2477 lines
76 KiB
2477 lines
76 KiB
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_vehicle;
#include maps\_anim;
#include maps\coup_code;
precachemodel( "fx" );
precachemodel( "viewhands_player_usmc" );
precachemodel( "weapon_desert_eagle_silver_HR_promo" );
precachemodel( "com_door_01_handleright" );
precachemodel( "chicken" );
precachemodel( "com_cellphone_on" );
precachemodel( "com_trashcan_metal" );
precachemodel( "com_spray_can01" );
precacheShellShock( "coup_blackout1" );
precacheShellShock( "coup_blackout2" );
precacheShellShock( "coup_blackout3" );
precacheShellShock( "coup_death" );
level.debug_turnanims = false;
level.debug_passengeranims = false;
level.debug_slowmo = false;
level.debug_speech = false;
level.weaponClipModels = [];
level.weaponClipModels[ 0 ] = "weapon_ak47_clip";
level.weaponClipModels[ 1 ] = "weapon_ak74u_clip";
default_start( ::startIntro );
add_start( "drive", ::startDrive, &"STARTS_DRIVE" );
add_start( "doorkick", ::startDoorKick, &"STARTS_DOORKICK" );
add_start( "trashstumble", ::startTrashStumble, &"STARTS_TRASHSTUMBLE" );
add_start( "runners2", ::startRunners2, &"STARTS_RUNNERS2" );
add_start( "alley", ::startAlley, &"STARTS_ALLEY2" );
add_start( "shore", ::startShore, &"STARTS_SHORE" );
add_start( "carexit", ::startCarExit, &"STARTS_CAREXIT" );
add_start( "ending", ::startEnding, &"STARTS_END" );
maps\_luxurysedan::main( "vehicle_luxurysedan_viewmodel" );
maps\_hind::main( "vehicle_mi24p_hind_desert" );
maps\_mig29::main( "vehicle_mig29_desert" );
maps\_bm21_troops::main( "vehicle_bm21_mobile_bed" );
maps\_80s_sedan1::main( "vehicle_80s_sedan1_silv" );
maps\_mi17::main( "vehicle_mi17_woodland_fly" );
maps\_bmp::main( "vehicle_bmp" );
maps\_uaz::main( "vehicle_uaz_fabric" );
thread maps\coup_amb::main();
// spawn func support was removed from drones so much of this no longer works
array_thread( getvehiclenodearray( "plane_sound", "script_noteworthy" ), maps\_mig29::plane_sound_node );
//array_thread( getentarray( "civilian", "script_noteworthy" ), ::add_spawn_function, ::gun_remove );
array_thread( getentarray( "civilian", "script_noteworthy" ), ::add_spawn_function, ::RemoveWeapon );
array_thread( getentarray( "civilian_redshirt", "script_noteworthy" ), ::add_spawn_function, ::setSightDist, 0 );
array_thread( getentarray( "civilian_redshirt", "script_noteworthy" ), ::add_spawn_function, ::setTeam, "allies" );
array_thread( getentarray( "civilian_redshirt", "script_noteworthy" ), ::add_spawn_function, ::RemoveWeapon );
array_thread( getentarray( "civilian_attacker", "script_noteworthy" ), ::add_spawn_function, ::setTeam, "allies" );
array_thread( getentarray( "civilian_firingsquad", "script_noteworthy" ), ::add_spawn_function, ::setTeam, "allies" );
array_thread( getentarray( "guard_firingsquad", "script_noteworthy" ), ::add_spawn_function, ::setupTarget );
array_thread( getentarray( "passenger_event", "targetname" ), ::passenger_event );
array_thread( getentarray( "loudspeaker_event", "targetname" ), ::loudspeaker_event );
array_thread( getentarray( "delete_on_goal", "script_noteworthy" ), ::add_spawn_function, ::DeleteOnGoal );
array_thread( getentarray( "intro_crowdmember", "targetname" ), ::blah );
array_thread( getentarray( "endcrowd_crowdmember", "targetname" ), ::blah );
//array_thread( getentarray( "civilian", "script_noteworthy" ), ::add_spawn_function, ::gun_remove_drone );
flag_init( "drive" );
flag_init( "doors_open" );
flag_init( "ending" );
flag_init( "firingsquad_atnodes" );
flag_init( "firingsquad_aiming" );
battlechatter_off( "allies" );
battlechatter_off( "axis" );
battlechatter_off( "neutral" );
level.player allowcrouch( false );
level.player allowprone( false );
level.player takeAllWeapons();
level.player.ignoreme = true;
level.player EnableInvulnerability();
level.playerview = spawn_anim_model( "playerview" );
level.playerview hide();
level.car = spawn_anim_model( "car" );
tag_offset = level.car fake_tag( "tag_origin", (-48, 0, 48) );
playfxontag( level._effect["car_interior"], tag_offset, "tag_origin" );
//tag_offset thread maps\_debug::drawTagForever( "tag_origin", ( 0, 1, 0 ) );
// TODO: Add more of these
addPassengerEvent( "phone", "animation", "carpassenger_phone" );
addPassengerEvent( "phone", "dialog", "coup_ab4_wehavetraitor", 3 );
addPassengerEvent( "turnleft", "animation", "carpassenger_pointturn" );
addPassengerEvent( "turnleft", "dialog", "coup_ab4_turnlefthere" );
addPassengerEvent( "turnright", "dialog", "coup_ab4_rightatintersection" );
addPassengerEvent( "point", "animation", "carpassenger_point" );
wait 0.05;// can't set dvars on the first frame
SetSavedDvar( "g_friendlyfiredist", 0 );
SetSavedDvar( "g_friendlynamedist", 0 );
SetSavedDvar( "compass", 0 );
SetSavedDvar( "ammoCounterHide", 1 );
SetSavedDvar( "hud_showStance", 0 );
// setsaveddvar( "cg_fov", 50 );
SetSavedDvar( "g_entEqEnable", 0 );
thread initCredits();
thread intro_doors();
thread execIntro();
thread execDrive();
flag_set( "drive" );
thread execDrive( 0.15 );
flag_set( "drive" );
start = getent( "start_trashstumble", "targetname" );
level.player setOrigin( start.origin );
level.player setPlayerAngles( start.angles );
thread execDrive( 0.32 );
flag_set( "drive" );
thread execDrive( 0.45 );
flag_set( "drive" );
start = getent( "start_alley", "targetname" );
level.player setOrigin( start.origin );
level.player setPlayerAngles( start.angles );
thread execDrive( 0.55 );
flag_set( "drive" );
start = getent( "start_shore", "targetname" );
level.player setOrigin( start.origin );
level.player setPlayerAngles( start.angles );
thread execDrive( 0.80 );
flag_set( "drive" );
start = getent( "start_carexit", "targetname" );
level.player setOrigin( start.origin );
level.player setPlayerAngles( start.angles );
thread execDrive( 0.88 );
flag_set( "drive" );
start = getent( "start_ending", "targetname" );
level.player setOrigin( start.origin );
level.player setPlayerAngles( start.angles );
thread execEnding();
self waittill( "drone_spawned", drone );
drone thread crowdmember_setuptriggers();
drone setcontents(0);
thread execDrive();
thread intro_speech();
thread playCredits();
thread SubtitleSequence();
delaythread( 0.5, ::music_start );
delaythread( 0.5, ::openIntroDoors );
delaythread( 5, ::intro_birds );
delaythread( 1, ::ziptie, "ziptie1a", undefined, 20 );
delaythread( 1, ::spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive, "intro_heli" );
node = getent( "intro_node", "targetname" );
leftguard = scripted_spawn2( "intro_leftguard", "targetname", true );
rightguard = scripted_spawn2( "intro_rightguard", "targetname", true );
carguard = scripted_spawn2( "intro_carguard", "targetname", true );
radioguard = scripted_spawn2( "intro_radioguard", "targetname", true );
smokingguard = scripted_spawn2( "intro_smokingguard", "targetname", true );
dog = scripted_spawn2( "intro_dog", "targetname", true );
idleguards = scripted_array_spawn( "intro_idleguards", "targetname", true );
for ( i = 0; i < idleguards.size; i++ )
idleguards[ i ].animname = "human";
crowdmembers = scripted_array_spawn( "intro_crowdmember", "targetname", true );
for ( i = 0; i < crowdmembers.size; i++ )
crowdmembers[ i ].animname = "human";
//crowdmembers[ i ] removeDroneWeapon();
crowdmembers[ i ].a = spawnstruct();
crowdmembers[ i ].a.script = "scripted";
crowdmembers[ i ].a.weaponPos["right"] = "defined";
crowdmembers[ i ] thread celebrate();
tiedcivilians = scripted_array_spawn( "intro_tiedcivilian", "targetname", true );
for ( i = 0; i < tiedcivilians.size; i++ )
thread ziptied( tiedcivilians[ i ], 20 );
eatingdogs = scripted_array_spawn( "intro_eatingdogs", "targetname", true );
for ( i = 0; i < eatingdogs.size; i++ )
eatingdog = eatingdogs[ i ];
eatingdog.animname = "dog";
eatingdog thread anim_loop_solo( eatingdog, "eating" );
rightguard.animname = "human";
leftguard.animname = "human";
radioguard.animname = "human";
smokingguard.animname = "human";
dog.animname = "dog";
radioguard thread anim_single_solo( radioguard, "radio" );
