/* Copyright (C) 2002-2003, Dr Labman, A. Nourai Copyright (C) 2009, Crow_bar psp port This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // gl_rpart.c extern "C" { #include "../quakedef.h" //entity_t *CL_NewTempEntity (void); } #include <pspgu.h> #include <pspgum.h> //#define DEFAULT_NUM_PARTICLES 8192 #define ABSOLUTE_MIN_PARTICLES 64 #ifdef SLIM #define ABSOLUTE_MAX_PARTICLES 12288 #else #define ABSOLUTE_MAX_PARTICLES 6144 #endif extern int decal_blood1, decal_blood2, decal_blood3, decal_q3blood, decal_burn, decal_mark, decal_glow; typedef byte col_t[4]; typedef enum { p_spark, p_rayspark, p_raysmoke, p_smoke, p_fire, p_fire2, p_bubble, p_gunblast, p_chunk, p_shockwave, p_inferno_flame, p_inferno_trail, p_sparkray, p_staticbubble, p_trailpart, p_dpsmoke, p_dpfire, p_teleflare, p_blood1, p_blood2, p_blood3, p_bloodcloud, p_flame, p_lavatrail, p_bubble2, p_rain, p_streak, p_streaktrail, p_streakwave, p_lightningbeam, p_glow, p_alphatrail,//R00k p_torch_flame, p_flare, p_dot, p_muzzleflash, #ifdef SLIM p_muzzleflash2, p_muzzleflash3, #endif // SLIM p_q3flame, num_particletypes } part_type_t; typedef enum { pm_static, pm_normal, pm_bounce, pm_die, pm_nophysics, pm_float, pm_rain, pm_streak, pm_streakwave, } part_move_t; typedef enum { ptex_none, ptex_smoke, ptex_generic, ptex_dpsmoke, ptex_blood1, ptex_blood2, ptex_blood3, ptex_lightning, ptex_flame, ptex_muzzleflash, #ifdef SLIM ptex_muzzleflash2, ptex_muzzleflash3, #endif // SLIM ptex_bloodcloud, ptex_q3flame, num_particletextures } part_tex_t; typedef enum { pd_spark, pd_sparkray, pd_billboard, pd_billboard_vel, pd_hide, pd_beam, pd_q3flame, pd_q3gunshot, pd_q3teleport } part_draw_t; typedef struct particle_s { struct particle_s *next; vec3_t org, endorg; col_t color; float growth; vec3_t vel; float rotangle; float rotspeed; float size; float start; float die; byte hit; byte texindex; byte bounces; } particle_t; typedef struct particle_type_s { particle_t *start; part_type_t id; part_draw_t drawtype; int SrcBlend; int DstBlend; part_tex_t texture; float startalpha; float grav; float accel; part_move_t move; float custom; } particle_type_t; #define MAX_PTEX_COMPONENTS 8 typedef struct particle_texture_s { int texnum; int components; float coords[MAX_PTEX_COMPONENTS][4]; } particle_texture_t; static float sint[7] = {0.000000, 0.781832, 0.974928, 0.433884, -0.433884, -0.974928, -0.781832}; static float cost[7] = {1.000000, 0.623490, -0.222521, -0.900969, -0.900969, -0.222521, 0.623490}; static particle_t *particles, *free_particles; static particle_type_t particle_types[num_particletypes];//R00k static int particle_type_index[num_particletypes]; static particle_texture_t particle_textures[num_particletextures]; int lightning_texture;//Vult float varray_vertex[16];//Vult void R_CalcBeamVerts (float *vert, vec3_t org1, vec3_t org2, float width);//Vult vec3_t NULLVEC = {0,0,0};//r00k static int r_numparticles; static vec3_t zerodir = {22, 22, 22}; static int particle_count = 0; static float particle_time; qboolean qmb_initialized = qfalse; int particle_mode = 0; // 0: classic (default), 1: QMB, 2: mixed qboolean OnChange_gl_particle_count (cvar_t *var, char *string) { float f; f = bound(ABSOLUTE_MIN_PARTICLES, (atoi(string)), ABSOLUTE_MAX_PARTICLES); Cvar_SetValue("r_particle_count", f); QMB_ClearParticles (); // also re-allocc particles return qtrue; } extern cvar_t cl_gun_offset; #ifdef SLIM cvar_t r_particle_count = {"r_particle_count", "4096", qtrue}; #else cvar_t r_particle_count = {"r_particle_count", "2048", qtrue}; #endif cvar_t r_bounceparticles = {"r_bounceparticles", "1",qtrue}; cvar_t r_decal_blood = {"r_decal_blood", "1",qtrue}; cvar_t r_decal_bullets = {"r_decal_bullets","1",qtrue}; cvar_t r_decal_sparks = {"r_decal_sparks","1",qtrue}; cvar_t r_decal_explosions = {"r_decal_explosions","1",qtrue}; int decals_enabled; void R_CalcBeamVerts (float *vert, vec3_t org1, vec3_t org2, float width); extern cvar_t sv_gravity; static byte *ColorForParticle (part_type_t type) { static col_t color; int lambda; switch (type) { case p_spark: color[0] = 224 + (rand() & 31); color[1] = 100 + (rand() & 31); color[2] = 50; break; case p_torch_flame: case p_glow: color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 255; break; case p_smoke: color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 128; color[3] = 64; break; case p_q3flame: color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 255; break; case p_fire: color[0] = 255; color[1] = 122; color[2] = 62; break; case p_fire2: color[0] = 80; color[1] = 80; color[2] = 80; color[3] = 64; break; case p_bubble: case p_bubble2: case p_staticbubble: color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 192 + (rand() & 63); break; case p_teleflare: color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 128 + (rand() & 127); break; case p_gunblast: color[0]= 224 + (rand() & 31); color[1] = 170 + (rand() & 31); color[2] = 0; break; case p_chunk: color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = (32 + (rand() & 127)); break; case p_shockwave: color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 64 + (rand() & 31); break; case p_inferno_flame: case p_inferno_trail: color[0] = 255; color[1] = 77; color[2] = 13; break; case p_sparkray: color[0] = 255; color[1] = 102; color[2] = 25; break; case p_dpsmoke: color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 48 + (((rand() & 0xFF) * 48) >> 8); break; case p_dpfire: lambda = rand() & 0xFF; color[0] = 160 + ((lambda * 48) >> 8); color[1] = 16 + ((lambda * 148) >> 8); color[2] = 16 + ((lambda * 16) >> 8); break; case p_blood1: case p_blood2: color[0] = 30; color[1] = 5; color[2] = 5; color[3] = 255; break; case p_blood3: color[0] = (50 + (rand() & 31)); color[1] = color[2] = 0; color[3] = 200; break; case p_flame: color[0] = 255; color[1] = 100; color[2] = 25; color[3] = 128; break; case p_lavatrail: color[0] = 255; color[1] = 102; color[2] = 25; color[3] = 255; break; default: //assert (!"ColorForParticle: unexpected type"); break; } return color; } #define ADD_PARTICLE_TEXTURE(_ptex, _texnum, _texindex, _components, _s1, _t1, _s2, _t2)\ do { \ particle_textures[_ptex].texnum = _texnum; \ particle_textures[_ptex].components = _components; \ particle_textures[_ptex].coords[_texindex][0] = (_s1 + 1) / max_s; \ particle_textures[_ptex].coords[_texindex][1] = (_t1 + 1) / max_t; \ particle_textures[_ptex].coords[_texindex][2] = (_s2 - 1) / max_s; \ particle_textures[_ptex].coords[_texindex][3] = (_t2 - 1) / max_t; \ } while(0) #define ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(_id, _drawtype, _SrcBlend, _DstBlend, _texture, _startalpha, _grav, _accel, _move, _custom)\ do {\ particle_types[count].id = (_id);\ particle_types[count].drawtype = (_drawtype);\ particle_types[count].SrcBlend = (_SrcBlend);\ particle_types[count].DstBlend = (_DstBlend);\ particle_types[count].texture = (_texture);\ particle_types[count].startalpha = (_startalpha);\ particle_types[count].grav = 9.8 * (_grav);\ particle_types[count].accel = (_accel);\ particle_types[count].move = (_move);\ particle_types[count].custom = (_custom);\ particle_type_index[_id] = count;\ count++;\ } while(0) void QMB_AllocParticles (void) { extern cvar_t r_particle_count; r_numparticles = bound(ABSOLUTE_MIN_PARTICLES, r_particle_count.value, ABSOLUTE_MAX_PARTICLES); //if (particles) // Con_Printf("QMB_AllocParticles: internal error >particles<\n"); if(r_numparticles < 1) Con_Printf("QMB_AllocParticles: internal error >num particles<\n"); // can't alloc on Hunk, using native memory // why??????? why not?????? where's the context :$ particles = (particle_t *) Q_malloc (r_numparticles * sizeof(particle_t)); } void QMB_InitParticles (void) { int i, j, ti, count = 0, particleimage; float max_s, max_t; //For ADD_PARTICLE_TEXTURE particle_mode = pm_classic; Cvar_RegisterVariable (&r_bounceparticles); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&r_flametype); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&r_decal_blood); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&r_decal_bullets); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&r_decal_sparks); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&r_decal_explosions); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&r_particle_count); loading_num_step = loading_num_step + 24; if (!(particleimage = loadtextureimage("textures/particles/particlefont", 0, 0, qfalse, GU_LINEAR))) { //Clear_LoadingFill (); return; } GL_MarkTextureAsPermanent(particleimage); loading_cur_step++; strcpy(loading_name, "Particles"); SCR_UpdateScreen (); max_s = max_t = 128.0; // LAST 4 PARAMS = START X, START Y, END X, END Y ADD_PARTICLE_TEXTURE(ptex_none, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); ADD_PARTICLE_TEXTURE(ptex_blood1, particleimage, 0, 1, 0, 0, 64, 64); ADD_PARTICLE_TEXTURE(ptex_blood2, particleimage, 0, 1, 64, 0, 128, 64); ADD_PARTICLE_TEXTURE(ptex_generic, particleimage, 0, 1, 0, 64, 32, 96); ADD_PARTICLE_TEXTURE(ptex_smoke, particleimage, 0, 1, 32, 64, 96, 128); ADD_PARTICLE_TEXTURE(ptex_blood3, particleimage, 0, 1, 0, 96, 32, 128); for (i=0 ; i<8 ; i++) ADD_PARTICLE_TEXTURE(ptex_dpsmoke, particleimage, i, 8, i * 32, 64, (i + 1) * 32, 96); loading_cur_step++; SCR_UpdateScreen (); max_s = max_t = 128.0; if (!