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synced 2025-03-03 15:31:19 +00:00
Scoreboard display will now handle big games better, instead of truncating the list.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@6007 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 171 additions and 148 deletions
@ -1800,7 +1800,7 @@ void CL_UpdateSeats(void)
//some userinfos should always have a value
if (!*InfoBuf_ValueForKey(info, "name")) //$name-2
InfoBuf_SetKey(info, "name", va("%s-%i\n", InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&cls.userinfo[0], "name"), cl.splitclients+1));
InfoBuf_SetKey(info, "name", va("%s-%i", InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&cls.userinfo[0], "name"), cl.splitclients+1));
if (cls.protocol != CP_QUAKE2)
if (!*InfoBuf_ValueForKey(info, "team")) //put players on the same team by default. this avoids team damage in coop, and if you're playing on the same computer then you probably want to be on the same team anyway.
@ -3381,7 +3381,9 @@ static void CLQW_ParseServerData (void)
/*parsing here is slightly different to allow us 255 max players instead of 127*/
cl.splitclients = (qbyte)MSG_ReadByte();
if (cl.splitclients & 128)
if (cls.fteprotocolextensions2 & PEXT2_VRINPUTS)
else if (cl.splitclients & 128)
// spec = true;
cl.splitclients &= ~128;
@ -947,14 +947,14 @@ void Key_DefaultLinkClicked(console_t *con, char *text, char *info)
char cmdprefix[6];
if (i == 0)
// if (i == 0)
*cmdprefix = 0;
snprintf(cmdprefix, sizeof(cmdprefix), "%i ", i+1);
// else
// snprintf(cmdprefix, sizeof(cmdprefix), "%i ", i+1);
//hey look! its you!
if (cl.playerview[i].spectator || cls.demoplayback)
if (i || cl.playerview[i].spectator || cls.demoplayback)
//need join option here or something
@ -270,11 +270,6 @@ void Draw_FunStringWidthFont(struct font_s *font, float x, float y, const void *
static qboolean largegame = false;
#ifdef Q2CLIENT
@ -3311,7 +3306,7 @@ ping time frags name
},{ \
if (!s->spectator) \
{ \
if (largegame) \
if (skip==8) \
Sbar_FillPC(x, y+1, 40, 3, top); \
else \
Sbar_FillPC(x, y, 40, 4, top); \
@ -3365,12 +3360,12 @@ void Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay (playerview_t *pv, int start)
int namesize = (cl.teamplay ? 12*8 : 16*8);
float backalpha;
int pages;
int linesperpage, firstline, lastline;
if (!pv)
if (largegame)
skip = 8;
// request new ping times every two second
if (realtime - cl.last_ping_request > 2 && cls.demoplayback != DPB_EZTV)
@ -3431,7 +3426,16 @@ void Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay (playerview_t *pv, int start)
y += 8;
y += gr.y;
start = y;
linesperpage = floor(((gr.height-10.)-y)/skip);
while (scoreboardlines > linesperpage && skip > 8)
{ //won't fit, shrink the gaps.
