#include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\_utility; #include maps\_hud_util; #include maps\_anim; #include maps\killhouse_code; main() { level.short_training = true; level.hip_fire_required = false; level.firing_range_door_open = false; if ( level.console ) level.hint_text_size = 1.6; else level.hint_text_size = 1.2; level.targets_hit = 0; set_console_status(); //setDvar ( "hud_fade_offhand", 6 ); //setsaveddvar ( "r_lodbias", -400 ); // add the starts before _load because _load handles starts now if ( level.short_training ) default_start( ::inside_start ); else default_start( ::look_training ); //add_start( "look", ::look_training, &"STARTS_LOOK" ); //add_start( "obj", ::navigationTraining, &"STARTS_OBJ" ); add_start( "inside", ::inside_start, &"STARTS_INSIDE" ); add_start( "shoot", ::rifle_start, &"STARTS_SHOOT" ); add_start( "timed", ::rifle_timed_start, &"STARTS_TIMED" ); add_start( "sidearm", ::sidearm_start, &"STARTS_SIDEARM" ); //add_start( "frag", ::frag_start, &"STARTS_FRAG" ); //add_start( "m203", ::launcher_start, &"STARTS_M203" ); //add_start( "c4", ::explosives_start, &"STARTS_C4" ); //add_start( "course", ::obstacle_start, &"STARTS_COURSE" ); add_start( "ship", ::reveal_start, &"STARTS_SHIP" ); add_start( "mp5", ::cargoship_start, &"STARTS_MP5" ); //add_start( "deck", ::deck_start, &"STARTS_DECK1" ); add_start( "debrief", ::debrief_start, &"STARTS_DEBRIEF" ); precacheShader( "objective" ); precacheShader( "hud_icon_c4" ); precacheShader( "hud_dpad" ); precacheShader( "hud_arrow_right" ); precacheShader( "hud_arrow_down" ); precacheShader( "hud_icon_40mm_grenade" ); precacheshader( "popmenu_bg" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_CHECK_OBJECTIVES_PAUSED" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_CHECK_OBJECTIVES_PAUSED" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_OBJECTIVE_MARKER" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_CHECK_OBJECTIVES_PAUSED" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_CHECK_OBJECTIVES_SCORES" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_CHECK_OBJECTIVES_SCORES_PS3" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_OBJECTIVE_MARKER" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_OBJECTIVE_REMINDER" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_OBJECTIVE_REMINDER2" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_ATTACK_PC" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_ATTACK" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_HIP_ATTACK_PC" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_HIP_ATTACK" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_ADS_360" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_ADS" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_ADS_TOGGLE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_ADS_THROW_360" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_ADS_THROW" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_ADS_TOGGLE_THROW" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_STOP_ADS" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_STOP_ADS_TOGGLE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_STOP_ADS_THROW" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_STOP_ADS_TOGGLE_THROW" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_BREATH_MELEE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_BREATH_SPRINT" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_BREATH_BINOCULARS" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_MELEE_BREATH" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_MELEE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_MELEE_BREATH_CLICK" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_MELEE_CLICK" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_PRONE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_PRONE_HOLD" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_PRONE_TOGGLE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_PRONE_STANCE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_PRONE_DOUBLE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_CROUCH_STANCE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_CROUCH" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_CROUCH_TOGGLE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_STAND" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_STAND_STANCE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_JUMP_STAND" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_JUMP" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_SPRINT_PC" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_SPRINT" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_SPRINT_BREATH_PC" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_SPRINT_BREATH" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_HOLDING_SPRINT" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_HOLDING_SPRINT_BREATH" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_RELOAD_USE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_RELOAD" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_MANTLE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_ADS_SWITCH" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_ADS_SWITCH_SHOULDER" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_ADS_SWITCH_THROW" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_ADS_SWITCH_THROW_SHOULDER" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_SIDEARM_SWAP" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_PRIMARY_SWAP" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_SIDEARM" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_SIDEARM_RELOAD" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_SIDEARM_RELOAD_USE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_LADDER" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_FRAG" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_SWAP" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_SWAP_RELOAD" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_FIREMODE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_LAUNCHER_ATTACK" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_EXPLOSIVES" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_EXPLOSIVES_RELOAD" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_EXPLOSIVES_PLANT" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_EXPLOSIVES_PLANT_RELOAD" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_MARINE3_USE_SIDEARM" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_C4_PICKUP" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_C4_ICON" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_EQUIP_C4" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_THROW_C4" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_THROW_C4_TOGGLE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_THROW_C4_SPEED" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_APPROACH_MELEE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_APPROACH_C4_THROW" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_HUD_CHANGES" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_DETONATE_C4" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_CROSSHAIR_CHANGES" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_ADS_ACCURACY" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_USE_ROPE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_SHIP_TOO_SLOW" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_YOUR_TIME" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_YOUR_FINAL_TIME" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_IW_BEST_TIME" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_YOUR_DECK_TIME" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_IW_DECK_TIME" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_SHIP_OUT_OF_FLASH" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_SHIP_JUMPED_TOO_EARLY" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HIT_FRIENDLY" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_FLASH" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_ACCURACY_BONUS" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_SHIP_LABEL" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_DECK_LABEL" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_ACCURACY_BONUS_ZERO" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_C4_OBJECTIVE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_GRENADE_TOO_LOW" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_GL_TOO_LOW" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_AXIS_OPTION_MENU1" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_AXIS_OPTION_MENU2" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_AXIS_OPTION_MENU1B" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_AXIS_OPTION_MENU2B" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_AXIS_OPTION_YES" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_AXIS_OPTION_NO" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_AXIS_OPTION_MENU1_ALL" