#include "quakedef.h" #ifdef RGLQUAKE #include "glquake.h" //overkill #endif #ifndef _WIN32 #include <unistd.h> #endif #define ENV_READ_NAME "FTE_SECURE_CHANNEL_READ" #define ENV_WRITE_NAME "FTE_SECURE_CHANNEL_WRITE" #define SECURE_CMD_CHECKMODEL 'c' // q: name:string, model:buffer // a: 'y' or 'n' #define SECURE_CMD_GETVERSION 'g' // q: check_line:string, serverinfo:string, userinfo:string // a: ok, client_desc:string, crc:ulong #define SECURE_CMD_CHECKVERSION 'v' // q: check_line:string, serverinfo:string, userinfo:string // a: ok, crc:ulong #define SECURE_CMD_CHECKVERSION2 'r' //SECURE_CMD_CHECKVERSION with the engine description appended on the end. //let's my front end work on a variety of engines rathar than just 1 #define SECURE_ANSWER_OK 'y' #define SECURE_ANSWER_YES 'y' #define SECURE_ANSWER_NO 'n' #define SECURE_ANSWER_ERROR 'n' cvar_t allow_f_version = {"allow_f_version", "1"}; cvar_t allow_f_server = {"allow_f_server", "1"}; cvar_t allow_f_modified = {"allow_f_modified", "1"}; cvar_t allow_f_skins = {"allow_f_skins", "1"}; cvar_t auth_validateclients = {"auth_validateclients", "1"}; // // last f_queries // typedef struct f_query_s { char *query; char *serverinfo; char *c_userinfo[MAX_CLIENTS]; qboolean c_exist[MAX_CLIENTS]; unsigned short crc; double timestamp; } f_query_t; #define F_QUERIES_REMEMBERED 5 f_query_t f_last_queries[F_QUERIES_REMEMBERED]; int f_last_query_pos = 0; typedef struct f_modified_s { char name[MAX_QPATH]; qboolean ismodified; struct f_modified_s *next; } f_modified_t; f_modified_t *f_modified_list; qboolean care_f_modified; qboolean f_modified_particles; #ifdef _WIN32 #include "winquake.h" typedef HANDLE qpipe; // write to pipe, returns number of bytes written, or 0 = error int Sys_WritePipe(qpipe q_pipe, unsigned char *buf, int buflen) { DWORD dwBytesWritten; BOOL ret; ret = WriteFile( q_pipe, (LPVOID) buf, buflen, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); if (ret) return dwBytesWritten; else return 0; } // read from pipe, returns number of bytes read, or 0 = error int Sys_ReadPipe(qpipe q_pipe, unsigned char *buf, int buflen) { DWORD dwBytesRead; BOOL ret; ret = ReadFile( q_pipe, (LPVOID) buf, buflen, &dwBytesRead, NULL); if (ret) return dwBytesRead; else return 0; } #else typedef int qpipe; int Sys_WritePipe(qpipe q_pipe, unsigned char *buf, int buflen) { return write(q_pipe, buf, buflen); } int Sys_ReadPipe(qpipe q_pipe, unsigned char *buf, int buflen) { return read(q_pipe, buf, buflen); } #endif static qpipe f_read, f_write; int SPipe_ReadMemory(qpipe read_pipe, unsigned char *buf, int buflen) { int completed = 0; while (completed < buflen) { int read; read = Sys_ReadPipe(read_pipe, buf+completed, buflen-completed); if (read == 0) return false; completed += read; } return true; } int SPipe_ReadChar(qpipe read_pipe, char *c) { return SPipe_ReadMemory(read_pipe, (unsigned char *)c, 1); } int SPipe_ReadInt(qpipe read_pipe, int *val) { return SPipe_ReadMemory(read_pipe, (unsigned char *)val, sizeof(int)); } int SPipe_ReadUlong(qpipe read_pipe, unsigned long *val) { return SPipe_ReadMemory(read_pipe, (unsigned char *)val, sizeof(unsigned long)); } int SPipe_ReadString(qpipe read_pipe, char *buf, int buflen) { int i; int slen; if (!SPipe_ReadInt(read_pipe, &slen)) return false; for (i = 0; i < buflen && i < slen; i++) { if (!SPipe_ReadChar(read_pipe, buf+i)) return false; } buf[i] = '\0'; for (; i < slen; i++) //now read the extra data that wouldn't fit. { if (!SPipe_ReadChar(read_pipe, buf+i)) return false; } return true; } int SPipe_WriteMemory(qpipe write_pipe, unsigned char *buf, int buflen) { int completed = 0; while (completed < buflen) { int written; written = Sys_WritePipe(write_pipe, buf+completed, buflen-completed); if (written == 0) return written; completed += written; } return completed; } int SPipe_WriteChar(qpipe write_pipe, char c) { int written; written = SPipe_WriteMemory(write_pipe, (unsigned char *)(&c), 1); return (written==1); } int SPipe_WriteInt(qpipe write_pipe, int val) { int written; written = SPipe_WriteMemory(write_pipe, (unsigned char *)(&val), sizeof(int)); return (written==sizeof(int)); } int SPipe_WriteString(qpipe write_pipe, char *string) { int i; int len = strlen(string); if (!SPipe_WriteInt(write_pipe, len)) return false; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) if (!SPipe_WriteMemory(write_pipe, (unsigned char *)(string+i), 1)) return false; return true; } void CRC_AddBlock (unsigned short *crcvalue, qbyte *start, int count) { while (count--) CRC_ProcessByte(crcvalue, *start++); } unsigned short SCRC_GetQueryStateCrc(char *f_query_string) { unsigned short crc; int i; char *tmp; CRC_Init(&crc); // add query CRC_AddBlock(&crc, f_query_string, strlen(f_query_string)); // add snapshot of serverinfo tmp = Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "deathmatch"); CRC_AddBlock(&crc, tmp, strlen(tmp)); tmp = Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "teamplay"); CRC_AddBlock(&crc, tmp, strlen(tmp)); tmp = Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "hostname"); CRC_AddBlock(&crc, tmp, strlen(tmp)); tmp = Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "*progs"); CRC_AddBlock(&crc, tmp, strlen(tmp)); tmp = Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "map"); CRC_AddBlock(&crc, tmp, strlen(tmp)); tmp = Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "spawn"); CRC_AddBlock(&crc, tmp, strlen(tmp)); tmp = Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "watervis"); CRC_AddBlock(&crc, tmp, strlen(tmp)); tmp = Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "fraglimit"); CRC_AddBlock(&crc, tmp, strlen(tmp)); tmp = Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "*gamedir"); CRC_AddBlock(&crc, tmp, strlen(tmp)); tmp = Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "timelimit"); CRC_AddBlock(&crc, tmp, strlen(tmp)); // add snapshot of userinfo for every connected client for (i=0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) if (cl.players[i].name[0]) { tmp = Info_ValueForKey(cl.players[i].userinfo, "name"); CRC_AddBlock(&crc, tmp, strlen(tmp)); tmp = Info_ValueForKey(cl.players[i].userinfo, "team"); CRC_AddBlock(&crc, tmp, strlen(tmp)); } // done return crc; } void InitValidation(void) { char *read, *write; read = getenv(ENV_READ_NAME); write = getenv(ENV_WRITE_NAME); Cvar_Register(&allow_f_version, "Authentication"); Cvar_Register(&allow_f_modified, "Authentication"); Cvar_Register(&allow_f_skins, "Authentication"); Cvar_Register(&auth_validateclients, "Authentication"); if (!read || !write) return; f_read = (qpipe)atoi(read); f_write = (qpipe)atoi(write); if (!f_read || !f_write) { f_write = f_read = 0; return; } } void ValidationThink (void) { } void ValidationSendRequest (void) { } void Validation_FilesModified (void) { f_modified_t *fm; int count=0; char buf[1024]; buf[0] = 0; if (!allow_f_modified.value) return; care_f_modified = true; if (f_modified_particles) { strcat(buf, "modified: particles"); count++; } for (fm = f_modified_list; fm; fm = fm->next) { if (fm->ismodified) { char *tmp; if (!count) strcat(buf, "modified:"); if (strlen(buf) < 250) { tmp = fm->name+1; while (strchr(tmp, '/')) tmp = strchr(tmp, '/')+1; strcat(buf, " "); strcat(buf, tmp); count++; } else { strcat(buf, " & more..."); break; } } } if (count == 0) strcat(buf, "all models ok"); Cbuf_AddText("say ", RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText(buf, RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText("\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); } void Validation_IncludeFile(char *filename, char *file, int filelen) { char result; f_modified_t *fm; for (fm = f_modified_list; fm; fm = fm->next) { if (!strcmp(fm->name, filename)) break; } if (!fm) { fm = Z_Malloc(sizeof(f_modified_t)); fm->next = f_modified_list; f_modified_list = fm; Q_strncpyz(fm->name, filename, sizeof(fm->name)); } fm->ismodified = true; if (f_read && allow_f_modified.value) { SPipe_WriteChar(f_write, SECURE_CMD_CHECKMODEL); SPipe_WriteString(f_write, fm->name); SPipe_WriteInt (f_write, filelen); SPipe_WriteMemory(f_write, file, filelen); SPipe_ReadChar(f_read, &result); if (result == SECURE_ANSWER_YES) fm->ismodified = false; } if (fm->ismodified && care_f_modified) { Cbuf_AddText("say previous f_modified response is no longer valid.\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); care_f_modified = false; } } void Validation_FlushFileList(void) { f_modified_t *fm; while(f_modified_list) { fm = f_modified_list->next; Z_Free(f_modified_list); f_modified_list = fm; } } void ValidationPrintVersion(char *f_query_string) { f_query_t *this_query; unsigned short query_crc; unsigned long crc; char answer; char name[128]; char sr[256]; int i; switch(qrenderer) { #ifdef RGLQUAKE case QR_OPENGL: *sr = *""; break; #endif #ifdef SWQUAKE case QR_SOFTWARE: strcpy(sr, (r_pixbytes==4?"32bpp":"8bpp")); break; #endif default: *sr = *""; break; } if (f_read && allow_f_version.value) { query_crc = SCRC_GetQueryStateCrc(f_query_string); // // remember this f_version // this_query = &f_last_queries[f_last_query_pos++ % F_QUERIES_REMEMBERED]; this_query->timestamp = realtime; this_query->crc = query_crc; if (this_query->query) BZ_Free(this_query->query); this_query->query = BZ_Malloc(strlen(f_query_string)+1); strcpy(this_query->query, f_query_string); if (this_query->serverinfo) BZ_Free(this_query->serverinfo); this_query->serverinfo = BZ_Malloc(strlen(cl.serverinfo)+1); strcpy(this_query->serverinfo, cl.serverinfo); for (i=0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if (this_query->c_userinfo[i]) { BZ_Free(this_query->c_userinfo[i]); this_query->c_userinfo[i] = NULL; } this_query->c_exist[i] = false; if (cl.players[i].name[0]) { this_query->c_exist[i] = true; this_query->c_userinfo[i] = BZ_Malloc(strlen(cl.players[i].userinfo)+1); strcpy(this_query->c_userinfo[i], cl.players[i].userinfo); } } //now send the data. SPipe_WriteChar(f_write, SECURE_CMD_GETVERSION); SPipe_WriteString(f_write, f_query_string); SPipe_WriteString(f_write, cl.serverinfo); SPipe_WriteString(f_write, cl.players[cl.playernum[0]].userinfo); // get answer SPipe_ReadChar(f_read, &answer); SPipe_ReadString(f_read, name, 64); SPipe_ReadUlong(f_read, &crc); if (answer == SECURE_ANSWER_OK) { // reply Cbuf_AddText("say ", RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText(name, RESTRICT_LOCAL); if (*sr) Cbuf_AddText(va("/%s/%s", q_renderername, sr), RESTRICT_LOCAL);//extra info else Cbuf_AddText(va("/%s", q_renderername), RESTRICT_LOCAL);//extra info Cbuf_AddText(" ", RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText(va("%04x", query_crc), RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText(va("%08x", crc), RESTRICT_LOCAL); Cbuf_AddText("\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); return; } } if (*sr) Cbuf_AddText (va("say "DISTRIBUTION"Quake v%4.3f-%i "PLATFORM"/%s/%s\n", VERSION, build_number(), q_renderername, sr), RESTRICT_RCON); else Cbuf_AddText (va("say "DISTRIBUTION"Quake v%4.3f-%i "PLATFORM"/%s\n", VERSION, build_number(), q_renderername), RESTRICT_RCON); } void Validation_Skins(void) { extern cvar_t r_fullbrightSkins, r_fb_models; int percent = r_fullbrightSkins.value*100; if (percent < 0) percent = 0; if (percent > cls.allow_fbskins*100) percent = cls.allow_fbskins*100; if (percent) Cbuf_AddText(va("say all player skins %i%% fullbright%s\n", percent, r_fb_models.value?" (plus luma)":""), RESTRICT_LOCAL); else if (r_fb_models.value) Cbuf_AddText("say luma textures only\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); else Cbuf_AddText("say Only cheaters use full bright skins\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); } void Validation_Server(void) { Cbuf_AddText(va("say server is %s\n", NET_AdrToString(cls.netchan.remote_address)), RESTRICT_LOCAL); } void Validation_CheckIfResponse(char *text) { //client name, version type(os-renderer where it matters, os/renderer where renderer doesn't), 12 char hex crc int f_query_client; int i; char *crc; char *versionstring; if (!f_read) return; //valid or not, we can't check it. if (!auth_validateclients.value) return; //do the parsing. { char *comp; int namelen; for (crc = text + strlen(text) - 1; crc > text; crc--) if (*crc > ' ') break; //find the crc. for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (crc <= text) return; //not enough chars. if ((*crc < '0' || *crc > '9') && (*crc < 'a' || *crc > 'f')) return; //not a hex char. crc--; } //we now want 3 string seperated tokens, so the first starts at the fourth found ' ' + 1 i = 4; for (comp = crc; ; comp--) { if (comp < text) return; if (*comp == ' ') { i--; if (!i) break; } } versionstring = comp+1; if (comp <= text) return; //not enough space for the 'name:' if (*(comp-1) != ':') return; //whoops. not a say. namelen = comp - text-1; for (f_query_client = 0; f_query_client < MAX_CLIENTS; f_query_client++) { if (strlen(cl.players[f_query_client].name) == namelen) if (!strncmp(cl.players[f_query_client].name, text, namelen)) break; } if (f_query_client == MAX_CLIENTS) return; //looks like a validation, but it's not from a known client. crc++; } //now do the validation { f_query_t *query = NULL; int itemp; char buffer[10]; unsigned short query_crc = 0; unsigned long user_crc = 0; unsigned long auth_crc = 0; char auth_answer; //easy lame way to get the crc from hex. Q_strncpyS(buffer, crc, 4); buffer[4] = '\0'; itemp = 0; sscanf(buffer, "%x", &itemp); query_crc = (unsigned long) itemp; Q_strncpyS(buffer, crc+4, 8); buffer[8] = '\0'; itemp = 0; sscanf(buffer, "%x", &itemp); user_crc = (unsigned long) itemp; // // find that query // for (i=f_last_query_pos; i > f_last_query_pos-F_QUERIES_REMEMBERED; i--) { if (query_crc == f_last_queries[i % F_QUERIES_REMEMBERED].crc && realtime - 5 < f_last_queries[i % F_QUERIES_REMEMBERED].timestamp) { query = &f_last_queries[i % F_QUERIES_REMEMBERED]; } } if (query == NULL) return; // reply to unknown query if (!query->c_exist[f_query_client]) return; // should never happen // write request SPipe_WriteChar(f_write, SECURE_CMD_CHECKVERSION2); SPipe_WriteString(f_write, query->query); SPipe_WriteString(f_write, query->serverinfo); SPipe_WriteString(f_write, query->c_userinfo[f_query_client]); SPipe_WriteString(f_write, versionstring); // get answer SPipe_ReadChar(f_read, &auth_answer); SPipe_ReadUlong(f_read, &auth_crc); if (auth_answer == SECURE_ANSWER_YES && auth_crc == user_crc) { Con_Printf("Authentication Successful.\n"); } else Con_Printf("^1^bAUTHENTICATION FAILED.\n"); } }