linesperpage = floor(((vid.height-10.)-y)/skip);
linesperpage = max(linesperpage,1);
pages = max(1, (scoreboardlines+linesperpage-1)/linesperpage);
showcolumns = 0;
@ -3476,7 +3480,7 @@ void Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay (playerview_t *pv, int start)
#undef COLUMN
rank_width -= namesize;
if (rank_width < 320)
if (rank_width < 320 && pages <= 1)
namesize += 320-rank_width;
if (namesize > 32*8)
@ -3484,33 +3488,44 @@ void Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay (playerview_t *pv, int start)
rank_width += namesize;
startx = (gr.width-rank_width)/2;
startx += gr.x;
if (scr_scoreboard_newstyle.ival)
startx = (gr.width-rank_width*pages)/2;
if (startx < 0)
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Draw top border
R2D_ImagePaletteColour (0, scr_scoreboard_fillalpha.value);
R2D_FillBlock(startx - 3, y - 1, rank_width - 1, 1);
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Draw the title row background
R2D_ImagePaletteColour (1, scr_scoreboard_fillalpha.value);
R2D_FillBlock(startx - 2, y, rank_width - 3, 9);
R2D_ImageColours(1, 1, 1, 1);
startx = fmod(realtime*128, rank_width*pages) - (gr.width/2);
startx = -bound(0, startx, (rank_width*pages-gr.width));
startx += gr.x;
for (firstline = 0; firstline < scoreboardlines; firstline += linesperpage, startx += rank_width)
if (startx+rank_width < gr.x || startx > gr.x+gr.width)
lastline = min(firstline + linesperpage, scoreboardlines);
y = start + gr.y;
x = startx;
if (scr_scoreboard_newstyle.ival)
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Draw top border
R2D_ImagePaletteColour (0, scr_scoreboard_fillalpha.value);
R2D_FillBlock(startx - 3, y - 1, rank_width - 1, 1);
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Draw the title row background
R2D_ImagePaletteColour (1, scr_scoreboard_fillalpha.value);
R2D_FillBlock(startx - 2, y, rank_width - 3, 9);
R2D_ImageColours(1, 1, 1, 1);
x = startx;
#define COLUMN(title, width, code, fill) if (width && (showcolumns & (1<<COLUMN##title))) {Draw_FunString(x, y, #title); x += width+8;}
#undef COLUMN
y += 8;
y += 8;
if (scr_scoreboard_titleseperator.ival && !scr_scoreboard_newstyle.ival)
x = startx;
if (scr_scoreboard_titleseperator.ival && !scr_scoreboard_newstyle.ival)
x = startx;
#define COLUMN(title, width, code, fill) \
if (showcolumns & (1<<COLUMN##title)) \
{ \
@ -3520,132 +3535,130 @@ if (showcolumns & (1<<COLUMN##title)) \
Draw_FunString(x+i, y, "^Ue01f"); \
x += width+8; \
#undef COLUMN
y += 8;
if (scr_scoreboard_newstyle.ival)
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Draw top border (under header)
R2D_ImagePaletteColour (0, scr_scoreboard_fillalpha.value);
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 3, y + 1, rank_width - 1, 1);
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Don't go over the black border, move the rest down
y += 2;
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Draw left border
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 3, y - 10, 1, 9);
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Draw right border
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 3 + rank_width - 2, y - 10, 1, 9);
y -= skip;
//drawfills (these are split out to aid batching)
for (i = 0; i < scoreboardlines; i++)
char team[5];
unsigned int top, bottom;
// TODO: Sort players so that the leading teams are drawn first
k = fragsort[i];
s = &cl.players[k];
if (!s->name[0])
y += skip;
if (y > vid.height-10)
isme = (pv->cam_state == CAM_FREECAM && k == pv->playernum) ||
(pv->cam_state != CAM_FREECAM && k == pv->cam_spec_track);
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Moved this up here for usage with the row background color
top = Sbar_TopColour(s);
bottom = Sbar_BottomColour(s);
y += 8;
if (scr_scoreboard_newstyle.ival)
backalpha = scr_scoreboard_backgroundalpha.value*scr_scoreboard_fillalpha.value;
if (isme)
backalpha *= 1.7;
