mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 15:31:19 +00:00
1317 lines
38 KiB
1317 lines
38 KiB
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "netinc.h"
typedef struct
unsigned short msgtype;
unsigned short msglen;
unsigned int magiccookie;
unsigned int transactid[3];
} stunhdr_t;
typedef struct
unsigned short attrtype;
unsigned short attrlen;
} stunattr_t;
Interactive Connectivity Establishment (rfc 5245)
find out your peer's potential ports.
spam your peer with stun packets.
see what sticks.
the 'controller' assigns some final candidate pair to ensure that both peers send+receive from a single connection.
if no candidates are available, try using stun to find public nat addresses.
in fte, a 'pair' is actually in terms of each local socket and remote address. hopefully that won't cause too much weirdness.
stun test packets must contain all sorts of info. username+integrity+fingerprint for validation. priority+usecandidate+icecontrol(ing) to decree the priority of any new remote candidates, whether its finished, and just who decides whether its finished.
peers don't like it when those are missing.
host candidates - addresses that are directly known
server reflexive candidates - addresses that we found from some public stun server
peer reflexive candidates - addresses that our peer finds out about as we spam them
relayed candidates - some sort of socks5 or something proxy.
Note: Even after the ICE connection becomes active, you should continue to collect local candidates and transmit them to the peer out of band.
this allows the connection to pick a new route if some router dies (like a relay kicking us).
tcp rtp framing should generally be done with a 16-bit network-endian length prefix followed by the data.
struct icecandidate_s
struct icecandinfo_s info;
struct icecandidate_s *next;
netadr_t peer;
//peer needs telling or something.
qboolean dirty;
//these are bitmasks. one bit for each local socket.
unsigned int reachable;
unsigned int tried;
struct icestate_s
struct icestate_s *next;
void *module;
netadr_t chosenpeer;
netadr_t pubstunserver;
unsigned int stunretry; //once a second, extended to once a minite on reply
char *stunserver;//where to get our public ip from.
int stunport;
unsigned int stunrnd[3];
unsigned int timeout; //time when we consider the connection dead
unsigned int keepalive; //sent periodically...
unsigned int retries; //bumped after each round of connectivity checks. affects future intervals.
enum iceproto_e proto;
enum icemode_e mode;
qboolean controlled; //controller chooses final ports.
enum icestate_e state;
char *conname; //internal id.
char *friendlyname; //who you're talking to.
struct icecandidate_s *lc;
char *lpwd;
char *lufrag;
struct icecandidate_s *rc;
char *rpwd;
char *rufrag;
unsigned int tiehigh;
unsigned int tielow;
int foundation;
ftenet_connections_t *connections;
//FIXME: we should probably include decode state in here somehow so multiple connections don't clobber each other.
char *codec[32]; //96-127. don't really need to care about other ones.
static struct icestate_s *icelist;
#if !defined(SERVERONLY) && defined(VOICECHAT)
extern cvar_t snd_voip_send;
struct rtpheader_s
unsigned char v2_p1_x1_cc4;
unsigned char m1_pt7;
unsigned short seq;
unsigned int timestamp;
unsigned int ssrc;
unsigned int csrc[1]; //sized according to cc
void S_Voip_RTP_Parse(unsigned short sequence, const char *codec, const unsigned char *data, unsigned int datalen);
qboolean S_Voip_RTP_CodecOkay(char *codec);
qboolean NET_RTP_Parse(void)
struct rtpheader_s *rtpheader = (void*)net_message.data;
if (net_message.cursize >= sizeof(*rtpheader) && (rtpheader->v2_p1_x1_cc4 & 0xc0) == 0x80)
int hlen;
int padding = 0;
struct icestate_s *con;
int proto;
//make sure this really came from an accepted rtp stream
//note that an rtp connection equal to the game connection will likely mess up when sequences start to get big
//(especially problematic in sane clients that start with a random sequence)
for (con = icelist; con; con = con->next)
if (con->state != ICE_INACTIVE && (con->proto == ICEP_VIDEO || con->proto == ICEP_VOICE) && NET_CompareAdr(&net_from, &con->chosenpeer))
proto = rtpheader->m1_pt7 & 0x7f;
if (proto >= 96 && proto <= 127) //rtp dynamic assignments
char *codecname = con->codec[proto-96];
if (!codecname)
if (rtpheader->v2_p1_x1_cc4 & 0x20)
