
969 B

% trigger_setfire - NZ:P Mapping Documentation



trigger_setfire is a brush-based trigger used to set Clients and/or Enemy AI on fire, if supported by that client or AI type. When the entity collides with the entity, they will be set alight, and continue to be on fire as long as they are in the trigger plus a duration specified in the entity field.



Field Name Field ID Default Value Description
Effect Duration fire_timeout 2 Duration (in seconds) the entity will be on fire after leaving the trigger bounds.


Spawnflag Name Spawnflag ID Default Value Description
Applies to Clients 1 false Sets whether or not the trigger_setfire trigger impacts Clients (Players) in addition to Enemy AI.
No Damage to AI/Enemies 2 false Prohibits damage to Enemy AI when enabled, but can still impact Clients.