(particleimage = loadtextureimage("textures/particles/flame", 0, 0, qfalse, GU_LINEAR))) { //Clear_LoadingFill (); return; } GL_MarkTextureAsPermanent(particleimage); ADD_PARTICLE_TEXTURE(ptex_q3flame, particleimage, 0, 1, 0, 0, 64, 64); max_s = max_t = 64.0; loading_cur_step++; SCR_UpdateScreen (); if (!(particleimage = loadtextureimage("textures/particles/inferno", 0, 0, qfalse, GU_LINEAR))) { //Clear_LoadingFill (); return; } GL_MarkTextureAsPermanent(particleimage); max_s = max_t = 256.0; ADD_PARTICLE_TEXTURE(ptex_flame, particleimage, 0, 1, 0, 0, 256, 256); loading_cur_step++; SCR_UpdateScreen (); if (!(particleimage = loadtextureimage("textures/particles/zing1", 0, 0, qfalse, GU_LINEAR))) { //Clear_LoadingFill (); return; } GL_MarkTextureAsPermanent(particleimage); max_s = 256.0; max_t = 128.0; ADD_PARTICLE_TEXTURE(ptex_lightning, particleimage, 0, 1, 0, 0, 256, 128);//R00k changed loading_cur_step++; SCR_UpdateScreen (); max_s = max_t = 128.0; if (!(particleimage = loadtextureimage("textures/mzfl/mzfl0", 0, 0, qfalse, GU_LINEAR))) { //Clear_LoadingFill (); return; } GL_MarkTextureAsPermanent(particleimage); //max_s = max_t = 256.0; ADD_PARTICLE_TEXTURE(ptex_muzzleflash, particleimage, 0, 1, 0, 0, 128, 128); loading_cur_step++; SCR_UpdateScreen (); // PSP PHAT: Only have 1 Muzzleflash graphic.. saves 32kB VRAM. #ifdef SLIM if (!(particleimage = loadtextureimage("textures/mzfl/mzfl1", 0, 0, qfalse, GU_LINEAR))) { //Clear_LoadingFill (); return; } GL_MarkTextureAsPermanent(particleimage); //max_s = max_t = 256.0; ADD_PARTICLE_TEXTURE(ptex_muzzleflash2, particleimage, 0, 1, 0, 0, 128, 128); loading_cur_step++; SCR_UpdateScreen (); if (!(particleimage = loadtextureimage("textures/mzfl/mzfl2", 0, 0, qfalse, GU_LINEAR))) { //Clear_LoadingFill (); return; } GL_MarkTextureAsPermanent(particleimage); //max_s = max_t = 256.0; ADD_PARTICLE_TEXTURE(ptex_muzzleflash3, particleimage, 0, 1, 0, 0, 128, 128); loading_cur_step++; SCR_UpdateScreen (); #endif // SLIM max_s = max_t = 64.0; if (!(particleimage = loadtextureimage("textures/particles/bloodcloud", 0, 0, qfalse, GU_LINEAR))) { //Clear_LoadingFill (); return; } GL_MarkTextureAsPermanent(particleimage); //max_s = max_t = 256.0; ADD_PARTICLE_TEXTURE(ptex_bloodcloud, particleimage, 0, 1, 0, 0, 64, 64); loading_cur_step++; SCR_UpdateScreen (); max_s = max_t = 256.0; loading_cur_step++; SCR_UpdateScreen (); QMB_AllocParticles (); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_spark, pd_spark, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_FIX, ptex_none, 255, -8, 0, pm_normal, 1.3); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_gunblast, pd_spark, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ptex_none, 255, 0, 0, pm_normal, 1.3); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_sparkray, pd_sparkray, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ptex_none, 255, -0, 0, pm_nophysics, 0); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_fire, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_FIX, ptex_smoke, 204, 0, -2.95, pm_die, 0); loading_cur_step++; SCR_UpdateScreen (); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_fire2, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_FIX, ptex_smoke, 204, 0, -2.95, pm_die, 0); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_chunk, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ptex_generic, 255, -16, 0, pm_bounce, 1.475); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_shockwave, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ptex_generic, 255, 0, -4.85, pm_nophysics, 0); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_inferno_flame, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ptex_generic, 153, 0, 0, pm_static, 0); loading_cur_step++; SCR_UpdateScreen (); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_inferno_trail, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ptex_generic, 204, 0, 0, pm_die, 0); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_trailpart, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ptex_generic, 230, 0, 0, pm_static, 0); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_smoke, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_FIX, ptex_smoke, 140, 3, 0, pm_normal, 0); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_raysmoke, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_FIX, ptex_smoke, 140, 3, 0, pm_normal, 0); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_dpfire, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ptex_dpsmoke, 144, 0, 0, pm_die, 0); loading_cur_step++; SCR_UpdateScreen (); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_dpsmoke, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ptex_dpsmoke, 85, 3, 0, pm_die, 0); loading_cur_step++; SCR_UpdateScreen(); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_dot, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ptex_generic, 255, 0, 0, pm_static, 0); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_blood1, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, ptex_blood1, 255, -20, 0, pm_die, 0); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_blood2, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ptex_blood3, 255, -45, 0, pm_normal, 0.018);//disisgonnabethegibchunks ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_blood3, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ptex_blood3, 255, -30, 0, pm_normal, 0); loading_cur_step++; SCR_UpdateScreen(); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_flame, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ptex_generic, 200, 10, 0, pm_die, 0); loading_cur_step++; SCR_UpdateScreen(); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_lavatrail, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ptex_dpsmoke, 255, 3, 0, pm_normal, 0);//R00k ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_glow, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ptex_generic, 204, 0, 0, pm_die, 0); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_alphatrail, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ptex_generic, 100, 0, 0, pm_static, 0); loading_cur_step++; SCR_UpdateScreen(); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_torch_flame, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ptex_flame, 255, 12, 0, pm_die, 0); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_streak, pd_hide, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ptex_none, 255, -64, 0, pm_streak, 1.5); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_streakwave, pd_hide, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ptex_none, 255, 0, 0, pm_streakwave, 0); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_streaktrail, pd_beam, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ptex_none, 255, 0, 0, pm_die, 0); loading_cur_step++; SCR_UpdateScreen(); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_lightningbeam, pd_beam, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ptex_lightning, 255, 0, 0, pm_die, 0); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_muzzleflash, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_FIX, ptex_muzzleflash, 255, 0, 0, pm_static, 0); #ifdef SLIM ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_muzzleflash2, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_FIX, ptex_muzzleflash2, 255, 0, 0, pm_static, 0); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_muzzleflash3, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_FIX, ptex_muzzleflash3, 255, 0, 0, pm_static, 0); #endif // SLIM ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_rain, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ptex_generic, 255, -16, 0, pm_rain, 0); loading_cur_step++; SCR_UpdateScreen(); //shpuldeditedthis(GI_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA->GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) (edited one right after this comment) ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_bloodcloud, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ptex_bloodcloud, 255, -2, 0, pm_normal, 0); loading_cur_step++; SCR_UpdateScreen(); ADD_PARTICLE_TYPE(p_q3flame, pd_billboard, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_FIX, ptex_q3flame, 180, 0.66, 0, pm_nophysics, 0); loading_cur_step++; strcpy(loading_name, "particles"); SCR_UpdateScreen (); Clear_LoadingFill (); qmb_initialized = qtrue; } #define INIT_NEW_PARTICLE(_pt, _p, _color, _size, _time) \ _p = free_particles; \ free_particles = _p->next; \ _p->next = _pt->start; \ _pt->start = _p; \ _p->size = _size; \ _p->hit = 0; \ _p->start = cl.time; \ _p->die = _p->start + _time; \ _p->growth = 0; \ _p->rotspeed = 0; \ _p->texindex = (rand() % particle_textures[_pt->texture].components); \ _p->bounces = 0; \ VectorCopy(_color, _p->color); __inline static void AddParticle (part_type_t type, vec3_t org, int count, float size, float time, col_t col, vec3_t dir) { byte *color; int i, j, k; float tempSize; //stage; particle_t *p; particle_type_t *pt; static unsigned long q3blood_texindex = 0; if (!qmb_initialized) Sys_Error ("QMB particle added without initialization"); //assert (size > 0 && time > 0); if (type < 0 || type >= num_particletypes) Sys_Error ("AddParticle: Invalid type (%d)", type); pt = &particle_types[particle_type_index[type]]; for (i=0 ; i < count && free_particles ; i++) { color = col ? col : ColorForParticle (type); INIT_NEW_PARTICLE(pt, p, color, size, time); switch (type) { case p_spark: p->size = 1.175; VectorCopy (org, p->org); tempSize = size * 2; p->vel[0] = (rand() % (int)tempSize) - ((int)tempSize / 2); p->vel[1] = (rand() % (int)tempSize) - ((int)tempSize / 2); p->vel[2] = (rand() % (int)tempSize) - ((int)tempSize / 2); break; case p_rayspark: p->size = 1.175; VectorCopy (org, p->org); tempSize = size * 2; p->vel[0] = (rand() % (int)tempSize) - ((int)tempSize/6); p->vel[1] = (rand() % (int)tempSize) - ((int)tempSize/6); p->vel[2] = /*(rand() % (int)tempSize) - (*/(int)tempSize; break; case p_raysmoke: for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) p->org[j] = org[j] + ((rand() & 31) - 16) / 2.0; p->vel[0] = ((rand() % 10)+2); p->vel[1] = ((rand() % 10)+2); p->vel[2] = ((rand() % 10)+2)*5; p->growth = 7.5; break; case p_smoke: for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) p->org[j] = org[j] + ((rand() & 31) - 16) / 2.0; for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) p->vel[j] = ((rand() % 10) - 5) / 20.0; p->growth = 4.5; break; case p_fire: VectorCopy (org, p->org); for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) p->vel[j] = (rand() & 159) - 80; p->org[0] = org[0] + ((rand() & 63) - 32); p->org[1] = org[1] + ((rand() & 63) - 32); p->org[2] = org[2] + ((rand() & 63) - 10); break; case p_fire2: VectorCopy (org, p->org); for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) p->vel[j] = (rand() & 199) - 100; p->org[0] = org[0] + ((rand() & 99) - 50); p->org[1] = org[1] + ((rand() & 99) - 50); p->org[2] = org[2] + ((rand() & 99) - 18); p->growth = 12; break; case p_bubble: p->start += (rand() & 15) / 36.0; p->org[0] = org[0] + ((rand() & 31) - 16); p->org[1] = org[1] + ((rand() & 31) - 16); p->org[2] = org[2] + ((rand() & 63) - 32); VectorClear (p->vel); break; case p_streak: case p_streakwave: case p_shockwave: VectorCopy (org, p->org); VectorCopy (dir, p->vel); break; case p_gunblast: p->size = 1; VectorCopy (org, p->org); p->vel[0] = (rand() & 159) - 80; p->vel[1] = (rand() & 159) - 80; p->vel[2] = (rand() & 159) - 80; break; case p_chunk: VectorCopy (org, p->org); p->vel[0] = (rand() % 40) - 20; p->vel[1] = (rand() % 40) - 20; p->vel[2] = (rand() % 40) - 5; break; case p_rain: VectorCopy(org, p->org); p->vel[0] = (rand() % 180) - 90; p->vel[1] = (rand() % 180) - 90; p->vel[2] = (rand() % -100 - 1200); break; case p_inferno_trail: for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) p->org[j] = org[j] + (rand() & 15) - 8; for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) p->vel[j] = (rand() & 3) - 2; p->growth = -1.5; break; case p_inferno_flame: VectorCopy (org, p->org); VectorClear (p->vel); p->growth = -30; break; case p_sparkray: VectorCopy (org, p->endorg); VectorCopy (dir, p->org); for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) p->vel[j] = (rand() & 127) - 64; p->growth = -16; break; case p_bloodcloud: //shpuld VectorCopy (org, p->org); p->vel[0] = (rand() & 39) - 20; p->vel[1] = (rand() & 39) - 20; p->vel[2] = (rand() & 39) - 20; p->growth = 24; break; case p_staticbubble: VectorCopy (org, p->org); VectorClear (p->vel); break; case p_muzzleflash: #ifdef SLIM case p_muzzleflash2: case p_muzzleflash3: #endif // SLIM VectorCopy (org, p->org); p->rotspeed = (rand() & 45) - 90; //p->size = size * (rand() % 6) / 4;//r00k p->size = size * (0.75 +((0.05 * (rand() % 20)) * 0.5));//blubs: resultant size range: [size * 0.75, size * 1.25) break; case p_teleflare: case p_flare: VectorCopy (org, p->org); VectorCopy (dir, p->vel); p->growth = 1.75; break; case p_blood1: p->size = size * (rand() % 2) + 0.50;//r00k for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) p->org[j] = org[j] + (rand() & 15) - 8; for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) p->vel[j] = (rand() & 63) - 32; break; case p_blood2: //shpuld VectorCopy (org, p->org); p->vel[0] = (rand() & 200) - 100; p->vel[1] = (rand() & 200) - 100; p->vel[2] = (rand() & 250) - 70; //p->growth = 24; break; case p_blood3: p->size = size * (rand() % 20) / 5.0; VectorCopy (org, p->org); for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) p->vel[j] = (rand() % 40) - 20; break; case p_flame: VectorCopy (org, p->org); p->growth = -p->size / 2; VectorClear (p->vel); for (j=0 ; j<2 ; j++) p->vel[j] = (rand() % 6) - 3; break; case p_q3flame: //shpuld VectorCopy (org, p->org); p->vel[0] = (rand() & 3) - 2; p->vel[1] = (rand() & 3) - 2; p->vel[2] = (rand() & 2); p->growth = 6; break; case p_torch_flame: for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) p->org[j] = org[j] + (rand() & 3) - 2; p->vel[0] = rand() % 15 - 8; p->vel[1] = rand() % 15 - 8; p->vel[2] = rand() % 15; p->rotspeed = (rand() & 31) + 32; break; case p_dot: case p_glow: VectorCopy (org, p->org); VectorCopy (dir, p->vel); p->growth = -1.5; break; case p_streaktrail: case p_lightningbeam: VectorCopy(org, p->org); VectorCopy(dir, p->endorg); VectorClear(p->vel); p->growth = -p->size/time; p->bounces = color[3]; break; default: //assert (!"AddParticle: unexpected type"); break; } } } __inline static void AddParticleTrail (part_type_t type, vec3_t start, vec3_t end, float size, float time, col_t col) { byte *color; int i, j, num_particles; float count, length; vec3_t point, delta; particle_t *p; particle_type_t *pt; static float rotangle = 0; count = 0; if (!qmb_initialized) Sys_Error ("QMB particle added without initialization"); //assert (size > 0 && time > 0); if (type < 0 || type >= num_particletypes) Sys_Error ("AddParticle: Invalid type (%d)", type); pt = &particle_types[particle_type_index[type]]; VectorCopy(start, point); VectorSubtract(end, start, delta); if (!(length = VectorLength(delta))) return; switch (type) { case p_alphatrail: case p_trailpart: case p_lavatrail: count = length / 1.1; break; case p_blood3: count = length / 8; break; case p_bubble: case p_bubble2: count = length / 5.0; break; case p_smoke: count = length / 3.8; break; case p_dpsmoke: count = length / 2.5; break; case p_dpfire: count = length / 2.8; break; default: //assert (!"AddParticleTrail: unexpected type"); break; } if (!(num_particles = (int)count)) num_particles = 1; VectorScale(delta, 1.0 / num_particles, delta); for (i=0 ; i < num_particles && free_particles ; i++) { color = col ? col : ColorForParticle (type); INIT_NEW_PARTICLE(pt, p, color, size, time); switch (type) { case p_alphatrail: case p_trailpart: VectorCopy (point, p->org); VectorClear (p->vel); p->growth = -size / time; break; case p_blood3: VectorCopy (point, p->org); for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) p->org[j] += ((rand() & 15) - 8) / 8.0; for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) p->vel[j] = ((rand() & 15) - 8) / 2.0; p->size = size * (rand() % 20) / 10.0; p->growth = 6; break; case p_bubble2: VectorCopy(point, p->org); for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) p->vel[j] = (rand() % 10) - 5; break; //R00k added case p_bubble: VectorCopy (point, p->org); for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) p->org[j] += ((rand() & 15) - 8) / 8.0; for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) p->vel[j] = ((rand() & 15) - 8) / 2.0; p->size = size * (rand() % 20) / 10.0; p->growth = 1; break; case p_smoke: VectorCopy (point, p->org); for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) p->org[j] += ((rand() & 7) - 4) / 8.0; p->vel[0] = p->vel[1] = 0; p->vel[2] = rand() & 3; p->growth = 4.5; p->rotspeed = (rand() & 63) + 96; break; case p_dpsmoke: VectorCopy (point, p->org); for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) p->vel[j] = (rand() % 10) - 5; p->growth = 3; p->rotspeed = (rand() & 63) + 96; break; case p_dpfire: VectorCopy (point, p->org); for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) p->vel[j] = (rand() % 40) - 20; break; case p_lavatrail: VectorCopy (point, p->org); for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) p->org[j] += ((rand() & 7) - 4); p->vel[0] = p->vel[1] = 0; p->vel[2] = rand() & 3; break; default: //assert (!"AddParticleTrail: unexpected type"); break; } VectorAdd(point, delta, point); } } void QMB_ClearParticles (void) { int i; if (!qmb_initialized) return; free (particles); // free QMB_AllocParticles (); // and alloc again particle_count = 0; memset (particles, 0, r_numparticles * sizeof(particle_t)); free_particles = &particles[0]; for (i=0 ; i+1 < r_numparticles ; i++) particles[i].next = &particles[i + 1]; particles[r_numparticles-1].next = NULL; for (i=0 ; i < num_particletypes ; i++) particle_types[i].start = NULL; } inline static void QMB_UpdateParticles(void) { int i, c; float grav, bounce, frametime, distance[3]; vec3_t oldorg, stop, normal; particle_type_t *pt; particle_t *p, *kill; if (!qmb_initialized) return; particle_count = 0; frametime = fabs(cl.ctime - cl.oldtime); grav = sv_gravity.value / 800.0; for (i=0 ; i<num_particletypes ; i++) { pt = &particle_types[i]; if (pt->start) { p = pt->start; while (p && p->next) { kill = p->next; if (kill->die <= particle_time) { p->next = kill->next; kill->next = free_particles; free_particles = kill; } else { p = p->next; } } if (pt->start->die <= particle_time) { kill = pt->start; pt->start = kill->next; kill->next = free_particles; free_particles = kill; } } for (p = pt->start ; (p); p = p->next) { if (particle_time < p->start) continue; particle_count++; p->size += p->growth * frametime; if (p->size <= 0) { p->die = 0; continue; } VectorCopy (p->org, oldorg); VectorSubtract(r_refdef.vieworg,oldorg, distance); if (VectorLength(distance) >= r_farclip.value) p->die = 0; switch (pt->id) { case p_streaktrail://R00k case p_lightningbeam: p->color[3] = p->bounces * ((p->die - particle_time) / (p->die - p->start)); break; //shpuld case p_q3flame: p->color[3] = pt->startalpha * ((p->die - particle_time) / (p->die - p->start)); p->color[0] = p->color[1] = p->color[2] = pt->startalpha * ((p->die - particle_time) / (p->die - p->start)); break; default: p->color[3] = pt->startalpha * ((p->die - particle_time) / (p->die - p->start)); break; } p->rotangle += p->rotspeed * frametime; if (p->hit) continue; p->vel[2] += pt->grav * grav * frametime; VectorScale (p->vel, 1 + pt->accel * frametime, p->vel); switch (pt->move) { case pm_static: break; case pm_normal: VectorCopy (p->org, oldorg); VectorMA (p->org, frametime, p->vel, p->org); if (CONTENTS_SOLID == TruePointContents(p->org)) { p->hit = 1; if ((pt->id == p_blood3)&&(r_decal_blood.value) && (decals_enabled) && (particle_mode)) { TraceLineN(oldorg, p->org, stop, normal); if ((stop != p->org)&&(VectorLength(stop)!