padding = net_message.data[net_message.cursize-1];
hlen = sizeof(*rtpheader);
hlen += ((rtpheader->v2_p1_x1_cc4 & 0xf)-1) * sizeof(int);
if (con->proto == ICEP_VOICE)
S_Voip_RTP_Parse((unsigned short)BigShort(rtpheader->seq), codecname, hlen+(char*)(rtpheader), net_message.cursize - padding - hlen);
// if (con->proto == ICEP_VIDEO)
// S_Video_RTP_Parse((unsigned short)BigShort(rtpheader->seq), codecname, hlen+(char*)(rtpheader), net_message.cursize - padding - hlen);
return true;
return false;
qboolean NET_RTP_Active(void)
struct icestate_s *con;
for (con = icelist; con; con = con->next)
if (con->state == ICE_CONNECTED && con->proto == ICEP_VOICE)
return true;
return false;
qboolean NET_RTP_Transmit(unsigned int sequence, unsigned int timestamp, const char *codec, char *cdata, int clength)
sizebuf_t buf;
char pdata[512];
int i;
struct icestate_s *con;
qboolean built = false;
memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
buf.maxsize = sizeof(pdata);
buf.cursize = 0;
buf.allowoverflow = true;
buf.data = pdata;
for (con = icelist; con; con = con->next)
if (con->state == ICE_CONNECTED && con->proto == ICEP_VOICE)
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(con->codec)/sizeof(con->codec[0]); i++)
if (con->codec[i] && !strcmp(con->codec[i], codec))
if (!built)
built = true;
MSG_WriteByte(&buf, (2u<<6) | (0u<<5) | (0u<<4) | (0<<0)); //v2_p1_x1_cc4
MSG_WriteByte(&buf, (0u<<7) | ((i+96)<<0)); //m1_pt7
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(sequence)); //seq
MSG_WriteLong(&buf, BigLong(timestamp)); //timestamp
MSG_WriteLong(&buf, BigLong(0)); //ssrc
SZ_Write(&buf, cdata, clength);
if (buf.overflowed)
return built;
NET_SendPacket(NS_CLIENT, buf.cursize, buf.data, &con->chosenpeer);
return built;
struct icestate_s *QDECL ICE_Find(void *module, char *conname)
struct icestate_s *con;
for (con = icelist; con; con = con->next)
if (con->module == module && !strcmp(con->conname, conname))
return con;
return NULL;
ftenet_connections_t *ICE_PickConnection(struct icestate_s *con)
if (con->connections)
return con->connections;
return cls.sockets;
return svs.sockets;
return NULL;
struct icestate_s *QDECL ICE_Create(void *module, char *conname, char *peername, enum icemode_e mode, enum iceproto_e proto)
ftenet_connections_t *collection;
struct icestate_s *con;
//only allow modes that we actually support.
if (mode != ICEM_RAW && mode != ICEM_ICE)
return NULL;
//only allow protocols that we actually support.
return NULL;
// case ICEP_VIDEO:
// collection = NULL;
// break;
#if !defined(SERVERONLY) && defined(VOICECHAT)
collection = cls.sockets;
collection = cls.sockets;
collection = svs.sockets;
if (!conname)
int rnd[2];
Sys_RandomBytes((void*)rnd, sizeof(rnd));
conname = va("fte%08x%08x", rnd[0], rnd[1]);
con = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*con));
con->conname = Z_StrDup(conname);
con->friendlyname = Z_StrDup(peername);
con->proto = proto;
con->rpwd = Z_StrDup("");
con->rufrag = Z_StrDup("");
con->mode = mode;
if (!collection)
con->connections = collection = FTENET_CreateCollection(true);
FTENET_AddToCollection(collection, "UDP", "0", NA_IP, true);
FTENET_AddToCollection(collection, "natpmp", "natpmp://5351", NA_IP, true);
con->next = icelist;
icelist = con;
int rnd[1]; //'must have at least 24 bits randomness'
Sys_RandomBytes((void*)rnd, sizeof(rnd));
con->lufrag = Z_StrDup(va("%08x", rnd[0]));
int rnd[4]; //'must have at least 128 bits randomness'
Sys_RandomBytes((void*)rnd, sizeof(rnd));
con->lpwd = Z_StrDup(va("%08x%08x%08x%08x", rnd[0], rnd[1], rnd[2], rnd[3]));
Sys_RandomBytes((void*)&con->tiehigh, sizeof(con->tiehigh));
Sys_RandomBytes((void*)&con->tielow, sizeof(con->tielow));
if (collection)
int i;
int adrno, adrcount=1;
netadr_t adr;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONNECTIONS; i++)
if (!collection->conn[i])
adrno = 0;
if (collection->conn[i]->GetLocalAddress)
for (adrcount=1; (adrcount = collection->conn[i]->GetLocalAddress(collection->conn[i], &adr, adrno)) && adrno < adrcount; adrno++)
if (adr.type == NA_IP || adr.type == NA_IPV6)
adr.connum = i;
ICE_AddLCandidateInfo(con, &adr, adrno, ICE_HOST);
cand = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*cand));
cand->info.network = i;
cand->info.port = ntohs(adr.port);
adr.port = 0; //to make sure its not part of the string...
