mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 07:31:08 +00:00
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@3417 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 169 additions and 145 deletions
@ -52,13 +52,22 @@ void() SetChangeParms =
// remove items
self.items = self.items - (self.items &
// parm6 = self.chem;
if (self.class > 0)
parm7 = self.class;
if (self.skill_combat > 0)
parm5 = self.skill_combat;
if (self.skill_doctor > 0)
parm6 = self.skill_doctor;
if (self.skill_sneak > 0)
parm7 = self.skill_sneak;
if (self.skill_science > 0)
parm14 = self.skill_science;
parm8 = self.ammo_shells;
parm9 = self.perk1;
parm10 = self.perk2;
@ -140,14 +149,19 @@ void() DecodeLevelParms =
// self.chem = parm6;
if (parm5 > 0)
self.skill_combat = parm5;
if (parm6 > 0)
self.skill_doctor = parm6;
if (parm7 > 0)
self.class = parm7;
self.skill_sneak = parm7;
if (parm14 > 0)
self.skill_science = parm14;
self.ammo_shells = parm8;
self.perk1 = parm9;
self.perk2 = parm10;
self.score = parm5;
self.current_slot = parm16;
@ -170,11 +184,11 @@ void() DecodeLevelParms =
self.islot17 = parm1;
self.islot18 = parm2;
self.islot19 = parm3;
self.islot20 = parm4;
self.islot20 = parm4;
self.islot21 = parm11;
self.islot22 = parm12;
self.islot23 = parm13;
self.islot24 = parm15;
self.islot24 = parm15;
@ -636,7 +650,7 @@ void() PutClientInServer =
DecodeLevelParms ();
if (self.class == 0 || self.team == 0)
if (self.skill_combat == 0 && self.skill_sneak == 0 && self.skill_doctor == 0 && self.skill_science == 0)
self.deadflag = DEAD_NO;
self.health = 200;
@ -1679,7 +1693,7 @@ void() PlayerPreThink =
DisplayMenu ();
else if (self.class == 0 && self.currentmenu == "none")
else if (self.skill_combat == 0 && self.skill_sneak == 0 && self.skill_doctor == 0 && self.skill_science == 0 && self.currentmenu == "none")
self.currentmenu = "select_skill";
DisplayMenu ();
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ float PRINT_MEDIUM = 1;
#include "../inventory.qc"
float show_inventory;
float show_pipboy;
vector mousepos;
@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ float mouseisdown;
#define CURSORSIZE 8
void(vector pos, float slotno) SlotImage =
local float it, mod_s, mod_e;
@ -114,7 +116,7 @@ void(vector pos, float slotno) SlotImageSmall =
itname = GetItemImage(ToIID(it));
drawpic(pos, strcat("gui/", itname), IMGSIZEZ, '1 1 1', 1);
drawpic(pos, strcat("gui/", itname), IMGSIZEH, '1 1 1', 1);
mod_s = getstati(70);
mod_e = getstati(71);
@ -134,7 +136,7 @@ void(vector pos, float slotno) SlotImageSmall =
itname = ftos(it);
it = strlen(itname);
drawstring(pos + IMGSIZEZ - '0 8 0' - '8 0 0'*it, itname, '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
drawstring(pos + IMGSIZEZ - '0 16 0' - '16 0 0'*it, itname, '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
void(vector pos, float slotno) QuickImage =
@ -355,6 +357,61 @@ void(vector pos, string image) Crosshair =