smokingguard thread anim_loop_solo( smokingguard, "leaning_smoking_idle" );
dog thread anim_single_solo( dog, "idle" );
playerview = spawn_anim_model( "playerview" );
playerview hide();
node anim_first_frame_solo( playerview, "intro" );
level.player playerlinkto( playerview, "tag_player", 1, 45, 45, 30, 30 );
node thread anim_single_solo( rightguard, "intro_rightguard" );
node thread anim_single_solo( leftguard, "intro_leftguard" );
node thread anim_single_solo( level.car, "intro" );
node anim_single_solo( playerview, "intro" );
wait 1.5;
flag_set( "drive" );
execDrive( time )
thread drive_talkingguards1();
thread drive_casualguards1();
thread drive_eatingdog1();
thread drive_doorkick1();
thread drive_ziptie1();
thread drive_ziptie2();
thread drive_ziptie3();
thread drive_doorkick2();
thread drive_runners1();
thread drive_windowshout1();
thread drive_gunpoint1();
thread drive_interrogation1();
thread drive_trashstumble();
thread drive_casualguards2();
thread drive_spraypaint1();
thread drive_sneakattack();
thread drive_ziptie4();
thread drive_runners2();
thread drive_garage2();
thread drive_basehelicopters();
thread drive_celebrators2();
thread drive_casualguards3();
thread drive_endcrowd();
thread drive_fastrope1();
thread drive_firingsquad();
thread drive_ziptie5();
thread drive_dogchase1();
thread drive_carjack1();
thread drive_dumpsterhide1();
thread drive_phonering();
thread drive_carsounds();
thread drive_arrivewalla();
// show car tags
// level.car thread maps\_debug::drawTagForever( "tag_driver", ( 0, 1, 0 ) );
// level.car thread maps\_debug::drawTagForever( "tag_passenger" );
// level.car thread maps\_debug::drawTagForever( "tag_guy0" );
// level.car thread maps\_debug::drawTagForever( "tag_guy1" );
car_driver = scripted_spawn2( "car_driver", "targetname", true );
car_driver.animname = "human";
car_driver linkto( level.car, "tag_driver" );
car_driver thread magic_bullet_shield( undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, true );
car_passenger = scripted_spawn2( "car_passenger", "targetname", true );
car_passenger.animname = "human";
car_passenger linkto( level.car, "tag_passenger" );
car_passenger thread magic_bullet_shield( undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, true );
level.car.driver = car_driver;
level.car.passenger = car_passenger;
level.car.playerview = level.playerview;
level.car thread maps\coup_anim::loopDriverAnim( "idle" );
level.car thread maps\coup_anim::loopPassengerAnim( "carpassenger_idle" );
playerview = spawn_anim_model( "playerview" );
playerview hide();
level.car anim_first_frame_solo( playerview, "car_idle_firstframe", "tag_guy1" );
playerview linkto( level.car, "tag_guy1" );
//playerview linkto( level.car, "tag_guy1", ( 50, 0, -20 ), ( 0, 90, 0 ) ); // view driver
//playerview linkto( level.car, "tag_guy1", ( 35, 26, -20 ), ( 0, 0, 0 ) ); // view wheel
flag_wait( "drive" );
// level.player playerlinktodelta( playerview, "tag_player", 1, 180, 180, 30, 30 );
level.player playerlinktodelta( playerview, "tag_player", 1, 150, 150, 45, 45 );
// level.car thread anim_loop_solo( playerview, "car_idle", "tag_guy1", "stop_playerview_idle" );// temp
drive_node = getent( "intro_node", "targetname" );
drive_node thread anim_single_solo( level.car, "coup_car_driving" );
if ( isdefined( time ) )
anime = level.car getanim( "coup_car_driving" );
level.car SetAnimTime( anime, time );
thread execCarExit();
flag_wait( "drive_carexit" );
node = getent( "carexit_node", "targetname" );
leftguard = scripted_spawn2( "carexit_leftguard", "targetname", true );
leftguard.animname = "human";
node anim_first_frame_solo( leftguard, "carexit_leftguard" );
leftguard thread anim_loop_solo( leftguard, "stand_idle" );
rightguard = scripted_spawn2( "carexit_rightguard", "targetname", true );
rightguard.animname = "human";
node anim_first_frame_solo( rightguard, "carexit_rightguard" );
rightguard thread anim_loop_solo( rightguard, "stand_idle" );
level.car waittillmatch( "single anim", "end" );
playerview = spawn_anim_model( "playerview" );
playerview hide();
level.car anim_first_frame_solo( playerview, "carexit" );
wait 0.05;
final_origin = playerview gettagorigin( "tag_player" );
final_angles = playerview gettagangles( "tag_player" );
origin = spawn( "script_model", level.player.origin );
origin setmodel( "tag_origin" );
origin.origin = get_player_feet_from_view();
origin.angles = level.player GetPlayerAngles();
level.player unlink();
wait( 0.05 );
level.player playerlinktodelta( origin, "tag_origin", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
level.car thread anim_single_solo( leftguard, "carexit_leftguard" );
level.car thread anim_single_solo( rightguard, "carexit_rightguard" );
level.car thread anim_single_solo( level.car, "carexit" );
//wait 1;
blend = 0.25;
duration = 2; // 0.8
origin MoveTo( final_origin, duration, duration * blend, duration * blend );
origin RotateTo( final_angles, duration, duration * blend, duration * blend );
wait duration;
level.player playerlinkto( playerview, "tag_player", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
level.car thread anim_single_solo( playerview, "carexit" );
wait 10.6; // 12.6
overlay = newHudElem();
overlay.x = 0;
overlay.y = 0;
overlay setshader( "black", 640, 480 );
overlay.alignX = "left";
overlay.alignY = "top";
overlay.horzAlign = "fullscreen";
overlay.vertAlign = "fullscreen";
overlay.alpha = 0;
overlay.sort = 1;
thread pulseFadeVision( 26.95, 0 );// long pulsing fades
maps\_ambient::set_ambience_blend_over_time( 0, "exterior", "bunker" );
//thread maps\_ambient::set_ambience_blend_over_time( 34, "bunker", "exterior" );
delaythread( 28.5, maps\_ambient::set_ambience_blend_over_time, 5.5, "bunker", "exterior" );
level.player shellshock( "coup_blackout1", 8 );// fade out over 1 sec, wait 2, fade in over 5
overlay blackOut( 1, 6 );
deleteai_special = getent( "deleteai_special", "script_noteworthy" );
deleteai_special.origin = level.player.origin;
wait 2;
thread music_end();
// do intro drag with glimpses
node = getent( "enddrag1_node", "targetname" );
leftguard = scripted_spawn2( "enddrag_leftguard", "targetname", true );
rightguard = scripted_spawn2( "enddrag_rightguard", "targetname", true );
rightguard.animname = "human";
leftguard.animname = "human";
playerview = spawn_anim_model( "playerview" );
playerview hide();
node anim_first_frame_solo( playerview, "intro" );
playerview_angles = playerview gettagangles( "tag_player" );
level.player setPlayerAngles( playerview_angles );
level.player playerlinkto( playerview, "tag_player", 1, 45, 45, 30, 30 );
node thread anim_single_solo( rightguard, "intro_rightguard" );
node thread anim_single_solo( leftguard, "intro_leftguard" );
node thread anim_single_solo( playerview, "intro" );
level.dragsound = level.player thread PlayLinkedSound( "scn_coup_drag_to_post" );
level notify( "continue_credits" );
overlay restoreVision( 5, 2.5 );
wait 5;
level.player shellshock( "coup_blackout2", 8 );// fade out over 1 sec, wait 2, fade in over 5
overlay blackOut( 1, 6 );
wait 2;
// scripted_array_spawn( "ending_spawner", "script_noteworthy", true );
// scripted_array_spawn( "ending_idleguards", "targetname", true );
idleguards = scripted_array_spawn( "ending_idleguards", "targetname", true );
for ( i = 0; i < idleguards.size; i++ )
idleguards[ i ].animname = "human";
smokingguards = scripted_array_spawn( "ending_smokingguards", "targetname", true );
for ( i = 0; i < smokingguards.size; i++ )
smokingguards[ i ].animname = "human";
smokingguards[ i ] thread anim_loop_solo( smokingguards[ i ], "leaning_smoking_idle" );
celebratingguards = scripted_array_spawn( "ending_celebratingguards", "targetname", true );
for ( i = 0; i < celebratingguards.size; i++ )
celebratingguards[ i ].animname = "human";
//celebratingguards[ i ] removeDroneWeapon();
celebratingguards[ i ].a = spawnstruct();
celebratingguards[ i ].a.script = "scripted";
celebratingguards[ i ].a.weaponPos["right"] = "defined";
celebratingguards[ i ] thread celebrate();
level.zakhaev = scripted_spawn2( "ending_zakhaev", "targetname", true );