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_AXIS_OPTION_MENU2_ALL" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_LOOK_UP" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_LOOK_DOWN" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_LAUNCHER_ICON" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_FIRED_NEAR_FRIENDLY" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_USE_YOUR_OBJECTIVE_INDICATOR" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_PICK_UP_A_RIFLE_FROM" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_GET_A_PISTOL_FROM_THE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_MELEE_THE_WATERMELON" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_GO_OUTSIDE_AND_REPORT" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_PICK_UP_THE_RIFLE_WITH" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_PICK_UP_THE_C4_EXPLOSIVE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_RUN_THE_OBSTACLE_COURSE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_REPORT_TO_CAPTAIN_PRICE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_CLIMB_THE_LADDER" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_DEBRIEF_WITH_CPT_PRICE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_ENTER_STATION_NUMBER" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_SHOOT_EACH_TARGET_WHILE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_SHOOT_EACH_TARGET_WHILE1" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_SHOOT_EACH_TARGET_AS" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_EQUIP_THE_MP5_AND_PICK" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_CLEAR_THE_CARGOSHIP_BRIDGE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_SWITCH_TO_YOUR_RIFLE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_PICK_UP_THE_FRAG_GRENADES" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_ENTER_THE_SAFETY_PIT" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_THROW_A_GRENADE_INTO" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_RETURN_TO_THE_SAFETY" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_FIRE_AT_THE_WALL_WITH" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_PLANT_THE_C4_EXPLOSIVE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_FIRE_YOUR_GRENADE_LAUNCHER" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_CLIMB_THE_LADDER1" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_SHOOT_A_TARGET_THROUGH" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_SLIDE_DOWN_THE_ROPE" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_COMPLETE_THE_DECK_MOCKUP" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_RECOMMENDED_LABEL" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_RECOMMENDED_LABEL2" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_RECOMMENDED_EASY" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_RECOMMENDED_NORMAL" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_RECOMMENDED_HARD" ); precachestring( &"KILLHOUSE_RECOMMENDED_VETERAN" ); level.weaponClipModels = []; level.weaponClipModels[0] = "weapon_mp5_clip"; level.weaponClipModels[1] = "weapon_m16_clip"; level.weaponClipModels[2] = "weapon_saw_clip"; maps\_blackhawk::main( "vehicle_blackhawk" ); maps\_80s_hatch1::main( "vehicle_80s_hatch1_red" ); maps\_80s_sedan1::main( "vehicle_80s_sedan1_green" ); maps\_bus::main( "vehicle_bus_destructable" ); maps\_bm21_troops::main( "vehicle_bm21_mobile_cover" ); maps\_humvee::main( "vehicle_humvee_camo" ); maps\_small_wagon::main( "vehicle_small_wagon_turq" ); maps\_80s_sedan1::main( "vehicle_80s_sedan1_brn" ); maps\_bm21_troops::main( "vehicle_bm21_mobile_bed" ); maps\killhouse_fx::main(); maps\_load::main(); maps\killhouse_anim::anim_main(); level thread maps\killhouse_amb::main(); maps\_compass::setupMiniMap("compass_map_killhouse"); maps\_c4::main(); // Add in you main() function. maps\createart\killhouse_art::main(); battlechatter_off( "allies" ); battlechatter_off( "axis" ); level.curObjective = 1; level.objectives = []; //speakersInit(); registerActions(); //thread playerShootTracker(); flag_init ( "in_pit_with_frags" ); flag_init( "ADS_targets_shot" ); flag_init( "hip_targets_shot" ); flag_init( "crosshair_dialog" ); flag_init( "ADS_shoot_dialog" ); //flag_init ( "sidearm_complete" ); flag_init ( "melee_run_dialog" ); flag_init( "melee_complete" ); flag_init ( "picked_up_launcher_dialog" ); flag_init ( "plant_c4_dialog" ); //flag_init ( "c4_equiped" ); flag_init ( "c4_thrown" ); flag_init ( "C4_planted" ); flag_init ( "car_destroyed" ); flag_init ( "reveal_dialog_starting" ); flag_init ( "reveal_dialog_done" ); flag_init ( "price_reveal_done" ); flag_init ( "reveal_done" ); flag_init ( "player_sprinted" ); flag_init ( "fragTraining_end" ); flag_init ( "got_flashes" ); flag_init ( "got_frags" ); flag_init ( "sprinted" ); flag_init ( "finish" ); flag_init ( "activate_rope" ); flag_init ( "aa_look_training" ); flag_init ( "aa_obj_training" ); flag_init ( "aa_rifle_training" ); flag_init ( "aa_timed_shooting_training" ); flag_init ( "aa_sidearm_melee" ); flag_init ( "aa_frag" ); flag_init ( "aa_launcher" ); flag_init ( "aa_c4" ); flag_init ( "aa_obstacle" ); flag_init ( "aa_cargoship" ); flag_init( "gaz_in_idle_position" ); precacheString( &"KILLHOUSE_OBJ_GET_RIFLE_AMMO" ); precacheString( &"KILLHOUSE_OBJ_ENTER_STALL" ); precacheString( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_SIDEARM" ); precacheString( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_OBJECTIVE_MARKER" ); precacheString( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_OBJECTIVE_REMINDER" ); precacheString( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_OBJECTIVE_REMINDER2" ); precacheString( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_LADDER" ); precacheString( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_HOLDING_SPRINT" ); precacheString( &"KILLHOUSE_AXIS_OPTION_MENU1_ALL" ); precacheString( &"KILLHOUSE_AXIS_OPTION_MENU2_ALL" ); precacheMenu("invert_axis"); precacheMenu("invert_axis_pc"); precacheMenu("select_difficulty"); flag_init ( "spawn_sidearms" ); flag_init ( "spawn_frags" ); flag_init ( "spawn_launcher" ); flashes = getEntArray( "pickup_flash", "targetname" ); frags = getEntArray( "frag_ammoitem", "targetname" ); launcher_ammoitem = getEntArray( "launcher_ammoitem", "targetname" ); array_thread( flashes, ::Ammorespawnthink , undefined, "flash_grenade", "got_flashes" ); array_thread( getEntArray( "pickup_mp5", "targetname" ), ::ammoRespawnThink , undefined, "mp5" ); array_thread( getEntArray( "pickup_rifle", "targetname" ), ::ammoRespawnThink , undefined, "g36c" ); array_thread( getEntArray( "pickup_sidearm", "targetname" ), ::ammoRespawnThink , "spawn_sidearms", "usp" ); array_thread( frags, ::ammoRespawnThink , "spawn_frags", "fraggrenade", "got_frags" ); array_thread( launcher_ammoitem, ::ammoRespawnThink , "spawn_launcher", "m203_m4" ); array_thread( getEntArray( "pickup_pistol", "targetname" ), ::ammoRespawnThink , undefined, "usp" ); level.gunPrimary = "g36c"; level.gunPrimaryClipAmmo = 30; level.gunSidearm = "usp"; silently_lowerPlywoodWalls(); thread training_targetDummies( "rifle" ); //thread test(); thread melon_think(); thread turn_off_frag_lights(); thread waters_think(); thread mac_think(); thread newcastle_think(); thread price_think(); thread music_control(); //car = getent ( "destructible", "targetname" ); //car thread do_in_order( ::waittill_msg, "destroyed", ::flag_set, "car_destroyed" ); //car destructible_disable_explosion(); pickupTrigger = getEnt( "c4_pickup", "targetname" ); pickupTrigger trigger_off(); C4_models = getEntArray( pickupTrigger.target, "targetname" ); for ( i = 0; i < C4_models.size; i++ ) C4_models[ i ] hide(); //level.destructible_type[0].parts[0][3].v["validDamageCause"] = "ai_only"; flag_init ( "start_deck" ); thread deck_training(); thread ambient_trucks(); helis = maps\_vehicle::create_vehicle_from_spawngroup_and_gopath( 8 ); array_thread(getentarray("level_scripted_unloadnode","script_noteworthy"),::level_scripted_unloadnode ); //array_thread(getentarray("killhouse_interior","targetname"),::vision_trigger, "killhouse_interior" ); //array_thread(getentarray("killhouse_exterior","targetname"),::vision_trigger, "killhouse" ); thread setup_player_action_notifies(); aa = getEntArray( "launcher_aim_assist", "script_noteworthy" ); for ( i = 0; i < aa.size; i++ ) { aa[ i ] hide(); aa[ i ] notsolid(); } //thread flashed_debug(); //thread flashed_hud_elem(); thread new_look_training_setup(); ai = getaispeciesarray( "allies", "all" ); array_thread ( ai, ::magic_bullet_shield ); array_thread ( ai, ::fail_on_damage ); thread glowing_rope(); thread chair_guy_setup(); thread clear_hints_on_mission_fail(); } clear_hints_on_mission_fail() { level waittill ( "mission failed" ); clear_hints(); } killhouse_introscreen() { level.player freezeControls( true ); lines = []; lines[ lines.size ] = &"KILLHOUSE_INTROSCREEN_LINE_1"; // lines[ "date" ] = &"KILLHOUSE_INTROSCREEN_LINE_2"; // lines[ "date" ] = "Day 1 - 