drawpic(pos, image, IMGSIZEQ, '1 1 1', 1);
void() Pipboy_Draw =
float width,height,lvl,bar;
vector w;
width = cvar("vid_conwidth");
height = cvar("vid_conheight");
w = '1 1 0'*height;
drawpic('0 0 0', "gui/pipboy/pipboy.jpg", w, '1 1 1', 1);
drawstring('2 2 0'*IMGSIZEF, "COMBAT", '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
bar = 0;
lvl = getstati(81);
while (bar <= lvl)
drawpic('3 2 0'*IMGSIZEF + ('4 0 0'*bar), "gui/graph/red.jpg", '1 4 0'*2, '1 1 1', 1);
bar = bar + 1;
drawstring('2 2.2 0'*IMGSIZEF, "DOCTOR", '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
bar = 0;
lvl = getstati(82);
while (bar <= lvl)
drawpic('3 2.2 0'*IMGSIZEF + ('4 0 0'*bar), "gui/graph/green.jpg", '1 4 0'*2, '1 1 1', 1);
bar = bar + 1;
drawstring('2 2.4 0'*IMGSIZEF, "SNEAK", '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
bar = 0;
lvl = getstati(83);
while (bar <= lvl)
drawpic('3 2.4 0'*IMGSIZEF + ('4 0 0'*bar), "gui/graph/blue.jpg", '1 4 0'*2, '1 1 1', 1);
bar = bar + 1;
drawstring('2 2.6 0'*IMGSIZEF, "SCIENCE", '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
bar = 0;
lvl = getstati(84);
while (bar <= lvl)
drawpic('3 2.6 0'*IMGSIZEF + ('4 0 0'*bar), "gui/graph/yellow.jpg", '1 4 0'*2, '1 1 1', 1);
bar = bar + 1;
void() Invent_Draw =
local float i;
@ -363,37 +420,54 @@ void() Invent_Draw =
local float op;
local float height,width;
vector w;
height = cvar("vid_conheight");
width = cvar("vid_conwidth");
//how much space have we got for the slider?
drawpic('0 0 0', "gui/pipboy/inventory.jpg", w, '1 1 1', 1);
local float slotofs;
slotofs = sliderpos*(height - (IMGSIZEF*6)) + (IMGSIZEF*6);
for (i = 6; i <= MAXSLOTS; i++)
SlotImage(((i*IMGSIZEF-slotofs) * '0 1 0'), i+1);
// itname = GetItemName(ToIID(it));
// drawstring(toppos + ((i*8-slotofs) * '0 1 0'), strcat(itname, " (", ftos(ToStatus(it)), ")"), '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1);
drawstring('112 248 0', " HAND1 ", '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
SlotImage('112 256 0', 1);
drawstring('112 248 0'+('1 0 0'*IMGSIZEF), " HAND2 ", '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
SlotImage('112 256 0'+('1 0 0'*IMGSIZEF), 2);
drawstring('112 248 0'+('2 0 0'*IMGSIZEF), " ARMOUR ", '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
SlotImage('112 256 0'+('2 0 0'*IMGSIZEF), 3);
SlotImage('2 1 0'*IMGSIZEF, 5);
SlotImage('2 2 0'*IMGSIZEF, 6);
SlotImage('2 3 0'*IMGSIZEF, 7);
SlotImage('2 4 0'*IMGSIZEF, 8);
SlotImage('2 5 0'*IMGSIZEF, 9);
SlotImage('2 6 0'*IMGSIZEF, 10);
SlotImage('3 1 0'*IMGSIZEF, 11);
SlotImage('3 2 0'*IMGSIZEF, 12);
SlotImage('3 3 0'*IMGSIZEF, 13);
SlotImage('3 4 0'*IMGSIZEF, 14);
SlotImage('3 5 0'*IMGSIZEF, 15);
SlotImage('3 6 0'*IMGSIZEF, 16);
drawstring('112 120 0', " EQUIP ", '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
SlotImage('112 128 0', 4);
drawstring('112 120 0'+('1 0 0'*IMGSIZEF), " POUCH1 ", '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
