) { buf[len] = 0; return data; } buf[len] = c; len++; } } // parse a regular word do { if (len >= bufsize-1) return data; buf[len] = c; data++; len++; c = *data; } while (c>32); buf[len] = 0; return data; } //GPL: ripped from quake char *JCL_Info_ValueForKey (char *s, const char *key, char *valuebuf, int valuelen) { char pkey[1024]; char *o; if (*s == '\\') s++; while (1) { o = pkey; while (*s != '\\') { if (!*s) { *valuebuf='\0'; return valuebuf; } *o++ = *s++; if (o+2 >= pkey+sizeof(pkey)) //hrm. hackers at work.. { *valuebuf='\0'; return valuebuf; } } *o = 0; s++; o = valuebuf; while (*s != '\\' && *s) { if (!*s) { *valuebuf='\0'; return valuebuf; } *o++ = *s++; if (o+2 >= valuebuf+valuelen) //hrm. hackers at work.. { *valuebuf='\0'; return valuebuf; } } *o = 0; if (!strcmp (key, pkey) ) return valuebuf; if (!*s) { *valuebuf='\0'; return valuebuf; } s++; } } #ifdef _WIN32 #include "windns.h" static DNS_STATUS (WINAPI *pDnsQuery_UTF8) (PCSTR pszName, WORD wType, DWORD Options, PIP4_ARRAY aipServers, PDNS_RECORD *ppQueryResults, PVOID *pReserved); static VOID (WINAPI *pDnsRecordListFree)(PDNS_RECORD pRecordList, DNS_FREE_TYPE FreeType); static HMODULE dnsapi_lib; qboolean NET_DNSLookup_SRV(char *host, char *out, int outlen) { HRESULT hr; DNS_RECORD *result = NULL; if (!dnsapi_lib) { dnsapi_lib = LoadLibrary("dnsapi.dll"); pDnsQuery_UTF8 = (void*)GetProcAddress(dnsapi_lib, "DnsQuery_UTF8"); pDnsRecordListFree = (void*)GetProcAddress(dnsapi_lib, "DnsRecordListFree"); } //win98? if (!pDnsQuery_UTF8 || !pDnsRecordListFree) return false; //do lookup hr = pDnsQuery_UTF8(host, DNS_TYPE_SRV, DNS_QUERY_STANDARD, NULL, &result, NULL); if (result) { Q_snprintf(out, outlen, "[%s]:%i", result->Data.SRV.pNameTarget, result->Data.SRV.wPort); pDnsRecordListFree(result, DnsFreeRecordList); return true; } return false; } #else qboolean NET_DNSLookup_SRV(char *host, char *out, int outlen) { return false; } #endif char base64[((4096+3)*4/3)+1]; unsigned int base64_len; //current output length unsigned int base64_cur; //current pending value unsigned int base64_bits;//current pending bits char Base64_From64(int byt) { if (byt >= 0 && byt < 26) return 'A' + byt - 0; if (byt >= 26 && byt < 52) return 'a' + byt - 26; if (byt >= 52 && byt < 62) return '0' + byt - 52; if (byt == 62) return '+'; if (byt == 63) return '/'; return '!'; } void Base64_Byte(unsigned int byt) { if (base64_len+4>=sizeof(base64)-1) return; base64_cur |= byt<<(16- base64_bits);//first byte fills highest bits base64_bits += 8; if (base64_bits == 24) { base64[base64_len++] = Base64_From64((base64_cur>>18)&63); base64[base64_len++] = Base64_From64((base64_cur>>12)&63); base64[base64_len++] = Base64_From64((base64_cur>>6)&63); base64[base64_len++] = Base64_From64((base64_cur>>0)&63); base64[base64_len] = '\0'; // Con_Printf("base64: %s\n", base64+base64_len-4); base64_bits = 0; base64_cur = 0; } } void Base64_Add(char *s, int len) { unsigned char *us = (unsigned char *)s; while(len-->0) Base64_Byte(*us++); } void Base64_Finish(void) { //output is always a multiple of four //0(0)->0(0) //1(8)->2(12) //2(16)->3(18) //3(24)->4(24) if (base64_bits != 0) { base64[base64_len++]=Base64_From64((base64_cur>>18)&63); base64[base64_len++]=Base64_From64((base64_cur>>12)&63); if (base64_bits == 8) { base64[base64_len++]= '='; base64[base64_len++]= '='; } else { base64[base64_len++]=Base64_From64((base64_cur>>6)&63); if (base64_bits == 16) base64[base64_len++]= '='; else base64[base64_len++]=Base64_From64((base64_cur>>0)&63); } } base64[base64_len++] = '\0'; base64_len = 0; //for next time (use strlen) base64_bits = 0; base64_cur = 0; } //decode a base64 byte to a 0-63 value. Cannot cope with =. static int Base64_DecodeByte(char byt) { if (byt >= 'A' && byt <= 'Z') return (byt-'A') + 0; if (byt >= 'a' && byt <= 'z') return (byt-'a') + 26; if (byt >= '0' && byt <= '9') return (byt-'0') + 52; if (byt == '+') return 62; if (byt == '/') return 63; return -1; } int Base64_Decode(char *out, int outlen, char *src, int srclen) { int len = 0; int result; //4 input chars give 3 output chars while(srclen >= 4) { if (len+3 > outlen) break; result = Base64_DecodeByte(src[0])<<18; result |= Base64_DecodeByte(src[1])<<12; out[len++] = (result>>16)&0xff; if (src[2] != '=') { result |= Base64_DecodeByte(src[2])<<6; out[len++] = (result>>8)&0xff; if (src[3] != '=') { result |= Base64_DecodeByte(src[3])<<0; out[len++] = (result>>0)&0xff; } } if (result & 0xff000000) return 0; //some kind of invalid char src += 4; srclen -= 4; } //some kind of error if (srclen) return 0; return len; } void RenameConsole(char *totrim); void JCL_Command(int accid, char *consolename); void JCL_LoadConfig(void); void JCL_WriteConfig(void); qintptr_t JCL_ExecuteCommand(qintptr_t *args) { char cmd[256]; pCmd_Argv(0, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); if (!strcmp(cmd, COMMANDPREFIX) || !strcmp(cmd, COMMANDPREFIX2) || !strcmp(cmd, COMMANDPREFIX3)) { if (!args[0]) JCL_Command(0, ""); return true; } if (!strncmp(cmd, COMMANDPREFIX, strlen(COMMANDPREFIX))) { if (!args[0]) JCL_Command(atoi(cmd+strlen(COMMANDPREFIX)), ""); return true; } return false; } qintptr_t JCL_ConsoleLink(qintptr_t *args); qintptr_t JCL_ConExecuteCommand(qintptr_t *args); qintptr_t JCL_Frame(qintptr_t *args); qintptr_t JCL_Shutdown(qintptr_t *args); qintptr_t Plug_Init(qintptr_t *args) { if ( Plug_Export("Tick", JCL_Frame) && Plug_Export("Shutdown", JCL_Shutdown) && Plug_Export("ExecuteCommand", JCL_ExecuteCommand)) { CHECKBUILTIN(Net_SetTLSClient); if (!BUILTINISVALID(Net_SetTLSClient)) Con_Printf("XMPP Plugin Loaded ^1without^7 TLS\n"); else Con_Printf("XMPP Plugin Loaded. For help, use: ^[/"COMMANDPREFIX" /help^]\n"); Plug_Export("ConsoleLink", JCL_ConsoleLink); if (!Plug_Export("ConExecuteCommand", JCL_ConExecuteCommand)) { Con_Printf("XMPP plugin in single-console mode\n"); Con_TrySubPrint = Fallback_ConPrint; } else Con_TrySubPrint = pCon_SubPrint; pCmd_AddCommand(COMMANDPREFIX); pCmd_AddCommand(COMMANDPREFIX2); pCmd_AddCommand(COMMANDPREFIX3); pCmd_AddCommand(COMMANDPREFIX"0"); pCmd_AddCommand(COMMANDPREFIX"1"); pCmd_AddCommand(COMMANDPREFIX"2"); pCmd_AddCommand(COMMANDPREFIX"3"); pCmd_AddCommand(COMMANDPREFIX"4"); pCmd_AddCommand(COMMANDPREFIX"5"); pCmd_AddCommand(COMMANDPREFIX"6"); pCmd_AddCommand(COMMANDPREFIX"7"); //flags&1 == archive pCvar_Register("xmpp_nostatus", "0", 0, "xmpp"); pCvar_Register("xmpp_hidestatusupdates", "0", 0, "xmpp"); pCvar_Register("xmpp_autoacceptjoins", "0", 0, "xmpp"); pCvar_Register("xmpp_autoacceptinvites", "0", 0, "xmpp"); pCvar_Register("xmpp_autoacceptvoice", "0", 0, "xmpp"); pCvar_Register("xmpp_debug", "0", 0, "xmpp"); #ifdef JINGLE CHECKBUILTIN(Plug_GetNativePointer); if (BUILTINISVALID(Plug_GetNativePointer)) piceapi = pPlug_GetNativePointer(ICE_API_CURRENT); #endif JCL_LoadConfig(); return 1; } else Con_Printf("JCL Client Plugin failed\n"); return 0; } //\r\n is used to end a line. //meaning \0s are valid. //but never used cos it breaks strings jclient_t *jclients[8]; int jclient_curtime; int jclient_poketime; typedef struct { char *method; int (*sasl_initial)(jclient_t *jcl, char *buf, int bufsize); int (*sasl_challenge)(jclient_t *jcl, char *inbuf, int insize, char *outbuf, int outsize); } saslmethod_t; //#define OAUTH_CLIENT_ID_MSN "0" #ifdef OAUTH_CLIENT_ID_MSN static int sasl_plain_initial(jclient_t *jcl, char *buf, int bufsize) { //"https://oauth.live.com/authorize?client_id=" OAUTH_CLIENT_ID_MSN "&scope=wl.messenger,wl.basic,wl.offline_access,wl.contacts_create,wl.share&response_type=token&redirect_uri=http://localhost/"; } #endif //\0username\0password static int sasl_plain_initial(jclient_t *jcl, char *buf, int bufsize) { int len = 0; if (jcl->issecure?jcl->allowauth_plaintls:jcl->allowauth_plainnontls) { //realm isn't specified buf[len++] = 0; memcpy(buf+len, jcl->username, strlen(jcl->username)); len += strlen(jcl->username); buf[len++] = 0; memcpy(buf+len, jcl->password, strlen(jcl->password)); len += strlen(jcl->password); return len; } return -1; } static int saslattr(char *out, int outlen, char *srcbuf, int srclen, char *arg) { char *vn; char *s = srcbuf; char *e = s + srclen; char *vs; while(s < e) { while (s < e && *s == ',') s++; vn = s; s++; while (s < e && *s >= 'a' && *s <= 'z') s++; if (*s == '=') { vs = ++s; if (*s == '\"') { vs = ++s; while (s < e && *s != '\"') s++; outlen = s - vs; s++; } else { while (s < e && *s != ',') s++; outlen = s - vs; } if (!strncmp(vn, arg, strlen(arg)) && vn[strlen(arg)] == '=') { memcpy(out, vs, outlen); out[outlen] = 0; return outlen; } } } out[0] = 0; return 0; } static int sasl_digestmd5_initial(jclient_t *jcl, char *buf, int bufsize) { if (jcl->allowauth_digestmd5) { //FIXME: randomize the cnonce and check the auth key //although really I'm not entirely sure what the point is. //if we just authenticated with a mitm attacker relay, we're screwed either way. strcpy(jcl->authnonce, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"); //nothing. server does the initial data. return 0; } return -1; } char *MD5_ToHex(char *input, int inputlen, char *ret, int retlen); char *MD5_ToBinary(char *input, int inputlen, char *ret, int retlen); static int sasl_digestmd5_challenge(jclient_t *jcl, char *in, int inlen, char *out, int outlen) { char *username = jcl->username; char *password = jcl->password; char *cnonce = jcl->authnonce; char rspauth[512]; char realm[512]; char nonce[512]; char qop[512]; char charset[512]; char algorithm[512]; char X[512]; char Y[33]; char A1[512]; char A2[512]; char HA1[33]; char HA2[33]; char KD[512]; char Z[33]; char *nc = "00000001"; char digesturi[512]; char *authzid = ""; saslattr(rspauth, sizeof(rspauth), in, inlen, "rspauth"); if (*rspauth) { return 0; //we don't actually send any data back, just an xml 'response' tag to tell the server that we accept it. } saslattr(realm, sizeof(realm), in, inlen, "realm"); saslattr(nonce, sizeof(nonce), in, inlen, "nonce"); saslattr(qop, sizeof(qop), in, inlen, "qop"); saslattr(charset, sizeof(charset), in, inlen, "charset"); saslattr(algorithm, sizeof(algorithm), in, inlen, "algorithm"); if (!*realm) Q_strlcpy(realm, jcl->domain, sizeof(realm)); Q_snprintf(digesturi, sizeof(digesturi), "xmpp/%s", realm); Q_snprintf(X, sizeof(X), "%s:%s:%s", username, realm, password); MD5_ToBinary(X, strlen(X), Y, sizeof(Y)); memcpy(A1, Y, 16); if (*authzid) Q_snprintf(A1+16, sizeof(A1)-16, ":%s:%s:%s", nonce, cnonce, authzid); else Q_snprintf(A1+16, sizeof(A1)-16, ":%s:%s", nonce, cnonce); Q_snprintf(A2, sizeof(A2), "%s:%s", "AUTHENTICATE", digesturi); MD5_ToHex(A1, strlen(A1+16)+16, HA1, sizeof(HA1)); MD5_ToHex(A2, strlen(A2), HA2, sizeof(HA2)); Q_snprintf(KD, sizeof(KD), "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s", HA1, nonce, nc, cnonce, qop, HA2); MD5_ToHex(KD, strlen(KD), Z, sizeof(Z)); if (*authzid) Q_snprintf(out, outlen, "username=\"%s\",realm=\"%s\",nonce=\"%s\",cnonce=\"%s\",nc=\"%s\",qop=\"%s\",digest-uri=\"%s\",response=\"%s\",charset=\"%s\",authzid=\"%s\"", username, realm, nonce, cnonce, nc, qop, digesturi, Z, charset, authzid); else Q_snprintf(out, outlen, "username=\"%s\",realm=\"%s\",nonce=\"%s\",cnonce=\"%s\",nc=\"%s\",qop=\"%s\",digest-uri=\"%s\",response=\"%s\",charset=\"%s\"", username, realm, nonce, cnonce, nc, qop, digesturi, Z, charset); return strlen(out); } static int sasl_scramsha1_initial(jclient_t *jcl, char *buf, int bufsize) { if (jcl->allowauth_scramsha1) { strcpy(jcl->authnonce, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"); //FIXME: should be random, to validate that the server knows our password too Q_snprintf(buf, bufsize, "n,,n=%s,r=%s", jcl->username, jcl->authnonce); return strlen(buf); } return -1; } typedef struct { int len; char buf[512]; } buf_t; static void buf_cat(buf_t *buf, char *data, int len) { memcpy(buf->buf + buf->len, data, len); buf->len += len; buf->buf[buf->len] = 0; } static void buf_cats(buf_t *buf, char *data) { buf_cat(buf, data, strlen(data)); } static void SHA1_Hi(char *out, char *password, int passwordlen, buf_t *salt, int times) { char prev[20]; int i, j; //first iteration is special buf_cat(salt, "\0\0\0\1", 4); SHA1_HMAC(prev, sizeof(prev), salt->buf, salt->len, password, passwordlen); memcpy(out, prev, sizeof(prev)); //later iterations just use the previous iteration for (i = 1; i < times; i++) { SHA1_HMAC(prev, sizeof(prev), prev, sizeof(prev), password, passwordlen); for (j = 0; j < sizeof(prev); j++) out[j] ^= prev[j]; } } static int sasl_scramsha1_challenge(jclient_t *jcl, char *in, int inlen, char *out, int outlen) { //sasl SCRAM-SHA-1 challenge //send back the same 'r' attribute buf_t saslchal; int l, i; buf_t salt; buf_t csn; buf_t itr; buf_t final; buf_t sigkey; char salted_password[20]; char proof[20]; char proof64[30]; char clientkey[20]; char storedkey[20]; char clientsignature[20]; char *username = jcl->username; char *password = jcl->password; #if 0 /*hack zone*/ in = "r=fyko+d2lbbFgONRv9qkxdawL3rfcNHYJY1ZVvWVs7j,s=QSXCR+Q6sek8bf92,i=4096"; inlen = strlen(in); strcpy(jcl->authnonce, "wvDh8bTUrSc=");//"fyko+d2lbbFgONRv9qkxdawL"); username = "user"; password = "pencil"; //should result in "c=biws,r=fyko+d2lbbFgONRv9qkxdawL3rfcNHYJY1ZVvWVs7j,p=v0X8v3Bz2T0CJGbJQyF0X+HI4Ts=" #endif saslchal.len = 0; buf_cat(&saslchal, in, inlen); //be warned, these CAN contain nulls. csn.len = saslattr(csn.buf, sizeof(csn.buf), saslchal.buf, saslchal.len, "r"); salt.len = saslattr(salt.buf, sizeof(salt.buf), saslchal.buf, saslchal.len, "s"); itr.len = saslattr(itr.buf, sizeof(itr.buf), saslchal.buf, saslchal.len, "i"); salt.len = Base64_Decode(salt.buf, sizeof(salt.buf), salt.buf, salt.len); //FIXME: should we validate that csn is prefixed with our cnonce? //this is the first part of the message we're about to send, with no proof. //c(channel) is mandatory but nulled and forms part of the hash final.len = 0; buf_cats(&final, "c="); Base64_Add("n,,", 3); Base64_Finish(); buf_cat(&final, base64, strlen(base64)); buf_cats(&final, ",r="); buf_cat(&final, csn.buf, csn.len); //our original message + ',' + challenge + ',' + the message we're about to send. sigkey.len = 