mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 16:21:05 +00:00
Strip support for VK_NV_glsl_shader. nvidia drivers no longer support it anyway, and it was never recommended.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5881 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 4 additions and 587 deletions
@ -505,573 +505,6 @@ static void VK_FinishProg(program_t *prog, const char *name)
static const char *vulkan_glsl_hdrs[] =
"#define DEFS_DEFINED\n"
"#undef texture2D\n" //nvidia is fucking us over
"#undef textureCube\n" //nvidia is fucking us over
"#define texture2D texture\n"
"#define textureCube texture\n"
"#define e_lmscale e_lmscales[0]\n"
"#ifdef SKELETAL\n"
"vec4 skeletaltransform()"
"mat3x4 wmat;\n"
"wmat = m_bones[int(v_bone.x)] * v_weight.x;\n"
"wmat += m_bones[int(v_bone.y)] * v_weight.y;\n"
"wmat += m_bones[int(v_bone.z)] * v_weight.z;\n"
"wmat += m_bones[int(v_bone.w)] * v_weight.w;\n"
"return m_modelviewprojection * vec4(vec4(v_position.xyz, 1.0) * wmat, 1.0);"
"vec4 skeletaltransform_nst(out vec3 n, out vec3 t, out vec3 b)"
"mat3x4 wmat;\n"
"wmat = m_bones[int(v_bone.x)] * v_weight.x;"
"wmat += m_bones[int(v_bone.y)] * v_weight.y;"
"wmat += m_bones[int(v_bone.z)] * v_weight.z;"
"wmat += m_bones[int(v_bone.w)] * v_weight.w;"
"n = vec4(v_normal.xyz, 0.0) * wmat;"
"t = vec4(v_svector.xyz, 0.0) * wmat;"
"b = vec4(v_tvector.xyz, 0.0) * wmat;"
"return m_modelviewprojection * vec4(vec4(v_position.xyz, 1.0) * wmat, 1.0);"
"vec4 skeletaltransform_wnst(out vec3 w, out vec3 n, out vec3 t, out vec3 b)"
"mat3x4 wmat;\n"
"wmat = m_bones[int(v_bone.x)] * v_weight.x;"
"wmat += m_bones[int(v_bone.y)] * v_weight.y;"
"wmat += m_bones[int(v_bone.z)] * v_weight.z;"
"wmat += m_bones[int(v_bone.w)] * v_weight.w;"
"n = vec4(v_normal.xyz, 0.0) * wmat;"
"t = vec4(v_svector.xyz, 0.0) * wmat;"
"b = vec4(v_tvector.xyz, 0.0) * wmat;"
"w = vec4(v_position.xyz, 1.0) * wmat;"
"return m_modelviewprojection * vec4(w, 1.0);"
"vec4 skeletaltransform_n(out vec3 n)"
"mat3x4 wmat;\n"
"wmat = m_bones[int(v_bone.x)] * v_weight.x;"
"wmat += m_bones[int(v_bone.y)] * v_weight.y;"
"wmat += m_bones[int(v_bone.z)] * v_weight.z;"
"wmat += m_bones[int(v_bone.w)] * v_weight.w;"
"n = vec4(v_normal.xyz, 0.0) * wmat;"
"return m_modelviewprojection * vec4(vec4(v_position.xyz, 1.0) * wmat, 1.0);"
"#define skeletaltransform ftetransform\n"
"vec4 skeletaltransform_wnst(out vec3 w, out vec3 n, out vec3 t, out vec3 b)"
"n = v_normal;"
"t = v_svector;"
"b = v_tvector;"
"w = v_position.xyz;"
"return ftetransform();"
"vec4 skeletaltransform_nst(out vec3 n, out vec3 t, out vec3 b)"
"n = v_normal;"
"t = v_svector;"
"b = v_tvector;"
"return ftetransform();"
"vec4 skeletaltransform_n(out vec3 n)"
"n = v_normal;"
"return ftetransform();"
"#ifdef FOG\n"
"vec3 fog3(in vec3 regularcolour)"
"float z = w_fogdensity * gl_FragCoord.z / gl_FragCoord.w;\n"
"z = max(0.0,z-w_fogdepthbias);\n"