SlotImage('112 128 0'+('1 0 0'*IMGSIZEF), 5);
drawstring('112 120 0'+('2 0 0'*IMGSIZEF), " POUCH2 ", '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
SlotImage('112 128 0'+('2 0 0'*IMGSIZEF), 6);
SlotImage('5.5 1 0'*IMGSIZEF, 1);
SlotImage('5.5 3 0'*IMGSIZEF, 2);
SlotImage('5.5 5.5 0'*IMGSIZEF, 3);
SlotImageSmall('1 3 0'*IMGSIZEK, 17);
SlotImageSmall('1 4 0'*IMGSIZEK, 18);
SlotImageSmall('1 5 0'*IMGSIZEK, 19);
SlotImageSmall('1 6 0'*IMGSIZEK, 20);
SlotImageSmall('1 7 0'*IMGSIZEK, 21);
SlotImageSmall('1 8 0'*IMGSIZEK, 22);
SlotImageSmall('1 9 0'*IMGSIZEK, 23);
SlotImageSmall('1 10 0'*IMGSIZEK, 24);
SlotImageSmall('1 12.5 0'*IMGSIZEK, 4);
drawstring('120 72 0'+('4 0 0'*IMGSIZEF), " JUNK ", '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
SlotImageSmall('112 80 0'+('4 0 0'*IMGSIZEF), 17);
SlotImageSmall('112 128 0'+('4 0 0'*IMGSIZEF), 18);
@ -402,9 +476,9 @@ void() Invent_Draw =
SlotImageSmall('96 80 0'+('5 0 0'*IMGSIZEF), 21);
SlotImageSmall('96 128 0'+('5 0 0'*IMGSIZEF), 22);
SlotImageSmall('96 176 0'+('5 0 0'*IMGSIZEF), 23);
SlotImageSmall('96 224 0'+('5 0 0'*IMGSIZEF), 24);
SlotImageSmall('96 224 0'+('5 0 0'*IMGSIZEF), 24);*/
perki = GetPerkImage(getstati(60));
perk2i = GetPerkImage(getstati(59));
@ -419,99 +493,18 @@ void() Invent_Draw =
drawstring('112 408 0'+('3 0 0'*IMGSIZEF), p1, '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
drawstring('112 408 0'+('5 0 0'*IMGSIZEF), p2, '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
i = getstati(62);
if (i == 1)
itname = "team: rangers";
else if (i == 2)
itname = "team: raiders";
itname = "team: none";
drawstring('112 264 0'+('0 1 0'*IMGSIZEF), itname, '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
i = getstati(63);
if (i == 1)
itname = "skill set: first aid";
s1 = "small arms: 65%";
s2 = "big guns: 35%";
s3 = "melee: 45%";
s4 = "sneak: 40%";
s5 = "first aid: 90%";
s6 = "doctor: 75%";
s7 = "science: 25%";
s8 = "repair: 35%";
s9 = "thrown: 50%";
else if (i == 2)
itname = "skill set: stealth";
s1 = "small arms: 75%";
s2 = "big guns: 25%";
s3 = "melee: 80%";
s4 = "sneak: 95%";
s5 = "first aid: 55%";
s6 = "doctor: 15%";
s7 = "science: 55%";
s8 = "repair: 25%";
s9 = "thrown: 75%";
else if (i == 3)
itname = "skill set: combat";
s1 = "small arms: 90%";
s2 = "big guns: 75%";
s3 = "melee: 80%";
s4 = "sneak: 55%";
s5 = "first aid: 55%";
s6 = "doctor: 15%";
s7 = "science: 15%";
s8 = "repair: 15%";
s9 = "thrown: 75%";
else if (i == 4)
itname = "skill set: science";
s1 = "small arms: 25%";
s2 = "big guns: 10%";
s3 = "melee: 15%";
s4 = "sneak: 35%";
s5 = "first aid: 65%";
s6 = "doctor: 25%";
s7 = "science: 95%";
s8 = "repair: 90%";
s9 = "thrown: 25%";
itname = "class: none";
s1 = "small arms: 10%";
s2 = "big guns: 5%";
s3 = "melee: 5%";
s4 = "sneak: 10%";
s5 = "first aid: 10%";
s6 = "doctor: 5%";
s7 = "science: 15%";
s8 = "repair: 5%";
