static float cureffect; static float curmodified; const textfield_linedesc_t fields[100] = { {"shader", "shader \\n{\\nshaderbody\\n}"}, {"texture", "texture "}, {"tcoords", "tcoords [coordscale] [randcount] [randsinc]\ncoordscale is an optional divisor for more readable numbers.\nrandcount is a the number of images used in particlefont image.\nrandsinc is the amount to add to s coords to display each sequential randomized image."}, {"rotationstart", "rotationstart [maxangle]\nan angle of 45 will give you a particle aligned to screen coords"}, {"rotationspeed", "rotationspeed \nspecifies a range of rotational speeds. You probably want to set the min value as negative."}, {"beamtexstep", "beamtexstep "}, {"scale", "scale [max]\nValues are 4 times higher than quake units"}, {"scalerand", "use scale instead"}, {"scalefactor", "scalefactor \nHow much the particle shrinks with distance.\n1=true scaling"}, {"scaledelta", "scaledelta \nHow much the particle's scale changes per second"}, {"step", "step \nworld distance between each particle within a particle trail."}, {"count", "count \nProvides a multiplier value independant from the particle() builtin or other mechanisms"}, {"alpha", "alpha \nInitial opacity of particle. 0 is invisible, 1 is fully visible."}, {"alphachange", "depricated. use alphadelta"}, {"alphadelta", "alphadelta \n How much the alpha value changes per second"}, {"die", "die [max]\nHow long the particle lives for"}, {"diesubrand", "depricated. use die"}, {"randomvel", ""}, {"veladd", ""}, {"orgadd", ""}, {"friction", ""}, {"gravity", "gravity \nParticle's downwards velocity will be increased by this much per second"}, {"clipbounce", ""}, {"assoc", "assoc \nWhen the effect is spawned, the associated effect will also be spawned. Can chain."}, {"inwater", "inwater \nIf the particle effect is spawned underwater, the named effect will be used instead."}, {"model", "model \nSpawns a the sprite/model when the effect is spawned.\nCan be specified multiple times and a random model line will be used.\nModels with only 1 frame will animate skins instead."}, {"colorindex", "colourindex \nIf set, the particle's colour will be set to this palette index instead of the particle's rgb field."}, {"colorrand", "depricated"}, {"citracer", "citracer\nFlag that syncronizes colorindex-based palette indexes with spawn ordering ala quake."}, {"red", "depricated, use rgb."}, {"green", "depricated, use rgb."}, {"blue", "depricated, use rgb."}, {"rgb", "rgb \nInitial colour of particle, in a scale of 0 to 255."}, {"reddelta", "depricated, use rgbdelta."}, {"greendelta", "depricated, use rgbdelta."}, {"bluedelta", "depricated, use rgbdelta."}, {"rgbdelta", "rgbdelta \nSpecifies the change in particle colours over a second of time. The effective range is 0 to 255, but larger values might be needed for short-lived effects."}, {"rgbdeltatime", "rgbdeltatime \nOnce the particle reaches this age, its rgb values will stop changing."}, {"redrand", "depricated"}, {"greenrand", "depricated"}, {"bluerand", "depricated"}, {"rgbrand", "rgbrand \nThis rgb value will be multiplied by a random value between 0 and 1 and added to the particle's initial rgb value. All three channels channels are scaled independantly."}, {"rgbrandsync", "rgbrandsync \nThis rgb value will be multiplied by a random value between 0 and 1 and added to the particle's initial rgb value. All three channels will be scaled the same."