=0)) { vec3_t tangent; VectorCopy(stop, p->org); VectorCopy(normal, p->vel); CrossProduct(normal,p->vel,tangent); R_SpawnDecal(p->org, normal, tangent, decal_blood3, 12, 0); } p->die = 0; } VectorCopy (oldorg, p->org); VectorClear (p->vel); } break; case pm_float: VectorMA (p->org, frametime, p->vel, p->org); p->org[2] += p->size + 1; if (!ISUNDERWATER(TruePointContents(p->org))) p->die = 0; p->org[2] -= p->size + 1; break; case pm_nophysics: VectorMA (p->org, frametime, p->vel, p->org); break; case pm_die: VectorCopy (p->org, oldorg); VectorMA (p->org, frametime, p->vel, p->org); if (CONTENTS_SOLID == TruePointContents(p->org)) { if ((decals_enabled) && (particle_mode)) { TraceLineN(oldorg, p->org, stop, normal); if ((stop != p->org)&&(VectorLength(stop)!=0)) { vec3_t tangent; VectorCopy(stop, p->org); VectorCopy(normal, p->vel); CrossProduct(normal,p->vel,tangent); /* if ((pt->id == p_blood1)&&(r_decal_blood.value)) { R_SpawnDecal(p->org, normal, tangent, decal_blood1, 12, 0); } else { if ((pt->id == p_blood2)&&(r_decal_blood.value)) { R_SpawnDecal(p->org, normal, tangent, decal_blood2, 12, 0); } } */ if ((pt->id == p_fire || pt->id == p_dpfire) && r_decal_explosions.value) R_SpawnDecal (p->org, normal, tangent, decal_burn, 32, 0); else if (pt->id == p_blood1 && r_decal_blood.value) R_SpawnDecal (p->org, normal, tangent, decal_blood1, 12, 0); else if (pt->id == p_blood2 && r_decal_blood.value) R_SpawnDecal (p->org, normal, tangent, decal_blood2, 12, 0); } } VectorCopy (oldorg, p->org); VectorClear (p->vel);//R00k added Needed? p->die = 0; } break; case pm_bounce: if (!r_bounceparticles.value || p->bounces) { VectorMA(p->org, frametime, p->vel, p->org); if (CONTENTS_SOLID == TruePointContents(p->org)) { p->die = 0; } } else { VectorCopy (p->org, oldorg); VectorMA (p->org, frametime, p->vel, p->org); if (CONTENTS_SOLID == TruePointContents(p->org)) { if (TraceLineN(oldorg, p->org, stop, normal)) { VectorCopy (stop, p->org); bounce = -pt->custom * DotProduct(p->vel, normal); VectorMA(p->vel, bounce, normal, p->vel); p->bounces++; } } } break; case pm_streak: VectorCopy(p->org, oldorg); VectorMA(p->org, frametime, p->vel, p->org); if (CONTENTS_SOLID == TruePointContents(p->org)) { if (TraceLineN(oldorg, p->org, stop, normal)) { VectorCopy(stop, p->org); bounce = -pt->custom * DotProduct(p->vel, normal); VectorMA(p->vel, bounce, normal, p->vel); } } AddParticle (p_streaktrail, oldorg, 1, p->size, 0.2, p->color, p->org); if (!VectorLength(p->vel)) p->die = 0; break; case pm_rain: VectorCopy(p->org, oldorg); VectorMA(p->org, frametime, p->vel, p->org); VectorSubtract(r_refdef.vieworg,oldorg, distance); if (VectorLength(distance) < r_farclip.value) { if ((rand()%10+1 > 6)) AddParticle (p_streaktrail, oldorg, 1, ((rand() % 1) + 0.5), 0.2, p->color, p->org); c = TruePointContents(p->org); if ((CONTENTS_SOLID == c) || (ISUNDERWATER(c))) { VectorClear (p->vel); p->die = 0; } } break; case pm_streakwave: VectorCopy(p->org, oldorg); VectorMA(p->org, frametime, p->vel, p->org); AddParticle (p_streaktrail, oldorg, 1, p->size, 0.5, p->color, p->org); p->vel[0] = 19 * p->vel[0] / 20; p->vel[1] = 19 * p->vel[1] / 20; p->vel[2] = 19 * p->vel[2] / 20; break; default: //assert (!"QMB_UpdateParticles: unexpected pt->move"); break; } } } } //from darkplaces engine - finds which corner of a particle goes where, so I don't have to :D void R_CalcBeamVerts (float *vert, vec3_t org1, vec3_t org2, float width) { vec3_t right1, right2, diff, normal; VectorSubtract (org2, org1, normal); VectorNormalize (normal); //width = width / 2; // calculate 'right' vector for start VectorSubtract (r_origin, org1, diff); VectorNormalize (diff); CrossProduct (normal, diff, right1); // calculate 'right' vector for end VectorSubtract (r_origin, org2, diff); VectorNormalize (diff); CrossProduct (normal, diff, right2); vert[ 0] = org1[0] + width * right1[0]; vert[ 1] = org1[1] + width * right1[1]; vert[ 2] = org1[2] + width * right1[2]; vert[ 4] = org1[0] - width * right1[0]; vert[ 5] = org1[1] - width * right1[1]; vert[ 6] = org1[2] - width * right1[2]; vert[ 8] = org2[0] - width * right2[0]; vert[ 9] = org2[1] - width * right2[1]; vert[10] = org2[2] - width * right2[2]; vert[12] = org2[0] + width * right2[0]; vert[13] = org2[1] + width * right2[1]; vert[14] = org2[2] + width * right2[2]; } #define DRAW_PARTICLE_BILLBOARD(_ptex, _p, _coord) \ sceGumPushMatrix (); \ \ const ScePspFVector3 translation = \ { \ _p->org[0], _p->org[1], _p->org[2] \ }; \ sceGumTranslate(&translation); \ \ const ScePspFVector3 scale = \ { \ _p->size, _p->size, _p->size \ }; \ sceGumScale(&scale); \ \ if (_p->rotspeed) \ { \ const ScePspFVector3 rotation = \ { \ vpn[0] * (GU_PI / 180.0f), \ vpn[1] * (GU_PI / 180.0f), \ vpn[2] * (GU_PI / 180.0f) \ }; \ sceGumRotateZYX(&rotation); \ } \ sceGuColor(GU_RGBA(_p->color[0], _p->color[1], _p->color[2], _p->color[3]));\ \ sceGumUpdateMatrix(); \ \ struct vertex \ { \ float u, v; \ float x, y, z; \ }; \ vertex* const df = static_cast<vertex*>(sceGuGetMemory(sizeof(vertex) * 4));\ \ df[0].u = _ptex->coords[_p->texindex][0]; df[0].v = _ptex->coords[_p->texindex][3];\ df[0].x = _coord[0][0]; df[0].y = _coord[0][1]; df[0].z = _coord[0][2]; \ df[1].u = _ptex->coords[_p->texindex][0]; df[1].v = _ptex->coords[_p->texindex][1];\ df[1].x = _coord[1][0]; df[1].y = _coord[1][1]; df[1].z = _coord[1][2]; \ df[2].u = _ptex->coords[_p->texindex][2]; df[2].v = _ptex->coords[_p->texindex][1];\ df[2].x = _coord[2][0]; df[2].y = _coord[2][1]; df[2].z = _coord[2][2]; \ df[3].u = _ptex->coords[_p->texindex][2]; df[3].v = _ptex->coords[_p->texindex][3];\ df[3].x = _coord[3][0]; df[3].y = _coord[3][1]; df[3].z = _coord[3][2]; \ sceGuDrawArray(GU_TRIANGLE_FAN, GU_TEXTURE_32BITF | GU_VERTEX_32BITF, 4, 0, df); \ sceGuColor(GU_RGBA(0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff)); \ \ sceGumPopMatrix (); \ sceGumUpdateMatrix(); //extern ScePspFMatrix4 r_world_matrix[16]; void QMB_DrawParticles (void) { int j, i; vec3_t up, right, billboard[4], velcoord[4], neworg; particle_t *p; particle_type_t *pt; particle_texture_t *ptex; float varray_vertex[16]; vec3_t distance; if (!qmb_initialized) return; particle_time = cl.time; if (!cl.paused) QMB_UpdateParticles (); VectorAdd (vup, vright, billboard[2]); VectorSubtract (vright, vup, billboard[3]); VectorNegate (billboard[2], billboard[0]); VectorNegate (billboard[3], billboard[1]); sceGuDepthMask (GU_TRUE); sceGuEnable (GU_BLEND); sceGuTexFunc(GU_TFX_MODULATE , GU_TCC_RGBA); sceGuShadeModel (GU_SMOOTH); for (i = 0 ; i < num_particletypes ; i++) { pt = &particle_types[i]; if (!pt->start) continue; sceGuBlendFunc (GU_ADD, pt->SrcBlend, pt->DstBlend, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF); //edited fixed value to 1 from 0 - shpuld switch (pt->drawtype) { case pd_hide: break; case pd_beam: ptex = &particle_textures[pt->texture]; GL_Bind (ptex->texnum); for (p = pt->start ; p ; p = p->next) { if (particle_time < p->start || particle_time >= p->die) continue; VectorSubtract(r_refdef.vieworg, p->org, distance); if (VectorLength(distance) > r_farclip.value) continue; // Allocate the vertices. struct vertex { float u, v; float x, y, z; }; vertex* const out = static_cast<vertex*>(sceGuGetMemory(sizeof(vertex) * 4)); sceGuColor(GU_RGBA(p->color[0], p->color[1], p->color[2], p->color[3])); R_CalcBeamVerts (varray_vertex, p->org, p->endorg, p->size / 3.0); out[0].u = 1; out[0].v = 0; out[0].x = varray_vertex[0]; out[0].y = varray_vertex[1]; out[0].z = varray_vertex[2]; out[1].u = 1; out[1].v = 1; out[1].x = varray_vertex[4]; out[1].y = varray_vertex[5]; out[1].z = varray_vertex[6]; out[2].u = 0; out[2].v = 1; out[2].x = varray_vertex[8]; out[2].y = varray_vertex[9]; out[2].z = varray_vertex[10]; out[3].u = 0; out[3].v = 0; out[3].x = varray_vertex[12]; out[3].y = varray_vertex[13]; out[3].z = varray_vertex[14]; sceGuDrawArray(GU_TRIANGLE_FAN,GU_TEXTURE_32BITF | GU_VERTEX_32BITF,4, 0, out); sceGuColor(GU_RGBA(0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff)); //return to normal color } break; case pd_spark: sceGuDisable (GU_TEXTURE_2D); for (p = pt->start ; p ; p = p->next) { if (particle_time < p->start || particle_time >= p->die) continue; VectorSubtract(r_refdef.vieworg, p->org, distance); if (VectorLength(distance) > r_farclip.value) continue; struct vertex { vec3_t xyz; }; vertex* const out = static_cast<vertex*>(sceGuGetMemory(sizeof(vertex) * 9)); sceGuColor(GU_RGBA(p->color[0], p->color[1], p->color[2], p->color[3])); for (int gh=0 ; gh<3 ; gh++) out[0].xyz[gh] = p->org[gh]; sceGuColor(GU_RGBA(p->color[0] >> 1, p->color[1] >> 1, p->color[2] >> 1, p->color[3] >> 1)); int vt = 1; for (j=7; j>=0 ; j--) { for (int k=0 ; k<3 ; k++) out[vt].xyz[k] = p->org[k] - p->vel[k] / 8 + vright[k] * cost[1%7] * p->size + vup[k] * sint[j%7] * p->size; vt = vt + 1; } sceGuDrawArray(GU_TRIANGLE_FAN, GU_VERTEX_32BITF, 9, 0, out); sceGuColor(GU_RGBA(0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff)); //return to normal color } sceGuEnable (GU_TEXTURE_2D); break; case pd_sparkray: sceGuDisable (GU_TEXTURE_2D); for (p = pt->start ; p ; p = p->next) { if (particle_time < p->start || particle_time >= p->die) continue; VectorSubtract(r_refdef.vieworg, p->org, distance); if (VectorLength(distance) > r_farclip.value) continue; if (!TraceLineN(p->endorg, p->org, neworg, NULLVEC)) VectorCopy(p->org, neworg); //R00k added -start- //sceGuEnable (GU_BLEND); //p->color[3] = bound(0, 0.3, 1) * 255; //R00k added -end- //glColor4ubv (p->color); struct vertex { vec3_t xyz; }; vertex* const out = static_cast<vertex*>(sceGuGetMemory(sizeof(vertex) * 9)); sceGuColor(GU_RGBA(p->color[0], p->color[1], p->color[2], p->color[3])); for (int gh=0 ; gh<3 ; gh++) out[0].xyz[gh] = p->endorg[gh]; sceGuColor(GU_RGBA(p->color[0] >> 1, p->color[1] >> 1, p->color[2] >> 1, p->color[3] >> 1)); int vt = 1; for (j=7 ; j>=0 ; j--) { for (int k=0 ; k<3 ; k++) out[vt].xyz[k] = neworg[k] + vright[k] * cost[j%7] * p->size + vup[k] * sint[j%7] * p->size; vt = vt + 1; } sceGuDrawArray(GU_TRIANGLE_FAN, GU_VERTEX_32BITF, 9, 0, out); sceGuColor(GU_RGBA(0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff)); //return to normal color } sceGuEnable (GU_TEXTURE_2D); break; case pd_billboard: ptex = &particle_textures[pt->texture]; GL_Bind (ptex->texnum); for (p = pt->start ; p ; p = p->next) { if (particle_time < p->start || particle_time >= p->die) continue; for (j = 0 ; j < cl.maxclients ; j++) { if (pt->custom != -1 && VectorSupCompare(p->org, cl_entities[1+j].origin, 40)) { p->die = 0; continue; } } #ifdef SLIM if (pt->texture == ptex_muzzleflash || pt->texture == ptex_muzzleflash2 || pt->texture == ptex_muzzleflash3) #else if (pt->texture == ptex_muzzleflash) #endif // SLIM sceGuDepthRange(0, 19660); DRAW_PARTICLE_BILLBOARD(ptex, p, billboard); #ifdef SLIM if (pt->texture == ptex_muzzleflash || pt->texture == ptex_muzzleflash2 || pt->texture == ptex_muzzleflash3) #else if (pt->texture == ptex_muzzleflash) #endif // SLIM sceGuDepthRange(0, 65535); } break; case pd_billboard_vel: ptex = &particle_textures[pt->texture]; GL_Bind (ptex->texnum); for (p = pt->start ; p ; p = p->next) { if (particle_time < p->start || particle_time >= p->die) continue; VectorCopy (p->vel, up); CrossProduct (vpn, up, right); VectorNormalizeFast (right); VectorScale (up, pt->custom, up); VectorAdd (up, right, velcoord[2]); VectorSubtract (right, up, velcoord[3]); VectorNegate (velcoord[2], velcoord[0]); VectorNegate (velcoord[3], velcoord[1]); DRAW_PARTICLE_BILLBOARD(ptex, p, velcoord); } break; case pd_q3flame: ptex = &particle_textures[pt->texture]; GL_Bind (ptex->texnum); for (p = pt->start ; p ; p = p->next) { float varray_vertex[16]; float xhalf = p->size / 2.0, yhalf = p->size; // vec3_t org, v, end, normal; if (particle_time < p->start || particle_time >= p->die) continue; sceGuDisable (GU_CULL_FACE); for (j=0 ; j<2 ; j++) { sceGumPushMatrix (); const ScePspFVector3 translation = { p->org[0], p->org[1], p->org[2] }; sceGumTranslate(&translation); //glRotatef (!j ? 45 : -45, 0, 0, 1); sceGumRotateZ(!j ? 45 : -45 * (GU_PI / 180.0f)); sceGuColor(GU_RGBA(p->color[0], p->color[1], p->color[2], p->color[3])); sceGumUpdateMatrix(); // sigh. The best would be if the flames were always orthogonal to their surfaces // but I'm afraid it's impossible to get that work (w/o progs modification of course) varray_vertex[0] = 0; varray_vertex[1] = xhalf; varray_vertex[2] = -yhalf; varray_vertex[4] = 0; varray_vertex[5] = xhalf; varray_vertex[6] = yhalf; varray_vertex[8] = 0; varray_vertex[9] = -xhalf; varray_vertex[10] = yhalf; varray_vertex[12] = 0; varray_vertex[13] = -xhalf; varray_vertex[14] = -yhalf; struct vertex { float u, v; float x, y, z; }; vertex* const out = static_cast<vertex*>(sceGuGetMemory(sizeof(vertex) * 4)); out[0].u = ptex->coords[p->texindex][0]; out[0].v = ptex->coords[p->texindex][3]; out[0].x = varray_vertex[0]; out[0].y = varray_vertex[1]; out[0].z = varray_vertex[2]; out[1].u = ptex->coords[p->texindex][0]; out[1].v = ptex->coords[p->texindex][1]; out[1].x = varray_vertex[4]; out[1].y = varray_vertex[5]; out[1].z = varray_vertex[6]; out[2].u = ptex->coords[p->texindex][2]; out[2].v = ptex->coords[p->texindex][1]; out[2].x = varray_vertex[8]; out[2].y = varray_vertex[9]; out[2].z = varray_vertex[10]; out[3].u = ptex->coords[p->texindex][2]; out[3].v = ptex->coords[p->texindex][3]; out[3].x = varray_vertex[12]; out[3].y = varray_vertex[13]; out[3].z = varray_vertex[14]; sceGuDrawArray(GU_TRIANGLE_FAN, GU_TEXTURE_32BITF | GU_VERTEX_32BITF, 4, 0, out); sceGumPopMatrix (); sceGumUpdateMatrix(); } sceGuEnable (GU_CULL_FACE); sceGuColor(GU_RGBA(0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff)); //return to normal color } break; case pd_q3gunshot: for (p = pt->start ; p ; p = p->next) QMB_Q3Gunshot (p->org, (int)p->texindex, (float)p->color[3] / 255.0); break; case pd_q3teleport: for (p = pt->start ; p ; p = p->next) QMB_Q3Teleport (p->org, (float)p->color[3] / 255.0); break; default: //assert (!"QMB_DrawParticles: unexpected drawtype"); break; } } sceGuDepthMask (GU_FALSE); sceGuDisable (GU_BLEND); sceGuBlendFunc (GU_ADD, GU_SRC_ALPHA, GU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, 0, 0); sceGuTexFunc(GU_TFX_REPLACE, GU_TCC_RGBA); sceGuShadeModel (GU_FLAT); } void QMB_Shockwave_Splash(vec3_t org, int radius) { float theta; vec3_t angle; angle[2] = 0; for (theta = 0; theta < 6.283185307179586476925286766559; theta += 0.069813170079773183076947630739545) { #ifdef PSP_VFPU angle[0] = vfpu_cosf(theta) * radius; angle[1] = vfpu_sinf(theta) * radius; #else angle[0] = cos(theta) * radius; angle[1] = sin(theta) * radius; #endif AddParticle(p_shockwave, org, 1, 2, 0.625f, NULL, angle); } } extern sfx_t *cl_sfx_thunder; /* void QMB_LetItRain(void) { int i; msurface_t *surf; glpoly_t *p; col_t color; float distance[3], point[3]; float frametime = fabs(cl.ctime - cl.oldtime); color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = + (rand() % 25 + 15); color[2] += 5; if (!qmb_initialized) return; if (!particle_mode) return; if (frametime) { for (i = 0, surf = cl.worldmodel->surfaces; i < cl.worldmodel->numsurfaces; i++, surf++) { if (!(surf->flags & SURF_DRAWSKY)) continue; for (p = surf->polys; p; p = p->next) { VectorSubtract(r_refdef.vieworg,p->midpoint, distance); if (VectorLength(distance) > r_farclip.value) continue; //R00k let's make some thunder... /*if (cl.time > cl.thundertime) { S_StartSound (-1, 0, cl_sfx_thunder, p->midpoint, 1, 1); cl.thundertime = cl.time + (rand()% 60 + 1); }*/ /* point[0] = p->midpoint[0] + (rand() % 80 - 40); point[1] = p->midpoint[1] + (rand() % 80 - 40); point[2] = p->midpoint[2]; AddParticle(p_rain, point, 1, 0.75, 5, color, zerodir); } } } }; */ //R00k: revamped to coincide with classic particle style... void QMB_ParticleExplosion (vec3_t org) { if (r_explosiontype.value == 2)//no explosion what so ever return; if (ISUNDERWATER(TruePointContents(org))) { AddParticle (p_bubble, org, 6, 3.0, 2.5, NULL, zerodir); AddParticle (p_bubble, org, 4, 2.35, 2.5, NULL, zerodir); AddParticle (p_fire, org, 16, 120, 1, NULL, zerodir); if (r_explosiontype.value != 1) { AddParticle (p_spark, org, 50, 250, 0.925f, NULL, zerodir); AddParticle (p_spark, org, 25, 150, 0.925f, NULL, zerodir); } } else { /* original if (r_explosiontype.value != 3) { if (r_flametype.value < 1)//R00k { AddParticle (p_fire2, org, 16, 18, 1, NULL, zerodir); } else { AddParticle (p_fire, org, 16, 18, 1, NULL, zerodir); } } if ((r_explosiontype.value == 0) || (r_explosiontype.value == 1) || (r_explosiontype.value == 3)) { AddParticle (p_spark, org, 50, 250, 0.925f, NULL, zerodir); AddParticle (p_spark, org, 25, 150, 0.925f, NULL, zerodir); } */ //shpuld AddParticle (p_fire, org, 10, 40, 0.5, NULL, zerodir); AddParticle (p_fire2, org, 14, 36, 1.8, NULL, zerodir); } } void d8to24col (col_t colourv, int colour) { byte *colourByte; colourByte = (byte *)&d_8to24table[colour]; colourv[0] = colourByte[0]; colourv[1] = colourByte[1]; colourv[2] = colourByte[2]; } __inline static void AddColoredParticle (part_type_t type, vec3_t org, int count, float size, float time, int colorStart, int colorLength, vec3_t dir) { col_t color; int i, j, colorMod = 0; float tempSize; particle_t *p; particle_type_t *pt; if (!qmb_initialized) Sys_Error ("QMB particle added without initialization"); //assert (size > 0 && time > 0); if (type < 0 || type >= num_particletypes) Sys_Error ("AddColoredParticle: Invalid type (%d)", type); pt = &particle_types[particle_type_index[type]]; for (i=0 ; i < count && free_particles ; i++) { d8to24col (color, colorStart + (colorMod % colorLength)); colorMod++; INIT_NEW_PARTICLE(pt, p, color, size, time); switch (type) { case p_spark: p->size = 1.175; VectorCopy (org, p->org); tempSize = size * 2; p->vel[0] = (rand() % (int)tempSize) - ((int)tempSize / 4); p->vel[1] = (rand() % (int)tempSize) - ((int)tempSize / 4); p->vel[2] = (rand() % (int)tempSize) - ((int)tempSize / 6); break; case p_fire: VectorCopy (org, p->org); for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) p->vel[j] = ((rand() % 160) - 80) * (size / 25.0); break; default: //assert (!"AddColoredParticle: unexpected type"); break; } } } void QMB_ColorMappedExplosion (vec3_t org, int colorStart, int colorLength) { if (ISUNDERWATER(TruePointContents(org))) { //AddColoredParticle (p_fire, org, 16, 18, 1, colorStart, colorLength, zerodir); AddParticle (p_bubble, org, 6, 3.0, 2.5, NULL, zerodir); AddParticle (p_bubble, org, 4, 2.35, 2.5, NULL, zerodir); if (r_explosiontype.value != 2) { AddColoredParticle (p_spark, org, 50, 100, 0.5, colorStart, colorLength, zerodir); AddColoredParticle (p_spark, org, 25, 60, 0.5, colorStart, colorLength, zerodir); } } else { if (r_flametype.value < 1)//R00k { AddColoredParticle (p_fire2, org, 16, 18, 1, colorStart, colorLength, zerodir); } else { AddColoredParticle (p_fire, org, 16, 18, 1, colorStart, colorLength, zerodir); } if (r_explosiontype.value < 2) { AddColoredParticle (p_spark, org, 50, 250, 0.625f, colorStart, colorLength, zerodir); if (r_explosiontype.value < 1) AddColoredParticle (p_spark, org, 25, 150, 0.625f, colorStart, colorLength, zerodir); } } } /* Original void QMB_Blood_Splat(part_type_t type, vec3_t org) //R00k :) { int j; col_t color; vec3_t neworg, angle; VectorClear (angle); color[0]=100; color[1]=0; color[2]=0; color[3]=255; AddParticle(p_bloodcloud, org, 1, 6, 0.5, color, zerodir); for (j=0 ; j<4 ; j++) { AngleVectors (angle, NULLVEC, NULLVEC, neworg); VectorMA (org, 70, neworg, neworg); AddParticle (type, org, 5, 1, 2, color, neworg); angle[1] += 360 / 4; } }*/ void QMB_Blood_Splat(part_type_t type, vec3_t org) //Shpuldified { int j; col_t color; vec3_t neworg, angle; VectorClear (angle); color[0]=100; color[1]=0; color[2]=0; color[3]=255; if(type == p_blood1) { AddParticle(p_bloodcloud, org, 3, 5, 0.3, color, zerodir); } else if(type == p_blood2) { AddParticle(p_bloodcloud, org, 3, 7, 0.3, color, zerodir); color[0] = 40; AddParticle(p_blood2, org, 16, 3, 1.0, color, zerodir); } else //p_blood3, trail? { AddParticle(p_bloodcloud, org, 3, 5, 0.6, color, zerodir); for (j=0 ; j<4 ; j++) { AngleVectors (angle, NULLVEC, NULLVEC, neworg); VectorMA (org, 70, neworg, neworg); AddParticle (type, org, 5, 1, 2, color, neworg); angle[1] += 360 / 4; } } } void QMB_RunParticleEffect (vec3_t org, vec3_t dir, int col, int count) { if (!r_runqmbparticles.value) return; col_t color; vec3_t neworg, newdir; int i, j, particlecount; int contents;//R00k Added if (col == 73) { QMB_Blood_Splat(p_blood1, org); return; } else if (col == 225) { QMB_Blood_Splat(p_blood2, org); return; } else if (col == 20 && count == 30) { color[0] = color[2] = 51; color[1] = 255; AddParticle (p_chunk, org, 1, 1, 0.75, color, zerodir); AddParticle (p_spark, org, 12, 75, 0.4, color, zerodir); return; } else if (col == 226 && count == 20) { color[0] = 230; color[1] = 204; color[2] = 26; AddParticle (p_chunk, org, 1, 1, 0.75, color, zerodir); AddParticle (p_spark, org, 12, 75, 0.4, color, zerodir); return; } else if(col == 111) //we will use this color for flames { color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 255; AddParticle (p_q3flame, org, 3, 3, 2, color, dir); return; } else if(col == 112) //we will use this color for big flames { color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 255; AddParticle (p_q3flame, org, 3, 6, 2, color, dir); return; } switch (count) { case 9: case 10://nailgun { color[0] = 200; color[1] = 200; color[2] = 125; AddParticle (p_spark, org, 6, 70, 0.6, NULL, zerodir); AddParticle (p_chunk, org, 3, 1, 0.75, NULL, zerodir); contents = TruePointContents (org);//R00k Added if (ISUNDERWATER(contents))//R00k { AddParticle (p_bubble, org, 1, 2, 0.825f + ((rand() % 10) - 5) / 40.0, NULL, zerodir); } else { AddParticle (p_smoke, org, 1, 4, 0.825f + ((rand() % 10) - 5) / 40.0, NULL, zerodir); } } break; case 20://super nailgun color[0] = 200; color[1] = 200; color[2] = 125; AddParticle (p_spark, org, 22, 100, 0.2, NULL, zerodir); //AddParticle (p_chunk, org, 6, 2, 0.75, NULL, zerodir); contents = TruePointContents (org);//R00k Added if (ISUNDERWATER(contents))//R00k { AddParticle (p_bubble, org, 1, 2, 0.825f + ((rand() % 10) - 5) / 40.0, NULL, zerodir); } else { AddParticle (p_smoke, org, 3, 12, 1.225f + ((rand() % 10) - 5) / 40.0, NULL, zerodir); } break; case 24:// gunshot particlecount = count >> 1; AddParticle (p_gunblast, org, 1, 1.04, 0.2, NULL, zerodir); for (i=0 ; i<particlecount ; i++) { for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) neworg[j] = org[j] + ((rand() & 3) - 2); contents = TruePointContents (neworg);//R00k Added if (ISUNDERWATER(contents))//R00k { AddParticle (p_bubble, neworg, 1, 2, 0.825f + ((rand() % 10) - 5) / 40.0, NULL, zerodir); } else { AddParticle (p_smoke, neworg, 1, 6, 0.825f + ((rand() % 10) - 5) / 40.0, NULL, zerodir); } if ((i % particlecount) == 0) { AddParticle (p_chunk, neworg, 1, 0.75, 3.75, NULL, zerodir); } } break; case 30: AddParticle (p_chunk, org, 10, 1, 4, NULL, zerodir); AddParticle (p_spark, org, 8, 105, 0.9, NULL, zerodir); break; case 128: // electric sparks (R00k added from QMB) color[2] = 1.0f; for (i=0; i<count; i++) { color[0] = color[1] = 0.4 + ((rand()%90)/255.0); AddParticle (p_spark, org, 1, 100, 1.0f, color, zerodir);//modified } break; case 256: color[2] = 1.0f; AddParticle (p_raysmoke, org, 3, 25, 1.225f + ((rand() % 10) - 2) / 40.0, color, zerodir); AddParticle (p_rayspark, org, 12, 75, 0.6f, color, zerodir); break; case 512: color[1] = 1.0f; color[2] = 0; color[3] = 0; AddParticle (p_raysmoke, org, 3, 25, 1.225f + ((rand() % 10) - 2) / 40.0, color, zerodir); AddParticle (p_rayspark, org, 12, 75, 0.6f, color, zerodir); break; default: /* else if (nehahra) { switch (count) { case 25: // slime barrel chunks return; case 244: // sewer for (i=0 ; i<(count>>3) ; i++) { for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) neworg[j] = org[j] + ((rand() % 24) - 12); newdir[0] = dir[0] * (10 + (rand() % 5)); newdir[1] = dir[1] * (10 + (rand() % 5)); newdir[2] = dir[2] * 15; d8to24col (color, (col & ~7) + (rand() & 7)); AddParticle (p_glow, neworg, 1, 3.5, 0.5 + 0.1 * (rand() % 3), color, newdir); } return; } } */ particlecount = fmax(1, count>>1); for (i=0 ; i<particlecount ; i++) { for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) { neworg[j] = org[j] + ((rand() % 20) - 10); newdir[j] = dir[j] * (10 + (rand() % 5)); } d8to24col (color, (col & ~7) + (rand() & 7)); AddParticle (p_glow, neworg, 1, 3, 0.2 + 0.1 * (rand() % 4), color, newdir); } break; } } float pap_detr(int weapon) { switch (weapon) { case W_COLT: return 0; break; case W_BIATCH: return 1; break; case W_SPRING: return 0; break; case W_KAR: return 0; break; case W_THOMPSON: return 0; break; case W_357: return 0; break; case W_KILLU: return 1; break; case W_BAR: return 0; break; case W_BK: return 0; break; case W_BROWNING: return 0; break; case W_DB: return 0; break; case W_FG: return 0; break; case W_GEWEHR: return 0; break; case W_KAR_SCOPE: return 0; break; case W_M1: return 0; break; case W_M1A1: return 0; break; case W_MP40: return 0; break; case W_MG: return 0; break; case W_PANZER: return 0; break; case W_PPSH: return 0; break; case W_PTRS: return 0; break; case W_RAY: return 0; break; case W_SAWNOFF: return 0; break; case W_STG: return 0; break; case W_TRENCH: return 0; break; case W_TYPE: return 0; break; case W_M2: return 0; break; case W_COMPRESSOR: return 1; break; case W_PULVERIZER: return 1; break; case W_KOLLIDER: return 1; break; case W_M1000: return 1; break; case W_GIBS: return 1; break; case W_SAMURAI: return 1; break; case W_AFTERBURNER: return 1; break; case W_SPATZ: return 1; break; case W_SNUFF: return 1; break; case W_BORE: return 1; break; case W_IMPELLER: return 1; break; case W_BARRACUDA: return 1; break; case W_ACCELERATOR: return 1; break; case W_GUT: return 1; break; case W_REAPER: return 1; break; case W_HEADCRACKER: return 1; break; case W_LONGINUS: return 1; break; case W_PENETRATOR: return 1; break; case W_WIDOW: return 1; break; case W_PORTER: return 1; break; case W_ARMAGEDDON: return 1; break; case W_WIDDER: return 1; break; case W_MP5: return 0; break; case W_TESLA: return 0; break; } return 0; } // cypress - Raygun barrel trail void QMB_RayFlash(vec3_t org, float weapon) { // if we're ADS, just flat out end here to avoid useless calcs/defs if (cl.stats[STAT_ZOOM] || !qmb_initialized) return; col_t color; vec3_t endorg; // green trail if (weapon == W_RAY) { color[0] = 0; color[1] = 255; } else { // red trail color[0] = 255; color[1] = 0; } color[2] = 0; QMB_MuzzleFlash(org); } //R00k added particle muzzleflashes void QMB_MuzzleFlash(vec3_t org) { if (!qmb_initialized) { return; } float frametime = fabs(cl.ctime - cl.oldtime); col_t color; // change color if PaP if (pap_detr(cl.stats[STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON]) == 0) { color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 255; } else { color[0] = 132; color[1] = 44; color[2] = 139; } // lower origin based on player stance if (sv_player->v.view_ofs[2] >= 0) org[2] -= 32 - sv_player->v.view_ofs[2]; else org[2] -= 32 + abs(sv_player->v.view_ofs[2]); /*if (sv_player->v.view_ofs[2] == 8) { org[2] -= 24; } else if (sv_player->v.view_ofs[2] == -10) { org[2] -= 42; }*/ float size; if(!