level.zakhaev.animname = "human";
level.zakhaev gun_remove();
level.zakhaev attach( "weapon_desert_eagle_silver_HR_promo", "tag_inhand" );
tunnel_node = getent( "tunnel_node", "targetname" );
tunnel_node thread first_frame_delay_anim( level.zakhaev, "ending_zakhaev", 6 );
//node = getent( "enddrag3_node", "targetname" );
node = getent( "enddrag4_node", "targetname" );
node anim_first_frame_solo( playerview, "intro" );
node thread anim_single_solo( rightguard, "intro_rightguard" );
node thread anim_single_solo( leftguard, "intro_leftguard" );
node thread anim_single_solo( playerview, "intro" );
level.player thread play_sound_on_entity( "scn_coup_walla_stadium" );
overlay restoreVision( 5, 2.5 );
wait 5;
level.player shellshock( "coup_blackout3", 8 );// fade out over 1 sec, wait 2, fade in over 5
overlay blackOut( 1, 6 );
wait 2;
thread execEnding();
leftguard delete();
rightguard delete();
playerview delete();
//overlay.alpha = 0; // testing
overlay restoreVision( 4, 0 );
overlay destroy();
first_frame_delay_anim( guy, anime, delay )
self anim_first_frame_solo( guy, anime );
wait delay;
self anim_single_solo( guy, anime );
thread initDOF();
thread ending_shadowchange();
thread ending_speech();
thread ending_slowmo();
setDOF( 0, 1, 5, 500, 2000, 4 );// initial DOF setting
setsaveddvar( "cg_fov", 50 );
node = getent( "ending_node", "targetname" );
alasad = scripted_spawn2( "ending_alasad", "targetname", true );
alasad.animname = "human";
alasad removeDroneWeapon();
//zakhaev = scripted_spawn2( "ending_zakhaev", "targetname", true );
//zakhaev.animname = "human";
//zakhaev removeDroneWeapon();
zakhaev = level.zakhaev;
leftguard = scripted_spawn2( "ending_leftguard", "targetname", true );
leftguard.animname = "human";
rightguard = scripted_spawn2( "ending_rightguard", "targetname", true );
rightguard.animname = "human";
playerview = spawn_anim_model( "playerview" );
playerview hide();
node anim_first_frame_solo( playerview, "ending" );
level.player unlink();
tag_player = playerview getTagOrigin( "tag_player" );
level.player setOrigin( tag_player );
level.player playerlinkto( playerview, "tag_player", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
// works but drag guards are clipping into the player
//leftguard stopAnimScripted();
//rightguard stopAnimScripted();
//pausenode = getent( "ending_pausenode", "targetname" );
//pausenode thread anim_first_frame_solo( leftguard, "ending_leftguard" );
//pausenode thread anim_first_frame_solo( rightguard, "ending_rightguard" );
level.dragsound delete();
zakhaev detach( "weapon_desert_eagle_silver_HR_promo", "tag_inhand" );
node thread anim_single_solo( zakhaev, "endtaunt" );
node anim_single_solo( playerview, "endtaunt" );
level.player unlink();
level.player playerlinkto( playerview, "tag_player", 1, 45, 45, 30, 30 );
SetSavedDvar( "sm_sunSampleSizeNear", "0.25" );
level.player thread play_sound_on_entity( "scn_coup_drag_to_post_part2" );
node thread anim_single_solo( playerview, "ending" );
node thread anim_single_solo( leftguard, "ending_leftguard" );
node thread anim_single_solo( rightguard, "ending_rightguard" );
// play anim on alasad so he isn't idling without a weapon if the player looks left
node thread anim_single_solo( alasad, "ending_alasad" );
playerview waittillmatch( "single anim", "anim_start" );
zakhaev attach( "weapon_desert_eagle_silver_HR_promo", "tag_inhand" );
node thread anim_single_solo( zakhaev, "ending_zakhaev" );
node thread anim_single_solo( alasad, "ending_alasad" );
thread ending_dofchange();
maps\_ambient::set_ambience_blend_over_time( 0, "exterior", "bunker" );
level.player thread play_sound_on_entity( "assault_killing_interior2" );
level.player delaythread( 5, ::play_sound_on_entity, "bog_scn_melee_struggle" );
dragsound = level.player thread PlayLinkedSound( "scn_coup_drag_to_car" );
dragsound = level.player delaythread( 12.5, ::PlayLinkedSound, "scn_coup_drag_to_car" );
dragsound thread DeleteOnFlag( "doors_open", 1 );
wait 15.5;
intro_leftdoor = getent( "intro_leftdoor", "targetname" );
intro_leftdoor.origin = ( -15, -510, 70 );
intro_leftdoor.angles += ( 0, 180, 0 );
intro_rightdoor = getent( "intro_rightdoor", "targetname" );
intro_rightdoor.origin = ( 143, -510, 70 );
intro_rightdoor.angles += ( 0, 180, 0 );
// Force glow on, even if turned off in menu.
SetSavedDvar( "r_glow_allowed_script_forced", 1 );
set_vision_set( "coup_sunblind" );
// blackout player's view
overlay = newHudElem();
overlay.x = 0;
overlay.y = 0;
overlay setshader( "black", 640, 480 );
overlay.alignX = "left";
overlay.alignY = "top";
overlay.horzAlign = "fullscreen";
overlay.vertAlign = "fullscreen";
overlay.alpha = 1;
overlay.sort = 1;
overlay.foreground = true;
level.player freezeControls( true );
flag_wait( "doors_open" );
level.player freezeControls( false );
level.player PlayRumbleOnEntity( "grenade_rumble" );
level.player thread play_sound_on_entity( "scn_coup_drag_to_car" );
set_vision_set( "coup", 12 );
overlay fadeOverTime( 0.5 );
overlay.alpha = 0;
wait 0.5;
overlay destroy();
//origin playsound( "coup_ab4_waitedforthisday" ); // (driver to player, looking forward) I have waited for this day for a long time, Al-Fulani. You're only going to get what you deserve.
//origin playsound( "coup_ab4_laughs" ); // (driver) Laughing
//origin playsound( "coup_ab4_endoftheroad" ); // (driver to player, over shoulder) This is the end of the road, Al-Fulani. May you suffer for all eternity for placing yourself and your greed before the security of the great people of this nation.
//origin playsound( "coup_ab4_pieceoffilth" ); // (driver to player, looking forward) Get this piece of filth out of my car!
//origin playsound( "coup_ab4_wehavetraitor" ); // (passenger on cell phone) We have the traitor and we are on our way to the palace... Yes sir<69>. The rest of the royal family is dead. I saw to it personally.
//origin playsound( "coup_ab4_turnlefthere" ); // (passenger to driver) Turn left here. Turn left.
//origin playsound( "coup_ab4_rightatintersection" ); // (passenger to driver) Right turn at the next intersection.
//origin playsound( "coup_ab4_yourescarednow" ); // (passenger to player, looking forward) I'll bet you're scared now, huh? Where are your American friends now? (laughs)
//origin playsound( "coup_ab4_justwethimself" ); // (passenger to driver, after looking at player) He just wet himself.
// Outside car
//origin playsound( "coup_ab4_dontmoveyou" ); // (soldier to civilians) Don't move! You! Stay where you are!
//origin playsound( "coup_ab4_keepmouthshut" ); // (soldier to civilians) You! Keep your mouth shut! No talking!
//origin playsound( "coup_ab4_clearthesebuildings" ); // (soldier to others) Clear these buildings! Move! Move!
// PA sounds
//origin playsound( "coup_ab4_undermartiallaw" ); //1 (PA) This city is under martial law. Do not attempt to leave the city without proper authorization.
//origin playsound( "coup_ab4_obeymilitary" ); //1 (PA) Obey the military personnel in your area. Follow their commands and you will not be harmed.
//origin playsound( "coup_ab4_withinsociety" ); //1 (PA) The corrupt government is no more. Their betrayal will not go unpunished. Report any collaborators to the nearest military patrol. It is your duty as a citizen to prevent corruption within our society.
//origin playsound( "coup_ab4_actsoftreason" ); // (PA) All men aged 16 to 25 must report to their local recruiting station for assignment to compulsory military service. Failure to report for duty is punishable by incarceration for a first offense. Second offenses will be deemed acts of treason and may be punishable by death.
//origin playsound( "coup_ab4_safetransition" ); //1 (PA) Martial law is now in effect. Remain in your homes. We are working to ensure a peaceful and safe transition to a government that serves all equally.
//origin playsound( "coup_ab4_civilunrest" ); // (PA) Civil unrest in sector four. Old regime collaborators have set the market on fire. Intercept and suppress the insurgency.
