mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 00:52:05 +00:00
fixed fbsp vertex lighting the lame way. still needs a glsl method.
fixed shader lighting levels due to overbright methods. fixed scaling. misc other fixes and tweaks. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4469 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
This commit is contained in:
58 changed files with 727 additions and 412 deletions
@ -739,14 +739,14 @@ void Cam_TrackPlayer(int seat, char *cmdname, char *plrarg)
// search nicks first
for (slot = 0; slot < MAX_CLIENTS; slot++)
for (slot = 0; slot < cl.allocated_client_slots; slot++)
s = &cl.players[slot];
if (s->name[0] && !s->spectator && !Q_strcasecmp(s->name, plrarg))
if (slot == MAX_CLIENTS)
if (slot == cl.allocated_client_slots)
// didn't find nick, so search userids
int userid;
@ -766,14 +766,14 @@ void Cam_TrackPlayer(int seat, char *cmdname, char *plrarg)
userid = atoi(plrarg);
for (slot = 0; slot < MAX_CLIENTS; slot++)
for (slot = 0; slot < cl.allocated_client_slots; slot++)
s = &cl.players[slot];
if (s->name[0] && !s->spectator && s->userid == userid)
if (slot == MAX_CLIENTS)
if (slot == cl.allocated_client_slots)
Con_Printf("Couldn't find userid %i\n", userid);
@ -845,7 +845,11 @@ static qintptr_t CG_SystemCalls(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, qintptr_t fn, con
Media_BackgroundTrack(VM_POINTER(arg[0]), VM_POINTER(arg[1]));
return 0;
Media_BackgroundTrack(NULL, NULL);
return 0;
@ -1346,6 +1346,8 @@ void CL_Disconnect (void)
FS_PureMode(0, NULL, NULL, 0);
//now start up the csqc/menu module again.
@ -1361,8 +1363,6 @@ void CL_Disconnect_f (void)
CL_Disconnect ();
@ -4475,6 +4475,10 @@ void Host_Shutdown(void)
//disconnect server/client/etc
#ifdef CSQC_DAT
#ifdef VM_UI
@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ void CL_Sbar_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue)
void SCR_CrosshairPosition(playerview_t *pview, int *x, int *y)
void SCR_CrosshairPosition(playerview_t *pview, float *x, float *y)
extern cvar_t cl_crossx, cl_crossy, crosshaircorrect, v_viewheight;
@ -1368,6 +1368,7 @@ struct cin_s *Media_StartCin(char *name);
texid_tf Media_UpdateForShader(cin_t *cin);
void Media_ShutdownCin(cin_t *cin);
qboolean Media_FakeTrack(int i, qboolean loop);
qboolean Media_BackgroundTrack(char *track, char *looptrack);
//these accept NULL for cin to mean the current fullscreen video
@ -1043,20 +1043,20 @@ int Con_DrawInput (console_t *con, qboolean focused, int left, int right, int y,
//put the cursor in the middle
x = (right-left)/2;
x = (right-left)/2 + left;
//move the line to the right if there's not enough text to touch the right hand side
if (x < right-rhs)
x = right - rhs;
if (x < right-rhs - Font_CharWidth(0xe000|11|CON_WHITEMASK))
x = right - rhs - Font_CharWidth(0xe000|11|CON_WHITEMASK);
//if the left hand side is on the right of the left point (overrides right alignment)
if (x - lhs > 0)
x = lhs;
if (x > lhs + left)
x = lhs + left;
lhs = x - lhs + left;
lhs = x - lhs;
for (cchar = maskedtext; cchar < cursor; cchar++)
lhs = Font_DrawChar(lhs, y, *cchar);
rhs = x + left;
rhs = x;
if (cursorframe)
// extern cvar_t com_parseutf8;
@ -1498,6 +1498,15 @@ static int Con_DrawConsoleLines(console_t *con, conline_t *l, int sx, int ex, in
int i;
int x;
if (l != con->footerline)
if (l != con->current)
y -= 8;
// draw arrows to show the buffer is backscrolled
for (x = sx ; x<ex; )
x = (Font_DrawChar (x, y, '^'|CON_WHITEMASK)-x)*4+x;
//deactivate the selection if the start and end is outside
if (
(selsx < sx && selex < sx) ||
@ -1771,14 +1780,6 @@ void Con_DrawConsole (int lines, qboolean noback)
l = con_current->display;
if (l != con_current->current)
y -= 8;
// draw arrows to show the buffer is backscrolled
for (x = sx ; x<ex; )
x = (Font_DrawChar (x, y, '^'|CON_WHITEMASK)-x)*4+x;
y = Con_DrawConsoleLines(con_current, l, sx, ex, y, top, selactive, selsx, selex, selsy, seley);
if (!haveprogress && lines == vid.height)
@ -1218,6 +1218,12 @@ qboolean Key_Console (console_t *con, unsigned int unicode, int key)
// if (unicode)
// Con_Printf("escape code %i\n", unicode);
//even if we don't print these, we still need to cancel them in the caller.
if (key == K_LALT || key == K_RALT ||
key == K_LCTRL || key == K_RCTRL ||
key == K_LSHIFT || key == K_RSHIFT)
return true;
return false;
@ -1261,6 +1267,7 @@ qboolean Key_Console (console_t *con, unsigned int unicode, int key)
return true;
return false;
@ -1857,25 +1864,26 @@ void Key_Event (int devid, int key, unsigned int unicode, qboolean down)
Cbuf_AddText (cmd, bindcmdlevel[k][oldstate]);
if (keydown[k] && (key_dest != key_console && key_dest != key_message))
deltaused[k][keystate] = true;
// Con_Printf ("adding bind %i\n", k); //@@@
kb = keybindings[k][keystate];
if (kb)
if (keydown[k] && (key_dest != key_console && key_dest != key_message))
if (kb[0] == '+')
{ // button commands add keynum as a parm
Q_snprintfz (cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s %i\n", kb, k+keystate*256);
Cbuf_AddText (cmd, bindcmdlevel[k][keystate]);
deltaused[k][keystate] = true;
// Con_Printf ("adding bind %i\n", k); //@@@
kb = keybindings[k][keystate];
if (kb)
Cbuf_AddText (kb, bindcmdlevel[k][keystate]);
Cbuf_AddText ("\n", bindcmdlevel[k][keystate]);
if (kb[0] == '+')
{ // button commands add keynum as a parm
Q_snprintfz (cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s %i\n", kb, k+keystate*256);
Cbuf_AddText (cmd, bindcmdlevel[k][keystate]);
Cbuf_AddText (kb, bindcmdlevel[k][keystate]);
Cbuf_AddText ("\n", bindcmdlevel[k][keystate]);
@ -219,6 +219,39 @@ void Media_Clear (void)
qboolean fakecdactive;
//fake cd tracks.
qboolean Media_BackgroundTrack(char *track, char *looptrack)
char *ext[] = {
#ifdef WINAVI
char trackname[MAX_QPATH];
int i;
if (!track || !*track)
return false;
if (!looptrack || !*looptrack)
looptrack = track;
for(i = 0; ext[i]; i++)
Q_snprintfz(trackname, sizeof(name), "%s%s", track, ext[i]);
if (COM_FCheckExists(trackname))
strcpy(currenttrack.filename, trackname);
fakecdactive = true;
media_playing = true;
return true;
return false;
qboolean Media_FakeTrack(int i, qboolean loop)
char trackname[512];
@ -229,46 +262,15 @@ qboolean Media_FakeTrack(int i, qboolean loop)
found = false;
if (!found && i <= 99)
sprintf(trackname, "music/track%02i.ogg", i);
found = COM_FCheckExists(trackname);
#ifdef WINAVI
if (!found && i <= 99)
sprintf(trackname, "music/track%02i.mp3", i);
found = COM_FCheckExists(trackname);
if (!found && i <= 99)
sprintf(trackname, "music/track%02i.wav", i);
found = COM_FCheckExists(trackname);
sprintf(trackname, "music/track%02i", i);
if (Media_BackgroundTrack(trackname, loop?trackname:NULL))
return true;
if (!found)
sprintf(trackname, "sound/cdtracks/track%03i.ogg", i);
found = COM_FCheckExists(trackname);
#ifdef WINAVI
if (!found)
sprintf(trackname, "sound/cdtracks/track%03i.mp3", i);
found = COM_FCheckExists(trackname);
if (!found)
sprintf(trackname, "sound/cdtracks/track%03i.wav", i);
found = COM_FCheckExists(trackname);
if (found)
strcpy(currenttrack.filename, trackname+6);
fakecdactive = true;
media_playing = true;
return true;
sprintf(trackname, "sound/cdtracks/track%03i", i);
if (Media_BackgroundTrack(trackname, loop?trackname:NULL))
return true;
@ -276,6 +278,15 @@ qboolean Media_FakeTrack(int i, qboolean loop)
return false;
//for q3
void Media_NamedTrack_f(void)
if (Cmd_Argc() == 3)
Media_BackgroundTrack(Cmd_Argv(1), Cmd_Argv(2));
Media_BackgroundTrack(Cmd_Argv(1), Cmd_Argv(1));
//actually, this func just flushes and states that it should be playing. the ambientsound func actually changes the track.
void Media_Next_f (void)
@ -3878,6 +3889,7 @@ void Media_Init(void)
Cmd_AddCommand("music_fforward", Media_FForward_f);
Cmd_AddCommand("music_rewind", Media_Rewind_f);
Cmd_AddCommand("music_next", Media_Next_f);
Cmd_AddCommand("music", Media_NamedTrack_f);
#if defined(GLQUAKE)
Cmd_AddCommand("capture", Media_RecordFilm_f);
@ -136,9 +136,9 @@ int Mod_GetBoneParent(struct model_s *model, int bonenum);
struct galiasbone_s *Mod_GetBoneInfo(struct model_s *model, int *numbones);
char *Mod_GetBoneName(struct model_s *model, int bonenum);
void Draw_FunString(int x, int y, const void *str);
void Draw_AltFunString(int x, int y, const void *str);
void Draw_FunStringWidth(int x, int y, const void *str, int width);
void Draw_FunString(float x, float y, const void *str);
void Draw_AltFunString(float x, float y, const void *str);
void Draw_FunStringWidth(float x, float y, const void *str, int width);
extern int r_regsequence;
@ -2292,7 +2292,7 @@ static qboolean PScript_InitParticles (void)
pscriptmesh.xyz_array = pscriptverts;
pscriptmesh.st_array = pscripttexcoords;
pscriptmesh.colors4f_array = pscriptcolours;
pscriptmesh.colors4f_array[0] = pscriptcolours;
pscriptmesh.indexes = pscriptquadindexes;
for (i = 0; i < BUFFERVERTS; i++)
@ -2300,7 +2300,7 @@ static qboolean PScript_InitParticles (void)
pscripttmesh.xyz_array = pscriptverts;
pscripttmesh.st_array = pscripttexcoords;
pscripttmesh.colors4f_array = pscriptcolours;
pscripttmesh.colors4f_array[0] = pscriptcolours;
pscripttmesh.indexes = pscripttriindexes;
return true;
@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
#if defined(CSQC_DAT) || defined(MENU_DAT)
//these two global qcinput variables are the current scan code being passed to qc, if valid. this protects against protected apis where the qc just passes stuff through.
int qcinput_scan;
int qcinput_unicode;
int MP_TranslateFTEtoQCCodes(int code)
@ -1117,7 +1117,7 @@ void QCBUILTIN PF_R_PolygonEnd(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_g
mesh.istrifan = true;
mesh.xyz_array = cl_strisvertv + csqc_poly_startvert;
mesh.st_array = cl_strisvertt + csqc_poly_startvert;
mesh.colors4f_array = cl_strisvertc + csqc_poly_startvert;
mesh.colors4f_array[0] = cl_strisvertc + csqc_poly_startvert;
mesh.indexes = cl_strisidx + csqc_poly_startidx;
mesh.numindexes = cl_numstrisidx - csqc_poly_startidx;
mesh.numvertexes = cl_numstrisvert-csqc_poly_startvert;
@ -1550,6 +1550,7 @@ static void QCBUILTIN PF_R_RenderScene(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars
if (r_refdef.drawsbar)
SCR_TileClear ();
#ifdef PLUGINS
Plug_SBar (r_refdef.playerview);
@ -1559,7 +1560,6 @@ static void QCBUILTIN PF_R_RenderScene(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars
Sbar_DrawScoreboard ();
SCR_TileClear ();
if (csqc_addcrosshair)
@ -2127,6 +2127,9 @@ static void QCBUILTIN PF_cs_sendevent (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars
char *eventname = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0);
char *argtypes = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1);
if (!cls.state)
MSG_WriteByte(&cls.netchan.message, clc_qcrequest);
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
@ -2423,7 +2426,11 @@ static void QCBUILTIN PF_cs_serverkey (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars
else if (!strcmp(keyname, "constate"))
if (cls.state == ca_disconnected)
if (cls.state == ca_disconnected
&& !sv.state
ret = "disconnected";
else if (cls.state == ca_active)
ret = "active";
@ -3530,7 +3537,7 @@ static void QCBUILTIN PF_cs_movetogoal (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvar
static void CS_ConsoleCommand_f(void)
{ //FIXME: unregister them.
