mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 17:12:09 +00:00
Make the web port's local storage stuff more visible. Fix web port's touchscreen inputs.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 195 additions and 34 deletions
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ mergeInto(LibraryManager.library,
if (event.type == 'touchstart')
{{{makeDynCall('viii','FTEC.evcb.button')}}}(t.identifier+1, 1, -1);
else if (event.type != 'touchmove')
else if (event.type != 'touchmove') //cancel/end/leave...
{{{makeDynCall('viii','FTEC.evcb.button')}}}(t.identifier+1, 0, -1);
@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ mergeInto(LibraryManager.library,
const b = gp.buttons[j];
let p;
if (typeof(b) == "object")
p = b.pressed; //.value is a fractional thing. oh well.
p = b.pressed || (b.value > 0.5); //.value is a fractional thing. oh well.
p = b > 0.5; //old chrome bug
@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ mergeInto(LibraryManager.library,
'focus', 'blur']; //try to fix alt-tab
Module['canvas'].addEventListener(event, FTEC.handleevent, true);
Module['canvas'].addEventListener(event, FTEC.handleevent, {capture:true, passive:false});
var docevents = ['keypress', 'keydown', 'keyup',
@ -894,6 +894,8 @@ mergeInto(LibraryManager.library,
else if (Module["close"])
else if (Module["quiturl"])
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
<body ondrop="gotdrop(event);" ondragover="event.preventDefault()">
<div class="emscripten" id="status">Please allow/unblock our javascript to play.</div>
<div id="dropzone" ondrop="gotdrop(event);" ondragover="event.preventDefault()" hidden=1>Drop Zone</div>
<button type="button" onclick="addfile()" id="addfile" hidden=1>Add File(s)</button>
<button type="button" onclick="adduserfile()" id="addfile" hidden=1>Add File(s)</button>
<button type="button" onclick="begin()" id="begin" hidden=1>Click To Begin!</button>
<div class="emscripten">
<progress value="0" max="100" id="progress" hidden=1></progress>
@ -46,7 +46,20 @@ var Module = {
//string values are deemed to be URLs, so use the str2ab("") helper if you want to embed raw file data instead.
// "default.fmf": "default.fmf",
// "id1/pak0.pak": "pak0.pak",
// "id1/default.cfg": "webdefaults.cfg", //autoexec.cfg is evil.
/* "id1/touch.cfg": str2ab("showpic_removeall\n"
"showpic touch_moveforward.tga fwd -128 -112 bm 32 32 +forward 5\n"
"showpic touch_moveback.tga back -128 -80 bm 32 32 +back 5\n"
"showpic touch_moveleft.tga left -160 -88 bm 32 32 +moveleft 5\n"
"showpic touch_moveright.tga rght -96 -88 bm 32 32 +moveright 5\n"
"showpic touch_attack.tga fire -160 -160 bm 32 32 +attack 5\n"
"showpic touch_jump.tga jump 128 -80 bm 32 32 +jump 5\n"
"showpic touch_weapons.tga weap 80 -80 bm 32 32 +weaponwheel 5\n"
"showpic touch_menu.tga menu -32 0 tr 32 32 togglemenu 10\n"),
*/ },
// quiturl: "/", //url to jump to when 'quitting' (otherwise uses history.back).
// arguments:["+alias","f_startup","connect","wss://theservertojoin", "-manifest","default.fmf"], //beware the scheme registration stuff (pwa+js methods).
// manifest: "index.html.fmf", // '-manifest' arg if args are not explicit. also inhibits the #foo.fmf thing.
print: function(msg)
{ //stdout...
@ -55,7 +68,6 @@ var Module = {
{ //stderr...
// arguments:["wss://theservertojoin", "-manifest", "default.fmf"], //beware the scheme registration stuff (pwa+js methods).
canvas: document.getElementById('canvas'), //for webgl to attach to
setStatus: function(text)
{ //gets spammed some prints during startup. blame emscripten.
@ -130,6 +142,88 @@ function fixupfilepath(fname, path)
return "id1/maps/" + fname; //bsps get their own extra subdir
return "id1/" + fname; //probably a pak. maybe a cfg, no idea really.
function remfile(fname)
delete Module.files[fname];
showfiles(); //repaint
function renamefile(fname)
const nname = prompt("Please enter new name", fname);
if (nname != null)
Module.files[nname] = Module.files[fname];
delete Module.files[fname];
function remcfile(fname)
Module['cache'].keys().then((keys)=>{Module['cachekeys'] = keys; showfiles();}); //repaint
function remlfile(fname)
showfiles(); //repaint
function savelfile(fname)
window.showSaveFilePicker({id: "openfile", startIn: "documents", suggestedName: fname})
.then(async (h)=>{
let data = await window.localStorage.getitem(fname);
let f = await h.createWriteable();
await f.write(data);
await f.close();
function adduserfile()
{ types:[
description: "Packages",
accept:{"text/*":[".pk3", ".pak", ".pk4", ".zip"]}
description: "Maps",
accept:{"text/*":[".bsp.gz", ".bsp", ".map"]}
description: "Demos",
accept:{"application/*":[".mvd.gz", ".qwd.gz", ".dem.gz", ".mvd", ".qwd", ".dem"]} //dm2?
description: "FTE Manifest",
//model formats?... nah, too many/weird. they can always
//audio formats? eww
//image formats? double eww!
description: "Configs",
accept:{"text/*":[".cfg", ".rc"]}
excludeAcceptAllOption:false, //let em pick anything. we actually support more than listed here (and bitrot...)
id:"openfile", //remember the dir we were in for the next invocation
let gamedir = prompt("Please enter gamedir", "id1");
if (gamedir != "")
gamedir = gamedir+"/";
for (let i of r)
var n = fixupfilepath(f.name, gamedir);
Module.files[n]=f.arrayBuffer(); //actually a promise...