"#if #include \"cvar/r_fog_exp2\"\n"
"z *= z;\n"
"float fac = exp2(-(z * 1.442695));\n"
"fac = (1.0-w_fogalpha) + (clamp(fac, 0.0, 1.0)*w_fogalpha);\n"
"return mix(w_fogcolour, regularcolour, fac);\n"
"vec3 fog3additive(in vec3 regularcolour)"
"float z = w_fogdensity * gl_FragCoord.z / gl_FragCoord.w;\n"
"z = max(0.0,z-w_fogdepthbias);\n"
"#if #include \"cvar/r_fog_exp2\"\n"
"z *= z;\n"
"float fac = exp2(-(z * 1.442695));\n"
"fac = (1.0-w_fogalpha) + (clamp(fac, 0.0, 1.0)*w_fogalpha);\n"
"return regularcolour * fac;\n"
"vec4 fog4(in vec4 regularcolour)"
"return vec4(fog3(regularcolour.rgb), 1.0) * regularcolour.a;\n"
"vec4 fog4additive(in vec4 regularcolour)"
"float z = w_fogdensity * gl_FragCoord.z / gl_FragCoord.w;\n"
"z = max(0.0,z-w_fogdepthbias);\n"
"#if #include \"cvar/r_fog_exp2\"\n"
"z *= z;\n"
"float fac = exp2(-(z * 1.442695));\n"
"fac = (1.0-w_fogalpha) + (clamp(fac, 0.0, 1.0)*w_fogalpha);\n"
"return regularcolour * vec4(fac, fac, fac, 1.0);\n"
"vec4 fog4blend(in vec4 regularcolour)"
"float z = w_fogdensity * gl_FragCoord.z / gl_FragCoord.w;\n"
"z = max(0.0,z-w_fogdepthbias);\n"
"#if #include \"cvar/r_fog_exp2\"\n"
"z *= z;\n"
"float fac = exp2(-(z * 1.442695));\n"
"fac = (1.0-w_fogalpha) + (clamp(fac, 0.0, 1.0)*w_fogalpha);\n"
"return regularcolour * vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, fac);\n"
/*don't use macros for this - mesa bugs out*/
"vec3 fog3(in vec3 regularcolour) { return regularcolour; }\n"
"vec3 fog3additive(in vec3 regularcolour) { return regularcolour; }\n"
"vec4 fog4(in vec4 regularcolour) { return regularcolour; }\n"
"vec4 fog4additive(in vec4 regularcolour) { return regularcolour; }\n"
"vec4 fog4blend(in vec4 regularcolour) { return regularcolour; }\n"
"uniform float cvar_r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale;\n"
"vec2 offsetmap(sampler2D normtex, vec2 base, vec3 eyevector)\n"
"#if !defined(OFFSETMAPPING_SCALE)\n"
"#if defined(RELIEFMAPPING) && !defined(GL_ES)\n"
"float i, f;\n"
"vec3 OffsetVector = vec3(normalize(eyevector.xyz).xy * cvar_r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale * OFFSETMAPPING_SCALE * vec2(-1.0, 1.0), -1.0);\n"
"vec3 RT = vec3(vec2(base.xy"/* - OffsetVector.xy*OffsetMapping_Bias*/"), 1.0);\n"
"OffsetVector /= 10.0;\n"
"for(i = 1.0; i < 10.0; ++i)\n"
"RT += OffsetVector * step(texture2D(normtex, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
"for(i = 0.0, f = 1.0; i < 5.0; ++i, f *= 0.5)\n"
"RT += OffsetVector * (step(texture2D(normtex, RT.xy).a, RT.z) * f - 0.5 * f);\n"
"return RT.xy;\n"
"#elif defined(OFFSETMAPPING)\n"
"vec2 OffsetVector = normalize(eyevector).xy * cvar_r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale * OFFSETMAPPING_SCALE * vec2(-1.0, 1.0);\n"
"vec2 tc = base;\n"
"tc += OffsetVector;\n"
"OffsetVector *= 0.333;\n"
"tc -= OffsetVector * texture2D(normtex, tc).w;\n"
"tc -= OffsetVector * texture2D(normtex, tc).w;\n"
