cypress 5516332fff
GLOBAL: Fix all compiler warnings, add -Werror for pull requests (#51)
* GLOBAL: Fix all compiler warnings, add -Werror for pull requests

* PSP: some gu warnings

* 3DS: Fix remaining warnings

* 3DS: Fix straggler warning

* PSP: Fix compile warnings

* RVL: Fix all (known) introduced bugs

* RVL: Fix intermittent crashes related to external picture loading

* PSP: Fix texture uploads

* PSP: Remove unused Mod_ParseWadsFromEntityLump (wahnsinn boots now)

* PSP/3DS/RVL: Fix for Mod_LoadTexInfo

* GLOBAL: Restore nzportable_defs.h changes

* 3DS: Properly define platform in ifdef


Co-authored-by: Tyler Young <tyleryoung88@yahoo.com>
2025-02-28 17:46:51 -08:00

692 lines
13 KiB

Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// console.c
#ifdef NeXT
#include <libc.h>
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "nzportable_def.h"
int con_linewidth;
float con_cursorspeed = 4;
#define CON_TEXTSIZE 16384
qboolean con_forcedup; // because no entities to refresh
int con_totallines; // total lines in console scrollback
int con_backscroll; // lines up from bottom to display
int con_current; // where next message will be printed
int con_x; // offset in current line for next print
char *con_text=0;
cvar_t con_notifytime = {"con_notifytime","3"}; //seconds
#define NUM_CON_TIMES 4
float con_times[NUM_CON_TIMES]; // realtime time the line was generated
// for transparent notify lines
int con_vislines;
qboolean con_debuglog;
#define MAXCMDLINE 256
extern char key_lines[32][MAXCMDLINE];
extern int edit_line;
extern int key_linepos;
qboolean con_initialized;
int con_notifylines; // scan lines to clear for notify lines
extern void M_Menu_Main_f (void);
#define MAXGAMEDIRLEN 1000
char debuglogfile[MAXGAMEDIRLEN + 1];
#ifndef __3DS__
void M_OSK_Draw (void);
void Con_OSK_f (char *input, char *output, int outlen);
void Con_OSK_Key(int key);
void Con_DrawOSK(void);
#endif // __PSP__, __3DS__, __WII__
extern qboolean console_enabled;
void Con_ToggleConsole_f (void)
if (key_dest == key_console)
if (cls.state == ca_connected)
key_dest = key_game;
console_enabled = false;
key_lines[edit_line][1] = 0; // clear any typing
key_linepos = 1;
console_enabled = false;
M_Menu_Main_f ();
key_dest = key_console;
SCR_EndLoadingPlaque ();
memset (con_times, 0, sizeof(con_times));
void Con_Clear_f (void)
if (con_text)
Q_memset (con_text, ' ', CON_TEXTSIZE);
void Con_ClearNotify (void)
int i;
for (i=0 ; i<NUM_CON_TIMES ; i++)
con_times[i] = 0;
extern qboolean team_message;
void Con_MessageMode_f (void)
key_dest = key_message;
team_message = false;
void Con_MessageMode2_f (void)
key_dest = key_message;
team_message = true;
If the line width has changed, reformat the buffer.
void Con_CheckResize (void)
int i, j, width, oldwidth, oldtotallines, numlines, numchars;
char tbuf[CON_TEXTSIZE];
width = (vid.width >> 3) - 2;
if (width == con_linewidth)
if (width < 1) // video hasn't been initialized yet
width = 38;
con_linewidth = width;
con_totallines = CON_TEXTSIZE / con_linewidth;
Q_memset (con_text, ' ', CON_TEXTSIZE);
oldwidth = con_linewidth;
con_linewidth = width;
oldtotallines = con_totallines;
con_totallines = CON_TEXTSIZE / con_linewidth;
numlines = oldtotallines;
if (con_totallines < numlines)
numlines = con_totallines;
numchars = oldwidth;
if (con_linewidth < numchars)
numchars = con_linewidth;
Q_memcpy (tbuf, con_text, CON_TEXTSIZE);
Q_memset (con_text, ' ', CON_TEXTSIZE);
for (i=0 ; i<numlines ; i++)
for (j=0 ; j<numchars ; j++)
con_text[(con_totallines - 1 - i) * con_linewidth + j] =