0; buf_cats(&sigkey, "n="); buf_cats(&sigkey, username); buf_cats(&sigkey, ",r="); buf_cats(&sigkey, jcl->authnonce); buf_cats(&sigkey, ","); buf_cat(&sigkey, saslchal.buf, saslchal.len); buf_cats(&sigkey, ","); buf_cat(&sigkey, final.buf, final.len); SHA1_Hi(salted_password, password, strlen(password), &salt, atoi(itr.buf)); SHA1_HMAC(clientkey, sizeof(clientkey), "Client Key", strlen("Client Key"), salted_password, sizeof(salted_password)); SHA1(storedkey, sizeof(storedkey), clientkey, sizeof(clientkey)); SHA1_HMAC(clientsignature, sizeof(clientsignature), sigkey.buf, sigkey.len, storedkey, sizeof(storedkey)); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(proof); i++) proof[i] = clientkey[i] ^ clientsignature[i]; Base64_Add(proof, sizeof(proof)); Base64_Finish(); //"c=biws,r=fyko+d2lbbFgONRv9qkxdawL3rfcNHYJY1ZVvWVs7j,p=v0X8v3Bz2T0CJGbJQyF0X+HI4Ts=" Q_snprintf(out, outlen, "%s,p=%s", final.buf, base64); return strlen(out); } void URL_Split(char *url, char *proto, int protosize, char *host, int hostsize, char *res, int ressize) { char *s; *proto = 0; *host = 0; *res = 0; s = strchr(url, ':'); if (!s) return; protosize = min(protosize-1, s-url); memcpy(proto, url, protosize); proto[protosize] = 0; s++; if (s[0] == '/' && s[1] == '/') s+=2; url = s; s = strchr(url, '/'); if (!s) s = url+strlen(url); hostsize = min(hostsize-1, s-url); memcpy(host, url, hostsize); host[hostsize] = 0; url = s; s = url+strlen(url); ressize = min(ressize-1, s-url); memcpy(res, url, ressize); res[ressize] = 0; } void Q_strlcat_urlencode(char *d, const char *s, int n) { char hex[16] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; int clen = strlen(d); d += clen; n -= clen; n--; if (s) while (*s) { if ((*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') || (*s >= 'a' && *s <= 'z') || (*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'Z') || *s == '-' || *s == '_' || *s == '.') { if (!n) break; n--; *d++ = *s++; } else { if (n < 3) break; n -= 3; *d++ = '%'; *d++ = hex[*s>>4]; *d++ = hex[*s&15]; s++; } } *d = 0; } static int sasl_oauth2_initial(jclient_t *jcl, char *buf, int bufsize) { char msg[4096]; char proto[256]; char host[256]; char resource[256]; int sock, l, rl=0; char result[8192]; xmltree_t *x; if (*jcl->password) return -1; if (0)//*jcl->password) { char body[4096]; char header[4096]; URL_Split(jcl->oauth2.refreshurl, proto, sizeof(proto), host, sizeof(host), resource, sizeof(resource)); *body = 0; Q_strlcat(body, "client_id=", sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat_urlencode(body, jcl->oauth2.clientid, sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat(body, "&client_secret=", sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat_urlencode(body, jcl->oauth2.clientsecret, sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat(body, "&", sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat(body, "grant_type=password&username=", sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat_urlencode(body, jcl->oauth2.useraccount, sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat(body, "&password=", sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat_urlencode(body, jcl->password, sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat(body, "&response_type=code", sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat(body, "&redirect_uri=", sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat_urlencode(body, "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob", sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat(body, "&scope=", sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat_urlencode(body, jcl->oauth2.scope, sizeof(body)); Q_snprintf(header, sizeof(header), "POST %s HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: %s\r\n" //"Authorization: Basic %s\r\n" "Content-length: %i\r\n" "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "\r\n", resource, host, strlen(body)); sock = pNet_TCPConnect(host, 443); pNet_SetTLSClient(sock, host); pNet_Send(sock, header, strlen(header)); pNet_Send(sock, body, strlen(body)); while(1) { l = pNet_Recv(sock, result+rl, sizeof(result)-rl); if (l < 0) break; else rl += l; } pNet_Close(sock); result[rl] = 0; Con_Printf("Got %s\n", result); } //if we have nothing, load up a browser to ask for the first token if (!*jcl->oauth2.refreshtoken && !*jcl->oauth2.authtoken) { char url[4096]; *url = 0; Q_strlcat(url, jcl->oauth2.obtainurl, sizeof(url)); Q_strlcat(url, "?redirect_uri=", sizeof(url)); Q_strlcat_urlencode(url, "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob", sizeof(url)); Q_strlcat(url, "&%72esponse_type=code&client_id=", sizeof(url)); //%72 = r. fucking ezquake colour codes. works with firefox anyway. no idea if that's the server changing it to an r or not. :s Q_strlcat_urlencode(url, jcl->oauth2.clientid, sizeof(url)); Q_strlcat(url, "&scope=", sizeof(url)); Q_strlcat_urlencode(url, jcl->oauth2.scope, sizeof(url)); Q_strlcat(url, "&access_type=offline", sizeof(url)); Q_strlcat(url, "&login_hint=", sizeof(url)); Q_strlcat_urlencode(url, jcl->oauth2.useraccount, sizeof(url)); Con_Printf("Please visit ^[^4%s\\url\\%s^] and then enter:\n^[/"COMMANDPREFIX"%i /oa2token ^]\n", url, url, jcl->accountnum); //wait for user to act. return -2; } //refresh token is not known, try and get one if (!*jcl->oauth2.refreshtoken && *jcl->oauth2.authtoken) { xmltree_t *x; char body[4096]; char header[4096]; //send a refresh request *body = 0; Q_strlcat(body, "code=", sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat_urlencode(body, jcl->oauth2.authtoken, sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat(body, "&client_id=", sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat_urlencode(body, jcl->oauth2.clientid, sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat(body, "&client_secret=", sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat_urlencode(body, jcl->oauth2.clientsecret, sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat(body, "&redirect_uri=", sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat_urlencode(body, "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob", sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat(body, "&grant_type=", sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat_urlencode(body, "authorization_code", sizeof(body)); URL_Split(jcl->oauth2.refreshurl, proto, sizeof(proto), host, sizeof(host), resource, sizeof(resource)); Q_snprintf(header, sizeof(header), "POST %s HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: %s\r\n" //"Authorization: Basic %s\r\n" "Content-length: %i\r\n" "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" "user-agent: fteqw-plugin-xmpp\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "\r\n", resource, host, strlen(body)); Con_Printf("XMPP: Requesting access token\n"); sock = pNet_TCPConnect(host, 443); pNet_SetTLSClient(sock, host); pNet_Send(sock, header, strlen(header)); pNet_Send(sock, body, strlen(body)); while(1) { l = pNet_Recv(sock, result+rl, sizeof(result)-rl); if (l < 0) break; else rl += l; } result[rl] = 0; pNet_Close(sock); //should contain something like: //{ //"access_token" : "ya29.AHES6ZR-_Sx0UpexZdgqQwR8LFqTx-GFi-Zrq4nKrcLLA98N7g", //"token_type" : "Bearer", //"expires_in" : 3600 //} l = strstr(result, "\r\n\r\n")-result; l+= 4; if (l < 0 || l > rl) l = rl; x = XML_FromJSON(NULL, "oauth2", result, &l, rl); XML_ConPrintTree(x, 1); free(jcl->oauth2.accesstoken); free(jcl->oauth2.refreshtoken); jcl->oauth2.accesstoken = strdup(XML_GetChildBody(x, "access_token", "")); // jcl->oauth2.token_type = strdup(XML_GetChildBody(x, "token_type", "")); // jcl->oauth2.expires_in = strdup(XML_GetChildBody(x, "expires_in", "")); jcl->oauth2.refreshtoken = strdup(XML_GetChildBody(x, "refresh_token", "")); //in theory, the auth token is no longer valid/needed free(jcl->oauth2.authtoken); jcl->oauth2.authtoken = strdup(""); } //refresh our refresh token, obtaining a usable sign-in token at the same time. else if (!*jcl->oauth2.accesstoken) { char body[4096]; char header[4096]; char *newrefresh; //send a refresh request *body = 0; Q_strlcat(body, "client_id=", sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat_urlencode(body, jcl->oauth2.clientid, sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat(body, "&client_secret=", sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat_urlencode(body, jcl->oauth2.clientsecret, sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat(body, "&grant_type=", sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat_urlencode(body, "refresh_token", sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat(body, "&refresh_token=", sizeof(body)); Q_strlcat_urlencode(body, jcl->oauth2.refreshtoken, sizeof(body)); URL_Split(jcl->oauth2.refreshurl, proto, sizeof(proto), host, sizeof(host), resource, sizeof(resource)); Q_snprintf(header, sizeof(header), "POST %s HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: %s\r\n" //"Authorization: Basic %s\r\n" "Content-length: %i\r\n" "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" "user-agent: fteqw-plugin-xmpp\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "\r\n", resource, host, strlen(body)); Con_Printf("XMPP: Refreshing access token\n"); sock = pNet_TCPConnect(host, 443); pNet_SetTLSClient(sock, host); pNet_Send(sock, header, strlen(header)); pNet_Send(sock, body, strlen(body)); while(1) { l = pNet_Recv(sock, result+rl, sizeof(result)-rl); if (l < 0) break; else rl += l; } pNet_Close(sock); result[rl] = 0; l = strstr(result, "\r\n\r\n")-result; l+= 4; if (l < 0 || l > rl) l = rl; x = XML_FromJSON(NULL, "oauth2", result, &l, rl); XML_ConPrintTree(x, 1); newrefresh = XML_GetChildBody(x, "refresh_token", NULL); free(jcl->oauth2.accesstoken); jcl->oauth2.accesstoken = strdup(XML_GetChildBody(x, "access_token", "")); if (newrefresh || !*jcl->oauth2.accesstoken) { free(jcl->oauth2.refreshtoken); jcl->oauth2.refreshtoken = strdup(XML_GetChildBody(x, "refresh_token", "")); } // jcl->oauth2.token_type = strdup(XML_GetChildBody(x, "token_type", "")); // jcl->oauth2.expires_in = strdup(XML_GetChildBody(x, "expires_in", "")); //refresh token may mutate. follow the mutation. } else if (*jcl->oauth2.accesstoken) Con_Printf("XMPP: Using explicit access token\n"); if (*jcl->oauth2.accesstoken) { int len = 0; if (*jcl->oauth2.useraccount) { //realm isn't specified buf[len++] = 0; memcpy(buf+len, jcl->oauth2.useraccount, strlen(jcl->oauth2.useraccount)); len += strlen(jcl->oauth2.useraccount); buf[len++] = 0; } memcpy(buf+len, jcl->oauth2.accesstoken, strlen(jcl->oauth2.accesstoken)); len += strlen(jcl->oauth2.accesstoken); Con_Printf("XMPP: Signing in\n"); free(jcl->oauth2.accesstoken); jcl->oauth2.accesstoken = strdup(""); return len; } //if the reply has a refresh token in it, clear out any password info return -2; } //in descending priority order saslmethod_t saslmethods[] = { {NULL, sasl_oauth2_initial, NULL}, //potentially avoids having to ask+store their password. a browser is required to obtain auth token for us. {"SCRAM-SHA-1", sasl_scramsha1_initial, sasl_scramsha1_challenge}, //lots of unreadable hashing {"DIGEST-MD5", sasl_digestmd5_initial, sasl_digestmd5_challenge}, //kinda silly {"PLAIN", sasl_plain_initial, NULL} //realm\0username\0password }; /* pidgin's msn request https://oauth.live.com/authorize?client_id=000000004C07035A&scope=wl.messenger,wl.basic,wl.offline_access,wl.contacts_create,wl.share&response_type=token&redirect_uri=http://pidgin.im/ */ struct subtree_s; void JCL_AddClientMessagef(jclient_t *jcl, char *fmt, ...); qboolean JCL_FindBuddy(jclient_t *jcl, char *jid, buddy_t **buddy, bresource_t **bres); void JCL_GeneratePresence(jclient_t *jcl, qboolean force); struct iq_s *JCL_SendIQf(jclient_t *jcl, qboolean (*callback) (jclient_t *jcl, struct subtree_s *tree, struct iq_s *iq), char *iqtype, char *target, char *fmt, ...); struct iq_s *JCL_SendIQNode(jclient_t *jcl, qboolean (*callback) (jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, struct iq_s *iq), char *iqtype, char *target, xmltree_t *node, qboolean destroynode); void JCL_CloseConnection(jclient_t *jcl, qboolean reconnect); void JCL_JoinMUCChat(jclient_t *jcl, char *room, char *server, char *myhandle, char *password); void JCL_GenLink(jclient_t *jcl, char *out, int outlen, char *action, char *context, char *contextres, char *sid, char *txtfmt, ...) { va_list argptr; qboolean textonly = false; *out = 0; if (!strchr(txtfmt, '%')) { Q_strlcpy(out, "bad link text", outlen); return; } if (textonly) { va_start(argptr, txtfmt); Q_strlcat(out, "[", outlen); Q_vsnprintf(out, outlen, txtfmt, argptr); Q_strlcat(out, "]", outlen); va_end(argptr); return; } Q_strlcat(out, "^[[", outlen); va_start(argptr, txtfmt); Q_vsnprintf(out+3, outlen-3, txtfmt, argptr); va_end(argptr); Q_strlcat(out, "]", outlen); if (jcl && jcl->accountnum) { char acc[32]; Q_snprintf(acc, sizeof(acc), "%i", jcl->accountnum); Q_strlcat(out, "\\xmppacc\\", outlen); Q_strlcat(out, acc, outlen); } if (action) { Q_strlcat(out, "\\xmppact\\", outlen); Q_strlcat(out, action, outlen); } if (context) { Q_strlcat(out, "\\xmpp\\", outlen); Q_strlcat(out, context, outlen); if (contextres) { Q_strlcat(out, "/", outlen); Q_strlcat(out, contextres, outlen); } } if (sid) { Q_strlcat(out, "\\xmppsid\\", outlen); Q_strlcat(out, sid, outlen); } Q_strlcat(out, "^]", outlen); } char *TrimResourceFromJid(char *jid) { char *slash; slash = strchr(jid, '/'); if (slash) { *slash = '\0'; return slash+1; } return NULL; } qintptr_t JCL_ConsoleLink(qintptr_t *args) { jclient_t *jcl; char text[256]; char link[256]; char who[256]; char what[256]; char which[256]; int i; // pCmd_Argv(0, text, sizeof(text)); pCmd_Argv(1, link, sizeof(link)); JCL_Info_ValueForKey(link, "xmpp", who, sizeof(who)); JCL_Info_ValueForKey(link, "xmppact", what, sizeof(what)); JCL_Info_ValueForKey(link, "xmppacc", which, sizeof(which)); if (!*who && !