"tc -= OffsetVector * texture2D(normtex, tc).w;\n"
"return tc;\n"
"return base;\n"
"#ifndef r_glsl_pcf\n"
"#define r_glsl_pcf 9\n"
"#if r_glsl_pcf < 1\n"
"#undef r_glsl_pcf\n"
"#define r_glsl_pcf 9\n"
"vec3 ShadowmapCoord(void)\n"
"#ifdef SPOT\n"
//bias it. don't bother figuring out which side or anything, its not needed
//l_projmatrix contains the light's projection matrix so no other magic needed
"return ((vtexprojcoord.xyz-vec3(0.0,0.0,0.015))/vtexprojcoord.w + vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) * vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);\n"
//"#elif defined(CUBESHADOW)\n"
// vec3 shadowcoord = vshadowcoord.xyz / vshadowcoord.w;
// #define dosamp(x,y) shadowCube(s_t4, shadowcoord + vec2(x,y)*texscale.xy).r
//figure out which axis to use
//texture is arranged thusly:
//forward left up
//back right down
"vec3 dir = abs(vtexprojcoord.xyz);\n"
//assume z is the major axis (ie: forward from the light)
"vec3 t = vtexprojcoord.xyz;\n"
"float ma = dir.z;\n"
"vec3 axis = vec3(0.5/3.0, 0.5/2.0, 0.5);\n"
"if (dir.x > ma)\n"
"ma = dir.x;\n"
"t = vtexprojcoord.zyx;\n"
"axis.x = 0.5;\n"
"if (dir.y > ma)\n"
"ma = dir.y;\n"
"t = vtexprojcoord.xzy;\n"
"axis.x = 2.5/3.0;\n"
//if the axis is negative, flip it.
"if (t.z > 0.0)\n"
"axis.y = 1.5/2.0;\n"
"t.z = -t.z;\n"
//we also need to pass the result through the light's projection matrix too
//the 'matrix' we need only contains 5 actual values. and one of them is a -1. So we might as well just use a vec4.
//note: the projection matrix also includes scalers to pinch the image inwards to avoid sampling over borders, as well as to cope with non-square source image
//the resulting z is prescaled to result in a value between -0.5 and 0.5.
//also make sure we're in the right quadrant type thing
"return axis + ((l_shadowmapproj.xyz*t.xyz + vec3(0.0, 0.0, l_shadowmapproj.w)) / -t.z);\n"
"float ShadowmapFilter(sampler2DShadow smap)\n"
"vec3 shadowcoord = ShadowmapCoord();\n"
"#if 0\n"//def GL_ARB_texture_gather
"vec2 ipart, fpart;\n"
"#define dosamp(x,y) textureGatherOffset(smap, ipart.xy, vec2(x,y)))\n"
"vec4 tl = step(shadowcoord.z, dosamp(-1.0, -1.0));\n"
"vec4 bl = step(shadowcoord.z, dosamp(-1.0, 1.0));\n"
"vec4 tr = step(shadowcoord.z, dosamp(1.0, -1.0));\n"
"vec4 br = step(shadowcoord.z, dosamp(1.0, 1.0));\n"
//we now have 4*4 results, woo
//we can just average them for 1/16th precision, but that's still limited graduations
//the middle four pixels are 'full strength', but we interpolate the sides to effectively give 3*3
"vec4 col = vec4(tl.ba, tr.ba) + vec4(bl.rg, br.rg) + " //middle two rows are full strength
"mix(vec4(tl.rg, tr.rg), vec4(bl.ba, br.ba), fpart.y);\n" //top+bottom rows
"return dot(mix(col.rgb, col.agb, fpart.x), vec3(1.0/9.0));\n" //blend r+a, gb are mixed because its pretty much free and gives a nicer dot instruction instead of lots of adds.