Q_strncpyz(cand->info.addr, NET_AdrToString(adrbuf, sizeof(adrbuf), &adr), sizeof(cand->info.addr));
cand->info.generation = 0;
cand->info.component = 1;
cand->info.foundation = 1;
cand->info.priority =
(1<<24)*(126) +
(1<<8)*((adr.type == NA_IP?32768:0)+net*256+(255-adrno)) +
(1<<0)*(256 - cand->info.component);
Sys_RandomBytes((void*)rnd, sizeof(rnd));
Q_strncpyz(cand->info.candidateid, va("x%08x%08x", rnd[0], rnd[1]), sizeof(cand->info.candidateid));
cand->dirty = true;
cand->next = con->lc;
con->lc = cand;
return con;
#include "zlib.h"
//if either remotecand is null, new packets will be sent to all.
static qboolean ICE_SendSpam(struct icestate_s *con)
struct icecandidate_s *rc;
int i;
int bestlocal = -1;
struct icecandidate_s *bestpeer = NULL;
ftenet_connections_t *collection = ICE_PickConnection(con);
if (!collection)
return false;
//only send one ping to each.
for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONNECTIONS; i++)
if (collection->conn[i])
for(rc = con->rc; rc; rc = rc->next)
if (!(rc->tried & (1u<<i)) && !(rc->tried & (1u<<i)))
//fixme: no local priority. a multihomed machine will try the same ip from different ports.
if (!bestpeer || bestpeer->info.priority < rc->info.priority)
bestpeer = rc;
bestlocal = i;
if (bestpeer && bestlocal >= 0)
netadr_t to;
sizebuf_t buf;
char data[512];
char integ[20];
int crc;
qboolean usecandidate = false;
memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
buf.maxsize = sizeof(data);
buf.cursize = 0;
buf.data = data;
bestpeer->tried |= (1u<<bestlocal);
if (!NET_StringToAdr(bestpeer->info.addr, bestpeer->info.port, &to))
return true;
Con_DPrintf("Spam %i -> %s:%i\n", bestlocal, bestpeer->info.addr, bestpeer->info.port);
if (!con->controlled && NET_CompareAdr(&to, &con->chosenpeer))
usecandidate = true;
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(0x0001));
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, 0); //fill in later
MSG_WriteLong(&buf, BigLong(0x2112a442)); //magic
MSG_WriteLong(&buf, BigLong(0)); //randomid
MSG_WriteLong(&buf, BigLong(0)); //randomid
MSG_WriteLong(&buf, BigLong(0x80000000|bestlocal)); //randomid
if (usecandidate)
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(0x25));//ICE-USE-CANDIDATE
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(0)); //just a flag, so no payload to this attribute
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(0x6)); //USERNAME
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(strlen(con->rufrag) + 1 + strlen(con->lufrag)));
SZ_Write(&buf, con->rufrag, strlen(con->rufrag));
MSG_WriteChar(&buf, ':');
SZ_Write(&buf, con->lufrag, strlen(con->lufrag));
MSG_WriteChar(&buf, 0); //pad
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(0x24));//ICE-PRIORITY
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(4));
MSG_WriteLong(&buf, 0); //FIXME. should be set to:
// priority = (2^24)*(type preference) +
// (2^8)*(local preference) +
// (2^0)*(256 - component ID)
//type preference should be 126 and is a function of the candidate type (direct sending should be highest priority at 126)
//local preference should reflect multi-homed preferences. ipv4+ipv6 count as multihomed.
//component ID should be 1 (rtcp would be 2 if we supported it)
//these two attributes carry a random 64bit tie-breaker.
//the controller is the one with the highest number.