*what) return false; i = atoi(which); i = bound(0, i, sizeof(jclients)/sizeof(jclients[0])); jcl = jclients[i]; if (!strcmp(what, "pauth")) { //we should friend them too. if (jcl && jcl->status == JCL_ACTIVE) JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "", who); return true; } else if (!strcmp(what, "pdeny")) { if (jcl && jcl->status == JCL_ACTIVE) JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "", who); return true; } #ifdef JINGLE else if (!strcmp(what, "jauth")) { JCL_Info_ValueForKey(link, "xmppsid", what, sizeof(what)); if (jcl && jcl->status == JCL_ACTIVE) JCL_Join(jcl, who, what, true, ICEP_INVALID); return true; } else if (!strcmp(what, "jdeny")) { JCL_Info_ValueForKey(link, "xmppsid", what, sizeof(what)); if (jcl && jcl->status == JCL_ACTIVE) JCL_Join(jcl, who, what, false, ICEP_INVALID); return true; } else if (!strcmp(what, "join")) { if (jcl && jcl->status == JCL_ACTIVE) JCL_Join(jcl, who, NULL, true, ICEP_QWCLIENT); return true; } else if (!strcmp(what, "invite")) { if (jcl && jcl->status == JCL_ACTIVE) JCL_Join(jcl, who, NULL, true, ICEP_QWSERVER); return true; } else if (!strcmp(what, "call")) { if (jcl && jcl->status == JCL_ACTIVE) JCL_Join(jcl, who, NULL, true, ICEP_VOICE); return true; } #endif else if (!strcmp(what, "mucjoin")) { //conference/chat join JCL_Info_ValueForKey(link, "xmppsid", what, sizeof(what)); JCL_JoinMUCChat(jcl, who, NULL, NULL, what); } else if ((*who && !*what) || !strcmp(what, "msg")) { if (jcl) { char *f; buddy_t *b; bresource_t *br; JCL_FindBuddy(jcl, *who?who:jcl->defaultdest, &b, &br); f = b->name; b->defaultresource = br; if (BUILTINISVALID(Con_SubPrint)) pCon_SubPrint(f, ""); if (BUILTINISVALID(Con_SetActive)) pCon_SetActive(f); } return true; } else { Con_Printf("Unsupported xmpp action (%s) in link\n", what); } return false; } qintptr_t JCL_ConExecuteCommand(qintptr_t *args) { buddy_t *b; char consolename[256]; jclient_t *jcl = jclients[0]; if (!jcl) { char buffer[256]; pCmd_Argv(0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); Con_SubPrintf(buffer, "You were disconnected\n"); return true; } pCmd_Argv(0, consolename, sizeof(consolename)); for (b = jcl->buddies; b; b = b->next) { if (!strcmp(b->name, consolename)) { if (b->defaultresource) Q_snprintf(jcl->defaultdest, sizeof(jcl->defaultdest), "%s/%s", b->accountdomain, b->defaultresource->resource); else Q_snprintf(jcl->defaultdest, sizeof(jcl->defaultdest), "%s", b->accountdomain); break; } } JCL_Command(0, consolename); return true; } void JCL_FlushOutgoing(jclient_t *jcl) { int sent; if (!jcl || !jcl->outbuflen || jcl->socket == -1) return; sent = pNet_Send(jcl->socket, jcl->outbuf + jcl->outbufpos, jcl->outbuflen); //FIXME: This needs rewriting to cope with errors. if (sent > 0) { //and print it on some subconsole if we're debugging if (jcl->streamdebug) { char t = jcl->outbuf[jcl->outbufpos+sent]; jcl->outbuf[jcl->outbufpos+sent] = 0; Con_SubPrintf("xmppout", COLOURYELLOW "%s\n", jcl->outbuf + jcl->outbufpos); jcl->outbuf[jcl->outbufpos+sent] = t; } jcl->outbufpos += sent; jcl->outbuflen -= sent; } else if (sent < 0) Con_Printf("Error sending\n"); // else // Con_Printf("Unable to send anything\n"); } void JCL_AddClientMessage(jclient_t *jcl, char *msg, int datalen) { //handle overflows if (jcl->outbufpos+jcl->outbuflen+datalen > jcl->outbufmax) { if (jcl->outbuflen+datalen <= jcl->outbufmax) { //can get away with just moving the data memmove(jcl->outbuf, jcl->outbuf + jcl->outbufpos, jcl->outbuflen); jcl->outbufpos = 0; } else { //need to expand the buffer. int newmax = (jcl->outbuflen+datalen)*2; char *newbuf; if (newmax < jcl->outbuflen) newbuf = NULL; //eep... some special kind of evil overflow. else newbuf = malloc(newmax+1); if (newbuf) { memcpy(newbuf, jcl->outbuf + jcl->outbufpos, jcl->outbuflen); jcl->outbufmax = newmax; jcl->outbufpos = 0; jcl->outbuf = newbuf; } else datalen = 0; //eep! } } //and write our data to it memcpy(jcl->outbuf + jcl->outbufpos + jcl->outbuflen, msg, datalen); jcl->outbuflen += datalen; //try and flush it now JCL_FlushOutgoing(jcl); } void JCL_AddClientMessageString(jclient_t *jcl, char *msg) { JCL_AddClientMessage(jcl, msg, strlen(msg)); } void JCL_AddClientMessagef(jclient_t *jcl, char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char body[4096]; va_start (argptr, fmt); Q_vsnprintf (body, sizeof(body), fmt, argptr); va_end (argptr); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, body); } qboolean JCL_Reconnect(jclient_t *jcl) { char *serveraddr; //destroy any data that never got sent free(jcl->outbuf); jcl->outbuf = NULL; jcl->outbuflen = 0; jcl->outbufpos = 0; jcl->outbufmax = 0; jcl->instreampos = 0; jcl->bufferedinammount = 0; jcl->tagdepth = 0; Q_strlcpy(jcl->localalias, ">>", sizeof(jcl->localalias)); jcl->authmode = -1; if (*jcl->redirserveraddr) serveraddr = jcl->redirserveraddr; else serveraddr = jcl->serveraddr; if (!*serveraddr) { //jcl->tlsconnect requires an explicit hostname, so should not be able to take this path. char srv[256]; char srvserver[256]; Q_snprintf(srv, sizeof(srv), "_xmpp-client._tcp.%s", jcl->domain); if (NET_DNSLookup_SRV(srv, srvserver, sizeof(srvserver))) { Con_DPrintf("XMPP: Trying to connect to %s (%s)\n", jcl->domain, srvserver); jcl->socket = pNet_TCPConnect(srvserver, jcl->serverport); //port is should already be part of the srvserver name } else { Con_Printf("XMPP: Unable to determine service (%s). Check internet connection.\n", jcl->domain); return false; } } else { Con_DPrintf("XMPP: Trying to connect to %s\n", jcl->domain); jcl->socket = pNet_TCPConnect(serveraddr, jcl->serverport); //port is only used if the url doesn't contain one. It's a default. } //not yet blocking. So no frequent attempts please... //non blocking prevents connect from returning worthwhile sensible value. if ((int)jcl->socket < 0) { Con_Printf("JCL_OpenSocket: couldn't connect\n"); return false; } jcl->issecure = false; if (jcl->forcetls==2) if (pNet_SetTLSClient(jcl->socket, jcl->certificatedomain)>=0) jcl->issecure = true; jcl->status = JCL_AUTHING; JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "" ""); return true; } jclient_t *JCL_ConnectXML(xmltree_t *acc) { //this is a list of xmpp networks that use oauth2 for which we have a clientid registered. this allows us to get the right oauth defaults. struct { char *domain; char *saslmethod; char *obtainurl; char *refreshurl; char *revokeurl; char *scope; char *clientid; char *clientsecret; //char *signouturl; //char *clientregistrationurl; } *oa, dfltoauth[] = { { "gmail.com", "X-OAUTH2", "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth", //authorize "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token", //refresh "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/revoke", //revoke "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/googletalk", //scope "1060926168015.apps.googleusercontent.com", //clientid "mptCRRTE5I626npsnoZ_RqoG" //client secrit. there really is no securing this. I'll just have to avoid any pay-for google apis. *shrug* //"https://accounts.google.com/IssuedAuthSubTokens" //"https://code.google.com/apis/console" }, /* { "messenger.live.com", "X-MESSENGER-OAUTH2", "https://oauth.live.com/authorize", "https://oauth.live.com/token", "", //FIXME fill in revoke url "wl.messenger,wl.basic,wl.offline_access,wl.contacts_create,wl.share", //no idea what's actually needed. "", //client-id - none registered. go register it yourself. "" //client-secret - client not registered, go do it yourself. //"" //"https://manage.dev.live.com/" }, */ /* { "messenger.live.com", "X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM", "", //FIXME fill in obtain url "", //FIXME fill in refresh url "", //FIXME fill in revoke url "", //FIXME: fill in scope "", //client-id - none registered. go register it yourself. "" //client-secret - client not registered, go do it yourself. //"" //"" }, */ { NULL, "", "", "", "", "", "", "" } }; jclient_t *jcl; xmltree_t *oauth2; char oauthname[256]; jcl = malloc(sizeof(jclient_t)); if (!jcl) return NULL; memset(jcl, 0, sizeof(jclient_t)); jcl->socket = -1; jcl->accountnum = atoi(XML_GetParameter(acc, "id", "1")); //make sure dependant properties are listed beneath their dependancies... jcl->forcetls = atoi(XML_GetChildBody(acc, "forcetls", "1")); jcl->streamdebug = !!atoi(XML_GetChildBody(acc, "streamdebug", "0")); Q_strlcpy(jcl->serveraddr, XML_GetChildBody(acc, "serveraddr", ""), sizeof(jcl->serveraddr)); jcl->serverport = atoi(XML_GetChildBody(acc, "serverport", (jcl->forcetls==2)?"5223":"5222")); Q_strlcpy(jcl->username, XML_GetChildBody(acc, "username", "user"), sizeof(jcl->username)); Q_strlcpy(jcl->domain, XML_GetChildBody(acc, "domain", "localhost"), sizeof(jcl->domain)); Q_strlcpy(jcl->resource, XML_GetChildBody(acc, "resource", ""), sizeof(jcl->resource)); //half these networks seem to have weird domains. especially microsoft. if (strchr(jcl->username, '@')) Q_strlcpy(oauthname, jcl->username, sizeof(oauthname)); else Q_snprintf(oauthname, sizeof(oauthname), "%s@%s", jcl->username, jcl->domain); for (oa = dfltoauth; oa->domain; oa++) { if (!strcmp(oa->domain, jcl->domain)) break; } oauth2 = XML_ChildOfTree(acc, "oauth2", 0); Q_strlcpy(jcl->oauth2.saslmethod, XML_GetParameter(oauth2, "method", oa->saslmethod), sizeof(jcl->oauth2.saslmethod)); Q_strlcpy(jcl->oauth2.obtainurl, XML_GetChildBody(oauth2, "obtain-url", oa->obtainurl), sizeof(jcl->oauth2.obtainurl)); Q_strlcpy(jcl->oauth2.refreshurl, XML_GetChildBody(oauth2, "refresh-url", oa->refreshurl), sizeof(jcl->oauth2.refreshurl)); Q_strlcpy(jcl->oauth2.clientid, XML_GetChildBody(oauth2, "client-id", oa->clientid), sizeof(jcl->oauth2.clientid)); Q_strlcpy(jcl->oauth2.clientsecret, XML_GetChildBody(oauth2, "client-secret", oa->clientsecret), sizeof(jcl->oauth2.clientsecret)); jcl->oauth2.scope = strdup(XML_GetChildBody(oauth2, "scope", oa->scope)); jcl->oauth2.useraccount = strdup(XML_GetChildBody(oauth2, "authname", oauthname)); jcl->oauth2.authtoken = strdup(XML_GetChildBody(oauth2, "auth-token", "")); jcl->oauth2.refreshtoken = strdup(XML_GetChildBody(oauth2, "refresh-token", "")); jcl->oauth2.accesstoken = strdup(XML_GetChildBody(oauth2, "access-token", "")); Q_strlcpy(jcl->password, XML_GetChildBody(acc, "password", ""), sizeof(jcl->password)); if (!*jcl->resource) { //the default resource matches the game that they're trying to play. char gamename[64], *res, *o; if (pCvar_GetString("fs_gamename", gamename, sizeof(gamename))) { //strip out any weird chars (namely whitespace) for (o = gamename, res = gamename; *res; ) { if (*res == ' ' || *res == '\t') res++; else *o++ = *res++; } if (!*gamename) Q_strlcpy(jcl->resource, "FTE", sizeof(jcl->resource)); else Q_strlcpy(jcl->resource, gamename, sizeof(jcl->resource)); } } Q_strlcpy(jcl->certificatedomain, XML_GetChildBody(acc, "certificatedomain", jcl->domain), sizeof(jcl->certificatedomain)); jcl->status = atoi(XML_GetChildBody(acc, "inactive", "0"))?JCL_INACTIVE:JCL_DEAD; jcl->allowauth_plainnontls = atoi(XML_GetChildBody(acc, "allowauth_plain_nontls", "0")); jcl->allowauth_plaintls = atoi(XML_GetChildBody(acc, "allowauth_plain_tls", "1")); //required 1 for googletalk, otherwise I'd set it to 0. jcl->allowauth_digestmd5 = atoi(XML_GetChildBody(acc, "allowauth_digest_md5", "1")); jcl->allowauth_scramsha1 = atoi(XML_GetChildBody(acc, "allowauth_scram_sha_1", "1")); jcl->allowauth_oauth2 = atoi(XML_GetChildBody(acc, "allowauth_oauth2", jcl->oauth2.saslmethod?"1":"0")); return jcl; } jclient_t *JCL_Connect(int accnum, char *server, int forcetls, char *account, char *password) { char srvserver[256]; char gamename[64]; jclient_t *jcl; char *domain; char *res; xmltree_t *x; res = TrimResourceFromJid(account); if (!res) { //the default resource matches the game that they're trying to play. if (pCvar_GetString("fs_gamename", gamename, sizeof(gamename))) { //strip out any weird chars (namely whitespace) char *o; for (o = gamename, res = gamename; *res; ) { if (*res == ' ' || *res == '\t') res++; else *o++ = *res++; } res = gamename; } } if (forcetls>0) { if (!BUILTINISVALID(Net_SetTLSClient)) { Con_Printf("XMPP: TLS is not supported\n"); return NULL; } } domain = strchr(account, '@'); if (domain) { *domain = '\0'; domain++; } else { domain = DEFAULTDOMAIN; if (domain && *domain) Con_Printf("XMPP: domain not specified, assuming %s\n", domain); else { Con_Printf("XMPP: domain not specified\n"); return NULL; } } x = XML_CreateNode(NULL, "account", "", ""); XML_AddParameteri(x, "id", accnum); XML_CreateNode(x, "serveraddr", "", server); XML_CreateNode(x, "username", "", account); XML_CreateNode(x, "domain", "", domain); XML_CreateNode(x, "resource", "", res); XML_CreateNode(x, "password", "", password); jcl = JCL_ConnectXML(x); XML_Destroy(x); return jcl; } void JCL_ForgetBuddyResource(jclient_t *jcl, buddy_t *buddy, bresource_t *bres) { bresource_t **link; bresource_t *r; for (link = &buddy->resources; *link; ) { r = *link; if (!bres || bres == r) { *link = r->next; free(r); if (bres) break; } else link = &r->next; } } void JCL_ForgetBuddy(jclient_t *jcl, buddy_t *buddy, bresource_t *bres) { buddy_t **link; buddy_t *b; for (link = &jcl->buddies; *link; ) { b = *link; if (!buddy || buddy == b) { *link = b->next; JCL_ForgetBuddyResource(jcl, b, bres); free(b); if (buddy) break; } else link = &b->next; } } //FIXME: add flags to avoid creation qboolean JCL_FindBuddy(jclient_t *jcl, char *jid, buddy_t **buddy, bresource_t **bres) { char name[256]; char *res; buddy_t *b; bresource_t *r = NULL; if (!jid) { if (buddy) *buddy = NULL; if (bres) *bres = NULL; return false; } Q_strlcpy(name, jid, sizeof(name)); res = TrimResourceFromJid(name); for (b = jcl->buddies; b; b = b->next) { if (!strcmp(b->accountdomain, name)) break; } if (!b) { b = malloc(sizeof(*b) + strlen(name)); memset(b, 0, sizeof(*b)); b->next = jcl->buddies; jcl->buddies = b; strcpy(b->accountdomain, name); Q_strlcpy(b->name, name, sizeof(b->name)); //default } *buddy = b; if (res && bres) { for (r = b->resources; r; r = r->next) { if (!strcmp(r->resource, res)) break; } if (!r) { r = malloc(sizeof(*r) + strlen(res)); memset(r, 0, sizeof(*r)); r->next = b->resources; b->resources = r; strcpy(r->resource, res); } *bres = r; } else if (bres) *bres = NULL; return false; } void JCL_IQTimeouts(jclient_t *jcl) { struct iq_s *iq, **link; for (link = &jcl->pendingiqs; *link; ) { iq = *link; if (iq->timeout < jclient_curtime) { iq = *link; *link = iq->next; if (iq->callback) { Con_DPrintf("IQ timeout with %s\n", iq->to); iq->callback(jcl, NULL, iq); } free(iq); } else link = &(*link)->next; } } struct iq_s *JCL_SendIQ(jclient_t *jcl, qboolean (*callback) (jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, struct iq_s *iq), char *iqtype, char *target, char *body) { struct iq_s *iq; if (!target) target = ""; iq = malloc(sizeof(*iq) + strlen(target)); iq->next = jcl->pendingiqs; jcl->pendingiqs = iq; Q_snprintf(iq->id, sizeof(iq->id), "%i", rand()); iq->callback = callback; iq->timeout = jclient_curtime + 30*1000; strcpy(iq->to, target); if (*target) { if (*jcl->jid) JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "", iqtype, iq->id, jcl->jid, target); else JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "", iqtype, iq->id, target); } else { if (*jcl->jid) JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "", iqtype, iq->id, jcl->jid); else JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "", iqtype, iq->id); } JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, body); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, ""); return iq; } struct iq_s *JCL_SendIQf(jclient_t *jcl, qboolean (*callback) (jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, struct iq_s *iq), char *iqtype, char *target, char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char body[2048]; va_start (argptr, fmt); Q_vsnprintf (body, sizeof(body), fmt, argptr); va_end (argptr); return JCL_SendIQ(jcl, callback, iqtype, target, body); } struct iq_s *JCL_SendIQNode(jclient_t *jcl, qboolean (*callback) (jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, struct iq_s *iq), char *iqtype, char *target, xmltree_t *node, qboolean destroynode) { struct iq_s *n; char *s = XML_GenerateString(node, false); n = JCL_SendIQ(jcl, callback, iqtype, target, s); free(s); if (destroynode) XML_Destroy(node); return n; } static void JCL_RosterUpdate(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *listp) { xmltree_t *i; buddy_t *buddy; int cnum = 0; while ((i = XML_ChildOfTree(listp, "item", cnum++))) { char *name = XML_GetParameter(i, "name", ""); char *jid = XML_GetParameter(i, "jid", ""); // char *sub = XML_GetParameter(i, "subscription", ""); JCL_FindBuddy(jcl, jid, &buddy, NULL); if (*name) Q_strlcpy(buddy->name, name, sizeof(buddy->name)); buddy->friended = true; } } static qboolean JCL_RosterReply(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, struct iq_s *iq) { xmltree_t *c; //we're probably connected once we've had this reply. jcl->status = JCL_ACTIVE; JCL_GeneratePresence(jcl, true); c = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "query", 0); if (c) { JCL_RosterUpdate(jcl, c); return true; } return false; } static qboolean JCL_BindReply(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, struct iq_s *iq) { xmltree_t *c; c = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "bind", 0); if (c) { c = XML_ChildOfTree(c, "jid", 0); if (c) { char myjid[512]; Q_strlcpy(jcl->jid, c->body, sizeof(jcl->jid)); JCL_GenLink(jcl, myjid, sizeof(myjid), NULL, jcl->jid, NULL, NULL, "%s", jcl->jid); Con_DPrintf("Bound to jid %s\n", jcl->jid); return true; } } return false; } static qboolean JCL_VCardReply(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, struct iq_s *iq) { xmltree_t *vc, *fn, *nickname; vc = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "vCard", 0); fn = XML_ChildOfTree(vc, "FN", 0); nickname = XML_ChildOfTree(vc, "NICKNAME", 0); if (nickname && *nickname->body) Q_strlcpy(jcl->localalias, nickname->body, sizeof(jcl->localalias)); else if (fn && *fn->body) Q_strlcpy(jcl->localalias, fn->body, sizeof(jcl->localalias)); return true; } static qboolean JCL_SessionReply(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, struct iq_s *iq) { JCL_SendIQf(jcl, JCL_RosterReply, "get", NULL, ""); JCL_SendIQf(jcl, JCL_VCardReply, "get", NULL, ""); return true; } static char *caps[] = { #if 1 "http://jabber.org/protocol/caps", "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info", // "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items", "jabber:iq:version", #ifdef JINGLE "urn:xmpp:jingle:1", QUAKEMEDIAXMLNS, #ifdef VOIP #ifdef VOIP_LEGACY "http://www.google.com/xmpp/protocol/session", //so google's non-standard clients can chat with us "http://www.google.com/xmpp/protocol/voice/v1", //so google's non-standard clients can chat with us // "http://www.google.com/xmpp/protocol/camera/v1", //can send video // "http://www.google.com/xmpp/protocol/video/v1", //can receive video #endif #ifndef VOIP_LEGACY_ONLY "urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:1", "urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:audio", #endif #endif //"urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:video",//we don't support rtp video chat "urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:raw-udp:1", #ifndef NOICE "urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:ice-udp:1", #endif #endif #ifndef Q3_VM "urn:xmpp:time", #endif "urn:xmpp:ping", //FIXME: I'm not keen on this. I only added support to stop errors from pidgin when trying to debug. "urn:xmpp:attention:0", //poke. //file transfer #ifdef FILETRANSFER "http://jabber.org/protocol/si", "http://jabber.org/protocol/si/profile/file-transfer", "http://jabber.org/protocol/ibb", //"http://jabber.org/protocol/bytestreams", #endif #else //for testing, this is the list of features pidgin supports (which is the other client I'm testing against). "jabber:iq:last", "jabber:iq:oob", "urn:xmpp:time", "jabber:iq:version", "jabber:x:conference", "http://jabber.org/protocol/bytestreams", "http://jabber.org/protocol/caps", "http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates", "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info", "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items", "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc", "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user", "http://jabber.org/protocol/si", "http://jabber.org/protocol/si/profile/file-transfer", "http://jabber.org/protocol/xhtml-im", "urn:xmpp:ping", "urn:xmpp:attention:0", "urn:xmpp:bob", "urn:xmpp:jingle:1", "http://www.google.com/xmpp/protocol/session", "http://www.google.com/xmpp/protocol/voice/v1", "http://www.google.com/xmpp/protocol/video/v1", "http://www.google.com/xmpp/protocol/camera/v1", "urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:1", "urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:audio", "urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:video", "urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:raw-udp:1", "urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:ice-udp:1", "urn:xmpp:avatar:metadata", "urn:xmpp:avatar:data", "urn:xmpp:avatar:metadata+notify", "http://jabber.org/protocol/mood", "http://jabber.org/protocol/mood+notify", "http://jabber.org/protocol/tune", "http://jabber.org/protocol/tune+notify", "http://jabber.org/protocol/nick", "http://jabber.org/protocol/nick+notify", "http://jabber.org/protocol/ibb", #endif NULL }; static void buildcaps(char *out, int outlen) { int i; Q_strncpyz(out, "", outlen); for (i = 0; caps[i]; i++) { Q_strlcat(out, "", outlen); } } static int qsortcaps(const void *va, const void *vb) { char *a = *(char**)va; char *b = *(char**)vb; return strcmp(a, b); } int SHA1(char *digest, int maxdigestsize, char *string, int stringlen); char *buildcapshash(void) { int i, l; char out[8192]; int outlen = sizeof(out); unsigned char digest[64]; Q_strlcpy(out, "client/pc//FTEQW<", outlen); qsort(caps, sizeof(caps)/sizeof(caps[0]) - 1, sizeof(char*), qsortcaps); for (i = 0; caps[i]; i++) { Q_strlcat(out, caps[i], outlen); Q_strlcat(out, "<", outlen); } l = SHA1(digest, sizeof(digest), out, strlen(out)); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) Base64_Byte(digest[i]); Base64_Finish(); return base64; } void JCL_ParseIQ(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree) { qboolean unparsable = true; char *from; // char *to; char *id; char *f; xmltree_t *ot; //FIXME: block from people who we don't know. id = XML_GetParameter(tree, "id", ""); from = XML_GetParameter(tree, "from", ""); // to = XML_GetParameter(tree, "to", ""); f = XML_GetParameter(tree, "type", ""); if (!strcmp(f, "get")) { ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "query", 0); if (ot) { if (from && !strcmp(ot->xmlns, "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info")) { //http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0030.html char msg[2048]; char hashednode[1024]; char *node = XML_GetParameter(ot, "node", NULL); unparsable = false; buildcaps(msg, sizeof(msg)); Q_snprintf(hashednode, sizeof(hashednode),DISCONODE"#%s", buildcapshash()); if (!node || !strcmp(node, hashednode)) { JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "" "" "%s" "" "", from, id, node?node:hashednode, msg); } #ifdef VOIP_LEGACY else if (!strcmp(node, DISCONODE"#voice-v1")) { JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "" "" "" "" "", from, id, node, msg); } #endif else { JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "" "" "" "" "", from, id); } } else if (from && !strcmp(ot->xmlns, "jabber:iq:version")) { //client->client version request char msg[2048]; unparsable = false; Q_snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "" "" "FTEQW XMPP" "V"JCL_BUILD"" #ifdef Q3_VM "QVM plugin" #else //don't specify the os otherwise, as it gives away required base addresses etc for exploits #endif "" "", from, id); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, msg); } else if (from && !strcmp(ot->xmlns, "jabber:iq:last")) { unparsable = false; JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "" "" "" "" "", from, id); } /* else if (from && !strcmp(ot->xmlns, "jabber:iq:last")) { //http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0012.html char msg[2048]; int idletime = 0; unparsable = false; //last activity Q_snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "" "" "", from, id, idletime); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, msg); } */ } #ifndef Q3_VM ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "time", 0); if (ot && !strcmp(ot->xmlns, "urn:xmpp:time")) { //http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0202.html char msg[2048]; char tz[256]; char timestamp[256]; struct tm * timeinfo; int tzh, tzm; time_t rawtime; time (&rawtime); timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime); tzh = timeinfo->tm_hour; tzm = timeinfo->tm_min; timeinfo = gmtime (&rawtime); tzh -= timeinfo->tm_hour; tzm -= timeinfo->tm_min; Q_snprintf(tz, sizeof(tz), "%+i:%i", tzh, tzm); strftime(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", timeinfo); unparsable = false; //strftime Q_snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "" "" "", from, id, tz, timestamp); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, msg); } #endif ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "ping", 0); if (ot && !strcmp(ot->xmlns, "urn:xmpp:ping")) { JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "", from, id); } if (unparsable) { //unsupported stuff char msg[2048]; unparsable = false; Con_Printf("Unsupported iq get\n"); XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0); //tell them OH NOES, instead of requiring some timeout. Q_snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "" "" "" "" "", from, id); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, msg); } } else if (!strcmp(f, "set")) { xmltree_t *c; #ifdef FILETRANSFERS ot = XML_ChildOfTreeNS(tree, "http://jabber.org/protocol/ibb", "open", 0); if (ot) { struct ft_s *ft; char *sid = XML_GetParameter(ot, "sid", ""); int blocksize = atoi(XML_GetParameter(ot, "block-size", "4096")); //technically this is required. char *stanza = XML_GetParameter(ot, "stanza", "iq"); for (ft = jcl->ft; ft; ft = ft->next) { if (!strcmp(ft->sid, sid)) { if (!ft->begun && ft->transmitting == false) { if (blocksize > 65536 || strcmp(stanza, "iq")) { //blocksize: MUST NOT be greater than 65535 JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "" "" "" "" "" , id, from); } else if (blocksize > 4096) { //ask for smaller chunks JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "" "" "" "" "" , id, from); } else { //it looks okay pFS_Open(ft->fname, &ft->file, 2); ft->method = FT_IBB; ft->blocksize = blocksize; ft->begun = true; //if its okay... JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "", id, from); } return; } } } } ot = XML_ChildOfTreeNS(tree, "http://jabber.org/protocol/ibb", "close", 0); if (ot) { struct ft_s **link, *ft; char *sid = XML_GetParameter(ot, "sid", ""); for (link = &jcl->ft; *link; link = &(*link)->next) { ft = *link; if (!strcmp(ft->sid, sid)) { if (ft->begun && ft->method == FT_IBB) { int size; pFS_Close(ft->file); if (ft->transmitting) { Con_Printf("%s aborted transfer of \"%s\"\n", from, ft->fname); } else { size = pFS_Open(ft->fname, &ft->file, 1); pFS_Close(ft->file); if (size == ft->size) Con_Printf("Received file \"%s\" successfully\n", ft->fname); else Con_Printf("%s aborted transfer of \"%s\"\n", from, ft->fname); } *link = ft->next; free(ft); //if its okay... JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "", id, from); return; } } } } ot = XML_ChildOfTreeNS(tree, "http://jabber.org/protocol/ibb", "data", 0); if (ot) { char block[65536]; char *sid = XML_GetParameter(ot, "sid", ""); unsigned short seq = atoi(XML_GetParameter(ot, "seq", "0")); int blocksize; struct ft_s *ft; for (ft = jcl->ft; ft; ft = ft->next) { if (!strcmp(ft->sid, sid) && !ft->transmitting) { blocksize = Base64_Decode(block, sizeof(block), ot->body, strlen(ot->body)); if (blocksize && blocksize <= ft->blocksize) { pFS_Write(ft->file, block, blocksize); JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "", id, from); return; } else Con_Printf("XMPP: Invalid blocksize in file transfer from %s\n", from); break; } } } ot = XML_ChildOfTreeNS(tree, "http://jabber.org/protocol/si", "si", 0); if (ot) { char *profile = XML_GetParameter(ot, "profile", ""); unparsable = false; if (!strcmp(profile, "http://jabber.org/protocol/si/profile/file-transfer")) { char *s; xmltree_t *repiq, *repsi, *c; char *mimetype = XML_GetParameter(ot, "mime-type", "text/plain"); char *sid = XML_GetParameter(ot, "id", ""); xmltree_t *file = XML_ChildOfTreeNS(ot, "http://jabber.org/protocol/si/profile/file-transfer", "file", 0); char *fname = XML_GetParameter(file, "name", "file.txt"); char *date = XML_GetParameter(file, "date", ""); char *md5hash = XML_GetParameter(file, "hash", ""); int fsize = strtoul(XML_GetParameter(file, "size", "0"), NULL, 0); char *desc = XML_GetChildBody(file, "desc", ""); //file transfer offer struct ft_s *ft = malloc(sizeof(*ft)); memset(ft, 0, sizeof(*ft)); ft->next = jcl->ft; jcl->ft = ft; ft->transmitting = false; Q_strlcpy(ft->sid, sid, sizeof(ft->sid)); Q_strlcpy(ft->fname, fname, sizeof(ft->sid)); Base64_Decode(ft->md5hash, sizeof(ft->md5hash), md5hash, strlen(md5hash)); ft->size = fsize; ft->file = -1; // ft->with = ft->method = FT_IBB; ft->begun = false; Con_Printf("Receiving file \"%s\" from \"%s\" (%i bytes)\n", fname, from, fsize); //generate a response. //FIXME: we ought to delay response until after we prompt. repiq = XML_CreateNode(NULL, "iq", "", ""); XML_AddParameter(repiq, "type", "result"); XML_AddParameter(repiq, "to", from); XML_AddParameter(repiq, "id", id); repsi = XML_CreateNode(repiq, "si", "http://jabber.org/protocol/si", ""); XML_CreateNode(repsi, "file", "http://jabber.org/protocol/si/profile/file-transfer", ""); //I don't really get the point of this. c = XML_CreateNode(repsi, "feature", "http://jabber.org/protocol/feature-neg", ""); c = XML_CreateNode(c, "x", "jabber:x:data", ""); XML_AddParameter(c, "type", "submit"); c = XML_CreateNode(c, "field", "", ""); XML_AddParameter(c, "var", "stream-method"); if (ft->method == FT_IBB) c = XML_CreateNode(c, "value", "", "http://jabber.org/protocol/ibb"); else if (ft->method == FT_BYTESTREAM) c = XML_CreateNode(c, "value", "", "http://jabber.org/protocol/bytestreams"); s = XML_GenerateString(repiq, false); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, s); free(s); XML_Destroy(repiq); } else { //profile not understood JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "" "" "" "" "" "", from, id); } } #endif c = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "query", 0); if (c && !strcmp(c->xmlns, "jabber:iq:roster")) { unparsable = false; JCL_RosterUpdate(jcl, c); } #ifdef JINGLE c = XML_ChildOfTreeNS(tree, "urn:xmpp:jingle:1", "jingle", 0); if (c) unparsable = !JCL_ParseJingle(jcl, c, from, id); #ifdef VOIP_LEGACY c = XML_ChildOfTreeNS(tree, "http://www.google.com/session", "session", 0); if (c) unparsable = !JCL_HandleGoogleSession(jcl, c, from, id); #endif #endif if (unparsable) { char msg[2048]; //tell them OH NOES, instead of requiring some timeout. Q_snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "" "" "" "" "", from, id); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, msg); unparsable = false; } } else if (!strcmp(f, "result") || !strcmp(f, "error")) { char *id = XML_GetParameter(tree, "id", ""); struct iq_s **link, *iq; char *from = XML_GetParameter(tree, "from", ""); unparsable = false; for (link = &jcl->pendingiqs; *link; link = &(*link)->next) { iq = *link; if (!strcmp(iq->id, id) && !strcmp(iq->to, from)) break; } if (*link) { iq = *link; *link = iq->next; if (iq->callback) { if (!iq->callback(jcl, !strcmp(f, "error")?NULL:tree, iq)) { Con_Printf("Invalid iq result\n"); XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0); } } free(iq); } else { Con_Printf("Unrecognised iq result\n"); XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0); } } if (unparsable) { unparsable = false; Con_Printf("Unrecognised iq type\n"); XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0); } } void JCL_ParseMessage(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree) { xmltree_t *ot; qboolean unparsable = true; char *f = XML_GetParameter(tree, "from", NULL); char *type = XML_GetParameter(tree, "type", "normal"); char *ctx; if (f && !strcmp(f, jcl->jid)) unparsable = false; else { if (f) { buddy_t *b; bresource_t *br; Q_strlcpy(jcl->defaultdest, f, sizeof(jcl->defaultdest)); JCL_FindBuddy(jcl, f, &b, &br); ctx = b->name; if (!strcmp(type, "groupchat")) f = br->resource; else if (b->chatroom) //need to use the full resource for private chat within a room { ctx = f; f = br->resource; } else { f = b->name; b->defaultresource = br; } } if (f) { ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "composing", 0); if (ot && !strcmp(ot->xmlns, "http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates")) { unparsable = false; Con_SubPrintf(ctx, "%s is typing\r", f); } ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "paused", 0); if (ot && !strcmp(ot->xmlns, "http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates")) { unparsable = false; Con_SubPrintf(ctx, "%s has stopped typing\r", f); } ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "inactive", 0); if (ot && !strcmp(ot->xmlns, "http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates")) { unparsable = false; Con_SubPrintf(ctx, "\r", f); } ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "active", 0); if (ot && !strcmp(ot->xmlns, "http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates")) { unparsable = false; Con_SubPrintf(ctx, "\r", f); } ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "gone", 0); if (ot && !strcmp(ot->xmlns, "http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates")) { unparsable = false; Con_SubPrintf(ctx, "%s has gone away\r", f); } } ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "attention", 0); if (ot) { if (jclient_poketime < jclient_curtime) //throttle these. { jclient_poketime = jclient_curtime + 10*1000; Con_SubPrintf(ctx, "%s is an attention whore.\n", f); pCon_SetActive(ctx); if (BUILTINISVALID(LocalSound)) pLocalSound("misc/talk.wav"); } } ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "subject", 0); if (ot && !strcmp(type, "groupchat")) { unparsable = false; Con_SubPrintf(ctx, "^2%s^7 has set the topic to: %s\n", f, ot->body); } ot = XML_ChildOfTreeNS(tree, "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user", "x", 0); if (ot && f && !strchr(f, '/')) { //this is an appaling extension protocol. we really have no way to know if someone's just making this shit up just to see our presence. //this message came from the groupchat server. xmltree_t *inv = XML_ChildOfTree(ot, "invite", 0); if (inv) { char *who = XML_GetParameter(inv, "from", ""); char *reason = XML_GetChildBody(inv, "reason", NULL); char *password = XML_GetChildBody(ot, "password", 0); char link[512]; buddy_t *b; JCL_FindBuddy(jcl, f, &b, NULL); if (b->chatroom) return; //we already know about it. don't spam. JCL_GenLink(jcl, link, sizeof(link), "mucjoin", f, NULL, password, "%s", f); if (reason) Con_SubPrintf(ctx, "* ^2%s^7 has invited you to join %s: %s.\n", who, link, reason); else Con_SubPrintf(ctx, "* ^2%s^7 has invited you to join %s.\n", who, link); return; //ignore any body/jabber:x:conference } } ot = XML_ChildOfTreeNS(tree, "jabber:x:conference", "x", 0); if (ot) { char link[512]; char *chatjit = XML_GetParameter(ot, "jid", ""); char *reason = XML_GetParameter(ot, "reason", NULL); char *password = XML_GetParameter(ot, "password", NULL); unparsable = false; JCL_GenLink(jcl, link, sizeof(link), "mucjoin", chatjit, NULL, password, "%s", chatjit); if (reason) Con_SubPrintf(ctx, "* ^2%s^7 has invited you to join %s: %s.\n", f, link, reason); else Con_SubPrintf(ctx, "* ^2%s^7 has invited you to join %s.\n", f, link); return; //ignore any body } ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "body", 0); if (ot) { unparsable = false; if (f) { if (!strncmp(ot->body, "/me ", 4)) Con_SubPrintf(ctx, "* ^2%s^7%s\n", f, ot->body+3); else Con_SubPrintf(ctx, "^2%s^7: %s\n", f, ot->body); } else Con_Printf("NOTICE: %s\n", ot->body); if (BUILTINISVALID(LocalSound)) pLocalSound("misc/talk.wav"); } if (unparsable) { unparsable = false; if (jcl->streamdebug) { Con_Printf("Received a message without a body\n"); XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0); } } } } unsigned int JCL_ParseCaps(char *account, char *resource, xmltree_t *query) { xmltree_t *feature; unsigned int caps = 0; qboolean rtp = false; qboolean rtpaudio = false; qboolean quake = false; qboolean ice = false; qboolean raw = false; qboolean jingle = false; qboolean si = false; qboolean sift = false; qboolean ibb = false; int i = 0; char *var; // XML_ConPrintTree(query, 0); while((feature = XML_ChildOfTree(query, "feature", i++))) { var = XML_GetParameter(feature, "var", ""); //check ones we recognise. // Con_Printf("%s/%s: %s\n", account, resource, var); if (!strcmp(var, QUAKEMEDIAXMLNS)) quake = true; #ifndef VOIP_LEGACY_ONLY if (!strcmp(var, "urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:audio")) rtpaudio = true; #endif if (!strcmp(var, "urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:1")) rtp = true; //kinda implied, but ensures version is okay if (!strcmp(var, "urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:ice-udp:1")) ice = true; if (!strcmp(var, "urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:raw-udp:1")) raw = true; if (!strcmp(var, "urn:xmpp:jingle:1")) jingle = true; //kinda implied, but ensures version is okay #ifdef VOIP_LEGACY if (!strcmp(var, "http://www.google.com/xmpp/protocol/voice/v1")) caps |= CAP_FUGOOG_VOICE; //legacy crap, so we can call google's official clients, which do not follow current xmpp standards. if (!strcmp(var, "http://www.google.com/xmpp/protocol/session")) caps |= CAP_FUGOOG_SESSION; //legacy crap, so we can call google's official clients, which do not follow current xmpp standards. #endif if (!strcmp(var, "http://jabber.org/protocol/si")) si = true; if (!strcmp(var, "http://jabber.org/protocol/si/profile/file-transfer")) sift = true; if (!strcmp(var, "http://jabber.org/protocol/ibb")) ibb = true; } if ((ice||raw) && jingle) { if (rtpaudio && rtp) caps |= CAP_VOICE; if (quake) caps |= CAP_INVITE; } if (si && sift && ibb) caps |= CAP_SIFT; return caps; } void JCL_CheckClientCaps(jclient_t *jcl, buddy_t *buddy, bresource_t *bres); qboolean JCL_ClientDiscoInfo(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, struct iq_s *iq) { xmltree_t *query = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "query", 0); xmltree_t *feature; char *var; int i = 0; unsigned int caps = 0; buddy_t *b, *ob; bresource_t *r, *or; JCL_FindBuddy(jcl, iq->to, &b, &r); if (!query) caps = CAP_QUERYFAILED; else { // XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0); caps = JCL_ParseCaps(b->accountdomain, r->resource, query); } if (b && r) { if (!(caps & CAP_QUERYFAILED)) { // Con_Printf("%s/%s caps = %x\n", b->accountdomain, r->resource, caps); if (!(r->caps & CAP_QUERIED)) r->caps = CAP_QUERIED; //reset it r->caps |= CAP_QUERIED | caps; //as we got a valid response, make sure other resources running the same software get the same caps for (ob = jcl->buddies; ob; ob = ob->next) { for (or = ob->resources; or; or = or->next) { //ignore evil clients. if (r == or || (or->caps & (CAP_QUERYFAILED|CAP_QUERIED|CAP_QUERYING)) || !or->client_node) continue; //all resources with the same details then get the same caps flags. if (!strcmp(r->client_node, or->client_node) && !strcmp(r->client_ver, or->client_ver) && !strcmp(r->client_hash, or->client_hash) && !strcmp(r->client_ext, or->client_ext)) { // Con_Printf("%s/%s matches (updated) %s/%s (%s#%s)\n", ob->accountdomain, or->resource, b->accountdomain, r->resource, r->client_node, r->client_ver); or->caps = r->caps; } } } } else { if (!(r->caps & (CAP_QUERIED|CAP_QUERYFAILED))) { r->caps = CAP_QUERYFAILED; //as the response is invalid, we need to ensure that other resources that claim to use the same software are still queried anyway. //(this is needed in case the one that we asked was spoofing) for (ob = jcl->buddies; ob; ob = ob->next) { for (or = ob->resources; or; or = or->next) { //ignore evil clients. if (r == or || (or->caps & (CAP_QUERYFAILED|CAP_QUERIED|CAP_QUERYING)) || !or->client_node) continue; //all resources with the same details then get the same caps flags. if (r->client_node && !strcmp(r->client_node, or->client_node) && !strcmp(r->client_ver, or->client_ver) && !strcmp(r->client_hash, or->client_hash) && !strcmp(r->client_ext, or->client_ext)) { JCL_CheckClientCaps(jcl, ob, or); return true; } } } } } } return true; } void JCL_CheckClientCaps(jclient_t *jcl, buddy_t *buddy, bresource_t *bres) { buddy_t *b; bresource_t *r; char extname[64], *ext; //ignore it if we're already asking them... if (bres->caps & (CAP_QUERYING|CAP_QUERIED|CAP_QUERYFAILED)) return; //look for another resource that we might already know about that is the same client+ver and thus has the same caps. if (bres->client_node) for (b = jcl->buddies; b; b = b->next) { for (r = b->resources; r; r = r->next) { if (r == bres) continue; //ignore evil clients. if ((r->caps & CAP_QUERYFAILED) || !r->client_node) continue; if (!strcmp(r->client_node, bres->client_node) && !strcmp(r->client_ver, bres->client_ver) && !strcmp(r->client_hash, bres->client_hash) && !strcmp(r->client_ext, bres->client_ext)) { if (r->caps & CAP_QUERIED) { bres->caps = r->caps; // Con_Printf("%s/%s matches (known) %s/%s (%s#%s)\n", buddy->accountdomain, bres->resource, b->accountdomain, r->resource, r->client_node, r->client_ver); return; } if (r->caps & CAP_QUERYING) { //we're already asking one client with the same software. don't ask for dupes. bres->caps = 0; // Con_Printf("%s/%s matches (pending) %s/%s (%s#%s)\n", buddy->accountdomain, bres->resource, b->accountdomain, r->resource, r->client_node, r->client_ver); return; } } } } // Con_Printf("%s/%s querying (%s#%s)\n", buddy->accountdomain, bres->resource, bres->client_node, bres->client_ver); //okay, this is the first time we've seen that software version. ask it what it supports, and hope we get a valid response... bres->caps = CAP_QUERYING; JCL_SendIQf(jcl, JCL_ClientDiscoInfo, "get", va("%s/%s", buddy->accountdomain, bres->resource), "", bres->client_node, bres->client_ver); //and ask for info about each extension too. which should only be used if the specified version isn't a hash. if (bres->client_hash && !