/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2007 Peter Mackay and Chris Swindle. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "network_psp.hpp" #include // inet_addr #include // sockaddr_in #include // PSP socket API. #include #include #include #include #include "gethost.hpp" #include #define ntohs(x) __builtin_bswap16(x) #define ntohl(x) __builtin_bswap32(x) #define htons(x) __builtin_bswap16(x) #define htonl(x) __builtin_bswap32(x) #define ADHOC_NET 29 #define ADHOC_EWOULDBLOCK 0x80410709 #define MAXHOSTNAMELEN 64 #define EWOULDBLOCK 111 #define ECONNREFUSED 11 int totalAccessPoints = 0; cvar_t accesspoint = {"accesspoint", "1", qtrue}; int accessPointNumber[100]; typedef struct sockaddr_adhoc { char len; short family; u16 port; char mac[6]; char zero[6]; } sockaddr_adhoc; #ifdef PROFILE #define sceUtilityLoadNetModule #define sceUtilityUnLoadNetModule #endif static pdpStatStruct gPdpStat; pdpStatStruct *findPdpStat(int socket, pdpStatStruct *pdpStat) { if(socket == pdpStat->pdpId) { memcpy_vfpu(&gPdpStat, pdpStat, sizeof(pdpStatStruct)); return &gPdpStat; } if(pdpStat->next) return findPdpStat(socket, pdpStat->next); return (pdpStatStruct *)-1; } namespace quake { namespace network { namespace infrastructure { static int accept_socket = -1; // socket for fielding new connections static int control_socket = -1; static int broadcast_socket = 0; static struct qsockaddr broadcast_addr; static int my_addr = 0; int init (void) { if(totalAccessPoints == 0) { int iNetIndex; memset(accessPointNumber, 0, sizeof(accessPointNumber)); for (iNetIndex = 1; iNetIndex < 100; iNetIndex++) // skip the 0th connection { if (sceUtilityCheckNetParam(iNetIndex) == 0) { totalAccessPoints++; accessPointNumber[totalAccessPoints] = iNetIndex; } } if(accesspoint.value > totalAccessPoints) Cvar_SetValue("accesspoint", 1); } if(!host_initialized) { Cvar_RegisterVariable(&accesspoint); } if(!tcpipAvailable) return -1; char szMyIPAddr[32]; struct qsockaddr addr; char *colon; char buff[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; S_ClearBuffer (); // so dma doesn't loop current sound // Load the network modules when they are required const int err1 = sceUtilityLoadNetModule(PSP_NET_MODULE_COMMON); if(err1 < 0) { Con_Printf("Couldn't load MODULE_COMMON: %08x\n",err1); } const int err2 = sceUtilityLoadNetModule(PSP_NET_MODULE_INET); if(err2 < 0) { Con_Printf("Couldn't load MODULE_INET: %09x\n ",err2); } // Initialise the network. const int err = pspSdkInetInit(); if (err) { Con_Printf("Couldn't initialize the network %08X\n", err); sceUtilityUnloadNetModule(PSP_NET_MODULE_INET); sceUtilityUnloadNetModule(PSP_NET_MODULE_COMMON); return -1; } if(!connect_to_apctl(accessPointNumber[(int)accesspoint.value])) { Con_Printf("Unable to connect to access point\n"); pspSdkInetTerm(); sceUtilityUnloadNetModule(PSP_NET_MODULE_INET); sceUtilityUnloadNetModule(PSP_NET_MODULE_COMMON); return -1; } // connected, get my IPADDR and run test if (sceNetApctlGetInfo(8, (SceNetApctlInfo*)szMyIPAddr) != 0) strcpy(szMyIPAddr, "unknown IP address"); // determine my name & address gethostname(buff, MAXHOSTNAMELEN); my_addr = inet_addr(szMyIPAddr); // if the quake hostname isn't set, set it to the machine name if (strcmp(hostname.string, "UNNAMED") == 0) { buff[15] = 0; Cvar_Set ("hostname", buff); } if ((control_socket = open_socket(0)) == -1) { pspSdkInetTerm(); sceUtilityUnloadNetModule(PSP_NET_MODULE_INET); sceUtilityUnloadNetModule(PSP_NET_MODULE_COMMON); Sys_Error("init: Unable to open control socket\n"); } ((struct sockaddr_in *)&broadcast_addr)->sin_family = AF_INET; ((struct sockaddr_in *)&broadcast_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_BROADCAST; ((struct sockaddr_in *)&broadcast_addr)->sin_port = htons(net_hostport); get_socket_addr (control_socket, &addr); Q_strcpy(my_tcpip_address, addr_to_string(&addr)); colon = Q_strrchr (my_tcpip_address, ':'); if (colon) *colon = 0; Con_Printf("UDP Initialized\n"); tcpipAvailable = qtrue; return control_socket; } //============================================================================= void shut_down (void) { listen(qfalse); close_socket(control_socket); pspSdkInetTerm(); // Now to unload the network modules, no need to keep them loaded all the time