Module.files[n].then(buf=>{Module.files[n]=buf;showfiles();}); //try and resolve it now.
}).catch((e)=>{console.log("showOpenFilePicker() aborted", e);});
function showfiles()
{ //print the pending file list in some pretty way
if (Module.began)
@ -137,31 +231,78 @@ function showfiles()
document.getElementById('dropzone').hidden = false;
document.getElementById('begin').hidden = false;
var nt = "Drag gamedirs or individual package files here to make them available!<br/>Active Files:<br/><pre>";
var keys = Object.keys(Module.files);
for(var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
let nt = "<H1>FTE Engine (Browser Port)</H1>";
nt = nt + "Drag gamedirs or individual package files here to make them available!<pre>";
let keys = Object.keys(Module.files);
nt += "Session Files ("+keys.length+"):<br/>";
for(let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
let rem = " <a href=\"javascript:remfile('"+keys[i]+"');\">[forget]</a>" +
" <a href=\"javascript:renamefile('"+keys[i]+"');\">[rename]</a>";
if (Module.files[keys[i]] instanceof ArrayBuffer)
var sz = Module.files[keys[i]].byteLength;
let sz = Module.files[keys[i]].byteLength;
if (sz > 512*1024)
sz = (sz / (1024*1024)) + "mb";
else if (sz > 512)
sz = (sz / 1024) + "kb";
sz = (sz) + " bytes";
nt += " " + keys[i] + " ("+sz+")<br/>";
nt += " " + keys[i] + " ("+sz+")"+rem+"<br/>";
nt += " " + keys[i] + "<br/>";
nt += " " + keys[i] + rem + "<br/>";
nt += "</pre>("+keys.length+" files)";
//cache is for large data files. for any pk3s the user might add in-engine. large stuff that's easy to fix if it gets wiped.
const cache = Module['cache'];
const ckeys = Module['cachekeys'];
if (ckeys !== undefined && ckeys.length)
nt += "<br/>Cached Files ("+ckeys.length+"):<br/>";
for(let r of ckeys)
const idx = r.url.indexOf("/_/")
if (idx < 0)
continue; //wtf? that entry should not have been in this cache object.
const fn = r.url.substr(idx+3);
let rem = " <a href=\"javascript:remcfile('"+fn+"');\">[forget]</a>";
nt += " " + fn + rem + "<br/>";
//local storage is used for slightly more persistent things, like user configs and saved games. we have quite limited storage, and this is basically text only.
const ls = window.localStorage;
if (ls && ls.length)
nt += "<br/>Local Files ("+ls.length+"):<br/>";
for (let i = 0; i < ls.length; i++)
const fn = ls.key(i);
const rem = " <a href=\"javascript:remlfile('"+fn+"');\">[forget]</a>" + (window.showSaveFilePicker!==undefined?" <a href=\"javascript:savelfile('"+fn+"');\">[export]</a>":"");
nt += " " + fn + rem + "<br/>";
nt += "</pre>";
nt += "<p/>Cookie Disclaimer:<small> This page does not use cookies, however it does use local storage to save configs+games (consistent with natively installed games).<br/>frag-net (our matchmaking service) does not utilise any tracking beyond the session in question, but it does allow connecting to third-party servers which may incorporate ranking systems or accounts or other tracking according to that server's privacy/tracking policies.</small>"
document.getElementById('dropzone').innerHTML = nt;
function scanfiles(item,path)
{ //for directory drops
if (item.isFile)
if (path=="")
path = prompt("Please enter gamedir", "id1");
if (path != "")
path = path+"/";
let n = fixupfilepath(f.name, path);
@ -193,7 +334,7 @@ function gotdrop(ev)
else if (ev.dataTransfer.items[i].kind === 'file')
var f = ev.dataTransfer.items[i].getAsFile();
var n = fixupfilepath(f.name);
var n = fixupfilepath(f.name, "");
Module.files[n]=f.arrayBuffer(); //actually a promise...
Module.files[n].then(buf=>{Module.files[n]=buf;showfiles();}); //try and resolve it now.