6:30:[{FAKE_INTRO_SECONDS:09}]"; lines[ lines.size ] = &"KILLHOUSE_INTROSCREEN_LINE_3"; lines[ lines.size ] = &"KILLHOUSE_INTROSCREEN_LINE_4"; lines[ lines.size ] = &"KILLHOUSE_INTROSCREEN_LINE_5"; thread maps\_introscreen::introscreen_feed_lines( lines ); thread maps\_introscreen::introscreen_generic_black_fade_in( 5 ); wait 5; level.player freezeControls( false ); } look_training() { //killhouse_introscreen(); flag_set ( "aa_look_training" ); thread hint( &"KILLHOUSE_LOOK_UP", 9999 ); while ( 1 ) { angles = level.player getPlayerAngles(); //println ( angles ); if ( angles[ 0 ] < -40 ) break; wait .1; } clear_hints(); wait .5; thread hint( &"KILLHOUSE_LOOK_DOWN", 9999 ); while ( 1 ) { angles = level.player getPlayerAngles(); //println ( angles ); if ( angles[ 0 ] > 0 ) break; wait .1; } clear_hints(); setDvar( "ui_start_inverted", 0 ); if ( level.Console ) { if(isdefined( getdvar("input_invertPitch") ) && getdvar("input_invertPitch") == "1" ) setDvar( "ui_start_inverted", 1 ); } else // PC { if(isdefined( getdvar("ui_mousepitch") ) && getdvar("ui_mousepitch") == "1" ) setDvar( "ui_start_inverted", 1 ); } wait .1;//make sure dvar is set setDvar( "ui_invert_string", "@KILLHOUSE_AXIS_OPTION_MENU1_ALL" ); if ( level.console ) level.player openMenu("invert_axis"); else level.player openMenu("invert_axis_pc"); level.player freezecontrols(true); setblur(2, .1); level.player waittill("menuresponse", menu, response); setblur(0, .2); level.player freezecontrols(false); if(response == "try_invert") { thread hint( &"KILLHOUSE_LOOK_UP", 9999 ); while ( 1 ) { angles = level.player getPlayerAngles(); //println ( angles ); if ( angles[ 0 ] < -40 ) break; wait .1; } clear_hints(); wait .5; thread hint( &"KILLHOUSE_LOOK_DOWN", 9999 ); while ( 1 ) { angles = level.player getPlayerAngles(); //println ( angles ); if ( angles[ 0 ] > 0 ) break; wait .1; } clear_hints(); setDvar( "ui_invert_string", "@KILLHOUSE_AXIS_OPTION_MENU2_ALL" ); if ( level.console ) level.player openMenu("invert_axis"); else level.player openMenu("invert_axis_pc"); level.player freezecontrols(true); setblur(2, .1); level.player waittill("menuresponse", menu, response); setblur(0, .2); level.player freezecontrols(false); } flag_clear ( "aa_look_training" ); thread navigationTraining(); } navigationTraining() { flag_set ( "aa_obj_training" ); level notify ( "navigationTraining_start" ); level.waters thread execDialog( "illletyouin" ); registerObjective( "obj_enter_range", &"KILLHOUSE_USE_YOUR_OBJECTIVE_INDICATOR", getEnt( "rifle_range_obj", "targetname" ) ); setObjectiveState( "obj_enter_range", "current" ); wait 3; thread objective_hints( "at_rifle_range" ); flag_wait( "at_rifle_range" ); thread open_firing_range_door(); thread door_to_rifle_handler(); flag_wait ( "inside_firing_range" ); setObjectiveState( "obj_enter_range", "done" ); } inside_start() { inside_start = getent( "inside_start", "targetname" ); level.player setOrigin( inside_start.origin ); level.player setPlayerAngles( inside_start.angles ); flag_set ( "inside_firing_range" ); //killhouse_introscreen(); //flag_wait( "pullup_weapon" ); //wait .2; //flag_wait ("introscreen_complete"); wait 2.5; saveGame( "levelstart", &"AUTOSAVE_LEVELSTART", "whatever", true ); thread maps\_introscreen::introscreen_generic_white_fade_in( .1, 0.30 ); thread door_to_rifle_handler(); } door_to_rifle_handler() { //flag_wait ( "inside_firing_range" ); node = getnode ( "gaz_intro", "targetname" ); node thread anim_first_frame_solo ( level.waters, "intro" ); flag_wait ("introscreen_complete"); node thread anim_single_solo ( level.waters, "intro" ); //level.waters thread execDialog( "goodtosee" ); //level.waters Delaythread( 1, ::execDialog, "goodtosee" ); level notify ( "navigationTraining_end" ); clear_hints(); wait ( 0.5 ); flag_clear ( "aa_obj_training" ); thread rifleTraining(); } rifle_start() { shooting_start = getent( "shooting_start", "targetname" ); level.player setOrigin( shooting_start.origin ); level.player setPlayerAngles( shooting_start.angles ); flag_set ( "inside_firing_range" ); thread rifleTraining(); } rifleTraining() { flag_set ( "aa_rifle_training" ); level notify ( "rifleTraining_start" ); flag_trigger_init( "player_at_rifle_stall", getEnt( "rifleTraining_stall", "targetname" ), true ); flag_wait ( "inside_firing_range" ); thread delay_objective_after_intro(); thread move_gaz_once_player_past(); while ( !(level.player GetWeaponAmmoStock( level.gunPrimary ) ) ) wait ( 0.05 ); close_firing_range_door(); autosave_by_name( "rifle_training" ); setObjectiveString( "obj_rifle", &"KILLHOUSE_ENTER_STATION_NUMBER" ); setObjectiveLocation( "obj_rifle", getEnt( "obj_rifle_stall", "targetname" ) ); //You know the drill. Go to station one...and aim your rifle downrange. thread gaz_animation( "killhouse_gaz_idleA", 1.5 ); level.waters execDialog( "youknowdrill" ); /* if ( !flag( "player_at_rifle_stall" ) ) { //Captain Price wants an evaluation of everyone's shooting skills, so don't fuck it up mate! You may have passed Selection, but you're still on probation as far as the Regiment's concerned. level.waters thread execDialog( "priceevaluation" ); } */ while( !flag( "player_at_rifle_stall" ) ) wait ( 0.05 ); if ( !isADS() ) { //Now aim your rifle down range, Soap. if ( level.Xenon ) thread keyHint( "ads_360" ); else thread keyHint( "ads" );//PC and PS3 are both press thread gaz_animation( "killhouse_gaz_idleA" ); level.waters execDialog( "rifledownrange" ); } while( !isADS() ) wait ( 0.05 ); if ( level.short_training ) thread new_look_training_handler(); else thread shoot_ADS_handler(); } new_look_training_handler() { aim_down_target = getEnt( "aim_down_target", "targetname" ); aim_up_target = getEnt( "aim_up_target", "targetname" ); //thread add_dialogue_line( "GAZ", "Shoot the targets." ); if( level.Xenon ) thread keyHint( "attack" ); else thread keyHint( "pc_attack" );//PC and PS3 are both press //Now. Shoot - each - target, while aiming down the sights. level.waters thread execDialog( "shooteachtarget" ); //make the targets appear //aim_up_target waittill_player_lookat(); aim_up_target new_look_wait_for_target( -90, 90 ); aim_down_target new_look_wait_for_target( 90, -90 ); setDvar( "ui_start_inverted", 0 ); if ( level.Console ) { if(isdefined( getdvar("input_invertPitch") ) && getdvar("input_invertPitch") == "1" ) setDvar( "ui_start_inverted", 1 ); } else // PC { if(isdefined( getdvar("ui_mousepitch") ) && getdvar("ui_mousepitch") == "1" ) setDvar( "ui_start_inverted", 1 ); } wait .1;//make sure dvar is set setDvar( "ui_invert_string", "@KILLHOUSE_AXIS_OPTION_MENU1_ALL" ); if ( level.console ) level.player openMenu("invert_axis"); else level.player openMenu("invert_axis_pc"); level.player freezecontrols(true); setblur(2, .1); level.player waittill("menuresponse", menu, response); setblur(0, .2); level.player freezecontrols(false); if(response == "try_invert") { level.waters thread execDialog( "onemoretime" ); //thread add_dialogue_line( "GAZ", "Okay mate, one more time while aiming down your sights." ); aim_up_target new_look_wait_for_target( -90, 90 ); aim_down_target new_look_wait_for_target( 90, -90 ); setDvar( "ui_invert_string", "@KILLHOUSE_AXIS_OPTION_MENU2_ALL" ); if ( level.console ) level.player openMenu("invert_axis"); else level.player openMenu("invert_axis_pc"); level.player freezecontrols(true); setblur(2, .1); level.player waittill("menuresponse", menu, response); setblur(0, .2); level.player freezecontrols(false); } //Lovely… level.waters execDialog( "lovely" ); thread rifle_hip_shooting(); } shoot_ADS_handler() { thread ADS_shoot_dialog(); wait ( 0.1 ); raiseTargetDummies( "rifle", undefined, undefined ); thread setObjectiveString( "obj_rifle", &"KILLHOUSE_SHOOT_EACH_TARGET_WHILE" ); thread flag_when_lowered( "ADS_targets_shot" ); flag_wait( "ADS_targets_shot" ); flag_wait( "ADS_shoot_dialog" ); //Brilliant. You know Soap, it might help to aim your rifle before firing. //level.waters thread execDialog( "brilliant" ); thread rifle_hip_shooting(); } rifle_hip_shooting() { wait .5; double_line = true; thread hint ( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_ADS_ACCURACY", 10, double_line ); //Now, shoot at the targets while firing from the hip. level.waters execDialog( "firingfromhip" ); setObjectiveString( "obj_rifle", &"KILLHOUSE_SHOOT_EACH_TARGET_WHILE1" ); wait 1; double_line = true; if ( isADS() ) thread keyHint( "stop_ads", undefined, double_line ); while( isADS() ) wait ( 0.05 ); level.hip_fire_required = true; raiseTargetDummies( "rifle", undefined, undefined ); thread flag_when_lowered( "hip_targets_shot" ); if( level.xenon ) keyHint( "hip_attack" ); else keyHint( "pc_hip_attack" );//PC and ps3 are both "press" //thread crosshair_dialog(); while ( level.targets_hit == 0 ) wait .1; double_line = true; thread hint ( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_CROSSHAIR_CHANGES", 6, double_line ); flag_wait( "hip_targets_shot" ); level.hip_fire_required = false; //flag_wait( "crosshair_dialog" ); thread