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Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "quakedef.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include <conio.h>
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
#include <direct.h>
#include <process.h>
#ifndef MINIMAL
//#define USESERVICE
static HANDLE hconsoleout;
extern int isPlugin; //if 2, we qcdebug to external program
qboolean WinNT; //if true, use utf-16 file paths. if false, hope that paths are in ascii.
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DEBUG)
#include "dbghelp.h"
HANDLE hProcess,
DWORD ProcessId,
DWORD CrashExceptionHandler (qboolean iswatchdog, DWORD exceptionCode, LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS exceptionInfo)
char dumpPath[1024];
HANDLE hProc = GetCurrentProcess();
DWORD procid = GetCurrentProcessId();
HANDLE dumpfile;
HMODULE hKernel;
BOOL (WINAPI *pIsDebuggerPresent)(void);
DWORD (WINAPI *pSymSetOptions)(DWORD SymOptions);
BOOL (WINAPI *pSymInitialize)(HANDLE hProcess, PSTR UserSearchPath, BOOL fInvadeProcess);
BOOL (WINAPI *pSymFromAddr)(HANDLE hProcess, DWORD64 Address, PDWORD64 Displacement, PSYMBOL_INFO Symbol);
#ifdef _WIN64
#define DBGHELP_POSTFIX "64"
BOOL (WINAPI *pStackWalkX)(DWORD MachineType, HANDLE hProcess, HANDLE hThread, LPSTACKFRAME64 StackFrame, PVOID ContextRecord, PREAD_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE64 ReadMemoryRoutine, PFUNCTION_TABLE_ACCESS_ROUTINE64 FunctionTableAccessRoutine, PGET_MODULE_BASE_ROUTINE64 GetModuleBaseRoutine, PTRANSLATE_ADDRESS_ROUTINE64 TranslateAddress);
PVOID (WINAPI *pSymFunctionTableAccessX)(HANDLE hProcess, DWORD64 AddrBase);
DWORD64 (WINAPI *pSymGetModuleBaseX)(HANDLE hProcess, DWORD64 qwAddr);
BOOL (WINAPI *pSymGetLineFromAddrX)(HANDLE hProcess, DWORD64 qwAddr, PDWORD pdwDisplacement, PIMAGEHLP_LINE64 Line64);
BOOL (WINAPI *pSymGetModuleInfoX)(HANDLE hProcess, DWORD64 qwAddr, PIMAGEHLP_MODULE64 ModuleInfo);
PVOID (WINAPI *pSymFunctionTableAccessX)(HANDLE hProcess, DWORD AddrBase);
DWORD (WINAPI *pSymGetModuleBaseX)(HANDLE hProcess, DWORD dwAddr);
BOOL (WINAPI *pSymGetLineFromAddrX)(HANDLE hProcess, DWORD dwAddr, PDWORD pdwDisplacement, PIMAGEHLP_LINE Line);
BOOL (WINAPI *pSymGetModuleInfoX)(HANDLE hProcess, DWORD dwAddr, PIMAGEHLP_MODULE ModuleInfo);
dllfunction_t debughelpfuncs[] =
{(void*)&pSymFromAddr, "SymFromAddr"},
{(void*)&pSymSetOptions, "SymSetOptions"},
{(void*)&pSymInitialize, "SymInitialize"},
{(void*)&pStackWalkX, "StackWalk"DBGHELP_POSTFIX},
{(void*)&pSymFunctionTableAccessX, "SymFunctionTableAccess"DBGHELP_POSTFIX},
{(void*)&pSymGetModuleBaseX, "SymGetModuleBase"DBGHELP_POSTFIX},
{(void*)&pSymGetLineFromAddrX, "SymGetLineFromAddr"DBGHELP_POSTFIX},
{(void*)&pSymGetModuleInfoX, "SymGetModuleInfo"DBGHELP_POSTFIX},
//because windows is a steaming pile of shite, we have to ignore any software-generated exceptions, because most of them are not in fact fatal, *EVEN IF THEY CLAIM TO BE NON-CONTINUABLE*
return exceptionCode;
hKernel = LoadLibrary ("kernel32");
pIsDebuggerPresent = (void*)GetProcAddress(hKernel, "IsDebuggerPresent");
if (pIsDebuggerPresent && pIsDebuggerPresent())
#if defined(HAVE_CLIENT) && defined(GLQUAKE)
if (qrenderer == QR_OPENGL)
#if 1//ndef _MSC_VER
if (Sys_LoadLibrary("DBGHELP", debughelpfuncs))
CONTEXT *pcontext = exceptionInfo->ContextRecord;
char name[1024];
} sym;
int frameno;
char stacklog[8192];
int logpos, logstart;
char *logline;
stacklog[logpos=0] = 0;
pSymInitialize(hProc, NULL, TRUE);
memset(&stack, 0, sizeof(stack));
#ifdef _WIN64
stack.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
stack.AddrPC.Offset = pcontext->Rip;
stack.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
stack.AddrFrame.Offset = pcontext->Rbp;
stack.AddrStack.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
stack.AddrStack.Offset = pcontext->Rsp;
stack.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
stack.AddrPC.Offset = pcontext->Eip;
stack.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
stack.AddrFrame.Offset = pcontext->Ebp;
stack.AddrStack.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
stack.AddrStack.Offset = pcontext->Esp;
Q_strncpyz(stacklog+logpos, FULLENGINENAME " or dependancy has crashed. The following stack dump been copied to your windows clipboard.\n"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
"Would you like to generate a core dump too?\n"
"\n", sizeof(stacklog)-logpos);
logstart = logpos += strlen(stacklog+logpos);
//so I know which one it is
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG)
#define BUILDDEBUGREL "Debug"
#define BUILDDEBUGREL "Optimised"
#ifdef MINIMAL
#define BUILDMINIMAL "Min"
#if defined(GLQUAKE) && !defined(D3DQUAKE)
#define BUILDTYPE "GL"
#elif !defined(GLQUAKE) && defined(D3DQUAKE)
#define BUILDTYPE "D3D"
#define BUILDTYPE "Merged"
Q_snprintfz(stacklog+logpos, sizeof(stacklog)-logpos, "Build: %s %s %s: %s\r\n", BUILDDEBUGREL, PLATFORM, BUILDMINIMAL BUILDTYPE, version_string());
logpos += strlen(stacklog+logpos);
for(frameno = 0; ; frameno++)
DWORD64 symdisp;
DWORD linedisp;
DWORD_PTR symaddr;
if (!pStackWalkX(IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_THIS, hProc, GetCurrentThread(), &stack, pcontext, NULL, pSymFunctionTableAccessX, pSymGetModuleBaseX, NULL))
memset(&module, 0, sizeof(module));
module.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(module);
pSymGetModuleInfoX(hProc, stack.AddrPC.Offset, &module);
memset(&line, 0, sizeof(line));
line.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(line);
symdisp = 0;
memset(&sym, 0, sizeof(sym));
sym.sym.MaxNameLen = sizeof(sym.name);
symaddr = stack.AddrPC.Offset;
sym.sym.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(sym.sym);
if (pSymFromAddr(hProc, symaddr, &symdisp, &sym.sym))
if (pSymGetLineFromAddrX(hProc, stack.AddrPC.Offset, &linedisp, &line))
logline = va("%-20s - %s:%i (%s)\r\n", sym.sym.Name, line.FileName, (int)line.LineNumber, module.LoadedImageName);
logline = va("%-20s+%#x (%s)\r\n", sym.sym.Name, (unsigned int)symdisp, module.LoadedImageName);
logline = va("0x%p (%s)\r\n", (void*)(DWORD_PTR)stack.AddrPC.Offset, module.LoadedImageName);
Q_strncpyz(stacklog+logpos, logline, sizeof(stacklog)-logpos);
logpos += strlen(stacklog+logpos);
if (logpos+1 >= sizeof(stacklog))
Sys_Printf("%s", stacklog+logstart);
Sys_Printf("We crashed.\nUnable to load dbghelp library. Stack info is not available\n");
hDbgHelp = LoadLibrary ("DBGHELP");
if (hDbgHelp)
fnMiniDumpWriteDump = (MINIDUMPWRITEDUMP)GetProcAddress (hDbgHelp, "MiniDumpWriteDump");
fnMiniDumpWriteDump = NULL;
if (fnMiniDumpWriteDump)
if (MessageBox(NULL, "KABOOM! We crashed!\nBlame the monkey in the corner.\nI hope you saved your work.\nWould you like to take a dump now?", DISTRIBUTION " Sucks", MB_ICONSTOP|MB_YESNO) != IDYES)
if (pIsDebuggerPresent ())
//its possible someone attached a debugger while we were showing that message
/*take a dump*/
GetTempPath (sizeof(dumpPath)-16, dumpPath);
Q_strncatz(dumpPath, DISTRIBUTION"CrashDump.dmp", sizeof(dumpPath));
if (dumpfile)
crashinfo.ClientPointers = TRUE;
crashinfo.ExceptionPointers = exceptionInfo;
crashinfo.ThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId ();
if (fnMiniDumpWriteDump(hProc, procid, dumpfile, MiniDumpWithIndirectlyReferencedMemory|MiniDumpWithDataSegs, &crashinfo, NULL, NULL))
MessageBox(NULL, va("You can find the crashdump at\n%s\nPlease send this file to someone.\n\nWarning: sensitive information (like your current user name) might be present in the dump.\nYou will probably want to compress it.", dumpPath), DISTRIBUTION " Sucks", 0);
MessageBox(NULL, "Kaboom! Sorry. No MiniDumpWriteDump function.", FULLENGINENAME " Sucks", 0);
LONG CALLBACK nonmsvc_CrashExceptionHandler(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS ExceptionInfo)
foo = CrashExceptionHandler(false, ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode, ExceptionInfo);
//we have no handler. thus we handle it by exiting.
return foo;
void Sys_CloseLibrary(dllhandle_t *lib)
dllhandle_t *Sys_LoadLibrary(const char *name, dllfunction_t *funcs)
int i;
lib = LoadLibrary(name);
if (!lib)
return NULL;
if (funcs)
for (i = 0; funcs[i].name; i++)
*funcs[i].funcptr = GetProcAddress(lib, funcs[i].name);
if (!*funcs[i].funcptr)
if (funcs[i].name)
lib = NULL;
return (dllhandle_t*)lib;
void *Sys_GetAddressForName(dllhandle_t *module, const char *exportname)
if (!module)
return NULL;
return GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)module, exportname);
char *Sys_GetNameForAddress(dllhandle_t *module, void *address)
//windows doesn't provide a function to do this, so we have to do it ourselves.
//this isn't the fastest way...