"#define dosamp(x,y) shadow2D(smap, shadowcoord.xyz + (vec3(x,y,0.0)*l_shadowmapscale.xyx)).r\n"
"float s = 0.0;\n"
"#if r_glsl_pcf >= 1 && r_glsl_pcf < 5\n"
"s += dosamp(0.0, 0.0);\n"
"return s;\n"
"#elif r_glsl_pcf >= 5 && r_glsl_pcf < 9\n"
"s += dosamp(-1.0, 0.0);\n"
"s += dosamp(0.0, -1.0);\n"
"s += dosamp(0.0, 0.0);\n"
"s += dosamp(0.0, 1.0);\n"
"s += dosamp(1.0, 0.0);\n"
"return s/5.0;\n"
"s += dosamp(-1.0, -1.0);\n"
"s += dosamp(-1.0, 0.0);\n"
"s += dosamp(-1.0, 1.0);\n"
"s += dosamp(0.0, -1.0);\n"
"s += dosamp(0.0, 0.0);\n"
"s += dosamp(0.0, 1.0);\n"
"s += dosamp(1.0, -1.0);\n"
"s += dosamp(1.0, 0.0);\n"
"s += dosamp(1.0, 1.0);\n"
"return s/9.0;\n"
//glsl doesn't officially support #include, this might be vulkan, but don't push things.
qboolean Vulkan_GenerateIncludes(int maxstrings, int *strings, const char *prstrings[], int length[], const char *shadersource)
int i;
char *incline, *inc;
char incname[256];
while((incline=strstr(shadersource, "#include")))
if (*strings == maxstrings)
return false;
/*emit up to the include*/
if (incline - shadersource)
prstrings[*strings] = shadersource;
length[*strings] = incline - shadersource;
*strings += 1;
incline += 8;
incline = COM_ParseOut (incline, incname, sizeof(incname));
if (!strncmp(incname, "cvar/", 5))
cvar_t *var = Cvar_Get(incname+5, "0", 0, "shader cvars");
if (var)
var->flags |= CVAR_SHADERSYSTEM;
if (!Vulkan_GenerateIncludes(maxstrings, strings, prstrings, length, var->string))
return false;
/*dump something if the cvar doesn't exist*/
if (*strings == maxstrings)
return false;
prstrings[*strings] = "0";
length[*strings] = strlen("0");
*strings += 1;
for (i = 0; vulkan_glsl_hdrs[i]; i += 2)
if (!strcmp(incname, vulkan_glsl_hdrs[i]))
if (!Vulkan_GenerateIncludes(maxstrings, strings, prstrings, length, vulkan_glsl_hdrs[i+1]))
return false;
if (!vulkan_glsl_hdrs[i])
if (FS_LoadFile(incname, (void**)&inc) != (qofs_t)-1)
if (!Vulkan_GenerateIncludes(maxstrings, strings, prstrings, length, inc))
return false;
/*move the pointer past the include*/
shadersource = incline;
if (*shadersource)
if (*strings == maxstrings)
return false;
/*dump the remaining shader string*/
prstrings[*strings] = shadersource;
length[*strings] = strlen(prstrings[*strings]);
*strings += 1;
return true;
//assumes VK_NV_glsl_shader for raw glsl
VkShaderModule VK_CreateGLSLModule(program_t *prog, const char *name, int ver, const char **precompilerconstants, const char *body, int isfrag)
VkShaderModule mod;
const char *strings[256];
int lengths[256];
unsigned int numstrings = 0;
char *blob;
size_t blobsize;
unsigned int i;
strings[numstrings++] = "#version 450 core\n";
strings[numstrings++] = "#define ENGINE_"DISTRIBUTION"\n";
strings[numstrings++] =
"layout(std140, binding=0) uniform entityblock"
"mat4 m_modelviewproj;"
"mat4 m_model;"
"mat4 m_modelinv;"
"vec3 e_eyepos;"
"float e_time;"
"vec3 e_light_ambient; float epad1;"
"vec3 e_light_dir; float epad2;"
"vec3 e_light_mul; float epad3;"
"vec4 e_lmscales[4];"
"vec3 e_uppercolour; float epad4;"
"vec3 e_lowercolour; float epad5;"
"vec4 e_colourident;"
"vec4 w_fogcolours;"
"float w_fogdensity; float w_fogdepthbias; vec2 epad6;"
"layout(std140, binding=1) uniform lightblock"
"mat4 l_cubematrix;"
"vec3 l_lightposition; float lpad1;"
"vec3 l_lightcolour; float lpad2;"
"vec3 l_lightcolourscale; float l_lightradius;"
"vec4 l_shadowmapproj;"
"vec2 l_shadowmapscale; vec2 lpad3;"
if (isfrag)
int bindloc = 0;
const char *bindlocations[] =
"layout(set=0, binding=2) ",
"layout(set=0, binding=3) ",
"layout(set=0, binding=4) ",
"layout(set=0, binding=5) ",
"layout(set=0, binding=6) ",
"layout(set=0, binding=7) ",
"layout(set=0, binding=8) ",
"layout(set=0, binding=9) ",
"layout(set=0, binding=10) ",
"layout(set=0, binding=11) ",
"layout(set=0, binding=12) ",
"layout(set=0, binding=13) ",
"layout(set=0, binding=14) ",
"layout(set=0, binding=15) ",
