#include "quakedef.h" #include "shader.h" //urm, yeah, this is more than just parse. #ifdef Q3CLIENT #include "clq3defs.h" #define CMD_MASK Q3UPDATE_MASK #define SHOWSTRING(s) if(cl_shownet.value==2)Con_Printf ("%s\n", s); #define SHOWNET(x) if(cl_shownet.value==2)Con_Printf ("%3i:%s\n", msg_readcount-1, x); #define SHOWNET2(x, y) if(cl_shownet.value==2)Con_Printf ("%3i:%3i:%s\n", msg_readcount-1, y, x); void MSG_WriteBits(sizebuf_t *msg, int value, int bits); ClientConnectionState_t ccs; qboolean CG_FillQ3Snapshot(int snapnum, snapshot_t *snapshot) { int i; clientSnap_t *snap; if (snapnum > ccs.serverMessageNum) { Host_EndGame("CG_FillQ3Snapshot: snapshotNumber > cl.snap.serverMessageNum"); } if (ccs.serverMessageNum - snapnum >= Q3UPDATE_BACKUP) { return false; // too old } snap = &ccs.snapshots[snapnum & Q3UPDATE_MASK]; if(!snap->valid || snap->serverMessageNum != snapnum) { return false; // invalid } memcpy(&snapshot->ps, &snap->playerstate, sizeof(snapshot->ps)); snapshot->numEntities = snap->numEntities; for (i=0; i<snapshot->numEntities; i++) { memcpy(&snapshot->entities[i], &ccs.parseEntities[(snap->firstEntity+i) & PARSE_ENTITIES_MASK], sizeof(snapshot->entities[0])); } memcpy( &snapshot->areamask, snap->areabits, sizeof( snapshot->areamask ) ); snapshot->snapFlags = snap->snapFlags; snapshot->ping = snap->ping; snapshot->serverTime = snap->serverTime; snapshot->numServerCommands = snap->serverCommandNum; snapshot->serverCommandSequence = ccs.lastServerCommandNum; return true; } /* ===================== CLQ3_ParseServerCommand ===================== */ void CLQ3_ParseServerCommand(void) { int number; char *string; number = MSG_ReadLong(); SHOWNET(va("%i", number)); string = MSG_ReadString(); SHOWSTRING(string); if( number <= ccs.lastServerCommandNum ) { return; // we have already received this command } ccs.lastServerCommandNum++; if( number > ccs.lastServerCommandNum+TEXTCMD_MASK-1 ) { Con_Printf("Warning: Lost %i reliable serverCommands\n", number - ccs.lastServerCommandNum ); } // archive the command to be processed by cgame later Q_strncpyz( ccs.serverCommands[number & TEXTCMD_MASK], string, sizeof( ccs.serverCommands[0] ) ); } /* ================== CL_DeltaEntity Parses deltas from the given base and adds the resulting entity to the current frame ================== */ static void CLQ3_DeltaEntity( clientSnap_t *frame, int newnum, q3entityState_t *old, qboolean unchanged ) { q3entityState_t *state; state = &ccs.parseEntities[ccs.firstParseEntity & PARSE_ENTITIES_MASK]; if( unchanged ) { memcpy( state, old, sizeof(*state) ); // don't read any bits } else { if (!MSG_Q3_ReadDeltaEntity(old, state, newnum)) // the entity present in oldframe is not in the current frame return; } ccs.firstParseEntity++; frame->numEntities++; } /* ================== CL_ParsePacketEntities An svc_packetentities has just been parsed, deal with the rest of the data stream. ================== */ static void CLQ3_ParsePacketEntities( clientSnap_t *oldframe, clientSnap_t *newframe ) { int numentities; int oldnum; int newnum; q3entityState_t *oldstate; oldstate = NULL; newframe->firstEntity = ccs.firstParseEntity; newframe->numEntities = 0; // delta from the entities present in oldframe numentities = 0; if( !oldframe ) { oldnum = 99999; } else if( oldframe->numEntities <= 0 ) { oldnum = 99999; } else { oldstate = &ccs.parseEntities[oldframe->firstEntity & PARSE_ENTITIES_MASK]; oldnum = oldstate->number; } while( 1 ) { newnum = MSG_ReadBits( GENTITYNUM_BITS ); if( newnum < 0 || newnum >= MAX_GENTITIES ) { Host_EndGame("CLQ3_ParsePacketEntities: bad number %i", newnum); } if( msg_readcount > net_message.cursize ) { Host_EndGame("CLQ3_ParsePacketEntities: end of message"); } // end of packetentities if( newnum == ENTITYNUM_NONE ) { break; } while( oldnum < newnum ) { // one or more entities from the old packet are unchanged SHOWSTRING( va( "unchanged: %i", oldnum ) ); CLQ3_DeltaEntity( newframe, oldnum, oldstate, true ); numentities++; if( numentities >= oldframe->numEntities ) { oldnum = 99999; } else { oldstate = &ccs.parseEntities[(oldframe->firstEntity + numentities) & PARSE_ENTITIES_MASK]; oldnum = oldstate->number; } } if( oldnum == newnum ) { // delta from previous state SHOWSTRING( va( "delta: %i", newnum ) ); CLQ3_DeltaEntity( newframe, newnum, oldstate, false ); numentities++; if( numentities >= oldframe->numEntities ) { oldnum = 99999; } else { oldstate = &ccs.parseEntities[(oldframe->firstEntity + numentities) & PARSE_ENTITIES_MASK]; oldnum = oldstate->number; } continue; } if( oldnum > newnum ) { // delta from baseline SHOWSTRING( va( "baseline: %i", newnum ) ); CLQ3_DeltaEntity( newframe, newnum, &ccs.baselines[newnum], false ); } } // any remaining entities in the old frame are copied over while( oldnum != 99999 ) { // one or more entities from the old packet are unchanged SHOWSTRING( va( "unchanged: %i", oldnum ) ); CLQ3_DeltaEntity( newframe, oldnum, oldstate, true ); numentities++; if( numentities >= oldframe->numEntities ) { oldnum = 99999; } else { oldstate = &ccs.parseEntities[(oldframe->firstEntity + numentities) & PARSE_ENTITIES_MASK]; oldnum = oldstate->number; } } } void CLQ3_ParseSnapshot(void) { clientSnap_t snap, *oldsnap; int delta; int len; int i; frame_t *frame; // usercmd_t *ucmd; // int commandTime; memset(&snap, 0, sizeof(snap)); snap.serverMessageNum = ccs.serverMessageNum; snap.serverCommandNum = ccs.lastServerCommandNum; snap.serverTime = MSG_ReadLong(); snap.localTime = Sys_Milliseconds(); // If the frame is delta compressed from data that we // no longer have available, we must suck up the rest of // the frame, but not use it, then ask for a non-compressed message delta = MSG_ReadByte(); if(delta) { snap.deltaFrame = ccs.serverMessageNum - delta; oldsnap = &ccs.snapshots[snap.deltaFrame & Q3UPDATE_MASK]; if(!oldsnap->valid) { // should never happen Con_Printf( "Delta from invalid frame (not supposed to happen!).\n"); } else if( oldsnap->serverMessageNum != snap.deltaFrame ) { // The frame that the server did the delta from // is too old, so we can't reconstruct it properly. Con_Printf( "Delta frame too old.\n" ); } else if(ccs.firstParseEntity - oldsnap->firstEntity > MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES - MAX_ENTITIES_IN_SNAPSHOT) { Con_Printf( "Delta parse_entities too old.