rifle_penetration_shooting(); } crosshair_dialog() { wait 1; //Notice that your crosshair changes size as you fire, this indicates your current accuracy blah blah blaaah… level.waters execDialog( "changessize" ); //…uhhh, also note that you will never be as accurate when you fire from the hip, as when you aim down your sights. (Bloody hell this is a stupid test innit?) All right let's get this over with. level.waters execDialog( "stupidtest" ); wait 1; flag_set( "crosshair_dialog" ); } rifle_penetration_shooting() { wait .5; //Now I'm going to block the targets with a sheet of plywood. level.waters execDialog( "blocktargets" ); raiseTargetDummies( "rifle", undefined, undefined ); raisePlywoodWalls(); setObjectiveString( "obj_rifle", &"KILLHOUSE_SHOOT_A_TARGET_THROUGH" ); level.targets_hit = 0; wait .5; //I want you to shoot the targets through the wood. level.waters execDialog( "shoottargets" ); wait .2; //Bullets will penetrate thin, weak materials like wood, plaster and sheet metal. The larger the weapon, the more penetrating power it has. But - you already knew that. Moving on. level.waters thread execDialog( "bulletspenetrate" ); targetDummies = getTargetDummies( "rifle" ); numRaised = targetDummies.size; while ( level.targets_hit == 0 ) wait .1; /* while ( numRaised == targetDummies.size ) { numRaised = 0; for ( index = 0; index < targetDummies.size; index++ ) { if ( targetDummies[index].raised ) numRaised++; } if ( !(level.player GetWeaponAmmoStock( level.gunPrimary )) ) { level.marine2 nagPlayer( "getammo", 8.0 ); // should tell carver to get more ammo println ("z: wtf2"); } else if ( !(level.player GetWeaponAmmoClip( level.gunPrimary )) ) { wait ( 2.0 ); if ( !(level.player GetWeaponAmmoClip( level.gunPrimary )) ) { thread keyHint( "reload" ); level.marine2 nagPlayer( "loadweapon", 8.0 ); println ("z: wtf"); } } else if ( !flag( "player_at_rifle_stall" ) ) { level.marine2 nagPlayer( "backtostation", 8.0 ); } wait ( 0.05 ); } */ //Good. level.waters execDialog( "good" ); setObjectiveState( "obj_rifle", "done" ); lowerPlywoodWalls(); lowerTargetDummies( "rifle", undefined, undefined ); wait .5; flag_clear ( "aa_rifle_training" ); thread rifle_timed_shooting(); } rifle_timed_start() { shooting_start = getent( "shooting_start", "targetname" ); level.player setOrigin( shooting_start.origin ); level.player setPlayerAngles( shooting_start.angles ); level.player giveWeapon("g36c"); level.player switchtoWeapon("g36c"); thread rifle_timed_shooting(); } rifle_timed_shooting() { flag_set ( "aa_timed_shooting_training" ); //Now I'm going make the targets pop up one at a time. level.waters execDialog( "targetspop" ); //wait .5; //Hit all of them as fast as you can. level.waters execDialog( "hitall" ); registerObjective( "obj_timed_rifle", &"KILLHOUSE_SHOOT_EACH_TARGET_AS", getEnt("obj_rifle_stall", "targetname" ) ); setObjectiveState( "obj_timed_rifle", "current" ); if ( auto_aim() ) { //ps3_flipped = is_ps3_flipped(); //if ( ( level.xenon ) || ( ps3_flipped ) ) if ( level.xenon ) actionBind = getActionBind( "ads_switch" ); else actionBind = getActionBind( "ads_switch_shoulder" ); double_line = true; thread hint( actionBind.hint, 6, double_line ); //As long as your crosshairs are near the targets, you can snap onto them by repeatedly popping in //and out of aiming down the sight. //level.waters execDialog( "cansnap" ); //As long as your aiming near the target, you can snap onto them by repeatedly popping in and out of aiming down the sight. level.waters execDialog( "snaponto" ); } if ( (level.player GetWeaponAmmoClip( level.gunPrimary ) ) < level.gunPrimaryClipAmmo ) { keyHint( "reload" ); wait ( 2.0 ); } tooslow_dialog = []; tooslow_dialog[ 0 ] = "stilltooslow"; //You're still too slow… tooslow_dialog[ 1 ] = "again"; //Again. tooslow_dialog[ 2 ] = "again2"; //Again. tooslow_dialog[ 3 ] = "walkinpark"; //Too slow. Come on. This should be a walk in the park for you. numRepeats = 0; while ( 1 ) { //level.marine2 execDialog( "fire" ); lowerTargetDummies( "rifle" ); if ( auto_aim() && numRepeats != 0 ) { //ps3_flipped = is_ps3_flipped(); //if ( ( level.xenon ) || ( ps3_flipped ) ) if ( level.xenon ) actionBind = getActionBind( "ads_switch" ); else actionBind = getActionBind( "ads_switch_shoulder" ); double_line = true; thread hint( actionBind.hint, 10, double_line ); wait 4; } level.num_hit = 0; thread timedTargets(); wait 10; level notify ("times_up"); if ( level.num_hit > 6 ) break; wait 1; numRepeats++; //iprintlnbold( "Too slow" ); lowerTargetDummies( "rifle" ); if ( numRepeats == 1 ) level.waters execDialog( "tryagain" );//Too slow mate! Try again! else level.waters execDialog( tooslow_dialog[ randomint ( tooslow_dialog.size ) ] ); wait 2; if ( (level.player GetWeaponAmmoClip( level.gunPrimary ) ) < level.gunPrimaryClipAmmo ) { thread keyHint( "reload" ); while ( (level.player GetWeaponAmmoClip( level.gunPrimary ) ) < level.gunPrimaryClipAmmo ) wait .1; clear_hints(); wait 1; } } flag_set ( "spawn_sidearms" ); wait 1; //iprintlnbold( level.num_hit + " hits" ); setObjectiveState( "obj_timed_rifle", "done" ); //Proper good job mate! level.waters execDialog( "propergood" ); level notify ( "rifleTraining_end" ); wait 0.5; flag_clear ( "aa_timed_shooting_training" ); thread sidearm_Training(); } timedTargets() { level endon ("times_up"); targets = getentarray ( "rifle_target_dummy", "script_noteworthy" ); last_selection = -1; while (1) { while (1) { //randomly pop up a target selected_target = randomint(targets.size); if ( selected_target != last_selection ) break; } last_selection = selected_target; targets[ selected_target ] thread moveTargetDummy( "raise" ); //wait for target to be hit targets[ selected_target ] waittill ( "hit" ); level.num_hit++; wait .1; } } sidearm_start() { delaythread( .1, ::move_gaz_fake ); shooting_start = getent( "shooting_start", "targetname" ); level.player setOrigin( shooting_start.origin ); level.player setPlayerAngles( shooting_start.angles ); level.player giveWeapon("g36c"); level.player switchtoWeapon("g36c"); wait .5; thread sideArm_Training(); } sideArm_Training() { flag_set ( "aa_sidearm_melee" ); level notify ( "sideArmTraining_begin" ); autosave_by_name( "sidearm_training" ); flag_set( "spawn_sidearms" ); //level.waters thread walk_to ( getnode ( "sidearm_node", "script_noteworthy" ) ); //Now go get a side arm from the table. //level.waters execDialog( "getsidearm" ); thread gaz_animation( "killhouse_gaz_point_side" ); level.waters execDialog( "getasidearm" );//armory //OBJECTIVE 3: Pick up a pistol. registerObjective( "obj_sidearm", &"KILLHOUSE_GET_A_PISTOL_FROM_THE", getEnt( "obj_rifle_ammo", "targetname" ) ); setObjectiveState( "obj_sidearm", "current" ); //while ( level.player getCurrentWeapon() != level.gunSidearm ) while ( ! level.player HasWeapon( "usp" ) ) { //NAG_HINT: Approach the table and hold [USE_BUTTON] to pick up a pistol. wait .05; } level notify ( "show_melon" ); setObjectiveString( "obj_sidearm", &"KILLHOUSE_SWITCH_TO_YOUR_RIFLE" ); //NEW2 Sgt. Waters: "Good. Now switch to your rifle." level.waters execDialog( "switchtorifle" ); //OBJECTIVE 3: Switch to your rifle and then back to your pistol. if ( level.player getCurrentWeapon() != level.gunPrimary ) thread keyHint( "primary" ); while ( level.player getCurrentWeapon() != level.gunPrimary ) wait .05; clear_hints(); //{ //NAG_HINT: Press [WEAPON_SWITCH] to switch to your rifle. // thread keyHint( "primary" ); // wait .05; //} //NEW2 Sgt. Waters: "Good. Now switch to your side arm again." thread gaz_animation( "killhouse_gaz_point_side" ); level.waters execDialog( "pulloutsidearm" ); if ( level.player getCurrentWeapon() != level.gunSidearm ) { //NAG_HINT: Press [WEAPON_SWITCH] to switch to your pistol. thread keyHint( "sidearm" ); //wait .05; } while ( level.player getCurrentWeapon() != level.gunSidearm ) wait .05; clear_hints(); //*fast pistol swapping //Sgt. Waters: "Switching to your pistol is always faster than reloading." level.waters execDialog( "switchingfaster" ); //Sgt. Waters: "If your caught with an empty magazine I recommend you use your side arm, //thats what its there for." //level.waters execDialog( "shortofelephant" ); setObjectiveState( "obj_sidearm", "done" ); flag_set ( "sidearm_complete" ); level notify ( "sideArmTraining_end" ); wait ( 0.5 ); thread melee_training(); } melee_training() { //while( !flag( "melee_entered" ) ) // wait ( 0.05 ); level notify ( "melee_training" ); registerObjective( "obj_melee", &"KILLHOUSE_MELEE_THE_WATERMELON", getEnt( "scr_watermelon", "targetname" ) ); setObjectiveState( "obj_melee", "current" ); if ( !flag ( "melee_complete" ) ) thread generic_compass_hint_reminder( "melee_complete", 12 ); //level.waters thread walk_to ( getnode ( "melon_node", "script_noteworthy" ) ); if ( !flag ( "near_melee" ) && !flag ( "melee_complete" ) ) { thread hint( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_APPROACH_MELEE", 9999 ); //All right Soap, come