"layout(set=0, binding=16) ",
"layout(set=0, binding=17) ",
"layout(set=0, binding=18) ",
"layout(set=0, binding=19) ",
"layout(set=0, binding=20) ",
"layout(set=0, binding=21) ",
"layout(set=0, binding=22) ",
"layout(set=0, binding=23) ",
"layout(set=0, binding=24) ",
"layout(set=0, binding=25) ",
const char *numberedsamplernames[] =
"uniform sampler2D s_t0;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_t1;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_t2;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_t3;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_t4;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_t5;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_t6;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_t7;\n",
const char *defaultsamplernames[] =
"uniform sampler2D s_shadowmap;\n",
"uniform samplerCube s_projectionmap;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_diffuse;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_normalmap;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_specular;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_upper;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_lower;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_fullbright;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_paletted;\n",
"uniform samplerCube s_reflectcube;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_reflectmask;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_displacement;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_occlusion;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_lightmap;\n#define s_lightmap0 s_lightmap\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_deluxmap;\n#define s_deluxmap0 s_deluxmap\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_lightmap1;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_lightmap2;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_lightmap3;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_deluxmap1;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_deluxmap2;\n",
"uniform sampler2D s_deluxmap3;\n",
strings[numstrings++] = "#define FRAGMENT_SHADER\n"
"#define varying in\n"
"layout(location=0) out vec4 outcolour;\n"
"#define gl_FragColor outcolour\n"
for (i = 0; i < countof(defaultsamplernames); i++)
if (prog->defaulttextures & (1u<<i))
strings[numstrings++] = bindlocations[bindloc++];
strings[numstrings++] = defaultsamplernames[i];
for (i = 0; i < prog->numsamplers && i < countof(numberedsamplernames); i++)
strings[numstrings++] = bindlocations[bindloc++];
strings[numstrings++] = numberedsamplernames[i];
strings[numstrings++] = "#define VERTEX_SHADER\n"
"#define attribute in\n"
"#define varying out\n"
"out gl_PerVertex"
"vec4 gl_Position;"
"layout(location=0) attribute vec3 v_position;"
"layout(location=1) attribute vec2 v_texcoord;"
"layout(location=2) attribute vec4 v_colour;"
"layout(location=3) attribute vec2 v_lmcoord;"
"layout(location=4) attribute vec3 v_normal;"
"layout(location=5) attribute vec3 v_svector;"
"layout(location=6) attribute vec3 v_tvector;"
//"layout(location=7) attribute vec4 v_boneweights;"
//"layout(location=8) attribute ivec4 v_bonenums;"
"vec4 ftetransform()"
"vec4 proj = (m_modelviewproj*vec4(v_position,1.0));"
"proj.y *= -1;"
"proj.z = (proj.z + proj.w) / 2.0;"
"return proj;"
while (*precompilerconstants)
strings[numstrings++] = *precompilerconstants++;
for (i = 0, blobsize = 0; i < numstrings; i++)
lengths[i] = strlen(strings[i]);
Vulkan_GenerateIncludes(countof(strings), &numstrings, strings, lengths, body);
//now glue it all together into a single blob
for (i = 0, blobsize = 0; i < numstrings; i++)
blobsize += lengths[i];
blob = malloc(blobsize);
for (i = 0, blobsize = 0; i < numstrings; i++)
memcpy(blob+blobsize, strings[i], lengths[i]);
blobsize += lengths[i];
blob[blobsize] = 0;
//and submit it.