if (con->controlled)
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(0x8029));//ICE-CONTROLLED
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(8));
MSG_WriteLong(&buf, BigLong(con->tiehigh));
MSG_WriteLong(&buf, BigLong(con->tielow));
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(0x802A));//ICE-CONTROLLING
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(8));
MSG_WriteLong(&buf, BigLong(con->tiehigh));
MSG_WriteLong(&buf, BigLong(con->tielow));
//message integrity is a bit annoying
data[2] = ((buf.cursize+4+sizeof(integ)-20)>>8)&0xff; //hashed header length is up to the end of the hmac attribute
data[3] = ((buf.cursize+4+sizeof(integ)-20)>>0)&0xff;
//but the hash is to the start of the attribute's header
SHA1_HMAC(integ, sizeof(integ), data, buf.cursize, con->rpwd, strlen(con->rpwd));
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(0x8)); //MESSAGE-INTEGRITY
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(20)); //sha1 key length
SZ_Write(&buf, integ, sizeof(integ)); //integrity data
data[2] = ((buf.cursize+8-20)>>8)&0xff; //dummy length
data[3] = ((buf.cursize+8-20)>>0)&0xff;
crc = crc32(0, data, buf.cursize)^0x5354554e;
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(0x8028)); //FINGERPRINT
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(sizeof(crc)));
MSG_WriteLong(&buf, BigLong(crc));
//fill in the length (for the fourth time, after filling in the integrity and fingerprint)
data[2] = ((buf.cursize-20)>>8)&0xff;
data[3] = ((buf.cursize-20)>>0)&0xff;
collection->conn[bestlocal]->SendPacket(collection->conn[bestlocal], buf.cursize, data, &to);
return true;
return false;
void ICE_ToStunServer(struct icestate_s *con)
sizebuf_t buf;
char data[512];
int crc;
ftenet_connections_t *collection = ICE_PickConnection(con);
if (!collection)
if (!con->stunrnd[0])
Sys_RandomBytes((char*)con->stunrnd, sizeof(con->stunrnd));
Con_DPrintf("Spam stun %s\n", NET_AdrToString(data, sizeof(data), &con->pubstunserver));
memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
buf.maxsize = sizeof(data);
buf.cursize = 0;
buf.data = data;
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(0x0001));
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, 0); //fill in later
MSG_WriteLong(&buf, BigLong(0x2112a442));
MSG_WriteLong(&buf, BigLong(con->stunrnd[0])); //randomid
MSG_WriteLong(&buf, BigLong(con->stunrnd[1])); //randomid
MSG_WriteLong(&buf, BigLong(con->stunrnd[2])); //randomid
data[2] = ((buf.cursize+8-20)>>8)&0xff; //dummy length
data[3] = ((buf.cursize+8-20)>>0)&0xff;
crc = crc32(0, data, buf.cursize)^0x5354554e;
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(0x8028)); //FINGERPRINT
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(sizeof(crc)));
MSG_WriteLong(&buf, BigLong(crc));
//fill in the length (for the fourth time, after filling in the integrity and fingerprint)
data[2] = ((buf.cursize-20)>>8)&0xff;
data[3] = ((buf.cursize-20)>>0)&0xff;
NET_SendPacket((con->proto==ICEP_QWSERVER)?NS_SERVER:NS_CLIENT, buf.cursize, data, &con->pubstunserver);
qboolean QDECL ICE_Set(struct icestate_s *con, char *prop, char *value)
if (!strcmp(prop, "state"))
int oldstate = con->state;
if (!strcmp(value, STRINGIFY(ICE_CONNECTING)))
con->state = ICE_CONNECTING;
else if (!strcmp(value, STRINGIFY(ICE_INACTIVE)))
con->state = ICE_INACTIVE;
else if (!strcmp(value, STRINGIFY(ICE_FAILED)))
con->state = ICE_FAILED;
else if (!strcmp(value, STRINGIFY(ICE_CONNECTED)))
con->state = ICE_CONNECTED;
Con_Printf("ICE_Set invalid state %s\n", value);
con->state = ICE_INACTIVE;
con->timeout = Sys_Milliseconds();
con->retries = 0;
if (oldstate != con->state && con->state == ICE_CONNECTED)
if (con->chosenpeer.type == NA_INVALID)
con->state = ICE_FAILED;
Con_Printf("ICE failed. peer not valid.\n");
else if (con->proto == ICEP_QWCLIENT)
char msg[256];
//FIXME: should make a proper connection type for this so we can switch to other candidates if one route goes down
// Con_Printf("Try typing connect %s\n", NET_AdrToString(msg, sizeof(msg), &con->chosenpeer));
Cbuf_AddText(va("\nconnect \"%s\"\n", NET_AdrToString(msg, sizeof(msg), &con->chosenpeer)), RESTRICT_LOCAL);
else if (con->proto == ICEP_QWSERVER)
extern void SVC_GetChallenge();
net_from = con->chosenpeer;
if (con->state == ICE_CONNECTED)
Con_Printf("%s connection established.\n", con->proto == ICEP_VOICE?"voice":"Quake");
#if !defined(SERVERONLY) && defined(VOICECHAT)
snd_voip_send.ival = (snd_voip_send.ival & ~4) | (NET_RTP_Active()?4:0);
else if (!strcmp(prop, "controlled"))
con->controlled = !!atoi(value);
else if (!strcmp(prop, "controller"))
con->controlled = !atoi(value);
else if (!strncmp(prop, "codec", 5))
int codec = atoi(prop+5);
if (codec < 96 || codec > 127)
return false;
codec -= 96;
#if !defined(SERVERONLY) && defined(VOICECHAT)
if (!S_Voip_RTP_CodecOkay(value))
con->codec[codec] = NULL;
return false;
con->codec[codec] = Z_StrDup(value);
else if (!strcmp(prop, "rufrag"))
con->rufrag = Z_StrDup(value);
else if (!strcmp(prop, "rpwd"))
con->rpwd = Z_StrDup(value);
else if (!strcmp(prop, "stunip"))
con->stunserver = Z_StrDup(value);
NET_StringToAdr(con->stunserver, con->stunport, &con->pubstunserver);
else if (!strcmp(prop, "stunport"))
con->stunport = atoi(value);
if (con->stunserver)
NET_StringToAdr(con->stunserver, con->stunport, &con->pubstunserver);
return false;
return true;
qboolean QDECL ICE_Get(struct icestate_s *con, char *prop, char *value, int valuelen)
if (!strcmp(prop, "sid"))
Q_strncpyz(value, con->conname, valuelen);
else if (!strcmp(prop, "state"))
Q_snprintfz(value, valuelen, "%i", con->state);
else if (!strcmp(prop, "lufrag"))
Q_strncpyz(value, con->lufrag, valuelen);
else if (!strcmp(prop, "lpwd"))
Q_strncpyz(value, con->lpwd, valuelen);
else if (!strncmp(prop, "codec", 5))
int codec = atoi(prop+5);
if (codec < 96 || codec > 127)
return false;
codec -= 96;
if (con->codec[codec])
Q_strncpyz(value, con->codec[codec], valuelen);
Q_strncpyz(value, "", valuelen);
else if (!strcmp(prop, "newlc"))
struct icecandidate_s *can;
Q_strncpyz(value, "0", valuelen);
for (can = con->lc; can; can = can->next)
if (can->dirty)
Q_strncpyz(value, "1", valuelen);
return false;
return true;
struct icecandinfo_s *QDECL ICE_GetLCandidateInfo(struct icestate_s *con)
struct icecandidate_s *can;
for (can = con->lc; can; can = can->next)
if (can->dirty)
can->dirty = false;
return &can->info;
return NULL;
//adrno is 0 if the type is anything but host.
