// Note to translators: // If a sentence is the same in your language then please change it to "#same" // // eg: // LANG_ENGLISH "HALT" // LANG_GERMAN "#same" // // (This is so we can tell which strings have been signed-off as ok to be the same words for QA // and because we do not store duplicate strings, which will then get exported again next time // as being untranslated.) // VERSION "1" CONFIG "C:\trees\cod3\cod3\bin\StringEd_PC.cfg" FILENOTES "" REFERENCE ELIMINATE_IMRAN_ZAKHAEV LANG_ENGLISH "Eliminate Imran Zakhaev." REFERENCE TAKE_OUT_THE_ATTACK_CHOPPER LANG_ENGLISH "Take out the attack helicopter." REFERENCE GET_OUT_OF_THE_HOTEL LANG_ENGLISH "Get out of the hotel." REFERENCE REACH_THE_EXTRACTION LANG_ENGLISH "Get to the extraction point." REFERENCE FOLLOW_CPT_MACMILLAN LANG_ENGLISH "Follow Captain MacMillan to the extraction point." REFERENCE DRAG_MACMILLAN_BODILY LANG_ENGLISH "Drag MacMillan bodily to the extraction point." REFERENCE PUT_CPT_MACMILLAN_DOWN LANG_ENGLISH "Put MacMillan down behind the ferris wheel." REFERENCE HOLD_OUT_UNTIL_EVAC LANG_ENGLISH "Hold out until evac." REFERENCE SEAKNIGHT_INCOMING LANG_ENGLISH "Helicopter incoming." REFERENCE GET_CPT_MACMILLAN_TO LANG_ENGLISH "Get MacMillan to the helicopter." REFERENCE PICK_UP_CPT_MACMILLAN LANG_ENGLISH "Pick up Captain MacMillan." REFERENCE CARRY_MACMILLAN_TO_THE LANG_ENGLISH "Carry MacMillan to the extraction point." REFERENCE CLAYMORE_HELP LANG_ENGLISH "Press ^3[{+actionslot 4}]^7 to use claymores." REFERENCE PRESS_FORWARDS_OR_BACKWARDS LANG_ENGLISH "Press forwards or backwards to adjust zoom." REFERENCE YOU_FAILED_TO_REACH_THE LANG_ENGLISH "You failed to reach the helicopter in time." REFERENCE HOLD_1_TO_PUT_CPT_MACMILLAN LANG_ENGLISH "Press^3 &&1 ^7to put Cpt. MacMillan down." REFERENCE HOLD_1_TO_PICK_UP_CPT LANG_ENGLISH "Press^3 &&1 ^7to pick up Cpt. MacMillan." REFERENCE YOU_LEFT_YOUR_SPOTTER LANG_ENGLISH "You left your spotter behind." REFERENCE CPT_MACMILLAN_DIED LANG_ENGLISH "Captain MacMillan died!" REFERENCE HOLD_1_TO_RAPPEL LANG_ENGLISH "Press^3 &&1 ^7to rappel." REFERENCE TIME_REMAINING LANG_ENGLISH "Time Remaining: " REFERENCE FAILED_TO_EVAC LANG_ENGLISH "You failed to reach the extraction point in time." REFERENCE ZAKHAEV_ESCAPED LANG_ENGLISH "Zakhaev escaped unharmed!" REFERENCE M LANG_ENGLISH "896.7m" REFERENCE S LANG_ENGLISH "1.05s" REFERENCE BULLET_TRAVEL LANG_ENGLISH "Bullet travel time: " REFERENCE TARGET LANG_ENGLISH "Target: " REFERENCE ZAKHAEV LANG_ENGLISH "Imran Zakhaev" REFERENCE DISTANCE LANG_ENGLISH "Distance to target: " REFERENCE BARRETT_USE LANG_ENGLISH "Press^3 &&1 ^7to use the M82 .50 Caliber Sniper Rifle" REFERENCE WHERE_IS_HE LANG_ENGLISH "Bring Cpt. MacMillan to the Seaknight" ENDMARKER