//halflife needs this function.
char *base = (char *)module;
IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *dosheader = (void*)base;
int i, j;
DWORD *funclist;
DWORD *namelist;
SHORT *ordilist;
if (!dosheader || dosheader->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE)
return NULL; //yeah, that wasn't an exe
ntheader = (void*)(base + dosheader->e_lfanew);
if (!dosheader->e_lfanew || ntheader->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE)
return NULL; //urm, wait, a 16bit dos exe?
datadir = &ntheader->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT];
block = (IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY *)(base + datadir->VirtualAddress);
funclist = (DWORD*)(base+block->AddressOfFunctions);
namelist = (DWORD*)(base+block->AddressOfNames);
ordilist = (SHORT*)(base+block->AddressOfNameOrdinals);
for (i = 0; i < block->NumberOfFunctions; i++)
if (base+funclist[i] == address)
for (j = 0; j < block->NumberOfNames; j++)
if (ordilist[j] == i)
return base+namelist[i];
//it has no name. huh?
return NULL;
return NULL;
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
qboolean asservice;
SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE ServerServiceStatusHandle;
void CreateSampleService(qboolean create);
void PR_Deinit(void);
cvar_t sys_nostdout = {"sys_nostdout","0"};
cvar_t sys_colorconsole = {"sys_colorconsole", "1"};
HWND consolewindowhandle;
HWND hiddenwindowhandler;
int Sys_DebugLog(char *file, char *fmt, ...)
va_list argptr;
static char data[1024];
int fd;
va_start(argptr, fmt);
vsnprintf(data, sizeof(data)-1, fmt, argptr);
fd = open(file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 0666);
if (fd)
write(fd, data, strlen(data));
return 0;
return 1; // error
int Sys_FileTime (char *path)
FILE *f;
f = fopen(path, "rb");
if (f)
return 1;
return -1;
rewrote ban code, merging bans+nonbans+cuffs+mute+cripple+deaf+lagged+vip. added timeouts. new penalties have no dedicated command. use the addip command for it. maplist command now generates links. implemented skin objects for q3. added a csqc builtin for it. also supports compositing skins. playing demos inside zips/pk3s/paks should now work. bumped default rate cvar. added cl_transfer to attempt to connect to a new server without disconnecting first. rewrote fog command. alpha and mindist arguments are now supported. fog change also happens over a short time period. added new args to the showpic console command. can now create clickable items for touchscreen/absmouse users. fixed menus to properly support right-aligned text. this finally fixes variable-width fonts. rewrote console tab completion suggestions display. now clickable links. strings obtained from qc are now marked as const. this has required quite a few added consts all over the place. probably crappy attempt at adding joypad support to the sdl port. no idea if it works. changed key bind event code. buttons now track which event they should trigger when released, instead of being the same one the whole time. this allows +forward etc clickable buttons on screen. Also simplified modifier keys - they no longer trigger random events when pressing the modifier key itself. Right modifiers can now be bound separately from left modifiers. Right will use left's binding if not otherwise bound. Bind assumes left if there's no prefix. multiplayer->setup->network menu no longer crashes. added rgb colours to the translation view (but not to the colour-changing keys). added modelviewer command to view models. added menu_mods menu to switch mods in a more friendly way. will be shown by default if multiple manifests exist in the binarydir. clamped classic tracer density. scrag particles no longer look quite so buggy. added ifdefs to facilitate a potential winrt port. the engine should now have no extra dependencies, but still needs system code+audio drivers to be written. if it can't set a renderer, it'll now try to use *every* renderer until it finds one that works. added experimental mapcluster server mode (that console command). New maps will be started up as required. rewrote skeletal blending code a bit. added cylinder geomtypes. fix cfg_save writing to the wrong path bug. VFS_CLOSE now returns a boolean. false means there was some sort of fatal error (either crc when reading was bad, or the write got corrupted or something). Typically ignorable, depends how robust you want to be. win32 tls code now supports running as a server. added connect tls://address support, as well as equivalent sv_addport support. exposed basic model loading api to plugins. d3d11 backend now optionally supports tessellation hlsl. no suitable hlsl provided by default. !!tess to enable. attempted to add gamma ramp support for d3d11. added support for shader blobs to speed up load times. r_shaderblobs 1 to enable. almost vital for d3d11. added vid_srgb cvar. shadowless lights are no longer disabled if shadows are not supported. attempt to add support for touchscreens in win7/8. Wrote gimmicky lua support, using lua instead of ssqc. define VM_LUA to enable. updated saved game code. can again load saved games from vanilla-like engines. changed scale clamping. 0.0001 should no longer appear as 1. changed default mintic from 0.03 to 0.013 to match vanilla qw. I don't know why it was at 0.03. probably a typo. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4623 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2014-03-30 08:55:06 +00:00
wchar_t *widen(wchar_t *out, size_t outlen, const char *utf8);
char *narrowen(char *out, size_t outlen, wchar_t *wide);
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
void Sys_mkdir (const char *path)
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
qboolean Sys_rmdir (const char *path)
return 0==_rmdir(path);
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
qboolean Sys_remove (const char *path)
return true;
playdemo accepts https urls now. will start playing before the file has finished downloading, to avoid unnecessary delays. reworked network addresses to separate address family and connection type. this should make banning people more reliable, as well as simplifying a whole load of logic (no need to check for ipv4 AND ipv6). tcpconnect will keep trying to connect even if the connection wasn't instant, instead of giving up instantly. rewrote tcp connections quite a bit. sv_port_tcp now handles qtv+qizmo+http+ws+rtcbroker+tls equivalents. qtv_streamport is now a legacy cvar and now acts equivalently to sv_port_tcp (but still separate). rewrote screenshot and video capture code to use strides. this solves image-is-upside down issues with vulkan. ignore alt key in browser port. oh no! no more red text! oh no! no more alt-being-wrongly-down-and-being-unable-to-type-anything-without-forcing-alt-released! reworked audio decoder interface. now has clearly defined success/unavailable/end-of-file results. this should solve a whole load of issues with audio streaming. fixed various openal audio streaming issues too. openal also got some workarounds for emscripten's poor emulation. fixed ogg decoder to retain sync properly if seeked. updated menu_media a bit. now reads vorbis comments/id3v1 tags to get proper track names. also saves the playlist so you don't have to manually repopulate the list so it might actually be usable now (after how many years?) r_stains now defaults to 0, and is no longer enabled by presets. use decals if you want that sort of thing. added fs_noreexec cvar, so configs will not be reexeced on gamedir change. this also means defaults won't be reapplied, etc. added 'nvvk' renderer on windows, using nvidia's vulkan-inside-opengl gl extension. mostly just to see how much slower it is. fixed up the ftp server quite a lot. more complete, more compliant, and should do ipv6 properly to-boot. file transfers also threaded. fixed potential crash inside runclientphys. experimental sv_antilag=3 setting. totally untested. the aim is to avoid missing due to lagged knockbacks. may be expensive for the server. browser port's websockets support fixed. experimental support for webrtc ('works for me', requires a broker server). updated avplug(renamed to ffmpeg so people know what it is) to use ffmpeg 3.2.4 properly, with its new encoder api. should be much more robust... also added experimental audio decoder for game music etc (currently doesn't resample, so playback rates are screwed, disabled by cvar). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@5097 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2017-05-10 02:08:58 +00:00
qboolean Sys_Rename (const char *oldfname, const char *newfname)
return !rename(oldfname, newfname);
static time_t Sys_FileTimeToTime(FILETIME ft)
ull.LowPart = ft.dwLowDateTime;
ull.HighPart = ft.dwHighDateTime;
return ull.QuadPart / 10000000ULL - 11644473600ULL;
static int Sys_EnumerateFiles2 (const char *match, int matchstart, int neststart, int (QDECL *func)(const char *fname, qofs_t fsize, time_t mtime, void *parm, searchpathfuncs_t *spath), void *parm, searchpathfuncs_t *spath)
rewrote ban code, merging bans+nonbans+cuffs+mute+cripple+deaf+lagged+vip. added timeouts. new penalties have no dedicated command. use the addip command for it. maplist command now generates links. implemented skin objects for q3. added a csqc builtin for it. also supports compositing skins. playing demos inside zips/pk3s/paks should now work. bumped default rate cvar. added cl_transfer to attempt to connect to a new server without disconnecting first. rewrote fog command. alpha and mindist arguments are now supported. fog change also happens over a short time period. added new args to the showpic console command. can now create clickable items for touchscreen/absmouse users. fixed menus to properly support right-aligned text. this finally fixes variable-width fonts. rewrote console tab completion suggestions display. now clickable links. strings obtained from qc are now marked as const. this has required quite a few added consts all over the place. probably crappy attempt at adding joypad support to the sdl port. no idea if it works. changed key bind event code. buttons now track which event they should trigger when released, instead of being the same one the whole time. this allows +forward etc clickable buttons on screen. Also simplified modifier keys - they no longer trigger random events when pressing the modifier key itself. Right modifiers can now be bound separately from left modifiers. Right will use left's binding if not otherwise bound. Bind assumes left if there's no prefix. multiplayer->setup->network menu no longer crashes. added rgb colours to the translation view (but not to the colour-changing keys). added modelviewer command to view models. added menu_mods menu to switch mods in a more friendly way. will be shown by default if multiple manifests exist in the binarydir. clamped classic tracer density. scrag particles no longer look quite so buggy. added ifdefs to facilitate a potential winrt port. the engine should now have no extra dependencies, but still needs system code+audio drivers to be written. if it can't set a renderer, it'll now try to use *every* renderer until it finds one that works. added experimental mapcluster server mode (that console command). New maps will be started up as required. rewrote skeletal blending code a bit. added cylinder geomtypes. fix cfg_save writing to the wrong path bug. VFS_CLOSE now returns a boolean. false means there was some sort of fatal error (either crc when reading was bad, or the write got corrupted or something). Typically ignorable, depends how robust you want to be. win32 tls code now supports running as a server. added connect tls://address support, as well as equivalent sv_addport support. exposed basic model loading api to plugins. d3d11 backend now optionally supports tessellation hlsl. no suitable hlsl provided by default. !!tess to enable. attempted to add gamma ramp support for d3d11. added support for shader blobs to speed up load times. r_shaderblobs 1 to enable. almost vital for d3d11. added vid_srgb cvar. shadowless lights are no longer disabled if shadows are not supported. attempt to add support for touchscreens in win7/8. Wrote gimmicky lua support, using lua instead of ssqc. define VM_LUA to enable. updated saved game code. can again load saved games from vanilla-like engines. changed scale clamping. 0.0001 should no longer appear as 1. changed default mintic from 0.03 to 0.013 to match vanilla qw. I don't know why it was at 0.03. probably a typo. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4623 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2014-03-30 08:55:06 +00:00
qboolean go;
if (!WinNT)
rewrote ban code, merging bans+nonbans+cuffs+mute+cripple+deaf+lagged+vip. added timeouts. new penalties have no dedicated command. use the addip command for it. maplist command now generates links. implemented skin objects for q3. added a csqc builtin for it. also supports compositing skins. playing demos inside zips/pk3s/paks should now work. bumped default rate cvar. added cl_transfer to attempt to connect to a new server without disconnecting first. rewrote fog command. alpha and mindist arguments are now supported. fog change also happens over a short time period. added new args to the showpic console command. can now create clickable items for touchscreen/absmouse users. fixed menus to properly support right-aligned text. this finally fixes variable-width fonts. rewrote console tab completion suggestions display. now clickable links. strings obtained from qc are now marked as const. this has required quite a few added consts all over the place. probably crappy attempt at adding joypad support to the sdl port. no idea if it works. changed key bind event code. buttons now track which event they should trigger when released, instead of being the same one the whole time. this allows +forward etc clickable buttons on screen. Also simplified modifier keys - they no longer trigger random events when pressing the modifier key itself. Right modifiers can now be bound separately from left modifiers. Right will use left's binding if not otherwise bound. Bind assumes left if there's no prefix. multiplayer->setup->network menu no longer crashes. added rgb colours to the translation view (but not to the colour-changing keys). added modelviewer command to view models. added menu_mods menu to switch mods in a more friendly way. will be shown by default if multiple manifests exist in the binarydir. clamped classic tracer density. scrag particles no longer look quite so buggy. added ifdefs to facilitate a potential winrt port. the engine should now have no extra dependencies, but still needs system code+audio drivers to be written. if it can't set a renderer, it'll now try to use *every* renderer until it finds one that works. added experimental mapcluster server mode (that console command). New maps will be started up as required. rewrote skeletal blending code a bit. added cylinder geomtypes. fix cfg_save writing to the wrong path bug. VFS_CLOSE now returns a boolean. false means there was some sort of fatal error (either crc when reading was bad, or the write got corrupted or something). Typically ignorable, depends how robust you want to be. win32 tls code now supports running as a server. added connect tls://address support, as well as equivalent sv_addport support. exposed basic model loading api to plugins. d3d11 backend now optionally supports tessellation hlsl. no suitable hlsl provided by default. !!tess to enable. attempted to add gamma ramp support for d3d11. added support for shader blobs to speed up load times. r_shaderblobs 1 to enable. almost vital for d3d11. added vid_srgb cvar. shadowless lights are no longer disabled if shadows are not supported. attempt to add support for touchscreens in win7/8. Wrote gimmicky lua support, using lua instead of ssqc. define VM_LUA to enable. updated saved game code. can again load saved games from vanilla-like engines. changed scale clamping. 0.0001 should no longer appear as 1. changed default mintic from 0.03 to 0.013 to match vanilla qw. I don't know why it was at 0.03. probably a typo. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4623 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2014-03-30 08:55:06 +00:00
int nest = neststart; //neststart refers to just after a /
qboolean wild = false;
while(match[nest] && match[nest] != '/')
if (match[nest] == '?' || match[nest] == '*')
wild = true;
if (match[nest] == '/')
char submatch[MAX_OSPATH];
char tmproot[MAX_OSPATH];
char file[MAX_OSPATH];
if (!wild)
return Sys_EnumerateFiles2(match, matchstart, nest+1, func, parm, spath);
if (nest-neststart+1> MAX_OSPATH)
return 1;
memcpy(submatch, match+neststart, nest - neststart);
submatch[nest - neststart] = 0;
if (neststart+4 > MAX_OSPATH)
return 1;
memcpy(tmproot, match, neststart);
strcpy(tmproot+neststart, "*.*");
r = FindFirstFile(tmproot, &fd);
strcpy(tmproot+neststart, "");
if (r==(HANDLE)-1)
return 1;
go = true;
if (*fd.cFileName == '.'); //don't ever find files with a name starting with '.'