tbuf[((con_current - i + oldtotallines) %
oldtotallines) * oldwidth + j];
Con_ClearNotify ();
con_backscroll = 0;
con_current = con_totallines - 1;
void Con_Init (void)
char *t2 = "/condebug.log";
con_debuglog = COM_CheckParm("-condebug");
if (con_debuglog)
if (strlen (com_gamedir) < (MAXGAMEDIRLEN - strlen (t2)))
sprintf (debuglogfile, "%s%s", com_gamedir, t2);
unlink (debuglogfile);
con_text = Hunk_AllocName (CON_TEXTSIZE, "context");
Q_memset (con_text, ' ', CON_TEXTSIZE);
con_linewidth = -1;
Con_CheckResize ();
Con_Printf ("Console initialized.\n");
// register our commands
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&con_notifytime);
Cmd_AddCommand ("toggleconsole", Con_ToggleConsole_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("messagemode", Con_MessageMode_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("messagemode2", Con_MessageMode2_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("clear", Con_Clear_f);
con_initialized = true;
void Con_Linefeed (void)
con_x = 0;
Q_memset (&con_text[(con_current%con_totallines)*con_linewidth]
, ' ', con_linewidth);
Handles cursor positioning, line wrapping, etc
All console printing must go through this in order to be logged to disk
If no console is visible, the notify window will pop up.
void Con_Print (char *txt)
int y;
int c, l;
static int cr;
int mask;
con_backscroll = 0;
if (txt[0] == 1)
mask = 128; // go to colored text
S_LocalSound ("misc/talk.wav");
// play talk wav
else if (txt[0] == 2)
mask = 128; // go to colored text
mask = 0;
while ( (c = *txt) )
// count word length
for (l=0 ; l< con_linewidth ; l++)
if ( txt[l] <= ' ')
// word wrap
if (l != con_linewidth && (con_x + l > con_linewidth) )
con_x = 0;
if (cr)
cr = false;
if (!con_x)
Con_Linefeed ();
// mark time for transparent overlay
if (con_current >= 0)
con_times[con_current % NUM_CON_TIMES] = realtime;
switch (c)
case '\n':
con_x = 0;
case '\r':
con_x = 0;
cr = 1;
default: // display character and advance
y = con_current % con_totallines;
con_text[y*con_linewidth+con_x] = c | mask;
if (con_x >= con_linewidth)
con_x = 0;
void Con_DebugLog(char *file, char *fmt, ...)
va_list argptr;
static char data[1024];
int fd;
va_start(argptr, fmt);
vsprintf(data, fmt, argptr);
fd = open(file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 0666);
write(fd, data, strlen(data));
Handles cursor positioning, line wrapping, etc
#define MAXPRINTMSG 4096
// FIXME: make a buffer size safe vsprintf?
void Con_Printf (char *fmt, ...)
va_list argptr;
char msg[MAXPRINTMSG];
static qboolean inupdate;
va_start (argptr,fmt);
vsprintf (msg,fmt,argptr);
va_end (argptr);
// also echo to debugging console
Sys_Printf ("%s", msg); // also echo to debugging console
// log all messages to file
if (con_debuglog)
Con_DebugLog(debuglogfile, "%s", msg);
if (!con_initialized)
if (cls.state == ca_dedicated)
return; // no graphics mode
// write it to the scrollable buffer
Con_Print (msg);
// update the screen if the console is displayed
if (cls.signon != SIGNONS && !scr_disabled_for_loading )
// protect against infinite loop if something in SCR_UpdateScreen calls
// Con_Printd
if (!inupdate)
inupdate = true;
SCR_UpdateScreen ();
inupdate = false;
A Con_Printf that only shows up if the "developer" cvar is set
void Con_DPrintf (char *fmt, ...)
va_list argptr;
char msg[MAXPRINTMSG];
if (!developer.value)
return; // don't confuse non-developers with techie stuff...
va_start (argptr,fmt);
vsprintf (msg,fmt,argptr);
va_end (argptr);
Con_Printf ("%s", msg);