sceUtilityUnloadNetModule(PSP_NET_MODULE_INET); sceUtilityUnloadNetModule(PSP_NET_MODULE_COMMON); } //============================================================================= void listen (qboolean state) { // enable listening if (state) { if (accept_socket != -1) return; if ((accept_socket = open_socket(net_hostport)) == -1) Sys_Error ("listen: Unable to open accept socket\n"); return; } // disable listening if (accept_socket == -1) return; close_socket(accept_socket); accept_socket = -1; } //============================================================================= int open_socket (int port) { int newsocket; struct sockaddr_in address; if ((newsocket = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) == -1) return -1; int val = 1; if(setsockopt(newsocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NONBLOCK, &val, sizeof(val)) < 0) goto ErrorReturn; address.sin_family = AF_INET; address.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; address.sin_port = htons(port); if( bind (newsocket, (sockaddr *)&address, sizeof(address)) == -1) goto ErrorReturn; printf("got here4\n"); return newsocket; ErrorReturn: close(newsocket); return -1; } //============================================================================= int close_socket (int socket) { if (socket == broadcast_socket) broadcast_socket = 0; return close(socket); } int connect (int socket, struct qsockaddr *addr) { return 0; } //============================================================================= int check_new_connections (void) { byte buf[1000]; if (accept_socket == -1) return -1; // Peek at the message and if there is a message waiting then return the // socket int ret = recvfrom(accept_socket, buf, 1000, MSG_PEEK, NULL, NULL); if(ret > 0) return accept_socket; return -1; } //============================================================================= int read (int socket, byte *buf, int len, struct qsockaddr *addr) { int addrlen = sizeof (struct qsockaddr); int ret; ret = recvfrom (socket, buf, len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)addr, (socklen_t*)&addrlen); if (ret == -1) { int errno = sceNetInetGetErrno(); if(errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == ECONNREFUSED) { return 0; } } return ret; } //============================================================================= static int make_socket_broadcast_capable (int socket) { int i = 1; // make this socket broadcast capable if (setsockopt(socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, &i, sizeof(i)) < 0) return -1; broadcast_socket = socket; return 0; } //============================================================================= int broadcast (int socket, byte *buf, int len) { int ret; if (socket != broadcast_socket) { if (broadcast_socket != 0) Sys_Error("Attempted to use multiple broadcasts sockets\n"); ret = make_socket_broadcast_capable (socket); if (ret == -1) { Con_Printf("Unable to make socket broadcast capable\n"); return ret; } } return write(socket, buf, len, &broadcast_addr); } //============================================================================= int write (int socket, byte *buf, int len, struct qsockaddr *addr) { int ret; ret = sendto (socket, buf, len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)addr, sizeof(struct qsockaddr)); //ret = sceNetInetSendto (socket, buf, len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)addr, sizeof(struct qsockaddr)); if (ret == -1) { int errno = sceNetInetGetErrno(); if(errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == ECONNREFUSED) { return 0; } Con_Printf("Failed to send message, errno=%08X\n", errno); } return ret; } //============================================================================= char* addr_to_string (struct qsockaddr *addr) { static char buffer[22]; int haddr; haddr = ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in *)addr)->sin_addr.s_addr); sprintf(buffer, "%d.%d.%d.%d:%d", (haddr >> 24) & 0xff, (haddr >> 16) & 0xff, (haddr >> 8) & 0xff, haddr & 0xff, ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in *)addr)->sin_port)); return buffer; } //============================================================================= int string_to_addr (char *string, struct qsockaddr *addr) { int ha1, ha2, ha3, ha4, hp; int ipaddr; sscanf(string, "%d.