char cmd[2048];
Q_snprintfz(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s %s", Cmd_Argv(0), Cmd_Args());
@ -3541,7 +3548,8 @@ static void QCBUILTIN PF_cs_registercommand (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct glob
if (!strcmp(str, "+showscores") || !strcmp(str, "-showscores") ||
!strcmp(str, "+showteamscores") || !strcmp(str, "-showteamscores"))
Cmd_AddCommand(str, CS_ConsoleCommand_f);
if (!Cmd_Exists(str))
Cmd_AddCommand(str, CS_ConsoleCommand_f);
static qboolean csqc_usinglistener;
@ -4748,6 +4756,9 @@ static struct {
{"buf_loadfile", PF_buf_loadfile, 535},
{"buf_writefile", PF_buf_writefile, 536},
{"setmousetarget", PF_cl_setmousetarget, 603},
{"getmousetarget", PF_cl_getmousetarget, 604},
{"callfunction", PF_callfunction, 605},
{"writetofile", PF_writetofile, 606},
{"isfunction", PF_isfunction, 607},
@ -4962,8 +4973,10 @@ void CSQC_World_GetFrameState(world_t *w, wedict_t *win, framestate_t *out)
void CSQC_Shutdown(void)
extern int mouseusedforgui;
if (csqcprogs)
mouseusedforgui = false;
PR_Common_Shutdown(csqcprogs, false);
@ -4971,6 +4984,8 @@ void CSQC_Shutdown(void)
csqc_world.progs = csqcprogs = NULL;
#ifdef USEODE
@ -5129,10 +5144,11 @@ qboolean CSQC_UnconnectedOkay(qboolean inprinciple)
qboolean CSQC_UnconnectedInit(void)
if (!CSQC_UnconnectedOkay(false))
if (!CSQC_UnconnectedOkay(true))
return false;
if (csqcprogs)
return true;
return CSQC_Init(true, true, 0);
@ -5611,6 +5627,7 @@ qboolean CSQC_DrawView(void)
extern cvar_t cl_forcesplitclient;
csqc_resortfrags = true;
csqctime = Sys_DoubleTime();
if (!csqcg.draw_function || !csqcprogs)
return false;
@ -5688,7 +5705,7 @@ qboolean CSQC_DrawView(void)
CL_PredictMove ();
if (csqcg.cltime)
*csqcg.cltime = cl.time;
*csqcg.cltime = realtime;
if (csqcg.svtime)
*csqcg.svtime = cl.servertime;
@ -5725,7 +5742,14 @@ qboolean CSQC_KeyPress(int key, int unicode, qboolean down, int devid)
G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2) = unicode;
G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3) = devid;
if (down)
qcinput_scan = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1);
qcinput_unicode = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2);
PR_ExecuteProgram (csqcprogs, csqcg.input_event);
qcinput_scan = 0; //and stop replay attacks
qcinput_unicode = 0;
@ -510,9 +510,9 @@ void QCBUILTIN PF_CL_drawline (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_g
memset(&mesh, 0, sizeof(mesh));
mesh.indexes = idx;
mesh.colors4f_array = vpos;
mesh.xyz_array = vpos;
mesh.st_array = vst;
mesh.colors4f_array = vcol;
mesh.colors4f_array[0] = vcol;
VectorCopy(point1, vpos[0]);
Vector2Set(vst[0], 0, 0);
@ -678,9 +678,10 @@ void QCBUILTIN PF_SubConInput (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_g
//scan, char
// G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = Key_Console(con, pb, MP_TranslateQCtoFTECodes(pa));
if ((pa && qcinput_scan != pa) || (pb && pb != qcinput_unicode))
G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = Key_Console(con, pb, MP_TranslateQCtoFTECodes(pa));
//scan, char
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ void R2D_Init(void)
draw_mesh.numindexes = 6;
draw_mesh.xyz_array = draw_mesh_xyz;
draw_mesh.st_array = draw_mesh_st;
draw_mesh.colors4f_array = draw_mesh_colors;
draw_mesh.colors4f_array[0] = draw_mesh_colors;
draw_mesh.indexes = r_quad_indexes;
@ -715,6 +715,10 @@ void R2D_Console_Resize(void)
yratio = 1;
if (cheight && !cwidth)
cwidth = (cheight*4)/3;
if (cwidth && !cheight)
cheight = (cwidth*3)/4;
if (!cwidth)
cwidth = vid.rotpixelwidth;
@ -820,10 +824,7 @@ void R2D_BrightenScreen (void)
if (v_contrast.value == 1.0 && v_brightness.value == 0 && v_gamma.value == 1)
if (r_refdef.flags & Q2RDF_NOWORLDMODEL)
if (fabs(v_contrast.value - 1.0) < 0.05 && fabs(v_brightness.value - 0) < 0.05 && fabs(v_gamma.value - 1) < 0.05)
if (r2d_noshadergamma)
@ -1136,8 +1137,8 @@ void R2D_DrawCrosshair(void)
size = -size;
for (sc = 0; sc < cl.splitclients; sc++)
SCR_CrosshairPosition(&cl.playerview[sc], &x, &y);
Font_BeginScaledString(font_conchar, x, y, size, size, &sx, &sy);
SCR_CrosshairPosition(&cl.playerview[sc], &sx, &sy);
Font_BeginScaledString(font_conchar, sx, sy, size, size, &sx, &sy);
sx -= Font_CharScaleWidth('+' | 0xe000 | CON_WHITEMASK)/2;
sy -= Font_CharScaleHeight()/2;
Font_ForceColour(ch_color[0], ch_color[1], ch_color[2], crosshairalpha.value);
@ -1171,11 +1172,11 @@ void R2D_DrawCrosshair(void)
R2D_ImageColours(ch_color[0], ch_color[1], ch_color[2], crosshairalpha.value);
for (sc = 0; sc < cl.splitclients; sc++)
SCR_CrosshairPosition(&cl.playerview[sc], &x, &y);
SCR_CrosshairPosition(&cl.playerview[sc], &sx, &sy);
//translate to pixel coord, for rounding
x = ((x-sizex+(sizex/CS_WIDTH))*vid.rotpixelwidth) / (float)vid.width;
y = ((y-sizey+(sizey/CS_HEIGHT))*vid.rotpixelheight) / (float)vid.height;
x = ((sx-sizex+(sizex/CS_WIDTH))*vid.rotpixelwidth) / (float)vid.width;
y = ((sy-sizey+(sizey/CS_HEIGHT))*vid.rotpixelheight) / (float)vid.height;
//translate to screen coords
sx = ((x)*(int)vid.width) / (float)vid.rotpixelwidth;
@ -2711,9 +2711,6 @@ void Surf_BuildLightmaps (void)
r_oldviewcluster2 = -1;
numlightmaps = 0;
if (cl.worldmodel->fromgame == fg_doom)
return; //no lightmaps.
for (j=1 ; j<MAX_MODELS ; j++)
m = cl.model_precache[j];
@ -147,18 +147,19 @@ int Sbar_BottomColour(player_info_t *p)
//Draws a pre-marked-up string with no width limit. doesn't support new lines
void Draw_ExpandedString(int x, int y, conchar_t *str)
void Draw_ExpandedString(float x, float y, conchar_t *str)
Font_BeginString(font_conchar, x, y, &x, &y);
int px, py;
Font_BeginString(font_conchar, x, y, &px, &py);
x = Font_DrawChar(x, y, *str++);
px = Font_DrawChar(px, py, *str++);
//Draws a marked-up string using the regular char set with no width limit. doesn't support new lines
void Draw_FunString(int x, int y, const void *str)
void Draw_FunString(float x, float y, const void *str)
conchar_t buffer[2048];
COM_ParseFunString(CON_WHITEMASK, str, buffer, sizeof(buffer), false);
@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ void Draw_FunString(int x, int y, const void *str)
Draw_ExpandedString(x, y, buffer);
//Draws a marked up string using the alt char set (legacy mode would be |128)
void Draw_AltFunString(int x, int y, const void *str)
void Draw_AltFunString(float x, float y, const void *str)
conchar_t buffer[2048];
COM_ParseFunString(CON_ALTMASK, str, buffer, sizeof(buffer), false);
@ -175,22 +176,23 @@ void Draw_AltFunString(int x, int y, const void *str)
//Draws a marked up string no wider than $width virtual pixels.
void Draw_FunStringWidth(int x, int y, const void *str, int width)
void Draw_FunStringWidth(float x, float y, const void *str, int width)
conchar_t buffer[2048];
conchar_t *w = buffer;
int px, py;
width = (width*vid.rotpixelwidth)/vid.width;
COM_ParseFunString(CON_WHITEMASK, str, buffer, sizeof(buffer), false);
Font_BeginString(font_conchar, x, y, &x, &y);
Font_BeginString(font_conchar, x, y, &px, &py);
width -= Font_CharWidth(*w);
if (width < 0)
x = Font_DrawChar(x, y, *w++);
px = Font_DrawChar(px, py, *w++);
@ -203,7 +205,7 @@ static qboolean largegame = false;
#ifdef Q2CLIENT
static void DrawHUDString (char *string, int x, int y, int centerwidth, qboolean alt)
static void DrawHUDString (char *string, float x, float y, int centerwidth, qboolean alt)
R_DrawTextField(x, y, centerwidth, 1024, string, alt?CON_ALTMASK:CON_WHITEMASK, CPRINT_TALIGN);
@ -225,7 +227,7 @@ static mpic_t *Sbar_Q2CachePic(char *name)
#define ICON_HEIGHT 24
#define CHAR_WIDTH 16
#define ICON_SPACE 8
static void SCR_DrawField (int x, int y, int color, int width, int value)
static void SCR_DrawField (float x, float y, int color, float width, float value)
char num[16], *ptr;
int l;
@ -957,7 +959,7 @@ void Sbar_Init (void)
void Sbar_DrawPic (int x, int y, int w, int h, mpic_t *pic)
void Sbar_DrawPic (float x, float y, float w, float h, mpic_t *pic)
R2D_ScalePic(sbar_rect.x + x /* + ((sbar_rect.width - 320)>>1) */, sbar_rect.y + y + (sbar_rect.height-SBAR_HEIGHT), w, h, pic);
@ -969,7 +971,7 @@ Sbar_DrawSubPic
JACK: Draws a portion of the picture in the status bar.
void Sbar_DrawSubPic(int x, int y, int width, int height, mpic_t *pic, int srcx, int srcy, int srcwidth, int srcheight)
void Sbar_DrawSubPic(float x, float y, float width, float height, mpic_t *pic, int srcx, int srcy, int srcwidth, int srcheight)
R2D_SubPic (sbar_rect.x + x, sbar_rect.y + y+(sbar_rect.height-SBAR_HEIGHT), width, height, pic, srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight);
@ -981,10 +983,11 @@ Sbar_DrawCharacter
Draws one solid graphics character
void Sbar_DrawCharacter (int x, int y, int num)
void Sbar_DrawCharacter (float x, float y, int num)
Font_BeginString(font_conchar, sbar_rect.x + x + 4, sbar_rect.y + y + sbar_rect.height-SBAR_HEIGHT, &x, &y);
Font_DrawChar(x, y, num | 0xe000 | CON_WHITEMASK);
int px, py;
Font_BeginString(font_conchar, sbar_rect.x + x + 4, sbar_rect.y + y + sbar_rect.height-SBAR_HEIGHT, &px, &py);
Font_DrawChar(px, py, num | 0xe000 | CON_WHITEMASK);
@ -993,19 +996,20 @@ void Sbar_DrawCharacter (int x, int y, int num)
void Sbar_DrawString (int x, int y, char *str)
void Sbar_DrawString (float x, float y, char *str)
Draw_FunString (sbar_rect.x + x /*+ ((sbar_rect.width - 320)>>1) */, sbar_rect.y + y+ sbar_rect.height-SBAR_HEIGHT, str);
void Sbar_DrawExpandedString (int x, int y, conchar_t *str)
void Sbar_DrawExpandedString (float x, float y, conchar_t *str)
Draw_ExpandedString (sbar_rect.x + x /*+ ((sbar_rect.width - 320)>>1) */, sbar_rect.y + y+ sbar_rect.height-SBAR_HEIGHT, str);
void Draw_TinyString (int x, int y, const qbyte *str)
void Draw_TinyString (float x, float y, const qbyte *str)
float xstart;
int px, py;
if (!font_tiny)
@ -1014,28 +1018,28 @@ void Draw_TinyString (int x, int y, const qbyte *str)
Font_BeginString(font_tiny, x, y, &x, &y);
xstart = x;
Font_BeginString(font_tiny, x, y, &px, &py);
xstart = px;
while (*str)
if (*str == '\n')
x = xstart;
y += Font_CharHeight();
px = xstart;
py += Font_CharHeight();
x = Font_DrawChar(x, y, CON_WHITEMASK|*str++);
px = Font_DrawChar(px, py, CON_WHITEMASK|*str++);
void Sbar_DrawTinyString (int x, int y, char *str)
void Sbar_DrawTinyString (float x, float y, char *str)
Draw_TinyString (sbar_rect.x + x /*+ ((sbar_rect.width - 320)>>1) */, sbar_rect.y + y+ sbar_rect.height-SBAR_HEIGHT, str);
void Sbar_FillPC (int x, int y, int w, int h, unsigned int pcolour)
void Sbar_FillPC (float x, float y, float w, float h, unsigned int pcolour)
if (pcolour >= 16)
@ -1048,7 +1052,7 @@ void Sbar_FillPC (int x, int y, int w, int h, unsigned int pcolour)
R2D_FillBlock (x, y, w, h);
static void Sbar_FillPCDark (int x, int y, int w, int h, unsigned int pcolour)
static void Sbar_FillPCDark (float x, float y, float w, float h, unsigned int pcolour)
if (pcolour >= 16)
@ -1104,7 +1108,7 @@ int Sbar_itoa (int num, char *buf)
void Sbar_DrawNum (int x, int y, int num, int digits, int color)
void Sbar_DrawNum (float x, float y, int num, int digits, int color)
char str[12];
char *ptr;
@ -1151,7 +1155,7 @@ void Sbar_DrawNum (int x, int y, int num, int digits, int color)
void Sbar_Hexen2DrawNum (int x, int y, int num, int digits)
void Sbar_Hexen2DrawNum (float x, float y, int num, int digits)
char str[12];
char *ptr;
@ -1621,7 +1625,8 @@ void Sbar_DrawFrags (playerview_t *pv)
int i, k, l;
int top, bottom;
int x, y, f;
float x, y;
int f;
int ownnum;
char num[12];
player_info_t *s;
@ -1878,7 +1883,7 @@ void Sbar_DrawScoreboard (void)
static void Sbar_Hexen2DrawItem(playerview_t *pv, int x, int y, int itemnum)
static void Sbar_Hexen2DrawItem(playerview_t *pv, float x, float y, int itemnum)
int num;
Sbar_DrawPic(x, y, 29, 28, R2D_SafeCachePic(va("gfx/arti%02d.lmp", itemnum)));
@ -2285,22 +2290,20 @@ static void Sbar_Voice(int y)
loudness = S_Voip_Loudness(cl_voip_showmeter.ival==2);
if (loudness >= 0)
int x=0,t;
int w;
int x=0;
int s, i;
float range = loudness/100.0f;
Font_BeginString(font_conchar, x, y, &t, &t);
x = vid.width;
x -= Font_CharWidth(0xe080 | CON_WHITEMASK);
x -= Font_CharWidth(0xe081 | CON_WHITEMASK)*16;
x -= Font_CharWidth(0xe082 | CON_WHITEMASK);
x /= 2;
x -= Font_CharWidth('M' | CON_WHITEMASK);
x -= Font_CharWidth('i' | CON_WHITEMASK);
x -= Font_CharWidth('c' | CON_WHITEMASK);
x -= Font_CharWidth(' ' | CON_WHITEMASK);
y = sbar_rect.y + y+ sbar_rect.height-SBAR_HEIGHT;
Font_BeginString(font_conchar, x, y, &x, &y);
w = 0;
Font_BeginString(font_conchar, sbar_rect.x + sbar_rect.width/2, sbar_rect.y + y + sbar_rect.height-SBAR_HEIGHT, &x, &y);
w += Font_CharWidth(0xe080 | CON_WHITEMASK);
w += Font_CharWidth(0xe081 | CON_WHITEMASK)*16;
w += Font_CharWidth(0xe082 | CON_WHITEMASK);
w += Font_CharWidth('M' | CON_WHITEMASK);
w += Font_CharWidth('i' | CON_WHITEMASK);
w += Font_CharWidth('c' | CON_WHITEMASK);
w += Font_CharWidth(' ' | CON_WHITEMASK);
x -= w/2;
x = Font_DrawChar(x, y, 'M' | CON_WHITEMASK);
x = Font_DrawChar(x, y, 'i' | CON_WHITEMASK);
x = Font_DrawChar(x, y, 'c' | CON_WHITEMASK);
@ -2374,7 +2377,7 @@ void Sbar_Draw (playerview_t *pv)
if (scr_centersbar.ival)
int ofs = (sbar_rect.width - sbarwidth)/2;
float ofs = (sbar_rect.width - sbarwidth)/2;
sbar_rect.x += ofs;
sbar_rect.width -= ofs;
@ -2465,13 +2468,6 @@ void Sbar_Draw (playerview_t *pv)
Sbar_DrawNormal (pv);
if (sb_lines > 24)
else if (sb_lines > 0)
if (minidmoverlay)
Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay (pv);
@ -2490,6 +2486,13 @@ void Sbar_Draw (playerview_t *pv)
R2D_TileClear (sbar_rect.x + 320, r_refdef.grect.y+sbar_rect.height - sb_lines, sbar_rect.width - (320), sb_lines);
if (sb_lines > 24)
else if (sb_lines > 0)
extern int scr_chatmode;
if (scr_chatmode)
@ -2505,7 +2508,7 @@ Sbar_IntermissionNumber
void Sbar_IntermissionNumber (int x, int y, int num, int digits, int color, qboolean left)
void Sbar_IntermissionNumber (float x, float y, int num, int digits, int color, qboolean left)
char str[12];
char *ptr;
@ -2563,6 +2566,9 @@ void Sbar_TeamOverlay (void)
int plow, phigh, pavg;
playerview_t *pv = r_refdef.playerview;
if (!pv)
pv = &cl.playerview[0];
// request new ping times every two second
if (!cl.teamplay)
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ void SCR_ImageName (char *mapname);
//this stuff is internal to the screen systems.
void RSpeedShow(void);
void SCR_CrosshairPosition(playerview_t *pview, int *x, int *y);
void SCR_CrosshairPosition(playerview_t *pview, float *x, float *y);
void SCR_DrawLoading (void);
void SCR_TileClear (void);
void SCR_DrawNotifyString (void);
@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ void Font_Init(void);
void Font_Shutdown(void);
struct font_s *Font_LoadFont(int height, char *fontfilename);
void Font_Free(struct font_s *f);
void Font_BeginString(struct font_s *font, int vx, int vy, int *px, int *py);
void Font_BeginString(struct font_s *font, float vx, float vy, int *px, int *py);
void Font_BeginScaledString(struct font_s *font, float vx, float vy, float szx, float szy, float *px, float *py); /*avoid using*/
void Font_Transform(int vx, int vy, int *px, int *py);
void Font_Transform(float vx, float vy, int *px, int *py);
int Font_CharHeight(void);
float Font_CharScaleHeight(void);
int Font_CharWidth(unsigned int charcode);
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ cvar_t snd_inactive = CVARAFD( "s_inactive", "0",
"snd_inactive", 0,
"Play sound while application is inactive (ex. tabbed out). Needs a snd_restart if changed."