*bres->client_hash) { for (ext = bres->client_ext; ext; ) { ext = JCL_ParseOut(ext, extname, sizeof(extname)); if (*extname) JCL_SendIQf(jcl, JCL_ClientDiscoInfo, "get", va("%s/%s", buddy->accountdomain, bres->resource), "", bres->client_node, extname); } } } void JCL_ParsePresence(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree) { buddy_t *buddy; bresource_t *bres; char *from = XML_GetParameter(tree, "from", ""); xmltree_t *show = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "show", 0); xmltree_t *status = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "status", 0); xmltree_t *quake = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "quake", 0); xmltree_t *muc = XML_ChildOfTreeNS(tree, "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user", "x", 0); xmltree_t *caps = XML_ChildOfTreeNS(tree, "http://jabber.org/protocol/caps", "c", 0); char *type = XML_GetParameter(tree, "type", ""); char *serverip = NULL; char *servermap = NULL; char startconvo[512]; char oldbstatus[128]; char oldfstatus[128]; if (quake && !strcmp(quake->xmlns, "fteqw.com:game")) { serverip = XML_GetParameter(quake, "serverip", NULL); servermap = XML_GetParameter(quake, "servermap", NULL); } if (type && !strcmp(type, "subscribe")) { char pauth[512], pdeny[512]; JCL_GenLink(jcl, startconvo, sizeof(startconvo), NULL, from, NULL, NULL, "%s", from); JCL_GenLink(jcl, pauth, sizeof(pauth), "pauth", from, NULL, NULL, "%s", "Authorize"); JCL_GenLink(jcl, pdeny, sizeof(pdeny), "pdeny", from, NULL, NULL, "%s", "Deny"); Con_Printf("%s wants to be your friend! %s %s\n", startconvo, pauth, pdeny); } else if (type && !strcmp(type, "subscribed")) { JCL_GenLink(jcl, startconvo, sizeof(startconvo), NULL, from, NULL, NULL, "%s", from); Con_Printf("%s is now your friend!\n", startconvo); } else if (type && !strcmp(type, "unsubscribe")) { JCL_GenLink(jcl, startconvo, sizeof(startconvo), NULL, from, NULL, NULL, "%s", from); Con_Printf("%s has unfriended you\n", startconvo); } else if (type && !strcmp(type, "unsubscribed")) { JCL_GenLink(jcl, startconvo, sizeof(startconvo), NULL, from, NULL, NULL, "%s", from); Con_Printf("%s is no longer unfriended you\n", startconvo); } else { JCL_FindBuddy(jcl, from, &buddy, &bres); JCL_GenLink(jcl, startconvo, sizeof(startconvo), NULL, from, NULL, NULL, "%s", buddy->name); if (bres) { if (servermap) { bres->servertype = 2; Q_strlcpy(bres->server, servermap, sizeof(bres->server)); } else if (serverip) { bres->servertype = 1; Q_strlcpy(bres->server, serverip, sizeof(bres->server)); } else { bres->servertype = 0; Q_strlcpy(bres->server, "", sizeof(bres->server)); } Q_strlcpy(oldbstatus, bres->bstatus, sizeof(oldbstatus)); Q_strlcpy(oldfstatus, bres->fstatus, sizeof(oldfstatus)); Q_strlcpy(bres->fstatus, (status && *status->body)?status->body:"", sizeof(bres->fstatus)); if (!tree->child) { Q_strlcpy(bres->bstatus, "offline", sizeof(bres->bstatus)); bres->caps = 0; } else { Q_strlcpy(bres->bstatus, (show && *show->body)?show->body:"present", sizeof(bres->bstatus)); if (caps) { char *ext = XML_GetParameter(caps, "ext", ""); //deprecated char *ver = XML_GetParameter(caps, "ver", ""); char *node = XML_GetParameter(caps, "node", ""); char *hash = XML_GetParameter(caps, "hash", ""); if (!bres->client_hash || strcmp(ext, bres->client_ext) || strcmp(hash, bres->client_hash) || strcmp(node, bres->client_node) || strcmp(ver, bres->client_ver)) { bres->caps &= ~(CAP_QUERIED|CAP_QUERYING|CAP_QUERYFAILED); //no idea what the new caps are. free(bres->client_ext); free(bres->client_hash); free(bres->client_node); free(bres->client_ver); bres->client_ext = strdup(ext); bres->client_hash = strdup(hash); bres->client_node = strdup(node); bres->client_ver = strdup(ver); } } JCL_CheckClientCaps(jcl, buddy, bres); } if (muc) { JCL_GenLink(jcl, startconvo, sizeof(startconvo), NULL, from, NULL, NULL, "%s", bres->resource); if (type && !strcmp(type, "unavailable")) Con_SubPrintf(buddy->name, "%s has left the conversation\n", bres->resource); else if (strcmp(oldbstatus, bres->bstatus)) Con_SubPrintf(buddy->name, "%s is now %s\n", startconvo, bres->bstatus); } else { if (bres->servertype == 2) { char joinlink[512]; JCL_GenLink(jcl, joinlink, sizeof(joinlink), "join", from, NULL, NULL, "Playing Quake - %s", bres->server); Con_Printf("%s is now %s\n", startconvo, joinlink); } else if (bres->servertype == 1) Con_Printf("%s is now ^[[Playing Quake - %s]\\observe\\%s^]\n", startconvo, bres->server, bres->server); else if (!pCvar_GetFloat("xmpp_hidestatusupdates") && (strcmp(oldbstatus, bres->bstatus) || strcmp(oldfstatus, bres->fstatus))) { if (*bres->fstatus) Con_Printf("%s is now %s: %s\n", startconvo, bres->bstatus, bres->fstatus); else Con_Printf("%s is now %s\n", startconvo, bres->bstatus); } } if (type && !strcmp(type, "unavailable")) { //remove this buddy resource } } else { Con_Printf("Weird presence:\n"); XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0); } } } #define JCL_DONE 0 //no more data available for now. #define JCL_CONTINUE 1 //more data needs parsing. #define JCL_KILL 2 //some error, needs reconnecting. #define JCL_NUKEFROMORBIT 3 //permanent error (or logged on from elsewhere) int JCL_ClientFrame(jclient_t *jcl) { int pos; xmltree_t *tree, *ot; char *f; int ret; qboolean unparsable; int olddepth; ret = pNet_Recv(jcl->socket, jcl->bufferedinmessage+jcl->bufferedinammount, sizeof(jcl->bufferedinmessage)-1 - jcl->bufferedinammount); if (ret == 0) { if (!jcl->bufferedinammount) //if we are half way through a message, read any possible conjunctions. return JCL_DONE; //nothing more this frame } if (ret < 0) { Con_Printf("XMPP: socket error\n"); return JCL_KILL; } if (ret>0) { jcl->bufferedinammount+=ret; jcl->bufferedinmessage[jcl->bufferedinammount] = 0; } olddepth = jcl->tagdepth; //we never end parsing in the middle of a < > //this means we can filter out the , and < /> stuff properly for (pos = jcl->instreampos; pos < jcl->bufferedinammount; pos++) { if (jcl->bufferedinmessage[pos] == '<') { jcl->instreampos = pos; } else if (jcl->bufferedinmessage[pos] == '>') { if (pos < 1) break; //erm... if (jcl->bufferedinmessage[pos-1] != '/') // is a tag without a body { if (jcl->bufferedinmessage[jcl->instreampos+1] != '?') // is a tag without a body { if (jcl->bufferedinmessage[pos-1] != '?') { if (jcl->bufferedinmessage[jcl->instreampos+1] == '/') // is the end of a tag with a body jcl->tagdepth--; else jcl->tagdepth++; // is the start of a tag with a body } } } jcl->instreampos=pos+1; } } if (jcl->tagdepth == 1 && olddepth == 0) { //first bit of info pos = 0; tree = XML_Parse(jcl->bufferedinmessage, &pos, jcl->instreampos, true, ""); while (tree && !strcmp(tree->name, "?xml")) { XML_Destroy(tree); tree = XML_Parse(jcl->bufferedinmessage, &pos, jcl->instreampos, true, ""); } if (jcl->streamdebug) { char t = jcl->bufferedinmessage[pos]; jcl->bufferedinmessage[pos] = 0; Con_TrySubPrint("xmppin", jcl->bufferedinmessage); if (tree) Con_TrySubPrint("xmppin", "\n"); jcl->bufferedinmessage[pos] = t; } if (!tree) { Con_Printf("Not an xml stream\n"); return JCL_KILL; } if (strcmp(tree->name, "stream") || strcmp(tree->xmlns, "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams")) { Con_Printf("Not an xmpp stream\n"); return JCL_KILL; } Q_strlcpy(jcl->defaultnamespace, tree->xmlns_dflt, sizeof(jcl->defaultnamespace)); ot = tree; tree = tree->child; ot->child = NULL; // Con_Printf("Discard\n"); // XML_ConPrintTree(ot, 0); XML_Destroy(ot); if (!tree) { memmove(jcl->bufferedinmessage, jcl->bufferedinmessage+pos, jcl->bufferedinammount - (pos)); jcl->bufferedinammount-=pos; jcl->instreampos-=pos; return JCL_DONE; } } else { if (jcl->tagdepth != 1) { if (jcl->tagdepth < 1 && jcl->bufferedinammount==jcl->instreampos) { Con_Printf("End of XML stream\n"); return JCL_KILL; } return JCL_DONE; } pos = 0; tree = XML_Parse(jcl->bufferedinmessage, &pos, jcl->instreampos, false, jcl->defaultnamespace); if (jcl->streamdebug && tree) { char t = jcl->bufferedinmessage[pos]; jcl->bufferedinmessage[pos] = 0; Con_TrySubPrint("xmppin", jcl->bufferedinmessage); Con_TrySubPrint("xmppin", "\n"); jcl->bufferedinmessage[pos] = t; } if (!tree) { // Con_Printf("No input tree: %s", jcl->bufferedinmessage); return JCL_DONE; } } // Con_Printf("read\n"); // XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0); jcl->timeout = jclient_curtime + 60*1000; unparsable = true; if (!strcmp(tree->name, "features")) { if ((ot=XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "bind", 0))) { unparsable = false; JCL_SendIQf(jcl, JCL_BindReply, "set", NULL, "%s", jcl->resource); } if ((ot=XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "session", 0))) { unparsable = false; JCL_SendIQf(jcl, JCL_SessionReply, "set", NULL, ""); jcl->connected = true; JCL_WriteConfig(); // JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, ""); } if (unparsable) { if ((!jcl->issecure) && BUILTINISVALID(Net_SetTLSClient) && XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "starttls", 0) != NULL && jcl->forcetls >= 0) { Con_DPrintf("XMPP: Attempting to switch to TLS\n"); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, ""); unparsable = false; } else if ((ot=XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "mechanisms", 0))) { xmltree_t *m; int sm; char out[512]; char *method = NULL; int outlen = -1; if (jcl->forcetls > 0 && !jcl->issecure) { Con_Printf("XMPP: Unable to switch to TLS.\n"); XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0); XML_Destroy(tree); return JCL_KILL; } for (sm = 0; sm < sizeof(saslmethods)/sizeof(saslmethods[0]); sm++) { method = saslmethods[sm].method?saslmethods[sm].method:jcl->oauth2.saslmethod; if (!*method) continue; for (m = ot->child; m; m = m->sibling) { if (!strcmp(m->body, method)) { outlen = saslmethods[sm].sasl_initial(jcl, out, sizeof(out)); if (outlen != -1) break; } } if (outlen != -1) break; } if (outlen == -2) { XML_Destroy(tree); return JCL_KILL; } if (outlen >= 0) { jcl->authmode = sm; Base64_Add(out, outlen); Base64_Finish(); Con_DPrintf("XMPP: Authing with %s%s.\n", method, jcl->issecure?" over tls":" without encription"); JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "%s", method, base64); unparsable = false; } else { Con_Printf("XMPP: No suitable auth methods. Unable to connect.\n"); XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0); XML_Destroy(tree); return JCL_KILL; } } else //we cannot auth, no suitable method. { Con_Printf("XMPP: Neither SASL or TLS are usable\n"); XML_Destroy(tree); return JCL_KILL; } } } else if (!strcmp(tree->name, "challenge") && !strcmp(tree->xmlns, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl") && jcl->authmode >= 0) { char in[512]; int inlen; char out[512]; int outlen; inlen = Base64_Decode(in, sizeof(in), tree->body, strlen(tree->body)); outlen = saslmethods[jcl->authmode].sasl_challenge(jcl, in, inlen, out, sizeof(out)); if (outlen < 0) { Con_Printf("XMPP: unable to auth with server\n"); XML_Destroy(tree); return JCL_KILL; } Base64_Add(out, outlen); Base64_Finish(); JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "%s", base64); unparsable = false; } else if (!strcmp(tree->name, "proceed")) { //switch to TLS, if we can //Restart everything, basically. jcl->bufferedinammount = 0; jcl->instreampos = 0; jcl->tagdepth = 0; if (!BUILTINISVALID(Net_SetTLSClient)) { Con_Printf("XMPP: proceed without TLS\n"); XML_Destroy(tree); return JCL_KILL; } //when using srv records, the certificate must match the user's domain, rather than merely the hostname of the server. //if you want to match the hostname of the server, use (oldstyle) tlsconnect directly instead. if (pNet_SetTLSClient(jcl->socket, jcl->certificatedomain)<0) { Con_Printf("XMPP: failed to switch to TLS\n"); XML_Destroy(tree); return JCL_KILL; } if (!*jcl->certificatedomain) Con_Printf("XMPP: WARNING: Connecting via TLS without validating certificate\n"); jcl->issecure = true; JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "" ""); XML_Destroy(tree); return JCL_DONE; } else if (!strcmp(tree->name, "failure")) { if (tree->child) Con_Printf("XMPP: Failure: %s\n", tree->child->name); else Con_Printf("XMPP: Unknown failure\n"); XML_Destroy(tree); return JCL_KILL; } else if (!strcmp(tree->name, "error")) { ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "see-other-host", 0); if (ot) { //msn needs this, apparently Q_strlcpy(jcl->redirserveraddr, ot->body, sizeof(jcl->redirserveraddr)); JCL_CloseConnection(jcl, true); if (!JCL_Reconnect(jcl)) return JCL_KILL; return JCL_CONTINUE; } else { ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "text", 0); if (ot) Con_Printf("XMPP: %s\n", ot->body); else Con_Printf("XMPP: Unknown error\n"); ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "conflict", 0); XML_Destroy(tree); if (ot) return JCL_NUKEFROMORBIT; else return JCL_KILL; } } else if (!strcmp(tree->name, "success")) { //Restart everything, basically, AGAIN! (third time lucky?) jcl->bufferedinammount = 0; jcl->instreampos = 0; jcl->tagdepth = 0; JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "" ""); return JCL_DONE; } else if (!strcmp(tree->name, "iq")) { JCL_ParseIQ(jcl, tree); unparsable = false; } else if (!strcmp(tree->name, "message")) { JCL_ParseMessage(jcl, tree); unparsable = false; } else if (!strcmp(tree->name, "presence")) { JCL_ParsePresence(jcl, tree); //we should keep a list of the people that we know of. unparsable = false; } else { Con_Printf("JCL unrecognised stanza: %s\n", tree->name); XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0); } memmove(jcl->bufferedinmessage, jcl->bufferedinmessage+pos, jcl->bufferedinammount-pos); jcl->bufferedinammount -= pos; jcl->instreampos -= pos; if (unparsable) { Con_Printf("XMPP: Input corrupt, urecognised, or unusable. Disconnecting.