\n" ); } else { snap.valid = true; // valid delta parse } } else { oldsnap = NULL; snap.deltaFrame = -1; snap.valid = true; // uncompressed frame } // read snapFlags snap.snapFlags = MSG_ReadByte(); // read areabits len = MSG_ReadByte(); MSG_ReadData(snap.areabits, len ); // read playerinfo SHOWSTRING("playerstate"); MSG_Q3_ReadDeltaPlayerstate(oldsnap ? &oldsnap->playerstate : NULL, &snap.playerstate); // read packet entities SHOWSTRING("packet entities"); CLQ3_ParsePacketEntities(oldsnap, &snap); if (!snap.valid) { return; } // cl.adjustTimeDelta = true; // Find last usercmd server has processed and calculate snap.ping snap.ping = 3; for (i=cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence-1 ; i>cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence-Q3UPDATE_BACKUP ; i--) { frame = &cl.frames[i & Q3UPDATE_MASK]; if (frame->server_message_num == snap.deltaFrame) { snap.ping = Sys_Milliseconds() - frame->client_time; break; } } memcpy(&ccs.snap, &snap, sizeof(snap)); memcpy(&ccs.snapshots[ccs.serverMessageNum & Q3UPDATE_MASK], &snap, sizeof(snap)); SHOWSTRING(va("snapshot:%i delta:%i ping:%i", snap.serverMessageNum, snap.deltaFrame, snap.ping)); } #define MAXCHUNKSIZE 2048 void CLQ3_ParseDownload(void) { unsigned int chunknum; static unsigned int downloadsize; unsigned int chunksize; unsigned char chunkdata[MAXCHUNKSIZE]; int i; char *s; chunknum = (unsigned short) MSG_ReadShort(); if (downloadsize >= MAXCHUNKSIZE*0xffff) { chunknum |= ccs.downloadchunknum&0x10000; //add the chunk number, truncated by the network protocol. } if (!chunknum) { downloadsize = MSG_ReadLong(); Cvar_SetValue( Cvar_Get("cl_downloadSize", "0", 0, "Download stuff"), downloadsize ); } if (downloadsize == (unsigned int)-1) { s = MSG_ReadString(); Con_Printf("\nDownload refused:\n %s\n", s); return; } chunksize = MSG_ReadShort(); if (chunksize > MAXCHUNKSIZE) Host_EndGame("Server sent a download chunk of size %i (it's too damn big!)\n", chunksize); for (i = 0; i < chunksize; i++) chunkdata[i] = MSG_ReadByte(); if (ccs.downloadchunknum != chunknum) //the q3 client is rather lame. { //ccs.downloadchunknum holds the chunk number. Con_DPrintf("PACKETLOSS WHEN DOWNLOADING!!!!\n"); return; //let the server try again some time } ccs.downloadchunknum++; if (!cls.downloadqw) { if (!*cls.downloadtempname) { Con_Printf("Server sending download, but no download was requested\n"); CLQ3_SendClientCommand("stopdl"); cls.downloadmethod = DL_NONE; return; } FS_CreatePath(cls.downloadtempname, FS_ROOT); cls.downloadqw = FS_OpenVFS(cls.downloadtempname, "wb", FS_ROOT); if (!cls.downloadqw) { Con_Printf("Couldn't write to temporary file %s - stopping download\n", cls.downloadtempname); CLQ3_SendClientCommand("stopdl"); cls.downloadmethod = DL_NONE; return; } } Con_Printf("dl: chnk %i, size %i, csize %i\n", chunknum, downloadsize, chunksize); if (!chunksize) { VFS_CLOSE(cls.downloadqw); cls.downloadqw = NULL; FS_Rename(cls.downloadtempname, cls.downloadlocalname, FS_ROOT); // -> *cls.downloadtempname = *cls.downloadlocalname = *cls.downloadremotename = 0; cls.downloadmethod = DL_NONE; FS_ReloadPackFiles(); cl.servercount = -1; //make sure the server resends us that vital gamestate. ccs.downloadchunknum = -1; } else { VFS_WRITE(cls.downloadqw, chunkdata, chunksize); chunksize=VFS_TELL(cls.downloadqw); // Con_Printf("Recieved %i\n", chunksize); cls.downloadpercent = (100.0 * chunksize) / downloadsize; } CLQ3_SendClientCommand("nextdl %i", chunknum); } qboolean CLQ3_SystemInfoChanged(char *str) { qboolean usingpure, usingcheats; char *value; char *pc, *pn; char *rc, *rn; Con_Printf("Server's sv_pure: \"%s\"\n", Info_ValueForKey(str, "sv_pure")); usingpure = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(str, "sv_pure")); usingcheats = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(str, "sv_cheats")); Cvar_ForceCheatVars(usingpure||usingcheats, usingcheats); // if (atoi(value)) // Host_EndGame("Unable to connect to Q3 Pure Servers\n"); value = Info_ValueForKey(str, "fs_game"); #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (!sv.state) #endif { COM_FlushTempoaryPacks(); if (!