
204 lines
7.4 KiB
Executable File

import sys, argparse
def parseArgs():
# Do things interactively if no arguments supplied
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
inputFile = input("Enter location of input file: ")
outputFile = input("Enter name of output file: ")
# Choose waypoint format (PC, PSP, BETA)
wayFormat = ""
while not (wayFormat in ("PC", "PSP", "BETA")):
print("Select desired waypoint format: ")
wayFormat = input().upper()
# Begin conversion process
startConversion(inputFile, outputFile, wayFormat)
# Handle command line arguments 'properly'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Converts NZP Waypoints between formats')
parser.add_argument("input", type=str, help="Location of input file")
parser.add_argument("output", type=str, help="Name of output file")
parser.add_argument("format", type=str, help="Desired waypoint format")
args = parser.parse_args()
inputFile = args.input
outputFile = args.output
wayFormat = args.format.upper()
# Enforce proper waypoint format selection
if not (wayFormat in ("PC", "PSP", "BETA")):
raise ValueError("Invalid format specified")
# Begin conversion process
startConversion(inputFile, outputFile, wayFormat)
def startConversion(inputFile, outputFile, wayFormat):
# Correct the file extension
if not(outputFile.lower().endswith(".way")) and wayFormat != "BETA":
outputFile += ".way"
# Read in old waypoints
with open(inputFile, "r") as tempF:
oldWayFile = tempF.readlines()
# Check format
header = oldWayFile[0].strip("\n")
if header == "Waypoint": # PSP
print("PSP format detected")
if wayFormat == "PSP":
raise ValueError("Already in PSP format!")
wayArray = parseOLD(oldWayFile, "PSP", 15, 2, 14)
elif header == "waypoint": # PC
print("PC format detected")
if wayFormat == "PC":
raise ValueError("Already in PC format!")
wayArray = parsePC(oldWayFile)
else: # Check if BETA or just random crap
where = header.strip("'").split() # Split xyz
# Should look something like [-40.5, 12.2, 8.0]
if len(where) != 3:
print("Invalid waypoint file") # Clearly not co-ords
try: # Check if they're actual numbers
for i in range(len(where)):
print("BETA format detected")
if wayFormat == "BETA":
raise ValueError("Already in BETA format!")
wayArray = parseOLD(oldWayFile, "BETA", 10, 0, 7)
except ValueError:
print("Invalid waypoint co-ords")
# Save waypoint file in the desired format
if wayFormat == "BETA":
saveBETA(wayArray, outputFile)
if wayFormat == "PSP":
savePSP(wayArray, outputFile)
if wayFormat == "PC":
savePC(wayArray, outputFile)
print("Conversion complete")
def parseOLD(oldWayFile, detFormat, numLines, startL, endL):
tempArray = [] # Temporarily stores waypoint fields
wayArray = [] # Array of waypoints
# Value for empty fields
if detFormat == "BETA":
blank = "0"
blank = ""
# Start processing waypoints
for i, line in enumerate(oldWayFile):
relativeLineNum = (i+1)%numLines
# Ignore header stuff
if relativeLineNum > startL and relativeLineNum < endL:
# Add data from field to temporary array
if detFormat == "PSP":
if relativeLineNum == endL: # Reached end of that waypoint
# NZP Beta 1.1 doesn't have special door targets
if detFormat == "BETA":
# Store waypoint fields in dictionary
waydict = {
"origin": tempArray[0],
"id": tempArray[1],
"door": tempArray[2],
# Remove empty targets
"targets": [value for value in tempArray[3:] if value != blank]
tempArray.clear() # Clear temporary array for next waypoint
wayArray.append(waydict) # Add waypoint to array
return wayArray
def parsePC(oldWayFile):
tempArray = [] # Temporarily stores waypoint fields
wayArray = [] # Array of waypoints
# Start processing waypoints
for i, line in enumerate(oldWayFile):
# Accept whatever for now, we'll yeet the fluff once waypoint is read
if line.strip() != "":
if line.strip() == "}": # Reached end of that waypoint
# Check if door target present
if tempArray[4][:4] == "door":
tempArray[4] = tempArray[4][6:]
tempArray.insert(4,"") # No door so keep it blank
# Store waypoint fields in dictionary
waydict = {
"origin": tempArray[3][8:],
"id": tempArray[2][4:],
"door": tempArray[4],
# Replace links to waypoint 0
"targets": ["255" if value == "0" else value for value in tempArray[7:-2]]
# Round origin coords to 1 decimal place
originCoords = waydict["origin"].strip("'").split()
originCoords = [round(float(coord), 1) for coord in originCoords]
waydict["origin"] = "'" + str(originCoords[0]) + " " + str(originCoords[1]) + " " + str(originCoords[2]) + "'"
# Replace id 0
if waydict["id"] == "0":
waydict["id"] = "255" # I sure do hope nobody has this many waypoints
tempArray.clear() # Clear temporary array for next waypoint
wayArray.append(waydict) # Add waypoint to array
return wayArray
def saveBETA(wayArray, outputFile):
print("WARNING: NZP Beta is limited to 4 links per waypoint")
with open(outputFile, "w") as outF:
for waypoint in wayArray:
outF.write(waypoint["origin"] + "\n")
outF.write(waypoint["id"] + "\n")
# Only do 1st four links (Mapper would need to redo waypoints)
numTargets = len(waypoint["targets"])
# Pad out list with 0 for empty links
if numTargets < 4:
for i in range(4-numTargets):
# Warn user if waypoint has too many links
if numTargets > 4:
print(f"Waypoint {waypoint['id']} has more than 4 links")
# Write waypoint links to file
[outF.write(waypoint["targets"][i] + "\n") for i in range(4)]
# Fill out 'owner' fields just in case
[outF.write(waypoint["targets"][i] + "\n") for i in range(4)]
def savePSP(wayArray, outputFile):
# Come to think of it, who needs more than 8 links anyways?
#print("WARNING: PSP format is limited to 8 links per waypoint")
with open(outputFile, "w") as outF:
for waypoint in wayArray:
outF.write("Waypoint\n{\n") # Header
outF.write(f"origin = {waypoint['origin']}\n")
outF.write(f"id = {waypoint['id']}\n")
outF.write(f"special = {waypoint['door']}\n")
# Only do 1st eight links (Mapper may need to tweak waypoints)
numTargets = len(waypoint["targets"])
# Pad out list with '' for empty links
if numTargets < 8:
for i in range(8-numTargets):
# Warn user if waypoint has too many links
if numTargets > 8:
print(f"Waypoint {waypoint['id']} has more than 8 links")
# Write waypoint links to file
outF.write(f"target = {waypoint['targets'][0]}\n")
[outF.write(f"target{i+1} = {waypoint['targets'][i]}\n") for i in range(1,8)]
outF.write("}\n\n") # Footer of waypoint
def savePC(wayArray, outputFile):
with open(outputFile, "w") as outF:
for waypoint in wayArray:
outF.write("waypoint\n{\n") # Header
outF.write(f" id: {waypoint['id']}\n")
outF.write(f" origin: {waypoint['origin']}\n")
# Include door if present
if waypoint['door'] != "":
outF.write(f" door: {waypoint['door']}\n")
outF.write(" targets:\n [\n") # Header
numTargets = len(waypoint["targets"])
# Write waypoint links to file
[outF.write(f" {waypoint['targets'][i]}\n") for i in range(numTargets)]
outF.write(" ]\n}\n\n") # Footer of waypoint