%d.%d.%d:%d", &ha1, &ha2, &ha3, &ha4, &hp); ipaddr = (ha1 << 24) | (ha2 << 16) | (ha3 << 8) | ha4; addr->sa_family = AF_INET; ((struct sockaddr_in *)addr)->sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(ipaddr); ((struct sockaddr_in *)addr)->sin_port = htons(hp); return 0; } //============================================================================= int get_socket_addr (int socket, struct qsockaddr *addr) { socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(struct qsockaddr); unsigned int a; Q_memset(addr, 0, sizeof(struct qsockaddr)); getsockname(socket, (struct sockaddr *)addr, &addrlen); a = ((struct sockaddr_in *)addr)->sin_addr.s_addr; if (a == 0 || a == inet_addr("")) ((struct sockaddr_in *)addr)->sin_addr.s_addr = my_addr; return 0; } //============================================================================= int get_name_from_addr (struct qsockaddr *addr, char *name) { struct hostent *hostentry; hostentry = gethostbyaddr ((char *)&((struct sockaddr_in *)addr)->sin_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr), AF_INET); if (hostentry) { Q_strncpy (name, (char *)hostentry->h_name, NET_NAMELEN - 1); return 0; } Q_strcpy (name, addr_to_string (addr)); return 0; } //============================================================================= int get_addr_from_name(char *name, struct qsockaddr *addr) { struct hostent *hostentry; if (name[0] >= '0' && name[0] <= '9') return PartialIPAddress (name, addr); hostentry = gethostbyname (name); if (!hostentry) return -1; addr->sa_family = AF_INET; ((struct sockaddr_in *)addr)->sin_port = htons(net_hostport); ((struct sockaddr_in *)addr)->sin_addr.s_addr = *(int *)hostentry->h_addr_list[0]; return 0; } //============================================================================= int addr_compare (struct qsockaddr *addr1, struct qsockaddr *addr2) { if (addr1->sa_family != addr2->sa_family) return -1; if (((struct sockaddr_in *)addr1)->sin_addr.s_addr != ((struct sockaddr_in *)addr2)->sin_addr.s_addr) return -1; if (((struct sockaddr_in *)addr1)->sin_port != ((struct sockaddr_in *)addr2)->sin_port) return 1; return 0; } //============================================================================= int get_socket_port (struct qsockaddr *addr) { return ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in *)addr)->sin_port); } int set_socket_port (struct qsockaddr *addr, int port) { ((struct sockaddr_in *)addr)->sin_port = htons(port); return 0; } /* ============ PartialIPAddress this lets you type only as much of the net address as required, using the local network components to fill in the rest ============ */ int PartialIPAddress (char *in, struct qsockaddr *hostaddr) { char buff[256]; char *b; int addr; int num; int mask; int run; int port; buff[0] = '.'; b = buff; strcpy(buff+1, in); if (buff[1] == '.') b++; addr = 0; mask=-1; while (*b == '.') { b++; num = 0; run = 0; while (!( *b < '0' || *b > '9')) { num = num*10 + *b++ - '0'; if (++run > 3) return -1; } if ((*b < '0' || *b > '9') && *b != '.' && *b != ':' && *b != 0) return -1; if (num < 0 || num > 255) return -1; mask<<=8; addr = (addr<<8) + num; } if (*b++ == ':') port = Q_atoi(b); else port = net_hostport; hostaddr->sa_family = AF_INET; ((struct sockaddr_in *)hostaddr)->sin_port = htons((short)port); ((struct sockaddr_in *)hostaddr)->sin_addr.s_addr = (my_addr & htonl(mask)) | htonl(addr); return 0; } //============================================================================= /* Connect to an access point */ int connect_to_apctl(int config) { int err; int stateLast = -1; int timeout = 0; /* Connect using the first profile */ err = sceNetApctlConnect(config); if (err != 0) { return 0; } while (1) { int state; err = sceNetApctlGetState(&state); if (err != 0) { break; } if (state > stateLast) { stateLast = state; timeout = 0; } if (state == 4) break; // connected with static IP // wait a little before polling again sceKernelDelayThread(50*1000); // 50ms timeout++; if(timeout > 200) { Con_Printf("Timeout connecting to access point. State=%d\n", state); return 0; } } if(err != 0) { return 0; } return 1; } //============================================================================= } namespace adhoc { static int accept_socket = -1; // socket