this way. level.waters execDialog( "comethisway" ); } thread melee_run_dialog(); if ( !flag ( "melee_complete" ) ) flag_wait ( "near_melee" ); while ( !flag ( "melee_complete" ) ) keyHint( "melee" ); flag_wait ( "melee_complete" ); clear_hints(); thread open_firing_range_door(); flag_wait ( "melee_run_dialog" ); wait .5; //flag_set ( "spawn_frags" ); //Lovely. Your fruit killing skills are remarkable. thread gaz_animation( "killhouse_gaz_talk_side" ); level.waters execDialog( "fruitkilling" ); setObjectiveState( "obj_melee", "done" ); level notify ( "meleeTraining_end" ); flag_clear ( "aa_sidearm_melee" ); autosave_by_name( "melee_complete" ); if ( level.short_training ) { level.waters execDialog( "wantstosee" ); //thread add_dialogue_line( "GAZ", "Captain Price wants to see you." ); thread report_to_price(); } else { level.waters execDialog( "allgoodhere" ); //level.waters thread walk_to ( getnode ( "door_node", "script_noteworthy" ) ); thread frag_Training(); } } open_firing_range_door() { if ( level.firing_range_door_open ) return; door = getEnt( "rifle_range_door", "targetname" ); //while ( distance ( level.player.origin, door.origin ) < 160 ) // wait .1; door playsound ( "door_metal_slow_open" ); door rotateto( door.angles + (0,88,0), 1, .5, 0 ); door connectpaths(); level.firing_range_door_open = true; } close_firing_range_door() { if ( !level.firing_range_door_open ) return; door = getEnt( "rifle_range_door", "targetname" ); door rotateto( door.angles + (0,-88,0), 1, .5, 0 ); door connectpaths(); level.firing_range_door_open = false; } melee_run_dialog() { if ( !flag ( "melee_complete" ) ) { //Using your knife is even faster than switching to your pistol. level.waters execDialog( "evenfaster" ); //Here's the situation. You're caught with an empty magazine and you're just a few feet from your enemy. //level.waters execDialog( "fewfeet" ); //wait .3; //What do you do? Easy. You gut the bastard! //level.waters execDialog( "whatdoyoudo" ); } if ( !flag ( "melee_complete" ) ) { //Knife the watermelon. level.waters execDialog( "knifewatermelon" ); } //if ( !flag ( "melee_complete" ) ) // level.waters execDialog( "attackwithknife" ); flag_set ( "melee_run_dialog" ); } frag_start() { frag_start = getent( "frag_start", "targetname" ); level.player setOrigin( frag_start.origin ); level.player setPlayerAngles( frag_start.angles ); level.player giveWeapon("g36c"); level.player giveWeapon("usp"); level.player switchtoWeapon("g36c"); flag_set ( "spawn_frags" ); thread frag_Training(); } frag_Training() { flag_set ( "aa_frag" ); level notify ( "fragTraining_begin" ); autosave_by_name( "frag_training" ); flag_set ( "start_frag_training" ); thread generic_compass_hint_reminder( "got_frags", 7 ); registerObjective( "obj_frags", &"KILLHOUSE_GO_OUTSIDE_AND_REPORT", getEnt( "obj_frag_ammo", "targetname" ) ); setObjectiveState( "obj_frags", "current" ); flag_wait ( "near_grenade_area" ); setObjectiveString( "obj_frags", &"KILLHOUSE_PICK_UP_THE_FRAG_GRENADES" ); //It's time for some fun mate. Let's blow some shit up… level.newcastle execDialog( "timeforfun" ); if ( !( level.player GetWeaponAmmoStock( "fraggrenade" ) ) && (!( in_pit() ) ) ) { //Pick up those frag grenades and get in the safety pit. level.newcastle execDialog( "pickupfrag" ); } while ( level.player GetWeaponAmmoStock( "fraggrenade" ) < 3 ) wait ( 0.05 ); flag_set ( "got_frags" ); getEnt( "grenade_too_low", "targetname" ) thread frag_too_low_hint(); thread frag_trigger_think( "frag_target_1", getEnt( "grenade_damage_trigger1", "targetname" ) ); thread frag_trigger_think( "frag_target_2", getEnt( "grenade_damage_trigger2", "targetname" ) ); thread frag_trigger_think( "frag_target_3", getEnt( "grenade_damage_trigger3", "targetname" ) ); setObjectiveLocation( "obj_frags", getEnt( "safety_pit", "targetname" ) ); setObjectiveString( "obj_frags", &"KILLHOUSE_ENTER_THE_SAFETY_PIT" ); thread dialog_nag_till_in_pit(); getEnt( "safety_pit", "targetname" ) waittill ( "trigger" ); flag_set ( "in_pit_with_frags" ); //level.newcastle thread walk_to( getnode ( "watch_pit_node", "script_noteworthy" ) ); level.newcastle setgoalnode ( getnode ( "watch_pit_node", "script_noteworthy" ) ); //Now throw a grenade into windows two, three and four. level.newcastle thread execDialog( "throwgrenade" ); thread keyHint( "frag" ); setObjectiveString( "obj_frags", &"KILLHOUSE_THROW_A_GRENADE_INTO" ); setObjectiveLocation( "obj_frags", getEnt( "safety_pit", "targetname" ) ); wait ( 0.1 ); numRemaining = 0; for ( index = 1; index < 4; index++ ) { if ( flag( "frag_target_" + index ) ) continue; numRemaining++; } //level.marine4 execDialog( "firstwindow" ); //level.marine4.lastNagTime = getTime(); while( numRemaining ) { curRemaining = 0; nextTarget = ""; if ( !flag( "frag_target_1" ) ) { curRemaining++; nextTarget = "firstwindow"; } if ( !flag( "frag_target_2" ) ) { curRemaining++; if ( nextTarget == "" ) nextTarget = "secondwindow"; } if ( !flag( "frag_target_3" ) ) { curRemaining++; if ( nextTarget == "" ) nextTarget = "dumpster"; } if ( !curRemaining ) break; if ( curRemaining != numRemaining ) { //level.marine4 execDialog( nextTarget ); //level.marine4.lastNagTime = getTime(); } else { //level.marine4 nagPlayer( nextTarget + "again", 10.0 ); } numRemaining = curRemaining; wait ( 0.05 ); } setObjectiveState( "obj_frags", "done" ); wait ( 1.0 ); //level.marine4 thread execDialog( "gotorange" ); flag_set ( "fragTraining_end" ); thread launcherTraining(); flag_clear ( "aa_frag" ); } launcher_trigger_think( flag, trigger, continuous ) { flag_init( flag ); trigger.aim_assist = getEnt( trigger.script_noteworthy, "targetname" ); trigger.light = getEnt( trigger.target, "targetname" ); trigger.aim_assist enableAimAssist(); trigger.light thread flicker_on(); if( !isDefined( continuous ) ) continuous = false; trigger _flag_wait_trigger( flag, continuous ); level.player playSound( "killhouse_buzzer" ); trigger.light thread flicker_off(); trigger.aim_assist disableAimAssist(); return trigger; } gl_too_low_hint() { level endon ( "launcherTraining_end" ); while( 1 ) { self waittill ( "trigger" ); clear_hints(); hint( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_GL_TOO_LOW", 6 ); } } launcher_start() { frag_start = getent( "frag_start", "targetname" ); level.player setOrigin( frag_start.origin ); level.player setPlayerAngles( frag_start.angles ); level.player giveWeapon("g36c"); level.player giveWeapon("usp"); level.player switchtoWeapon("g36c"); flag_set ( "spawn_frags" ); wait .1; thread launcherTraining(); } launcherTraining() { flag_set ( "aa_launcher" ); level notify ( "launcherTraining_begin" ); autosave_by_name( "launcher_training" ); flag_set ( "spawn_launcher" ); level.newcastle setgoalnode ( getnode ( "watch_table_node", "script_noteworthy" ) ); //level.newcastle thread walk_to ( getnode ( "watch_table_node", "script_noteworthy" ) ); //Now let's try something with a little more 'mojo'. I don't know how much experience you've got with demolitions, so just do as I say, all right? //level.newcastle execDialog( "moremojo" ); if ( !level.player hasWeapon( "m203_m4" ) ) { //Come back here and pick up this grenade launcher. level.newcastle execDialog( "pickuplauncher" ); } flag_trigger_init( "launcher_wall_target", getEnt( "launcher_wall_trigger", "script_noteworthy" ) ); registerObjective( "obj_launcher", &"KILLHOUSE_PICK_UP_THE_RIFLE_WITH", getEnt( "obj_frag_ammo", "targetname" ) ); setObjectiveState( "obj_launcher", "current" ); thread keyHint( "swap_launcher" ); while ( !level.player hasWeapon( "m203_m4" ) ) wait ( 0.05 ); clear_hints(); thread M203_icon_hint(); RefreshHudAmmoCounter(); level.player giveMaxAmmo( "m203_m4" ); setObjectiveString( "obj_launcher", &"KILLHOUSE_RETURN_TO_THE_SAFETY" ); setObjectiveLocation( "obj_launcher", getEnt( "safety_pit", "targetname" ) ); //Notice you now have an icon of a grenade launcher on your HUD. //level.newcastle execDialog( "icononhud" ); if ( !( level.player istouching( getEnt( "safety_pit", "targetname" ) ) ) ) { //Now get back into the safety pit. level.newcastle execDialog( "nowbacktopit" ); } getEnt( "safety_pit", "targetname" ) waittill ( "trigger" ); //level.newcastle thread walk_to( getnode ( "watch_pit_node", "script_noteworthy" ) ); level.newcastle setgoalnode ( getnode ( "watch_pit_node", "script_noteworthy" ) ); if ( !(level.player getCurrentWeapon() == "m203_m4") ) { //Equip the grenade launcher. level.newcastle execDialog( "equiplauncher" ); thread keyHint( "firemode" ); RefreshHudAmmoCounter(); } while ( !