); //set if you want sound even when tabbed out.
cvar_t _snd_mixahead = CVARAFD( "s_mixahead", "0.08",
cvar_t _snd_mixahead = CVARAFD( "s_mixahead", "0.1",
"_snd_mixahead", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Specifies how many seconds to prebuffer audio. Lower values give less latency, but might result in crackling. Different hardware/drivers have different tolerances.");
cvar_t snd_leftisright = CVARAF( "s_swapstereo", "0",
"snd_leftisright", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
@ -2032,7 +2032,7 @@ sfx_t *S_PrecacheSound (char *name)
sfx_t *sfx;
if (nosound.ival)
if (nosound.ival || !known_sfx)
return NULL;
sfx = S_FindName (name);
@ -1082,8 +1082,6 @@ void V_ApplyRefdef (void)
r_refdef.flags = 0;
// intermission is always full screen
if (cl.intermission || !r_refdef.drawsbar)
size = 120;
@ -1202,6 +1200,7 @@ void V_ClearRefdef(playerview_t *pv)
r_refdef.fov_y = 0;
r_refdef.drawsbar = !cl.intermission;
r_refdef.flags = 0;
@ -1410,7 +1409,7 @@ void SCR_VRectForPlayer(vrect_t *vrect, int pnum)
void Draw_ExpandedString(int x, int y, conchar_t *str);
void Draw_ExpandedString(float x, float y, conchar_t *str);
extern vec3_t nametagorg[MAX_CLIENTS];
extern qboolean nametagseen[MAX_CLIENTS];
void R_DrawNameTags(void)
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#define HUFFNETWORK //huffman network compression
#define DOOMWADS //doom wad/sprite support
// #define MAP_DOOM //doom map support
#define MAP_PROC //doom3/quake4 map support
// #define MAP_PROC //doom3/quake4 map support
//#define WOLF3DSUPPORT //wolfenstein3d map support (not started yet)
#define Q2BSPS //quake 2 bsp support
#define Q3BSPS //quake 3 bsp support
@ -565,15 +565,6 @@ void Cmd_Echo_f (void)
Con_Printf ("\n");
char *CopyString (char *in)
char *out;
out = (char*)Z_Malloc (strlen(in)+1);
strcpy (out, in);
return out;
void Cmd_ShowAlias_f (void)
cmdalias_t *a;
@ -764,7 +755,7 @@ void Cmd_Alias_f (void)
a->value = newv;
a->value = CopyString(s);
a->value = Z_StrDup(s);
@ -811,7 +802,7 @@ void Cmd_Alias_f (void)
a->execlevel = 0; //run at users exec level
a->restriction = 1; //this is possibly a security risk if the admin also changes execlevel
a->value = CopyString (cmd);
a->value = Z_StrDup (cmd);
void Cmd_DeleteAlias(char *name)
@ -821,6 +812,7 @@ void Cmd_DeleteAlias(char *name)
a = cmd_alias;
cmd_alias = cmd_alias->next;
@ -830,6 +822,7 @@ void Cmd_DeleteAlias(char *name)
b = a->next;
a->next = b->next;
@ -966,19 +959,19 @@ void Alias_WriteAliases (vfsfile_t *f)
void Alias_WipeStuffedAliaes(void)
void Alias_WipeStuffedAliases(void)
cmdalias_t *cmd, *n;
for (cmd=cmd_alias ; cmd ; )
cmdalias_t **link, *cmd;
for (link=&cmd_alias ; (cmd=*link) ; )
if (cmd->flags & ALIAS_FROMSERVER)
n = cmd->next;
cmd = n;
*link = cmd->next;
@ -1521,6 +1514,21 @@ void Cmd_RemoveCommand (char *cmd_name)
back = &cmd->next;
void Cmd_RemoveCommands (xcommand_t function)
cmd_function_t *cmd, **back;
for (back = &cmd_functions; (cmd = *back); )
if (cmd->function == function)
*back = cmd->next;
Z_Free (cmd);
back = &cmd->next;
void Cmd_RestrictCommand_f (void)
@ -2433,13 +2441,13 @@ void Cbuf_ExecBlock(int level)
exectext = newv;
exectext = CopyString(line);
exectext = Z_StrDup(line);
// Con_Printf("Exec \"%s\"\n", line);
exectext = CopyString(line);
exectext = Z_StrDup(line);
// Con_Printf("Exec \"%s\"\n", line);
remainingcbuf = Cbuf_StripText(level); //this craziness is to prevent an if } from breaking the entire con text
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ void Cmd_Init (void);
void Cmd_Shutdown(void);
void Cmd_StuffCmds (void);
void Cmd_RemoveCommands (xcommand_t function); //unregister all commands that use the same function. for wrappers and stuff.
void Cmd_RemoveCommand (char *cmd_name);
qboolean Cmd_AddCommand (char *cmd_name, xcommand_t function);
qboolean Cmd_AddCommandD (char *cmd_name, xcommand_t function, char *description);
@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ int Cmd_CheckParm (char *parm);
// where the given parameter apears, or 0 if not present
char *Cmd_AliasExist(char *name, int restrictionlevel);
void Alias_WipeStuffedAliaes(void);
void Alias_WipeStuffedAliases(void);
void Cmd_AddMacro(char *s, char *(*f)(void), int disputableintentions);
@ -1283,7 +1283,7 @@ static void R_LerpFrames(mesh_t *mesh, galiaspose_t *p1, galiaspose_t *p2, float
mesh->snormals_array = blerp>0.5?p2s:p1s; //never lerp
mesh->tnormals_array = blerp>0.5?p2t:p1t; //never lerp
mesh->colors4f_array = NULL; //not generated
mesh->colors4f_array[0] = NULL; //not generated
if (p1v == p2v || r_nolerp.value || !blerp)
@ -1491,7 +1491,7 @@ qboolean Alias_GAliasBuildMesh(mesh_t *mesh, vbo_t **vbop, galiasinfo_t *inf, in
mesh->st_array = inf->ofs_st_array;
mesh->trneighbors = inf->ofs_trineighbours;
mesh->colors4f_array = meshcache.colours;
mesh->colors4f_array[0] = meshcache.colours;
if (meshcache.surfnum == inf->shares_verts && meshcache.ent == e)
@ -4230,6 +4230,7 @@ qboolean Mod_LoadQ3Model(model_t *mod, void *buffer)
mod->type = mod_alias;
mod->meshinfo = root;
mod->funcs.NativeTrace = Mod_Trace;
@ -73,10 +73,6 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#undef malloc
#undef free
#define NUM_SAFE_ARGVS 6
usercmd_t nullcmd; // guarenteed to be zero
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ qboolean CM_Trace(model_t *model, int forcehullnum, int frame, vec3_t axis[3], v
qboolean CM_NativeTrace(model_t *model, int forcehullnum, int frame, vec3_t axis[3], vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, unsigned int contents, trace_t *trace);
unsigned int CM_NativeContents(struct model_s *model, int hulloverride, int frame, vec3_t axis[3], vec3_t p, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs);
unsigned int Q2BSP_PointContents(model_t *mod, vec3_t axis[3], vec3_t p);
extern mplane_t *box_planes;
extern char loadname[32];
@ -357,8 +357,8 @@ static vecV_t *map_verts; //3points
static int numvertexes;
static vec2_t *map_vertstmexcoords;
static vec2_t *map_vertlstmexcoords[4];
static vec4_t *map_colors4f_array;
static vec2_t *map_vertlstmexcoords[MAXLIGHTMAPS];
static vec4_t *map_colors4f_array[MAXLIGHTMAPS];
static vec3_t *map_normals_array;
static vec3_t *map_svector_array;
static vec3_t *map_tvector_array;
@ -2085,11 +2085,11 @@ qboolean CModQ3_LoadVertexes (lump_t *l)
tout = ZG_Malloc(&loadmodel->memgroup, count*sizeof(*nout));
map_verts = out;
map_vertstmexcoords = stout;
map_vertlstmexcoords[0] = lmout;
map_vertlstmexcoords[1] = lmout;
map_vertlstmexcoords[2] = lmout;
map_vertlstmexcoords[3] = lmout;
map_colors4f_array = cout;
for (i = 0; i < MAXLIGHTMAPS; i++)
map_vertlstmexcoords[i] = lmout;
map_colors4f_array[i] = cout;
map_normals_array = nout;
map_svector_array = sout;
map_tvector_array = tout;
@ -2143,15 +2143,17 @@ qboolean CModRBSP_LoadVertexes (lump_t *l)
out = ZG_Malloc(&loadmodel->memgroup, count*sizeof(*out));
stout = ZG_Malloc(&loadmodel->memgroup, count*sizeof(*stout));
lmout = ZG_Malloc(&loadmodel->memgroup, MAXLIGHTMAPS*count*sizeof(*lmout));
cout = ZG_Malloc(&loadmodel->memgroup, count*sizeof(*cout));
cout = ZG_Malloc(&loadmodel->memgroup, MAXLIGHTMAPS*count*sizeof(*cout));
nout = ZG_Malloc(&loadmodel->memgroup, count*sizeof(*nout));
sout = ZG_Malloc(&loadmodel->memgroup, count*sizeof(*sout));
tout = ZG_Malloc(&loadmodel->memgroup, count*sizeof(*tout));
map_verts = out;
map_vertstmexcoords = stout;
for (sty = 0; sty < MAXLIGHTMAPS; sty++)
map_vertlstmexcoords[sty] = lmout + sty*count;
map_colors4f_array = cout;
map_colors4f_array[sty] = cout + sty*count;
map_normals_array = nout;
map_svector_array = sout;
map_tvector_array = tout;
@ -2170,9 +2172,12 @@ qboolean CModRBSP_LoadVertexes (lump_t *l)
for (sty = 0; sty < MAXLIGHTMAPS; sty++)
map_vertlstmexcoords[sty][i][j] = LittleFloat ( ((float *)in->texcoords)[j+2*(sty+1)] );
for ( j=0 ; j < 4 ; j++)
for (sty = 0; sty < MAXLIGHTMAPS; sty++)
cout[i][j] = in->color[0][j];
for ( j=0 ; j < 4 ; j++)
map_colors4f_array[sty][i][j] = in->color[sty][j]/255.0f;
@ -2472,7 +2477,11 @@ void GL_CreateMeshForPatch (model_t *mod, mesh_t *mesh, int patchwidth, int patc
// fill in
Patch_Evaluate ( map_verts[firstvert], patch_cp, step, mesh->xyz_array[0], sizeof(vecV_t)/sizeof(vec_t));
Patch_Evaluate ( map_colors4f_array[firstvert], patch_cp, step, mesh->colors4f_array[0], 4 );
for (sty = 0; sty < MAXLIGHTMAPS; sty++)
if (mesh->colors4f_array[sty])
Patch_Evaluate ( map_colors4f_array[sty][firstvert], patch_cp, step, mesh->colors4f_array[sty][0], 4 );
Patch_Evaluate ( map_normals_array[firstvert], patch_cp, step, mesh->normals_array[0], 3 );
Patch_Evaluate ( map_vertstmexcoords[firstvert], patch_cp, step, mesh->st_array[0], 2 );
for (sty = 0; sty < MAXLIGHTMAPS; sty++)
@ -2542,8 +2551,8 @@ void CModRBSP_BuildSurfMesh(model_t *mod, msurface_t *out, void *cookie)
for (sty = 0; sty < MAXLIGHTMAPS; sty++)
Vector2Copy(map_vertlstmexcoords[sty][fv + i], out->mesh->lmst_array[sty][i]);
Vector4Copy(map_colors4f_array[sty][fv + i], out->mesh->colors4f_array[sty][i]);
Vector4Copy(map_colors4f_array[fv + i], out->mesh->colors4f_array[i]);
VectorCopy(map_normals_array[fv + i], out->mesh->normals_array[i]);
@ -2612,7 +2621,7 @@ void CModQ3_BuildSurfMesh(model_t *mod, msurface_t *out, void *cookie)
VectorCopy(map_verts[fv + i], out->mesh->xyz_array[i]);
Vector2Copy(map_vertstmexcoords[fv + i], out->mesh->st_array[i]);
Vector2Copy(map_vertlstmexcoords[0][fv + i], out->mesh->lmst_array[0][i]);
Vector4Copy(map_colors4f_array[fv + i], out->mesh->colors4f_array[i]);
Vector4Copy(map_colors4f_array[0][fv + i], out->mesh->colors4f_array[0][i]);
VectorCopy(map_normals_array[fv + i], out->mesh->normals_array[i]);
@ -3762,6 +3771,7 @@ cmodel_t *CM_LoadMap (char *name, char *filein, qboolean clientload, unsigned *c
numvisibility = 0;
numentitychars = 0;
map_entitystring = NULL;
box_planes = NULL; //so its rebuilt
loadmodel->type = mod_brush;
@ -4313,7 +4323,7 @@ void CM_InitBoxHull (void)
box_model.hulls[0].available = true;
box_model.nodes = ZG_Malloc(&loadmodel->memgroup, sizeof(mnode_t)*6);
box_model.nodes = ZG_Malloc(&box_model.memgroup, sizeof(mnode_t)*6);
box_planes = &map_planes[numplanes];
if (numbrushes+1 > SANITY_MAX_MAP_BRUSHES
|| numleafbrushes+1 > MAX_Q2MAP_LEAFBRUSHES
@ -590,9 +590,9 @@ void QCBUILTIN PF_getsurfacepointattribute(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct global
case 6:
G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+0) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->colors4f_array[pointnum][0];
G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+1) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->colors4f_array[pointnum][1];
G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+2) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->colors4f_array[pointnum][2];
G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+0) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->colors4f_array[0][pointnum][0];
G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+1) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->colors4f_array[0][pointnum][1];
G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+2) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->colors4f_array[0][pointnum][2];
//no way to return alpha here.