println( "Walk to car" );
level.player delaythread( 4, ::playspeech, "coup_kaa_onenation", "Today, we rise again as one nation, in the face of betrayal and corruption!!!" );
level.player delaythread( 35, ::playspeech, "coup_kaa_newera", "We all trusted this man to deliver our great nation into a new era of prosperity..." );
println( "In car" );
level.player delaythread( 66, ::playspeech, "coup_kaa_selfinterest", "...But like our monarchy before the Revolution, he has been colluding with the West with only self interest at heart!" );
level.player delaythread( 99, ::playspeech, "coup_kaa_notenslaved", "Collusion breeds slavery!! And we shall not be enslaved!!!" );
level.player delaythread( 140, ::playspeech, "coup_kaa_donotfear", "The time has come to show our true strength. They underestimate our resolve. Let us show that we do not fear them." );
level.player delaythread( 154, ::playspeech, "coup_kaa_freefromyoke", "As one people, we shall free our brethren from the yoke of foreign oppression!" );
level.player delaythread( 176, ::playspeech, "coup_kaa_armiesstrong", "Our armies are strong, and our cause is just." );
level.player delaythread( 182, ::playspeech, "coup_kaa_greatnation", "As I speak, our armies are nearing their objectives, by which we will restore the independence of a once great nation." );
level.player delaythread( 204.5, ::playspeech, "coup_kaa_begun", "Our noble crusade has begun." );
exploder( 1 );
wait 5.5;
exploder( 2 );
flag_wait( "drive_talkingguards1" );
node = getent( "talkingguards1_node", "targetname" );
leftguard = scripted_spawn2( "talkingguards1_leftguard", "targetname", true );
rightguard = scripted_spawn2( "talkingguards1_rightguard", "targetname", true );
leftguard.animname = "human";
rightguard.animname = "human";
node thread anim_single_solo( leftguard, "talkingguards_leftguard" );
node thread anim_single_solo( rightguard, "talkingguards_rightguard" );
delaythread( 20, ::DeleteEntity, node );
delaythread( 20, ::DeleteEntity, leftguard );
delaythread( 20, ::DeleteEntity, rightguard );
flag_wait( "drive_casualguards1" );
smokingguard = scripted_spawn2( "casualguards1_smokingguard", "targetname", true );
idleguard1 = scripted_spawn2( "casualguards1_idleguard1", "targetname", true );
idleguard2 = scripted_spawn2( "casualguards1_idleguard2", "targetname", true );
dog = scripted_spawn2( "casualguards1_dog", "targetname", true );
smokingguard.animname = "human";
dog.animname = "dog";
smokingguard thread anim_loop_solo( smokingguard, "leaning_smoking_idle" );
dog thread anim_loop_solo( dog, "sleeping" );
delaythread( 20, ::DeleteEntity, smokingguard );
delaythread( 20, ::DeleteEntity, idleguard1 );
delaythread( 20, ::DeleteEntity, idleguard2 );
delaythread( 20, ::DeleteEntity, dog );
flag_wait( "drive_eatingdog1" );
dogs = scripted_array_spawn( "eatingdog1_dogs", "targetname", true );
for ( i = 0; i < dogs.size; i++ )
dog = dogs[ i ];
dog.animname = "dog";
dog thread anim_loop_solo( dog, "eating" );
delaythread( 20, ::DeleteEntity, dog );
flag_wait( "drive_doorkick1" );
node = getent( "doorkick1_node", "targetname" );
leftguard = scripted_spawn2( "doorkick1_leftguard", "targetname", true );
rightguard = scripted_spawn2( "doorkick1_rightguard", "targetname", true );
node doorkick( leftguard, rightguard, 7, 10 );
flag_wait( "drive_ziptie1" );
ziptie( "ziptie1", undefined, 20 );
flag_wait( "drive_ziptie2" );
ziptie( "ziptie2", undefined, 20 );
flag_wait( "drive_doorkick2" );
node = getent( "doorkick2_node", "targetname" );
leftguard = scripted_spawn2( "doorkick2_leftguard", "targetname", true );
rightguard = scripted_spawn2( "doorkick2_rightguard", "targetname", true );
node doorkick( leftguard, rightguard, undefined, 10, true );
// make sure this plays out killing the runners in the correct order
flag_wait( "drive_runners1" );
civilian1 = scripted_spawn2( "runners1_civilian1", "targetname", true );
civilian2 = scripted_spawn2( "runners1_civilian2", "targetname", true );
civilian3 = scripted_spawn2( "runners1_civilian3", "targetname", true );
// civilian4 = scripted_spawn2( "runners1_civilian4", "targetname", true );
civilian1.animname = "human";
civilian2.animname = "human";
civilian3.animname = "human";
// civilian4.animname = "human";
civilian1.disableexits = true;
civilian2.disableexits = true;
civilian3.disableexits = true;
// civilian4.disableexits = true;
runanims[ 0 ] = "run_panicked1";
runanims[ 1 ] = "run_panicked2";
civilian1 setRandomRun( runanims );
civilian2 setRandomRun( runanims );
civilian3 setRandomRun( runanims );
// civilian4 set_run_anim( runanims[ RandomInt( 1 ) ], true );
civilian1 thread ignore( 11 );
civilian2 thread ignore( 7.5 );
civilian3 thread ignore( 4 );
wait 1.75;
guard1 = scripted_spawn2( "runners1_guard1", "targetname", true );
guard2 = scripted_spawn2( "runners1_guard2", "targetname", true );
wait 5.25;
guard1.baseaccuracy = 1000;
guard2.baseaccuracy = 1000;
/* wait 10;
runner1 delete();
runner2 delete();
runner3 delete();*/
ignore( duration )
self.ignoreme = true;
self.a.disablePain = true;
self.allowpain = false;
self thread magic_bullet_shield();
wait duration;
self.ignoreme = false;
self.a.disablePain = false;
self.allowpain = true;
self stop_magic_bullet_shield();
flag_wait( "drive_windowshout1" );
civilian = scripted_spawn2( "windowshout1_civilian", "targetname", true );
thread windowshout( civilian );
flag_wait( "drive_gunpoint1" );
standguard = scripted_spawn2( "gunpoint1_standguard", "targetname", true );
standcivilian = scripted_spawn2( "gunpoint1_standcivilian", "targetname", true );
crouchguard = scripted_spawn2( "gunpoint1_crouchguard", "targetname", true );
crouchcivilian = scripted_spawn2( "gunpoint1_crouchcivilian", "targetname", true );
tiedcivilians = scripted_array_spawn( "gunpoint1_tiedcivilian", "targetname", true );
for ( i = 0; i < tiedcivilians.size; i++ )
thread ziptied( tiedcivilians[ i ], 20 );
thread gunpoint_stand( standguard, standcivilian, 20 );
thread gunpoint_crouch( crouchguard, crouchcivilian, 20 );
flag_wait( "drive_interrogation1" );
guard_a = scripted_spawn2( "interrogation1_guard_a", "targetname", true );
guard_a.animname = "human";
suspect_a = scripted_spawn2( "interrogation1_suspect_a", "targetname", true );
suspect_a.animname = "human";
guard_b = scripted_spawn2( "interrogation1_guard_b", "targetname", true );
guard_b.animname = "human";
suspect_b = scripted_spawn2( "interrogation1_suspect_b", "targetname", true );
suspect_b.animname = "human";
guard_b2 = scripted_spawn2( "interrogation1_guard_b2", "targetname", true );
guard_b2.animname = "human";
suspect_b2 = scripted_spawn2( "interrogation1_suspect_b2", "targetname", true );
suspect_b2.animname = "human";
suspect_c = scripted_spawn2( "interrogation1_suspect_c", "targetname", true );
suspect_c.animname = "human";
suspect_c2 = scripted_spawn2( "interrogation1_suspect_c2", "targetname", true );
suspect_c2.animname = "human";
suspect_d = scripted_spawn2( "interrogation1_suspect_d", "targetname", true );
suspect_d.animname = "human";
suspect_d2 = scripted_spawn2( "interrogation1_suspect_d2", "targetname", true );
suspect_d2.animname = "human";
suspect_a thread anim_single_solo( suspect_a, "interrogation_suspect_a" );
suspect_a thread anim_single_solo( guard_a, "interrogation_guard_a" );
suspect_b delaythread( 1.4, ::anim_single_solo, suspect_b, "interrogation_suspect_b" );
suspect_b delaythread( 1.4, ::anim_single_solo, guard_b, "interrogation_guard_b" );
suspect_b2 thread anim_single_solo( suspect_b2, "interrogation_suspect_b" );
suspect_b2 thread anim_single_solo( guard_b2, "interrogation_guard_b" );
suspect_c thread anim_single_solo( suspect_c, "interrogation_suspect_c" );
suspect_c2 thread anim_single_solo( suspect_c2, "interrogation_suspect_c" );
suspect_d thread anim_single_solo( suspect_d, "interrogation_suspect_d" );
suspect_d2 thread anim_single_solo( suspect_d2, "interrogation_suspect_d" );
delaythread( 20, ::DeleteEntity, guard_a );
delaythread( 20, ::DeleteEntity, guard_b );
delaythread( 20, ::DeleteEntity, guard_b2 );
delaythread( 20, ::DeleteEntity, suspect_a );
delaythread( 20, ::DeleteEntity, suspect_b );
delaythread( 20, ::DeleteEntity, suspect_b2 );
delaythread( 20, ::DeleteEntity, suspect_c );
delaythread( 20, ::DeleteEntity, suspect_c2 );
delaythread( 20, ::DeleteEntity, suspect_d );
delaythread( 20, ::DeleteEntity, suspect_d2 );
flag_wait( "drive_ziptie3" );
ziptie( "ziptie3", undefined, 20 );
// change guards to script spawned and set accuracy to 0 to make sure the runner isn't killed
node = getent( "trashstumble_node", "targetname" );
trashcan_rig = spawn_anim_model( "trashcan_rig" );
trashcan_rig.origin = node.origin;
trashcan_rig.angles = node.angles;
trashcan = spawn( "script_model", ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
trashcan setmodel( "com_trashcan_metal" );
trashcan.origin = trashcan_rig getTagOrigin( "prop_rig_anim" );
trashcan.angles = trashcan_rig getTagAngles( "prop_rig_anim" );
trashcan linkto( trashcan_rig, "prop_rig_anim", ( 0, 0, 0 ), ( 0, 0, -90 ) );
node thread anim_first_frame_solo( trashcan_rig, "trash_stumble" );
flag_wait( "drive_trashstumble" );
//delaythread( 2, ::trashstumble_guards );
thread trashstumble_guards();
runner = scripted_spawn2( "trashstumble_runner", "targetname", true );
runner.animname = "human";
runner.a.disablePain = true;
runner.disableExits = true;