*value) value = "baseq3"; COM_Gamedir(value); #ifndef CLIENTONLY Info_SetValueForStarKey (svs.info, "*gamedir", value, MAX_SERVERINFO_STRING); #endif COM_FlushFSCache(); } if (usingpure) { rc = Info_ValueForKey(str, "sv_referencedPaks"); //the ones that we should download. rn = Info_ValueForKey(str, "sv_referencedPakNames"); while(rn) { vfsfile_t *f; rn = COM_Parse(rn); if (!*com_token) break; if (!strchr(com_token, '/')) //don't let some muppet tell us to download quake3.exe break; f = FS_OpenVFS(va("%s.pk3", com_token), "rb", FS_ROOT); if (f) VFS_CLOSE(f); else { //fixme: request to download it Con_Printf("Sending request to download %s\n", com_token); CLQ3_SendClientCommand("download %s.pk3", com_token); ccs.downloadchunknum = 0; snprintf(cls.downloadlocalname, sizeof(cls.downloadlocalname), "%s.pk3", com_token); snprintf(cls.downloadremotename, sizeof(cls.downloadremotename), "%s.pk3", com_token); snprintf(cls.downloadtempname, sizeof(cls.downloadtempname), "%s.tmp", com_token); cls.downloadmethod = DL_Q3; cls.downloadpercent = 0; return false; } } pc = Info_ValueForKey(str, "sv_paks"); //the ones that we are allowed to use (in order!) pn = Info_ValueForKey(str, "sv_pakNames"); FS_ForceToPure(pn, pc, ccs.fs_key); } else { FS_ForceToPure(NULL, NULL, ccs.fs_key); } return true; //yay, we're in } void CLQ3_ParseGameState(void) { int c; int index; char *configString; // // wipe the client_state_t struct // CL_ClearState(); cl.minpitch = -90; cl.maxpitch = 90; ccs.lastServerCommandNum = MSG_ReadLong(); ccs.currentServerCommandNum = ccs.lastServerCommandNum; for(;;) { c = MSG_ReadByte(); if(msg_badread) { Host_EndGame("CLQ3_ParseGameState: read past end of server message"); } if(c == svcq3_eom) { break; } SHOWNET(va("%i", c)); switch(c) { default: Host_EndGame("CLQ3_ParseGameState: bad command byte"); break; case svcq3_configstring: index = MSG_ReadBits(16); if (index < 0 || index >= MAX_Q3_CONFIGSTRINGS) { Host_EndGame("CLQ3_ParseGameState: configString index %i out of range", index); } configString = MSG_ReadString(); if (index == CFGSTR_SYSINFO) { //check some things. cl.servercount = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(configString, "sv_serverid")); } CG_InsertIntoGameState(index, configString); break; case svcq3_baseline: index = MSG_ReadBits(GENTITYNUM_BITS); if (index < 0 || index >= MAX_GENTITIES) { Host_EndGame("CLQ3_ParseGameState: baseline index %i out of range", index); } MSG_Q3_ReadDeltaEntity(NULL, &ccs.baselines[index], index); break; } } cl.playernum[0] = MSG_ReadLong(); ccs.fs_key = MSG_ReadLong(); if (!CLQ3_SystemInfoChanged(CG_GetConfigString(CFGSTR_SYSINFO))) return; CG_Restart_f(); UI_Restart_f(); if (!cl.worldmodel) Host_EndGame("CGame didn't set a map.