Okay to call even when the screen can't be updated
void Con_SafePrintf (char *fmt, ...)
va_list argptr;
char msg[1024];
int temp;
va_start (argptr,fmt);
vsprintf (msg,fmt,argptr);
va_end (argptr);
temp = scr_disabled_for_loading;
scr_disabled_for_loading = true;
Con_Printf ("%s", msg);
scr_disabled_for_loading = temp;
The input line scrolls horizontally if typing goes beyond the right edge
void Con_DrawInput (void)
int i;
char *text;
if (key_dest != key_console && !con_forcedup)
return; // don't draw anything
text = key_lines[edit_line];
// add the cursor frame
text[key_linepos] = 10+((int)(realtime*con_cursorspeed)&1);
// fill out remainder with spaces
for (i=key_linepos+1 ; i< con_linewidth ; i++)
text[i] = ' ';
// prestep if horizontally scrolling
if (key_linepos >= con_linewidth)
text += 1 + key_linepos - con_linewidth;
// draw it
for (i=0 ; i<con_linewidth ; i++)
Draw_Character ( (i+1)<<3, con_vislines - 16, text[i]);
// remove cursor
key_lines[edit_line][key_linepos] = 0;
Draws the last few lines of output transparently over the game top
void Con_DrawNotify (void)
int x, v;
char *text;
int i;
float time;
extern char chat_buffer[];
v = 0;
for (i= con_current-NUM_CON_TIMES+1 ; i<=con_current ; i++)
if (i < 0)
time = con_times[i % NUM_CON_TIMES];
if (time == 0)
time = realtime - time;
if (time > con_notifytime.value)
text = con_text + (i % con_totallines)*con_linewidth;
clearnotify = 0;
scr_copytop = 1;
for (x = 0 ; x < con_linewidth ; x++)
Draw_Character ( (x+1)<<3, v, text[x]);
v += 8;
if (key_dest == key_message)
clearnotify = 0;
scr_copytop = 1;
x = 0;
Draw_String (8, v, "say:");
Draw_Character ( (x+5)<<3, v, chat_buffer[x]);
Draw_Character ( (x+5)<<3, v, 10+((int)(realtime*con_cursorspeed)&1));
v += 8;
if (v > con_notifylines)
con_notifylines = v;
Draws the console with the solid background
The typing input line at the bottom should only be drawn if typing is allowed
qboolean console_enabled;
void Con_DrawConsole (int lines, qboolean drawinput, float scale)
int i, x, y;
int rows;
char *text;
int j;
if (lines <= 0)
// draw the background
Draw_ConsoleBackground (lines);
if (!console_enabled && !developer.value)
// Console will look off without this
lines = lines/scale;
// draw the text
con_vislines = lines;
rows = (lines-16)>>3; // rows of text to draw
y = lines - 16 - (rows<<3); // may start slightly negative
for (i= con_current - rows + 1 ; i<=con_current ; i++, y+=8 )
j = i - con_backscroll;
if (j<0)
j = 0;
text = con_text + (j % con_totallines)*con_linewidth;
for (x=0 ; x<con_linewidth ; x++)
Draw_CharacterRGBA ( ((x+1)<<3)*scale, y*scale, text[x], 255, 255, 255, 255, scale);
// draw the input prompt, user text, and cursor if desired
#ifndef __WII__
if (drawinput)
Con_DrawInput ();
#endif // __WII__
#ifndef __3DS__
#endif // __PSP__, __3DS__, __WII__
#ifndef __3DS__
static qboolean scr_osk_active = false;
void Con_SetOSKActive(qboolean active)
scr_osk_active = active;
qboolean Con_isSetOSKActive(void)
return scr_osk_active;
void Con_DrawOSK(void) {
if (scr_osk_active) {
#endif // __PSP__, __WII__
void Con_NotifyBox (char *text)
double t1, t2;
// during startup for sound / cd warnings
Con_Printf (text);
Con_Printf ("Press a key.\n");
key_count = -2; // wait for a key down and up
key_dest = key_console;
t1 = Sys_FloatTime ();
SCR_UpdateScreen ();
Sys_SendKeyEvents ();
#ifdef __WII__
IN_Commands ();
t2 = Sys_FloatTime ();
realtime += t2-t1; // make the cursor blink
} while (key_count < 0);
Con_Printf ("\n");
key_dest = key_game;
realtime = 0; // put the cursor back to invisible