@ -2224,16 +2224,15 @@ void QCBUILTIN PF_strconv (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globa
//returns a string containing one character per parameter (up to the qc max params of 8).
void QCBUILTIN PF_chr2str (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals)
int ch;
int i;
char string[128], *s = string;
if (VMUTF8)
for (i = 0; i < prinst->callargc; i++)
for (i = 0; i < prinst->callargc; i++)
s += unicode_encode(s, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0 + i*3), (string+sizeof(string)-1)-s);
for (i = 0; i < prinst->callargc; i++)
ch = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0 + i*3);
if (VMUTF8 || ch > 0xff)
s += unicode_encode(s, ch, (string+sizeof(string)-1)-s);
*s++ = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0 + i*3);
*s++ = '\0';
@ -3496,7 +3495,7 @@ void QCBUILTIN PF_ArgV (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals
/*negative indexes are relative to the end*/
if (idx < 0)
idx += qctoken_count;
idx += qctoken_count;
if ((unsigned int)idx >= qctoken_count)
@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ char *PF_TempStr(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst); //returns a tempstring which can be fi
extern cvar_t pr_tempstringsize;
extern cvar_t pr_tempstringcount;
extern int qcinput_scan;
extern int qcinput_unicode;
int MP_TranslateFTEtoQCCodes(int code);
int MP_TranslateQCtoFTECodes(int code);
@ -349,6 +351,8 @@ void QCBUILTIN PF_cl_keynumtostring (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s
void QCBUILTIN PF_cl_findkeysforcommand (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals);
void QCBUILTIN PF_cl_stringtokeynum(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals);
void QCBUILTIN PF_cl_getkeybind (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals);
void QCBUILTIN PF_cl_setmousetarget (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals);
void QCBUILTIN PF_cl_getmousetarget (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals);
void QCBUILTIN PF_cl_playingdemo (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals);
void QCBUILTIN PF_cl_runningserver (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals);
void QCBUILTIN PF_cs_gecko_create (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals);
@ -24,9 +24,6 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "winquake.h"
#undef malloc
#undef free
#define NOZONE
#ifdef _DEBUG
@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@ static unsigned int BE_GenerateColourMods(unsigned int vertcount, const shaderpa
shaderstate.passsinglecolour = false;
ret |= D3D_VDEC_COL4B;
if (shaderstate.batchvbo && (m->colors4f_array &&
if (shaderstate.batchvbo && (m->colors4f_array[0] &&
((pass->rgbgen == RGB_GEN_VERTEX_LIGHTING) ||
(pass->rgbgen == RGB_GEN_VERTEX_EXACT) ||
(pass->rgbgen == RGB_GEN_ONE_MINUS_VERTEX)) &&
@ -1029,8 +1029,8 @@ static unsigned int BE_GenerateColourMods(unsigned int vertcount, const shaderpa
for (vertcount = 0, mno = 0; mno < shaderstate.nummeshes; mno++)
m = shaderstate.meshlist[mno];
colourgenbyte(pass, m->numvertexes, m->colors4b_array, m->colors4f_array, (byte_vec4_t*)map, m);
alphagenbyte(pass, m->numvertexes, m->colors4b_array, m->colors4f_array, (byte_vec4_t*)map, m);
colourgenbyte(pass, m->numvertexes, m->colors4b_array, m->colors4f_array[0], (byte_vec4_t*)map, m);
alphagenbyte(pass, m->numvertexes, m->colors4b_array, m->colors4f_array[0], (byte_vec4_t*)map, m);
map += m->numvertexes*4;
vertcount += m->numvertexes;
@ -1683,7 +1683,7 @@ static void D3D11BE_Cull(unsigned int cullflags)
rasterdesc.FillMode = D3D11_FILL_SOLID;
rasterdesc.FrontCounterClockwise = false;
rasterdesc.MultisampleEnable = false;
rasterdesc.ScissorEnable = false;
rasterdesc.ScissorEnable = true;
rasterdesc.SlopeScaledDepthBias = 0.0f;
ID3D11Device_CreateRasterizerState(pD3DDev11, &rasterdesc, &newrasterizerstate);
@ -1890,13 +1890,13 @@ static qboolean BE_GenTempMeshVBO(vbo_t **vbo, mesh_t *mesh)
tmpvbo.svector.d3d.offs = (quintptr_t)&out[0].sdir - (quintptr_t)&out[0] + shaderstate.vertexstreamoffset;
tmpvbo.tvector.d3d.buff = shaderstate.vertexstream;
tmpvbo.tvector.d3d.offs = (quintptr_t)&out[0].tdir - (quintptr_t)&out[0] + shaderstate.vertexstreamoffset;
tmpvbo.colours.d3d.buff = shaderstate.vertexstream;
tmpvbo.colours.d3d.offs = (quintptr_t)&out[0].colorsb - (quintptr_t)&out[0] + shaderstate.vertexstreamoffset;
tmpvbo.colours[0].d3d.buff = shaderstate.vertexstream;
tmpvbo.colours[0].d3d.offs = (quintptr_t)&out[0].colorsb - (quintptr_t)&out[0] + shaderstate.vertexstreamoffset;
shaderstate.vertexstreamoffset += sz;
//now vomit into the buffer
if (!mesh->normals_array && mesh->colors4f_array)
if (!mesh->normals_array && mesh->colors4f_array[0])
//2d drawing
for (i = 0; i < mesh->numvertexes; i++)
@ -1906,7 +1906,7 @@ static qboolean BE_GenTempMeshVBO(vbo_t **vbo, mesh_t *mesh)
Vector4Scale(mesh->colors4f_array[i], 255, out[i].colorsb);
Vector4Scale(mesh->colors4f_array[0][i], 255, out[i].colorsb);
else if (!mesh->normals_array && mesh->colors4b_array)
@ -1922,7 +1922,7 @@ static qboolean BE_GenTempMeshVBO(vbo_t **vbo, mesh_t *mesh)
*(unsigned int*)out[i].colorsb = *(unsigned int*)mesh->colors4b_array[i];
else if (mesh->normals_array && !mesh->colors4f_array && !mesh->colors4b_array)
else if (mesh->normals_array && !mesh->colors4f_array[0] && !mesh->colors4b_array)
//hlsl-lit models
for (i = 0; i < mesh->numvertexes; i++)
@ -1961,11 +1961,11 @@ static qboolean BE_GenTempMeshVBO(vbo_t **vbo, mesh_t *mesh)
Vector4Copy(mesh->colors4b_array[i], out[i].colorsb);
else if (mesh->colors4f_array)
else if (mesh->colors4f_array[0])
for (i = 0; i < mesh->numvertexes; i++)
Vector4Scale(mesh->colors4f_array[i], 255, out[i].colorsb);
Vector4Scale(mesh->colors4f_array[0][i], 255, out[i].colorsb);
@ -2084,8 +2084,8 @@ void D3D11BE_GenBatchVBOs(vbo_t **vbochain, batch_t *firstbatch, batch_t *stopba
VectorCopy(m->tnormals_array[i], vbovdata->tdir);
VectorSet(vbovdata->tdir, 0, 1, 0);
if (m->colors4f_array)
Vector4Scale(m->colors4f_array[i], 255, vbovdata->colorsb);
if (m->colors4f_array[0])
Vector4Scale(m->colors4f_array[0][i], 255, vbovdata->colorsb);
else if (m->colors4b_array)
Vector4Copy(m->colors4b_array[i], vbovdata->colorsb);
@ -2143,8 +2143,8 @@ void D3D11BE_GenBatchVBOs(vbo_t **vbochain, batch_t *firstbatch, batch_t *stopba
vbo->svector.d3d.offs = (quintptr_t)&vbovdata->sdir;
vbo->tvector.d3d.buff = vbuff;
vbo->tvector.d3d.offs = (quintptr_t)&vbovdata->tdir;
vbo->colours.d3d.buff = vbuff;
vbo->colours.d3d.offs = (quintptr_t)&vbovdata->colorsb;
vbo->colours[0].d3d.buff = vbuff;
vbo->colours[0].d3d.offs = (quintptr_t)&vbovdata->colorsb;
vbo->indicies.d3d.buff = ebuff;
vbo->indicies.d3d.offs = 0;
@ -2931,7 +2931,22 @@ void D3D11BE_VBO_Destroy(vboarray_t *vearray)
void D3D11BE_Scissor(srect_t *rect)
D3D11_RECT drect;
if (rect)
drect.left = (rect->x)*vid.pixelwidth;
drect.right = (rect->x + rect->width)*vid.pixelwidth;
drect.bottom = (1-(rect->y))*vid.pixelheight;
drect.top = (1-(rect->y + rect->height))*vid.pixelheight;
drect.left = 0;
drect.right = vid.pixelwidth;
drect.top = 0;
drect.bottom = vid.pixelheight;
ID3D11DeviceContext_RSSetScissorRects(d3ddevctx, 1, &drect);
@ -1094,7 +1094,7 @@ static unsigned int BE_GenerateColourMods(unsigned int vertcount, const shaderpa
m = shaderstate.meshlist[0];
if (1)//pass->flags & SHADER_PASS_NOCOLORARRAY)
shaderstate.passsinglecolour = true;
shaderstate.passcolour = D3DCOLOR_RGBA(255,255,255,255);
@ -1108,13 +1108,14 @@ static unsigned int BE_GenerateColourMods(unsigned int vertcount, const shaderpa
shaderstate.passsinglecolour = false;
ret |= D3D_VDEC_COL4B;
if (shaderstate.batchvbo && (m->colors4f_array &&
if (shaderstate.batchvbo && (m->colors4f_array[0] &&
((pass->rgbgen == RGB_GEN_VERTEX_LIGHTING) ||
(pass->rgbgen == RGB_GEN_VERTEX_EXACT) ||
(pass->rgbgen == RGB_GEN_ONE_MINUS_VERTEX)) &&
(pass->alphagen == ALPHA_GEN_VERTEX)))
d3dcheck(IDirect3DDevice9_SetStreamSource(pD3DDev9, STRM_COL, shaderstate.batchvbo->colours.d3d.buff, shaderstate.batchvbo->colours.d3d.offs, sizeof(vbovdata_t)));
d3dcheck(IDirect3DDevice9_SetStreamSource(pD3DDev9, STRM_COL, shaderstate.batchvbo->colours[0].d3d.buff, shaderstate.batchvbo->colours[0].d3d.offs, sizeof(vbovdata_t)));
@ -1122,8 +1123,8 @@ static unsigned int BE_GenerateColourMods(unsigned int vertcount, const shaderpa
for (vertcount = 0, mno = 0; mno < shaderstate.nummeshes; mno++)
m = shaderstate.meshlist[mno];
colourgenbyte(pass, m->numvertexes, m->colors4b_array, m->colors4f_array, (byte_vec4_t*)map, m);
alphagenbyte(pass, m->numvertexes, m->colors4b_array, m->colors4f_array, (byte_vec4_t*)map, m);
colourgenbyte(pass, m->numvertexes, m->colors4b_array, m->colors4f_array[0], (byte_vec4_t*)map, m);
alphagenbyte(pass, m->numvertexes, m->colors4b_array, m->colors4f_array[0], (byte_vec4_t*)map, m);
map += m->numvertexes*4;
vertcount += m->numvertexes;
@ -1617,6 +1618,7 @@ static qboolean BE_DrawMeshChain_SetupPass(shaderpass_t *pass, unsigned int vert
d3dcheck(IDirect3DDevice9_SetStreamSource(pD3DDev9, STRM_TC0+tmu, NULL, 0, 0));
BindTexture(tmu, NULL);
d3dcheck(IDirect3DDevice9_SetTextureStageState(pD3DDev9, tmu, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_DISABLE));
d3dcheck(IDirect3DDevice9_SetTextureStageState(pD3DDev9, tmu, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_DISABLE));
shaderstate.lastpasscount = tmu;
@ -1829,6 +1831,7 @@ static void BE_RenderMeshProgram(shader_t *s, unsigned int vertcount, unsigned i
BindTexture(passno, NULL);
d3dcheck(IDirect3DDevice9_SetTextureStageState(pD3DDev9, passno, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_DISABLE));
d3dcheck(IDirect3DDevice9_SetTextureStageState(pD3DDev9, passno, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_DISABLE));
shaderstate.lastpasscount = passno;
@ -1836,7 +1839,10 @@ static void BE_RenderMeshProgram(shader_t *s, unsigned int vertcount, unsigned i
if (vdec & D3D_VDEC_COL4B)
if (shaderstate.batchvbo)
d3dcheck(IDirect3DDevice9_SetStreamSource(pD3DDev9, STRM_COL, shaderstate.batchvbo->colours.d3d.buff, shaderstate.batchvbo->colours.d3d.offs, sizeof(vbovdata_t)));
d3dcheck(IDirect3DDevice9_SetStreamSource(pD3DDev9, STRM_COL, shaderstate.batchvbo->colours[0].d3d.buff, shaderstate.batchvbo->colours[0].d3d.offs, sizeof(vbovdata_t)));
int mno,v;
@ -1847,14 +1853,15 @@ static void BE_RenderMeshProgram(shader_t *s, unsigned int vertcount, unsigned i
byte_vec4_t *dest = (byte_vec4_t*)((char*)map+vertcount*sizeof(byte_vec4_t));
m = shaderstate.meshlist[mno];
if (m->colors4f_array)
if (m->colors4f_array[0])
for (v = 0; v < m->numvertexes; v++)
dest[v][0] = bound(0, m->colors4f_array[v][0] * 255, 255);
dest[v][1] = bound(0, m->colors4f_array[v][1] * 255, 255);
dest[v][2] = bound(0, m->colors4f_array[v][2] * 255, 255);
dest[v][3] = bound(0, m->colors4f_array[v][3] * 255, 255);
dest[v][0] = bound(0, m->colors4f_array[0][v][0] * 255, 255);
