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Copyright (C) 2007 Peter Mackay and Chris Swindle.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <pspctrl.h>
extern "C"
#include "../quakedef.h"
namespace quake
namespace input
// A map from button mask to Quake key.
static const unsigned int buttonCount = sizeof(unsigned int) * 8;
typedef int ButtonToKeyMap[buttonCount];
static ButtonToKeyMap buttonToGameKeyMap;
static ButtonToKeyMap buttonToConsoleKeyMap;
static ButtonToKeyMap buttonToMessageKeyMap;
static ButtonToKeyMap buttonToMenuKeyMap;
// The previous key state (for checking if things changed).
static SceCtrlData lastPad;
static bool readyToBindKeys = false;
static unsigned int buttonMaskToShift(unsigned int mask)
// Bad mask?
if (!mask)
return 0;
// Shift right until we hit a 1.
unsigned int shift = 0;
while ((mask & 1) == 0)
mask >>= 1;
return shift;
// Quake globals.
extern "C" int bind_grab;
using namespace quake;
using namespace quake::input;
extern cvar_t in_analog_strafe;
extern cvar_t in_x_axis_adjust;
extern cvar_t in_y_axis_adjust;
extern cvar_t in_mlook; //Heffo - mlook cvar
void IN_Init (void)
// Set up the controller.
// Japanese users would prefer to have X as cancel and O as OK.
//unsigned int okButton = PSP_CTRL_CIRCLE;
//unsigned int cancelButton = PSP_CTRL_CROSS;
unsigned int okButton = PSP_CTRL_CROSS;
unsigned int cancelButton = PSP_CTRL_CIRCLE;
// Build the button to Quake key maps.
// Common keys:
buttonToGameKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(PSP_CTRL_SELECT)] = K_SELECT;
buttonToGameKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(PSP_CTRL_START)] = K_ESCAPE;
buttonToGameKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(PSP_CTRL_HOME)] = K_HOME;
buttonToGameKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(PSP_CTRL_NOTE)] = K_NOTE;
buttonToGameKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(PSP_CTRL_SCREEN)] = K_SCREEN;
buttonToGameKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(PSP_CTRL_UP)] = K_UPARROW;
buttonToGameKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(PSP_CTRL_RIGHT)] = K_RIGHTARROW;
buttonToGameKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(PSP_CTRL_DOWN)] = K_DOWNARROW;
buttonToGameKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(PSP_CTRL_LEFT)] = K_LEFTARROW;
memcpy_vfpu(buttonToConsoleKeyMap, buttonToGameKeyMap, sizeof(ButtonToKeyMap));
memcpy_vfpu(buttonToMessageKeyMap, buttonToGameKeyMap, sizeof(ButtonToKeyMap));
memcpy_vfpu(buttonToMenuKeyMap, buttonToGameKeyMap, sizeof(ButtonToKeyMap));
// Game keys:
buttonToGameKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(PSP_CTRL_LTRIGGER)] = K_AUX1;
buttonToGameKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(PSP_CTRL_RTRIGGER)] = K_AUX2;
buttonToGameKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(PSP_CTRL_TRIANGLE)] = K_JOY1;
buttonToGameKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(PSP_CTRL_CIRCLE)] = K_JOY2;
buttonToGameKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(PSP_CTRL_CROSS)] = K_JOY3;
buttonToGameKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(PSP_CTRL_SQUARE)] = K_JOY4;
// Console keys:
buttonToConsoleKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(PSP_CTRL_LTRIGGER)] = K_PGUP;
buttonToConsoleKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(PSP_CTRL_RTRIGGER)] = K_PGDN;
buttonToConsoleKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(okButton)] = K_ENTER;
buttonToConsoleKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(cancelButton)] = K_ESCAPE;
buttonToConsoleKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(PSP_CTRL_TRIANGLE)] = K_DEL;
buttonToConsoleKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(PSP_CTRL_SQUARE)] = K_INS;
// Message keys:
memcpy_vfpu(buttonToMessageKeyMap, buttonToConsoleKeyMap, sizeof(ButtonToKeyMap));
// Menu keys:
buttonToMenuKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(PSP_CTRL_SQUARE)] = K_INS;
buttonToMenuKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(cancelButton)] = K_ESCAPE;
buttonToMenuKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(okButton)] = K_ENTER;
buttonToMenuKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(PSP_CTRL_TRIANGLE)] = K_DEL;
buttonToMenuKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(PSP_CTRL_LTRIGGER)] = K_AUX1;
buttonToMenuKeyMap[buttonMaskToShift(PSP_CTRL_RTRIGGER)] = K_AUX2;
void IN_Shutdown (void)
void IN_Commands (void)
// Changed in or out of key binding mode?
if ((bind_grab != 0) != readyToBindKeys)
// Was in key binding mode?
if (readyToBindKeys)
// Just left key binding mode.
// Release all keys which are pressed.
for (unsigned int button = 0; button < buttonCount; ++button)
// Was the button pressed?
if (lastPad.Buttons & (1 << button))
// Is the button in the map?
const int key = buttonToGameKeyMap[button];
if (key)
// Send a release event.
Key_Event(key, qfalse);
// We're not ready to bind keys any more.
readyToBindKeys = false;
// Entering key binding mode.