else if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) //is a directory
if (wildcmp(submatch, fd.cFileName))
int newnest;
if (strlen(tmproot) + strlen(fd.cFileName) + strlen(match+nest) + 2 < MAX_OSPATH)
Q_snprintfz(file, sizeof(file), "%s%s/", tmproot, fd.cFileName);
newnest = strlen(file);
strcpy(file+newnest, match+nest);
go = Sys_EnumerateFiles2(file, matchstart, newnest, func, parm, spath);
} while(FindNextFile(r, &fd) && go);
const char *submatch = match + neststart;
char tmproot[MAX_OSPATH];
char file[MAX_OSPATH];
if (neststart+4 > MAX_OSPATH)
return 1;
memcpy(tmproot, match, neststart);
strcpy(tmproot+neststart, "*.*");
r = FindFirstFile(tmproot, &fd);
strcpy(tmproot+neststart, "");
if (r==(HANDLE)-1)
return 1;
go = true;
if (*fd.cFileName == '.')
; //don't ever find files with a name starting with '.' (includes .. and . directories, and unix hidden files)
else if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) //is a directory
if (wildcmp(submatch, fd.cFileName))
if (strlen(tmproot+matchstart) + strlen(fd.cFileName) + 2 < MAX_OSPATH)
Q_snprintfz(file, sizeof(file), "%s%s/", tmproot+matchstart, fd.cFileName);
go = func(file, qofs_Make(fd.nFileSizeLow, fd.nFileSizeHigh), Sys_FileTimeToTime(fd.ftLastWriteTime), parm, spath);
rewrote ban code, merging bans+nonbans+cuffs+mute+cripple+deaf+lagged+vip. added timeouts. new penalties have no dedicated command. use the addip command for it. maplist command now generates links. implemented skin objects for q3. added a csqc builtin for it. also supports compositing skins. playing demos inside zips/pk3s/paks should now work. bumped default rate cvar. added cl_transfer to attempt to connect to a new server without disconnecting first. rewrote fog command. alpha and mindist arguments are now supported. fog change also happens over a short time period. added new args to the showpic console command. can now create clickable items for touchscreen/absmouse users. fixed menus to properly support right-aligned text. this finally fixes variable-width fonts. rewrote console tab completion suggestions display. now clickable links. strings obtained from qc are now marked as const. this has required quite a few added consts all over the place. probably crappy attempt at adding joypad support to the sdl port. no idea if it works. changed key bind event code. buttons now track which event they should trigger when released, instead of being the same one the whole time. this allows +forward etc clickable buttons on screen. Also simplified modifier keys - they no longer trigger random events when pressing the modifier key itself. Right modifiers can now be bound separately from left modifiers. Right will use left's binding if not otherwise bound. Bind assumes left if there's no prefix. multiplayer->setup->network menu no longer crashes. added rgb colours to the translation view (but not to the colour-changing keys). added modelviewer command to view models. added menu_mods menu to switch mods in a more friendly way. will be shown by default if multiple manifests exist in the binarydir. clamped classic tracer density. scrag particles no longer look quite so buggy. added ifdefs to facilitate a potential winrt port. the engine should now have no extra dependencies, but still needs system code+audio drivers to be written. if it can't set a renderer, it'll now try to use *every* renderer until it finds one that works. added experimental mapcluster server mode (that console command). New maps will be started up as required. rewrote skeletal blending code a bit. added cylinder geomtypes. fix cfg_save writing to the wrong path bug. VFS_CLOSE now returns a boolean. false means there was some sort of fatal error (either crc when reading was bad, or the write got corrupted or something). Typically ignorable, depends how robust you want to be. win32 tls code now supports running as a server. added connect tls://address support, as well as equivalent sv_addport support. exposed basic model loading api to plugins. d3d11 backend now optionally supports tessellation hlsl. no suitable hlsl provided by default. !!tess to enable. attempted to add gamma ramp support for d3d11. added support for shader blobs to speed up load times. r_shaderblobs 1 to enable. almost vital for d3d11. added vid_srgb cvar. shadowless lights are no longer disabled if shadows are not supported. attempt to add support for touchscreens in win7/8. Wrote gimmicky lua support, using lua instead of ssqc. define VM_LUA to enable. updated saved game code. can again load saved games from vanilla-like engines. changed scale clamping. 0.0001 should no longer appear as 1. changed default mintic from 0.03 to 0.013 to match vanilla qw. I don't know why it was at 0.03. probably a typo. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4623 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2014-03-30 08:55:06 +00:00
if (wildcmp(submatch, fd.cFileName))
if (strlen(tmproot+matchstart) + strlen(fd.cFileName) + 1 < MAX_OSPATH)
Q_snprintfz(file, sizeof(file), "%s%s", tmproot+matchstart, fd.cFileName);
go = func(file, qofs_Make(fd.nFileSizeLow, fd.nFileSizeHigh), Sys_FileTimeToTime(fd.ftLastWriteTime), parm, spath);
rewrote ban code, merging bans+nonbans+cuffs+mute+cripple+deaf+lagged+vip. added timeouts. new penalties have no dedicated command. use the addip command for it. maplist command now generates links. implemented skin objects for q3. added a csqc builtin for it. also supports compositing skins. playing demos inside zips/pk3s/paks should now work. bumped default rate cvar. added cl_transfer to attempt to connect to a new server without disconnecting first. rewrote fog command. alpha and mindist arguments are now supported. fog change also happens over a short time period. added new args to the showpic console command. can now create clickable items for touchscreen/absmouse users. fixed menus to properly support right-aligned text. this finally fixes variable-width fonts. rewrote console tab completion suggestions display. now clickable links. strings obtained from qc are now marked as const. this has required quite a few added consts all over the place. probably crappy attempt at adding joypad support to the sdl port. no idea if it works. changed key bind event code. buttons now track which event they should trigger when released, instead of being the same one the whole time. this allows +forward etc clickable buttons on screen. Also simplified modifier keys - they no longer trigger random events when pressing the modifier key itself. Right modifiers can now be bound separately from left modifiers. Right will use left's binding if not otherwise bound. Bind assumes left if there's no prefix. multiplayer->setup->network menu no longer crashes. added rgb colours to the translation view (but not to the colour-changing keys). added modelviewer command to view models. added menu_mods menu to switch mods in a more friendly way. will be shown by default if multiple manifests exist in the binarydir. clamped classic tracer density. scrag particles no longer look quite so buggy. added ifdefs to facilitate a potential winrt port. the engine should now have no extra dependencies, but still needs system code+audio drivers to be written. if it can't set a renderer, it'll now try to use *every* renderer until it finds one that works. added experimental mapcluster server mode (that console command). New maps will be started up as required. rewrote skeletal blending code a bit. added cylinder geomtypes. fix cfg_save writing to the wrong path bug. VFS_CLOSE now returns a boolean. false means there was some sort of fatal error (either crc when reading was bad, or the write got corrupted or something). Typically ignorable, depends how robust you want to be. win32 tls code now supports running as a server. added connect tls://address support, as well as equivalent sv_addport support. exposed basic model loading api to plugins. d3d11 backend now optionally supports tessellation hlsl. no suitable hlsl provided by default. !!tess to enable. attempted to add gamma ramp support for d3d11. added support for shader blobs to speed up load times. r_shaderblobs 1 to enable. almost vital for d3d11. added vid_srgb cvar. shadowless lights are no longer disabled if shadows are not supported. attempt to add support for touchscreens in win7/8. Wrote gimmicky lua support, using lua instead of ssqc. define VM_LUA to enable. updated saved game code. can again load saved games from vanilla-like engines. changed scale clamping. 0.0001 should no longer appear as 1. changed default mintic from 0.03 to 0.013 to match vanilla qw. I don't know why it was at 0.03. probably a typo. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4623 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2014-03-30 08:55:06 +00:00
} while(FindNextFile(r, &fd) && go);
rewrote ban code, merging bans+nonbans+cuffs+mute+cripple+deaf+lagged+vip. added timeouts. new penalties have no dedicated command. use the addip command for it. maplist command now generates links. implemented skin objects for q3. added a csqc builtin for it. also supports compositing skins. playing demos inside zips/pk3s/paks should now work. bumped default rate cvar. added cl_transfer to attempt to connect to a new server without disconnecting first. rewrote fog command. alpha and mindist arguments are now supported. fog change also happens over a short time period. added new args to the showpic console command. can now create clickable items for touchscreen/absmouse users. fixed menus to properly support right-aligned text. this finally fixes variable-width fonts. rewrote console tab completion suggestions display. now clickable links. strings obtained from qc are now marked as const. this has required quite a few added consts all over the place. probably crappy attempt at adding joypad support to the sdl port. no idea if it works. changed key bind event code. buttons now track which event they should trigger when released, instead of being the same one the whole time. this allows +forward etc clickable buttons on screen. Also simplified modifier keys - they no longer trigger random events when pressing the modifier key itself. Right modifiers can now be bound separately from left modifiers. Right will use left's binding if not otherwise bound. Bind assumes left if there's no prefix. multiplayer->setup->network menu no longer crashes. added rgb colours to the translation view (but not to the colour-changing keys). added modelviewer command to view models. added menu_mods menu to switch mods in a more friendly way. will be shown by default if multiple manifests exist in the binarydir. clamped classic tracer density. scrag particles no longer look quite so buggy. added ifdefs to facilitate a potential winrt port. the engine should now have no extra dependencies, but still needs system code+audio drivers to be written. if it can't set a renderer, it'll now try to use *every* renderer until it finds one that works. added experimental mapcluster server mode (that console command). New maps will be started up as required. rewrote skeletal blending code a bit. added cylinder geomtypes. fix cfg_save writing to the wrong path bug. VFS_CLOSE now returns a boolean. false means there was some sort of fatal error (either crc when reading was bad, or the write got corrupted or something). Typically ignorable, depends how robust you want to be. win32 tls code now supports running as a server. added connect tls://address support, as well as equivalent sv_addport support. exposed basic model loading api to plugins. d3d11 backend now optionally supports tessellation hlsl. no suitable hlsl provided by default. !!tess to enable. attempted to add gamma ramp support for d3d11. added support for shader blobs to speed up load times. r_shaderblobs 1 to enable. almost vital for d3d11. added vid_srgb cvar. shadowless lights are no longer disabled if shadows are not supported. attempt to add support for touchscreens in win7/8. Wrote gimmicky lua support, using lua instead of ssqc. define VM_LUA to enable. updated saved game code. can again load saved games from vanilla-like engines. changed scale clamping. 0.0001 should no longer appear as 1. changed default mintic from 0.03 to 0.013 to match vanilla qw. I don't know why it was at 0.03. probably a typo. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4623 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2014-03-30 08:55:06 +00:00
int nest = neststart; //neststart refers to just after a /
qboolean wild = false;