dest[v][1] = bound(0, m->colors4f_array[0][v][1] * 255, 255);
dest[v][2] = bound(0, m->colors4f_array[0][v][2] * 255, 255);
dest[v][3] = bound(0, m->colors4f_array[0][v][3] * 255, 255);
else if (m->colors4b_array)
@ -2110,6 +2117,7 @@ static void BE_DrawMeshChain_Internal(void)
d3dcheck(IDirect3DDevice9_SetStreamSource(pD3DDev9, STRM_TC0+passno, NULL, 0, 0));
BindTexture(passno, NULL);
d3dcheck(IDirect3DDevice9_SetTextureStageState(pD3DDev9, passno, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_DISABLE));
d3dcheck(IDirect3DDevice9_SetTextureStageState(pD3DDev9, passno, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_DISABLE));
shaderstate.lastpasscount = 0;
@ -2207,8 +2215,8 @@ static void D3D9BE_GenBatchVBOs(vbo_t **vbochain, batch_t *firstbatch, batch_t *
vbo->svector.d3d.offs = (quintptr_t)&vbovdata->sdir;
vbo->tvector.d3d.buff = vbuff;
vbo->tvector.d3d.offs = (quintptr_t)&vbovdata->tdir;
vbo->colours.d3d.buff = vbuff;
vbo->colours.d3d.offs = (quintptr_t)&vbovdata->colorsb;
vbo->colours[0].d3d.buff = vbuff;
vbo->colours[0].d3d.offs = (quintptr_t)&vbovdata->colorsb;
vbo->indicies.d3d.buff = ebuff;
vbo->indicies.d3d.offs = 0;
@ -2231,7 +2239,7 @@ static void D3D9BE_GenBatchVBOs(vbo_t **vbochain, batch_t *firstbatch, batch_t *
VectorCopy(m->normals_array[i], vbovdata->ndir);
VectorCopy(m->snormals_array[i], vbovdata->sdir);
VectorCopy(m->tnormals_array[i], vbovdata->tdir);
Vector4Scale(m->colors4f_array[i], 255, vbovdata->colorsb);
Vector4Scale(m->colors4f_array[0][i], 255, vbovdata->colorsb);
@ -2459,12 +2467,12 @@ void D3D9BE_GenBrushModelVBO(model_t *mod)
colours[vcount+v][2] = m->colors4b_array[v][2];
colours[vcount+v][3] = m->colors4b_array[v][3];
if (m->colors4f_array)
if (m->colors4f_array[0])
colours[vcount+v][0] = m->colors4f_array[v][0] * 255;
colours[vcount+v][1] = m->colors4f_array[v][1] * 255;
colours[vcount+v][2] = m->colors4f_array[v][2] * 255;
colours[vcount+v][3] = m->colors4f_array[v][3] * 255;
colours[vcount+v][0] = m->colors4f_array[0][v][0] * 255;
colours[vcount+v][1] = m->colors4f_array[0][v][1] * 255;
colours[vcount+v][2] = m->colors4f_array[0][v][2] * 255;
colours[vcount+v][3] = m->colors4f_array[0][v][3] * 255;
vcount += v;
@ -1039,7 +1039,7 @@ static void (D3D9_SCR_UpdateScreen) (void)
#ifdef CSQC_DAT
if (cls.state == ca_active && CSQC_DrawView())
if (CSQC_DrawView())
nohud = true;
@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@ static void (D3D11_SCR_UpdateScreen) (void)
#ifdef CSQC_DAT
if (cls.state == ca_active && CSQC_DrawView())
if (CSQC_DrawView())
nohud = true;
@ -1603,7 +1603,7 @@ static void R_DB_LightningBeam(batch_t *batch)
mesh.xyz_array = points;
mesh.indexes = indexarray;
mesh.numindexes = sizeof(indexarray)/sizeof(indexarray[0]);
mesh.colors4f_array = (vec4_t*)colors;
mesh.colors4f_array[0] = (vec4_t*)colors;
mesh.normals_array = NULL;
mesh.numvertexes = 4;
mesh.st_array = texcoords;
@ -1673,7 +1673,7 @@ static void R_DB_RailgunBeam(batch_t *batch)
mesh.xyz_array = points;
mesh.indexes = indexarray;
mesh.numindexes = sizeof(indexarray)/sizeof(indexarray[0]);
mesh.colors4f_array = (vec4_t*)colors;
mesh.colors4f_array[0] = (vec4_t*)colors;
mesh.normals_array = NULL;
mesh.numvertexes = 4;
mesh.st_array = texcoords;
@ -1825,7 +1825,7 @@ static void R_DB_Sprite(batch_t *batch)
mesh.xyz_array = vertcoords;
mesh.indexes = indexes;
mesh.numindexes = sizeof(indexes)/sizeof(indexes[0]);
mesh.colors4f_array = colours;
mesh.colors4f_array[0] = colours;
mesh.normals_array = NULL;
mesh.numvertexes = 4;
mesh.st_array = texcoords;
@ -1920,7 +1920,7 @@ static void R_DB_Poly(batch_t *batch)
mesh.xyz_array = cl_strisvertv + cl_stris[i].firstvert;
mesh.st_array = cl_strisvertt + cl_stris[i].firstvert;
mesh.colors4f_array = cl_strisvertc + cl_stris[i].firstvert;
mesh.colors4f_array[0] = cl_strisvertc + cl_stris[i].firstvert;
mesh.indexes = cl_strisidx + cl_stris[i].firstidx;
mesh.numindexes = cl_stris[i].numidx;
mesh.numvertexes = cl_stris[i].numvert;
@ -2024,7 +2024,7 @@ void BE_GenModelBatches(batch_t **batches)
case mod_brush:
if (r_drawentities.ival == 2)
if (r_drawentities.ival == 2 || !lightmap)
Surf_GenBrushBatches(batches, ent);
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ struct {
int pendingtexcoordvbo[SHADER_TMU_MAX];
void *pendingtexcoordpointer[SHADER_TMU_MAX];
float identitylighting; //set to how bright lightmaps should be (reduced for overbright or realtime_world_lightmaps)
float identitylighting; //set to how bright world lighting should be (reduced by realtime_world_lightmaps)
float identitylightmap; //set to how bright lightmaps should be (reduced by overbrights+realtime_world_lightmaps)
texid_t temptexture; //$current
texid_t fogtexture;
@ -272,7 +273,7 @@ static void BE_SetPassBlendMode(int tmu, int pbm)
if (shaderstate.identitylighting != 1)
// if (shaderstate.identitylighting != 1)
goto forcemod;
@ -565,13 +566,25 @@ static void BE_ApplyAttributes(unsigned int bitstochange, unsigned int bitstoend
if (shaderstate.sourcevbo->colours.gl.addr)
if (shaderstate.sourcevbo->colours[0].gl.addr)
qglVertexAttribPointer(VATTR_COLOUR, 4, shaderstate.colourarraytype, ((shaderstate.colourarraytype==GL_FLOAT)?GL_FALSE:GL_TRUE), 0, shaderstate.sourcevbo->colours.gl.addr);
qglVertexAttribPointer(VATTR_COLOUR, 4, shaderstate.colourarraytype, ((shaderstate.colourarraytype==GL_FLOAT)?GL_FALSE:GL_TRUE), 0, shaderstate.sourcevbo->colours[0].gl.addr);
qglVertexAttribPointer(VATTR_COLOUR2, 4, shaderstate.colourarraytype, ((shaderstate.colourarraytype==GL_FLOAT)?GL_FALSE:GL_TRUE), 0, shaderstate.sourcevbo->colours[1].gl.addr);
qglVertexAttribPointer(VATTR_COLOUR3, 4, shaderstate.colourarraytype, ((shaderstate.colourarraytype==GL_FLOAT)?GL_FALSE:GL_TRUE), 0, shaderstate.sourcevbo->colours[2].gl.addr);
qglVertexAttribPointer(VATTR_COLOUR4, 4, shaderstate.colourarraytype, ((shaderstate.colourarraytype==GL_FLOAT)?GL_FALSE:GL_TRUE), 0, shaderstate.sourcevbo->colours[3].gl.addr);
qglVertexAttribPointer(VATTR_TEXCOORD, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, shaderstate.sourcevbo->texcoord.gl.addr);
@ -1286,6 +1299,7 @@ void GLBE_Init(void)
shaderstate.identitylighting = 1;
shaderstate.identitylightmap = 1;
for (i = 0; i < MAXLIGHTMAPS; i++)
shaderstate.dummybatch.lightmap[i] = -1;
@ -1611,6 +1625,7 @@ static void GenerateTCMods(const shaderpass_t *pass, int passnum)
//dest is packed too
static void colourgen(const shaderpass_t *pass, int cnt, vec4_t *src, vec4_t *dst, const mesh_t *mesh)
int n = cnt;
switch (pass->rgbgen)
@ -1630,6 +1645,23 @@ static void colourgen(const shaderpass_t *pass, int cnt, vec4_t *src, vec4_t *ds
if (mesh->colors4f_array[1])
float lm[4];
lm[0] = d_lightstylevalue[shaderstate.curbatch->vtlightstyle[0]]/256.0f*shaderstate.identitylighting;
lm[1] = d_lightstylevalue[shaderstate.curbatch->vtlightstyle[1]]/256.0f*shaderstate.identitylighting;
lm[2] = d_lightstylevalue[shaderstate.curbatch->vtlightstyle[2]]/256.0f*shaderstate.identitylighting;
lm[3] = d_lightstylevalue[shaderstate.curbatch->vtlightstyle[3]]/256.0f*shaderstate.identitylighting;
VectorScale( mesh->colors4f_array[0][cnt], lm[0], dst[cnt]);
VectorMA(dst[cnt], lm[1], mesh->colors4f_array[1][cnt], dst[cnt]);
VectorMA(dst[cnt], lm[2], mesh->colors4f_array[2][cnt], dst[cnt]);
VectorMA(dst[cnt], lm[3], mesh->colors4f_array[3][cnt], dst[cnt]);
if (shaderstate.identitylighting != 1)
if (!src)
@ -1678,13 +1710,14 @@ static void colourgen(const shaderpass_t *pass, int cnt, vec4_t *src, vec4_t *ds
if (shaderstate.curbatch->lightstyle[0] != 255)
if (shaderstate.curbatch->vtlightstyle[0] != 255 && d_lightstylevalue[shaderstate.curbatch->vtlightstyle[0]] != 256)
dst[cnt][0] = shaderstate.identitylighting * d_lightstylevalue[shaderstate.curbatch->lightstyle[0]]/256.0f;
dst[cnt][1] = shaderstate.identitylighting * d_lightstylevalue[shaderstate.curbatch->lightstyle[0]]/256.0f;
dst[cnt][2] = shaderstate.identitylighting * d_lightstylevalue[shaderstate.curbatch->lightstyle[0]]/256.0f;
dst[cnt][0] = shaderstate.identitylighting * d_lightstylevalue[shaderstate.curbatch->vtlightstyle[0]]/256.0f;
dst[cnt][1] = shaderstate.identitylighting * d_lightstylevalue[shaderstate.curbatch->vtlightstyle[0]]/256.0f;
dst[cnt][2] = shaderstate.identitylighting * d_lightstylevalue[shaderstate.curbatch->vtlightstyle[0]]/256.0f;
@ -1698,13 +1731,21 @@ static void colourgen(const shaderpass_t *pass, int cnt, vec4_t *src, vec4_t *ds
dst[cnt][0] = shaderstate.identitylightmap;
dst[cnt][1] = shaderstate.identitylightmap;
dst[cnt][2] = shaderstate.identitylightmap;
dst[cnt][0] = 1;
dst[cnt][1] = 1;
dst[cnt][2] = 1;
dst[cnt][0] = shaderstate.identitylighting;
dst[cnt][1] = shaderstate.identitylighting;
dst[cnt][2] = shaderstate.identitylighting;
@ -2189,8 +2230,8 @@ static void GenerateColourMods(const shaderpass_t *pass)
if (pass->flags & SHADER_PASS_NOCOLORARRAY && qglColor4fv)
colourgen(pass, 1, meshlist->colors4f_array, &shaderstate.pendingcolourflat, meshlist);
alphagen(pass, 1, meshlist->colors4f_array, &shaderstate.pendingcolourflat, meshlist);
colourgen(pass, 1, meshlist->colors4f_array[0], &shaderstate.pendingcolourflat, meshlist);
alphagen(pass, 1, meshlist->colors4f_array[0], &shaderstate.pendingcolourflat, meshlist);
shaderstate.pendingcolourvbo = 0;
shaderstate.pendingcolourpointer = NULL;
@ -2202,7 +2243,7 @@ static void GenerateColourMods(const shaderpass_t *pass)
if (shaderstate.mode == BEM_DEPTHDARK || shaderstate.mode == BEM_DEPTHONLY)
shaderstate.pendingcolourflat[0] = shaderstate.pendingcolourflat[1] = shaderstate.pendingcolourflat[2] = 0;
alphagen(pass, 1, meshlist->colors4f_array, &shaderstate.pendingcolourflat, meshlist);
alphagen(pass, 1, meshlist->colors4f_array[0], &shaderstate.pendingcolourflat, meshlist);
shaderstate.pendingcolourvbo = 0;
shaderstate.pendingcolourpointer = NULL;
@ -2210,7 +2251,7 @@ static void GenerateColourMods(const shaderpass_t *pass)
if (shaderstate.mode == BEM_LIGHT)
shaderstate.pendingcolourflat[0] = shaderstate.pendingcolourflat[1] = shaderstate.pendingcolourflat[2] = 1;
alphagen(pass, 1, meshlist->colors4f_array, &shaderstate.pendingcolourflat, meshlist);
alphagen(pass, 1, meshlist->colors4f_array[0], &shaderstate.pendingcolourflat, meshlist);
shaderstate.pendingcolourvbo = 0;
shaderstate.pendingcolourpointer = NULL;
@ -2228,8 +2269,8 @@ static void GenerateColourMods(const shaderpass_t *pass)
//if its vetex lighting, just use the vbo
if (((pass->rgbgen == RGB_GEN_VERTEX_LIGHTING && shaderstate.identitylighting == 1) || pass->rgbgen == RGB_GEN_VERTEX_EXACT) && pass->alphagen == ALPHA_GEN_VERTEX)
shaderstate.pendingcolourvbo = shaderstate.sourcevbo->colours.gl.vbo;
shaderstate.pendingcolourpointer = shaderstate.sourcevbo->colours.gl.addr;
shaderstate.pendingcolourvbo = shaderstate.sourcevbo->colours[0].gl.vbo;
shaderstate.pendingcolourpointer = shaderstate.sourcevbo->colours[0].gl.addr;