info.flags = 0;
info.codeSize = blobsize;
info.pCode = (void*)blob;
VkAssert(vkCreateShaderModule(vk.device, &info, vkallocationcb, &mod));
return mod;
qboolean VK_LoadGLSL(program_t *prog, struct programpermu_s *permu, int ver, const char **precompilerconstants, const char *vert, const char *tcs, const char *tes, const char *geom, const char *frag, qboolean noerrors, vfsfile_t *blobfile)
if (permu->permutation) //FIXME...
return false;
// prog->supportedpermutations = 0;
prog->cvardata = NULL;
prog->cvardatasize = 0;
prog->pipelines = NULL;
prog->vert = VK_CreateGLSLModule(prog, prog->name, ver, precompilerconstants, vert, false);
prog->frag = VK_CreateGLSLModule(prog, prog->name, ver, precompilerconstants, frag, true);
VK_FinishProg(prog, prog->name);
return true;
qboolean VK_LoadBlob(program_t *prog, void *blobdata, const char *name)
//fixme: should validate that the offset+lengths are within the blobdata.
@ -1081,7 +514,7 @@ qboolean VK_LoadBlob(program_t *prog, void *blobdata, const char *name)
unsigned char *cvardata;
if (blob->blobmagic[0] != 0xff || blob->blobmagic[1] != 'S' || blob->blobmagic[2] != 'P' || blob->blobmagic[3] != 'V')
return false; //assume its glsl. this is going to be 'fun'.
return false; //bad magic.
if (blob->blobversion != 1)
Con_Printf("Blob %s is outdated\n", name);
@ -3082,10 +2515,7 @@ static void BE_CreatePipeline(program_t *p, unsigned int shaderflags, unsigned i
//VK_INCOMPLETE is a Qualcom bug with certain spirv-opt optimisations.
shaderstate.rc.activepipeline = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
Sys_Error("%s creating pipeline %s for material %s. Check spir-v modules / drivers.\n", VK_VKErrorToString(err), p->name, shaderstate.curshader->name);
Con_Printf("Error creating pipeline %s for material %s. Check glsl / spir-v modules / drivers.\n", p->name, shaderstate.curshader->name);
Sys_Error("%s creating pipeline %s for material %s. Check spir-v modules / drivers.\n", VK_VKErrorToString(err), p->name, shaderstate.curshader->name);
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ static cvar_t vk_dualqueue = CVARFD("vk_dualqueue", "", CVAR_VIDEOLATCH,
static cvar_t vk_busywait = CVARD ("vk_busywait", "", "Force busy waiting until the GPU finishes doing its thing.");
static cvar_t vk_waitfence = CVARD ("vk_waitfence", "", "Waits on fences, instead of semaphores. This is more likely to result in gpu stalls while the cpu waits.");
static cvar_t vk_usememorypools = CVARFD("vk_usememorypools", "", CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "Allocates memory pools for sub allocations. Vulkan has a limit to the number of memory allocations allowed so this should always be enabled, however at this time FTE is unable to reclaim pool memory, and would require periodic vid_restarts to flush them.");
static cvar_t vk_nv_glsl_shader = CVARFD("vk_loadglsl", "", CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "Enable direct loading of glsl, where supported by drivers. Do not use in combination with vk_debug 2 (vk_debug should be 1 if you want to see any glsl compile errors). Don't forget to do a vid_restart after.");