runner.allowpain = false;
runner.ignoreall = true;
runner thread magic_bullet_shield();
runner set_run_anim( "run_panicked2", true );
// chaser = scripted_spawn2( "trashstumble_chaser", "targetname", true );
// chaser_goal = getent( "trashstumble_chaser_goal", "targetname" );
// chaser setgoalpos( chaser_goal.origin );
node anim_reach_solo( runner, "trash_stumble" );
node thread anim_single_solo( trashcan_rig, "trash_stumble" );
node anim_custom_animmode_solo( runner, "gravity", "trash_stumble" );
node = getent( "wallclimb_node", "targetname" );
node anim_single_solo( runner, "wall_climb" );
runner thread DeleteOnGoal();
wait 10;
trashcan delete();
trashcan_rig delete();
guard1 = scripted_spawn2( "trashstumble_guard1", "targetname", true );
guard2 = scripted_spawn2( "trashstumble_guard2", "targetname", true );
guard1_goal = getent( "trashstumble_guard1_goal", "targetname" );
guard2_goal = getent( "trashstumble_guard2_goal", "targetname" );
wait 3;
guard1.ignoreall = true;
guard2.ignoreall = true;
guard1 thread maps\_spawner::go_to_origin( guard1_goal );
wait 0.5;
guard2 thread maps\_spawner::go_to_origin( guard2_goal );
wait 3;
guard1.ignoreall = false;
//guard2.ignoreall = false;
flag_wait( "drive_casualguards2" );
smokingguard = scripted_spawn2( "casualguards2_smokingguard", "targetname", true );
idleguard = scripted_spawn2( "casualguards2_idleguard", "targetname", true );
smokingguard.animname = "human";
smokingguard thread anim_loop_solo( smokingguard, "leaning_smoking_idle" );
delaythread( 20, ::DeleteEntity, smokingguard );
delaythread( 20, ::DeleteEntity, idleguard );
flag_wait( "drive_spraypaint1" );
node = getent( "spraypaint1_node", "targetname" );
civilian = scripted_spawn2( "spraypaint1_civilian", "targetname", true );
civilian.animname = "human";
civilian.disableexits = true;
civilian.ignoreme = true; // temp
civilian attach( "com_spray_can01", "tag_inhand" );
runanims[ 0 ] = "run_panicked1";
runanims[ 1 ] = "run_panicked2";
civilian set_run_anim( runanims[ RandomInt( 1 ) ], true );
civilian delaythread( 8.75, ::detach_spraycan );
node anim_single_solo( civilian, "spraypainting" );
civilian thread DeleteOnGoal();
self detach( "com_spray_can01", "tag_inhand" );
// guards pointing weapons at civilians are attacked
// they kill atleast 1 civilian at gunpoint
flag_wait( "drive_sneakattack" );
cower1 = scripted_spawn2( "sneakattack_cower1", "targetname", true );
cower1.animname = "human";
cower1 thread anim_loop_solo( cower1, "cowerstand_pointidle" );
cower2 = scripted_spawn2( "sneakattack_cower2", "targetname", true );
cower2.animname = "human";
cower2 thread anim_loop_solo( cower2, "cowerstand_pointidle" );
attacker1 = scripted_spawn2( "sneakattack_attacker1", "targetname", true );
victim1 = scripted_spawn2( "sneakattack_victim1", "targetname", true );
attacker2 = scripted_spawn2( "sneakattack_attacker2", "targetname", true );
victim2 = scripted_spawn2( "sneakattack_victim2", "targetname", true );
wait 5;
victim1 thread attackbehind( attacker1, 20 );
victim2 thread attackside( attacker2, 20 );
wait 1;
cower2 thread anim_single_solo( cower2, "cowerstand_react" );
wait 1;
cower1 thread anim_single_solo( cower1, "cowerstand_react_to_crouch" );
flag_wait( "drive_ziptie4" );
tiedcivilians = scripted_array_spawn( "ziptie4_tiedcivilian", "targetname", true );
for ( i = 0; i < tiedcivilians.size; i++ )
thread ziptied( tiedcivilians[ i ], 20 );
thread ziptie( "ziptie4", undefined, 20 );
wait 2;
thread ziptie( "ziptie4b", undefined, 20 );
flag_wait( "drive_runners2" );
civilian1 = scripted_spawn2( "runners2_civilian1", "targetname", true );
civilian2 = scripted_spawn2( "runners2_civilian2", "targetname", true );
civilian3 = scripted_spawn2( "runners2_civilian3", "targetname", true );
civilian4 = scripted_spawn2( "runners2_civilian4", "targetname", true );
/* civilian1.animname = "human";
civilian2.animname = "human";
civilian3.animname = "human";
civilian4.animname = "human";
civilian1.disableexits = true;
civilian2.disableexits = true;
civilian3.disableexits = true;
civilian4.disableexits = true;
runanims[ 0 ] = "run_panicked1";
runanims[ 1 ] = "run_panicked2";
civilian1 set_run_anim( runanims[ RandomInt( 1 ) ], true );
civilian2 set_run_anim( runanims[ RandomInt( 1 ) ], true );
civilian3 set_run_anim( runanims[ RandomInt( 1 ) ], true );
civilian4 set_run_anim( runanims[ RandomInt( 1 ) ], true );*/
wait 1;
guard1 = scripted_spawn2( "runners2_guard1", "targetname", true );
guard2 = scripted_spawn2( "runners2_guard2", "targetname", true );
guard3 = scripted_spawn2( "runners2_guard3", "targetname", true );
guard1 thread magic_bullet_shield();
guard2 thread magic_bullet_shield();
guard3 thread magic_bullet_shield();
wait 2.5;
guard1.baseaccuracy = 1000;
guard2.baseaccuracy = 1000;
guard3.baseaccuracy = 1000;
flag_wait( "runners2_dead" );
guard1 stop_magic_bullet_shield();
guard2 stop_magic_bullet_shield();
guard3 stop_magic_bullet_shield();
goal = getent( "runners2_guardsgoal", "targetname" );
guard1 thread maps\_spawner::go_to_origin( goal );
guard2 thread maps\_spawner::go_to_origin( goal );
guard3 thread maps\_spawner::go_to_origin( goal );
guard1 thread DeleteOnGoal();
guard2 thread DeleteOnGoal();
guard3 thread DeleteOnGoal();
flag_wait( "drive_garage2" );
node = getent( "garage2_node", "targetname" );
civilian = scripted_spawn2( "garage2_civilian", "targetname", true );
runner = scripted_spawn2( "garage2_runner", "targetname", true );
door = getent( "garage2_door", "targetname" );
node garage( civilian, runner, door, 4 );
flag_wait( "drive_basehelicopters" );
helicopter1 = spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "base_helicopter1" );
helicopter1 sethoverparams( 0, 1, 0.5 );
wait 1;
helicopter2 = spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "base_helicopter2" );
helicopter2 sethoverparams( 0, 1, 0.5 );
wait 1;
helicopter3 = spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "base_helicopter3" );
helicopter3 sethoverparams( 0, 1, 0.5 );
flag_wait( "basehelicopters_flyaway" );
helicopter1 setSpeed( 60, 15 );
helicopter2 setSpeed( 60, 15 );
helicopter3 setSpeed( 60, 15 );
flag_wait( "drive_celebrators2" );
celebrators = scripted_array_spawn( "celebrators2", "targetname", true );
for ( i = 0; i < celebrators.size; i++ )
celebrators[ i ].animname = "human";
celebrators[ i ] thread celebrate();
// add a few dogs
flag_wait( "drive_casualguards3" );
smokingguards = scripted_array_spawn( "casualguards3_smokingguards", "targetname", true );
for ( i = 0; i < smokingguards.size; i++ )
smokingguards[ i ].animname = "human";
smokingguards[ i ] thread anim_loop_solo( smokingguards[ i ], "leaning_smoking_idle" );
idleguards = scripted_array_spawn( "casualguards3_idleguards", "targetname", true );
for ( i = 0; i < idleguards.size; i++ )
idleguards[ i ].animname = "human";
// dog = scripted_spawn2( "casualguards1_dog", "targetname", true );
// dog.animname = "dog";
// dog thread anim_loop_solo( dog, "sleeping" );
/* wait 20;
smokingguard delete();
idleguard delete();
dog delete();*/
flag_wait( "drive_endcrowd" );
smokingguards = scripted_array_spawn( "endcrowd_smokingguards", "targetname", true );
for ( i = 0; i < smokingguards.size; i++ )
smokingguards[ i ].animname = "human";
smokingguards[ i ] thread anim_loop_solo( smokingguards[ i ], "leaning_smoking_idle" );
idleguards = scripted_array_spawn( "endcrowd_idleguards", "targetname", true );
for ( i = 0; i < idleguards.size; i++ )
idleguards[ i ].animname = "human";
crowdmembers = scripted_array_spawn( "endcrowd_crowdmember", "targetname", true );
for ( i = 0; i < crowdmembers.size; i++ )
crowdmembers[ i ].animname = "human";
//crowdmembers[ i ] removeDroneWeapon();
crowdmembers[ i ].a = spawnstruct();
crowdmembers[ i ].a.script = "scripted";
crowdmembers[ i ].a.weaponPos["right"] = "defined";
crowdmembers[ i ] thread celebrate();
dog = scripted_spawn2( "endcrowd_idledog", "targetname", true );
dog.animname = "dog";
dog thread anim_single_solo( dog, "idle" );// ? why isn't this looped
// walkguard1 = scripted_spawn2( "endcrowd_walkguard1", "targetname", true );
// walkguard1 set_generic_run_anim( "patrol_walk", true );
// goal = getent( walkguard1.target, "targetname" );
// walkguard1 thread maps\_spawner::go_to_origin( goal );
/* wait 20;
smokingguard delete();
idleguard delete();
dog delete();*/
flag_wait( "drive_fastrope1" );
spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "fastrope1_heli" );
// guards should play raise weapon anim, wait, then fire
flag_wait( "drive_firingsquad" );
captain = scripted_spawn2( "firingsquad_captain", "targetname", true );
guards = scripted_array_spawn( "guard_firingsquad", "script_noteworthy", true );
flag_wait( "drive_ziptie5" );
tiedcivilians = scripted_array_spawn( "ziptie5_tiedcivilian", "targetname", true );
for ( i = 0; i < tiedcivilians.size; i++ )
thread ziptied( tiedcivilians[ i ], 20 );
thread ziptie( "ziptie5", undefined, 20 );
wait 1.2;
thread ziptie( "ziptie5b", undefined, 20 );
flag_wait( "drive_dogchase1" );
thread fenceclimb( "dogchase1", undefined, 12 );
wait 3.5;
thread fencedog( "dogchase1", undefined, 12 );
flag_wait( "drive_carjack1" );
thread carjack( "carjack1", 5, undefined );
flag_wait( "drive_dumpsterhide1" );
thread dumpsterhide( "dumpsterhide1", undefined, 10 );
flag_wait( "drive_phonering" );
level.car.passenger playsound( "scn_coup_mobile_ring" );