@ -201,10 +342,17 @@ function gotdrop(ev)
if (window.showOpenFilePicker)
addfile.hidden = false;
if (window.location.hash != "" || Object.keys(Module.files).length)
if (window.location.hash != "" || Module["autostart"])
begin(); //if the url has a #foo.fmf then just begin instantly,
showfiles(); //otherwise show our lame file dropper and wait for the user to click 'go'.
try {
caches.open('user').then((c)=>{Module['cache']=c;return c.keys();}).then((keys)=>{Module['cachekeys'] = keys; showfiles();});
} catch(e){
} finally {
showfiles(); //otherwise show our lame file dropper and wait for the user to click 'go'.
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ static struct
float repeattime;
static int keyboardid[] = {0};
static int mouseid[] = {0};
static int mouseid[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7};
static cvar_t *xr_enable; //refrains from starting up when 0 and closes it too, and forces it off too
static cvar_t *xr_metresize;
@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ static int DOM_KeyEvent(unsigned int devid, int down, int scan, int uni)
static int RemapTouchId(int id, qboolean final)
static int touchids[8];
static int touchids[countof(mouseid)];
int i;
if (!id)
return id;
@ -535,14 +535,16 @@ static int RemapTouchId(int id, qboolean final)
if (final)
touchids[i] = 0;
return i;
return mouseid[i];
for (i = 1; i < countof(touchids); i++)
if (touchids[i] == 0)
if (!final)
touchids[i] = id;
return i;
if (mouseid[i] == DEVID_UNSET)
mouseid[i] = i;
return mouseid[i];
return id;
@ -554,14 +556,14 @@ static void DOM_ButtonEvent(unsigned int devid, int down, int button)
//fixme: the event is a float. we ignore that.
while(button < 0)
IN_KeyEvent(mouseid[devid], true, K_MWHEELUP, 0);
IN_KeyEvent(mouseid[devid], false, K_MWHEELUP, 0);
IN_KeyEvent(devid, true, K_MWHEELUP, 0);
IN_KeyEvent(devid, false, K_MWHEELUP, 0);
button += 1;
while(button > 0)
IN_KeyEvent(mouseid[devid], true, K_MWHEELDOWN, 0);
IN_KeyEvent(mouseid[devid], false, K_MWHEELUP, 0);
IN_KeyEvent(devid, true, K_MWHEELDOWN, 0);
IN_KeyEvent(devid, false, K_MWHEELUP, 0);
button -= 1;
@ -577,13 +579,13 @@ static void DOM_ButtonEvent(unsigned int devid, int down, int button)
button = K_TOUCH;
button += K_MOUSE1;
IN_KeyEvent(mouseid[devid], down, button, 0);
IN_KeyEvent(devid, down, button, 0);
static void DOM_MouseMove(unsigned int devid, int abs, float x, float y, float z, float size)
devid = RemapTouchId(devid, false);
IN_MouseMove(mouseid[devid], abs, x, y, z, size);
IN_MouseMove(devid, abs, x, y, z, size);
static void DOM_LoadFile(char *loc, char *mime, int handle)
@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ if (typeof Module['files'] !== "undefined" && Object.keys(Module['files']).lengt
Module['curfile'] = undefined;
let files = Module['files'];
let names = Object.keys(files);
for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++)
@ -66,6 +68,8 @@ if (typeof Module['files'] !== "undefined" && Object.keys(Module['files']).lengt
xhr.open("GET", ab);
xhr.onload = function ()
if (curfile == n)
curfile = undefined;
if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300)
let b = FTEH.h[_emscriptenfte_buf_createfromarraybuf(this.response)];
@ -78,11 +82,15 @@ if (typeof Module['files'] !== "undefined" && Object.keys(Module['files']).lengt
xhr.onprogress = function(e)
if (Module['setStatus'])
if (typeof Module['curfile'] == "undefined")
Module['curfile'] = n; //take it.
if (Module['setStatus'] && curfile==n)
Module['setStatus'](n + ' (' + e.loaded + '/' + e.total + ')');
xhr.onerror = function ()
if (Module['curfile'] == n)
Module['curfile'] = undefined;
@ -114,22 +122,23 @@ if (typeof Module['files'] !== "undefined" && Object.keys(Module['files']).lengt
else if (typeof man == "undefined")
else if (!Module['manifest'])
var man = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + window.location.pathname;
let man = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + window.location.pathname;
if (man.substr(-1) != '/')
man += ".fmf";
man += "index.fmf";
Module['manifest'] = man;
if (window.location.hash != "")
Module['manifest'] = window.location.hash.substring(1);
if (!Module['arguments']) //the html can be explicit about its args if it sets this to an empty array or w/e
Module['arguments'] = [];
if (window.location.hash != "")
man = window.location.hash.substring(1);
// use query string in URL as command line
const qstrings = decodeURIComponent(window.location.search.substring(1));
if (qstrings != "")
@ -149,8 +158,8 @@ if (!Module['arguments']) //the html can be explicit about its args if it sets t
if (typeof man != "undefined")
Module['arguments'] = Module['arguments'].concat(['-manifest', man]);
if (Module['manifest'] != "")
Module['arguments'] = Module['arguments'].concat(['-manifest', Module['manifest']]);
//registerProtocolHandler needs to be able to pass it through to us... so only allow it if we're parsing args from the url.
Module['mayregisterscemes'] = true;
Reference in a new issue