static cvar_t vk_khr_get_memory_requirements2 = CVARFD("vk_khr_get_memory_requirements2", "", CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "Enable extended memory info querires");
static cvar_t vk_khr_dedicated_allocation = CVARFD("vk_khr_dedicated_allocation", "", CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "Flag vulkan memory allocations as dedicated, where applicable.");
static cvar_t vk_khr_push_descriptor = CVARFD("vk_khr_push_descriptor", "", CVAR_VIDEOLATCH, "Enables better descriptor streaming.");
@ -40,7 +39,6 @@ void VK_RegisterVulkanCvars(void)
Cvar_Register (&vk_waitfence, VKRENDEREROPTIONS);
Cvar_Register (&vk_usememorypools, VKRENDEREROPTIONS);
Cvar_Register (&vk_nv_glsl_shader, VKRENDEREROPTIONS);
Cvar_Register (&vk_khr_get_memory_requirements2,VKRENDEREROPTIONS);
Cvar_Register (&vk_khr_dedicated_allocation,VKRENDEREROPTIONS);
Cvar_Register (&vk_khr_push_descriptor, VKRENDEREROPTIONS);
@ -4560,7 +4558,6 @@ qboolean VK_Init(rendererstate_t *info, const char **sysextnames, qboolean (*cre
} knowndevexts[] =
{&vk.khr_swapchain, VK_KHR_SWAPCHAIN_EXTENSION_NAME, NULL, true, NULL, " Nothing will be drawn!"},
{&vk.nv_glsl_shader, VK_NV_GLSL_SHADER_EXTENSION_NAME, &vk_nv_glsl_shader, false, NULL, " Direct use of glsl is not supported."},
{&vk.khr_get_memory_requirements2, VK_KHR_GET_MEMORY_REQUIREMENTS_2_EXTENSION_NAME,&vk_khr_get_memory_requirements2,true, NULL, NULL},
{&vk.khr_dedicated_allocation, VK_KHR_DEDICATED_ALLOCATION_EXTENSION_NAME, &vk_khr_dedicated_allocation, true, NULL, NULL},
{&vk.khr_push_descriptor, VK_KHR_PUSH_DESCRIPTOR_EXTENSION_NAME, &vk_khr_push_descriptor, true, NULL, NULL},
@ -5202,15 +5199,9 @@ qboolean VK_Init(rendererstate_t *info, const char **sysextnames, qboolean (*cre
sh_config.progpath = "vulkan/%s.fvb";
sh_config.blobpath = "spirv";
sh_config.blobpath = NULL; //just use general pipeline cache instead.
sh_config.shadernamefmt = NULL;//"_vulkan";
if (vk.nv_glsl_shader)
sh_config.progpath = "glsl/%s.glsl";
sh_config.shadernamefmt = "%s_glsl";
sh_config.progs_supported = true;
sh_config.progs_required = true;
sh_config.minver = -1;
@ -5232,10 +5223,7 @@ qboolean VK_Init(rendererstate_t *info, const char **sysextnames, qboolean (*cre
sh_config.pDeleteProg = NULL;
sh_config.pLoadBlob = NULL;
if (vk.nv_glsl_shader)
sh_config.pCreateProgram = VK_LoadGLSL;
sh_config.pCreateProgram = NULL;
sh_config.pCreateProgram = NULL;
sh_config.pValidateProgram = NULL;
sh_config.pProgAutoFields = NULL;
@ -275,7 +275,6 @@ extern struct vulkaninfo_s
qboolean allowsubmissionthread;
qboolean khr_swapchain; //aka: not headless. we're actually rendering stuff!
qboolean nv_glsl_shader; //we can load glsl shaders. probably missing lots of reflection info though, so this is probably too limited.
qboolean khr_get_memory_requirements2; //slightly richer info
qboolean khr_dedicated_allocation; //standardised version of the above where the driver decides whether a resource is worth a dedicated allocation.
qboolean khr_push_descriptor; //more efficient descriptor streaming
Reference in a new issue