(ISUNDERWATER(TruePointContents(org)))) { size = sv_player->v.Flash_Size; if(size == 0 || cl.stats[STAT_ZOOM] == 2) return; #ifdef SLIM switch(rand() % 3 + 1) { case 1: AddParticle (p_muzzleflash, org, 1, size, 0.04 * frametime, color, zerodir); break; case 2: AddParticle (p_muzzleflash2, org, 1, size, 0.04 * frametime, color, zerodir); break; case 3: AddParticle (p_muzzleflash3, org, 1, size, 0.04 * frametime, color, zerodir); break; default: AddParticle (p_muzzleflash, org, 1, size, 0.04 * frametime, color, zerodir); break; } #else AddParticle (p_muzzleflash, org, 1, size, 0.04 * frametime, color, zerodir); #endif // SLIM } } void QMB_MuzzleFlashLG(vec3_t org) { float frametime = fabs(cl.ctime - cl.oldtime); col_t color; color[0] = color[1] = 20; color[2] = 200; if (!qmb_initialized) return; if (!particle_mode) return; } void QMB_RocketTrail (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, trail_type_t type) { col_t color; switch (type) { case GRENADE_TRAIL://r00K mODIFIED if (ISUNDERWATER(TruePointContents(start))) { AddParticleTrail (p_bubble, start, end, 1, 0.30, NULL); } else { if (r_part_trails.value > 1) { color[0] = 15; color[1] = 15; color[2] = 10; AddParticleTrail (p_alphatrail, start, end, 8, 1, color); } else AddParticleTrail (p_smoke, start, end, 1.45, 0.825, NULL); } break; case BLOOD_TRAIL: case SLIGHT_BLOOD_TRAIL: AddParticleTrail (p_blood3, start, end, type == BLOOD_TRAIL ? 1.35 : 2.4, 2, NULL); break; case TRACER1_TRAIL: color[0] = color[2] = 0; color[1] = 124; AddParticleTrail (p_trailpart, start, end, 3.75, 0.5, color); break; case TRACER2_TRAIL: color[0] = 255; color[1] = 77; color[2] = 0; AddParticleTrail (p_trailpart, start, end, 1.75, 0.2, color); break; case VOOR_TRAIL: color[0] = 77; color[1] = 0; color[2] = 255; AddParticleTrail (p_trailpart, start, end, 3.75, 0.5, color); break; case ALT_ROCKET_TRAIL: if (ISUNDERWATER(TruePointContents(start))) { AddParticleTrail (p_bubble, start, end, 1, 2.5, NULL); } else { if (r_part_trails.value > 1) { color[0] = 15; color[1] = 15; color[2] = 10; AddParticleTrail (p_alphatrail, start, end, 8, 1, color); } else { AddParticleTrail (p_dpfire, start, end, 3, 0.26, NULL); AddParticleTrail (p_dpsmoke, start, end, 3, 0.825, NULL); } } break; case LAVA_TRAIL: AddParticleTrail (p_lavatrail, start, end, 5, 0.25, NULL); AddParticleTrail (p_dpsmoke, start, end, 5, 0.825, NULL); break; case BUBBLE_TRAIL: if (ISUNDERWATER(TruePointContents(start))) AddParticleTrail (p_bubble2, start, end, 1.5, 0.825, NULL); break; case NEHAHRA_SMOKE: AddParticleTrail (p_smoke, start, end, 0.8, 0.825, NULL); break; case RAYGREEN_TRAIL: color[0] = 0; color[1] = 255; color[2] = 0; AddParticleTrail (p_alphatrail, start, end, 8, 0.6, color); break; case RAYRED_TRAIL: color[0] = 255; color[1] = 0; color[2] = 0; AddParticleTrail (p_alphatrail, start, end, 8, 0.6, color); break; case ROCKET_TRAIL: default: color[0] = 255; color[1] = 56; color[2] = 9; // AddParticleTrail (p_trailpart, start, end, 6.2, 0.31, color); if (ISUNDERWATER(TruePointContents(start))) { AddParticleTrail (p_trailpart, start, end, 1, 0.30, color); AddParticleTrail (p_bubble, start, end, 1, 2.5, NULL); } else { if (r_part_trails.value > 1) { color[0] = 15; color[1] = 15; color[2] = 10; AddParticleTrail (p_alphatrail, start, end, 8, 3, color); } else { AddParticleTrail (p_trailpart, start, end, 6.2, 0.31, color); AddParticleTrail (p_smoke, start, end, 1.8, 0.825, NULL); } } break; case NAIL_TRAIL://R00k added if (ISUNDERWATER(TruePointContents(start))) { AddParticleTrail (p_bubble, start, end, 0.25, 0.50, NULL); } else { color[0] = 15; color[1] = 15; color[2] = 15; AddParticleTrail (p_alphatrail, start, end, 1, 0.25, color); } break; } } /* void QMB_AxeSwoosh(vec3_t start) { col_t color; vec3_t end, mid; mid[0] = 15;mid[1] = 15;mid[2] = 15; VectorSubtract(start,mid,end); if (ISUNDERWATER(TruePointContents(start))) { AddParticleTrail (p_bubble, start, end, 0.25, 0.50, NULL); } else { color[0] = 255; color[1] = 255; color[2] = 255; AddParticleTrail (p_alphatrail, start, end, 50, 0.5, color); // AddParticle (p_spark, start, 50, 250, 0.925f, NULL, zerodir); } }; */ void QMB_BlobExplosion (vec3_t org) { float theta; col_t color; vec3_t neworg, vel; color[0] = 60; color[1] = 100; color[2] = 240; AddParticle (p_spark, org, 44, 250, 1.15, color, zerodir); color[0] = 90; color[1] = 47; color[2] = 207; AddParticle (p_fire, org, 15, 30, 1.4, color, zerodir); vel[2] = 0; for (theta = 0 ; theta < 6.28318530717958647692528676655901 ; theta += 0.0897597901025655210989326680937001) { color[0] = (60 + (rand() & 15)); color[1] = (65 + (rand() & 15)); color[2] = (200 + (rand() & 15)); #ifdef PSP_VFPU vel[0] = vfpu_cosf(theta) * 125; vel[1] = vfpu_sinf(theta) * 125; neworg[0] = org[0] + vfpu_cosf(theta) * 6; neworg[1] = org[1] + vfpu_sinf(theta) * 6; #else vel[0] = cos(theta) * 125; vel[1] = sin(theta) * 125; neworg[0] = org[0] + cos(theta) * 6; neworg[1] = org[1] + sin(theta) * 6; #endif neworg[2] = org[2] + 0 - 10; AddParticle (p_shockwave, neworg, 1, 4, 0.8, color, vel); neworg[2] = org[2] + 0 + 10; AddParticle (p_shockwave, neworg, 1, 4, 0.8, color, vel); vel[0] *= 1.15; vel[1] *= 1.15; #ifdef PSP_VFPU neworg[0] = org[0] + vfpu_cosf(theta) * 13; neworg[1] = org[1] + vfpu_sinf(theta) * 13; #else neworg[0] = org[0] + cos(theta) * 13; neworg[1] = org[1] + sin(theta) * 13; #endif neworg[2] = org[2] + 0; AddParticle (p_shockwave, neworg, 1, 6, 1.0, color, vel); } } void QMB_LavaSplash (vec3_t org) { int i, j; float vel; vec3_t dir, neworg; for (i=-16 ; i<16; i++) { for (j=-16 ; j<16 ; j++) { dir[0] = j * 8 + (rand() & 7); dir[1] = i * 8 + (rand() & 7); dir[2] = 256; neworg[0] = org[0] + dir[0]; neworg[1] = org[1] + dir[1]; neworg[2] = org[2] + (rand() & 63); VectorNormalizeFast (dir); vel = 50 + (rand() & 63); VectorScale (dir, vel, dir); } } } void QMB_TeleportSplash (vec3_t org) { int i, j, k; vec3_t neworg, angle; col_t color; //QMB_Shockwave_Splash(org, 120); for (i=-12 ; i<=12 ; i+=6) { for (j=-12 ; j<=12 ; j+=6) { for (k=-24 ; k<=32 ; k+=8) { neworg[0] = org[0] + i + (rand() & 3) - 1; neworg[1] = org[1] + j + (rand() & 3) - 1; neworg[2] = org[2] + k + (rand() & 3) - 1; angle[0] = (rand() & 15) - 7; angle[1] = (rand() & 15) - 7; angle[2] = (rand() % 160) - 80; AddParticle (p_teleflare, neworg, 1, 1.8, 0.30 + (rand() & 7) * 0.02, NULL, angle); } } } VectorSet (color, 140, 140, 255); VectorClear (angle); for (i=0 ; i<5 ; i++) { angle[2] = 0; for (j=0 ; j<5 ; j++) { AngleVectors (angle, NULLVEC, NULLVEC, neworg); VectorMA (org, 70, neworg, neworg); AddParticle (p_sparkray, org, 1, 6 + (i & 3), 5, color, neworg); angle[2] += 360 / 5; } angle[0] += 180 / 5; } } void QMB_InfernoFlame (vec3_t org) { float frametime = fabs(cl.ctime - cl.oldtime); if (ISUNDERWATER(TruePointContents(org))) return; if (frametime) { if (r_flametype.value < 1) { AddParticle (p_torch_flame, org, 1, 5, 0.5, NULL, zerodir);//R00k } else { AddParticle (p_inferno_flame, org, 1, 30, 13.125 * frametime, NULL, zerodir); AddParticle (p_inferno_trail, org, 2, 1.75, 45.0 * frametime, NULL, zerodir); AddParticle (p_inferno_trail, org, 2, 1.0, 52.5 * frametime, NULL, zerodir); } } } void QMB_StaticBubble (entity_t *ent) { AddParticle (p_staticbubble, ent->origin, 1, ent->frame == 1 ? 1.85 : 2.9, 0.001, NULL, zerodir); } void QMB_TorchFlame (vec3_t org) { if (fabs(cl.ctime - cl.oldtime)) AddParticle (p_torch_flame, org, 2, 2.5, 0.5, NULL, zerodir); } void QMB_FlameGt (vec3_t org, float size, float time) { if (fabs(cl.ctime - cl.oldtime)) AddParticle (p_flame, org, 1, size, time, NULL, zerodir); } void QMB_BigTorchFlame (vec3_t org) { if (fabs(cl.ctime - cl.oldtime)) AddParticle (p_torch_flame, org, 2, 7, 0.5, NULL, zerodir); } void QMB_Q3TorchFlame (vec3_t org, float size) { static double flametime = 0; if (flametime + 0.125 < cl.time || flametime >= cl.time) flametime = cl.time; else return; if (fabs(cl.ctime - cl.oldtime)) AddParticle (p_q3flame, org, 1, size, 0.25, NULL, zerodir); } void QMB_ShamblerCharge (vec3_t org) { vec3_t pos, vec, dir; col_t col = {60, 100, 240, 128}; float time, len; int i; for (i=0 ; i<5 ; i++) { VectorClear(vec); VectorClear(dir); VectorCopy(org, pos); pos[0] += (rand() % 200) - 100; pos[1] += (rand() % 200) - 100; pos[2] += (rand() % 200) - 100; VectorSubtract(pos, org, vec); len = VectorLength (vec); VectorNormalize (vec); VectorMA(dir, -200, vec, dir); time = len / 200; AddParticle (p_streakwave, pos, 1, 3, time, col, dir); } } void QMB_LaserSight (void) { float frametime = fabs(cl.time - cl.oldtime); col_t color; int c; extern cvar_t r_laserpoint; extern cvar_t scr_ofsx; //extern cvar_t cl_gun_offset; //blubs-- Issue with this is that there's no particle texture assigned, need to either create, or fix rendering of null