rewrote ban code, merging bans+nonbans+cuffs+mute+cripple+deaf+lagged+vip. added timeouts. new penalties have no dedicated command. use the addip command for it. maplist command now generates links. implemented skin objects for q3. added a csqc builtin for it. also supports compositing skins. playing demos inside zips/pk3s/paks should now work. bumped default rate cvar. added cl_transfer to attempt to connect to a new server without disconnecting first. rewrote fog command. alpha and mindist arguments are now supported. fog change also happens over a short time period. added new args to the showpic console command. can now create clickable items for touchscreen/absmouse users. fixed menus to properly support right-aligned text. this finally fixes variable-width fonts. rewrote console tab completion suggestions display. now clickable links. strings obtained from qc are now marked as const. this has required quite a few added consts all over the place. probably crappy attempt at adding joypad support to the sdl port. no idea if it works. changed key bind event code. buttons now track which event they should trigger when released, instead of being the same one the whole time. this allows +forward etc clickable buttons on screen. Also simplified modifier keys - they no longer trigger random events when pressing the modifier key itself. Right modifiers can now be bound separately from left modifiers. Right will use left's binding if not otherwise bound. Bind assumes left if there's no prefix. multiplayer->setup->network menu no longer crashes. added rgb colours to the translation view (but not to the colour-changing keys). added modelviewer command to view models. added menu_mods menu to switch mods in a more friendly way. will be shown by default if multiple manifests exist in the binarydir. clamped classic tracer density. scrag particles no longer look quite so buggy. added ifdefs to facilitate a potential winrt port. the engine should now have no extra dependencies, but still needs system code+audio drivers to be written. if it can't set a renderer, it'll now try to use *every* renderer until it finds one that works. added experimental mapcluster server mode (that console command). New maps will be started up as required. rewrote skeletal blending code a bit. added cylinder geomtypes. fix cfg_save writing to the wrong path bug. VFS_CLOSE now returns a boolean. false means there was some sort of fatal error (either crc when reading was bad, or the write got corrupted or something). Typically ignorable, depends how robust you want to be. win32 tls code now supports running as a server. added connect tls://address support, as well as equivalent sv_addport support. exposed basic model loading api to plugins. d3d11 backend now optionally supports tessellation hlsl. no suitable hlsl provided by default. !!tess to enable. attempted to add gamma ramp support for d3d11. added support for shader blobs to speed up load times. r_shaderblobs 1 to enable. almost vital for d3d11. added vid_srgb cvar. shadowless lights are no longer disabled if shadows are not supported. attempt to add support for touchscreens in win7/8. Wrote gimmicky lua support, using lua instead of ssqc. define VM_LUA to enable. updated saved game code. can again load saved games from vanilla-like engines. changed scale clamping. 0.0001 should no longer appear as 1. changed default mintic from 0.03 to 0.013 to match vanilla qw. I don't know why it was at 0.03. probably a typo. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4623 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2014-03-30 08:55:06 +00:00
while(match[nest] && match[nest] != '/')
if (match[nest] == '?' || match[nest] == '*')
wild = true;
if (match[nest] == '/')
char submatch[MAX_OSPATH];
char tmproot[MAX_OSPATH];
rewrote ban code, merging bans+nonbans+cuffs+mute+cripple+deaf+lagged+vip. added timeouts. new penalties have no dedicated command. use the addip command for it. maplist command now generates links. implemented skin objects for q3. added a csqc builtin for it. also supports compositing skins. playing demos inside zips/pk3s/paks should now work. bumped default rate cvar. added cl_transfer to attempt to connect to a new server without disconnecting first. rewrote fog command. alpha and mindist arguments are now supported. fog change also happens over a short time period. added new args to the showpic console command. can now create clickable items for touchscreen/absmouse users. fixed menus to properly support right-aligned text. this finally fixes variable-width fonts. rewrote console tab completion suggestions display. now clickable links. strings obtained from qc are now marked as const. this has required quite a few added consts all over the place. probably crappy attempt at adding joypad support to the sdl port. no idea if it works. changed key bind event code. buttons now track which event they should trigger when released, instead of being the same one the whole time. this allows +forward etc clickable buttons on screen. Also simplified modifier keys - they no longer trigger random events when pressing the modifier key itself. Right modifiers can now be bound separately from left modifiers. Right will use left's binding if not otherwise bound. Bind assumes left if there's no prefix. multiplayer->setup->network menu no longer crashes. added rgb colours to the translation view (but not to the colour-changing keys). added modelviewer command to view models. added menu_mods menu to switch mods in a more friendly way. will be shown by default if multiple manifests exist in the binarydir. clamped classic tracer density. scrag particles no longer look quite so buggy. added ifdefs to facilitate a potential winrt port. the engine should now have no extra dependencies, but still needs system code+audio drivers to be written. if it can't set a renderer, it'll now try to use *every* renderer until it finds one that works. added experimental mapcluster server mode (that console command). New maps will be started up as required. rewrote skeletal blending code a bit. added cylinder geomtypes. fix cfg_save writing to the wrong path bug. VFS_CLOSE now returns a boolean. false means there was some sort of fatal error (either crc when reading was bad, or the write got corrupted or something). Typically ignorable, depends how robust you want to be. win32 tls code now supports running as a server. added connect tls://address support, as well as equivalent sv_addport support. exposed basic model loading api to plugins. d3d11 backend now optionally supports tessellation hlsl. no suitable hlsl provided by default. !!tess to enable. attempted to add gamma ramp support for d3d11. added support for shader blobs to speed up load times. r_shaderblobs 1 to enable. almost vital for d3d11. added vid_srgb cvar. shadowless lights are no longer disabled if shadows are not supported. attempt to add support for touchscreens in win7/8. Wrote gimmicky lua support, using lua instead of ssqc. define VM_LUA to enable. updated saved game code. can again load saved games from vanilla-like engines. changed scale clamping. 0.0001 should no longer appear as 1. changed default mintic from 0.03 to 0.013 to match vanilla qw. I don't know why it was at 0.03. probably a typo. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4623 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2014-03-30 08:55:06 +00:00
if (!wild)
return Sys_EnumerateFiles2(match, matchstart, nest+1, func, parm, spath);
if (nest-neststart+1> MAX_OSPATH)
return 1;
memcpy(submatch, match+neststart, nest - neststart);
submatch[nest - neststart] = 0;
if (neststart+4 > MAX_OSPATH)
return 1;
memcpy(tmproot, match, neststart);
strcpy(tmproot+neststart, "*.*");
rewrote ban code, merging bans+nonbans+cuffs+mute+cripple+deaf+lagged+vip. added timeouts. new penalties have no dedicated command. use the addip command for it. maplist command now generates links. implemented skin objects for q3. added a csqc builtin for it. also supports compositing skins. playing demos inside zips/pk3s/paks should now work. bumped default rate cvar. added cl_transfer to attempt to connect to a new server without disconnecting first. rewrote fog command. alpha and mindist arguments are now supported. fog change also happens over a short time period. added new args to the showpic console command. can now create clickable items for touchscreen/absmouse users. fixed menus to properly support right-aligned text. this finally fixes variable-width fonts. rewrote console tab completion suggestions display. now clickable links. strings obtained from qc are now marked as const. this has required quite a few added consts all over the place. probably crappy attempt at adding joypad support to the sdl port. no idea if it works. changed key bind event code. buttons now track which event they should trigger when released, instead of being the same one the whole time. this allows +forward etc clickable buttons on screen. Also simplified modifier keys - they no longer trigger random events when pressing the modifier key itself. Right modifiers can now be bound separately from left modifiers. Right will use left's binding if not otherwise bound. Bind assumes left if there's no prefix. multiplayer->setup->network menu no longer crashes. added rgb colours to the translation view (but not to the colour-changing keys). added modelviewer command to view models. added menu_mods menu to switch mods in a more friendly way. will be shown by default if multiple manifests exist in the binarydir. clamped classic tracer density. scrag particles no longer look quite so buggy. added ifdefs to facilitate a potential winrt port. the engine should now have no extra dependencies, but still needs system code+audio drivers to be written. if it can't set a renderer, it'll now try to use *every* renderer until it finds one that works. added experimental mapcluster server mode (that console command). New maps will be started up as required. rewrote skeletal blending code a bit. added cylinder geomtypes. fix cfg_save writing to the wrong path bug. VFS_CLOSE now returns a boolean. false means there was some sort of fatal error (either crc when reading was bad, or the write got corrupted or something). Typically ignorable, depends how robust you want to be. win32 tls code now supports running as a server. added connect tls://address support, as well as equivalent sv_addport support. exposed basic model loading api to plugins. d3d11 backend now optionally supports tessellation hlsl. no suitable hlsl provided by default. !!tess to enable. attempted to add gamma ramp support for d3d11. added support for shader blobs to speed up load times. r_shaderblobs 1 to enable. almost vital for d3d11. added vid_srgb cvar. shadowless lights are no longer disabled if shadows are not supported. attempt to add support for touchscreens in win7/8. Wrote gimmicky lua support, using lua instead of ssqc. define VM_LUA to enable. updated saved game code. can again load saved games from vanilla-like engines. changed scale clamping. 0.0001 should no longer appear as 1. changed default mintic from 0.03 to 0.013 to match vanilla qw. I don't know why it was at 0.03. probably a typo. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4623 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2014-03-30 08:55:06 +00:00
wchar_t wroot[MAX_OSPATH];
r = FindFirstFileW(widen(wroot, sizeof(wroot), tmproot), &fd);
rewrote ban code, merging bans+nonbans+cuffs+mute+cripple+deaf+lagged+vip. added timeouts. new penalties have no dedicated command. use the addip command for it. maplist command now generates links. implemented skin objects for q3. added a csqc builtin for it. also supports compositing skins. playing demos inside zips/pk3s/paks should now work. bumped default rate cvar. added cl_transfer to attempt to connect to a new server without disconnecting first. rewrote fog command. alpha and mindist arguments are now supported. fog change also happens over a short time period. added new args to the showpic console command. can now create clickable items for touchscreen/absmouse users. fixed menus to properly support right-aligned text. this finally fixes variable-width fonts. rewrote console tab completion suggestions display. now clickable links. strings obtained from qc are now marked as const. this has required quite a few added consts all over the place. probably crappy attempt at adding joypad support to the sdl port. no idea if it works. changed key bind event code. buttons now track which event they should trigger when released, instead of being the same one the whole time. this allows +forward etc clickable buttons on screen. Also simplified modifier keys - they no longer trigger random events when pressing the modifier key itself. Right modifiers can now be bound separately from left modifiers. Right will use left's binding if not otherwise bound. Bind assumes left if there's no prefix. multiplayer->setup->network menu no longer crashes. added rgb colours to the translation view (but not to the colour-changing keys). added modelviewer command to view models. added menu_mods menu to switch mods in a more friendly way. will be shown by default if multiple manifests exist in the binarydir. clamped classic tracer density. scrag particles no longer look quite so buggy. added ifdefs to facilitate a potential winrt port. the engine should now have no extra dependencies, but still needs system code+audio drivers to be written. if it can't set a renderer, it'll now try to use *every* renderer until it finds one that works. added experimental mapcluster server mode (that console command). New maps will be started up as required. rewrote skeletal blending code a bit. added cylinder geomtypes. fix cfg_save writing to the wrong path bug. VFS_CLOSE now returns a boolean. false means there was some sort of fatal error (either crc when reading was bad, or the write got corrupted or something). Typically ignorable, depends how robust you want to be. win32 tls code now supports running as a server. added connect tls://address support, as well as equivalent sv_addport support. exposed basic model loading api to plugins. d3d11 backend now optionally supports tessellation hlsl. no suitable hlsl provided by default. !!tess to enable. attempted to add gamma ramp support for d3d11. added support for shader blobs to speed up load times. r_shaderblobs 1 to enable. almost vital for d3d11. added vid_srgb cvar. shadowless lights are no longer disabled if shadows are not supported. attempt to add support for touchscreens in win7/8. Wrote gimmicky lua support, using lua instead of ssqc. define VM_LUA to enable. updated saved game code. can again load saved games from vanilla-like engines. changed scale clamping. 0.0001 should no longer appear as 1. changed default mintic from 0.03 to 0.013 to match vanilla qw. I don't know why it was at 0.03. probably a typo. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4623 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2014-03-30 08:55:06 +00:00
strcpy(tmproot+neststart, "");
if (r==(HANDLE)-1)
return 1;
go = true;
char utf8[MAX_OSPATH];
char file[MAX_OSPATH];
narrowen(utf8, sizeof(utf8), fd.cFileName);
if (*utf8 == '.'); //don't ever find files with a name starting with '.'
