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* PSP Software Development Kit - http://www.pspdev.org
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Licensed under the BSD license, see LICENSE in PSPSDK root for details.
* Copyright (c) 2007 Steve Galatis
* Copyright (c) 2007 Christophe Avoinme
* General purpose math library using vfpu optimized instructions.
* Most of the routines here run at least 5 to 20 times faster than the equivalent
* routines in libm
#ifndef _pspmath_h_
#define _pspmath_h_
#include <psptypes.h>
/** @defgroup VFPUMATH VFPU Math Library
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
typedef struct quat {
float x, y, z, w;
} __attribute__((aligned(16))) ScePspQuatMatrix;
/** @addtogroup VFPUMATH */
* Print a formatted block of 16 vfpu registers
* @param blockid - register block id (0 to 7)
void printVFPURegisters(int blockid);
* Set vfpu random generator seed
* @param x - seed value
void vfpu_srand(unsigned int x);
* Return random float value
* @param min - minimum value to return
* @param max - maximum value to return
float vfpu_randf(float min, float max);
* Return random color value in 8888 format
* This always sets the alpha channel value to 0xFF
* @param min - minimum value for each color channel (0..255)
* @param max - maximum value for each color channel (0..255)
unsigned int vfpu_rand_8888(int min, int max);
* Generate an identity matrix
* @param m - pointer to matrix to set
void vfpu_identity_matrix(ScePspFMatrix4 *m);
* Generate a translation matrix
* @param m - pointer to matrix
* @param x - translation on x axis
* @param y - translation on y axis
* @param z - translation on z axis
void vfpu_translate_matrix(ScePspFMatrix4 *m, float x, float y, float z);
* Generate a perspective projection matrix
* @param m - pointer to matrix
* @param fovy - vertical field of view
* @param aspect - aspect ratio of viewport
* @param near - near clipping plane
* @param far - far clipping plane
void vfpu_perspective_matrix(ScePspFMatrix4 *m, float fovy, float aspect, float near, float far);
* Generate an orthogonal projection matrix
* @param m - pointer to matrix
* @param left - coordinate for left edge of viewport
* @param right - coordinate for right edge of viewport
* @param bottom - coordinate for bottom edge of viewport
* @param top - coordinate for top edge of viewport
* @param near - near clipping plane
* @param far - far clipping plane
void vfpu_ortho_matrix(ScePspFMatrix4 *m, float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float near, float far);
* Calculate sine
* @param x - input in radians
float vfpu_sinf(float x);
* Calculate cosine
* @param x - input in radians
float vfpu_cosf(float x);
* Calculate tangent
* @param x - input in radians
float vfpu_tanf(float x);
* Calculate inverse sine (arcsin)
* @param x - input
float vfpu_asinf(float x);
* Calculate inverse cosine (arccos)
* @param x - input
float vfpu_acosf(float x);
* Calculate inverse tangent (arctan)
* @param x - input
float vfpu_atanf(float x);
* Calculate inverse tangent, with proper quadrant fixup
* @param x - input
float vfpu_atan2f(float x, float y);
* Calculate hyperbolic sine
* @param x - input
float vfpu_sinhf(float x);
* Calculate hyperbolic cosine
* @param x - input
float vfpu_coshf(float x);
* Calculate hyperbolic tangent
* @param x - input
float vfpu_tanhf(float x);
* Calculate sine and cosine
* @param r - input in radians
* @param s - pointer to float for sin
* @param c - pointer to float for cos
void vfpu_sincos(float r, float *s, float *c);
* Calculate exponent of x
* @param x - input
float vfpu_expf(float x);
* Calculate logarithm of x
* @param x - input
float vfpu_logf(float x);
* Calculate x raised to the power of y
* @param x - number to raise power of
* @param y - power to raise x by
float vfpu_powf(float x, float y);
* Calculate floating point remainder of x/y
* @param x - input
* @param y - input
float vfpu_fmodf(float x, float y);
* Calculate absolute floating point of x
* @param x - input
float vfpu_fabsf(float x);
* Calculate floating square root point of x
* @param x - input
float vfpu_sqrtf(float x);
* Perform a smooth acceleration/deceleration curve based on the input time value
* returns 0 to 1
* @param t - input (0 to 1 float)
float vfpu_ease_in_out(float t);
* Normalize a 3d vector, returning a unit vector of length = 1
* @param v - pointer to vector to normalize
void vfpu_normalize_vector(ScePspFVector4 *v);
* Zero a 3d vector
* @param v - pointer to vector
void vfpu_zero_vector(ScePspFVector4 *v);
* Scale a 3d vector
* @param vout - pointer to result vector
* @param vin - pointer to vector to scale
* @param scale - float value to scale vector by
void vfpu_scale_vector(ScePspFVector4 *vout, ScePspFVector4 *vin, float scale);
* Add 2 3d vectors
* @param vout - pointer to result vector
* @param va - pointer to first vector to add
* @param vb - pointer to second vector to add
void vfpu_add_vector(ScePspFVector4 *vout, ScePspFVector4 *va, ScePspFVector4 *vb);
* Generate rotation matrix for environment map.