for fielding new connections static int control_socket = -1; static int broadcast_socket = 0; static struct qsockaddr broadcast_addr; int init (void) { if(!tcpipAvailable) return -1; struct qsockaddr addr; char *colon; char buff[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; int i,rc; S_ClearBuffer (); sceUtilityLoadNetModule(PSP_NET_MODULE_COMMON); sceUtilityLoadNetModule(PSP_NET_MODULE_ADHOC); int stateLast = -1; rc = pspSdkAdhocInit("ULUS00443"); if(rc < 0) { Con_Printf("Couldn't initialise the network %08X\n", rc); sceUtilityUnloadNetModule(PSP_NET_MODULE_ADHOC); sceUtilityUnloadNetModule(PSP_NET_MODULE_COMMON); return -1; } rc = sceNetAdhocctlConnect((const char *)"quake"); if(rc < 0) { Con_Printf("Couldn't initialise the network %08X\n", rc); pspSdkAdhocTerm(); sceUtilityUnloadNetModule(PSP_NET_MODULE_ADHOC); sceUtilityUnloadNetModule(PSP_NET_MODULE_COMMON); return -1; } while (1) { int state; rc = sceNetAdhocctlGetState(&state); if (rc != 0) { Con_Printf("Couldn't initialise the network %08X\n", rc); pspSdkAdhocTerm(); sceUtilityUnloadNetModule(PSP_NET_MODULE_ADHOC); sceUtilityUnloadNetModule(PSP_NET_MODULE_COMMON); return -1; } if (state > stateLast) { stateLast = state; } if (state == 1) { break; } sceKernelDelayThread(50*1000); // 50ms } gethostname(buff, MAXHOSTNAMELEN); if (strcmp(hostname.string, "UNNAMED") == 0) { buff[15] = 0; Cvar_Set ("hostname", buff); } if ((control_socket = open_socket(0)) == -1) { pspSdkAdhocTerm(); sceUtilityUnloadNetModule(PSP_NET_MODULE_ADHOC); sceUtilityUnloadNetModule(PSP_NET_MODULE_COMMON); Sys_Error("init: Unable to open control socket\n"); } ((sockaddr_adhoc *)&broadcast_addr)->family = ADHOC_NET; for(i=0; i<6; i++) ((sockaddr_adhoc *)&broadcast_addr)->mac[i] = 0xFF; ((sockaddr_adhoc *)&broadcast_addr)->port = net_hostport; get_socket_addr (control_socket, &addr); Q_strcpy(my_tcpip_address, addr_to_string(&addr)); colon = Q_strrchr(my_tcpip_address, ':'); if (colon) *colon = 0; listen(qtrue); Con_Printf("AdHoc Initialized\n"); tcpipAvailable = qtrue; tcpipAdhoc = qtrue; return control_socket; } //============================================================================= void shut_down (void) { listen(qfalse); close_socket(control_socket); pspSdkAdhocTerm(); // Now to unload the network modules, no need to keep them loaded all the time sceUtilityUnloadNetModule(PSP_NET_MODULE_ADHOC); sceUtilityUnloadNetModule(PSP_NET_MODULE_COMMON); } //============================================================================= void listen (qboolean state) { // enable listening if (state) { if (accept_socket != -1) return; if ((accept_socket = open_socket(net_hostport)) == -1) Sys_Error ("listen: Unable to open accept socket\n"); return; } // disable listening if (accept_socket == -1) return; close_socket(accept_socket); accept_socket = -1; } //============================================================================= int open_socket (int port) { u8 mac[8]; sceWlanGetEtherAddr(mac); int rc = sceNetAdhocPdpCreate(mac, port, 0x2000, 0); if(rc < 0) return -1; return rc; } //============================================================================= int close_socket (int socket) { if (socket == broadcast_socket) broadcast_socket = 0; return sceNetAdhocPdpDelete(socket, 0); } int connect (int socket, struct qsockaddr *addr) { return 0; } //============================================================================= int check_new_connections (void) { pdpStatStruct pdpStat[20]; int length = sizeof(pdpStatStruct) * 20; if (accept_socket == -1) return -1; int err = sceNetAdhocGetPdpStat(&length, pdpStat); if(err < 0) return -1; pdpStatStruct *tempPdp = findPdpStat(accept_socket, pdpStat); if(tempPdp < 0) return -1; if(tempPdp->rcvdData > 0) return accept_socket; return -1; } //============================================================================= int read (int socket, byte *buf, int len, struct qsockaddr *addr) { unsigned short port; int datalength = len; unsigned int ret; sceKernelDelayThread(1); ret = sceNetAdhocPdpRecv(socket, (unsigned char *)((sockaddr_adhoc *)addr)->mac, &port, buf, &datalength, 0, 1); if(ret == ADHOC_EWOULDBLOCK) return 0; ((sockaddr_adhoc *)addr)->port = port; return datalength; } //============================================================================= static