dumpsterhide( instance, pausetime, duration )
dumpster = getent( instance + "_dumpster", "targetname" );
dumpster.animname = "dumpster";
dumpster assign_animtree();
civilian = scripted_spawn2( instance + "_civilian", "targetname", true );
civilian.animname = "human";
civilian.origin = dumpster.origin;
civilian.angles = dumpster.angles;
civilian RemoveDroneWeapon();
if ( isdefined( pausetime ) )
wait pausetime;
civilian thread anim_single_solo( civilian, "dumpster_open" );
dumpster anim_single_solo( dumpster, "dumpster_open" );
civilian delete();
delaythread( duration, ::DeleteEntity, dumpster );
flag_wait( "drive_arrivewalla" );
level.player thread play_sound_on_entity( "scn_coup_walla_arrive" );
carjack( instance, pausetime, duration )
car = spawn_vehicle_from_targetname( instance + "_car" );
car.animname = "uaz";
victim = scripted_spawn2( instance + "_victim", "targetname", true );
victim.animname = "human";
driver = scripted_spawn2( instance + "_driver", "targetname", true );
driver.animname = "human";
driver.cartag = "tag_driver";
frontright = scripted_spawn2( instance + "_frontright", "targetname", true );
frontright.animname = "human";
frontright.cartag = "tag_passenger";
backleft = scripted_spawn2( instance + "_backleft", "targetname", true );
backleft.animname = "human";
backleft.cartag = "tag_guy1";
backright = scripted_spawn2( instance + "_backright", "targetname", true );
backright.animname = "human";
backright.cartag = "tag_guy0";
car anim_first_frame_solo( driver, "carjack_driver", "tag_detach" );
car anim_first_frame_solo( frontright, "carjack_frontright", "tag_detach" );
car anim_first_frame_solo( backright, "carjack_backright", "tag_detach" );
car anim_reach_solo( backleft, "carjack_backleft", "tag_detach" );
if ( isdefined( pausetime ) )
wait pausetime;
driver thread carjacker( car, "carjack_driver", "cardriver_idle" );
frontright thread carjacker( car, "carjack_frontright", "carpassenger_idle" );
backright thread carjacker( car, "carjack_backright", "carpassenger_idle" );
car thread anim_single_solo( victim, "carjack_victim", "tag_detach" );
car thread anim_single_solo( car, "carjack_driver_door" );
driver waittillmatch( "single anim", "start_others" );
backleft thread carjacker( car, "carjack_backleft", "carpassenger_idle" );
car thread anim_single_solo( car, "carjack_others_door" );
/* node = getent( instance + "_fenceclimb_node", "targetname" );
civilian = scripted_spawn2( instance + "_fenceclimb_civilian", "targetname", true );
civilian.animname = "human";
civilian.disableExits = true;
civilian set_run_anim( "run_panicked2", true );
if ( isdefined( pausetime ) )
wait pausetime;
node anim_reach_solo( civilian, "wall_climb" );
node thread anim_single_solo( civilian, "wall_climb" );
goal = getent( civilian.target, "targetname" );
civilian thread maps\_spawner::go_to_origin( goal );*/
carjacker( car, guy_anime, guy_idle )
car anim_single_solo( self, guy_anime, "tag_detach" );
self linkto( car );
car thread anim_loop_solo( self, guy_idle, self.cartag, "stop_idle", car );
fenceclimb( instance, pausetime, duration )
node = getent( instance + "_fenceclimb_node", "targetname" );
civilian = scripted_spawn2( instance + "_fenceclimb_civilian", "targetname", true );
civilian.animname = "human";
civilian.disableExits = true;
civilian set_run_anim( "run_panicked2", true );
if ( isdefined( pausetime ) )
wait pausetime;
node anim_reach_solo( civilian, "wall_climb" );
node thread anim_single_solo( civilian, "wall_climb" );
goal = getent( civilian.target, "targetname" );
civilian thread maps\_spawner::go_to_origin( goal );
DeleteEntity( node );
civilian thread DeleteOnGoal();
fencedog( instance, pausetime, duration )
node = getent( instance + "_fencedog_node", "targetname" );
dog = scripted_spawn2( instance + "_fencedog_dog", "targetname", true );
dog.animname = "dog";
if ( isdefined( pausetime ) )
wait pausetime;
node anim_reach_solo( dog, "fence_attack" );
node thread anim_single_solo( dog, "fence_attack" );
delaythread( duration, ::DeleteEntity, node );
delaythread( duration, ::DeleteEntity, dog );
if ( !isdefined( level.aim_count ) )
level.aim_count = 1;
thread syncAiming();
level.aim_count++ ;
if ( !isdefined( level.firenode_count ) )
level.firenode_count = 1;
thread syncFireNodes();
level.firenode_count++ ;
self.interval = 0;
self.goalradius = 8;
self.disableArrivals = true;
self.disableExits = true;
self set_generic_run_anim( "patrol_walk", true );
self.walk_combatanim = level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "patrol_walk" ];
self.walk_noncombatanim = level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "patrol_walk" ];
civilian = scripted_spawn2( self.target, "targetname", true );
civilian.animname = "human";
civilian.allowdeath = true;
civilian.dieQuietly = true;
civilian gun_remove();
civilian thread anim_loop_solo( civilian, "cowerstand_pointidle" );
civilian thread dropdead();
target = getent( civilian.target, "targetname" );
position = target.origin;
//wait 4;
wait RandomFloat( 1 );
node = getnode( self.target, "targetname" );
while ( 1 )
self setGoalNode( node );
self waittill( "goal" );
if ( !isdefined( node.target ) )
node = getnode( node.target, "targetname" );
self orientMode( "face angle", node.angles[1] );
level.firenode_count-- ;
level.aim_count-- ;
flag_wait( "firingsquad_atnodes" );
flag_wait( "firingsquad_aiming" );
wait 3;
wait RandomFloat( .75 );
for ( i = 0; i < 20; i++ )
self thread animscripts\utility::shootPosWrapper( position );
wait 0.1;
while ( level.aim_count )
wait 0.5;
flag_set( "firingsquad_aiming" );
println( "All guards finished aiming" );
while ( level.firenode_count )
wait 0.5;
flag_set( "firingsquad_atnodes" );
println( "All guards reached firing nodes" );
self waittill( "trigger" );
if( isdefined(self.script_noteworthy) && isdefined( level.passenger_events[self.script_noteworthy] ) )
if( isdefined( level.passenger_events[self.script_noteworthy].animation ) )
anime = level.passenger_events[self.script_noteworthy].animation.anime;
animdelay = level.passenger_events[self.script_noteworthy].animation.delay;
if( isdefined( animdelay ) )
level delaythread( animdelay, ::animthread, anime );
thread animthread( anime );
if( isdefined( level.passenger_events[self.script_noteworthy].dialog ) )
soundalias = level.passenger_events[self.script_noteworthy].dialog.soundalias;
sounddelay = level.passenger_events[self.script_noteworthy].dialog.delay;
if( isdefined( sounddelay ) )
level delaythread( sounddelay, ::dialogthread, soundalias );
thread dialogthread( soundalias );
animthread( anime )
level.car.passenger StopAnimScripted();
level.car maps\coup_anim::playPassengerAnim( anime ); // change so this thread doesn't append a suffix
level.car maps\coup_anim::loopPassengerAnim( "carpassenger_idle" ); // change so this thread doesn't append a suffix
dialogthread( soundalias )
level.car.passenger playsound( soundalias );
self waittill( "trigger" );
if( !isdefined(self.target) )
loudspeaker = getent( self.target, "targetname" );
if( isdefined(loudspeaker.script_noteworthy) )
loudspeaker playsound( loudspeaker.script_noteworthy ); // on loudspeaker
triggers = get_linked_ents();
// threads multiple crowdmember_triggerevent calls passing in a trigger to each one
array_levelthread( triggers, ::crowdmember_triggerevent );
if( !isdefined(self.target) )
duration = self.script_duration;
duration = 10;
status = self.script_noteworthy;
status = "jeer";
crowdmembers = getentarray( self.target, "targetname" );
array_thread( crowdmembers, ::crowdmember_status, status, duration );
crowdmember_triggerevent( trigger )
trigger waittill( "trigger" );
duration = trigger.script_duration;
duration = 3;
status = trigger.script_noteworthy;
status = "idle";
oldstatus = self.crowdstatus;
self.crowdstatus = status;
wait duration;
self.crowdstatus = oldstatus;
crowdmember_status( status, duration )
oldstatus = self.crowdstatus;
self.crowdstatus = status;
wait duration;
self.crowdstatus = oldstatus;
SetSavedDvar( "sm_sunSampleSizeNear", "0.0625" );
wait 8;
thread lerpShadowDetail( 0.25, 1 );
level.player delaythread( 13.25, ::playspeech, "coup_kaa_laywaste", "Just as they lay waste to our country, we shall lay waste to theirs." );
level.player delaythread( 27.6, ::playspeech, "coup_kaa_beginsa", "This is how it begins." );
setDOF( 0, 1, 5, 250, 800, 4, 10 );
// println( "250, 800 over 10 seconds finished" );
wait 8;
// println( "wait 8 seconds finished" );
setDOF( 0, 1, 5, 50, 315, 4, 3 );
// println( "50, 315 over 3 seconds finished" );
wait 30.25;
thread ending_heartbeat();
time = 3.5;
timein = 1;
speed = 0.45;
timeout = 0.5;
printslowmo( "lerping to walk speed" );
slowmo_setspeed_slow( speed );
slowmo_setlerptime_in( timein );
wait time;
printslowmo( "walk time finished" );
slowmo_setlerptime_out( timeout );
slowmo_setspeed_norm( 1 );
printslowmo( "resuming normal speed" );
level endon( "player_death" );
wait 1.3;
level.player thread play_sound_on_entity( "coup_breathing_heartbeat" );
wait 0.05;
level.player PlayRumbleOnEntity( "damage_light" );
wait 0.95;
level.player thread play_sound_on_entity( "coup_breathing_heartbeat" );
wait 0.05;
level.player PlayRumbleOnEntity( "damage_light" );
wait 1.1;
level.player thread play_sound_on_entity( "coup_breathing_heartbeat" );
wait 0.05;
level.player PlayRumbleOnEntity( "damage_light" );
level.namelist = [];
