/* * PSP Software Development Kit - http://www.pspdev.org * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Licensed under the BSD license, see LICENSE in PSPSDK root for details. * * main.c - Basic PRX template * * Copyright (c) 2005 Marcus R. Brown <mrbrown@ocgnet.org> * Copyright (c) 2005 James Forshaw <tyranid@gmail.com> * Copyright (c) 2005 John Kelley <ps2dev@kelley.ca> * 2012 dr_mabuse1981: well, i just kicked out Crow_bars shitty and buggy mp3 player * and re-added the kurok one again and added bakers mp3 fix ;) * * $Id: main.c 1888 2006-05-01 08:47:04Z tyranid $ * $HeadURL$ */ #include <pspkernel.h> #include <pspsdk.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <pspaudiocodec.h> #include <pspaudio.h> #include "m33libs/kubridge.h" int mp3_last_error = 0; static int initialized = 0; static SceUID thread_job_sem = -1; static SceUID thread_busy_sem = -1; static int thread_exit = 0; int done = 0; int mp3_job_started = 0; int mp3_volume; static int mp3_src_pos = 0; int first_run = 0; // MPEG-1, layer 3 static int bitrates[] = { 0, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 0 }; //static int samplerates[] = { 44100, 48000, 32000, 0 }; #define MIN_INFRAME_SIZE 96 #define IN_BUFFER_SIZE (2*1024) static unsigned long mp3_codec_struct[65];// __attribute__((aligned(64))); static unsigned char mp3_src_buffer[2][IN_BUFFER_SIZE];// __attribute__((aligned(64))); static short mp3_mix_buffer[2][1152*2];// __attribute__((aligned(64))); static int working_buf = 0; static const char *mp3_fname = NULL; static SceUID mp3_handle = -1; static int mp3_src_size = 0; static int decode_thread(SceSize args, void *argp); static void psp_sem_lock(SceUID sem) { int ret = sceKernelWaitSema(sem, 1, 0); if (ret < 0) printf("sceKernelWaitSema(%08x) failed with %08x\n", sem, ret); } static void psp_sem_unlock(SceUID sem) { int ret = sceKernelSignalSema(sem, 1); if (ret < 0) printf("sceKernelSignalSema(%08x) failed with %08x\n", sem, ret); } // only accepts MPEG-1, layer3 static int find_sync_word(unsigned char *data, int len) { int i; for (i = 0; i < len-1; i++) { if ( data[i+0] != 0xff) continue; if ((data[i+1] & 0xfe) == 0xfa) return i; i++; } return -1; } // Baker: called only by decode_thread static int read_next_frame(int which_buffer) { int i, bytes_read, frame_offset; int bitrate, padding, frame_size = 0; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { bytes_read = sceIoRead(mp3_handle, mp3_src_buffer[which_buffer], sizeof(mp3_src_buffer[which_buffer])); mp3_src_pos += bytes_read; if (bytes_read < MIN_INFRAME_SIZE) { // Baker: end of file hit, restart + re-read mp3_src_pos = 0; sceIoLseek32(mp3_handle, mp3_src_pos, PSP_SEEK_SET); bytes_read = sceIoRead(mp3_handle, mp3_src_buffer[which_buffer], sizeof(mp3_src_buffer[which_buffer])); mp3_src_pos += bytes_read; } frame_offset = find_sync_word(mp3_src_buffer[which_buffer], bytes_read); if (frame_offset < 0) { printf("missing syncword, foffs=%i\n", mp3_src_pos - bytes_read); mp3_src_pos--; sceIoLseek32(mp3_handle, mp3_src_pos, PSP_SEEK_SET); continue; } if (bytes_read - frame_offset < 4) { printf("syncword @ EOB, foffs=%i\n", mp3_src_pos - bytes_read); mp3_src_pos--; sceIoLseek32(mp3_handle, mp3_src_pos, PSP_SEEK_SET); continue; } bitrate = mp3_src_buffer[which_buffer][frame_offset+2] >> 4; padding = (mp3_src_buffer[which_buffer][frame_offset+2] & 