else if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) //is a directory
if (wildcmp(submatch, utf8))
int newnest;
if (strlen(tmproot) + strlen(utf8) + strlen(match+nest) + 2 < MAX_OSPATH)
Q_snprintfz(file, sizeof(file), "%s%s/", tmproot, utf8);
newnest = strlen(file);
strcpy(file+newnest, match+nest);
go = Sys_EnumerateFiles2(file, matchstart, newnest, func, parm, spath);
} while(FindNextFileW(r, &fd) && go);
rewrote ban code, merging bans+nonbans+cuffs+mute+cripple+deaf+lagged+vip. added timeouts. new penalties have no dedicated command. use the addip command for it. maplist command now generates links. implemented skin objects for q3. added a csqc builtin for it. also supports compositing skins. playing demos inside zips/pk3s/paks should now work. bumped default rate cvar. added cl_transfer to attempt to connect to a new server without disconnecting first. rewrote fog command. alpha and mindist arguments are now supported. fog change also happens over a short time period. added new args to the showpic console command. can now create clickable items for touchscreen/absmouse users. fixed menus to properly support right-aligned text. this finally fixes variable-width fonts. rewrote console tab completion suggestions display. now clickable links. strings obtained from qc are now marked as const. this has required quite a few added consts all over the place. probably crappy attempt at adding joypad support to the sdl port. no idea if it works. changed key bind event code. buttons now track which event they should trigger when released, instead of being the same one the whole time. this allows +forward etc clickable buttons on screen. Also simplified modifier keys - they no longer trigger random events when pressing the modifier key itself. Right modifiers can now be bound separately from left modifiers. Right will use left's binding if not otherwise bound. Bind assumes left if there's no prefix. multiplayer->setup->network menu no longer crashes. added rgb colours to the translation view (but not to the colour-changing keys). added modelviewer command to view models. added menu_mods menu to switch mods in a more friendly way. will be shown by default if multiple manifests exist in the binarydir. clamped classic tracer density. scrag particles no longer look quite so buggy. added ifdefs to facilitate a potential winrt port. the engine should now have no extra dependencies, but still needs system code+audio drivers to be written. if it can't set a renderer, it'll now try to use *every* renderer until it finds one that works. added experimental mapcluster server mode (that console command). New maps will be started up as required. rewrote skeletal blending code a bit. added cylinder geomtypes. fix cfg_save writing to the wrong path bug. VFS_CLOSE now returns a boolean. false means there was some sort of fatal error (either crc when reading was bad, or the write got corrupted or something). Typically ignorable, depends how robust you want to be. win32 tls code now supports running as a server. added connect tls://address support, as well as equivalent sv_addport support. exposed basic model loading api to plugins. d3d11 backend now optionally supports tessellation hlsl. no suitable hlsl provided by default. !!tess to enable. attempted to add gamma ramp support for d3d11. added support for shader blobs to speed up load times. r_shaderblobs 1 to enable. almost vital for d3d11. added vid_srgb cvar. shadowless lights are no longer disabled if shadows are not supported. attempt to add support for touchscreens in win7/8. Wrote gimmicky lua support, using lua instead of ssqc. define VM_LUA to enable. updated saved game code. can again load saved games from vanilla-like engines. changed scale clamping. 0.0001 should no longer appear as 1. changed default mintic from 0.03 to 0.013 to match vanilla qw. I don't know why it was at 0.03. probably a typo. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4623 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2014-03-30 08:55:06 +00:00
const char *submatch = match + neststart;
char tmproot[MAX_OSPATH];
if (neststart+4 > MAX_OSPATH)
return 1;
memcpy(tmproot, match, neststart);
strcpy(tmproot+neststart, "*.*");
wchar_t wroot[MAX_OSPATH];
r = FindFirstFileW(widen(wroot, sizeof(wroot), tmproot), &fd);
strcpy(tmproot+neststart, "");
if (r==(HANDLE)-1)
return 1;
go = true;
char utf8[MAX_OSPATH];
char file[MAX_OSPATH];
narrowen(utf8, sizeof(utf8), fd.cFileName);
if (*utf8 == '.')
; //don't ever find files with a name starting with '.' (includes .. and . directories, and unix hidden files)
else if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) //is a directory
if (wildcmp(submatch, utf8))
if (strlen(tmproot+matchstart) + strlen(utf8) + 2 < MAX_OSPATH)
Q_snprintfz(file, sizeof(file), "%s%s/", tmproot+matchstart, utf8);
go = func(file, qofs_Make(fd.nFileSizeLow, fd.nFileSizeHigh), Sys_FileTimeToTime(fd.ftLastWriteTime), parm, spath);
rewrote ban code, merging bans+nonbans+cuffs+mute+cripple+deaf+lagged+vip. added timeouts. new penalties have no dedicated command. use the addip command for it. maplist command now generates links. implemented skin objects for q3. added a csqc builtin for it. also supports compositing skins. playing demos inside zips/pk3s/paks should now work. bumped default rate cvar. added cl_transfer to attempt to connect to a new server without disconnecting first. rewrote fog command. alpha and mindist arguments are now supported. fog change also happens over a short time period. added new args to the showpic console command. can now create clickable items for touchscreen/absmouse users. fixed menus to properly support right-aligned text. this finally fixes variable-width fonts. rewrote console tab completion suggestions display. now clickable links. strings obtained from qc are now marked as const. this has required quite a few added consts all over the place. probably crappy attempt at adding joypad support to the sdl port. no idea if it works. changed key bind event code. buttons now track which event they should trigger when released, instead of being the same one the whole time. this allows +forward etc clickable buttons on screen. Also simplified modifier keys - they no longer trigger random events when pressing the modifier key itself. Right modifiers can now be bound separately from left modifiers. Right will use left's binding if not otherwise bound. Bind assumes left if there's no prefix. multiplayer->setup->network menu no longer crashes. added rgb colours to the translation view (but not to the colour-changing keys). added modelviewer command to view models. added menu_mods menu to switch mods in a more friendly way. will be shown by default if multiple manifests exist in the binarydir. clamped classic tracer density. scrag particles no longer look quite so buggy. added ifdefs to facilitate a potential winrt port. the engine should now have no extra dependencies, but still needs system code+audio drivers to be written. if it can't set a renderer, it'll now try to use *every* renderer until it finds one that works. added experimental mapcluster server mode (that console command). New maps will be started up as required. rewrote skeletal blending code a bit. added cylinder geomtypes. fix cfg_save writing to the wrong path bug. VFS_CLOSE now returns a boolean. false means there was some sort of fatal error (either crc when reading was bad, or the write got corrupted or something). Typically ignorable, depends how robust you want to be. win32 tls code now supports running as a server. added connect tls://address support, as well as equivalent sv_addport support. exposed basic model loading api to plugins. d3d11 backend now optionally supports tessellation hlsl. no suitable hlsl provided by default. !!tess to enable. attempted to add gamma ramp support for d3d11. added support for shader blobs to speed up load times. r_shaderblobs 1 to enable. almost vital for d3d11. added vid_srgb cvar. shadowless lights are no longer disabled if shadows are not supported. attempt to add support for touchscreens in win7/8. Wrote gimmicky lua support, using lua instead of ssqc. define VM_LUA to enable. updated saved game code. can again load saved games from vanilla-like engines. changed scale clamping. 0.0001 should no longer appear as 1. changed default mintic from 0.03 to 0.013 to match vanilla qw. I don't know why it was at 0.03. probably a typo. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4623 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2014-03-30 08:55:06 +00:00
if (wildcmp(submatch, utf8))
if (strlen(tmproot+matchstart) + strlen(utf8) + 1 < MAX_OSPATH)
Q_snprintfz(file, sizeof(file), "%s%s", tmproot+matchstart, utf8);
go = func(file, qofs_Make(fd.nFileSizeLow, fd.nFileSizeHigh), Sys_FileTimeToTime(fd.ftLastWriteTime), parm, spath);
rewrote ban code, merging bans+nonbans+cuffs+mute+cripple+deaf+lagged+vip. added timeouts. new penalties have no dedicated command. use the addip command for it. maplist command now generates links. implemented skin objects for q3. added a csqc builtin for it. also supports compositing skins. playing demos inside zips/pk3s/paks should now work. bumped default rate cvar. added cl_transfer to attempt to connect to a new server without disconnecting first. rewrote fog command. alpha and mindist arguments are now supported. fog change also happens over a short time period. added new args to the showpic console command. can now create clickable items for touchscreen/absmouse users. fixed menus to properly support right-aligned text. this finally fixes variable-width fonts. rewrote console tab completion suggestions display. now clickable links. strings obtained from qc are now marked as const. this has required quite a few added consts all over the place. probably crappy attempt at adding joypad support to the sdl port. no idea if it works. changed key bind event code. buttons now track which event they should trigger when released, instead of being the same one the whole time. this allows +forward etc clickable buttons on screen. Also simplified modifier keys - they no longer trigger random events when pressing the modifier key itself. Right modifiers can now be bound separately from left modifiers. Right will use left's binding if not otherwise bound. Bind assumes left if there's no prefix. multiplayer->setup->network menu no longer crashes. added rgb colours to the translation view (but not to the colour-changing keys). added modelviewer command to view models. added menu_mods menu to switch mods in a more friendly way. will be shown by default if multiple manifests exist in the binarydir. clamped classic tracer density. scrag particles no longer look quite so buggy. added ifdefs to facilitate a potential winrt port. the engine should now have no extra dependencies, but still needs system code+audio drivers to be written. if it can't set a renderer, it'll now try to use *every* renderer until it finds one that works. added experimental mapcluster server mode (that console command). New maps will be started up as required. rewrote skeletal blending code a bit. added cylinder geomtypes. fix cfg_save writing to the wrong path bug. VFS_CLOSE now returns a boolean. false means there was some sort of fatal error (either crc when reading was bad, or the write got corrupted or something). Typically ignorable, depends how robust you want to be. win32 tls code now supports running as a server. added connect tls://address support, as well as equivalent sv_addport support. exposed basic model loading api to plugins. d3d11 backend now optionally supports tessellation hlsl. no suitable hlsl provided by default. !!tess to enable. attempted to add gamma ramp support for d3d11. added support for shader blobs to speed up load times. r_shaderblobs 1 to enable. almost vital for d3d11. added vid_srgb cvar. shadowless lights are no longer disabled if shadows are not supported. attempt to add support for touchscreens in win7/8. Wrote gimmicky lua support, using lua instead of ssqc. define VM_LUA to enable. updated saved game code. can again load saved games from vanilla-like engines. changed scale clamping. 0.0001 should no longer appear as 1. changed default mintic from 0.03 to 0.013 to match vanilla qw. I don't know why it was at 0.03. probably a typo. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4623 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2014-03-30 08:55:06 +00:00
} while(FindNextFileW(r, &fd) && go);
return go;
int Sys_EnumerateFiles (const char *gpath, const char *match, int (QDECL *func)(const char *fname, qofs_t fsize, time_t mtime, void *parm, searchpathfuncs_t *spath), void *parm, searchpathfuncs_t *spath)
rewrote ban code, merging bans+nonbans+cuffs+mute+cripple+deaf+lagged+vip. added timeouts. new penalties have no dedicated command. use the addip command for it. maplist command now generates links. implemented skin objects for q3. added a csqc builtin for it. also supports compositing skins. playing demos inside zips/pk3s/paks should now work. bumped default rate cvar. added cl_transfer to attempt to connect to a new server without disconnecting first. rewrote fog command. alpha and mindist arguments are now supported. fog change also happens over a short time period. added new args to the showpic console command. can now create clickable items for touchscreen/absmouse users. fixed menus to properly support right-aligned text. this finally fixes variable-width fonts. rewrote console tab completion suggestions display. now clickable links. strings obtained from qc are now marked as const. this has required quite a few added consts all over the place. probably crappy attempt at adding joypad support to the sdl port. no idea if it works. changed key bind event code. buttons now track which event they should trigger when released, instead of being the same one the whole time. this allows +forward etc clickable buttons on screen. Also simplified modifier keys - they no longer trigger random events when pressing the modifier key itself. Right modifiers can now be bound separately from left modifiers. Right will use left's binding if not otherwise bound. Bind assumes left if there's no prefix. multiplayer->setup->network menu no longer crashes. added rgb colours to the translation view (but not to the colour-changing keys). added modelviewer command to view models. added menu_mods menu to switch mods in a more friendly way. will be shown by default if multiple manifests exist in the binarydir. clamped classic tracer density. scrag particles no longer look quite so buggy. added ifdefs to facilitate a potential winrt port. the engine should now have no extra dependencies, but still needs system code+audio drivers to be written. if it can't set a renderer, it'll now try to use *every* renderer until it finds one that works. added experimental mapcluster server mode (that console command). New maps will be started up as required. rewrote skeletal blending code a bit. added cylinder geomtypes. fix cfg_save writing to the wrong path bug. VFS_CLOSE now returns a boolean. false means there was some sort of fatal error (either crc when reading was bad, or the write got corrupted or something). Typically ignorable, depends how robust you want to be. win32 tls code now supports running as a server. added connect tls://address support, as well as equivalent sv_addport support. exposed basic model loading api to plugins. d3d11 backend now optionally supports tessellation hlsl. no suitable hlsl provided by default. !!tess to enable. attempted to add gamma ramp support for d3d11. added support for shader blobs to speed up load times. r_shaderblobs 1 to enable. almost vital for d3d11. added vid_srgb cvar. shadowless lights are no longer disabled if shadows are not supported. attempt to add support for touchscreens in win7/8. Wrote gimmicky lua support, using lua instead of ssqc. define VM_LUA to enable. updated saved game code. can again load saved games from vanilla-like engines. changed scale clamping. 0.0001 should no longer appear as 1. changed default mintic from 0.03 to 0.013 to match vanilla qw. I don't know why it was at 0.03. probably a typo. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4623 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2014-03-30 08:55:06 +00:00
char fullmatch[MAX_OSPATH];
int start;
if (strlen(gpath) + strlen(match) + 2 > MAX_OSPATH)
return 1;
strcpy(fullmatch, gpath);
start = strlen(fullmatch);
if (start && fullmatch[start-1] != '/')
fullmatch[start++] = '/';
fullmatch[start] = 0;
strcat(fullmatch, match);
return Sys_EnumerateFiles2(fullmatch, start, start, func, parm, spath);
//wide only. we let the windows api sort out the mess of file urls. system-wide consistancy.