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Render the main background transparencies behind players row
// TODO: Alpha values on the background
if ((cl.teamplay) && (!s->spectator))
int background_color;
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: red vs blue are common teams, force the colours
Q_strncpyz (team, InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&s->userinfo, "team"), sizeof(team));
if (S_Voip_Speaking(k))
background_color = 0x00ff00;
else if (!(strcmp("red", team)))
background_color = 4; // forced red
else if (!(strcmp("blue", team)))
background_color = 13; // forced blue
background_color = bottom;
Sbar_FillPCDark (startx - 2, y, rank_width - 3, skip, background_color, backalpha);
else if (S_Voip_Speaking(k))
Sbar_FillPCDark (startx - 2, y, rank_width - 3, skip, 0x00ff00, backalpha);
R2D_ImagePaletteColour (2, backalpha);
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 2, y, rank_width - 3, skip);
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Draw top border (under header)
R2D_ImagePaletteColour (0, scr_scoreboard_fillalpha.value);
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 3, y, 1, skip); // Electro - Border - Left
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 3 + rank_width - 2, y, 1, skip); // Electro - Border - Right
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 3, y + 1, rank_width - 1, 1);
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Don't go over the black border, move the rest down
y += 2;
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Draw left border
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 3, y - 10, 1, 9);
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Draw right border
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 3 + rank_width - 2, y - 10, 1, 9);
x = startx;
y -= skip;
//drawfills (these are split out to aid batching)
for (i = firstline; i < lastline; i++)
char team[5];
unsigned int top, bottom;
// TODO: Sort players so that the leading teams are drawn first
k = fragsort[i];
s = &cl.players[k];
if (!s->name[0])
y += skip;
if (y > vid.height-10)
isme = (pv->cam_state == CAM_FREECAM && k == pv->playernum) ||
(pv->cam_state != CAM_FREECAM && k == pv->cam_spec_track);
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Moved this up here for usage with the row background color
top = Sbar_TopColour(s);
bottom = Sbar_BottomColour(s);
if (scr_scoreboard_newstyle.ival)
backalpha = scr_scoreboard_backgroundalpha.value*scr_scoreboard_fillalpha.value;
if (isme)
backalpha *= 1.7;
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: Render the main background transparencies behind players row
// TODO: Alpha values on the background
if ((cl.teamplay) && (!s->spectator))
int background_color;
// Electro's scoreboard eyecandy: red vs blue are common teams, force the colours
Q_strncpyz (team, InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&s->userinfo, "team"), sizeof(team));
if (S_Voip_Speaking(k))
background_color = 0x00ff00;
else if (!(strcmp("red", team)))
background_color = 4; // forced red
else if (!(strcmp("blue", team)))
background_color = 13; // forced blue
background_color = bottom;
Sbar_FillPCDark (startx - 2, y, rank_width - 3, skip, background_color, backalpha);
else if (S_Voip_Speaking(k))
Sbar_FillPCDark (startx - 2, y, rank_width - 3, skip, 0x00ff00, backalpha);
R2D_ImagePaletteColour (2, backalpha);
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 2, y, rank_width - 3, skip);
R2D_ImagePaletteColour (0, scr_scoreboard_fillalpha.value);
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 3, y, 1, skip); // Electro - Border - Left
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 3 + rank_width - 2, y, 1, skip); // Electro - Border - Right
x = startx;
#define COLUMN(title, width, code, fills) \
if (showcolumns & (1<<COLUMN##title)) \
{ \
fills \
x += width+8; \
#undef COLUMN
if (scr_scoreboard_newstyle.ival)
R2D_ImagePaletteColour (0, scr_scoreboard_fillalpha.value);