void QDECL ICE_AddLCandidateInfo(struct icestate_s *con, netadr_t *adr, int adrno, int type)
int rnd[2];
struct icecandidate_s *cand;
if (!con)
for (cand = con->lc; cand; cand = cand->next)
if (NET_CompareAdr(adr, &cand->peer))
if (cand)
return; //DUPE
cand = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*cand));
cand->next = con->lc;
con->lc = cand;
NET_BaseAdrToString(cand->info.addr, sizeof(cand->info.addr), adr);
cand->info.port = ntohs(adr->port);
cand->info.type = type;
cand->info.generation = 0;
cand->info.foundation = 1;
cand->info.component = 1;
cand->info.network = adr->connum;
cand->dirty = true;
Sys_RandomBytes((void*)rnd, sizeof(rnd));
Q_strncpyz(cand->info.candidateid, va("x%08x%08x", rnd[0], rnd[1]), sizeof(cand->info.candidateid));
cand->info.priority =
(1<<24)*(126) +
(1<<8)*((adr->type == NA_IP?32768:0)+cand->info.network*256+(255-adrno)) +
(1<<0)*(256 - cand->info.component);
void QDECL ICE_AddLCandidateConn(ftenet_connections_t *col, netadr_t *addr, int type)
struct icestate_s *ice;
for (ice = icelist; ice; ice = ice->next)
if (ICE_PickConnection(ice) == col)
ICE_AddLCandidateInfo(ice, addr, 0, type);
void QDECL ICE_AddRCandidateInfo(struct icestate_s *con, struct icecandinfo_s *n)
struct icecandidate_s *o;
qboolean isnew;
netadr_t peer;
//I don't give a damn about rtpc.
if (n->component != 1)
if (!NET_StringToAdr(n->addr, n->port, &peer))
if (peer.type == NA_IP)
//ignore invalid addresses
if (!peer.address.ip[0] && !peer.address.ip[1] && !peer.address.ip[2] && !peer.address.ip[3])
for (o = con->rc; o; o = o->next)
//not sure that updating candidates is particuarly useful tbh, but hey.
if (!strcmp(o->info.candidateid, n->candidateid))
if (!o)
o = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*o));
o->next = con->rc;
con->rc = o;
Q_strncpyz(o->info.candidateid, n->candidateid, sizeof(o->info.candidateid));
isnew = true;
isnew = false;
Q_strncpyz(o->info.addr, n->addr, sizeof(o->info.addr));
o->info.port = n->port;
o->info.type = n->type;
o->info.priority = n->priority;
o->info.network = n->network;
o->info.generation = n->generation;
o->info.foundation = n->foundation;
o->info.component = n->component;
o->info.transport = n->transport;
o->dirty = true;
o->peer = peer;
o->tried = 0;
o->reachable = 0;
Con_DPrintf("%s remote candidate %s: [%s]:%i\n", isnew?"Added":"Updated", o->info.candidateid, o->info.addr, o->info.port);
static void ICE_Destroy(struct icestate_s *con)
if (con->connections)
//has already been unlinked
//send pings to establish/keep the connection alive
void ICE_Tick(void)
struct icestate_s *con;
unsigned int curtime = Sys_Milliseconds();
for (con = icelist; con; con = con->next)
case ICEM_RAW:
//raw doesn't do handshakes or keepalives. it should just directly connect.