\n"); XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0); XML_Destroy(tree); return JCL_KILL; } XML_Destroy(tree); return JCL_CONTINUE; } void JCL_CloseConnection(jclient_t *jcl, qboolean reconnect) { //send our signoff to the server, if we're still alive. if (jcl->status != JCL_DEAD && jcl->status != JCL_INACTIVE) Con_Printf("XMPP: Disconnected from %s@%s\n", jcl->username, jcl->domain); if (jcl->status == JCL_ACTIVE) JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, ""); if (jcl->status != JCL_DEAD && jcl->status != JCL_INACTIVE) JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, ""); JCL_FlushOutgoing(jcl); //forget all our friends. JCL_ForgetBuddy(jcl, NULL, NULL); //destroy any data that never got sent free(jcl->outbuf); jcl->outbuf = NULL; jcl->outbuflen = 0; jcl->outbufpos = 0; jcl->outbufmax = 0; if (jcl->socket != -1) pNet_Close(jcl->socket); jcl->socket = -1; jcl->status = JCL_DEAD; jcl->timeout = jclient_curtime + 30*1000; //wait 30 secs before reconnecting, to avoid flood-prot-protection issues. if (!reconnect) { int i; free(jcl); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(jclients)/sizeof(jclients[0]); i++) { if (jclients[i] == jcl) jclients[i] = NULL; } } } //can be polled for server address updates void JCL_GeneratePresence(jclient_t *jcl, qboolean force) { int dummystat; char serveraddr[1024*16]; char servermap[1024*16]; //get the last server address serveraddr[0] = 0; servermap[0] = 0; if (!pCvar_GetFloat("xmpp_nostatus")) { if (pCvar_GetFloat("sv.state")) { pCvar_GetString("sv.mapname", servermap, sizeof(servermap)); } else { if (!pCvar_GetString("cl_serveraddress", serveraddr, sizeof(serveraddr))) serveraddr[0] = 0; if (BUILTINISVALID(CL_GetStats)) { //if we can't get any stats, its because we're not actually on the server. if (!pCL_GetStats(0, &dummystat, 1)) serveraddr[0] = 0; } } } if (force || strcmp(jcl->curquakeserver, *servermap?servermap:serveraddr)) { char caps[256]; Q_strlcpy(jcl->curquakeserver, *servermap?servermap:serveraddr, sizeof(jcl->curquakeserver)); Con_DPrintf("Sending presence %s\n", jcl->curquakeserver); //xep-0115 1.4+ Q_snprintf(caps, sizeof(caps), "", buildcapshash()); if (!*jcl->curquakeserver) JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "" "%s" "", caps); else if (*servermap) //if we're running a server, say so JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "" "" "%s" "" , servermap, caps); else //if we're connected to a server, say so JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "" "" "%s" "" ,jcl->curquakeserver, caps); } } //functions above this line allow connections to multiple servers. //it is just the control functions that only allow one server. qintptr_t JCL_Frame(qintptr_t *args) { int i; jclient_curtime = args[0]; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(jclients)/sizeof(jclients[0]); i++) { jclient_t *jcl = jclients[i]; if (jcl && jcl->status != JCL_INACTIVE) { int stat = JCL_CONTINUE; if (jcl->status == JCL_DEAD) { if (jclient_curtime > jcl->timeout) { JCL_Reconnect(jcl); jcl->timeout = jclient_curtime + 60*1000; } } else { if (jcl->connected) JCL_GeneratePresence(jcl, false); while(stat == JCL_CONTINUE) stat = JCL_ClientFrame(jcl); if (stat == JCL_NUKEFROMORBIT) { JCL_CloseConnection(jcl, true); jcl->status = JCL_INACTIVE; } else if (stat == JCL_KILL) JCL_CloseConnection(jcl, true); else JCL_FlushOutgoing(jcl); } #ifdef JINGLE JCL_JingleTimeouts(jcl, false); #endif JCL_IQTimeouts(jcl); } } return 0; } void JCL_WriteConfig(void) { xmltree_t *m, *n, *oauth2; int i; qhandle_t config; m = XML_CreateNode(NULL, "xmppaccounts", "", ""); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(jclients) / sizeof(jclients[0]); i++) { jclient_t *jcl = jclients[i]; if (jcl) { char foo[64]; n = XML_CreateNode(m, "account", "", ""); XML_AddParameteri(n, "id", i); XML_CreateNode(n, "streamdebug", "", jcl->streamdebug?"1":"0"); Q_snprintf(foo, sizeof(foo), "%i", jcl->forcetls); XML_CreateNode(n, "forcetls", "", foo); XML_CreateNode(n, "allowauth_plain_nontls", "", jcl->allowauth_plainnontls?"1":"0"); XML_CreateNode(n, "allowauth_plain_tls", "", jcl->allowauth_plaintls?"1":"0"); XML_CreateNode(n, "allowauth_digest_md5", "", jcl->allowauth_digestmd5?"1":"0"); XML_CreateNode(n, "allowauth_scram_sha_1", "", jcl->allowauth_scramsha1?"1":"0"); if (*jcl->oauth2.saslmethod) { XML_CreateNode(n, "allowauth_oauth2", "", jcl->allowauth_oauth2?"1":"0"); oauth2 = XML_CreateNode(n, "oauth2", "", ""); XML_AddParameter(oauth2, "method", jcl->oauth2.saslmethod); XML_CreateNode(oauth2, "obtain-url", "", jcl->oauth2.obtainurl); XML_CreateNode(oauth2, "refresh-url", "", jcl->oauth2.refreshurl); XML_CreateNode(oauth2, "client-id", "", jcl->oauth2.clientid); XML_CreateNode(oauth2, "client-secret", "", jcl->oauth2.clientsecret); XML_CreateNode(oauth2, "scope", "", jcl->oauth2.scope); XML_CreateNode(oauth2, "auth-token", "", jcl->oauth2.authtoken); XML_CreateNode(oauth2, "refresh-token", "", jcl->oauth2.refreshtoken); XML_CreateNode(oauth2, "access-token", "", jcl->oauth2.accesstoken); } XML_CreateNode(n, "username", "", jcl->username); XML_CreateNode(n, "domain", "", jcl->domain); XML_CreateNode(n, "resource", "", jcl->resource); if (!*jcl->oauth2.saslmethod || !jcl->allowauth_oauth2 || *jcl->password) //avoid writing password lest we encourage someone to supply it when its not useful XML_CreateNode(n, "password", "", jcl->password); //FIXME: should we base64 this just to obscure it? XML_CreateNode(n, "serveraddr", "", jcl->serveraddr); Q_snprintf(foo, sizeof(foo), "%i", jcl->serverport); XML_CreateNode(n, "serverport", "", foo); XML_CreateNode(n, "certificatedomain", "", jcl->certificatedomain); XML_CreateNode(n, "inactive", "", jcl->status == JCL_INACTIVE?"1":"0"); } } pFS_Open("**plugconfig", &config, 2); if (config >= 0) { char *s = XML_GenerateString(m, true); pFS_Write(config, s, strlen(s)); free(s); pFS_Close(config); } XML_Destroy(m); } void JCL_LoadConfig(void) { if (!jclients[0]) { int len; qhandle_t config; char buf[8192]; qboolean oldtls; len = pFS_Open("**plugconfig", &config, 1); if (len >= 0) { if (len >= sizeof(buf)) len = sizeof(buf)-1; buf[len] = 0; pFS_Read(config, buf, len); pFS_Close(config); if (len && *buf != '<') {//legacy code, to be removed char *line = buf; char tls[256]; char server[256]; char account[256]; char password[256]; line = JCL_ParseOut(line, tls, sizeof(tls)); line = JCL_ParseOut(line, server, sizeof(server)); line = JCL_ParseOut(line, account, sizeof(account)); line = JCL_ParseOut(line, password, sizeof(password)); oldtls = atoi(tls); Con_Printf("Legacy config: %s (%i)\n", buf, len); jclients[0] = JCL_Connect(0, server, oldtls, account, password); } else { xmltree_t *accs; int start = 0; accs = XML_Parse(buf, &start, len, false, ""); if (accs) { int i; xmltree_t *acc; for (i = 0; (acc = XML_ChildOfTree(accs, "account", i)); i++) { int id = atoi(XML_GetParameter(acc, "id", "0")); if (id < 0 || id >= sizeof(jclients) / sizeof(jclients[0]) || jclients[id]) continue; jclients[id] = JCL_ConnectXML(acc); } XML_Destroy(accs); } } } } } //on shutdown, write config and close connections. qintptr_t JCL_Shutdown(qintptr_t *args) { jclient_t *jcl; int i; JCL_WriteConfig(); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(jclients)/sizeof(jclients[0]); i++) { jcl = jclients[i]; if (jcl) JCL_CloseConnection(jcl, false); } // if (_CrtDumpMemoryLeaks()) // OutputDebugStringA("Leaks detected\n"); return true; } static void JCL_PrintBuddyStatus(char *console, jclient_t *jcl, buddy_t *b, bresource_t *r) { if (r->servertype == 2) { char joinlink[512]; JCL_GenLink(jcl, joinlink, sizeof(joinlink), "join", b->accountdomain, r->resource, NULL, "Playing Quake - %s", r->server); Con_SubPrintf(console, "%s", joinlink); } else if (r->servertype) Con_SubPrintf(console, "^[[Playing Quake - %s]\\observe\\%s^]", r->server, r->server); else if (*r->fstatus) Con_SubPrintf(console, "%s - %s", r->bstatus, r->fstatus); else Con_SubPrintf(console, "%s", r->bstatus); if ((r->caps & CAP_INVITE) && !r->servertype) { char invitelink[512]; JCL_GenLink(jcl, invitelink, sizeof(invitelink), "invite", b->accountdomain, r->resource, NULL, "%s", "Invite"); Con_SubPrintf(console, " %s", invitelink); } if (r->caps & CAP_VOICE) { char calllink[512]; JCL_GenLink(jcl, calllink, sizeof(calllink), "call", b->accountdomain, r->resource, NULL, "%s", "Call"); Con_SubPrintf(console, " %s", calllink); } else if ((r->caps & CAP_FUGOOG_VOICE) && (r->caps & CAP_FUGOOG_SESSION)) { char calllink[512]; JCL_GenLink(jcl, calllink, sizeof(calllink), "call", b->accountdomain, r->resource, NULL, "%s", "Call(NS)"); Con_SubPrintf(console, " %s", calllink); } } void JCL_PrintBuddyList(char *console, jclient_t *jcl, qboolean all) { buddy_t *b; bresource_t *r; struct c2c_s *c2c; struct ft_s *ft; char convolink[512], actlink[512]; if (!jcl->buddies) Con_SubPrintf(console, "You have no friends\n"); for (b = jcl->buddies; b; b = b->next) { //if we don't actually know them, don't list them. if (!b->friended && !b->chatroom) continue; if (!b->resources) //offline { if (all) { JCL_GenLink(jcl, convolink, sizeof(convolink), NULL, b->accountdomain, NULL, NULL, "^s^7%s^r", b->name); Con_SubPrintf(console, "%s: offline\n", convolink); } } else if (b->resources->next) { //multiple potential resources JCL_GenLink(jcl, convolink, sizeof(convolink), NULL, b->accountdomain, NULL, NULL, "%s", b->name); Con_SubPrintf(console, "%s:\n", convolink); for (r = b->resources; r; r = r->next) { JCL_GenLink(jcl, convolink, sizeof(convolink), NULL, b->accountdomain, r->resource, NULL, "%s", r->resource); Con_SubPrintf(console, " %s: ", convolink); JCL_PrintBuddyStatus(console, jcl, b, r); Con_SubPrintf(console, "\n"); } } else //only one resource { r = b->resources; JCL_GenLink(jcl, convolink, sizeof(convolink), NULL, b->accountdomain, r->resource, NULL, "%s", b->name); Con_SubPrintf(console, "%s: ", convolink); JCL_PrintBuddyStatus(console, jcl, b, r); Con_SubPrintf(console, "\n"); } } #ifdef JINGLE if (jcl->c2c) Con_SubPrintf(console, "Active sessions:\n"); for (c2c = jcl->c2c; c2c; c2c = c2c->next) { JCL_FindBuddy(jcl, c2c->with, &b, &r); switch(c2c->mediatype) { case ICEP_VOICE: JCL_GenLink(jcl, convolink, sizeof(convolink), NULL, b->accountdomain, r->resource, NULL, "%s", b->name); JCL_GenLink(jcl, actlink, sizeof(actlink), "jdeny", c2c->with, NULL, c2c->sid, "%s", "Hang Up"); Con_SubPrintf(console, " %s: voice %s\n", convolink, actlink); break; case ICEP_QWSERVER: JCL_GenLink(jcl, convolink, sizeof(convolink), NULL, b->accountdomain, r->resource, NULL, "%s", b->name); JCL_GenLink(jcl, actlink, sizeof(actlink), "jdeny", c2c->with, NULL, c2c->sid, "%s", "Kick"); Con_SubPrintf(console, " %s: server %s\n", convolink, actlink); break; case ICEP_QWCLIENT: JCL_GenLink(jcl, convolink, sizeof(convolink), NULL, b->accountdomain, r->resource, NULL, "%s", b->name); JCL_GenLink(jcl, actlink, sizeof(actlink), "jdeny", c2c->with, NULL, c2c->sid, "%s", "Disconnect"); Con_SubPrintf(console, " %s: client %s\n", convolink, actlink); break; } } #endif #ifdef FILETRANSFERS if (jcl->ft) Con_SubPrintf(console, "Active file transfers:\n"); for (ft = jcl->ft; ft; ft = ft->next) { JCL_FindBuddy(jcl, ft->with, &b, &r); JCL_GenLink(jcl, convolink, sizeof(convolink), NULL, b->accountdomain, r->resource, NULL, "%s", b->name); JCL_GenLink(jcl, actlink, sizeof(actlink), "ftdeny", ft->with, NULL, ft->sid, "%s", "Hang Up"); Con_SubPrintf(console, " %s: %s\n", convolink, ft->fname); } #endif } void JCL_SendMessage(jclient_t *jcl, char *to, char *msg) { char markup[1024]; char *con; buddy_t *b; bresource_t *br; JCL_FindBuddy(jcl, to, &b, &br); if (b->chatroom) { if (br) { JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "", b->accountdomain, br->resource); con = to; } else { JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "", b->accountdomain); con = b->name; } } else { con = b->name; if (!br) br = b->defaultresource; if (br) JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "", b->accountdomain, br->resource); else JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "", b->accountdomain); } JCL_AddClientMessage(jcl, markup, XML_Markup(msg, markup, sizeof(markup)) - markup); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, ""); if (b->chatroom && !br) return; if (!strncmp(msg, "/me ", 4)) Con_SubPrintf(con, "* ^5%s^7"COLOURYELLOW"%s\n", ((!strcmp(jcl->localalias, ">>"))?"me":jcl->localalias), msg+3); else Con_SubPrintf(con, "^5%s^7: "COLOURYELLOW"%s\n", jcl->localalias, msg); } void JCL_AttentionMessage(jclient_t *jcl, char *to, char *msg) { char fullto[256]; buddy_t *b; bresource_t *br; xmltree_t *m; char *s; JCL_FindBuddy(jcl, to, &b, &br); if (!br) br = b->defaultresource; if (!br) br = b->resources; if (!br) { Con_SubPrintf(b->name, "User is not online\n"); return; } Q_snprintf(fullto, sizeof(fullto), "%s/%s", b->accountdomain, br->resource); m = XML_CreateNode(NULL, "message", "", ""); XML_AddParameter(m, "to", fullto); // XML_AddParameter(m, "type", "headline"); XML_CreateNode(m, "attention", "urn:xmpp:attention:0", ""); if (msg) XML_CreateNode(m, "body", "", msg); s = XML_GenerateString(m, false); JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, s); free(s); XML_Destroy(m); if (msg) { if (!strncmp(msg, "/me ", 4)) Con_SubPrintf(b->name, "*^5%s^7"COLOURYELLOW"%s\n", ((!strcmp(jcl->localalias, ">>"))?"me":jcl->localalias), msg+3); else Con_SubPrintf(b->name, "^5%s^7: "COLOURYELLOW"%s\n", jcl->localalias, msg); } } void JCL_ToJID(jclient_t *jcl, char *in, char *out, int outsize) { //decompose links first if (in[0] == '^' && in[1] == '[') { char *sl; char *le; sl = in+2; sl = strchr(in, '\\'); if (sl) { le = strstr(sl, "^]"); if (le) { *le = 0; JCL_Info_ValueForKey(in, "xmpp", out, outsize); *le = '^'; return; } } } if (!strchr(in, '@') && jcl) { //no @? probably its an alias, but could also be a server/domain perhaps. not sure we care. you'll just have to rename your friend. //check to see if we can find a friend going by that name //fixme: allow resources to make it through here buddy_t *b; for (b = jcl->buddies; b; b = b->next) { if (!strcasecmp(b->name, in)) { if (b->defaultresource) Q_snprintf(out, outsize, "%s/%s", b->accountdomain, b->defaultresource->resource); else Q_strlcpy(out, b->accountdomain, outsize); return; } } } //a regular jabber account name Q_strlcpy(out, in, outsize); } //server may be null, in which case its expected to be folded into room. void JCL_JoinMUCChat(jclient_t *jcl, char *room, char *server, char *myhandle, char *password) { char caps[512]; char roomserverhandle[512]; buddy_t *b; bresource_t *r; if (!myhandle) myhandle = jcl->username; if (server) Q_snprintf(roomserverhandle, sizeof(roomserverhandle), "%s@%s/%s", room, server, myhandle); else Q_snprintf(roomserverhandle, sizeof(roomserverhandle), "%s/%s", room, myhandle); JCL_FindBuddy(jcl, roomserverhandle, &b, &r); b->chatroom = true; Q_snprintf(caps, sizeof(caps), "", buildcapshash()); JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "%s%s", roomserverhandle, password, caps); } #ifdef FILETRANSFERS qboolean JCL_FT_IBBChunked(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *x, struct iq_s *iq) { char *from = XML_GetParameter(x, "from", ""); struct ft_s *ft = iq->usrptr, **link, *v; for (link = &jcl->ft; (v=*link); link = &(*link)->next) { if (v == ft) { //its still valid if (x) { char rawbuf[4096]; int sz; sz = pFS_Read(ft->file, rawbuf, ft->blocksize); Base64_Add(rawbuf, sz); Base64_Finish(); if (sz && strlen(base64)) { x = XML_CreateNode(NULL, "data", "http://jabber.org/protocol/ibb", base64); XML_AddParameteri(x, "seq", ft->seq++); XML_AddParameter(x, "sid", ft->sid); JCL_SendIQNode(jcl, JCL_FT_IBBChunked, "set", from, x, true)->usrptr = ft; return true; } //else eof } //errored or ended if (x) Con_Printf("Transfer of %s to %s completed\n", ft->fname, ft->with); else Con_Printf("%s aborted %s\n", ft->with, ft->fname); x = XML_CreateNode(NULL, "close", "http://jabber.org/protocol/ibb", ""); XML_AddParameter(x, "sid", ft->sid); JCL_SendIQNode(jcl, NULL, "set", from, x, true)->usrptr = ft; //errored pFS_Close(ft->file); *link = ft->next; free(ft); return true; } } return false; } qboolean JCL_FT_IBBBegun(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *x, struct iq_s *iq) { struct ft_s *ft = iq->usrptr, **link, *v; for (link = &jcl->ft; (v=*link); link = &(*link)->next) { if (v == ft) { //its still valid if (!x) { Con_Printf("%s aborted %s\n", ft->with, ft->fname); //errored pFS_Close(ft->file); *link = ft->next; free(ft); } else { ft->begun = true; ft->method = FT_IBB; JCL_FT_IBBChunked(jcl, x, iq); } return true; } } return false; } qboolean JCL_FT_OfferAcked(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *x, struct iq_s *iq) { struct ft_s *ft = iq->usrptr, **link, *v; for (link = &jcl->ft; (v=*link); link = &(*link)->next) { if (v == ft) { //its still valid if (!x) { Con_Printf("%s doesn't want %s\n", ft->with, ft->fname); //errored pFS_Close(ft->file); *link = ft->next; free(ft); } else { xmltree_t *xo; Con_Printf("%s accepted %s\n", ft->with, ft->fname); xo = XML_CreateNode(NULL, "open", "http://jabber.org/protocol/ibb", ""); XML_AddParameter(xo, "sid", ft->sid); XML_AddParameteri(xo, "block-size", ft->blocksize); //XML_AddParameter(xo, "stanza", "iq"); JCL_SendIQNode(jcl, JCL_FT_IBBBegun, "set", XML_GetParameter(x, "from", ""), xo, true)->usrptr = ft; } return true; } } return false; } #endif void JCL_Command(int accid, char *console) { char imsg[8192]; char arg[6][1024]; char *msg; int i; char nname[256]; jclient_t *jcl; if (accid < 0 || accid >= sizeof(jclients)/sizeof(jclients[0])) return; jcl = jclients[accid]; pCmd_Args(imsg, sizeof(imsg)); msg = imsg; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (!msg) continue; msg = JCL_ParseOut(msg, arg[i], sizeof(arg[i])); } if (arg[0][0] == '/' && arg[0][1] != '/' && strcmp(arg[0]+1, "me")) { if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "open") || !strcmp(arg[0]+1, "connect") || !strcmp(arg[0]+1, "tlsopen") || !strcmp(arg[0]+1, "tlsconnect")) { //tlsconnect is 'old'. if (!*arg[1]) { Con_SubPrintf(console, "%s \n", arg[0]+1); return; } if (jcl) { Con_TrySubPrint(console, "You are already connected\nPlease /quit first\n"); return; } jcl = jclients[accid] = JCL_Connect(accid, arg[3], !strncmp(arg[0]+1, "tls", 3), arg[1], arg[2]); if (!jclients[accid]) { Con_TrySubPrint(console, "Connect failed\n"); return; } } else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "help")) { Con_TrySubPrint(console, "^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /connect USERNAME@DOMAIN/RESOURCE [PASSWORD] [XMPPSERVER]^]\n"); if (BUILTINISVALID(Net_SetTLSClient)) { Con_Printf("eg for gmail: ^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /connect myusername@gmail.com^] (using oauth2)\n"); Con_Printf("eg for gmail: ^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /connect myusername@gmail.com mypassword talk.google.com^] (warning: password will be saved locally in plain text)\n"); // Con_Printf("eg for facebook: ^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /connect myusername@chat.facebook.com mypassword chat.facebook.com^]\n"); // Con_Printf("eg for msn: ^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /connect myusername@messanger.live.com mypassword^]\n"); } Con_Printf("Note that this info will be used the next time you start quake.\n"); //small note: //for the account 'me@example.com' the server to connect to can be displayed with: //nslookup -querytype=SRV _xmpp-client._tcp.example.com //srv resolving seems to be non-standard on each system, I don't like having to special case things. Con_TrySubPrint(console, "^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /help^]\n" "This text...\n"); Con_TrySubPrint(console, "^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /raw ^]\n" "For debug hackery.\n"); Con_TrySubPrint(console, "^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /friend accountname friendlyname^]\n" "Befriends accountname, and shows them in your various lists using the friendly name. Can also be used to rename friends.\n"); Con_TrySubPrint(console, "^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /unfriend accountname^]\n" "Ostracise your new best enemy. You will no longer see them and they won't be able to contact you.\n"); Con_TrySubPrint(console, "^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /blist^]\n" "Show all your friends! Names are clickable and will begin conversations.\n"); Con_TrySubPrint(console, "^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /quit^]\n" "Disconnect from the XMPP server, noone will be able to hear you scream.\n"); Con_TrySubPrint(console, "^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /join accountname^]\n" "Joins your friends game (they will be prompted).\n"); Con_TrySubPrint(console, "^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /invite accountname^]\n" "Invite someone to join your game (they will be prompted).\n"); Con_TrySubPrint(console, "^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /voice accountname^]\n" "Begin a bi-directional peer-to-peer voice conversation with someone (they will be prompted).\n"); Con_TrySubPrint(console, "^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /msg ACCOUNTNAME your message goes here^]\n" "Sends a message to the named person. If given a resource postfix, your message will be sent only to that resource.\n"); Con_TrySubPrint(console, "If no arguments, will print out your friends list. If no /command is used, the arguments will be sent as a message to the person you last sent a message to.\n"); } else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "clear")) { //just clears the current console. if (*console) { pCon_Destroy(console); Con_SubPrintf(console, ""); pCon_SetActive(console); } else pCmd_AddText("\nclear\n", true); } else if (!jcl) { Con_SubPrintf(console, "No account specified. Cannot %s\n", arg[0]); } else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "oa2token")) { free(jcl->oauth2.authtoken); jcl->oauth2.authtoken = strdup(arg[1]); if (jcl->status == JCL_INACTIVE) jcl->status = JCL_DEAD; } else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "quit")) { //disconnect from the xmpp server. JCL_CloseConnection(jcl, false); } else if (jcl->status != JCL_ACTIVE) { Con_SubPrintf(console, "You are not authed. Please wait.\n", arg[0]); } else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "blist")) { //print out a full list of everyone, even those offline. JCL_PrintBuddyList(console, jcl, true); } else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "msg")) { //FIXME: validate the dest. deal with xml markup in dest. Q_strlcpy(jcl->defaultdest, arg[1], sizeof(jcl->defaultdest)); msg = arg[2]; JCL_SendMessage(jcl, jcl->defaultdest, msg); } else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "friend")) { //FIXME: validate the name. deal with xml markup. //can also rename. We should probably read back the groups for the update. JCL_SendIQf(jcl, NULL, "set", NULL, "", arg[1], arg[2]); //start looking for em JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "", arg[1]); //let em see us if (jcl->preapproval) JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "", arg[1]); } else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "unfriend")) { //FIXME: validate the name. deal with xml markup. //hide from em JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "", arg[1]); //stop looking for em JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "", arg[1]); //stop listing em JCL_SendIQf(jcl, NULL, "set", NULL, "", arg[1]); } #ifdef JINGLE else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "join")) { JCL_ToJID(jcl, *arg[1]?arg[1]:console, nname, sizeof(nname)); JCL_Join(jcl, nname, NULL, true, ICEP_QWCLIENT); } else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "invite")) { JCL_ToJID(jcl, *arg[1]?arg[1]:console, nname, sizeof(nname)); JCL_Join(jcl, nname, NULL, true, ICEP_QWSERVER); } else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "voice") || !strcmp(arg[0]+1, "call")) { JCL_ToJID(jcl, *arg[1]?arg[1]:console, nname, sizeof(nname)); JCL_Join(jcl, nname, NULL, true, ICEP_VOICE); } else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "kick")) { JCL_ToJID(jcl, *arg[1]?arg[1]:console, nname, sizeof(nname)); JCL_Join(jcl, nname, NULL, false, ICEP_INVALID); } else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "kick")) { JCL_ToJID(jcl, *arg[1]?arg[1]:console, nname, sizeof(nname)); JCL_Join(jcl, nname, NULL, false, ICEP_INVALID); } #endif #ifdef FILETRANSFERS else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "sendfile")) { xmltree_t *xfile, *xsi, *c; char *fname = arg[1]; //file transfer offer struct ft_s *ft; if (!*fname || strchr(fname, '*')) { Con_SubPrintf(console, "XMPP: /sendfile FILENAME [to]\n"); return; } else { JCL_ToJID(jcl, *arg[2]?arg[2]:console, nname, sizeof(nname)); Con_SubPrintf(console, "Offering %s to %s.\n", fname, nname); ft = malloc(sizeof(*ft)); memset(ft, 0, sizeof(*ft)); ft->next = jcl->ft; jcl->ft = ft; ft->transmitting = true; ft->blocksize = 4096; Q_strlcpy(ft->fname, fname, sizeof(ft->fname)); Q_snprintf(ft->sid, sizeof(ft->sid), "%x%s", rand(), ft->fname); Q_strlcpy(ft->md5hash, "", sizeof(ft->md5hash)); ft->size = pFS_Open(ft->fname, &ft->file, 1); ft->with = strdup(nname); ft->method = FT_IBB; ft->begun = false; //generate an offer. xsi = XML_CreateNode(NULL, "si", "http://jabber.org/protocol/si", ""); XML_AddParameter(xsi, "profile", "http://jabber.org/protocol/si/profile/file-transfer"); XML_AddParameter(xsi, "id", ft->sid); //XML_AddParameter(xsi, "mime-type", "text/plain"); xfile = XML_CreateNode(xsi, "file", "http://jabber.org/protocol/si/profile/file-transfer", ""); //I don't really get the point of this. XML_AddParameter(xfile, "name", ft->fname); XML_AddParameteri(xfile, "size", ft->size); c = XML_CreateNode(xsi, "feature", "http://jabber.org/protocol/feature-neg", ""); c = XML_CreateNode(c, "x", "jabber:x:data", ""); XML_AddParameter(c, "type", "form"); c = XML_CreateNode(c, "field", "", ""); XML_AddParameter(c, "var", "stream-method"); XML_AddParameter(c, "type", "listsingle"); XML_CreateNode(XML_CreateNode(c, "option", "", ""), "value", "", "http://jabber.org/protocol/ibb"); // XML_CreateNode(XML_CreateNode(c, "option", "", ""), "value", "", "http://jabber.org/protocol/bytestreams"); JCL_SendIQNode(jcl, JCL_FT_OfferAcked, "set", nname, xsi, true)->usrptr = ft; } } #endif else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "joinchatroom") || !strcmp(arg[0]+1, "muc") || !strcmp(arg[0]+1, "joinmuc")) { JCL_JoinMUCChat(jcl, arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4]); } else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "leavechatroom") || !strcmp(arg[0]+1, "leavemuc")) { char roomserverhandle[512]; buddy_t *b; bresource_t *r; Q_snprintf(roomserverhandle, sizeof(roomserverhandle), "%s@%s/%s", arg[1], arg[2], arg[3]); JCL_FindBuddy(jcl, roomserverhandle, &b, &r); b->chatroom = true; JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "", roomserverhandle); JCL_ForgetBuddy(jcl, b, NULL); } else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "slap")) { char *msgtab[] = { "/me slaps you around a bit with a large trout", "/me slaps you around a bit with a large tunafish", "/me slaps you around a bit with a slimy hagfish", "/me slaps a large trout around a bit with your face", "/me gets eaten by a rabid shark while trying to slap you with it", "/me gets crushed under the weight of a large whale", "/me searches for a fresh fish, but gets crabs instead", "/me searches for a fish, but there are no more fish in the sea", "/me tickles you around a bit with a large fish finger", "/me goes to order cod and chips. brb", "/me goes to watch some monty python" }; JCL_ToJID(jcl, *arg[1]?arg[1]:console, nname, sizeof(nname)); JCL_AttentionMessage(jcl, nname, msgtab[rand()%(sizeof(msgtab)/sizeof(msgtab[0]))]); } else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "poke")) { JCL_ToJID(jcl, *arg[1]?arg[1]:console, nname, sizeof(nname)); JCL_AttentionMessage(jcl, nname, NULL); } else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "raw")) { //parse it first, so noone ever generates invalid xml and gets kicked... too obviously. int pos = 0; int maxpos = strlen(arg[1]); xmltree_t *t; while (pos != maxpos) { t = XML_Parse(arg[1], &pos, maxpos, false, ""); if (t) XML_Destroy(t); else break; } if (pos == maxpos) { jcl->streamdebug = true; JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, arg[1]); } else Con_Printf("XML not well formed\n"); } else Con_SubPrintf(console, "Unrecognised command: %s\n", arg[0]); } else { if (jcl) { msg = imsg; if (!*msg) { if (!*console) { JCL_PrintBuddyList(console, jcl, false); //Con_TrySubPrint(console, "For help, type \"^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /help^]\"\n"); } } else { JCL_ToJID(jcl, *console?console:jcl->defaultdest, nname, sizeof(nname)); JCL_SendMessage(jcl, nname, msg); } } else { Con_TrySubPrint(console, "Not connected. For help, type \"^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /help^]\"\n"); } } }