(level.player getCurrentWeapon() == "m203_m4") ) { thread keyHint( "firemode" ); wait ( 1.0 ); } clear_hints(); setObjectiveString( "obj_launcher", &"KILLHOUSE_FIRE_AT_THE_WALL_WITH" ); setObjectiveLocation( "obj_launcher", getEnt( "safety_pit", "targetname" ) ); wait ( 0.1 ); //Fire at the wall with the number one on it. level.newcastle execDialog( "firewall1" ); if( level.Xenon ) thread keyHint( "attack" ); else thread keyHint( "pc_attack" );//PC and PS3 are both press while ( !flag( "launcher_wall_target" ) ) { //level.player giveMaxAmmo( "m203_m4" ); wait ( 0.05 ); } clear_hints(); wait ( 0.1 ); //Notice it didn't explode. level.newcastle execDialog( "didntexplode" ); //As you know, all grenade launchers have a minimum safe arming distance. level.newcastle execDialog( "safearming" ); //The grenade wont explode unless it travels that distance. //level.newcastle execDialog( "wontexplode" ); //Right. Now pop a grenade in each window, five, six and seven. level.newcastle thread execDialog( "56and7" ); array_thread ( getEntArray( "gl_too_low", "targetname" ), ::gl_too_low_hint ); thread launcher_trigger_think( "launcher_target_1", getEnt( "launcher_damage_trigger1", "targetname" ) ); thread launcher_trigger_think( "launcher_target_2", getEnt( "launcher_damage_trigger2", "targetname" ) ); thread launcher_trigger_think( "launcher_target_3", getEnt( "launcher_damage_trigger3", "targetname" ) ); setObjectiveString( "obj_launcher", &"KILLHOUSE_FIRE_YOUR_GRENADE_LAUNCHER" ); numRemaining = 0; for ( index = 1; index < 4; index++ ) { if ( flag( "launcher_target_" + index ) ) continue; numRemaining++; } //level.marine5.lastNagTime = getTime(); while( numRemaining ) { curRemaining = 0; nextTarget = ""; if ( !flag( "launcher_target_1" ) ) { curRemaining++; nextTarget = "hittwo"; } if ( !flag( "launcher_target_2" ) ) { curRemaining++; if ( nextTarget == "" ) nextTarget = "hitthree"; } if ( !flag( "launcher_target_3" ) ) { curRemaining++; if ( nextTarget == "" ) nextTarget = "hitfour"; } if ( !curRemaining ) break; //level.player giveMaxAmmo( "m203_m4" ); if ( curRemaining != numRemaining ) { //level.marine5.lastNagTime = getTime(); } else { //level.marine5 nagPlayer( nextTarget, 8.0 ); } numRemaining = curRemaining; wait ( 0.05 ); } level notify ( "launcherTraining_end" ); setObjectiveState( "obj_launcher", "done" ); wait ( 1.0 ); //level.marine5 execDialog( "oorah" ); wait ( 1.0 ); flag_clear ( "aa_launcher" ); thread c4_Training(); } explosives_start() { c4_start = getent( "c4_start", "targetname" ); level.player setOrigin( c4_start.origin ); level.player setPlayerAngles( c4_start.angles ); level.player giveWeapon("g36c"); level.player giveWeapon("m4_grenadier"); level.player switchtoWeapon("m4_grenadier"); flag_set ( "spawn_frags" ); //mp5 = spawn ( "weapon_mp5", c4_start.origin ); wait .1; thread c4_Training(); } c4_Training() { flag_set ( "aa_c4" ); level notify ( "explosivesTraining_begin" ); autosave_by_name( "c4_training" ); pickupTrigger = flag_trigger_init( "explosives_pickup", getEnt( "c4_pickup", "targetname" ) ); C4_models = getEntArray( pickupTrigger.target, "targetname" ); pickupTrigger setHintString (&"KILLHOUSE_C4_PICKUP"); pickupTrigger trigger_on(); for ( i = 0; i < C4_models.size; i++ ) C4_models[ i ] show(); registerObjective( "obj_c4", &"KILLHOUSE_PICK_UP_THE_C4_EXPLOSIVE", pickupTrigger ); setObjectiveState( "obj_c4", "current" ); //Come back around and pick up some C4 off the table. level.newcastle thread execDialog( "c4offtable" ); //level.newcastle thread walk_to ( getnode ( "watch_c4_node", "script_noteworthy" ) ); level.newcastle setgoalnode ( getnode ( "watch_c4_node", "script_noteworthy" ) ); thread keyHint( "swap_explosives" ); while ( !flag( "explosives_pickup" ) ) wait ( 0.05 ); level.player playsound ( "detpack_pickup" ); for ( i = 0; i < C4_models.size; i++ ) C4_models[ i ] hide(); pickupTrigger trigger_off(); old_weapon = level.player GetCurrentWeapon (); level.player giveWeapon("c4"); level.player SetWeaponAmmoClip( "c4", 1 ); level.player SetActionSlot( 2, "weapon" , "c4" ); thread C4_icon_hint(); RefreshHudAmmoCounter(); thread flag_when_c4_thrown(); wait .5; if ( !(level.player getCurrentWeapon() == "c4") ) { level.newcastle execDialog( "equipc4" ); //Equip the C4, Soap. //thread keyHint( "equip_C4" ); level notify ( "c4_equiped" ); level.hintElem setText( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_EQUIP_C4" ); RefreshHudAmmoCounter(); } while ( !(level.player getCurrentWeapon() == "c4") ) { wait ( 1.0 ); } flag_set ( "c4_equiped" ); level.hintbackground destroy(); double_line = true; add_hint_background( double_line ); level.hintElem setText( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_HUD_CHANGES" ); RefreshHudAmmoCounter(); //thread hint( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_HUD_CHANGES", 9999 ); //It seems my ex-wife was kind enough to donate her car to furthering your education Soap. level.newcastle execDialog( "exwifecar" ); setObjectiveLocation( "obj_c4", getEnt( "c4_target", "targetname" ) ); level notify ( "C4_the_car" ); if ( !flag ( "c4_thrown" ) ) level.newcastle execDialog( "throwc4car" ); //Throw some C4 on the car. if ( ( !flag ( "near_car" ) ) && ( !flag ( "c4_thrown" ) ) ) { //thread hint( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_APPROACH_C4_THROW", 9999 ); level.hintbackground destroy(); add_hint_background(); level.hintElem setText( &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_APPROACH_C4_THROW" ); flag_wait ( "near_car" ); } if ( !flag ( "c4_thrown" ) ) keyHint( "throw_C4" ); flag_wait ( "c4_thrown" ); wait .5; //Sgt Newcastle - When planting C4 is your objective, you will see a glowing marker in the world that indicates where to plant it. //thread add_dialogue_line( "newcastle", "When planting C4 is your objective, you will see a glowing marker in the world that indicates where to plant it." ); double_line = true; thread hint( &"KILLHOUSE_C4_OBJECTIVE", 9999, double_line ); wait 4; //Place the C4 on the indicated spot. level.newcastle thread execDialog( "placec4" ); c4_target = getent( "c4_target", "targetname" ); c4_target maps\_c4::c4_location( undefined, undefined, undefined, c4_target.origin ); level thread do_in_order( ::waittill_msg, "c4_in_place", ::flag_set, "C4_planted" ); wait ( 1.0 ); setObjectiveString( "obj_c4", &"KILLHOUSE_PLANT_THE_C4_EXPLOSIVE" ); setObjectiveLocation( "obj_c4", c4_target ); //thread keyHint( "plant_explosives" ); flag_wait ( "C4_planted" ); c4_target thread force_detonation(); clear_hints(); setObjectiveState( "obj_c4", "done" ); //level.newcastle execDialog( "morec4" ); //Go get some more C4 from the table. //level.newcastle execDialog( "behindwall" ); //Now come over here behind the safety wall. if( !flag( "car_destroyed" ) ) level.newcastle execDialog( "safedistance" ); //Now get to a safe distance from the explosives. while ( ( distance( c4_target.origin, level.player.origin ) <= 256 ) && !flag( "car_destroyed" ) ) wait 0.05; if( !flag( "car_destroyed" ) ) { level.newcastle execDialog( "fireinhole" ); //Fire in the hole! thread keyHint( "detonate_C4", 9999 ); } flag_wait ( "car_destroyed" ); thread switch_in_two( old_weapon ); clear_hints(); setObjectiveState( "obj_c4", "done" ); thread C4_complete_dialog(); level notify ( "explosivesTraining_end" ); thread obstacle_Training(); flag_clear ( "aa_c4" ); } switch_in_two( old_weapon ) { wait 2; level.player SwitchToWeapon ( old_weapon ); } force_detonation() { self waittill ( "c4_detonation" ); wait .05; //destructable cars can only take damage from one source per frame car = getent ( "destructible", "targetname" ); car destructible_force_explosion(); } flag_when_c4_thrown() { while (1) { level.player waittill ( "grenade_fire", grenade ); if (level.player getCurrentWeapon() == "c4") { flag_set ( "c4_thrown" ); return; } } } C4_complete_dialog() { level.newcastle execDialog( "chuckle" ); //< satisfied chuckling > level.newcastle execDialog( "muchimproved" ); //Much improved. if ( ! flag ( "start_obstacle" ) ) level.newcastle execDialog( "passedeval" ); //All right Soap, you passed the weapons evaluation. if ( ! flag ( "start_obstacle" ) ) level.newcastle execDialog( "reporttomac" ); //Now report to Mac on the obstacle course. if ( ! flag ( "start_obstacle" ) ) level.newcastle execDialog( "thrilledtosee" ); //I’m sure he'll be thrilled to see you. //level.newcastle execDialog( "justbetween" ); //Just between you and me, he's a real arsehole. //level.newcastle execDialog( "goodluck" ); //Good luck! } obstacle_start() { start_obstacle_course = getent( "start_obstacle_course", "targetname" ); level.player setOrigin( start_obstacle_course.origin ); level.player setPlayerAngles( start_obstacle_course.angles ); level.player giveWeapon("g36c"); level.player giveWeapon("m4_grenadier"); level.player switchtoWeapon("m4_grenadier"); flag_set ( "spawn_frags" ); thread obstacle_Training(); } obstacle_Training() { flag_set ( "aa_obstacle" ); level notify ( "obstacleTraining_start" ); registerObjective( "obj_obstacle", &"KILLHOUSE_RUN_THE_OBSTACLE_COURSE", getEnt( "obstacleTraining_objective", "targetname" ) ); setObjectiveState( "obj_obstacle", "current" ); thread generic_compass_hint_reminder( "start_obstacle", 7 ); getEnt( "obstacle_course_start", "targetname" ) waittill ( "trigger" ); flag_set ( "start_obstacle" ); flag_trigger_init( "prone_entered", getEnt( "obstacleTraining_prone", "targetname" ) ); thread