//raw just uses the first (assumed only) option
if (con->state == ICE_CONNECTING)
struct icecandidate_s *rc;
rc = con->rc;
if (rc)
NET_StringToAdr(rc->info.addr, rc->info.port, &con->chosenpeer);
con->chosenpeer.type = NA_INVALID;
case ICEM_ICE:
if (con->state == ICE_CONNECTING || con->state == ICE_FAILED)
if (con->stunretry < curtime && con->pubstunserver.type != NA_INVALID)
con->stunretry = curtime + 2*1000;
if (con->keepalive < curtime)
if (!ICE_SendSpam(con))
struct icecandidate_s *rc;
struct icecandidate_s *best = NULL;
for (rc = con->rc; rc; rc = rc->next)
if (rc->reachable && (!best || rc->info.priority > best->info.priority))
best = rc;
if (best)
best->tried = ~best->reachable;
con->chosenpeer = best->peer;
for (rc = con->rc; rc; rc = rc->next)
rc->tried = 0;
if (con->retries > 32)
con->retries = 32;
con->keepalive = curtime + 200*(con->retries); //RTO
con->keepalive = curtime + 50*(con->retries+1); //Ta
else if (con->state == ICE_CONNECTED)
//if (timeout)
// con->state = ICE_CONNECTING;
void QDECL ICE_Close(struct icestate_s *con)
struct icestate_s **link;
for (link = &icelist; *link; )
if (con == *link)
*link = con->next;
link = &(*link)->next;
void QDECL ICE_CloseModule(void *module)
struct icestate_s **link, *con;
for (link = &icelist; *link; )
con = *link;
if (con->module == module)
*link = con->next;
link = &(*link)->next;
icefuncs_t iceapi =
qboolean ICE_WasStun(netsrc_t netsrc)
#if !defined(SERVERONLY) && defined(VOICECHAT)
if (netsrc == NS_CLIENT)
if (NET_RTP_Parse())
return true;
if ((net_from.type == NA_IP || net_from.type == NA_IPV6) && net_message.cursize >= 20)
stunhdr_t *stun = (stunhdr_t*)net_message.data;
int stunlen = BigShort(stun->msglen);
if ((stun->msgtype == BigShort(0x0101) || stun->msgtype == BigShort(0x0111)) && net_message.cursize == stunlen + sizeof(*stun))
//binding reply (or error)
netadr_t adr = net_from;
char xor[16];
short portxor;
stunattr_t *attr = (stunattr_t*)(stun+1);
int alen;
stunlen -= sizeof(*attr);
alen = (unsigned short)BigShort(attr->attrlen);
if (alen > stunlen)
return false;
stunlen -= alen;
case 1:
case 0x20:
if (BigShort(attr->attrtype) == 0x20)
portxor = *(short*)&stun->magiccookie;
memcpy(xor, &stun->magiccookie, sizeof(xor));
portxor = 0;
memset(xor, 0, sizeof(xor));
if (alen == 8 && ((qbyte*)attr)[5] == 1) //ipv4 MAPPED-ADDRESS
char str[256];
adr.type = NA_IP;
adr.port = (((short*)attr)[3]) ^ portxor;
*(int*)adr.address.ip = *(int*)(&((qbyte*)attr)[8]) ^ *(int*)xor;
NET_AdrToString(str, sizeof(str), &adr);
else if (alen == 20 && ((qbyte*)attr)[5] == 2) //ipv6 MAPPED-ADDRESS
netadr_t adr;
char str[256];
adr.type = NA_IPV6;
adr.port = (((short*)attr)[3]) ^ portxor;
((int*)adr.address.ip6)[0] = ((int*)&((qbyte*)attr)[8])[0] ^ ((int*)xor)[0];
((int*)adr.address.ip6)[1] = ((int*)&((qbyte*)attr)[8])[1] ^ ((int*)xor)[1];
((int*)adr.address.ip6)[2] = ((int*)&((qbyte*)attr)[8])[2] ^ ((int*)xor)[2];
((int*)adr.address.ip6)[3] = ((int*)&((qbyte*)attr)[8])[3] ^ ((int*)xor)[3];
NET_AdrToString(str, sizeof(str), &adr);
struct icestate_s *con;
for (con = icelist; con; con = con->next)
char str[256];
struct icecandidate_s *rc;
if (con->mode != ICEM_ICE)
//check to see if this is a new peer-reflexive address, which happens when the peer is behind a nat.