qboolean Sys_ResolveFileURL(const char *inurl, int inlen, char *out, int outlen)
char *cp;
wchar_t wurl[MAX_PATH];
wchar_t local[MAX_PATH];
DWORD grr;
static HRESULT (WINAPI *pPathCreateFromUrlW)(PCWSTR pszUrl, PWSTR pszPath, DWORD *pcchPath, DWORD dwFlags);
if (!pPathCreateFromUrlW)
pPathCreateFromUrlW = Sys_GetAddressForName(Sys_LoadLibrary("Shlwapi.dll", NULL), "PathCreateFromUrlW");
if (!pPathCreateFromUrlW)
return false;
//need to make a copy, because we can't terminate the inurl easily.
cp = malloc(inlen+1);
memcpy(cp, inurl, inlen);
cp[inlen] = 0;
widen(wurl, sizeof(wurl), cp);
grr = sizeof(local)/sizeof(wchar_t);
if (FAILED(pPathCreateFromUrlW(wurl, local, &grr, 0)))
return false;
narrowen(out, outlen, local);
if (*out == '\\')
*out = '/';
return true;
#include <process.h>
void Sys_Error (const char *error, ...)
va_list argptr;
char text[1024];
double end;
STARTUPINFO startupinfo;
va_start (argptr,error);
vsnprintf (text,sizeof(text)-1, error,argptr);
va_end (argptr);
// MessageBox(NULL, text, "Error", 0 /* MB_OK */ );
Sys_Printf ("ERROR: %s\n", text);
NET_Shutdown(); //free sockets and stuff.
if (asservice)
if (COM_CheckParm("-noreset"))
Sys_Printf ("A new server will be started in 10 seconds unless you press a key\n");
//check for a key press, quitting if we get one in 10 secs
end = Sys_DoubleTime() + 10;
while(Sys_DoubleTime() < end)
Sleep(500); // don't burn up CPU with polling
if (_kbhit())
Sys_Printf("\nLoading new instance of FTE...\n\n\n");
PR_Deinit(); //this takes a bit more mem
#ifndef MINGW
fcloseall(); //make sure all files are written.
// system("dqwsv.exe"); //spawn a new server to take over. This way, if debugging, then any key will quit, otherwise the server will just spawn a new one.
memset(&startupinfo, 0, sizeof(startupinfo));
memset(&processinfo, 0, sizeof(processinfo));
Sys_Quit ();
exit (1); // this function is NORETURN type, complains without this
unsigned int Sys_Milliseconds (void)
static DWORD starttime;
static qboolean first = true;
DWORD now;
// double t;
now = timeGetTime();
if (first) {
first = false;
starttime = now;
return 0.0;
if (now < starttime) // wrapped?
double r;
r = (now) + (LONG_MAX - starttime);
starttime = now;
return r;
if (now - starttime == 0)
return 0.0;
return (now - starttime);
double Sys_DoubleTime (void)
double t;
struct _timeb tstruct;
static int starttime;
_ftime( &tstruct );
if (!starttime)
starttime = tstruct.time;
t = (tstruct.time-starttime) + tstruct.millitm*0.001;
return t;
rewrote ban code, merging bans+nonbans+cuffs+mute+cripple+deaf+lagged+vip. added timeouts. new penalties have no dedicated command. use the addip command for it. maplist command now generates links. implemented skin objects for q3. added a csqc builtin for it. also supports compositing skins. playing demos inside zips/pk3s/paks should now work. bumped default rate cvar. added cl_transfer to attempt to connect to a new server without disconnecting first. rewrote fog command. alpha and mindist arguments are now supported. fog change also happens over a short time period. added new args to the showpic console command. can now create clickable items for touchscreen/absmouse users. fixed menus to properly support right-aligned text. this finally fixes variable-width fonts. rewrote console tab completion suggestions display. now clickable links. strings obtained from qc are now marked as const. this has required quite a few added consts all over the place. probably crappy attempt at adding joypad support to the sdl port. no idea if it works. changed key bind event code. buttons now track which event they should trigger when released, instead of being the same one the whole time. this allows +forward etc clickable buttons on screen. Also simplified modifier keys - they no longer trigger random events when pressing the modifier key itself. Right modifiers can now be bound separately from left modifiers. Right will use left's binding if not otherwise bound. Bind assumes left if there's no prefix. multiplayer->setup->network menu no longer crashes. added rgb colours to the translation view (but not to the colour-changing keys). added modelviewer command to view models. added menu_mods menu to switch mods in a more friendly way. will be shown by default if multiple manifests exist in the binarydir. clamped classic tracer density. scrag particles no longer look quite so buggy. added ifdefs to facilitate a potential winrt port. the engine should now have no extra dependencies, but still needs system code+audio drivers to be written. if it can't set a renderer, it'll now try to use *every* renderer until it finds one that works. added experimental mapcluster server mode (that console command). New maps will be started up as required. rewrote skeletal blending code a bit. added cylinder geomtypes. fix cfg_save writing to the wrong path bug. VFS_CLOSE now returns a boolean. false means there was some sort of fatal error (either crc when reading was bad, or the write got corrupted or something). Typically ignorable, depends how robust you want to be. win32 tls code now supports running as a server. added connect tls://address support, as well as equivalent sv_addport support. exposed basic model loading api to plugins. d3d11 backend now optionally supports tessellation hlsl. no suitable hlsl provided by default. !!tess to enable. attempted to add gamma ramp support for d3d11. added support for shader blobs to speed up load times. r_shaderblobs 1 to enable. almost vital for d3d11. added vid_srgb cvar. shadowless lights are no longer disabled if shadows are not supported. attempt to add support for touchscreens in win7/8. Wrote gimmicky lua support, using lua instead of ssqc. define VM_LUA to enable. updated saved game code. can again load saved games from vanilla-like engines. changed scale clamping. 0.0001 should no longer appear as 1. changed default mintic from 0.03 to 0.013 to match vanilla qw. I don't know why it was at 0.03. probably a typo. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4623 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2014-03-30 08:55:06 +00:00
void SV_GetNewSpawnParms(client_t *cl);
char coninput_text[256];
int coninput_len;
char *Sys_ConsoleInput (void)
int c;
if (consolewindowhandle)
MSG msg;
while (PeekMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE))
if (!GetMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0))
return NULL;
TranslateMessage (&msg);
DispatchMessage (&msg);
return NULL;
rewrote ban code, merging bans+nonbans+cuffs+mute+cripple+deaf+lagged+vip. added timeouts. new penalties have no dedicated command. use the addip command for it. maplist command now generates links. implemented skin objects for q3. added a csqc builtin for it. also supports compositing skins. playing demos inside zips/pk3s/paks should now work. bumped default rate cvar. added cl_transfer to attempt to connect to a new server without disconnecting first. rewrote fog command. alpha and mindist arguments are now supported. fog change also happens over a short time period. added new args to the showpic console command. can now create clickable items for touchscreen/absmouse users. fixed menus to properly support right-aligned text. this finally fixes variable-width fonts. rewrote console tab completion suggestions display. now clickable links. strings obtained from qc are now marked as const. this has required quite a few added consts all over the place. probably crappy attempt at adding joypad support to the sdl port. no idea if it works. changed key bind event code. buttons now track which event they should trigger when released, instead of being the same one the whole time. this allows +forward etc clickable buttons on screen. Also simplified modifier keys - they no longer trigger random events when pressing the modifier key itself. Right modifiers can now be bound separately from left modifiers. Right will use left's binding if not otherwise bound. Bind assumes left if there's no prefix. multiplayer->setup->network menu no longer crashes. added rgb colours to the translation view (but not to the colour-changing keys). added modelviewer command to view models. added menu_mods menu to switch mods in a more friendly way. will be shown by default if multiple manifests exist in the binarydir. clamped classic tracer density. scrag particles no longer look quite so buggy. added ifdefs to facilitate a potential winrt port. the engine should now have no extra dependencies, but still needs system code+audio drivers to be written. if it can't set a renderer, it'll now try to use *every* renderer until it finds one that works. added experimental mapcluster server mode (that console command). New maps will be started up as required. rewrote skeletal blending code a bit. added cylinder geomtypes. fix cfg_save writing to the wrong path bug. VFS_CLOSE now returns a boolean. false means there was some sort of fatal error (either crc when reading was bad, or the write got corrupted or something). Typically ignorable, depends how robust you want to be. win32 tls code now supports running as a server. added connect tls://address support, as well as equivalent sv_addport support. exposed basic model loading api to plugins. d3d11 backend now optionally supports tessellation hlsl. no suitable hlsl provided by default. !!tess to enable. attempted to add gamma ramp support for d3d11. added support for shader blobs to speed up load times. r_shaderblobs 1 to enable. almost vital for d3d11. added vid_srgb cvar. shadowless lights are no longer disabled if shadows are not supported. attempt to add support for touchscreens in win7/8. Wrote gimmicky lua support, using lua instead of ssqc. define VM_LUA to enable. updated saved game code. can again load saved games from vanilla-like engines. changed scale clamping. 0.0001 should no longer appear as 1. changed default mintic from 0.03 to 0.013 to match vanilla qw. I don't know why it was at 0.03. probably a typo. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4623 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2014-03-30 08:55:06 +00:00
if (SSV_IsSubServer())
return NULL;
if (isPlugin)
DWORD avail;
static char text[256], *nl;
static int textpos = 0;
HANDLE input = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
if (!PeekNamedPipe(input, NULL, 0, NULL, &avail, NULL))
wantquit = true;
Cmd_ExecuteString("quit force", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
else if (avail)
if (avail > sizeof(text)-1-textpos)
avail = sizeof(text)-1-textpos;
if (ReadFile(input, text+textpos, avail, &avail, NULL))
textpos += avail;
if (textpos > sizeof(text)-1)
while (textpos)
text[textpos] = 0;
nl = strchr(text, '\n');
if (nl)
*nl++ = 0;
if (coninput_len)
putch ('\r');
putch (']');
coninput_len = 0;
Q_strncpyz(coninput_text, text, sizeof(coninput_text));
memmove(text, nl, textpos - (nl - text));
textpos -= (nl - text);
return coninput_text;
// read a line out
while (_kbhit())
c = _getch();
if (c == '\r')
coninput_text[coninput_len] = 0;
putch ('\n');
putch (']');
coninput_len = 0;
return coninput_text;
if (c == 8)
if (coninput_len)
putch (c);
putch (' ');
putch (c);
coninput_text[coninput_len] = 0;
if (c == '\t')
int i;
char *s = Cmd_CompleteCommand(coninput_text, true, true, 0, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < coninput_len; i++)
for (i = 0; i < coninput_len; i++)
putch(' ');
for (i = 0; i < coninput_len; i++)
strcpy(coninput_text, s);
coninput_len = strlen(coninput_text);
printf("%s", coninput_text);
putch (c);
coninput_text[coninput_len] = c;
coninput_text[coninput_len] = 0;
if (coninput_len == sizeof(coninput_text))
coninput_len = 0;
return NULL;
void ApplyColour(unsigned int chr)
static int oldchar = CON_WHITEMASK;
if (oldchar == chr)
oldchar = chr;
if (hconsoleout)
unsigned short val = 0;
// bits 28-31 of the console chars match up to the attributes for
// the CHAR_INFO struct exactly
int fg = (chr & CON_FGMASK) >> CON_FGSHIFT;
switch (fg)
case COLOR_BLACK: // reverse ^0 like the Linux version
case COLOR_WHITE: // reset to defaults?