@ -2237,8 +2278,8 @@ static void GenerateColourMods(const shaderpass_t *pass)
meshlist = shaderstate.meshes[m];
colourgen(pass, meshlist->numvertexes, meshlist->colors4f_array, coloursarray + meshlist->vbofirstvert, meshlist);
alphagen(pass, meshlist->numvertexes, meshlist->colors4f_array, coloursarray + meshlist->vbofirstvert, meshlist);
colourgen(pass, meshlist->numvertexes, meshlist->colors4f_array[0], coloursarray + meshlist->vbofirstvert, meshlist);
alphagen(pass, meshlist->numvertexes, meshlist->colors4f_array[0], coloursarray + meshlist->vbofirstvert, meshlist);
shaderstate.colourarraytype = GL_FLOAT;
@ -2638,9 +2679,9 @@ static void DrawPass(const shaderpass_t *pass)
shaderstate.pendingcolourvbo = 0;
shaderstate.pendingcolourpointer = NULL;
shaderstate.pendingcolourflat[0] = shaderstate.identitylighting * d_lightstylevalue[shaderstate.curbatch->lightstyle[j]]/256.0f;
shaderstate.pendingcolourflat[1] = shaderstate.identitylighting * d_lightstylevalue[shaderstate.curbatch->lightstyle[j]]/256.0f;
shaderstate.pendingcolourflat[2] = shaderstate.identitylighting * d_lightstylevalue[shaderstate.curbatch->lightstyle[j]]/256.0f;
shaderstate.pendingcolourflat[0] = shaderstate.identitylighting * d_lightstylevalue[shaderstate.curbatch->lmlightstyle[j]]/256.0f;
shaderstate.pendingcolourflat[1] = shaderstate.identitylighting * d_lightstylevalue[shaderstate.curbatch->lmlightstyle[j]]/256.0f;
shaderstate.pendingcolourflat[2] = shaderstate.identitylighting * d_lightstylevalue[shaderstate.curbatch->lmlightstyle[j]]/256.0f;
shaderstate.pendingcolourflat[3] = 1;
/*pick the correct st coords for this lightmap pass*/
@ -2755,6 +2796,42 @@ static void BE_Program_Set_Attributes(const program_t *prog, unsigned int perm,
qglUniform2fvARB(ph, 1, shaderstate.meshes[0]->xyz_blendw);
vec4_t colscale[MAXLIGHTMAPS];
int j, s;
for (j = 0; j < MAXLIGHTMAPS ; j++)
s = shaderstate.curbatch->vtlightstyle[j];
if (s == 255)
for (; j < MAXLIGHTMAPS ; j++)
colscale[j][0] = 0;
colscale[j][1] = 0;
colscale[j][2] = 0;
colscale[j][3] = 1;
if (shaderstate.curentity->model && shaderstate.curentity->model->engineflags & MDLF_NEEDOVERBRIGHT)
float sc = (1<<bound(0, gl_overbright.ival, 2)) * shaderstate.identitylighting;
VectorSet(colscale[j], sc, sc, sc);
VectorSet(colscale[j], shaderstate.identitylighting, shaderstate.identitylighting, shaderstate.identitylighting);
colscale[j][3] = 1;
VectorScale(colscale[j], d_lightstylevalue[s]/256.0f, colscale[j]);
qglUniform4fvARB(ph, j, (GLfloat*)colscale);
shaderstate.lastuniform = 0;
@ -2762,7 +2839,7 @@ static void BE_Program_Set_Attributes(const program_t *prog, unsigned int perm,
int j, s;
for (j = 0; j < MAXLIGHTMAPS ; j++)
s = shaderstate.curbatch->lightstyle[j];
s = shaderstate.curbatch->lmlightstyle[j];
if (s == 255)
for (; j < MAXLIGHTMAPS ; j++)
@ -3768,26 +3845,26 @@ static qboolean BE_GenTempMeshVBO(vbo_t **vbo, mesh_t *m)
//FIXME: lightmaps
if (m->colors4f_array)
if (m->colors4f_array[0])
memcpy(buffer+len, m->colors4f_array, sizeof(*m->colors4f_array) * m->numvertexes);
shaderstate.dummyvbo.colours.gl.addr = (void*)len;
shaderstate.dummyvbo.colours.gl.vbo = shaderstate.streamvbo[shaderstate.streamid];
len += sizeof(*m->colors4f_array) * m->numvertexes;
memcpy(buffer+len, m->colors4f_array[0], sizeof(*m->colors4f_array[0]) * m->numvertexes);
shaderstate.dummyvbo.colours[0].gl.addr = (void*)len;
shaderstate.dummyvbo.colours[0].gl.vbo = shaderstate.streamvbo[shaderstate.streamid];
len += sizeof(*m->colors4f_array[0]) * m->numvertexes;
shaderstate.colourarraytype = GL_FLOAT;
else if (m->colors4b_array)
memcpy(buffer+len, m->colors4b_array, sizeof(*m->colors4b_array) * m->numvertexes);
shaderstate.dummyvbo.colours.gl.addr = (void*)len;
shaderstate.dummyvbo.colours.gl.vbo = shaderstate.streamvbo[shaderstate.streamid];
shaderstate.dummyvbo.colours[0].gl.addr = (void*)len;
shaderstate.dummyvbo.colours[0].gl.vbo = shaderstate.streamvbo[shaderstate.streamid];
len += sizeof(*m->colors4b_array) * m->numvertexes;
shaderstate.colourarraytype = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
shaderstate.dummyvbo.colours.gl.addr = NULL;
shaderstate.dummyvbo.colours.gl.vbo = 0;
shaderstate.dummyvbo.colours[0].gl.addr = NULL;
shaderstate.dummyvbo.colours[0].gl.vbo = 0;
shaderstate.colourarraytype = GL_FLOAT;
@ -3813,15 +3890,15 @@ static qboolean BE_GenTempMeshVBO(vbo_t **vbo, mesh_t *m)
shaderstate.dummyvbo.normals.gl.addr = m->normals_array;
shaderstate.dummyvbo.svector.gl.addr = m->snormals_array;
shaderstate.dummyvbo.tvector.gl.addr = m->tnormals_array;
if (m->colors4f_array)
if (m->colors4f_array[0])
shaderstate.colourarraytype = GL_FLOAT;
shaderstate.dummyvbo.colours.gl.addr = m->colors4f_array;
shaderstate.dummyvbo.colours[0].gl.addr = m->colors4f_array[0];
shaderstate.colourarraytype = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
shaderstate.dummyvbo.colours.gl.addr = m->colors4b_array;
shaderstate.dummyvbo.colours[0].gl.addr = m->colors4b_array;
shaderstate.dummyvbo.bonenums.gl.addr = m->bonenums;
shaderstate.dummyvbo.boneweights.gl.addr = m->boneweights;
@ -4553,7 +4630,7 @@ void GLBE_DrawWorld (qboolean drawworld, qbyte *vis)
shaderstate.identitylighting = 1;
// shaderstate.identitylighting /= 1<<gl_overbright.ival;
shaderstate.identitylightmap = shaderstate.identitylighting / (1<<gl_overbright.ival);
if (r_lightprepass.ival)
@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ void Font_Init(void);
void Font_Shutdown(void);
struct font_s *Font_LoadFont(int height, char *fontfilename);
void Font_Free(struct font_s *f);
void Font_BeginString(struct font_s *font, int vx, int vy, int *px, int *py);
void Font_BeginString(struct font_s *font, float vx, float vy, int *px, int *py);
void Font_BeginScaledString(struct font_s *font, float vx, float vy, float szx, float szy, float *px, float *py); /*avoid using*/
void Font_Transform(int vx, int vy, int *px, int *py);
void Font_Transform(float vx, float vy, int *px, int *py);
int Font_CharHeight(void);
float Font_CharScaleHeight(void);
int Font_CharWidth(unsigned int charcode);
@ -1224,7 +1224,7 @@ void Font_Free(struct font_s *f)
//maps a given virtual screen coord to a pixel coord, which matches the font's height/width values
void Font_BeginString(struct font_s *font, int vx, int vy, int *px, int *py)
void Font_BeginString(struct font_s *font, float vx, float vy, int *px, int *py)
curfont = font;
*px = (vx*(int)vid.rotpixelwidth) / (float)vid.width;
@ -1234,7 +1234,7 @@ void Font_BeginString(struct font_s *font, int vx, int vy, int *px, int *py)
curfont_scale[1] = curfont->charheight;
curfont_scaled = false;
void Font_Transform(int vx, int vy, int *px, int *py)
void Font_Transform(float vx, float vy, int *px, int *py)
if (px)
*px = (vx*(int)vid.rotpixelwidth) / (float)vid.width;
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ static hmsection_t *Terr_ReadSection(heightmap_t *hm, hmsection_t *s, int sx, in
lightmap[s->lightmap]->rectchange.h = HMLMSTRIDE;
s->mesh.colors4f_array = s->colours;
s->mesh.colors4f_array[0] = s->colours;
if (ds->flags & TSF_HASCOLOURS)
for (i = 0, colours = (float*)ptr; i < SECTHEIGHTSIZE*SECTHEIGHTSIZE; i++, colours+=4)
@ -1205,7 +1205,7 @@ void Terr_RebuildMesh(hmsection_t *s, int x, int y)
mesh->indexes = BZ_Malloc(sizeof(index_t) * SECTHEIGHTSIZE*SECTHEIGHTSIZE*6*3);
mesh->numindexes = 0;
mesh->colors4f_array = NULL;
mesh->colors4f_array[0] = NULL;
for (vy = 0; vy < SECTHEIGHTSIZE-1; vy++)
@ -1395,7 +1395,7 @@ void Terr_RebuildMesh(hmsection_t *s, int x, int y)
mesh->st_array = (void*) (mesh->xyz_array + (SECTHEIGHTSIZE)*(SECTHEIGHTSIZE));
mesh->lmst_array[0] = (void*) (mesh->st_array + (SECTHEIGHTSIZE)*(SECTHEIGHTSIZE));
mesh->colors4f_array = s->colours;
mesh->colors4f_array[0] = s->colours;
mesh->numvertexes = 0;
/*64 quads across requires 65 verticies*/
for (vy = 0; vy < SECTHEIGHTSIZE; vy++)
@ -1504,8 +1504,8 @@ void Terr_RebuildMesh(hmsection_t *s, int x, int y)
s->vbo.texcoord.gl.vbo = s->vbo.coord.gl.vbo;
s->vbo.lmcoord[0].gl.addr = (void*)((char*)mesh->lmst_array[0] - (char*)mesh->xyz_array);
s->vbo.lmcoord[0].gl.vbo = s->vbo.coord.gl.vbo;
s->vbo.colours.gl.addr = (void*)((sizeof(vecV_t)+sizeof(vec2_t)+sizeof(vec2_t)) * mesh->numvertexes);
s->vbo.colours.gl.vbo = s->vbo.coord.gl.vbo;
s->vbo.colours[0].gl.addr = (void*)((sizeof(vecV_t)+sizeof(vec2_t)+sizeof(vec2_t)) * mesh->numvertexes);
s->vbo.colours[0].gl.vbo = s->vbo.coord.gl.vbo;
// Z_Free(mesh->xyz_array);
// mesh->xyz_array = NULL;
// mesh->st_array = NULL;
@ -128,13 +128,13 @@ void Mod_BatchList_f(void)
for (batch = mod->batches[i]; batch; batch = batch->next)
if (batch->lightmap[3] >= 0)
Con_Printf("%s lm=(%i:%i %i:%i %i:%i %i:%i) surfs=%u\n", batch->texture->shader->name, batch->lightmap[0], batch->lightstyle[0], batch->lightmap[1], batch->lightstyle[1], batch->lightmap[2], batch->lightstyle[2], batch->lightmap[3], batch->lightstyle[3], batch->maxmeshes);
Con_Printf("%s lm=(%i:%i %i:%i %i:%i %i:%i) surfs=%u\n", batch->texture->shader->name, batch->lightmap[0], batch->lmlightstyle[0], batch->lightmap[1], batch->lmlightstyle[1], batch->lightmap[2], batch->lmlightstyle[2], batch->lightmap[3], batch->lmlightstyle[3], batch->maxmeshes);
else if (batch->lightmap[2] >= 0)
Con_Printf("%s lm=(%i:%i %i:%i %i:%i) surfs=%u\n", batch->texture->shader->name, batch->lightmap[0], batch->lightstyle[0], batch->lightmap[1], batch->lightstyle[1], batch->lightmap[2], batch->lightstyle[2], batch->maxmeshes);
Con_Printf("%s lm=(%i:%i %i:%i %i:%i) surfs=%u\n", batch->texture->shader->name, batch->lightmap[0], batch->lmlightstyle[0], batch->lightmap[1], batch->lmlightstyle[1], batch->lightmap[2], batch->lmlightstyle[2], batch->maxmeshes);
else if (batch->lightmap[1] >= 0)
Con_Printf("%s lm=(%i:%i %i:%i) surfs=%u\n", batch->texture->shader->name, batch->lightmap[0], batch->lightstyle[0], batch->lightmap[1], batch->lightstyle[1], batch->maxmeshes);
else if (batch->lightstyle[0] != 255)
Con_Printf("%s lm=(%i:%i) surfs=%u\n", batch->texture->shader->name, batch->lightmap[0], batch->lightstyle[0], batch->maxmeshes);
Con_Printf("%s lm=(%i:%i %i:%i) surfs=%u\n", batch->texture->shader->name, batch->lightmap[0], batch->lmlightstyle[0], batch->lightmap[1], batch->lmlightstyle[1], batch->maxmeshes);
else if (batch->lmlightstyle[0] != 255)
Con_Printf("%s lm=(%i:%i) surfs=%u\n", batch->texture->shader->name, batch->lightmap[0], batch->lmlightstyle[0], batch->maxmeshes);
Con_Printf("%s lm=%i surfs=%u\n", batch->texture->shader->name, batch->lightmap[0], batch->maxmeshes);
@ -2472,11 +2472,14 @@ void ModQ1_Batches_BuildQ1Q2Poly(model_t *mod, msurface_t *surf, void *cookie)
//q1bsp has no colour information (fixme: sample from the lightmap)
mesh->colors4f_array[i][0] = 1;
mesh->colors4f_array[i][1] = 1;
mesh->colors4f_array[i][2] = 1;
mesh->colors4f_array[i][3] = 1;
//q1bsp has no colour information (fixme: sample from the lightmap?)