if (NET_CompareAdr(&net_from, &con->pubstunserver))
for (rc = con->lc; rc; rc = rc->next)
if (NET_CompareAdr(&adr, &rc->peer))
if (!rc)
struct icecandidate_s *rc;
rc = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*rc));
rc->next = con->lc;
con->lc = rc;
rc->peer = adr;
NET_BaseAdrToString(rc->info.addr, sizeof(rc->info.addr), &adr);
rc->info.port = ntohs(adr.port);
rc->info.type = ICE_SRFLX;
rc->info.component = 1;
rc->dirty = true;
rc->info.priority = 1; //FIXME
Con_DPrintf("ICE: Public address: %s\n", rc->info.addr);
con->stunretry = Sys_Milliseconds() + 60*1000;
for (rc = con->rc; rc; rc = rc->next)
if (NET_CompareAdr(&net_from, &rc->peer))
if (!(rc->reachable & (1u<<(net_from.connum-1))))
Con_DPrintf("ICE: We can reach %s\n", NET_AdrToString(str, sizeof(str), &net_from));
rc->reachable |= 1u<<(net_from.connum-1);
if (NET_CompareAdr(&net_from, &con->chosenpeer) && (stun->transactid[2] & BigLong(0x80000000)))
if (con->state == ICE_CONNECTING)
case 9:
char msg[64];
char sender[256];
unsigned short len = BigShort(attr->attrlen)-4;
if (len > sizeof(msg)-1)
len = sizeof(msg)-1;
memcpy(msg, &((qbyte*)attr)[8], len);
msg[len] = 0;
Con_DPrintf("%s: Stun error code %u : %s\n", NET_AdrToString(sender, sizeof(sender), &net_from), ((qbyte*)attr)[7], msg);
if (((qbyte*)attr)[7] == 1)
//not authorised.
if (((qbyte*)attr)[7] == 87)
//role conflict.
alen = (alen+3)&~3;
attr = (stunattr_t*)((char*)(attr+1) + alen);
return true;
else if (stun->msgtype == BigShort(0x0011) && net_message.cursize == stunlen + sizeof(*stun) && stun->magiccookie == BigLong(0x2112a442))
//binding indication. used as an rtp keepalive.
return true;
else if (stun->msgtype == BigShort(0x0001) && net_message.cursize == stunlen + sizeof(*stun) && stun->magiccookie == BigLong(0x2112a442))
char username[256];
char integrity[20];
char *integritypos = NULL;
int role = 0;
struct icestate_s *con;
unsigned int tiehigh = 0;
unsigned int tielow = 0;
qboolean usecandidate = false;
int error = 0;
unsigned int priority = 0;
//binding request
stunattr_t *attr = (stunattr_t*)(stun+1);
int alen;
*username = 0;
alen = (unsigned short)BigShort(attr->attrlen);
if (alen+sizeof(*attr) > stunlen)
return false;
switch((unsigned short)BigShort(attr->attrtype))
//unknown attributes < 0x8000 are 'mandatory to parse', and such packets must be dropped in their entirety.
//other ones are okay.
if (!((unsigned short)BigShort(attr->attrtype) & 0x8000))
return false;
case 0x6:
if (alen < sizeof(username))
memcpy(username, attr+1, alen);
username[alen] = 0;
// Con_Printf("Stun username = \"%s\"\n", username);
case 0x8:
//message integrity
memcpy(integrity, attr+1, sizeof(integrity));
integritypos = (char*)(attr+1);
case 0x24:
// Con_Printf("priority = \"%i\"\n", priority);
priority = BigLong(*(int*)(attr+1));
case 0x25:
usecandidate = true;
case 0x8028:
// Con_Printf("fingerprint = \"%08x\"\n", BigLong(*(int*)(attr+1)));
case 0x8029://ice controlled
case 0x802A://ice controlling
role = (unsigned short)BigShort(attr->attrtype);
//ice controlled
tiehigh = BigLong(((int*)(attr+1))[0]);
tielow = BigLong(((int*)(attr+1))[1]);
alen = (alen+3)&~3;
attr = (stunattr_t*)((char*)(attr+1) + alen);
stunlen -= alen+sizeof(*attr);
//we need to know which connection its from in order to validate the integrity
for (con = icelist; con; con = con->next)
if (!strcmp(va("%s:%s", con->lufrag, con->rufrag), username))
if (!con)
Con_DPrintf("Received STUN request from unknown user \"%s\"\n", username);
if (integritypos)
char key[20];
//the hmac is a bit weird. the header length includes the integrity attribute's length, but the checksum doesn't even consider the attribute header.
stun->msglen = BigShort(integritypos+sizeof(integrity) - (char*)stun - sizeof(*stun));
SHA1_HMAC(key, sizeof(key), (qbyte*)stun, integritypos-4 - (char*)stun, con->lpwd, strlen(con->lpwd));
if (memcmp(key, integrity, sizeof(integrity)))
Con_DPrintf("Integrity is bad! needed %x got %x\n", *(int*)key, *(int*)integrity);
return true;
if (con->state != ICE_INACTIVE)
sizebuf_t buf;
char data[512];
int alen = 0, atype = 0, aofs = 0;
int crc;
struct icecandidate_s *rc;
memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
buf.maxsize = sizeof(data);
buf.cursize = 0;
buf.data = data;
//check to see if this is a new peer-reflexive address, which happens when the peer is behind a nat.