level.namesize = 1.5;
level.credits = spawnstruct();
pagesideindex = 0;
pageside[0] = "left";
pageside[1] = "right";
xoffset[0] = 64;
xoffset[1] = -64;
namedirectionindex = 0;
namedirection[0] = "left";
namedirection[1] = "right";
pagechangecounter = 0;
page = undefined;
for ( nameindex = 0; nameindex < level.namelist.size; nameindex++ )
if ( pagechangecounter == 0 )
page = createPage( pageside[pagesideindex], xoffset[pagesideindex], 340 );
page addCredit( level.namelist[ nameindex ], namedirection[namedirectionindex] );
if ( namedirectionindex )
namedirectionindex = 0;
namedirectionindex = 1;
if ( pagechangecounter >= 2 )
level.credits addPage( page );
pagechangecounter = 0;
if ( pagesideindex )
pagesideindex = 0;
pagesideindex = 1;
if ( pagechangecounter ) // if page change counter isn't 0, we have a partial page to add
level.credits addPage( page );
addName( name )
precacheString( name );
level.namelist[ level.namelist.size ] = name;
createPage( alignment, x, y )
page = spawnstruct();
page.alignment = alignment;
page.x = x;
page.y = y;
return page;
addPage( page )
if ( !isdefined( self.pages ) )
self.pages = [];
self.pages[ 0 ] = page;
self.pages[ self.pages.size ] = page;
addCredit( name, direction )
if ( !isdefined( self.names ) )
self.names = [];
credit = spawnstruct();
credit.name = name;
credit.direction = direction;
self.names[ self.names.size ] = credit;
level waittill( "continue_credits" );
wait 1;
thread displayPage( level.credits.pages[ 0 ] );
wait 5.25;
thread displayPage( level.credits.pages[ 1 ] );
wait 5.25;
thread displayPage( level.credits.pages[ 2 ] );
wait 5.25;
thread displayPage( level.credits.pages[ 3 ] );
level waittill( "continue_credits" );
wait 1;
thread displayPage( level.credits.pages[ 4 ] );
wait 5.25;
thread displayPage( level.credits.pages[ 5 ] );
wait 5.25;
thread displayPage( level.credits.pages[ 6 ] );
wait 5.25;
thread displayPage( level.credits.pages[ 7 ] );
level waittill( "continue_credits" );
wait 1;
thread displayPage( level.credits.pages[ 8 ] );
wait 5.25;
thread displayPage( level.credits.pages[ 9 ] );
wait 5.25;
thread displayPage( level.credits.pages[ 10 ] );
wait 5.25;
thread displayPage( level.credits.pages[ 11 ] );
wait 5.25;
thread displayPage( level.credits.pages[ 12 ] );
wait 5.25;
thread displayPage( level.credits.pages[ 13 ] );
wait 5.25;
level waittill( "continue_credits" );
wait 1;
thread displayPage( level.credits.pages[ 14 ] );
wait 5.25;
thread displayPage( level.credits.pages[ 15 ] );
level waittill( "continue_credits" );
wait 1;
thread displayPage( level.credits.pages[ 16 ] );
wait 5.25;
thread displayPage( level.credits.pages[ 17 ] );
level waittill( "continue_credits" );
wait 1;
thread displayPage( level.credits.pages[ 18 ] );
wait 5.25;
thread displayPage( level.credits.pages[ 19 ] );
wait 5.25;
thread displayPage( level.credits.pages[ 20 ] );
wait 5.25;
thread displayPage( level.credits.pages[ 21 ] );
wait 5.25;
thread displayPage( level.credits.pages[ 22 ] );
wait 5.25;
thread displayPage( level.credits.pages[ 23 ] );
wait 5.25;
thread displayPage( level.credits.pages[ 24 ] );
/*for ( i = 0; i < level.credits.pages.size; i++ )
displayPage( level.credits.pages[ i ] );
wait 1.9;
displayPage( page )
names = undefined;
if ( isdefined( page.names ) )
for ( i = 0; i < page.names.size; i++ )
names[ i ] = newHudElem();
assert( page.alignment == "left" || page.alignment == "right" );
names[ i ].alignX = page.alignment;
names[ i ].horzAlign = page.alignment;
if ( page.alignment == "left" )
names[ i ].x = page.x + ( i * 46 );
else if ( page.alignment == "right" )
names[ i ].x = page.x + ( i * 46 ) - 138;
names[ i ].y = page.y + ( i * 16 );
names[ i ] setText( page.names[ i ].name );
names[ i ].font = "objective";
names[ i ].fontScale = level.namesize;
names[ i ].sort = 2;
names[ i ].glowColor = ( 0.7, 0.7, 0.3 );
names[ i ].glowAlpha = 1;
names[ i ] SetPulseFX( 40, 4500, 600 );
if ( page.names[ i ].direction == "left" )
names[ i ] moveOverTime( 5 );
names[ i ].x = names[ i ].x - 12;
else if ( page.names[ i ].direction == "right" )
names[ i ] moveOverTime( 5 );
names[ i ].x = names[ i ].x + 12;
wait 0.6;
wait 4.5;
if ( isdefined( names ) )
for ( i = 0; i < names.size; i++ )
names[ i ] destroy();
flag_set( "doors_open" );
thread openIntroLeftDoor();
thread openIntroRightDoor();
intro_leftdoor = getent( "intro_leftdoor", "targetname" );
time = 1;
intro_leftdoor rotateyaw( 180, time, ( time * 0.5 ), ( time * 0 ) );
intro_leftdoor waittill( "rotatedone" );
time = 1;
intro_leftdoor rotateyaw( -60, time, ( time * 0 ), ( time * 1 ) );
intro_rightdoor = getent( "intro_rightdoor", "targetname" );
time = 1;
intro_rightdoor rotateyaw( -180, time, ( time * 0.5 ), ( time * 0 ) );
intro_rightdoor waittill( "rotatedone" );
time = 1;
intro_rightdoor rotateyaw( 60, time, ( time * 0 ), ( time * 1 ) );
size = self getattachsize();
for ( i = 0;i < size;i++ )
tag = self getattachtagname( i );
if ( tag == "tag_weapon_right" )
model = self getattachmodelname( i );
self Detach( model, tag );
setWeapon( weapon )
self animscripts\shared::placeWeaponOn( self.weapon, weapon );
setTeam( team )
self.team = team;
setSightDist( value )
self.maxsightdstsqrd = value;
setRandomRun( array )
self set_run_anim( array[ RandomInt( array.size ) ], true );
kickdoor( node, door )
self waittillmatch( "single anim", "kick" );
node thread anim_single_solo( door, "doorkick" );
door playsound( "wood_door_kick" );
// fix distance between kick animation and actual door
doorkick( leftguard, rightguard, pausetime, duration, runtoposition )
leftguard.animname = "human";
rightguard.animname = "human";
// rotate the offset for the door positioning to match the angles the scene is placed at
x = 0;
y = 0;
c = cos( self.angles[ 1 ] );
s = sin( self.angles[ 1 ] );
new_x = c * x - s * y;
new_y = s * x + c * y;
door_originmod = ( new_x, new_y, 0 );
door_anglesmod = ( 0, -90, 0 );
door_node = spawn( "script_origin", self.origin + door_originmod );
door_node.angles = self.angles + door_anglesmod;
door = spawn_anim_model( "door" );
door.origin = door_node.origin;
door.angles = door_node.angles;
door_node thread anim_first_frame_solo( door, "doorkick" );
if ( isdefined( runtoposition ) )
self thread anim_reach_solo( leftguard, "doorkick_left_idle" );
self anim_reach_solo( rightguard, "doorkick_right_idle" );
self thread anim_first_frame_solo( leftguard, "doorkick_left_idle" );
self thread anim_first_frame_solo( rightguard, "doorkick_right_idle" );
// self thread maps\_debug::drawOrgForever( ( 1, 0, 0 ) );
// door_node thread maps\_debug::drawOrgForever( ( 0, 1, 0 ) );
// door thread maps\_debug::drawOrgForever( ( 0, 0, 1 ) );
if ( isdefined( pausetime ) )
wait pausetime;
leftguard thread kickdoor( door_node, door );
self thread anim_single_solo( rightguard, "doorkick_right_stepout_runin" );
self anim_single_solo( leftguard, "doorkick_left_stepout" );
self anim_single_solo( leftguard, "doorkick_left_runin" );
delaythread( duration, ::DeleteEntity, door_node );
delaythread( duration, ::DeleteEntity, door );
delaythread( duration, ::DeleteEntity, leftguard );
delaythread( duration, ::DeleteEntity, rightguard );
// pausetime not used until first frame of animations are in the correct positions
ziptie( instance, pausetime, duration )
node = getent( instance + "_node", "targetname" );
guard = scripted_spawn2( instance + "_guard", "targetname", true );
guard.animname = "human";
civilian = scripted_spawn2( instance + "_civilian", "targetname", true );
civilian.animname = "human";
node thread anim_first_frame_solo( guard, "ziptie_guard" );
node thread anim_first_frame_solo( civilian, "ziptie_civilian" );
if ( isdefined( pausetime ) )
wait pausetime;
delaythread( duration, ::DeleteEntity, node );
delaythread( duration, ::DeleteEntity, guard );
delaythread( duration, ::DeleteEntity, civilian );
node thread anim_single_solo( guard, "ziptie_guard" );
node anim_single_solo( civilian, "ziptie_civilian" );
node anim_loop_solo( civilian, "ziptie_civilian_idle" );
ziptied( civilian, duration )
civilian.animname = "human";
civilian removeDroneWeapon();
node = getent( civilian.target, "targetname" );
node thread anim_loop_solo( civilian, "ziptie_civilian_idle" );
delaythread( duration, ::DeleteEntity, civilian );
delaythread( duration, ::DeleteEntity, node );
gunpoint_stand( guard, civilian, duration )
guard.animname = "human";
civilian.animname = "human";
guard thread anim_loop_solo( guard, "aim_straight" );
civilian thread anim_loop_solo( civilian, "cowerstand_pointidle" );
delaythread( duration, ::DeleteEntity, guard );
delaythread( duration, ::DeleteEntity, civilian );
gunpoint_crouch( guard, civilian, duration )
guard.animname = "human";
civilian.animname = "human";
guard thread anim_loop_solo( guard, "aim_straight" );
civilian thread anim_loop_solo( civilian, "cowercrouch_idle" );
delaythread( duration, ::DeleteEntity, guard );
delaythread( duration, ::DeleteEntity, civilian );
garage( operator, runner, door, pausetime )
operator.animname = "human";
runner.animname = "human";
runner.disableExits = true;
runanims[ 0 ] = "run_panicked1";
runanims[ 1 ] = "run_panicked2";
runner setRandomRun( runanims );
nodeoffset = AnglesToForward( self.angles ) * - 22;
self.origin = self.origin + nodeoffset;
door.origin = door.origin + ( 0, 0, 51.013 );
self anim_first_frame_solo( operator, "close_garage_a" );// needed?