for (sty = 0; sty < 1; sty++)
mesh->colors4f_array[sty][i][0] = 1;
mesh->colors4f_array[sty][i][1] = 1;
mesh->colors4f_array[sty][i][2] = 1;
mesh->colors4f_array[sty][i][3] = 1;
@ -2492,24 +2495,35 @@ static void Mod_Batches_BuildModelMeshes(model_t *mod, int maxverts, int maxindi
int sty;
vbo_t vbo;
int styles = mod->lightmaps.surfstyles;
char *ptr;
vbo.indicies.dummy = ZG_Malloc(&loadmodel->memgroup, sizeof(index_t) * maxindicies);
vbo.coord.dummy = ZG_Malloc(&loadmodel->memgroup, (sizeof(vecV_t)+sizeof(vec2_t)*(1+styles)+sizeof(vec3_t)*3+sizeof(vec4_t))* maxverts);
vbo.colours.dummy = (vecV_t*)vbo.coord.dummy + maxverts;
vbo.texcoord.dummy = (vec4_t*)vbo.colours.dummy + maxverts;
sty = 0;
if (styles)
ptr = ZG_Malloc(&loadmodel->memgroup, (sizeof(vecV_t)+sizeof(vec2_t)*(1+styles)+sizeof(vec3_t)*3+sizeof(vec4_t)*styles)* maxverts);
vbo.coord.dummy = ptr;
ptr += sizeof(vecV_t)*maxverts;
for (sty = 0; sty < styles; sty++)
vbo.lmcoord[0].dummy = (vec2_t*)vbo.texcoord.dummy + maxverts;
sty = 1;
vbo.colours[sty].dummy = ptr;
ptr += sizeof(vec4_t)*maxverts;
for (; sty < MAXLIGHTMAPS; sty++)
vbo.colours[sty].dummy = NULL;
vbo.texcoord.dummy = ptr;
ptr += sizeof(vec2_t)*maxverts;
sty = 0;
for (; sty < styles; sty++)
vbo.lmcoord[sty].dummy = (vec2_t*)vbo.lmcoord[sty-1].dummy + maxverts;
vbo.lmcoord[sty].dummy = ptr;
ptr += sizeof(vec2_t)*maxverts;
for (; sty < MAXLIGHTMAPS; sty++)
vbo.lmcoord[sty].dummy = NULL;
vbo.normals.dummy = styles?((vec2_t*)vbo.lmcoord[styles-1].dummy + maxverts):((vec2_t*)vbo.texcoord.dummy + maxverts);
vbo.svector.dummy = (vec3_t*)vbo.normals.dummy + maxverts;
vbo.tvector.dummy = (vec3_t*)vbo.svector.dummy + maxverts;
vbo.normals.dummy = ptr;
ptr += sizeof(vec3_t)*maxverts;
vbo.svector.dummy = ptr;
ptr += sizeof(vec3_t)*maxverts;
vbo.tvector.dummy = ptr;
ptr += sizeof(vec3_t)*maxverts;
numindicies = 0;
numverts = 0;
@ -2539,11 +2553,14 @@ static void Mod_Batches_BuildModelMeshes(model_t *mod, int maxverts, int maxindi
mesh->lmst_array[sty] = (vec2_t*)vbo.lmcoord[sty].dummy + mesh->vbofirstvert;
mesh->lmst_array[sty] = NULL;
if (vbo.colours[sty].dummy)
mesh->colors4f_array[sty] = (vec4_t*)vbo.colours[sty].dummy + mesh->vbofirstvert;
mesh->colors4f_array[sty] = NULL;
mesh->normals_array = (vec3_t*)vbo.normals.dummy + mesh->vbofirstvert;
mesh->snormals_array = (vec3_t*)vbo.svector.dummy + mesh->vbofirstvert;
mesh->tnormals_array = (vec3_t*)vbo.tvector.dummy + mesh->vbofirstvert;
mesh->colors4f_array = (vec4_t*)vbo.colours.dummy + mesh->vbofirstvert;
mesh->indexes = (index_t*)vbo.indicies.dummy + mesh->vbofirstelement;
mesh->vbofirstvert = 0;
@ -2765,21 +2782,21 @@ static void Mod_Batches_SplitLightmaps(model_t *mod)
for (sty = 0; sty < MAXLIGHTMAPS; sty++)
batch->lightmap[sty] = surf->lightmaptexturenums[sty];
batch->lightstyle[sty] = surf->styles[sty];
batch->lmlightstyle[sty] = surf->styles[sty];
for (j = 1; j < batch->maxmeshes; j++)
surf = (msurface_t*)batch->mesh[j];
if (surf->lightmaptexturenums[0] != batch->lightmap[0] ||
surf->lightmaptexturenums[1] != batch->lightmap[1] ||
surf->lightmaptexturenums[2] != batch->lightmap[2] ||
surf->lightmaptexturenums[3] != batch->lightmap[3] ||
//fixme: we should merge later (reverted matching) surfaces into the prior batch
surf->styles[0] != batch->lightstyle[0] ||
surf->styles[1] != batch->lightstyle[1] ||
surf->styles[2] != batch->lightstyle[2] ||
surf->styles[3] != batch->lightstyle[3] )
for (sty = 0; sty < MAXLIGHTMAPS; sty++)
if (surf->lightmaptexturenums[sty] != batch->lightmap[sty] ||
//fixme: we should merge later (reverted matching) surfaces into the prior batch
surf->styles[sty] != batch->lmlightstyle[sty] ||
surf->vlstyles[sty] != batch->vtlightstyle[sty])
nb = ZG_Malloc(&loadmodel->memgroup, sizeof(*batch));
*nb = *batch;
@ -2791,7 +2808,8 @@ static void Mod_Batches_SplitLightmaps(model_t *mod)
for (sty = 0; sty < MAXLIGHTMAPS; sty++)
nb->lightmap[sty] = surf->lightmaptexturenums[sty];
nb->lightstyle[sty] = surf->styles[sty];
nb->lmlightstyle[sty] = surf->styles[sty];
nb->vtlightstyle[sty] = surf->vlstyles[sty];
memmove(nb->mesh, batch->mesh+j, sizeof(msurface_t*)*nb->maxmeshes);
@ -2833,7 +2851,8 @@ static void Mod_Batches_AllocLightmaps(model_t *mod)
for (sty = 0; sty < MAXLIGHTMAPS; sty++)
batch->lightmap[sty] = surf->lightmaptexturenums[sty];
batch->lightstyle[sty] = 255;//don't do special backend rendering of lightstyles.
batch->lmlightstyle[sty] = 255;//don't do special backend rendering of lightstyles.
batch->vtlightstyle[sty] = 255;//don't do special backend rendering of lightstyles.
for (j = 1; j < batch->maxmeshes; j++)
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ typedef struct mesh_s
vec3_t *tnormals_array;/*required for rtlighting*/
vec2_t *st_array; /*texture coords*/
vec2_t *lmst_array[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; /*second texturecoord set (merely dubbed lightmap, one for each potential lightstyle)*/
avec4_t *colors4f_array;/*floating point colours array*/
avec4_t *colors4f_array[MAXLIGHTMAPS];/*floating point colours array*/
byte_vec4_t *colors4b_array;/*byte colours array*/
index_t *indexes;
@ -113,15 +113,16 @@ typedef struct batch_s
shader_t *shader;
struct vbo_s *vbo;
entity_t *ent; /*used for shader properties*/
int lightmap[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; /*used for shader lightmap textures*/
unsigned char lightstyle[MAXLIGHTMAPS];
struct mfog_s *fog;
struct texture_s *texture; /*is this used by the backend?*/
struct texnums_s *skin;
short lightmap[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; /*used for shader lightmap textures*/
unsigned char lmlightstyle[MAXLIGHTMAPS];
unsigned char vtlightstyle[MAXLIGHTMAPS];
unsigned int maxmeshes; /*not used by backend*/
unsigned int flags; /*backend flags (force transparency etc)*/
struct texture_s *texture; /*is this used by the backend?*/
struct texnums_s *skin;
void (*buildmeshes)(struct batch_s *b);
/*caller-use, not interpreted by backend*/
@ -267,7 +268,7 @@ typedef struct vbo_s
vboarray_t svector;
vboarray_t tvector;
vboarray_t colours;
vboarray_t colours[MAXLIGHTMAPS];
vboarray_t bonenums;
@ -395,6 +396,7 @@ typedef struct msurface_s
int lightmaptexturenums[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; //rbsp+fbsp formats have multiple lightmaps
qbyte styles[MAXLIGHTMAPS];
qbyte vlstyles[MAXLIGHTMAPS];
int cached_light[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // values currently used in lightmap
qboolean cached_dlight; // true if dynamic light in cache
qbyte cached_colour[MAXLIGHTMAPS];
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ void R_InitFlashblends(void)
flashblend_mesh.numvertexes = FLASHBLEND_VERTS+1;
flashblend_mesh.xyz_array = flashblend_vcoords;
flashblend_mesh.st_array = flashblend_tccoords;
flashblend_mesh.colors4f_array = flashblend_colours;
flashblend_mesh.colors4f_array[0] = flashblend_colours;
flashblend_mesh.indexes = flashblend_indexes;
flashblend_mesh.numindexes = FLASHBLEND_VERTS*3;
flashblend_mesh.istrifan = true;
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ void R_InitFlashblends(void)
flashblend_fsmesh.numvertexes = 4;
flashblend_fsmesh.xyz_array = flashblend_vcoords;
flashblend_fsmesh.st_array = flashblend_tccoords;
flashblend_fsmesh.colors4f_array = flashblend_colours;
flashblend_fsmesh.colors4f_array[0] = flashblend_colours;
flashblend_fsmesh.indexes = flashblend_fsindexes;
flashblend_fsmesh.numindexes = 6;
flashblend_fsmesh.istrifan = true;
@ -92,6 +92,18 @@ static qboolean GL_BuildVBO(vbo_t *vbo, void *vdata, int vsize, void *edata, int
for (s = 0; s < MAXLIGHTMAPS; s++)
if (vbo->colours[s].gl.addr)
vbo->colours[s].gl.vbo = vbos[0];
vbo->colours[s].gl.addr = (vec4_t*)((char*)vbo->colours[s].gl.addr - (char*)vdata);
default: vaostatic |= VATTR_COLOUR; break;
case 1: vaostatic |= VATTR_COLOUR2; break;
case 2: vaostatic |= VATTR_COLOUR3; break;
case 3: vaostatic |= VATTR_COLOUR4; break;
if (vbo->lmcoord[s].gl.addr)
vbo->lmcoord[s].gl.vbo = vbos[0];
@ -123,12 +135,7 @@ static qboolean GL_BuildVBO(vbo_t *vbo, void *vdata, int vsize, void *edata, int
vbo->tvector.gl.addr = (vec3_t*)((char*)vbo->tvector.gl.addr - (char*)vdata);
vaostatic |= VATTR_TNORMALS;
if (vbo->colours.gl.addr)
vbo->colours.gl.vbo = vbos[0];
vbo->colours.gl.addr = (vec4_t*)((char*)vbo->colours.gl.addr - (char*)vdata);
vaostatic |= VATTR_COLOUR;
GLBE_SetupVAO(vbo, vaodynamic, vaostatic);
@ -173,7 +180,7 @@ void GLBE_GenBatchVBOs(vbo_t **vbochain, batch_t *firstbatch, batch_t *stopbatch
vec3_t *normals;
vec3_t *svector;
vec3_t *tvector;
vec4_t *colours;
vec4_t *colours[MAXLIGHTMAPS];
index_t *indicies;
batch_t *batch;
int vbosize;
@ -207,7 +214,7 @@ void GLBE_GenBatchVBOs(vbo_t **vbochain, batch_t *firstbatch, batch_t *stopbatch
sizeof(vec3_t)+ //normal
sizeof(vec3_t)+ //sdir
sizeof(vec3_t)+ //tdir
sizeof(vec4_t); //colours
sizeof(vec4_t)*lightmaps; //colours
vbo->vertdata = BZ_Malloc((maxvboverts+1)*pervertsize + (maxvboelements+1)*sizeof(index_t));
@ -222,7 +229,10 @@ void GLBE_GenBatchVBOs(vbo_t **vbochain, batch_t *firstbatch, batch_t *stopbatch
vbo->normals.gl.addr = allocbuf(&p, maxvboverts, sizeof(vec3_t));
vbo->svector.gl.addr = allocbuf(&p, maxvboverts, sizeof(vec3_t));
vbo->tvector.gl.addr = allocbuf(&p, maxvboverts, sizeof(vec3_t));
vbo->colours.gl.addr = allocbuf(&p, maxvboverts, sizeof(vec4_t));
for (s = 0; s < lightmaps; s++)
vbo->colours[s].gl.addr = allocbuf(&p, maxvboverts, sizeof(vec4_t));
for (; s < MAXLIGHTMAPS; s++)
vbo->lmcoord[s].gl.addr = NULL;
vbosize = (char*)p - (char*)vbo->coord.gl.addr;
if ((char*)p - (char*)vbo->vertdata > (maxvboverts+1)*pervertsize)
Sys_Error("GLBE_GenBatchVBOs: aligned overflow");
@ -230,12 +240,14 @@ void GLBE_GenBatchVBOs(vbo_t **vbochain, batch_t *firstbatch, batch_t *stopbatch
coord = vbo->coord.gl.addr;
texcoord = vbo->texcoord.gl.addr;
for (s = 0; s < 4; s++)
for (s = 0; s < MAXLIGHTMAPS; s++)
lmcoord[s] = vbo->lmcoord[s].gl.addr;
colours[s] = vbo->colours[s].gl.addr;
normals = vbo->normals.gl.addr;
svector = vbo->svector.gl.addr;
tvector = vbo->tvector.gl.addr;
colours = vbo->colours.gl.addr;
indicies = vbo->indicies.gl.addr;
//vbo->meshcount = meshes;
@ -275,6 +287,13 @@ void GLBE_GenBatchVBOs(vbo_t **vbochain, batch_t *firstbatch, batch_t *stopbatch
lmcoord[s][vcount+v][0] = m->lmst_array[s][v][0];
lmcoord[s][vcount+v][1] = m->lmst_array[s][v][1];
if (m->colors4f_array[s])
colours[s][vcount+v][0] = m->colors4f_array[s][v][0];
colours[s][vcount+v][1] = m->colors4f_array[s][v][1];
colours[s][vcount+v][2] = m->colors4f_array[s][v][2];
colours[s][vcount+v][3] = m->colors4f_array[s][v][3];
if (m->normals_array)
@ -294,13 +313,6 @@ void GLBE_GenBatchVBOs(vbo_t **vbochain, batch_t *firstbatch, batch_t *stopbatch
tvector[vcount+v][1] = m->tnormals_array[v][1];
tvector[vcount+v][2] = m->tnormals_array[v][2];
if (m->colors4f_array)
colours[vcount+v][0] = m->colors4f_array[v][0];
colours[vcount+v][1] = m->colors4f_array[v][1];
colours[vcount+v][2] = m->colors4f_array[v][2];
colours[vcount+v][3] = m->colors4f_array[v][3];
vcount += v;
@ -3562,9 +3562,18 @@ void Shader_SetPassFlush (shaderpass_t *pass, shaderpass_t *pass2)
else return;
if (pass->texgen == T_GEN_LIGHTMAP && pass->blendmode == PBM_REPLACELIGHT && pass2->blendmode == PBM_MODULATE && config_tex_env_combine)
if (pass->rgbgen == RGB_GEN_IDENTITY)
pass->rgbgen = RGB_GEN_IDENTITY_OVERBRIGHT; //get the light levels right
pass2->blendmode = PBM_OVERBRIGHT;
if (pass2->texgen == T_GEN_LIGHTMAP && pass2->blendmode == PBM_MODULATE && config_tex_env_combine)
if (pass->rgbgen == RGB_GEN_IDENTITY)
pass->rgbgen = RGB_GEN_IDENTITY_OVERBRIGHT; //get the light levels right
pass->blendmode = PBM_REPLACELIGHT;
pass2->blendmode = PBM_OVERBRIGHT;
void Shader_SetFeatures ( shader_t *s )
@ -3733,7 +3742,7 @@ void Shader_Finish (shader_t *s)
if ((r_vertexlight.value || !(s->flags & SUF_LIGHTMAP)) && !s->prog)
if ((r_vertexlight.value || !(s->usageflags & SUF_LIGHTMAP)) && !s->prog)
// do we have a lightmap pass?
pass = s->passes;
@ -3808,7 +3817,7 @@ void Shader_Finish (shader_t *s)
s->passes[0].alphagen = ALPHA_GEN_IDENTITY;
s->passes[0].blendmode = 0;
pass->shaderbits &= ~SBITS_BLEND_BITS;
s->passes[0].shaderbits &= ~SBITS_BLEND_BITS;
s->passes[0].shaderbits |= SBITS_MISC_DEPTHWRITE;
s->passes[0].numMergedPasses = 1;
s->numpasses = 1;
@ -4772,7 +4781,7 @@ qboolean Shader_ReadShaderTerms(shader_t *s, char **shadersource, int parsemode,
if (!shadersource)
if (!*shadersource)
return false;
token = COM_ParseExt (shadersource, true, true);
@ -4966,7 +4975,7 @@ static int R_LoadShader (char *name, unsigned int usageflags, shader_gen_t *defa
//make sure the same texture can be used as either a lightmap or vertexlit shader
//if it has an explicit shader overriding it then that still takes precidence. we might just have multiple copies of it.