\n"); cl.model_precaches_added = false; R_NewMap (); SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(); Hunk_Check (); // make sure nothing is hurt CL_MakeActive("Quake3Arena"); cl.splitclients = 1; CL_RegisterSplitCommands(); { char buffer[2048]; strcpy(buffer, va("cp %i ", cl.servercount)); FSQ3_GenerateClientPacksList(buffer, sizeof(buffer), ccs.fs_key); CLQ3_SendClientCommand(buffer); } // load cgame, etc // CL_ChangeLevel(); } #define TEXTCMD_BACKUP 64 void CLQ3_ParseServerMessage (void) { int cmd; if (!CLQ3_Netchan_Process()) return; //was a fragment. if (cl_shownet.value == 1) Con_TPrintf (TL_INT_SPACE,net_message.cursize); else if (cl_shownet.value == 2) Con_TPrintf (TLC_LINEBREAK_MINUS); net_message.packing = SZ_RAWBYTES; MSG_BeginReading(); ccs.serverMessageNum = MSG_ReadLong(); net_message.packing = SZ_HUFFMAN; //the rest is huffman compressed. net_message.currentbit = msg_readcount*8; // read last client command number server received ccs.lastClientCommandNum = MSG_ReadLong(); if( ccs.lastClientCommandNum <= ccs.numClientCommands - TEXTCMD_BACKUP ) { ccs.lastClientCommandNum = ccs.numClientCommands - TEXTCMD_BACKUP + 1; } else if( ccs.lastClientCommandNum > ccs.numClientCommands ) { ccs.lastClientCommandNum = ccs.numClientCommands; } // // parse the message // for(;;) { cmd = MSG_ReadByte(); if(msg_badread) //hm, we have an eom, so only stop when the message is bad. { Host_EndGame("CLQ3_ParseServerMessage: read past end of server message"); break; } if(cmd == svcq3_eom) { SHOWNET2("END OF MESSAGE", 2); break; } SHOWNET(va("%i", cmd)); // other commands switch(cmd) { default: Host_EndGame("CLQ3_ParseServerMessage: Illegible server message"); break; case svcq3_nop: break; case svcq3_gamestate: CLQ3_ParseGameState(); break; case svcq3_serverCommand: CLQ3_ParseServerCommand(); break; case svcq3_download: CLQ3_ParseDownload(); break; case svcq3_snapshot: CLQ3_ParseSnapshot(); break; } } } qboolean CLQ3_Netchan_Process(void) { int sequence; int lastClientCommandNum; qbyte bitmask; qbyte c; int i, j; char *string; int bit; int readcount; if(!Netchan_ProcessQ3(&cls.netchan)) { return false; } // archive buffer state bit = net_message.currentbit; readcount = msg_readcount; net_message.packing = SZ_HUFFMAN; net_message.currentbit = 32; lastClientCommandNum = MSG_ReadLong(); sequence = LittleLong(*(int *)net_message.data); // restore buffer state net_message.currentbit = bit; msg_readcount = readcount; // calculate bitmask bitmask = sequence ^ cls.challenge; string = ccs.clientCommands[lastClientCommandNum & TEXTCMD_MASK]; #ifndef Q3_NOENCRYPT // decrypt the packet for(i=msg_readcount+4,j=0 ; i<net_message.cursize ; i++,j++) { if(!string[j]) { j = 0; // another way around } c = string[j]; if(c > 127 || c == '%') { c = '.'; } bitmask ^= c << (i & 1); net_message.data[i] ^= bitmask; } #endif return true; } void CL_Netchan_Transmit( int length, const qbyte *data ) { #define msg net_message int serverid; int lastSequence; int lastServerCommandNum; qbyte bitmask; qbyte c; int i, j; char *string; net_message.cursize = 0; SZ_Write(&msg, data, length); if(msg.overflowed) { Host_EndGame("Client message overflowed"); } msg_readcount = 0; msg.currentbit = 0; msg.packing = SZ_HUFFMAN; serverid = MSG_ReadLong(); lastSequence = MSG_ReadLong(); lastServerCommandNum = MSG_ReadLong(); // calculate bitmask bitmask = lastSequence ^ serverid ^ cls.challenge; string = ccs.serverCommands[lastServerCommandNum & TEXTCMD_MASK]; #ifndef Q3_NOENCRYPT // encrypt the