// Release all keys which are pressed.
for (unsigned int button = 0; button < buttonCount; ++button)
// Was the button pressed?
if (lastPad.Buttons & (1 << button))
// Is the button in the map?
const int key = buttonToMenuKeyMap[button];
if (key)
// Send a release event.
Key_Event(key, qfalse);
// We're now ready to bind keys.
readyToBindKeys = true;
// Use a different key mapping depending on where inputs are going to go.
const ButtonToKeyMap* buttonToKeyMap = 0;
switch (key_dest)
case key_game:
buttonToKeyMap = &buttonToGameKeyMap;
case key_console:
buttonToKeyMap = &buttonToConsoleKeyMap;
case key_message:
buttonToKeyMap = &buttonToMessageKeyMap;
case key_menu:
case key_menu_pause:
// Binding keys?
if (readyToBindKeys)
buttonToKeyMap = &buttonToGameKeyMap;
buttonToKeyMap = &buttonToMenuKeyMap;
Sys_Error("Unhandled key destination %d", key_dest);
// Read the pad state.
SceCtrlData pad;
sceCtrlPeekBufferPositive(&pad, 1);
// Find out which buttons have changed.
SceCtrlData deltaPad;
deltaPad.Buttons = pad.Buttons ^ lastPad.Buttons;
deltaPad.Lx = pad.Lx - lastPad.Lx;
deltaPad.Ly = pad.Ly - lastPad.Ly;
deltaPad.TimeStamp = pad.TimeStamp - lastPad.TimeStamp;
// Handle buttons which have changed.
for (unsigned int button = 0; button < buttonCount; ++button)
// Has the button changed?
const unsigned int buttonMask = 1 << button;
if (deltaPad.Buttons & buttonMask)
// Is the button in the map?
const int key = (*buttonToKeyMap)[button];
if (key)
// Send an event.
const qboolean state = (pad.Buttons & buttonMask) ? qtrue : qfalse;
Key_Event(key, state);
// Remember the pad state for next time.
lastPad = pad;
float IN_CalcInput(int axis, float speed, float tolerance, float acceleration) {
float value = ((float) axis / 128.0f) - 1.0f;
if (value == 0.0f) {
return 0.0f;
float abs_value = fabs(value);
if (abs_value < tolerance) {
return 0.0f;
abs_value -= tolerance;
abs_value /= (1.0f - tolerance);
abs_value = powf(abs_value, acceleration);
abs_value *= speed;
if (value < 0.0f) {
value = -abs_value;
} else {
value = abs_value;
return value;
extern cvar_t scr_fov;
extern int original_fov, final_fov;
void IN_Move (usercmd_t *cmd)
unsigned char analog_strafe = 0;
// Don't let the pitch drift back to centre if analog nub look is on.
if (in_mlook.value)
else {
if (in_analog_strafe.value || (in_strafe.state & 1)) {
analog_strafe = 1;
// Read the pad state.
SceCtrlData pad;
sceCtrlPeekBufferPositive(&pad, 1);
// Convert the inputs to floats in the range [-1, 1].
// Implement the dead zone.
float speed;
float deadZone = in_tolerance.value;
float acceleration = in_acceleration.value;
int x_adjust = in_x_axis_adjust.value;
int y_adjust = in_y_axis_adjust.value;
//shpuld begin
if (!analog_strafe) {
speed = in_sensitivity.value;
// ==== Aim Assist + ====
// cut look speed in half when facing enemy, unless
// mag is empty
if ((in_aimassist.value) && (sv_player->v.facingenemy == 1) && cl.stats[STAT_CURRENTMAG] > 0) {
speed *= 0.5;
// additionally, slice look speed when ADS/scopes
if (cl.stats[STAT_ZOOM] == 1)
speed *= 0.5;
else if (cl.stats[STAT_ZOOM] == 2)
speed *= 0.25;
} else {
speed = sv_player->v.maxspeed/150;
if (cl.stats[STAT_ZOOM] == 1)
speed *= 2;
else if (cl.stats[STAT_ZOOM] == 2)
speed *= 4;
//shpuld end
float x = IN_CalcInput(pad.Lx+x_adjust, speed, deadZone, acceleration);
float y = IN_CalcInput(pad.Ly+y_adjust, speed, deadZone, acceleration);
// Set the yaw.
// Analog nub look?
if (!analog_strafe) {
const float yawScale = 30.0f;
cl.viewangles[YAW] -= yawScale * x * host_frametime;
if (in_mlook.value)
// Set the pitch.
const bool invertPitch = m_pitch.value < 0;
const float pitchScale = yawScale * (invertPitch ? -1 : 1);
cl.viewangles[PITCH] += pitchScale * y * host_frametime;
// Don't look too far up or down.
if (cl.viewangles[PITCH] > 80.0f)
cl.viewangles[PITCH] = 80.0f;
if (cl.viewangles[PITCH] < -70.0f)
cl.viewangles[PITCH] = -70.0f;
// Move using up and down.
cmd->forwardmove -= cl_forwardspeed * y;
} else {
cmd->sidemove += cl_sidespeed * x;
cmd->forwardmove -= cl_forwardspeed * y;