{"tcoords","tcoords <s1> <t1> <s2> <t2> [coordscale] [randcount] [randsinc]\ncoordscale is an optional divisor for more readable numbers.\nrandcount is a the number of images used in particlefont image.\nrandsinc is the amount to add to s coords to display each sequential randomized image."},
{"rotationstart","rotationstart <minangle> [maxangle]\nan angle of 45 will give you a particle aligned to screen coords"},
{"rotationspeed","rotationspeed <min> <max>\nspecifies a range of rotational speeds. You probably want to set the min value as negative."},
{"beamtexstep","beamtexstep <documentme>"},
{"scale","scale <min> [max]\nValues are 4 times higher than quake units"},
{"scalerand","use scale instead"},
{"scalefactor","scalefactor <factor>\nHow much the particle shrinks with distance.\n1=true scaling"},
{"scaledelta","scaledelta <changepersecond>\nHow much the particle's scale changes per second"},
{"step","step <dist>\nworld distance between each particle within a particle trail."},
{"count","count <multiplier>\nProvides a multiplier value independant from the particle() builtin or other mechanisms"},
{"alpha","alpha <val>\nInitial opacity of particle. 0 is invisible, 1 is fully visible."},
{"alphachange","depricated. use alphadelta"},
{"alphadelta","alphadelta <alphapersecond>\n How much the alpha value changes per second"},
{"die","die <min> [max]\nHow long the particle lives for"},
{"diesubrand","depricated. use die"},
{"gravity","gravity <grav>\nParticle's downwards velocity will be increased by this much per second"},
{"assoc","assoc <othereffectname>\nWhen the effect is spawned, the associated effect will also be spawned. Can chain."},
{"inwater","inwater <othereffectname>\nIf the particle effect is spawned underwater, the named effect will be used instead."},
{"model","model <modelname> <firstframe> <lastframe> <framerate> <alpha>\nSpawns a the sprite/model when the effect is spawned.\nCan be specified multiple times and a random model line will be used.\nModels with only 1 frame will animate skins instead."},
{"colorindex","colourindex <min> <max>\nIf set, the particle's colour will be set to this palette index instead of the particle's rgb field."},
{"citracer","citracer\nFlag that syncronizes colorindex-based palette indexes with spawn ordering ala quake."},
{"red","depricated, use rgb."},
{"green","depricated, use rgb."},
{"blue","depricated, use rgb."},
{"rgb","rgb <red> <green> <blue>\nInitial colour of particle, in a scale of 0 to 255."},
{"reddelta","depricated, use rgbdelta."},
{"greendelta","depricated, use rgbdelta."},
{"bluedelta","depricated, use rgbdelta."},
{"rgbdelta","rgbdelta <red> <green> <blue>\nSpecifies the change in particle colours over a second of time. The effective range is 0 to 255, but larger values might be needed for short-lived effects."},
{"rgbdeltatime","rgbdeltatime <age>\nOnce the particle reaches this age, its rgb values will stop changing."},
{"rgbrand","rgbrand <red> <green> <blue>\nThis rgb value will be multiplied by a random value between 0 and 1 and added to the particle's initial rgb value. All three channels channels are scaled independantly."},
{"rgbrandsync","rgbrandsync <red> <green> <blue>\nThis rgb value will be multiplied by a random value between 0 and 1 and added to the particle's initial rgb value. All three channels will be scaled the same."},
{"stains","stains <radius>\nSpecifies a multiplier for the radius of a stain if the particle impacts upon a wall"},
{"blend","blend <blendmode>\nOne of add, subtract, blendcolour, or blendalpha. Particles with additive blend modes will render fastest due to no depth sorting requirement."},
{"type","type <rendertype>\nOne of:\nbeam - quads generated between particles\nspark - a single line drawn in direction of motion\nsparkfan - triangle fan oriented in direction of motion\ntexturedspark - quads extruded along line of motion\ndecal - motionless effect that attaches to surfaces around the center of the effect\nnormal - simple screen-facing quad"},