int make_socket_broadcast_capable (int socket) { broadcast_socket = socket; return 0; } //============================================================================= int broadcast (int socket, byte *buf, int len) { int ret; if (socket != broadcast_socket) { if (broadcast_socket != 0) Sys_Error("Attempted to use multiple broadcasts sockets\n"); ret = make_socket_broadcast_capable (socket); if (ret == -1) { Con_Printf("Unable to make socket broadcast capable\n"); return ret; } } return write(socket, buf, len, &broadcast_addr); } //============================================================================= int write (int socket, byte *buf, int len, struct qsockaddr *addr) { int ret = -1; ret = sceNetAdhocPdpSend(socket, (unsigned char*)((sockaddr_adhoc *)addr)->mac, ((sockaddr_adhoc *)addr)->port, buf, len, 0, 1); //if(ret < 0) Con_Printf("Failed to send message, errno=%08X\n", ret);//blubs return ret; } //============================================================================= char* addr_to_string (struct qsockaddr *addr) { static char buffer[22]; sceNetEtherNtostr((unsigned char *)((sockaddr_adhoc *)addr)->mac, buffer); sprintf(buffer + strlen(buffer), ":%d", ((sockaddr_adhoc *)addr)->port); return buffer; } //============================================================================= int string_to_addr (char *string, struct qsockaddr *addr) { int ha1, ha2, ha3, ha4, ha5, ha6, hp; sscanf(string, "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%d", &ha1, &ha2, &ha3, &ha4, &ha5, &ha6, &hp); addr->sa_family = ADHOC_NET; ((struct sockaddr_adhoc *)addr)->mac[0] = ha1 & 0xFF; ((struct sockaddr_adhoc *)addr)->mac[1] = ha2 & 0xFF; ((struct sockaddr_adhoc *)addr)->mac[2] = ha3 & 0xFF; ((struct sockaddr_adhoc *)addr)->mac[3] = ha4 & 0xFF; ((struct sockaddr_adhoc *)addr)->mac[4] = ha5 & 0xFF; ((struct sockaddr_adhoc *)addr)->mac[5] = ha6 & 0xFF; ((struct sockaddr_adhoc *)addr)->port = hp & 0xFFFF; return 0; } //============================================================================= int get_socket_addr (int socket, struct qsockaddr *addr) { pdpStatStruct pdpStat[20]; int length = sizeof(pdpStatStruct) * 20; int err = sceNetAdhocGetPdpStat(&length, pdpStat); if(err<0) return -1; pdpStatStruct *tempPdp = findPdpStat(socket, pdpStat); if(tempPdp < 0) return -1; memcpy_vfpu(((struct sockaddr_adhoc *)addr)->mac, tempPdp->mac, 6); ((struct sockaddr_adhoc *)addr)->port = tempPdp->port; addr->sa_family = ADHOC_NET; return 0; } //============================================================================= int get_name_from_addr (struct qsockaddr *addr, char *name) { strcpy(name, addr_to_string(addr)); return 0; } //============================================================================= int get_addr_from_name(char *name, struct qsockaddr *addr) { return string_to_addr(name, addr); } //============================================================================= int addr_compare (struct qsockaddr *addr1, struct qsockaddr *addr2) { //if (addr1->sa_family != addr2->sa_family) return -1; if (memcmp(((struct sockaddr_adhoc *)addr1)->mac, ((struct sockaddr_adhoc *)addr2)->mac, 6) != 0) return -1; if (((struct sockaddr_adhoc *)addr1)->port != ((struct sockaddr_adhoc *)addr2)->port) return 1; return 0; } //============================================================================= int get_socket_port (struct qsockaddr *addr) { return ((struct sockaddr_adhoc *)addr)->port; } int set_socket_port (struct qsockaddr *addr, int port) { ((struct sockaddr_adhoc *)addr)->port = port; return 0; } //============================================================================= int pspSdkAdhocInit(char *product) { u32 retVal; struct productStruct temp; retVal = sceNetInit(0x20000, 0x20, 0x1000, 0x20, 0x1000); if (retVal != 0) return retVal; retVal = sceNetAdhocInit(); if (retVal != 0) return retVal; strcpy(temp.product, product); temp.unknown = 0; retVal = sceNetAdhocctlInit(0x2000, 0x20, &temp); if (retVal != 0) return retVal; return 0; } //============================================================================= void pspSdkAdhocTerm() { sceNetAdhocctlTerm(); sceNetAdhocTerm(); sceNetTerm(); } //============================================================================= } } }