}, {"redrandsync", "depricated"}, {"greenrandsync", "depricated"}, {"bluerandsync", "depricated"}, {"stains", "stains \nSpecifies a multiplier for the radius of a stain if the particle impacts upon a wall"}, {"blend", "blend \nOne of add, subtract, blendcolour, or blendalpha. Particles with additive blend modes will render fastest due to no depth sorting requirement."}, {"spawnmode", ""}, {"type", "type \nOne of:\nbeam - quads generated between particles\nspark - a single line drawn in direction of motion\nsparkfan - triangle fan oriented in direction of motion\ntexturedspark - quads extruded along line of motion\ndecal - motionless effect that attaches to surfaces around the center of the effect\nnormal - simple screen-facing quad"}, {"isbeam", "depricated, use type."}, {"spawntime", ""}, {"spawnchance", ""}, {"cliptype", ""}, {"clipcount", ""}, {"emit", ""}, {"emitinterval", ""}, {"emitintervalrand", ""}, {"emitstart", ""}, {"areaspread", ""}, {"areaspreadvert", ""}, {"offsetspread", ""}, {"offsetspreadvert", ""}, {"spawnorg", ""}, {"spawnvel", ""}, {"spawnparm1", ""}, {"spawnparm2", ""}, {"up", ""}, {"rampmode", ""}, {"rampindexlist", ""}, {"rampindex", ""}, {"ramp", ""}, {"perframe", ""}, {"averageout", ""}, {"nostate", ""}, {"nospreadfirst", ""}, {"nospreadlast", ""}, {"lightradius", ""}, {"lightradiusfade", ""}, {"lightradiusrgb", ""}, {"lightradiusrgbfade", ""}, {"lighttime", ""}, {__NULL__} }; strip static textfield_t tf_particle; #define MAXPARTICLETYPES 200 typedef struct { string efname; int start; int end; } particledesc_t; strip particledesc_t pdesc[MAXPARTICLETYPES]; int numptypes; string particlesfile; static entity ptrailent; static void(string descname) saveparticle; static void(float newef) selecteffect = { if (newef == cureffect) return; if (curmodified) saveparticle(cvar_string("ca_particleset")); curmodified = FALSE; cureffect = floor(newef); if (cureffect < 0) cureffect = 0; textfield_fill(&tf_particle, substring(particlesfile, pdesc[cureffect].start, pdesc[cureffect].end - pdesc[cureffect].start)); if (ptrailent) remove(ptrailent); ptrailent = world; }; static int(string src, int *start) skipblock = { string line; int ls = *start, le; int level = 0; /*parse a string from the start of one { to its closing }*/ while(1) { le = strstrofs(particlesfile, "\n", ls); if (le < 0) break; line = substring(particlesfile, ls, le - ls); tokenize_console(line); line = argv(0); if (line == "{") { if (!level) *start = le+1; level+=1; } else if (line == "}") { if (level == 1) return ls; --level; } else if (!level) return le+1; ls = le+1; } return ls; }; static void() updateloadedparticles = { string line; int ls, le; int ce = cureffect; while(numptypes>0) { --numptypes; strunzone(pdesc[numptypes].efname); } ls = 0; while(1) { le = strstrofs(particlesfile, "\n", ls); if (le < 0) break; // print("line: ", substring(particlesfile, ls, le - ls), "\n"); if (le - ls > 7) if (substring(particlesfile, ls, 6) == "r_part") { line = substring(particlesfile, ls, le - ls); tokenize_console(line); if (argv(0) == "r_part") { pdesc[numptypes].efname = strzone(argv(1)); pdesc[numptypes].start = le+1; le = skipblock(particlesfile, &pdesc[numptypes].start); pdesc[numptypes].end = le; // print("particle: ", pdesc[numptypes].efname, "\n", substring(particlesfile, pdesc[numptypes].start, pdesc[numptypes].end - pdesc[numptypes].start), "\n"); numptypes+=1; } } ls = le+1; } cureffect = -1; selecteffect(ce); }; static void(string descname) loadparticles = { float f; /*kill old string*/ if (particlesfile) strunzone(particlesfile); particlesfile = (string)0; cureffect = 0; /*load new string*/ if (descname != "") { f = fopen(strcat("particles/", descname, ".cfg"), FILE_READNL); if (f >= 0) { particlesfile = strzone(fgets(f)); fclose(f); } } /*and find out where the particles are*/ updateloadedparticles(); localcmd(particlesfile); localcmd("\n"); }; static void(string descname) saveparticle = { float f; string newfile; /*only do this if there's something to save*/ if (cureffect < 0) return; newfile = textfield_strcat(&tf_particle); newfile = strcat(substring(particlesfile, 0, pdesc[cureffect].start), newfile, substring(particlesfile, pdesc[cureffect].end, -1)); strunzone(particlesfile); particlesfile = ""; particlesfile = strzone(newfile); if (descname != "") { f = fopen(strcat("particles/", descname, ".cfg"), FILE_WRITE); if (f >= 0) { fputs(f, particlesfile); fclose(f); } } /*and recalculate where the particles are*/ updateloadedparticles(); }; static void() applyparticles = { if (tf_particle.dirty) { string sln; int i; if (cureffect >= numptypes) return; localcmd("r_part \""); localcmd(pdesc[cureffect].efname); localcmd("\"\n{\n"); textfield_localcmd(&tf_particle); localcmd("}\n"); sln = strcat("+", pdesc[cureffect].efname); for (i = cureffect + 1; i < numptypes; i+=1) { if (pdesc[i].efname == sln) { localcmd("r_part \""); localcmd(pdesc[i].efname); localcmd("\"\n{\n"); localcmd(substring(particlesfile, pdesc[i].start, pdesc[i].end - pdesc[i].start)); localcmd("}\n"); } } tf_particle.dirty = FALSE; curmodified = TRUE; } }; float(float keyc, float unic, vector m) editor_particles_key = { if (m_y > 16 && m_y < 24 && m_x < 128) { string oval = strcat(cvar_string("ca_particleset")); if (keyc == 127) cvar_set("ca_particleset", substring(oval, 0, -2)); else if (unic) cvar_set("ca_particleset", strcat(oval, chr2str(unic))); else return FALSE; applyparticles(); if (curmodified) saveparticle(oval); curmodified = FALSE; oval = cvar_string("ca_particleset"); loadparticles(oval); return TRUE; } if (m_y < 32) return FALSE; /*middle mouse*/ if (keyc == 514) { mousedown = 3; applyparticles(); } else if (m_x < 128) { if (keyc == 512) { float ef, y; ef = cureffect - 10; if (ef < 0) ef = 0; y = 32; selecteffect(ef + (m_y - y)/8); } return TRUE; } else { return textfield_key(&tf_particle, keyc, unic, m - '128 32 0'); } return FALSE; }; void(vector mousepos) editor_particles_overlay = { string n; float ef; vector y; vector col; string setname = cvar_string("ca_particleset"); if (!numptypes) { loadparticles(setname); } if (mousedown == 3 && cureffect >= 0 && cureffect < numptypes) { vector t = unproject(mousepos + '0 0 8192'); vector o = unproject(mousepos); traceline(o, t, TRUE, world); trace_endpos += trace_plane_normal * 4; if (!ptrailent) { ptrailent = spawn(); ptrailent.origin = trace_endpos; pointparticles(particleeffectnum(pdesc[cureffect].efname), trace_endpos, '0 0 -1', 1); } //fixme: should ONLY be done if we started dragging. trailparticles(particleeffectnum(pdesc[cureffect].efname), ptrailent, ptrailent.origin, trace_endpos); ptrailent.origin = trace_endpos; } else if (ptrailent) { remove(ptrailent); ptrailent = world; } if (mousepos_y > 16 && mousepos_y < 24 && mousepos_x < 128) drawstring('0 16 0', strcat(setname, ((time*4)&1)?"^1\x0b":""), '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0); else drawstring('0 16 0', ((setname=="")?"NO SET LOADED":setname), '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0); ef = cureffect - 10; if (ef < 0) ef = 0; y = '0 32 0'; for (; ; ef+=1) { if (ef >= numptypes) break; n = pdesc[ef].efname; col = '1 1 1'; if (ef == cureffect) col = '1 0 0'; drawrawstring(y, n, '8 8 0', col, 1, 0); y_y += 8; } textfield_draw('128 32 0', &tf_particle, &fields[0]); };