obstacleTraining_buddies(); thread obstacleTraining_dialog(); flag_wait( "start_course" ); setObjectiveLocation( "obj_obstacle", getEnt( "obj_course_end", "targetname" ) ); move_mac_triggers = getentarray( "move_mac", "targetname" ); array_thread( move_mac_triggers, ::move_mac ); getEnt( "obstacleTraining_mantle", "targetname" ) waittill ( "trigger" ); thread keyHint( "mantle", 5.0 ); flag_wait( "obstacleTraining_crouch" ); thread keyHint( "crouch" ); flag_wait( "obstacleTraining_mantle2" ); thread keyHint( "mantle", 5.0 ); flag_wait( "prone_entered" ); thread keyHint( "prone" ); getEnt( "obstacleTraining_Standup", "targetname" ) waittill ( "trigger" ); thread keyHint( "stand", 5.0 ); clear_hints_on_stand(); wait .1; //player must sprint if ( level.xenon )// ghetto but PS3 requires "Press X" and 360 requires "Click X" keyHint( "sprint" ); else keyHint( "sprint_pc" ); flag_set ( "player_sprinted" ); if( !flag( "obstacle_course_end" ) ) thread second_sprint_hint(); flag_wait( "obstacle_course_end" ); level notify ( "kill_sprint_hint" ); clear_hints(); setObjectiveState( "obj_obstacle", "done" ); thread report_to_price(); flag_clear ( "aa_obstacle" ); } obstacleTraining_dialog() { level endon( "obstacleTraining_end" ); //Wellll...it seems Miss Soap here was kind enough to join us! level.mac execDialog( "misssoap" ); if( !flag( "start_course" ) ) { //Line up ladies! level.mac execDialog( "lineup" ); flag_set( "start_course" ); } //iprintlnbold ( "go!" ); //level.mac execDialog( "go" ); level.mac playsound( "killhouse_mcm_go" ); flag_set( "start_course" ); //This isn't a bloody charity walk - get your arses in gear! MOVE! level.mac execDialog( "isntcharitywalk" ); flag_wait( "obstacleTraining_mantle2" ); //Jump over those obstacles! level.mac execDialog( "jumpobstacles" ); //You thought it was going to easier once you passed Selection didn't you? Didn't you?!!! //level.mac execDialog( "didntyou" ); flag_wait( "crawl_dialog" ); //You crawl like old people screw! level.mac execDialog( "youcrawllike" ); //if( !flag( "obstacle_course_end" ) ) //{ //You're all too slow! You're all just too fucking slow!!! You'd be dead by now if this were the real thing! //level.mac execDialog( "bedeadbynow" ); //} if( !flag( "obstacle_course_end" ) ) { //I've seen "Sandhurst Commandos" run faster than you lot! level.mac execDialog( "commandos" ); } if( !flag( "obstacle_course_end" ) ) { //Move move move!!!! What's the matter with you? You all want to be R.T.U'd? level.mac execDialog( "bertud" ); } flag_wait ( "player_sprinted" ); flag_wait( "obstacle_course_end" ); //Oi! Soap! Captain Price wants to see you in Hangar 4. You passed my little test, now get out of my sight. level.mac execDialog( "passedtest" ); //The rest of you bloody ponces are going to run it again until I'm no longer embarassed to look at you! level.mac execDialog( "runitagain" ); thread loop_obstacle(); } reveal_start() { start_reveal = getent( "start_reveal", "targetname" ); level.player setOrigin( start_reveal.origin ); level.player setPlayerAngles( start_reveal.angles ); level.player giveWeapon("g36c"); level.player giveWeapon("m4_grenadier"); level.player switchtoWeapon("m4_grenadier"); thread report_to_price(); } report_to_price() { flag_set ( "aa_cargoship" ); wait .1; registerObjective( "obj_price", &"KILLHOUSE_REPORT_TO_CAPTAIN_PRICE", getEnt( "obj_price", "targetname" ) ); setObjectiveState( "obj_price", "current" ); hangerdoor = getent ( "ship_hanger_door" , "targetname" ); hangerdoor moveX( 40, .1, 0, 0 ); level.price gun_remove(); sas1 = getent ( "sas1" , "script_noteworthy" ); sas2 = getent ( "sas2" , "script_noteworthy" ); sas3 = getent ( "sas3" , "script_noteworthy" ); sas1.animname = "sas1"; sas2.animname = "sas2"; sas3.animname = "sas3"; SAS_blackkits = []; SAS_blackkits [ SAS_blackkits.size ] = sas1; SAS_blackkits [ SAS_blackkits.size ] = sas2; SAS_blackkits [ SAS_blackkits.size ] = sas3; node = getent ( "reveal_node", "targetname" ); node thread reveal_anims ( SAS_blackkits, sas2 ); delaythread ( 4, ::objective_hints, "reveal_dialog_starting" ); //thread objective_hints( "open_ship_hanger" ); //thread generic_compass_hint_reminder( "open_ship_hanger", 7 ); flag_set ( "obstacle_complete" ); //node thread maps\_debug::drawOriginForever (); //node thread anim_reach_and_idle( SAS_blackkits, "reveal", "reveal_idle", "start_reveal_anim" ); flag_wait ( "open_ship_hanger" ); thread do_in_order( ::flag_wait, "at_ladder", ::hint, &"KILLHOUSE_HINT_LADDER" ); //hangerdoor moveX( 150, 8, .3, 0 ); hangerdoor moveX( 110, 8, .3, 0 ); hangerdoor playsound ( "door_hanger_metal_open" ); flag_wait ( "on_ladder" ); node notify ( "end_idle" ); level.price animscripts\shared::placeWeaponOn( level.price.weapon, "right" ); //flag_wait ( "reveal_dialog_done" ); thread cargoship_training(); } reveal_anims( SAS_blackkits, sas2 ) { looking_at_price = getent ( "looking_at_price", "targetname" ); // self thread anim_single( SAS_blackkits, "reveal" ); self add_wait( ::anim_single, SAS_blackkits, "reveal" ); level add_func( ::flag_set, "reveal_done" ); thread do_wait(); self add_wait( ::anim_single_solo, level.price, "reveal" ); level add_func( ::flag_set, "price_reveal_done" ); thread do_wait(); //self notify ( "start_reveal_anim" ); wait 2; //make anims start faster array_thread ( SAS_blackkits, ::pause_anim ); level.price pause_anim(); flag_wait ( "open_ship_hanger" ); while ( ! level.player istouching ( looking_at_price ) ) wait .1; array_thread ( SAS_blackkits, ::unpause_anim ); level.price unpause_anim(); wait 3; clear_hints(); flag_set ( "reveal_dialog_starting" ); //thread reveal_dialog( sas2 ); //wait 2; clip = getent ( "ship_hanger_clip", "targetname" ); clip delete(); flag_wait ( "reveal_done" ); //self waittill ( "reveal" ); if ( !flag ( "on_ladder" ) ) self thread anim_loop( SAS_blackkits, "reveal_idle", undefined, "end_idle"); flag_wait ( "price_reveal_done" ); //self waittill ( "reveal" ); if ( !flag ( "on_ladder" ) ) self thread anim_loop_solo( level.price, "reveal_idle", undefined, "end_idle"); } reveal_dialog_ladder( param1 ) { if ( !flag ( "at_ladder" ) ) { level.price playsound( "killhouse_pri_ladderthere" ); //Climb the ladder over there. } setObjectiveString( "obj_price", &"KILLHOUSE_CLIMB_THE_LADDER1" ); setObjectiveLocation( "obj_price", getent( "top_of_ladder_trigger", "targetname" ) ); flag_set ( "reveal_dialog_done" ); } reveal_dialog( sas2 ) { wait 1; //It's the F.N.G. sir. //sas2 execDialog ( "fng" ); //It's the fingy sir. //sas2 execDialog ( "fingy" ); //It's the fingy sir. //Go easy on him sir, it's his first day in the Regiment. //sas2 execDialog ( "goeasy" ); //It's the fingy sir. /* //Riight. What the hell kind of name is Soap? How'd a muppet like you pass Selection, eh? level.price execDialog( "muppet" ); wait .3; //"Soap, it's your turn for the CQB test. Everyone else head to observation." level.price execDialog( "cbqtest" ); //"For this test, you'll have to run the cargoship solo in less than 60 seconds." level.price execDialog( "runsolo" ); //"Gaz holds the current squadron record at 25 seconds. Good luck." level.price execDialog( "record19sec" ); */ } cargoship_start() { start_pre_rope = getent( "start_pre_rope", "targetname" ); level.player setOrigin( start_pre_rope.origin ); level.player setPlayerAngles( start_pre_rope.angles ); level.player giveWeapon("g36c"); level.player giveWeapon("m4_grenadier"); level.player switchtoWeapon("m4_grenadier"); registerObjective( "obj_price", &"KILLHOUSE_CLIMB_THE_LADDER", getEnt( "top_of_rope_trigger", "targetname" ) ); setObjectiveState( "obj_price", "current" ); flag_set ( "reveal_dialog_done" ); thread cargoship_training(); } cargoship_training() { level endon ( "clear_course" ); level endon ( "mission failed" ); cargoship_targets = getentarray( "cargoship_target", "script_noteworthy" ); array_thread( cargoship_targets, ::cargoship_targets ); thread rope(); top_of_rope_trigger = getent( "top_of_rope_trigger", "targetname" ); near_rope = getent( "near_rope", "targetname" ); top_of_rope = getent( "top_of_rope", "targetname" ); top_of_ladder_trigger = getent( "top_of_ladder_trigger", "targetname" ); position_one = getent( "position_one", "targetname" ); two = getent( "position_two", "targetname" ); three = getent( "position_three", "targetname" ); four = getent( "position_four", "targetname" ); five = getent( "position_five", "targetname" ); six = getent( "position_six", "targetname" ); sprint = getent ( "sprint", "targetname" ); final_obj = getent( "final_obj", "targetname" ); setdvar( "killhouse_too_slow", "0" ); volume = getent( three.script_noteworthy, "targetname" ); volume2 = getent( six.script_noteworthy, "targetname" ); first_time = true; previous_time = 0; previous_selection = "none"; flash_volumes = getentarray ( "flash_volume", "script_noteworthy" ); jump_off_trigger = getent ( "jump_off_trigger", "targetname" ); flag_wait( "at_top_of_ladder" ); clear_hints(); //remove ladder hint thread autosave_by_name( "ladder_top" ); jump_off_trigger thread jumpoff_monitor(); flag_wait ( "reveal_dialog_done" ); while ( 1 ) { if ( first_time ) { if ( ( !