self anim_reach_solo( runner, "runinto_garage_right" );
self thread anim_single_solo( operator, "close_garage_a" );
self thread anim_single_solo( runner, "runinto_garage_right" );
wait 1;
door linkto( operator, "TAG_WEAPON_CHEST" );
operator waittillmatch( "single anim", "end" );
door unlink();
operator delete();
runner delete();
windowshout( civilian )
civilian.animname = "human";
civilian removeDroneWeapon();
civilian thread anim_single_solo( civilian, "window_shout_a" );
delaythread( 20, ::DeleteEntity, civilian );
leaningguard( guard )
guard.animname = "leaning_guard";
// loop
guard thread anim_loop_solo( guard, "leaning_smoking_idle" );
// guard thread anim_single_solo( guard, "window_shout_a" );
delaythread( 20, ::DeleteEntity, guard );
attackside( attacker, duration )
node = spawn( "script_origin", self.origin );
node.angles = self.angles;
attacker.animname = "human";
self.animname = "human";
attacker.favoriteenemy = self;
// node anim_reach_solo( attacker, "attack_side" );
node thread anim_single_solo( attacker, "sneakattack_attack_side" );
node thread anim_single_solo( self, "sneakattack_defend_side" );
delaythread( duration, ::DeleteEntity, attacker );
attackbehind( attacker, duration )
node = spawn( "script_origin", self.origin );
node.angles = self.angles;
attacker.animname = "human";
self.animname = "human";
attacker.favoriteenemy = self;
node anim_reach_solo( attacker, "sneakattack_attack_behind" );
node thread anim_single_solo( attacker, "sneakattack_attack_behind" );
node thread anim_single_solo( self, "sneakattack_defend_behind" );
delaythread( duration, ::DeleteEntity, attacker );
self endon( "death" );
crowdmember[ "up" ][ "idle" ] = "crowdmember_gunup_idle";
crowdmember[ "up" ][ "jeer" ] = "crowdmember_gunup_idle"; // no non-firing jeers
crowdmember[ "up" ][ "fire" ][ 0 ] = "crowdmember_gunup_fire";
crowdmember[ "down" ][ "idle" ] = "crowdmember_gundown_idle";
crowdmember[ "down" ][ "jeer" ] = "crowdmember_gundown_jeer";
crowdmember[ "down" ][ "fire" ][ 0 ] = "crowdmember_gundown_fire_a";
crowdmember[ "down" ][ "fire" ][ 1 ] = "crowdmember_gundown_fire_b";
gunpositions[ 0 ] = "up";
gunpositions[ 1 ] = "down";
gunposition = gunpositions[ RandomInt( gunpositions.size ) ];
self.crowdanims_starting = true;
self.crowdstatus = "idle";
crowdanim = undefined;
for( ;; )
if( self.crowdstatus == "fire" )
crowdanim = crowdmember[ gunposition ][ "fire" ][ RandomInt( crowdmember[ gunposition ][ "fire" ].size ) ];
crowdanim = crowdmember[ gunposition ][ self.crowdstatus ];
if( isdefined(self.crowdanims_starting) )
anime = self getanim( crowdanim );
starttime = RandomFloatRange( 0, 1.0 );
self thread DelaySetAnimTime( anime, starttime, 0.05 );
self.crowdanims_starting = undefined;
self anim_single_solo( self, crowdanim );
self anim_single_solo( self, crowdmember[ gunposition ][ "idle" ] );
DelaySetAnimTime( anime, starttime, delay )
wait delay;
self SetAnimTime( anime, starttime );
MusicPlayWrapper( "music_coup_intro" );
MusicPlayWrapper( "coup_b_section_music" );
level.car delaythread ( 25, ::playCarSound, "scn_coup_car_move1" );
level.car delaythread ( 48, ::playCarSound, "scn_coup_car_move2" );
level.car delaythread ( 122, ::playCarSound, "scn_coup_car_move3" );
level.car delaythread ( 164, ::playCarSound, "scn_coup_car_move4" );
playCarSound( alias )
self thread play_sound_on_entity( alias );
//println( " --- CARSOUNDS: " + alias );
addPassengerEvent( eventname, eventtype, alias, delay )
if( !isdefined( level.passenger_events ) )
level.passenger_events = [];
if( !isdefined( level.passenger_events[ eventname ] ) )
level.passenger_events[ eventname ] = spawnstruct();
if( eventtype == "animation" )
animation = spawnstruct();
animation.anime = alias;
animation.delay = delay;
level.passenger_events[ eventname ].animation = animation;
else if( eventtype == "dialog" )
dialog = spawnstruct();
dialog.soundalias = alias;
dialog.delay = delay;
level.passenger_events[ eventname ].dialog = dialog;
if( IsAI( self ) )
self gun_remove();
size = self getattachsize();
for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
model = self getattachmodelname( i );
if( model == self.weapon )
self detach( model );
precacheString( &"COUP_SUBTITLE_01A" );
precacheString( &"COUP_SUBTITLE_01B" );
precacheString( &"COUP_SUBTITLE_02A" );
precacheString( &"COUP_SUBTITLE_02B" );
precacheString( &"COUP_SUBTITLE_03A" );
precacheString( &"COUP_SUBTITLE_03B" );
precacheString( &"COUP_SUBTITLE_04" );
precacheString( &"COUP_SUBTITLE_05A" );
precacheString( &"COUP_SUBTITLE_05B" );
precacheString( &"COUP_SUBTITLE_06A" );
precacheString( &"COUP_SUBTITLE_06B" );
precacheString( &"COUP_SUBTITLE_07" );
precacheString( &"COUP_SUBTITLE_08A" );
precacheString( &"COUP_SUBTITLE_08B" );
precacheString( &"COUP_SUBTITLE_09" );
precacheString( &"COUP_SUBTITLE_10" );
precacheString( &"COUP_SUBTITLE_11" );
delaythread ( 5.5, ::Subtitle, &"COUP_SUBTITLE_01A", &"COUP_SUBTITLE_01B", 7.75 );
delaythread ( 36.35, ::Subtitle, &"COUP_SUBTITLE_02A", &"COUP_SUBTITLE_02B", 7.75, true );
delaythread ( 67.15, ::Subtitle, &"COUP_SUBTITLE_03A", &"COUP_SUBTITLE_03B", 9.95, true );
delaythread ( 100.1, ::Subtitle, &"COUP_SUBTITLE_04", undefined, 5.75, true );
delaythread ( 141, ::Subtitle, &"COUP_SUBTITLE_05A", &"COUP_SUBTITLE_05B", 13.55 );
delaythread ( 155, ::Subtitle, &"COUP_SUBTITLE_06A", &"COUP_SUBTITLE_06B", 7.9, true );
delaythread ( 177.2, ::Subtitle, &"COUP_SUBTITLE_07", undefined, 4.35 );
delaythread ( 183, ::Subtitle, &"COUP_SUBTITLE_08A", &"COUP_SUBTITLE_08B", 9.95, true );
delaythread ( 205.8, ::Subtitle, &"COUP_SUBTITLE_09", undefined, 4.4 );
delaythread ( 253.05, ::Subtitle, &"COUP_SUBTITLE_10", undefined, 7.9 );
delaythread ( 267.3, ::Subtitle, &"COUP_SUBTITLE_11", undefined, 2.95 );
Subtitle( text, text2, duration, donotify )
subtitle = newHudElem();
subtitle.x = 0;
subtitle.y = -42;
subtitle settext( text );
subtitle.fontScale = 1.46;
subtitle.alignX = "center";
subtitle.alignY = "middle";
subtitle.horzAlign = "center";
subtitle.vertAlign = "bottom";
subtitle.sort = 1;
subtitle2 = undefined;
if( isdefined( text2 ) )
subtitle2 = newHudElem();
subtitle2.x = 0;
subtitle2.y = -24;
subtitle2 settext( text2 );
subtitle2.fontScale = 1.46;
subtitle2.alignX = "center";
subtitle2.alignY = "middle";
subtitle2.horzAlign = "center";
subtitle2.vertAlign = "bottom";
subtitle2.sort = 1;
wait duration;
subtitle destroy();
if( isdefined( subtitle2 ) )
subtitle2 destroy();
if( isdefined( donotify ) )
level notify( "continue_credits" );