2) >> 1; frame_size = 144000*bitrates[bitrate]/44100 + padding; if (frame_size <= 0) { printf("bad frame, foffs=%i\n", mp3_src_pos - bytes_read); continue; // bad frame } if (bytes_read - frame_offset < frame_size) { printf("unfit, foffs=%i\n", mp3_src_pos - bytes_read); mp3_src_pos -= bytes_read - frame_offset; if (mp3_src_size - mp3_src_pos < frame_size) { mp3_src_pos = mp3_src_size; return 0; // EOF } sceIoLseek32(mp3_handle, mp3_src_pos, PSP_SEEK_SET); continue; // didn't fit, re-read.. } if (frame_offset) { //printf("unaligned, foffs=%i, offs=%i\n", mp3_src_pos - bytes_read, frame_offset); memmove(mp3_src_buffer[which_buffer], mp3_src_buffer[which_buffer] + frame_offset, frame_size); } // align for next frame read mp3_src_pos -= bytes_read - (frame_offset + frame_size); sceIoLseek32(mp3_handle, mp3_src_pos, PSP_SEEK_SET); break; } return frame_size > 0 ? frame_size : -1; } static SceUID load_start_module(const char *prxname) { SceUID mod, mod1; int status, ret; mod = pspSdkLoadStartModule(prxname, PSP_MEMORY_PARTITION_KERNEL); if (mod < 0) { printf("failed to load %s (%08x), trying kuKernelLoadModule\n", prxname, mod); mod1 = kuKernelLoadModule(prxname, 0, NULL); if (mod1 < 0) printf("kuKernelLoadModule failed with %08x\n", mod1); else { ret = sceKernelStartModule(mod1, 0, NULL, &status, 0); if (ret < 0) printf("sceKernelStartModule failed with %08x\n", ret); else mod = mod1; } } return mod; } int mp3_init(void) { SceUID thid, mod; int ret; /* load modules */ /* <= 1.5 (and probably some other, not sure which) fw need this to for audiocodec to work, * so if it fails, assume we are just on new enough firmware and continue.. */ load_start_module("flash0:/kd/me_for_vsh.prx"); if (sceKernelDevkitVersion() < 0x02070010) mod = load_start_module("flash0:/kd/audiocodec.prx"); else mod = load_start_module("flash0:/kd/avcodec.prx"); if (mod < 0) { ret = mod = load_start_module("flash0:/kd/audiocodec_260.prx"); // last chance.. if (mod < 0) goto fail; } /* audiocodec init */ memset(mp3_codec_struct, 0, sizeof(mp3_codec_struct)); ret = sceAudiocodecCheckNeedMem(mp3_codec_struct, 0x1002); if (ret < 0) { printf("sceAudiocodecCheckNeedMem failed with %08x\n", ret); goto fail; } ret = sceAudiocodecGetEDRAM(mp3_codec_struct, 0x1002); if (ret < 0) { printf("sceAudiocodecGetEDRAM failed with %08x\n", ret); goto fail; } ret = sceAudiocodecInit(mp3_codec_struct, 0x1002); if (ret < 0) { printf("sceAudiocodecInit failed with %08x\n", ret); goto fail1; } /* thread and stuff */ thread_job_sem = sceKernelCreateSema("p_mp3job_sem", 0, 0, 1, NULL); if (thread_job_sem < 0) { printf("sceKernelCreateSema() failed: %08x\n", thread_job_sem); ret = thread_job_sem; goto fail1; } thread_busy_sem = sceKernelCreateSema("p_mp3busy_sem", 0, 1, 1, NULL); if (thread_busy_sem < 0) { printf("sceKernelCreateSema() failed: %08x\n", thread_busy_sem); ret = thread_busy_sem; goto fail2; } thread_exit = 0; thid = sceKernelCreateThread("mp3decode_thread", decode_thread, 30, 0x2000, 0, 0); /* use slightly higher prio then main */ if (thid < 0) { printf("failed to create decode thread: %08x\n", thid); ret = thid; goto fail3; } ret = sceKernelStartThread(thid, 0, 0); if (ret < 0) { printf("failed to start decode thread: %08x\n", ret); goto fail3; } mp3_last_error = 0; initialized = 1; return 0; fail3: sceKernelDeleteSema(thread_busy_sem); thread_busy_sem = -1; fail2: sceKernelDeleteSema(thread_job_sem); thread_job_sem = -1; fail1: sceAudiocodecReleaseEDRAM(mp3_codec_struct); fail: mp3_last_error = ret; initialized = 0; return 1; } void mp3_deinit(void) { printf("mp3_deinit, initialized=%i\n", initialized); if (!initialized) return; thread_exit = 1; psp_sem_lock(thread_busy_sem); psp_sem_unlock(thread_busy_sem); sceKernelSignalSema(thread_job_sem, 1); sceKernelDelayThread(100*1000); if (mp3_handle >= 0) sceIoClose(mp3_handle); mp3_handle = -1; mp3_fname = NULL; psp_sem_lock(thread_job_sem); psp_sem_unlock(thread_job_sem); sceKernelDeleteSema(thread_busy_sem); thread_busy_sem = -1; sceKernelDeleteSema(thread_job_sem); thread_job_sem = -1; sceAudiocodecReleaseEDRAM(mp3_codec_struct); initialized = 0; } short mp3_output_buffer[4][1152 * 2] __attribute__((aligned(64))); int mp3_output_index = 0; // may overflow stack? static int decode_thread(SceSize args, void *argp) { int ret, frame_size; int audio_channel = sceAudioChReserve(1, 1152, PSP_AUDIO_FORMAT_STEREO); printf("decode_thread started with id %08x, priority %i\n", sceKernelGetThreadId(), sceKernelGetThreadCurrentPriority()); while (!thread_exit) { psp_sem_lock(thread_job_sem); if (thread_exit) { psp_sem_unlock(thread_job_sem); break; } psp_sem_lock(thread_busy_sem); frame_size = read_next_frame(working_buf); while (mp3_job_started) { if (thread_exit) break; if(frame_size > 0) { mp3_codec_struct[6] = (unsigned long)mp3_src_buffer[working_buf]; mp3_codec_struct[8] = (unsigned long)mp3_mix_buffer[working_buf]; mp3_codec_struct[7] = mp3_codec_struct[10] = frame_size; mp3_codec_struct[9] = 1152 * 4; ret = sceAudiocodecDecode(mp3_codec_struct, 0x1002); if (ret < 0) printf("sceAudiocodecDecode failed with %08x\n", ret); memcpy(mp3_output_buffer[mp3_output_index], mp3_mix_buffer[working_buf], 1152*4); sceAudioOutputBlocking(audio_channel, mp3_volume, mp3_output_buffer[mp3_output_index]); mp3_output_index = (mp3_output_index+1)%4; memset(mp3_mix_buffer, 0, 1152*2*2); frame_size = read_next_frame(working_buf); } } if (!mp3_job_started) { if (mp3_handle >= 0) sceIoClose(mp3_handle); mp3_handle = -1; mp3_fname = NULL; } psp_sem_unlock(thread_busy_sem); } printf("leaving decode thread\n"); sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0); return 0; } static int mp3_samples_ready = 0, mp3_buffer_offs = 0, mp3_play_bufsel = 0; int mp3_start_play(char *fname, int pos) { printf("mp3_start_play(%s) @ %i\n", fname, pos); psp_sem_lock(thread_busy_sem); if (mp3_fname != fname || mp3_handle < 0) { if (mp3_handle >= 0) sceIoClose(mp3_handle); mp3_handle = sceIoOpen(fname, PSP_O_RDONLY, 0777); if (mp3_handle < 0) { printf("sceIoOpen(%s) failed\n", fname); psp_sem_unlock(thread_busy_sem); sceIoClose(mp3_handle); return 2; } mp3_src_size = sceIoLseek32(mp3_handle, 0, PSP_SEEK_END); mp3_fname = fname; } // seek.. mp3_src_pos = (int) (((float)pos / 1023.0f) * (float)mp3_src_size); sceIoLseek32(mp3_handle, mp3_src_pos, PSP_SEEK_SET); printf("seek %i: %i/%i\n", pos, mp3_src_pos, mp3_src_size); mp3_job_started = 1; mp3_samples_ready = mp3_buffer_offs = mp3_play_bufsel = 0; working_buf = 0; /* send a request to decode first frame */ psp_sem_unlock(thread_busy_sem); psp_sem_unlock(thread_job_sem); sceKernelDelayThread(1); // reschedule return 0; }