115 lines
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115 lines
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// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CODToolsMenu.mel - MEL Script
// Part of Art and Animation tools for COD4
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tools menu for all general tools in IW pipeline.
// CODExportModelWindow;
// CODExportAnimationWindow;
// NoteTrack;
// CODViewModelControlWindow;
// Original base layout by Richard Cheek
// Rewritten and added functionality by Eric Pierce
// Copyright ©2006 Infinity Ward,
// a division of Activision, Inc.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PROC: CODStartup
// COD Startup - Load plugins for now.
global proc CODStartup()
int $pluginLoaded;
int $catch_result;
// check if the plugin is loaded. If not, load it. If that fails, error out
$pluginLoaded = `pluginInfo -q -loaded XAnimExport`;
if ( $pluginLoaded == 0 )
$catch_result = catch(`loadPlugin XAnimExport`);
warning "XAnimExport did not load.";
$pluginLoaded = `pluginInfo -q -loaded XModelExport`;
if ( $pluginLoaded == 0 )
$catch_result = catch(`loadPlugin XModelExport`);
warning "XModelExport did not load.";
// PROC: CODToolsMenu
// Create COD Tools Menu
global proc CODToolsMenu()
// Set up the variables
global string $gMainWindow;
global string $gMenuModeButton;
string $userName;
string $tokName[];
string $mayaMode = `setMenuMode`;
if(`menu -exists CODToolsMenu`)
deleteUI -menu CODToolsMenu;
setParent $gMainWindow;
menu -label "Call of Duty 4"
-parent $gMainWindow
-allowOptionBoxes false
-tearOff true
menuItem -label "Model Exporter" -command "source CODExportModelWindow;CODExportModelWindow";
setParent -menu ..;
menuItem -divider true;
menuItem -label "Animation Exporter" -command "CODExportAnimationWindow";
menuItem -divider true;
menuItem -label "Notetrack Window" -command "source NoteTrack; NoteTrack";
menuItem -divider true;
// ViewModel Tools menu
menuItem -subMenu true -tearOff true -label "ViewModel Tools";
menuItem -label "Create new gunsleeve Maya file" -command "source CODViewModelControlWindow; MakeSingleVMExportRig";
menuItem -label "Create new ViewModel Rig file" -command "source CODViewModelControlWindow; LoadVMRig";
menuItem -label "Switch Gun in current Rig file" -command "source CODViewModelControlWindow; VM_ChangeGun";
setParent -menu ..;
menuItem -divider true;
string $wiki_page = "http://www.infinityward.com/wiki";
string $load_page = "system(\"load " + $wiki_page + "\")";
menuItem -label "Wiki Help" -command $load_page;
hotBox -updateMenus;