* @param envmat - pointer to array of 2 vectors to store envmap matrix
* @param r - angle to rotate in radians
void vfpu_envmap_matrix(ScePspFVector4 *envmat, float r);
* Transform 3d vector by 4x4 matrix
* @param m - pointer to transformation matrix
* @param vin - pointer to vector to transform
* @param vout - pointer to result vector
void vfpu_transform_vector(ScePspFMatrix4 *m, ScePspFVector4 *vin, ScePspFVector4 *vout);
* Convert input sphere coordinates to cartesian coordinates
* @param az - azimuth angle (0 to PI*2)
* @param ze - zenith angle (0 to PI)
* @param rad - sphere radius
* @param x - pointer to float for x coordinate
* @param y - pointer to float for y coordinate
* @param z - pointer to float for z coordinate
void vfpu_sphere_to_cartesian(float az, float ze, float rad, float *x, float *y, float *z);
* Generate an identity quaternion
* @param q - pointer to quaternion
* this will set the quaternion's components to 0,0,0,1
void vfpu_quaternion_identity(ScePspQuatMatrix *q);
* Copy a quaternion
* @param dst - pointer to quaternion to copy to
* @param src - pointer to quaternion to copy from
void vfpu_quaternion_copy(ScePspQuatMatrix *dst, ScePspQuatMatrix *src);
* Normalize a quaternion
* @param res - pointer to quaternion to normalize
void vfpu_quaternion_normalize(ScePspQuatMatrix *res);
* Multiply 2 quaternions
* @param qout - pointer to result quaternion
* @param a - pointer to first quaternion to multiply
* @param b - pointer to second quaternion to multiply
void vfpu_quaternion_multiply(ScePspQuatMatrix *qout, ScePspQuatMatrix *a, ScePspQuatMatrix *b);
* Make a quaternion from euler angles
* @param qout - pointer to output quaternion
* @param rx - rotation on x axis, in degrees
* @param ry - rotation on y axis, in degrees
* @param rz - rotation on z axis, in degrees
void vfpu_quaternion_from_euler(ScePspQuatMatrix *qout, float rx, float ry, float rz);
* Calculate exponent of a quaternion
* @param qout - pointer to output quaternion
* @param qin - pointer to input quaternion
void vfpu_quaternion_exp(ScePspQuatMatrix *qout, ScePspQuatMatrix *qin);
* Calculate logarithm of a quaternion
* @param qout - pointer to output quaternion
* @param qin - pointer to input quaternion
void vfpu_quaternion_ln(ScePspQuatMatrix *qout, ScePspQuatMatrix *qin);
* Return a sample from a linear interpolation of 2 quaternions
* @param qout - pointer to output quaternion
* @param a - pointer to starting quaternion
* @param b - pointer to ending quaternion
* @param t - time value to sample, from 0 to 1
void vfpu_quaternion_sample_linear(ScePspQuatMatrix *qout, ScePspQuatMatrix *a, ScePspQuatMatrix *b, float t);
* Return a sample from a hermite spline interpolation
* @param qout - pointer to output quaternion
* @param a - pointer to start quaternion
* @param b - pointer to end quaternion
* @param at - pointer to tangent point for quaternion a
* @param bt - pointer to tangent point for quaternion b
* @param t - time value to sample, from 0 to 1
void vfpu_quaternion_sample_hermite(ScePspQuatMatrix *qout, ScePspQuatMatrix *a, ScePspQuatMatrix *b, ScePspQuatMatrix *at, ScePspQuatMatrix *bt, float t);
* Return a tangent point for hermite spline interpolation
* @param qout - pointer to output quaternion
* @param p1 - pointer to p-1 on spline curve for tangent
* @param p2 - pointer to p+1 on spline curve for tangent
* @param bias - value to scale difference between endpoints.
* for example, 0.5 results in a catmull-rom spline tangent
void vfpu_quaternion_hermite_tangent(ScePspQuatMatrix *qout, ScePspQuatMatrix *p1, ScePspQuatMatrix *p2, float bias);
* Convert quaternion to rotation matrix
* @param q - pointer to input quaternion
* @param m - pointer to output matrix
void vfpu_quaternion_to_matrix(ScePspQuatMatrix *q, ScePspFMatrix4 *m);
#if defined(__cplusplus)