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 3, y + skip, rank_width - 1, 1); // Electro - Border - Bottom
R2D_ImageColours(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
y -= i * skip;
if (scr_scoreboard_newstyle.ival)
R2D_ImagePaletteColour (0, scr_scoreboard_fillalpha.value);
R2D_FillBlock (startx - 3, y + skip, rank_width - 1, 1); // Electro - Border - Bottom
R2D_ImageColours(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
y -= (i-firstline) * skip;
//text parts
for (i = 0; i < scoreboardlines; i++)
// TODO: Sort players so that the leading teams are drawn first
k = fragsort[i];
s = &cl.players[k];
if (!s->name[0])
//text parts
for (i = firstline; i < lastline; i++)
// TODO: Sort players so that the leading teams are drawn first
k = fragsort[i];
s = &cl.players[k];
if (!s->name[0])
y += skip;
if (y > vid.height-10)
isme = (pv->cam_state == CAM_FREECAM && k == pv->playernum) ||
(pv->cam_state != CAM_FREECAM && k == pv->cam_spec_track);
y += skip;
if (y > vid.height-10)
isme = (pv->cam_state == CAM_FREECAM && k == pv->playernum) ||
(pv->cam_state != CAM_FREECAM && k == pv->cam_spec_track);
x = startx;
x = startx;
#define COLUMN(title, width, code, fills) \
if (showcolumns & (1<<COLUMN##title)) \
{ \
code \
x += width+8; \
#undef COLUMN
if (y >= vid.height-10) // we ran over the screen size, squish
largegame = true;
@ -2458,6 +2458,7 @@ void V_RenderView (qboolean no2d)
int seatnum;
int maxseats = cl.splitclients;
int pl;
@ -2466,13 +2467,16 @@ void V_RenderView (qboolean no2d)
if (cl.intermissionmode != IM_NONE)
maxseats = 1;
else if (cl_forceseat.ival && cl_splitscreen.ival >= 4)
maxseats = 1;
R_PushDlights ();
r_secondaryview = 0;
for (seatnum = 0; seatnum < cl.splitclients && seatnum < maxseats; seatnum++)
pl = (maxseats==1&&cl_forceseat.ival>=1)?(cl_forceseat.ival-1)%cl.splitclients:seatnum;
if (no2d)
r_refdef.drawcrosshair = r_refdef.drawsbar = 0;
if (seatnum)
@ -10324,10 +10324,10 @@ void SV_SetSSQCInputs(usercmd_t *ucmd)
if (pr_global_ptrs->input_angles)
if (sv_player->v->fixangle)
(pr_global_struct->input_angles)[0] = sv_player->v->v_angle[0];
(pr_global_struct->input_angles)[1] = sv_player->v->v_angle[1];
(pr_global_struct->input_angles)[2] = sv_player->v->v_angle[2];
{ //hate this, but somehow still pending
(pr_global_struct->input_angles)[0] = sv_player->v->angles[0];
(pr_global_struct->input_angles)[1] = sv_player->v->angles[1];
(pr_global_struct->input_angles)[2] = sv_player->v->angles[2];
@ -10441,12 +10441,6 @@ qboolean SV_RunFullQCMovement(client_t *client, usercmd_t *ucmd)
if (!sv_player->v->fixangle)
sv_player->v->v_angle[0] = SHORT2ANGLE(ucmd->angles[0]);
sv_player->v->v_angle[1] = SHORT2ANGLE(ucmd->angles[1]);
sv_player->v->v_angle[2] = SHORT2ANGLE(ucmd->angles[2]);
VectorCopy(sv_player->v->v_angle, startangle);
#ifdef HEXEN2
@ -363,7 +363,10 @@ void SV_New_f (void)
splitnum = 0;
for (split = host_client, splitnum = 0; split; split = split->controlled)
ClientReliableWrite_Byte (host_client, (host_client->spectator?128:0) | splitnum); //read each player's userinfo to see if its a spectator or not. this hint is merely a cheat.
if (fteext2 & PEXT2_VRINPUTS)
ClientReliableWrite_Byte (host_client, splitnum);
ClientReliableWrite_Byte (host_client, (host_client->spectator?128:0) | splitnum); //read each player's userinfo to see if its a spectator or not. this hint is merely a cheat.
for (split = host_client; split; split = split->controlled)
playernum = split - svs.clients;// NUM_FOR_EDICT(svprogfuncs, split->edict)-1;
@ -9458,6 +9461,13 @@ void SV_ClientThink (void)
sv_player->xv->movement[0] = cmd.forwardmove;
sv_player->xv->movement[1] = cmd.sidemove;
sv_player->xv->movement[2] = cmd.upmove;
if (!sv_player->v->fixangle)
sv_player->v->v_angle[0] = SHORT2ANGLE(cmd.angles[0]);
sv_player->v->v_angle[1] = SHORT2ANGLE(cmd.angles[1]);
sv_player->v->v_angle[2] = SHORT2ANGLE(cmd.angles[2]);
Reference in a new issue