val = FOREGROUND_INTENSITY; // color light grey as dark grey
val = fg; // send RGBI value as is
val &= ~FOREGROUND_INTENSITY; // strip intensity to fake alpha
SetConsoleTextAttribute(hconsoleout, val);
//this could be much more efficient.
static void Sys_PrintColouredChars(conchar_t *start, conchar_t *end)
wchar_t wc[256];
int l;
DWORD dummy;
unsigned int cp, flags, m;
l = 0;
while(start < end)
start = Font_Decode(start, &flags, &cp);
if (l+2 >= countof(wc) || flags != m)
if (WinNT)
WriteConsoleW(hconsoleout, wc, l, &dummy, NULL);
//win95 doesn't support wide chars *sigh*. blank consoles suck.
char ac[256];
l = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wc, l, ac, sizeof(ac), NULL, NULL);
WriteConsole(hconsoleout, ac, l, &dummy, NULL);
l = 0;
if (!(flags & CON_HIDDEN))
if (cp >= 0xe000 && cp < 0xe100)
cp -= 0xe000;
if (cp >= 0x80)
char c1[32] = "---..........> " "[]0123456789.---";
cp -= 0x80;
if (cp <= countof(c1))
cp = c1[cp];
if (cp > 0xffff)
cp = '?'; //too lazy for utf-16 crap when its mostly smilies anyway.
wc[l++] = cp;
//and flush it.
if (l)
if (WinNT)
WriteConsoleW(hconsoleout, wc, l, &dummy, NULL);
//win95 doesn't support wide chars *sigh*. blank consoles suck.
char ac[256];
l = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wc, l, ac, sizeof(ac), NULL, NULL);
WriteConsole(hconsoleout, ac, l, &dummy, NULL);
#define MAXPRINTMSG 4096
void Sys_Printf (char *fmt, ...)
va_list argptr;
if (sys_nostdout.value)
if (1)
char msg[MAXPRINTMSG];
unsigned char *t;
va_start (argptr,fmt);
vsnprintf (msg,sizeof(msg)-1, fmt,argptr);
va_end (argptr);
rewrote ban code, merging bans+nonbans+cuffs+mute+cripple+deaf+lagged+vip. added timeouts. new penalties have no dedicated command. use the addip command for it. maplist command now generates links. implemented skin objects for q3. added a csqc builtin for it. also supports compositing skins. playing demos inside zips/pk3s/paks should now work. bumped default rate cvar. added cl_transfer to attempt to connect to a new server without disconnecting first. rewrote fog command. alpha and mindist arguments are now supported. fog change also happens over a short time period. added new args to the showpic console command. can now create clickable items for touchscreen/absmouse users. fixed menus to properly support right-aligned text. this finally fixes variable-width fonts. rewrote console tab completion suggestions display. now clickable links. strings obtained from qc are now marked as const. this has required quite a few added consts all over the place. probably crappy attempt at adding joypad support to the sdl port. no idea if it works. changed key bind event code. buttons now track which event they should trigger when released, instead of being the same one the whole time. this allows +forward etc clickable buttons on screen. Also simplified modifier keys - they no longer trigger random events when pressing the modifier key itself. Right modifiers can now be bound separately from left modifiers. Right will use left's binding if not otherwise bound. Bind assumes left if there's no prefix. multiplayer->setup->network menu no longer crashes. added rgb colours to the translation view (but not to the colour-changing keys). added modelviewer command to view models. added menu_mods menu to switch mods in a more friendly way. will be shown by default if multiple manifests exist in the binarydir. clamped classic tracer density. scrag particles no longer look quite so buggy. added ifdefs to facilitate a potential winrt port. the engine should now have no extra dependencies, but still needs system code+audio drivers to be written. if it can't set a renderer, it'll now try to use *every* renderer until it finds one that works. added experimental mapcluster server mode (that console command). New maps will be started up as required. rewrote skeletal blending code a bit. added cylinder geomtypes. fix cfg_save writing to the wrong path bug. VFS_CLOSE now returns a boolean. false means there was some sort of fatal error (either crc when reading was bad, or the write got corrupted or something). Typically ignorable, depends how robust you want to be. win32 tls code now supports running as a server. added connect tls://address support, as well as equivalent sv_addport support. exposed basic model loading api to plugins. d3d11 backend now optionally supports tessellation hlsl. no suitable hlsl provided by default. !!tess to enable. attempted to add gamma ramp support for d3d11. added support for shader blobs to speed up load times. r_shaderblobs 1 to enable. almost vital for d3d11. added vid_srgb cvar. shadowless lights are no longer disabled if shadows are not supported. attempt to add support for touchscreens in win7/8. Wrote gimmicky lua support, using lua instead of ssqc. define VM_LUA to enable. updated saved game code. can again load saved games from vanilla-like engines. changed scale clamping. 0.0001 should no longer appear as 1. changed default mintic from 0.03 to 0.013 to match vanilla qw. I don't know why it was at 0.03. probably a typo. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4623 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2014-03-30 08:55:06 +00:00
if (SSV_IsSubServer())
int i;
for (i = 0; i < coninput_len; i++)
for (i = 0; i < coninput_len; i++)
putch(' ');
putch(' ');
for (i = 0; i < coninput_len; i++)
if (sys_colorconsole.value && hconsoleout)
conchar_t out[MAXPRINTMSG], *end;
end = COM_ParseFunString(CON_WHITEMASK, msg, out, sizeof(out), false);
Sys_PrintColouredChars (out, end);
for (t = (unsigned char*)msg; *t; t++)
if (*t >= 146 && *t < 156)
*t = *t - 146 + '0';
if (*t >= 0x12 && *t <= 0x1b)
*t = *t - 0x12 + '0';
if (*t == 143)
*t = '.';
if (*t == 157 || *t == 158 || *t == 159)
*t = '-';
if (*t >= 128)
*t -= 128;
if (*t == 16)
*t = '[';
if (*t == 17)
*t = ']';
if (*t == 0x1c)
*t = 249;
printf("%s", msg);
if (coninput_len)
printf("]%s", coninput_text);
va_start (argptr,fmt);
vprintf (fmt,argptr);
va_end (argptr);
void Sys_Quit (void)
if (asservice)
MyServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED;
MyServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0;
MyServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0;
MyServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0;
MyServiceStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0;
SetServiceStatus (ServerServiceStatusHandle, &MyServiceStatus);
exit (0);
int restorecode;
LRESULT (CALLBACK Sys_WindowHandler)(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
if (uMsg == WM_USER)
if (lParam & 1)
else if ((lParam & 2 && restorecode == 0) ||
(lParam & 4 && restorecode == 1) ||
(lParam & 4 && restorecode == 2) )
// MessageBox(NULL, "Hello", "", 0);
else if (lParam & 2 && restorecode == 3)
ShowWindow(consolewindowhandle, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
consolewindowhandle = NULL;
Cbuf_AddText("status\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL);
else if (lParam & 6)
restorecode = (lParam & 2)>0;
return 0;
return DefWindowProc (hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
void Sys_HideConsole(void)
HMODULE kernel32dll;
HWND (WINAPI *GetConsoleWindow)(void);
if (consolewindowhandle)
return; //err... already hidden... ?
restorecode = 0;
GetConsoleWindow = NULL;
kernel32dll = LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll");
consolewindowhandle = NULL;
if (kernel32dll)
GetConsoleWindow = (void*)GetProcAddress(kernel32dll, "GetConsoleWindow");
if (GetConsoleWindow)
consolewindowhandle = GetConsoleWindow();
FreeModule(kernel32dll); //works because the underlying code uses kernel32, so this decreases the reference count rather than closing it.
if (!consolewindowhandle)
char old[512];
#define STRINGH "Trying to hide" //msvc sucks
GetConsoleTitle(old, sizeof(old));
consolewindowhandle = FindWindow(NULL, STRINGH);
#undef STRINGH
if (consolewindowhandle)
/* Register the frame class */
memset(&wc, 0, sizeof(wc));
wc.style = 0;
wc.lpfnWndProc = Sys_WindowHandler;
wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
wc.cbWndExtra = 0;
wc.hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
wc.hIcon = 0;
wc.hCursor = LoadCursor (NULL,IDC_ARROW);
wc.hbrBackground = NULL;
wc.lpszMenuName = 0;
wc.lpszClassName = "DeadQuake";
RegisterClass (&wc);
hiddenwindowhandler = CreateWindow(wc.lpszClassName, "DeadQuake", 0, 0, 0, 16, 16, NULL, NULL, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL);
if (!hiddenwindowhandler)
Con_Printf("Failed to create window\n");
ShowWindow(consolewindowhandle, SW_HIDE);
d.cbSize = sizeof(NOTIFYICONDATA);
d.hWnd = hiddenwindowhandler;
d.hIcon = NULL;
d.uCallbackMessage = WM_USER;
d.uID = 0;
strcpy(d.szTip, "");
Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_ADD, &d);
Con_Printf("Your OS doesn't seem to properly support the way this was implemented\n");
void Sys_ServerActivity(void)
HMODULE kernel32dll;
HWND (WINAPI *GetConsoleWindow)(void);
HWND wnd;
restorecode = 0;
GetConsoleWindow = NULL;
kernel32dll = LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll");
wnd = NULL;
if (kernel32dll)
GetConsoleWindow = (void*)GetProcAddress(kernel32dll, "GetConsoleWindow");
if (GetConsoleWindow)
wnd = GetConsoleWindow();
FreeModule(kernel32dll); //works because the underlying code uses kernel32, so this decreases the reference count rather than closing it.
if (!wnd)
char old[512];
#define STRINGF "About To Flash" //msvc sucks
GetConsoleTitle(old, sizeof(old));
wnd = FindWindow(NULL, STRINGF);
#undef STRINGF
if (wnd && GetActiveWindow() != wnd)
FlashWindow(wnd, true);
Quake calls this so the system can register variables before host_hunklevel
is marked
void Sys_Init (void)
Cvar_Register (&sys_nostdout, "System controls");
Cvar_Register (&sys_colorconsole, "System controls");
Cmd_AddCommand("hide", Sys_HideConsole);
if (isPlugin)
hconsoleout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
// SetConsoleCP(CP_UTF8);
// SetConsoleOutputCP(CP_UTF8);
void Sys_Shutdown (void)
char *newargv[256];
void Signal_Error_Handler (int sig)
Sys_Error("Illegal error occured");
void StartQuakeServer(void)
quakeparms_t parms;
static char bindir[MAX_OSPATH];
int c;
memset(&parms, 0, sizeof(parms));
parms.argc = com_argc;
parms.argv = com_argv;
GetModuleFileName(NULL, bindir, sizeof(bindir)-1);
*COM_SkipPath(bindir) = 0;
parms.binarydir = bindir;
parms.basedir = "./";
c = COM_CheckParm("-qcdebug");
if (c)
isPlugin = 3;
c = COM_CheckParm("-plugin");
if (c)
if (c < com_argc && !strcmp(com_argv[c+1], "qcdebug"))
isPlugin = 2;
isPlugin = 1;
isPlugin = 0;
SV_Init (&parms);
// run one frame immediately for first heartbeat
SV_Frame ();
int servicecontrol;
void ServerMainLoop(void)
float delay = 0.001;
// main loop
while (1)
NET_Sleep(delay, false);
// find time passed since last cycle
delay = SV_Frame();
// Initialization complete - report running status.
MyServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_PAUSED;
MyServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0;
MyServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0;
SetServiceStatus (ServerServiceStatusHandle, &MyServiceStatus);
sv.paused |= PAUSE_SERVICE;
// Initialization complete - report running status.
MyServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_RUNNING;
MyServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0;
MyServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0;
SetServiceStatus (ServerServiceStatusHandle, &MyServiceStatus);
sv.paused &= ~PAUSE_SERVICE;
case SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP: //leave the loop
VOID WINAPI MyServiceCtrlHandler(DWORD dwControl)
servicecontrol = dwControl;
void WINAPI StartQuakeServerService (DWORD argc, LPTSTR *argv)
HKEY hk;
char path[MAX_OSPATH];
DWORD pathlen;
DWORD type;
asservice = true;
MyServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_START_PENDING;
MyServiceStatus.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP |
MyServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0;
MyServiceStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0;
MyServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0;
MyServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0;
ServerServiceStatusHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler(
if (ServerServiceStatusHandle == (SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE)0)
printf(" [MY_SERVICE] RegisterServiceCtrlHandler failed %d\n", GetLastError());
RegQueryValueEx(hk, "servicepath", 0, &type, NULL, &pathlen);
if (type == REG_SZ && pathlen < sizeof(path))
RegQueryValueEx(hk, "servicepath", 0, NULL, path, &pathlen);
COM_InitArgv (argc, argv);
// Handle error condition
if (!sv.state)
MyServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED;
MyServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0;
MyServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0;
MyServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0;
MyServiceStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0;
SetServiceStatus (ServerServiceStatusHandle, &MyServiceStatus);
// Initialization complete - report running status.
MyServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_RUNNING;
MyServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0;
MyServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0;
if (!SetServiceStatus (ServerServiceStatusHandle, &MyServiceStatus))
printf(" [MY_SERVICE] SetServiceStatus error %ld\n",GetLastError());
MyServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED;
MyServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0;
MyServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0;
MyServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0;
MyServiceStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0;
SetServiceStatus (ServerServiceStatusHandle, &MyServiceStatus);
{ SERVICENAME, StartQuakeServerService },
int main (int argc, char **argv)
LoadLibrary ("DBGHELP"); //heap corruption can prevent loadlibrary from working properly, so do this in advance.
#ifdef _MSC_VER
AddVectoredExceptionHandler(true, nonmsvc_CrashExceptionHandler);
COM_InitArgv (argc, (const char **)argv);
isClusterSlave = COM_CheckParm("-clusterslave");
if (isClusterSlave)
if (!SSV_IsSubServer() && StartServiceCtrlDispatcher( DispatchTable))
return true;
if (COM_CheckParm("-register"))
return true;
if (COM_CheckParm("-unregister"))
return true;
#ifndef _DEBUG
if (COM_CheckParm("-noreset"))
signal (SIGFPE, Signal_Error_Handler);
signal (SIGILL, Signal_Error_Handler);
signal (SIGSEGV, Signal_Error_Handler);
rewrote ban code, merging bans+nonbans+cuffs+mute+cripple+deaf+lagged+vip. added timeouts. new penalties have no dedicated command. use the addip command for it. maplist command now generates links. implemented skin objects for q3. added a csqc builtin for it. also supports compositing skins. playing demos inside zips/pk3s/paks should now work. bumped default rate cvar. added cl_transfer to attempt to connect to a new server without disconnecting first. rewrote fog command. alpha and mindist arguments are now supported. fog change also happens over a short time period. added new args to the showpic console command. can now create clickable items for touchscreen/absmouse users. fixed menus to properly support right-aligned text. this finally fixes variable-width fonts. rewrote console tab completion suggestions display. now clickable links. strings obtained from qc are now marked as const. this has required quite a few added consts all over the place. probably crappy attempt at adding joypad support to the sdl port. no idea if it works. changed key bind event code. buttons now track which event they should trigger when released, instead of being the same one the whole time. this allows +forward etc clickable buttons on screen. Also simplified modifier keys - they no longer trigger random events when pressing the modifier key itself. Right modifiers can now be bound separately from left modifiers. Right will use left's binding if not otherwise bound. Bind assumes left if there's no prefix. multiplayer->setup->network menu no longer crashes. added rgb colours to the translation view (but not to the colour-changing keys). added modelviewer command to view models. added menu_mods menu to switch mods in a more friendly way. will be shown by default if multiple manifests exist in the binarydir. clamped classic tracer density. scrag particles no longer look quite so buggy. added ifdefs to facilitate a potential winrt port. the engine should now have no extra dependencies, but still needs system code+audio drivers to be written. if it can't set a renderer, it'll now try to use *every* renderer until it finds one that works. added experimental mapcluster server mode (that console command). New maps will be started up as required. rewrote skeletal blending code a bit. added cylinder geomtypes. fix cfg_save writing to the wrong path bug. VFS_CLOSE now returns a boolean. false means there was some sort of fatal error (either crc when reading was bad, or the write got corrupted or something). Typically ignorable, depends how robust you want to be. win32 tls code now supports running as a server. added connect tls://address support, as well as equivalent sv_addport support. exposed basic model loading api to plugins. d3d11 backend now optionally supports tessellation hlsl. no suitable hlsl provided by default. !!tess to enable. attempted to add gamma ramp support for d3d11. added support for shader blobs to speed up load times. r_shaderblobs 1 to enable. almost vital for d3d11. added vid_srgb cvar. shadowless lights are no longer disabled if shadows are not supported. attempt to add support for touchscreens in win7/8. Wrote gimmicky lua support, using lua instead of ssqc. define VM_LUA to enable. updated saved game code. can again load saved games from vanilla-like engines. changed scale clamping. 0.0001 should no longer appear as 1. changed default mintic from 0.03 to 0.013 to match vanilla qw. I don't know why it was at 0.03. probably a typo. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4623 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2014-03-30 08:55:06 +00:00
#ifdef _MSC_VER
__except (CrashExceptionHandler(false, GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation()))
return 1;
return true;
void CreateSampleService(qboolean create)
BOOL deleted;
char path[MAX_OSPATH];
char exe[MAX_OSPATH];
SC_HANDLE schService;
SC_HANDLE schSCManager;
// Open a handle to the SC Manager database.
schSCManager = OpenSCManager(
NULL, // local machine
NULL, // ServicesActive database
SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); // full access rights
if (NULL == schSCManager)
Con_Printf("Failed to open SCManager (%d)\n", GetLastError());
if (!GetModuleFileName(NULL, exe+1, sizeof(exe)-2))
Con_Printf("Path too long\n");
GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(path), path);
exe[0] = '\"';
exe[strlen(path)+1] = '\0';
exe[strlen(path)] = '\"';
if (!create)
schService = OpenServiceA(schSCManager, SERVICENAME, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);
if (schService)
deleted = DeleteService(schService);
HKEY hk;
RegSetValueEx(hk, "servicepath", 0, REG_SZ, path, strlen(path));
schService = CreateService(
schSCManager, // SCManager database
SERVICENAME, // name of service
FULLENGINENAME" Server", // service name to display
SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS, // desired access
SERVICE_AUTO_START, // start type
SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL, // error control type
exe, // service's binary
NULL, // no load ordering group
NULL, // no tag identifier
NULL, // no dependencies
NULL, // LocalSystem account
NULL); // no password
if (schService == NULL)
Con_Printf("CreateService failed.\n");
void Sys_Sleep (double seconds)
Sleep(seconds * 1000);
#include <wincrypt.h>
qboolean Sys_RandomBytes(qbyte *string, int len)
if(!CryptAcquireContext( &prov, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT))
return false;
if(!CryptGenRandom(prov, len, (BYTE *)string))
CryptReleaseContext( prov, 0);
return false;
CryptReleaseContext(prov, 0);
return true;
qc: qc temp-strings are now garbage collected. this makes strzone redundant. net: revert the player angles inversion thing from last build. hack some angles. gonna need to tweak the protocol. net: cl_lerp_players is smoother, and defaulted. lets see how many people complain. cl: fix juddering with chase_active+prediction. cl: download progress where the total size is not known now displays something more sane. cl: fixed some issues with rawinput keyboards. cl: added autoupdate option to the menu. cl: autoupdate defaults to a new 'tested' set of builds, instead of the completely untested svn builds. cl: added 'borderless windowed' option to the menus. works on windows. cl: saved games save a preview screenshot. cl: fix some memory leaks on shutdown. cl: added 'setrenderer random' option, might be useful for modders in that it helps highlight bugs/differences between renderers... qc: r_showbboxes now displays the fields of the various entities. tweaked entity lighting to overbright more gracefully. gl: fixed crepuscular lighting. qcc: added % operator. qcc: added inline keyword. qcc: some fixes for accessors. qccgui: now prompts for exe+basedir. sv: added sv_specprint, ala mvdsv. sv: stats now sent over the unreliable channel instead of the reliable one. this allows them to change more frequently. sv: rewrote speedcheat detection. clients will be throttled instead of kicked. unresponsive clients will be simulated instead of freezing in mid-air. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4829 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2015-01-21 18:18:37 +00:00
int Sys_GetAutoUpdateSetting(void)
qc: qc temp-strings are now garbage collected. this makes strzone redundant. net: revert the player angles inversion thing from last build. hack some angles. gonna need to tweak the protocol. net: cl_lerp_players is smoother, and defaulted. lets see how many people complain. cl: fix juddering with chase_active+prediction. cl: download progress where the total size is not known now displays something more sane. cl: fixed some issues with rawinput keyboards. cl: added autoupdate option to the menu. cl: autoupdate defaults to a new 'tested' set of builds, instead of the completely untested svn builds. cl: added 'borderless windowed' option to the menus. works on windows. cl: saved games save a preview screenshot. cl: fix some memory leaks on shutdown. cl: added 'setrenderer random' option, might be useful for modders in that it helps highlight bugs/differences between renderers... qc: r_showbboxes now displays the fields of the various entities. tweaked entity lighting to overbright more gracefully. gl: fixed crepuscular lighting. qcc: added % operator. qcc: added inline keyword. qcc: some fixes for accessors. qccgui: now prompts for exe+basedir. sv: added sv_specprint, ala mvdsv. sv: stats now sent over the unreliable channel instead of the reliable one. this allows them to change more frequently. sv: rewrote speedcheat detection. clients will be throttled instead of kicked. unresponsive clients will be simulated instead of freezing in mid-air. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4829 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2015-01-21 18:18:37 +00:00
return -1;
void Sys_SetAutoUpdateSetting(int newval)
qboolean Sys_RunInstaller(void)
{ //not implemented
return false;