drawstring('112 272 0'+('0 1 0'*IMGSIZEF), itname, '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
drawstring('112 280 0'+('0 1 0'*IMGSIZEF), s1, '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
drawstring('112 288 0'+('0 1 0'*IMGSIZEF), s2, '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
drawstring('112 296 0'+('0 1 0'*IMGSIZEF), s3, '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
drawstring('112 304 0'+('0 1 0'*IMGSIZEF), s4, '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
drawstring('112 312 0'+('0 1 0'*IMGSIZEF), s5, '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
drawstring('112 320 0'+('0 1 0'*IMGSIZEF), s6, '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
drawstring('112 328 0'+('0 1 0'*IMGSIZEF), s7, '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
drawstring('112 336 0'+('0 1 0'*IMGSIZEF), s8, '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
drawstring('112 344 0'+('0 1 0'*IMGSIZEF), s9, '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
drawpic(('1 0 0'*IMGSIZEF), "gui/scrollup.jpg", '16 16 0', '1 1 1', 1);
for (i = 0; i < height; i+=16)
drawpic('1 0 0'*IMGSIZEF+'0 16 0'+i*'0 1 0', "gui/scrollbar.jpg", '16 16 0', '1 1 1', 1);
drawpic(('1 0 0'*IMGSIZEF)+(height-16)*'0 1 0', "gui/scrolldown.jpg", '16 16 0', '1 1 1', 1);
drawpic(('1 0 0'*IMGSIZEF)+'0 16 0'+sliderpos*(height-48)*'0 1 0', "gui/scrollbox.jpg", '16 16 0', '1 1 1', 1);
drawpic(('1 0 0'*IMGSIZEF)+'0 16 0'+sliderpos*(height-48)*'0 1 0', "gui/scrollbox.jpg", '16 16 0', '1 1 1', 1);*/
if (showcontextmenu)
@ -542,44 +535,45 @@ void() Invent_Draw =
if (mousepos_x >= IMGSIZEF)
if ((mousepos_y >= 12.5*IMGSIZEH && mousepos_y <= 13*IMGSIZEH) && mousepos_x <= IMGSIZEF)
slotnum = 4;
else if (mousepos_x >= IMGSIZEF)
slotnum = 0;
if (mousepos_x >= 112 && mousepos_x <= 112+3*IMGSIZEF)
if (mousepos_y >= 256 && mousepos_y <= 256+IMGSIZEF)
slotnum = floor((mousepos_x - 112)/IMGSIZEF) + 1;
if (mousepos_x >= 2*IMGSIZEF && mousepos_x <= 3*IMGSIZEF)
if (mousepos_y >= 1*IMGSIZEF && mousepos_y <= 7*IMGSIZEF)
slotnum = floor((mousepos_y)/IMGSIZEF) + 4;
if (mousepos_x >= 112 && mousepos_x <= 112+3*IMGSIZEF)
if (mousepos_y >= 128 && mousepos_y <= 128+IMGSIZEF)
slotnum = floor((mousepos_x - 112)/IMGSIZEF) + 4;
if (mousepos_x >= 3*IMGSIZEF && mousepos_x <= 4*IMGSIZEF)
if (mousepos_y >= 1*IMGSIZEF && mousepos_y <= 7*IMGSIZEF)
slotnum = floor((mousepos_y)/IMGSIZEF) + 10;
if (mousepos_x >= 112+3*IMGSIZEF && mousepos_x <= 112+4*IMGSIZEF)
if (mousepos_y >= 336 && mousepos_y <= 336+IMGSIZEF)
slotnum = 98;
if (mousepos_x >= 5.5*IMGSIZEF && mousepos_x <= 6.5*IMGSIZEF)
if (mousepos_y >= 1*IMGSIZEF && mousepos_y <= 2*IMGSIZEF)
slotnum = 1;
if (mousepos_x >= 5.5*IMGSIZEF && mousepos_x <= 6.5*IMGSIZEF)
if (mousepos_y >= 3*IMGSIZEF && mousepos_y <= 4*IMGSIZEF)
slotnum = 2;
if (mousepos_x >= 112+5*IMGSIZEF && mousepos_x <= 112+6*IMGSIZEF)
if (mousepos_y >= 336 && mousepos_y <= 336+IMGSIZEF)