( level.player getCurrentWeapon() == "mp5" ) ) || ( level.player GetWeaponAmmoStock( "flash_grenade" ) < 4 ) ) { //"Pick up that MP5 and four flashbangs." ); level.price thread execDialog( "pickupmp5" ); setObjectiveString( "obj_price", &"KILLHOUSE_EQUIP_THE_MP5_AND_PICK" ); setObjectiveLocation( "obj_price", getent( "obj_flashes", "targetname" ) ); } } else { jump_off_trigger thread jumpoff_monitor(); //"Replace any flash bangs you used." level.price execDialog( "replaceflash" ); if ( !(level.player getCurrentWeapon() == "mp5") ) { //"Equip your MP5." level.price execDialog( "equipmp5" ); } } nag_time = 0; while ( !(level.player getCurrentWeapon() == "mp5") ) { if ( (level.player istouching ( near_rope ) ) && ( nag_time > 4 ) ) { //"Soap. Equip your MP5." ); level.price thread execDialog( "soapequipmp5" ); nag_time = 0; } wait ( 1.0 ); nag_time++; } nag_time = 0; while ( level.player GetWeaponAmmoStock( "flash_grenade" ) < 4 ) { if ( (level.player istouching ( near_rope ) ) && ( nag_time > 4 ) ) { level.price thread execDialog( "soap4flash" ); //"Soap. Pick up four flash bangs." ); nag_time = 0; } wait ( 1.0 ); nag_time++; } if ( first_time ) flag_set ( "got_flashes" ); thread flashbang_ammo_monitor ( flash_volumes ); if ( first_time ) { level.price execDialog( "ropedeck" ); //On my go, I want you to rope down to the deck and rush to position 1. level.price execDialog( "stormstairs" ); //After that you will storm down the stairs to position 2. level.price execDialog( "hit3and4" ); //Then hit position 3 and 4 following my precise instructions at each position. } //"Grab the rope when your ready." level.price thread execDialog( "grabrope" ); delaythread ( 1.5, ::rope_obj ); flag_set ( "activate_rope" ); level notify ( "show_glowing_rope" ); thread autosave_by_name( "starting_bridge_attack" ); level waittill ( "starting_rope" ); level notify ( "hide_glowing_rope" ); flag_clear ( "activate_rope" ); level notify ( "okay_if_friendlies_in_line_of_fire" ); level notify ( "starting_cargoship_obj" ); setObjectiveString( "obj_price", &"KILLHOUSE_CLEAR_THE_CARGOSHIP_BRIDGE" ); setObjectiveLocation( "obj_price", position_one ); level.price thread execDialog( "gogogo" ); //Go go go! if ( getdvarint( "killhouse_too_slow" ) >= 1 ) thread startTimer( 120 ); else thread startTimer( 60 ); thread accuracy_bonus(); if ( isdefined ( level.IW_deck ) ) level.IW_deck destroy(); position_one wait_till_pos_cleared(); setObjectiveLocation( "obj_price", two ); level.price thread execDialog( "position2" ); //Position 2 go! two wait_till_pos_cleared(); //level.price thread execDialog( "position3" ); //Go to Position 3! setObjectiveLocation( "obj_price", three ); //three wait_till_pos_cleared(); three thread flash_dialog_three( volume ); three wait_till_flashed( volume ); clear_hints(); level.price thread execDialog( "position4" ); //Position 4! setObjectiveLocation( "obj_price", four ); four wait_till_pos_cleared(); setObjectiveLocation( "obj_price", five ); //"Position five go!!" ); level.price thread execDialog( "5go" ); five wait_till_pos_cleared(); setObjectiveLocation( "obj_price", six ); //"Six go!!" ); level.price thread execDialog( "6go" ); six thread flash_dialog_six( volume2 ); six wait_till_flashed( volume2 ); clear_hints(); six wait_till_pos_cleared( "skip_trigger" ); setObjectiveLocation( "obj_price", final_obj ); //"Final position go!!" ); level.price thread execDialog( "finalgo" ); notify_on_sprint(); thread flag_on_notify( "sprinted" ); flag_wait ( "sprint" ); flag_set ( "ready_to_finish" ); //Sprint to the finish! level.price thread execDialog( "sprint" ); thread dialog_sprint_reminders(); //player must sprint if ( level.xenon )// ghetto but PS3 requires "Press X" and 360 requires "Click X" thread keyHint( "sprint" ); else thread keyHint( "sprint_pc" ); flag_wait ( "sprinted" ); if( !flag( "at_finish" ) ) thread second_sprint_hint(); flag_wait( "at_finish" ); level notify ( "kill_sprint_hint" ); clear_hints(); flag_clear ( "ready_to_finish" ); flag_clear ( "at_finish" ); flag_clear( "at_top_of_ladder" ); flag_clear ( "sprinted" ); flag_clear ( "sprint" ); level notify ( "test_cleared" ); if ( first_time ) thread debrief(); //flag_set ( "start_deck" ); final_time = killTimer( 15.1, false ); if( !( maps\_cheat::is_cheating() ) && ! ( flag("has_cheated") ) ) level.player UploadTime( 19, final_time );//19 is the leaderboard code for this level selection = dialog_end_of_course( first_time, final_time, previous_time, previous_selection ); level.price execDialog( selection ); previous_selection = selection; previous_time = final_time; first_time = false; //"Climb up the ladder if you want another go." ); level.price execDialog( "anothergo" ); //"Otherwise come over to the monitors for a debrief." ); level.price execDialog( "debrief" ); clear_hints(); setObjectiveState( "obj_price", "done" ); flag_wait( "at_top_of_ladder" ); //top_of_ladder_trigger waittill ( "trigger" ); } } dialog_end_of_course( first_time, final_time, previous_time, previous_selection ) { if ( ! first_time ) { if ( ( previous_time + 2 ) < final_time ) { if ( ( randomint ( 2 ) ) > 0 ) { //Don't waste our time Soap. The idea is to take less time, not more. selection = ( "lesstime" ); return selection; } else { //You're getting' slower. Perhaps it was a mistake to let you skip the obstacle course. selection = ( "letyouskip" ); return selection; } } if ( previous_time > ( final_time + 3 ) ) { if ( ( randomint ( 2 ) ) > 0 ) { //That was an improvement, but it's not hard to improve on garbage. Try it again. selection = ( "tryitagain" ); return selection; } else { //That was better. Not great. But better. selection = ( "notgreat" ); return selection; } } if ( ( level.bonus_time < 1.8 ) && ( previous_selection != "sloppy" ) ) { //Fast, but sloppy. You need to work on your accuracy. selection = ( "sloppy" ); return selection; } } num = randomint ( 2 ); if ( num == 0 ) { //All right Soap, that's enough. You'll do. selection = ( "youlldo" ); return selection; } //else if ( num == 1 ) //{ //I've seen better, but that'll do. // selection = ( "seenbetter2" ); // return selection; //} else { //"Pretty good, Soap. But I've seen better." ); selection = "seenbetter"; return selection; } } flag_on_notify( msg ) { level.player waittill ( msg ); flag_set ( msg ); } notify_on_sprint() { level.player NotifyOnCommand ( "sprinted", "+breath_sprint" ); level.player NotifyOnCommand ( "sprinted", "+sprint" ); } movies_on_tvs() { wait 2; setsaveddvar( "cg_cinematicFullScreen", "0" ); for ( ;; ) { if ( getdvar("ps3Game") == "true" ) CinematicInGameLoopFromFastfile( "Killhouse_monitor1" ); else CinematicInGameLoopResident( "Killhouse_monitor1" ); // THE KILLHOUSE VIDEO FILE IS BROKEN AND WON'T LOOP wait 6; // wait 5; // while ( IsCinematicPlaying() ) // wait 1; } } debrief_start() { start_pre_rope = getent( "start_pre_rope", "targetname" ); level.player setOrigin( start_pre_rope.origin ); level.player setPlayerAngles( start_pre_rope.angles ); level.player giveWeapon("g36c"); level.player giveWeapon("m4_grenadier"); level.player switchtoWeapon("m4_grenadier"); flag_set ( "reveal_dialog_done" ); thread debrief(); } debrief() { thread movies_on_tvs(); debrief_trigger = getent( "debrief_trigger", "targetname" ); registerObjective( "obj_debrief", &"KILLHOUSE_DEBRIEF_WITH_CPT_PRICE", debrief_trigger ); setObjectiveState( "obj_debrief", "current" ); debrief_trigger waittill ( "trigger" ); //thread autosave_by_name ( "debrief" ); thread fail_if_friendlies_in_line_of_fire(); clear_timer_elems(); clear_hints(); level notify ( "kill_timer" ); level notify ( "clear_course" ); flag_clear ( "aa_cargoship" ); setObjectiveState( "obj_debrief", "done" ); //Good job Soap. It appears you may have earned that winged dagger after all. Now get ready to deploy for the cargoship operation. We go 'wheels up' in twenty minutes. level.price execDialog( "wheelsup" ); // --- menu popup for difficulty selection --- level.player openMenu("select_difficulty"); level.player freezecontrols(true); setblur(2, .1); while( true ) { level.player waittill("menuresponse", menu, response); if( response == "continue" || response == "tryagain" ) break; level.player openMenu("select_difficulty"); } assertex( response == "continue" || response == "tryagain", "Menu response from Killhouse difficulty selection is incorrect!" ); setblur(0, .2); level.player freezecontrols(false); level notify ( "okay_if_friendlies_in_line_of_fire" ); if( response == "tryagain" ) { setDvar("ui_deadquote", &"KILLHOUSE_SHIP_TRY_AGAIN"); maps\_utility::missionFailedWrapper(); } // --- wait 1; nextmission(); } music_control() { flag_wait ( "open_ship_hanger" ); thread music_killhouse_price(); flag_wait ( "activate_rope" ); musicstop( 3 ); } music_killhouse_price() { MusicPlayWrapper( "killhouse_price" ); }