packet for( i=12,j=0 ; i<msg.cursize ; i++,j++ ) { if( !string[j] ) { j = 0; // another way around } c = string[j]; if( c > 127 || c == '%' ) { c = '.'; } bitmask ^= c << (i & 1); msg.data[i] ^= bitmask; } #endif Netchan_TransmitQ3( &cls.netchan, msg.cursize, msg.data ); #undef msg } static void MSG_WriteDeltaKey( sizebuf_t *msg, int key, int from, int to, int bits ) { if( from == to ) { MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); return; // unchanged } MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 ); MSG_WriteBits( msg, to ^ key, bits ); } void MSG_Q3_WriteDeltaUsercmd( sizebuf_t *msg, int key, const usercmd_t *from, const usercmd_t *to ) { // figure out how to pack serverTime if( to->servertime - from->servertime < 255 ) { MSG_WriteBits(msg, 1, 1); MSG_WriteBits(msg, to->servertime - from->servertime, 8); } else { MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); MSG_WriteBits( msg, to->servertime, 32); } if( !memcmp( (qbyte *)from + 4, (qbyte *)to + 4, sizeof( usercmd_t ) - 4 ) ) { MSG_WriteBits(msg, 0, 1); return; // nothing changed } MSG_WriteBits(msg, 1, 1); key ^= to->servertime; MSG_WriteDeltaKey(msg, key, from->angles[0], to->angles[0], 16); MSG_WriteDeltaKey(msg, key, from->angles[1], to->angles[1], 16); MSG_WriteDeltaKey(msg, key, from->angles[2], to->angles[2], 16); MSG_WriteDeltaKey(msg, key, from->forwardmove, to->forwardmove, 8); MSG_WriteDeltaKey(msg, key, from->sidemove, to->sidemove, 8 ); MSG_WriteDeltaKey(msg, key, from->upmove, to->upmove, 8); MSG_WriteDeltaKey(msg, key, from->buttons, to->buttons, 16); MSG_WriteDeltaKey(msg, key, from->weapon, to->weapon, 8); } void VARGS CLQ3_SendClientCommand(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char command[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; va_start( argptr, fmt ); vsprintf( command, fmt, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); // create new clientCommand ccs.numClientCommands++; // check if server will lose some of our clientCommands if(ccs.numClientCommands - ccs.lastClientCommandNum >= TEXTCMD_BACKUP) Host_EndGame("Client command overflow"); Q_strncpyz(ccs.clientCommands[ccs.numClientCommands & TEXTCMD_MASK], command, sizeof(ccs.clientCommands[0])); Con_DPrintf("Sending %s\n", command); } void CLQ3_SendCmd(usercmd_t *cmd) { char *string; int i; char data[MAX_OVERALLMSGLEN]; sizebuf_t msg; frame_t *frame, *oldframe; int cmdcount, key; usercmd_t *to, *from; extern int keycatcher; if (cls.resendinfo) { cls.resendinfo = false; CLQ3_SendClientCommand("userinfo \"%s\"", cls.userinfo); } cl.gametime = ccs.serverTime = ccs.snap.serverTime + (Sys_Milliseconds()-ccs.snap.localTime); //reuse the q1 array cmd->servertime = ccs.serverTime; cmd->weapon = ccs.selected_weapon; cmd->forwardmove *= 127/400.0f; cmd->sidemove *= 127/400.0f; cmd->upmove *= 127/400.0f; if (cmd->buttons & 2) //jump { cmd->upmove = 100; cmd->buttons &= ~2; } if (key_dest != key_game || (keycatcher&3)) cmd->buttons |= 2; //add in the 'at console' button cl.frames[ccs.currentUserCmdNumber&CMD_MASK].cmd[0] = *cmd; ccs.currentUserCmdNumber++; frame = &cl.frames[cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence & Q3UPDATE_MASK]; frame->cmd_sequence = ccs.currentUserCmdNumber; frame->server_message_num = ccs.serverMessageNum; frame->server_time = cl.gametime; frame->client_time = Sys_DoubleTime()*1000; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); msg.maxsize = sizeof(data); msg.data = data; msg.packing = SZ_HUFFMAN; MSG_WriteBits(&msg, cl.servercount, 32); MSG_WriteBits(&msg, ccs.serverMessageNum, 32); MSG_WriteBits(&msg, ccs.lastServerCommandNum, 32); // write clientCommands not acknowledged by server yet for (i=ccs.lastClientCommandNum+1; i<=ccs.numClientCommands; i++) { MSG_WriteBits(&msg, clcq3_clientCommand, 8); MSG_WriteBits(&msg, i, 32); string = ccs.clientCommands[i & TEXTCMD_MASK]; while(*string) MSG_WriteBits(&msg, *string++, 8); MSG_WriteBits(&msg, 0, 8); } i = (cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence - 1); oldframe = &cl.frames[i & Q3UPDATE_MASK]; cmdcount = ccs.currentUserCmdNumber - oldframe->cmd_sequence; if (cmdcount > Q3UPDATE_MASK) cmdcount = Q3UPDATE_MASK; // begin a client move command, if any if( cmdcount ) { extern cvar_t cl_nodelta; if(cl_nodelta.value || !ccs.snap.valid || ccs.snap.serverMessageNum != ccs.serverMessageNum) MSG_WriteBits(&msg, clcq3_nodeltaMove, 8); // no compression else MSG_WriteBits(&msg, clcq3_move, 8); // write cmdcount MSG_WriteBits(&msg, cmdcount, 8); // calculate key string = ccs.serverCommands[ccs.lastServerCommandNum & TEXTCMD_MASK]; key = ccs.fs_key ^ ccs.serverMessageNum ^ StringKey(string, 32); // send this and the previous cmds in the message, so // if the last packet was dropped, it can be recovered from = &nullcmd; for (i = oldframe->cmd_sequence; i < ccs.currentUserCmdNumber; i++) { to = &cl.frames[i&CMD_MASK].cmd[0]; MSG_Q3_WriteDeltaUsercmd( &msg, key, from, to ); from = to; } } MSG_WriteBits(&msg, clcq3_eom, 8); CL_Netchan_Transmit( msg.cursize, msg.data ); while(cls.netchan.reliable_length) Netchan_TransmitNextFragment(&cls.netchan); } void CLQ3_SendAuthPacket(netadr_t gameserver) { char data[2048]; sizebuf_t msg; //send the auth packet //this should be the right code, but it doesn't work. if (gameserver.type == NA_IP) { char *key = Cvar_Get("cl_cdkey", "", 0, "Quake3 auth")->string; netadr_t authaddr; #define AUTHORIZE_SERVER_NAME "authorize.quake3arena.com:27952" if (*key) { Con_Printf("Resolving %s\n", AUTHORIZE_SERVER_NAME); if (NET_StringToAdr(AUTHORIZE_SERVER_NAME, &authaddr)) { msg.data = data; msg.cursize = 0; msg.overflowed = msg.allowoverflow = 0; msg.maxsize = sizeof(data); MSG_WriteLong(&msg, -1); MSG_WriteString(&msg, "getKeyAuthorize 0 "); msg.cursize--; while(*key) { if ((*key >= 'a' && *key <= 'z') || (*key >= 'A' && *key <= 'Z') || (*key >= '0' && *key <= '9')) MSG_WriteByte(&msg, *key); key++; } MSG_WriteByte(&msg, 0); NET_SendPacket (NS_CLIENT, msg.cursize, msg.data, authaddr); } else Con_Printf(" failed\n"); } } } void CLQ3_SendConnectPacket(netadr_t to) { char data[2048]; char adrbuf[MAX_ADR_SIZE]; sizebuf_t msg; memset(&ccs, 0, sizeof(ccs)); cl.splitclients = 1; CL_RegisterSplitCommands(); msg.data = data; msg.cursize = 0; msg.overflowed = msg.allowoverflow = 0; msg.maxsize = sizeof(data); MSG_WriteLong(&msg, -1); MSG_WriteString(&msg, va("connect \"\\challenge\\%i\\qport\\%i\\protocol\\%i\\ip\\%s%s\"", cls.challenge, cls.qport, PROTOCOL_VERSION_Q3, NET_AdrToString (adrbuf, sizeof(adrbuf), net_local_cl_ipadr), cls.userinfo)); Huff_EncryptPacket(&msg, 12); Huff_PreferedCompressionCRC(); NET_SendPacket (NS_CLIENT, msg.cursize, msg.data, to); } #endif