slotnum = 99;
if (mousepos_x >= 112+4*IMGSIZEF && mousepos_x <= 112+5*IMGSIZEF)
if (mousepos_y >= 80 && mousepos_y <= 80+4*IMGSIZEX)
slotnum = floor((mousepos_y - 80)/IMGSIZEX) + 17;
if (mousepos_x >= 112+5*IMGSIZEF && mousepos_x <= 112+6*IMGSIZEF)
if (mousepos_y >= 80 && mousepos_y <= 80+4*IMGSIZEX)
slotnum = floor((mousepos_y - 80)/IMGSIZEX) + 21;
if (mousepos_x >= 5.5*IMGSIZEF && mousepos_x <= 6.5*IMGSIZEF)
if (mousepos_y >= 5.5*IMGSIZEF && mousepos_y <= 6.5*IMGSIZEF)
slotnum = 3;
slotnum = floor((mousepos_y + slotofs)/IMGSIZEF) + 1;
slotnum = floor((mousepos_y)/IMGSIZEK) + 14;
if (slotnum <= 16)
slotnum = 0;
if (slotnum >= 25)
slotnum = 0;
// slotnum = floor((mousepos_y - toppos_y)/8) + 1;
drawstring('128 0 0', ftos(slotnum), '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1);
drawfill('120 24 0', '512 40 0', '0 0 0', 0.7);
if (slotnum <= 24)
@ -606,10 +600,8 @@ if (slotnum <= 24)
it = getstati(98);
itname = GetItemName(ToIID(it));
drawstring('128 32 0', itname, '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1);
itname = GetItemDesc(ToIID(it));
drawstring('128 48 0', itname, '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1);
drawstring('32 16 0', itname, '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1);
else if (slotnum == 98)
@ -648,6 +640,10 @@ float(float eventtype, float param1, float param2) CSQC_InputEvent =
show_inventory = !show_inventory;
if (param1 == 'p')
show_pipboy = !show_pipboy;
else if (!show_inventory)
return false;
else if (param1 == k_mouse1)
@ -444,6 +444,8 @@ void(float do2d) CSQC_UpdateView =
else if (show_inventory)
else if (show_pipboy)
@ -972,6 +972,14 @@ void() W_PlayerMenu =
self.missionbrief = 0;
self.class = self.tclass;
if (self.class == 1)
self.skill_doctor = 1;
if (self.class == 2)
self.skill_sneak = 1;
if (self.class == 3)
self.skill_combat = 1;
if (self.class == 4)
self.skill_science = 1;
sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "player/yourturn.wav", TRUE, ATTN_NORM);
self.currentmenu = "none";
centerprint(self, "");
@ -1117,13 +1125,12 @@ void() W_PlayerMenu =
te = te.chain;
if (greed == 1)
self.score = self.score - 50;
self.score = self.score - 25;*/
self.score = self.score - 25;
self.chest.solid = SOLID_NOT;
sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "effects/openlock.wav", TRUE, ATTN_NORM);
sprint(self, 2, "you manage to pick the lock. you find:\n");
@ -70,6 +70,10 @@ void() SetupStats =
clientstat(69, 2, map_ent3);
clientstat(70, 2, silencer);
clientstat(71, 2, extender);
clientstat(81, 2, skill_combat);
clientstat(82, 2, skill_doctor);
clientstat(83, 2, skill_sneak);
clientstat(84, 2, skill_science);
clientstat(91, 2, islot17);
clientstat(92, 2, islot18);
clientstat(93, 2, islot19);
@ -93,6 +97,7 @@ void() SetupStats =
clientstat(125, 2, timer);
clientstat(126, 2, popup);
clientstat(127, 2, score);
//assesses all current players
Reference in a new issue