for (rc = con->rc; rc; rc = rc->next)
if (NET_CompareAdr(&net_from, &rc->peer))
if (!rc)
struct icecandidate_s *rc;
rc = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*rc));
rc->next = con->rc;
con->rc = rc;
rc->peer = net_from;
NET_BaseAdrToString(rc->info.addr, sizeof(rc->info.addr), &net_from);
rc->info.port = ntohs(net_from.port);
rc->info.type = ICE_PRFLX;
rc->dirty = true;
rc->info.priority = priority;
//flip ice control role, if we're wrong.
if (role && role != (con->controlled?0x802A:0x8029))
if (tiehigh == con->tiehigh && tielow == con->tielow)
Con_Printf("ICE: Evil loopback hack enabled\n");
if (usecandidate)
con->chosenpeer = net_from;
if (con->state == ICE_CONNECTING)
con->controlled = (tiehigh > con->tiehigh) || (tiehigh == con->tiehigh && tielow > con->tielow);
Con_DPrintf("ICE: role conflict detected. We should be %s\n", con->controlled?"controlled":"controlling");
error = 87;
else if (usecandidate && con->controlled)
//in the controlled role, we're connected once we're told the pair to use (by the usecandidate flag).
//note that this 'nominates' candidate pairs, from which the highest priority is chosen.
//so we just pick select the highest.
//this is problematic, however, as we don't actually know the real priority that the peer thinks we'll nominate it with.
if (con->chosenpeer.type != NA_INVALID && !NET_CompareAdr(&net_from, &con->chosenpeer))
Con_DPrintf("ICE: Duplicate use-candidate\n");
con->chosenpeer = net_from;
Con_DPrintf("ICE: use-candidate: %s\n", NET_AdrToString(data, sizeof(data), &net_from));
if (con->state == ICE_CONNECTING)
if (net_from.type == NA_IP)
alen = 4;
atype = 1;
aofs = 0;
else if (net_from.type == NA_IPV6 &&
!*(int*)&net_from.address.ip6[0] &&
!*(int*)&net_from.address.ip6[4] &&
!*(short*)&net_from.address.ip6[8] &&
*(short*)&net_from.address.ip6[10] == (short)0xffff)
{ //just because we use an ipv6 address for ipv4 internally doesn't mean we should tell the peer that they're on ipv6...
alen = 4;
atype = 1;
aofs = sizeof(net_from.address.ip6) - sizeof(net_from.address.ip);
else if (net_from.type == NA_IPV6)
alen = 16;
atype = 2;
aofs = 0;
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(error?0x0111:0x0101));
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(0)); //fill in later
MSG_WriteLong(&buf, stun->magiccookie);
MSG_WriteLong(&buf, stun->transactid[0]);
MSG_WriteLong(&buf, stun->transactid[1]);
MSG_WriteLong(&buf, stun->transactid[2]);
if (error == 87)
char *txt = "Role Conflict";
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(0x0009));
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(4 + strlen(txt)));
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, 0); //reserved
MSG_WriteByte(&buf, 0); //class
MSG_WriteByte(&buf, error); //code
SZ_Write(&buf, txt, strlen(txt)); //readable
while(buf.cursize&3) //padding
MSG_WriteChar(&buf, 0);
else if (1)
{ //xor mapped
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(0x0020));
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(4+alen));
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(atype));
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, net_from.port);
SZ_Write(&buf, (char*)&net_from.address + aofs, alen);
{ //non-xor mapped
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(0x0001));
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(4+alen));
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(atype));
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, net_from.port);
SZ_Write(&buf, (char*)&net_from.address + aofs, alen);
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(0x6)); //USERNAME
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(strlen(username)));
SZ_Write(&buf, username, strlen(username));
MSG_WriteChar(&buf, 0);
//message integrity is a bit annoying
data[2] = ((buf.cursize+4+sizeof(integrity)-20)>>8)&0xff; //hashed header length is up to the end of the hmac attribute
data[3] = ((buf.cursize+4+sizeof(integrity)-20)>>0)&0xff;
//but the hash is to the start of the attribute's header
SHA1_HMAC(integrity, sizeof(integrity), data, buf.cursize, con->lpwd, strlen(con->lpwd));
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(0x8)); //MESSAGE-INTEGRITY
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(sizeof(integrity))); //sha1 key length
SZ_Write(&buf, integrity, sizeof(integrity)); //integrity data
data[2] = ((buf.cursize+8-20)>>8)&0xff; //dummy length
data[3] = ((buf.cursize+8-20)>>0)&0xff;
crc = crc32(0, data, buf.cursize)^0x5354554e;
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(0x8028)); //FINGERPRINT
MSG_WriteShort(&buf, BigShort(sizeof(crc)));
MSG_WriteLong(&buf, BigLong(crc));
data[2] = ((buf.cursize-20)>>8)&0xff;
data[3] = ((buf.cursize-20)>>0)&0xff;
NET_SendPacket(netsrc, buf.cursize, data, &net_from);
return true;
return false;