particle texture. vec3_t dest, start, stop, forward, right,up; trace_t trace; if (!particle_mode) return; if (frametime) { if (qmb_initialized) { VectorClear(stop); AngleVectors (r_refdef.viewangles, forward, right, up); VectorCopy(cl_entities[cl.viewentity].origin, start); start[2] += 16; start[2] += cl.crouch + bound(-7, scr_ofsx.value, 4); VectorMA (start, 0, right, start); VectorMA (start, 4096, forward, dest); c = lt_default; switch ((int)r_laserpoint.value) { case 1: color[0] = color[0] = 000;color[1] = 000;color[2] = 255;color[3] = 50;//B c = lt_blue; break; case 2: color[0] = 255;color[1] = 000;color[2] = 000;color[3] = 50;//R c = lt_red; break; case 3: color[0] = 255;color[1] = 255;color[2] = 000;color[3] = 50;//Y //c = lt_yellow; c = lt_red; break; case 4: color[0] = 000;color[1] = 255;color[2] = 000;color[3] = 50;//G c = lt_green; break; } memset (&trace, 0, sizeof(trace_t)); trace.fraction = 1; SV_RecursiveHullCheck(cl.worldmodel->hulls, 0, start, dest, &trace); start[2]+=cl.crouch; AddParticle (p_streaktrail, start, 1, 2, 0.02, color, trace.endpos);// draw the line //the 2 value above is size if (trace.fraction != 1) { color[3] = 200; AddParticle (p_dot, trace.endpos, 1, 4, 0.01, color, zerodir);//pinpoint on wall if ((cl.maxclients < 2) && (cl.time > cl.laser_point_time)) { CL_NewDlight (0, trace.endpos, (rand() % 10 + 30), 0.02, c); cl.laser_point_time = cl.time + 0.02; } } } } } void QMB_Lightning_Splash(vec3_t org) { int i, j; vec3_t neworg, angle; col_t color; col_t col2 = {200, 100, 100, 255}; VectorSet (color, 40, 40, 128); VectorClear (angle); for (i=0 ; i<5 ; i++) { angle[2] = 0; for (j=0 ; j<5 ; j++) { AngleVectors (angle, NULLVEC, NULLVEC, neworg); VectorMA (org, 20, neworg, neworg); AddParticle (p_spark, org, 2, 85, 0.05f, NULL, zerodir); AddParticle (p_spark, org, 2, 100, 0.1f, col2, neworg); angle[2] += 360 / 5; } angle[0] += 180 / 5; } color[0] = 224 + (rand() & 31); color[1] = 100 + (rand() & 31); color[2] = 0; AddParticle (p_spark, org, 1, 70, 0.2, color, zerodir); } void QMB_LightningBeam (vec3_t start, vec3_t end) { float frametime = fabs(cl.time - cl.oldtime); col_t color = {255,255,255,255}; trace_t trace; if (frametime) { if (qmb_initialized && r_part_lightning.value ) { if (qmb_initialized && r_part_sparks.value) { memset (&trace, 0, sizeof(trace_t)); if (!SV_RecursiveHullCheck(cl.worldmodel->hulls, 0, start, end, &trace)) { if (trace.fraction < 1) { VectorCopy (trace.endpos, end); if ((r_decal_sparks.value) && (particle_mode) && (decals_enabled)) { R_SpawnDecalStatic(end, decal_glow, 10); } QMB_Lightning_Splash (end); } } } //R00k v1.84 moved down here AddParticle(p_lightningbeam, start, 1, 80, host_frametime * 2, color, end); } } } void R_DrawQ3Model (entity_t *ent); void QMB_Q3Gunshot (vec3_t org, int skinnum, float alpha) { vec3_t neworg, normal, v, newend; entity_t *ent; extern model_t *cl_q3gunshot_mod; if (!(ent = CL_NewTempEntity())) return; VectorCopy (org, ent->origin); ent->model = cl_q3gunshot_mod; VectorCopy (cl_entities[cl.viewentity].origin, neworg); VectorSubtract (ent->origin, neworg, v); VectorScale (v, 2, v); VectorAdd (neworg, v, newend); if (TraceLineN(neworg, newend, newend, normal)) vectoangles (normal, ent->angles); ent->skinnum = skinnum; ent->rendermode = TEX_ADDITIVE; ent->renderamt = alpha; R_DrawQ3Model (ent); } void QMB_Q3Teleport (vec3_t org, float alpha) { entity_t *ent; extern model_t *cl_q3teleport_mod; if (!(ent = CL_NewTempEntity())) return; VectorCopy (org, ent->origin); ent->model = cl_q3teleport_mod; ent->rendermode = TEX_ADDITIVE; ent->renderamt = alpha; R_DrawQ3Model (ent); } #define NUMVERTEXNORMALS 162 extern float r_avertexnormals[NUMVERTEXNORMALS][3]; extern vec3_t avelocities[NUMVERTEXNORMALS]; /* =============== R_EntityParticles =============== */ void QMB_EntityParticles (entity_t *ent) { int i; float angle, dist, sr, sp, sy, cr, cp, cy; vec3_t forward, org; col_t color = {255,255,0,100}; dist = 64; if (!avelocities[0][0]) for (i=0 ; i<NUMVERTEXNORMALS*3 ; i++) avelocities[0][i] = (rand() & 255) * 0.01; for (i=0 ; i<NUMVERTEXNORMALS ; i++) { angle = cl.time * avelocities[i][0]; #ifdef PSP_VFPU sy = vfpu_sinf(angle); cy = vfpu_cosf(angle); #else sy = sin(angle); cy = cos(angle); #endif angle = cl.time * avelocities[i][1]; #ifdef PSP_VFPU sp = vfpu_sinf(angle); cp = vfpu_cosf(angle); #else sp = sin(angle); cp = cos(angle); #endif angle = cl.time * avelocities[i][2]; #ifdef PSP_VFPU sr = vfpu_sinf(angle); cr = vfpu_cosf(angle); #else sr = sin(angle); cr = cos(angle); #endif forward[0] = cp*cy; forward[1] = cp*sy; forward[2] = -sp; org[0] = ent->origin[0] + r_avertexnormals[i][0]*dist + forward[0]*16; org[1] = ent->origin[1] + r_avertexnormals[i][1]*dist + forward[1]*16; org[2] = ent->origin[2] + r_avertexnormals[i][2]*dist + forward[2]*16; AddParticle (p_flare, org, 1, 2,0.005, color, forward); } } //Modified from Quake2 void QMB_FlyParticles (vec3_t origin, int count) { float frametime = fabs(cl.time - cl.oldtime); int i; float angle, sr, sp, sy, cr, cp, cy; vec3_t forward, org; float dist = 64; col_t color = {255,255,255,100}; if (frametime) { if (count > NUMVERTEXNORMALS) count = NUMVERTEXNORMALS; if (!avelocities[0][0]) { for (i=0 ; i<NUMVERTEXNORMALS*3 ; i++) avelocities[0][i] = (rand()&255) * 0.01; } for (i=0 ; i<count ; i+=2) { angle = cl.time * avelocities[i][0]; #ifdef PSP_VFPU sy = vfpu_sinf(angle); cy = vfpu_cosf(angle); #else sy = sin(angle); cy = cos(angle); #endif angle = cl.time * avelocities[i][1]; #ifdef PSP_VFPU sp = vfpu_sinf(angle); cp = vfpu_cosf(angle); #else sp = sin(angle); cp = cos(angle); #endif angle = cl.time * avelocities[i][2]; #ifdef PSP_VFPU sr = vfpu_sinf(angle); cr = vfpu_cosf(angle); #else sr = sin(angle); cr = cos(angle); #endif forward[0] = cp*cy; forward[1] = cp*sy; forward[2] = -sp; #ifdef PSP_VFPU dist = vfpu_sinf(cl.time + i)*64; #else dist = sin(cl.time + i)*64; #endif org[0] = origin[0] + r_avertexnormals[i][0]*dist + forward[0]*32; org[1] = origin[1] + r_avertexnormals[i][1]*dist + forward[1]*32; org[2] = origin[2] + r_avertexnormals[i][2]*dist + forward[2]*32; } } } void R_GetParticleMode (void) { if (!r_part_explosions.value && !r_part_trails.value && !r_part_spikes.value && !r_part_gunshots.value && !r_part_blood.value && !r_part_telesplash.value && !r_part_blobs.value && !r_part_lavasplash.value && !r_part_flames.value && !r_part_lightning.value) particle_mode = pm_classic; else if (r_part_explosions.value == 1 && r_part_trails.value == 1 && r_part_spikes.value == 1 && r_part_gunshots.value == 1 && r_part_blood.value == 1 && r_part_telesplash.value == 1 && r_part_blobs.value == 1 && r_part_lavasplash.value == 1 && r_part_flames.value == 1 && r_part_lightning.value == 1) particle_mode = pm_qmb; else if (r_part_explosions.value == 2 && r_part_trails.value == 2 && r_part_spikes.value == 2 && r_part_gunshots.value == 2 && r_part_blood.value == 2 && r_part_telesplash.value == 2 && r_part_blobs.value == 2 && r_part_lavasplash.value == 2 && r_part_flames.value == 2 && r_part_lightning.value == 2) particle_mode = pm_quake3; else particle_mode = pm_mixed; } void R_SetParticleMode (part_mode_t val) { particle_mode = val; Cvar_SetValue ("r_part_explosions", particle_mode); Cvar_SetValue ("r_part_trails", particle_mode); Cvar_SetValue ("r_part_sparks", particle_mode); Cvar_SetValue ("r_part_spikes", particle_mode); Cvar_SetValue ("r_part_gunshots", particle_mode); Cvar_SetValue ("r_part_blood", particle_mode); Cvar_SetValue ("r_part_telesplash", particle_mode); Cvar_SetValue ("r_part_blobs", particle_mode); Cvar_SetValue ("r_part_lavasplash", particle_mode); Cvar_SetValue ("r_part_flames", particle_mode); Cvar_SetValue ("r_part_lightning", particle_mode); Cvar_SetValue ("r_part_flies", particle_mode); Cvar_SetValue ("r_part_muzzleflash", particle_mode); } char *R_NameForParticleMode (void) { char *name; switch (particle_mode) { case pm_classic: name = "Classic"; break; case pm_qmb: name = "QMB"; break; case pm_quake3: name = "Quake3"; break; case pm_mixed: name = "mixed"; break; default: name = "derp"; break; } return name; } /* =============== R_ToggleParticles_f function that toggles between classic and QMB particles =============== */ void R_ToggleParticles_f (void) { if (cmd_source != src_command) return; if (particle_mode == pm_classic) R_SetParticleMode (pm_qmb); else if (particle_mode == pm_qmb) R_SetParticleMode (pm_quake3); else R_SetParticleMode (pm_classic); if (key_dest != key_menu && key_dest != key_menu_pause) Con_Printf ("Using %s particles\n", R_NameForParticleMode()); } void CheckDecals (void) { if (!r_decal_bullets.value && !r_decal_explosions.value && !r_decal_sparks.value && !r_decal_blood.value) decals_enabled = 0; else if (r_decal_bullets.value && r_decal_explosions.value && r_decal_sparks.value && r_decal_blood.value) decals_enabled = 1; else decals_enabled = 2; } void R_SetDecals (int val) { decals_enabled = val; Cvar_SetValue ("r_decal_bullets", val); Cvar_SetValue ("r_decal_explosions", val); Cvar_SetValue ("r_decal_sparks", val); Cvar_SetValue ("r_decal_blood", val); } /* =============== R_ToggleDecals_f =============== */ void R_ToggleDecals_f (void) { if (cmd_source != src_command) return; CheckDecals (); R_SetDecals (!(decals_enabled)); Con_Printf ("All Decals are %s.\n", !decals_enabled ? "disabled" : "enabled"); }