//q3 has a separate (internal) shader for every lightmap.
if (!defaultgen || (s->generator == defaultgen && !s->genargs == !genargs && (!genargs || !strcmp(s->genargs, genargs))))
if (!((s->usageflags ^ usageflags) & SUF_LIGHTMAP))
i = s - r_shaders;
@ -1429,6 +1429,9 @@ GLhandleARB GLSlang_CreateProgramObject (char *name, GLhandleARB vert, GLhandleA
qglBindAttribLocationARB(program, VATTR_VERTEX1, "v_position");
qglBindAttribLocationARB(program, VATTR_COLOUR, "v_colour");
qglBindAttribLocationARB(program, VATTR_COLOUR2, "v_colour2");
qglBindAttribLocationARB(program, VATTR_COLOUR3, "v_colour3");
qglBindAttribLocationARB(program, VATTR_COLOUR4, "v_colour4");
qglBindAttribLocationARB(program, VATTR_TEXCOORD, "v_texcoord");
qglBindAttribLocationARB(program, VATTR_LMCOORD, "v_lmcoord");
qglBindAttribLocationARB(program, VATTR_LMCOORD2, "v_lmcoord2");
@ -1815,7 +1818,7 @@ void DumpGLState(void)
qglGetVertexAttribiv(i, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED, &no);
qglGetVertexAttribPointerv(i, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER, &ptr);
Sys_Printf("attrib%i: %s as:%i st:%i ty:%0x %s%i:%p\n", i, en?"en":"dis", as, st,ty,no?"norm ":"", bo, ptr);
Sys_Printf("attrib%i: %s sz:%i st:%i ty:%0x %s%i:%p\n", i, en?"en":"dis", as, st,ty,no?"norm ":"", bo, ptr);
qglGetIntegerv(GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM, &glint);
@ -1849,19 +1852,19 @@ void DumpGLState(void)
qglGetIntegerv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, &glint);
Sys_Printf("GL_TEXTURE_2D: %i\n", glint);
Sys_Printf("0: GL_TEXTURE_2D: %i\n", glint);
Sys_Printf("GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE: %s\n", DecodeGLEnum(glint));
Sys_Printf("0: GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE: %s\n", DecodeGLEnum(glint));
qglGetIntegerv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, &glint);
Sys_Printf("GL_TEXTURE_2D: %i\n", glint);
Sys_Printf("1: GL_TEXTURE_2D: %i\n", glint);
Sys_Printf("GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE: %s\n", DecodeGLEnum(glint));
Sys_Printf("1: GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE: %s\n", DecodeGLEnum(glint));
qglGetIntegerv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, &glint);
Sys_Printf("GL_TEXTURE_2D: %i\n", glint);
Sys_Printf("2: GL_TEXTURE_2D: %i\n", glint);
Sys_Printf("GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE: %s\n", DecodeGLEnum(glint));
Sys_Printf("2: GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE: %s\n", DecodeGLEnum(glint));
@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ static void GL_DrawSkyBox (texid_t *texnums, batch_t *s)
skyfacemesh.indexes = skyface_index;
skyfacemesh.st_array = skyface_texcoord;
skyfacemesh.xyz_array = skyface_vertex;
skyfacemesh.colors4f_array = skyface_colours;
skyfacemesh.colors4f_array[0] = skyface_colours;
skyfacemesh.numindexes = 6;
skyfacemesh.numvertexes = 4;
@ -192,6 +192,7 @@ typedef struct shaderpass_s {
@ -323,6 +324,10 @@ enum shaderattribs_e
VATTR_LEG_VERTEX, //note: traditionally this is actually index 0.
//however, implementations are allowed to directly alias, or remap,
@ -344,7 +349,8 @@ typedef struct {
/*entity properties*/
SP_E_LMSCALE, //lightmap scales
SP_E_VLSCALE, //vertex lighting style scales
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ void PostCompile(void)
if (!qccpersisthunk)
if (asmfile)
@ -1106,6 +1106,14 @@ static int PDECL qclib_null_printf(const char *s, ...)
return 0;
static void *PDECL qclib_malloc(int size)
return malloc(size);
static void PDECL qclib_free(void *ptr)
#define printf NULL //should be some null wrapper instead
@ -1138,8 +1146,8 @@ progexterns_t defexterns = {
NULL, //void (*loadcompleate) (int edictsize); //notification to reset any pointers.
(void*)malloc, //void *(*memalloc) (int size); //small string allocation malloced and freed randomly by the executor. (use memalloc if you want)
free, //void (*memfree) (void * mem);
qclib_malloc, //void *(*memalloc) (int size); //small string allocation malloced and freed randomly by the executor. (use memalloc if you want)
qclib_free, //void (*memfree) (void * mem);
NULL, //builtin_t *globalbuiltins; //these are available to all progs
@ -7,6 +7,18 @@ Setting them should be fine.
#ifndef __PR_COMP_H__
#define __PR_COMP_H__
void *BZ_MallocNamed(int size, char *file, int line);
void *BZ_ReallocNamed(void *data, int newsize, char *file, int line);
void BZ_Free(void *data);
#define BZ_Malloc(size) BZ_MallocNamed(size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define BZ_Realloc(ptr, size) BZ_ReallocNamed(ptr, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define malloc BZ_Malloc
#define realloc BZ_Realloc
#define free BZ_Free
typedef int dstring_t;
#define QCC_string_t dstring_t
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ typedef unsigned char qbyte;
#include "pr_comp.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable : 4244)
#pragma warning(disable : 4267)
@ -849,6 +849,7 @@ void QCC_PR_EmitClassFromFunction(QCC_def_t *scope, QCC_type_t *basetype);
void PostCompile(void);
pbool PreCompile(void);
void QCC_Cleanup(void);
@ -1773,6 +1773,20 @@ QCC_def_t *QCC_PR_Statement (QCC_opcode_t *op, QCC_def_t *var_a, QCC_def_t *var_
//a is const, b is not
switch (op - pr_opcodes)
//OP_NOT_S needs to do a string comparison
case OP_NOT_F:
return QCC_MakeFloatConst(!G_FLOAT(var_a->ofs));
case OP_NOT_V:
return QCC_MakeFloatConst(!G_FLOAT(var_a->ofs+0) && !G_FLOAT(var_a->ofs+1) && !G_FLOAT(var_a->ofs+2));
case OP_NOT_ENT: // o.O
case OP_NOT_FNC: // o.O
return QCC_MakeFloatConst(!G_INT(var_a->ofs));
case OP_NOT_I:
return QCC_MakeIntConst(!G_INT(var_a->ofs));
return QCC_MakeIntConst(G_FLOAT(var_a->ofs));
@ -3762,6 +3776,7 @@ QCC_def_t *QCC_PR_ParseFunctionCall (QCC_def_t *newself, QCC_def_t *func) //warn
//ret = spawn()
result = QCC_PR_GenerateFunctionCall(NULL, func, NULL, NULL, 0);
def_ret.temp->used = true;
if (!rettype)
rettype = type_entity;
@ -3780,6 +3795,7 @@ QCC_def_t *QCC_PR_ParseFunctionCall (QCC_def_t *newself, QCC_def_t *func) //warn
p = QCC_PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_ADDRESS], result, f, NULL);
type_pointer->aux_type = f->type->aux_type;
if (v->type->size == 3)
QCC_FreeTemp(QCC_PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_STOREP_V], v, p, NULL));
@ -3789,6 +3805,9 @@ QCC_def_t *QCC_PR_ParseFunctionCall (QCC_def_t *newself, QCC_def_t *func) //warn
if (!def_ret.temp->used)
QCC_PR_ParseError(ERR_INTERNAL, "self clobbered.");
//tmp oself = self
if (rettype != type_entity)
@ -5321,8 +5340,6 @@ QCC_def_t *QCC_PR_ParseValue (QCC_type_t *assumeclass, pbool allowarrayassign, p
QCC_PR_ParseWarning (WARN_SELFNOTTHIS, "'self' used inside OO function, use 'this'.", pr_scope->name);
d = QCC_PR_ParseArrayPointer(d, allowarrayassign, makearraypointers);
if (pr_classtype && expandmemberfields && d->type->type == ev_field)
QCC_def_t *t;
@ -5335,9 +5352,12 @@ QCC_def_t *QCC_PR_ParseValue (QCC_type_t *assumeclass, pbool allowarrayassign, p
t = QCC_PR_GetDef(NULL, "self", NULL, true, 0, false);
d = QCC_PR_ParseArrayPointer(d, allowarrayassign, makearraypointers); //opportunistic vecmember[0] handling
d = QCC_PR_ExpandField(t, d);
d = QCC_PR_ParseArrayPointer(d, allowarrayassign, makearraypointers);
return d;
@ -10452,5 +10472,18 @@ pbool QCC_Include(char *filename)
return true;
void QCC_Cleanup(void)
max_breaks = max_continues = max_cases = num_continues = num_breaks = num_cases = 0;
pr_breaks = NULL;
pr_continues = NULL;
pr_cases = NULL;
pr_casesdef = NULL;
pr_casesdef2 = NULL;
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#if !defined(MINIMAL) && !defined(OMIT_QCC)
//#include "qcc.h"
#include "progsint.h"
#include "setjmp.h"
@ -1860,23 +1860,27 @@ qboolean PR_UserCmd(char *s)
if (gfuncs.UserCmd && pr_imitatemvdsv.value >= 0)
{ //we didn't recognise it. see if the mod does.
char *arg0;
//ktpro bug warning:
//admin + judge. I don't know the exact rules behind this bug, so I just ban the entire command
//I can't be arsed detecting ktpro specifically, so assume we're always running ktpro
if (!strncmp(s, "admin", 5) || !strncmp(s, "judge", 5))
Con_Printf("Blocking potentially unsafe ktpro command: %s\n", s);
return true;
pr_globals = PR_globals(svprogfuncs, PR_CURRENT);
pr_global_struct->time = sv.world.physicstime;
pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(svprogfuncs, sv_player);
tokenizeqc(s, true);
//make sure we use the same logic that the qc will use. specifically that we check for " and leading spaces etc
PF_ArgV(svprogfuncs, pr_globals);
arg0 = PR_GetStringOfs(svprogfuncs, OFS_RETURN);
if (!strcmp(arg0, "admin") || !strcmp(arg0, "judge"))
Con_Printf("Blocking potentially unsafe ktpro command: %s\n", s);
return true;
G_INT(OFS_PARM0) = (int)PR_TempString(svprogfuncs, s);
PR_ExecuteProgram (svprogfuncs, gfuncs.UserCmd);
@ -10250,7 +10254,8 @@ void PR_DumpPlatform_f(void)
{"end_sys_globals", "void", QW|NQ|CS|MENU},
{"modelindex", ".float", QW|NQ|CS},
{"absmin, absmax", ".vector", QW|NQ|CS},
{"absmin", ".vector", QW|NQ|CS},
{"absmax", ".vector", QW|NQ|CS},
{"ltime", ".float", QW|NQ},
{"entnum", ".float", CS, "The entity number as its known on the server."},
{"drawmask", ".float", CS, "Acts as a filter in the addentities call."},
@ -10275,7 +10280,8 @@ void PR_DumpPlatform_f(void)
{"lerpfrac", ".float", CS, "If 0, use frame1 only. If 1, use frame2 only. Mix them together for values between."},
{"skin", ".float", QW|NQ|CS},
{"effects", ".float", QW|NQ|CS},
{"mins, maxs", ".vector", QW|NQ|CS},
{"mins", ".vector", QW|NQ|CS},
{"maxs", ".vector", QW|NQ|CS},
{"size", ".vector", QW|NQ|CS},
{"touch", ".void()", QW|NQ|CS},
{"use", ".void()", QW|NQ},
@ -1035,9 +1035,9 @@ void SV_Savegame (char *savename)
Q_strncpyz(str, localinfo, sizeof(str));
Info_RemovePrefixedKeys(str, '*');
VFS_PRINTF (f, "%s\n", str);
VFS_PUTS(f, str);
VFS_PRINTF (f, "{\n"); //all game vars. FIXME: Should save the ones that have been retrieved/set by progs.
VFS_PRINTF (f, "\n{\n"); //all game vars. FIXME: Should save the ones that have been retrieved/set by progs.
VFS_PRINTF (f, "skill \"%s\"\n", skill.string);
VFS_PRINTF (f, "deathmatch \"%s\"\n", deathmatch.string);
VFS_PRINTF (f, "coop \"%s\"\n", coop.string);
@ -999,6 +999,7 @@ qboolean SVQ3_InitGame(void);
qboolean SVQ3_ConsoleCommand(void);
qboolean SVQ3_HandleClient(void);
void SVQ3_DirectConnect(void);
void SVQ3_NewMapConnects(void);
void SVQ3_DropClient(client_t *cl);
int SVQ3_AddBot(void);
void SVQ3_RunFrame(void);
@ -1697,7 +1697,6 @@ SV_Serverinfo_f
Examine or change the serverinfo string
char *CopyString(char *s);
extern char *Info_KeyForNumber(char *s, int num);
void SV_Serverinfo_f (void)
@ -1758,7 +1757,7 @@ void SV_Serverinfo_f (void)
Cvar_Set(var, value);
/* Z_Free (var->string); // free the old value string
var->string = CopyString (value);
var->string = Z_StrDup (value);
var->value = Q_atof (var->string);
*/ }
@ -1773,7 +1772,6 @@ SV_Serverinfo_f
Examine or change the serverinfo string
char *CopyString(char *s);
void SV_Localinfo_f (void)
char *old;
@ -1145,6 +1145,7 @@ void SV_SpawnServer (char *server, char *startspot, qboolean noents, qboolean us
//fixme: properly kick any other clients (ie: without notifying gamecode).
for (i=0 ; i<MAX_CLIENTS ; i++)
@ -1502,6 +1503,10 @@ void SV_SpawnServer (char *server, char *startspot, qboolean noents, qboolean us
if (svs.gametype == GT_QUAKE3)
FS_ReferenceControl(0, 0);
@ -6864,7 +6864,7 @@ void SVNQ_ExecuteClientMessage (client_t *cl)
host_client = cl;
sv_player = cl->edict;
case clc_nop:
@ -6884,6 +6884,8 @@ void SVNQ_ExecuteClientMessage (client_t *cl)
host_client = cl;
sv_player = cl->edict;
if (cl->state < cs_connected)
case clc_qcrequest:
@ -3110,6 +3110,26 @@ qboolean SVQ3_HandleClient(void)
return true;
void SVQ3_NewMapConnects(void)
int i;
qintptr_t ret;
for (i = 0; i < sv.allocated_client_slots; i++)
if (svs.clients[i].state < cs_connected)
ret = VM_Call(q3gamevm, GAME_CLIENT_CONNECT, i, false, false);
if (ret)
//FIXME: make sure bots get the right GAME_CLIENT_BEGIN
void SVQ3_DirectConnect(void) //Actually connect the client, use up a slot, and let the gamecode know of it.
@ -3117,7 +3137,7 @@ void SVQ3_DirectConnect(void) //Actually connect the client, use up a slot, and
char *reason;
client_t *cl;
char *userinfo = NULL;
int ret;
qintptr_t ret;
int challenge;
int qport;
char adr[MAX_ADR_SIZE];
@ -3164,7 +3184,7 @@ void SVQ3_DirectConnect(void) //Actually connect the client, use up a slot, and
if (!ret)
reason = NULL;
reason = (char*)VM_MemoryBase(q3gamevm)+ret; //this is going to stop q3 dll gamecode at 64bits.
reason = (char*)VM_MemoryBase(q3gamevm)+ret;
Reference in a new issue